Blue light filter Archives - 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 Mon, 03 Apr 2023 13:57:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Do I need a blue light filter for PC? Fri, 29 Nov 2019 11:20:10 +0000 If you spend a lot of time in front of your computer, then you need a blue light filter for PC to protect your eyes. But let us first to explain in short what blue light is and then dig deeper into the problem. The sun is our natural source of light. White light is the type of light we ... Read More

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blue light filter

If you spend a lot of time in front of your computer, then you need a blue light filter for PC to protect your eyes.

But let us first to explain in short what blue light is and then dig deeper into the problem.

The sun is our natural source of light. White light is the type of light we see.

In the white light are contained all of the coloured rays – red, yellow, green, purple, blue and their endless shades.

Therefore, we are getting blue light naturally thanks to the sun in small portions.

However, when received from an artificial source, blue light is the cause of many eye problems and is seriously damaging your vision.

And in the days we live in, blue light is literally everywhere.

This type of light is the one that reaches the deepest in our eye receptors and causes the biggest damage.

It is given off of every computer, smartphone, tablet or TV screen.

And apart from vision problems, one might suffer from sleep loss, eye fatigue, eye redness, and many more because of long exposure to blue light.

There are several ways to reduce blue light exposure.

  • You could try to minimize the time you spend in front of your computer or phone

The 20-20-20 rule is a good way to reduce stress in your eye muscles.

This rule is done by taking a short 20 seconds to break in every 20 minutes.

And at the time you have this break, you have to look at objects at least 20 feet away.

This exercise helps to minimize pressure between the eyes and relieve muscle stress.

  • Consider buying special glasses for computer use

Computer glasses are designed with special lenses that filter the blue light.

These glasses can be both with or without dioptre, depending on your needs.

They can be bought from special optics stores, but consult with a specialist before doing so.

They are also a good investment, but quality glasses can be a little expensive.

What is a blue light filter for PC?

Blue light filters for PC are programs that you install on your computer.

There are also variations for mobile phones and tablets, working on both Android and iOS devices.

Blue light filters readjust the settings of your display and block the light that harms your eyes.

The moderate the pixels and the colour that they emit.

With these filters, you can choose what colour temperature your monitor should have, as warmer temperatures are better for your eyes.

Warm colours are more natural and not harming to human eyes, like yellow, orange, brown and red.

This is why screens that have a filter look a little yellow (some even have the colour of deep orange, depending on the intensity of the filter).

This phenomenon could be compared to the experience of reading a book because of the usual ‘bookish’ colours.

But still, we haven’t answered the main question in this article.

Why do I need a blue light filter for PC?

1. For a night of better and healthy sleep

Research has shown that blue light directly affects your sleep quality and often causes insomnia.

This light makes your brain think it is daytime and deprives it of essential sleep hormones.

With a blue light filter, you are not going to have to turn off the lights some hours before going to bed in order to sleep well.

With it, you will be able to work on your computer or use your phone whenever you like and for how much time you want.

Work till the middle of the night or chat with friends until 3 a.m., it is your choice to make.

2. To protect your eyes

If you do not want to suffer from sore eyes, eye fatigue, and redness, or vision problems, then you have to protect your eyes.
Plus, your eyes’ health does an impact on your sleep.

Therefore, you have to pay attention and look after your eyes’ health.

3. For staying fresh during long hours of work

For sure you must have noticed that a long period of computer/phone usage has made you tired and kind of feeling dull.

When you eliminate the blue light radiation from all of your displays, then this is going to change.

4. To remind yourself to take a break

Some blue light filters for PCs have this option to remind you in a specific period of time (set in advance by you) to stop your work and just flex your eyes by looking around.

Our eyes tire the most by staring in one spot without blinking.

This is why looking around and flexing your eyes’ muscles can help you to feel better.

And usually, when we are at work we forget to do so. For this reason, break reminder options are welcome.

Where can I get one?

We recommend you Iris – the blue light filter for PC and Android/iOS devices.

Iris is a software that is used by millions of people from 180 countries around the world.

Iris is a professionalist in making the monitor of your computer or laptop safer for your eyes.

It has many options like the break reminder, automatic turn on and off settings, artist mode and more.

Iris provides a variety of filter modes that suit everybody’s desires and preferences.

It is suitable for all ages because everybody deserves to be protected by the blue light.

You can have it for your own use, for a friend, for your children or your grandparents.

Furthermore, if you worry that such a program is going to disturb you while you work – do not.

Iris operates in the background and doesn’t interfere with what you are doing with unwanted ads.

It is only going to step in when it is time for your break.

Last words

To sum up, if you spend a lot of time in front of a monitor or phone display and want a fast and cheap solution to your eyes problems, then you must get a blue light filter.

They are easy to use by everybody and are suitable for all of your devices.

Blue light filters for PC are a cheap and beneficial investment for staying healthy in the long run.

Author: Yoana Borisova

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Blue light filters Benefits

Blue Light Filters

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Blue light filters Benefits Fri, 26 Jul 2019 08:26:20 +0000 With all that being said if you use a blue light filter on your PC you will get benefits like: Better sleep More energy Less eye strain and More healthy life Without any more introduction, I want to show you what software programs you can use on your PC and Electronic devices to protect yourself from the negative effects of ... Read More

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With all that being said if you use a blue light filter on your PC you will get benefits like:

  • Better sleep
  • More energy
  • Less eye strain
  • and More healthy life

Without any more introduction, I want to show you what software programs you can use on your PC and Electronic devices to protect yourself from the negative effects of blue light.

Why you have Better sleep thanks to Blue light filters


The others…

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Fatiga visual: evítala a toda costa Tue, 23 Jul 2019 23:00:39 +0000 Este es el mal de todas aquellas personas que pasan horas y horas sentadas frente a las pantallas de sus ordenadores portátiles o sus computadoras de escritorio, ya sea por cuestiones profesionales o personales. La fatiga visual se origina cuando el ojo se somete a un esfuerzo profundo y continuado, ya que el músculo ciliar que reviste al cristalino se ... Read More

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Este es el mal de todas aquellas personas que pasan horas y horas sentadas frente a las pantallas de sus ordenadores portátiles o sus computadoras de escritorio, ya sea por cuestiones profesionales o personales.

La fatiga visual se origina cuando el ojo se somete a un esfuerzo profundo y continuado, ya que el músculo ciliar que reviste al cristalino se contrae con mayor frecuencia, y por ende, se genera el cansancio en los ojos que suele estar acompañado de resequedad, dolor de cabeza, lagrimeos o enrojecimiento.

Los especialistas aseguran que la fatiga visual es uno de los principales motivos que obliga a las personas a asistir a sus consultas, y no es de extrañar que las más afectadas sean aquellas que se exponen constantemente al uso desmedido de aparatos electrónicos como las tabletas, teléfonos celulares, televisores, PC o laptops.

Síntomas de la fatiga visual


  1. Incomodidad ocular

    Los ojos se sienten picosos, aunque también es común experimentar la sensación de ojo con quemazón o con arenilla, la cual genera goteos, ardor o resequedad.

  2. Dolor de cabeza

    La fatiga ocular casi siempre se manifiesta con dolores de cabeza en la parte frontal, a la altura de los ojos, o inclusive con dolores en la nuca o en la parte trasera de la cabeza.

  3. Visión borrosablue-light-sources-avoid-eye-pain
    La vista se nubla con facilidad y por ello cuesta mucho enfocar con éxito.

    Sin duda los ojos se resienten y la visión se ve bastante perjudicada a raíz de la fatiga ocular, la cual suele conocerse popularmente como el Síndrome Visual Informático (SVI).

Cómo evitar la fatiga visual

Si te aseguras de acatar las próximas recomendaciones te aseguramos que podrás usar tus equipos sin problemas, sin perjudicar tu productividad, ni mucho menos tu salud ocular ¿Vale? Veamos


  • Checa que la luz sea la más adecuada: esta no puede ser ni muy brillante ni muy oscura.
  • Descansa la vista cuando comiences a sentir los ojos cansados, pesados o cuando se produzcan lagrimeos o parpadeos continuados.
  • Protege tus ojos de la luz azul.

Dicha luz es emitida en grandes cantidades por las pantallas que sueles usar a diario, y dado que los ojos no cuentan con un filtro fisiológico para protegerse, es tu deber hacerlo con los recursos que tengas disponibles o a tu alcance.

Sácale provecho a Iris


Es precisamente aquí en donde entra en juego el software creado en 2015 que lleva por nombre Iris, el cual promete proteger tus ojos, fomentar tu salud y lograr que te conviertas en un ser altamente productivo.

Iris ha sido descargado más de un millón de veces desde que fue lanzado al mercado hace unos pocos años, y hoy en día sus usuarios están felices con la decisión que tomaron al darle una probada.


¿Te preguntas a qué debe su éxito? De ser así te lo diremos sin tapujos ni titubeos: se le atañe a que realmente funciona porque cuenta con más de 20 funciones de avanzada para reducir la cantidad de luz azul emitida por tus pantallas.

Esta es una de las principales causantes de la fatiga visual, aunque también es válido destacar que permite regular el brillo sin usar PWM, controla la temperatura y los colores que observas por la noche para conciliar mejor el sueño y muchas bondades más.

¡Descarga Iris de inmediato!

Ingrese a nuestro sitio web y consulte muchos más datos sobre sus funcionalidades, modos, preconfiguraciones, costos y mucho más.

Descargar Iris

¿Y sabes lo mejor de todo? Tenemos una increíble prueba gratuita que te permite probar la funcionalidad completa del programa.

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Dolor de ojo: cómo evitarlo Tue, 23 Jul 2019 23:00:33 +0000 La sobre exposición a las nuevas tecnologías y el uso desmedido de aparatos electrónicos como las tabletas, los ordenadores portátiles y los teléfonos inteligentes, han ocasionado que cada vez seamos más propensos a sufrir de dolor en los ojos. Muchas veces esta incomodidad se presenta sin causa aparente, es decir, sin estar enfermos, pero lo cierto es que sí existe ... Read More

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La sobre exposición a las nuevas tecnologías y el uso desmedido de aparatos electrónicos como las tabletas, los ordenadores portátiles y los teléfonos inteligentes, han ocasionado que cada vez seamos más propensos a sufrir de dolor en los ojos.

Muchas veces esta incomodidad se presenta sin causa aparente, es decir, sin estar enfermos, pero lo cierto es que sí existe un factor desencadenante y es ese gran cúmulo de horas que pasamos frente a las pantallas.

¿Te preguntas cómo nos perjudica esta situación?

Si tu respuesta es afirmativa te invitamos a leer esta nota hasta el final porque acá te contaremos cómo estos dispositivos de uso cotidiano afectan significativamente nuestra salud visual y general en el corto plazo.

La luz azul y el dolor de ojo


La llamada luz azul es una de las más perjudiciales para nuestros ojos porque afecta directamente a la retina.

La captamos a través de los LED y las pantallas que tenemos literalmente al alcance de nuestras manos.

Pero lo más preocupante es que importantes estudios han demostrado que el organismo no ha sido capaz de desarrollar mecanismos fisiológicos para protegerse de sus nefastos efectos.


Esto se traduce en que al usar estos equipos estás fatigando tu vista y dañando tus retinas.

Aunque en los casos más graves puede llegar a desarrollarse una patología conocida como degeneración macular que perjudica a las células de la mácula –un tejido súper sensible a la luz situado justo en el centro de la retina.

Esta condición no solo genera dolor de ojo, sino que también puede afectar la visión central con el paso del tiempo, al punto de que algunos pacientes dejan de realizar actividades cotidianas como leer o escribir debido a su incapacidad visual.

Cómo evitar el dolor de ojo


La respuesta es bastante sencilla y evidente: protege tu vista al ver televisión, usar tu smartphone, tableta, laptop o tu computadora de escritorio

¿Te preguntas cómo hacerlo? Pues si quieres contar con la solución ideal entonces permítenos recomendarte a Iris: un software creado en 2015 para promover la salud visual.

Iris es utilizada por más de dos millones de personas a escala universal y puede descargarla de nuestro sitio web oficial con solo un par de clics.


En esencia, Iris fue creado para que los monitores o las pantallas sean saludables para tus ojos.

Es capaz de reducir la luz azul que emiten tus pantallas de forma automática y las adapta a la luz que te rodea para tu mayor comodidad y seguridad.

Este software previene el dolor de ojo porque controla el brillo de estas pantallas y evita que parpadees demasiado, evitando así la desagradable y molesta fatiga ocular.

Cómo disfrutar de este software


Puedes descargar y probar Iris directamente desde nuestro sitio web oficial.

Con Iris Pro puedes protegerte de la luz azul al momento de utilizar todos esos aparatos electrónicos que sueles tener en casa, en el trabajo o en tu mochila, y que por ende llevas contigo a todos lados.

Descargar Iris

Iris es una solución sencilla y económica para que evites el dolor de ojo y así puedas usar los dispositivos electrónicos de tu preferencia sin problemas, riesgos ni amenazas.

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Lo que debes saber sobre la fatiga ocular Tue, 23 Jul 2019 23:00:31 +0000 Si alguna vez has sentido los ojos cansados, o si te han picado o lagrimeado es muy probable que hayas sufrido de fatiga ocular. El principal detonante de esta condición es el uso desproporcionado de equipos como tabletas, computadoras, laptops, móviles y más, especialmente porque sus pantallas emiten cantidades elevadas de luz azul. Dicha luz no es beneficiosa para tus ... Read More

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Si alguna vez has sentido los ojos cansados, o si te han picado o lagrimeado es muy probable que hayas sufrido de fatiga ocular.

El principal detonante de esta condición es el uso desproporcionado de equipos como tabletas, computadoras, laptops, móviles y más, especialmente porque sus pantallas emiten cantidades elevadas de luz azul.

Dicha luz no es beneficiosa para tus ojos, pese a que seas capaz de percibirla. Es decir, aunque tus ojos la captan no cuentan con protecciones naturales o fisiológicas para evitar que perjudiquen tu salud visual.

Como consecuencia te expones a estos monitores a diario sin tomar los cuidados necesarios para evitar la fatiga ocular, y es así como comienzas a experimentar sus indeseados efectos con regularidad.

Causas y síntomas de la fatiga ocular


Cuando ves tus pantallas sueles estar muy pegado a ellas, y esto te obliga a enfocar con más frecuencia.

Este trabajo es conocido como esfuerzo acomodativo mayor y supone que la musculatura del ojo se fatigue y muestre señales de cansancio.

En cuanto a sus síntomas más recurrentes pues hemos decidido esbozártelos a continuación:

  • Molestia en los ojos

    ardor, picazón, hinchazón, sensación de tener arenilla en los ojos y enrojecimiento.

  • Dolor de cabeza

    Esfuerzo acomodativo deviene en dolores de cabeza, específicamente a la altura de los ojos o la frente, aunque es muy factible que esta dolencia se extienda hasta la parte posterior de la cabeza o hacia la nuca.

  • Visión borrosa

    quienes padecen fatiga visual aseguran que tienden a ver las imágenes con menor nitidez, pero la buena nueva es que este síntoma desaparece rápidamente tras descansar la vista, o tras alejarse de las pantallas.

Cómo evitar la fatiga ocular


  1. Descansa

    Esta es la solución más lógica que puedes llevar a cabo tomando en consideración que la fatiga ocular se origina al forzar los ojos durante la realización de una actividad fija continuada o excesiva que termina por fatigarlos.

    Lo ideal es que no pases más de 20 minutos frente a tus pantallas, por ello no olvides hacer pausas cronometradas o conscientes, y durante este tiempo “libre” procura hacer actividades más relajantes o que no te exijan tanto esfuerzo de acomodación.

  2. Cuida los enfoques

    Sí, esto es muy recomendable para prevenir la fatiga ocular y puedes lograrlo al alejar tu computador o al mirar a larga distancia, es decir, a más de 20 pies –lo equivalente a unos 6 metros-.

    Otros consejos muy buenos consisten en incrementar el tamaño del texto o de las imágenes que estés checando en tu pantalla, así como configurar el brillo del monitor de forma tal que no perjudique tu visión.

  3. Usa Iris: el software que cambiará tu vida

    Cuando decimos que te mantendrá sano y saludable debes confiar en que no estamos exagerando.

    Iris es un software creado en 2015 para evitar que sufras de problemas de visión como la fatiga ocular, dolor de ojos o alteración de tus patrones de sueño.

    Ha sido de gran utilidad para aquellas personas que pasan horas frente a las pantallas de sus dispositivos electrónicos por motivos laborales o personales, y que por lo tanto, terminando sufriendo de la vista más temprano que tarde.


    Iris reduce la cantidad de luz azul que emiten tus pantallas, la cual causa cataratas, degeneración macular, dolor de ojos, irritación y otros síntomas desagradables.

    Y no solo eso, también controla su brillo al optimizar las pulsaciones sin necesidad de usar PWM.

    Como consecuencia estarás facultado para utilizar tus monitores el tiempo que consideres necesario sin sufrir de dolores de cabeza ni otras molestias en tus ojos.

    Tanto así que sentirás que estás leyendo un libro en lugar de estar pegado a una pantalla Increíble, ¿no crees?

Descárgalo ya

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Descargar Iris

Iris tiene más de 20 funciones, 3 modalidades: automática, manual y pausada, y 9 tipos o modos, siendo el de “Sueño” y “Salud” los más usados porque mejoran el sueño y previenen la fatiga ocular respectivamente.


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A qué se debe el dolor de cabeza y ojo izquierdo Tue, 23 Jul 2019 22:59:59 +0000   Forzar la vista o exigirle más de lo que naturalmente puede dar es un error que te costará muy caro. Entonces, antes de pasar todo el día pegado a la pantalla de tu computadora, o a la de cualquier otro equipo electrónico, asegúrate de proteger tus ojos apropiadamente. Los cuidados que debes tener para evitar que el uso desmedido ... Read More

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Forzar la vista o exigirle más de lo que naturalmente puede dar es un error que te costará muy caro.

Entonces, antes de pasar todo el día pegado a la pantalla de tu computadora, o a la de cualquier otro equipo electrónico, asegúrate de proteger tus ojos apropiadamente.

Los cuidados que debes tener para evitar que el uso desmedido de estos dispositivos te generen dolor de cabeza y ojo izquierdo son variados, pero dado a que es vital que los conozcas y los pongas en práctica hemos decidido compartírtelos en esta nota.

Cómo evitar estas dolencias


  1. Evita la fatiga visual

    Cuando realizas una actividad fija continuada como mirar la pantalla durante horas obligas al músculo ciliar, el cual recubre al cristalino del ojo, a enfocar o a realizar contracciones repetitivas y aceleradas, lo cual deviene en su fatiga inminente.

    Este esfuerzo acomodativo detona la fatiga visual, la cual se caracteriza por causar dolor de cabeza y de ojos, visión borrosa o poca nitidez al mirar, así como molestias en los ojos.
    En efecto, quienes padecen esta condición sienten como una especie de sucio o arenilla dentro de los ojos, al igual que picor, enrojecimiento y lagrimeo por reflejo.

    Por ello descansar cada 20 minutos desviando la vista 20 pies por encima de ti, durante 20 segundos, es vital para evitar padecimientos como estos que terminan afectando considerablemente tu productividad y tu salud visual y general.

  2. Relájate

    Cuando realizas una actividad fija continuada como mirar la pantalla durante horas obligas al músculo ciliar, el cual recubre al cristalino del ojo, a enfocar o a realizar contracciones repetitivas y aceleradas, lo cual deviene en su fatiga inminente.

    Este esfuerzo acomodativo detona la fatiga visual, la cual se caracteriza por causar dolor de cabeza y de ojos, visión borrosa o poca nitidez al mirar, así como molestias en los ojos.

    En efecto, quienes padecen esta condición sienten como una especie de sucio o arenilla dentro de los ojos, al igual que picor, enrojecimiento y lagrimeo por reflejo.

    Por ello descansar cada 20 minutos desviando la vista 20 pies por encima de ti, durante 20 segundos, es vital para evitar padecimientos como estos que terminan afectando considerablemente tu productividad y tu salud visual y general.

  3. Sácale provecho a Iris

    Iris es un software muy bueno que se creó en el 2015 para prevenir la fatiga visual, reducir el dolor de ojos y mejorar el sueño.

    El primer beneficio se le atañe al control del brillo de tu pantalla, el segundo a que es capaz de coincidir el brillo de tu pantalla con la luz que te rodea, y el último a que gradúa la cantidad de luz azul que emiten los monitores tanto de día como de noche ayudando al organismo a producir más melatonina para que te duermas más rápidamente y a profundidad.

Cómo funciona Iris


¿Sabías que la luz azul emitida por los dispositivos electrónicos causa fatiga ocular, dolor de cabeza y ojos, problemas del sueño, daños en la piel, desbalances emocionales, cambios repentinos de humor, depresión y otras condiciones oculares como cataratas?

Así es, por ello el creador de este potente software se aseguró de que fuese lo suficientemente avanzado y efectivo como para que tus ojos estén 100% protegidos y para que de esta manera puedas ver tu pantalla y sentirte tan cómodo como cuando lees un libro.

En esencia Iris controla el brillo, reduce la luz azul y los parpadeos de tus monitores, y gracias a sus ajustes predeterminados que hacen un match perfecto y automático con tu pantalla, puedes mantener una buena salud ocular.


Además, Iris se destaca de otros software de este tipo disponibles en el mercado porque bloquea mejor la luz azul y porque su rango de colores es mucho mayor. Tal cual, Iris remueve la luz azul y verde hasta en 550nm, lo cual es un valor realmente favorable para tus ojos.

Descarga Iris y cuida tus ojos 24/7

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Te aseguramos que esta será una inversión que te cambiará la vida

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Filtro de luz azul para pc Tue, 23 Jul 2019 22:58:29 +0000 La luz azul forma parte de la luz visible, es decir, esa que nuestros ojos son capaces de percibir. El sol es su fuente natural más poderosa, pero artificialmente es emitida en grandes cantidades a través de las pantallas de los dispositivos electrónicos que usamos diariamente y con una altísima frecuencia. Diversos estudios han demostrado que el exponerse a la ... Read More

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La luz azul forma parte de la luz visible, es decir, esa que nuestros ojos son capaces de percibir.

El sol es su fuente natural más poderosa, pero artificialmente es emitida en grandes cantidades a través de las pantallas de los dispositivos electrónicos que usamos diariamente y con una altísima frecuencia.


Diversos estudios han demostrado que el exponerse a la luz azul sin protección causa efectos negativos en nuestra salud visual, como por ejemplo resequedad, fatiga ocular, lagrimeo de los ojos, cataratas, degeneración macular asociada a la edad, estrés visual y muchos más.

A ver, digamos que al estar frente al monitor de tu computador estás afectando seriamente tus ojos, en caso de que no uses algún tipo de filtro de luz azul para PC que sea realmente efectivo.

Descarga Iris: el mejor software del mercado


Pero acá queremos detenernos y explicarte que la mayoría de este tipo de filtros no cumplen con su función básica: evitar el daño de la luz azul en tus ojos y hasta en tu piel.

Es por ello que queremos recomendarte un software increíble que no funciona como un filtro, sino que es muchísimo más avanzado y eficaz para preservar tu buena visión.

Iris fue creado en el año 2015 y desde entonces más de un millón de personas alrededor del mundo lo han comprado, y están 100% satisfechas de haberlo hecho porque sus ojos se lo han agradecido enormemente.

Verás, basta con descargarlo para que puedas disfrutar todas sus funcionalidades; son más de 20 e incluyen una página de recubrimiento de pantalla especial para reducir la luz azul, además de un filtro de cromoterapia que incidirá positivamente en el uso de tus pantallas, por tan solo mencionar algunas.

Funciones y modos de Iris: eficientes y saludables


  1. Página de brillo

    Personaliza el brillo de tu pantalla rápidamente con Iris. Esto evita que tu monitor parpadee incesantemente y de esta forma no afecta tu visión ni le causa fatiga ocular, dolores o resequedades.

  2. Página de luz azul

    En esta página tu puedes personalizar la cantidad de luz azul que deseas que emita tu pantalla.

    Mientras más bajos sean estos valores menor exposición a dicha luz tendrás, y por ende evitarás la fatiga ocular, y hasta conciliarás un sueño más profundo y reparador.


  3. Modo “Salud”

    En esta página tu puedes personalizar la cantidad de luz azul que deseas que emita tu pantalla.

    Mientras más bajos sean estos valores menor exposición a dicha luz tendrás, y por ende evitarás la fatiga ocular, y hasta conciliarás un sueño más profundo y reparador.

  4. Modo “Dormir”


    Este modo también es muy popular y su principal objetivo es ayudarte a dormir mejor ¿Te preguntas cómo lo hace?

    Bien, pues remueve la luz azul de tu pantalla y fija la temperatura del color en 0K.

    Lo ideal es que configures esta modalidad cuanto estés usando tu computadora y desees dormirte muy rápidamente

    ¿Vale? Inténtalo, es realmente efectivo

Cómo obtener Iris

Puede iniciar sesión en nuestro sitio web y descargar Iris para poder probarlo y ver los beneficios por sí mismo.

Descargar Iris

Viene con una versión de prueba gratuita de 7 días, aunque la versión de prueba puede ser mucho más útil y extendida por 30 días si invitas a probar, lo que es realmente genial.

The post Filtro de luz azul para pc appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to install blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? Sun, 28 Apr 2019 12:31:41 +0000 How to install blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? Table of contents How to download blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? How to install blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? How to run blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? How to download blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? You can download Iris on your computer ... Read More

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How to install blue light filter on macOS High Sierra?

Table of contents

  1. How to download blue light filter on macOS High Sierra?
  2. How to install blue light filter on macOS High Sierra?
  3. How to run blue light filter on macOS High Sierra?

How to download blue light filter on macOS High Sierra?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install blue light filter on macOS High Sierra?

Locate the file in Finder and Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button

If you get an error with the following text:

“Iris” can’t be opened because it was not downloaded from the App Store.
Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the App Store.

Click Ok then click the System Preferences button

From the System Preferences, click Security & Privacy button

You will have message like this
“Iris” was blocked from opening because it is not from an identified developer.

Click Open Anyway

When “Iris” is not from the App Store. Are you sure you want to open it? is shown

Click Open

The installation window will now open. Click Move to Applications Folder to install Iris

Iris will now start and it will be installed in the Applications folder. You can find the Iris file here

Iris will also start automatically when your Mac starts. You know that Iris is running when these icons are visible


How to run blue light filter on macOS High Sierra?

When you Left click the small tray icon context menu with different settings will open

And if you Left click the Settings button it will open the main Iris Settings

And from here you can customize your Iris.

If you want access to more options you can support the project and us Iris Pro from here:

Buy Now


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How to install blue light filter on Windows 8? Wed, 17 Apr 2019 21:05:06 +0000 How to install a blue light filter on Windows 8? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows 8? How to install Iris on Windows 8? How to run Iris on Windows 8? How to download blue light filter on Windows 8? You can download Iris on your computer from here: How to install blue light filter on ... Read More

The post How to install blue light filter on Windows 8? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install a blue light filter on Windows 8?

Table of contents

  1. How to download Iris on Windows 8?
  2. How to install Iris on Windows 8?
  3. How to run Iris on Windows 8?

How to download blue light filter on Windows 8?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install blue light filter on Windows 8?

Locate the file on your PC and Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button


An installation window will open

Click the Next button, then read and Agree with the Iris EULA



Iris will start to install itself into the computer Local folder


In my case this is


The reason it’s not installed in Program Files is, that not everyone has admin access on their machine, for example in the office.

This enables everyone to install Iris easy, even if you don’t have the Administrator password of your PC. The installation is also a little bit easier

After a couple of seconds, the installation will finish and the Settings window will open

How to run blue light filter on windows 8?


Iris will also start automatically when you turn ON your PC

You can now click the X button to minimize Iris into the tray


If you double click this icon the settings window will open again

If you Right click it you will get some fast options


If you want access to more options you can support the project and buy Iris Pro

Buy Now


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How to install Blue Light Filter on Windows Vista? Mon, 15 Apr 2019 14:20:10 +0000 How to install blue light filter on Windows Vista? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows Vista? How to install Iris on Windows Vista? How to run Iris on Windows Vista? How to download blue light filter on Windows Vista? You can download Iris on your computer from here: How to install blue light filter on Windows ... Read More

The post How to install Blue Light Filter on Windows Vista? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install blue light filter on Windows Vista?

Table of contents

  1. How to download Iris on Windows Vista?
  2. How to install Iris on Windows Vista?
  3. How to run Iris on Windows Vista?

How to download blue light filter on Windows Vista?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install blue light filter on Windows Vista?

Locate the file on your PC and Right click -> Properties


Click Unblock then click Ok to allow Iris installer to run


Now Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button

An installation window will open. Click the Next button, then read and Agree with the Iris EULA



Iris will start to install itself into the computer Local folder


In my case this is


The reason it’s not installed in Program Files is, that not everyone has admin access on their machine, for example in the office.

This enables everyone to install Iris easy, even if you don’t have the Administrator password of your PC. The installation is also a little bit easier

After a couple of seconds, the installation will finish and the Settings window will open

How to run blue light filter on Windows Vista?


Iris will also start automatically when you turn ON your PC

You can now click the X button to minimize Iris into the tray


If you double click this icon the settings window will open again

If you Right click it you will get some fast options


If you want access to more options you can support the project and buy Iris Pro

Buy Now


The post How to install Blue Light Filter on Windows Vista? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to install blue light filter on Windows 10? Mon, 15 Apr 2019 14:14:23 +0000 How to install blue light filter on Windows 10? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows 10? How to install Iris on Windows 10? How to run Iris on Windows 10? How to download blue light filter on Windows 10? You can download Iris on your computer from here: How to install blue light filter on Windows ... Read More

The post How to install blue light filter on Windows 10? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install blue light filter on Windows 10?

Table of contents

  1. How to download Iris on Windows 10?
  2. How to install Iris on Windows 10?
  3. How to run Iris on Windows 10?

How to download blue light filter on Windows 10?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install blue light filter on Windows 10?

Locate the file on your PC and Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button


An installation window will open

Click the Next button, then read and Agree with the Iris EULA



Iris will start to install itself into the computer Local folder


In my case this is


The reason it’s not installed in Program Files is, that not everyone has admin access on their machine, for example in the office.

This enables everyone to install Iris easy, even if you don’t have the Administrator password of your PC. The installation is also a little bit easier

After a couple of seconds, the installation will finish and the Settings window will open

How to run blue light filter on Windows 10?


Iris will also start automatically when you turn ON your PC

You can now click the X button to minimize Iris into the tray


If you double click this icon the settings window will open again

If you Right click it you will get some fast options


If you want access to more options you can support the project and buy Iris Pro

Buy Now


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How to install blue light filter on Windows 7? Mon, 15 Apr 2019 14:07:05 +0000 How to install blue light filter on Windows 7? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows 7? How to install Iris on Windows 7? How to run Iris on Windows 7? How to download blue light filter on Windows 7? You can download Iris on your computer from here: How to install blue light filter on Windows ... Read More

The post How to install blue light filter on Windows 7? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install blue light filter on Windows 7?

Table of contents

  1. How to download Iris on Windows 7?
  2. How to install Iris on Windows 7?
  3. How to run Iris on Windows 7?

How to download blue light filter on Windows 7?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install blue light filter on Windows 7?

Locate the file on your PC and Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button


If you get Warning click Run


An installation window will open

Click the Next button, then read and Agree with the Iris EULA



Iris will start to install itself into the computer Local folder


The reason it’s not installed in Program Files is, that not everyone has admin access on their machine, for example in the office

This enables everyone to install Iris easy, even if you don’t have the Administrator password of your PC

The installation is also a little bit easier ?

After a couple of seconds, the installation will finish and the Settings window will open

How to run blue light filter on Windows 7?


Iris will also start automatically when you turn ON your PC

You can now click the X button to minimize Iris into the tray


If you double click this icon the settings window will open again

If you Right click it you will get some fast options


If you want access to more options you can support the project and buy Iris Pro

Buy Now


The post How to install blue light filter on Windows 7? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to install Blue Light Filter on Windows XP? Mon, 15 Apr 2019 13:58:18 +0000 How to install blue light filter on Windows XP? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows XP? How to install Iris on Windows XP? How to run Iris on Windows XP? How to download blue light filter on Windows XP? You can download Iris on your computer from here: How to install blue light filter on Windows ... Read More

The post How to install Blue Light Filter on Windows XP? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install blue light filter on Windows XP?

Table of contents

  1. How to download Iris on Windows XP?
  2. How to install Iris on Windows XP?
  3. How to run Iris on Windows XP?

How to download blue light filter on Windows XP?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install blue light filter on Windows XP?

Locate the file on your PC and Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button


If you get Warning click Run

An installation window will open

Click the Next button, then read and Agree with the Iris EULA


Iris will start to install itself into the computer Local folder


The reason it’s not installed in Program Files is, that not everyone has admin access on their machine, for example in the office

This enables everyone to install Iris easy, even if you don’t have the Administrator password of your PC

The installation is also a little bit easier ?

After a couple of seconds, the installation will finish and the Settings window will open

How to run blue light filter on Windows XP?


Iris will also start automatically when you turn ON your PC

You can now click the X button to minimize Iris into the tray


If you double click this icon the settings window will open again

If you Right click it you will get some fast options


If you want access to more options you can support the project and buy Iris Pro

Buy Now


The post How to install Blue Light Filter on Windows XP? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Should I get glasses with ‘blue Light blocking’ coating? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:03:48 +0000 Generally speaking, if you care about your eyes then, yes This will be a great investment in your health but I have found a better investment I spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen every day. Easily 3–8 hours a day, sometimes more If you are like me, I suggest you try a blue light blocking filter ... Read More

The post Should I get glasses with ‘blue Light blocking’ coating? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Generally speaking, if you care about your eyes then, yes

This will be a great investment in your health but I have found a better investment

I spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen every day. Easily 3–8 hours a day, sometimes more

If you are like me, I suggest you try a blue light blocking filter like Iris

It will not only reduce the Blue Light (it can go up to 0%) but it will also remove the PWM Flicker, which is also really important

  1. Blue Light
    Basically, it tricks your mind into thinking that it’s time to be active, to think that it’s daytime and it’s no time to sleep
    That single thing prevents you from having a good night sleep and can even be the cause of insomnia
  2. PWM Flicker
    This one I call the eye killer. That’s your screen flashing ON and OFF thousand of times per second
    This happens so fast that you can’t even see it but guess what? Your brain does.
    Over time this will lead to severe eye pain, dry eyes, head pain, etc. I could go like this all day but I believe you get the point

So, to sum up

If I were you, I would try Iris

The benefit over the blue light blocking glasses is that it also blocks PWM Flicker

Iris is the only app that can both reduce Blue Light and block PWM Flicker

More info on Blue Light:

How Blue light Destroyed our Sleep? –  Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

And PWM Flicker:

How Мonitors Destroyed our Eyes? –  Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

Download Iris


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How does a blue light filter work? Mon, 11 Feb 2019 23:44:29 +0000 The most effective blue light filters work by changing the pixels of your monitor and removing the blue color from them. This is done using the video card of your computer. Once you enable the filter you should notice a color change, after a few minutes your eyes will adapt and you will start feeling better and experience less and ... Read More

The post How does a blue light filter work? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

The most effective blue light filters work by changing the pixels of your monitor and removing the blue color from them. This is done using the video card of your computer.

Once you enable the filter you should notice a color change, after a few minutes your eyes will adapt and you will start feeling better and experience less and less eye pain as you use it more often

If you are looking to get started and protect your eyes, you can try Iris

Download Iris


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How do I to take care of eyes when sitting in front of a screen? Are blue light filters useful? Mon, 11 Feb 2019 23:37:22 +0000 In short: Yes, they are If you are spending a lot of time in front of the computer, one of the best things you can do is to download a blue light filter app Blue Light filters block a huge amount of Blue Light from your computer thus helping you sleep better, some can even block 100% of the blue ... Read More

The post How do I to take care of eyes when sitting in front of a screen? Are blue light filters useful? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

In short:

Yes, they are

If you are spending a lot of time in front of the computer, one of the best things you can do is to download a blue light filter app

Blue Light filters block a huge amount of Blue Light from your computer thus helping you sleep better, some can even block 100% of the blue light being emitted

You can also block PWM Flicker which is the main cause of eye pain.

Currently, the only program that blocks PWM Flicker and also reduces Blue Light is Iris

Download Iris


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Does f.lux (software) really filter out blue light? Mon, 28 Jan 2019 19:19:03 +0000 In a sense, yes While it doesn’t literally filter out the blue light from your screen, it does still remove it Why is this good for you? Blue light can be one of the causes of insomnia, so when you are using a blue light filter you are almost guaranteeing yourself a good night sleep If you had heard that ... Read More

The post Does f.lux (software) really filter out blue light? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

In a sense, yes

While it doesn’t literally filter out the blue light from your screen, it does still remove it

Why is this good for you?

Blue light can be one of the causes of insomnia, so when you are using a blue light filter you are almost guaranteeing yourself a good night sleep

If you had heard that X-rays are bad for you, then you should know that blue light is the closest visible light to UV light and X-rays.

That’s why it is extremely important to get as many people as possible aware so we can all save our eyes

What you can do?

You should stop wondering and go ahead and download a blue light filter

Right. Now.

Try using it for a couple of days and you will notice a tremendous difference in how you feel after a whole day at the computer

If flux’s functionality is not enough for you, you can also try Iris.

It is packed with a lot of features created specially to make your life easier

How Iris reduces Blue light? –  Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

Download Iris

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Do blue light filter apps really protect our eyes? Mon, 28 Jan 2019 18:58:05 +0000 Yes, they can protect our eyes from almost all of the harmful light There is a difference between filtering and using a software in combination with your video card to remove blue light as Iris does. This way it makes it possible to remove up to 100% of the blue light, helping you to sleep better and feel fewer headaches ... Read More

The post Do blue light filter apps really protect our eyes? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Yes, they can protect our eyes from almost all of the harmful light

There is a difference between filtering and using a software in combination with your video card to remove blue light as Iris does.

This way it makes it possible to remove up to 100% of the blue light, helping you to sleep better and feel fewer headaches and be more happy and productive overall

Iris can block all the way to 0K

It is also the only app that also removes the PWM Flicker from your screen

If in doubt you can check our testimonials

Download Iris

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Cómo combatir el insomnio con Iris Sun, 07 Oct 2018 11:44:41 +0000 La dificultad para conciliar el sueño por las noches se ha convertido en un tema que ha dado mucho de que hablar actualmente, y no es de extrañar que sean las personas jóvenes unas de las más afectadas. Estudios han demostrado que el incremento de las horas de luz altera los ritmos circadianos del organismo, los cuales funcionan como un ... Read More

The post Cómo combatir el insomnio con Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


La dificultad para conciliar el sueño por las noches se ha convertido en un tema que ha dado mucho de que hablar actualmente, y no es de extrañar que sean las personas jóvenes unas de las más afectadas.

Estudios han demostrado que el incremento de las horas de luz altera los ritmos circadianos del organismo, los cuales funcionan como un reloj biológico, el cual entre otras cosas, le indica al cerebro cuando es hora de dormir.

De modo que la sobre exposición a los equipos electrónicos durante el periodo nocturno ha incidido significativamente en la incapacidad de los jóvenes y adultos contemporáneos para dormirse rápida y profundamente al irse a la cama.

Los dispositivos electrónicos y el insomnio


Así es y esto se debe principalmente a que la luz azul emitida por las pantallas de los aparatos que sueles usar antes de acostarte, e inclusive cuando ya estás bajo las sábanas, es muy similar a la que emite la luz solar, de modo que el cerebro interpreta mal el mensaje: cree que aun es de día y te mantiene en estado de vigilia.

Esto significa que si estás acostumbrado a revisar tu celular o a usar tu laptop horas antes de dormir, pues es muy probable que sufras de insomnio y no puedas apegarte a los patrones del sueño que tenías antes de incorporar este mal hábito en tu rutina nocturna.

blue light sources iris software eye protection blue light filter screen dimmer

Y no solo esto, ¿sabías que la luz azul afecta dramáticamente a tu organismo y le impide descansar? Tal cual, dicha luz inhibe la producción de melatonina por las noches, la cual es una hormona encargada de combatir el insomnio.

Entonces si no cambias esta mala práctica, o al menos te proteges contra ella con los recursos disponibles para tal fin, lamentamos decirte que seguirás pasando noches en vela, o en los casos menos graves, seguirás quedándote dormido muy tarde y no serás capaz de descansar, de modo que vivirás exhausto, irritable y tus niveles de productividad serán bajos.

Cómo combatir el insomnio


Hay muchos consejos fáciles y prácticos que puedes tomar en consideración para dormir plácidamente y a horas recomendadas, pero hoy queremos darte una solución efectiva, increíble y poderosa para que no sigas desvelándote y sufriendo los estragos de esta condición.

Se trata de un software saludable lanzado en 2015 para ayudarte a dormir más y mejor por las noches.

Se llama Iris y en efecto cuenta con funcionalidades especiales para que logres conciliar el sueño sin problemas, incluso cuando uses tus equipos estando ya en cama.


¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Iris? Apostamos que sí y por ello te resumiremos sus funcionalidades más destacadas a continuación.

Verás, Iris cuenta con una página de luz azul que regula su cantidad gradualmente durante el día, pero con mayor énfasis durante la noche.

El motivo de esto es que el organismo necesita producir más melatonina para que seas capaz de dormirte más rápida y profundamente.

Al reducir los valores de luz azul emitida por las pantallas de tus aparatos estás más propenso a dormir mejor y a evitar la fatiga ocular que aporta más cansancio y síntomas molestos como dolor de ojos o cabeza.

¡Descarga y prueba Iris!

Puede ingresar a nuestro sitio web y descargar el software Iris para dormir mejor, cuidar sus ojos y ser más productivo.

Descargar Iris

También tenemos una prueba gratuita de 7 días para que puedas ver los beneficios de usar Iris por ti mismo.

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Cómo evitar el dolor de cabeza en la nuca Sun, 07 Oct 2018 11:44:06 +0000 Pasar muchas horas frente a la pantalla de tu computadora, bien sea en tu hogar o en tu trabajo, acarrea diversos efectos negativos en tu cuerpo que a la larga pueden ser irreversibles. Así es, este y otros equipos electrónicos son los principales emisores de la temible luz azul que causa estragos en nuestra visión y en nuestra piel mayoritariamente. ... Read More

The post Cómo evitar el dolor de cabeza en la nuca appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

computer work screen blue light harm sleep problems eye strain eye harm iris software

Pasar muchas horas frente a la pantalla de tu computadora, bien sea en tu hogar o en tu trabajo, acarrea diversos efectos negativos en tu cuerpo que a la larga pueden ser irreversibles.

Así es, este y otros equipos electrónicos son los principales emisores de la temible luz azul que causa estragos en nuestra visión y en nuestra piel mayoritariamente.

Esto significa que al exponernos a ella sin protección estamos propensos a desarrollar cataratas, degeneración macular, dolor de cabeza en la nuca porque los ojos se fatigan, y muchos otros síntomas desagradables.

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Verás, los daños en la retina que se producen cuando abusamos del uso de la PC, laptop, tabletas y de los teléfonos celulares, ocasiona un intenso dolor de cabeza en la nuca en la mayoría de los casos, y esto se debe a que dichos equipos emiten muchísima luz azul y nuestros ojos no tienen una defensa natural para filtrarla.

Cómo evitar los daños

blue light iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

No obstante, hoy en día no hay excusas para seguir expuestos a ella sin protección, sobre todo porque ya existen soluciones económicas y eficientes en el mercado como el increíble software Iris.

¿Habías escuchado de el? Probablemente sí, pues más de un millón de personas lo han descargado y lo usan activamente desde que fue creado en el año 2015, pero si no sabes a ciencia cierta de qué va, entonces te lo contaremos a detalle en los siguientes apartados.

Iris es un software creado para que puedas usar tu computador durante todo el día –si así lo deseas o necesitas-, sin sufrir de ojos secos, visión borrosa, dolor de cabeza, dolor de cuello o espalda, u otros padecimientos como la fatiga ocular.

¿Cómo funciona Iris?


Iris tiene configuraciones de avanzada y más de 20 funciones vanguardistas pensadas para aumentar tus niveles de productividad, y sobre todo, para cuidar tu salud visual y general.

Algunas de las más destacadas comprenden:

  1. Función de luz azul

    Con ella puedes personalizar la cantidad que emite tu pantalla, y a menor valor, menos fatiga ocular sentirás y hasta lograrás conciliar el sueño más rápida y placenteramente por las noches.

  2. Página de brillo


    En esta página puedes personalizar el brillo de tus pantallas.

    De hecho, el brillo de Iris es diferente al brillo de tu computador porque este software no usa PWM para controlar la luz emitida por tus pantallas.

    Iris determina automáticamente si es de día o de noche en función de tu ubicación o a través de tu sistema de reloj, y de esa manera regula la cantidad de brillo a emitir para que te sientas más cómodo al momento de estar frente a tu computador u ordenador portátil.

  3. Página de combinación de colores


    Acá cuenta con un panel de combinación de colores muy efectivo para configurar o ajustar los valores de temperatura y el brillo que se despliega en la pantalla.

    Al cambiar el aspecto de la misma, manteniendo la temperatura del color predeterminada, se reduce la cantidad de luz azul a emitir y de esta manera evitas fatiga ocular, dolor de cabeza en la nuca, alteración de los patrones del sueño y más.

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Iris viene con una prueba gratuita de 7 días, puedes probarlo y ver y sentir los beneficios que aporta. Puede descargar en nuestro sitio web.

