Hi, My name is Daniel. I'm 22 years old programmer from the small country of Bulgaria and I'm the creator of Iris. I was born in 1995 in Sofia, Bulgaria (This is in Europe) and spend the first 17 years of…
How Iris come to life? Back in 2015, I was working as a programmer and I had huge eye problems. I put glasses for the first time in my life and I was using eye drops let's say constantly. My eye…
Millions of years ago people lived in sync with nature. Yes, they were dying somehow every day from fever, but life was good, sort of. When we lived in caves we didn't have light bulbs and this somehow helped our…
The interesting thing about monitors is that they should be like the Sun. The second interesting thing about monitors is that they should be like a lightbulb. They failed at both of this... Monitors Monitors are like the Sun. They…
Iris is the tool which billionaires, entrepreneurs, performance athletes, bodybuilders and olympic champions use on their computers. Iris is the modern equivalent of supplement for your eyes. It will remove the blue light from your screen at night, control your…
Why I created Iris? When I was young my vision was perfect, but as a programmer I was sitting for more than 10 hours per day in front of computer. Not short after that I started to experience huge eye pain…
[wptg_comparison_table id="1"] Iris At the beginning Iris was free then I make it freemium and then paid with a free trial. You can still find the freemium Iris from here: Free Iris for Windows Free Iris for macOS Other Builds…
Hello, This will be a post about benefits of regular breaks for productivity and eye health. As you know Iris has the feature for break reminding displaying you overlay at given periods of time or a small window for productivity.…
Why to take regular breaks? Staring at a computer monitor for hours on end has become a part of the modern workday. And inevitably, all of that staring can put a real strain on your eyes. The name for eye…
In this article show you some foods for eye protection and better eyesight. Kale, Spinach And Collards Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that protect and maintain healthy cells - and they're abundant in these dark vegetables. They act like "internal…
Times New Roman may be your default font, but onscreen its curvy design with tiny tails on the ends of letters, called serifs, may slow word recognition and force you to stare harder and longer, contributing to eye fatigue. Fonts…
Anytime we view an image up close, our eyes have to cross inward to bring it into focus. When screens are covered with fingerprint smudges, dust, and dirt, focusing becomes even more difficult and, over time, can strain eyes and…
The human eye is an amazing machine. Through tiny cells called cones, our eyes are able to see about 10 million different colors. But not all colors are created equal, and some are just too difficult to look at as…
FontFocus white paper Introduction Many people spend hours a day looking at text on their desktop, laptop, and handheld computer screens, fueling a demand for the highest possible quality text rendering. There are three primary axes to evaluate text rendering…
Hi, I finally finished the Article about fonts. There is a lot of info that I collected the last several months. Different font renderings are now packed with Iris and you can switch them easily :) You can find the…
Introduction Monitors have been flickering for many years. A CRT monitor basically created its picture with flicker and if you found it uncomfortable to sit in front of a CRT monitor, you were not alone. But it can also happen…
Quick Index Introduction Flicker Free Database Hybrid Backlight Dimming Other Honourable Mentions Please note: There has been a massive surge in the focus on ‘flicker-free’ monitors from many manufacturers since this list was first introduced on TFTCentral. As a result,…
Users should pay a lot more attention to PWM, or Pulse-Width Modulation, when buying a new laptop. Why? Because many of us work with our computers for hours every day, and PWM is one of the things that have negative…
[fbvideo link="https://www.facebook.com/iristech.co/videos/1158571010833303/" width="500" height="400" onlyvideo="1"]
[fbvideo link="https://www.facebook.com/iristech.co/videos/1158571464166591/" width="500" height="400" onlyvideo="1"]
Introduction Most of you probably have a little idea how the eye works. The retina contains two types of photoreceptors, rods and cones. The rods are more numerous, some 120 million, and are more sensitive than the cones. However, they…
Why Color inversion? I am a night owl and one night I was reading articles in one super white website. It was a huge strain for my eyes. Even with Iris, with the blue light reduction and with the low…
Why Do We Blink? In reality, the proverbial "blink of an eye" lasts only a tenth of a second, but that's all the time needed to clear away dust particles and spread lubricating fluids across the eyeball. Every time you…
Introduction I spend the last couple of months researching and studying fonts technology. In this article I will present the things I learned about fonts, what fonts are best for our eyes and why. Different font renderings packed with Iris.…
There are some shortcuts embedded in Iris for faster changing of some things. At the moment they are preset and not customizable, but this will be changed in the future. Here I will just list the current Iris shortcuts. Panic…
At first I was thinking that frequent blinking is the ultimate tool to moisture my eyes, but as I was reading more and more about the eyes I started to understand that Yawning will be actually better. In this article I…
The first thing that we need to do to get your Kindle as Monitor is to Jailbreak it. You will need your Kindle, USB cable and your PC. You need to know your Kindle model and go to the corresponding…
This is article about how to find your Kindle model from the serial number of your device. The easiest way to find it is in the Settings page/menu on your Kindle On that page, you should find either an entry or a…
We need Kindle USB Network hack to be able to use our Kindle from the Internet. If your case we will just connect to it from our computer via Telnet. If this words doesn't make sense to you don't worry.…
With USB Networking installed (but not yet active), connect the your Kindle to your computer again, mounting it as a USB storage device. Unzip kindlevncviewer.zip Drag the kindlevncviewer folder into the root folder of the Kindle. This was the last…
You are now ready to start USB networking on your Kindle. If the e-reader is still connected to the PC, disconnect it and navigate to its home screen. Next, show the Kindle keyboard. A prompt will appear. Type ;debugOn and press Return.…
Download TightVNC from http://www.tightvnc.com/download.php You're done with the Kindle, and now it is time to set things up on the PC. First, install TightVNC and run the TightVNC Server application. Next, right-click the TightVNC system tray icon, and open the Configuration…
When you connect your Kindle now, Windows will not mount it as a USB storage device. Instead, Windows will install a new device driver for it. This process takes a moment, but does not require any intervention on your part. Simply…
Download PuTTY Now you have to connect to the Kindle from the computer, and control it via Telnet. Run the PuTTY application (or your Telnet app of choice) and set up a new connection. Since this will be a Telnet…
To whip your Kindle into shape as an auxillary PC display, tap the Kindle's aA button and reorient the screen so that it is horizontal (like your computer monitor). Make sure that TightVNC Server is still running on the computer…
[pdf-embedder url="https://iristech.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/advanced-medicineprize2014.pdf"]
[pdf-embedder url="https://iristech.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ambilight.pdf"]
A Summary This summary is supplied by Graham Rawlinson on the trust that people will use it wisely and accurately. I hope people will include a quote of my book, How to Invent (Almost) Anything, my latest Thesis, published by…
Backlight is ambilight system for eye protection that I plan to make for Iris. I will to Kickstarter or something. If somebody wants I can make also a tutorial for DIY. At the momment it just uses LED strip and…
This is tutorial about how to use your Kindle as Monitor. Obviously it doesn't matter what software I can create the best monitors for eye health are E-ink. They are bad for watching movies or playing games, but for eye…
Color Psychology: The Color White purity innocence cleanliness sense of space neutrality mourning (in some cultures/societies) Color Psychology: The Color Black authority power strength evil intelligence thinning / slimming death or mourning Color Psychology: The Color Gray neutral timeless practical…
[wptg_comparison_table id="1"] If I don't like Iris will I get a refund? Yes, we have a company rule to always refund money if somebody is unhappy with Iris. We will also probably delete the activation code since it's not fair…
You can trace the beginning of Iris to Mar 8, 2015 when I made the first version with installer. I am sure there are versions before this, but I was promoting it with giving USB stick to some people and basically…
Iris affiliate program is awesome. You get % from the sales you reffer to the Iris website.[svtimeline][/svtimeline] For more info see this page https://iristech.co/partners/affiliates/
Links to resources and people who mentioned Iris Ben Greenfield https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/2016/09/what-is-the-healthiest-computer-monitor/ https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/2016/09/transcript-what-is-the-healthiest-computer-monitor/ https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/2017/02/what-is-the-healthiest-lighting/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uguizXgCT6g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwG8MKKWgSo https://www.facebook.com/BGFitness/videos/10155409611279179 Dr. Mercola http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/10/23/near-infrared-led-lighting.aspx http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/12/01/blue-leds-confuse-brain.aspx http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/12/22/dim-light-exposure-during-sleep-harmful-effects.aspx http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/02/05/therapeutic-use-of-full-spectrum-light-improve-health.aspx http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/02/01/improve-nearsightedness-with-the-help-of-sunshine.aspx Jamie G Ward http://jamiegward.com/2016/08/14/2-dr-jack-kruse-mitochondria-sunglight-quantum-biology/ Glarminy https://glarminy.com/2015/07/30/10-blue-light-filters-to-relieve-computer-eye-strain-help-you-sleep-better-etc/ https://glarminy.com/2015/04/23/10-ways-to-change-background-color-reduce-screen-brightness/ https://glarminy.com/best-blue-light-filter-app-visual-comfort-iris-flux/ Podcasts http://www.biohackerslab.com/ep20-daniel-georgiev/ Softpedia http://www.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Enhancements/Other-Desktop-Enhancements/Iris-Pro.shtml http://www.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Enhancements/Other-Desktop-Enhancements/Iris-Daniel-Georgiev.shtml http://www.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Enhancements/Other-Desktop-Enhancements/Iris-Micro.shtml Product Hunt…
You can't achieve anything alone. This is true in life, in business, in sports and in everything. This page is not for Iris and it's not for me. It's for all the people that I met in my life and…
1Department of Children’s Sleep Medicine, Evelina London Children’s Sleep Medicine and King’s College London, St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK 2Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK Objective: In an effort to enhance the efficiency, brightness, and…
I'm still in the process of writing this article :)
Macular pigment is comprised of Zeaxanthin and Lutein, which are found in the center of the macula (fovea) at a natural 2:1 ratio. MPOD (Macular Pigment Optical Density) is important for three specific reasons: 1. Low macular pigment is…
The popular software for blue light reduction f.lux alternative to Iris has new major version with lots of new features and improvements. The new version is v4 and it's a major improvement over the several year old version v3. The…
Phase Most people think of the circadian system ONLY in terms of phase - e.g., we would call a night owl "phase delayed" and an early bird "phase advanced". This means that their internal clock is offset from the solar…
