💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 https://iristech.co Wed, 01 May 2024 14:13:59 +0000 <![CDATA[test]]> Tue, 13 Feb 2024 19:52:55 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 34391 2024-02-13 19:53:38 2024-02-13 19:52:55 361 <![CDATA[promo]]> Mon, 14 Aug 2023 20:45:48 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 34367 2023-08-14 20:50:50 2023-08-14 20:45:48 875 <![CDATA[Website Posts]]> Sun, 03 Jul 2022 16:25:50 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 33922 2022-07-03 22:24:59 2022-07-03 16:25:50 361 https://iristech.co/website-posts/

Answers FAQs

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<![CDATA[Bulk Licenses]]> Fri, 17 Jun 2022 18:14:08 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 33907 2022-08-19 16:15:35 2022-06-17 18:14:08 662
  • Minimum license count for bulk purchase
    • 100 licenses minimum
  • Discount
    • 100-200 licenses - 30% discount
    • 200+ licenses - 40% discount
  • Discounts are only valid for 1 time purchases of licenses
  • There is no bulk discounts for subscriptions
  • How to Buy?

    • Send the money to PayPal
      • daniel@iristech.co
    • Write to me at daniel@iristech.co
      • With the invoice and the number of licenses
      • Choose if you want 1 activation code with X number of activations
        • Example: team-awesomecompany
      • or X number different licenses
        • Example: CODE1, CODE2, CODE3, CODE4, etc.
    • I will send you a .txt file or team license with all the licenses

    Answers also

    • HI. Our company is interested in using your product, but we have several questions: 1. What is the way of obtaining and managing big number of licences (more than 500)? 2. Is there a way for remote deployment of the program? 3. Can the licence be transferred to a different computer when needed? 4. Is the licence locked to a specific computer, or to a specific user? 5. Does the software sends any king of information to a remoter server or another location? There are the questions I have at the moment, there will probably be more at a later stage, and I will contact you again. Thanks in advance. - 2017.08.24
    • Hello Daniel, Could you please provide us also with the prices per license and what is the breakdown of the bulk licenses. For example packages for 100, 200, 500, 1000 people respectively. Regards, Alex
    • Hi Is there a volume licensing / reseller option? I might have an opportunity for a large enterprise - 2017.10.11

    E-mail answer

    • We have bulk licensing for companies and teams with minimum of 100 licenses
    • For 100-200 licenses 30% discount
    • For 200+ licenses 40% discount
    • For more info and how to buy
    <![CDATA[Iris mini FAQs]]> Tue, 12 Apr 2022 14:19:36 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 33853 2022-04-12 14:20:14 2022-04-12 14:19:36 755 All Iris mini FAQs

    Iris mini Keyboard Shortcuts

    • Miles Winter 2022.04.12 07:28 Hi, I use Iris Mini every night! Thank you. I have a question, maybe there is a solution. I use a key combination to activate Iris Mini every evening - just a command-line launching the app. Problem is, I can't switch it back off with the keyboard - I need to right-click on the icon (which I can barely see in the morning sunshine) and hit the E key (or click Exit). Is there a command option that exits the app, so I don't have to use the mouse? Otherwise any ideas...? Thanks
    Answer ]]>
    <![CDATA[Get help with Debug info]]> Thu, 17 Mar 2022 19:06:08 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 33805 2022-03-17 19:14:16 2022-03-17 19:06:08 670
  • Paste your problem and Debug info into the #👾-get-help-with-debug-info channel into the Discord server
  • You can find the Discord server from the https://iristech.co/support/ page
  • How to get the Debug info


    Video tutorial to get the Debug info

    <![CDATA[Fixing Iris Green screen on macOS]]> Tue, 11 Jan 2022 18:44:26 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 33761 2022-04-15 10:29:51 2022-01-11 18:44:26 670 Update 2022.04: The green screen issue is fixed with the latest macOS update
    • In the newest version of macOS, they changed something and Iris looks like this
    • The workaround is
      • Enable Color Schemes from Features
      • From Color Schemes set leading color to Blue

    Answers also

    • Hello! I just installed Iris on my new Mac. I bought the app for my windows previously. The app seems to work very differently on my Mac, the screen tends to turn green/blueish instead of red like previously. Is this an update or is the app not functioning properly?
    • I updated my M1 2020 MacBook Pro to the latest software update and now my screen won't go red anymore on any setting, it goes green instead. I have the latest Iris 1.2.0 MacOS installed which was working fine before the software update. Anyone else have this issue?
    • I am using Monterey. It's all green.
    • Does Iris work with Monterey? Everything is green.
    • Hello. I have a paid license. I moved to a new Macbook Pro. When using Iris the screen now has a green tint (instead of pink/red, on my previous Mac).
    • Hi. I was using Iris on a macbook 2012 (intel) and it worked great, but now that I've switched to a macbook M1, the color temperature is all off and the screen turns green when I use the exact same configuration I used to use on my old mac. Is there a fix for this? Can you help me, please?
    • No, Iris only works on the second screen and I have to use the color scheme: blue method mentioned above for the liquid retina display to get rid of the green screen.
    • Yeah, I have the green screen problem with the liquid retina display on MacOS Monterey 12.0.1. The green screen problem doesn't affect external monitors, just the retina display.
    • Any suggestions? My Iris Mini only changes the color temperatures to green. I'm on an m1 macbook pro
    • Hey guys, did cntrl+f but couldn't find answer to this. My screen turns green when i'm in Full Screen and there is no mouse activity. I played with the software mouse settings and low level color API setting. None seem to make it work. Sucks because I can't go full screen on movies and stuff. It's only video i think, because internet browsers are fine on full screen. What do?
    • Hi there - I'm using Iris on a new Macbook Pro 2021 and its making the display skew green! Anyone kn Hi there - I'm using Iris on a new Macbook Pro 2021 and its making the display skew green! Anyone know why this is happening? Thanks!
    • My sleep setting on my new macbook pro (2021) is GREEN – can’t seem get the red screen
    • Hello, does Iris work on M1 MacBooks? I have green color instead of orange tried it with flux, the same issue - https://forum.justgetflux.com/topic/8029/macbook-pro-with-m1-pro/9
    <![CDATA[Winhlp32.exe for Windows 10]]> Sun, 21 Nov 2021 14:35:07 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 33748 2023-03-23 19:18:46 2021-11-21 14:35:07 18 Fast fix

    The Story

    So I'm playing with the Kepler software for Astrology charts and it needs the old Windows Help program. Spend several days searching for this thing on the internet.
    • winhlp32-windows-7-x86-x64-komeil.cab
    • Winhlp32.exe
    • How to open .hlp files with WinHlp32.exe on Windows 10?
    • Windows Help Program (WinHlp32.exe) for Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 x64 and x86
    You probably may find this article if the program opens this: And any of these files doesn't work: The good guy here had the .cab file once upon a time but now the link is dead: And the good guy here had a workaround for Windows 10: Finally, I found the file here: But was not sure how much this website will be up and running. So the good guy, the creator of the most awesome-super-giga-top-best software in the world Iris made you a package :D ]]>
    <![CDATA[How to upgrade from Iris mini Pro to Iris Pro]]> Sat, 19 Dec 2020 09:08:07 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 33613 2020-12-19 09:09:39 2020-12-19 09:08:07 662
  • If you have bought Iris mini Pro but want to upgrade to Iris Pro and pay only the difference
  • Request a refund via PayPal for your Iris mini Pro purchase
  • Buy Iris Pro from our website
  • If you have bought via other payment method request a refund from their e-mail support
  • Answers also

    • I have bought the iris mini license, i like it but it does not have so much options like iris "standard". I want to know if there is a way to upgrade it and pay the difference, thanks

    E-mail answer

    <![CDATA[Others Changelog]]> Wed, 23 Sep 2020 17:07:15 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 33445 2023-03-19 18:20:55 2020-09-23 17:07:15 361 Vision

    Vision 0.1.0 for Windows

    [download id="10780"]

    Vision 0.0.9 for Windows

    Published on: May 20, 2018 at 13:18 Downloads: 1087 Link: https://raw.github.com/danielng01/product-builds/master/vision/windows/vision-0.0.9-installer.exe Major app redesign

    Vision 0.0.8 for Windows

    Published on: Mar 19, 2018 at 17:20 Downloads: 1145 Link: https://raw.github.com/danielng01/product-builds/master/vision/windows/vision-0.0.8-installer.exe Moved website to iristech.co

    Vision 0.0.7 for Windows

    Published on: Feb 5, 2018 at 12:11 Downloads: 46 Link: https://raw.github.com/danielng01/product-builds/master/vision/windows/vision-0.0.7-installer.exe Improve Vision Color Blindness API Add values for Color adjustment and Severity in % to the UI

    Vision 0.0.6 for Windows

    https://raw.github.com/danielng01/product-builds/master/vision/windows/vision-0.0.6-installer.exe Fixed color corection

    Vision 0.0.5 for Windows

    https://raw.github.com/danielng01/product-builds/master/vision/windows/vision-0.0.5-installer.exe Dinamically change values Add the Settings to the Pro version

    Vision 0.0.4 for Windows

    https://raw.github.com/danielng01/product-builds/master/vision/windows/vision-0.0.4-installer.exe Change default settings to 50%

    Vision 0.0.3 for Windows

    https://raw.github.com/danielng01/product-builds/master/vision/windows/vision-0.0.3-installer.exe More user friendly now

    Vision 0.0.2 for Windows

    Published on: Feb 5, 2018 at 12:08 Downloads: 0 Link: https://raw.github.com/danielng01/product-builds/master/vision/windows/vision-0.0.2-installer.exe Vision now comes with 3 different presets in the free version and Pro version with customizable values Enjoy, Daniel :)

    Vision 0.0.1 for Windows

    Published on: Feb 5, 2018 at 12:07 Downloads: 0 Link: https://raw.github.com/danielng01/product-builds/master/vision/windows/vision-0.0.1-installer.exe Ladies and gentelman I want to present to you the beginning of a new era for the Color blinded. By combining lots of math and programming we made desktop application which helps color blind people to see more colors. This software is called Vision and just remember this name :)

    Iris Micro

    Iris micro 0.0.7 for Linux

    Published on: Dec 30, 2016 at 01:10 Downloads: 9061 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-micro/linux/iris-micro-linux-0.0.7.zip This version has both 32-bit and 64-bit executables and automatic desktop files for double clicking

    Iris micro 0.0.6 for Linux

    Published on: Dec 25, 2016 at 13:19 Downloads: 2300 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-micro/linux/iris-micro-linux-0.0.6.zip Updated version of Iris micro for 32-bit Linux with clickable files for day and night mode

    Iris micro 0.0.5 for Windows

    Published on: Dec 21, 2016 at 17:14 Downloads: 12560 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-micro/windows/iris-micro-windows-0.0.5.zip So I removed some automatic code, because the WIN API is broken now just make sure that you run expand_range.reg and restart your PC if this is your first install of Iris, Iris mini or Iris micro. This version was build on Windows XP and I'm sure it will work on every Windows out there. Enjoy, Daniel :)

    Iris micro 0.0.4 for macOS

    Published on: Dec 19, 2016 at 16:52 Downloads: 2642 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-micro/macos/iris-micro-osx-0.0.4.zip There were some bugs for Iris Micro for OSX. One thing is that it was using 100% CPU when run with the & command line option So I fixed this and added .command files instead of sh files. I also updated the Readme and tried to code sign the exec, but there was some problems Gatekeeper is still showing me iris-micro: rejected (the code is valid but does not seem to be an app) Even when the app is signed Here is one solution to the problem, but I not sure if it's good http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39811791/mac-os-gatekeeper-blocking-signed-command-line-tool You know how to fix the "unidentified developer" thing with the settings. One other way is to make App which I did, but somehow my screen got blue screen not red. Somehow some command line parameter is passed. I don't think this is urgent like the CPU bug, but if somebody want's to figure it out start from here http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/200125/how-to-create-an-osx-application-to-wrap-a-call-to-a-shell-script

    Iris micro 0.0.3 for Windows

    Iris micro is command line Iris Published on: Jul 27, 2016 at 13:24 Downloads: 1136 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-micro/windows/iris-micro-windows-0.0.3.zip

    Iris micro 0.0.2 for Windows

    Iris micro is command line Iris Published on: Jul 27, 2016 at 13:23 Downloads: 275 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-micro/windows/iris-micro-windows-0.0.2.zip

    Iris micro 0.0.1 for Windows

    Published on: Jul 27, 2016 at 13:22 Downloads: 285 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-micro/windows/iris-micro-windows-0.0.1.zip

    Iris micro 0.0.3 for macOS

    Published on: Jul 27, 2016 at 13:22 Downloads: 534 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-micro/macos/iris-micro-osx-0.0.3.zip

    Iris micro 0.0.2 for Linux

    Iris micro is command line Iris Published on: Jul 27, 2016 at 13:21 Downloads: 554 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-micro/linux/iris-micro-linux-0.0.2.zip

    Iris Free

    Iris free 0.0.3 for macOS

    Published on: May 21, 2016 at 02:02 Downloads: 2666 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/others/iris-lite/macos/Iris-lite-0.0.3-OSX.dmg

    Iris free 0.0.2 for macOS

    Published on: May 18, 2016 at 03:39 Downloads: 840 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/others/iris-lite/macos/Iris-lite-0.0.2-OSX.dmg Hi, I made free Iris free version for OSX. You can now enjoy blue light and brightness reduction on your Mac. It uses the Iris colors lite open source core not the main Iris code. I had some problems with OSX and there is flicker of colors when you change them, because child process is called. Unfortunately I cannot fix that at least for now this is hard and maybe impossible. If this is really bad for you use Iris instead. It works better. However this version is totally free, clean and super cool :) Screen Shot 2016-05-18 at 4.49.45 AM I bought a new mac :) Actually it's 7 years old but now I can make Iris for iOS and fix bugs on El capitan :P Sincerely yours, Daniel.

    Iris free 0.0.2 for Windows

    Published on: May 18, 2016 at 04:05 Downloads: 15758 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/others/iris-lite/windows/Iris-lite-0.0.2.exe

    Iris free 0.0.1 for Windows

    This page is outdated and Iris is much better now. Download the latest version from the Iris homepage. The bellow version may use a lot of CPU and don't have any kinds of automation If you want free Iris, download Iris mini Published on: Apr 30, 2016 at 18:27 Downloads: 4982 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/others/iris-lite/windows/Iris-lite-0.0.1.exe Hi, Finally totally free version of Iris specially for you :) This is lite version with only blue light reduction and software brightness and is a small step towards more wide audience. I hope you will enjoy this lite version and as you know if you find bug, have suggestion or want to contribute to the open source Iris colors lite write to me. Write to me for everything :) Sincerely yours, Daniel. Untitled Untitled2 Untitled3

    Redshift GUI

    Redshift GUI 0.0.1 for Windows

    Published on: Apr 28, 2016 at 00:58 Downloads: 7132 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/others/redshift-gui/windows/Redshift-0.0.1.exe Alternative link if the download fails. The file should be 43.4MB https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2UcDLDdORiSVHF2Ym82c0xHUWM Hi, Many of you wanted free version of Iris and since you know I love you I decided to make something special. There is one open source project called Redshift, but it doesn't have GUI and you need to understand a lot of tech to compile it and use it. I decided to get this project and make GUI for it. And the code of this will not only be free, but open source. You can find the fork here: https://github.com/danielng01/redshift As this repo is forked it will be open source and under the GNU GPL license :) The Redshift GUI will not be open sourced for now, but the entire program is free as we all love free software. Redshift and Redshift GUI is different from Iris. Iris code for blue light and brightnes reduction and well for everything is entirely different. It was hard for me to even compile this Redshift project. :D This is a small step towards more wide audience and special thing for all Redshift fans. I hope you will enjoy this Redshift GUI version and as you know if you find bug, have suggestion or want to contribute to the open source Redshift write to me. Write to me for everything :) Sincerely yours, Daniel. P.S. I almost forgot here are picture from the GUI Untitled4Untitled5 Untitled Untitled2 Untitled3]]>
    <![CDATA[Iris mini Changelog]]> Tue, 22 Sep 2020 16:32:10 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 33426 2020-09-29 13:45:21 2020-09-22 16:32:10 507161714
  • Windows versions
  • macOS versions
  • Linux
  • Other OS

  • Windows versions

    Iris mini 0.4.1 Installer for Windows

    [download id="12684"] Fixed CPU issue Added hidden feature for Expand range Added hidden feature for About Some hidden features are now available if the software is not Pro

    Iris mini 0.4.0 Installer for Windows

    [download id="9973"] Iris mini automatic location detection fixed because the old service is dead

    Iris mini Installer for Windows (Minor Build)

    Published on: Mar 27, 2018 at 02:09 Downloads: 9568 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini- Black screen on startup on Windows 7 should be fixed

    Iris mini 0.3.9 Installer for Windows

    Published on: Dec 25, 2017 at 15:08 Downloads: 7194 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.3.9-installer.exe Fixed lag when on WLAN with games and etc. Daniel

    Iris mini 0.3.8 Installer for Windows

    Published on: Oct 5, 2017 at 01:03 Downloads: 7464 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.3.8-installer.exe Added new location settings Add minutes for custom time Bug fixes

    Iris mini Installer for Windows (Minor Build)

    Published on: Sep 18, 2017 at 04:08 Downloads: 1464 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini- Fixed Location latitude longitude hidden feature Code sign the uninstaller

    Iris mini Installer for Windows (Minor Build)

    Published on: May 9, 2017 at 23:51 Downloads: 9126 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini- Fixed Ordinal 354 could not be located in the dynamic library LIBEAY32.dll

    Iris mini Installer for Windows (Minor Build)

    Published on: May 5, 2017 at 01:10 Downloads: 2613 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini- Added mode dropdown to the tray icon Disable calibration after color range expand Crash course after calibration finished

    Iris mini Installer for Windows (Minor Build)

    Published on: Mar 26, 2017 at 10:49 Downloads: 5739 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini- Fixed the Manual mode not changing

    Iris mini 0.3.7 Installer for Windows

    Published on: Mar 14, 2017 at 03:46 Downloads: 3521 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.3.7-installer.exe Start adding code for keyboard shortcuts in Iris mini and several bug fixes

    Iris mini 0.3.6 Installer for Windows

    Published on: Feb 21, 2017 at 05:11 Downloads: 5836 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.3.6-installer.exe Bug fixes and the new licensing model. Switched to VS 2013 again

    Iris mini 0.3.5 Installer for Windows

    Published on: Feb 17, 2017 at 03:19 Downloads: 1158 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.3.5-installer.exe Fix Iris mini to work on Windows XP and Windows Vista

    Iris mini 0.3.3 Installer for Windows

    Published on: Feb 11, 2017 at 05:51 Downloads: 4076 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.3.3-installer.exe Fix for application failed because it could not find or load the Qt Platform plugin "Windows" Fix for ORDINAL NOT FOUND. THE ORDINAL 4430 COULD NOT BE LOCATED IN THE DYNAMIC LINK LIBRARY LIBEAY32.DLL Daniel

    Iris mini 0.3.2 Installer for Windows

    Published on: Feb 7, 2017 at 15:36 Downloads: 3869 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.3.2-installer.exe Fixed the screen flicker on Windows added some shortcuts for hidden features See the hidden features articles https://iristech.co/iris-mini-hidden-features/

    Iris mini 0.3.1 Installer for Windows

    Published on: Feb 7, 2017 at 15:36 Downloads: 449 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.3.1-installer.exe

    Iris mini 0.3.0 Installer for Windows

    Published on: Jan 30, 2017 at 06:06 Downloads: 9669 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.3.0-installer.exe Hi, Iris was not working correctly on Windows 7 and the screen was really black at startup. I'm really sorry about this I was just using Windows 10 and I didn't know about this problem Now the black screen is fixed

    Iris mini 0.2.9 Installer for Windows

    Published on: Jan 27, 2017 at 18:10 Downloads: 2745 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.2.9-installer.exe Hi, This version of Iris mini is digitally signed. I also started to add translation code for different languages. This version also have the code for Team licenses which are activation codes for team with discount.

    Iris mini 0.2.7 Installer for Windows

    Published on: Jan 1, 2017 at 18:13 Downloads: 8284 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.2.7-installer.exe This version is awesome, because it doesn't require admin rights to run and can be installed on any Windows PC Enjoy, Daniel :)

    Iris mini 0.2.7 SFX for Windows

    Published on: Jan 1, 2017 at 18:06 Downloads: 310 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.2.7-sfx.exe SFX means Self-extracting archive. This version of Iris mini is made as Self-extracting archive. Why? Some users work on corporate PC and don't have admin rights to install Iris mini. SFX is one way. From now the Iris mini installer will also work without admin rights and will write the changes to AppData, but I made this version as alternative. Generally you don't need it, but with this version you can choose the install location. With the new Iris mini installer the install location will be fixed for all users in order to avoid confusion, because regular users can't install apps to Program Files and you will get error if you are not running the installer as Admin. Daniel

    Iris mini 0.2.6 Installer for Windows

    Published on: Dec 31, 2016 at 02:08 Downloads: 2437 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.2.6-installer.exe The install and uninstall flow of Iris. Reduced size to 20MB, reduced installer size to 10MB. I have tested it only on Windows 10, so if you get any errors please write to me. Daniel :)

    Iris mini 0.2.5 Installer for Windows

    Published on: Dec 30, 2016 at 22:20 Downloads: 2257 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.2.5-installer.exe Hi, From now on Iris mini will be only with Installer. In this version the notifications was fixed on Windows 10 The uninstaller is also fixed, because it's a new version write in the forum if you get some error when starting the application. Daniel :)

    Iris mini 0.2.4 for Windows XP

    Published on: Dec 21, 2016 at 17:46 Downloads: 2629 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/windows_xp/iris-mini-0.2.4-installer-win_xp.exe This version was build specially for Windows XP Enjoy, Daniel :)

    Iris mini 0.2.2 for Windows + Installer

    Published on: Nov 15, 2016 at 14:38 Downloads: 5784 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.2.2.exe Published on: Nov 15, 2016 at 14:38 Downloads: 2087 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.2.2-installer.exe Hi, In this version I added some much wanted hidden features. Manual night duration by hour, day temperature and day brightness for interpolation and the feature for software mouse (cursor color changing) [enable/disable] manual night duration Use manual night duration with hours. Use set night start time to and set night end time to to change the start and end hours of the night set night start time to [value] Sets the night start time at hour. Use with enable manual night duration. set night end time to [value] Sets the night end time at hour. Use with enable manual night duration. set day temperature to [temperature] Sets the Color temperature during the day to custom value. There will be gradual interpolation between this and the night temperature. set day brightness to [brightness] Sets the Brightness during the day to custom value. There will be gradual interpolation between this and the night brightness. Enjoy, Daniel :)

    Iris mini 0.2.1 for Windows + Installer

    Published on: Oct 27, 2016 at 23:42 Downloads: 652 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.2.1.exe Published on: Oct 27, 2016 at 23:42 Downloads: 495 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.2.1-installer.exe Hi, There are so much new things in this version Most awesome is the inverted mode and the 0K color temperature mode. I will update the hidden features article tomorrow with the new spells Manual mode is by default and Hidden features are enabled by default, because non-technical people was a little bit confused and I am trying to make Iris mini maximal easy to use. And the Window for activation didn't have focus and this was driving me crazy. I fixed this. Now it's focused by default 14633696_1312536185436784_7796809788482492757_o-1 14753309_1312536182103451_7351826949102966641_o To activate this color inversion use the invert As hidden feature invert colors will also work to remove all blue light use zero blue light hidden feature. Enjoy, Daniel :)

    Iris mini 0.2.0 for Windows + Installer

    Published on: Oct 23, 2016 at 02:08 Downloads: 6083 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.2.0.exe Published on: Oct 23, 2016 at 02:09 Downloads: 1566 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.2.0-installer.exe Hi, New Iris mini 0.2.0 with bug fixes Daniel :)

    Iris mini 0.1.9 for Windows + Installer

    Published on: Oct 22, 2016 at 11:44 Downloads: 839 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.1.9-installer.exe Published on: Oct 22, 2016 at 11:45 Downloads: 1332 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.1.9.exe Hi, I fixed a lot of things in this version. I get second monitor and fixed all the problems with second monitor connected with HDMI and VGA cabel. - There are some new awesome Hidden features and new Mixed mode - Tray icon rotation only at night and hidden feature - Use fixer again and hidden feature for fixer - Preserve color calibration during the day - Enable and disable gamma fixer hidden feature - Add manual brightness and temperature hidden feature and mixed mode - Remove old multimonitor code Here are the new hidden features [enable/disable] gamma fixer Gamma fixer is used, because when you unlock your PC or the Video card decides to reset your Screen will reset the colors. Therefore I make slight change of the gamma every second. If you somehow notice this change use "disable gamma fixer". After this when the monitor resets it self click the tray icon several times by hand and Iris mini will work again. [enable/disable]  tray icon rotation The tray icon will rotate when Iris is changing your screen colors and your screen is not calibrated. If you hate this rotation use "disable tray icon rotation" [enable/disable]  manual temperature This is used for the new Mixed mode. The temperature can be manual, but the brightness can be automatic. The icon will change to black also in Mixed mode. [enable/disable]  manual brightness This is used for the new Mixed mode. The brightness can be manual, but the temperature can be automatic. The icon will change to black also in Mixed mode. The menu on Right click is also changed. It's more ugly now, but it works perfect on all OS. tray-icon-menu-0-1-9 Enjoy, Daniel :)