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Los grandes beneficios que le traerán a su vista y su cuerpo harán que la inversión valga cada centavo. Intentalo

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Qué es el dolor de cabeza tensional Sun, 07 Oct 2018 11:43:19 +0000 Quienes sufren de dolor de cabeza tensional confiesan que la sensación es similar a tener una banda muy ajustada alrededor de la cabeza, puesto que las molestias e incomodidades se manifiestan agudamente en los laterales, en la frente y en la parte posterior de la cabeza. Las causas de este padecimiento son bastante inciertas, aunque algunos estudios han sugerido -no ... Read More

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Quienes sufren de dolor de cabeza tensional confiesan que la sensación es similar a tener una banda muy ajustada alrededor de la cabeza, puesto que las molestias e incomodidades se manifiestan agudamente en los laterales, en la frente y en la parte posterior de la cabeza.

Las causas de este padecimiento son bastante inciertas, aunque algunos estudios han sugerido -no conclusivamente- que el dolor de cabeza tensional puede estar vinculado a contracciones musculares.

Lo cierto es que los afectados suelen tener algo en común: destinan muchas horas del día o la noche a usar sus computadoras, laptops, móviles y otros aparatos electrónicos que terminan perjudicando su salud a grandes rasgos.

Cómo evitar este dolor


Y dado que la sobre exposición a las pantallas o monitores de estos equipos fatiga los ojos y el músculo ciliar que reviste al cristalino, es muy factible que los dolores de cabeza como estos estén a la orden del día.

Por ello te compartiremos unos cuantos consejos útiles y favorables para que te libres de esta situación exitosamente


  1. Intenta relajarte

    Realizar actividades que te generen estrés es contraproducente en estos casos, así que lo mejor es que te relajes a como de lugar.

    Esto implica alejarte de tu computador de tanto en tanto porque así no estresas la musculatura de tus ojos y los dañas, así como meditar, respirar profundamente o cerrar tus ojos y descansar tu cuello y espalda por bastante rato.

  2. Obtén ayuda especializada

    Si vienes sufriendo de dolor de cabeza tensional lo más recomendable es que te apoyes en las soluciones vanguardistas disponibles actualmente en el mercado para mantenerte sano y activo.

    Y acá es donde entra en juego un software muy efectivo para preservar la salud visual que lleva por nombre Iris.

    Hoy te lo presentaremos formalmente porque se convertirá en tu mejor aliado para combatir tanto el dolor de cabeza tensional como otras complicaciones vinculadas al uso desproporcionado de los equipos electrónicos que tenemos literalmente al alcance de nuestras manos.

Conoce más de Iris


Verás, Iris realmente funciona, no en vano es utilizado por un millón de personas en todo el mundo en la actualidad.

Posee más de 20 funcionalidades de avanzada como páginas de luz azul, de luminosidad, control de temperatura, opacidad o brillo y muchas otras más.

Adicionalmente incluye modos muy efectivos para mejorar tus niveles de productividad, cuidar tus ojos y mejorar tu calidad del sueño dramáticamente

¿Quieres saber cómo lo hace? Seguro que sí, por eso te invitamos a seguir leyendo ¿De acuerdo?


Veamos, este software se encarga, entre otras cosas, de:

    • Disminuir la cantidad de luz azul que emiten las pantallas de tus equipos, puesto que esta es la principal causante de las alteraciones de los patrones del sueño, dolor de cabeza y ojos, visión nublada o borrosa y resequedad de los ojos.
    • Controlar el brillo de tu pantalla, y de hecho hace que este coincida con la luz a tu alrededor para que así tu monitor sea súper saludable para tus ojos: tanto así que podrás mirarlo tantas horas como desees sin correr riesgos de desarrollar fatiga ocular ni otras dolencias.
    • Regular de manera gradual la luz azul tanto de día como de noche.
      Destaca que al hacer esto una vez que se ha puesto el sol es muy favorable ya que el organismo produce más melatonina y por lo tanto es capaz de procurar el sueño con mayor velocidad y a un nivel mucho más profundo.

Obtén Iris cuanto antes

Puedes descargar Iris desde nuestra web oficial.

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Lo que debes saber sobre el cuidado de los ojos Sun, 07 Oct 2018 11:36:47 +0000 Gozar de buena salud visual es tan importante como verte y sentirte sano a manera generalizada. Por ello debes asegurarte de cuidar tus ojos constantemente, especialmente si eres un fanático de tus equipos electrónicos como tu teléfono inteligente, tu computadora o laptop. Y aunque seguramente conoces uno que otro efecto negativo vinculado a la utilización exagerada de estos dispositivos, seguramente ... Read More

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Gozar de buena salud visual es tan importante como verte y sentirte sano a manera generalizada.

Por ello debes asegurarte de cuidar tus ojos constantemente, especialmente si eres un fanático de tus equipos electrónicos como tu teléfono inteligente, tu computadora o laptop.

Y aunque seguramente conoces uno que otro efecto negativo vinculado a la utilización exagerada de estos dispositivos, seguramente no evitas muy bien que te afecten en el corto, mediano o largo plazo.

Pero te aseguramos que tras leer esta nota cambiarás radicalmente los malos hábitos que perjudican tu visión significativamente, sobre todo si pasas más de 8 horas pegado a la pantalla de tu PC, computador, tableta o smartphone.

Cómo cuidar los ojos

  1. Dales un descanso

    Aunque esta recomendación parece vaga, te recomendamos no subestimarla. Verás, al estar mucho tiempo viendo una pantalla es muy frecuente que olvides parpadear y este detalle hace que tus ojos se sientan cansados o fatigados con facilidad.

    En efecto, la fatiga ocular se produce cuando no le das descanso a tu vista tras haber forzado a tus ojos a trabajar exageradamente, por decirlo de una manera que te resulte entendible.

    Entonces, te sugerimos seguir la regla conocida como 20-20-20 para evitar molestias en tus ojos, la cual reza lo siguiente: desvía la vista de la pantalla cada 20 minutos, a unos 20 pies –que equivalen a unos 6 metros- delante de ti, durante 20 segundos.

    De esta manera permitirás que el músculo ciliar que recubre al cristalino del ojo se relaje, y deje de contraerse continuadamente y en exceso, porque esto es lo que causa que tus ojos se cansen, enrojezcan, o hasta que lagrimeen.

  2. Parpadea

    Una vez más, al parpadear te cercioras de preservar la superficie ocular porque se mantiene transparente tras la lubricación de la llamada película lagrimal.

    En cambio cuando te concentras en la realización de una actividad fija, como ver tu pantalla por tiempo prolongado, olvidas parpadear con frecuencia y dicha película no es lubricada.

    El resultado se traduce en síntomas molestos e indeseados como la resequedad de los ojos, visión borrosa, dolor de ojos, enrojecimiento y goteos por reflejo

    ¡Así que a parpadear!

  3. Usa un software especial


    Aquí es donde entra en juego el software Iris, porque si bien es cierto que las recomendaciones anteriores son prácticas, útiles y valiosas, resulta innegable que las funcionalidades de avanzada para cuidar los ojos llevan todas las de ganar en la actualidad.

    Por eso Iris goza de tan buena aceptación y receptividad en el mercado del cuidado de la salud visual a escala universal, al punto de que más de un millón de personas lo usa activamente en sus computadoras.

    Fue creado para proteger tus ojos, mejorar tus patrones de sueño y tu salud en general

    ¿Quieres saber cómo? Pues reduciendo la cantidad de luz azul que emiten tus pantallas, así como el parpadeo de los monitores, lo cual los torna más saludables para tu vista.

Cómo funciona Iris


Iris fue creado en el 2015 y su objetivo es optimizar las pulsaciones de las pantallas para controlar su brillo sin utilizar PWM. En palabras más sencillas, fue diseñado para que puedas usar tu computador cómodamente y por el tiempo que desees sin correr el riesgo de sufrir dolor de ojo o cabeza.

Iris es capaz de hacer que el brillo de tu pantalla coincida con la luz a tu alrededor, mientras que diferentes configuraciones pre determinadas se ajustan a tu pantalla para que usarla sea tan placentero y cómodo como leer un libro.

Una de las funciones más destacadas de Iris es que regula gradualmente la luz azul en el día y la noche, y es precisamente cuando el sol ya se ha ocultado cuando resulta más relevante.


¿Te intriga saber por qué? bien, porque a menor cantidad de luz azul percibida, mayor cantidad de melatonina produce el cuerpo, y de esta forma es capaz de conciliar un sueño más rápida y profundamente.

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Con Iris, sus ojos estarán protegidos y se sentirá y dormirá mejor en poco tiempo.

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Cefalea en racimos: qué es y cómo evitarla Sun, 07 Oct 2018 11:29:37 +0000 La cefalea en racimos es conocida popularmente, o con mayor frecuencia, como dolor de cabeza en brotes. Estos pueden ocurrir de forma cíclica o en brotes o racimos, tal cual como lo indica su nombre, más que todo durante la media noche. Se caracteriza por ocasionar un fuerte dolor en el ojo, o a su alrededor, especialmente en el lateral ... Read More

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La cefalea en racimos es conocida popularmente, o con mayor frecuencia, como dolor de cabeza en brotes.

Estos pueden ocurrir de forma cíclica o en brotes o racimos, tal cual como lo indica su nombre, más que todo durante la media noche.

Se caracteriza por ocasionar un fuerte dolor en el ojo, o a su alrededor, especialmente en el lateral de la cabeza, y una vez que se manifiesta este síntoma, el mismo puede prolongarse durante semanas o meses.

Como ves se trata de una condición bastante seria que debes evitar a toda costa, especialmente si estás muy expuesto a la luz azul que emiten las pantallas de los equipos electrónicos que usas a diario y con extrema frecuencia.

La luz azul y la cefalea en racimos


Aunque no se ha comprobado que la luz azul desencadene este padecimiento directamente, sí se ha demostrado que esta puede causar efectos nefastos en los ojos y en la salud en general.

Pero como ya se ha demostrado que las personas que sufren de cefalea en racimos experimentan anomalías en su hipotálamo, el cual es conocido como el “reloj biológico”, no es extraño inferir que este tipo de ondas tengan algo que ver con esto.

La luz azul altera los patrones del sueño porque inhibe la producción de melatonina, y el hipotálamo lo nota de inmediato, porque una de sus funciones más importantes es la regulación del sueño

¡Y es que todo está increíblemente conectado!, ¿acaso no esto increíble?

Cómo prevenir la cefalea en racimos


A continuación te compartiremos un par de sugerencias o cuidados destacados para que no te veas afectado por la cefalea en racimos o brotes:

  1. Usa filtros de luz azul

    Estos filtros evitan que te sobre expongas a esta temible luz y termines sufriendo de fatiga ocular, enrojecimiento o lagrimeo de los ojos, visión borrosa o dolores de cabeza, por tan solo mencionar unos cuantos síntomas.

    Actualmente existen muchísimas variedades en el mercado, tan solo asegúrate de que realmente funcionen para que estés protegido lo mejor que puedas ¿Vale?


  2. Usa un software de avanzada

    Bien, aunque acabamos de recomendarte los filtros de luz azul, la verdad es que debemos confesarte que estos no son tan prácticos ni saludables como para confiar únicamente en ellos.

    Por ello lo más recomendable y seguro es que le saques el máximo provecho a un software especializado para cuidar los ojos, mejorar tu sueño y promover tu salud visual y general significativamente conocido como Iris.

    Este ha marcado la pauta desde su creación en el 2015, tanto así que más de dos millón de personas lo usan activamente en sus computadoras u ordenadores portátiles a diario y por periodos prolongados.

Conoce cómo funciona Iris


  1. Previene la fatiga ocular

    Al controlar el brillo de la pantalla sin usar PWM, optimiza sus pulsaciones y de esta manera prepara tu monitor para que puedas usarlo horas y horas sin fatigar tu vista ni ocasionarte dolores de cabeza.

  2. Reduce el dolor de tus ojos

    Este software hace un match perfecto entre la luz a tu alrededor y el brillo de tu pantalla, y además sus configuraciones predeterminadas se ajustan automáticamente a ella, logrando que te sientas tan cómodo cuando la mires que hasta creerás que estás leyendo un libro en lugar de estar usándola.


  3. Mejora tu ciclo de sueño

    Iris regula de forma gradual la cantidad de luz azul que emiten tus pantallas día y noche.

    Así es como incita al organismo a producir más melatonina una vez que el sol se ha ocultado, y en consecuencia, eres capaz de conciliar el sueño más rápido y con mayor profundidad.

    El hipotálamo lo nota de inmediato y se ve favorecido puesto que como te dijimos hace un par de párrafos, es el encargado de regular estados fisiológicos vitales como el sueño.

¡Disfruta de Iris: un software 100% saludable!

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Puede descargar Iris ahora: es rápido, fácil y simple. Viene con una prueba gratuita de 7 días para que pueda probarlo y ver los beneficios

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Principales problemas para dormir Mon, 01 Oct 2018 09:31:42 +0000 Conciliar el sueño en estos tiempos es casi una misión imposible. Las rutinas profesionales son cada vez más demandantes y si a eso le sumamos las obligaciones personales y familiares, casi desearíamos que el día durara el doble. Sin embargo, existen factores más serios que nos imposibilitan dormir profundamente y en horas tempranas ¿Te imaginas de qué se tratan? Bueno, ... Read More

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Conciliar el sueño en estos tiempos es casi una misión imposible.

Las rutinas profesionales son cada vez más demandantes y si a eso le sumamos las obligaciones personales y familiares, casi desearíamos que el día durara el doble.

Sin embargo, existen factores más serios que nos imposibilitan dormir profundamente y en horas tempranas

¿Te imaginas de qué se tratan? Bueno, si estás pensando en aquellos vinculados a las nuevas tecnologías entonces has acertado.

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Ya es costumbre usar las computadoras en demasía, incluso al llegar casa, ya sea para buscar información sobre algo en específico, para consultar las noticias, comunicarnos con alguien más o entretenernos.

Y desde que los teléfonos inteligentes irrumpieron en el mercado pues los patrones del sueño terminaron por descontrolarse desmesuradamente.

Esto se debe a que los manejamos al estar en cama y aunque no lo creas sus pantallas tienen el poder de mantenernos despiertos por más tiempo.

La tecnología te roba el sueño

computer work screen blue light harm sleep problems eye strain eye harm iris software

En este apartado te explicaremos cómo tus problemas del sueño pueden estar intrínsecamente vinculados con la gran cantidad de luz azul que emiten las pantallas de tus equipos electrónicos y que seguramente percibes sin la protección adecuada.

La luz azul es capaz de inhibir la producción de melatonina, la cual es la encargada de regular los ritmos circadianos que representan nuestro reloj biológico, adaptándolos a periodos de 24 horas y enfocándolos tanto al sueño como a la vigilia.

Entonces, el insomnio o los problemas para quedarte dormido con facilidad en las noches se deben a un trastorno del ritmo, y este se origina muchas veces por usar tu celular o tu computador al acostarte.

Cómo evitar los problemas del sueño


  • No uses tu teléfono ni tu laptop al irte a la cama

El argumento es muy convincente y te lo explicaremos de manera clara:
la luz azul emitida por estos aparatos altera tu ritmo del sueño y te mantiene vigilante, en lugar de ayudar a tu cuerpo a prepararse para dormir.
Entonces, si estás sufriendo de insomnio últimamente y durante estos episodios usas tu celular, tableta o laptop, puedes estar seguro de que su luz azul está causándote estragos.

  • Utiliza un filtro de luz azul


Si por motivos que se escapan de tus manos debes usar tu computador antes de ir a la cama, o inclusive al haberte acostado,
pues lo más recomendable es que utilices un filtro de luz azul que la bloquee e impida que altere tus patrones del sueño, y que además te cause síntomas como dolor de cabeza y ojos, visión borrosa, lagrimeos, etc.

Hoy en día existen muchos bloqueadores de luz azul en el mercado, e inclusive ya hay lentes especializados para proteger tu visión de sus efectos nefastos,
pero lo cierto es que no suelen ser tan efectivos como tus ojos lo ameritan.
Digamos que cumplen un poco el trabajo, pero no son del todo confiables ni mucho 100% saludables.

  • Usa Iris: un software increíble 


Iris te ayudará a dormir más y mejor puesto que su página de luz azul reduce la cantidad emitida por las pantallas de tus dispositivos electrónicos tanto de día como de noche.
Y es precisamente cuando ya no hay sol cuando esta funcionalidad es más importante.

¿Te preguntas por qué? pues te lo dijimos al principio: porque tu organismo produce más melatonina y es capaz de conciliar el sueño a una mayor velocidad.
Y no solo eso, sino que duermes profundamente y por lo tanto descansas y te relajas.

Iris: cómo obtenerlo

Descargar Iris

Iris reduce la fatiga ocular, el dolor de ojos y mejora la calidad del sueño.

Tiene más de 20 funciones novedosas para configurar tus pantallas y convertirlas en hardware aptos para la vista.

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A qué se debe el insomnio en el embarazo Mon, 01 Oct 2018 09:29:05 +0000 El período de gestación de la mujer suele ser uno de lo más estresantes de su vida debido a la gran cantidad de cambios que se manifiestan, y no solamente a nivel físico, sino también a nivel psicológico, mental y por supuesto, hormonal. El embarazo es como subirse a una montaña rusa: tiene altos y bajos, picos de éxtasis y ... Read More

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El período de gestación de la mujer suele ser uno de lo más estresantes de su vida debido a la gran cantidad de cambios que se manifiestan, y no solamente a nivel físico, sino también a nivel psicológico, mental y por supuesto, hormonal.

El embarazo es como subirse a una montaña rusa: tiene altos y bajos, picos de éxtasis y felicidad y caídas estrepitosas llenas de ansiedad, desconcierto y cansancio.

Y si a esto le sumas uno de los mayores problemas como lo es el insomnio, pues el escenario se torna mucho más fatigante.


Así es, la imposibilidad de dormir durante la dulce espera se debe más que todo a molestias físicas como los vómitos y náuseas –especialmente durante el primer trimestre-, al síndrome de las piernas cansadas, o al peso ganado que muchas veces les genera sensación de asfixia a las mujeres al momento de acostarse.

Sin embargo, una de las causas más frecuentes para sufrir de insomnio en el embarazo suele pasar desapercibida, o no se le da la importancia que amerita pese a los efectos negativos que genera en el organismo, y se trata del uso de equipos electrónicos antes de dormir.

Por qué sufres de insomnio embarazada

Alarm clock showing 3 a.m.

En efecto, la luz azul que emiten las pantallas de tus dispositivos de uso diario como tu móvil, laptop o tableta altera tu reloj biológico porque es muy parecida a la luz solar, de modo que tu cerebro capta una señal errada: cree que es de día y no de noche, y por lo tanto te cuesta tanto conciliar el sueño al acostarte.

Además, la gran cantidad de luz azul que emiten tus monitores durante la noche evitan que tu organismo produzca suficiente melatonina, y por ende, no puedes quedarte dormida rápida ni profundamente.

Entonces debes tomar los correctivos pertinentes para que el uso de estos aparatos no perturbe tu patrón del sueño, en especial porque durante el embarazo es cuando más necesitas dormir y descansar plácidamente.

Cómo evitar el insomnio


  • No uses tus equipos antes de dormir

Lo ideal es que dejes de usar tu móvil o tu computadora al menos 2 horas antes de irte a la cama.

De esta manera permitirás que tu ritmo circadiano funcione correctamente y así tu cerebro interpretará el mensaje de que ha llegado el momento de dormir y descansar.

  • Usa un filtro de luz azul


Si deseas darle un vistazo a tus redes sociales, leer digitalmente, jugar con alguna aplicación o checar tu correo una vez que te has metido a la cama, pues no olvides proteger tus ojos de la luz azul con un filtro especialmente diseñado para esto.

Estos bloquearán el exceso de luz que percibirás y te harán sentir un poco más cómoda al usarlos, aunque lo más probable es que no sean tan eficaces como para prevenir el insomnio.

  • Usa Iris: un software para dormir mejor


Así como lo lees: Iris fue creado en 2015 para ayudarte a dormir mejor ¿Quieres saber cómo funciona?

Bien, pues a través de su página de luz azul la regula gradualmente, sobre todo si el sol ya se ha puesto y aun estás usando tu computador.

De esta manera incentiva a tu cuerpo a producir más melatonina y así es como tu insomnio se disipará por completo: podrás dormirte más velozmente y a un nivel más profundo del que pudieses imaginarte.


Además Iris cuida tus ojos, pues la fatiga ocular también puede ser una importante causa de desvelo durante el embarazo.

En esencia, optimiza las pulsaciones de tu pantalla y controla su brillo para que puedas mirarlas sin sufrir esta condición ni dolores de cabeza.

El dolor de ojos al usar tu PC por muchas horas también será cosa del pasado puesto que ganarás muchísima comodidad: tanta que creerás que estás leyendo un libro, aun cuando realmente estés frente a tu pantalla.

Descarga y disfruta Iris

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Aprende a proteger tus ojos de la PC Tue, 25 Sep 2018 21:12:48 +0000 Hoy en día resulta inevitable usar dispositivos electrónicos tanto en el ámbito profesional como personal, siendo la PC uno de los más populares. Así es, la usamos para casi todo lo que tenemos que hacer a diario: para las compras, los servicios, para movilizar dinero, enviar un correo, buscar información, y por supuesto, hasta para jugar o entretenernos un rato. ... Read More

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Hoy en día resulta inevitable usar dispositivos electrónicos tanto en el ámbito profesional como personal, siendo la PC uno de los más populares.

Así es, la usamos para casi todo lo que tenemos que hacer a diario: para las compras, los servicios, para movilizar dinero, enviar un correo, buscar información, y por supuesto, hasta para jugar o entretenernos un rato.

Pero lo cierto es que el uso desmedido de este y otros equipos tecnológicos nos perjudica considerablemente, sobre todo a nivel visual.

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De allí que cuidar nuestros ojos cuando estamos mucho tiempo frente a una pantalla goce de tanta importancia en la actualidad, y si tu aun no has tomado los correctivos pertinentes, pues te invitamos a hacerlo cuanto antes.

Pero si no sabes por dónde empezar, tranquilo, no te desesperes: acá te contaremos qué puedes hacer para proteger tus ojos de la PC siempre que te dispongas a usarla

Cómo proteger tus ojos de la PC


  • Usa un filtro de luz azul

Este es quizás el mejor consejo que podemos darte porque los efectos que genera la luz azul en tus ojos son realmente nocivos y preocupantes.

Desde visión borrosa y dolores de cabeza, hasta complicaciones más serias como la llamada degeneración macular asociada a la edad, que a la larga produce ceguera.

Entonces, no dudes en adquirir un buen filtro que te permita regular la cantidad de luz que perciben tus ojos al estar pegado al monitor durante horas y horas, o de lo contrario tus ojos sufrirán las consecuencias más temprano que tarde.

  • Prueba Iris: un software de avanzada


Es cierto que existen otras recomendaciones importantes y valiosas para cuidar tus ojos al usar tu computadora tales como ubicar el monitor a una distancia y altura prudencial, o descansar la vista cada cierto tiempo para evitar fatiga ocular, rojeces o irritación en los ojos, pero ninguna se compara con la utilización de un software tan vanguardista como Iris.

Este fue creado en el 2015 precisamente para que las personas que usan mucho sus ordenadores puedan seguir sacándoles provecho sin perjudicar su visión.

La idea es que usarlos sea tan cómodo como leer un libro y en las siguientes líneas te explicaremos por qué.

Qué es Iris y cómo funciona


Iris no es un filtro de luz azul, sino un software muy revolucionario que evita que dicha luz emitida por las pantallas de los dispositivos que usas a diario, y en demasía, te generen fatiga ocular, problemas del sueño, dolores de cabeza, cuello o espalda, depresión, cambios de humor, inestabilidad emocional, cataratas y más.

Tiene más de 20 funcionalidades para controlar el brillo de las pantallas, la cantidad de luz azul que emitirán, la temperatura del color, transiciones, configuraciones de pantalla para el día y la noche y pare usted de contar.

Además tiene 3 modos: automático, manual y pausado, mientras que sus tipos se clasifican en 9 pre configuraciones, siendo las alusivas a la “Salud” y al “Sueño”, las preferidas por sus usuarios debido a sus increíbles beneficios.

Tu puedes usar Iris sin problemas

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Una vez que finaliza la prueba, puede ver el efecto usted mismo y decidir si continúa o no usando Iris.

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Qué es la astenopía y cómo prevenirla Tue, 25 Sep 2018 21:09:22 +0000 La astenopía es conocida clínicamente como una condición oftalmológica derivada del esfuerzo ocular constante y continuado que produce dolor en los ojos, fatiga ocular, visión borrosa o doble y por supuesto dolores de cabeza. Suele manifestarse con mucha frecuencia al forzar la vista durante las lecturas, escrituras o al estar mucho tiempo mirando la pantalla de la laptop, la PC ... Read More

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La astenopía es conocida clínicamente como una condición oftalmológica derivada del esfuerzo ocular constante y continuado que produce dolor en los ojos, fatiga ocular, visión borrosa o doble y por supuesto dolores de cabeza.

Suele manifestarse con mucha frecuencia al forzar la vista durante las lecturas, escrituras o al estar mucho tiempo mirando la pantalla de la laptop, la PC o de otros equipos electrónicos que hoy en día tenemos al alcance de nuestras light harm eye harm eye problems

En efecto, se ha demostrado que al fijar la mirada en la realización de una actividad intensa, como en el uso de dichos dispositivos tecnológicos, los ojos se resienten y se produce la astenopía.

Esto se debe a que el músculo ciliar -el cual reviste al cristalino del ojo- se tensa y origina síntomas como enrojecimiento o irritación de los ojos que indudablemente reducen tus horas de productividad, y además, impactan tu salud considerablemente en el corto, mediano y largo plazo.

Cómo cuidar tus ojos


Así que si tu eres una de esas personas que destina gran parte de su día a estar frente a estas pantallas lo más recomendable es que tomes los correctivos pertinentes a la brevedad posible para que tu visión se mantenga sana y saludable.

¿Te interesa saber algunos consejos para cuidar tus ojos regularmente?

Si es así estás de suerte porque acá abajo te compartiremos unos cuantos y estamos seguros de que te resultarán muy útiles y prácticos.

  • Guarda las distancias


No estés ni muy lejos ni muy pegado a la pantalla de tu computador o de cualquier otro aparato electrónico, aunque lo mismo aplica mientras lees un libro o escribes un texto ¿De acuerdo?

De esta forma evitas la sobre estimulación del músculo ciliar para conseguir un buen enfoque y así tus ojos no se sentirán fatigados, cansados, ni tendrás lagrimeos o rojeces indeseadas.

  • Usa recursos adicionales


En este punto consideramos muy apropiado presentarte un software creado en 2015 para cuidar tu salud visual, evitándote dolor de ojos, mejorando tus horas de descanso e incrementando tus niveles de productividad al máximo.

Se trata de Iris y si sigues leyendo descubrirás cómo puede mejorar tu vida a grandes rasgos.

Digamos que Iris te ofrece la posibilidad de configurar o ajustar ciertos parámetros para que el uso de tus pantallas sea tan placentero como leer un libro.

Por ejemplo, puedes reducir la cantidad de luz azul que emiten las pantallas y que causan muchísima fatiga visual, o reducir su brillo para mayor comodidad, e inclusive puedes renderizar las fuentes de tus textos para que tus ojos no hagan tanto esfuerzo al leer y se cansen.

Aunque no lo creas, este tipo de renderización marca la diferencia entre tener ojos cansados o descansados y en óptimo estado, y gracias a Iris puedes modificarlas; tan solo recuerda que mientras más “fea” luzca la fuente, mejor será esta para tus ojos.

Evita la astenopía con Iris


Iris es el único software disponible actualmente en el mercado mundial que evita el parpadeo de tus monitores que originan que el músculo ciliar se contraiga constantemente.

Para ello usa un proceso similar al movimiento que hace el iris del ojo cuando encendemos y apagamos las luces de nuestro cuarto y luego nos miramos al espejo, con la salvedad de que el cumple estos pasos más velozmente.

Este tipo de funcionalidades de Iris son las que evitarán que sufras de astenopía u otras afectaciones oculares como el Síndrome Visual Informático (SVI), cataratas, degeneración macular, ojos llorosos, entre otras.

¿Dónde lo consigues?

Descargar Iris

Puede descargarlo e intentarlo durante 7 días sin cargo adicional, y también puede comprarlo desde nuestro sitio web

¿Qué dices?, ¿le darás una oportunidad? Si lo haces te garantizamos que no te arrepentirás.

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Computer Night Light: Window’s Night Light Or Dark Mode? Tue, 25 Sep 2018 21:05:00 +0000 Windows 10 has come up with a variety of features over the years since it’s been around. One notable feature is the Night Light feature. This feature is a built-in function that allows the user to reduce the blue light that’s emitted from the monitor. The reason this feature exists is that as people are using technology more and more ... Read More

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Windows 10 has come up with a variety of features over the years since it’s been around. One notable feature is the Night Light feature.

This feature is a built-in function that allows the user to reduce the blue light that’s emitted from the monitor.

The reason this feature exists is that as people are using technology more and more their exposure to blue light is rising as well.

For the uninitiated, blue light has several health benefits, but an over-exposure to blue can cause some serious damages to us.

blue light sun light uv rays color spectrum eye harm strain iris software filter protection

Blue light is derived from the sun but also from fluorescent lights and most importantly our devices.

This computer night light is one such feature to help us in reducing blue light.

That being said, there is another feature that Windows 10 has and that is Dark Mode. Dark Mode does essentially what it says, makes the screen into a dark, sleek environment.

At the same time, it still begs the question which one should you go for if you are stuck between those two? Well, let’s look at them.

What Is Night Light?

computer work screen blue light harm sleep problems eye strain eye harm iris software


Night Light is – in short – Microsoft’s answer to the popular app f.lux.

It’s basic in function much like f.lux and offers the exact same thing as f.lux.

The only real difference between this built-in function and f.lux is simply that.

Window’s computer night light is essentially f.lux except you don’t need to download it.

What About Dark Mode?


As for Dark Mode, you have to keep in mind for what it was intended for at the beginning.

It was integrated specifically for some apps in mind and provides a dark visual appearance to apps that are black.

Dark Mode essentially makes them darker. What is also to note is that there is an option for users to use a high contrast black mode.

What it does is brings in bright colours against a black theme.

The only catch to Dark Mode is that it only works on certain apps, so it’s not completely dark no matter what app you use in Dark Mode.

When Should I Use Them?



With these facts in mind, when should you be using them? Well first off Dark Mode is simply a shift in theme.

Although users have reported a reduced eye strain when in this mode, this computer night light alternative doesn’t serve much outside of that.

Furthermore, with Night Light it doesn’t completely remove blue light.

It certainly does a good job of providing a filter and covers the basics, but it can’t do much other than that.


But don’t fret too much about that as there are plenty of alternatives.

One particular alternative is the product that we offer called Iris.

With the assistance of our app, we can reduce eye pain, remove screen flickering, and assist in our users sleeping better by blocking blue light entirely.

Download Iris

We do all this and more thanks to the app carefully monitoring the user’s screen, regulating the blue lights as well as reducing the pulsations from the screen too to reduce headaches.

Our app is the perfect alternative and serves well as a computer night light.

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How to Reduce Blue Light from Computer Screen Sun, 23 Sep 2018 18:41:13 +0000 Studies show that frequent exposure to blue light on your computer screens have harmful effects. You might want to know how to reduce blue light from the computer screen or lower your screen time. The Blue Light Effect We need blue light in order to stay active. The sun emits a lot of it that can be found in its ... Read More

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Studies show that frequent exposure to blue light on your computer screens have harmful effects.

You might want to know how to reduce blue light from the computer screen or lower your screen time.

The Blue Light Effect


We need blue light in order to stay active. The sun emits a lot of it that can be found in its ultraviolet rays.

Blue light can help you stay active within the day, boost your memory and alertness, aid your cognition and memory, and make you feel happy.

However, prolonged exposure to blue light has several harmful effects on your body.

Studies show that blue light can cause eye irritation, headaches, neck and body pain, and blurry vision.

There are other alarming health problems that are connected to the blue light. Some of them are permanent eye damage, illness, and cancer.

Protect Your Eyes


You can get eyeglasses that filter ultraviolet rays. Take a lot of breaks if you are doing your work mostly from a computer.

You have to reduce your surrounding light screen and avoid using too much brightness especially if your computer is located in an area with direct sunlight.

You can also upgrade your computer screen’s display.


It is recommended to use a monitor with a liquid crystal display instead of a cathode ray tube.

LCDs are easier to see and they have an anti-reflective surface.

When you use a CRT screen, you might notice a frequent flicker on your computer screen at times.

This can cause eye fatigue in the long run.

What can Iris Software Do for You


There is another way of protecting your eyes. This can be a solution that is for the long-term.

Iris is created to decrease the amount of blue light emitted from your computer and reduce the flicker rate for your computer.

Iris can detect automatically whether you are working in a day or night setting, and it adjusts the monitor display accordingly.

The color temperature and brightness are adjusted as well on your computer.


If you are wondering how to reduce blue light from the computer screen, then try Iris.

Iris can work on USB monitors and docking stations. Some of the features include brightness without pulse width modulation, partial screen blue light reduction, manual settings, and color effects.

If the blue light is properly filtered, it won’t affect your body clock and you can sleep easily during nighttime.

Download Iris

There are new versions of Iris for latest Windows upgrade.

Iris can make your work easier. Your eyes can adjust to a prolonged computer screen time and you can do your work much faster if you don’t have eye strain.

Contact Iris today and learn more valuable information on how to reduce blue light from the computer screen.

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Qué causa el dolor de cabeza frontal Wed, 19 Sep 2018 17:31:14 +0000 El dolor de cabeza frontal puede estar asociado a padecimientos serios como las migrañas, las cefaleas tensionales o la sinusitis, pero también ha sido vinculado con alteraciones en los ojos que comprometen la retina, la mácula o la conjuntiva. La mayoría de los padecimientos visuales generan dolores de cabeza, bien sea en la nuca, o a nivel lateral o frontal ... Read More

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El dolor de cabeza frontal puede estar asociado a padecimientos serios como las migrañas, las cefaleas tensionales o la sinusitis, pero también ha sido vinculado con alteraciones en los ojos que comprometen la retina, la mácula o la conjuntiva.

La mayoría de los padecimientos visuales generan dolores de cabeza, bien sea en la nuca, o a nivel lateral o frontal ¿Te preguntas por qué?

Seguramente sí y acá te lo explicaremos más detalladamente.

blue light sources iris software eye protection blue light filter screen dimmer

Verás, el esfuerzo continuado del músculo que recubre al cristalino del ojo se fatiga mayoritariamente cuando usamos equipos como el computador.

Cuando este está muy cerca, muy elevado, o cuando no usamos protección ante la luz azul que emite su pantalla nos estamos perjudicando.

Y dado que tanto este como otros equipos electrónicos como las tabletas, las PC, laptops y los smartphones emiten grandes cantidades de esta luz tan dañina para los ojos, pues no es de extrañar que al usarlos desmedidamente te generen un dolor de cabeza frontal con bastante frecuencia o intensidad.

Cómo evitar esta dolencia


La respuesta no es otra que protegiendo tus ojos de la luz azul – y por ello hoy queremos hablarte del revolucionario software anti luz azul Iris.

Fue creado en el 2015 y desde entonces ha ganado más de un millón de adeptos a nivel mundial dada su eficacia y efectividad en la promoción de la salud visual.


Fue ideado pensando en tu productividad y en la preservación de la buena condición de tus ojos, especialmente porque no es un secreto para nadie que hoy en día pasamos horas frente a la pantalla de nuestros dispositivos electrónicos, bien sea por trabajo o por ocio.

Este software cuenta con más de 20 funcionalidades de avanzada con las cuales podrás regular la cantidad de brillo o luminosidad de tus pantallas, o reducir la luz azul emitida por ellas, lo cual evita la fatiga ocular, el dolor de cabeza frontal o en la nuca, cuello o espalda, así como resequedad en los ojos y lagrimeos.

Funcionamiento de Iris

blue light filter health problems eye stress eye protection eye strainIris se apoya en tres grandes pilares y puesto que son vitales para que te sientas bien al usar tus dispositivos electrónicos, hemos decidido esbozártelos a continuación:

  • Prevención de la fatiga ocular

Esta condición es mayormente conocida como síndrome visual informático, pero con el uso de Iris no debes temer ya que este software optimiza las pulsaciones de la pantalla al controlar su brillo sin el uso de PWM; en palabras más sencillas evita que tus ojos se fatiguen y por ende no se producen los dolores de cabeza.

Iris permite que el brillo de tu pantalla coincida con la luz a tu alrededor. Esto es posible gracias a los ajustes que puedes predeterminar automáticamente para acomodar tu pantalla a tu conveniencia o comodidad. La idea es que al usarla sientas tanto confort como que si estuvieses leyendo un libro ¡Fantástico!, ¿verdad?

  • Mejora del sueño nocturno

¿Sabías que la luz incide en nuestro estado de ánimo, en nuestras emociones y hasta en nuestros patrones del sueño? Si trabajas en un lugar mal iluminado, o si usas tus pantallas sin proteger tu vista de la luz azul pues te verás severamente perjudicado, a menos que uses Iris.

En esencia, Iris regula gradualmente la luz azul de tu pantalla durante el día y la noche, y mediante esta función ayuda a tu cuerpo a producir más melatonina una vez que se ha ocultado el sol.

El resultado de esto es que puedes quedarte dormido más rápido, y además conciliar un sueño profundo que te permita descansar como lo mereces, para despertar al otro día con toda la energía necesaria para cumplir con tus asignaciones exitosamente y sin sentirte exhausto.

¡Descarga Iris!


Descargar Iris

Visite nuestro sitio web ahora y descargue Iris luego de seguir unos sencillos pasos.

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Cómo prevenir el dolor de ojos y cabeza Wed, 19 Sep 2018 17:31:12 +0000 Piensa en cuantas veces usas tu teléfono inteligente a diario ¿100 veces?, ¿200?, ¿más? Bueno, si a esto le sumas las horas que pasas frente al televisor, o viendo la pantalla de tu computadora, tableta o laptop, es muy probable que termines sufriendo de dolor de ojos y cabeza. Verás, no es casualidad que luego de estar largas horas pegado ... Read More

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Piensa en cuantas veces usas tu teléfono inteligente a diario ¿100 veces?, ¿200?, ¿más?

Bueno, si a esto le sumas las horas que pasas frente al televisor, o viendo la pantalla de tu computadora, tableta o laptop, es muy probable que termines sufriendo de dolor de ojos y cabeza.

Verás, no es casualidad que luego de estar largas horas pegado a este tipo de dispositivos electrónicos te sientas cansado, fatigado, con malestar en la vista y hasta con un dolor de cabeza cuya intensidad tiende a variar.

Esto se debe a la percepción de la temible luz azul que emiten estas pantallas y ante la cual el ojo humano está fisiológicamente desprotegido.

blue light sources iris software eye protection blue light filter screen dimmer

Esta es capaz de afectar la retina, dañar la mácula, ocasionar degeneraciones en los ojos y un sinfín de síntomas indeseados.

Pero descuida, pese a que no tenemos defensas naturales ante la luz azul, ya existe un software para cuidar nuestros ojos llamado Iris.

A ver, fue creado en el año 2015 y desde entonces la cantidad de personas que lo han probado ha crecido vertiginosamente.

¿Qué es Iris?


Iris es un software que tiene objetivos muy saludables: proteger los ojos, promover la salud y fomentar el descanso o el mejor dormir, gracias a que reduce dramáticamente la luz azul.

De hecho, basta con descargarlo en tu computador para que optimice las pulsaciones de la pantalla mediante el control del brillo sin la modulación de ancho de pulso, o PWM, por sus siglas en inglés.

Acá es válido explicar que el PWM es un método diseñado para controlar el brillo de tu monitor al configurar la luz de fondo –tanto del encendido como del apagado- a una alta frecuencia.


Digamos que Iris es tu opción ideal para proteger tu visión de la luz azul, evitando el dolor de ojos y cabeza mediante la reducción de la luminancia de tus monitores.

Indudablemente es tu mejor aliado porque es fácil de descargar, funciona de forma automática controlando el brillo y adaptando las pantallas a la luz que te rodea, y lo mejor de todo es que no es costoso.

Cómo descargar Iris


Si está interesado en cuidar su salud y ha decidido comprar este software increíble, no lo piense dos veces e ingrese a nuestro sitio web oficial para descargarlo fácil e inmediatamente.

Allí podrás consultar una gran cantidad de información sobre los devastadores efectos de la luz azul, así como el mecanismo de funcionamiento del software y cómo su uso continuado puede ayudarte a gozar de buena salud visual, lo cual supone que no sufras de dolor de ojos y cabeza ni de ningunas otras afecciones de la vista.

Por ello es tan importante que le des un vistazo a su página y te cerciores de comprender cómo funciona, por qué goza de tan buena aceptación en el mercado mundial en la actualidad, y cómo puedes pagarlo y comenzar a aprovecharlo cuanto antes.

Descargar Iris

Iris es tu opción ideal


Así es, Iris es tu mejor aliado para cuidar tu salud visual porque te ofrece las siguientes ventajas:

  • Reduce la luz azul de las pantallas o monitores que usas a diario.
  • Previene la fatiga ocular al mejorar las pulsaciones de la pantalla sin PWM, de esta manera podrás usar tu computador o tu laptop sin sufrir dolores de cabeza o de ojos.
  • Hace coincidir el brillo de tu pantalla con la luz que te rodea para prevenir que tus ojos te duelan.
  • Mejora tu sueño. Aunque no lo creas, Iris regula la luz azul en el día y en la noche, lo cual es muy positivo cuando ya se ha ocultado el sol ya que de esta manera tu cuerpo produce más melatonina y así puedes dormirte más rápida y profundamente.

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Blue Light Filter for PC Wed, 19 Sep 2018 13:49:00 +0000 In the current world where everything is automated, it is nearly next to impossible to live without computers. Almost all businesses use some kind of technology in order to be successful. Part of Everyday Life Inside an office, computers make staffs productive and efficient. Computers help save valuable time by automating the communication process, printing reports and memos, and a ... Read More

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In the current world where everything is automated, it is nearly next to impossible to live without computers. Almost all businesses use some kind of technology in order to be successful.

Part of Everyday Life

Inside an office, computers make staffs productive and efficient. Computers help save valuable time by automating the communication process, printing reports and memos, and a lot more.

In a school setting, computers are important since students can learn and comprehend lessons easier through the use of presentations, videos and audios.

In higher institutions, researchers, scientists, and professors can read a lot of studies, do a lot of experiments and research about past and present events with the help of the internet.

computer work screen blue light harm sleep problems eye strain eye harm iris software

A computer is also a big part of the entertainment and social networking industry.

You can message someone on Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, watch Youtube videos, movies or read novels, books, and articles on the internet.

Computers and Blue Light


Too much exposure with computers can have harmful effects on your eyes. This is because computers are emitting blue light.

Blue light is generally defined as the high-energy visible light that can be found in the color spectrum.

Frequent proximity to blue light causes concerns for eye doctors and a lot of healthcare professionals.


There are already studies that show too much exposure to blue light can be very unhealthy.

Blue light can cause eye strain, affects the circadian rhythm or the body clock and can cause insomnia.

You can take frequent breaks if you are frequently looking on your computer screens or wear glasses.

However, glasses and breaks can be a short-term solution to a long-term problem. You need to get a blue light filter for PC.

Eyes Blocking the Blue Light


Your eye is not very good at blocking the blue lights that are emitted from your computer screens.

The cornea and the lens can block ultraviolet rays from reaching your eye retina.

However, blue light can directly reach your retina with ease if you are not wearing protective eyeglasses.

A blue light filter for PC can easily protect your eyes. One of the best and most recommended software is Iris.

Iris Software Can Help You


Iris is the perfect tool that is used by millions of users on their computer screen.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, an employee, a student, a teacher, or an athlete, you can be assured that your eyes get the maximum protection that they deserve.

Iris can simply remove the blue light from your computer, reduce your eyestrain by automatically adjusting your brightness, and help you sleep better.

Download Iris

With our software, you can adjust the color temperature, brightness, and color settings of your screen in the level which your eye is comfortable.

The people behind Iris have extensively studied the human eye and the color spectrum.

You are guaranteed that you are in the hands of experts when it comes to getting a blue light filter for PC.

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Blue Screen Filter Windows Fri, 14 Sep 2018 13:30:07 +0000 In this digital era, people spend most of their time in front of the computers. Spending most of the time in front of the computer causes eye strain, yes you want to work hard but you need to take good care of the eyes especially if you have been experiencing eye strain. One way of addressing this issue especially if ... Read More

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In this digital era, people spend most of their time in front of the computers.

Spending most of the time in front of the computer causes eye strain, yes you want to work hard but you need to take good care of the eyes especially if you have been experiencing eye strain.

One way of addressing this issue especially if you are using windows 10 is to look at a blue light filter.

Do I really need a blue screen filter for Windows?


If an eye strain which is a common problem is left untreated, you risk reducing productivity and headaches can become regular or feeling extremely tired after a day’s work.

In case there is work that needs to be done urgently, eye strain can hinder you from doing your best due to headaches or feeling tired.

If you are not using blue screen filter for Windows, you will find yourself needing regular breaks from your computer.

A lot of time is wasted when taking these breaks where one can take 15 minutes every hour and if they were added together you have lost a fair amount of work time.

All operating systems will have the negative blue light


The blue screen filter for Windows is available on all computers even the best ones, and computers that run Windows 10 can have it.