On the one hand, light comes from the sun or other radiant sources, and is refracted by mediums (water, the atmosphere, glass) and diffusely or specularly reflected by surfaces. On the other hand, color isn't out there in the world…
Color mapping experiments: what the average human sees In the late 1920s William David Wright and John Guild independently conducted a series of color matching experiments that mapped out all the colors the average human (meaning the average of the…
How modern monitors work? All monitor have some kind of flicker rate. This is normal, because the way semiconductors work requires them to turn ON and OFF in order to work properly. Every modern display uses some kind of LED,…
Modern monitors use PWM to control the brightness of the screen. This is not problem at maximum brightness, but at low brightness it causes eye pain. Iris is fixing this by controlling the brightness with the video card and by…
Night light is the Microsoft blue light reduction feature. It comes built-in into Windows 10 Creators update. It was also available in the Windows 10 Insider preview before also. Night light is not available for Windows 7. If you want…
In addition to Night Light you can also enable Dark mode or the Windows 10 Dark theme. The Settings application itself will immediately turn dark, as will many other “Universal Windows Platform” applications. However, it’s up to each developer…
SunsetScreen is software for blue light reduction. Made by Daniel White in 2015 SunsetScreen is similar to f.lux, Redshift, Night Shift and to Iris blue light feature. Something which makes SunsetScreen better than f.lux is the ability to set custom…
A lot of users asked me what is the best value of Iris for blue light reduction. Well in this article I'm going to look at exactly this with measurements. This will be helpfull for users of other software products…
Night Shift is the Apple native integrated blue light reduction feature. Night Shift was first introduced on March 21, 2016 as part of the iOS 9.3. 1 year after Night Shift first arrived for iPhone on Mar 27, 2017 Apple finally added it…
Optical Illusions can use color, light and patterns to create images that can be deceptive or misleading to our brains. The information gathered by the eye is processed by the brain, creating a perception that in reality, does not match…
The origins of vision is a widely debated subject, since genetic relationships between early animals capable of sight are inconsistent. A team of researchers has conducted an extensive computer analysis that tests every proposed hypothesis on the origin of vision…
Sleep is a vital indicator of overall health and well-being. We spend up to one-third of our lives asleep, and the overall state of our sleep health remains an essential question throughout our lifespan. Most of us know that getting…
How modern monitors work? Monitors emit all colors of the rainbow, but they don't emit full spectrum sunlight which is bad. Everyone agrees that staying outside on a sunny day helps our health, but this is not the case when…
At 1900K Iris blocks all blue light Video https://youtu.be/XJVucHSX25s Iris with Groot Color Scheme and 0K (only blue light removed without green)
Welcome to Iris! There is Iris here https://iristech.co/iris/ There is Iris there https://iristech.co/iris-mini/ And basically everywhere. Say Iris, Iris, Iris, Iris everywhere. Protect your eyes, For every size You get a sweet surprise. With Iris, you can sleep like kid,…
F.lux is a popular blue light filter program, but I personally hated several things about this program. When I started to have eye problems in 2015 I wanted to be able to manually control the blue light of my screen.…
Computer screens damage our eyes. Even you are not an expert in eye health you know that when you use your computer you feel more eye pain and eye strain. You may get dry eyes, red eyes or headaches when…
Protection of your eyes is an important gesture towards your body. It is about how you view the world with your eyes. An affected eye with lenses or glasses can never replace the satisfaction and ease of the naked eye.…
Millions of different programs exist for PC but what is the best computer app. This is the question many of us have, but with no clear answer yet. In this article, I will present to you, Iris. The best and…
In a recent research, it has been found that most of the people are suffering from eye pain or lack of sleep. We often blame stress and anxiety for insomnia but our technological gadget is also a reason behind it.…
Whether you are a businessman, a student, a housewife or someone belonging to a different field, you come across many jobs and tasks which require you to use a screen. By screen, we mean laptops, computers, tablets, smartphones, etc. This…
Definition of Glaucoma Glaucoma is an eye disorder in which the intraocular pressure increases and the optic nerve is damaged resulting in loss of vision is called Glaucoma. What is Glaucoma? Talk about the most dangerous eye affecting disorders and…
We sit in front of the computer for 8 or more hours during the day. And yes, a lot of people use their computers during the night too. But as you can imagine, this artificial light does come with its…
Computer Vision Syndrome Definition All the disorders related to eyes fall under the category of Computer Vision Syndrome. It does not involve a single condition. In fact, it is a collection of a wide range of problems including blurred vision,…
If we talk about eye health then disorders like Glaucoma are found to be very common these days. We usually don’t take initiatives towards our eye protection unless the situation worsens, practically leaving an individual blind. We are living in…
Humankind has been completely changed and cure for wellness against technology is needed. We have become more social, yet we do not know that what is happening in the house that is next to us. There are millions of friends…
When you use computer technology daily, you run the risk of serious eye strain. One way to correct this problem is with a blue flight filter app for your computer. As you work, you may find that your eyes feel…
Computers are a big part of our lives, but they bring health problems that you might not even realize. One of the top problems we face when we use any sort of computer is eye strain. This strain on our…
In today’s world, we use computers all the time and spend countless hours looking at screens. We work hard on our computers and with all that work comes tremendous eye strain. If you suffer from eye strain, you need to…
If you have poor eyes due to too much time on the computer, you may be looking for blue light filter eye care solutions. Today, eye strain is a common problem that we often don’t think too much about. When…
If you suffer from computer eye strain, you may be looking for a blue light screen filter. In today’s world of high technology, we spend even more time than we may like on our computer screen. This intense screen time…
Glaucoma can be problematic and it’s also one of the causes of eyesight problems. But open-angle glaucoma is one of the most common types of glaucoma out there and it ends up coming and going all the time. As you…
Narrow-Angle Glaucoma is one of those eye-related problems that can stick with you for a very long time. However, this type of glaucoma is actually very rare, and it’s different when compared to the open angle glaucoma. The thing you…
Swollen Eyelids Definition The presence of edema (excessive fluid) in the connective tissues of optical region leads to the formation of swollen eyelids. Swollen eyelids are also caused due to inflammation of the connective tissues that surround the eyes sockets.…
Digital screens are everywhere Look around yourself and observe that to what extent your eyes are exposed to screens. Go through every business and have a look at the pace of world with every angle, you will find digital screens…
You don’t have to suffer the red eye if you can help it. Majority of people have experienced red eyes at some point. A condition best described as red, inflamed eyes. The appearance of red eye varies in severity from a bright pink to a…
A new trend that is on the rise for anyone who is into technology or anyone who uses screens for work or excessively in their free time, which includes pretty much everyone, is the trend of anti-blue light glasses. You…
A new hot topic for anyone into health and technology is the issue of blue light and the effects it can have on the human eye and sleep patterns. So, what is this blue light that everyone is talking about?…
Looking for a blue light filter for laptop? If you’re looking for a good blue light filter so your computer laptop screen is easier on your eyes you have several options. Blue light can damage your eyes and you need…
Are you looking for a blue light filter program for mac to help filter blue light from your computer? Blue light can cause eye strain, eye pain, and can make it difficult to use your computer as your eyes are always…
Are you looking for a blue light filter pro piece of software to filter blue light from your computer? There are many different blue light programs that you can buy to filter blue light. Here’s what you should look for…
In recent years we have been concentrating on and learning more about the importance of a good sleep cycle. Many studies have shown that an irregular cycle or lack of sleep could lead to many negative side effects including weight…
Looking for a blue light filter windows solution? There are several ways you can protect yourself from blue light. Your computer screen emits blue light, and this can be harmful to your health. You may get headaches, eye strain, or…
Blue light is something that is becoming more and more important to consider when thinking about our health and our use of technology. Most of us use screens a little too much these days, keeping ourselves up a night and…
You may have heard some hype recently about the 'dangers' of blue light and what it can do to your sleeping patterns. Blue light is not immediately dangerous however it can cause some problems with regards to our eyes and…
You may be wondering what blue light is and what is a blue light filter. I will explain this to you, so you understand what a blue light filter does and how it can help you. All About Blue Light…
Digital eye strain is something that people are generally becoming more and more concerned with. Blue light is something that is concerning more people and has been developing a lot of study in. Blue light filter apps are becoming more…
The blue lights that are emitted through our phones, tablets, and desktop monitors can be very difficult for our eyes to work with. One reason for this is that the blue light imitates daylight hours, making it harder for us…
Back in the 80’s blue light blocking glasses became extremely popular because of how they were able to clarify images. They were initially created for NASA due to their ability to protect astronauts from damage to their eyes because of…
You may have heard a lot lately about the evils of blue light. But what is everyone talking about? Well, most of the screens that we use have a lot of extra blue light. This can have two different effects…
Screens are becoming more and more a part of our daily lives. Whether we are using computers and tablets at work, using phones and other devices to speak to family and friends, or using gaming computers and television screens to unwind…
A number of studies have recently told us of the dangers of blue light, and the need to filter blue lights from our monitors and screen as much as possible. Not all blue light is damaging to us as obviously,…
Although blue light protection glasses became popular in the 80’s because of how everyday items can seem sharper without magnification, they have made a comeback over the past few years since new advantages have been found. Most of us know…
Eye pain is usually the worst kind of pain that anyone can suffer. Eye pain comes with different intensities and magnitudes. One very common and unbearable type is a pain in the back of the eye. What is it? Pain…
Sometimes you suffer from pain around eyes. There is no particular timing or criteria for his condition. Sometimes after too much work and exhaustion, your eyes feel tired. The socket of your eye clearly feels hollow and throbbing pain becomes…
You must have come across a situation where one moment your eye is working perfectly and then suddenly you feel some itching and the chain continues going towards the worst ending up in a red puffy eye with serious eye…