    Iris mini 0.1.7 for Windows + Installer

    Published on: Oct 2, 2016 at 16:02 Downloads: 956 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.1.7-installer.exe Published on: Oct 2, 2016 at 16:02 Downloads: 3421 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.1.7.exe For version with installer/uninstaller Click here Hi, I have really good news. From this version Iris mini will also work on Windows XP 14488979_1255280951172589_671604017_o Enjoy, Daniel

    Iris mini 0.1.6 for Windows + Installer

    Published on: Sep 30, 2016 at 00:38 Downloads: 2913 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.1.6.exe Published on: Sep 30, 2016 at 00:39 Downloads: 416 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.1.6-installer.exe Hi, This is updated version of Iris mini with notifications when no internet connection activation. For Windows. If you want version with installer and uninstaller use this Daniel

    Iris mini 0.1.4 for Windows + Installer

    Published on: Sep 9, 2016 at 01:04 Downloads: 1290 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.1.4-installer.exe Published on: Sep 9, 2016 at 01:05 Downloads: 7078 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.1.4.exe Hi, In this version there are some cool new things. For example the new hidden features hidden-features For more info here There is also version with Installer Enjoy, Daniel

    Iris mini 0.1.3 for Windows + Installer

    Published on: Sep 2, 2016 at 02:22 Downloads: 957 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.1.3.exe Published on: Sep 7, 2016 at 15:37 Downloads: 818 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.1.3-installer.exe Hi, This version is important for the people who use Iris mini Pro. Several people told me about problems after updating Windows 10 with activation. I searched the problem a lot and rewrited almost all of the licensing logic. By updating to this version your Iris mini Pro problems should be fixed. The problem was only with Win 10 I think, but still this is the fix. Everything should happen automatically now. If you expirience any problems please write to me since I can never test everything on all machines. Thank you for using Iris. There is also version with Installer Daniel :)

    Iris mini 0.1.2 for Windows + Installer

    Published on: Aug 8, 2016 at 00:04 Downloads: 2386 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.1.2.exe Published on: Aug 20, 2016 at 16:54 Downloads: 759 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.1.2-installer.exe Hi, In this version there are a lot of fixes for multi monitors. There is also version with Installer Daniel

    Iris mini 0.1.1 for Windows

    Published on: Aug 7, 2016 at 18:09 Downloads: 3253 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.1.1.exe Changelog: - Adding new color icons in the tray. - Fixing multiple monitors bugs - Making exe size lower color-icons-in-tray-iris-mini

    Iris mini 0.1.0 for Windows

    Published on: Aug 7, 2016 at 17:57 Downloads: 2149 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.1.0.exe Changelog: - adding new color icons in the tray color-icons-in-tray-iris-mini

    Iris mini 0.0.9 for Windows

    Published on: Aug 7, 2016 at 17:56 Downloads: 2607 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.0.9.exe Changelog: - adding new color icons in the tray color-icons-in-tray-iris-mini

    Iris mini 0.0.8 for Windows

    Published on: Aug 7, 2016 at 15:57 Downloads: 2156 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.0.8.exe Changelog: - Fixing multiple monitors bugs

    Iris mini 0.0.7 for Windows + Installer

    Published on: Aug 5, 2016 at 23:56 Downloads: 2886 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.0.7-installer.exe Hi, this version of Iris mini is with Installer and Uninstaller. Unline the standart version which is portable with this version you will get desktop shortcut and uninstaller in Add or Remove programs Enjoy, Daniel

    Iris mini 0.0.6 for Windows

    Published on: Aug 4, 2016 at 10:16 Downloads: 3018 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.0.6.exe Changelog: - Bug fix for Tray icon menu

    Iris mini 0.0.5 for Windows

    Published on: Aug 3, 2016 at 16:43 Downloads: 2143 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.0.5.exe Changelog: - Fixed this crash error - Fix tray icon on Windows 10

    Iris mini 0.0.4 for Windows

    Published on: Aug 1, 2016 at 14:46 Downloads: 2258 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.0.4.exe Changelog: - Fix Iris mini ot make shortcut to the Start menu on start and to be searchable on Windows 10 Untitled Untitled

    Iris mini 0.0.3 for Windows

    Published on: Jul 30, 2016 at 19:42 Downloads: 2257 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.0.3.exe Changelog: - Mostly bug fixing

    Iris mini 0.0.2 for Windows

    Free and automatic Iris Published on: Jul 27, 2016 at 13:19 Downloads: 2172 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.0.2.exe

    Iris mini 0.0.1 for Windows

    Free and automatic Iris Published on: Jul 23, 2016 at 17:32 Downloads: 1700 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/windows/iris-mini-0.0.1.exe

    macOS Versions

    Iris mini 0.4.0 for Mac OSX

    [download id="9972"] Fix automatic location detection

    Iris mini 0.3.9 for Mac OSX

    Published on: Dec 25, 2017 at 21:36 Downloads: 6171 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/macos/iris-mini-0.3.9-OSX.zip Fixed 100% CPU usage update externals

    Iris mini for macOS

    Published on: May 5, 2017 at 02:05 Downloads: 5123 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/macos/iris-mini-

    Iris mini for macOS

    Published on: Mar 31, 2017 at 12:56 Downloads: 1148 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/macos/iris-mini- This version is fix for Dr. Jay problem about flickering when computer goes on from standby Also some tray icon fix for example to switch to Manual mode when you click some option, because people write to me that it's not working when on Automatic and find it confusing Daniel :)

    Iris mini 0.3.3 for Mac OSX

    Published on: Feb 10, 2017 at 06:04 Downloads: 4637 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/macos/iris-mini-0.3.3-OSX.zip Hi, In this version of Iris several things are fixed and the experience is little bit better. The is now a Window to move Iris to Applications folder for easy installation Screen flicker when f.lux is running is fixed Iris mini now works automatically on multiple monitors And the problem with the missing icon is now fixed Enjoy, Daniel :)

    Iris mini 0.2.3 for Mac OSX

    Published on: Dec 10, 2016 at 04:43 Downloads: 9359 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/macos/iris-mini-0.2.3-OSX.zip Published on: Dec 10, 2016 at 04:44 Downloads: 1 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/macos/iris-mini-0.2.3-OSX.pkg Hi, This version is awesome, because I finally fixed the Unknown developer problem. Some hidden features are added and day temperature is 5000K Daniel :)

    Iris mini 0.2.1 for Mac OSX

    Published on: Oct 28, 2016 at 17:40 Downloads: 2046 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/macos/iris-mini-0.2.1-OSX.dmg Hi, In this version of Iris mini there is color inversion and Zero blue light Many bug fixes and many improvements :) [fbvideo link="https://www.facebook.com/iristech.co/videos/1314975331859536/" width="500" height="400" onlyvideo="1"] 14563368_1314974335192969_2107178778099399138_n 14563437_1314974328526303_5212399870930870822_n 14610976_1314974378526298_3707243850723693021_n With love, Daniel :)

    Iris mini for Mac OSX 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) version 0.0.1

    Published on: Oct 2, 2016 at 15:33 Downloads: 5302 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/macos/snow_leopard/iris-mini-for-mac-osx-10.6.8-version-0.0.1.dmg Hi, Several people wanted Iris mini for Mac OSX 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) Since I write Iris mini at C++11 which is not supported on Macs this old I needed to rewrite almost all code for Iris mini. This version matches the Iris mini 0.1.6 for Mac OSX and I will support in only when someone requests something new from me. I know your pain. The first Mac that I used to develop Iris was like 10 years old. Use this version for your old buddy :) Sincerely yours, Daniel

    Iris mini 0.1.6 for Mac OSX

    Published on: Sep 30, 2016 at 01:02 Downloads: 3018 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/macos/iris-mini-0.1.6-OSX.dmg Hi, This is updated version of Iris mini with notifications when no internet connection activation. For Mac OSX over 10.6.8. There is also Iris mini for Mac OSX 10.6.8, but chechout the posts to find it Daniel

    Iris mini 0.1.5 for Mac OSX

    Published on: Sep 10, 2016 at 23:04 Downloads: 3499 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/macos/iris-mini-0.1.5-OSX.dmg Hi, In this version there are hidden features for Mac also and now Iris mini will start at startup on Mac screen-shot-2016-09-10-at-7-15-31-pm screen-shot-2016-09-10-at-7-14-37-pm Enjoy, Daniel

    Iris mini 0.1.3 for macOS

    Published on: Sep 3, 2016 at 17:54 Downloads: 71 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/macos/iris-mini-0.1.3-OSX.dmg

    Iris mini 0.1.2 for macOS

    Published on: Aug 31, 2016 at 10:45 Downloads: 309 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/macos/iris-mini-0.1.2-OSX.dmg Hi, I fixed some problems with pro activation not working and this is updated version with the new awesome UI iris-mini-0.1.2-OSX Daniel

    Iris mini 0.0.4 for Mac OSX

    Iris mini for OSX Published on: Aug 3, 2016 at 00:03 Downloads: 2418 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/macos/iris-mini-0.0.4-OSX.dmg Screen Shot 2016-08-03 at 12.59.59 AM

    Linux versions

    Iris mini 0.3.8 for Linux 64-bit

    Published on: Mar 18, 2017 at 02:21 Downloads: 16443 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/linux/iris-mini-0.3.8-linux-64bit.tar.gz

    Iris mini 0.3.8 for Linux 32-bit

    Published on: Mar 18, 2017 at 02:20 Downloads: 2440 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/linux/iris-mini-0.3.8-linux-32bit.tar.gz

    Iris mini 0.3.8 for Linux

    Published on: Mar 18, 2017 at 02:34 Downloads: 522 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/linux/iris-mini-0.3.8.zip

    Iris mini 0.2.2 for Linux

    Published on: Jan 2, 2017 at 15:28 Downloads: 3960 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/linux/iris-mini-0.2.2-linux.zip   This version is made for both Linux 32 and 64 bit and I added some file for more easy starting of the program. Start the program by double clicking the "Iris mini" file with terminal icon or by running sh iris_mini.sh in Terminal Daniel :)

    Iris mini 0.2.1 for Linux

    Published on: Oct 31, 2016 at 13:57 Downloads: 3203 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/linux/iris-mini-0.2.1-linux.zip New version for Linux with Color inversion and Zero blue light mode For both 32-bit and 64-bit Linux Daniel

    Iris mini 0.1.8 for Linux

    Published on: Oct 9, 2016 at 01:23 Downloads: 3239 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/linux/iris-mini-0.1.8-linux.zip 2 words: It works. On both 32-bit and 64-bit Linux Desktop and Applications shortcuts. Start at startup Super cool Tray icon design I recommend Ubuntu/Xubuntu and Debian based systems. I have not tested it on other systems, but it should work 14500449_1294542327236170_3427126202189385346_o 14524970_1294919897198413_1294447068177096626_o 14567490_1294855883871481_6967442059285646622_o 14633358_1294938513863218_1056552393844402420_o linux Enjoy, Daniel :)

    Iris mini 0.0.8 for Linux

    Published on: Sep 2, 2016 at 19:06 Downloads: 3011 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/linux/iris-mini-0.0.8-linux.zip Hi, I removed some files in the libs folder in order for the file to run without Segmentation fault on some machines Daniel

    Iris mini 0.0.7 for Linux

    Iris for both 32-bit and 64-bit linux. Published on: Aug 4, 2016 at 21:39 Downloads: 553 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/linux/iris-mini-0.0.7-linux.zip For 32-bit you can just double click the executable, but for 64-bit there are some extra steps. For Ubuntu/Debian
    sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    For the other distros add support for i386 architechture somehow with the command line. Then run with sh iris-mini.sh Enjoy, Daniel

    Iris mini 0.0.6 for Linux

    It's finally here Published on: Aug 4, 2016 at 12:23 Downloads: 334 Link: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds/raw/master/iris-mini/linux/iris-mini-0.0.6-linux And works on all Linux distributions! :) Note: If you have 64-bit linux run this in terminal
    sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386
    sudo apt-get install x11-xserver-utils:i386 cpp:i386
    sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0
    sudo ldconfig
    sudo find / | grep libxcb-randr.so.0 Or install the corresponding i386 for your distro I should write tutorial probably. If it does not work it's, because your system is 64-bit iris-mini-linux

    <![CDATA[How do I know if Iris is working]]> Sun, 31 May 2020 19:02:04 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 32349 2020-05-31 19:02:04 2020-05-31 19:02:04 670
  • When Iris is working your screen should be more yellow/orange/red depending of the time of the day
  • See this
  • Here are steps to fix Iris if the effect is not working
  • Answers also

    • Iris effect is of no real productive, the problem still persist of drying of eyes
    • How do I know if Iris effect works
    <![CDATA[Control Iris via Script or Command line]]> Tue, 28 Apr 2020 20:53:09 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 30388 2020-04-28 20:53:09 2020-04-28 20:53:09 766
  • You can control Iris programmatically via URL scheme like these:
  • You can also use the Magic links API
  • The Magic links API will display a page if you don't have Iris installed
  • All hidden features are supported
  • For more fine control you can use the free Iris micro
  • Answers also

    • Is there a way from the command line (OSX) to change types? For example, from Sleep to Biohacker, or from Biohacker to Programming?
    <![CDATA[TODO]]> Sat, 04 Apr 2020 14:35:55 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 30276 2020-09-05 14:53:16 2020-04-04 14:35:55 670
  • color triggers with lightroom do not work, what to do, or maybe there is an opportunity to change the night mode to day mode
  • ]]>
    <![CDATA[Blue light facts]]> Tue, 31 Mar 2020 15:37:13 +0200 Content Manager 30270 2020-05-25 12:39:51 2020-03-31 15:37:13 105 blue-light-computer-at-night

    We are exposing ourselves to blue light every day so we are here to share some blue light facts with you.

    Even if one doesn’t use any specific digital devices they still get in touch with the blue light.

    This is because blue light is everywhere and it cannot be avoided.

    Therefore we all have to be aware of the blue light’s specifications, so we can prepare and be aware of everything.

    If you want to learn everything important about the blue light, keep on reading!

    In this article, we are going to see what exactly blue light is and how it behaves.

    Also, we will show you how to make the most of the blue light and how to get yourself protected.

    Blue light is everywhere

    If you have been thinking that you would get rid of the blue light just by switching your computer off, you have been mistaken. Blue light is part of the natural white light that comes from the sun. And it is also part of your home LED lighting. Nowadays, the blue light is everywhere. The truth is that the healthy levels of blue light depend on the time you spend looking at it. There is a difference between working eight hours on a computer without a break and using it only to check on the news. If you want to be safe, then reduce to a minimum the usage of devices like computers, smartphones, and tablets. Of course, we know this cannot be possible if you get your income from working on a computer. Therefore you should continue reading understand more about blue light facts and useful info.

    Blue light can regulate your circadian rhythm and moods

    One other treat to the blue light is that it can change your sleeping routine. The circadian rhythm is what your natural clock is called. It is responsible for your waking and sleeping cycles throughout the day. The blue light can trick your mind to think that it is daytime and this will stop the production of melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone of sleep and its production is usually triggered by dim light and the late hours of the day. Moreover, when your sleep schedule gets disrupted, there can occur depression and anxiety.

    It is going to make an impact on your productivity and most of all it will cause stress to your body. The best way to avoid this from happening is to limit your blue light intake in the late hours before you go to bed. For example, dim the lights two hours before the usual time you go to sleep and forget about your phone and computer, and also about watching TV. You can read a book, play some games or play with your pet, anything that doesn’t involve an LCD screen.

    Your eyes are unsecured from the blue light

    The human eyes are very light-sensitive organs. And while we have some kind of UV protection given to us naturally, we cannot keep our eyes safe from the blue light without the proper eyewear. Sunglasses are the best way to keep the harmful light away while being outside. The sunglasses must be always with high-quality lenses and UV protective film. However, while the blue light that is coming from the sun is not that harmful, the one coming from the technology can cause many eye diseases.

    Eyesight problems and how to reduce them with Iris

    Blue light causes eye strain and other diseases

    It is a wide known fact that the blue light is the reason behind many eye diseases and eye strain. It can damage your eyesight and many kids worldwide are wearing glasses thanks to that. After a long-hour period of starting at a monitor, you may suffer a slight discomfort. There can be vision disruptions like blurred vision, blind spots, and also headaches. In the long run, the blue light radiation can lead to age-related macular degeneration, which is close to complete vision loss.

    How to stay protected from the blue light?

    There are several secure ways to protect your eyes from the harmful rays. If you are working on a computer you can buy computer glasses. They have a special coating on the lenses that filters the blue light and restricts its reach to the eyes. Though they are not completely effective. With them, only a certain amount of the blue light gets filtered. The other effective way of keeping your eyes safe and to prevent eye diseases is with a blue light filter for PC.

    Iris is such a blue light filter. It is a computer program that has already helped thousands of people around the world from any age – from students to seniors. Iris can be installed easily on your computer or mobile phone and personalizing it is very easy. You can choose between a variety of filter modes for the activities that you do. Like reading, watching movies, programming, working, biohacking, and many more. Remember that blue light is harming your sleep, so with Iris, you will be able to sleep like a child again. You won't wake up with red eyes or being tired anymore.

    Last words

    The blue light is a threat that nobody can escape from since it is all around us. However, we can find a way to stop it from doing any damage to our eyes and our health. With Iris, this is going to feel like a piece of cake! Take your health in your hands and make the change for a better lifestyle now and we hope that these blue light facts have been interesting.         Author: Yoana Borisova [ssba-buttons]]]>
    <![CDATA[I’ve used a blue light filter on all of my devices for a month: here is what happened]]> Mon, 30 Mar 2020 14:28:06 +0200 Content Manager 30265 2020-05-25 20:48:56 2020-03-30 14:28:06 651

    Maybe using a blue light filter is a way to better your health?

    I am sure that what you are looking for is in front of your eyes.

    So let me tell you more.

    Where a month is enough to fill your days with vitality.

    I am left to convince myself.

    Turning on to the normal?

    I'll start with a little background first. We presumably all know how blue light emits from screens and all digital devices. But not everything ends here. The problems that lurk behind it are very often our choice. And how we protect ourselves from it is of great importance. We face it every day and our eyes do not get what they need most. Exactly, rest. Think when you wake up in the morning and your first task of the day is to reach for your smartphone. You open red bubbles or social networks one at a time, and why not your favorite magazine. You enter inside into the deep loop.

    Even if your work is a necessary connection to a screen, your eyes get paid when you pour yourself back into bed. But, it seems to me that this is everyone's usual routine. And what do you think? We spend too much time on devices such as smartphones, tablets, computers, and more. We do not pay attention to the time taken. And after all this morning, we charge attack our daily work habits or wherever we are. Violating the integrity of our health. This would give rise to different types of diseases in us. Which to some extent are now considered normal...But still, to combat them we need a blue light filter.


    An example that is rising according to one or the other statistics. and sufferers is increasing. Your biggest enemy at night. Without normal sleep within 8 hours, your daily activity decreases. Both physical and mental problems occur.

    Red eyes

    Do not allow red eyes to hang long on your face. On the one hand, this is a normal problem. Whether it was born from dust or when in a high-temperature room. But frequent irradiation also leads to red eyes. The blurring of the eye decreases and this results in blurred vision and eye fatigue. And that is a small part of the damage done to our blue adversary. Blue light shifts the healthy balance of the body and eyes. And despite the damage. It causes us every day, skepticism prevents us from understanding the truth. Well, is she guilty?

    Why a blue light filter?

    I clear can say that the fault lies within ourselves. Blue light may not always be a detriment to us or, if it is, the solution can always repulse. For example, the sun is also a source of harmful rays. UV rays are the same principle. But without it, we cannot imagine having a growing plant. And as much as it prevents, the alternative method always works. Sunglasses are a good example of the sun. Therefore, to be honest with you, I'll share it with you. I suffered from the above two problems. My biological clock transmitted me daily. Regular sleepiness unleashed huge fatigue in me. As well as other eye problems such as blurred vision, bright colors and dry eyeball. At that point, you have to take the appropriate steps.

    No hesitation should be present at all when it comes to health. The decision made failed to raise my grades at university... But I completely claim to have changed my lifestyle. And like every human being on the planet is not perfect. As one of them, each lame with something in their health. Then I researched what would be appropriate in a case like mine. The screen dimmer is one such solution. The investment I made for my health. Within two weeks, the change is already felt. And as it became clear to us about the problems of blue light, let me now explain how filters work against it. Yet, first of all, there are a variety of screen filters on the market.


    New smartphones, for example, have included "night mode" in their software. As the name suggests, it gives you the right to reduce the level of blue light in the evening. But that is not enough. The yellow-orange hue emitted by digital devices. It comes as a direct result of the way the screens themselves emit light. Light consists of electromagnetic particles traveling in waves. Together they create the electromagnetic spectrum. Each has a different length, the shorter the wave, the higher the energy. The blue light spectrum has the shortest wavelength. This means that it produces a very large amount of energy. This is why it is so damaging to our health.

    Your decision makes you

    And once the decision is completely in your hands, let me tell you in conclusion. The conclusion echoed by thousands of users in the Iris blue light filter. Supported by medical professionals. And people who support their health and the health of the community. Differences in daily life reflected in the first week. You have the right to use it anywhere. On your smartphone, tablet, laptop wherever you want. Insomnia stops chasing you, and eye problems erased from your face. Using Iris for only a month. On your smart devices will change your perceptions of working with a track. Unlike the built-in "night mode" Iris is a software that has different mods for your needs. Suitable for adults who devote their time to work. For children spending hours in the virtual world. And even for grandparents, improving vision without glasses. And how do we work? Very easy, with one click you get a one week test period. Don't hesitate, try Iris now!

            Author: Nikolay Tasev [ssba-buttons]  ]]>
    <![CDATA[Do carrots help your eyes?]]> Fri, 27 Mar 2020 12:32:51 +0200 Content Manager 30259 2020-05-25 20:48:53 2020-03-27 12:32:51 19

    The world we live in is dominated by unhealthy lifestyles and nutrition.

    After years of living in such a way, people have started noticing how badly their food choices can affect their health and well-being.

    That is why in recent years organic, healthy and nutritious foods have gained popularity.

    Now people panic when things aren't "bio" enough.

    It may be really hard to know what is good for you and what is not when there is so much information on the Internet.

    However, eating a balanced diet is the best choice a person can make.

    Having your favorite cookies from time to time won't damage your health at all, but you should still try to consume healthy food.

    Why are carrots that important?

    There are many beneficial foods on the market, but one is often overlooked. Everyone always runs to buy kale or avocado, but people do not pay enough attention to carrots. They are crunchy and delicious and can be used for tons of dishes – soups, cakes, etc., or as a snack – just add some hummus! The best part is that carrots are not only extremely tasty but also essential for your health. They are a good source of vitamins A (from beta carotene), B6, K1; also potassium and biotin; low in fat, protein, and sugar. Carrots can reduce the risk of cancer; lower blood cholesterol; help the digestive system and diabetes treatment; strengthen bones, increase hair growth; make the skin glow; help the teeth; etc.

    The link between carrots and your eyes

    "If you eat tons of carrots you will have healthy and powerful eyes". Most people have heard this sentence at least once in their life and the chance of hearing it when they were little is even greater. Parents love to say this to their kids to keep them eating healthy. It is something like: "Sack Man will come and pick you up if you are naughty" or "If you are a good kid Santa Claus will bring you presents". Sooner or later everyone learns the truth about those magical characters. Now the day to break the myth about vision and carrots has come.

    Where the myth comes from?

    Everything has started with British propaganda from World War II. There were two reasons which motivated the creation of the campaign. The first one is that during this time, The Royal Air Force was using a new radar system called Airborne Interception Radar, which helped the pilots to target German bombers more efficiently throughout nighttime missions. The radar was a new technology and a top-secret, therefore carrots were rumored to be the reason for the pilots' success. It is not clear if Germans actually believed this, but British people surely did. The second is related to food shortages. The Germans blockaded food supply ships and foods such as bacon, sugar, eggs couldn't be delivered. But carrots, on the other hand, can be grown at home. Therefore, people were encouraged to do that.