You can decide to change computers because of eye strain but all computers and operating systems are known to have blue light.

You can reduce eye strain by getting a blue screen filter for windows and use it in today’s programs and start protecting your precious eyes.

Blue light options


You may opt to wear glasses that have a blue filter, but they are very expensive.

Look for a blue light filter which is compatible with Windows 10 to get this issue of eye strain addressed.

The software is designed to work specifically windows 10 or other operating systems that are similar to reduce the blue light.

With this software, you will not experience eye strain or pain where you will be productive as required and no need to rest now and then.

This is all you need to fight eye fatigue.

Which software is recommended?


There are different types of this software and all you need is to choose the one that fits your needs which might be a bit hectic.

Not all programs are compatible with Windows 10, just ensure the one you have is best used to filter blue light on windows 10, where one of the best choices is Iris software.

Iris is known to work well with many operating systems where you can get both the pro version and free version to meet all your needs.

Download Iris

With this software, you’ll get better and the eye strain will be reduced at a very big margin.

If you have a windows 10 screen, blue light filter is the best software for you to buy and get all the comfort when working on your computer.

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Blue Light Wake Up App Fri, 14 Sep 2018 13:30:00 +0000 Light contains particles that are electromagnetic and are said to travel in waves where they emit energy both in length and strength. More energy is produced when the wavelength is short where a nanometer is used to measure the length 1nm is equalled to 1 billionth meter. Different wavelengths appear in different colour where they are categorized into different groups. ... Read More

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Light contains particles that are electromagnetic and are said to travel in waves where they emit energy both in length and strength.

More energy is produced when the wavelength is short where a nanometer is used to measure the length 1nm is equalled to 1 billionth meter.

Different wavelengths appear in different colour where they are categorized into different groups.

These categories include:

Ultraviolet rays, infrared light radio waves, gamma rays, visible rights and x-rays.


The human eye is only capable of recognizing just one spectrum which is the visible right which is an electromagnetic spectrum which is seen as different colours such as; indigo, blue, violet, red, yellow and orange.

The blue light is known for producing a higher amount of energy due to its very short wavelength.

Long exposure to blue light spectrum can bring damages to the eye as the study shows.

How to use blue light wake up app


The blue light wake up app acts effectively when you need help in waking up, the app has natural processes that are contained in the blue light therapy app.

It will take 2-4 minutes to get out of bed and continue with your normal day rather than spending so much time swiping and snoozing in bed.

The suprachiasmatic nuclear is said to stimulate the brain and activate it using the blue light and it’s responsible for waking up and sleeping transition.


Effects of the blue light filter

  • Your mood gets boosted within a short time.
  • Getting out of bed gets easier.
  • You always stay alert.
  • You’ll have a smiling face.
  • You stay motivated throughout the day.

How to use it

  • The blue light wake up app is meant for waking you so don’t use it at night.
  • Use it in the morning when the room is well lit.
  • Prepare the device before you go to sleep.
  • Use the control centre to disable night shift feature.
  • Set brightness to the maximum.
  • Set it to play for up to 4 mins.
  • Play with the ripple effect by touching the screen.
  • At night always remember to restore brightness.

Iris software


This is the simplest and great way to use as an alternative.

The Iris software is able to work without PWM where it regulates the brightness of the monitor where the backlight flicker-frequency does not require any changes or even current through backlit.

To move the white point of the monitor, it only requires a video card which will emit big brightness and be able to keep it in a moderate range.

Depending on the time of the day, Iris software can be adjusted so that the screen can detect the light that is found at night.

Download Iris

Iris is suitable for effective solutions and pocket-friendly where it does not make any effects on the monitor which has PWM flicker.

PWM is known to cause dry eyes, strains and headaches.

The Iris software will control the viewing and give you a different colored view that is safer for your eyes and your overall health.

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Blue Light Eye Strain Fri, 14 Sep 2018 13:21:10 +0000 Sunlight is a combination of red, yellow, orange, green, indigo, violet and blue light. When all the colours are combined they create white light we all see from computers and more. However, did you know that each of those individual lights has both different wavelengths as well as energy? It’s true.   While rays from red are longer wavelengths and ... Read More

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Sunlight is a combination of red, yellow, orange, green, indigo, violet and blue light.

When all the colours are combined they create white light we all see from computers and more.

However, did you know that each of those individual lights has both different wavelengths as well as energy? It’s true.


While rays from red are longer wavelengths and have less energy, blue rays are shorter wavelength and have more energy.

Because of those shorter wavelengths and higher energy, the blue light can cause a lot of strain on eyes, especially children’s.

As a result, it’s important to take preventative measures as well as understand more about blue light.

Sources Of Blue Light

blue light sources iris software eye protection blue light filter screen dimmer

First, we need to understand where the sources of blue light come from. As mentioned above, sunlight has a combination of lights.

This means the sun is the highest source of blue light. Controlling the sun is out of our control, however, there are other sources of blue light we can control.

Blue light also stems from fluorescent lights, compact fluorescent light bulbs, LED light, flat screen LED TVs, as well as any computer, smartphone, and tablets.


Of course, these are small compact devices making the exposure small in comparison to the sun.

The concern though stems from the long-term usage of those items.

Furthermore, the damages of blue light can come faster depending on the eye’s proximity to screens and for how long they are exposed to it.

Is Blue Light Good For You?

Another thing to talk about is whether blue light is good for you. The truth is, blue light is good for you in proper amounts.

Blue light helps in boosting alertness, memory, and even improves mood.

Blue light also helps in developing eyes as well as vision as a child and even regulates circadian rhythm (the body’s wake and sleep cycle)

That being said, too much blue light can cause a lot of damages. It can cause digital eye strain and also retina damage as well.

How To Protect From Blue Light


Because we spend so much time with technology, it’s important to take preventative measures.

The first big thing you can do is reduce screen time.

This means taking frequent breaks to allow your eyes to rest.

Some other things to consider are computer glasses which provide yellow tinted lenses and blocks blue light.

If worse comes to worse, your child or you can get anti-reflective lenses which reduce glare as well as block blue light from devices and the sun.

Protect Your Eyes


The last preventative measure you can consider as well is to try out filters or find some helpful apps.

We launched a helpful app that reduces blue light exposure on devices.

Download Iris

With the reduced blue light, individuals can find that they get better sleep, removes flickering of the screen and blue light, reduces the pain in the eyes, and so much more.

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Blue Light Eye Damage Mon, 03 Sep 2018 07:48:22 +0000 Blue light is one of the types of light on the light spectrum. It is the light that comes from the sun, as well as electronic devices. There are two types of blue light, the good kind, and the bad kind. The blue light that comes from the sun is the good kind of blue light. It is needed for ... Read More

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Blue light is one of the types of light on the light spectrum. It is the light that comes from the sun, as well as electronic devices.

There are two types of blue light, the good kind, and the bad kind. The blue light that comes from the sun is the good kind of blue light.

It is needed for our bodies to get Vitamin D and it helps boost our moods and thinking levels.

However, the blue light that comes from our tablets, TVs, and computer screens is not very beneficial and can be damaging for our eyes and overall health.

The Issue with Digital Blue Light

blue light harm eye harm eye problems

The main problem with digital blue light is that people are getting way too much of it and are starting to see and feel the negative health effects.

The average person and child can spend up to 9 hours a day on an electronic device, from which blue light is being emitted.

So why is it so bad exactly? Well, the most common problem people who have had too much exposure to blue light complain of is eye strain and eye irritation.

Symptoms of eye strain and eye irritation are fatigue, itchy eyes and headaches.

The long-term effect is possible retina damage and problems with vision as well as nearsightedness.


We are seeing these problems become more and more common in people who are on devices during their work day, as well as after work to relax.

These people are often not very young and may already be having problems with their eyesight and the constant exposure to digital blue light can only be making it worse.

Then there is the issue with children these days being on their computers and tablets for hours on end, which means they are also being exposed to the harmful blue light for hours too.

These children could grow up to have defects in their vision and chronic migraines at a later age.

How Iris Software Works Against Digital Blue Light


Iris Software is a way to combat the negative effects that blue light has on our health. You simply install the software on your devices and then set different modes that control and minimize the blue light that is being emitted.

You can fully customize how much blue light you want to be produced, the brightness levels and strength on yours and your children’s devices, as well as how strong the colour emittance is from all the devices.


Our software is affordable and very easy to install and navigate and definitely well worth the money when talking about you and your family’s wellbeing.

With Iris Software, you can be sure all of the negative effects of blue light from digital devices will be lessened and your health will be protected without having to give up time from devices.

Download Iris

Many testimonials on our website state seeing good effects in a short amount of time, and even some doctors have started using Iris Software on their devices.

They say it is a protective measure you definitely should think about taking.

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Blue Filters: Do They Work? Mon, 03 Sep 2018 07:47:54 +0000 As we become exposed to more technology use, so too does our exposure to blue light. It’s been a growing concern for many people as blue light has a number of health benefits, but an over-exposure can lead to lack of sleep and a slew of health problems. It’s, for this reason, a lot of people have been turning to ... Read More

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computer work screen blue light harm sleep problems eye strain eye harm iris software

As we become exposed to more technology use, so too does our exposure to blue light.

It’s been a growing concern for many people as blue light has a number of health benefits, but an over-exposure can lead to lack of sleep and a slew of health problems. It’s, for this reason, a lot of people have been turning to blue filter apps and other alternatives.

But do they actually work?

There are many companies, ours included that claim that they do, but are they actually an effective measure in reducing or in some cases eliminating blue light?

First, let’s look into how they actually work.

How They Work


In many cases, the low-end apps offer some basic blue filter functions. These are basically the same as what computers and other devices come with. If the free stuff is as effective as what you get right out of the box for a computer, then you can be sure that it’ll do its job just fine.

How those apps manage to pull this off, and with other apps as well is that they shift the color tone.

They move away from blue and deviate towards the warmer parts like yellow, red, or orange.

What this leaves you with is a tint or sheen that is about that colour.

The ones where you need to pay and go above and beyond for these, in fact, quality apps will do such a good job you won’t even notice a difference at all.

Download Iris

Are They Effective?

We have to say yes. Not because we are a company that specializes in blue filter apps and reducing blue light.

The reason is that our customers and many other companies have reported user results.

Those results have been overwhelmingly positive as people have reported they can sleep better, have fewer headaches from technology usage, and so much more.

Blue Filter Apps Are Only Half The Solution


But at the end of the day, the blue filter apps, at least the free ones are only half of the solution. The reason for that is fluorescent lights are also a source of blue light as well.

Since people opt to use their lights at night, they can still get an overexposure to blue light.

Furthermore, the free apps as mentioned only help in reducing blue light as opposed to blocking it.

The fix that those apps bring is temporary if you are someone who works or looks at a computer screen most of the time.


However, that is where our product comes in. As we mentioned before it works and people have reported that they sleep better and have fewer headaches.

Download Iris

What’s also important to note is that our app completely blocks blue light by regulating blue light throughout the day. Users have also reported that a reduction in eye pain.

Lastly, our app can remove screen flickering entirely as well, ensuring we go above and beyond traditional apps to provide you with the best experience while also reducing blue light for you.

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Blue Light Dimmer App Mon, 03 Sep 2018 07:47:33 +0000   Exposure to blue light is something that is becoming more and more common in everyday households. Blue light is the light in all of your electronic devices with screens such as TVs, tablets, phones, and laptops. As people are becoming more fluent with technology and using it more often in their homes and at work, studies are beginning to ... Read More

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computer work screen blue light harm sleep problems eye strain eye harm iris software

Exposure to blue light is something that is becoming more and more common in everyday households. Blue light is the light in all of your electronic devices with screens such as TVs, tablets, phones, and laptops.

As people are becoming more fluent with technology and using it more often in their homes and at work, studies are beginning to show that all this technology use can actually be quite dangerous to our health and well-being due to our constant exposure to blue light.

Everything that is electronic and has a screen contains blue light which changes the color of the screen to a more attractive color, so it is quite inescapable, but there are things you can do to make it less harmful.


The Consequences of Too Much Blue Light Exposure



The bad health effects of constant blue light exposure include, but are not limited to, eye strain, eye irritation, migraines, headaches, insomnia, and bad sleeping patterns.

Some of the more major health concerns can be future nearsightedness in children and permanent retina damage.

Eye strain and eye irritation can be caused by staring into a screen that emits blue light for too long, and it is the most common health concern seen in people who use electronic devices excessively.

Migraines and headaches are another common concern seen in people.

However, migraines are a little more severe and are more likely to affect people who use computers for long hours in their workplace or school.


Insomnia and uneasy sleeping can affect anybody who uses electronic devices before bed or at night in a dark room.

The blue light is very severe in dark places so it can hurt someone badly when it is used for long periods of time in the dark.

If you are exposed to blue light for too long before bed, you won’t sleep very well because the blue light is like a signal to wake up your brain, and so your mind and conscious will be awake for a long time even if your body is tired.


The two more severe cases can happen if you let young children use electronics for too long.

Their young and sensitive eyes are easily harmed and they could become nearsighted when they are older due to too much blue light exposure.

The same goes for retina damage, though that could happen to anyone in the most extreme cases.

The Blue Light Dimmer App That Can Help


With the installation of a blue light dimmer app that can help minimize the harmful effects of blue light, all the bad health effects that are caused by blue light can be neutralized and not so likely in many cases.

One such blue light dimmer app is Iris it is an extremely affordable and well-reviewed solution that has been tested and proven as a good option by many people already.


With the Iris software, you have full control over customization on all of your devices where Iris is installed.

Download Iris

You can control the brightness, the blue light levels, and the color saturation of any device at any time.

The blue light will not be such a health concern with the help of the blue light dimmer app like our software.

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Blue Light Cut Fri, 31 Aug 2018 20:59:51 +0000 Regardless of your age, you need to develop healthy habits to protect your eyes. If you frequently spend time watching videos on your computer screen or your mobile phones, your eyes might be exposed to a lot of blue light. About Blue Light Blue light is a part of the visible spectrum that has a harmful effect on your eyes. ... Read More

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Regardless of your age, you need to develop healthy habits to protect your eyes. If you frequently spend time watching videos on your computer screen or your mobile phones, your eyes might be exposed to a lot of blue light.

About Blue Light


Blue light is a part of the visible spectrum that has a harmful effect on your eyes. Blue light can be found everywhere. The sun’s ultraviolet rays have a blue light in it.

Digital devices and LED or light emitting diodes also emit a lot of blue light. If you are young, you need to get yourself a blue light cut.

The ocular lens pigment which protects the eyes from harmful light forms and develops during teenage years.

It is important to limit the exposure of children and adults alike in order to prevent any eye diseases such as cataracts for older people, and age-related macular degeneration.

Harmful Effects of Blue Light

blue light filter app eye filter screen dimmer iris software eye protection eye stain

There are health problems that are related to blue light. Your circadian rhythm might get disrupted if you expose yourself to blue light before sleeping.

You might have a hard time learning and memorizing lessons. If you become an insomniac, it will lead to the increase of neurotoxin in the body which will make it harder to sleep.

People who have high levels of neurotoxin are prone to depression. People who are not getting a good night’s sleep are prone to eat more fatty food which can lead to obesity and other heart problems.

Our eye filter does not provide enough protection for a blue light cut.

Blue Light from Computers


With today’s technology advances, computers became a necessity. You can get a lot of information from your computer.

However, the computer can emit a lot of blue light without you realizing it. Blinking frequently can be a temporary solution in order to get a blue light cut or reduce your exposure to blue light.

If you are experiencing eye strain, you can also take breaks frequently or wear glasses.

However, there is another way that can help you reduce your exposure to blue light that can be very convenient for you.

Iris Software


Iris software was created with the goal of protecting your eyes from any harmful light that your computer emits.

This software optimizes the time of screen pulsating and reduces brightness at a certain time of the day on your computer.

The Iris software filters the blue light on your screen by switching it in the proper mode whether you are watching a movie, reading during nighttime, you are in a dark room and a lot more.


Some of the benefits that you can get with the Iris software are it enables you to see the dark screens better when you are watching a movie, use optimize color inversions, leaves the green color while reducing the blue color on your screen and a lot more.

For more information, you can visit Iris.

Download Iris

This will enable you to work more conveniently and without any hassles.

The software is automatic and your eyes are protected without compromising your entertainment or your work.

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Blue Filter For PC Sat, 25 Aug 2018 22:01:54 +0000 Sleep is a necessary aspect of our mental and physical health. Any lack of sleep, as research has suggested, can lead to a variety of problems like diabetes, heart disease, an impairment in attention, concentration, and more. In fact, dropping sleep from seven to only five hours or less per night doubles our risk of death from all causes. But ... Read More

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alram clock
Sleep is a necessary aspect of our mental and physical health. Any lack of sleep, as research has suggested, can lead to a variety of problems like diabetes, heart disease, an impairment in attention, concentration, and more.

In fact, dropping sleep from seven to only five hours or less per night doubles our risk of death from all causes.

But what does sleep have to do with blue light or having a blue filter? Well, the truth is, as we’ve grown more and more dependent on technology, we’ve spent longer times being exposed to it.

The problem stems from the fact that the devices we use emit blue light. Although blue light is helpful, too much can cause us to stay up later and suffer from a variety of other problems too.

Why Is Technology Hurting Us?

damaged caused by computers

One of the benefits of blue light is that it helps our body regulate our wake up and sleep cycle. An overexposure to blue light from technology throws that balance off of the scale.

How it does that is since our body’s cycle is determined by the exposure to light and dark, by having a monitor on, our body thinks it’s being exposed to more sunlight than darkness.

The darkness is important as once our eyes capture darkness, our body recognizes that it’s dark and produces a variety of chemicals that make us feel sleepy.

Fortunately for us though, recent updates in technology have addressed some of these concerns and they actually have some features in place to help with avoiding these problems in the future.

Adding A Blue Filter For PC

In the creator’s update in April 2017, Windows 10 was given a Night Light feature. What this feature does is that it reduces the amount of blue light that’s coming from the display screen. It does this by showing warmer colours on the monitor which reduce the amount of energy that’s coming out of the screen.

In order to activate this all you need to do is get access to the Action Center. From there, click on All Settings, then System, followed by clicking on Display. From that menu, you can choose whether you want the night light to be on or off. To configure it, click on Night Light settings.

The benefits of configuring it can allow you to turn it on or off immediately, adjusting colour temperature, and even scheduling when the night light will turn on or off.

Adding A Blue Filter For macOS

Iris for macOS

Macs also got their own blue light limiting feature called Night Shift, to activate it, open up System Preferences and find Displays. From there you’ll have a Night Shift tab where you can schedule it however you like. Whether it’s custom schedule or you can configure it to when the sun is set based on your location.

A Guaranteed Way To Eliminate Blue Light


Although these methods are free, they still do the same thing in reducing blue light instead of removing it completely. This is important to note as there are many sources of blue light, most notably from the sun.

If you want to remove that risk of blue light overexposure you should try Iris. It works on all platforms and devices and provides numerous benefits.

Users have reported that since installing they’ve gotten better sleep and that the app also removes screen flicker, reduces eye pain and removes blue light entirely

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How to choose a Blue light filter Wed, 22 Aug 2018 09:27:27 +0000 You may think that all blue light filters are the same but they are not. In this article, I’m going to give you everything you need to know to choose the best blue light filter. Based on my 5 years of experience dealing with blue light, eye problems, and sleep, there are certain things which are super important and nobody ... Read More

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You may think that all blue light filters are the same but they are not.

In this article, I’m going to give you everything you need to know to choose the best blue light filter.

Based on my 5 years of experience dealing with blue light, eye problems, and sleep, there are certain things which are super important and nobody talks about.

Eye problems caused by too much blue light exposure

If you want to protect your eyes from the PC,

If you want to have better and more deep sleep,

If you want to work more on your computer and be less tired,

Then filtering and controlling your blue light exposure will help you achieve this.

All high-performing people know about blue light, but there are also some things which they know and most people don’t.

You are already a step ahead because you know that our health is not only food and water.

Light has so profound effect on our body and yet it is the most underrated physical phenomena.

The light changes our sleep patterns, affect the building blocks of our body – the mitochondria cells.

Light regulates our mood and emotions and the truth is that we don’t even see most of the light around us.

Our microwave, the Wi-Fi in our house, radio, our smartphones even the electrical current in our house, all of this is light.

And while we can’t live in caves and about all EMFs, you can do something about the harmful emissions from your PC at work or at your home.

Cells of living things respond the most to red and blue light.

Red light promotes growth and blue light suppresses growth.

You can see this in medical researches on plants, rats and all kinds of animals.

In our body, we get tons of problems by too much exposure to blue light.

One of the most prominent are different problems and retinal damages to our eyes, but we also get negative effects if we get too much blue light onto our skin.

And not surprisingly the biggest producer of blue light in our lives is our electronic devices.

Phones, laptops and our PC.

Compared to the sunlight the light emitted from our electronic devices contains so much more blue light that all of us get eye pain, sleep problems, depression, mood swings and emotional instability.

But it shouldn’t be that way. There is a way to use your PC whole day and feel great.

In 2015 I created a game-changing health software called Iris.

Today it’s used by more than 1 million people worldwide and is growing every day.

Download Iris

If you have some friend who is super productive and feels great all the time she is probably using Iris and is one of the thousands of happy users. So back to the question,

Why most Blue light filters are bad?

To answer this question simply, it’s not only blue light.

There is also PWM flicker, Subpixel flicker and the premise of most blue light filters is that they will improve your sleep.

But is this actually true?

If you have some blue light filter you can use this blue light filter test to see how effective it is.

It’s not only Blue light

And by it’s not only blue light I mean that the latest medical researches point that light up to 550 nm has an effect on melatonin suppression.

They are actually not that new since most of them are from 2001 but most of the blue light filter manufacturers don’t even read things that are this old.

I don’t want to go into much details about this so I’m just going to give you some links to medical researches: Study 1, Study 2, Study 3, etc.

And you don’t need a PhD to understand all of this things.

We have read, tested and made a product which can give you all the benefits of the science of blue light with a simple click.

And just so you know, if you really want to improve your sleep, the colors around you at night should look like the Sleep type in Iris.

This may seem like too much but it’s actually true.

However, the Health type will reduce the peak of blue light and you will be more healthy and sleep better while the colors of your screen comfortable to watch.

Just try and tell me if you don’t see a difference in your eye and sleep health. You will be amazed and you will never use a PC without Iris again.

Download Iris


So you need to block light up to 550 nm to have a better sleep (both blue and green) but what about eye protection?

Is blocking blue light enough to reduce your eye pain and eye-related problems with the PC?

Is it normal to feel eye strain in front of the PC?

The answer is No.

Eye pain has little to do with reducing the blue light and much more with matching the brightness to the room lighting and reducing flicker from your monitor.

My research found that most monitors are actually really bad for the eyes and I explain this in a little bit more details in my TED talk, “How technology is killing our eyes“:

The flicker from our monitor causes our iris got make constant contractions and this is actually the thing I wanted to fix when I created my software, Iris.

The process is similar to the movement of the iris when we turn ON and OFF the lights in the room and watch ourselves in the mirror but much faster.

It looks like this:

Iris fixes this by controlling the brightness of the screen automatically without changing the flicker frequency.

Under the hood, it uses the video card and special kinds of commands instead of the backlight which is much better for eye protection and Iris is the only software in the world which takes care of all kinds of flickers.

You can test this by installing Iris and going to the PWM flicker test or Subpixel flicker test.

You can also try other softwares for eye protection and/or blue light reduction with the above tests and just the difference.

Download Iris

Other things which affect our Eye health

Aside from the blue light and the flicker of our monitors, there are also other things which affect our eye health.

Font Rendering

Iris is the only software which can make things like font rendering more healthy for the eyes by displaying more sharp fonts which are easier for our eyes to focus.

Glossy vs Matte

Other things like glossy monitors also affect our eye health because they cause a double image on the screen and our eye gets strained while trying to focus on only one of the images.

If you have a glossy monitor like on the picture of the left consider buying some anti-reflective coating or using a matte screen which doesn’t reflect the light but diffuses it.


It’s also a good practice to yawn more since this makes our eyes to produce more tears.

Yawning is the most effective way to moisture our eyes.


If you can try to stand up from the PC from time to time and look at a distant object.

Looking at distant objects will help your eyes to relax more and will reduce the eye strain from your monitor.

Iris can remind you to take breaks at regular intervals with its Timer feature.

But if you only install Iris just for the blue light and the flicker-free brightness you don’t need to take such measures and you will feel great without implementing complex routines into your lifestyle.

It’s simple as downloading the software.

Download Iris

What if I don’t use a Blue light filter?

Well, you are not going to die but you are going to be much more unhealthy and I’m not sure if there is even a downside to blue light filters.

Studies show that prolong exposure to blue light is linked to:

  • Impaired memory
  • Depression
  • Macular degeneration
  • Cataracts
  • Prostate and breast cancer
  • Risk of obesity
  • Neurotoxin buildup
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Poor immunity and susceptibility to viruses and bacteria
  • Cardiovascular diseases

This may sound like too much but the light really is more than just light.

We spend so much time thinking about what we eat and what we drink.

We know that a poor diet can cause all sorts of diseases but what about our light diet?

Light is important for every cell into our body from the mitochondria to our hormone-producing organs.

Light is important and using a blue light filter at least during the night is also important.

Whatever you will get blue light filter glasses, blue light filter software or blue light filter screen protector try for a couple of days to reduce the blue light around you during the night.

You will never look at electronic devices during the night the same way again.

Download Iris

How will I be better if I use a Blue light filter?

First, if you use a blue light filter at night you will notice an immediate difference in the amount of the time you need to fall asleep after using your computer at night.

But I personally don’t like to go to sleep early so my biggest benefit is that I don’t feel any eye pain or eye strain anymore from my monitor.

Protect yourself from blue light

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)  or some symptoms of it are present in more than 90% of the computer users worldwide.

I suffered from dry eyes, used tons of artificial eye drops but not anymore. A regular blue light filter may not cure all of the symptoms of CVS but it will definitely help.

The reason is as I told before that blue light is only part of the problem but it’s an important part.

As the most high-energy visible light, it penetrates deep into our retina and damages it.

Macular degeneration, cataracts, and all kinds of irreversible diseases are caused by too much blue light so by using a blue light filter you will never have to worry about this things again.

So you will sleep better, you will feel less eye strain and your eye pain will be reduced.

If you care about your eye health and really want to use your computer for longer without feeling any eye strain Iris is the perfect solution.

Not only that it will gradually regulate the blue light to sleep better and protect yourself from all kinds of eye diseases, but it will also match the brightness of the screen to the light around you and will remove the flicker from your monitor.

Flicker is the most common case for us to get bad vision and prescription glasses and Iris will save your vision without the need to restrain yourself from using the computer.

With Iris, you can use your computer for the entire day and night and be sure that your vision will not become worse. It will actually become better, much better.

Healthy eyes, better vision, reduces eye strain, relieved eye pain, and better sleep.

Do you want to be the healthiest of your friends, without doing anything?

Download Iris

How is Iris different from other products?

Blue light

Compared to other blue light filter software Iris blocks the blue light better and has bigger color range.

While most softwares can leave 5 or 10% blue light even on the lowest values Iris can literally remove all blue and green light up to 550nm.

To test this you can use this test image or go to Iris blue light filter test for testing gifs and other methods to test how much blue light your blue light filter blocks.

Iris doesn’t work on TVs yet so if you want to block the blue light from your TV or the lightbulbs around you it’s good to combine it with blue light filter glasses.

The benefit of Iris over blue light filter glasses aside for the bigger blocking range is also that it blocks the blue light before it’s even emitted so it doesn’t come to your skin which causes some health problems with the mitochondria.

Melanopsin is also present in our skin so you may also get some circadian rhythms disruption if you get too much blue light on your skin.


Iris is also the only product which can remove all flicker from your monitor which is the main cause of eye strain and headaches.

You can test your monitor for PWM flicker from this PWM flicker test and test your monitor for Subpixel flicker from this Subpixel flicker test.

Download Iris

Is Iris Free?

Iris is free for 7 days and it doesn’t require you to enter any debit/credit card details so you can just click the Download button and you will get an installation file.

After installation, you will also get your own special invite link and if you like Iris and send your link to some of your friends you get 1 more free month for every friend you invite.

If some of your friends install Iris you will get 1 more month of free time for your Iris so you can basically use it 1 year for free if you just tell to 10 friends.

If you want to use the program more than this you can always click the Buy button and you can purchase lifelong or subscription license for Iris.

You can read more about all these things from the Licensing page on our website.

Download Iris

Will I get my money back if I don’t like it?

Yes, we have a company rule to always refund money if somebody is unhappy with Iris.

We will also probably delete the activation code since it’s not fair if you like and use Iris but want a refund.

I tried to summarize all questions related to your buying protection at this Buying Agreement.

In short, we always refund money and try to provide the best possible service.

Up until now, we don’t have not even one unhappy customer so we try really hard to be good and helpful.

If you don’t believe me, see the reviews on our Facebook page.

Download Iris

Do people use Iris?

Yes, more than 2 million people at the time of writing use Iris in more than 180 countries.

Iris is also recommended from world-class experts as the best health software. It’s used by millionaires, Olympic athletes, doctors and health experts and so many people tell us that this is the first software they install on their PC.

Download Iris

Famous people like Dr. Mercola and Ben Greenfield use Iris:

Download Now

People on Facebook use Iris:

and also on Twitter:

You can see all positive reviews on our Facebook page and famous people who use the software on the homepage.

I also have some collection of e-mails and other reviews on the testimonials page.

There are so much more people using Iris but we just recently started collecting reviews so I guess it’s my fault that I can only show you only couple of hundred reviews but they are all real.

We don’t have even one unhappy user and if somebody is not happy we refund everything purchased.

It’s mine and our company biggest rule and responsibility to never let problem unsolved or a user not happy.

Download Iris

If I have a problem will somebody help me?

Yes, we answer via Messenger and via e-mail to everything.

On Messenger, we also have some automation for the most common questions so it’s the preferred method of communication and you can get an answer in under 1 second.

For our team to respond it takes us around 1 day because we are still a small team but I have also a plan to add some phone support 🙂

Download Iris

Final Words

Thanks for reading this article and if you liked it, we would be really happy if you click some of the buttons bellow and share it with friends. Thank you again,

Daniel Georgiev
CEO Iris Technologies

The post How to choose a Blue light filter appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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The Pros and Cons of Natural and Artificial Light Tue, 21 Aug 2018 14:44:57 +0000 For the last few decades, there has been a lot of buzz around the effects, both positive and negative of the natural and artificial light on us. Be how the light influences our mood, energy or some biological and physiological processes. In this article, you’ll find out why and in which ways, sunlight can either help us or damage our ... Read More

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For the last few decades, there has been a lot of buzz around the effects, both positive and negative of the natural and artificial light on us.

Be how the light influences our mood, energy or some biological and physiological processes.

In this article, you’ll find out why and in which ways, sunlight can either help us or damage our health.

From the synthesis of Vitamin D which is crucial for us to some problems such as sunburn, premature aging, and even skin cancer.

What else?

You’ll find out why exposing to artificial light-every light produced by electrical means from tablets, laptops, smartphones, and TV to LED lights and incandescent bulbs harms you.

1. Natural light

Okay, let’s begin with the sunlight.

The sun often gets a bad rap for affecting our health badly, but the truth is it has tons of positives for our overall health when we’re getting just enough of it.

  • The sun literally makes you smile

Have you ever thought about why everyone is so keen on going to the beach?  I guess it’s more than just to get a tan or burn.

Whenever I think of relaxation, what my brain immediately illustrates is the picture of a big ocean in front of me with the golden sand,  the peaceful sun warming me and the gentle breeze brushing against my skin while listening to the sound of the waves, crashing against the shore.

Honestly, I can’t imagine anything better, like most of us.

Scientists found out that the sun may be addictive, that’s why we just can’t resist getting tanned.

A group of scientists exposed mice to moderate UV radiation 5 times a week for a period of 6 weeks. The light the animals were getting was similar to what a fair-skinned person would get.

The results said it all. After this period, a molecule, called beta-endorphin was found in the mice’s blood.

For those who don’t know what exactly beta-endorphins are-Endorphins are brain chemicals which influence our perception of pain. They act just like some drugs.

So, spend just an hour under the warming sun, and you literally will feel like you can’t stop smiling.

  • The Sun vitamin

Probably the best source of vitamin D is the Sun.

Vitamin D is one of the essentials of being healthy. As not much foods are that rich in this vitamin, some time spent under the rays is important.

For example, if you’re fair-skinned, 15 to 20 minutes several days a week will do the work for you.

However, if you have a darker complexion, you should stay a bit more under the sun to get the benefits.

How is it synthesized?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. So, when UVB rays hit cholesterol in your cells, which is a lipid molecule, the reaction produces energy and vitamin D uses it.

Low vitamin D levels problems

Vitamin D deficiency is linked to some serious health conditions such as depression, weak bones and muscles, osteoporosis and even increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder

Have you heard about the seasonal affective disorder or (SAD)?

In simple words, that’s a seasonal depression-SAD literally makes you feel sad.

If you’re like the most people with SAD, you’re feeling under the weather from early fall to late winter.

In some cases, SAD may occur either in early spring and during the summer, but that’s another case.

If during the winter your energy levels are low, you lose interest in almost everything, you gain weight and feel tired even though you sleep literally all the time, don’t blame it on the winter blues.

There are some things you can do to beat the seasonal disorder.

Go outside and get some sunlight.

Even though it’s winter, the UV rays will still get to you and help you to deal with that seasonal sadness by synthesizing some beta-endorphins.

Another trick is to change your diet by lowering the carbohydrates intake to avoid insulin boosts.

Sunburn and skin cancer

Probably one of the most common negative effects of too much sun is sunburn.

We’ve all been there and we know how bad it is. Sunburn is caused by UV light and can occur after just several hours of direct sun exposure.

UV rays are in the invisible part of the solar spectrum and even though we don’t see them, they can get through our skin.

Our skin has two layers-inner and an outer layer which are the dermis and the epidermis.

When our skin protects from the UV rays, a pigment called melanin becomes more and our skin, darker.

An effect of way too much sun is the sunburn which occurs when the UV rays have passed through the epidermis and have reached the inner layer of the skin. Sunburn can damage, kill skin cells or even cause cancer.

The symptoms are well known and they go through redness, bumps, dry skin which can peel over time(that’s the way your skin gets rid of dead cells).

But the real problem is skin cancer.

There are two types-melanoma and nonmelanoma. The first one is far more aggressive and harder to treat and it originates from moles or any pigmented cell on the skin.

The nonmelanoma type is a lot more able to treat and can start its development from hair follicles, oil, and sweat glands as well as blood vessels.

As UV radiation is the leading cause of skin cancer, it’s crucial to protect our skin.

The solution?

Get that sunscreen

The easiest and the best way to protect your skin is by applying a sunscreen.

The timing is important. Put it on your skin around half an hour before getting into the sun to let the cream absorb properly.

Also, look at the SPF factor. The higher, the better. If your skin is likely to burn easily, a SPF 50 will work best for you and if you go for a swim, just reapply it. It will save you a lot of headaches.

2.Artificial light

Okay, let’s move forward. Artificial light for sure has a lot more negatives than positives for our health than natural sunlight.

Understanding when to expose ourselves to artificial light can make us more alert during the day or help us falling asleep easier.

We all know that artificial light has an adverse effect on animals or on entire ecosystems. But how does the light affect us?
We need light, right?

Contrast to what you may think, we don’t have to look at the clock to see if it’s time to get to sleep. Every living organism has an internal, biological clock.

This internal clock regulates most of our functions, and the biological pattern that regulates our sleep, behavior etc. is called a circadian rhythm.

It is affected by light, both natural and artificial. When the sun goes down, the brain sends signals to our body to secrete melatonin which is the sleeping hormone and when it rises, cortisol is released to make us get out of bed.

But given that nowadays artificial light is everywhere-from incandescent to LED, CFL, and halogen light bulbs to all of the electronics, it’s hard to avoid harmful light.

The main problem with artificial light is blue and UV light.

Blue light

I guess you’ve heard about blue light and that it interferes with our sleep. But what exactly it is and how does it affect us?

Blue light is a part of the light spectrum. All electronics and the sun emit blue light.

Actually, blue wavelengths emitted from the sun are good.

Blue light during the day keeps our mood and energy high when we’re awake but when the sun goes down, the blue light exposure confuses our circadian rhythm.

What happens?

We just can’t fall asleep because blue light suppresses the secretion of melatonin. Looking at the bright screens just before we go to bed confuses the circadian rhythm, i.e. our internal clock.

For sure, the best way is to live in a cave and have no exposure to other light but the sunlight, but we all know it’s impossible. The solution?

Installing an eye protecting software will for sure deal with your sleepless nights.

I can recommend you using Iris. It removes almost all of the blue light from your screen and has different types and modes which can do a lot more than just reduce blue light and brightness.

Try it now to start getting a good night’s sleep, save your eyes and become more productive.

Download Iris

Something more…

Avoid using energy efficient LED light bulbs which are bad for your health. Replace them with incandescent bulbs or use candles from time to time.

Final words

Remember to expose yourself more often to natural sunlight to get your daily dose of endorphins and vitamin D.

If you can’t avoid artificial light especially at night, definitely install Iris to start sleeping better than ever.

You can use Iris on any Windows type and it’s free, except of some pro versions.

Download Iris

Thank you for reading this article. If you’ve found it useful, share it with friends on the social media.

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Blue light filter for Windows, macOS and Linux Tue, 31 Jul 2018 16:32:46 +0000 Blue light interacts with our eyes and body and causes melatonin and mitochondrial problems. Without going into much details about this the goal of this article is to show you how you can lower the blue light emitted from the screen. I also want to tell you about some important things to consider before you choose a blue light filter ... Read More

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Blue light interacts with our eyes and body and causes melatonin and mitochondrial problems.

Without going into much details about this the goal of this article is to show you how you can lower the blue light emitted from the screen.

I also want to tell you about some important things to consider before you choose a blue light filter software.

Why to Install a Blue light filter?


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Use red blue filter apps to solve problems of blue light Sat, 14 Jul 2018 23:34:13 +0000 If you are frequently experiencing less good night’s sleep these days, then it is time for you to take into consideration the impact that your red blue light devices have upon your nightly slumber. With the introduction of advanced technology and sophisticated gadgets, people just love to unwind watching their favorite movies on Netflix, reading ebooks, connect with friends and ... Read More

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red blue light filter sleep problems Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

If you are frequently experiencing less good night’s sleep these days, then it is time for you to take into consideration the impact that your red blue light devices have upon your nightly slumber.

With the introduction of advanced technology and sophisticated gadgets, people just love to unwind watching their favorite movies on Netflix, reading ebooks, connect with friends and others known on Twitter, Facebook or check out information on any specific subject or topic using their tablets or phones.

The health experts do opine that this is not eye-healthy.

According to a report revealed by the American Medical Assoc. Council on Public Health and Science, exposure towards excessive low blue light especially during the night time, including extended usage of different types of electronic media is likely to exacerbate sleep disorder or disrupt sleep.

computer work screen blue light harm sleep problems eye strain eye harm iris software

Identifying the problem 

The problem faced with using gadgets during the evenings and night is that it affects quality and quantity of sleep.

Exposure at nighttime to such UV blue light is not good for your eye health.

This is more so with exposure being towards short wavelength blue light.

This type of light is generally emitted by tablets and computers and other gadgets with an illuminated display.

However, sunlight also does contain blue light.

Blue Light sunlight visible spectrum Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

But it is vital for the eyes during the day to help us be alert and awake.

It is also an integral part of the functioning of the sleep cycles.

But having your eyes at night to blue light exposure is termed to be a bad thing.

It tends to suppress melatonin creation.

melatonin creation sleep problems Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

This hormone is produced generally at night and helps the body to get ready to sleep.

Such is its impact is that studies have suggested the car dashboards to be installed with blue LED light shining.

It is an effective way to prevent drivers from sleeping when driving the car.

But suppression of melatonin is not just linked with poor sleep, but also there are reports of its being linked with dangerous diseases like diabetes and cancer.

Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain health diseases

Use proven apps to filter blue light 

If you find it impossible to keep away your phone during night time before going to bed, then it will be wise to install the leading app like Iris software that can prove to be more than beneficial for your eyes.

iris software blue light filter eye protection

This app is quite efficient to completely filter out blue light.

The Blue Light Solution 

It is found to be beneficial when operating the device after sunset.

They tend to change the device color temperature providing red hue.

It helps to eliminate out all negative effects given out by the blue light and also decreases glare by a huge extent.

Using it for just a few days will help to notice a sharp reduction in strain in the eyes even when using the phone in a dim lit room.

iris blue light filter Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

You can download the screen dimmer app easily which just a few seconds and less space.

It is safe to be used and useful. Going through the details of the screen filter app will help you to enjoy its benefits and use the phone for long hours without any trouble.

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Eliminate blue light from computer screen Sat, 14 Jul 2018 22:57:35 +0000 If you are an avid user of the computer and required to work in shifts and work on accounts or data all the time, then it becomes all the more essential for you to protect your eyes. Constant usage of computers and mobile phones will only damage your eyes which will result in severe eye strain. This is because of ... Read More

The post Eliminate blue light from computer screen appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

night work tired computer blue light Eyes Protection - Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

If you are an avid user of the computer and required to work in shifts and work on accounts or data all the time, then it becomes all the more essential for you to protect your eyes.

Constant usage of computers and mobile phones will only damage your eyes which will result in severe eye strain.

This is because of the blue light emitted by these devices.

blue light sources iris software eye protection blue light filter screen dimmer

Besides damaging the eyes, blue light affects sleep quality and performance, which in turn can prove to be detrimental for the health.

Hence, using a blue light filter on the computer or the phone can help remove flicker and also reduce eye strain.

Take immediate measures 

Evidence from researches has very clearly shown that blue light arising from computer and phone screens are only making it tough for the person to fall asleep.

Microsoft and Apple have tried to tackle this issue by introducing new features within their operating systems.

It is now possible to turn on the nighttime setting features to filter away those blue tones which otherwise tends to trigger the body’s nervous system.

blue light filter app eye filter screen dimmer iris software eye protection eye stain

The blue light only interferes with the sleeping pattern and creates havoc in the person’s sleep quality.

This is noticed more among people using such devices just before hitting the bed.

There is present a plausible rationale for the blue light filter apps to effectively and efficiently work.

blue light filter glasses lenses Eyes Protection - Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

Also, are developed screen dimmer apps like Iris that can help promote healthy eyes by blue light significantly.

Providing solutions to blue light related health issues 

Insomnia is termed to be a problem that does require immediate solutions.

According to surveys, a good number of adults do face problems falling asleep or trying to stay asleep most nights.

The studies also revealed that the majority of the people struggled with sleep for at least once a week.

They can make use of the screen settings to decrease blue light emission in Windows, Macs computers, and iPhones.

Eyes Protection - Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

Such a light filter is officially present only in very few Android phones which include Samsung Galaxy S8 and the Google Pixel.

But apps like Iris can be downloaded on just about any type and brand of phone.

Afterwards, they are used instantly to remove blue light and to provide protection to the eyes.

Additional Anti-Blue Light Apps 

Android and Chromebook users have found it extremely useful to wear those blue light filter glasses when operating their devices in the evenings.

Others can simply download the Iris software to their phone to enjoy healthy eyes.

This app can be downloaded effortlessly and it also comes with one-week free trial use after which the charges are very minimal.

eyes protection - Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

They are found to be useful and reduce strain on the eyes.

Current users have reported that this screen dimmer app does work up to their expectations.

It has also been said to be quite inexpensive on the pocket.

Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

You should not ignore this particular aspect and should make sure that you use the blue light filters all the time.

This will make your working with the phone completely safe and highly efficient.

You can also increase your overall productivity at work.

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Screen Light Protector Sat, 14 Jul 2018 22:15:52 +0000 Researchers are of the opinion that human retinal cells can be destroyed with the blue light exposure of low intensity emerging from television and smartphones. It has been discovered by scientists that blue light, more specifically the short wavelength ones may damage the retina cells. This is regarded to be a light-sensitive tissue layer outlining the internal part of the ... Read More

The post Screen Light Protector appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

smartphone night staring texting Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

Researchers are of the opinion that human retinal cells can be destroyed with the blue light exposure of low intensity emerging from television and smartphones.

It has been discovered by scientists that blue light, more specifically the short wavelength ones may damage the retina cells.

This is regarded to be a light-sensitive tissue layer outlining the internal part of the eyes.

It may lead to the death of the cells and ultimately, migraine eye pain.

Harmful effects of exposure to blue light 

These days, advanced technology and the introduction of modern electronic gadgets and smartphones have made people spend their time staring at televisions, laptops, and phones for longer time periods.

According to the experts, exposure to blue light during daytime is beneficial for eye health.

At the same time, during evenings is considered to be harmful, especially during night time.

retina human eye health blue light filter app iris software eye protection sleep deprivation screen light protector

The researchers have investigated the ill effects of low blue light of low intensity on the human retinal cells.

Blue light of short wavelength has been found to double the rate of death in the human retinal cells when compared to those cells which kept at dark places.

Moreover, the researchers stated that a molecule ‘N-retinylidene-N-retinylethanolamine tends to react with blue light towards producing radicals to the human retinal cells.

They are exposed to numerous wavelengths of blue light of low intensity by using the liquid crystal as well as organic LED (light emitting diode).

Eyes Protection - Blue Light Filter App screen light protector

They also opine that exposure to even the shortest of wavelength blue light of about 449nm for about 24 hours will cause the largest ROS production increase.

This is almost twice like that of a control group which was kept in a dark place.

Cell death and ROS production may witness an increase in stimulating real-life conditions when white light having 449nm blue wavelength peak.