Has it ever occurred to you that you start feeling more than normal pressure on your eyes and it increases to a limit where your eyes start hurting? Well, that is a proper disease called Ocular Hypertension and this disease,…
It is an undeniable fact that eyes are the most sensitive part of the human body and even if a single nerve of the eye gets damaged, you will start facing different vision issues. Also, if some major nerve gets…
There are millions of people all around the who go through eye pain and other ocular problems. But only a few know about the reasons and causes of it. Today in this article we are going to jot down everything…
Eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of the body and that is why it is important to keep them protected. We are not asking you to wear glasses all the time and don’t expose your eyes ever…
This is a condition which is normally a condition of present times. It is very common among people of young age as well as those who are office going people. What is it? Eye muscle pain is a condition in…
We all have experience sore eyes at some point. Sometimes the pain gets better on its own and sometimes you have to seek medical help to reduce the pain. There can be different reasons for this pain depending on the…
Eyes are one of the most used body parts of the humans and it is very important to keep them in good health if you want to have a clear and strong vision. Eyes can easily get pain if they…
Patients usually go to doctors with a complaint that only one side of their head is aching and there is severe pain in the eye of the same side it is rather a rare condition but if it begins to…
If you are among those unlucky victims who have experienced the worst condition of eye pain then you have come to the right place to further explore this condition. What is it? Eye pain is a condition in which the…
Pain in one eye is a confusing situation for any patient. Since, eyes exist in a pair and work in collaboration with each other, pain in one eye appears as if both eyes are in pain. The patient is unable…
Many times eye specialists have received patients who complain of having pain in the eye when they move their eyeball. This is rather a very painful experience because it is impossible to not move your eyes. Whenever the eyes move,…
It is a very common condition now a day where people often feel a sharp stabbing pain behind their eye socket accompanied by a severe headache. This headache is bound to appear when eye strain gets out of hand. Sometimes,…
Digital screens are everywhere Look around yourself and observe that to what extent your eyes are exposed to screens. Go through every business and have a look at the pace of world with every angle, you will find digital screens…
Blue light constitutes one of the colors available in the visible light spectrum and can be seen by the human eye. Blue light has a wavelength of between 400−495 nm. This short length confers on blue light a high energy…
Headache pain is related to the eyesight of a person. A headache in a very critical condition may cause the unbearable of the muscles of the eyes. Whether pain behind eye headache affect the eyesight or not? It is a…
Pain is variable for different persons. Every person has felt the different severity of pain. It depends on the condition of the person. The pain in the temple area is due to the tension in the fiscal muscles. This…
What is Eye pain headache? When you consider clinical depression, you likely consider feeling miserable and down for drawn-out stretches of time, losing your vitality and your enthusiasm for things you used to appreciate, dozing excessively or too little, or…
The remedies for torment and cerebral pain behind right eye are necessary to improve the health of the person. These remedies can improve the condition of a person a lot. Person of every age can apply these remedies. A person…
What is a Blue light? It is very important to know about the blue light. Any person who wants to study the effects of the blue light on the eyes of the person, he should know about the blue light…
Iris and structure of the eye Iris is the part of the eye. The structure of the eye shows that it has an important role in the eye. The structure of the Iris in the eye shows that it will…
Almost everybody has had sore eyes sooner or later. Infrequently they show signs of improvement all alone however, they can likewise be an indication of something more genuine. Especially pain in corner of your eye can be disturbing but…
Migraine and Eye pain Migraine is generally associated with a severe headaches. Different kinds of headaches are due to a migraine. Pain behind left eye is also due to the migraine. The pain due to migraine can occur on both…
Visual torment or stabbing eye pain may originate from various conditions in the eye or its region. An agony or cerebral pain behind the eye is frequently an indication of a more prominent issue. That being stated, the reason for…
The eye is very sensitive to light and other factors. It lacks the protections of skin, injury of eyes. The intensive pain of the eye is very rare. The eye involved the behind cornea, central whites of the eye. Any…
Eyes being the most sensitive part hold the topmost attention in getting treated if something goes wrong because ignorance can lead to serious problems so pain under eye should never be left unnoticed. Sore Eyes Sore eyes are a wide…
What is right Eye pain? The right eye pain is a result of the affective approach of the nerve cells of the human body which detect some fault ion the part of the body and leads to a pain in…
In spite of the fact that it is normal for individuals to experience the ill effects of an agony behind their eye, it can, in any case, be disturbing and additionally horrendously awkward. More often than not when somebody encounters…
A remarkable pressure behind eyes doesn't generally come from an issue inside the eyes. It more often begins in another area of your head. In spite of the fact that eye pathologies can cause eye pain as well as vision…
Headache is regularly felt in an assortment of spots on the head, including the sinuses, temple, and behind the eyes. Eye pain related to a migraine can be caused by a couple of various sorts of cerebral pains, and other…
The eye is the most sensitive part of the human body. It easily gets affected by the surroundings no matter how hard you try to protect it. Eyes are exposed to sunlight, air, and other natural features. People are now…
Home remedies are the most effective way of treating frequent ailments because an excessive use of the harmful medicines can cause even bigger problems in the body. Be it cancer or something very ordinary such as a headache, home remedies…
Eye pain headache is usually referred to one of the side effects of heavy medication due to depression and other mental conditions. However, it has not been proved yet and needs to be confirmed before reaching any judgment. Suffering from…
A Headache and eye pain is a common condition of ailment. Especially nowadays, when there is an extreme level of exposure to the screen time which includes mobile, laptop, computer, and other gadgets. The fact that there is a need…
Headaches have become quite common nowadays due to the unhygienic atmosphere. Headaches have numerous kinds which can be differentiated and treated according to the individual symptoms. Some people get headaches quite often but not with an unbearable intensity. But the…
Eyes are the most sensitive organ of our body which badly react to the unhygienic atmosphere. The windy weather or dusty surroundings can lead to severe eye injuries that cause severe pain under the eye. However, the pain may vary…
Any sort of eye pain is immensely annoying and cause an extreme level of frustration in the patient’s personality. Most of the time, we are so lost in our own things that forget to shed a light on the countless…
Eye pain itself is discomforting for carrying out the simplest of the tasks. What if, this pain expands into numerous other types of the eye pains which are caused by various viral infections and unhealthy habits? In this case, it…
Acute angle closure glaucoma is one of those conditions that will increase the pressure in your eyes out of nowhere. This is very bad, and it does get even worse as the time goes by. The idea here is that…
This is a type of Glaucoma that people also known as angle glaucoma. It’s very rare, and it mostly happens when the drainage canals are covered or blocked. As you can imagine, the pressure buildup in your eyes gets immense…
Closed-angle glaucoma is a type of condition where your eyes end up building up a lot of pressure inside. In the case of this particular type of glaucoma, the fluid is not flowing out of your eye as it would…
Glaucoma is one of those conditions that can be very problematic for your eyes. It causes damage to the optic nerve, and it just gets worse and worse if you don’t treat it the proper way. Most of the time,…
In this age where almost everyone own a phone or a laptop, people need to be aware about the side effects of blue light on their eyes and their nervous system too. Only a few people in the world know…
There is no doubt in the fact that blue light is all around us and we cannot control all of it but the one place where it can be controlled is our phone and laptop screens. We all do own…
Are you worried about your excess usage of computers and smartphones? Then you are not the only one who is dealing with this issue. There are million other people who are facing the same issue. Sleep is one of the…
These days almost everyone spends a big chunk of time on digital screens. It has now become impossible to continue the date without letting your eyes stay naked in front of blue light emitting screens. No matter which profession, field…
Technology has changed a lot of things in which we can perform our tasks. One of the biggest invention till dates is the computers which have now further evolved to laptops and smartphones. We all use computers and smartphones in…
We all know the fact that the light coming out of our phone and laptop screens are destroying our eyes yet all of us neglect it and we keep on exposing our eyes to the blue light. However, the continuous…
It is an undeniable fact that the most sensitive part of our body is the pair of eyes we have and we it is sad to know that we all are destroying our eyes without even knowing the cause of…
Eyes are known to be one of the most sensitive parts of the body yet we all don’t take much care of them, the result ultimately is some serious and chronic eye and vision problems. In this age, almost all…
We are actively participating in the time where running on the wheel of success and progress has become a trend setter. But this trend setter has brought numerous side effects with it. All the businesses, educational institutes and domestic, commercial…
There are thousands of people in the world who are suffering from some sort of eye diseases and most of them suffer through chronic eye pain and some are going through ocular hypertension and research and studies have shown that…
Only a few people in the world are aware of what UV and blue light is and how is it affecting our vision and our eyes. If you are someone who is worried about his or her eyesight or if…
The Effect Of Blue Light On Your Eyes Have you ever thought of the light coming out of your phone and laptop screens? Have you ever thought how dangerous that blue light can be for your eyes? If not then…
What Is The One Thing That Is Missing On Your Windows? Have you installed the best version of Windows in your computer? Have you done your best to set all of its features and functions as per your requirement? Well,…
How often do you get a good night sleep? If your answer is anything less than “Always” then it is should be a worrying sign for you. Why because it is your sleep that decides how active and productive you…
The One Thing Your PC Monitor Is Missing Have you ever wondered that you do own a one branded computer with the best Windows installed in it and the best features but what exactly is that one thing that is…
Adjusting the screen’s brightness according to the surrounding can be frustrating at times because of the constant movements you make in and outside the workplace. Having to manually maintain the screen’s blue light is tough to do with the already…
The work, study, and entertainment requirements of today’s era can only be fulfilled by using a smartphone or a laptop. While smartphones have small screens and less exposure to the clear picture, a laptop is mostly preferred by people who…