    The government told people that carrots will help them see during wartime blackouts. Advertising brochures with different slogans were everywhere. One of them said: "Carrots keep you healthy and help you see in the blackout". Carrots were promoted as the main ingredient in tons of dishes, especially in desserts, because of the sugar they contain. People made carrot pudding, carrot fudge, carrot marmalade, etc. To make the campaign accessible to children, the British Ministry of Food created a new character - Dr. Carrot. He was everywhere - radio shows, posters, etc. Disney helped too - one of the leading cartoonists in the company designed a whole family inspired by Dr. Carrot - Carroty George, Pop Carrot and Clara Carrot. The propaganda campaign has left its mark on people's minds to this day. As we already mentioned it is not uncommon to hear that carrots will help you improve your eyesight and make you see 20/20 without wearing your glasses. As good as it may sound this is not exactly the truth.

    Is the myth true?

    Now that we made clear where this myth comes from, it is time to talk about some scientifically proven facts. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and lutein, which are high antioxidants. That's why they can prevent eye damage provoked by free radicals - the ones that lead to eye diseases, chronic illnesses, and aging. Foods that contain more lutein, like yellow carrots, can protect you from AMD (age-related macular degeneration). Beta-carotene gives a lot of yellow and orange plants their coloring. Consequently, orange carrots are extremely high in beta-carotene which the body converts to vitamin A. This particular vitamin protects the surface (cornea) of the eye, which is crucial for good eye vision. Vitamin A also forms rhodopsin - the pigment in your eye cells that helps you see at night.

    The lack of vitamin A is the main reason for blindness among people nowadays. Every year more than 200,000 kids become blind because of vitamin A deficiency. It can also lead to xerophthalmia - a state in which the eyes cannot tear. This results in dryness, swelling of the eyelids, etc. It is also important to say that your body absorbs the beta carotene better when you eat cooked rather than raw carrots! The answer to the question is yes, carrots are very good for eyesight but they don’t improve vision like a magic wind. The key to having strong and healthy eyes is to eat a balanced diet rich in Vitamin A. For healthy eyes, it is advisable to consume more foods such as spinach, kale, salmon, tuna, eggs, nuts, beans, oranges, etc.

    What else can you do?

    If you want to take good care of your eyesight you should quit most of your bad habits - drinking and smoking too much, not wearing sunglasses or staring at the monitor. To keep your eyes protected even when you are working long hours in front of the screen, you can download the Iris software (or app). Iris decreases the amount of blue light emitted from the screen and controls the brightness. The program does it automatically because it’s able to detect if it’s day or night. You can also customize it as much as you want which is helpful for people who are not that much into technologies. It works on both computers and phones! Iris has 3 modes – automatic, manual and paused. The wide variety of types (health, sleep, reading, etc) is another cool feature the program has. Iris has a free version too so you are left without excuses not to download it.

    Last words

    The myth that carrots improve your eyesight may have been born long ago in the form of propaganda. Whatsoever that doesn't mean it's not true. Carrots are full of vitamins needed for the eyes. That is why they can help you keep your eyes healthy. They just won't improve your vision. But if you want to take good care of your eyesight, you should eat a balanced diet, not only carrots. It is also recommended to reduce the harmful blue light Đžn electronic devices using either blue light blocking glasses or by installing a softwarĐľ that does the same job (like Iris).           Author: Anna Tsaneva [ssba-buttons]  ]]>
    <![CDATA[10 productivity tips for working from home]]> Thu, 26 Mar 2020 12:22:42 +0200 Content Manager 30251 2020-05-25 20:48:47 2020-03-26 12:22:42 423 productivity at work

    With the constantly new possibilities of technologies working from home has never been so accessible.

    A lot of jobs now offer placements for people who can only work from home.

    What are more, big companies give their employees permission to work from a home office for a couple of days per year?

    Is it a good option though or how to make the most out of it? Let’s find out together!

    It is probably a dream for a number of people to work from home.

    Since our home is a safe place we feel most comfortable there.

    No extra pressure, no annoying colleagues and rude bosses, no meters - long traffic.

    Just us and our working materials - as simple as that.

    But working from home can sometimes be tricky.

    There is a higher chance to get distracted by your lovely pet, the meal you are cooking or the bed which is calling for you.

    For this reason, we have decided to list a few tips that can boost your productivity while working from home.

    Our top 10 tips for boosting your home office productivity

    Here are our suggestions for you, people working from home, who struggle to do it as effectively:

    Set up a working space

    Assumingly, not a lot of you can turn a whole room of their house into an office. This is not an excuse to sit on the couch in front of the TV though. The kitchen table or the desk in your bedroom is much of a better choice. Sitting there with your laptop and notebook will automatically mean to turn your working mode on. It is important to feel comfortable as well - make sure to take the right position which won’t result in a hurting back or neck. You should not think that you will never be out of the office if you have one at home. On the contrary, having a specially designed working space in your house is going to be the best office you will ever work in. Besides, just like the other one - you have a schedule and the moment you go out, you are absolutely free to do whatever.

    Have a plan

    As with most things, it is better to have things planned in advance. You can list all of the tasks you want to accomplish during your working session the night before or in the morning. Such notes will be quite helpful in not letting distractions walk you out of your way. Simply check out every task you are done with and stay motivated! Something else you should actually plan is for how long you are going to work. People can stay focused on a single task for around 90 to 120 minutes. Therefore it is a good idea to separate your working sessions in, let’s say, 5 of 90 to 120 minutes each. Have a 15 to 20 minutes break between every session. This way you will get the most out of your productivity.

    productivity at work

    Limit your social media access

    Scrolling through social media is one of the easiest ways to distract yourself. In a bad way. It literally takes seconds to unlock your phone and open Instagram. But it can take you hours to close it down. That is why it is advisable to set some limits to your social media usage while you are working. You can either leave your phone in another room or if you need it, just try to use it on purpose. Turning off notifications is a great step for yourself not to be distracted. Allow yourself to check on the social media platforms only during your breaks or before you start working at all.

    Do not procrastinate

    One of the worst things you could do for your productivity. Getting only half of your work done won’t get you anywhere. It will turn into a vicious cycle you won’t be able to escape from. Unless it is a case of emergency, just push yourself a little bit harder and do everything you have set up for today.

    Go outside

    Working all day can definitely be tiring. It is a great idea to just go out for a walk if the weather is nice and clear your head. You will surely feel relaxed and energized afterward, ready to smash all of the resting work.

    Download Iris, a blue - light blocking software

    Having software that blocks the blue light emitted from your device’s screen won’t tire your eyes as much and will protect them. Iris is an amazing example of such software. Iris comes with a few different modes which allow you to choose the best one for your activity. What is more, using Iris will have a good impact on your sleep because your body’s internal clock won’t be messed up. Let’s summarize - with Iris you will be more productive during your work sessions and will sleep better!

    Tell your family and friends about your goals

    By letting your loved ones know that you are going to be busy throughout the day you will more likely be interrupted every couple of minutes. They will respect your wish to work effectively and will help you reach your goals for the day by letting you do your job peacefully. And when you are done, you can unwind together by going out for dinner, watching your favorite show or however, you like to spend your time off.

    Get (kind of) dressed

    No, do not be scared - we do not mean to wear a suit or high heels at home! But wearing jeans instead of pajamas can also get you in the mood for working. This trick works on a psychological level. After all, who watches Netflix with their jeans on?

    Start early

    Just like you would if you worked in an office. Get up, get dressed, prepare your breakfast and coffee and sit on your desk to get things done. It may be hard at first, especially if you are not a morning person. But you will definitely notice how much more productive you will be if you start working early in the day. Of course, once you have turned this into a habit you will find it much easier.

    Do not put too much pressure on yourself

    Working wherever can be quite stressful. If you work hard enough, you will get where you want to be. This does not necessarily mean to be consumed by your job. You should be able to know where to put the line between work and personal life. When you are done working, try not to think much about it. Instead, try to relax while doing the things you enjoy. This way you will be full of energy the next day which will result in a good productivity level of your working session!

    Bonus tips: eat well, pay attention to the quality of your sleep and be as active as possible. These are the top three priorities you should have in order to feel your best. If you have any special needs, consult with a medical professional.


    Working from home can be both a blessing and a curse. Some will find it easier than others and the reverse as well. We hope that by making this list we have helped you even a tiny bit to arrange your working days at home better. Just plan ahead, limit the distractions as much as possible and have regular breaks in order to clear your head. And of course, keep doing a great job!         Author: Ilina Stoyanova [ssba-buttons]]]>
    <![CDATA[Things you need to know about macular degeneration]]> Wed, 25 Mar 2020 18:50:10 +0200 Content Manager 30234 2020-05-28 23:31:34 2020-03-25 18:50:10 361

    Macular degeneration or also known as age-related MD (ARMD) is an eye disease that most commonly affects people over the age of 65.

    In this article, we will make you familiar with the disease itself, its causes and symptoms and potential treatment methods.

    ARMD is an eye condition that causes deterioration of the macula.

    The macula is the small central area of the eye’s retina and is responsible for visual acuity.

    Thanks to a healthy macula we are able to read, drive, recognize faces, watch our favorite tv - shows and everything else which requires the ability to see in detail.

    Macular degeneration is common in elderly people since it basically represents macula wear.

    There is, however, a condition called Stargardt disease or juvenile macular degeneration, that affects children and young adults.

    About 5% of blindness reason is ARMD.

    Due to the aging population, the number of people affected might reach 288 million by 2040.

    Studies among Americans show that age-related macular degeneration more often affects white people than Afro - Americans, Hispanics or other ethnic groups (2,5% vs. 0,9%).

    Forms of age-related macular degeneration

    There are two main forms of macular degeneration a person can be diagnosed with:

    Dry (non - neovascular) age-related macular degeneration

    The dry form of age-related macular degeneration occurs in more cases than the wet one. It is actually the beginning stage of the disease. Usually, it is caused by the thinning and aging of the macula. During this period pieces of fat and protein, also known as “drusen” accumulate in and around the macula. They represent a yellow spot and serve as a way to diagnose dry age-related macular degeneration. When the disease starts to develop, there may be no symptoms at all. Therefore it is advisable to get an eye exam every once in a while. Especially if you fall into the category with a higher chance of developing an eye disease. Yet, some symptoms of dry age-related macular degeneration eventually appear and may consist of:

    • reading difficulties and blurred vision when trying to read printed texts
    • recognizing people’s faces difficult
    • the faded appearance of colors
    • less defined vision

    Wet (neovascular) age-related macular degeneration

    As we have already mentioned, most cases of age-related macular degeneration are with the dry form. About 10% of these cases though develop the wet form of the eye disease. We know it as “wet” because of blood and fluid leaking from newly formed blood vessels beneath the retina. Exactly this results in blind spots in central vision. Wet age-related macular degeneration is actually caused by choroidal neovascularization - this the body’s attempt to build a new network of blood vessels in order to supply more nutrients and oxygen to the retina. Unfortunately, the process leads even to vision loss in some cases.

    We can distinguish two categories of wet age-related macular degeneration and namely:
    • Occult - less leakage of blood and fluid and also less vision loss.
    • Classic - causing more severe vision loss.
    The symptoms of wet age-related macular degeneration may match with the ones of the dry form. However, they may also include:
    • metamorphopsia - straight lines start to appear wavy
    • central scotoma - getting a blind spot in central vision, which grows bigger if not treated.


    At the beginning of the article, we have clarified that age-related macular degeneration affects people over the age of 60. But what are the causes of it? Of course, as with any other disease, you have a higher chance of developing it if someone in your family has it / has had it. In this case, it will be three to four times more likely that you will have it as you grow old. This has been proved by a few studies, which show that variants of some genes are to be found in most of the people with age-related type.

    Still, aging is the factor that plays the biggest role in age-related macular degeneration. To prove it we will mention statistic data: 1 in 14 people over the age of 40 has developed macular degeneration to a certain level. 1 in 8 is the rate for people over 60. For people who are 80 years and older, the rate rises up to 1 in 3. Obesity and an inactive lifestyle are the main causes of a lot of diseases and conditions. People who are overweight have a two times higher chance of getting age-related macular degeneration. This was to be seen in a study, which has been reported in the Archives of Ophthalmology (June 2003). In addition to that, the researchers concluded that people who worked out at least 3 times a week have a lower chance of developing an advanced form of the disease in comparison to inactive participants. Other causes for age-related macular degeneration are smoking, high blood pressure, lighter eye color or side effects from some drugs.


    Sadly, there is no known cure for age-related macular degeneration. Treatment can only slow it down or prevent you from losing too much vision. Some treatments, however, can even improve your vision. What it really depends on is the stage in which the disease is. If you have the dry form you can prevent developing the wet one by a change in your nutrition (try to incorporate foods rich in Omega - 3 fatty acids) or by taking eye supplements. Generally, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Zinc and Copper in different quantities studies find to be helpful. If you have wet age-related macular degeneration your doctor can treat you with drugs or undergo surgery. Before deciding for any of it, however, you should consult with your eye doctor. He will give you a piece of professional advice about what is best for you.


    Macular degeneration is an eye disease that is more common among elderly people over the age of 60. It has two main forms - dry and wet age-related. People think that the wet form is harsher. Still, we recommend you to check your vision regularly and not to neglect your eyes even though it seems you have perfect eyesight. Sometimes the symptoms of age-related type may show up 10 years after the beginning of the disease! Start taking care of your eyes now by downloading Iris - our software has several different modes, depending on your preferences. Whether be it for reading, gaming, watching a movie, Iris will become your best friend and turn your sleepless nights into nights filled with beautiful dreams and deep sleep!

            Author: Ilina Stoyanova [ssba-buttons]  

    <![CDATA[Meditation for better sleep]]> Tue, 24 Mar 2020 11:11:08 +0200 Content Manager 30225 2020-05-25 20:48:44 2020-03-24 11:11:08 380

    The popularity of meditation as a recommended component of a healthy lifestyle has been going only up in recent years.

    Yoga and Pilates have become two of the most popular varieties of exercise.

    However, a lot of people still think of Tibetan monks, sitting in the air when it comes both to meditation and yoga.

    Actually you do not have to possess superpowers in order to practice it. It is quick, calming and beneficial in a number of ways.

    Find out more about the article!

    What is meditation?

    Meditation is practicing mindfulness by focusing the mind on a single emotion or activity. People are doing it to raise awareness and help to achieve a mentally and emotionally calm state. The earliest written records of this practice are dating back to 7th century CE. Meditation often reduces stress, depression, and pain, as well as increasing peace and well - being.

    Reasons for poor sleep

    In a lot of previous articles, we have stressed on how important sleep is. Yet, sleep deprivation becomes even more common among adults. The results of a recent Gallup poll showed that 40% of Americans sleep less than 7 hours per night. In 1942 adults slept for average 7, 9 hours while in 2013 they have dropped to 6, 8. Many people know that our bodies function best when they get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep. Here it is important to mention that you should not focus only on the numbers of hours, but rather on the quality of your sleep. Later on, in the article we will be telling you how to improve it.

    One of the main reasons for sleep deprivation is the technology and more precisely, the blue light emitted from the devices’ screens. This kind of light interrupts our internal body clock since it is being naturally emitted from the Sun. If you expose to it, your body confuses and it disturbs your circadian rhythms. A study showed that the more devices you use throughout the day, the harder you will find falling asleep. These results refer mostly to people who used a device for a long period of time and have put it near them after going to bed. However, Iris can help you a lot in this case.

    The software reduces the blue light emitted from your device’s screen. It works in a few different modes and depends on the action you are performing. It is very easy to work with, cheap and most important, worth every dollar you spend on it. We guarantee that after you try it, you won’t want to use your device without Iris on anymore! Another reason is that our thoughts hit us like a truck once we have become still. There are finally no other distractions and they can bother us freely. This can lead not only to having a hard time falling asleep but to insomnia as well. We all know how irritating this can be. We feel tired but our minds just do not leave us be. What is more, a restless night has a negative impact on our productivity the next day.

    Introduction to meditation for better sleep

    Practicing meditation in order to improve your sleeping patterns is just one of the ways to do it. As described on headspace’s website meditation for better sleep is actually “a specific, guided experience that offers a natural sleep aid all on its own, allowing us to let go of the day (...) so that we can rest the mind while simultaneously resting the body.”. Slower breathing is encouraged during the process, which makes you concentrate on this general task and eventually results in falling asleep easier. You are no longer put under pressure because of your thoughts and you can gently relax. Therefore it is crucial not to force sleep while meditating, but rather just unwind and let yourself go.

    A study from 2012 proved that people who joined a 1 - year-long program, teaching them meditation and mindfulness awareness exercises had less insomnia, fatigue, and depression at the end. These results are in comparison to another group of people, completing a 1 - year-long course teaching them how to improve their sleep. The participants were 49 years of age or older and had a hard time falling asleep. What meditation actually does, is using techniques that “evoke the relaxation response” as Dr. Herbert Benson, director emeritus of the Harvard-affiliated Benson-Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine, says. The relaxation response eases depression, pain, and even high blood pressure.


    There are 2 ways to do meditation for better sleep - either guided or not. If you are new to the whole meditation thing it would probably be easier for you to go for the first option. But again, try not to focus this much on the techniques and instructions and just breathe. Lay down in your bed, close your eyes, take a number of deep breaths and feel your body relaxing. This is the beginning of any session. After that follow the instructions or your own way.

    The guided meditation includes breathing exercises, mindful body scanning, visualization, gratitude, counting, silence. Before starting the meditation you may be asked to briefly review your day - just spend a couple of seconds on every task you accomplished from the time you got up to the moment you got into bed. It is a good way of starting to relax your body. You should pay attention to other aspects of your life as well. Such are diet, stress management, physical activity, and bedtime preparation. Aim to eat a healthy and balanced diet, actively move on a daily basis and find your ways to destress. By “bedtime preparation” is meant not to use a single device at least an hour before bed, arrange your sleeping environment so that it is dark and quiet, and once you have laid down, think of the practice you are about to do.


    If you struggle with falling asleep or suffer from insomnia, meditation for better sleep is definitely a practice you should give a go. It has been proven that it improves sleep and consequently, depression, pain, and fatigue as well. Having a quality sleep immediately results in a better life overall since it gives you energy and motivation. If you are a newbie, you can start with the guided meditations of the headspace app or any other you can find. If you are already into it, you can challenge yourself by creating your own method of meditation and guiding yourself. Whatever you choose, it will definitely help you be a better version of yourself. Do not make it a short - term “New Year’s resolution” but a long-lasting New Year’s habit. DISCLAIMER: This article is not sponsored by headspace.         Author: Ilina Stoyanova [ssba-buttons]  ]]>
    <![CDATA[Healthy Eyes for Life]]> Mon, 23 Mar 2020 13:14:29 +0200 Content Manager 30219 2020-05-25 20:48:41 2020-03-23 13:14:29 25

    We all know how important is to have healthy eyes in any case.

    But do we know how much they deserve and how we should treat them?

    Few people take some care of their eyesight.

    Whether every 3 months, they have a spare hour for an eye doctor.

    Using different procedures, the important thing is to work for them.

    All possible ways help your eyes as long as they are in the "Useful" column.

    If you feel that you need to upgrade in every way possible to the health of your eyes.

    Or you already know how to keep them safe, then go on down to find out what you shouldn't do.

    Impairment factors

    It will be difficult to list all the obstacles to our sight. But to start with a brief theory that will be useful for everyone, focused on practice.

    Hygiene and care

    First of all, we cannot but mention the most important of all the problems. May everyone be familiar with personal hygiene. Because lately, as we all know from the pandemic in early March. We are affected by the so-called coronavirus. And here it is important to mention that it gives in even when we touch our eyes. Or other parts of the face, such as the nose and mouth. It is important not to touch your face unless you have washed your hands with plenty of water and soap. Different bacteria and more. They spread through mucosal contamination. The eyes are a delicate area and are easily contaminated. This leads to several other eye infections that can affect the inside of the eye. So, observe your hygiene. Wash your hands properly. Soap and scrub for 30-60 seconds in a circular motion. Rinse them well and dry them well.

    Blue light

    Secondly, there is no way to mention blue light if we are talking about healthy eyes. We cannot, without it, really need it, but we can limit it to a certain minimum. In a digital age like ours, it's normal to be exposed every day. It may seem ridiculous, but the damage it causes to your eyesight is no fun. Be competent in this. As we know, bright light also weakens our eyesight. And this leads to different diseases. The solution to the problem is you. Sunglasses, for example, also do a good job. They protect the eyes from the inflammation. Which the sun also contributes through its UV harmful rays.

    Sleep deprivation

    Sleep is extremely important. Insomnia is often found in a fast-paced everyday life, like the one we are all subject to. Pay attention! 30% of the global population has sleep problems. Another 10% officially show signs of insomnia, the "National Sleep Foundation" tells us. It's not as small as it seems. It's about a dream. The most important care we often overlook. Consider how many services we can avoid with just a few hours of sleep, plus a busy day.


    The “University of Bristol” has researched. That the wrong diet leads to some complications. And not just by weight, but healthy from every angle. For example, people with poor diets can damage their eyesight at a very young age. I mean vision loss, blurry picture, affecting both eyes. Improper nutrition leads to optic nerve dysfunction, or nutritionally called "Nutritional optic neuropathy." This condition is reversible if it is found in time, ie at an early stage. And if you still think that eating healthy is due to starvation, you're wrong. Having healthy eyes means eating the right food in the right amount. There is an extraordinary variety of foods that help our vision grow for the better. The eyes need the right nutrients, such as vitamins, fiber, protein and more. Foods High in Omega 3, Vitamin E and A, as well as C.

    Irritation, dryness, and redness of eyes

    Often eye problems like these lead to more damage. Pay attention to these symptoms if you already have them. Consult a doctor. Such problems occur quite often, and some people consider it a completely normal thing. Dry eyes can tell us about a disease to which we have some affinity. Including red eyes and irritation can also be the key to more complications. The symptoms that occur are often part of a variety of eye conditions. Such as a dusty environment, a long stare at your computer or other digital devices. Other causes are various allergies, unventilated room aids, lack of sleep and many more. Consequently, pay close attention to your eyes and resort to the appropriate treatment.

    Eyes for life

    Create new conditions for your eyes in a busy everyday life. The above topics and issues should be helpful. There is nothing more important than your health. And we all know how difficult it can be sometimes, to quit important work and to rest for a minute. But think about your eyesight. With a slight change in routine, you will notice the difference. Eye exercises also help. Giving a few minutes a day saves you the tiredness in your eyes and keeps them moist. Smoking and spirits harm both the body and the performance of the eyes. I tell you if your work is connected to a computer. And you spend a long time in front of your smartphone or other blue light-emitting devices. You can buy computer glasses. They do a lot of useful work, protecting your eyes by "filtering" the blue light. Makes the color softer (yellow or red).

    Final words

    I very much hope and will be glad if you continue with your good qualities. Taking care of your hygiene, sleep, diet is the key to healthy eyes. And about the knowledge that you have gained from this article, let me long for you. Health comes first, right? Iris always tries to be as useful as possible to your eyes. We do not stop to develop and improve our product for you. Because there is nothing more important than health. Which, anyway, has always been our priority. This is how it should be. Iris is the software you need. For any display device, the dimer is perfectly suited. Worried about going to Android? Of course! For both Android and iOS, Windows, Linux, and other operating systems. Eyes need more than one thank you. They are for life, so take care of them and their function to last a lifetime.     Author: Nikolay Tasev [ssba-buttons]  

    <![CDATA[Food supplements: Do you really need them?]]> Sun, 22 Mar 2020 13:59:14 +0200 Content Manager 30203 2020-05-25 20:48:30 2020-03-22 13:59:14 19

    The whole world is in panic, caused by the new coronavirus.

    Countries are under quarantine, shops are empty, people literally fight for a pack of toilet paper.

    In times like these, it is vital to stay both calm and safe.

    This includes rational thinking, not letting panic make us sick and taking care of our health.

    Please, stay at home until the crisis is over - this way you will save yourself and your loved ones, which may be at higher risk!

    Let’s fight against this disease together - we are so much stronger when we unite!

    In this article, we will talk about food supplements, which have become even more popular since the coronavirus is taking over the world.

    A lot of people buy stacks of multivitamins, vitamin C, iron, etc.

    Some pharmacies do not have any left.

    Do these supplements really work though and can they actually help us in a way?

    We shall find out in a minute!

    What are food supplements?

    Food supplements are also known as dietary or nutritional supplements. Their role is to provide nutrients we may not get in sufficient quantities. Vitamins, minerals, amino and fatty acids, as well as other substances, in the form of pills, tablets, liquids, etc. are considered to be food supplements. What is more, there are different doses and combinations on the market. The European Union regulates nutritional supplements as foods. There are specific requirements for the sources, used from companies that produce them.

    Are food supplements necessary?

