What is Open-angle Glaucoma?

Glaucoma can be problematic and it’s also one of the causes of eyesight problems.

But open-angle glaucoma is one of the most common types of glaucoma out there and it ends up coming and going all the time.

As you get older, it does get worse though.

How does Open-angle Glaucoma appear?

Basically, you have fluid in the eyes and that’s what keeps them healthy.

The old fluid gets removed as new fluid comes in.

The open angle glaucoma basically states that the angle is closed or too narrow.

The old fluid can’t be removed in time, and in the end, the fluid will clog and cause damage in the long term.

While this is a simplistic explanation, it does go to show that your eyes can indeed be damaged and your sight will be obstructed because of this.

So, you have to identify the right means to do such a thing.

Can this affect your eyes?

The way open-angle glaucoma works is it ends up putting a lot of pressure on the eyes. The optic nerve is definitely more pressured, and that can be a problem. Ain time, the nerve breaks down and you end up seeing worse and worse. You can imagine it to be pretty much like a frayed cord that will offer some electricity to the light bulb, but it will turn on and off.

The issue is that open angle glaucoma can be hard to spot due to the high pressure. Around 33% of people that have this glaucoma tend to have normal pressure in their eyes, but the nerve is still damaged. This means the nerve damage can also be caused by other factors, as you may imagine.

How do you get Open-angle Glaucoma?

It depends most of the time. Usually, people over 50 tend to be affected by it.

And then you have some races like African Americans and Hispanics which are affected more often than whites.

The family history can also lead to you getting this. But there are things like nearsightedness, high blood pressure, diabetes or a thin cornea that can also lead to problems like these.

So yes, they can happen in the long term.


The problem is that you don’t really have any symptoms until it’s too late.

But open-angle glaucoma does tend to make you lose peripheral vision.

Also, you will notice some letters missing in words when you read.

But as you can imagine, these things are hard to detect, and that can make it very challenging for you to deal with things like these.

How can Iris help?

A good way to avoid the open angle glaucoma is to protect your eyes while you sit for a very long time in front of the computer.

Iris is a tool designed to prevent eye pain and eye strain.

It allows you to improve sleep, and thanks to its 9 preset you will find it easier to help your eye function normally.

In the end, you will not have to deal with open-angle glaucoma if you protect your eyes the right way, so buying or downloading Iris can be a very good idea.

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