The brightness of the smartphone screens is good if used in the daytime. However, there are different levels of brightness for the nighttime due to the side effects that the increased brightness holds. Installing a screen dimmer in the system…
Most of the smartphones users are aware of the extraordinary features and apps that can be installed in the system. Android is known to be releasing phenomenal mobile/laptop applications which are extremely useful for the people who are addicted to…
Most people in today’s tech-dependent era are addicted to the use of smartphones, laptops, and other gadgets. A smartphone addict cannot go to sleep until and unless the eyes begin to hurt or the body shows some mild as well…
Continuously staring the Mac screen for a good 10 hours a day is harmful to the eyes. But the fact that most of our work and studies are done online and therefore, excessive screen time is not a choice but…
Using a computer on a regular basis is no longer a luxury but has become a necessity. Be it driving, watching tv, working online, or researching, screen time is mandatory for performing all of these tasks with efficiency and perfection.…
One of the most appreciative gifts of technology is the screen dimmer for the laptop. With the help of latest technology developments, human efforts have become less due to the availability of numerous options for getting things done in no…
Continuous exposure to the screen has become one of the basic requirements of doing our jobs even performing small daily tasks. The advantages technology provides are immense and supremely favorable for reducing the human effort. However, at the same time,…
Steep use of the smartphones has become a requirement for keeping in touch in touch with the digital world 24/7. A lot of the people face some serious problems related to the excessive screen time. This is because of the…
Technological devices have become an important part of our business. All the data and other information related to the business and other facilities are available on the computers. You might have noticed that today we are using technological devices in…
All of our electronic devices such as mobiles phones and laptops emit blue light and the blue light is that light which comes with a very short wavelength. Now it is said that the shorter the wavelength of a light…
There has been a lot of hype about yellow glasses and blue light filters but the actual question asked by many people is that do these things really work? Do they really help in blocking the blue light? Well, if…
It is that time of life when almost everyone owns some sort of a device, either it is a mobile phone, a TV or a computer. Now where there are several benefits of all these devices, there are some drawbacks…
Mental and physical health is an important thing to be taken care of but now it is high time that we all start talking about eye health too. There is a huge number of people who are falling victim to…
Before moving towards any conclusion, let’s first talk a bit about blue light and what it is. If you are someone who has never heard of this term before then you need to stick to this article. Today we are…
The worst thing that one can do to his eyes is to put them under excessive and constant strain. Strain and stress on the eyes can actually have a very bad effect on the overall health of a person and…
Before getting started with the topic of today, we would first like to tell you that this article is for all those people out there who consider the health of their eyes important. This article is for all those who…
Before telling you about the best blue light filter, let’s talk a bit about the blue light filter, what it is and why would you need it. We all at some point of our lives have heard from other people…
Eyes are considered to be the most sensitive part of the human body yet we do not pay much heed to their sensitivity and we are unknowingly destroying our vision with the each passing day. Now if you are using…
There has recently been a lot of hype about blue light filters and their effectiveness when it comes to the protection of the eyes. However, there yet is a big figure of the population that is unaware of the term…
Have you ever noticed that the amount of people with eyesight problems is increasing at a rapid pace? Like, there is a big amount of the population that is wearing glasses for weak eyesight and this is something to be…
It is a sad fact that we all are unknowingly destroying our eyes and harming them every single day. The number of people with vision issues is increasing at a rapid pace but yet we don’t pay much heed to…
Before getting started with the topic of today, first, let’s talk a bit about blue light, what it is and how it affects your vision and your lifestyle. Most importantly if you are someone who hasn’t yet heard of the…
Have you ever heard people saying that mobile phones and laptops should not be used at night? Well, we are pretty sure that you heard this from someone at some point in your life but you never focused on why…
Study and research have shown that the light coming out of our phones and our laptops is extremely dangerous for our mental health. Now, we are pretty sure that you have somehow heard of this fact before or you might…
There are many individuals that are suffering because they are not able to give the best performance. They are unable to accomplish their tasks because of pain in the eyes or sa evere headache associated with eye strain. The alarming…
Most of us have jobs which require direct contact with the computer screen almost all day long. This is with the intention of making the most of the technology and saving time and energy as well. however, computer, laptop, or…
In the present age, your basic job requirement is to work on the computer screen or the laptop have greater chances of getting frequent headaches and eye pains etc. This is because of the exposure to the blue light which…
The digital world has invaded our lives by occupying most of our time. From waking up to going back to sleep, we have been hooked to the smart devices for all the good and bad reasons. From the alarm…
If you work on a computer for a long period of time, you may find that your eyes start to get too tired. The reason for this is that computers emit what is called blue light. This light can make…
If you work on a computer for extended hours during the day, you need a blue light blocking computer screen filter. When you work on a computer for long hours you'll end up with a lot of eye strain. The…
For individuals that use computers for extended periods during the day, it’s important to use a blue light filter. If you don't use a blue light filter, you could have health issues. Some individuals even suffer from blue light macular degeneration…
Are you looking for a blue light screen protector computer filter? Whenever you use a laptop or a personal computer, you are exposed to blue light. This light can be harmful to your eyes. Here's a little bit more about…
If you use a computer for an extended period of time you may need to look at a computer screen filter protect eyes solution. The main reason why you want to protect your eyes when you use a computer screen…
Iris е софтуер, който намалява болката в очите, причинена от продължителното стоене пред компютъра и помага при проблеми със съня, причинени от недостатъчното излагане на Слънчева светлина с пълен спектър и прекаленото излагане на синя светлина вечер. Iris е софтуер,…
Iris is a software that reduces eye pain caused by prolonged exposure to the computer and helps with sleep problems caused by insufficient exposure to full-spectrum Sunlight and excessive exposure to blue light in the evening. Keywords: eye protection, blue light…
The condition when you don’t have pupils(iris) is called aniridia which literally means “without iris”. Technically you can close your eyes a bit and you will stop the amount of light that enters the eye a bit. You can also…
In today's world, we use computers all of the time. We have a lot of work to do and we need to spend long hours at our computer. The main problem with this is that we can suffer from issues…
Many people today use their computers frequently and they often suffer from eye issues. When you use your computer all the time you can suffer from eye strain or eye pain. The reason for this is that you have flux…
If you've ever wondered why your eyes always get tired when you use your computer, this is because of blue light. When you use your computer over a period of time, you can have issues with eye pain or eye…
Are you looking for a MacBook blue light filter app? If you own a MacBook you know that blue light can be a problem. When you have issues with blue light you can have eye strain as well as eye…
Are you looking for a red-light filter for PC option? There are many reasons why you might want a red-light filter for your PC. While red light can be a problem it's blue light that is usually a problem with…
Aside from the colors we see light constitutes of much more things Visible light is only small portion of the light that the Sun emits. The wavelengths from the router, the wavelengths from the microwave or the radio waves, all…
You probably need to put glasses with a small diopter. This is the most common case of this kind of eye pain and eye muscle strain. Tips if you want to delay the appointment to the optometrist: Blink more Blinking…
Some of the glasses which are with yellowish tint don't do anything. You need orange or red lenses for better blue light blocking. If you can't find orange or red blue light filter glasses you can try to use sunglasses…
Generally, Iris comes with almost everything preset for maximum eye health but there are some things you can do to improve the effect of Iris. Set your Hardware brightness to the MAX Set your monitor Hardware brightness to 100% using…
Click the image below to open it in Fullscreen mode If this doesn't work use and if you want to share this image on your website later use the link below IrisTech.co - LCD Subpixel Flicker Test On most monitors,…
In this article, I want to show you how you can test if your monitor emits blue light. To check if your monitor emits blue light click the image below to open it in a new tab. This will open…
I may be the creator of Iris, which is blue light filter software but I will be honest with you. Which is better depends on what you need and what you want to achieve? Depending on why you want to block…
Are you looking for a good anti-blue light app? There are many ways that you can get rid of blue light issues with your computer. Blue light can be a common problem because it needs to eye strain, eye pain,…
There are many different blue light filters that you can get for your computer. You might be confused as to which one is the best blue filter app that you can use. I have reviewed several of these apps…
There are several devices which you use the test your monitor for PWM flicker but I want to show you something simpler. The test below is based on a simple moving line on your screen. You need to test your…
Are you looking for the best blue light app? There are several different apps out there that you can use to filter blue light. Let's examine three of them to find the best one to suit your needs. Redshift One…
Are you looking for a blue light app for PC? There are several ways that you can reduce blue light from your computer. This light can be harmful to your eyesight. Here are a few ways that you can reduce…
Are you looking for a blue light filter app for PC? People today are becoming concerned with blue light. This light can be very harmful to your eyes and all computers produce it. Many individuals today spend long hours on the…
Are you looking for a blue light filter for Windows? If you owned a Windows-based computer or any computer with a different operating system, you can be exposed to blue light. Here are a few reasons why you need to…
A quick FAQ about the common questions about PWM flicker, because sometimes it may be confusing with all the information out there. Write me somewhere if your question is not answered and I will answer it and add the answer…
Blue light, also known as HEV (High Energy Visible) light is part of the light spectrum. It’s mainly produced from sunlight. Artificially created blue light is used for different types of lights and bulbs and the displays of technology devices, for…
Most of the people are not aware of the negative impact on the blue light on one's health. Most of the people are not aware of the negative impact of the blue light on one’s health. Perils of blue light…