    A survey has found that more than half of the American population takes one or more food supplements either every day or from time to time. If they really need it, it is a completely different question. Our bodies need a certain amount of each nutrient, which makes its overconsumption unnecessary and in some cases, dangerous. Even natural substances, called “botanicals”, can have side effects if used excessively. You can buy food supplements without a prescription. Therefore it is quite easy to get them. However, here are some things you should have in mind:

    Supplements do not substitute a healthy and balanced diet. A lot of people think they may compensate for their unhealthy way of eating by taking a few different vitamins and minerals. In fact, nutrients in food may be processed differently (meaning better) by our bodies than those from supplements. If you eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and protein may give you the whole range of nutrients you need daily. However, people in certain groups may need to take food supplements in order to improve their condition. Some examples include:

    Women who are in childbearing age, pregnant or breastfeeding - they should aim for adequate quantities of iron, folate, and vitamin D. People over the age of 50 - vitamin B12, vitamin D, and folate are very important for people as they age. What is more, individuals who suffer from age-related macular degeneration may benefit from using a combination of vitamins C and E, zinc, copper, lutein and zeaxanthin. Age-related macular degeneration can be slowed down by taking good care of your eyes.

    You can start doing that by downloading Iris and reading our articles, reviewing this topic. Iris is a blue - light blocking software with a few different modes you can choose from. With Iris, you will be able to use your device even in the evening without having trouble falling asleep. This is due to the fact that Iris blocks the blue light emitted from the screen. You can download it from our website and read our articles on our blog. Vegans - it is recommended that people who follow a vegan diet, take vitamins B12 and D because they can not be delivered from vegan food.

    Food supplements may have side effects if used inappropriately. Remember that the label “natural” on a product does not always mean “safe” or “healthy”. More on the risks of taking a food supplement later on in the article! Consider what is the daily recommended amount of any vitamin or mineral before using a supplement of it. Find out if you can get or if you are getting enough of it from food. If so, always go for this option. Before deciding for any food supplement though, we advise you to consult with a medical professional. Only a qualified specialist can prescribe you the right amount of any nutrient you may need.


    Even though most food supplements do not have critical side effects, some of them may cause health issues. Especially if you exceed the recommended daily dose. Besides, it may not be advisable to take any nutritional supplements if you have certain conditions or take some medications. For this reason, you have to read the labels on the vitamins you consider taking and figure out if they are suitable for you. If you are about to undergo surgery, have in mind that some supplements may have an effect on the way you react to anesthesia.

    • an excessive amount of vitamin A may cause headaches, liver damage, reduced bone strength, and birth defects;
    • vitamins C and E may reduce the effect of some types of cancer chemotherapy;
    • St. John’s wort can reduce the effectiveness of some medications like antidepressants and heart medications for example;
    • the herbs comfrey and kava can be the reason for liver damage.


    Food supplements have a high demand not only in times of pandemic but usually. People who lead a stressful lifestyle or have an unhealthy diet think multivitamins can prevent future health issues. The situation, however, is kind of different. Whole food supplements may be needed sometimes, other cases totally exclude their use. Therefore, as always, we advise you to seek professional medical help before buying a dietary supplement.

    You may not need it and do yourself more bad than good, or you may need something else. The essentials for a healthy lifestyle, both for the body and for the mind, are a balanced diet, everyday activity and the ability to manage stress. Last but not least, please stay safe by staying home and be aware! Do not panic but be aware of what is happening around the world. Protect yourself and your loved ones, and if you need any medical help, call your doctor! Believe and pray and everything will be fine!       Author: Ilina Stoyanova [ssba-buttons]  ]]>
    <![CDATA[5 ways to be the best freelancer possible]]> Sat, 21 Mar 2020 21:10:11 +0200 Content Manager 30196 2020-05-25 20:48:20 2020-03-21 21:10:11 423

    What “freelancer” means?

    Freelancer is a person who works independently and is not committed to a particular company. Freelancers work for different clients. Their work is often short-term. Usually, freelancers earn their salary per-job. They can be paid by the hour or by daily rates. Freelancers are often working in the creative industry. Examples of freelancing jobs are designers, writers, photographers, web developers, etc.

    Positives and Negatives of Freelancing Jobs

    Freelancing has become extremely popular these days. It offers various opportunities that traditional employing jobs don’t. But there are two sides to every coin.


    Working as a freelancer means that you are your boss. You can create your working schedule – you decide what is most important and when to do it. You don’t have someone to tell you what to do all the time. There is no need to go to the office. You can enjoy the comfort of your own home. This can save you both money and time. No need to dress up or to pay for public transport. If you still prefer to go out, there are a lot of quiet coffee shops. When you become more successful, you will be able to choose the projects you want to work on. You will have the freedom to do what you enjoy! But have in mind that when you are starting, you can’t afford yourself to be way too picky. As you keep developing, things will turn the other way around!


    If you are not organized, motivated or self-disciplined, freelancing will most likely be hard for you. Making your schedule sounds fun and easy until you have to do it. You have to learn to prioritize your most important tasks. But it can be difficult to do so when everything seems important. You won't have paid vacations or sick leave. There will be times when you will have to work during the holidays or when you feel under the weather. Unfortunately, self-employment comes with less stability. When you work by yourself there is a big chance that every month is different from the other. One can be very prosperous and the next can be the exact opposite. Clients may be also hard to find sometimes. Freelancers have to take responsibility for their taxes - incomes, outcomes, etc. They don't receive benefits and have to set money aside for their retirement fund.

    5 ways to be the best freelancer possible

    Put yourself out there

    If you want to be a successful freelancer it is very important to be sociable! You have to search for clients and offer them your work. Tell everyone you know about your new job. Show that you are ready to take on projects. Stay active online. Make a portfolio website. Put every bit of information that can help attract clients. Attach pieces of your work. The same rules apply to your social media accounts. Update your website and your profile on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Meetup, Quora, Instagram. Try to be active in the real world too. Participate in events where you can meet people from your field. Talk to them and exchange contacts and social media accounts.

    Know your worth

    You have to know how much to charge your clients. It must be fair to the quality of work you offer. The hours you spent working also count. Think about how much your time costs. If you can't decide how much you should take, compare your prices to those your competition offers. If your new freelancing business is close to what you have worked before, you can make a fee similar to the salary you have received. Whatever you decide, you must stick to it. Do not accept lower-paid offers. You deserve the money!

    Set boundaries

    Freelancers often forget that they are humans too. Work can be overwhelming and never-ending. Therefore, it is important to make sure you take proper care of yourself.  Define your working and your resting hours. When a client wants something during your free time,  feel comfortable to say no. People need to respect you and your rules. Everyone deserves their time off.   Try to look after yourself. Working from home does not mean neglecting your health. You still need to eat healthily, work out and go outside.  Most freelancers work on their computers without letting their eyes rest. This can lead to different diseases. If you want to prevent them, you can download Iris software- a life-changing program. Iris blocks the blue light which your screen emits. It identifies if it’s day or night automatically. Based on this, it changes your color temperature and brightness. You can customize the program the way you want. Choose from the different types (health, sleep, reading, etc) and modes (automatic, paused and manual) that Iris offers. Iris has a free version, so you can give it a go.


    You should never stop improving. The competition is big. There is always someone who will do anything to take your clients. Never underrate what the others are capable of. We live in a very hectic environment. Everything changes in the blink of an eye. Surprise your clients. Show them that you can do more than they thought. Of course, that does not mean to overdo yourself. Be ready to hustle and bustle. There is always something you can do better. Renew your website and your social media content. Make the product you offer the best one on the market. Try to improve your communication skills since they are your main weapon. You attract clients when you know what to say, how to say it and when.

    Don’t waste a minute

    As we already said, one of the most important things in freelancing is to make your schedule. Try to be as productive as you can. You have to learn to limit distractions and use your time wisely. Understand what you have to do first, what are the things that matter. If you work from home, distractions may be endless. For this reason, try to work in a coffee shop or to rent an office in a building. For being more productive, you can download the software we’ve already mentioned. Iris improves your sleep. When you have a good night's sleep, you will feel refreshed in the morning and ready to take on the world. This will boost your productivity levels.


    It is no surprise that freelancing has become so popular these days. It offers flexibility and freedom. You can work in the comfort of your own house without rules. But things are not that simple. Being a freelancer can be harder than a traditional job. There are way more obligations and risks. You will have to be extremely productive and ready to make a lot of sacrifices. However, if you want to succeed in the freelancing world, you have to be determined and consistent. Plan ahead, understand that there will be both rough and prosperous periods, be creative and don’t give up! Everything is possible!         Author: Anna Tsaneva [ssba-buttons]      ]]>
    <![CDATA[Phototherapy]]> Fri, 20 Mar 2020 21:36:26 +0200 Content Manager 30188 2020-05-25 20:48:14 2020-03-20 21:36:26 361

    Phototherapy is also going by the name or “light therapy”.

    This is a medical treatment for diseases that are made by exposing skin to a specific kind of light.

    It can be natural sunlight or artificial light with special wavelengths.

    In this article, you are going to learn everything important about light therapy.

    What is phototherapy?

    This kind of medical treatment has been used in ancient times for curing skin diseases by Egyptians and Indians. It has been also used by other peoples who have worshiped the sun. Modern technology is believed to have been founded by Niels Finsen. He has invented a shortwave lamp to treat a skin infection, believing that UV rays kill bacteria. At the beginning of the twentieth century light therapy has been used for curing diseases like varicose ulcers and many more. Technology and medicine today are modern enough to say that light therapy can treat diseases like cancer, psoriasis, and even sleep problems. Light therapy can be considered even the UV tan one can achieve from a solarium. And the blue light that is radiated from the screens of all digital devices is also phototherapy.

    How is phototherapy working?

    You can start light therapy on your own if your illness isn’t that serious. So there is no need to consult with your doctor, but doing so is always a wise move. And what is important to know about light therapy are three things: the intensity of the light; the treatment duration; and the regime of therapy. These three vary from illness to illness and you should know the specifics of your own case. This is of course only if you are using self-therapy. Otherwise, your medics will know better. Some diseases can be cured after some period of time, but others cannot. And light therapy is only helping to ease the symptoms of cases like, for example, disorders affected by seasons or depression. Also, sometimes light therapy has to be accompanied by special pills and medicaments.

    What can be treated with phototherapy?

    Some kinds of skin irritations

    They include illnesses like eczema, itchy skin, vitiligo, and psoriasis. The methods of treatment include UV light that is part of the natural sunlight. And it is actually the kind of light that is responsible for the tan you get on the beach. It cannot pass through a glass window, though. The UV light reduces cell growth and relieves the itching.\

    Sleep problems

    Some light therapies can make an influence on hormones. Which is also why phototherapy can be used for mood problems and depressions. Many people suffer from circadian rhythm disorders, most commonly caused by blue light from computers. This means that the natural clock of the body is malfunctioning and cannot decide when it is day and when it is night. This plays with the hormones of sleep, reducing their healthy levels.

    Some cancer conditions

    With some kinds of cancers and precancers, light therapy is used along with a medicine called photosensitizer. This chemical element can kill nearby cells when it gets exposed to certain light. However, the photosensitizer has to be absorbed by the whole body in order to reach the diseased cells. Thankfully, normal and healthy cells clear themselves faster than diseased ones and thus they do not get infected. Phototherapy cannot help with widespread cancers and ones that cannot be reached by light.


    Newborns cannot produce vitamin D, which we naturally get supplied by the sun. It is of a great need for the little children in order to grow healthy and with strong bones. Therefore, babies have to be exposed to sunlight, which is some kind of light therapy, too.

    Beauty procedures

    There are many beauty procedures that involve light therapy. Many people go to solariums for the perfect tan despite the risks. And there are some developments of hair loss treatment with light that the scientists are working on over these days.

    Are there any risks from light therapy?

    All in all, there are very rare occasions of something gone wrong. And if there are any side effects, they would be in result of improper light therapy without precautions. They can affect your eyes and cause eyestrain and eye irritations. Also lightheadedness, nausea, and headaches. This is why such therapies should be done with great caution and consistency. Make sure that your sensitive organs – like your eyes – are protected from the light.

    Computer exposure to light and blue light damage

    We are all exposed to some kind of phototherapy even if we do not acknowledge it. And it happens every day thanks to our electronic devices. This includes our phones, computers, TVs, artificial lightning, and so on. However, blue light exposure is very far away from therapy to a human being. The blue light is surrounding the modern person from every angle and slowly damages him. The blue light can affect not only your eyes but your sleep and moods. It can cause headaches and depression.

    There are several methods to decrease the blue light impact on you. You can get proper eyewear, like blue light glasses. They are different from the ones with diopters and have a special film that covers the lenses. Or you can install a blue light filter like Iris. Iris is a blue light filter program that will block the blue light from any device. It can be installed on your phone, computer, or tablet. Iris can be used by everyone who wants to protect his eyes and to be healthy. The effects of Iris will be visible in a short time after installation and you won't feel any eye strain or have another sleepless night anymore.

    Last words

    Phototherapy is a very painless and useful way of treating certain diseases. If you are not sure whether this is for you, then always ask a medic to help you make the best decision. Invest in preserving your eyes from the bad things in everyday life. With Iris on your computer, you are going to have so much more time to be productive and motivated. Also, make sure you have a pair of nice sunglasses that are going to protect you from the harmful UV rays from the sun.           Author: Yoana Borisova [ssba-buttons]  ]]>
    <![CDATA[Internet Usage Statistics]]> Thu, 19 Mar 2020 18:35:19 +0200 Content Manager 30182 2020-05-25 20:48:11 2020-03-19 18:35:19 361

    The internet is a place that can be compared to our universe.

    It has no end and can grow with every second passed.

    Have you ever wondered how many people are using the internet around the world?

    Well, this is some peculiar statistics to look at.

    There are millions and millions of internet users online at the moment and the results are always rising.

    Anyway, we managed to make one interesting review of the internet society in this article.

    And most of the facts are going to surprise you.

    A short history of the internet

    You are for sure using the internet every day and cannot imagine what it would be like to live without it. But as an internet user, you should be familiar with some of its history. And you may not believe it, but the first network for data storage is dating from the late fifties in the USA. Yes, it is that old. The network was called ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) and later ARPANET. At first, these technologies have been in the use of the USA military forces for researches. And in 1971 has been exchanged the very first email ever between the universities from California and Stanford. The idea of the emails had been to ease the work of professors and scientists. So that they wouldn't have to travel half the country to exchange just a few papers. Also, this would let several people work over one project even if they are not together.

    However, the technology allowed them to send just one letter with their first email before the connection was lost. But look where we are today! Slowly, these inventions reached Europe and continued to improve. Yet, the ordinary person wouldn’t have the access to use them. Until 1989 when the World Wide Web, known as “www” has been invented.

    How many people are using the internet and what for?

    From the latest statistics, around four billion and a half people are using the internet by the end of 2019. And almost half of them are from Asia, followed by Europe and Africa. Of course, these numbers are rising because more and more people are joining the online community every day and every hour. And since the Internet has been invented for military and academic uses, today it is mostly used for entertainment. Like to watch videos and streaming services. Also, the other most common uses of the internet are for listening to music, radio, and podcasts. Still, there are many people who use the internet wisely for gaining information and education.

    But do you know how much time an average person spends online? It is between 5 to 7 hours and this shouldn’t be surprising to you at all. There are people who work all day on a computer. And everybody spends many hours online. But it depends on the person whether it is going to be a productive use or a loss of time. There are more than 1.7 billion websites to get lost in. Younger generations are more prone to spending all this time on social media. They can be scrolling through an endless and pointless feed. Or texting. The internet has made world communication the easiest thing ever. And texting is getting more and more preferred in comparison to actual phone calls. The other activity for which people are spending hours online is shopping. Both men and women are active online shoppers. And who can blame them for online shopping can sometimes be very inexpensive. Thus the e-commerce industry is becoming more and more profitable and popular.

    The life inside the social media

    It seems like people are living more online rather than in real life. Since the first-ever social media, there have been many changes in the virtual world. Using such platforms is made so much uncomplicated that even a two-year-old child can manage it. This is why many people decide to move their lives there, developing unhealthy digital syndromes. The statistics are mind-blowing. Half of the internet users are active on Facebook, which is a little over 2 billion people.

    And if you are thinking that emails are forgotten for the sake of texting, well, there are at least 200 billion emails sent per day. Moreover, you may be surprised that there are still around 400 million calls through Skype for one day. A social program that we remember from our childhoods and is still “alive”. However, haven’t you asked yourself whether the internet can harm you? Isn't it all too good and easy to be harmless? Truth be told, the internet cannot harm you. But the technology that you use to reach the worldwide web can.

    Why many people suffer from internet usage?

    Apart from the social problems that technology brings, it leads to many health problems, too. The devices that everybody uses are dangerous for many reasons. They release carbon dioxide, more or less, they use electricity, and they have constant harmful radiation. Our mobile phones are the ones that have the most radiation and we use them all the time. We are even sleeping with them next to our heads.

    blue light filter app iris software eye protection bedtime smartphone tablet use

    Apart from radiation, the blue light that comes out from the screens deeply damages our eyes. Did you know that computers are the number one reason for workplace complaints? And in Asia, almost every kid wears glasses because of phones, tablets, and computers. The so-called “digital eye strain” can happen to you at every moment. It can be a subtle itching or it can lead to serious problems like vision damage and blurring. With the pace of time, the digital strain can lead to age-related macular degeneration, which is incurable.

    How to cure digital eye problems?

    Thousands of people trusted Iris – the blue light filter for PCs. Iris is a program that is going to make the screen of your device non-harmful to your eyes. You will be able to choose from many modes for filtering the blue light, depending on what you do. If you are constantly working on a computer or if you are using your phone nonstop, then you should consider installing Iris. What is more, Iris is the number one app to provide you with healthy habits. It is going to improve your sleep and everyday life. You won't be getting home with sore eyes anymore. And you will have the time and will to join your friends in their online world without rubbing your eyes all the time.

    Last words

    The internet will never stop improving and expanding. Thanks to it one can broaden his knowledge and connect with the world. We can even travel for free, even though it is happening through pixels and megabytes. Anyway, we must not forget that as much the internet is fun and entertaining, it brings its harms, too. And everybody has to look after their health. With Iris, you won't be even thinking about doing it and have your precious time for something productive.         Author: Yoana Borisova [ssba-buttons]    ]]>
    <![CDATA[Types of color blindness]]> Tue, 17 Mar 2020 11:02:34 +0200 Content Manager 30159 2020-05-28 23:31:38 2020-03-17 11:02:34 361

    There is a very small chance not to have heard of the condition called "color blindness" but of course there are a few specific types of color blindness.

    Even though we all see colors a little different, most of us are not color blind.

    In this article, we will give you more information about color blindness, the different types, how you can test yourself for color blindness and ways for treating it.

    Color blindness or also called “color vision deficiency” most often results in seeing colors differently than other people.

    Usually, color blind people find it hard to make a difference between some colors.

    However, this condition is quite complex and we can not talk about it generalized since there are a few specific types of color blindness.

    Color blindness explained

    Trichromacy is the term for normal color vision. It is called this way because there are three photoreceptors in the retina, which are sensitive to colors. These cones are the S, M and L cones, depending on the visible wavelength they are sensitive to - S (small), M (medium), L (long). Since it can be roughly said that the cones are related to the blue, green and red wavelengths, they are sometimes called by these color names.

    Types of color blindness

    The most common type of color blindness is red-green color blindness. People who suffer from it can not tell the difference between red and green. What is more though, is that the red-green type of color blindness has its own 3 types:

    Protan color blindness (protanomaly):

    This is an anomaly of the L - cones, which are responsible for the color red. They are still present in the retina but are too sensitive to green, yellow, orange, red, brown. For this reason, the latter colors may appear identical, especially when the light is quite low. Some people with protanomaly may also have trouble seeing purple and pink. Here is which colors people with protan color blindness mistake:
    • black with many shades of red;
    • dark brown with dark green, dark orange and dark red;
    • blue with red, purple and dark pink;
    • mid - green with orange.

    Tritan color blindness:

    This is an anomaly of the Scones, which are responsible for the color blue. Tritan color blindness causes confusion between blue and green and red and purple. Again, there are two types - tritanomaly, when the sensitivity to blue light is just reduced, and tritanopia, when there is no blue sensitivity at all. Another type of color blindness, called “monochromacy” or complete color blindness. People suffering from it can see no color at all, only shades of grey - just as if life was an old black and white movie. This condition is very uncommon but some people may also be sensitive to light or have an unclear vision. These may use as symptoms something is wrong and you need to seek professional help. Often people with color blindness do not know they have it, simply because they are used to the way they see the world and do not know there are such things as different colors.   

    Who is at risk of being color blind?

    According to statistics more men than women suffer from color blindness (around 8% of men worldwide against 0,5% of women). More often color blindness is genetically inherited. This means that people who have a family history of color blindness are most prone to being color blind. However, you can develop color blindness if you have certain eye conditions like glaucoma or age-related macular degeneration. In order to lower the risk of getting any eye issues, make sure you have a good eye care routine and use a blue light-blocking software like Iris.

    he latter is especially important for people who spent the biggest part of their day in front of a computer or any other device. Iris will ensure you a good night’s sleep, no more headaches and won’t make you feel tired from staring at your screen for a long time. General health problems like diabetes, Alzheimer’s or multiple sclerosis, as well as some medication, may also be the cause for color blindness. Among our other articles on eye health, blue light, and many more interesting topics, you can find one with a test for color blindness - Color Blindness Test. If you have any doubts about you or someone from your family being color blind, you can simply follow the tips given in the article.


    Color blindness can not be treated when it is caused by genetics. People simply get used to it. Kids may need some help at school and adults may not be able to do certain jobs like a graphic designer for example. No serious problems are caused. If your color blindness is caused by a disease, then you should consult with your doctor, who can tell you what is the best solution for you. However, if being color blind causes discomfort with completing everyday tasks, you can wear special glasses or contacts or use visual aids like technology and apps. But always consult with a professional first!


    Color blindness is a condition that makes people unable to see different colors. There are a few types of color blindness - protan color blindness, deutan blindness, Tritan color blindness and monochromacy (a complete lack of color sensitivity), which is the rarest kind. Usually, color blind people have color blindness running in their family history. It is caused by a recessive gene on the X - chromosome. Yet, people can get color blind if they have certain health issues like age-related macular degeneration, Alzheimer’s or diabetes. If you have any doubts about being color blind, you can test yourself with a vision test.         Author: Ilina Stoyanova [ssba-buttons]]]>
    <![CDATA[Eye exercises to improve your vision]]> Mon, 16 Mar 2020 19:55:29 +0200 Content Manager 29964 2023-03-07 11:36:50 2020-03-16 19:55:29 654

    It is a wide known fact that eye exercises are the best way to make your eye feel better naturally.

    And sometimes, to improve the quality of your vision.

    Taking good care of your eyes is essential to your overall health and well-being.

    And it is one of the keys to successful biohacking.

    It is not a secret that the eyes have a connection to many beneficial factors that concern your lifestyle.

    If you want to jumpstart the day with a fresh look after having a good night of sleep keep reading.

    We are going to see the best methods for keeping your eyes "fit" and healthy.

    Why do you need eye exercises?

    There is nothing you will lose if you try doing eye exercises. Even the opposite – you will be thankful you started doing them. Eye exercises are what the medics prescribe to their patients who suffer from eye problems. Especially if the patients want to cure themselves naturally. The eye exercises help with problems like digital eye strain, eye dryness, bad sleep, headaches, and many more of this kind. These problems are usually caused by the way you lead your life. If you spend a lot of time in front of a computer or you are using your phone all the time, then the blue light is most probably the main reason for having eye problems.

    productivity at work

    Also, they can occur if you spend a lot of time reading or being in places that have bad lighting. The eye exercises can help you to relieve the strain and irritation because they moisturize the eyes. Moreover, moving your eyes around is going to flex the stiff muscles around them. This will relieve headaches and lightheadedness.

    Eye exercises for relieving strain and dryness

    The 20-20-20 rule

    This is a classic when it comes to eye exercises. The 20-20-20 rule is going to save your eyes at the end of your workday! And the best of all, it is very simple, still quite efficient. It is done by taking short brakes with a duration of 20 seconds every 20 minutes. And while doing it, you have to look at far objects that are at least 20 feet away from you. This is a good exercise because it unglues your eyes from the screen for some time. Which is a great way to clean your mind, too, and become more productive? Also, this way you will get less blue light radiation and better sleep.

    Roll your eyes

    Rolling your eyes is not particularly for when you are mad at something or frustrated. It can be very beneficial for moisturizing the surface of the eyes as well. Producing enough tear fluids means that your eyes are healthy. Yet, not enough or too many tears can deeply damage your eyes. If your eyes are too dry, for example, the surface will get badly scratched. Another way to "roll" your eyes is to make and eight in the air or trace out your name.