It is termed to be double the cell death amount when compared to dark control group.

Other studies for Blue Light Harm 

Studies also suggest adjusting the screen brightness to be done of what is exactly perfect – by using a screen light protector.

This means that the screen light protector has to work without any eye problems and to add up to the entertainment.

Using blue screen filter does help to reduce stress on the eyes.

Blue Light Filter video tutorial sleep deprivation iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

As a result, it also helps the person to have a great phone, computer or tablet viewing experience at night.

It will be also useful to download paid apps like Iris software. Such a screen light protector app is bound to be the eye’s best friend.

This app is able to manage, control and filter blue light effectively. Thus, ensuring that the eyes are in good health and condition.

Blue lights are known to create problems in sleep quality. This can be rectified and good sleep enjoyed using the best phone app like Iris software.

brightness settings sleep Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection dimmer eye health eye strain screen light protector

It is affordable and can be used by anyone without any hassle.

The scientists are also of the opinion that the human eye does come with natural protective mechanisms to block wavelengths. Such waves are below 400nm.

But anything above this will prove to be detrimental to the health. But this can be taken care of by using such a screen light protector.

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Blue Light from Electronics Sat, 14 Jul 2018 07:39:20 +0000 It could be that your phone is hurting your eyes very badly due to constant usage. If so, then it becomes essential to find out the symptoms related to eye strain along with some tips to cut down on exposure towards blue light. This will require changing your existing lifestyle, use glasses, filters and eye protection apps. You can also ... Read More

The post Blue Light from Electronics appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain table phone night use

It could be that your phone is hurting your eyes very badly due to constant usage.

If so, then it becomes essential to find out the symptoms related to eye strain along with some tips to cut down on exposure towards blue light.

This will require changing your existing lifestyle, use glasses, filters and eye protection apps.

You can also download the Iris app on your phone to reduce eye strain and to ensure having healthy eyes.

Straining the eyes 

These days, the majority of the people prefer to use their smartphones and tablets for hours together.

They do this to check emails, chat with friends, colleagues, and customers.

That way, they can also see the social feeds or to play games.

Staring the phone for a very long period will only make the eyes to feel tired, drowsy, even feeling eye muscle pain.

According to reports conducted globally, people in huge numbers are glued to their devices for a good amount of time.

screen brightness smartphone computer monitor blue light filter app eye protection iris software

This trend is only noticed to become an obsession among them.

All this screen time is only negatively affecting our eye health, cited by Wikipedia as well.

There are some professions that do work the person to work on the phone or the computer for hours together or some people simply love to chat with their loved ones or friends all the time.

Hence, it becomes necessary to use a blue light filter to ensure that the phone is now safe for the eyes.

Do away with negative impacts of the eyes

The truth is exposure towards blue light especially from electronic devices is likely to have a negative impact upon the eyes.

Blue light can be really concerning since the lens and cornea are not able to filter the blue light out.

Hence, it goes to the back portion of the eyes.

Some experts are of the opinion that it could damage the retina, leading to unwanted conditions such as macular degeneration.

Eyes Protection - Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain


But no research has been conducted as of yet to back up such concerns.

The leading optometrists also state that staring at the screen for longer periods lead to facing digital eye strain.

This is also called computer vision syndrome.

Few symptoms might include trouble focusing upon a single thing, tired, red eyes, blurry vision, headaches and dry eyes.

eye strain iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health

Therefore, it becomes crucial on your part to make use of the latest advanced technology and eye protection apps like Iris to reduce eye strain and prolong natural good sight.

For example, if you sit in a squat position for a long time, then your legs are sure to get tired.

That way, it will not allow you to sit in that position anymore.

Eyes Protection - Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

A similar thing takes place in your eyes.

To focus better and sharper on any object, your eye muscles are to pull together constantly.

But after a while, the muscles get tired.

The Solution to Blue Light Harm

Researches have also stated that melatonin, an essential hormone that assists the body to properly maintain healthy circadian rhythms, is suppressed by blue light.

Experts concluded that this can make it tough for the person to fall asleep.

iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain health sleep

Again, lack of sleep is likely to have long-term ill health effects.

Using Iris anti-blue light filter app will help promote good eyes and also allow you to work on your device for hours without any strain or worry.

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Shield Eyes From Blue Light Of Tablet And Phone Tue, 10 Jul 2018 07:43:56 +0000 It could be that your child uses tablets and smartphones frequently to play games, to gain useful information or to chat with friends. What you are not aware of is the fact that devices may cause potentially irreversible eye damage. This is because, such devices are said to emit blue light, which is proven to be harmful to the eyes ... Read More

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blue light tablet phone screen dimmer sleep problems eye protection eye health iris software

It could be that your child uses tablets and smartphones frequently to play games, to gain useful information or to chat with friends.

What you are not aware of is the fact that devices may cause potentially irreversible eye damage.

This is because, such devices are said to emit blue light, which is proven to be harmful to the eyes and for getting good quality sleep.

Using blue light filter can help your child’s eyes to be well protected.

little girl tablet phone blue light night use eye protection eye health iris software

Increased eyesight problems 

The fact is the explosion of modern technology and the introduction of different types of handheld devices in the last few years has only witnessed an enormous increase in the number of patients.

A good number of eye patients tend to comprise of young school children who complain of dry eyes and eye strain.

Such issues are caused due to excessive screen time.

Although these conditions could be prevented and treated by performing some exercises and using screen breaks, the hazards caused due to blue light exposure is still relatively unknown.

blue light harm eye harm eye problems

Medical experts are quite convinced about the potential harm caused to children is much greater to be ignored.

Majority of the health experts across the globe do recommend their young patients to use blue light filter software to block blue light effectively.

They strongly prescribe non-prescription lenses. No downsides are present towards availing protection against blue lights.

However, potential downsides do exist if adequate care and remedy are not taken. Hence, it will be useful to reduce eye strain by removing screen flicker.

Why use filters to block blue light? 

According to studies, blue light is found to cause eye damage to its back portion, which is the retina.

The medical experts state that if blue light is exposed to children at night time, it can lead to a quick onset of macular degeneration.

It is termed to be the leading reason for blindness of age over 50 and can cause cataracts.

blue light filter eye protection eye strain eye protection filter

Since adults eye tends to have a natural defense system, the risk from blue light is comparatively lesser.

With age, the lens begins to yellow, thus blocking out some part of the harmful blue light.

But children are more prone to suffer since their eyes are still in the development stage.

This means such light will be able to penetrate more easily and efficiently into the eye retina directly resulting in an eye migraine.

Taking adequate precaution

Unfortunately, smartphones are given to toddlers and young children to play without understanding the consequences it brings about.

What is necessary to know is that blue wavelength is crucial for the eyes at day.

For this reason, they help boost reaction, mood, and attention.

circadian rhythm sleep human eye health eye protection blue light filter affect app iris software

But it becomes harmful at night, since it disturbs the circadian rhythm, disrupting sleep.

Hence, the installation of apps like Iris can help to block effectively blue light.

Thus, making the devices completely safe for children to use.


iris software blue light filter eye protection

Such anti-blue light app filter out blue light and make playing games or viewing movies or chatting on tablets and smartphones safer.

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Blue Light Reducer Tue, 10 Jul 2018 07:14:18 +0000 These days, the number of computer and smartphone users has increased manifolds. What many are not aware of is the fact that these technological devices which are found to be extremely useful in life also may cause potential eye harm to one’s health. According to researches, blue light emerging from cell phones are likely to disrupt circadian rhythms. As a ... Read More

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blue ligh man health sleep human eye health eye protection blue light filter affect app iris software

These days, the number of computer and smartphone users has increased manifolds.

What many are not aware of is the fact that these technological devices which are found to be extremely useful in life also may cause potential eye harm to one’s health.

According to researches, blue light emerging from cell phones are likely to disrupt circadian rhythms.

As a result, they are disrupting sleep and leading to poor sleep quality.

sleep problems deprivation late-night bed blue light filter eye protection

Studies have also concluded that blue light emerging from home devices and street lamps may enhance prostate cancer risk.

Data from researches have also shown that external light, when blocked using dark window shades, is likely to reduce cancer development risks.

Moreover, using blue light filter apps like Iris blue light reducer app will prove to be useful to safeguard the eyes and also to get good sleep.

Risks faced with Blue Light 

Health professionals state that using cell phones late at night will only keep the user awake and do away with his sleep.

New studies have further revealed that browsing the web in bed will lead to prostate cancer.

These are day-to-day devices such as computer screens, street lamps, and cell phones tend to emit blue light.

Researches do show that this light is harmful tends to disrupt the human body’s circadian rhythms.

This is achieved with the blue light confusing the body during sleeping time.

melatonin blue light filter app eye protection eye strain eye harm

Evidence also has shown that it may increase the risk of cancer in people.

Studies have further revealed that blue light exposure at night will only double the risk of prostate cancer in man and development of breast cancer in women by about 1.5 times.

To determine if the evening glow is dangerous by which level, researchers had compiled data from over 4,000 people.

The participants include those facing breast and prostate cancers or devoid of cancer and of ages 20 to 85.

Questionnaires were used to evaluate bedroom environments, like if people slept in dimly lit or dark rooms, used photographs from space for capturing blue light reducer levels found outdoors.

Results of the Study 

The study found out that areas having heavy outdoor lighting and brighter bedrooms were associated with higher prostate cancer risk.

With cities and towns replacing older lighting and using the latest technological devices like computer and phones, people are exposed to good amounts of blue lights.

This will only disrupt the biological clocks. This way, a strong link has been found with blue light and eye sleep.

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However, the study is not found to show causation, but a link is derived between prostate cancer and blue light.

Further studies were carried out to determine if addiction to the smartphone is really deadly!

Also were studied during night time exposure towards a low blue light that is emitted by the modern phones.

Such a thing is being associated with cancer risk.

The studies did state that using blue light filters like the Iris blue light reducer app will prevent any blue light harm.

That way, making it completely safe for the phone to be used at night for hours together without any worry about eye health and sleep quality.

software eye strain eye health eye protection blue light filter affect app iris software

However, still, medical experts do advise limiting the usage of the phone before going to bed.

They also recommend installing reliable computer screen dimmer apps that make phone viewing completely safe.

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Screen Light App Sun, 08 Jul 2018 13:33:54 +0000 There are many who are not aware of the harmful effects of getting exposed to blue light at night. The fact is such screen light is emitted by modern electronic gadgets like the tablets and smartphones and if exposed to it during the evening will harm sleep quality. Hence, it becomes essential to know how blue light exposure is to ... Read More

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blue light harm screen filter eye protection night use smartphone woman

There are many who are not aware of the harmful effects of getting exposed to blue light at night.

The fact is such screen light is emitted by modern electronic gadgets like the tablets and smartphones and if exposed to it during the evening will harm sleep quality.

Hence, it becomes essential to know how blue light exposure is to be managed to protect health and sleep.

How much light exposure is better for human health and to get good sleep? 

Light is considered to be medicine.

Just like junk food is not expected to be consumed regularly and to feel healthy and to be in best condition, it is not possible to consume all types of junk light every time and expect good sleep, to feel better and perform well.

If managed properly, exposure to screen light may help to improve sleep, increase overall energy and to boost overall performance.

melatonin good night sleep eye protection eye strain blue light filter screen dimmer

In today’s modern world, where electronic gadgets rule lives, the well-educated individual can better protect his/her health and get good sleep at night as well as function efficiently during the day.

In today’s modern world, there is light everywhere and it becomes essential to seek out darkness actively.

Also is present more blue wavelength light which is found in plentiful in most of the energy efficient light sources as well as digital devices.

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Why blue light at night time interferes with sleep? 

There is numerous evidence piled up to show the potential hazards that blue wavelength screen light brings on human health and sleep patterns.

As a matter of fact, studies have revealed that blue light is a light form.

This is aggressive enough to trigger sleeplessness.

It suppresses production of melatonin for over twice as long when compared to other types of light wavelengths.

Also, the circadian rhythms are altered by about twice the degree.

circadiam rhythm sleep iris software eye protection eye strain eye blue light filter screen dimmer

Hence, interference with the 24-hour circadian body rhythm may have a significant adverse effect upon human and eye health.

It also creates problems with the immune, metabolic and cardiovascular systems, comprising cognitive functions and disturbing mood.

When circadian rhythms are found to be out of control, then the person is not able to perform, feel or think at his/her best.

Therefore with time, the health is compromised and put at risk.

circadian rhythm sleep human eye health eye protection blue light filter affect app iris software

Studies conducted among healthy young adults have found out that exposure towards low blue light arising from computer or phone screens between 9 & 11 pm results in shortened total sleep time, significant suppression of melatonin production and diminished sleep quality with the increase of frequent nighttime awakenings.

It also has been revealed that body temperature is prevented from dropping by blue screen light during night time.

It is important to get good sleep which is only possible with a gradual lowering of the body’s temperature.

Night time exposure to blue light is likely to disrupt regular circadian rhythms.

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After constant blue light exposure for several nights, people were noticed to get more tired during the daytime.

In addition, they also experienced negative moods.

Using sleep light app like Iris software can do a lot of good to filter out blue screen light and to promote good sleep.

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Blue Light Filter for Eye Care for PC Sun, 08 Jul 2018 13:17:57 +0000 There are many who are required to sit on the PC for hours together at work at various times of the day or night. Whatever be it, excessive exposure to the PC only leads to stress and strain in the eye and retina region. The PC is known to radiate UV and blue light screen rays. They are considered to ... Read More

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blue light night work screen dimmer blue light filter app software eye protection

There are many who are required to sit on the PC for hours together at work at various times of the day or night.

Whatever be it, excessive exposure to the PC only leads to stress and strain in the eye and retina region.

The PC is known to radiate UV and blue light screen rays.

They are considered to cause eye muscle pain and eye harm.

Hence, it becomes essential to search for the most appropriate blue light filters that can take care of the eyes.

Providing proper eye care 

These days, eye strain is said to have become a common problem, something that is not much thought about.

When using the computer for longer time periods.

eye pain migraine eye health blue light harm screen dimmer filter eye proteciton

The user is bound to get tired and his eyes become fatigued and even experience pain, resulting in an eye migraine.

If not addressed to immediately, it may lead to the development of various types of eye-related problems.

Know the harmful effects of blue light 

The computer screen is said to produce blue light that is known to cause eye-related issues, stress, and strain.

This light is quite harmful to the eyes. however, constant exposure may lead to eye problems and sleep deprivation.

If the eyes are not rested periodically for a few minutes in every hour of computer usage.

Then, the eye strain is only likely to get accumulated throughout the day.

blue light filter app iris software eye protection bedtime smartphone tablet use

However, people, these days do lead busy lives and not have much spare time to relax and take good eye care.

There is a need and compulsion to work on the computers even at night to get the assigned tasks completed.

Such overexposure to light faced from the screen, be it the computer or the mobile phone only causes eye pressure pain over time.

blue light filter effect on eye protection uv light retina damage eye harm

Hence for ensuring healthy eyes, it becomes necessary to make use of a blue light filter.

Such is the Iris app that will protect the eyes and take care of sleep.

Addressing blue light 

Spending less time on the computer and the mobile phone is a better way to address the issues caused by blue light.

But this is not stated to be practical. There are blue light filter glasses which are designed specifically to filter such light.

However, it can prove to be expensive. The person is sure to be exposed to blue light if he/she forgets to wear it.

These days, there are specific anti-blue light software programs that can be used to filter out blue light to ensure getting less eye strain.

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Such an app is Iris app and by using this app will remove the blue light from the screen and make it completely safe to be viewed at night time.

This way, the eyes will not get fatigued and better quality sleep can be experienced at night, thus leading to overall better health and eye care.

iris software blue light filter eye harm eye protection eye strain screen dimmer software

This software just needs to be installed in the device, which takes a matter of seconds.

Once done, it will get activated instantly to filter blue light and protect the eyes from strain and stress when using the phone for hours at night.

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UV Light from Computer Screens Sun, 08 Jul 2018 12:23:28 +0000 Sitting before the computer for hours together and for days has become more than a fashion and requirements of modern work life, resulting in a high blue light exposure. But a new eye health term ‘computer face’ has emerged to describe premature aging effects caused by sitting at the computer for hours. What is the computer face all about?  According ... Read More

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computer screen blue light harm eye health uv light screen filter dimmer eye strain

Sitting before the computer for hours together and for days has become more than a fashion and requirements of modern work life, resulting in a high blue light exposure.

But a new eye health term ‘computer face’ has emerged to describe premature aging effects caused by sitting at the computer for hours.

What is the computer face all about? 

According to medical experts, people who are required to sit continuously at the computer for hours are at greater risk of facing premature aging.

This is because of the UV light emerging from the computer screens.

It also means accelerated wrinkles, fine lines, turkey neck, frown lines, jowls and deep wrinkles.

blue light sun light uv rays color spectrum eye harm strain iris software filter protection

Some potential problems faced: 

• When concentrating if the person squints or frowns, then premature frown lines are likely to develop.

• Sitting in a single position for a long time also increases jowls risks or make for a sharp pain in the eye.

• Looking down a lot may sag and shorten the neck muscles causing turkey neck.

• Young women and men are likely to age much more quickly due to heavy usage of IT.

blue light harm eye harm eye problems

Patients suffering from such effects are only found to be increasingly lining up at the leading cosmetic surgical centers.

These can be considered to be early warnings.

They should be heeded to as to how badly the body’s muscles (eye muscle pain for example) tend to react towards endless sitting.

How do computers expose to UV radiation? 

The experts are of the opinion that computers do expose the user to harmful UV light radiation.

Low UV light levels are emitted by older CRT monitors, which over a period of time, leads to skin damage.

It can also be problematic for those who are photosensitive like people suffering from severe xeroderma pigmentosum and lupus problems.

UV screen light, however, is not radiated by the new flat paneled LCD screens as opposed to LCD and plasma screens.

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Aging caused by allergic reactions

Researches conducted have stated that exposure to the computer screen for hours can lead to blotches, discoloration, skin allergies and rashes with time.

Moreover, those facing pre-existing skin issues such as sun sensitivity and rosacea can face more risk and eye strain.

Some scientists also opine that an electrostatic field is created by monitors to attract floating dust.

It then settles on the skin, thus causing irritation, dryness and allergic reactions, specifically in the poorly ventilated areas.

Excessive exposure to the computer screen in a few sensitive individuals may cause screen dermatitis.

Here, the skin cells tend to suffer due to consistent exposure towards electromagnetic fields and light.

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How to protect the eyes and the face?

It will be useful to do some thorough research on the potential effects that computers have over skin in its very early stages.

One more aspect to understand is that LCD screens although don’t emit UV light radiation, are known to emit LED light.

Such light is associated with eye damage.

Furthermore, studies have associated LED UV lights present in computers, bulbs, TVs and cell phones.

Therefore, enhancing irreparable harm and risk to the retinal region which can result even in migraine eye pain.

Researchers have also stated that damage may be caused by radiation at higher levels present in blue light band.

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With LED lights being used in TV screens, phones, and computers, the problem is only anticipated to grow.

Hence, there has been developed blue light filters like Iris app that will do a world of good to the eyes and sleep.

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Eye Filter Sun, 01 Jul 2018 15:31:05 +0000 The truth is blue light affects sleep patterns and health negatively. It is quite common these days for you to come late from work and to get relaxed watch your favorite show or movie on Netflix or play some games on your smartphone or watch television. Medical experts have been lately cautioning people not to use light-emitting gadgets prior to ... Read More

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The truth is blue light affects sleep patterns and health negatively.

It is quite common these days for you to come late from work and to get relaxed watch your favorite show or movie on Netflix or play some games on your smartphone or watch television.

Medical experts have been lately cautioning people not to use light-emitting gadgets prior to going to bed unless there use some sort of an eye filter.

The reason is that the blue light radiated from the device is termed to be short wavelength enriched.

visible specter blue light wavelengths visible light protection filter eye health

This means this blue light emission is in higher concentration when compared to natural light.

Moreover, melatonin – a sleep-inducing hormone is affected by blue light more than other wavelengths.

Effects in sleep and need of eye filter

When there are noticed changes in the pattern of sleep, then natural clock in the body witnesses a shift, called circadian rhythm.

According to studies and articles cited by Wikipedia, they have revealed that the clock shifts may have unwanted devastating health effects since it tends to control not just our wakefulness, however, also the individual clocks which dictate the body organ’s functions.

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The stressors in other words, which affects the circadian clocks, like blue light exposure have more serious consequences than expected.

Researchers investigated how different light wavelengths tend to affect melatonin body release.

It was discovered that light emitting devices had effects upon the circadian system which extended beyond evening and well into the next morning.

How light affects the circadian rhythm and how melatonin is involved? 

It is known for quite some time that the most powerful cue to shift the phase or to reset the circadian time clock is light.

Moreover, melatonin during daytime is low and starts to get released just a few hours prior to bedtime.

It tends to peak during the middle of the night.

Studies have also shown that melatonin is surprised by light.

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As a result, the circadian delay is caused by light during the early evening. Otherwise, the clock is reset for later schedule.

Again circadian advancement may be caused due to light was seen in the early morning or the clock reset to an earlier schedule.

How scientists got involved with blue light and eye filter? 

Over 700 experiments were performed in a period of seven years for measuring how different light wavelengths tend to regulate the correct production of melatonin.

It was found that peak sensitivity is displayed towards the light by humans in the blue light wavelength spectrum region.

blue light filter effect on eye protection uv light retina damage eye harm

Cones and rods (the eye photoreceptors) may not account for melatonin production’s various regulation.

Hence, another photoreceptor type is said to be accountable for mediating this physiological response.

Such wavelength photoreceptors had been identified later and called melanopsin as they contain ganglion cells.

What happens when eyes get exposed to electronic device radiated blue light? 

Studies have revealed that short wavelength or blue light has a greater effect upon the circadian clock’s phase shifting as well as on melatonin suppression unless an eye filter is used.

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Those who read using light emitted devices fell asleep slower and less REM sleep while having higher alertness before bedtime.

This will also affect overall health with time.

However, eye filter apps like Iris can be downloaded and used to act as a blue light filter.

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Yellow Filter For Computer Screen Sun, 01 Jul 2018 14:27:10 +0000 Blue light blocking apps can help promote better sleep after screen-time  Televisions and mobile phones are likely to emit blue and yellow lights that are considered by medical experts to be harmful to the eyes and overall eye health. Blue light that radiates from such devices is likely to suppress natural mechanism which helps people to fall asleep during the ... Read More

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blue light filter app screen dimmer led light eye protection eye strain iris software

Blue light blocking apps can help promote better sleep after screen-time 

Televisions and mobile phones are likely to emit blue and yellow lights that are considered by medical experts to be harmful to the eyes and overall eye health.

Blue light that radiates from such devices is likely to suppress natural mechanism which helps people to fall asleep during the night.

sleep phone eye strain hurt blue light filter eye protection software monitor time sleep deprivation

However, blocking blue wavelength is likely to help restore normal sleep at night time, as revealed by studies.

Teenagers using computers and various types of digital devices when using apps like Iris software are found to be much more relaxed when using these devices at night for a good amount of time.

They also get sleepy during bedtime which is essential for better health.

Effects of screen light 

LED screens are being used widely in smart phones, computer monitors, TVs and tablets.

Screen light tends to affect the circadian physiology, which is quite high in these devices and are used very close to the eyes.

Viewing these screens during evening time will only make the teenagers be awake at night and not get good quality sleep.

blue light and screen time

This is because, it tends to involve light exposure, specifically in the blue wavelength range.

There is where the biological clock, as well as its related arousal promotion, is known to its greatest sensitivity.

Viewing computer or phone screens when in bed is linked to insomnia.

It can become difficult to wake up the next morning according to studies.

The reason is that light tends to impact the circadian rhythms along with the sleep-wake cycles.

Using yellow filter for computer screen will prove to be more than beneficial for the eyes and overall health.

Why blue light is harmful? 

Teenagers are already found to stay awake for late hours.

As a result, requiring to wake up very early for studies is likely to develop a chronic sleep debt.

As a result, this affects sharply the teens’ focus and moods.

The LED light screens, as suggested by Wikipedia, do emit short wavelength light. It is found to block natural evening rise of hormone melatonin which promotes sleepiness.

Blue light exposure does keep the brain activated and alert at a time when it is to slow down to get into sleep mode.

blue light filter app iris software eye protection sleep deprivation

For experiment purpose, blue blocker, orange-tinted glasses were used to filter out short light wavelengths in the visible spectrum’s blue portion.

13 healthy boys were recruited between the ages of 15 & 17. For about a week, they maintained regular sleep schedule at their home.

Those same people were also devoid of going out during the evenings or consuming caffeine drinks.

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They used devices that had blue light blocker glasses during the evenings until bedtime every evening.

They also maintained dairies of the duration of wearing of the glasses and time spent with non-LED and LED devices including sleep-wake log.


The Solution to this Blue Light Harm 

The yellow filter glasses and apps like Iris software were found to be highly beneficial. They helped them to have good sleep at night without much interruption in between.

They were also reported to have higher melatonin levels ranging from ninety to five minutes prior to sleeping.

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In short, this screen dimmer app did make a huge difference to the sleep quality and prevented those light responses that are found not to be helpful during evening hours as the mind and the body prepares to get ready for sleep.

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Remove Blue Light On Your PC Mon, 25 Jun 2018 19:39:14 +0000 Before getting started with the topic of today, let’s first talk a bit about the visible light present around us. Why is it important for us to know the advantages and disadvantages of this light? Yes, you read it right, light is everywhere around us and just like all the other things in the world, light also comes with a ... Read More

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blue light filter computer work screen time work day eye protection eye strain

Before getting started with the topic of today, let’s first talk a bit about the visible light present around us.

Why is it important for us to know the advantages and disadvantages of this light?

Yes, you read it right, light is everywhere around us and just like all the other things in the world, light also comes with a few pros and cons for us humans.

The Visible Light 

The visible light around us is a mixture of different colors that include indigo, yellow, green, red and blue etc.

According to Wikipedia, now, among all the other lights, the color that needs our attention the most is the blue light.

sunlight spectrum visible light blue light filter eye protection eye strain

Again, if you study the nature of visible light and how it works, you will know that there are different wavelengths for each of the light.

As a result, one of the shortest wavelengths is the blue light.

Now, this is where all the problem begins. Blue light is the most dangerous light because it has the shortest wavelength which makes it extremely powerful and can cause various headache and eye pain problems.

This powerful light is not good for the human eye because our eyes are unable to filter the blue light.

 blue light filter effect on eye protection uv light retina damage eye harm

What To Worry About?

What actually happens is that when your eyes are exposed directly to the blue light it starts becoming a threat to your vision.

The major source of blue light is the Sun and it has equal harmful effects on the human beings just like the UV light.

This is why it is highly recommended for you to wear sunscreen and sunglasses everytime you go out under the Sun or even use a screen eye protector app.

Now, even the Sun is not the major problem as blue light is not as dangerous as the one coming out of our screens is.

blue light filter eye protection uv light health eye problems eye strain

The other major source of blue light are the screens of the digital devices that we use on daily basis and this exposure is what’s damaging our eyes continuously resulting in sharp pain in the eye.

As said earlier, the human eye is not able to filter the blue light.

This is because this light goes straight up to the retina of your eye and hits it which causes the major damage.

 blue light screen time retina harm eye strain eye stress uv light iris software


How Can You Protect Your Eyes?

Not a lot of people talk on this topic but now is the right time to do that because prevention is better than cure.

Every optical disease can now be cured but why damage your eyes in the first place?

Now, we all know that this is the digital age and right now one cannot survive without using phones and laptops.

However, there is one thing that you can do.

You should download and install an amazing anti-blue light filter on your phone and laptop – that amazing filter software is Iris.

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Iris is pretty much the best blue light software you will find on the internet.

Once you start using it, you will see the results on your own.

The sole purpose of Iris is to protect your eyes from any kind of damage done by the blue light.

This software is basically a blue light screen brightness dimmer that blocks harmful light from reaching the human eye.

As a result, you will never have to face an eye pain or eye stress and strain ever again.

blue light affect filter app eye protection eye strain iris software


There are thousands of people using this software at the moment and the reviews are pretty good.

The best part about this Iris software is that it helps you in getting a good night’s sleep.

With this low blue light software, you won’t ever complain about not sleeping at night because again, it prevents, stress and strain.

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What Blue Light Filter Does? Mon, 25 Jun 2018 16:15:35 +0000 You hear about infrared light and ultraviolet light all the time but with the advent of the modern technology, blue light has been thrown around in the mix quite often. Looks like it’s about time that we shed light on this controversial type of light and answer the question about what blue light filter does? What is blue light? Actually, ... Read More

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blue light filter bed sleep problems eye strain eye protection stress

You hear about infrared light and ultraviolet light all the time but with the advent of the modern technology, blue light has been thrown around in the mix quite often.

Looks like it’s about time that we shed light on this controversial type of light and answer the question about what blue light filter does?

What is blue light?

Actually, the light that we include consists of red, orange, yellow, green and blue rays.

These are the different shades that make up a spectrum.

visible light spectrum blue light filter eye protection eye strain health

Blue light has the shortest wavelength and is also found to have the highest amount of energy.

When there is high energy light it can affect people.

It can mess up people’s sleep cycle and therefore, can result in insomnia or even sinus eye pain.

It is also linked to digital eye strain. And it is found to be one of the causes of macular degeneration.

Where blue light causes eye harm, there also exist ways on how to avoid that potential harm.

blue light filter eye protection eye harm wavelengths iris software

The solution to blue light harm

To prevent the harmful effects of this light, there are blue light filters.

They are made to block the light in order for the light not to reach people’s eyes.

blue light filter eye protection eye strain eye protection filter

Blue light filters are ideal for people who stare at the computer for an extended amount of time.

Exposure to screens which contains blue light is shown to be the culprit of digital eye strain, as suggested by Wikipedia.

If you’ve been having a headache and tired eyes, there is a chance that you need such a low light filter.

The same goes if you are having a wonky sleep cycle.

blue light filter eye protection eye strain work hours laptop computer screen use eye health

Now that is acknowledged that excessive such light may be harmful especially at night, there are different kinds of blue light screen dimmer filters out there.

The whole point of blue light filters is to reduce the exposure of our eyes to this harmful light at night.

This way, it does not mess up your sleep pattern and eventually affecting every other body processes.

Among the many types of this light, filters are screen dimmer app softwares you can download and install on your device to keep your eyes protected from such light.

What is Iris?

One example of a blue light filter is Iris which is software for that promises eye protection, health, and productivity.

Iris comes with many features but the two most popular ones are:

If you have Iris on your device you can control the amount of blue light that your device’s screen emits.

Iris enables you to control the brightness of your device’s screen without the PWM flicker.

PWM is Pulse Width is the method by which the screen’s brightness is controlled by turning the backlight on and then turning it off at high frequency.

This process produces eye strain and headache despite our brain not being able to perceive this occurrence in our devices.

Iris also gives its users a variety of options with its different modes and various types.

iris software blue light filter eye protection settings brightness contrast screen eye strain


Although the settings can be automatic and defaulted, some users who are well versed with the technology are able to customize the software.

The default mode is also able to detect if its day or night, automatically.

Based on the time of the day, it then changes the screen’s color, temperature, and brightness.

iris blue light filter app eye protection iris software eye strain eye health

In order to access these options and customize your Iris, you can go to the flux blue light software’s control panel.

Now, you know that you need a blue light filter.

Why don’t you start with Iris?

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What Does Blue Light Do To Your Eyes? Sat, 23 Jun 2018 19:40:11 +0000 It is that time of life when almost all of own a laptop, a TV or a mobile phone and there is no doubt in the fact that technology has taken over the world but if you dig deep then you’ll see that where all these digital devices are a blessing for us, they are harmful too. Most importantly, the ... Read More

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computer blue light filter computer work everyday life eye strain eye protection iris software

It is that time of life when almost all of own a laptop, a TV or a mobile phone and there is no doubt in the fact that technology has taken over the world but if you dig deep then you’ll see that where all these digital devices are a blessing for us, they are harmful too.

Most importantly, the light coming out of our screens is the most dangerous thing that we expose our eyes to.

Want to know more than why is this light dangerous and what causes eye pain?

Well, stick to this article a little longer because we are now going to explain it all to you.

Blue Light & Its Effect

There are several types of lights around us but the reason why blue light is the most dangerous is that it this one comes with the shortest wavelength which means it is extremely powerful and so is its effect on our eyes that can result in various types of eye muscle pain.

When we use our mobile phones and laptops, the blue light from electronics like these goes straight to the retina of our eyes and that is exactly where all the issue begins.

blue light filter eye harm LED light eye protection computer iris software

Has it ever occurred to you that you found it hard to get a good sleep at night? Well, the major reason behind it is the exposure of the blue light to your eyes.

This is why a lot of elder people keep advising us to use as less of our cell phones as we can.

What Can Blue Light Do To Your Eyes?

Blue light can cause various ocular diseases and most of the times it all starts with vision problems such as farsightedness and nearsightedness.

We are pretty sure that you know a lot of people in your circle who wear contact lenses or glasses as they are suffering through the above-mentioned eye pain headache problems.

eye protection eye strain glasses iris software

Well, the major reason behind far and nearsightedness is that is the excessive use of digital devices.

As suggested by Wikipedia, the excessive exposure of blue light to your eyes can even lead to permanent vision loss if your eyes are really sensitive to light.

Other things that you might suffer due to blue light are macular degeneration, blurred vision, migraine eye pain, pain in the eyes and continuous heaviness of the eyes.

blue light harm eye harm eye problems What Can Be Done To Protect Your Eyes?

Blue light is basically responsible for putting a constant strain on your eyes and that eye strain ultimately goes straight to your nervous system which is why you find it hard at night to sleep.

Now, if you are looking for ways to protect your eyes then honestly you need to install the Iris software right at the moment.

Iris is one of the best software that can actually help you protect your eyes from the danger of blue light.

iris software blue light filter eye protection

We cannot suggest you to stop using your digital devices because maybe the nature of your job or work demands you to use your laptop and work on it even at the night hours which is why we came up with something that is actually possible and that is the use of Iris on your screens.

Iris is currently being used by thousands of people all around the world and it can actually make your monitor healthy for your eyes so yes, you need to get it if you really care about your vision.

iris blue light filter eye protection eye stress eye strain iris software

Iris is an intelligent computer screen dimmer software that actually regulates the blue light coming out of your screen according to the light around you which is why you even get a better sleep at night.

So, without wasting any further time, get this screen dimmer for pc.

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What is the best blue light filter for Android Sat, 23 Jun 2018 18:32:40 +0000 We all are just so busy in our daily routine schedules and we’ve got so much work stress on ourselves that we miss out on the little things that need our attention around us. As a human being, you need to know about the things that are good and bad for your health and today we are going to drive ... Read More

The post What is the best blue light filter for Android appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

blue light filter health problems eye stress eye protection eye strain

We all are just so busy in our daily routine schedules and we’ve got so much work stress on ourselves that we miss out on the little things that need our attention around us.

As a human being, you need to know about the things that are good and bad for your health and today we are going to drive your attention to a very important topic and that is the light around you.

Yes, you read it right, there are several types of lights around you with different spectrums and guess what?

There is this one light – the blue light that is extremely dangerous for your health, especially your eyes.

blue light filter computer work light harm eye protection iris software

What Is Blue Light & Why Is It Dangerous? 

Now, a lot of you might be shocked to know that the light around you can actually become a problem for your eye health but don’t worry, we’ll tell you why this happens and how to avoid getting affected by blue light.

Blue light basically is all around us and the one major source of this light is the Sun. As suggested by Wikipedia, it can cause quite the eye problems to your body.

Blue light has almost the same effect on our eyes and our skin just as the UV light and it is equally dangerous for our eyes which is why experts recommend wearing sunglasses or any sort of screen filter for eyes every time you go outside under the Sun.

The reason why blue light is the most dangerous one among all the other lights is that this one comes with a very short wavelength.

blue light sun light uv rays color spectrum eye harm strain iris software filter protection

Now, if you ever read about the science behind the lights around us then you’ll know that the shorter the wavelength of a light is, the more dangerous it will be and same is the case with the blue light.

It has a short wavelength which makes it extremely powerful and dangerous for our eye health too.

The Solution to Blue light problem 

We have all heard our elders telling us how dangerous our cellphones and laptops are for our eyes, well, guess what?

The reason why these screens are dangerous for us is that of the blue light again.

The light coming out of our screens is the blue light and when we use mobile phones and laptops, this light goes straight to the retina of our eyes and that is where all the problems such as sinus eye pain begin.

blue light filter eye protection eye strain eye protection filter

Now, obviously in this age of technology, we cannot ask you to throw away all your phones and other electronic devices but yes we do have a solution for you that can save you from vision loss or other ocular diseases like eye muscle pain or color blindness.

Hereby that solution, we are referring you to one of the best blue light filters for your Androids and that filter is known as Iris.

How Iris Works? 

Iris is the most used and the most effective blue light filter for Android to date.

The results of this filter are just miraculous and within the first few days, you will actually start getting good results, most importantly, you will be able to have a good night’s sleep like never before.

iris software blue light filter eye protection eye harm eye strain

Imagine that your monitor screens and your phone screens just become healthy for your eyes which means you can use as much of your phone as you want to without worrying about the dangerous blue light or having to use any type of blue light filter.

Yes, you read it right, now your screen can become healthy for you only if you use Iris on your phone.

The best part about this screen light dimmer is that it blocks the blue light coming out of your screen and it adjusts the light of the screen as per the light around you.

blue light affect filter eye protection eye strain prevention brightness settings night mode iris software

Right now thousands of people are using this software on their phone and if you really care about your eyes then you also need to get this anti-blue light screen filter on your phone right now.

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Why should you install a blue light filter? Wed, 20 Jun 2018 23:16:20 +0000 Visible light is extremely complex than you think. When you turn on your computer or phone, flip a wall switch inside your room or step outdoors, your eyes will be exposed to visible light. These light rays are in a position to create a tremendous impact on your vision as well. Therefore, you must have a clear understanding of them ... Read More

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phone screen blue light filter eye harm protection eye strain social media iris software

Visible light is extremely complex than you think.

When you turn on your computer or phone, flip a wall switch inside your room or step outdoors, your eyes will be exposed to visible light.

These light rays are in a position to create a tremendous impact on your vision as well.

Therefore, you must have a clear understanding of them to minimize the negative consequences that you will have to experience connected with great eye pressure pain.

That’s where you should go ahead and enhance the knowledge you have on blue light.

Blue Light Filter App eye protection eye strain eye health iris software

What exactly is blue light?

As you already know, sunlight is made out of light rays with many different colors. They include red, yellow, orange, blue and green rays.

Wavelength and energy differentiate these color light spectrums from each other. When combined, these lights are in a position to give life to white light.

Also, according to the Wikipedia’s article about visible light, you should also understand that energy of light is inversely proportional to the energy. Blue light has a shorter wavelength. As a result, it has a high energy.

sunlight spectrum visible light blue light filter eye protection eye strain

This energy can create an impact on your vision like migraine eye pain for example. That’s where you will need to start searching for a blue light filter.

If you are a person who is using your mobile phone or sits in front of the computer most of the time, you must think about getting an anti-blue light filter.

Whether you are browsing the web, reading emails or sending text messages, you must be concerned about reducing the exposure to blue light as much as possible.

A blue light filter has the ability to help you with that.

It is possible for you to find blue light filters for computer screens, tablets, and smartphones.

These filters are effective and they have the ability to reduce a significant amount of blue light that is emitted by the devices you use. Hence, your visibility will never be impacted by blue light.

blue light filter eye protection eye strain eye harm iris software

Instead of purchasing a physical blue light filter, it will be possible for you to go ahead and get blue light filtering software as well.

A large number of blue light filtering software apps are available on the internet for you to try out.

However, you should be careful to purchase a reliable application out of them.

Then you will get the opportunity to stay away from frustration in the long run. That’s why you are encouraged to take a look at Iris.

Understanding Iris

Iris can simply be defined as a software application, which has been designed to provide enhanced protection to your eyes.

In addition, Iris has got the ability to contribute a lot towards your productivity and health as well.

The best thing about Iris is that it has the ability to work as a free blue light filter app.

blue light filter affect eye protection eye harm eye strain iris software download

Therefore, you will get the opportunity to stay away from the frustration of installing and using physical blue light filters.

You just need to install the screen dimmer software on your device and it will provide you with the service you need.

What features can you experience with Iris?

Before you go ahead and download Iris, it is important to have a clear understanding of the features that come along with this blue light protection software.

Then you will be able to determine whether it is worth to give this application a try or not.

Iris can prevent eye strain

One of the most outstanding features that you will be able to experience in Iris is its ability to prevent eye strain.

It has got the ability to optimize the screen pulsations in an efficient manner.

This is done through proper controlling of screen brightness.

Therefore, you will be provided with the opportunity to stay in front of your computer for a long period of time without encountering any headaches.

iris software blue light filter eye protection eye strainIris can reduce eye pain

Most of the computer users complain about the frustrating eye pain that they will have to experience after sitting in front of the computer for a long period of time.

If you are one of them, you just need to get Iris installed.

It will help you to figure out the perfect color scheme for your display, which can keep you away from eye pain in the long run.

iris software download color scheme blue light filter software app eye protection eye harm eye strain


Iris can deliver a better sleep to you

Iris has got the ability to function as a true blue light filter. Therefore, you will be able to get a better sleep experience by using this software application.

The application has got the ability to regulate the blue light accordingly during daytime as well as night time.

Therefore, your body will be provided with the chance to produce a lot of melatonin during the night time.

This can keep you away from the frustration of trying hard to go to sleep in bed.

You can quickly fall asleep. On the other hand, it can help you to achieve a deeper blue light sleep as well.

iris blue light filter eye protection eye strain eye harm

How to download Iris?

Now you have a clear understanding of all the fascinating features that are delivered by Iris.

Hence, you just need to go ahead and download this monitor blue light filter. You will be able to do it on their official website.

eye protection blue light filter iris software brightness settings eye strain eye health and eye harm

The best thing about Iris is that it provides you with the ability to try the software for free.

You can use this blue light dimmer software for seven days without making a payment.

If you are impressed, then you will be able to go ahead and spend your money to buy it.

You just need to spend $15 on this software as well and it will be a one-time purchase.

If you are a computer user, this will be one of the best investments that you can take in order to protect your vision.

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App To Remove Blue Light Wed, 20 Jun 2018 20:29:12 +0000 Before telling you about the best software to remove the blue light, let’s first talk a bit about blue light and what it is. We all know about the electromagnetic waves and how the different particles and wavelengths make up the electromagnetic spectrum. Now, the thing is that the human eye is just sensitive to one part of all this ... Read More

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blue light filter app ebooks phone screen computer night mode eye strain eye protection

Before telling you about the best software to remove the blue light, let’s first talk a bit about blue light and what it is.

We all know about the electromagnetic waves and how the different particles and wavelengths make up the electromagnetic spectrum.

Now, the thing is that the human eye is just sensitive to one part of all this spectrum and that part is known as visible light.

Human eye basically is sensitive to visible light and visible light further has different lights in it such as indigo, violet, blue, green, yellow and red.

Among all these lights the most dangerous one is none other than the blue light.

blue light filter tablet eye strain health eye protection computer screen


Why Is Blue Light Dangerous? 

Blue light is just like the other lights when it comes to the benefits but when we talk about the darker side of blue light, you will see that it actually is very dangerous to the naked eye and can cause eye pain and redness.

The fault is not in the color blue, in fact, the major problem lies in the wavelength of the blue light color temperature.

It is said that the shorter the wavelength, the stronger the light.

Same is the case with the blue light, it comes with a short wavelength which makes it the most powerful one.

The direct exposure of the eye to blue light is dangerous because the human eye cannot filter this light and it goes straight up to the retina where all the problem begins. According to Wikipedia, these effects of blue light technology are where the problems for our eye health begin.

Eyes Protection - Blue LIght Filter App eye protection iris software

Blue light comes with a wavelength of 380nm to 500nm and this makes it the highest energy wavelength.

This light is almost everywhere around us but the major source of it is the Sun and our digital screens.

Just like UV rays are harmful to our skin and our eyes, such light is also equally harmful which is why you should always wear sunglasses while going out in the daytime.


blue light filter eye protection eye harm color wavelengths filter app iris software eye strain

As far as our digital devices are concerned, the screens of our cell phones and laptops are extremely dangerous as our eyes are quite near to the blue light screen.

The direct contact of the eyes to this light can slowly affect your vision and there are chances that you might even get blind.

So, you need a solution to protect your eyes or else things will get worse with the passage of time. 

eye strain eye protection blue light filter app iris software


The Best Blue Light Filter 

Using such a light filter also known as a screen brightness dimmer on your screen is so far the best thing you can do to yourself.

If you really want your monitor to become healthy for your eyes then there is an amazing filter that can reduce the blue light coming out of your screens and here by that filter we are referring you to Iris.

Iris is the king of vision, this software used as a blue light blocking screen filter comes with numerous benefits but most importantly, it is there to help you protect your eyes.

iris blue light filter eye protection app filter blue light yellow screen

Right now there is a big figure of the population that is using Iris and you can use it too because honestly, it does bring you some good results.

You will start feeling less stressed at night, there won’t be any strain on your eyes, you will be able to get a better sleep at night and above everything, you won’t have those painful headaches anymore.

Yes, you read it right, Iris is making headlines due to its effectiveness and there is no doubt in the fact that this software is intelligent.

blue light filter eye protection eye strain iris filter app iris software yellow computer screen

What actually happens is that Iris regulates the light coming out of your screen and sets it according to the light around you.