Some words about Windows 10 Apps With Windows 10, comes the new versions of apps, which now we can update and download on the PC easily. More in-demand apps we download from the Windows Store. For example Twitter, eBay, Facebook Messenger, and Weather…
Blue light filter may not ring a bell in many people's heads but it is one of the most wide-spread softwares for keeping the eye safe from any harm from blue light. What exactly is blue light and why is…
How does blue light affect the brain? What is your typical routine before sleeping? For most of us, it is burying our noses on our phone screens. Some of us does not know that the blue light (blue light affect) that…
Cоlоr iѕ еxрrеѕѕеd as a tеmреrаturе bесаuѕе оf thе rеlаtiоnѕhiр bеtwееn tеmреrаturеѕ thе соlоr оf light whеn оbjесtѕ аrе hеаtеd to high tеmреrаturеѕ. Mоnitоr Cоlоr Tеmреrаturе Mоѕt сurrеnt LCD mоnitоrѕ еnаblе uѕеrѕ tо аdjuѕt color tеmреrаturеѕ utilizing thе OSD menu.…
If you sit in front of the computer multiple hours per day, you can end up with eye strain and other similar issues. Plus, what looks good on your computer usually ends up leading to eye fatigue. If you think…
Are you losing sleep because of extended hours of staring at your screens? Some people work over time. And some people falsely believed that browsing the internet on their phone before going to sleep will help them doze off easily.…
Did you know that the wrong choice of background color for your computer screen can lead to eye strain? In this world that has gotten more obsessed with technology, most of your devices have screens that can cause modern kind…
As it's not that uncommon, it's very likely that you work a sedentary job and you have to stay in front of the computer for hours. With the technical advancements, nowadays, every company is a technology company. As a result,…
Too much contrast and brightness on your monitor can cause eye problems. That is the reason why your monitor must have the right contrast and brightness settings. So, what’s the most ideal setting to protect your eyes from any harm?…
Right now everyone in the world is talking about healthy food, healthy lifestyle and the importance of exercise, etc. Sadly, there aren’t many people who talk about the other factors that are continuously damaging different human organs. Most importantly, right…
From Iris, f.lux, Redshift and other blue light filter desktop softwares for blue light reduction to Android screen filters, blue blockers, transparent sheets and everything in between this is the biggest collection of tools to remove the blue light from…
Do you know the reason why there are soo many people around you suffering through weak or farsightedness? Have you ever heard your colleague complaining how bad his eyes hurt especially when he is trying to sleep? Well, we are…
The light around you is way more complex than you can ever imagine and a lot of you out there might not even know that there are literally several types of lights and spectrums around you. We all just carelessly…
If you are someone who genuinely cares about his eyesight and the health of his eyes then you need to start using blue light filters on your phone and monitor screen right at the moment. The thing is that this…
We all at some point of our life have heard people telling us to avoid using too much of the laptops and phones but sadly, we never pay much heed to why they are saying this to us and what’s…
We all have been talking about a healthy lifestyle and about healthy eating for quite a long time now and this is good that people actually discuss their health and what they need to do in order to live longer.…
We all are quite conscious about our health and every day we come across several articles and several doctors telling us to adopt a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy, sleep well and exercise daily. But honestly, have you ever come across…
Most of us want to look good and feel even better. We wish to be fit and live a long active life but how many of us actually do something about it? Do you eat right? Is sport part of…
It is a sad fact that we all are unknowingly destroying our eyes and harming them every single day. The number of people with vision issues and eye pressure pain is increasing at a rapid pace but yet we don’t…
Before telling you about the best software to remove the blue light, let’s first talk a bit about blue light and what it is. We all know about the electromagnetic waves and how the different particles and wavelengths make up…
Visible light is extremely complex than you think. When you turn on your computer or phone, flip a wall switch inside your room or step outdoors, your eyes will be exposed to visible light. These light rays are in a…
We all are just so busy in our daily routine schedules and we’ve got so much work stress on ourselves that we miss out on the little things that need our attention around us. As a human being, you need…
It is that time of life when almost all of own a laptop, a TV or a mobile phone and there is no doubt in the fact that technology has taken over the world but if you dig deep then…
You hear about infrared light and ultraviolet light all the time but with the advent of the modern technology, blue light has been thrown around in the mix quite often. Looks like it’s about time that we shed light on…
Before getting started with the topic of today, let’s first talk a bit about the visible light present around us. Why is it important for us to know the advantages and disadvantages of this light? Yes, you read it right,…
We all know the fact that junk food is the worst enemy of our health but have you ever thought about your eyes? Do you know what’s the worst enemy of your eyes? The screen of your monitor and all…
If you are someone who just shifted to Windows 10 then this article is a must-read for you because today we are going to jot down some of the best and the most used applications that can make your Windows…
So, you just bought a new Windows 10 device and you're looking for some cool useful apps? Many people are looking for ways to further improve the Windows 10 experience. If you want to work faster, smarter and even more productively,…
There is no doubt about the fact that technology has taken over the world and therefore, the internet has taken over the world. Right now, more than half of the world’s population owns a mobile phone and a laptop or…
If you are someone who owns a mobile phone or a laptop then this article is a must-read for you because today we are going to explain you about the importance of adjusting the brightness of your monitor screen. Also,…
The older you get, the more possible it is to deteriorate your vision and the more you're damaging your eyesight. Opposed to popular belief, deteriorating vision is not automatically linked with aging. It's mainly a side effect of modern lifestyle.…
It is a really good thing to expose the eyes to blue light during the daytime. It is this natural short wavelength light which helps to keep us energized, awake and to boost our moods. However, this blue light when…
Blue light blocking apps can help promote better sleep after screen-time [icon name="clock-o" class="" unprefixed_class=""] Televisions and mobile phones are likely to emit blue and yellow lights that are considered by medical experts to be harmful to the eyes and overall…
The truth is blue light affects sleep patterns and health negatively. It is quite common these days for you to come late from work and to get relaxed watch your favorite show or movie on Netflix or play some games…
Sitting before the computer for hours together and for days has become more than a fashion and requirements of modern work life, resulting in a high blue light exposure. But a new eye health term ‘computer face’ has emerged to…
There are many who are required to sit on the PC for hours together at work at various times of the day or night. Whatever be it, excessive exposure to the PC only leads to stress and strain in the…
There are many who are not aware of the harmful effects of getting exposed to blue light at night. The fact is such screen light is emitted by modern electronic gadgets like the tablets and smartphones and if exposed to…
These days, the number of computer and smartphone users has increased manifolds. What many are not aware of is the fact that these technological devices which are found to be extremely useful in life also may cause potential eye harm…
It could be that your child uses tablets and smartphones frequently to play games, to gain useful information or to chat with friends. What you are not aware of is the fact that devices may cause potentially irreversible eye damage.…
It could be that your phone is hurting your eyes very badly due to constant usage. If so, then it becomes essential to find out the symptoms related to eye strain along with some tips to cut down on exposure…
Researchers are of the opinion that human retinal cells can be destroyed with the blue light exposure of low intensity emerging from television and smartphones. It has been discovered by scientists that blue light, more specifically the short wavelength ones…
If you are an avid user of the computer and required to work in shifts and work on accounts or data all the time, then it becomes all the more essential for you to protect your eyes. Constant usage of…
If you are frequently experiencing less good night’s sleep these days, then it is time for you to take into consideration the impact that your red blue light devices have upon your nightly slumber. With the introduction of advanced technology…
Our bodies run on energy. Each moment, even when you're sitting, reading this, your body generates energy equal to 100W, enough to power seven light bulbs. But where does this energy come from? If you remember something from your biology…
I also had a lot of problems with getting a good night sleep and spend countless hours trying all sorts of different things. I tried sleep masks, reducing noises, exercising more, not drinking coffee and alcohol and millions of other things.…
A collection of articles and medical researches on blue light effects on our sleep and eyes: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/blue-light-has-a-dark-side https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2351978915004606 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2351978915004606 https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/news/20170619/is-blue-light-bad-for-your-health https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2831986/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_blue_light_technology http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2014/12/18/1418490112 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melanopsin https://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/05/health/05light.html?_r=2&pagewanted=all https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3047226/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3060589/pdf/tjp0589-1095.pdf https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/88/9/4502/2845835 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2717723/pdf/nihms128437.pdf https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJM199501053320102 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2342968/pdf/tjp0549-0945.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3281823/pdf/pone.0030037.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3176605/pdf/pnas.201010666.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2892834/pdf/nihms190030.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2574505/pdf/nihms68147.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2151130/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1885631/pdf/zpq9081.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1855248/pdf/nihms20144.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2714089/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2270041/pdf/tjp0526-0695.pdf…
Blue light interacts with our eyes and body and causes melatonin and mitochondrial problems. Without going into much details about this the goal of this article is to show you how you can lower the blue light emitted from the…
In the previous article, I've explained what is the structure and function of mitochondria and also what happens when they're damaged. In this one, I'll talk about some tips and tricks you can use increase their function. Mitochondria-the powerhouses of our…
Many of us don't realize the importance of getting enough sleep. Your body craves shut-eye time and if you don't give enough of it, it just can't recover to get ready for the new day. If you're one of those…