    Blinking is a natural remedy for sore eyes. So, when you are using your computer or phone just do not forget to blink. Blue light has the ability to make people forget to blink, which can lead to many eye problems. One of which is the above-mentioned case of dry eyes.

    Closing your eyes

    Another good exercise is to just give your eyes a rest and close them for some minutes. You can put your palms over your eyes and press smoothly. Be careful not to press too hard so you do not hurt yourself. This exercise has almost the same effect as sleeping. Because while you sleep you do not use your eyes and they can rest.

    Eye exercises for improving your vision

    Change focus

    One of the best activities for improving your vision consists of changing the focus of what you see. Like when you look at closeby and far objects. The eyes are like muscles, if you do not use them, they will become weaker. So, put your thumb in front of you and look at it. Then start moving it closer to your face and then stretch out your arm. You can also do this by looking out a window. Or looking at the edge of your monitor then at something on the other side of the room.

    Do activities outside

    Also, another good way to improve your eyes is just to get outside. Have you ever felt that sudden ache in your head when you go outside and see the sunlight? This is because your eyes have become so familiar with artificial lightning that they have forgotten the real light. You can do a variety of activities while being outdoors and still do your job properly. Also, why not spend an afternoon at the natural sunlight with a book or with your pet. The possibilities are endless as far as you have fun. You can do sport and stay fit. And why not go out for a walk in nature? The green color of the grass and the leaves is proven to be relaxing and to be healthy for the eyes.

    Keep your eyes moving

    Another hack for keeping your eyes and vision sharp is to never lock your stare at something for too long. This tires the muscles and the eyes. You should look around from time to time or take a short break. This is applying not only for when you use a digital device but for when you read or watch TV, too.

    Do you want to get to the core of biohacking?

    And since we have been talking about how to keep our eyes healthy and how to improve our vision, we cannot leave aside Iris – the blue light filter for PCs. Iris is a program that you can install on your computer and that is going to block the blue light that comes out from the screen. Iris is the best option for keeping your eyes safe and having a good sleep routine because it is designed so that it suits everybody’s needs. It has many modes to chose from and can be used by anybody! It is worth considering to install it on all of your devices and start your eye care right away!

    In summary, how to make the best of vision improvement?

    All the eye exercises are great and can be done anywhere. At work, school, on the bus or at home. Of course, it all takes time and consistency for the effects to be visible, but with Iris, you won't be even making an effort. All it takes is to install it! You can make a daily plan and have some minutes that are specially booked up for eye exercises. There are many ways to find a way to a better and healthier life. All you need is motivation!           Author: Yoana Borisova [ssba-buttons]]]>
    <![CDATA[Types of headaches]]> Fri, 13 Mar 2020 21:36:11 +0200 Content Manager 29948 2020-05-25 20:46:28 2020-03-13 21:36:11 357

    Having a headache can be a very unfortunate thing to happen to anybody throughout the day.

    Especially when one is at work, school or anywhere.

    Headaches can occur at any time, regardless of your plans for having a good time.

    But headaches are happening because of something and there is always a reason behind them.

    It could be something particular that is happening around you at the moment.

    Or something that has been building up for some time.

    If you want to learn more about the types of headaches and the ways to treat them, stay until the end of this article.

    Why headaches are bad?

    Sometimes a certain type of headaches can be a sign of serious illnesses and you should be very careful when they happen. If there are any speech, vision or balance problems due to headaches, then it would be best to visit a doctor. Any other unusual events also have to be looked at with great caution. Though these are very rare occasions and most of the headaches go away with painkiller pills. And you can turn the bad side of a headache into something good. Especially if the headache is caused by not so serious problems. You could take it as a reminder to rethink your lifestyle. You may be in need of more water intake, more sleep, or more exercise. Now, take a look at the most usual types of headaches that you may come upon.

    What is causing different types of headaches?

    Hereditary problems

    There are some headaches that are most likely to occur in the result of a hereditary condition. Such an example is the migraines. If your family is having migraine problems then your headaches have a big chance to be migraines, too. You will feel a migraine only in one part of your head. Also, there may be sensitivity to all kinds of outer aggravators like light, sounds, etc. Usually, migraines have signs that predict their happening some minutes before. And the very migraine can last from some hours to days in a row.


    If you wonder what could cause migraines, the reasons are various. It is most likely for migraines to occur as a result of stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, bad diets, and others. The most common way for fighting migraines is with painkillers. However, if you do not want to stuff yourself with chemistry, you can try some other cures. Like to rest in a quiet dim place, with a pack of ice on your head. Also, drink more water and have some good sleep.

    Medicines and sinus infections

    If you have been taking some kind of medicines or antibiotics there is a chance that your headache is in the result of them. All medicines have side effects that can be read on the prescription note by the producer. And most of them include headaches. Also, if you are constantly having sinus problems and a stuffed nose, it is most likely to develop a headache problem, too. These sicknesses have to be treated by a specialist, so do not try to deal with them by yourself.

    Stress-related headaches

    Stress and anxiety are triggers for many diseases. And most importantly for headaches. Stress can be found everywhere every day. From your morning routine till the time you get back home from work or school. Dealing with everyday tasks and also meeting short deadlines is stressful. Many people have got used to living on the go, but this affects the mental and later the physical health of a person. This is why one should be always aware of their calmness and well being. Try to find a way to reduce stress. It could be by meditation, short breaks from work, by reading a book or doing sports. There is no way to avoid everyday stress but there is a way to put it under control.

    Unhealthy lifestyle

    Another type of headaches is the one caused by an improper way of life. If you want to be healthy and to have a lot of energy and motivation, then try living in a better way. Always make sure that you are getting enough sleep and that you drink enough water. Headaches can occur if you are consuming improper food like energy drinks and an excessive amount of coffee. It is not good to drink more than 4 cups of coffee per day. These kinds of drinks speed up your heart rate and play with your hormones and neurotransmitters.

    productivity at work

    All they do it to keep your body awake and functioning, but this in reality tires you without you noticing. It is better to eat fruits and vegetables that naturally are going to give you energy. Moreover, demobilization can bring you many headaches. Both in the literal and metaphorical way. Do not allow your body to stiffen from hours and hours sitting in one place without moving a finger. Try to find some time for sports during the week.

    Blue light and technology

    It is no secret that technology can be just as bad as it is useful. The blue light that comes out from every screen can damage your eyes, your sleep, and can lead to headaches. It is advisable to reduce the blue light radiation in every possible way. You can take breaks every 20 minutes; wear proper eyewear; or install a blue light filter. There are many ways to keep your eyes safe from the blue light, which is going to prevent the appearance of headaches as well.

    The best way to prevent most of the headaches

    What would you think if we told you there is a very simple way to prevent most of the above-written types of headaches? Probably you wouldn’t believe us, but truth to be told, such a resolution exists. This is Iris – the blue light filter for PCs.   Iris is a program that you can install on your computer and start using it immediately. It is going to convert the colors of your screen into eye-friendly tones. And the blue light will be gone. Iris is good for many reasons. It will keep your eyes completely safe from the screen and it is going to improve your sleep quality. You will be more productive and motivated. Plus, it can be used by anybody - from children to seniors.

    The bottom line

    Headaches are surely something irritating that nobody wants on their head. If you are wondering why you may be having a headache, search in the way you live and the answer will be visible. Always aim for a healthy lifestyle with a proper diet and a lot of exercising.         Author: Ilina Stoyanova [ssba-buttons]  ]]>
    <![CDATA[Breathwork]]> Thu, 12 Mar 2020 19:41:23 +0200 Content Manager 29927 2020-05-25 20:46:25 2020-03-12 19:41:23 357 -

    Breathwork is a practice for relaxation, stress relief and therapy, which uses different breathing exercises and techniques.

    Nowadays there are a lot of variations of breathwork.

    Each of them has a purpose, depending on the needs of the practitioner.

    However, breathwork, in general, is a powerful healing tool.

    Probably it is your first time coming across this alien called ‘breathwork’.

    Do not worry - I am a newbie myself!

    When I have first heard of it, I was actually wondering what that thing might be.

    After reading a couple of articles on the matter, here I am excited to tell you more about it.

    Hopefully, you will find it just as intriguing and will stick with me to learn the history, the basics, and tips for breathwork.

    Ready? Let’s go!

    Brief history

    It is no surprise that using breathing techniques as a way of spiritual awakening, meditation and relaxation comes from Eastern practices like yoga. The truth though is that most breathwork variations of today have developed during the 1960s and 1970s. What is more, this practice continues to evolve and no end is to be seen in the near future. On the contrary, even more, people are giving meditation and co a go in order to relax and free their minds.

    3 most popular kinds of breathwork therapy

    There is a variety of breathwork types. However, all of them should benefit you in the same way. Namely, heal emotional and mental traumas, boost immunity, increase self - awareness, improve relationships both with oneself and with others, overcome addictions, reduce stress levels. Here are some of the most popular ones, used for therapy

    Holotropic breathwork

    This breathwork therapy was developed in the 1970s by Stanislav and Christina Grof. They were psychiatrists who were interested in how therapeutic are the different states of consciousness. The goal of holotropic breathwork is to bring your mind, body, and spirit into one. Usually, holotropic breathwork is being practiced in groups and guided by a certified practitioner. People are guided through breathing exercises and work in pairs which allows them to support each other. Music plays. Each session ends with a discussion when participants describe what they have felt and learned.

    Rebirthing breathwork

    Also known as ‘conscious energy breathing’ (CEB), this breathwork was developed by Leonard Orr and relies on the claim that every one of us carries the trauma of their own birth. Eventually, Orr ‘re - experienced’ his birth in his bathtub and felt so free, that he decided to help other people free themselves too. That is the main goal -to release stored emotional or energy baggage you have been carrying since being a child. Again, it is advisable to do this type of breathwork with a certified practitioner. You will be asked to relax and breathe in a ‘conscious connected circular’ way. The latter means that your breathing will be continuous without spaces in between. Diving into deep relaxation, makes your brain release the subconscious tension.

    Clarity breathwork

    This technique was developed by Ashanna Solaris and Dana DeLong and it resembles the rebirthing breathwork. Just like CEB, practicing clarity breathwork should release any kind of emotional or energy blockages. At the beginning of every session, the participant is being asked about present worries and past experiences. The certified practitioner is supposed to teach people how to breathe fully, which will allow them to free themselves from their traumas.

    Risks and recommendations

    As many benefits as breathwork might have, there are some risks as well. It is recommended to consult with a professional before deciding for a breathwork session. You should not participate in it if you have any of the following conditions: -cardiovascular disease -high blood pressure; -breathing problems; -aneurysms; -recent injuries or surgery; -vision issues; -severe mental illnesses, panic attacks or psychosis; -osteoporosis; -seizures; -pregnancy or breastfeeding Besides, there is a risk of hyperventilation because of the deep state of relaxation you fall into. This means some people might feel uncomfortable sensations such as weakness, dizziness, muscle spasms, heart palpitations, clouded vision or even seizures. Therefore you should be very careful and trust only qualified professionals to guide you during the procedure.

    More tips

    The best tip we can give you is to search for an organization that can be trusted. This way you will be sure that you will get the best breathwork possible. Something else we would like to stress on is to consult with your doctor before your first breathwork session. It is important that you are sure it is safe for you. After all, it will make you feel better, release any emotional or mental tension and not worsen your health. This can be done by noticing how you are feeling during a breathwork session. If there are sensations bothering you, discontinue the practice.


    Apart from the main topic, we would like to give you a few more tips on releasing stress. Exercise is probably the best way to unwind. Find the movement which makes you happier and does not feel like a punishment. Whether be it dancing, strength training, walking, biking - it does not matter! Your body loves to be active! Iris can be very helpful in stress relief as well. We are constantly looking at a screen and our eyes tire. This can cause a feeling of stress as well. For this reason, we recommend Iris - our software blocks the blue light emitted from the screen of your device. It comes with a few different regimes and you can choose one, depending on your needs. Try it out and forget about the eye pain and the headaches!


    Breathwork includes breathing techniques which should bring you relaxation and feeling of letting present or past trauma go. Having roots in the ancient Eastern culture experiences its renaissance since the 1960s and 1970s. The three main types of breathwork techniques today are holotropic breathwork, rebirthing breathwork, and clarity breathwork. It is common that after the end of every session, participants share their experiences with each other. However, you should be careful with breathwork. There are risks if you suffer from cardiovascular disease, have a mental illness, vision issue or other health problems. Always consult with a professional before taking part in any breathwork therapy.           Author: Ilina Stoyanova Publisher: Kalina Shushlina [ssba-buttons]]]>
    <![CDATA[How does melatonin work?]]> Wed, 11 Mar 2020 22:13:10 +0200 Content Manager 29916 2020-05-25 20:46:22 2020-03-11 22:13:10 380

    You have probably heard of melatonin before but do you know what it is or what its function is?

    You are in the right place then! In this article, we will be telling you everything you need to know about melatonin and the way it works.

    Besides, we will also let you know if it is a good idea to take melatonin as a supplement and in which conditions it will be helpful.

    Melatonin is a hormone that can be naturally found in the body.

    It contains the pineal gland and it is located above the middle of the brain.

    Melatonin is being produced by the suprachiasmatic nucleus and released into the blood.

    However, you can find it in the eyes, the bone marrow, and the gut as well.

    The hormone is also a medication, most often in the form of a pill.

    The way melatonin works

    Melatonin is also known as the “sleep hormone”. The latter is due to the fact that melatonin is responsible for your sleeping pattern. It works with your circadian rhythm which is your body’s internal clock. Thanks to it, your body knows when it is time to wake up or fall asleep. Melatonin starts being produced after sundown because of the darkness. As melatonin levels become higher, you feel less alert. This leads to sleepiness. Melatonin levels stay high for up to 12 hours - or all night long - until the light of the new day lowers them. Precisely for this reason, people know melatonin as the “Dracula of hormones” - it gets more active in the dark.  In fact, light suppresses melatonin production. Therefore there is some advice you may want to follow in order to achieve a good night’s sleep. 

    Such are:
    • lower the lights in the whole house two hours before bedtime;
    • stop using electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed - the blue light emitted from their screens confuses your circadian rhythm since it is naturally emitted by the Sun. If you have work to do, want to watch a movie or scroll a bit more, then you can download Iris. Save yourself a lot of trouble not only in terms of insomnia but also of future health problems. Iris is a software that blocks the blue light of the device’s screen. You can use it in a few different regimes, depending on your needs. Download it now and thank both yourself and us later;
    • listen to quiet music, read a book or relax in your own way.

    Melatonin supplements

    However, in recent years there is an increasing number of people suffering from insomnia. Whether be it because of too much blue light exposure in the evening, depression, stress or something else, melatonin production suppresses. Lack of melatonin can also have an impact on other conditions like jet lag, delayed sleep-wake phase disorder, anxiety before surgery. In such cases, you can take melatonin as a medicine. It is advisable to take 0,5 to 3 mg doses for 1 to 4 weeks. If you want to ease jet lag, you can start taking melatonin a week before your trip.

    After you arrive at your new destination, simply stay awake until it is your usual bedtime according to the new time zone. Getting some natural sunlight can also be helpful. It has been proven by a couple of studies that melatonin helps a lot with improving jet lag. If you have difficulty falling asleep but need to wake up early, take melatonin 30 minutes before going to bed. Going to bed earlier can be possible by taking a pill 2 hours before your desired bedtime. If you fall asleep early and wake up quite early as well, you can take the supplement in the morning. In these cases, you have to take the lowest possible dosage of 0,5 to 2 mg.

    Taking melatonin can have a positive impact on a few different conditions. Researchers have found that melatonin is very useful in preventing eye diseases like age-related macular degeneration for example. You can treat stomach ulcers and heartburn with melatonin. Tinnitus and seasonal depression are two other conditions that melatonin can help you with. What is more, melatonin can increase the growth hormone levels in men. You should not take melatonin if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have an autoimmune disorder, a seizure disorder or depression. People with diabetes and high blood pressure should be careful with melatonin supplements as well. Even if you are a completely healthy individual have in mind that some mild side effects may occur. Such are headache, dizziness, nausea.

    Of course, before going for this option, you should consider it with a professional. He or she will recommend you the right kind of therapy for your problem, without putting your health at risk!


    Melatonin is a hormone naturally found in the body. It controls our sleeping pattern because it works together with the circadian rhythm. Melatonin production starts after sundown and lasts until the next day. This way our bodies know it is time to relax and sleep. If you want to optimize your melatonin production, it is advisable to dim all the lights at home 1 to 2 hours before bedtime, as well as to set all electronic devices aside. However, if you have a condition that needs medication, you can try taking melatonin as a supplement. The recommended dosage is 0,5 to 3 mg for 1 to 4 weeks.         Author: Ilina Stoyanova Publisher: Kalina Shushlina [ssba-buttons]  ]]>
    <![CDATA[How to save a lot of hours while working?]]> Tue, 10 Mar 2020 18:16:42 +0200 Content Manager 29690 2020-05-28 23:31:50 2020-03-10 18:16:42 361

    How to save a lot of hours while working?

    In recent years, time has been an extremely important part of people's lives.

    We always try to hold it in our hands, and at other times we have never had it.

    And this is not a lie, because when the evening turns out to belong, we have packed the desk with tasks, lists, and piles of sheets waiting for us.

    He manages to wake you up to breakfast, fill you with a cup of coffee, tie your tie, and send you back to the office for a change.

    And look, the time not waiting - tick-tock-tick!

    Ready to go beyond it?

    Understand the time what it wants from you

    From school, we still know and are introduced to one of our best friends and for scientists. He is also a good friend of various thought, algorithmic phenomena, etc. His laws make it clear that time is not relative and the concept is broad. That's right - physics! Well, then you will say to yourself "how are we expected to get ahead of him". Very easy. Time is relative to all of us. Therefore, we are in this space-time continuum. And according to the whole theory of physics, we are on time, so we can do whatever we want with it. Let's not delve so much. Let us say that it is adequately distributed to each of us.

    The golden rule

    Do you often have to think about things to come? Or get lost in different thoughts and self-delusions? Or I could be wrong. You work too hard, and then you only have one shower at bedtime. Maybe, maybe. And sometimes you just don't know what to do during the day. And as you chase the flies around the room, look outwards it's dark! Do not worry. You are not alone, you will not be. What I'm trying to tell you is that after one year of 365 days and 24 hours, you have plenty of time for everything. This is your number, to the golden rule, because you only need so much time to teach yourself every day. And there's nothing wrong with that. Are we dogs? Of course not!

    Let's start with the 24-hour rule, which reveals to us that we should not exaggerate and try harder. The truth is that sometimes we don't know a thing, to begin with, and sometimes it doesn't end, right? "Forbes" recommends that we wait and not make hasty decisions. You have an important answer or meeting ahead of you, and you're thinking too long. You feel nervous. This alone prevents you from putting all your thought and effort into it. Therefore, let the thoughts fly out of your head sometimes, and this is done with 24-hour advice. Get to bed early, try to get into 8 hours of sleep. In the morning you will know the correct answer. Because sometimes the nervous states and the positions we put ourselves in are frustrating.

    productivity at work

    Prepare your schedule

    There is nothing stopping you from adding new things to your plans. If you think it is unnecessary, you do not need to do it. Think for a moment how many things are waiting for you and how long you are missing. Take a sheet and describe things to do below. Starting from your most important engagement and getting to the least important thing you need to be working on. This will give you a clear idea of ​​what to do today and what you will be working on. And there are mobile apps that help you organize and make you’re day-to-day easier. The other is to try to think in perspective. Make plans work for you. Don't plan for next week or the coming month. Think about the whole year. Just find your best time to work and commit to your opportunities!

    productivity at work

    Break with interruptions

    This winged thought often makes me smile, but it also shows its worthy character. What do I mean? Well, you literally have to break the breaks. Small and frequent breaks often delay us. The small talk I know how enjoyable it is with your closest girlfriend or boyfriend, but it will not fix your financial situation or this haunting experience. Set the time that is most convenient for you. At this hour, you can reply to emails, phone calls, or get something sweet. However, do not overdo it. For example, take 1 hour for something like this in the morning, lunch, or evening. No more! Or 30 minutes 4 times a day, why not?

    Work smart, work smart, work smart

    This is a topic we always get lost in. How to work easier, faster and smarter? The points I described above serve as a guide for you. Do you enjoy reading, or learning new, educational things? Quite safely, with the help of the above points, you can set your time for that too. And not only! There are so many methods that are so innovative for you. For example, we at Iris are trying to facilitate a busy day. We strengthen the protection for your eyes, good health, and especially sleep, without which we cannot. For example, Iris is working with thousands of users in front of screens. If your work is slow and painful in front of the screen and exhausting, then I strongly recommend it. Extremely comfortable for you. With just a few mouse clicks, you already get the most unique program against blue light.

    Expected results

    People who try to change something, try to make small changes every day in their lives and in their working environment. This accompanies them and organizes them. Time flows in an overall balance between their work and their free time. They have time for everything! What better way to get your attention in front of the screen? With the points and directions above, Iris strongly believes in you that you will be able to get ahead of your time. It's time to act, not just think about what problem when to end. Use everything you read. Stop complaining and find fault in yourself. Do not talk the idle talk and do not focus on things that you do not have much time for. Time is you and only you can save it for a few useful hours. With Iris, this becomes easier. And if you want to save the long hours working, Iris is always ready to help. Try Iris now!         Author: Nikolay Tasev Publisher: Kalina Shushlina [ssba-buttons]    ]]>
    <![CDATA[What determines the color of your eyes?]]> Mon, 09 Mar 2020 22:36:55 +0200 Content Manager 29228 2020-05-24 15:05:41 2020-03-09 22:36:55 361

    Brown, blue, green, different colored eyes...It can not be said that there is a wide range of eye colors but what we have is beautiful enough... and what determines the color of your eyes?

    It feels as if the eyes can see far beyond the obvious and even if they do not have a voice, they can speak.

    But if they really could, what story would they tell about their own color?

    Most physical and mental characteristics we all have are determined by genetics.

    We are even more prone to some diseases if they run in our families.

    In this article, however, we will be focusing on eye color only.

    Is it a genetic trait or it depends on something else? Let’s find out together!

    Why are our eyes colored?

    Prior to revealing the truth about the color of our eyes, we should know where it actually forms. The eye color is a result of pigmentation of the iris. The iris is responsible for the amount of light that enters your eye. The pigment, contributing to the coloring of the eye, is called melanin. The quantity of melanin in our irises is one of the factors, which play a role in the determination of our eye color. This means that people with brown eyes have more melanin than people with light-colored eyes.

    The genetics behind the color of the eye

    Years ago, before complex technology was developed, researchers thought the color of the eye depends on one single gene. Brown eyes are dominating over eyes with blue or green color. This scenario totally excluded the possibility of parents with blue eyes to have a child with eyes of darker color. However, later research has proven this theory to be quite wrong. The eye color is in fact determined not by one, but by few genes. The region of chromosome 15 is exclusively involved in the process. This is due to the fact that near the chromosome 15 are located two genes very close to each other: OCA2 and HERC2.

    OCA2 produces proteins that are responsible for the amount of melanin in the iris. Another gene near HERC2 contains a part of the DNA, controlling the activity of the OCA2. Of course, there are other genes that take part in the determination process of the eye color. But they are not “so important”, so to say. Such are ASIP, IRF4, SLC24A4, SLC24A5, SLC45A2, TPCN2, TYR, and TYRP1. Now that you know all this, what do you think - can parents with blue eyes have a child with brown eyes? Of course, they can! There are many possibilities for the way the genes of both parents will mix but the chances are quite low. Nevertheless, if mama and papa have brown eyes, it is most likely that their kid will have dark-colored eyes too.

    Another option - when being born, a child may have blue or even violet eyes. This is the case of my little brother. He was a blue-eyed baby angel. While growing up though, his eyes changed their color to a bit darker color and now he has green/hazel eyes. Why does this happen? Simply because the baby did not have the pigment melanin, but it eventually developed as the child aged. As you may also know, there are people whose irises have different colors (like some husky dogs). This condition is called heterochromia and it can be caused by a number of reasons: disordered pigment transport, a local trauma before or after birth, inflammation, etc.

    Different eye colors

    Let’s talk about the color itself. It was found that the iris can be classified in seven different colors, namely: amber, blue, brown, gray, green, hazel or red. Here is some more information about all six:


    It happens quite often that people confuse amber eyes for hazel. The amber-colored have a golden or copper color, whereas hazel eyes tend to have blue or green flecks as well.


    We already said that people who have light-colored eyes have less amount of the pigment melanin. This is especially true for people with blue eyes. Something else interesting about blue-eyed beauties is that they all are related! Back in the days, a few thousand years ago, there were no people with blue eyes. Everyone had brown eyes. But then, all of a sudden, a mutation appeared.