This way the blue light of your monitor gets reduced and your eyes stay protected.

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Why is blue light bad for sleep? Tue, 19 Jun 2018 10:04:48 +0000 It is a sad fact that we all are unknowingly destroying our eyes and harming them every single day. The number of people with vision issues and eye pressure pain is increasing at a rapid pace but yet we don’t pay much heed to this matter. On the other hand, these small eye injuries and ocular diseases can lead us ... Read More

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sleep problems deprivation late-night bed blue light filter eye protection

It is a sad fact that we all are unknowingly destroying our eyes and harming them every single day.

The number of people with vision issues and eye pressure pain is increasing at a rapid pace but yet we don’t pay much heed to this matter.

On the other hand, these small eye injuries and ocular diseases can lead us to serious eye muscle pain or even vision loss.

This is the reason why the need of the hour is that we all start taking note of what wrong we are doing to our eyes.

As you can see eyes are the most sensitive part of the human body.

For this reason, they need extra care and as even a little injury can cost us a lot resulting in different health problems.

computer use blue light filter eye protection eye strain health problems dry eyes headache neck pain

Blue Light 

There surely are a number of benefits of the blue light.

On the other hand, however, the excessive exposure of the eyes to the blue light can actually create dreadful circumstances for us like eye strain or eye muscle pain.

Especially when your eyes are exposed to the blue light at the night time, that is where all the problem begins.

The more blue light goes into your eyes, the more strain it puts on the eyes and ultimately your nervous system starts getting under stress.

This is like a circle basically, the continuous eye strain on the eyes affects the nervous system.

Hence, you become deprived of a sound sleep at night which leads to the aforementioned health problems.

blue light uv light retina damage brain problems eye protection blue light filter eye health

Is Blue Light Bad For Sleep? 

So, the answer to this question is “yes”.

Blue light has a very negative impact on the nervous system and you don’t get to have a sound sleep at night.

Now, you might be thinking that where exactly does this blue light come from and what can be done in order to protect the eyes.

Well, it is everywhere around us and the major source of blue light is the Sun.

sunlight spectrum visible light blue light filter eye protection eye strain

On the other hand, the screens of our phones, laptops, and tablets can also cause blue light harm on the eye and that is exactly where the problem begins.

You can avoid going much under the Sun for prolonged hours but when it comes to cellphones and tablets, well we all know the fact that these devices have now become a part of our lives and we just cannot stop using them.

So, now the main question here is that what exactly can you do.

Well, don’t worry because we are going to give you some solutions to this problem too.

blue light effect filter eye harm eye strain computer screen

The Solution to Blue Light Problem

Well, there are a few things that can you can do in order for your effective eye protection from the blue light.

You can try reducing the brightness of your phone and if even that won’t work and the strain on your eyes stays constant then you can try using blue light filters on your screen.

These filters can actually help you in reducing the strain and pain in your eyes which the excessive exposure to blue light causes.

There are a number of these filters available online and among all of them Iris is known to be the best one.

iris software blue light filter brightness computer screen settings eye strain sleep deprivation problems

How Iris Works? 

Those who don’t know about Iris need to try this software for once because it is genuinely one of the best blue light filters that come with various features and adjustments.

Iris is an anti-blue light app and it basically works by adjusting and optimizing the light of your screen according to the light around you.

blue light affect eye protection eye strain screen settings iris software

Yes, you read it right, Iris is one intelligent software that is available for both, the screen of your laptop and the screen of your phone too making it the ultimate computer screen filter for eyes.

If you want to see the results then we suggest you try Iris once and we assure you that you will love the results.


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How Does Blue Light Affect Your Sleep? Sun, 17 Jun 2018 15:25:35 +0000 We all are quite conscious about our health and every day we come across several articles and several doctors telling us to adopt a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy, sleep well and exercise daily. But honestly, have you ever come across a person who tells you about the exposure of the junk light and how dangerous it is for our eyes? ... Read More

The post How Does Blue Light Affect Your Sleep? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

eye health protection eye strain blue light filter eye harm

We all are quite conscious about our health and every day we come across several articles and several doctors telling us to adopt a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy, sleep well and exercise daily.

But honestly, have you ever come across a person who tells you about the exposure of the junk light and how dangerous it is for our eyes?

Well, we are pretty sure that more than half of the people reading this article don’t even know what junk light is and what is continuously threatening the health of their eyes.

Hereby that junk light we are referring to the blue light that we are constantly exposing our eyes to.

Blue light is equally harmful to the eyes just as UV light is and the interesting part is that a big fraction of blue light comes from the Sun.

For this reason, doctors and experts recommend you to wear sunglasses every time you go out under the Sun.

blue light filter screen eye protection iris software

Blue Light And Everything You Need To Know About It?

As said earlier, the blue light comes from the Sun too but there is another major source from where our eyes get exposed to this light.

That source is your mobile phone, your laptop, your computer and even your TV screen.

Yes, you read it right, the screen blue light coming out of your screen is a serious threat to your vision which is why a lot of elders advise the children to use as less of the mobile phones as possible as it results in a serious headache and eye pain.

Now, you might be wondering that why exactly is blue light dangerous and how can it cause ocular diseases.

Well, the thing about this light is that it comes with the shortest of wavelengths which is why blue light is extremely powerful.

This light goes straight up to the retina of your eyes which is where the problem begins.

blue light filter eye harm protection high pressure on eye

How Can Blue Light Affect Your Sleep?

The thing is that blue light puts a lot of strain on your eyes.

Has it ever occurred to you that you used to cellphone throughout the day and then it became difficult for you to sleep at night?

Well, if this did happen to you then know that you need to blame the screen of your phone and most importantly the blue light coming out of it.

You cannot feel it but honestly, the light coming out of your screen is constantly destroying your eyes by constantly putting them under eye strain.

In addition, that exact strain is responsible for a disturbed sleep at night.

blue light filter sleep effect eye protection eye strain health

What Can Be Done? 

The number one thing you need to do is to get your hands off your screens as soon as possible.

That way you will surely stop the stabbing pain in the eye which blue light causes.

If you can’t do that due to your job or your office work then try to stop using your phone and your laptop almost 1 hour before you sleep.

Another alternative is to use one of the best software Iris on your screens to block the blue light and protect your eyes from it.

iris blue light filter eye protection eye strain iris software download

What Is Iris?

Iris is so far the best software that helps in making your monitors and your phone screens healthier and safer for your eyes by using a blue light screen filter.

You now no longer have to suffer through eye pain or eye strain because with Iris you can easily reduce the blue light coming out of your screen.

iris software blue light filter eye protection

The best thing is that due to Iris you will be able to get a good night’s sleep as this software regulates the blue light day and night which means that your body will be able to produce more melatonin at night and hence you will be able to sleep deeper and faster.


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What is the use of Blue light filter? Sun, 17 Jun 2018 13:42:34 +0000 We all have been talking about a healthy lifestyle and about healthy eating for quite a long time now and this is good that people actually discuss their health and what they need to do in order to live longer. However, it’s high time that we all start paying heed to other things too that are affecting our health and ... Read More

The post What is the use of Blue light filter? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

computer screen work eye stress eye strain blue light filter eye protection

We all have been talking about a healthy lifestyle and about healthy eating for quite a long time now and this is good that people actually discuss their health and what they need to do in order to live longer.

However, it’s high time that we all start paying heed to other things too that are affecting our health and other body parts.

We now need to pay some attention to our eye health too and we all have to take certain measures to protect our vision or else all of us will end up with different ocular diseases among which far and nearsightedness are quite common.

Eye Strain Protection blue light filter eye harm health


Why Do You Need Blue Light Filter To Protect Your Eyes? 

Eye health is now an important thing that we all need to consider.

The thing is that a lot of people out there are currently suffering through weak vision problems and for that, they are wearing contact lenses and contact glasses.

If you look around yourself, you will see that quite a lot of people have the issue of near and farsightedness and the worst part is that these people have to stay dependant on glasses all their life.

They can get laser surgery but then again, prevention is always better than cure.

The human eye is the most sensitive organ of the body and they need extra care and extra attention when it comes to protection and safety.

Right now, we all are unknowingly destroying our vision by sitting in front of our desktops for hours and hours.

Almost everyone now owns a mobile phone and all of us use our phones a lot especially when at the night time.

Now, all of these little bad habits are continuously damaging our eyes and all the blame goes on the blue light that is coming out of our screens.

blue light filter tablet eye strain health eye protection computer screen


What Is Blue Light? 

 blue light sun light uv rays color spectrum eye harm strain iris software filter protection

The visible light is a mixture of colors among which there is this blue light that has the shortest wavelength.

The short wavelength of blue light makes it the most powerful light, it is so powerful that even the human eye cannot filter this light.

The major source of blue light is the Sun and all our digital devices too.

The light coming out of our screens is known as blue light and it is the most dangerous thing to expose your eyes to this light.

color spectrum blue light filter uv light eye harm protection iris software

What Can Be Done? 

Now obviously you cannot just stop using your digital devices but what you can do is that you can install a blue light filter on your mobile and your PC too. 

One of the best blue light filter to date is called Iris. For this reason, Iris will help you make your monitor safe for your eyes and with it, you won’t be able to feel any strain on your eyes and your brain every again.

Iris basically is a software that is so intelligent that it automatically detects the light around you and then it regulates the light coming out of your screen accordingly.

blue light affect filter eye protection iris software

This in short means that you can now use your laptops and phones in easily even during the night hours without worrying about the health of your eyes.

The best part about Iris is that it also helps you in getting a good night’s sleep.

It’s simple to understand that if you won’t feel any strain or stress on your eyes, you then will be able to sleep well as there won’t be any strain on your nervous system.

Download Blue Light Filter eye protection software iris

Iris blocks the blue light coming out of your screen and you should definitely try this software if you actually care about your vision.

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Yellow Computer Screen Sun, 17 Jun 2018 06:49:10 +0000 We all at some point of our life have heard people telling us to avoid using too much of the laptops and phones but sadly, we never pay much heed to why they are saying this to us and what’s the reason behind it. The thing is that our monitor screens are continuously destroying our vision and the sooner we ... Read More

The post Yellow Computer Screen appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

yellow screen monitor blue light filter eye protection iris software

We all at some point of our life have heard people telling us to avoid using too much of the laptops and phones but sadly, we never pay much heed to why they are saying this to us and what’s the reason behind it.

The thing is that our monitor screens are continuously destroying our vision and the sooner we realize this, the better it will be for us.

Using computer or phone all day is seriously horrible for your eyes and it can cause a lot of damage to your optic nerves.

Eyes are considered to be the most sensitive organ of our body yet we don’t take care of them but now it is high time that we all start caring for our eyes and our vision or else just like other people, we will also end up wearing contact lenses or glasses for the rest of our lives.

eye strain eye stress computer monitor blue light filter protection

20-20-20 Vision Rule  

This is the age of technology and there is no doubt in the fact that internet has taken over the world.

Now, in such a situation, we won’t suggest you quit using laptops and phones because they are now a necessity in our lives.

However, there are certain rules that you can follow in order to keep your eyes safe. The first and foremost thing that you have to do is to follow the 20-20-20 rule.

All you have to do is to look away from your screen after every 20 minutes and them stare at a fixed point that is 20 ft away from you.

You have to keep staring and stay focused on that point for 20 seconds.

This practice will actually help your eyes relax and you will be saved from the continuous strain.

20-20-20 rule eye health protection eye strain blue light computer screen monitor eye harm

Color Temperature For Your Screen 

Some of the monitors allow you to adjust the color temperature manually and if you have such a computer then the best thing to do is to use a warmer, yellowish color temperature when it’s dark around you.

When you are using the screen in the daytime when there is light all around you then you need to shift to a colder, bluer color temperature.

It’s simple, you just have to keep the color temperature cooler in the morning and warmer at the night so that you don’t feel much strain and stress on your eyes.

color temperature cold warm screen eye protection blue light filter

The Best Thing To Do? 

Now, if you are someone who genuinely cares about his eyes and is worried about his vision then the best gift you can give to your eyes is to use a blue light filter on your screen.

One of the best blue light filter to date is none other than the Iris.

Iris is an exceptionally intelligent software that will help regulate the light coming out of your screen by identifying the light around you.

Yes, you read it right, Iris will automatically adjust the blue light of your monitor when it’s dark around you and when it’s light around you.

iris blue light filter color temperature settings computer yellow screen monitor iris software

This software is built for the sole purpose of protecting your eyes from the dangerous light being emitted from your monitor and phones screens.

The best part about using Iris is that with it, you will be able to get a good night’s sleep and there won’t be any stress or strain that you will feel on your eyes and your nervous system.

For a while imagine using our laptop all day long yet not feeling any stress or heaviness?

blue light affect filter yellow screen eye protection brightness auto settings iris software

Isn’t it amazing? Well, if this does sound amazing to you then you need to install Iris right at the moment and we promise you that you will love it.

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Blue Light Filter For Windows 8.1 Sun, 17 Jun 2018 05:28:13 +0000 If you are someone who genuinely cares about his eyesight and the health of his eyes then you need to start using blue light filters on your phone and monitor screen right at the moment. The thing is that this is the age of technology and right now almost everyone out there has the access to the internet, mobile phones, ... Read More

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blue light filter windows 8.1

If you are someone who genuinely cares about his eyesight and the health of his eyes then you need to start using blue light filters on your phone and monitor screen right at the moment.

The thing is that this is the age of technology and right now almost everyone out there has the access to the internet, mobile phones, and other digital devices.

Now, where all this access is a blessing for us, there are a few drawbacks to it too.

One of the biggest side effects of using these digital devices is that the light coming out of them can harm your eyes to a whole another level.

Yes, you read it right, we all used to hear this from our elders to stop using computers and phones especially during the night time because there is this thing called blue light coming out of our screens that directly goes to the retina of our eyes and starts damaging it.

blue light computer smartphone screen sleep problems phone screen filter eye protection

Everything You Need To Know About Blue Light 

The human eye is sensitive to the visible light and the visible light is a mixture of violet, indigo, red, green, yellow and blue light.

Now, among all the other colors, blue light is the one that is the most dangerous for the eyes.

This light is dangerous because the wavelength with which it comes is very short and if you study light, you will come to know that the shorter the wavelength of a light, the more powerful it is.

The major source of blue light is the Sun and the and just like the UV rays, blue light is equally dangerous for the eyes and the skin which is why you should wear sunglasses every time you go out.

blue light color spectrum uv light blue light filter software iris

Another major source of blue light is the screen of your PC and your mobile phone.

The light coming out of these devices is known as blue light and this source is more dangerous than the Sun because our eyes are very close and in direct contact with the screen.

The human eye is unable to filter blue light which is why this light starts damaging the optic nerves slowly.

We hope you now understand why the people who use the laptops and computers a lot wear contact glasses and lenses for near and farsightedness.

blue light computer screen filter eye protection iris software


The Solution to Blue Light Problem? 

If you are looking for a solution that can help you get rid of the dangerous blue light and its effect then again, you need to install a blue light filter on your PC. 

Now, if you are looking for a recommendation then honestly, you need to try Iris even if you have Windows  8.1.

This software can work with all the Windows especially the latest ones so yes, you should surely give it a try.

Iris is so far the best software for the sole purpose of protecting your eyes from the blue light harm.

iris blue light filter


You just need to install this software on your PC and then you can easily use your laptops and computers all day long without worry about your eyesight and your vision.

Iris works by regulating the light of your screen according to the light around you.

For example, if it’s dark around you, Iris will automatically regulate the light of your monitor so that you don’t feel any strain on your eyes and same is the case when there is light around you.

iris software blue light filter eye protection

In other words, you can say that this software is pretty intelligent.

Now, without wasting any further time, if you are someone who has to work on his laptop all day long then you need to install this software right at the moment.

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Why Is Blue Light Bad For You? Fri, 15 Jun 2018 14:44:10 +0000 The light around you is way more complex than you can ever imagine and a lot of you out there might not even know that there are literally several types of lights and spectrums around you. We all just carelessly go out in the Sun without sunglasses, we use our laptops and phones all day long without realizing that the ... Read More

The post Why Is Blue Light Bad For You? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

blue light phone smartphone eye health filter protection iris software

The light around you is way more complex than you can ever imagine and a lot of you out there might not even know that there are literally several types of lights and spectrums around you.

We all just carelessly go out in the Sun without sunglasses, we use our laptops and phones all day long without realizing that the lights coming out of all these devices and the Sun is extremely dangerous to our eyes.

The light rays have a wide range of effects on our skin and especially our eyes and today in this article we are specifically going to talk about blue light and what can it do to you.

Blue Light And Why Is It So Dangerous?

Among all the other lights, blue light is the most dangerous one because it comes with the shortest wavelength and it is said that the shorter the wavelength of a light is, the more powerful it is.

This is where all the problem begins now, the blue light is dangerous for the naked eye because it just goes straight up to the retina of the eye and your eyes are so sensitive that they are unable to block this type of light.

We have all heard our elders telling us not to use our phones and laptops for hours and hours but we never pay heed to it.

Well, all our elders are trying to tell us is that the excessive exposure of the blue light to the eyes is not good for us and it can cause several vision problems. 

visible specter blue light wavelengths visible light protection filter eye health

The Effect Of Blue light On Our Eyes 

Nearsightedness, farsightedness, macular degeneration, corneal abrasion, eye pain etc, these are just a few problems that blue light can cause.

In fact, there are several other ocular diseases that occur due to the blue light, it just depends on how weak and sensitive your eyes are.

One of the worst thing that can happen to you due to the blue light is that you will find it difficult to sleep at night.

We often hear people complaining about how they weren’t able to sleep at night and how their eyes start hurting when they are about to sleep.

Well, little do they know that it is all the result of the excessive exposure of blue light to the eyes.

Yes, you read it right, when you use too much of your laptop or your phone, the blue light constantly puts stress and strain on them and ultimately that strain is passed on to your nervous system which is why you find it hard to get a good night’s sleep.

LED blue light effect on eyes eye harm filter protection eye health iris software

The Solution to Blue Light Harm 

Obviously telling you to stop using your laptops and phones won’t make any sense especially in this age of technology but what you can do is, stay away from your screen as much as it’s possible.

However, if you are someone with a job where you have to keep working on your laptop then you need to use Iris on your screen.

Iris is a great software for your eyes, just imagine for a while that your monitor becomes healthy for your eyes, isn’t this thought wonderful?

Well, if yes then here is Iris where you can download this software and take the health of your eyes to the next level.

blue light affect blue light filter eye protection eye strain iris software

Now, with Iris, you can use as much as your laptop as you want to and don’t worry because your eyes will stay completely safe because this software blocks the blue light from reaching your eyes to an extent where it becomes harmful.

Download Blue Light Filter eye pain eye strain improve sleep eye protection iris software

So, without wasting any further time, download and use this software, we assure you that you will love the results with which it comes.



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How does blue light affect your brain? Fri, 15 Jun 2018 02:08:45 +0000 Do you know the reason why there are soo many people around you suffering through weak or farsightedness? Have you ever heard your colleague complaining how bad his eyes hurt especially when he is trying to sleep? Well, we are pretty sure that you do know a lot of people in your circle who are suffering through different ocular problems ... Read More

The post How does blue light affect your brain? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

eye strain hurt end of working day screen time monitor blue light filter eye protection

Do you know the reason why there are soo many people around you suffering through weak or farsightedness?

Have you ever heard your colleague complaining how bad his eyes hurt especially when he is trying to sleep?

Well, we are pretty sure that you do know a lot of people in your circle who are suffering through different ocular problems without even knowing the main cause of it.

Now, if you are someone who is genuinely worried about the health of his eyes or if you want to know why you are going through all these vision problems then you need to stick to this article a little longer.

Because today, not only will we tell you the reason why your eyes hurt in fact, we will also tell you about some cures and alternatives that can help you get rid of this problem.

sleep phone eye strain hurt blue light filter eye protection software monitor time sleep deprivation

What Is Blue Light? 

We have several types of lights all around us in our homes.

However, the most dangerous one is the blue light which emitted by the screens of our phones, laptops and even Tv’s.

We all know someone in our family who tells us to stop using cell phone especially at the night time but we don’t pay much heed to this and we carry on to use our phones and laptops.

Now, this exact ignorance is what’s destroying our eyes and our ability to see clearly.

blue light effect on eye protection uv light retina damage eye harm

The need of the hour is that we all start paying attention and avoid exposing our eyes to the blue light coming out of our screens.

Blue light is dangerous just because this one comes with a very short wavelength which means this light is way more powerful than the other lights and it goes straight to the retina of our eyes which is where all the problem begins.


The Affect Of Blue Light On Our Brain 

Blue light puts constant strain and stress on our eyes and this strain ultimately disturbs our nervous system which is why a lot of people in the world are unable to get a proper sleep at night.

Most importantly, if you spend 2 hours continuously on your phone or laptop before sleeping then you are likely to get disturbed at night when you want to sleep.

It’s just that all the strain of your eyes passes to your nervous system and slowly it damaged your brain.

blue light uv light retina damage brain problems eye protection blue light filter eye health

The Solution To Blue Light Problem 

Now, in this age of technology and internet, we cannot ask you to stop using your laptops and your phones because maybe the nature of your job demands you to work all day long on your laptop.

However, we do have a solution for you that can help you protect your eyes and here by that solution we are talking about an amazing software called Iris.

iris software blue light filter eye protection brain harm eye strain brightness settings

How Iris Works?

If you really want your monitor screen to be safe and healthy for your eyes then you need to use this software on your screen right now.

Iris is so far the best software out there that can actually block the dangerous blue light from destroying your eyes.

The best part about Iris is that it keeps regulating the blue light of your screen day and night which means that you will be able to get a good night’s without worrying about any strain or stress on your eyes.

Most importantly, your brain will stay safe and protected from the dangers of blue light.

iris software blue light filter eye protection computer monitor screen settings

Right now thousands of people all around the world are using this software and if you really care about your eyes then you need to install it too.

We assure you that you won’t be disappointed by the results with which it comes.

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The Ultimate Guide to Blue Light Filters Tue, 12 Jun 2018 22:43:41 +0000 From Iris, f.lux, Redshift and other blue light filter desktop softwares for blue light reduction to Android screen filters, blue blockers, transparent sheets and everything in between this is the biggest collection of tools to remove the blue light from your life but first, lets make one thing clear: You are not going to die Blue light is just blue ... Read More

The post The Ultimate Guide to Blue Light Filters appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


From Iris, f.lux, Redshift and other blue light filter desktop softwares for blue light reduction to Android screen filters, blue blockers, transparent sheets and everything in between this is the biggest collection of tools to remove the blue light from your life but first, lets make one thing clear:

You are not going to die

Blue light is just blue light. Yes, it’s the most high-energy wavelength of the visible light but we have it everywhere around us.

Even if you place blue LED in front of your eye you are not going to be blind in a couple of seconds but still, prolong exposure to blue light may cause permanent damage in the long run.

I’m not going to go into details why you would want to block blue light from your life.

If you are on this page you probably know a thing or two about the negative effects of blue light on our sleep and eye health.

With our constant exposure to digital screens, we should be at least slightly aware about our blue light exposure and how much time we spend in front of computers daily.

Taking this into account let’s look at all known ways to block light around us from entering our eyes.

How to block blue light?

You have 6 ways to block blue light from your life and screens.


The first one is to place something on your eyes. This is what blue light filter glasses, orange glasses, and just regular sunglasses are.

Plastic Sheets

The second is to place something on your screen. In the most basic case, it can be just some orange, red or yellow sheet but some companies make a little better filter sheets and they cut it in the right size for you plus some glue to look more beautiful.

Native Filter

The third is to use special software which can lower the blue light programmatically with the help of the video card. This is what Iris, f.lux, Redshift and every native blue light filter application does.

It’s super effective, cheap and customizable solution, but also has some drawback like it can’t block just blue-turquoise blue light or part of the spectrum of blue light. Effects like this can only be achieved with glasses or physical filters.

Some monitors also have something called Low Blue Light mode but most of the time it’s just a marketing trick for something that every monitor has from more than 10 years.

I will talk about this after a moment so let’s return to our ways to block blue light from your life and screen.

Screen Overlay

The fourth way is to place transparent overlay with software on your screen. This is what most Android apps for blue light reduction do.

You may notice how they are redder always and how they are a little worse than software alternatives for your PC but the truth is that there is just no other way for developers to make something better for Android.

On Android devices which are rooted, you can access the device drivers and this is what f.lux and CF.lumen does but most normal people will never jailbreak their phone.

Fortunately in the newest devices, Android includes something called Night Light which is native video card filter and it works at least but bad. No automation, no super low values and the things I really need in one blue light filter like Iris for computers have.

All developers of blue light filter apps would be really happy if Android and iOS open their API to the public but it’s understandable from their side.

If you do something bad with the video card you can make the entire screen of the person black and unusable and eye protection apps are tricky for development.

Aside from this, you can make the screen black the same way with the Screen Overlay on Android but it’s high-level API and I’m happy that it’s open to the public.

Display Buttons

I’m going to put the last two ways into this category because they are basically the same.

Some new monitors come with the so-called Low Blue Light mode this is just a marketing trick for the old Color Temperature menu that every monitor and TV has.

So you can lower the blue light via hardware way on near all monitors but what this is missing is the automation.

This is important because every change via monitor buttons take around half a minute for someone who is fast. Well, you can get this to 10 seconds if you are really fast, but it’s still cumbersome.

I will also mention how you can lower the blue light on every TV later in this article.

Which is the best?

As always there is no best way that some ways which are better for certain situation.

Glasses are great for blocking all blue light around you without touching anything. You can block blue light from your lighting, from the TV and even from the Sun.

Plastic sheets are set and forget and sometimes they don’t make the monitor to look orange, but blue light may not be blocked entirely.

Both Glasses and Plastic sheets are not customizable in their reduction so if you want stronger or lighter filter you need to buy new lenses or sheets.

Native filters are probably the best solution for PC but they do require Root or Jailbreak on your phone. They also can’t work on every device.

Windows Phone and TVs are examples on which blue light filter apps can’t be made.

Screen Overlay apps are great for Android but they decrease the contrast and are not the best solution for eye strain.

Display buttons are better are reducing blue light than any other software but you can’t automate the buttons with software. One thing I work on right now is to combine the automation of Iris with the hardware reduce of blue light via software. Basically to automatically click the buttons via software.

Aside from this, you can’t remove all blue light with Display buttons since they usually go no lower than 4000 K of color temperature which is still a really high amount of blue light.

Low Blue Light screens improve the condition a bit with stronger filters but they too can’t be automated based on the time of the day which is what most software products do.

In conclusion, each of the above methods has some pros and cons that we will discuss in greater details later.

History of Blue Light Filters


Before the beginning of this century, scientist knew that the eye contains 2 types of photoreceptor cells called Rods and Cones.


Out of all photoreceptors in our eye more than 95% are rods.

They are responsible for our night vision and are also really bad at recognizing colors.

Rods are not so sensitive to colors and this is the reason why it’s hard for us to see the color of things when it’s dark.


Cones are mostly around the center of our retina.

Thanks to cones we can see things in bright light be it sun or artificial lights.

There are 3 types of cones: red, green and blue and thanks to them our eye is awesome and detecting colors and distinguishing things with different colors.


Then in 1998 Ignacio Provencio found new photoreceptor called Melanopsin and for the first time proved that light is not only useful for our vision, but it’s critical for many biological processes.

It turns out that Melanopsin is present in much more mammals and it doesn’t play any role in our vision.

The main role of Melanopsin is to control our biological clock and circadian rhythms.

It does this by detecting when blue light is present in our environment.

Melanopsin activates when blue light enters our eye and it sends a signal to our brain that it’s day and our brains stops the secretion of our sleep hormone melatonin.

Melatonin from his side controls a large number of processes in our bodies and is responsible for our good night sleep.

When we have melatonin in our bodies we feel sleepy and this is the reason why you can’t fall asleep when you sit in front of the computer at night.


While Michael Herf didn’t know about Ignacio Provencio at the beginning he created f.lux to match his monitor colors to the light in the room.

The first version of f.lux was something like a command line app which gives you color filters when you request them.

After Michael and Lorna found that the orange screen filter makes them feel more relaxed at night they started researching the topic of light and sleep.

Lorna remembered from a biology class that birds migrated according to the season and the main reason for it was the blue light.

The first version of f.lux automatically synchronized itself with sunrise and sunset and actually, this is the main feature of f.lux even to this day.

Created in 2008 f.lux was the first blue light filter. A lot of other programs came into the following years, blue blocker glasses started to emerge and in one point monitor manufactures started to make low blue light monitors.

Several companies like Microsoft, Google, and Apple integrated low blue light filters into their operating systems and opened the blue light research to the mass audience recently.

We may say that f.lux is the father of all blue light filters but during the years better alternatives started to emerge.

Part of the reason is that the app remains free even to this day and free software generally don’t pay salaries to people who can create great products.


As everything in life, it wouldn’t be a complete story without an open source software.

Inspired by f.lux, Jon Lund Steffensen created Redshift in 2009.

The point of Redshift was simple. Bring f.lux to the Linux world.

Adjusting the screen color temperature based on the time of the day again Redshift was the first open source project for blue light reduction.

Free, open source and customizable the software gained popularity among Linux users.

Over the years the software became more user-friendly, it now has some simple UI and supports several different platforms like Windows, macOS, and Linux.


F.lux and Redshift created the first blue light filter software for the PC but there were 1 billion devices running Android without any solution for lowering blue light.

You may have heard about Urbandroid Team but you probably don’t know about the mastermind behind it Petr Nalevka.

Several years after creating one of the most popular Android apps Sleep as Android somewhere in 2013 he came out with Twilight.

The first blue light filter app on Android Twilight found a way to lower the blue light on the closed Android platform.

While the approach of Twilight is really poor compared to the native gamma approach which computer softwares use, Twilight still made a huge step for improving the sleep and eye health of Android users.

The Color temperature values are not actually real because Twilight is using the Overlay approach with transparent red color but still it was the first solution for Android.


Back at 2015 nobody looked seriously into the eye problems caused by computer monitors.

There were the blue light filter tools like f.lux, Redshift and Twilight but most of the people who knew about them were mostly geeks.

On the other part of the spectrum, there were programs like WorkRave which reminded you to take breaks from time to time but they were just nice to have reminders.

I remember how I searched for weeks programs to help me with my eye pain.

My story was simple. I started working as a programmer at the age of 17 and wanted to become the best programmer in the company.

This goal of mine caused me to spend 14 to 16 hours per day in front of the monitor looking at digital letters and learning new things.

I was going to work for 8 to 10 hours then back home working on a side project which I really wanted to become my own business one day.

After a year of this “balanced” work routine and thousands of artificial tear bottles, I finally decided that maybe I need to go to the eye doctor to see why my eyes were hurting so much.

She prescribed me glasses and for the first time in my life, I felt hopeless about my eye conditions.

This was the turning point after which I started to read everything related to eye pain and eye health.

I started to do some exercises from time to time. I found WorkRave, EyeLeo and other break reminders.

I found f.lux and after some months of experimentation with blue light, rests, exercises and a lot of blinking I actually started to feel really good.

My problem with WorkRave and EyeLeo was that I always skipped the rests on the screen. Even on strict mode, Alt+F4 was closing the rest screen

As I test this again now several years later I see that the program has been improved a lot but you can skip the rest again if you want with some key combinations.

What I wanted at the beginning of 2015 was a break reminding timer which I can’t skip with my programming knowledge.

The first version of Iris was actually just that. I made myself a timer which locks my screen and disables my keyboard on a specific time interval.

I started using my own custom app for break reminding but was still using f.lux for the blue light.

My problem with f.lux back then was that it wasn’t able to go lower than 2700K back then.

It was able during the night to go to 1200K via a special menu but the lowest value during the day was 2700K.

I guess this was intentional but I just wanted to be able to manually customize it. Also, there was no way for manual control, only the day and night things based on the time of the day.

I remember how I wrote to the support e-mail several times and even tried to tweet and write to Herf several times to add manual control.

I never received a response.

After I realized that maybe f.lux will never get an update and my problem will never be fixed I started searching for alternatives.

I’m actually pretty sure that if it wasn’t for Iris f.lux indeed would never receive an update like the resent new version.

Back in 2015, there were no alternatives. A good version of Redshift was just not available and SunsetScreen was still not created.

So I decided to find a way to make this and add a blue light control to Iris.

After several months the first version of Iris was born and it was super ugly.

I didn’t know how to count versions so I just named this Iris-0.0.0. At least it was working the way I wanted a blue light filter to work.

From then on I started improving the program.

I found that eye strain is not only about blue light. There are also PWM flicker, font rendering, blinking, brightness automation, subpixel flicker and much more.

Over the next several years I gradually solved all problems I found.

Iris was free back then and I mean totally free.

After several months of non-stop work, I decided to place a donation button on the website.

I also quit my job to dedicate my life to help people feel less eye strain.

Back in 2015, I believed that people will send me some money because they appreciate my work and I would be able to sustain myself while working full time on Iris.

At the end of 2015 after I almost starved myself to death I realized that I may be wrong.

This was how Iris was looking back then. I actually still have all versions and you can still use these versions of Iris for free but I almost quit.

After 1 year of non-stop work trying to make the best software for eye protection and 0$ revenue from donations, I had 2 choices.

Abandon the project and start a job again or make it work.

As you can guess I choose to give my everything to Iris. I started selling all kinds of Chinese stuff to make some money and made Iris paid.

The software was still too bad for anyone to buy it but after several months I made my first sale, then the second then the third.

Many people these days ask me how I can charge for this kind of software but Iris actually drove the blue light filter revolution.

I chose to make a paid product because I didn’t want to show ads. And I chose to make a great product for few users instead of crappy product for everyone.

Iris was the first product to automatically pause itself when some program is running.

Iris was the first product to have flicker free brightness automation.

Iris was the first product to have a color inversion and black theme on everything

Iris became the first product to support USB monitors even before they made drivers for them.

The first product with UI for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

The first product with native Chrome extension.

First product for iOS without jailbreak.

The first product to work per monitor and first to improve font rendering.

I can talk a lot but Iris inspired the renaissance of blue light filters.

Most of the features in the new f.lux are based on the things that were available for years in Iris.

This makes me happy and I am glad that competition made monitors more healthy for the eyes.

Which brings me to the biggest win for blue light filters which was

Native Solutions

Starting with Night Shift which was actually a really unfair move from Apple to f.lux, Native blue light filter solutions started to emerge.

The unfair thing is that f.lux for years was available for jailbroken devices via Cydia but because it’s using a private API it was against Apple rules and Apple didn’t allow it into the AppStore.

Tasks like this are really good to be handled by the operating system but most of the time their solution to the blue light problem is really bad.

So Apple came out with this groundbreaking innovation called blue light filter and removed the f.lux app from everywhere.

There was some kind of petitions about this but Apple was actually right.

Apps are eligible for Sideloading if they are open source so if the team behind f.lux really wanted to have their application available they could just open the source code.

Since the app was free I don’t see a problem but only they know what works best for them.

The good thing about the whole thing was that companies started to care about blue light all at once.

Microsoft added something called Night Light in the newest versions of Windows 10.

Android also introduced their implementation of a blue light filter also called Night Light.

The good thing about the native Android Night Light is that in comparison to Twilight it’s not a transparent filter but real gamma blue light reduction which works better and increases contrast.

And of course, Night Shift came to macOS.

Every day more and more people learn about the benefits of setting a proper light environment for their eye health.

Every day more and more people learn how to set up and customize their monitor and light for the best eye health and every day more and more eyes are saved from macular degeneration thanks to all these products and much more.

History of Blue Light Filter Glasses

I talked a lot about the software blue light filters but there was one parallel blue light revolution in the face of blue light filter glasses.

I’m not an expert in the glasses side but I think it’s proper to start with

Gunnar Optiks

Founded in 2006 way before f.lux came into existence Gunnar was actually the first product to try to fight computer vision syndrome and to filter blue light with the help of special lenses.

We can say that eye safety glasses were the first blue blockers but still Gunnar Optiks was the first commercial product of it’s kind.

The woman in the picture above is actually Gunnar co-founder Jenny Michelsen.

She started Gunnar in her garage in search of a solution for her husband’s digitally induced migraines.

Jenny son name is actually Gunnar and the name of the company comes from his name.

Here is the full story:

The idea for the glasses was born out of one woman’s frustration with her husband’s digitally induced migraines and worry about the eyes of her child who was fascinated by technology.

Jenny Michelsen’s husband, Matt, was suffering from the headaches he had after hours sitting in front of six computer screens.

The headaches, the Michelsens would learn, were a symptom of Computer Vision Syndrome, a collection of minor ailments that build up over time.

As the Rancho Santa Fe woman urged her husband to see a doctor, she wondered whether her 3-year-old son, Gunnar, was getting a jump-start on similar problems.

If she and her husband believed the computers were getting to their eyes – and they didn’t start using electronics until they were in their 20s – what would happen to Gunnar’s generation?

An estimated 125 million Americans suffer from what is now commonly referred to as Digital Eye Fatigue or Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), according to the American Optometric Association.

Matt and Jenny Michelsen reached out to their close friend, Joe Croft, a former Oakley engineer, about the issues surrounding CVS.

They wanted to learn more about the effects of focusing on a digital image projected on a screen just inches from one’s face for hours at a time and years on end.

The Crofts and the Michelsens began their five-year road to launch by talking to medical experts.

One of those experts was Dr. Jeffrey Anschel, a Carlsbad optometrist who has become an expert in Computer Vision Syndrome and Visual Ergonomics.

He noticed the problem about 17 years ago when employees of a nearby computer company began complaining about dry and tired eyes and difficulty focusing.

They were problems that people generally didn’t experience until they were in their 40s, but these patients were in their early 30s.

It didn’t take him long to make the connection between their work and the required time spent in front of a computer screen.

“You can work, shop, communicate and do just about everything from your computer now, and people just don’t realize how much time they’re spending looking at the screen.

The digital images that computers project are one factor contributing to Computer Vision Syndrome.  The eye focuses on the hard edge of an image, but digital images don’t have a clean edge.

As a result, the focus drifts forward and back, causing eye fatigue.”

Anschel also noted, “that when people spend long periods focusing on something close to their face, eye muscles tend to lock into a singular position, which is tiring and can push the eye down the path to becoming farsighted.

Meanwhile, the eye has to deal with light from conflicting sources, such as sunlight, that are much brighter than the computer screen.

There’s also glare from the light shining into the eyes.  And the angle of view for the computer screen, which is straight ahead, isn’t desirable.

People tend to focus better at objects when looking down, such as reading a book.”

Croft and Michelsen eventually took a prototype to Anschel and explained the important components of the glasses.

They had an amber-tinted lens, which makes images appear clearer.

Yellow makes images sharper by adding contrast and filtering out blue light.

The lens is also shaped to pre-focus the light into the eyes, so the eyes don’t have to do all the work.

There’s also an anti-glare filter that allows light from the computer in but keeps out distracting reflected light from other sources.

The lenses are also designed to be fitted close to the face, creating a “micro-climate” that keeps away the dry air currents.

This helps keep eyes moist by reducing squinting and maintaining a closer-to-normal rate of blinking - a leading cause of dry eyes.

Croft and Michelsen set out to create a product that addresses the issues associated with digital eye-strain.

They completed their first prototype in 2006.  In early 2007, they founded the company and in October of 2008, they launched their first product.

Investors in the company include Peter Thiel (a founder of PayPal and early investor in Facebook), 50 Cent, Carl Zeiss Vision, Monster, Inc., Christopher Burch and Happy Madison Productions.

I think the Gunnar glasses were the first and main innovator of blue light filter glasses so I will not talk much about others.

Note that many big names and hundreds of different brands make blue light filter glasses so Gunnar is not unique in any way.

Almost all blue blocking glasses do the exact same thing and they do it badly.

I will review many different brands but here are some things I want to make clear now.

Sunglasses block more blue light than many blue blockers.

You can find a test how Sunglasses block as much as 40% of the blue light while some blue light filter glasses block less than 10%.

You can also find Orange safety glasses which are under $10 and block more than 90% of the blue light.

If you have ever been to a dentist for whitening they place you red glasses so your eyes don’t get damaged from the UV light used for whitening your teeth.

Well if you are really concerned about the blue light I suggest you to buy a Dental safety protective glasses which are also under $10 and block all blue light.

This and all other fully red glasses block 100% of the blue light.

I will talk more about the different model of blue light filter glasses but you need to know that most slightly yellow glasses don’t do anything.

They don’t help you to sleep better and they don’t stop a lot of blue light. The truth is that software like Iris is way more if you want to use them in front of a computer.

The only reason to buy blue light filter glasses should be if you have bad lighting or watch a TV a lot and software don’t support your screen.

Another reason is if you want to do some biohacking and wear them outside.

How much Blue light software Blue light filters block?

There is not much information on the internet about how to check if your monitor emits blue light so I did a simple Blue light filter Test:

With your blue light filter look at the image above and if all squares look black all blue light is blocked.

GIF test

You can also use this GIF test here

If the image is black and you don’t see any blue all blue light is blocked.

The latest medical researches, however, point the melatonin secretion is also effected by green light so to test if all blue and green light is blocked use this image:

Ideally, if your monitor doesn’t emit blue or blue and green light you shouldn’t see a change in the color.

You should only see black square without any change of the color or hue like this

For more info about the Iris blue light filter test visit How to check if my Monitor emits Blue light?

Here is an example of how Iris blocks all blue and green light

Test with the images

When no blue light is blocked the white color should look like this

When 10% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 20% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 30% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 40% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 50% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 60% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 70% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 80% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 90% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 100% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

If your blue light is 100% blocked white color will actually be yellow.

Note that you can’t actually test how much blue light your blue light filter blocks and if you really need to test this you need a colorimeter.

Here is an example of Iris with Groot color scheme which blocks only blue light without affecting the green light:

If you want to test if both green and blue light is blocked you need to use some other test images.

When no blue light is blocked the white color should look like this

When 10% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 20% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 30% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 40% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 50% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 60% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 70% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 80% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 90% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 100% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

You may notice that most blue light filter softwares actually don’t look like this at high values.

This is because there is a legacy to use Color temperature instead of linear reduction dating to the first versions of f.lux.

However, if all blue and green light is removed the result is always red.

Here is an example at Iris set to 0% blue light which actually removes both blue and green light:

RGB test

While the first test was made for easily test if all blue and green light is removed from the screen it was not really good for finding what percentage of blue light is blocked.

The second test is really good for finding what percentage is blocked but you need a really sharp eye to see the difference in the colors.

This RGB test is something in between. You can test if all blue light is blocked and you can also see some percentage.

Look at the image below with your blue light filter

If you don’t see the blue color all blue light is blocked

If you don’t see the green color all green light is blocked

And here how most blue light filter softwares work at 3400K

To remove all blue light you need something bellow 1900K

and going down even move will remove also the green light

These were basically the test you can do to see how effective is you blue light filter.

You can test this way both software and glasses.

The difference is that with software you will not see emission while with glasses the lest will block the light.

Blue Light Filters Market

In this fictional market, my goal is to collect all products on Earth for reducing blue light.

I’m going to the deepest parts of the web in search of the No Blue Light World.

Blue light blocking Glasses

There are really a lot of ways to block blue light via glasses. There are blue blockers with a yellow tint, with orange, with a red tint or the regular sunglasses also block some of the blue light aside from the UV light.

The best blue blockers look something like this:

To write the best and most comprehensive article about blue blockers I basically opened Google and contacted more than 100 blue blocking glasses manufacturers and brands.

In the beginning, I expected something like 1000 brands but it turned out that there are not many blue light blocking companies in the words.

While there are so many companies for regular glasses only some of them produce also blue blocking glasses and fewer than that actually specialize in blue blockers.

Most of the best companies for blue blocking glasses turned out to be recently founded companies.

What really struck me that the big brands actually had no interest in talking about their products.

I wrote to them and most of the time they ignored me or redirected me to a chain of customer support which I just thought it will not be helpful for this article.

Here are some of the companies I write to actually:

What surprised me actually was that the small companies are much better at answering questions and their response time is usually lighting fast.

Well, I guess it was not so surprising because this is true even with Iris and most companies who succeed in the long run are really great at responding and customer support.

I remember how at the beginning of Iris I personally responded to every mail under 1 minute and if I was sleeping when I get some question I had an alarm sound to wake up and respond faster.

What was also not surprising is that I already knew some of the guys behind this projects in one way or another.

I guess our industry is still really small and there are not a lot of people who care about the negative effects of blue light and technology on our lives.

So in this section, I will present everything on the internet I found about blue light filter glasses.

I will also include some quotes from the founders or from the team behind the companies.

There is not a lot of ordering here and the first companies are just the ones which responded me the fastest which I guess is also a really good measure of how good is their customer support and product but this is not always the case.

However, I guess the people who responded the fastest are this who care the most.

I am not going to include companies which may have a great product but don’t respond to user questions because I think this is bad user experience and they don’t deserve a spot in this article.

Swanwick Sleep

I actually just recently saw the Swanwick Sleep glasses after some ad on Facebook.

They have some campaign going on IndieGoGo right now with some discount here:

Swannies Model X: Created to Help You Sleep Better

and here is how the “Swannies” actually look like

You can use the links above to read more about the Swanwick Sleep but let’s go into a little bit more details now.

Swanwick story

Swanwick Sleep was founded in 2015 by two Australian brothers – James and Tristan Swanwick.

Everything started because James used to have bad sleep that he thought may have been some kind of mental disorder because he couldn’t get any sleep at night and spend his nights tossing and turning.

While searching for ways to fix his sleep problems he found about the blue light effect on our bodies and circadian rhythms.

Motivated that this may be the solution to his sleep problems he started looking for some cool products to block all blue light from his surrounding.