For the last few decades, there has been a lot of buzz around the effects, both positive and negative of the natural and artificial light on us. Be how the light influences our mood, energy or some biological and physiological…
You may think that all blue light filters are the same but they are not. In this article, I'm going to give you everything you need to know to choose the best blue light filter. Based on my 5 years…
I guess you'll find it hard to imagine your everyday life without your smartphone or laptop. To relax, for work, to check something out, they all go for several hours a day. The result-your eyes are red and itchy. More bonus…
Sleep is a necessary aspect of our mental and physical health. Any lack of sleep, as research has suggested, can lead to a variety of problems like diabetes, heart disease, an impairment in attention, concentration, and more. In fact, dropping…
Regardless of your age, you need to develop healthy habits to protect your eyes. If you frequently spend time watching videos on your computer screen or your mobile phones, your eyes might be exposed to a lot of blue light.…
Exposure to blue light is something that is becoming more and more common in everyday households. Blue light is the light in all of your electronic devices with screens such as TVs, tablets, phones, and laptops. As people are…
As we become exposed to more technology use, so too does our exposure to blue light. It’s been a growing concern for many people as blue light has a number of health benefits, but an over-exposure can lead to lack…
Blue light is one of the types of light on the light spectrum. It is the light that comes from the sun, as well as electronic devices. There are two types of blue light, the good kind, and the bad…
Sunlight is a combination of red, yellow, orange, green, indigo, violet and blue light. When all the colours are combined they create white light we all see from computers and more. However, did you know that each of those individual…
Light contains particles that are electromagnetic and are said to travel in waves where they emit energy both in length and strength. More energy is produced when the wavelength is short where a nanometer is used to measure the length…
In this digital era, people spend most of their time in front of the computers. Spending most of the time in front of the computer causes eye strain, yes you want to work hard but you need to take good…
In the current world where everything is automated, it is nearly next to impossible to live without computers. Almost all businesses use some kind of technology in order to be successful. Part of Everyday Life Inside an office, computers make…
Piensa en cuantas veces usas tu teléfono inteligente a diario ¿100 veces?, ¿200?, ¿más? Bueno, si a esto le sumas las horas que pasas frente al televisor, o viendo la pantalla de tu computadora, tableta o laptop, es muy probable…
El dolor de cabeza frontal puede estar asociado a padecimientos serios como las migrañas, las cefaleas tensionales o la sinusitis, pero también ha sido vinculado con alteraciones en los ojos que comprometen la retina, la mácula o la conjuntiva. La…
Studies show that frequent exposure to blue light on your computer screens have harmful effects. You might want to know how to reduce blue light from the computer screen or lower your screen time. The Blue Light Effect We need…
Windows 10 has come up with a variety of features over the years since it’s been around. One notable feature is the Night Light feature. This feature is a built-in function that allows the user to reduce the blue light…
La astenopía es conocida clínicamente como una condición oftalmológica derivada del esfuerzo ocular constante y continuado que produce dolor en los ojos, fatiga ocular, visión borrosa o doble y por supuesto dolores de cabeza. Suele manifestarse con mucha frecuencia al…
Hoy en día resulta inevitable usar dispositivos electrónicos tanto en el ámbito profesional como personal, siendo la PC uno de los más populares. Así es, la usamos para casi todo lo que tenemos que hacer a diario: para las compras,…
I've always tried to get up as early as possible as all successful people do that, right? Wanting to conquer my alarm clock has become something like an ultimate goal. I got all the motivation in the world but when…
El período de gestación de la mujer suele ser uno de lo más estresantes de su vida debido a la gran cantidad de cambios que se manifiestan, y no solamente a nivel físico, sino también a nivel psicológico, mental y…
Conciliar el sueño en estos tiempos es casi una misión imposible. Las rutinas profesionales son cada vez más demandantes y si a eso le sumamos las obligaciones personales y familiares, casi desearíamos que el día durara el doble. Sin embargo,…
La cefalea en racimos es conocida popularmente, o con mayor frecuencia, como dolor de cabeza en brotes. Estos pueden ocurrir de forma cíclica o en brotes o racimos, tal cual como lo indica su nombre, más que todo durante la…
Gozar de buena salud visual es tan importante como verte y sentirte sano a manera generalizada. Por ello debes asegurarte de cuidar tus ojos constantemente, especialmente si eres un fanático de tus equipos electrónicos como tu teléfono inteligente, tu computadora…
Quienes sufren de dolor de cabeza tensional confiesan que la sensación es similar a tener una banda muy ajustada alrededor de la cabeza, puesto que las molestias e incomodidades se manifiestan agudamente en los laterales, en la frente y en…
Pasar muchas horas frente a la pantalla de tu computadora, bien sea en tu hogar o en tu trabajo, acarrea diversos efectos negativos en tu cuerpo que a la larga pueden ser irreversibles. Así es, este y otros equipos electrónicos…
La dificultad para conciliar el sueño por las noches se ha convertido en un tema que ha dado mucho de que hablar actualmente, y no es de extrañar que sean las personas jóvenes unas de las más afectadas. Estudios han…
Saunas originate from Finland and with almost 2 million steam baths, it's not a surprise that Finland is often called the land of saunas. Finns go to the sauna at least once per week to relax, relieve the stress, to…
Manufactures make today's monitors to be energy efficient but this is not always healthy Use this 3 simple tests to find out if your monitor is good and healthy for your eyes 1. The Blue light Test Blue light emitted…
Most modern monitors use a method called PWM to control the brightness and this is the reason why we feel eye pain, eye strain and headaches in front of your monitor 1. Set your monitor Hardware brightness to 100% using…
Designers work with color. Blue light filters remove (or at least partly) the blue light, which alters the colors So when you are creating something with flux on, you will notice that the moment you turn it on or send…
Yes, they can protect our eyes from almost all of the harmful light There is a difference between filtering and using a software in combination with your video card to remove blue light as Iris does. This way it makes…
Look at this spectrum: These LED smart light emit color by mixing Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) lights If the only visible color is Red then, no, it doesn’t emit blue light But if you select a color like yellow,…
Millions of years ago people lived in sync with nature. When we lived in caves we didn’t have light bulbs and this somehow helped our circadian clocks to stay on track with the natural day and night cycles of the…
In a sense, yes While it doesn’t literally filter out the blue light from your screen, it does still remove it Why is this good for you? Blue light can be one of the causes of insomnia, so when you…
Honestly, the best thing you can do is not let them use the computer at all But that’s not really feasible in the world we live in today So here a couple of things that you can do to save…
You can use this to ‘hack’ your eyes and feel better when in front of the computer screen So, long story short, monitors emit Blue Light and have PWM Flicker These are both extremely bad for your eyes and can…
If you are spending a lot of time in front of a computer screen or in a similar working environment of the main things that can occur is macular degeneration. This is a problem concerned with the retina of the…
In short: Yes, they are If you are spending a lot of time in front of the computer, one of the best things you can do is to download a blue light filter app Blue Light filters block a huge…
There are a couple of things you can when you are spending a lot of time staring at a computer screen every day: Blink Blinking more often helps moisture your eyes better, you’d be surprised by how much this little…
Blue light comes from everywhere around us. It’s not only the monitors, or the smartphones, or the tablets around us. Almost all artificial light sources today generate much more than the recommended amount of blue light. In 1988 the photoreceptor…
The most effective blue light filters work by changing the pixels of your monitor and removing the blue color from them. This is done using the video card of your computer. Once you enable the filter you should notice a…
There is little to none change in the blue light amount Although when talking about brightness you should make sure that you are using your monitor without PWM Flicker That, in its essence, is your monitor turning on and off…
If you are spending a lot of time in front of the computer you can try a Blue LIght filter program, that’s going to help you to sleep better and have less eye pain. The other benefit is the PWM…
I find putting your desk facing a window a bad idea Apart from the seemingly insignificant fact, that it can be extremely distracting, placing a desk to face the sun burns your retina and you can go blind in the…
Absolutely no Monitors emit blue light and have PWM (Pulse-width modulation) flicker Blue light is really harmful to your eyes and prevents you from having a good sleep PWM flicker is basically your monitor turning off hundreds of times per…
Yes and if you keep doing that for a couple of decades you will eventually probably get macular degeneration You will only be able to see with your peripheral vision which is almost considered blind This is not 100% but…
Generally speaking, if you care about your eyes then, yes This will be a great investment in your health but I have found a better investment I spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen every day. Easily…
Iris is an app that lowers the blue light that your screen emits, removes PWM flicker and dims it so it can help you to protect your eyes and improve your sleep after long hours at the computer. Pulse Width…
While it’s true that insomnia can and usually is caused by a psychological issue, it can be that you are in perfect psychological condition and still experience insomnia This happens to a lot of people that regularly spend a lot…
Chances are that your vision is imbalanced When eyes and brain try hard to compensate with each other due to vision problems then chances are that you get pain behind your eyes The vision gets blurred most of the times…
Eyes can become damaged in the long run when spending a lot of hours in front of the computer. Here are a couple of things you can do: Take regular breaks from your computer, you can use some sort of…
Most of the time it’s due to the fact that you’re tired You might have not been able to sleep well last night or feel severe eye strain, have red eyes, you might be under a lot of stress or…
First of all, you should make sure that your brightness matches the room lighting Try to reduce the blue light and remove PWM flicker to prevent macular degeneration The blue light is very bad for your eyes and reduces sleep…
The easiest way to explain it is this: In short, The Pupil allows light to strike the retina The Iris is responsible for controlling the diameter and size of the pupil and thus the amount of light reaching the retina…
On Android you can try Iris: Iris Pro - Apps on Google Play Iris is a blue light blocking and PWM Flicker removal software that can help you a lot It comes with a lot of out of the box…
First of all, it is very important to avoid rubbing your eyes with your hands or fingers as they may have irritants that will further inflame them. This may cause your eyes to be more reddish and irritated There’s a…
This used to happen to me quite often It is caused by very dry eyes I have tried ‘Artificial Tears’ which does make you feel better for a little while but can be addictive and it’s not the best solution…
Eyes can become damaged in the long run when spending a lot of hours in front of the computer. Here are a couple of things you can do: Take regular breaks from your computer, you can use some sort of…