    Most people around the world have brown eyes - between 70 and 90 percent of the world’s population! People with brown eyes have the largest amount of melanin in their irises. This means that brown eyes have better protection from the sun than light-colored eyes. However, you should still wear sunglasses!


    People say that only 3 percent of the people around the world have gray eyes. They have flecks of gold and brown and tend to change color, depending on the light, clothing, and mood.


    t is probably surprising but green eyes are even rarer than gray eyes! Only 2 percent of the population has green eyes. The amount of melanin is from low to moderate. Research suggests that there have been people with green eyes since the bronze age.


    People with hazel eyes have most melanin after brown-eyed beauties. Hazel eyes have gold, brown or green flecks.


    Yes, red eyes are really a thing but a very rare one. You can see the blood vessels behind the iris, which actually causes the redness. This is due to the lack of melanin.


    Just like almost every part of our bodies the color of our eyes depends on genetics. You can not be 100 percent certain though, if your kid is going to have brown, blue or green eyes, no matter what eye color do you and your partner have. Besides this should not worry you in any way because every person has unique eyes and every color is absolutely beautiful! And in order to keep your eyes healthy (no matter which color they have), make sure to try our blue light-blocking software Iris - it comes with a few different modes, which enables you to choose the one suiting your needs. By blocking the blue light emitted from your screen, Iris provides you a good night’s sleep, no fatigue, and no tired eyes.

            Author: Ilina Stoyanova Publisher: Kalina Shushlina [ssba-buttons]]]>
    <![CDATA[Еyes burning after work]]> Wed, 26 Feb 2020 23:07:43 +0200 Content Manager 29011 2020-05-25 20:46:12 2020-02-26 23:07:43 376 eye strain hurt end of working day screen time monitor blue light filter eye protection

    Why are my eyes burning? A common question these days, having in mind that people spent most of there time in front of the PC.

    Many people suffer from burning eyes at the end of the day.

    And they often wake up with burning eyes, too.

    The burning eyes are accompanied by itching and redness.

    Sometimes there could be vision problems, too.

    Like blurred vision, difficulty with focusing, or blank dots.

    What you are going to read in this article is about the reasons that stay behind the burning eyes.

    Also, some methods that can cure them without the need for a medic.

    What causes eye-burning?

    The irritation can be caused by a variety of reasons. Like working in a dusty place, having poor tear fluid production, or having an allergy. Usually, if your job requires you to stay at a place that has smoke, dust or small particles from any material you must wear protective goggles. If your boss doesn’t supply you with a pair, then buy one yourself. It is of great importance to protecting your eyes from such threats. And not only in the workplace. Also, if you are suffering from poor tear fluids production or allergies, you should visit a doctor. Or buy teardrops. If your eyes are lacking tears they are going to get dry and easily hurt.

    Thus, when you blink your eyelid is going to scratch the surface of your eyes which is called the sclera. The sclera’s role is to protect the organs in the eyeballs, but only in the presence of tears that moisturize it. And allergies can occur at any time of the year. It could be because of pollens, mold, or your pet. Carefully look for what is making your eyes hurt, or go and test yourself for having any allergies.

    Another very decent motivator of burning eyes is the blue light. And to be honest, most of the cases of burning eyes are not caused by allergies or dust but are happening exactly because of blue light radiation. And if you are working all day long on a computer it is most likely that this is the reason behind your bloodshot eyes. The blue light that is emitted from the screen is dangerous for your eyes’ overall health. It leads to insomnia and many eye problems.

    Methods to cure burning eyes

    The 20-20-20 rule

    One of the most efficient methods for curing and preventing burning eyes is the 20-20-20 rule. This rule is perfect for people who sit all day and stare at a monitor. Plus, it is very easy to follow. All it takes is to look at objects that are at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes. When you do that, you are going to flex up your eyes’ muscles. And changing focus between closeby and far objects will keep your vision sharp.

    Eye exercises

    If you need a more complex way to strengthen your eyes and improve your vision, you can do eye exercises. They can be done at home, at work, on the bus… particularly everywhere! The easiest of them is blinking. Blinking is a natural remedy for eye problems. It is healthy for keeping the eyes well moisturized. Remember to blink while you use a computer.

    It is a wide known fact that people forget to blink while using devices with LCD screens such as smartphones, tablets, and others. Also, you can stop your work and look away from the screen for a minute or two in which you can blink more frequently. You can also try to write your name in the air. Just trace it out with your eyes. Or look from side to side slowly. The basics of all eye exercises include moving your eyes. So, whatever exercises you come up with they will be good enough for keeping your eyes healthy.

    Computer glasses

    If you want to prevent the blue light from reaching your eyes, you can buy special computer glasses. They can filter part of the blue light emission from your computer and are designed with a special film that turns the cold colors into warmer ones. Such as yellow, red, orange, and brown. Such glasses are not recommended for people who work with colors, though. Like designers and artists. You can buy such glasses in every optics store where you can consult with a specialist about your needs. They are going to ask you at what length you will be reading and how much intensity of the film you want. If you are already wearing diopter glasses do not worry. Because computer glasses also come with diopters. Although, if you do not want to spend so much money on glasses, that can be inconvenient and sometimes inefficient, you can install a blue light filter.

    Iris – a blue light filter for PCs

    Iris is an installable program that is going to improve drastically your lifestyle. It is the right tool to make your eyes healthy and receive a good sleeping schedule. Iris can be installed on all of your devices and is going to protect you fully from the blue light. You will be able to choose from various filter modes like gaming, coding, reading, watching movies, and biohacking. There are a lot more of course. Iris is suitable for all ages and can be used by anyone. The program is especially useful to students, programmers, and office workers. For anybody that spends a lot of time on their computer or phone.

    Last words

    Forget about the headaches at the end of the day and the puffy eyes that itch like forever. If you are following the new trend with biohacking you won't regret it if you take care of your eyes, too. Iris is another way to hack your life without doing even the least of your efforts! Take the lead for your own life and be forever healthy!       Author: Yoana Borisova Publisher: Kalina Shushlina [ssba-buttons]]]>
    <![CDATA[7 Tips For Eye Care]]> Tue, 25 Feb 2020 22:18:31 +0200 Content Manager 28982 2020-05-28 23:31:38 2020-02-25 22:18:31 361

    Eyecare is one of the most important elements of human eye care that should be a priority of a person.

    If you are healthy you will be doing great at school and work.

    You will be more motivated and productive.

    This is also what biohacking is – to stay healthy, be productive, and to live longer.

    But the well being of your eyes is also important.

    Many people don’t pay too much attention to minor eye problems and easily neglect them.

    But this is very wrong because these minor problems may lead to the need of putting on glasses or even more serious diseases in the long run.

    This is why one should be very cautious about his eye’s health.

    Even if there are not any visible problems.

    In this article, we are going to show you the best methods to keep your eyes healthy and thus to biohack your life!

    What Is The Main Reason For Eye Problems?

    Before we start with the methods for eye care let us see what causes eye problems first. The most common reason for eye problems is technology. This includes laptops, TVs, smartphones and tablets, lighting, and others. All of them emit blue light. The blue light is not something that is artificial and only seen in technology. You can find it in the light coming from the sun, too, but in very small quantities. Anyway, the human eyes are used to warmer colors rather than cold ones like blue light. Excessive blue light radiation can lead to many problems. Such as vision damage, blurring, dry eyes, red or bloodshot eyes, vision loss, insomnia, and many more. So, let's take a look at these seven ways for easy eye care that you can practice at all times:

    How to keep your eyes healthy?

    Keep your eyes moving

    One of the most important things is to keep your eyes well moisturized. There are many problems that can occur as a result of dry eyes. The least of it will be the scratching of the surface of the eyes. In order to keep your tear fluids going, you should blink more often. Blinking is one of the most healthy activities for your eyes. Also, from time to time you have to look away from the screen in front of you. If you stare for hours the muscles around your eyes are going to stiffen. You can do the 20-20-20 rule which says to look at objects that are at least 20 feet away. You have to do this every 20 minutes for 20 seconds.

    Get yourself active

    There are some sports that really do great for the eyes. Such are archery, baseball, tennis, badminton, and juggling. They demand a great deal of eye coordination and good vision. For sure they are going to keep your eyes sharp. Moreover, you will broaden your sight. For example, archery is going to make you look at faraway bullseyes. And badminton will make your eyes jump from side to side. However, if you do not have the time to do sports there is another option. Like doing eye exercises. If you are in the office you can look up and down, then from the left to the right. Also, you can try to change the focus between closeby and far objects.

    Eat proper food

    A proper diet is a key element in your eye care routine. Smoking is absolutely forbidden. It can cause a blindfold forming on your eyes or cataracts. And to be protected from macular degeneration you should be wary of the intake of vitamins. Include a lot of vegetables and fruits, also fish during your weekly meals.

    Wear the right eyewear

    Eyewear is the best way to protect your eyes from outside threats like dust, small particles, sun rays, and abusive night lights. Sunglasses can be worn during the winter, too. The snow is reflecting a lot of the sun rays and this can damage your eyes. When you are looking out for the best pair of sunglasses do not choose only by the design, but the UV protection, too. And if you are working on a place with a lot of dust or the possibility of hurting your eyes, then put on a pair of protecting goggles. This is very important especially if there is the chance of getting a piece of metal or glass in your eyes.

    Go to regular eye exams

    Don’t wait till there is a real problem to go and visit your doctor. It would be best to go once or twice a year to check on your eyes’ condition. This has to be done because the medic will be capable of noticing any problems before they have even developed enough for you to feel. And it would be easier to cure any problem at an early stage.

    Do not forget your beauty sleep

    Sleep is tightly connected to the health of your eyes. And not only because while you sleep your body and eyes relax and heal. Getting a good night's sleep is the key to successful biohacking. If you have had a good rest you mind will be sharper and you will be more productive. Also, sleep is another way to get your eyes well moisturized. The least amount of sleep that you will need in order to feel good is 7 or 8 hours per night.

    Reduce the blue light impact

    The blue light is very harmful to your eyes because it can reach the retina. This is the organ that is reliable for visualizing what you see. If you want to reduce the impact of the blue light you can buy special computer glasses or install a blue light filter for PCs like Iris. Iris is working on the principle of computer classes. It is a program that has been developed by professionals that want all people to use computers to be healthy.

    Iris filters the colors of your screen and makes them more eye-friendly. In comparison to the computer glasses with Iris, you can choose the intensity of the filter. There are different modes to choose from like reading, working, coding, gaming, and movie watching. This filter can be installed and used by anybody on all kinds of devices. Plus, Iris will help you with receiving a better sleep experience.

    Can I combine all of these methods?

    If you manage to combine all of the numbered above methods for eye care you will be leading a very healthy lifestyle. Do not forget to get the sleep your body needs and the nutrients that are fundamental for its rightful operating. Be careful to not harm your eyes and take some breaks to relax them.       Author: Yoana Borisova Publisher: Kalina Shushlina [ssba-buttons]  ]]>
    <![CDATA[generate-featured-images-for-blog-posts]]> Tue, 25 Feb 2020 11:19:23 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 28639 2020-02-25 11:21:06 2020-02-25 11:19:23 381 <![CDATA[Headache from the computer]]> Mon, 24 Feb 2020 21:52:00 +0200 Content Manager 28627 2020-05-28 23:31:38 2020-02-24 21:52:00 425

    Most people nowadays suffer from computer headache regardless of the work they are doing.

    Even if your job does not require a computer, there is a big chance that you still use it for long periods.

    It is a well-known fact that computers may be dangerous in some cases.

    People who spend too much time in front of the screen often suffer from different diseases.

    One of the most common includes eye vision problems and headaches.

    In this article, we are going to see what are the reasons for a headache caused by a computer.

    And how you can fix that problem!

    Computer vision syndrome

    What is CVS?

    Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is the most likely cause of a headache. It is also referred to as a Digital Eye Strain. According to the American Optometric Association, CVS is, “a group of eye and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader, and cell phone use.”


    The most common symptoms include headache, blurred vision, eye strain, dry eyes, neck and shoulder pain. You can feel them all or you can feel only one! Whatever it is the case, it’s important to heal to work and live healthily and fully!


    The syndrome can appear for a variety of reasons. Most of them are listed below. They should be all taken under attention!
    • Starring too much at the screen
    Whatever you do, you need to keep track of how much time you spend in front of the monitor.
    • Poor seating posture
    Staying hunched over or leaning over your computer screen can be the case for your headache.
    • Improper viewing distance
    When you glue your nose to the monitor, your eyes get red and dry and your vision gets blurry. Almost every eye problem lead to a problem with your head.
    • Bad lightning
    Working in a bright environment can seriously trigger your computer-related headache. Unfortunately, lightning in many offices is bad. There are sun-filled windows on every wall, fluorescent lights, and desk lamps. In combination with the brightness from the screen, they can lead to serious problems.
    • Uncorrected vision problems
    One of the main reasons behind computer-related headaches (or any headaches actually!) can be uncorrected vision problems. Think about visiting your doctor because you may be in a need of a (new) pair of glasses!

    How to heal headaches from

    Now you know what the reasons behind your computer-related headache are. The more important question you are asking yourself is: “How do I fix that problem?” The tips below should be the answer!
    • Relocate your computer

    It is important to position your computer in the right way. First, make sure no bright lights are coming directly behind your screen. If you can’t adjust the angle, close the window blinds or turn off the lights behind the screen. Second, the monitor should be in front of you. Meaning, you should not position it on the side because you will be twisting your head and neck. Third, make sure that the screen is at an arm’s length away. The best position for it is to be slightly below eye level, about 20-28 inches away from your face!

    • Reorganize your desk

    Even if you work on a computer, there is a big chance that you still work with documents too. Moving your gaze all the time from the screen to the paper can be harmful to the eyes. You can buy a stand and put the documents on it. This way they will be on the computer's height and you won’t have to look down and up while you type!
    • Clean the monitor frequently

    If you have a lot of dust on the screen, this can make your eyes work harder. Try wiping your monitor with special cleaning cloths at least once a week.

    • Go to an eye doctor (regularly)

    If you have eye problems and you work on a computer it is a must to go to the eye doctor for a check every few months! If you don’t have any vision problems, you can still go once in a while to make sure everything is alright!
    • Fix your posture

    Try to keep your neck and spine neutral and your shoulders relaxed. Keep your back as close as possible to the backrest of the chair. Keep both your feet flat on the floor. Don’t sit with your legs crossed – this restricts the blood flow. Don’t lean on any side. When you type, keep your hands lower than the elbows. Be gentle with your wrists and don’t twist them. If you ever consider using a keyboard palm rest, be sure you are not typing! Otherwise, your wrist will be turning side to side. Make sure there is a proper distance between the monitor and your eyes!

    • Take breaks

    No matter the work you have to finish, it is important to look after yourself and your health. One of the ways you can do that is to take quick breaks every 30 minutes. Use them efficiently. Get up and do a few basic stretches. For example, touching your toes. Walk around the room. Drink a few sips of water (never forget how important is to stay hydrated!). Eat a nourishing snack. If you want to rest your eyes you can do a few easy eye exercises. One of the best for working in front of a computer is the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus your eyes on something that is 20 feet away!

    • Reduce blue light and brightness

    Your screen emits blue light which can be harsh on your eyes. Very often she is the reason behind your headache. If you want to protect your eyes and head from it you can install a blue light blocking program like Iris! Iris changes color temperature and brightness after detects if it’s day or night. This way the light on your screen won’t be that harmful. Iris also has a break reminder, which is very useful for busy people who forget to rest! You can choose between different models and types, which makes the program even more accessible!


    Computers are one of the best inventions ever made. They have been helping and improving the world ever since their creation. However, sometimes they can be dangerous for health. One of the most common computer-related health problems is headaches. People with regular headaches often are less productive, moody and depressed. Thankfully, this problem has a solution. to incorporate the tips if you experience headaches daily. They will help you improve your overall health. Without the pain in your head, you will be able to keep conquering the world! Start taking care of yourself now!     Author: Anna Tsaneva Publisher: Kalina Shushlina [ssba-buttons]      ]]>
    <![CDATA[How to test my Affiliate link]]> Sat, 22 Feb 2020 16:20:37 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 28455 2023-02-26 22:51:43 2020-02-22 16:20:37 764
  • The easiest way to see if you send your affiliate link right is to see if the person gets the discount
    • If the user has clicked your affiliate link, on the buy page he will see the prices with discount
    • If the person you invited doesn't see the discount or have bought without discount
  • How to verify your link

    How to see who has clicked my affiliate link

    • To see if somebody has clicked your affiliate link
    • Go and login into your affiliate profile from https://iristech.co/affiliate/
    • Go to Referrals then Clicks
    • From here you can see all the clicks that your affiliate link has generated

    Answers also

    • How to test your Affiliate link
    • How to test my affiliate link
    • How do I know if my affiliate link is working
    • How to know if people are clicking my affiliate link
    <![CDATA[All Modes]]> Fri, 21 Feb 2020 14:48:09 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 28307 2020-02-21 14:48:09 2020-02-21 14:48:09 354
  • Health mode
    • 🌴🚴🧘 Make your monitor more Healthy for the Eyes 🤸🤹👀
  • Reading mode
    • 👓 Protect your eyes and remove flicker 📕
  • Sleep mode
    • 😴 Fall asleep faster and sleep better 🛌
  • Biohacker mode
    • 🤺 Protect yourself from harmful rays 🏞️
  • Programming Mode
    • 👨‍💻 Dark theme on Every program
  • Design Mode
    • 🎨 Design with accurate Colors
  • Gaming Mode
    • 🕹️ Play Games longer
  • Movie Mode
    • 🎥 Watch Sharper Movies
  • ]]>
    <![CDATA[Insomnia Symptoms]]> Thu, 20 Feb 2020 23:47:51 +0200 Content Manager 28289 2020-05-25 20:45:54 2020-02-20 23:47:51 656

    WhĐ°t is insomniĐ°?

    Unfortunately, tons of people аround the world suffеr from insomnia. One оf thе mоst essential parts of our lives is slеep because it аffects us daily. This is a sleeping disorder in which pеople have trouble sleeping. It is аlso known as sleeplessness. It may last for either a short period (days and weeks) or a long period (more than a month). There are two types of insomnia: primary (when sleep problems aren’t linked tо any other health condition) and secondary (when sleеp problems are linked to other hеalth conditions like depression, heartburn, asthma, etc.).


    What causes sleeplessness?

    It’s important to say what are the common reasons behind insomnia if we want to know what the symptoms may be. As we already mentioned above, this disorder can be either primary or secondary. Many things can lead to primary insomnia. Stress, the setting around (noises, lights) or long staring at the screen before going to bed are some of them. The list of reasons for secondary insomnia is long. Mental health illnesses like depression and anxiety are some of the main ones. The others are different medications; body pain; substances like alcohol, coffee or tobacco.

    Symptoms to look out for if you think you have insomnia

    Now that you already know a little bit more about insomnia itself, it’s timе to talk about the symptoms. It's hard for you to sleep. You have noticed some of the listed above problems. Of course, now you are wondering dо you suffer from insomniа? To find out, read the listed problems. Try to be careful of your health even if only one of these symptoms seem familiar to you:
    • Falling asleep very difficult at night

    Your eyes are wide open аt 3 AM, stаring at the ceiling. You turn around and close your eyes tо calm yourself down. And yet the slеep doesn’t arrive. Yоu reaches for the clock only to calculate after how many hours you have to get up. That sounds even worse than a nightmare but is one of thе red flags for insomniа.
    • Waking up during the night or/and waking up too early

    Wаking up often means that you are interrupting your sleep cycles. This can lead to slower reaction speed; memory loss and even Alzheimer’s disease. Waking up too early in the mоrning when yоu still feel tired is аnother sign.

    • Feeling tired

    When you have a good night’s sleep you feel well-rested, calm and happy. You are productive and concentrated. That is thе way things should be. However, if yоu feel tired after yоu wake-up and during the whole day, уou are suffering from insomnia.
    • Feeling depressed and anxious

    Depression and anxiety are one of the main reasons for insomnia, but insomnia can cause them too. The reason for this is the fact that when you feel tired, you feel negative emotions which can lead to mental illnesses.

    • Problems with concentration and memory

    When you don't sleep well you start feeling tired. When you feel tired yĐžu are not able to stay concentrated Đ°nd productive fĐžr a long period of time. The chance of you forgetting important things is also high. As you can guess, this can damage your wĐžrk.
    • Grumpiness

    Everyone knows that fеeling when the alarm starts ringing in the morning but you can’t seem to get up. When you finally find the strength to get out of bed, thе whole world irritates yоu. Being moody and nervоus cаn harm your relationships with other peоple. That is another reason to consider some kind of help with your insomnia.

    How to beat insomnia?

    Wе talked about thе reasons behind insomnia аnd the symptoms you should look out for. You are probably still wondering how to beat it? There are a few tips that may work wonders if yоu are ready to work hard to imprоve your sleeping habits. And now without further ado, let’s get going with the tips:
    • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day and night

    It is preferable tо go tо bed early every night and wake up early every day. Following а certain schedule whеn you sleep it’s as important as following one whеn you work. As a result of it, yоur bоdy will start to work as а well-tuned clock. You will get tired at the same timе every night and yоu will wake up rested at the same time every day. The only obstacle here is to do it on the weekends too no matter how big the temptation of staying in bed until 11 AM is.

    productivity at work

    • Be careful with your coffee consummation

    The effects of caffeine can last from 4 to 6 hours but sometimes coffee can continue to do its wonders up tо 24 hours! That is why yоu should think before yоu drink another cup! The best option is tо drink only one in the morning. If yоu can’t survive without your second cup, make sure you have drunk it before 5 PM.
    • Reduce stress

    Try to live a calmer life. Don’t overthink everything, enjoy yоur work and enjoy yоur weekends too! Try therapy if you feel like you need more help; go to yoga; try to meditate. Before going to bed, lеаve the stressful thoughts out of the bedroom.
    • Turn off all yĐžur electronic devices at least one hour before going to bed

    This is a crucial, yet often underestimated thing that affects your sleep. The reason for it is hiding behind the blue light that your electronic devices emit. Blue light is bad for both your vision and your brain because can affect your internal body clock. This way you are not able to fall asleep since your body gets confused and doesn’t know if it’s day or night. Unfortunately, some people work long hours in front of the computer. They often don’t have the chance to rest their eyes before going to bed.

    Don't worry! There is a decision for this problem! Iris is a software thаt protects thе eyes from harmful blue light. With Iris, you will get yоur work done and yоu will get your night’s sleep! It works on all kinds of devices, еven on smartphones! You should consider downloading a program like Iris if you want tо improve your sleеp. It’s going to bе a game-changer fоr yоur hеalth and well-being!


    PĐľople often neglects their sleeping hĐ°bits. The reason is thĐ°t they do not think sleep is so important. The truth is thĐ°t not getting enĐžugh slооp can lead to serious health issues. For example, weight gain, low productivity levels, depression, mood swaps, and illnesses. Insomnia can be a dangerous disorder, which you shouldn't underestimate. It is advisable to take immediate action when a sign of this disorder appears. Every single one of the symptoms you must take into account. Try to incorporate some of the tips mentioned above in yĐžur dĐ°ily rĐžutine. YĐžu shĐžuld see thĐľ difference almost immediately!     Author: Anna Tsaneva Publisher: Kalina Shushlina [ssba-buttons]    ]]>
    <![CDATA[Smartphones are Toxic]]> Wed, 19 Feb 2020 10:43:22 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 28249 2020-02-19 10:43:22 2020-02-19 10:43:22 357 <![CDATA[Here’s what the world needs now]]> Tue, 18 Feb 2020 19:34:13 +0200 Content Manager 28220 2020-05-25 20:45:45 2020-02-18 19:34:13 423

    Ever wondered, "What am I contributing to this world or contributing enough?"

    It would be difficult to answer such questions if we were to criticize ourselves.

    But you are far from the answer.

    And when they stand out again, like a Facebook message in your head, remember where you went and where you went.

    Well, we're not going to talk about making millions of dollars in this article.

    But be careful if you want to know what's coming.

    I inspire you to convince yourself, so don't think it over and grab life by the horns and go ahead.

    To fall does not mean to give up

    Yes, there must be falls for success. But no one human has succeeded so much, has not snapped with a finger and his wishes have come true. And there is no shortcut to success. It won't be as interesting as the Sunday morning breakfast show. It probably won't be and like surfing the internet …

    Don't waste your time. Did you know that if you are 20 years old, you have about 2860 weeks to say goodbye to your life? It seems pretty short, don't you think? Nobody can stop it yet. And as you wait for something to happen, your chances slip out from under your feet. Imagine living in a domino where you have to invest one tile every day. It is possible that everything falls at one point and you have to start over ... But is this not a new chance? A good example would be if I mentioned Colonel Harland David Sanders. Whose chicken recipe has been rejected more than once, but 1,099 times. Thinking of a franchise well known to anyone at KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken). He was only 40 years old, offering up and down his recipe. To its full potential, it went through the bloody World War II. Creating one of the largest franchises to date around the world. 