The problem was that most products which actually block all blue light are some ski goggles or protective orange glasses.

The yellow lenses are also not so effective because they block only some of the blue light.

To block all blue light the lenses should be some deep orange filter color.

Back then there were some solutions on the market for blocking blue light but all blue blocking glasses were super ugly and he didn’t want to wear them.

He also found out about software solutions like Iris, f.lux and also the Night Shift feature of iOS which Apple introduced recently.

While blue light filter softwares are really effective and customizable they don’t work on everything.

With software, you can’t block the blue light coming from the TV or from the LED lighting around us which becomes more and more popular today.

We have LED lights everywhere around us and they emit primary blue light which really disturbs our circadian rhythms.

Monitors are just one of the sources of blue light.

Software cannot block blue light from sunlight, TVs, and Lights so a pair of stylish blue blockers are actually more effective for better sleep.

The only bad thing is that you need to make some kind of habit to wear them 1-2 hours before going to sleep as Swanwick brothers recommend.

And this is why James decided to create Swanwick sleep.

James wanted to make the sexiest and most effective blue blocker possible which works everywhere not just on your PC.

He called his brother Tristan to tell him the idea.

They launched their new business on November 25, 2015  (Black Friday shopping day in the US) with 300 pairs of glasses in stock on Amazon and sold out everything before the end of the year.

After this, they sold another 806 pairs in the next six months.

This initial boost motivated the brothers to keep going and until the end of 2017, they already made and sold close to 30,000 pairs of glasses.

Thanks to the Amazon FBA program they were able to quickly expand globally to Canada, Britain, USA, Europe, and Australia.

The brothers also said that Japan is the next country on their radar.


I’m actually not connected in any way with James or Tristan but I really like how they put modern advertising into the blue light blocking field.

My goal with this whole article was to combine everyone who cares about the eyes and sleep and let you choose some product to buy because this thing is really important.

While I’m a big fan of software because of the customization and automation using glasses is much more simple and intuitive for non-technical people and once you block blue light once you never go back.

I would be happy if someone has some measurement of the effectiveness of Swanwick glasses but their lens seems great.

However, this lens blocks only blue light. If you are really concerned about the melatonin suppression I would choose red lens because it blocks both blue and green light.

The problem with the red lens, however, is that they change the colors too much even I prefer the orange blocking.

It’s enough to improve the sleep and also great to not change your surrounding too much.

Swanwick glasses are also really stylish and good looking.

Other types of orange blue blocking glasses which are cheaper may do something similar but they are just ugly.

And here is where I recommend Swanwick. If you are the type of person who moves a lot, who goes outside at night and want to have a great sleep get a pair of Swannies.

If you spend a lot of time in front of a TV or have some LED, white or any other kind of bad lighting in the house get Swannies.

Swannick glasses are the most beautifully designed and effective glasses for blocking blue light.

Dr S Eyewear

Dr S Eyewear was founded in August 2017 by Dr. Mariana Salmasi.

What is interesting about this blue blockers is that they are the first blue light blocking glasses designed by an Optometrist.

When I talked with Dr. Mariana that even since she was a child she had this gut feeling that staring into digital devices was harmful.

After learning more about the many harmful effects in of blue light in studies she searched for good glasses for blue light blocking.

When she tested Gunnar and other brands she saw that the blue light protection is only 40% and decided to try to create a product which can remove 100% of the blue light.

She also told me that Gunnar has improved their lenses a lot since back then and it now blocks around 65% but this is still far from perfect.

In case you are interested, the newest and best Gunnar lens is called AMBER (BPF 65), you can see it in the picture above.

You can also see the old LIQUET (BPF 35) lens which was blocking 35% of the blue light.

I’m actually not sure why Gunnar even use this lens. I wrote to them to include them in this article but am still waiting for a response.

As I told many times before the more orange or red the lenses are the better. For me personally, red lenses are the best because they block blue and green light or the so-called Cyan color which affects sleep the most.

For those of you who don’t know cyan is some combination between blue and green and this is really close to how our sky looks like during the day.

Dr. Mariana, however, was super fast to respond to all my questions why Dr S Eyewear blue blockers are the best glasses on the market.

Dr. Mariana Salmasi

Dr. Mariana Salmasi is a medical optometrist with glaucoma certification.

She is also trained in the treatment and management of eye diseases, specialty contact lenses, corneal refractive therapy and the preoperative evaluation and postoperative care of patients.

With other doctors, she co-manages patient care for LASIK and cataract surgery.

Dr. Salmasi is also certified in therapeutic pharmaceutical agents, lacrimal irrigation, and dilation, as well as certified to diagnose, treat and manage glaucoma.

She studied Optometry in the Western University of Health Sciences and have a Doctors degree in Optometry.

She also has a Biology science degree from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

This is actually what I like about Dr S Eyewear blue blockers. They are not just an ordinary orange glasses which sometimes don’t block any blue light but are actually created by an optometrist.

Dr. Salsasi is also full-time eye doctor since 2014 and you can find her in Los Angeles.

She is also an avid artist and won numerous awards for painting, sculpting and creating works of art.

Her created her first patent was for eyewear in 2013 while still in Optometry School and haven’t stopped creating since then.

If you are interested you can see her Eyewear frame ornamentation patent here:

She told me that she is particularly interested in the harmful effects of blue-light rays that are emitted from digital devices and the quality of the Dr S Eyewear glasses supports this.

The Science

Mariana told me that she designed the glasses and they are unique to her company. They created the mold and then manufactured thousands of glasses for adults and children.

This is actually really big deal because I know that many blue light blocking glasses actually come from China and the lens is some regular safety glasses lens.

Dr S Eyewear glasses are entirely custom made on the other hand.

She showed me also that they block 99% of the blue light.

I really appreciate how she said 99% because it actually super hard to remove all blue light with a lens.

Most companies which tell that they block 100% of the blue light don’t even come close to 50%.

I remember how when I tried to remove all of the blue light with my software Iris I basically almost removed all colors from the screen and also did an inversion.

For example here is how the screen looks like when 50% of the blue light is blocked by software.

And this is the equivalent of the 99% blue light blocking

To remove all blue light your screen should look something like this

Which even I think it’s too much.

Dr S Eyewear blocking spectrum is really good and effective.

The benefit with glasses over software is that with the glasses you can block all blue light not just from the monitor.

You can block the blue light from your TV, tablet, smartphone and the light around you without installing anything.

I am a fan of software because of the automation and that it is easier to build a habit but the glasses are much more effective if you don’t just use your PC at night.

Children also seem to like glasses more.

And this is actually what Dr. Mariana told me several times:

I also want to add that I am an advocate in childrens’ vision and eye health.

Kids nowadays spend more time on smartphones, iPhones and digital devices thus creating possible permanent eye damage.

In addition, increased near activities are contributing to nearsightedness (myopia) which means they will likely need glasses.

We need to educate parents.

Parents are worried about their children’s digital device use and always ask me if it is harmful.

I totally agree with this. We need to spread the word about the harmful effects of blue light and protect ourselves.

It doesn’t matter if you are going to use glasses, screen protectors, software or whatever you choose.

If you just decide to spend more time outdoors to get more full-spectrum sunlight it will also be great.

But more and more people need to know about the dangers of blue light and LED lighting in general.

I talk also a lot about the dangers of PWM flicker but still, there are really a few people who think that blue light can harm them in the long run.

Studies show again and again that blue light causes macular degeneration after prolonged exposure.

It also changes our circadian rhythms and kills our sleep.

If you spend a lot of time in front of the TV or have LED lighting in your home get some blue light blocking glasses.

For PWM and subpixel flicker from the computer and automation of the blue light reduction on your PC you can also try Iris.

I really recommend Dr S Eyewear glasses for several reasons.

They are one of the few glasses which actually have some measurements on them and block all blue light.

Dr S Eyewear glasses are one of the few blue light blocking glasses actually designed by an optometrist with a lot of science in them.

They are proven to block 99% of the blue light and really effective and have also anti-reflective coating and UV protection.

If you want you can learn more about the product from the official Dr S Eyewear website:


What I like about BLUblox is the huge variety of lenses which they have and that they actually have red lens for night usage which blocks both blue and green light.

At first glance you may think “Why do I need to use different lenses?” and I want to spend some time to explain the reasoning behind using different lenses during the different parts of the day.

During the day, you actually need full spectrum sunlight to be more healthy but the light from monitors and other light sources are different from the light of the Sun.

The first graph on the picture above shows the light spectrum from the Sun and the next 3 graphs are from different light sources.

You probably know that red light causes growth and blue light decreases growth, red light promotes health, while blue light most of the time is degenerative.

The first lightbulb which Thomas Edison made was actually really healthy lightbulb because it emitted mostly red light and a little blue light.

We know this light bulb as Incandescent and it creates light mostly by generating heat.

This is why it’s not energy efficient and emits a lot of red light.

The more energy efficient the light bulb the more blue light it emits most of the time.

So I’m telling you all this because almost all modern energy efficient light bulbs are LED and they emit a lot of blue light.

Looking at the picture of light distribution again you see how different is LED light from Sunlight and why it’s actually not normal to look at monitors or use LED lighting not only during the night but also during the day.

Computers, TVs, Cell phones, Tablets and all sorts of lights around us emit harmful blue light and this is why I and so many other people recommend blocking blue light even during the day.

If you use Iris on your computer you may have noticed how even during the day there is a small blue light reduction exactly for this.

This is intentional to try to make the LED light more like the Sunlight by reducing some of the blue light during the day. But Iris doesn’t work on everything.

What about your TV? What about your tabled, phone or all other blue light emitting devices.

What about all these LED lights around the house?

This is where the blue light blocking glasses are the only alternative and this is why you need to get BLUblox.

BLUblox is a relatively new company but what makes the project unique is this huge variety of lenses suitable for the different parts of the day.

I don’t know other company which manufactures both day and night lenses.

Most companies focus only on blocking blue light or on the eye protection with not so stronger lens and an anti-reflective coating.

What makes BLUblox unique is that they cover everything.

From lens to use when you sit in front of some device during the day to blue blocking day lens and finally deep red lens which blocks all blue and green light for night time usage.

Aside from the lenses, BLUblox has also a huge assortment of sizes and shapes which is also really unique to other companies which manufacture blue blocking glasses.

The Story

Andy and Katie Mant founded BLUblox in 2016 with the mission of supplying the most optimal blue blocker glasses in the world.

Andy told me that they started wearing blue blockers after dark in 2015 but they saw only minor improvements in their sleep.

We purchased our first blue blockers from a popular brand in the US so we wanted to know why we were not getting perfect sleep by wearing these blue blockers, as the company claimed.

Then we found the answer, some studies were showing that not just blue light but green light up to 550nm was negatively affecting our sleep.

We set to work in our laboratory and created a red lens that blocked all blue and green light from 400-550nm, in line with the latest science, called Ultra550.

The first night we wore our prototype pairs we slept right the way through the night and woke up feeling refreshed and full of energy.

We knew we had just created the most effective blue and green light blocking glasses ever made and we wanted to share this product with the world.

We both work in office jobs, not a good environment as we are exposed to LED lighting overhead, LED computer screens and LED screens from our smart phones.

Even though our night range of red lenses were giving us a fantastic sleep we knew we had to address the digital eyestrain and headaches we were suffering from exposure to blue light during our office jobs during the day.

We tried a few popular brands and some cheap computer glasses from eBay but nothing improved. Then we discovered a post by a popular scientist who showed the light spectrum of LED lights.

Then in clicked, we had to block the nasty spike in blue light around 450nm, so obvious but none of our competitors were doing this.

So, we set about making two prototypes; a clear lens impregnated with an advanced blue light reducing material, which reduced the blue light spike from LEDs down, and a yellow pair which eradicated blue light from 400-450nm.

Being in an office environment we both tried out the clear pair and we were amazed how fresh our eyes felt and we did not have any headaches after working on our computer for 8 hours.

We had a colleague in our office who suffered from frequent weekly migraines, so we lent her our pair of yellow tinted Ultra450 lenses to trial for a month.

To this day we have not had them returned to us because they eradicated her migraines whilst working on computers in the office so we let her keep them, we felt so humbled.

With the lenses sorted we set to work designing frames that were in line with the latest fashions, making blue blockers more socially acceptable to wear and comfortable on your face.

You would not wear safety goggles to work or to dinner after dark, so we fixed that we ultra-sleek and stylish frames, with styles to suit everyone.

Did we also mention that unlike our competitors whose glasses are made in China BLUblox glasses are designed and made in Australia? This guarantees a high-quality product that does exactly what it promises.

Since launching BLUblox we have sold thousands of pairs of our blue blockers not just to people who wanted their first pair of blue blocker glasses, but to many people wanting to upgrade from their cheap amazon and eBay pairs and even from some of the other popular brands out there.

We have had many wonderful testimonials about how our glasses have improved the lives of our tribe who have trusted in BLUblox to give them their sleep and health back.


The thing I love about BLUblox is that the team actually use and sell a red lens for night time usage which blocks all blue and green light instead of some yellow or orange one.

As I told many times before yellow and orange lenses don’t block the green light which also has an effect on our melatonin secretion at night.

Blue and green light after dark from the 400-550nm range suppresses melatonin production and disrupts your sleep.

BLUblox Ultra550 red lens block 100% of this range meaning zero sleep-disrupting blue and green light passes through their lenses.

While amber lenses only block some blue light and no green light the red lens of BLUblox blocks everything.

It’s clear that you must block all light that disrupts your sleep or your sleep won’t improve much.

If you want the best possible sleep consider getting a pair of glasses with red lens from BLUblox 🙂

BLUblox Ultra450 yellow lens are super useful at daytime to make the light emitted from LED digital devices more like the sun.

It has been proven that excess artificial blue light damages your eyes during the day.

The range of light that does the most damage is between 400-450nm.

BLUblox yellow lenses block 100% of the eye-damaging blue light in this range.

If you want to be more healthy and block the blue light during the day consider their yellow lenses and if you want to block the spikes of blue light but have more clear colors around you BLUblox computer lenses may be for you 🙂

Ra Optics

Matt Maruca created Ra Optics in 2017 because all effective blue light blocking glasses were pretty unattractive.

The good looking blue blockers were not blocking much of the blue light and the ones that actually worked were made for the safety of workers and looked pretty ugly.

What I love about Ra Optics is exactly this red lens which is super effective for blocking all blue and green light.

As I have said many times the yellow and orange lenses most of the time don’t block all blue light or if all blue light is blocked they do nothing for the green light which is emitted from the artificial light around us.

The latest medical researches point that light up to 550nm suppresses the secretion of our sleep hormone melatonin and actually, Matt showed me something even more interesting.

There is also evidence that even the healthy red light can cause some melatonin suppression.

I guess we just need to turn off all lights before going to sleep and what I love about the whole team behind Ra Optics is that they are experts in light and photobiology.

Another awesome thing about Ra Optics is that they manufacture both Daytime and Nighttime lenses and you can customize everything.

You can even send your own glasses and the team will place you the perfect lens which can block all blue light.

This custom tinting service is actually unique and no other company offers you to send your own frames and Ra Optics will make you a new lens and send the frame back to you.

I’m not going to go into many details again why the red lens is important for night time use and why you also need some blue blocking during the day but Ra Optics offer everything.

A great lens which blocks all blue and green light up to 550nm and great daytime lenses which block blue light up to 450nm.

Matt explains the difference this way:

In a perfect world, we would not need blue blockers. In our world, it would be ideal for most people to have both, but it depends on your lifestyle. Nocturnal Red lenses block all light wavelengths up to 550nm. These are the wavelengths shown to most affect our “biologic clock”, lowering melatonin levels and altering our sleep/wake cycle when present after sunset. This is because our body is designed to be not exposed to them after dark. Everyone who does not live alone in the forest or ever leaves their house should have a pair of nighttime blue blocking glasses; our are ideal because they are the most attractive on the market, making them something that will be used on a consistent basis without hesitation. These blue blockers can also be re-purposed for temporary daytime use if you enter someplace like a Target, Walmart, or Grocery Store.

Daytime Blue Blocking Glasses are for people who spend most of their day indoors under artificial light, which means most people. The reason we have a different tint is that it is not only not necessary to block all blue light during the day, as our Nocturnal Red lenses do, but it is functionally a new mismatch, telling the brain that it is nighttime, more or less, when it is not. Some may argue that, because almost all artificial light itself is already a “mismatch”, it is better to block all of the harmful blue light than to block none of it.

My Review

I strongly recommend Ra Optics and especially the custom tinting service which is the only one in the world right now.

We also did a talk with Matt about light, biohacking, blue blocking, sleep and everything in between which you can watch here:

BlueBlockGlasses by Somnitude

When I wrote to BlueBlockGlasses they provided me so much useful info that I’m going to first share it with you unchanged.

After this, I’m going to give you my thoughts about the product and why you should choose BlueBlockGlasses.

Sleep is essential for survival. Your brain is responsible for making you feel sleepy in the evening and keeping you asleep during the night. To do so, it has two processes that regulate sleep.

The first is called the homeostatic process. This is the pressure to sleep that accumulates throughout the day.

The second is the circadian (circa: “around” and diem: “day”) process. This regulates when you fall asleep and wake up.

These two processes work to ensure a good night of sleep.

Poor sleep has many consequences; some are decreased alertness, altered mood, and impaired memory. Long-term sleep deprivation has been linked with diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

One strategy to ensure a good night of sleep is to strengthen your circadian signal of sleep and wakefulness. The circadian clock is kept in sync by environmental inputs.

The most important factor is the blue component of light. The presence of light in the morning signals day time, and the absence of light in the evening signals night.

Special cells within your eyes detect blue light (wavelength 440 – 480 nm) and send a signal to your circadian system.

Historically, humans were exposed to blue light during the day (from the sun) and not exposed to blue light at night. Our circadian systems are geared to anticipate this pattern of light exposure.

Today, however, blue light exposure in the evening is very common, either because of screen use before bedtime or simply because the lights are on in the house.

Lights in living areas and washrooms usually have some blue component.

Blue light at night tricks your circadian clock into thinking it is the day, and prevents you from preparing for sleep. More specifically, blue light suppresses the release of a hormone called melatonin.

Melatonin is secreted and transmitted throughout your body in the evening to signal night time.

A delay in the release of melatonin, due to light exposure may result in delayed bedtime, sleep onset insomnia or poor sleep.

Eliminating electronic devices and lightning exposure before bedtime would improve sleep, but it is often unrealistic.

It is furthermore not necessary to cut off all of the light because the circadian clock is blind to most colors.


This is why Somnitude has developed specialized sleep promoting glasses that selectively block harmful blue light while allowing other wavelengths of light to pass.

The glasses filter 99% of full spectrum blue light (spectra light until 520 nm).

Somnitude’s Blue Block Glasses allow you to pursue your regular activities in the evening, without having to worry that your circadian clock gets confused because of the surrounding light at night.

The glasses are ideal for those who use electronic devices in the evening or those who have problems with waking up on time.

The glasses are made from an optical grade polycarbonate, infused with a blue absorbing dye. The material is simple, yet durable and the glasses can easily survive being dropped.

The various styles allow for wearing of prescription glasses or not.

The glasses are tested at the University of Toronto’s Institute of Optical Sciences and were used by members of Team Canada at the recent winter Olympic Games.

Somnitude’s Blue Block Glasses have also recently been approved as a Medical Device by Health Canada and are now being used by sleep physicians to help those who have certain sleep disorders, such as Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome.

Why Somnitude?

We often get asked – What’s the difference between Somnitude and other brands?

The main difference between our glasses and those filters provided by Warby Parker, Gunnars etc. is in the degree of filtering and width of the spectrum of filtering.

Most other providers will filter a lower amount (for example 40%) at a smaller spectrum (440 – 470 nm).

These types of glasses are typically intended to be worn during the day, to prevent against eyestrain.

On the other hand, Somnitude’s glasses filter 99% full spectrum blue light and are only recommended for evening wear.   

Another important consideration is the effectiveness of the blue filter. For the untrained eye, it is almost impossible to detect how much blue is actually being filtered.

Many brands will claim things like ‘Full blue blocking effectiveness’ etc. but then fail to provide testing results or details on the company.

The only way to test effectiveness is by measuring the spectral transmissivity using a spectrometer.

Because we are affiliated with the University of Toronto we conduct rigorous testing on all our glasses to ensure that they are designed and manufactured to the specification of 99% blue light filtering.

My review

I decided to share the info that Somnitude provided me because they included so much useful and unique info but here are my thoughts and the things I think that are missed in the text above.

What I love about BlueBlockGlasses are they are a cheap and effective solution and effective solution for blocking all blue light.

I also like that they actually provide measurements for all their glasses not just talk about blocking blue light.

While other brands glasses may look better than some of the Somnitude glasses styles, BlueBlockGlasses are the cheapest option and they also cover the entire face.

What I mean by covering the entire face is that there is no place for the blue light to enter your eyes because they have Fitover glasses.

One thing that maybe they can improve in the future is to make also a red lens which can block green light also as we talked before.

Consider buying this glasses if you are from Canada and if you want to have Fitover glasses.

BlueBlockGlasses have a great price and work great for blocking all blue light.



Blue light Screen Protectors


Blue light filter Apps

While everything can be effective for blocking blue light, my personal favorite way is by using a blue light filter app.

I guess this is also maybe the reason why I created Iris in the first place.

The good thing about a blue light filter app is that most of the time it’s super customizable.

For example with glasses and screen protectors, you need a different kind of lenses and sheets to block different parts of the light.

With Iris and apps like it, you can just move one slider and regulate how much blue or green light is blocked which is really cool.

You also have automation which means that during the day you will get a small blue light reduction and during the night it will be much stronger.

This helps to build a habit of blocking blue light easier.

With glasses, you may forget them and the sheets block light all the time which may not be what you need.

I will try to present and compare all different blue light filter apps here.

As you can guess I’m a little biased towards Iris but I will try to explain why I believe it’s the best software for eye protection.

Native Filters

Big companies started to create native solutions for blue light reduction from the beginning of 2017 and these settings are a really popular choice for a lot of users.

However, as everything integrated into the operating system it’s not working perfectly for specific needs like improving sleep and better eye protection.

The reason is not that the filters don’t block blue light, but they either don’t block enough blue and green light for better sleep or are not automated enough to match to screen brightness to the light around you and this makes them inefficient for eye protection.


After Apple introduced Night Shift in order to try to make an integrated into the OS way of lowering the blue light Microsoft also added a feature called Night Light in their new build of Windows 10.

If you have the latest version of Windows 10 you will probably find Night Light in the settings.

However, if you use Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP or Windows 10 which doesn’t support blue light reduction getting a blue light filter software like Iris or some other third-party program may be a good idea.

Night Light can also go to around 1200k of color temperature which removes most of the blue light but this may be ineffective if you want really improve your sleep.

Here is how measurement of 1200K of color temperature looks like:

If you want more reduction that this Iris can go to 0% blue and green light.

Otherwise, if you only need some eye protection going to 3400k  will reduce the spikes of blue light and will be enough and not much orange or red.

Something I don’t like about Night Light is that you can’t see the actual values of the color temperature anywhere.

It would be nice if there was some kind of percentage but this is also not present.

If you have some ruler you can calculate the kelvins via getting the length of the line and the position of the black slider then calculate the percentage.

From there you need to know that the most right value is 6500K and the most left value is 1200K.

You can then calculate the color temperature of the screen.

Another nice benefit of other third-party programs is that they show the current color temperature.

Iris, for example, also shows the percentage of blue light blocked from the screen.




Thank you for reading this whole massive article about blocking blue light from digital devices. I spend 3 months researching and creating it and I hope that I helped you to learn some new things.

If you liked my work click some of the share links or send this article to a friend 🙂

Daniel Georgiev
Iris Technologies

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Blue Light And Eye Strain Tue, 12 Jun 2018 15:51:45 +0000 Right now everyone in the world is talking about healthy food, healthy lifestyle and the importance of exercise, etc. Sadly, there aren’t many people who talk about the other factors that are continuously damaging different human organs. Most importantly, right now people are quite ignorant about the health of their eyes and this is becoming a serious problem now. Look ... Read More

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blue light eye protection computer screen monitor eye strain problem

Right now everyone in the world is talking about healthy food, healthy lifestyle and the importance of exercise, etc.

Sadly, there aren’t many people who talk about the other factors that are continuously damaging different human organs.

Most importantly, right now people are quite ignorant about the health of their eyes and this is becoming a serious problem now.

Look around you, we are pretty sure that you know someone in your friends or family circle who is suffering through some sort of ocular problems like experiencing sharp pain behind the eye or eye muscle pain.

Most of the people suffer through near and farsightedness which is why they have to wear contact glasses and sometimes contact lenses to see clearly.

The need of the hour is that we all should start worrying about the health of our eyes and see what factors are causing vision problems.

eye strain eye health blue light filter iris software screen light protection

Blue Light And Why Should You Know About It?

A lot of people out there don’t even know what blue light is which is why today we are going to explain it all to you and tell you how blue light is destroying our eyes.

There are several types of lights around us and among all the other lights is the blue light. It is known to be the most dangerous one just because this one comes with a short wavelength.

According to Wikipedia and its article about the electromagnetic spectrum, it is said that the shorter the wavelength of a light is, the more harmful it becomes.

The same science applies to this so-called “blue light”. 

blue light sun light uv rays color spectrum eye harm strain iris software filter protection


Blue light could be equally dangerous just as the UV light from that comes from the Sun.

Sun itself is the major source of blue light and the other source are our electronic devices.

Yes, you read it right, the reason why mobile phones and laptops are dangerous for your eyes is that these screens emit blue light.

When you expose your eyes to such light, it goes straight up to your cornea and starts damaging it resulting in eye pressure pain.

blue light uv light eye structure eye harm eye strain filter protection

Blue Light And Eye Strain 

Has it ever occurred to you that you were using your mobile phone at night and all of a sudden you start feeling that your head is heavy?

Well, we are pretty sure that this has happened to you more than once and the reason behind it is again the blue light.

When you expose your eyes to the blue light, it starts putting a continuous eye strain.

The strain then passes down to your nervous system which is why most of the people find it hard to sleep at night.

blue light computer smartphone screen sleep problems phone screen filter eye protection

The Solution To Blue Light Problem? 

Obviously, we can’t suggest you to stop using your cell phones and other electronic devices because this is the age of technology and internet.

So, the best thing you can do to save your eyes from the damage is to use the filter on your screen.

Iris is the best blue light filter app for pc and as a result, this famous blue light software can make screens healthier for your eyes.

This software regulates the light of your monitor as well as the light around you.

blue light affect iris software eye protection blue light filter brightness settings

It blocks the blue light from reaching your eyes directly.

Right now thousands of people are using this software to protect their eyes and get a good night’s sleep.

If you also want to make some healthy changes in your life then we suggest you try this screen brightness software as soon as possible.

We assure you that you won’t be disappointed with the results.

Eyes are the most sensitive part of our body and you need to take care of them just like the rest of your body.


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Are blue light filter apps effective? Wed, 06 Jun 2018 15:37:37 +0000 Are you losing sleep because of extended hours of staring at your screens? Some people work over time. And some people falsely believed that browsing the internet on their phone before going to sleep will help them doze off easily. Science it has already been established that the emitted blue light from our phone and computer screens can disrupt our ... Read More

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Are you losing sleep because of extended hours of staring at your screens?

Some people work over time. And some people falsely believed that browsing the internet on their phone before going to sleep will help them doze off easily.

Blue Light Filter App

Science it has already been established that the emitted blue light from our phone and computer screens can disrupt our sleep cycle causing us the difficulty of sleeping and eventually other health conditions that come with lack of sleep.

Thankfully, there are blue light filter apps that promise to protect your eyes from the harm that blue light might cause. But the question is does blue light filter apps effective? Let us figure it out.

Can blue light filter apps really help?

Without the blue light filter app, you are exposed to a risky amount of blue light. Some people have a habit of turning to their phones and tablets and covering their faces with their screens before they sleep.

This actually puts you to an alarming amount of exposure to blue light.

Blue Light Filter and Protection

Putting your devices inches close to your eyes could put you at a higher risk if your device does not have a blue light filter app.

But how do blue light create this harmful effect on our health?

When the sun sets and it gets dark, your body would release melatonin.

This is the substance that enables us to get restful sleep. The thing about the blue light that is emitted by artificial light is it makes our photoreceptors or our eyes into believing that it is still daytime.

Therefore our body releases less and less melatonin resulting in the difficulty of sleep.

Eyes Protection - Blue LIght Filter App

Researchers have actually found out that if you use a blue light filter it avoids your photoreceptors from being tricked into extended daylight.

A study was conducted by making people use the filters and their melatonin has found to be increased in levels. The subjects of the study were also found to have better and quality sleep.


The conclusion is blue light filter apps really work in protecting your eyes from the blue light that computers, tablets, and phones emit. But also make a note that these are not the only source of blue light.

Nevertheless, these devices are the ones which we are exposed to the most. Installing a blue light filter app may be a great way to reduce exposure if not to eliminate.

There are different apps that were developed and are made available. One of them is Iris. This app promises “eye protection, health, and productivity”.

This blue light filter app boasts two popular and effective features.

First, is it can decrease the amount of blue light emitted by your device’s screens?

Second, is it can control the brightness without the pulse width modulation flicker (this is the thing that screens do but our brain does not perceive and it actually cause us eye strain and headache).

Iris also offers its users to customize its settings.

Download Blue Light Filter

With the number of devices that we surround ourselves, it is best to have blue light filter apps as a precaution. It is better to prevent than to cure.

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How does blue light affect the brain? Fri, 01 Jun 2018 21:53:14 +0000 How does blue light affect the brain? What is your typical routine before sleeping? For most of us, it is burying our noses on our phone screens. Some of us does not know that the blue light (blue light affect) that is emitted by our phones, and other electronics pose harm to our health. The dark side of blue light Have ... Read More

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How does blue light affect the brain?

What is your typical routine before sleeping? For most of us, it is burying our noses on our phone screens. Some of us does not know that the blue light (blue light affect) that is emitted by our phones, and other electronics pose harm to our health.

blue light

The dark side of blue light

Have you noticed that your sleeping pattern is actually affected by your mobile phone habit? Well, this is because, as researchers and studies show that blue light affects our circadian rhythm. Our biological clock is thrown off of its pattern when we spend too much time staring at our screen or basking under the blue light. Inconsistent sleep patterns can result in lack of sleep which then eventually contributes to lots of diseases such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes and even cancer.

Blue Light during the day

The blue wavelengths are not at all times harmful, as different light colors may have different effects. Blue light actually boosts attention, mood and reaction. What’s worrying is the increase of blue light exposure when the sun is down.

Sleep and blue light

Sleep pattern may be different for everyone. However, the average length is 24 and a quarter hours. If you stay up late at night, chances are your rhythm is longer. While if you wake up early your rhythm is shorter. What keeps our rhythm aligned with our environment is the daylight.

The blue light and your health

Night time light may cause health risks. There are studies that showed working at night is connected with factors that cause cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. But what exactly is the effect of blue light on our health? Exposure to this type of light prevents secretion of melatonin which is also a hormone that is related to our circadian rhythm. Low levels of melatonin are shown to be possibly connected to the occurrence of cancer.

blue light filter

How to prevent harmful effects of blue light

  1.  Try not to look at bright screens two to three hours before you go to sleep.
  2.  When working at night, consider using blue light blocking eyeglasses. There are also applications that lessen harmful light at night. For example, Iris Tech ( has developed a software which adjusts the brightness of your screen to your surroundings to prevent eye strain and improve sleep. This software promises to protect your skin while keeping you more productive even at night. It can be downloaded for a free trial and be purchased for additional protection.
  3.  Boost your sleeping habit by getting your eyes exposed on a lot of bright lights during the day. This will help you sleep easier at night.

Looking at your phone at night may be hard to avoid, for some it is part of the work, but there are definitely ways to prevent blue light from causing harm to your health. Pay attention to your mobile phone habits. Be aware of the light types that your electronics emit. Remember that sometimes the light is not good all the time.

blue light filter


Do blue light filters really work?

What is the blue light filter for?

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What is the blue light filter for? Thu, 31 May 2018 10:20:35 +0000 Blue light filter may not ring a bell in many people’s heads but it is one of the most wide-spread softwares for keeping the eye safe from any harm from blue light. What exactly is blue light and why is it so dangerous to your health?  Blue light is that part of the visible light spectrum, which is seen by ... Read More

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Blue light filter may not ring a bell in many people’s heads but it is one of the most wide-spread softwares for keeping the eye safe from any harm from blue light. What exactly is blue light and why is it so dangerous to your health? 

blue light

Blue light is that part of the visible light spectrum, which is seen by the human naked eye.

Blue light is known for producing a higher amount of energy as it has a short wavelength.

In today’s era, it is almost impossible for people to stay without their laptop, smartphones or any other smart devices.

While, all these gadgets emit blue light causing long – term damage to our eyes and overall health.

As per studies, if a person is regularly exposed to the blue light then over the period of time it may cause a severe long – term damage to the eyes of the person.

Luckily, there is a solution for this problem and it is a very simple one – Iris’ blue light filter.

blue light

Blue Light Filter

What is a blue light filter for?

As the name suggests the blue light filter reduces the quantity of blue light exhibited on the screen of the device or smart device.

Blue light has the ability to curb the production of the hormone that is very useful in inducing sleep.

This hormone is known as melatonin.

Due to the efficient working of this filter, one gets to sleep better. 


The blue light filter does not work when one watches high – definition videos from the exclusive services of HDR video service providers like Amazon Prime.

It is pertinent to know that blue light filter can be applied by following methods, but it can be done manually only:

  • By selecting an option in settings menu or quick panel or automatically
  • By user schedule or automatic schedule

Blue light filter apps effectively block blue light, saving one from the ill effects of it.

These apps regulate the emitting light’s wavelength of your device with the outer natural light.

This means that using the device with the blue light filter during the late hours of the night, will cause much lesser harm to you.

blue light filter
The filter blocks the blue light and therefore, removes any harm and health concerns for the human eye.

Blue light emitted from our devices has a harmful effect on our overall well-being.

It severely affects our eyes, sleep disorder, muscular degeneration, etc.

However, there are many companies offering the filter these days, but Iris is one of the most celebrated ones.

Iris is the software that is known for protecting the eyes in the best possible manner by removing the blue light.

Some of the prominent features of Iris  

  • It provides predetermined reduction for blue light.
  • It adapts to the light surrounding automatically.
  • Manually reduces the strain on the eyes.
  • With sleep, removes all the blue light.
  • Protects eyes with all types of USB computers.
  • To ensure better health, experts suggest one should stay in reduced blue light exposure by installing such blue light reduction software and apps on your devices.

blue light and screen time

Solutions for Blue Light Harm 

As you can guess the best solution not to expose yourself to blue light is to live in a cave and to get only full spectrum sunlight, but we all know this is impossible.

Try to avoid light at night and if you just can’t avoid all light and need to do some work on your PC use Iris or other blue blocking software.

iris blue light filter

Iris has Sleep type preset which removes almost all blue light from your screen.

In front of the TV use some blue blocking glasses or just sunglasses. Sunglasses are sometimes even more effective that blue blockers since they also block UV light.

And lastly, remove all LED light bulbs in your home. Although energy efficient they are bad for your sleep. Use the good old incandescent light bulbs or if you can use candles sometimes.

Thank you very much for reading this article!


If you are interested in learning more about how to keep your eye in healthy condition, feel free to check our other articles on the topic: 

How Blue light Destroyed our Sleep? 

How Мonitors Destroyed our Eyes?

Brightness and Why your monitor is bad for your sleep?

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Why does blue light keep you awake? Thu, 31 May 2018 07:10:17 +0000 Most of the people are not aware of the negative impact on the blue light on one’s health. Most of the people are not aware of the negative impact of the blue light on one’s health. Perils of blue light can lead to long-term health issues that can keep you at bay from using your laptop, smartphone or MAC. Today’s ... Read More

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Most of the people are not aware of the negative impact on the blue light on one’s health.

Most of the people are not aware of the negative impact of the blue light on one’s health.

Perils of blue light can lead to long-term health issues that can keep you at bay from using your laptop, smartphone or MAC.

Today’s lifestyle, which includes long working hours, long study hours in front of a computer screen, watching television for long hours, or reading an ebook leads to overexposure to blue light.

The blue light can make your eyes fatigued, dry, or even sleeplessness. The ill effects of blue light can be up to alarming level.


Blue light can keep you awake at night.

Why does blue light keep you awake ?

In recent studies, it is being clearly instructed by the scientists that one should not use such blue light emitting devices just before going to bed.

Using devices that produce blue light before sleep might be dangerous for your health.



Have you ever wondered, why?

Or, how a blue light emitting the device can keep you away from sleep and increase alertness in you?

Actually, the blue light that emits from our devices is short in wavelength, hence has much more concentrated than natural light.

Blue light directly affects melatonin, the hormone known to induce sleep.



This is how blue light affects your brain and melatonin.


In simpler words, blue light signals the mind that it is not the time to sleep yet.

Lack of quality and quantity of sleep can lead to mood issues, stress, anxiety, depression, etc.

All of us know the ill- effects and damage caused by the ultraviolet rays.

In order to make it even clearer, we can say that blue light is very close to the ultraviolet rays.

Despite any smart device or television screen, the very common source of getting blue light is LEDs.

These lights are a rich source of emitting blue light potentially.

What can you do to protect your eyesight ?

Although it is not easy to get rid of blue light completely, you must try to avoid using the gadgets, laptop or LEDs at night.

In case you cannot avoid it due to any of your constraint then you must use blue light filter software.

A good blue light filter software will prevent the eye strain, reduce pain in the eyes, and definitely improve your sleep.


Blue light filter software will definitely improve your sleep.


Along with many other available blue light filter software, Iris is amongst the most preferred choice of the customers.

Iris is mostly known for the below mentioned exclusive qualities:

  • Allows to set customized blue light and brightness values

  • Customization of reduction in blue light by making the screen more red, orange, or yellow

  • Adjusting brightness to match the screen brightness with the surrounding light

  • Custom timing set up for days and nights

  • Allows pausing Iris when you watch videos in full screen in You Tube and many more.

Iris is designed with the purpose to adjust the blue light as much as possible with the natural light of the surrounding.


Are you ready to prevent the eye strain, reduce the pain in your eyes, and improve your sleep ?

If your answer is yes then Iris is the perfect fir for you. You can purchase it in the buy section on this website.

If you hesitate however, you can try the free trial version of Iris.


iris software




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Do blue light filters really work? Wed, 30 May 2018 19:34:21 +0000 Blue light, also known as HEV (High Energy Visible) light is part of the light spectrum. It’s mainly produced from sunlight. Artificially created blue light is used for different types of lights and bulbs and the displays of technology devices, for example, LED TVs and mobile phones. In the modern day and age technology has become a vital part of our ... Read More

The post Do blue light filters really work? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Blue light, also known as HEV (High Energy Visible) light is part of the light spectrum.

light spectrum

It’s mainly produced from sunlight.

Artificially created blue light is used for different types of lights and bulbs and the displays of technology devices, for example, LED TVs and mobile phones.

sources of blue light emission

In the modern day and age technology has become a vital part of our everyday lives.

Smartphones have become a crucial part of our lives.

What is more, our schools and workplace heavily rely on technology devices to stay up to date.

Little do we know what we are compromising by constantly staring at these screens all day.

Blue light damage

1.Eye harm

Just like staring at the sun for too long with the naked eye, too much exposure to the blue light has its disadvantages.

Excessive blue light decreases contrast and with the fierce rays may slowly and therefore damage the retina permanently resulting in loss of vision.

the damage blue light is causing to the eyes

We are also at risk of migraines and deteriorating body muscles.

2. Influence on the sleep cycle

Furthermore, Studies have also proven that it reduces Melatonin which is essential for our sleep cycle thus it can be destructive for our sleep cycle.

Using technology devices also cause insomnia because the blue light tricks our brains into thinking it is daytime.

This leads to low melatonin levels at night.

On the picture below you can see the optimal melatonin and cortisol levels throughout the day.

the optimal levels of melatonin and cortisol throughout the day

Blue light filters

To counter the rays, the blue light filter feature also known as the night mode was created in new rolling technology devices.

It acts as protects the retina from the vigorous rays from straining the eye.

This immediately decreases the color balance and contrast of the display.

As a result, users can browse the web and read text on their devices for a long period of time without the dangerous side effects.

The night filter helps in ease of sleep for the individual.

You can activate this feature in the display section in the settings. Older devices can access attain this feature through numerous third-party applications.

night mode

It is especially important for children as they have weaker and more sensitive retinas.

Kids now spend most of their leisure time glued to Television screens and gaming consoles.

Modern school policies include tablets in place of children’s books and studies. Teachers lecture students through projectors omitting such light.

In addition, kids can benefit greatly from about the blue light filter. That way, they can use devices for a longer period of time without compromising their optical health

digital classroom equipment in primary school


Following the release and benefits of the blue light filters opticians too have become aware of the dangers of the blue light.

They have now released contact lenses and spectacles, known as blue light blocking glasses.

They have reflective coatings protecting from the harmful light from the screens and the UV rays of the sun.

blue light blocking glasses protecting the vision by reflecting blue light

In conclusion

Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

We need to carefully review our daily routines and cut down the usage of technology devices to a minimum which comes at a cost to our health and eyesight.

Also, we should encourage our children to turn to libraries and books instead of e-Books.

Inevitably we are all slaves to technology we must make sure we are shielding our eyes with the help of blue light filters

Iris has the blue light software solution that you need.

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Blue Light Filter For Windows Sun, 13 May 2018 18:25:21 +0000 Are you looking for a blue light filter for Windows? If you owned a Windows-based computer or any computer with a different operating system, you can be exposed to blue light. Here are a few reasons why you need to protect your eyes from blue light and how a proper blue light filter can help you. Computers and Blue Light ... Read More

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Are you looking for a blue light filter for Windows? If you owned a Windows-based computer or any computer with a different operating system, you can be exposed to blue light.

Here are a few reasons why you need to protect your eyes from blue light and how a proper blue light filter can help you.

Computers and Blue Light

Today we spend long hours at a computer screen. It’s estimated that around 60% of individuals spend more than 6 hours each day in front of their digital device.

This is a lot of time spent and during this time, we get exposed to blue light.

Whenever you were exposed to blue light waves these are the highest energy, and shortest energy wavelengths that we experience in the visible light spectrum.

Since these waves are shorter, they flicker easier than the longer and the weaker wavelengths.

When you get this sort of a flickering there’s a glare and this will reduce the visual contrast, clarity, and sharpness.

This glare and flickering causes headaches, eye strain, mental fatigue, physical fatigue, and other conditions.

This is directly caused by sitting at a computer screen for long hours at a time.

This is one of the main reasons why we need a blue light filter for Windows and other operating systems.

Blue Light Protection

We need blue light protection because the natural filters of our eyes don’t provide enough protection from the light rays produced by blue light.

When we have prolonged exposure to Blue Light you may get loss of vision, macular degeneration, retinal damage, and other eye problems.

It’s critical to spend less time in front of your computer if you want to save your eyesight.

The problem with this is that in our technologically advanced world we need to spend long hours in front of our computers because we do the bulk of our work in front of computers.

This is why you need a proper filter app for your computer.

Solutions to Blue Light

There are several solutions to dealing with blue light.

One of the simplest solutions is to use blue light filter glasses.

These glasses have a filter built in which will help you deal with issues with blue light.

The main problem with this is the expense of buying the glasses and not everyone find them comfortable.

Another solution is to spend less time at your computer, but for many of us, we simply can’t do this because we need to use our computer for the work we have to do during the day.

The best solution is to use a proper blue light filter which you can get through software solutions.

Iris Software

Iris is a company that makes excellent blue light filters and you can get a blue light filter for Windows as well as other operating systems.

This software has many different features in settings which make it easy to use.

When you use the filter, you won’t have to deal with issues from blue light.

You can simply install the software, and it will begin working for you. If you want to save your eyesight from damage, consider getting a blue light filter from Iris.


Blue light can be a problem and we need to address this issue. There are ways to solve blue light issues and the best one is to use quality software from a company such as Iris software as they have excellent blue light filters to meet your needs.

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Blue Light Filter App for PC Sun, 13 May 2018 18:14:56 +0000 Are you looking for a blue light filter app for PC?  People today are becoming concerned with blue light. This light can be very harmful to your eyes and all computers produce it. Many individuals today spend long hours on the computer and this can be damaging to the eyes because you get increased levels of blue light. Here’s how you ... Read More

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Are you looking for a blue light filter app for PC?  People today are becoming concerned with blue light.

This light can be very harmful to your eyes and all computers produce it.

Many individuals today spend long hours on the computer and this can be damaging to the eyes because you get increased levels of blue light.

Here’s how you can reduce or eliminate blue light completely, so you have less eye strain.

Monitor Height

One way to reduce blue light is to make sure you have the proper monitor height.

Your eyes should be near the top of the monitor as this reduces the amount of blue light that you get into your eyes.

You can put books underneath your monitor to raise the monitor level up.

You can experiment a little bit with your monitor to determine the best angle and the best height that works for you.

This is one way to reduce the amount of blue light that gets into your eyes.


Another way to reduce blue light is to be careful with the brightness of your computer.

If your computer is too bright you’re going to be getting more blue light than you would like.

If you use the computer at night time, considering turning the brightness down a little bit because the extra glare from your computer is going to make your eyes tired.

As with the monitor height, you can play around a little bit with the brightness to get a brightness feature that works the best for you.

Blue light filter Software

One of the best ways to reduce blue light is to use a blue light filter app for PC program.

These programs can make it easy to reduce blue light on your computer.