Is it possible that you are spending a lot of time in front of a screen? It can be a monitor, a TV or any other digital thing that emits light The problem with that is that screens (monitors) emit…
It may be that you are a designer (work with colors) or just don’t like dark mode and don’t use it despite the fact that it’s better for your eyes If any of the above is you and you still…
Probably yes and might feel better, blue light is really harmful to your sleep because it basically tells your brain that it’s time to be awake and that’s not cool when it’s 2 AM and you’ve got to get up…
How to install blue light filter on Windows XP? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows XP? How to install Iris on Windows XP? How to run Iris on Windows XP? How to download blue light filter on…
How to install blue light filter on Windows 7? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows 7? How to install Iris on Windows 7? How to run Iris on Windows 7? How to download blue light filter on…
How to install blue light filter on Windows 10? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows 10? How to install Iris on Windows 10? How to run Iris on Windows 10? How to download blue light filter on…
How to install blue light filter on Windows Vista? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows Vista? How to install Iris on Windows Vista? How to run Iris on Windows Vista? How to download blue light filter on…
How to install a blue light filter on Windows 8? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows 8? How to install Iris on Windows 8? How to run Iris on Windows 8? How to download blue light filter…
How to install a screen dimmer on Windows 8? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows 8? How to install Iris on Windows 8? How to run Iris on Windows 8? How to download screen dimmer on Windows…
How to install screen dimmer on Windows Vista? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows Vista? How to install Iris on Windows Vista? How to run Iris on Windows Vista? How to download screen dimmer on Windows Vista?…
How to install screen dimmer on Windows 10? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows 10? How to install Iris on Windows 10? How to run Iris on Windows 10? How to download screen dimmer on Windows 10?…
How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows 7? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows 7? How to install Iris on Windows 7? How to run Iris on Windows 7? How to download Screen Dimmer on Windows 7?…
How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows XP? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows XP? How to install Iris on Windows XP? How to run Iris on Windows XP? How to download screen dimmer on Windows XP?…
How to install Screen Dimmer on macOS High Sierra? Table of contents How to download screen dimmer on macOS High Sierra? How to install screen dimmer on macOS High Sierra? How to run screen dimmer on macOS High Sierra? How…
How to install blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? Table of contents How to download blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? How to install blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? How to run blue light filter on…
Hi Gamer, Have you ever imagined that there is a way to play more and harder without getting your eyes red, sore and strained? There is! Actually... there are a lot of easy and quick ways on how to do…
Eye pain - Almost anything you need to know Table of contents Leading causes of eye pain Different types of eye pain How to prevent eye pain [iris-call-to-action id="1"] Eyes are one of the most important and…
Introduction People spend most their waking hours staring at screens. Whether you work in an office, lay in bed browsing on your phone all day or play games on your PC all night, you probably spend about ten hours in…
Does this sound familiar to you? Long work days grinding in front of the computer. Even longer sleepless nights. Swollen eyelids, puffy eyes. You coming home looking like a vampire. The kids cry when they see you, the dog hides…
Does this sound familiar to you - you’re laying in bed staring at the ceiling and counting how much time you’ll get to sleep if you fall asleep immediately? Well, look no further! Here are 10 tips to help you…
Stop looking for the fountain of youth or that magical spell that helps you sleep better at night! We asked some gamers how they deal with spending countless hours in front of a computer and if you’re curious about what…
Have you ever tried researching blue light on the Internet? Are you left confused by all the articles claiming different things? [iris-call-to-action id="4"] Are you wondering if you should be worried or if it’s all just another marketing ploy from…
Effects of technology Let’s be honest – we spend most of our wake time staring at a computer or mobile screens and it’s hard not to. Studies suggest that 60% of people spend more than 6 hours a day…
Life has most likely been on Earth for almost as long as Earth itself has existed. But for the most part of those more than 4 billion years, life on Earth has been simple, single-celled organisms living on the bottom…
What does EMF mean? EMF stands for electromagnetic field. It’s the combination of electric and magnetic fields. EMF is a physical field caused by electrically charged objects. It’s also one of the four fundamental forces of the universe. The electric…
An intro to chromotherapy Chromotherapy is a system of alternative medicine based on the use of projected different colored light. Otherwise known as just color therapy, it’s an exciting new addition to your local spa. Antiquity However, color therapy is…
Your eyes just like any other muscle can get sore and start to hurt. That’s why it’s important to let them rest properly and exercise them to keep them healthy and strong. Here is a collection of some eye…
1 All eye issues caused by extended computer use fall under the name Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), also known as Digital Eye Strain. It’s not just one specific problem, it’s a wide range of strain and pain. 2 Computer…
La luz azul forma parte de la luz visible, es decir, esa que nuestros ojos son capaces de percibir. El sol es su fuente natural más poderosa, pero artificialmente es emitida en grandes cantidades a través de las pantallas de…
Forzar la vista o exigirle más de lo que naturalmente puede dar es un error que te costará muy caro. Entonces, antes de pasar todo el día pegado a la pantalla de tu computadora, o a la de cualquier…
Si alguna vez has sentido los ojos cansados, o si te han picado o lagrimeado es muy probable que hayas sufrido de fatiga ocular. El principal detonante de esta condición es el uso desproporcionado de equipos como tabletas, computadoras, laptops,…
La sobre exposición a las nuevas tecnologías y el uso desmedido de aparatos electrónicos como las tabletas, los ordenadores portátiles y los teléfonos inteligentes, han ocasionado que cada vez seamos más propensos a sufrir de dolor en los ojos. Muchas…
Este es el mal de todas aquellas personas que pasan horas y horas sentadas frente a las pantallas de sus ordenadores portátiles o sus computadoras de escritorio, ya sea por cuestiones profesionales o personales. La fatiga visual se origina cuando…
A Blue light filter is a program which changes the screen colors, lowering the blue light. There are many medical kinds of research pointing towards the negative effects of Blue light. Effects of Blue light When you look at blue…
You’re probably wondering “Is it possible to improve my eye health if I’m spending a lot of time in front of the PC?”. Well yes, yes you can. Let me tell you a story of an 18-year-old kid who had…
When you look at blue light for a long time the following things will happen: You will need more time to fall asleep ? You will start to feel eye strain Your eyes will start getting dry and you may…
With all that being said if you use a blue light filter on your PC you will get benefits like: Better sleep More energy Less eye strain and More healthy life Without any more introduction, I want to show you…
Why your type of monitor is important for your health Since the invention of the computer the average adult spends around 9 hours a day in front of a screen - whether it be a PC, laptop or the phone.…
We use our eyes all the time while we’re awake. Some would say that’s our most important sense. However, like anything else, there are eye diseases and disorders that can cause deteriorating health of the different parts in your eyes.…
[iris-call-to-action id="18"] Hetero- what? The different coloration of the iris of the two eyes, known as heterochromia, may be a congenital or acquired condition. Types of Heterochromia Congenital Heterochromia Congenital heterochromia is an unequal coloration of two irises or separate…
Technology is like a drug - you get used to it so fast that you don’t even realize how big part of your life it is. This is the part where you’ll probably say: “I’m in control of my technology…
Today we would like to share with you a few shocking statistics that would make you think twice before you indulge in the usual long-hour stares at your monitor. We guarantee that everyone reading this falls into one of the…
You ever just get to work all excited that you will finally sit in front of your laptop and do your thing? Yeah… Me neither. Maybe we’re pushing it with the whole excitement thing, but it’s a fact that whether…
Introduction Are you an avid computer or internet user? Well, let's be honest, in this day and age - who isn't? [iris-call-to-action id="20"] Are you reading this exact text blurry-eyed with a headache not knowing the cause? It might just…
Going to the gym is like being in a relationship - you have to be absolutely devoted, loyal and consistent, always learning and improving. And of course, there are some things you should do by all means. These include not…
Having control over people, events, thoughts, nature and everything in and around us in general, is a genuine human desire. If we ever get to the point where we feel that we are in charge of what happens in our…
We are all aware of what the phrase "feeling blue" means and feels like. [iris-call-to-action id="23"] A blue feeling is a sensation you experience when someone lets you down, there is a significant negative change in your life, or it…
In a number of previous posts, the effects of blue light on humans were discussed. In this article though we will be talking about what effect does blue light have on animals, on dogs in particular and how you can…
Have you ever been so desperate that you start counting sheep to try to fall asleep faster? Yes, I’ve been there too. That’s why I decided to share with you 10 simple hacks. They’ll help you fall asleep faster and…
The benefits of technology are enormous. We can do a lot of things today thanks to the introduction of technology. While it has made things easy, it also comes with certain side effects. The fact that most technological devices make…
In recent years there has been a feature, a trend if you will, that’s making the rounds within the tech community, becoming almost mandatory amongst websites, computer and mobile operating systems – dark mode. [iris-call-to-action id="25"] Essentially, it’s an either…
Do I take care of my eyes? [iris-call-to-action id="26"] How often do you think about your eyes’ health? How would you recognize if there’s a problem and what causes it? We all take care of the place we live in,…
Nobody wants to wear glasses or contact lenses in their life, but if you don't, then you ask yourself: "How can I improve my vision otherwise?" [iris-call-to-action id="27"] However, with the evergrowing usage of technologies, more and more people are…
Have you thought about the effect of Blue light on our Eyes? [iris-call-to-action id="28"] Did you know that the average person spends more than 6 hours per day in front of a computer? Actually most people spend the majority of…
We spend too much time in front of the screen without any idea about how we are harming ourselves and without doing anything to avoid the blue light. [iris-call-to-action id="29"] We are neglecting our healthy level in front of smart…
[iris-call-to-action id="30"] Color in everyday life Marketing and advertising Color and color vision are one of the most important, key aspects in our lives when it comes to living and perceiving the world as we do. We as human beings…