    What will make your dreams come true?

    I'll be honest. If you want to fulfill your dreams, then you must fight for them. You probably haven't stopped for something specific or do a lot of things? And yet you do not know what to do to fully meet your goals. And maybe there is already something to show the world? Congratulations then! Business is a tool that you have to make yourself. Let's start with a few introductory rules.

    Small steps, but of great importance

    The important thing first is to know where you are headed. Start with a few small but important steps like:
    • What am I best at?
    • What do I like to do?
    • Do I have the right skills?
    • How much money will I need?
    • What lifestyle do I want to live in?
    Be extremely honest with yourself and your answers too. Because you will only fool yourself.

    Unleash your potential for something new

    You need to think about the world, the market and even you need.  Although for your own satisfaction. Prove yourself. This is how you build a small and positive part of humanity.  Don't be bored and annoying. There are thousands of people hoping their product will be successful.
    • Think about what will change the business landscape?
    • Make a change.
    • Apply your skills to an entirely new field.
    • Use innovative approaches (faster, better, cheaper).
    Nothing can stand in your way if you are yourself. Equality has grown too much. Be as creative as possible and most of all, have confidence in your inner voice. "Don't compare yourself with other people; compare yourself with who you were yesterday. " Jordan Peterson


    Life priorities are so important. Do not break them and do not be afraid to leave your ungrateful work for the moment. Try new things, new jobs. Change your daily routine if necessary.
    • Set your goals first.
    • Think in perspective.
    • Think about your health.
    • Don't be black-eyed, be realistic.

    productivity at work

    Learn from everything-every-day

    Knowledge is your most useful tool nowadays. Do not let laziness conquer you. Knowledge is an inexhaustible source. Do not indulge in stubbornness. This will only prevent you from learning something new and useful for your goals. Let others comment so you have more information on what to focus on. Ask and they will answer you. Read and build your perspective.

    Trust in Iris

    The Iris team will give you an exceptional experience with your smart device. Wherever you are, whatever screen you do your job. Suitable software for any screen. The reinforced smart barrier that builds Iris in front of your eyes, keeping you out of the blue light. Convenient and calm, innovative solution. How exactly would Iris help you? Iris is a software product that makes your daily life easier. Developed by professionals who care for you. This is Dimmer for the Blue Light. As we all know, blue light is emitted from any digital device (TVs, lamps, computers, phones, or even the sun).


    Iris provides you with many modes, of which you can decide which one is best for you when you are standing on the screen. There will be no need to worry about your sleep in the evening or the difficult mornings. Thousands of users around the world have chosen Iris as their helper, and you?

    A few closing words

    As I mentioned in the beginning, this article will not make you millions. But believe me, it will come true for some of your dreams, of course, if you take care of them at least a little. You need to put in the time and effort, effort and nerves every day to succeed. Step by step and look at it, you finally realize what you have achieved. Iris is your little helper who supports and encourages you to achieve your goals. You are what the world needs right now!     Author: Nikolai Tasev Publisher: Kalina Shushlina [ssba-buttons]    ]]>
    <![CDATA[Computer science jobs: pros and cons]]> Mon, 17 Feb 2020 10:35:39 +0200 Content Manager 28197 2020-05-28 23:31:47 2020-02-17 10:35:39 423

    Computer science is one of the reasons for the world to develope at full speed nowadays. And one of the main reasons for that is technology. Technology is everywhere around us. It is almost impossible to imagine the world without it. As technologies evolve, so do the professions associated with them. It is a well-known fact that with time some professions will disappear because of the development of technology. For example, travel agents; cashiers; librarians; pilots. More and more people are trying to find a job in the field of technology. In particular, in the field of computer science. The question is “Is it a good idea to work a computer-related job?”. Like everything else in the world, working a job like this is having pros and cons. If you want to understand is that the profession for you, keep reading!

    Types of computer science jobs

    There are a lot of computer-related professions. Many people think that they are all the same. That is not true. Below you can read about some of the professions that require computer skills:
    • Software Developers

      They are creating software programs that allow people to do different tasks on electronic devices. Usually, their job requires a lot of creativity.
    • Computer Hardware Engineers

      They are researching, designing, developing and testing computer components
    • Web Developers

      They create the technical structure for websites.
    • Information Security Analysts

      They are creating systems to protect information networks and websites from cyberattacks.

    This list it's supposed to show you that working with a computer doesn’t mean only typing on a keyboard. There is a wide variety of activities in this field. Of course, not all computer-related professions are on the list! Now that you know a little bit more about computer science jobs, it’s time to talk about the pros and cons they have.

    Why choose a computer science profession? 5 pros of computer science jobs

    You love technology, science, and maths. You may think that this is a big enough reason to start your career in the computer industry. A job like this has many more advantages than you think. If you want to make sure that this is your dream, you can check the list of the advantages below:

    High salary

    People with a computer science job earn high salaries. Computer science degrees became very popular among students. The payment is the reason behind it. Money should not be the only reason to choose a career! Above everything else, you should make sure that you love what you do!

    Endless possibilities

    There is almost no branch that doesn’t need an IT specialist. Computers are everywhere around us. Think about it! Almost every industry offers some kind of online service. For example, banks, magazines, travel agencies, healthcare.

    Career opportunities

    The technology sector is constantly growing. There is always something new that is happening. Numerous things are not developed yet. There is always a field for improvement. With that being said, you will hardly ever get bored!

    Flexible hours

    Most IT specialists don’t work from 9 am to 5 pm. They still go to the office for a big amount of time but not for a defined time. They often make their working schedule. This allows them to work from home!

    Bettering the world

    It is not uncommon to hear people complaining about how much technologies have ruined our life. Yet, people don’t think about where the world would be now without them. One of the sectors they have made a big impact on is healthcare! Medicine is advancing so rapidly because of the development of technology!

    Why not choose a computer science job? 5 cons of computer science jobs

    The field of computers may look very tempting after we talked about its benefits. However, you should never forget that a coin has two sides! For this reason, we are going to examine the disadvantages a computing profession may have:


    Regardless of your specialization in the tech field, you will be working under a lot of pressure. There is always something to bring about! There are always people who want things to happen faster! You will have Đ° large amount of obligations. You will find yourself in situations where you will have to find the solution to a problem that may not be related to you.

    Long hours

    When it comes to a computing career there is one thing you cannot escape from. Meaning, the long hours you will have to dedicate to your work. Flexible hours doesn’t mean less work. You should be ready to hustle and bustle if you want to succeed!


    You will have to deal with a lot of people who will expect you to fix what they have done with their computers. From weird pop-up ads to the chocolate cream on the keyboard that suddenly appeared! When people do stupid things like that they prefer not to say what happened. Therefore, partly you will be working as a detective.

    Staying educated

    The IT sector is constantly changing and evolving. The new information gets outdated very fast. Trying to keep up with all of the constant changes can be hard since you will have never-ending work. Knowing what is going on is one of your duties if you want to be the best.

    Health problems

    One of the main problems that IT specialists are dealing with is their health. The eyes are the ones that suffer the most. The reason behind it is hiding in the blue light that screens emit. Blue light can lead to age-related macular degeneration and other vision-related problems. Therefore, one of the best things to invest in is a program that is going to protect your eyes from the harmful screen irradiation. The perfect program for that is Iris software. Iris reduces the brightness of the screen which can help with eye strain, dry eyes, and headaches.


    It may be really hard to succeed in the IT field. Technology is going to evolve throughout the years. It is the course of the future. If you know that this is the path you want to take, you shouldn’t be scared! Although it may have its disadvantages it is still one of the best fields to work in. It is creative and challenging, logical and fun. If you, on the other hand, have realized that this is not what you want to do with your life, that is fine. There are tons of other professions that you can try. The most important part is to love what you do and to never stop bettering yourself!       Author: Anna Tsaneva Publisher: Kalina Shushlina [ssba-buttons]      ]]>
    <![CDATA[How to get the perfect blue light glasses for you?]]> Fri, 31 Jan 2020 11:50:37 +0200 Content Manager 28183 2020-05-25 20:45:33 2020-01-31 11:50:37 652

    Working on a computer or staring in your phone for a long time is leading to eye problems that you can fix with blue light glasses!

    This is because of the harmful blue light that all kinds of displays emit.  And the eye problems could be minor like an irritation.

    But if not taken care of on time, they can grow to cases of dry eyes, bloodshot eyes, blurriness, and even vision loss.

    Blue light glasses or also called “computer glasses” are a great option for reducing the affection of the blue light.

    They are looking like any other type of glasses, but what is special about them are their lenses.

    They have a coating that filters the blue light before it reaches your eyes.

    They cannot filter it all, but will definitely reduce the impact of it.

    Yet, choosing the best pair of computer glasses takes some precision.

    It is of importance to do it right because it concerns the health of your eyes.

    In this article, we are going to tell you how to get the perfect pair of blue light glasses.

    Why do you need computer glasses?

    If you are working all day in front of a computer screen and go back home with puffy eyes, then computer glasses are recommended for you. But it doesn’t have to be only because you are working. If you spend a lot of your free time surfing the Net or watching movies, but do not want to ruin your vision, blue light glasses are also an option for you. Blue light is dangerous to your eyesight because it ruins it with the time passed. Blue light can be found everywhere nowadays. In LED lamps and especially in electronics. This kind of light has high energy levels that help it to be able to reach deeper in the human eye, damaging the retina.

    The problems that the blue light causes are various and depend on the intensity of the radiation. The minor problems that occur after some hours of looking into a screen are similar to innocent eye irritations. But after some time these irritations can grow to bigger problems. Like red eyes, dry eyes, strained eyes, small headaches, discomfort, and sometimes even teary eyes. Teary eyes may as well be as a result of a protective reaction of the body to dry eyes. And dry eyes can occur frequently since the blue light makes people forget to blink. And when the eyes are not well moisture with tear fluids they get dry and can get scratched by the eyelids. Furthermore, the blue light can lead to more complex cases and diseases. Like blurriness, insomnia, and macular degeneration. This is why one must to find any way to get the perception of blue light to a minimum.

    How to choose the perfect blue light glasses?

    Blue light glasses can be personalized for everybody’s needs. But there are some important steps to take before buying a pair and putting them on. Because if one aspect of the glasses isn’t as it has to be, they are going to bring you more harm rather than help. Here are the essential things you must consider before buying computer glasses

    Visit a doctor

    It would be good if you book an appointment with an eye care specialist to speak about your problems. The doctor is going to tell you what is the best option for you and what to look for. They may even help you with the choice. Also, you will see if you don’t have any other eye problems that need to be taken care of.

    Are you already wearing glasses?

    If you already wear glasses or lenses with diopter, then we highly recommend you going to a specialist before buying computer glasses. And also, you cannot convert your current glasses to computer glasses. This is because the power of the computer glasses is being measured differently than your regular spectacles. It depends on the reading length, which is the space between you and the screen.

    Consider the colors

    Blue light glasses are going to give the display a shade of yellow or red because of the filter on the lenses. So if you are working with colors then you should consider if you really need computer glasses. For professions like graphic designers, artists, video makers, photo editors, and others like these it is very important to be cautious about the colors on the screen. So if you are applying for one of these and still want computer glasses, you must be cautious. Unless you use the glasses for anything but not drawing.

    Is there an alternative to computer glasses?

    If you do not want to spend so much money on something that you are not sure you are going to use for much time, then there is another option. There are programs that filter the blue light on your screen. They work on the principle of converting the colors from blue to warmer tones. And they do the same work as any computer glasses would, even better.

    Iris is such a blue light filter. It is an installable software for PCs, smartphones, and tablets. Iris is even better than computer glasses because you can set the desired intensity of the filter and how much blue light to let out. Iris is completely ads-free so it isn’t going to interfere with what you are doing. Unless you set an alarm by yourself that is going to remind you to take a break and rest your eyes. There are many personalized modes in the program. You can choose between reading mode, programming mode, movie mode, biohacking mode, and more.

    Last words

    When you are thinking about whether you need computer glasses or not, you should really consider if they are going to be useful for you. They must help you and improve your experience while working on a computer. Not otherwise. So, if you are not sure whether you need blue light glasses, you could try Iris – the blue light filter for PCs – and see if it is working for you.     Author: Yoana Borisova Publisher: Kalina Shushlina [ssba-buttons]]]>
    <![CDATA[5 ways to get rid of blurred vision]]> Thu, 30 Jan 2020 11:33:15 +0200 Content Manager 28175 2023-03-23 19:26:26 2020-01-30 11:33:15 877

    Blurred vision and blurriness are what cause the eyes to have problems focusing on objects and for the eyesight to be unclear and far from sharp.

    It can be provoked in only one or both eyes and it may concern close or far eyesight.

    It is quite a common problem amongst people who complain of eye problems.

    The treatment of blurred vision may be dependent on what has caused it.

    And there are many possible reasons for blurred vision.

    It can be because of an injury, stress, vision loss, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

    However, one of the most usual reasons is the blue light from computers and smartphones.

    In this article, we are going to suggest five ways to get rid of the blurred vision at home.

    Note that these treatments are mainly for blurred vision caused by technology and its blue light impact on human health.

    But some of them might be as well working on other kinds of blurred vision triggers.

    How can blue light affect the health of my eyes?

    All technologies have LCD screens that emit blue light. And this type of light by nature is highly energized because of its place in the light spectrum. It can easily reach to the core of our eyes. There is the retina and if it gets damaged once, it cannot be reversed. There is blue light in the light that the sun gives us but in little quantity. And there is also blue light in LED lamps, which are practically everywhere around us. This is why it is difficult to avoid. But it is not unachievable. Apart from eye blurriness, blue light can cause a lot of other eye problems. blue-light-computer-at-night Like red eyes, dry eyes, macular degeneration, headaches, lack of sleep, and even vision loss. This is why it is not good to acquaintance young children with technology because their eyes will get damaged more easily. And in the end, they will have to put on glasses for life. To be thankful, there are some methods that can preserve yours and your children’s eyes from blue light, blurred vision, and other eye problems. If you do not neglect the symptoms and take action on time, you can keep your eyes healthy with these five methods.

    5 Ways to get rid of blurred vision

    Use Computer Glasses

    Computer glasses are specially designed to keep your eyes safe from the blue light that the displays radiate. These spectacles are made with a coating that blocks a certain amount of blue rays before they reach your eyes. And when looked thought, the glasses make the screen look yellow or red, depending on the intensity of the glasses' filter. But getting them is not easy. First, it would be good to consult with a specialist. Secondly, you have to know for sure the length from which you are going to look at the screen so that the lenses are constructed the right way. Anyway, once you have the computer glasses and start using them, you will feel relief after a short period. They are a good investment for your eyes' health.

    Rest Well And Do Eye Exercises

    Getting a good rest is essential not only for your energy through the day but for your eyes. When you sleep your body uses the opportunity to heal and recharge. Plus, this is the only time when you do not use your eyes and they can rest. Therefore sleep is important for your eyes’ health, too. And while awake, if you start to feel any stiffness in your eyes you can try to relieve it with eye exercises. Not only will eye exercises keep your eyes well moistured, but they will help you to stay focused. And moisturizing your eyes is important because if your eyes are dry, you can scratch their surface. This would lead to more problems and will need medical treatment.

    Avoid anxiety and stress

    It is proven that anxiety and stress have an impact on the health of your eyes. You can try meditation and antistress activities. Mental health is essential for the overall wellbeing of a human. This is why one must avoid stressful situations and keep his mind clear.

    Don’t smoke

    Smoking is proven to be harmful not only to your lungs but to the whole body. It leads to diseases and even lung cancer. And apart from your lungs, the eyes are the other organ that gets a lot of damage. And smokers are way more prone to getting cataracts, which is a disease that totally blindfolds the pupil. One can also suffer from macular degeneration, uveitis, dry eyes, and diabetic problems because of smoking.

    Use a blue light filter for PC

    Iris is a blue light filter for PC and all other kinds of devices that keep the blue light away of the screen. Iris is an installable program that immediately is going to filter the pixels on your screen to eye-friendly colors. The filters of Iris differ depending on the intensity the user desires. And this program is suitable for all ages – from students to grandparents. For everybody who uses computers!

    With a blue light filter like Iris, you are going to notice the effect in a very short time. It prevents sore eyes, red eyes, and dry eyes. In the long run, you will be protected by macular degeneration and sleep problems. It is especially useful for the long-time device using. Iris is a great alternative to computer glasses and even it is a lot better than them. You can choose between reading mode, movie mode, programming mode, biohacking mode, working mode and so on.

    Last words

    Blurriness can be caused by many triggers, but one of the biggest of them is what we cannot live without. And this is computers. We use computers every day but that is dangerous to our health. This is why we have to take care of that and protect our eyes without saying goodbye to technology. And with Iris, you won't be even thinking about eye care for it takes little time to set up and has no expiry period.     Author: Yoana Borisova Publisher: Kalina Shushlina [ssba-buttons]    ]]>
    <![CDATA[Eyesight problems and how to reduce them with Iris]]> Wed, 29 Jan 2020 12:10:42 +0200 Content Manager 28156 2023-03-11 16:23:52 2020-01-29 12:10:42 653 Eyesight problems and how to reduce them with Iris Eyesight problems are the most common underrated cases nowadays. People think that they are going to pass away as if they have never occurred. But it is extremely difficult for human eyes to regenerate their cells and to improve. Almost impossible. Dry eyes and small eye irritations may not be that insignificant as you think. And if you do not take any action on time, you may damage your vision for good. In this article, we are going to discuss a variety of eyesight problems. Especially the ones that can be caused by computers and technologies. Later on, we will show you how to reduce and prevent such problems from happening with Iris – the blue light filter for PCs.

    The reason behind eye problems

    Technologies with LCDs can generate many eyesight problems to all-ages users. Teenagers do not lay down their phones and social media feeds. And adults work all day in front of a computer monitor. Technologies, though, are most dangerous to young children who play video games for hours with their noses glued to the screen. When a human at a very fragile age consumes blue light there is a higher chance of damaging the eyes. The main reason for modern technologies to be dangerous is because of the blue light that they radiate off of their screens. Blue light has highly energized rays that can reach to the core of the human eyes and damage the retina. Unlike the natural sunlight that mainly consists of red and warm rays, blue light is not healthy for any living being. And if there was more red light in the displays, they wouldn’t be that unhealthy. Still, nobody does anything about changing the technology in common-user monitors. And here comes the reason why more and more people put on glasses and end up with eye diseases.

    Types of eye problems caused by Blue light

    Red eyes / Red shot eyes

    Your eyes could become red with standing out blood vessels due to many reasons. It could be because of allergies or eye injury. But the constant radiation of the blue light can also irritate your eyes. It makes the pupils contract like muscles very frequently which tires the eyes. Also, the blue light has the ability to make people forget to blink. And when you do not blink your eyes won't lubricate efficiently, which leads to dryness.

    Dry eyes

    Having dry eyes is a huge discomfort and is very dangerous. When there is not enough tear fluid to moisture the gentle surface of the eyes, they may get scratched and very irritated. The feel is painfull and is like looking through sand. Tears also help for keeping the eyes clean of outer objects that may harm them. Like dust, for example.


    After a long period of using any kind of technology, you must have noticed a subtle difficulty in focusing the objects around you. Since you have been staring at one place for such a long time, your eye muscles had stiffened. And focusing takes more effort.

    Watery eyes

    Of course, watery eyes can be due again to allergies or an injury. But apart from depriving your eyes of tears, blue light can also make your eyes teary. Moreover, if you have had dry eyes, your body may produce an extra amount of tear liquids as a protective reaction.


    Human bodies have a natural body clock that works with the cycles of the day and the night. And our eyes are the perceptive organ that plays a great role in setting up these cycles. If our eyes perceive an extra amount of light, then our body is going to think that it is daytime. Which leads to troubles with falling asleep and later to insomnia issues. This is why doctors tell to cut down device usage to a minimum some hours before going to bed. But we know that you have some important work to do and tight deadlines to fulfill. And late midnight key tapping is your second nature. This is why we have a solution to evade all the eye problems we just wrote about and to do your work without any worries and bad consequences.

    What is Iris?

    Iris is a blue light filter for every kind of device. It is a program that can be installed on any computer, smartphone, and tablet. Iris blocks out the blue light emitted from the screen by changing the colors of the pixels. Instead of emitting blue light, the display is going to emit a friendlier tone of light. Like red, yellow or orange. Iris works just like any computer glasses but has some more perks included. You can change the mode of the filter that the program uses. You can choose between reading, movie, programming, sleeping, biohacking, sunglasses, and dark modes. Another convenient advantage of the software is that Iris has a break reminder. This break reminder can be set to appear on a period of time that the user decides. And during the break the user can ‘flex’ his eyes’ muscles and take a rest from the display, fulfilling the 20-20-20 rule. Which is: on every 20 minutes to look at objects that are 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Iris is going to remove the blue light from your life for good. It is going to keep your eyes healthy and fresh. Without blue light, you will be able to sleep again and live a happy and productive life.

    Last words

    Eyesight problems should not be overlooked, because this could lead to serious diseases. Even to vision loss in the worst case. Protecting your eyes can be simple with professional blue light filters like Iris. Which is specially designed to suit everybody’s needs. From kids to students, and from workers to grandparents. Author: Yoana Borisova Publisher: Tanya Atanasova Read more: 8 Ways To Protect Your Eyesight How do I improve my eyesight naturally? [ssba-buttons]  ]]>
    <![CDATA[5 methods that will give you good sleep at night]]> Tue, 28 Jan 2020 11:56:46 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 28100 2020-05-25 12:44:24 2020-01-28 11:56:46 656

    It seems like everybody is running late for somewhere nowadays.

    There are always busy people on the streets and multitaskers in life.

    But with all of what is going on, we often forget to have a nice and healthy rest.

    People stay till late to finish projects and to meet deadlines.

    Then wake up early the next morning to go to work.

    Usually getting less than the needed 7-8 hours of essential sleep to the human organism. D

    o you recognize yourself in this? If the answer is yes, then we are here to help!

    In this article, we will see why sleep is so important.

    And also how to get a good sleeping schedule that is going to kick off your lifestyle!

    Why Is Sleep Important?

    Humans have to sleep in order to recharge their bodies for the next big day. While we sleep, our body uses the opportunity to heal itself and to relax. Sleep is what keeps us proactive. If one doesn’t get the needed amount of sleep he/she is going to fall spiritually and physically.

    Firstly, the lack of sleep is contributing mostly to the loss of concentration. And it also brings memory issues. If the brain hasn’t gotten the rest it needs, then it is going to find a way to get it while your body is at awaken state. At this state people usually become sleepy and inattentive. Secondly, your body heals best when you sleep. This is why when you are sick having a good nap makes you feel a lot better. And with sleeping, you will gain energy and better coordination. Your reflexes are going to be faster and there is a higher chance of you finding a desire to do sports and exercise. Plus, you will be able to motivate yourself more easily.

    Thirdly, sleep prevents cardinal diseases and obesity. Sleep regulates healthy blood pressure which prevents heart problems and risks. It also aids in better functions of the hormones and controls weight gain. Sleeping is the time when your body strengthens its immune system. And the immune system is what protects you from sickness and diseases. And lastly, sleep is contributing to your overall feelings. It beats depression and helps with mental problems. The lack of sleep leads to grumpiness and bad moods that can affect your social life and job. If you have had a night of a good rest, then you are more likely to be friendly and appealing.

    What Causes Insomnia?

    Insomnia is a state of constant lack of sleep and is a health condition. But it can be cured without medicaments in most of the cases. Insomnia can be caused by numerous reasons. Like overthinking and stress. Additionally, leading an unhealthy lifestyle affects directly the quality of sleep you get. And living healthy isn’t just down to eating vegetables and exercising. It includes also looking after your mental health and sleep, because these two are crucial to your wellbeing, too.

    Insomnia can also be caused by the impact of the technologies on your eyes and overworking after midnight. Technologies are harmful not only to your eyes, though. The blue light that is emitted by their screens can directly affect your sleeping experience. This is because of the ability of our eyes to perceive light. And the excessive amount of it makes our brain believe that it is daytime, which affects the production of melatonin. The hormone of sleep. Insomnia can also be caused by more serious health problems and for these reasons, it is best to consult with a specialist. But if you are not sure, you can try the methods below.

    5 Methods for Better Sleep:

    Get used to a consistent sleeping regime every day

    The human body, just like every other living being, has a natural clock, too. It is not in such a strong connection to nature and its season changes like with animals. But can be regulated by the way we live. It is called “circadian rhythm” and remembers the usual time you go to bed and when you wake up. This is why at certain hours during the day you feel more sleepy than others and vice versa. And if you want to get along with your circadian rhythm, then you have to put on a decent sleeping regime. You have to go to bed at a consistent time every day and wake up around similar hours. This way you will teach your body when it is time for rest and going to sleep will come much easier. Getting used to a sleeping regime may not come fast, but give it time. It will be worth it!