The main problem with them is there’s a lot of choice in the marketplace.

Many of these programs will only work on a certain operating system such as Windows, Mac, or other operating systems and they don’t work on every system.

This can be a bit of a problem if you have several computers because you need a lot of different programs to eliminate blue light from all of your computers.

Iris Software

One of the best blue light filter app for PC programs Is called Iris Software.

This program makes it easy for you to reduce blue light on your computer.

The software has many features and settings that you can take advantage of.

You can get this software to work at just the way you want to reduce blue light on your computer.

The best part about this software is it works with all major operating systems including smartphone such as Android or iOS.

It’s a robust program that works quite well for reducing issues with blue light.


You don’t have to suffer from issues with blue light.

There are many software programs to help you, but one of the best ones is from Iris software.

I recommend Iris Software because it’s easy to use it has a lot of features, and it works with all operating systems with ease to reduce blue light when you use your computer.


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Blue Light App for PC Sun, 13 May 2018 18:04:21 +0000 Are you looking for a blue light app for PC?  There are several ways that you can reduce blue light from your computer. This light can be harmful to your eyesight. Here are a few ways that you can reduce blue light problems. The Position of Your Monitor If you don’t have a blue light app for PC, there are ... Read More

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Are you looking for a blue light app for PC?  There are several ways that you can reduce blue light from your computer.

This light can be harmful to your eyesight. Here are a few ways that you can reduce blue light problems.

The Position of Your Monitor

If you don’t have a blue light app for PC, there are some other Solutions.

The position of your monitor is critical to reducing blue light. Make sure the screen is at least 20 to 30 inches away from you.

The eyes should be level to the top of the monitor. Another way to raise the screen height by stacking hardcover books underneath your monitor.

You can also lower or raise your chair as this will help.

It is recommended that you look a little down at your work. By adjusting the monitor, you can reduce some issues with blue light.

Caring for Your Eyes

If you wear contacts, the eyes will have to work harder when you stare at the screen.

To reduce eye strain, consider using a pair of glasses once or twice each week.

If you wear glasses, talk to your optometrist and to make add an anti-glare coat to the lens.

By adding this coding, you’ll cut down on some issues with blue light. Some optometrists will even add this feature without charging you.

If you do wear contact lenses, consider using some eye drops as this will help refresh your eyesight during a long workday.

Glare and Screen Brightness

You should have just the monitor brightness, so it matches the area of your workspace.

If the monitor screen is too bright, reduce the brightness feature.

If the screen is too grey and dull, then you might have to raise the brightness.

You should work with a brightness feature that works the best for you.

In general, you should reduce the brightness or use a glare reduction filter on the screen as this can give your eyesight some relief.

Software Solutions

One of the easier ways to reduce issues with a blue light is to use filter software.

Iris can be installed on your computer and your other devices to reduce blue light.

It is an excellent blue light app for PC which will reduce this light source which is harmful to your eyes.

The software has many different settings and it’s easy to install.

The best part about this software is it will work with many different operating systems such as Mac, Windows, and even mobile operating systems.

You won’t have to buy additional software when you use Iris Software.

If you want to take care of your eyesight and reduce eye pain and eye strain, use a proper filter program.

There are steps you can take in the meantime to reduce blue light such as the tips described above, but the best solution is to use a proper blue light filter.


If you want to reduce issues with blue light, get a proper blue light filter.

The filters such as the ones provided by Iris software or exceptional and they can help reduce strain and wear on your eyesight, so you can get the work that you need to get done on a daily basis without having to worry about damage to your eyes.

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Best Blue Light App Sun, 13 May 2018 17:52:03 +0000 Are you looking for the best blue light app? There are several different apps out there that you can use to filter blue light. Let’s examine three of them to find the best one to suit your needs. Redshift One popular app to filter blue light is called Redshift. It will adjust the color of your screen according to where ... Read More

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Are you looking for the best blue light app? There are several different apps out there that you can use to filter blue light. Let’s examine three of them to find the best one to suit your needs.


One popular app to filter blue light is called Redshift. It will adjust the color of your screen according to where the sun is positioned.

When you look at the screen in the early morning hours the screen will transition from the nighttime color to a daytime color and this helps your eyes adjust.

Once night arrives the color then adjust itself and will match the light from lamps and another lighting in your home.

This software is available for the Linux operating system.


This software will keep the screen bright in the winter months. With this software you can customize the sunset time and the sunrise time, so you can adjust the software to meet your needs.

You can select the color that you want for your screen. You also have the ability to temporarily disable this app whenever you want.

This software will work with the Windows operating system.


The best blue light app programs you can get is called Iris. This program works cross-platform.

It will detect whether it’s nighttime or daytime. The software it will then adjust the color of the screen and reduce issues with blue light.

This program has many different features which can be customizable. You can customize the brightness, color temperature, manual settings, automatic settings, and other settings.

You will have to pay a small price for the more advanced features, but you have a lot of control over this program which you don’t get with other blue light filter programs.

Since this program has a lot of customization, we consider it to be the best blue light app on the current market.

The best part about the program is it’s available for most mobile platforms and desktop platforms.

You won’t have to worry about buying other programs like you do with some software because it won’t work on all of your mobile devices or your home computers. Iris will work on:

• Linux
• Windows
• Android
• iOS
• Mac OS X
• Google Chrome web browser

As you can see, the iris program offers you a lot of value for your money. If you want to filter blue light in the best way, this is the best blue light app that you can get.

It makes more sense to use Iris Software then some of the other software solutions.


Blue light can be a problem on your computer. You can have issues with eye strain, eye pain, and have a poor-quality sleep.

If you want to improve your health when you use your computer, consider getting a quality blue light filter.

One of the best solutions we have found for dealing with blue light is a software that you can buy through Iris software as it has the most features and it’s the best blue light app we have found.

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Best Blue Filter App Sat, 12 May 2018 22:31:02 +0000   There are many different blue light filters that you can get for your computer. You might be confused as to which one is the best blue filter app that you can use. I have reviewed several of these apps for you and picked up the best one which will reduce blue light from your computer screen, so you have ... Read More

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There are many different blue light filters that you can get for your computer.

You might be confused as to which one is the best blue filter app that you can use.

I have reviewed several of these apps for you and picked up the best one which will reduce blue light from your computer screen, so you have less eye strain and eye pain.


This app is designed for your smartphone. It has a nice round slider interface.

You’re able to control the temperature color such as red, blue, yellow, and black on your computer screen.

It’s an easy program to use and you can schedule both to stop time in the start time of the filter.

This app also has a sensor which determines the ambient light in the room.

The setting will dim the light on the screen when the device is in a dark environment.

The main drawback to this program is it’s not available for your PC or laptop so you’ll need to buy another program.

This is one of the best blue light filter app programs for your smartphone, but it won’t work with PC.

Night Screen

The main advantage of this app is that is quite easy to use. If you just want to stand and blue light filter, this is the program to use.

When you’re ready to use the application to reduce blue light just tap the app and it will reduce the brightness and blue light that comes from your smartphone screen.

Like the previous app, this one only works with your smartphone and you’ll need a different application if you have a PC or laptop that you want to reduce blue light from.


Another program you can get to reduce blue light is called Dimly.

This program is also easy to use, and it has a shake feature where you can shake the phone to restore the brightness of your phone.

This app also has a sliding feature which is easy to use. You’ll be able to adjust the screen color and it has a few more features if you pay for the pro version of the program.

If you have a laptop or a personal computer, you need to buy another program is this one is just designed to work with smartphones.

Iris Software

The top best blue filter app program is called Iris Software.

This program is easy to install, and it has plenty of features and settings that you can take advantage of.

The best part about this program is that it works with multiple operating systems.

You can use the program on Windows, Mac computers, and all of your mobile devices like Android or iOS.

You won’t have to buy additional programs as this one has everything you need. You can adjust the program to just the way you need it.

This blue light filter also comes with handy documentation which shows you how to do everything step by step, so you won’t run into any problems.

This is one of the best programs we have found for filtering blue light from all of your devices with just one handy program.


If you’re looking for the best blue filter app I would go with Iris Software.

This program has plenty of features and it’s one of the better programs to filter blue light.

It works with all operating systems and devices, so you won’t have to buy additional programs to filter blue light in the best way possible.


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Anti Blue Light App Sat, 12 May 2018 22:17:24 +0000 Are you looking for a good anti-blue light app?  There are many ways that you can get rid of blue light issues with your computer. Blue light can be a common problem because it needs to eye strain, eye pain, and even issues with lack of sleep. Here are a few blue light apps you can get on the current ... Read More

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Are you looking for a good anti-blue light app?  There are many ways that you can get rid of blue light issues with your computer.

Blue light can be a common problem because it needs to eye strain, eye pain, and even issues with lack of sleep.

Here are a few blue light apps you can get on the current market and a recommendation for the best app to meet your needs.


One anti-blue light app is called Twilight. The program will work with smartphones.

It works quite well to filter out blue light. The program will adapt to the display and will mount a filter on top of the entire display to give you protection for your eyes.

You can set filter intensity, the color temperature, and the dimness of your computer screen.

You can also create profiles with the program and set customizable filters for a specific time of the day.

For example, you can set a filter for bedtime reading or filter for your commute home from the office.

This is a great program to use with your smartphone, but it won’t work with a regular computer so for some people it’s quite limited and you’ll need to buy a proper program for your personal computer at home because this one won’t work.


Another program you can use is called Darker. It works to reduce your eye strain because it reduces the screen brightness and it will enable color filters for your smartphone.

There’s a plenty of features with this program and it does work quite well. You can dim that many buttons on your phone and you can set various brightness levels.

You can also set it so the phone will switch the display automatically. If you want more flexibility with your smartphone, this is a good program to get.

Like the previous program, it is limited because it won’t work with your laptop, or your personal computer at home and you’ll need another software solution for this.

Iris Software

One of the best programs on the market to reduce blue light is called Iris Software.

This is an exceptional anti blue light app. The program has a lot of features and various settings that you can work with through the program.

Unlike other programs, it’s very robust because it works on almost every operating system.

It will work on a Mac computers, Windows computers, and even mobile platforms like Android or iOS.

You will have a full and comprehensive program to reduce blue light on all of your devices.

You won’t have to worry about downloading various apps or other programs to work with all of your computers.

This software is designed to give you a comprehensive solution to issues with blue light.

The program comes with detailed instructions which show you how to use the program in the best way to meet your needs.


Iris Software is an exceptional program to reduce blue light.

It works with almost every operating system on the current market, so you don’t have to buy additional programs to meet your needs.

It has plenty of features and settings, so you can make the most out of this program to reduce issues with blue light.

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Which is the best Blue light Filter? Wed, 09 May 2018 09:42:16 +0000 I may be the creator of Iris, which is blue light filter software but I will be honest with you. Which is better depends on what you need and what you want to achieve? Depending on why you want to block blue light and what do you want to achieve your best solution will probably be different than mine. In this ... Read More

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I may be the creator of Iris, which is blue light filter software but I will be honest with you.

Which is better depends on what you need and what you want to achieve?

Depending on why you want to block blue light and what do you want to achieve your best solution will probably be different than mine.

In this article, I will present to you all cases and what to choose in every case.

I will tell you when to choose glasses and when to choose software solutions.

I will also tell when screen protector may be a good choice.

But first, let’s give a fast overview for people who heard about the dangers of blue light for the first time.

Why do you need to block blue light?

You probably feel how when you spend a lot of time in front of the PC or your phone at night you can’t fall asleep really fast.

The reason for this is really simple.

In our eyes, we have a photoreceptor called Melanopsin.

When melanopsin detects blue light entering our eyes in blocks the secretion of our sleep hormone called Melatonin.

And when you don’t produce enough Melatonin you can’t fall asleep.

There are 2 hormones actually which control when we should be awake and when we should fall asleep.

Cortisol tells our body to be awake and Melatonin tells our body to fall asleep.

Cortisol levels are biggest when you wake up and Melatonin levels are biggest when you sleep.

They shift during the day and this is actually our Circadian clock.

Without boring you to death with science we evolved around the Sun and at night there was no light before.

Right now, however, we have all types light sources.

Some of them like LED emit a lot of blue light and cause a drop in our secretion of Melatonin.

Fluorescent light bulbs may flicker and this to cause eye strain and headaches.

Because it’s cheap, manufacturers use PWM to control the brightness which again is some sort of flicker that causes eye strain and headaches, etc.

So the one aspect of blue light is that it’s bad for our sleep if we get too much light in the night and the other is that too much exposure causes Macular degeneration and all other kinds of eye problems in the long run.

You know that UV light and X-rays are bad, but blue light is also really close to them on the light spectrum.

So because it’s so high energy it makes sense that it enters deep into our eye and may cause damage.

I hope you now have some general understanding of the science behind the blue light filters so without further due let’s start to talk about which blue light filter is best and when.

Blue light filter glasses

Blue light filter glasses come in all forms and shades and some of them are pretty effective and inexpensive.

The first bad thing about blue light filter glasses is that they can’t be customized.

You can’t control the amount of blue light which is blocked and some of them are actually really ineffective.

For example, I don’t think the yellow tint or without a tint will do a good job in helping you to sleep better.

They may help with eye-strain if they have an antireflective coating and they may be made to block only small part of the blue light to not change the world colors much.

But there is a lot of evidence that you need to block all blue light and even part of the green to stimulate proper melatonin secretion.

One recommendation from me for blue light filter glasses if you are concerned about your sleep is to use orange and red ones.

Orange ones will block all blue light and part of the green which will be awesome for your sleep.

If you want to really biohack your sleep the red ones will probably be one idea better.

They will block all UV, blue and green light and leave you only with a red world.

This will cause the biggest melatonin peak and will stimulate conditions close to complete darkness.

Why should I choose Blue light filter glasses?

Aside from the things above blue light filter glasses are great for several things.

Block blue light from the TV

It’s almost impossible to block the blue light from the TV with software.

For example, you can install Iris on your computer and then duplicate your screen on the TV and reduce the blue light from the TV.

But if you just watch some TV channel you will probably need some hardware device to connect to your cable.

The nice thing about this is that you can have automation from the hardware device but glasses are way simpler to put on your head.

Even there you can also place some blue light filter sheet on your TV so glasses are not the only solution for TV.

Their real power comes from.

Blocking blue light from your lightbulbs

If you have LED light bulbs which I don’t recommend they emit a lot of blue light.

The only real way to block the blue light from light bulbs is to use glasses or to change them.

The reason I don’t recommend LED light bulbs is that they emit a lot of blue light.

They also most of the time use PWM to be more energy-saving.

You can see this in the graphics that I also included before.

I recommend the standard Edison light bulb (Incandescent) because it doesn’t flicker and the spectrum is will really low amounts of blue light.

You see that here there are other solutions again for blocking blue light.

I left the one thing which glasses are the best solution for the end.

Blocking blue light from the Sun

If you are concerned about blue light from the Sun the only good solution for you are blue light filter glasses.

You can of course just don’t go outside but you miss the other part of the health benefits for your skin and general health that comes from full-spectrum Sunlight.

If you want to block blue light from the Sun, get blue light filter glasses.

Blue light filter Softwares

Really great for automation and customization there are lots of them.

Starting from Iris which is the most advanced eye protection and sleep improvement tool

Going to f.lux which is the grandfather of the blue light industry

And mentioning Redshift which is not only free but open-source

There are a lot of blue light filtering software which you can choose.

What are Blue light filtering softwares bad for?

Because software are based on computer code they may not work on every operating system.

Blue light filtering software will also not work for blocking blue light from the TV.

They will not work for blocking blue light from light bulbs and the Sun.

There are certain minuses for software solutions but there are also a lot of pluses which a will talk about later.

On Android, for example, the only way to block blue light is to use Overlay approach which decreases contrast and it’s not really great.

This is what Twilight app does.

The other method for Android is to jailbreak your phone but this is hard for a lot of people.

Putting glasses or screen filter, in this case, is much easier.

Same goes for iOS.

On iOS, you can make great blue light filter but Apple doesn’t allow the developers to publish their solution to the Appstore so you can’t get the most high-quality software.

Here again, it’s much easier to put glasses or screen filter.

Last year both Android and iOS presented integrated solutions called Night Light and Night Shift, but they are really bad copies of high-quality software like Iris or f.lux.

They do block the blue light but they are just not specialized in this.

It’s like comparing Photoshop and Paint.

You can go much deeper and make awesome solution if you really focus on the blue light sleep and eye issues.

However, for most people, the integrated solutions will also work well.

There are also solutions for Windows, macOS and Linux called again with some names like Night Light, Night Shift and Night mode.

Why should I choose Blue light filter softwares?

There are some downsides like that you can’t block the Sunlight but blue light filter software are actually the best solution.

This is why I work on this kind of software obviously.

If I thought that something else is better I would probably do it instead.

I told you some of the pain points with software solutions but let’s not talk about the benefits now.

I’m sure that the biggest benefit for you will be that some of them are


I will not talk about the economic realities of this but most of the blue light filter software are free and they are super effective.

They can block all blue light, you can customize the amount of blue light being blocked.

Or you can block all blue and green light for best sleep.

You can customize them, schedule some things and some companies integrated filters into their OS.

You can find a free blue light filter in Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android.

You may know that Iris is paid and you may think that I’m super stupid and Iris don’t have even 1 user but the truth is that it’s not only the blue light.

Iris removes PWM pulsations, optimizes subpixel flicker, improves font rendering, adapts to the light around you and all kinds of stuff which are not the point of this article so it’s not like it’s not a successful project.

With over 2 million users, hundreds of positive reviews and a lot of people who pay for the software I’m really happy to do something which improves the people health.

Let’s go over the other benefits of blue light filters aside from that most of them are free.


Blue light filter softwares can adapt to all kinds of things.

They can adapt to the time of the day based on your clock or your position.

They can use sensors like the camera or adapt to the contents of the screen.

They can be paused when you need to and resumed when you want.

Some of them can pause automatically when certain programs are running.

Iris, for example, can adapt to the program that is currently running, stop itself when you need perfect colors or improve the image quality when you watch a movie.


With blue light filter software, you can also set how much blue light you want during the day and how much you want during the night.

In order to be really easy to use Iris, for example, has several types with preset values: Health, Sleep, Reading, Programming, Biohacker, Sunglasses, Dark, Movie, Overlay.

You probably understand why blue light filter softwares are the most popular solutions to block blue light.

It’s not only Blue light

It’s not only the Blue light.

There is also PWM flicker, Font rendering, Subpixel flicker, Temporal dithering, Rests, and ease of use.

Iris, for example, takes care of all things related to eye health and sleep.

For flickering, no glasses or screen filter will help you and your only solution may be software or to buy some really expensive monitor which is optimized for eye health.

Now let’s talk about the last category of blue light filters

Blue light Screen protectors

I will not enter into much more details here because I talked a lot about what blue light filter glasses are bad and good for.

With screen protectors the thing is similar but instead, you placing a glasses on yourself you place the glasses on your phone or screen or TV.

Blue light screen protectors again are bad for automation and customization.

They are also bad for blocking blue light from the Sun and from light bulbs.

With the new integrated solutions for every OS, they are also not the only solutions for smartphones.

One thing which screen filters are particularly good for is actually to make your glossy screen matte but most blue light filter screen protectors don’t do this.

I strongly recommend screen protectors which make glossy screens matte because this reduces reflections and will help a lot which eye pain and eye strain.

The other thing which blue light filter screen protectors are great is that like glasses they can block only some part of the blue light spectrum.

This is something which blue light filter softwares can’t do. Blue light filter softwares block the whole color spectrum at once.

Be careful however that there are a lot of scam into the blue light filter screen protector space.

While you can measure and see for yourself the orange or red tint made by glasses and software a lot of blue light filter screen protectors are a scam.

The reason for this is because regular screen protectors are really hard to sale.

They are all the same and super cheap.

This is why some people decide to change the name of their screen protector and make it blue blocking.

Sellers may tell you that it doesn’t change the image quality but the reason for this may be because it’s just a regular screen protector.

Sometimes the screen protector just protects your phone from scratches and don’t block any blue light.

I’m not saying that all blue light screen protectors are like this but be careful.

Look for measurements and what their tint is. If the tint is orange, yellow or red they probably work.

However, if the tint is transparent, there is a high chance that they don’t do anything.

Tell Friends

Thank you very much for reading and staying with me to the end of this long post 🙂

If you liked this article and you learned some new things about the blue light and how it affects our body

If this article helped you to choose the best blue light filter for you

If you think this may be helpful for somebody else

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Blue light filter Test Tue, 08 May 2018 14:01:55 +0000 In this article, I want to show you how you can test if your monitor emits blue light. To check if your monitor emits blue light click the image below to open it in a new tab. This will open an animation which switches from blue to black. To check if your monitor emits both blue and green light click ... Read More

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In this article, I want to show you how you can test if your monitor emits blue light.

To check if your monitor emits blue light click the image below to open it in a new tab.

This will open an animation which switches from blue to black.

To check if your monitor emits both blue and green light click the image below.

This will open an animation which switches from the combination of blue and green to black.

What to observe?

Ideally, if your monitor doesn’t emit blue or blue and green light you shouldn’t see a change in the color.

You should only see black square without any change of the color or hue like this

How to block all blue light?

Most blue light filters whether they are glasses, software or physical filters will not block all blue light.

Some of the time this is intentional because they only block part of the blue light spectrum or the goal is the screen to look more normal.

When all blue light is blocked the screen will look really green or really red.

When part of the blue light is blocked the screen will look yellow or orange.

Blue light filter Glasses

If your glasses look like the image above there is a high chance that they don’t do anything to block the blue light from your screen.

To block all blue light you probably will need some glasses with a red tint

Most of the effective blue light blocking glasses look like this.

In reality, however, this will also block all blue light and all green light.

This makes it really strange for me why nobody manufactures glasses with a green tint which will block all blue and red light

This will be interesting to test but if you only need to block the blue light you need some deep yellow or a little orange tint like this

So test your glasses with the test pictures at the beginning of this article.

If you see a black square at the first image then your glasses block all blue light.

If you see a black square at the second image then your glasses block both blue and green light.

Blue light filter Software

Software solutions by default will make the screen more orange which will block part of the blue and part of the green light.

Even from my experience if a person hasn’t heard of the bad effects of blue light he will probably not like the red screen at first.

Even to this day I still don’t block all the blue light from my screen because this makes my screen a little uncomfortable.

Same is true with the glasses. If all blue light is blocked everything will look red.

So be it Iris, f.lux, Redshift or any other software for eye protection and sleep improvement they will usually use 3400K at night by default which is half of the blue light.

You may notice that at 3400K there is still blue light visible

This is still helpful and I have talked to a lot of users about what they prefer and orange screen helps with eye strain and eye pain a lot.

The goal of Iris is to be eye protection software first and sleep improvement tool second.

I believe eye problems are way worse than sleep problems because you can fix your sleep just by cutting the computer usage at night.

Blocking all blue

However, if you really want to biohack and improve your sleep you need to go to 1900K or bellow.

1900K is the first value which will block all blue light and your screen will look deep orange.

This is why in the latest versions f.lux tries to set the color temperature to 1900K by default.

They are trying to force people to learn to remove all blue light for best sleep.

While you may notice that the first versions of f.lux don’t even have this option in the sliders.

There are a couple of differences in the different blue light blocking software products.

Iris operates at % of blue light + showing the color temperature at the upper right corner.

F.lux uses color temperature + showing light sources types.

For example in f.lux Halogen means 3400K while Candle means 1900K.

Basically, if you want to remove all blue light from your screen you want to strive for 1900K or Candle.

If you have trouble with the K values see this link What are the K values?

Everything bellow starts to cut also the green light which the latest medical researchers point that also have some effect on our sleep.

Blocking all blue and green

So if you really want to improve your sleep you also need to cut all green light at basically set Iris blue light to 0%

Notice how when all blue light and all green light is blocked how the screen is deep red.

You can achieve the same thing by using Sleep or Biohacker type.

Blue light physical filters

I will not go into too many details about the filters you place on your monitor because the logic is basically the same as with the glasses.

You need a red filter to block all blue and green light.

You need a yellow filter to block all blue light.

If you look at the picture above you need the second or the third filter.

This will block all blue light or all blue and green light.

Tell Friends

If you liked this article and you learned new things about how to block blue light

If you learned how to improve your sleep and feel less eye strain

If you want more and more people to learn about this

If you want your friends to protect themselves from the monitor harmful  rays and emissions

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Red Light Filter for PC Wed, 02 May 2018 10:53:03 +0000 Are you looking for a red-light filter for PC option? There are many reasons why you might want a red-light filter for your PC. While red light can be a problem it’s blue light that is usually a problem with your PC and you need the appropriate filter. Here’s why you need to filter blue light. Damaging to Your Eyes ... Read More

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Are you looking for a red-light filter for PC option?

There are many reasons why you might want a red-light filter for your PC.

While red light can be a problem it’s blue light that is usually a problem with your PC and you need the appropriate filter.

Here’s why you need to filter blue light.

Damaging to Your Eyes

Your computer emits what is called Blue Light. This light can impact the health of your eyes.

You may find yourself with issues of eye strain, eye pain, and you might not be able to get quality sleep.

Blue light can even interfere with the way that you sleep.

To combat this problem, you need a good blue light filter.

You might think you need a red-light filter PC option, but you really need a blue light filter to combat issues with blue light.

Solutions for Blue Light

The simplest solution to deal with blue light is to use your computer last often.

If you find that you’re having issues with eye strain or eye pain, you should take a break from your computer.

Most experts will recommend that you take at least a ten-minute break each hour when you’re working on a computer.

If you take frequent breaks, you won’t have as many issues with eye strain.

The main problem with this is that we often can’t take a lot of time off from our computer because we have a lot of work to do.

Another solution to dealing with eye strain and eye pain is to use blue light filter glasses.

You can get glasses that have a specific filter for blue light and you can wear these to reduce blue light issues with your computer.

This sounds like a good option, but these classes can be expensive and not everyone can wear them because they can be uncomfortable.

Iris Software

The simplest solution to deal with issues with blue light is to get proper software.

A company such as Iris produces exceptional blue light filter software.

You can install this on your computer and you’ll be protected from issues with blue light.

You don’t really need a red light filter for PC option you need a blue light filter option Is this is the light which damages your eyes not a red light.

The software provided by Iris Software has plenty of features and it can be customized to just how you need it to work.

If you want to protect your eyes, consider getting some software from Iris Software as it’s the best solution to dealing with issues that blue light can cause.


You want to protect your eyes from Blue Light. The easiest way to do this is to use Iris Software.

The software has a lot of features and settings that you can use on your computer.

The software works with all operating systems and it’s easy to set up.

To protect your eyes from blue light use the software produced by Iris as it’s the best solution for you.

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MacBook Blue Light Filter App Wed, 02 May 2018 10:48:27 +0000 Are you looking for a MacBook blue light filter app? If you own a MacBook you know that blue light can be a problem. When you have issues with blue light you can have eye strain as well as eye pain and this can lead to problems down the line. One way to correct this issue is with a proper ... Read More

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Are you looking for a MacBook blue light filter app?

If you own a MacBook you know that blue light can be a problem.

When you have issues with blue light you can have eye strain as well as eye pain and this can lead to problems down the line.

One way to correct this issue is with a proper blue light filter.

Here’s a little bit more about blue light filters and how they can help you.

Why a Blue Light Filter?

Computers produced several different types of light.

One type of light that can be harmful is called blue light.

You can’t see this type of light, but it can be damaging to your eyes over time.

If you suffer from issues of eye strain or eye pain this could be an indication that you’re getting too much blue light.

Over time this strain to your eyes can add up and you may find that you need more frequent breaks from your computer because your eyes are just too tired to do any work.

Solutions to Blue Light

There are several solutions to deal with the issue of blue light.

One simple solution is to use blue light filter glasses.

These types of glasses already have a blue light filter built into the glass and you can wear these to filter that light.

The main problem with these glasses is that they can be expensive, and you have to wear them all the time.

If you forget your glasses at home, for example, you won’t be able to protect your eyes from the blue light.

Other people reduce the issues of blue light by simply staying away from the computer.

This might work in the short run, but for those of us that need to use the computer for extended periods of time, this simply won’t work.

There are other solutions to blue light issues such as a MacBook blue light filter app.

Iris Software

Iris is a software that filters blue light programs also known as blue light filter.

We produce filters for Windows computers, for example as well as a quality MacBook blue light filter app.

Their software is easy to install, and it works with all operating systems including the operating system of the MacBook.

The software has plenty of settings and various features that you can use to make the most out of the software.

Once it’s installed on your computer you won’t have to worry about issues with blue light.

It reduces blue light, so you have fewer issues with eye strain or eye pain.

If you want to reduce blue light for your MacBook, Iris Software has a great solution for you.


You don’t have to deal with issues of eye strain or eye pain when you use a proper blue light filter.

Iris Software produces excellent filters to remove the blue light, so your eyes have less pain and other issues.

If you’re concerned about the health of your eyes, consider getting a quality blue light filter which will work with your MacBook through Iris Software.

Our company produces great blue light filters to help protect your eyes from issues that relate to blue light.

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Blue Light Blocking Screen Protector Wed, 02 May 2018 10:31:18 +0000 In today’s world, we use computers all of the time. We have a lot of work to do and we need to spend long hours at our computer. The main problem with this is that we can suffer from issues with eye pain and eye strain. To reduce these problems, we can use a blue light blocking screen protector. When ... Read More

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In today’s world, we use computers all of the time.

We have a lot of work to do and we need to spend long hours at our computer.

The main problem with this is that we can suffer from issues with eye pain and eye strain.

To reduce these problems, we can use a blue light blocking screen protector.

When we use this sort of protector, we can have fewer issues with eye strain or pain.

Why a Filter?

The main reason we want to use a blue light filter is that are computers admit this sort of light.

If you use a computer for an extended period of time this blue light can be damaging to your eyesight.

You may suffer from a lot of eye pain, eye strain, and you won’t be able to complete the work you need to do because your eyes are so tired.

When you use a proper blue light blocking screen protector You won’t have this much eye pain.

Other Solutions to Blue Light Problems

There are a few other solutions to deal with blue light. One of the easiest solutions is to Simply use your computer less often.

For most of us, this is not a practical solution. We need to spend long hours on our computer to complete the work we need to do during the day.

While you can take frequent breaks, this ends up eating into your productivity and you might not be able to get everything done that you want to do.

Another way to deal with blue light is to use blue light filter glasses.

these glasses come with a specific filter for issues with blue light.

The main problem with this is that these glasses can be quite expensive and if you don’t like wearing glasses, they can be cumbersome.

Iris Software

The best way to deal with issues with blue light is to use proper filter software.

Iris is a company that produces exceptional blue light filter software.

We have the proper blue light blocking screen protector that you need.

The software we produce is easy to set up and you won’t have any problems getting it to work with your operating system because it works with all operating systems.

The software has a lot of settings and features that you can use.

Once you get the software setup you won’t have to worry about blue light anymore and you can work on your computer whenever you want to.

If you want to protect your eyes from the blue light you need the right filter.

Iris Software produces excellent blue light filter software that you can use for your computer.


You don’t have to suffer from issues with blue light. If you use the right software on your computer you’re not going to have any problems with eye strain, eye pain, and you’ll even sleep better.

You need to take care of your eyes so look the software such as Iris Software which produces excellent blue light filter software to meet your needs.

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Computer Screen Filter Protect Eyes Sat, 28 Apr 2018 13:51:53 +0000 If you use a computer for an extended period of time you may need to look at a computer screen filter protect eyes solution. The main reason why you want to protect your eyes when you use a computer screen for a long time is that the screen emits what is called blue light. This light can end up damaging ... Read More

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If you use a computer for an extended period of time you may need to look at a computer screen filter protect eyes solution.

The main reason why you want to protect your eyes when you use a computer screen for a long time is that the screen emits what is called blue light.

This light can end up damaging to your eyes over time.

Why a Filter?

The best way to reduce blue light is to use a blue screen filter.

There are several ways to protect your eyes from a blue light.

A filter will reduce the blue light, so you have less instances of eye strain or eye pain when you use a computer during the day.

If you’re a frequent computer user you may notice that your eyes are getting tired or you just don’t feel as well as you usually do.

This could be an indication that blue light is straining your eyes.

Here are a few solutions to reduce blue light.

How to Reduce Blue Light

One way to reduce blue light, is to use blue light filter glasses.

This is a computer screen filter protect eyes solution, but it’s not the best one.

Blue light filter glasses can cost a lot of money and you need to have them with you all the time when you work on your computer.

You may find glasses cumbersome to use so they may not be the best solution for you.

Another simple way to reduce blue light is to stay away from your computer.

For most people that’s not a practical solution because we need to stay at our computer for long hours to do the work we need to do during the day.

There are better solutions to reduce blue light such as computer software.

Iris Software

One of the best ways to reduce blue light is to use filter software such as the blue light filter software produced by Iris.

This company offers a computer screen protect eyes solution that is better than other solutions.

They produced a software that can reduce blue light and it will work on various operating systems.

All you do is install the software on your computer and it will give you blue light protection.

The software comes with many different modes and settings, so you can get the software to work exactly how you want it to.

If you’re looking to protect your eyes from blue light, it makes sense to use software such as that produced by Iris Software.


Your eyesight is important to you. If you use a computer for a long period of time you need a proper blue light filter.

One of the best solutions for reducing blue light is to use blue light filter software.

Iris is a company that produces exceptional blue light filter software.

You can use this software to reduce blue light on your computer, so you have less eye strain, eye pain, and you’ll even sleep better as a result.

Protect your eyes now by using blue light filter software.


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Blue Light Screen Protector Computer Sat, 28 Apr 2018 13:47:39 +0000 Are you looking for a blue light screen protector computer filter? Whenever you use a laptop or a personal computer, you are exposed to blue light. This light can be harmful to your eyes. Here’s a little bit more about a blue light screen filter and how it can help you. Computers Harm Your Eyes You need a blue light ... Read More

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Are you looking for a blue light screen protector computer filter?

Whenever you use a laptop or a personal computer, you are exposed to blue light.

This light can be harmful to your eyes. Here’s a little bit more about a blue light screen filter and how it can help you.

Computers Harm Your Eyes

You need a blue light screen protector computer filter because the light that comes from your computer can be damaging to your eyes.

As you work on a computer you may find that your eyes get tired.

You may need to take frequent breaks because of eye strain.

In some cases, you may get a headache or even feel sick and need rest.

The eye strain caused by the blue light that comes from your computer can be a real problem.

One way to solve this issue is to get a blue light filter which eliminates the blue light and makes using your computer a lot easier.

Some Common Ways to Reduce Blue Light

There are some common ways that people will reduce blue light from their computer.

One way to do this is to get specially designed glasses that have a blue light filter already installed in the glass.

These special glasses can cost a lot of money and they’re not always practical for most individuals.

If you don’t wear glasses already, you may find them to be quite uncomfortable and not the best way to reduce blue light from your computer.

You could end up spending a lot of money on blue light filter glasses.

Another way that people deal with blue light from the computer is to simply use their computer a lot less and give their eyes more rest.

This is a good option for some people, but for those of us that work long hours and need to be at our computer, this is not very practical.

If you spend a lot of time at your computer, you need a proper blue light filter, so you have less eye strain.

Best option

The best option for a blue light screen protector computer filter is to use special software.

This software can be installed on any computer with any operating system and it can reduce blue light, so you get less eye strain and you feel comfortable when you’re using your computer.

Iris is a company that makes exceptional software that you can use as a blue light filter.

This software is easy to install, and it will reduce blue light, so you have less eyestrain when you’re using your computer.

Well, there are other methods to reduce eye strain, the best option is to use proper software such as that supplied by Iris. 


Blue light can be a problem and you need a proper blue light screen protector computer filter to deal with the issue.

If you want to reduce eye strain, consider the software supplied by Iris as they have exceptional blue light filter software which will reduce your eye strain, so you can use your computer without having to worry about resting your eyes.


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Blue Light Macular Degeneration Sat, 28 Apr 2018 13:41:45 +0000 For individuals that use computers for extended periods during the day, it’s important to use a blue light filter. If you don’t use a blue light filter, you could have health issues. Some individuals even suffer from blue light macular degeneration issues because their eyes get strained from extended computer use. Here’s a little bit more about blue light and why ... Read More

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For individuals that use computers for extended periods during the day, it’s important to use a blue light filter.

If you don’t use a blue light filter, you could have health issues.

Some individuals even suffer from blue light macular degeneration issues because their eyes get strained from extended computer use.

Here’s a little bit more about blue light and why it can be so damaging to your eyes.

Blue Light and Your Health

People that use computers for long periods of time can suffer from blue light macular degeneration.

Studies have shown that a large amount of exposure to Blue Light can be damaging to cells in the retina which are light sensitive.

This can cause changes that resemble changes cause to your eyes through macular degeneration.

When you suffer from this sort of eye issue, you can even have complete loss of your vision.

More research does need to be done on blue light and how it impacts the eyes.

Healthcare providers are concerned that blue light exposure from computers is damaging to your eyes and may even lead to issues with macular degeneration later on in your life.

It’s important to reduce eye strain and there are several ways you can go about this.

Reducing Eye Strain

One of the easy ways to reduce eye strain is to simply spend less time on your computer.

You can reduce eye strain and issues with blue light if you take frequent breaks from your computer.

For many individuals, this is not a practical solution because we need to spend long hours on a computer to do the work that we have to do during a given day.

Another way you can reduce eye strain is to use specific glasses for blue light.

These glasses can be equipped with a blue light filter and when you wear them, you filter out the blue light, so you have less eye strain and less eye pain.

Iris Software

One of the best ways to reduce blue light macular degeneration and other eye issues is to use software to reduce blue light.

Iris Software is a company that produces blue light filter software.

When you install this on your computer it will reduce blue light, so you have less eye pain, less eye fatigue, and you’ll even sleep better.

This software has many settings that you can use, and it works with all operating systems.

This is a robust solution to reduce blue light from your computer.

The software is simple to set up and once it is set up on your computer you won’t have to worry about it.

If you want to take care of your eyesight, then this software can help you.


There are many different ways to reduce blue light. One of the best solutions is to use Iris Software.

This software can be installed on your computer and you won’t have to worry about blue light any longer.

You can spend time on your computer to do the things that you want to do and the blue light filter will reduce the impacts that blue light has on your eyes.

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Blue Light Blocking Computer Screen Sat, 28 Apr 2018 13:37:11 +0000 If you work on a computer for extended hours during the day, you need a blue light blocking computer screen filter. When you work on a computer for long hours you’ll end up with a lot of eye strain. The reason for this is that computers produce what is called blue light. This light ends up straining your eyes to ... Read More

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If you work on a computer for extended hours during the day, you need a blue light blocking computer screen filter.

When you work on a computer for long hours you’ll end up with a lot of eye strain.

The reason for this is that computers produce what is called blue light.

This light ends up straining your eyes to a great degree and it can make it difficult to work long hours.

Here’s a little bit more about blue light and how you can reduce this light, so you feel better.

Why a Filter?

When you work on a computer it can cause a lot of eye strain.

You don’t see a blue light when you’re working on your computer.

This light ends up causing you a lot of difficulties because it can be damaging to your eyesight.

You may end up feeling tired and it can even make you feel sick over an extended period.

To reduce the amount of blue light that your computer admits, you should use a blue light blocking computer screen filter.

There are several ways that you can go about this.

Blue Light Glasses

One way to reduce blue light is to have a special type of glasses which have a blue light filter.

They make these glasses for computer use and in some cases, you can even have the filter installed with it your prescription.

These glasses do work quite well, but you have to have them with you all the time when you work on your computer.

If you leave them at home, you’ll still suffer from the effects of blue light.

Another downside to these glasses is that they cost a lot of money.

There are better options to reduce blue light then blue light glasses although they do work as intended.

Less Computer Time

The simplest solution to reduce blue light and reduce eye strain is to simply use your computer that’s often.

This might work for regular individuals who don’t spend a lot of time on the computer, but for others, this isn’t practical.

Some of us need to spend long hours on our computer to do the work we need to do on any given day, so this option isn’t the best solution.

Blue Light Software

The best solution to reduce blue light is to use specific software that you install on your computer to reduce blue light issues. Iris is a company that produces exceptional blue light filter software.

This is the best solution to reduce blue light because it’s easy to install and once it’s installed you just forget that it’s there.

The software has plenty of features and options that you can use to get the software to work just the way you want.

It works with all types of operating systems and it will reduce blue light, so you have less eye strain.


You need a blue light blocking computer screen filter. You can get soft worm through Iris as this company produces exceptional blue light filter software to reduce blue light on your computer, so you have less eye strain and can do the work you need to do.


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Computer Screen Filter For Eyes Sat, 28 Apr 2018 13:14:57 +0000 If you work on a computer for a long period of time, you may find that your eyes start to get too tired. The reason for this is that computers emit what is called blue light. This light can make your eyes feel tired. This is why you need a computer screen filter for eyes to reduce this blue light. ... Read More

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If you work on a computer for a long period of time, you may find that your eyes start to get too tired.

The reason for this is that computers emit what is called blue light.

This light can make your eyes feel tired. This is why you need a computer screen filter for eyes to reduce this blue light.

How A Filter Helps

A blue light filter will reduce the blue light that comes from your laptop, personal computer, or another computer that you use at home.

This blue light can’t be seen but it still causes eye strain and other eye problems when you sit at a computer for extended periods.

This is why professionals recommend that you take frequent breaks from your computer and not workout it for a long time.

When you take breaks, you will reduce the amount of blue light that your eyes are receiving.

Common Solutions

There are a couple of common solutions that you can use to reduce blue light.

One of the easiest ways to simply use your computer for less time.

For many people, this is not a practical solution because we need to spend long hours at our computer to do the work we need to do during the day.

You can also get specific glasses that have a blue light filter installed.

This is also not as practical because you have to have the glasses with you at all times when you use your computer. Some people may find glasses uncomfortable to use.

There are better solutions to this such as using a computer screen filter for eyes with software.

Iris Software

Iris is a company that produces blue light filter software.

The software is easy to use and has 9 simple presets. You can choose many different combinations and there are different modes in the software, so it can work just the way that you want.

They have an automatic mode, a manual mode, and a paused mode.

The software also features different types such as reading, sleep, health, biohacker, programming, sunglasses, movie, and dark.

You’ll be able to use a type to suit any need that you have.

The software is also well-documented, so you’ll find it easy to use to reduce blue light.

Improved Health

When you use Iris Software you’ll also improve your health.

You’ll have less eye strain when you use your computer simply for the fact that you have a proper blue light filter installed.

You will reduce instances of eye pain when you use a proper blue light filter.

When you have the right filter you’ll even get better sleep because your body will produce more melatonin and you’ll be able to fall asleep faster.

Using the proper blue light filter such as the ones produced by Iris software can improve your health to a great degree, so you can use your computer whenever you need it


You need a computer screen filter for eyes. A good filter such as the ones produced by Iris Software can make using your computer a lot easier.

You’ll be able to use your computer for extended periods of time and you won’t have to worry about the impacts of blue light.


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Why does a Blue light keep you Awake? Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:48:54 +0000 Study and research have shown that the light coming out of our phones and our laptops is extremely dangerous for our mental health. Now, we are pretty sure that you have somehow heard of this fact before or you might have heard from people that don’t use too much mobile or computer, yet, you don’t pay much heed to this ... Read More

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Study and research have shown that the light coming out of our phones and our laptops is extremely dangerous for our mental health.

Now, we are pretty sure that you have somehow heard of this fact before or you might have heard from people that don’t use too much mobile or computer, yet, you don’t pay much heed to this sensitive topic and you continue to destroy your vision and your nervous system too.

Now, if you are someone who is curious on how our mental health gets affected by the light coming out of the screen then you are at the right place, reading the right article.

Today we are going to tell you all about the blue light, its effect on us and why does this light keep you awake at night. 

What Is Blue Light?

Those who have never heard of this term before need to stick to this article because again, it is going to be very beneficial for you.

Now, you see the light coming out of the electronic devices such as your phone, laptop and tablet are known as the blue light and this is the most dangerous type of light especially at the night time.

Now the reason why we called it dangerous is that the human eye is unable to filter the blue light and it goes straight to the retina of the eyes, this is where all the problem begins.

The Effect Of Blue Light?

Blue light has a positive side to it too and it comes with several health benefits but again, the excess exposure of it to the eyes is the major problem.

The blue light of the screen can become a serious problem for your eyes as it puts constant strain on your eyes and that strain then starts disturbing your nervous system.

Why Does It Keep You Awake?

Now the answer to this question is very simple, what actually happens is that when at night you use too much of the screen, the blue light of it starts putting extra strain on your eyes and that strain then goes straight to your nervous system.

This is the main reason why people find it difficult to sleep at night and this is how blue light keeps you awake.

 What Can Be Done?

Now you might be wondering that what exactly can be done in order to avoid more sleepless nights.

Well, truth be told, there are only two solutions to this problem.

Either you can start avoiding the use of your mobile phones and laptops at night or if this isn’t what you can do then you can use the blue light filters to protect your eyes and your nervous system.

Blue light filters are no less than a blessing and they are the best because with them you can easily use your screen for long durations without harming your eyes.

One of the best blue light software is Iris.

What Is Iris?

Iris is a blue light filter software that can be used both, on a laptop and on mobile too.

This software is very intelligent as it optimized and adjusts the light of your screen as per the light around you.

The adjustment of the blue light is done with such perfection that it starts appearing natural to the eyes and hence there is no strain felt.

No strain on the eyes means no strain on the nervous system and hence you get to have a sound sleep at night.

So, try this software on your phone or laptop for once and you will see the results.


