
You can do 2 things with the footer.

Save and close

Save and close saves the current settings and sends Iris to the tray.

Use Advanced Settings

If this checkbox is clicked Advanced view will be shown.

From here you can customize everything in Iris, but you need Iris Pro to enter some pages and customize some settings.

Since I don’t want to place ads or to sell user data some features of Iris are paid, but I try to make everybody happy. For most people the modes and types in the Simple view are completely fine.

If you want to access the locked sections in the Advanced view you can buy Iris Pro activation code from the Buy page.

35 thoughts on “Footer

    1. It is almost all the way down above language and below settings. If you can’t still can’t find it can you open up the Features Menu (again in the advanced settings) and try enabling the menu from there
      We also have a guide on inviting friends here, you check it out 🙂
      On another note, it’s possible that you are using an older version of Iris. Can you try getting the latest from here and trying again?
      Sorry for the trouble, we’ll try to fix this together and make this simpler in the future 🙂

    1. Hi Ron,
      Do you mean monitor screens or the different settings you can find in Iris?

      Customer Communications Manager and Lead Marketing Specialist
      Iris Technologies Ltd.

  1. I cannot open Iris mini after paying and downloading, do I need to uninstall Iris Pro for from the free trial in order to do so, and how do I do this?

    1. You don’t have to uninstall Iris Pro but you shouldn’t run them at the same time as they conflict with each other

      Only one Iris version should be activate at a time

  2. On the free e-book popup, there is only one option to click, and that’s “no thanks.” How can I get your free e-book?

  3. Do I need to buy a new license for each device (IPAD, iphone, 2 computers) that I want to use this on? If I have 2 monitors, will the software work on both monitors at the same time?

  4. I thought I signed up for my mother, but her computer doesn’t show it’s on. It was under my account which I have, also, but hers isn’t registered. Please email me, not my mother

    1. Hi Ginny,
      If you haven’t contacted us yet write to us at with the e-mail you registered with and a detailed explanation of your problem
      We’re going to fix it 🙂

      Customer Communications Manager and Lead Marketing Specialist
      Iris Technologies Ltd.

  5. J’ai reçu un code activation 1 an via giveaway le 21/08/2019 et ce jour je suis désactivé pour license expirée????

    1. Bonjour, avez-vous essayé de saisir à nouveau le code d’activation? Si le problème persiste, écrivez-nous à avec les détails afin que nous puissions vous aider.

      1. je n’ai plus ce code qui était valide jusqu’au 21/08 et comme je devais être activé pour 1 an j’ai supprimé le mail de giveaway il devait ressembler à giveaway-iris ou quelque chose comme ça

        1. Bonjour, je me souviens avoir répondu à votre courrier électronique à ce sujet et je crois avoir résolu le problème. J’espère que tout va bien 🙂

  6. Hi i just bought pro Iris but it keeps glitching and the screen keeps switching from yellow to pink ish and text boxes are highlighted. How do i fix this. I did not have this problem with the free trial version.

    1. Hi Yasi,
      This sounds like a conflict with a similar program – if you have another instance of Iris, flux, night shift, night light, automatic brightness, etc disable or uninstall them
      And if you’re on MacOS you need to update to the latest OS version and update your drivers

  7. My computer died and I have sent your email 5 messages this week. HOW DO I GET MY LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION INSTALLED ON MY NEW COMPUTER?????????????????????????????

    1. Hi Trish,
      We haven’t received any messages from your email address that you’ve posted with
      Nonetheless, I’ve sent you an email with your activation code

      1. I have receipt of 5 emails that I have sent. There is no email whatsoever from your company with an activation code? What is the email address that your email is coming from??????

        What are the instructions to transfer this lifetime membership? I do not have time while I am at my job to do this every single day!!!!!!!

        1. Hi Trish,
          I sent you an email with your code to this email address that you’ve commented here with:
          We receive and send emails on our support email
          Please check your spam folder for the email I sent you and check if you’ve sent your emails to our correct email address

  8. alternatively please send it to the email that i am registering this comment as. this is an insane amount of time to devote to this.

    1. I’ve resent your email once again to both emails you’ve registered with
      If you’re still not being able to receive it you should check your email settings

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