    Prepare your body for sleep

    Apart from relying on your circadian rhythm for falling asleep faster, you can tire your body through the day. The best way to do that is by exercising, but not right before going to bed. It is going to get your heart rate high and this will prevent you from falling asleep fast. Instead, do your best in the time before and around noon. Apart from exercising you can do other activities that are going to tire your mind, too. It could be activities like solving quizzes, working, doing homework, etc.

    Clear your mind

    If you fill your thoughts with various problems, instead of sleeping, you are going to be overthinking. And this is stressful for the body. Try to meditate and calm your mind. Clear it of unnecessary problems and leave them for another time so you can get the needed rest. Reading a book before going to bed also helps for relaxing. Reading is proven to be lowering blood pressure and also beats down stress.

    Enhance the comfort of your bedroom

    If you sleep in an uncomfortable place, then you won't be able to rest well. Make your bedroom a sleeping paradise for you. Upgrade your sleeping mattress and the covers. Change the colors of the walls and aromatize with your favorite scent before going to bed. Make the experience pleasurable for you.

    Reduce blue light impact

    As we already noted some lines up, the blue light stops the production of melatonin. You should put aside all electronics sometime before going to bed. It could be for one or two hours but that is quite enough for your eyes to rest. There won't be anything on the social media that you won't see on the next morning. But if anyway you are obliged to work on your computer in every spare minute, then you can try to cut the impact of the blue light. The reduction of blue light can happen in several ways.

    One of them is to install a blue light filter for PC, like Iris. Iris is a program that works on all kinds of devices, even on smartphones. It blocks the blue light and makes the screen eye-friendly and more healthy. You can be sure that with Iris you won't lose your sleep and still have some work done at the end of the day. Iris can be set on several working modes, depending on your likings. It has a reading mode, a programming model, a movie mode, biohacking mode, and many more! Iris is suitable for all ages. From student to grandparents. For everybody that uses a computer because the health of people’s eyes is important for their wellbeing and healthy life.

    Last words

    Sleeplessness can be cured with some simple methods that should become a habit. Remember to keep your mind relaxed and to keep your eyes healthy. With a blue light filter like Iris, you won't even have to think about it, but after some days the difference will be obvious.   Author: Yoana Borisova Publisher: Kalina Shushlina [ssba-buttons]            ]]>
    <![CDATA[How to reduce stress at work?]]> Mon, 27 Jan 2020 11:57:44 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 28073 2020-05-25 20:45:25 2020-01-27 11:57:44 357

    Do you come back home tired and squeezed out at the end of the day...could it be stress at work?

    Are you usually annoyed at work? Is your sleep a bad experience? This is all because of the stress caused by your job.

    Stress at the workplace can have both good and bad impact on your performance.

    It depends on the levels of stress you have.

    If there is some little amount of stress it has a great possibility to inspire you to do better.

    For example, an acceptable level of stress is when there is a certain project among colleagues.

    And they compete who is going to it better. And this kind of stress could inspire you and give you fresh ideas to move forward. However, if stress is really making you feel uncomfortable and stops you from doing your job, then it will affect your health. And you must find a way to reduce it.

    Why is stress bad for you?

    An extra amount of stress could affect your mental and physical health. It can be caused by strict deadlines or a lot of difficult workloads on your head. Or both at the same time. Tight deadlines are leading to hastening and not paying attention to important details. Which often leads to work that isn’t done right. Also, if there is pressure in the relationship between you and your colleagues, this adds up to the overall stress. Try to be kind to the people you work with. After all, you are spending the whole day with them. Make the working atmosphere friendly and nice.

    Stress at work and stress, in general, can lead mainly to mental problems like anxiety, sleeping problems, and headaches. Usually, one leads to the other. The first sign of being in a lot of stress is the lack of good sleep. Another sign is to have problems with concentration and memorizing simple things. We can help you to beat the stress in the office with some simple life hacks.

    How to reduce stress at work? Here are 9 simple ways!

    Be organized

    The first rule of being productive is to be organized. That way you will manage your tasks on time and will feel delighted that you made it before the deadline. There is not going to be any stress about unfinished projects at all. You could take a simple sheet of paper and prioritize everything that has to be done. One tip is to start with the most difficult task, then move on to the simpler ones.

    Do not multitask

    This could be a big reason for stress at work. Taking a lot of projects is not one of the best decisions you could make. And multitasking is not always considered as something good. This is because when you multitask the chance of forgetting something major is not small. The best way is to take up to two or three projects, so your work goes smoothly.

    Exercise and do sports

    We know that it is difficult to go to fitness or to do anything else while working takes such a big part of your life. But finding time for some exercising, even once per week, is going to reduce your stress levels drastically. Sports are proven to have a beneficial impact on our health. Both physical and mental. Yet, if you do not have time for spots even once per week, do not lose hope! Instead of losing your time to check on your social media during the lunch break, you could go for a walk. Even a simple walk could help you to charge some new powers and clear your mind. Plus that it is going to relieve your stiff muscles of all that sitting during the whole day.

    Listen to music

    If you love music, then why not listen to your favorite songs while you work? Make a playlist with the songs that motivate you and take a pair of headphones. Motivation is healthy for people who work the whole day because it keeps them focused. And this is going to help you to be more productive. You could also talk with your colleagues and make a collective playlist together. Get speakers in the office and let your jam inspires you.

    Spend some time for yourself

    Spending time with yourself, doing things that you love is a great way of releasing stress. Find some time that will be planned especially for this purpose. You could read a book, go out with friends, visit a theatre play, cook something delicious or watch that series you have been looking forward to for some time.

    Stay away from conflicts

    Conflicts are always a reason for long-lasting stress. Always try to avoid being in conflict. neither with colleagues nor with family. Try to see their point of view and be kind. Speak calmly and find a solution to the problem. Still, do not bury your interests and desires. Just find a consensus.

    Take a night of good 8-hour sleep

    Sleep is essential for being proactive and healthy. Do not work till late, because the blue light from the display is both dangerous for your eyes and leads to insomnia. If you have to get up early on the next day, go to bead some hours before the usual time you do it. Napping is also considered to be healthy. A good 20-minute nap can recharge you with new powers for work.

    Take care of your eyes

    The wellbeing of your eyes and your sleep are connected. Even more, your eye’s health is essential for doing your work properly. If you have red eyes, blurred vision, or dry eyes, it would be impossible to be productive. Blue light can lead to many eye diseases and even to vision loss. So, try to minimize the impact of the blue light from your monitor. You can do that with special computer glasses, or with a blue light filter for PC. Iris is a blue light filter for PC that can be installed easily on your computer, smartphone or tablet. It is doing the same job as computer glasses, even better.

    This blue light filter blocks the blue light from your display and you can set the levels of intensity. It depends on what feels comfortable to you. Another super perk of Iris is the break reminder. In order to feel good, your eyes need a rest from the screen on every forty minutes or so. You can set Iris to remind you of a chosen period of time to stop your work and look at far objects for several minutes.

    Talk it out

    Another way to reduce the stress from work is to directly speak with your employer about what you find stressful. It could be the noise in your office, the conditions you work in, and the workload you are given.

    Last Words

    These are some simple ways to minimize the levels of stress in your life and become a healthier person. After some days of practicing them, you are going to feel way better and grateful for your job and life. Do not let stress ruin the way you live and the things you love.   Author: Yoana Borisova Publisher: Kalina Shushlina [ssba-buttons]    ]]>
    <![CDATA[Tips for productivity at work]]> Fri, 24 Jan 2020 13:09:53 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 28007 2020-05-25 20:45:16 2020-01-24 13:09:53 18 productivity at work


    Everyone has had bad days at work, where they postpone tasks and are difficult to concentrate on, but you need to find a way to have better productivity at work. Imagine this: It’s an ordinary day at the office. You are sitting in your chair, observing the big mess on your desk – documents in small print that you can’t read without a magnifying glass, unfinished papers, colorful markers, pens with no ink, your morning coffee cup and leftovers (how old is this food?). You feel like you can’t do any work, you lack motivation and you can’t seem to stay concentrated. Procrastination is common no matter what field you are working in. productivity at work Everyone has had the awful feeling from not doing what they are supposed to do. After a while, this will influence your mood. The chances of you getting grumpy are high. In this article, you can find a few easy tips for achieving higher productivity at work. They are simple, you can incorporate them in your everyday life – no excuses anymore. It’s time to break the procrastination cycle and start working!

    The tips for productivity at work

    Start your day the right way

    You have probably heard this tip a hundred times before. But it works and is important – that is the reason it’s the first one on the list. Having a productive and well-spent morning can impact your day to a great extent. productivity at work Not turning your phone for at least an hour in the morning is a must. If you wake up and start scrolling through social media you will be more likely to keep doing it the whole day. There is so much information that you don’t need to assimilate this early. Instead, stop (don’t snooze!) your alarm. Go wash your face, make yourself a hot cup of coffee and allow yourself to have a few quiet minutes. Take a few deep breaths. Then try to accomplish one of your tasks. productivity at work When you have already done at least one thing before lunch you will feel inspired to keep going. This one thing can be anything that makes you feel good or you think it’s important. Go to a yoga class, do the paper you have been avoiding all week, clean the kitchen, walk the dog, do some work, meditate. But don’t check your social media or your news app before you do that one thing. This is only going to drag you down and you will get lost in all that information. Make sure that mornings are time dedicated to you only.

    Plan everything

    productivity at work The new week has started. You know you have tons of work to do. This makes you feel overwhelmed, your head is heavy because you can only think about what you should do next. At the end of the day, you may find yourself having done no work. If you want to keep your head clear and fresh, you should put all the thoughts you have on a paper. This way you wouldn't feel worried about missing something while in rush. You can buy a planner or make your own. If you like to draw, it may be more fun to do someday. productivity at work Buy an empty notebook and fill the pages. Make sure everything looks colorful and lively. This way when you open your planner you will feel happy and ready, to begin with, the tasks. Or of course, you can buy a pre-designed notebook. You can plan your whole month, week or plan day by day. Make sure you write everything you have to do. Focus on your most important tasks, write them first in your to-do list. But don’t just write 100 tasks – you won’t be able to do all them and you will stop feeling motivated. Write the 3 most important ones for the day and try to accomplish them. Ticking-off stuff from your to-do list is one of the best feelings ever!

    Make your phone your friend

    productivity at work Phones have made procrastination even easier than before. One can lose their time in pointless day browsing. But phones can also be very helpful if you use them in the right way. You shouldn’t be using your smartphone for at least an hour after you wake up. Also, you can replace your social media apps with apps that are going to keep your productivity at work. Google Calendar is one of the very best. It is a very simple and practical calendar that you can use anytime, anywhere. productivity at work It's made for the people who want to plan their goals but don’t have the time or they don’t like to write down every single detail. If you get distracted by your phone Plantie is the application for you. It is a time management app, which grows plants when you turn it on. If you touch your phone while the timer is on, the plant will die. You wouldn’t want this, right? So when you are at work just load Plantie and try to resist the temptation of distracting yourself. There are a lot of other applications which are as good as the ones above. But the point is for you to download one or two, not to search in the App store for hours on end, losing your time.


    productivity at work Sleeping sounds so easy and yet is still very hard for most people. The truth is that staying awake until the small hours of the night is only going to make you feel grumpy. It is scientifically proven that mornings are the best time for finishing your tasks. That is another reason why you should make the first hours of the day count. Going to bed early will make you feel fresh and energized. productivity at work And as anyone can guess, when you have energy, you are going to be better productivity at work and you will be less likely to procrastinate. If you are one of those people who can’t go to bed early, make a routine. Every night, go to bed an hour earlier than the previous one. It sounds hard but it is not. You just have to be consistent.

    Keep it clean

    When your workspace is clean and tidy you are going to be more motivated to sit down and get things done. There will be no distractions and will have good productivity at work. productivity at work But If your desk is looking like a junkyard, you will feel disgusted and less motivated. No one likes to be untidy. Sort your documents; put the papers in their respective folders and get rid of all trash. Make sure you know exactly where your pens and blank sheets are. Spray some fresh perfume in the air. Put the distractions away. Now your desk is clean and you can start doing your work!

    Stay on track

    Eating fresh foods is going to give you a whole new level of energy. Your body needs all the necessary substances to function properly. productivity at work When you only eat junk, you are going to get moody and sad. You will start feeling bloated, you will get sleepy. And of course, none of the important work will be done. You will start beating yourself down for eating unhealthy food and not carrying out your tasks. On the other hand, protein and vitamins are only going to make you feel satisfied. Healthy and light meals will give you energy, therefore motivating you in achieving your daily goals. That means you are going to take care of both your body and mind. productivity at work And don’t forget to drink your water – this is way more important than you think for your productivity levels. Hydration equals efficiency. It's as easy as that. Leave energy drinks. Of course, one cup of good old black coffee can’t do you wrong. Don’t overdrink though. Always put your water bottle first!

    Take breaks

    If you only work and never rest you will never feel good. It may be very important to stay focused and concentrated but if fatigue gets to you, make sure to take a break. This is important because your brain is not your computer. Allow it to rest and refresh. productivity at work Remembering new information and doing productive work is going to be a lot easier. You should work for 40-45 minutes and then take a break. Grab a coffee, go outside for some fresh air or just stay in the office with your favorite magazine. Whatever you choose to spend your time on, make sure it makes you feel relaxed and refreshed. The break should be five to ten minutes maximum. Just don’t lose your whole day “resting”. You can try Iris to keep your eyes healthy and shielded from harmful screen irradiation. Iris is software that protects your eyes from blue light and allows you to have greater productivity at work. Iris has an option that reminds you to rest, you can use it if you often forget to rest while you work.

    Have some fun

    As important you work is there is nothing better than looking forward to the end of the week. Prioritize your work, but never put yourself second. No matter how much you work, if you don’t spend quality free time you will eventually start feeling anxious and overwhelmed. That’s why you should go out with friends, visit the spa or the cinema, get a new manicure or hairstyle. It doesn’t matter what activity you choose – just make sure it’s fun and makes you feel happy! productivity at work


    If you want to have better productivity at work, these tips should be at the top of your priorities list since they are easy to follow. We live in a world full of opportunities, but they are for those who can stay dedicated to their work. That is why you should stop wasting the most precious thing in your life – your time. Stop procrastinating and start working. These tips will not only help you boost your work performance but also brighten up your mood and increase positivity. As urgent work may seem there is nothing more important than you and your favorite people, so make sure you spare enough time to have fun and keep up with the hard work! productivity at work Author: Anaa Tsaneva Publisher: Tanya Atanasova Read more: 11 Tips for higher productivity. Regular breaks, productivity, and eye health [ssba-buttons]]]>
    <![CDATA[Computers: Helping Or Destroying Humans]]> Mon, 20 Jan 2020 14:28:53 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 27972 2020-05-25 20:44:55 2020-01-20 14:28:53 452

    With computers and technology’s conquest over the Earth, we cannot ask the question: is all of this helping us or is it destroying us? Humanity has always been trying to outdo itself, to do something better than the day before. This is how we ended up in such a prospering world with so many modern technologies. We can even speak of A.I. (artificial intelligence) nowadays! Something that hasn’t even been invented some decades ago. We have gadgets that turn on/off the lights when we tell them to. That is definitely helpful at certain moments. Still, why should there be such A.I.s for a task as little as turning on/off the lamps? Little by little the robots are taking over. And with the technology’s takeover, is there any humanity left? Or are we already becoming one with the robots?

    Without a doubt, the computer has become a part of the life of humans with the idea to help. At first for executing small calculations until, today, they almost rule the world. Nobody can imagine a world without computers and the new generations are born with smartphones in their hands.

    Why computers help us?

    Computers make life easier. They do many tasks instead of us and can operate with a lot of data at the same time. They have no problems with calculating big numbers and complex equations. Computers are improving economics and connect various people around the globe. Many important things depend on computers nowadays. Like online banking, for example. Almost all people make their living by sitting in front of a computer monitor. And computers allow working from home, too, which lowers the number of commuters. You can work for a company that is in another country from the comfort of your home.

    Compared to the last century, people nowadays have so many options to grow. And let's not forget that some machines and robots can replace people in their workplaces, which lowers the probability of injuries and mistakes. Computers help for creating one huge online community and keep people together. You can check out the latest news within some clicks. And social media is a new way of living where anything is possible. You can explore and see the world through the Internet. Plus, there are limitless resources for free education online. Many universities have a free-to-reach base with educational material for anybody. And language learning has never been easier!

    And relationships from distance just became a bit more endurable with instant messages and face chats. You can make friends from all over the world and meet new people that like the same things you do. Moreover, computers are ecological. More and more archives are transferred to online store clouds. This means that there is less and less paperwork. And if a document in on a computer, there is a small chance of it to be lost or damaged. Now you can pay your bills online, without the need to wait in queues. But doesn't it all sound too fast to you? Are we ready for this?

    Why computers destroy humanity?

    The more humans get used to computers doing their work, the more robotized they will become. There are tiny robots that can control all the functions in your modern house. You can get back home and have the rooms already warmed up and your television going. Yes, this saves some time and time is precious. But it doesn’t save the person inside you and makes you learn up to rely on computers. But that is not all. Can a computer take over art and creativity? Can computers create and invent stuff on their own? Well, modern artificial intelligence robots are going that way.

    There is software that writes movie scripts and another that invents music. They are not perfect, but it is a prove that soon robots will learn to do everything that humans can. And aren’t these abilities only human traits? To be creative, to make art, to draw, to be imaginative… Think about this!

    Health issues caused by computers

    It is no surprise that computers have a bad influence on your health. They immobilize people and this leads to obesity and movement problems. But most of all, computers harm humans’ eyes.

    Still, there isn’t a computer that doesn’t emit blue light which is deeply ruining your eyesight. The blue light ‘s specifications allow it to reach deep into the eyeball and hurt the retina. Excessive amounts of blue light radiation can cause diseases like: Fortunately, there are some methods you can use to lower the impact that the blue light has on your eyes. You can cut down the time you use your computer or phone, buy computer glasses, or install a blue light filter for PC. Iris is a blue light filter for PC that can be installed easily on your computer. It filters the blue light on your screen so that it is becoming more eye-friendly. Iris reduces stress and helps with insomnia, so you won't feel like a zombie anymore.

    Can there be a balance?

    Of course, there is a benefit from the computers, but also you can benefit from the real meaningful life. Computers help a lot of disabled people and A.I. can save lives. This is why we cannot turn our backs on computers, but we can learn how to be people again. We can try to live out our lives and forget for some time about likes, reactions, and followers. The world is out there and is waiting for us to explore it.

    Go out and make a conversation instead of chatting all day or watching videos. Go to a camping night with friends and listen to some music from a good old radio. Find time to spend with real people, not with pixels. There is no need to be harsh about computers, but we should find a balance between real life and life online. Author: Yoana Borisova Publisher: Kalina Shushlina [ssba-buttons]  

    <![CDATA[8 Ways To Protect Your Eyesight]]> Thu, 16 Jan 2020 15:05:51 +0200 Daniel Georgiev (CEO) 27938 2020-05-25 20:44:52 2020-01-16 15:05:51 376 And with adults, the overlooking of minor signs that your eyes suffer might lead to serious diseases and vision damage. Computers and smartphones cannot be put aside and be forgotten in the days we live in, but you could do your best to cut their impact on your health. In this article, we are going to show you eight simple ways to protect your eyesight and keep your eyes healthy.

    What is damaging your eyes?

    • Blue light

    You can come across blue light when you look into every kind of display. Except for the e-ink displays, which work with a different kind of technology. Your computer, smartphone, tablet, and TV all emit blue light. blue light computer screen filter eye protection iris software Blue light is dangerous to human eyes because of its high energy levels. Being highly energized, the blue light is able to reach deeper in the eye, damaging the retina. This kind of approach may lead to diseases like macular degeneration, which ends up with blindness. Moreover, the blue light not only will bring damage to your retina but will damage the tear fluid production. This could lead to dry and red eyes. Having dry eyes hides the risk of scratching the gentle surface of the eye while you blink.
    • Strong light

    Both natural and artificial strong lights could damage your eyes. The human eyes are able to perceive almost all kinds of light from the light spectrum. And some of these rays lead to more or less damage, depending on the quantity. This is why wearing sunglasses when the sun is very bright or the snow is reflecting its rays it is good for you to put on a pair of sunglasses. Artificial lighting is more difficult to cope with. Just like technologies emit blue light, LED lamps to do so, too. This is why we recommend dimming the lights in your home sometime before going to bed. Because when our eyes gather a great amount of light this makes the sensors of our natural body clock think that it is daytime. Which would lead to difficulties with falling asleep?
    • Immobilization of the eye muscles

    Do you know that you can immobilize your eyes? There are a bunch of important muscles around the eye sockets and the eyeballs. They consist of six extraocular muscles that move the eyeball. Plus the ones around your eyebrows and above the cheekbones. The immobilization of these muscles occurs when you spend too much time looking in one spot. Like when you are reading or staring on the screen of your computer.
    • Dryness

    Having dry eyes is another case that could damage your eyes and vision. As we noted some lines ago when you are having dry eyes, there is a possibility of scratching the surface of the eye. These are only the most common reasons that may cause eye discomfort. There are others like working in a dusty room without protective eyewear; wearing the wrong diopter; using the wrong medicine; etc. Now, let’s see how you could prevent your eyes from having problems.

    Eight ways to protect your eyesight

    1. Eat healthy

    The human body cannot produce vitamins and essential minerals by itself. Thus we have to supply our organism with healthy food for increasing our immune system and overall wellbeing. For protect your eyesight, you must eat food like fish, nuts, citruses, and green leafy plants and vegetables.

    2. Do sports

    Sports like archery, for example, exercise your eyesight. Archery gives you the option to look further than your keyboard. But not only archery is good for your eyesight. Every kind of sport is appropriate for your health and eyes. While doing sports we tune-up all our muscles and mental condition. There are not any blue light displays.

    3. Doing eye exercises

    Although, if your daily life has no time for doing sports, you could keep your eyes ‘fit’ by doing eye exercises. This kind of exercise helps the eyes to stay well moisturized. When we blink or look from side to side, the eyelids spread the tear fluids all over the eye’s surface.

    4. Do not smoke

    It is widely known that smoking harms every single organ in your body. This includes your eyes. In the long run, smoking could lead to cataracts. This is a disease that leads to blindness. Smoking can also make an impact on one’s central vision, causing blind spots.

    5. Get enough sleep

    While we sleep our eyes rest and recharge. This is why a good amount of sleep is appreciative of your eyes’ overall health. If you lack sleep, you will notice how your eyes get red, with stressed blood vessels. And blinking will feel like looking through the sand. Apart from aiding the eyes, getting enough sleep will help you to stay fresh and full of energy throughout the day.

    6. Reduce device using

    Since devices are one of the main reasons for having sore eyes, why not consider to put them aside for some hours? Think of a regime of your own to lock away your phone and computer for some time during the day. Or spend a whole day on a digital diet. Let your eyes and brain rest from the overwhelmedness of the Internet. During the time you do not use any technology, spend it on working over yourself or go out with friends. Go for a walk, play with your pet, read a book… Anything that makes you happy!

    7. Wearing protective eyewear

    Sunglasses are not invented just for fashion. They protect the eyes of the strong natural rays that could damage the eyes. But apart from that kind of eyewear, there are computer glasses. They protect you from most of the blue light that your computer radiates. These glasses are specially made for working with a computer. They may or may not have a diopter, depending on your needs. They ‘filter’ the blue light and make the display seem a little yellow or red.

    8. Iris

    If you do not want to risk it with expensive glasses, there is an easier option. Iris is a blue light filter program for PCs and smartphones. You can install this program on your device and it is going to block the blue light that it emits. Iris is a software compatible with Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS. Iris has many convenient options that you can personalize. Like choosing the strength of the filter and how much to block the blue light. Iris also provides a break reminder. You can set it up to remind you, for example, to take a rest every hour from the screen for several minutes. This blue light filter is convenient because it doesn’t stop you from doing your job or watching your movie. But meanwhile, it protects your eyes.

    Last words

    You can protect your eyesight with these eight simple steps by making them a habit of yours. After some time you are going to notice how much better you feel and what a burden it is to have strained eyes. Iris is a great way to kick off your eye care routine! It doesn’t take much time to set it up and once you do it, you are going to forget that you have it. But your eyes are going to be grateful. Author: Yoana Borisova Publisher: Tanya Atanasova Read more: Work out for your eyes 7 ways technology is changing the healthcare industry 14 tips to make your monitor healthier for your eyes [ssba-buttons]]]>