The screens in our life Computer screens are everywhere and all around us in this day and age. From your office PCs to your personal home computer and your TV – it seems we have made them a crucial part…
10 foods for healthy eyes and 10/10 vision Balanced healthy eating and the topic of healthy eyes have gained increasing popularity in recent years, taking precedence over the countless miracle diets named after doctors of dubious origins. Thanks to the…
Introduction Have you ever thought about the technology and the impact that it has on your brain? One of the greatest abilities that we have as human beings is to think. This is something that makes us different from the…
Eye exercises Are eye exercises really helpful in relieving eye pain? For as long as we can remember propaganda existed. It can be used in every area of our lives in order to convince us of something. Evil events have…
Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible areas of energy, often referred to as radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical power and various forms of natural and man-made lighting. Disclaimer: This is not an article about the…
If you are not familiar with the meaning of the phrase “ digital health”,... you may think it is about being aware of the time you spent on any of your devices and how to reduce the scrolling, TV…
It is a common occurrence in adults to neglect the habit of reading before bed. In 2018 25% of Americans say they have not read a single book in the past year. A scary result, considering the amount of time…
Introduction of technology There are improved facts about blue light, in our everyday lives, another concern about our health was raised. Precisely - blue light. But as with everything that is new and unexplored yet, conspiracy theories start to lurk…
Improving your posture is important for looking good. If you want improving your posture, you can exercises to strengthen your muscles. It is 2019 and we are sitting more than ever before. According to a study conducted last year, the…
iPhone’s Night Shift We are exposed to blue light more often than ever before which can have negative health effects. Since the awareness was raised, a lot of manufacturers started to produce specially designed products which can “fight” the bad…
It is a wide known fact that colors can manipulate us. There is a whole science that studies colors, the way we people perceive them, and the psychological effects they have on us. It is called colorimetry, or simply color…
Do you want to improve your IT career? With every day going by, technology is becoming a bigger part of our lives. It is constantly evolving, therefore the expertise required in the IT sector change quickly. In order to stay…
It is very likely that every one of us has experienced eye twitching at some point. It is usually barely noticeable but for some people, it may get bothersome. What is actually the essence of this condition and how can…
Did you know you could have a better life when you improve your sleep? Feeling tired all the time and the lack of sleep may cause not only tiredness but serious health issues and reduce your productivity. In this article,…
Here are 7 of the most curious facts about the human eyes. How often do we take a moment to appreciate these incredible organs? In my opinion, not often enough. So let’s do it together right now! Human eyes development…
Some people invest in real estate, passive income, savings and so on but what they do not realize is that the best investment they could possibly make is in their health. It may sound expensive to you but it is…
I know, I know, you spend too much time in stores, online stores, or ordinary accessories or fashion sites, for your dream glasses. Do you take your friends with you to express your opinion? - The poor ones. Glasses are…
Everybody has wondered at least once in their lives what is the perfect present for a close person and the choice is often difficult to make. And if you are seeking gifts for programmers, who is a relative or a…
Animal`s sight is different from human vision In this article, you will understand how animal`s sight works. What do the vast majority think when they take a gander at the world most likely the animal`s sight it a similar way…
Introduction I think we all are aware that technology takes a big part in our lives. But even before them, there was always something, created by humans, that made a big change in people’s everyday life. This includes innovations in…
Choosing gifts for gamers is not so difficult as you might think. Gamers like everything nerdy or gaming-related. They love collecting various fandom merchandise and their home is usually all covered with it. However, if you want to get on…
Obviously, the hours of the day when our eyes are exposed to the blue light from looking at a computer screen or other devices are getting bigger, and we're just starting to study and learn about the long-term side effects…
Dry eyes are becoming a far more widespread problem than you may think. Many people suffer from it daily. For this reason, in this article, we are going to discuss several ways for dry eye treatment. Dry eyes could seem…
The first thing we can start with is the definition of ophthalmology. It is a branch of medicine and surgery that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. The ophthalmologist is a specialist in ophthalmology. He performs examinations…
After a good (i.e. hardcore) crying session, we have all noticed that our eyes are red and quite puffy. However, there is a number of other reasons which can cause swollen eyelid. If you struggle with it and do not…
Gifts for computer geeks As freaky as it sounds, the year has almost gone by and Christmas will be knocking on our doors in a month and a half. We all know that Christmas equals gift-giving season and we love…
In a number of articles, we were stressing out how important sleep is and how dangerous overexposure to blue light is...this time, however, we are going to present to you the so-called light therapy. It will surprise you with its…
You have a blurry vision if you still blink to clarify that picture in front of your eyes? You probably think you need lenses or glasses… Most people have a blurry vision for one reason or another. Therefore, in this…
Successful people are a few and achieve their goals. Making money is much more than working in an office, 12 hours a day. Introduction There are some very important qualities you have to possess in order to become the wealthy…
If the answer to the next two questions is yes, that means you work hard, not smart? Do you often go home from a tiring shift? Do you often have to refuse to go out with a relative or friend…
If you spend a lot of time in front of your computer, then you need a blue light filter for PC to protect your eyes. But let us first to explain in short what blue light is and then dig…
Welcome to the 21st generation and its jobs. Dive in the large pile of self-driving cars, large flat screens, and self-cleaning vacuum cleaners. Something that modernity confronts us every day. An immediate future, well deserved, but with a question mark…
With this article today we will introduce you to the hidden technology threats of even standing in front of your computer. Technology is part of the modern world and is evolving at a rapid pace. Technology has evolved with each…
Programming and software developers are one of the fastest developing working fields and careers right now. Respectively, programmers or IT specialists are in high demand on the market. However, back in the days, not everyone could have become a programmer.…
More or less, everybody has suffered from eye pain in their lives. But how to treat eye pain? This is natural, but while we are overloading our eyes every day, eye pain may become a constant event in our lives.…
What is a sleepless night? Does your day seem indifferent and edgy? And with each passing day, your body graces unacceptable ... The tasks of the day are more than endless, and you miss the bed at home. And while…
Productivity is not a talent that only the chosen ones have. Have you ever felt that you could do better, but never put yourself into it? Productivity is achievable with not so great efforts and simple habits. Productivity is what…
Getting enough sleep is crucial to one’s health. And the constant lack of it not only will it affect your productivity, but is going to form a variety of possible diseases. If you do not get the sleep your body…
E-books or books? Books are the first reason why humanity created computers in the first place. The history of the book is long and colorful. It does not start with the first-ever printed book by the Gutenberg Press around the…
Do you feel that every day you spend in front of your computer in the office your eyesight is diminishing, so you need to protect your eyesight? Today, the most common reason why people are putting on glasses worldwide is…
With computers and technology’s conquest over the Earth, we cannot ask the question: is all of this helping us or is it destroying us? Humanity has always been trying to outdo itself, to do something better than the day before.…
Do you come back home tired and squeezed out at the end of the day...could it be stress at work? Are you usually annoyed at work? Is your sleep a bad experience? This is all because of the stress caused…
Blurred vision and blurriness are what cause the eyes to have problems focusing on objects and for the eyesight to be unclear and far from sharp. It can be provoked in only one or both eyes and it may concern…
Computer science is one of the reasons for the world to develope at full speed nowadays. And one of the main reasons for that is technology. Technology is everywhere around us. It is almost impossible to imagine the world without…
Ever wondered, "What am I contributing to this world or contributing enough?" It would be difficult to answer such questions if we were to criticize ourselves. But you are far from the answer. And when they stand out again, like…
Most people nowadays suffer from computer headache regardless of the work they are doing. Even if your job does not require a computer, there is a big chance that you still use it for long periods. It is a well-known…
Why are my eyes burning? A common question these days, having in mind that people spent most of there time in front of the PC. Many people suffer from burning eyes at the end of the day. And they often…
You have probably heard of melatonin before but do you know what it is or what its function is? You are in the right place then! In this article, we will be telling you everything you need to know about…
- Breathwork is a practice for relaxation, stress relief and therapy, which uses different breathing exercises and techniques. Nowadays there are a lot of variations of breathwork. Each of them has a purpose, depending on the needs of the practitioner.…
Having a headache can be a very unfortunate thing to happen to anybody throughout the day. Especially when one is at work, school or anywhere. Headaches can occur at any time, regardless of your plans for having a good time.…
What “freelancer” means? Freelancer is a person who works independently and is not committed to a particular company. Freelancers work for different clients. Their work is often short-term. Usually, freelancers earn their salary per-job. They can be paid by the…
The whole world is in panic, caused by the new coronavirus. Countries are under quarantine, shops are empty, people literally fight for a pack of toilet paper. In times like these, it is vital to stay both calm and safe.…
We all know how important is to have healthy eyes in any case. But do we know how much they deserve and how we should treat them? Few people take some care of their eyesight. Whether every 3 months, they…
The popularity of meditation as a recommended component of a healthy lifestyle has been going only up in recent years. Yoga and Pilates have become two of the most popular varieties of exercise. However, a lot of people still think…
With the constantly new possibilities of technologies working from home has never been so accessible. A lot of jobs now offer placements for people who can only work from home. What are more, big companies give their employees permission to…
The world we live in is dominated by unhealthy lifestyles and nutrition. After years of living in such a way, people have started noticing how badly their food choices can affect their health and well-being. That is why in recent…
We are exposing ourselves to blue light every day so we are here to share some blue light facts with you. Even if one doesn’t use any specific digital devices they still get in touch with the blue light. This…