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Why is Blue light before Bedtime bad for Sleep? Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:45:26 +0000 Have you ever heard people saying that mobile phones and laptops should not be used at night? Well, we are pretty sure that you heard this from someone at some point in your life but you never focused on why do people say that. Well, if you are someone who is curious to know the answer to this concept then ... Read More

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Have you ever heard people saying that mobile phones and laptops should not be used at night?

Well, we are pretty sure that you heard this from someone at some point in your life but you never focused on why do people say that.

Well, if you are someone who is curious to know the answer to this concept then you are at the right place, reading the right article.

Today we are going to tell you why the screen of your electronic device is your worst enemy, especially during the night time.

Blue Light

We all know the fact that there are different types of lights around us such as the white light, green light, red light etc and blue light is also one of these natural lights present around us.

Now, there is this concept of wavelengths among these lights that the shorter the wavelength is, the stronger the light will be and unfortunately among all the types of lights, blue light is the one with the shortest wavelength, this means, blue light can become your worst enemy if it reaches your eyes excessively.

Where The Trouble Begins

Now, blue light has several benefits and we don’t totally deny its presence and advantages but on the other hand, it can cause equal harm to the human eye and nervous system just like the UV light.

Now, we are sure you know how dangerous UV light can be for humans and again it is not the light that is harmful in fact it is the excessive exposure of that light that later becomes an issue for us humans.

Why Is Blue Light A Problem At Night

Now coming back to the topic of today that why exactly and how can blue light be bad for you especially when it is your bedtime.

You see what actually happens is that when you use too much of your mobile phone or laptop at night, the light of your screen starts putting extra strain on your eyes.

This strain is doubled up at the night time because the light around us is dimmer and dull and that requires the eye to put more effort on focusing on the screen.

Now, with the passage of time, the strain reaches a point where it starts affecting the nervous system and this is where all the problem lies.

A disturbed nervous system then makes it tough for you to have a sound sleep at night because it has been under constant strain throughout the day.

Now we hope you can now understand why is it bad to use the screen at night.

The Solutions

Now you might be wondering that what can you do in order to reduce this strain or avoid the danger caused by the blue light coming out of the screen.

Well, don’t worry because there are several things that can be done to protect your eyes.

The best way to take care of your eyes is to use blue light filters on your mobiles and your laptops.

These filters are easily available online and you can use them with complete ease for the protection purpose.

Now if you are looking for recommendations then we do have one amazing blue light filter recommendation for you. We are talking about none other than Iris.

How Iris Works?

Among all the other blue light filters, Iris is the best and there are reasons to why we consider it the best.

What actually happens is that Iris optimized and adjusts the light of your screen in such a way that it appears natural to your naked eye.

Hence you don’t feel any strain on your eyes and you get to have a better and sound sleep at night.

This software is available for both, your laptops and your phones and you can easily download it online.

So, if you are someone who is worried about the protection of his eyes then you need to give Iris a try and you will see the results on your own.

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Why is Blue light bad for You? Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:42:12 +0000 Before getting started with the topic of today, first, let’s talk a bit about blue light, what it is and how it affects your vision and your lifestyle. Most importantly if you are someone who hasn’t yet heard of the term “blue light” then you need to stick to this article because today we are going to give you all ... Read More

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Before getting started with the topic of today, first, let’s talk a bit about blue light, what it is and how it affects your vision and your lifestyle.

Most importantly if you are someone who hasn’t yet heard of the term “blue light” then you need to stick to this article because today we are going to give you all the information on blue light and what can be done to protect your eyes from it. 

What Is Blue Light?

One of the most common questions asked by many people is that what exactly is blue light.

Well, we will cut it short for you, you see if you are using a mobile, a tablet or a laptop to read this article then know that you are exposing your eyes to some serious and very dangerous light.

That dangerous light is known as blue light. Blue light is basically present all around us and one of the major sources of blue light is the Sun.

Have you ever read or heard that excessive exposure to the ultraviolet rays from the Sun can damage your skin?

Well, if you did then know that alongside the UV rays, Sun generates a big amount of blue light too which is dangerous for the eyes.

Now, you might be wondering that how can someone avoid the blue light from the Sun?

Well, that is not the concern of today, in fact, the concern for today is the blue light that is coming out of your screens.

We all spend all our day using these tablets and mobiles without knowing the fact that they are destroying our eyes to a limit where it can even cause permanent vision loss.

The Effect Of Bluelight

Now for a while thing of vision loss and we are sure you got goosebumps with that though because let’s face it, no vision means no life.

Now let’s talk about why and how does blue light affect our eyes?

First, let’s get one thing straight, blue light has some good side to it too, it increases the activity of mind, keeps it active and working but the excess exposure of the eye to the blue light can cause several diseases that are unimaginable.

Bluelight has a bad effect on the eyes especially at the night time when you are using your screens.

What happens is that the light around you is dimmer and dark and the one light coming out of your screen puts a direct strain on your eyes, your retina and ultimately your nervous system.

Has it ever occurred to you that you’ve been in front of the screen all day long and at the night time it becomes difficult for you to sleep?

Well, if yes then know that your sleep is getting disturbed due to the blue light coming out of your screens. 

What Can Be Done?

Obviously, you cannot start avoiding using cellphones and laptops but what can be done is that you can install a blue light filter software or application on your phone and your laptop too.

There are currently several filters available online and on your play store and you can easily access and download them to protect your eyes. One of the best blue light filter at the moment is Iris. 

What Is Iris?

Iris is one of the most used blue light filter software that can be used on mobile phones and laptops too.

The main purpose of Iris is to protect your eyes from the dangers of the light coming out of your screen.

If you genuinely care about your eyes then we suggest you to give Iris a try and you will see the results for yourself.

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Why is Blue light bad for Sleep? Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:37:23 +0000 It is a sad fact that we all are unknowingly destroying our eyes and harming them every single day. The number of people with vision issues is increasing at a rapid pace but yet we don’t pay much heed to this matter. On the other hand, these small eye injuries and ocular diseases can lead us to even vision loss. ... Read More

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It is a sad fact that we all are unknowingly destroying our eyes and harming them every single day.

The number of people with vision issues is increasing at a rapid pace but yet we don’t pay much heed to this matter.

On the other hand, these small eye injuries and ocular diseases can lead us to even vision loss.

This is the reason why the need of the hour is that we all start taking note of what wrong we are doing to our eyes.

You see eyes are the most sensitive part of the human body and they need extra care and again, even a little injury can cost us a lot. 

Blue Light

There surely are a number of benefits of the blue light but on the other hand, the excessive exposure of the eyes to the blue light can actually create dreadful circumstances for us.

Especially when your eyes are exposed to the blue light at the night time, that is where all the problem begins. The more blue light goes into your eyes, the more strain it puts on the eyes and ultimately your nervous system starts getting under stress.

This is like a circle basically, the continuous strain on the eyes affects the nervous system and hence you become deprived of a sound sleep at night.

Is Blue Light Bad For Sleep?

So, the answer to this question is “yes”. Blue light has a very negative impact on the nervous system and you don’t get to have a sound sleep at night.

Now, you might be thinking that where exactly does this blue light come from and what can be done in order to protect the eyes.

Well, blue light is everywhere around us and the major source of blue light is the Sun.

On the other hand, the screens of our phones, laptops, and tablets also have the blue light and that is exactly where the problem begins.

You can avoid going much under the Sun for prolonged hours but when it comes to cellphones and tablets, well we all know the fact that these devices have now become a part of our lives and we just cannot stop using them.

So, now the main question here is that what exactly can be done. Well, don’t worry because we are going to give you some solutions to this problem too. 

The Solution

Well, there are a few things that can be done in order to protect your eyes from the blue light, you see you can try reducing the brightness of your phone and if even that won’t work and the strain on your eyes stays constant then you can try using blue light filters on your screen.

These filters can actually help you in reducing the strain and pain in your eyes that is caused by the excessive exposure to blue light.

There are a number of these filters available online and among all of them Iris is known to be the best one.

How Iris Works?

Those who don’t know about Iris need to try this software for once because it is genuinely one of the best blue light filters that come with various features and adjustments.

It basically works by adjusting and optimizing the light of your screen according to the light around you.

Yes, you read it right, Iris is one intelligent software that is available for both, the screen of your laptop and the screen of your phone too.

If you want to see the results then we suggest you try Iris once and we assure you that you will love the results.

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Which type of Light is good for the Eyes? Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:32:41 +0000 Have you ever noticed that the amount of people with eyesight problems is increasing at a rapid pace? Like, there is a big amount of the population that is wearing glasses for weak eyesight and this is something to be worried about. Now, there obviously is one common reason of why people are falling victim to eyesight problems and that ... Read More

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Have you ever noticed that the amount of people with eyesight problems is increasing at a rapid pace?

Like, there is a big amount of the population that is wearing glasses for weak eyesight and this is something to be worried about.

Now, there obviously is one common reason of why people are falling victim to eyesight problems and that reason is the excessive use of cellphones and laptops.

Yes, you read it right, it is that time of life when almost everyone is using these devices and we all are unknowingly destroying our eye.

The Effect Of Light On Eyes

The use of laptops and phones isn’t dangerous but if you start using the screen excessively and for long durations then obviously it is going to destroy your eyes.

The light coming out of the screen is the major thing that affects your vision and this is something we all need to pay heed too.

Now, the question here is that what light is good for the eyes and what should be done about the blue light coming out of the screen. Well, don’t worry because we do have answers to that too.

You see there is blue light everywhere around you and one of the biggest sources of blue light is the Sun, now obviously one cannot start avoiding the Sun but we surely can avoid other sources of blue light.

Here we want to clear one thing again that blue light comes with some benefits too but the “excessive” exposure of the eye to this light is what causes the main problem. 

What Light Is Good For The Eyes

It is clear and simple, the light that puts a strain on your eyes isn’t good for you.

On the other hand, you can change the bulbs around you and you can opt for LED bulbs, the traditional incandescent bulbs, and halogen bulbs as they come with a warmer light that is good for the eyes.

Moreover, for the blue light coming out of the screens, you can use blue light filters, especially at the night time.

Blue light becomes more dangerous for you at night because the light around you is darker and dimmer than the light coming out of your screen, ultimately, what happens is that the blue light coming from the screen of your phone starts putting excessive strain on your eyes and ultimately your nervous system gets disturbed.

Here is where blue light filter plays its part, you see there are several blue light filters available online and these filters are no less than a blessing because they protect your eyes from all sorts of damages. 


One of the most common and the most used blue light filter is called Iris, it basically is a software that comes with several benefits and numerous features.

The basic principle of Iris is to adjust the light of your screen in such a way that it looks natural to the eyes.

Hence, you don’t feel any strain and this is what this magical software is all about.

No strain means a relaxed nervous system and relaxed eyes to and that ultimately gives you a chance to have a sound sleep at night too.

Not only improved sleep and prevention of strain are what Iris promotes in fact with it you will be able to get rid of the unnecessary eye pain too.

So, yes you can say that it is an amazing software that can be used both, on a laptop and on a phone too.

If you are also worried about your vision then we suggest you try this filter for once and you will see the results for yourself.



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What is Blue light filter Glasses? Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:27:03 +0000 There has recently been a lot of hype about blue light filters and their effectiveness when it comes to the protection of the eyes. However, there yet is a big figure of the population that is unaware of the term “blue light” and its dangers. If you are also someone who wants to know everything in detail about blue light ... Read More

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There has recently been a lot of hype about blue light filters and their effectiveness when it comes to the protection of the eyes.

However, there yet is a big figure of the population that is unaware of the term “blue light” and its dangers.

If you are also someone who wants to know everything in detail about blue light and the blue light filter glasses then you are at the right place, reading the right article.

Today we are going to tell you everything about it so don’t forget to take notes because this article is going to be very useful for you. 

What Is Blue Light?

There are different types of lights around us like white light, red light, green light and the blue light.

Now, every light has a different wavelength and it is said that the longer the wavelength is, the less energy it has.

Blue light among all the other lights is considered to have the shortest wavelength and that is where the problem begins.

Blue light cannot be filtered by the naked human eye and it goes straight to the retina of the eye and obviously, if you are going to expose your eyes constantly to the blue light then that can be a problem for your vision.

Moreover, blue light is also considered to be equally dangerous as UV light which is also known as the ultraviolet light. So, from that, you can have an idea of how dangerous it can be for us and our eyes.

Our Eyes and Blue Light

Unfortunately blue light is the only light that cannot be blocked by our eyes and again this is the major issue.

This is the reason why people mostly tell you that you should not use your mobile phone, especially at night.

Excessive exposure to blue light to the eye can actually lead you to permanent vision loss too and as you grow older, your eyes become more and more sensitive to this light.

Now, in order to save our eyes from the damage of the blue light, we all need to find out some solutions that can help us with the protection or else the circumstances may get worse.

What Can Be Done?

Now, we won’t ask you to stop using your screens because let’s face it mobile phones and laptops have now become a part of our lives but what there are several other things you can do in order to protect yourself from the damage of the blue light.

Firstly, you can start avoiding the use of electronic devices, especially at the night time.

Secondly, you can start using blue light filters on your phones, tablets, and computers so that the light of your screen won’t enter directly into your retina.

Thirdly you can try on the blue light filter glasses while you are using your screens, these glasses are easily available and you can buy them from any eye care.

Blue Light Filters

The blue light filters are currently the talk of the town and the number of these filter applications and software is increasing at a rapid pace.

One of the best blue light filter software till date is Iris.

Iris is considered to be the best software for both, your phones and your computers because it actually optimizes and adjusts the temperature of your screen in such a way that it looks completely natural to your eyes.

So, yes if you are looking forward to protecting your eyes from your screen light then we suggest you give Iris a try.



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What is the Best Blue light filter for Android? Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:18:22 +0000 Before telling you about the best blue light filter, let’s talk a bit about the blue light filter, what it is and why would you need it. We all at some point of our lives have heard from other people that excessive use of mobile phones and laptops isn’t good for our health but we never tried to figure out ... Read More

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Before telling you about the best blue light filter, let’s talk a bit about the blue light filter, what it is and why would you need it.

We all at some point of our lives have heard from other people that excessive use of mobile phones and laptops isn’t good for our health but we never tried to figure out the answer that why is it so.

We never pay much heed to this topic because there isn’t much awareness among people regarding it.

However, if you are someone who is curious and wants to know the reason why these screens are bad for you then you are at the right place, reading the right article.

Today we are going to jot down the problem, the reason for the problem and the solution to it too.

So, folks take notes of what we are about to tell you because this article can actually be very useful for you. 

The Problem

It is said that one should not use too much of his mobile phone because the light and the rays coming out of the screen is not healthy for the human eye.

Now, not many know that the light coming out of all the electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, and mobiles is known as the blue light.

This light is basically everywhere around us but the problem begins when our eyes are exposed to direct blue light especially at the time of night.

The human eye is unable to filter the blue light and it goes straight to the retina of the eye and if you constantly expose your eyes to this light then ultimately it will start putting a strain on your eyes and then this strain goes straight up to the nervous system.

As a result, your nervous system gets disturbed and you are unable to have a sound sleep at night.

The Solution

Now you might be wondering that what exactly can be done in order to protect your eyes from this dangerous light.

Well, again don’t worry because we are here to tell you about the solution too.

You see we won’t ask you to stop using your cellphones because in this age we all know the fact that mobiles have become a part of our lives but what you can do is that you can apply blue light filters on your Android handsets.

Yes, you read it right, there are blue light filters available for both, your laptop screens and your mobile phones too. 

The Best Blue Light Filter

If you are looking for a sincere recommendation for the best blue light filter then we will suggest you try Iris once.

Iris is currently being used by thousands of people and yes it is very very effective.

It is more of a three problems one solution type software that helps you in reducing the strain on your eyes, it protects your eyes and with it, you will be able to sleep well at night too.

What actually happens is that with Iris you get to protect your eyes from the intensity of the blue light coming out of the screen of your phone.

The software is intelligent enough that it adjusts and optimizes the light of your screen in such a way that it starts appearing natural to the human eye and that is what we all need at this age.

Blue light filters are now becoming a trend and people are now finally getting more and more awareness on the protection of their eyes.

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What Color Light is Good for Sleep? Sat, 31 Mar 2018 23:31:38 +0000 Before getting started with the topic of today, we would first like to tell you that this article is for all those people out there who consider the health of their eyes important. This article is for all those who find it hard to sleep peacefully at night due to eye strain, pain and injury too. It is a sad ... Read More

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Before getting started with the topic of today, we would first like to tell you that this article is for all those people out there who consider the health of their eyes important.

This article is for all those who find it hard to sleep peacefully at night due to eye strain, pain and injury too.

It is a sad fact that a big figure of the world’s population is falling victim to ocular diseases and the weakness of the eyesight is now considered a normal thing.

But truth be told, this is not something that is normal, weakness of the eyesight can actually become a bigger problem with the passage of time.

Sometimes even a small injury to the eyes can lead a person to permanent vision loss and we are pretty sure this isn’t something anyone would want. 

What’s The Basic Issue?

Now, you might be wondering that what exactly can lead a person to ocular diseases and why are people falling victim to it so quickly?

Well, the answer is something that we all do know but we don’t pay much heed to it.

The problem lies with the excessive use of mobiles, laptops, television, tablets and all other such devices.

All of these devices produce blue light that goes straight to the retina.

Also, it is a fact that blue light is the only type of light which the eye cannot filter and this is where the problem begins.

You keep using the mobile and laptop screen throughout the day and that constantly puts your eyes under strain.

The strain on the eyes than starts affecting your nervous system and hence you lose the ability to concentrate on certain things and most importantly, you don’t get to have a sound sleep then.

What Can Be Done?

Now we obviously can’t suggest you to stop using your phones and your computers but at least you can avoid it at the night time.

Moreover, if the nature of your work demands from you to use the screens at the night too then we have another solution for you and that is the blue light filter.

These filters are available online and in your play stores too and you can easily download them.

However one of the best blue light filter software is Iris. 

What Is Iris?

Iris is a software that is made with the modern technology and the sole purpose of this software is to protect your eyes from the damage of blue light.

What actually happens is that Iris optimizes and adjusts the light of your screen in such a way that it starts appearing natural to the naked eye and all the strain and stress is gone with it.

By applying this filter you can use your screen even at the night time and we assure you that you won’t feel any kind of stress on your eyes.

Automatically, your nervous system will stay relaxed and you will be able to have a sound sleep at night.

There are several people using this software on their phones and laptops at the moment and till now Iris is totally successful in protecting the eyes of the people from getting damaged.

If you are also someone who is worried about his eyes then you need to try this software for once and you will feel the results on your own.

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Is Blue Light Bad for Sleep? Sat, 31 Mar 2018 22:41:05 +0000 Before moving towards any conclusion, let’s first talk a bit about blue light and what it is. If you are someone who has never heard of this term before then you need to stick to this article. Today we are going to tell you all about the blue light, its effect on our eyes and how dangerous it is becoming ... Read More

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Before moving towards any conclusion, let’s first talk a bit about blue light and what it is.

If you are someone who has never heard of this term before then you need to stick to this article.

Today we are going to tell you all about the blue light, its effect on our eyes and how dangerous it is becoming for us.

So, folks take notes of what we are about to tell you because this article can be very beneficial for you and for the protection of your eyes.

Blue light is basically everywhere around us and the basic reason why it is considered to be one of the most dangerous lights is, that it comes with a very short and high energy wavelength.

This wavelength can become an issue for the human eye because our eyes are very sensitive and the blue light goes straight to the retina of the eye where all the problem begins.

Moreover, the blue light becomes dangerous for the eyes, especially at the night time.

What actually happens is that when the light around you becomes dull and dim at night, the light of your screen starts putting a strain on your eyes and ultimately the continuous strain leads you to a disturbed nervous system.

Now we all know the fact that when our nervous system gets disturbed, our sleeping cycle automatically becomes abnormal.

The Relation Between Blue Light & Nervous System

Has it ever occurred to you that you used your mobile phone all the day and then at night you felt like you weren’t able to sleep well?

Well, if yes then know that this was the effect of excessive blue light on your eyes.

When your eyes are kept under continuous strain, they ultimately start affecting your nervous system and then you don’t get to have a sound sleep at night.

So, yes the blue light is definitely bad for your sleep and you need to take measures to protect your eyes along with your nervous system.

What Can Be Done?


Now we obviously won’t suggest you to stop using your phones and your laptops but what you can do is that you can avoid using the screen for prolonged hours.

Again, know that blue light isn’t bad but the excessive exposure of it to the eyes can lead you to vision loss too. So, you have to avoid using your screen all through the day.

There are other alternatives too, for example, you can reduce the brightness of your screen to a point where it is no longer irritating your eyes or you can use blue light filters on your screens.

Blue light filters are no less than a blessing for someone who wants to protect his eyes.

These filters are currently the talk of the town and there are numerous apps and software available online that can shield your eyes from the blue light of your screen


Among all the other blue light filters, Iris is the best and there are reasons to why we consider it the best.

What actually happens is that Iris optimized and adjusts the light of your screen in such a way that it appears natural to your naked eye.

Hence you don’t feel any strain on your eyes and you get to have a better and sound sleep at night.

This software is available for both, your laptops and your phones and you can easily download it online.

So, if you are someone who is worried about the protection of his eyes then you need to give Iris a try and you will see the results on your own.

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Do Blue Light Filters Work? Wed, 28 Mar 2018 16:15:30 +0000 It is that time of life when almost everyone owns some sort of a device, either it is a mobile phone, a TV or a computer. Now where there are several benefits of all these devices, there are some drawbacks to them too and we are not talking about normal drawbacks, we are talking about some serious dangers with which ... Read More

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It is that time of life when almost everyone owns some sort of a device, either it is a mobile phone, a TV or a computer.

Now where there are several benefits of all these devices, there are some drawbacks to them too and we are not talking about normal drawbacks, we are talking about some serious dangers with which these devices come.

One of the most dangerous elements of these devices is blue light.

Basically blue light is everywhere around us and one major source of blue light is the Sun.

Now obviously one cannot stop going under the Sun but one can surely save himself from the blue light coming out of the other places such as mobile phones and computers.

Yes, you read it right, the blue light coming out of these devices is just a fraction of what comes from the Sun, but this little fraction of blue light can be extremely dangerous to the eyes due to excessive exposure. 

Blue Light And Its Effect

Blue light for us normal people is just a normal form of light but if you dig deep, you will know that this light can actually lead you to permanent vision loss.

The light coming out of our screens is continuously destroying our vision and even our nervous system and the need of the hour is that we all start realizing that we need to protect our eyes from this light.

We all know the fact that we all spend almost half of our day in using mobile phones and laptops and this is exactly where the problem begins.

Excessive exposure of blue light to the eye is the major issue and this can lead every individual to some serious ocular diseases.

Eyes are very sensitive but not many care about this part of the body.

Even a small pain in the eye or injury in the nerves of the eye can lead you to serious vision problems and the other downside of this fact is that there isn’t much you can do to cure eye related problems.

 Does Blue Light Filter Work?

Now you might have this question in your mind at the moment that how exactly do blue light filters work?

Well, don’t worry because we are going to explain that to you now.

You see what actually happens is that these filters protect our eyes from direct contact with the blue light coming out of our screens.

It is pretty simple and it is very beneficial.

There are several blue light filter applications and sites available at the moment such as Iris.

If you haven’t heard of Iris before then you need to stick a little longer to this article because we are now going to tell you all about Iris and how it works. 

What Is Iris?

Iris is basically one of the most used and the most popular software at the moment that works as a blue light filter for your screens.

The best part about this software is that it is available both, for your laptops and your android phone too.

Moreover, with Iris, you will be able to use your phones and laptops without disturbing your eyes and your nervous system.

There are thousands of people using this software at the moment and all of them are quite impressed by the benefits of this software.

The best benefit of Iris is that you can have a sound sleep at night because there is little and sometimes no stress or strain on your eyes even if you use your screen all day long.

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Do all Yellow glasses block Blue light? Tue, 27 Mar 2018 13:19:54 +0000 There has been a lot of hype about yellow glasses and blue light filters but the actual question asked by many people is that do these things really work? Do they really help in blocking the blue light? Well, if you are also someone who has the same questions in his mind then you are at the right place, reading ... Read More

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There has been a lot of hype about yellow glasses and blue light filters but the actual question asked by many people is that do these things really work? Do they really help in blocking the blue light?

Well, if you are also someone who has the same questions in his mind then you are at the right place, reading the right article.

Today we are going to answer this question of yours in detail and also, we will give you a detailed explanation of our answer.

So, people, take notes of what we are about to reveal because this article can be very beneficial for you and especially for your eyes.

What Are These Yellow Glasses For?

This question seems pretty simple and most of you might even know the answer but this is something that should be talked about in detail.

Basically, yellow glasses were introduced in order to block the blue light from entering the eyes directly.

Studies were made and researches were conducted and all of them pointed out that people now need to be worried about their eyes because the use of mobiles and laptops is constantly destroying the human eye.

After that, people actually started getting aware about the health of their eyes and that is when tinted glasses were introduced. 

Do They Really Work?

Yes, yellow and brown, both tinted glasses work great for blocking the blue light and this is the best solution for someone who is a computer geek.

Moreover, you can even use your mobile phones at night with these glasses because with them the screen light won’t cause any harm or danger to your vision.

So, in case you are planning to get one for yourself or your loved one then don’t wait anymore and buy them right at the moment because the sooner you start taking measures for protecting your eyes, the better it is.

Blue Light & The Danger

Blue light is the major problem here because this is one of those lights that come with a very short wavelength and it is said that the shorter the wavelength of a light is, the more powerful it is.

Also, it is a fact that the human eye is not able to filter the blue light and this is where all the problem begins.

The screen of our phones and computers all give blue light and ultimately this light starts putting an unimaginable strain on the eyes. In short, your eyes are pretty sensitive to this light.


If you are someone who feels uncomfortable with the yellow glasses then you surely have an alternative to that.

We are talking about none other than the blue light filters.

There are several blue light filters available online and for free.

You can download any one of them on your phone or computer and then the light won’t stay harmful to you anymore.

One of the best blue light filter software is Iris.

How Iris Works?

Iris is one of the smartest software that blocks the blue light on your screen like nothing else does.

With Iris, you won’t have to worry about your eyes because this software takes care of it all once you download it.

At the moment there are thousands of people who are using Iris and all of them are quite happy with the results so if you are someone who is worried about the protection of his eyes then you also need to try Iris for once and you will have the results in front of you.



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Do all Orange glasses block Blue light? Mon, 26 Mar 2018 16:14:48 +0000 All of our electronic devices such as mobiles phones and laptops emit blue light and the blue light is that light which comes with a very short wavelength. Now it is said that the shorter the wavelength of a light is the more powerful it is and this is the main reason why blue light becomes an issue for the ... Read More

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All of our electronic devices such as mobiles phones and laptops emit blue light and the blue light is that light which comes with a very short wavelength.

Now it is said that the shorter the wavelength of a light is the more powerful it is and this is the main reason why blue light becomes an issue for the human eye.

You see our eyes can filter all other types of lights but blue light is the one which cannot be filtered and it goes straight to the retina which is why people find it difficult to sleep at night if they’ve used their mobile phones for a longer duration at night.

What Is Blue Light?

Now again, blue light is also a form of light such as the white, green and red light around us but the only thing that makes blue light an issue is its wavelength.

On the other side blue light comes with several benefits too but the excessive exposure of it to the human eye is what we ask you to avoid.

People who use the screens of their devices a lot especially at night, they suffer through certain kinds of ocular pains and diseases sooner or later and again it all falls back to their carelessness regarding their eyes.


Let’s get one thing clear if we all can start worrying about our mental and physical health then what’s wrong with talking about eye health?

In fact, we all know the fact that eyes are the most sensitive part of the human body then why do we show carelessness in this matter.

Now, as far as the solutions are concerned, well, there are two things that can be done.

Firstly, you can start using orange tinted glasses that are easily available in the market.

These glasses are fully effective because they help in blocking the blue light and hence your eyes stay protected.

Now the other solution is the use of blue light filters on your screen.

Blue light filters are now easily available online and you can use them both on your mobile screens and on the screen of your PC too.

As far as the effectiveness of these filters is concerned, well, truth be told, these filters are trending at the moment because yes, these are pretty effective and more easy to use than to wear orange tinted glasses.

Right now one of the best and the most used blue light filter software is Iris.

If you haven’t heard of Iris yet then stick a little longer to this article because we will tell you briefly what it is.

What Is Iris?

If you haven’t heard of Iris yet then don’t worry because we are here to explain you all about it.

Iris is a blue light filter software that is currently the talk of the town due to its effectiveness and the benefits with which it comes.

Iris is so intelligent that it optimizes and adjusts the color of your screen in accordance with the light around you, this actually happens so that your eyes won’t get harmed by the intensity of blue light of your screen and the light can appear natural to your eyes.

Now, if you are someone who genuinely cares about his or her eyes then we suggest you try Iris once and we assure you that you will be impressed by the performance of this software.

There will be no eye strain again, no eye pain and also, no more sleepless nights because Iris makes sure that you don’t get to face any kind of problem.

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PC Monitor Blue Light Filter Mon, 12 Mar 2018 16:42:13 +0000 The One Thing Your PC Monitor Is Missing Have you ever wondered that you do own a one branded computer with the best Windows installed in it and the best features but what exactly is that one thing that is missing in your such perfect computer? Well, if you haven’t ever thought of it then don’t worry because here we ... Read More

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The One Thing Your PC Monitor Is Missing

Have you ever wondered that you do own a one branded computer with the best Windows installed in it and the best features but what exactly is that one thing that is missing in your such perfect computer?

Well, if you haven’t ever thought of it then don’t worry because here we are with an answer for you.

The screen of your PC monitor needs a blue light filter that can protect your eyes from the damage of blue light.

Our eyes are pretty sensitive and an eye disease can be worse than even a heart disease because just imagine your life without vision?

The idea of losing vision is horrible and we are sure that none of you want to take that risk.

Now, there are a lot of people out there are who are not aware of what blue light is, how is it harmful to the eyes and what can be done to protect your eyes from it.

Well, if you are also one of those people who is looking for an answer then you are at the right place, reading the right article because today we are going to tell you all about it.

What Is Blue Light & How Does It Affect Your Eyes?

Blue light is basically everywhere around us and the one major source of blue light is the Sun.

Where the Sun is good for your health for vitamins, it can be bad for your eyes due to the excessive exposure of blue light.

Now, even the Sun is not the problem, the problem is with our PC monitor screens and our phone screens, both these screens emit a fraction of blue light but as we spend all our day on these devices, that is where the problem begins.

Our eyes are continuously being exposed to the blue light and this isn’t only dangerous for the eyes in fact it somehow affects your nervous system too.

You might be wondering that what exactly can you do in order to protect your eyes from getting harmed.

Well, the answer is simple you just have to use the blue light filter on your monitor screen and it will do the rest of the job for you. 


There are several softwares and applications that can help you with this especially Iris is that one software that you must try for at least once and you will see the difference for yourself.

Iris is basically made on the principle of adjusting the blue light in such a way that it appears natural to the eye and Iris helps both in the daytime and at the night too.

The only motto of Iris is to protect your eyes, be healthy and achieve more.

With Iris we assure you that you will be able to sleep in peace and especially at night you will have a sound sleep as throughout the day there is zero and sometimes no strain on your eyes and that is the specialty of Iris, to protect and filter the blue light before it reaches your retina.

So, if you are someone who genuinely cares about his eyes and wants no vision issues then you need to try Iris for once at least and we assure you that you will be happy with the results.

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Free Blue Light Filter App Mon, 12 Mar 2018 16:32:21 +0000 How often do you get a good night sleep? If your answer is anything less than “Always” then it is should be a worrying sign for you. Why because it is your sleep that decides how active and productive you will remain throughout the day. It is your sleep that decides that whether you will be able to perform the ... Read More

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How often do you get a good night sleep?

If your answer is anything less than “Always” then it is should be a worrying sign for you.

Why because it is your sleep that decides how active and productive you will remain throughout the day.

It is your sleep that decides that whether you will be able to perform the daily tasks efficiently or not.

One of the things that affect our sleep is the extreme usage of gadgets.

Whether you are reading a book on your tablet, watching a movie on the Netflix or using Facebook on your laptop your sleep is getting affected badly.

But does that mean that we should stop using these gadgets? Yes, or maybe not.

Stop using the gadgets can be a solution but that is not most of us will opt for.

The best way to tackle the problem is to reduce the effects of these gadgets on our health.

But how can we do that?

Basically it is the light coming out from the gadgets that affect the health of our eyes and as a result, we failed to get a good night sleep.

Using the gadgets in the daylight might not have the same effect as using those gadgets in the night.

So, it is very clear that we should come up with a solution with which we can adjust the light ratio of the gadgets.

Fortunately, we have blue light filter apps with which we can control the light ratio of our gadgets.

It is the blue light of the gadgets that make the most of the mess.

With these blue light filter apps, we can adjust the ratio of the blue in the light and can effectively control the strain on the eyes because of the gadgets.

Most of the blue light filter apps work in the same manner as they don’t operate in the daytime but after the sunset, they drop the color temperature of the screen.

They cancel out the negative effects of the blue light and decreases the glare massively.

This makes the working environment very easy for the gadgets users.

These blue light filter apps are now available for different platforms such as mac book and windows computers and laptops.

For Android and other smartphones, there are blue light filter apps available as well.

Iris is one of the blue light filtering apps that is available for multiple platforms including macs and windows pcs.

Linux users can also get this blue light filter app for their computer and can protect their eyes from the strain.

There are multiple features that Iris has to offer and two of the most popular features are the decrease in the amount of blue light emitted from the screen and control of the brightness without the PWM flicker.

Further, there are different modes that you can select according to your preference.

The best thing about Iris is that it is a free blue light filter app that you can try. In case you started to like using Iris then you can buy a lifelong license for Iris as well.

Gadgets are here to make our lives and work easy but that doesn’t mean that you have to compromise your health and sleep on these gadgets.

Use blue light filter apps to make the working environment easy to work in.

Using technology in the right way is the only solution to control the abuse of the technology.

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Computer Screen Blue Light Filter Download Mon, 12 Mar 2018 16:21:35 +0000 The Effect Of Blue Light On Your Eyes Have you ever thought of the light coming out of your phone and laptop screens? Have you ever thought how dangerous that blue light can be for your eyes? If not then now is the right time to start worrying about your eyes and the effect of blue light on them. Have ... Read More

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The Effect Of Blue Light On Your Eyes

Have you ever thought of the light coming out of your phone and laptop screens?

Have you ever thought how dangerous that blue light can be for your eyes?

If not then now is the right time to start worrying about your eyes and the effect of blue light on them.

Have you ever noticed that the people who spend more time on laptops and phones have eyesight issues the most?

The reason behind it is simple and that is too much exposure of blue light to the eyes.

If you expose too much blue light to your eyes ultimately your retina gets damaged and that is where you start facing other eye-related problems.

Sometimes the retina of the eye is so sensitive that the blue light can cause permanent vision loss and that is something no one wants for himself.

The Solution To Your Problem

Now you might be wondering that what exactly can you do in order to protect your eyes from the screen light because obviously, you cannot stop using these devices and your phones.

Well, the answer is simple and there are two things that can be done in order to protect your eyes from the damage done by blue light.

First, you should reduce the duration of using your phones, tablets, and computers.

Secondly, you can download blue light filter applications and software for your computer screen.

Technology has taken over the world and now there are software that are intelligent enough to sense the light around you and then according to that light, they adjust the blue light of your screens.

The best part about these software and applications is that they are free of cost yet they come with numerous benefits. These benefits range from protection for your eyes, to reduction of stress and a better sound sleep.

As a matter of fact when you use your computer screen all day long, it ultimately affects your nervous system which is why you are unable to get a sound sleep.

Now, what these softwares basically do is that they reduce the sharpness and the brightness of a light in such a way that it looks natural to your eyes and your nervous system gets no strain or stress on it, the result ultimately is a good and sound sleep.

If you are looking for such blue light filter application for your computer screens then you are at the right place, reading the right article because we have do have a solution for you.

Iris is the one software that is the answer to all your eye related problems.

How Iris Works?

The software is pretty simple yet it comes with a number of benefits. Iris comes with 9 different presets and three different modes.

You can adjust it as per your requirements so that the blue light of your computer screen cannot be harmful for your eyes.

Iris adjusts the blue light in such a way that it matches perfectly with the light around you and ultimately your screen light appears very natural to your eyes which then leads to no stress and strain.

Moreover, with Iris, you can take a health test too and you can try it for once and we assure you that you will see the results within a few days. Imagine having no strain on your eyes even if you have been in front of the screen all day long? It sounds and feels amazing, no?

Well, if it does then we suggest you to install this software right now and enjoy a stress and strain free screen experience.

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Blue Light UV Filter Screen Protector Mon, 12 Mar 2018 16:08:20 +0000 Only a few people in the world are aware of what UV and blue light is and how is it affecting our vision and our eyes. If you are someone who is worried about his or her eyesight or if you are one of those people who is suffering from some sort of eye pain or eye disease then this ... Read More

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Only a few people in the world are aware of what UV and blue light is and how is it affecting our vision and our eyes.

If you are someone who is worried about his or her eyesight or if you are one of those people who is suffering from some sort of eye pain or eye disease then this article is a must-to-read for you.

We do understand the fact that eyes are the most sensitive part of human body and even a small injury can cost people a lot which is why today in this article we are going to jot down everything you need to know about blue light, its effect on our vision and what can be done to reduce the exposure of it because, at the end of the day, you can never put your eyes on risk.

So, folks take notes of what we are about to tell you in this article because it might save you from serious and chronic eye problems. 

Blue Light Is Everywhere

Let’s get one thing straight, blue light is present everywhere around us and the one major source of it is the Sun.

Like obviously we all do spend some time under the Sun which is good for health but on the other hand, too much exposure of blue light to your eyes can be eye-threatening.

Now, even the Sun is not the issue, as a matter of fact, we all own some sort of a device that emits blue light, here we are talking about everything including cell phones, tablets, TVs, and laptops.

Like we all own at least one of these devices and even if the blue light that comes out of the screen is just equal to a few fractions as compared to that, that comes out of the Sun yet this fraction is more dangerous to us because we spend almost all our day looking at these screens.

In short, the continuous exposure of blue light to the eye is the basic issue and doctors are now more concerned about it.

Studies have shown that almost all the eye diseases and other vision-related issues occur due to the use of laptops and cellphones and the need of the hour is to figure out a way to reduce this exposure of blue light.

What Can Be Done?

You might be wondering that what exactly can you do in order to reduce the exposure.

Well, we do have a solution and that is the use of blue light filters on your phones, laptops and tablet screens.

These filters are a life-saver for people as with them, the danger caused by the blue light to the eye is reduced and even if you spend all your day on your phone screens, you won’t hurt your eyes.

You can now easily download and install software such as Iris on your phones and laptops and apply the blue light filter to the screens. 

How Iris Works?

Iris is one of the most used and the most popular software till date that comes with numerous benefits.

Above everything, this software adjusts and applies the blue light filter to your screen in order to protect your eyes and your nervous system too.

With Iris, you will be able to reduce the stress and strain on your eyes that is caused by the excessive use of screens and also you can now have a sound sleep at night because with Iris your eyes can relax and all your vision and eye problems come to an end.

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Blue Light Screen Filter Pro Mon, 12 Mar 2018 14:52:40 +0000 There are thousands of people in the world who are suffering from some sort of eye diseases and most of them suffer through chronic eye pain and some are going through ocular hypertension and research and studies have shown that half of the vision-related issues are generated due to the excessive exposure of blue light to the eye. Our eyes ... Read More

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There are thousands of people in the world who are suffering from some sort of eye diseases and most of them suffer through chronic eye pain and some are going through ocular hypertension and research and studies have shown that half of the vision-related issues are generated due to the excessive exposure of blue light to the eye.

Our eyes are very sensitive and especially our retina. Now our eyes can filter all the other light but blue light is that one light that goes straight to our retina without any filters.

Now, if you are someone who is using laptop screens and phone screens throughout the day then there are chances of you to get the ocular diseases that can sometimes become so severe that they can lead you to permanent vision loss.

The Alternative

Now, in such a case we do understand that you cannot stop using your devices and especially phones which is why we have an alternate of it for you that can help you in protecting your eyes.

The blue light screen filter pro is what you need at the moment.

This application can help you use your devices all day long without harming your eyes and your vision.

The blue light filter works by filtering the light coming out of your screen and it basically adjusts it in such a way that the light appears natural to your eyes and hence you do not get harmed at all.

Moreover, when you use the screen throughout the day, it puts a lot of strain on your eyes and ultimately your nervous system gets disturbed and then that further leads you to disturbed sleep at night.

However, as said earlier, you now no longer have to worry about that stress and strain that causes ocular diseases because there are several applications and software available online and in your play stores that are currently being used by thousands of people.

These applications are helping people by protecting their eyes and filtering the blue light in such a way that when it reaches the retina of the eye, it is no longer dangerous to it.

Also, it is something worth appreciation that now there is a lot of awareness about the danger of the exposure of blue light and people now actually consider the health of their eyes to be an important matter.

If you are also one of those people who is looking for the best software that can work for your computer screens as well then don’t worry because we do have an answer for you and that is Iris.

What Is Iris?

Iris is one of the most used and the best software till date that can easily filter the blue light of your screen and make it appear natural to your eyes.

The software senses the light around you and then adjusts the light of your screen according to it in order to make it all smooth for you.

The best benefit of using this blue light filter is that you can easily have a sound sleep at night unlike before because when you use too much of your phone and computer screen, it puts stress and strain on your eyes and that ultimately disturbs your nervous system which cannot let you have a sound sleep at night.

So, in short, Iris is best for someone who wants no stress on the strain on his eyes yet wants to use the screen all over the day.

Also, we assure you that installing this software on your screen won’t waste your time and you will see the results for yourself.

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Blue Light Screen filter App Mon, 12 Mar 2018 14:38:58 +0000 We are actively participating in the time where running on the wheel of success and progress has become a trend setter. But this trend setter has brought numerous side effects with it. All the businesses, educational institutes and domestic, commercial and professional life revolve around the bright computer screens. Assume the picture: A man working from early morning till midnight ... Read More

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We are actively participating in the time where running on the wheel of success and progress has become a trend setter. But this trend setter has brought numerous side effects with it.

All the businesses, educational institutes and domestic, commercial and professional life revolve around the bright computer screens.

Assume the picture: A man working from early morning till midnight in a dimly lit room with coffee on the side table and laptop screen sitting in front of him.

Add, the rubbing of eyes and massaging forehead every now and then too.

Yes, we know that meeting deadlines is important. Nobody is fond of being kicked out of the office for now preparing an important presentation. So what can be adjusted here?

Install a blue light filter on your laptop, computer, LCD, smartphones etc to keep your eyes guarded.

What is Blue Light?

 It is necessary to first know what actually blue light is. The light emitted from digital screens consists of different electromagnetic particles which travel in wave form.

The rays which make up the electromagnetic spectrum include gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet (UV) rays, visible light, infrared light, and radio waves. Each wave varies in length and energy.

Shorter the wavelength, greater the energy. If we talk about a naked human eye then it is sensitive to only visible light which consists of colors that include violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red.

Out of all these colors, blue light has a short wavelength and thus, it radiates more energy than others.

It has a wavelength of 400-495 nm. The twist lies in the fact that Blue Light or High Energy Visible (HEV) being the shortest and highest energy wavelengths in visible spectrum flicker easily than the other longer and weaker wavelengths.

According to studies and researches, this flickering of blue light is the sole reason for headaches, eye strain and mental fatigue caused as a result of continuous exposure to digital screens ultimately leading to long-term damage to eyes.

But don’t worry, a blue light filter such as Iris now provides protection against these harmful rays.

How blue light affects your eyes?

Let us kill your curiosity and enlighten you with some facts that how digital screens affect your eyes.

You see the light being emitted by the screens but do you know what the constituents of this light are?

There are multiple rays which make up the brightness or light because of which you are able to see the work on screen. One of those rays is Blue Light.

A layman is unaware of blue light because there is no such awareness about the protection of eye health against these lights.

You work daily for long hours in front of digital screens without a blue light filter and that is the time when blue light is busy attacking your naked eyes. The effect is slow.

The damage does not occur all of a sudden in a few hours or even days. It takes some time to first show the symptoms and then progress towards the damages.

And the credit for destruction for to the absence of the blue light filter. In order to avoid this damage, one must install blue light filter as the first priority.

How does Iris help?

Iris has been helping its customers for a long time by serving as a blue light filter.

This blue light filter stops all the extremely harmful blue lights and doesn’t allow them to pass from digital screen to your eyes.

Iris is a blue light filter which has high sensors for the detection of blue lights.

It builds up barriers for the blue light to pass. Iris proves excellence in its performance and all its customers who rely for good and stable eye health rely on this blue light filter.

With Iris, say NO to eye strain, headache and fatigue.

Download this blue light screen filter app and let all the worries go.


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Blue Light Filter Screen Protector Mon, 12 Mar 2018 14:32:32 +0000 Eyes are known to be one of the most sensitive parts of the body yet we all don’t take much care of them, the result ultimately is some serious and chronic eye and vision problems. In this age, almost all the people in the world own a phone or a computer and none of them are aware of what the ... Read More

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Eyes are known to be one of the most sensitive parts of the body yet we all don’t take much care of them, the result ultimately is some serious and chronic eye and vision problems.

In this age, almost all the people in the world own a phone or a computer and none of them are aware of what the blue light of their screen is doing to their eyes.

You can say that the blue light of your screen is just like a slow poison for your eyes and this poison can sometimes lead to permanent vision loss.

Just imagine your life where you will be unable to see anything, I am sure even the thought of it is very scary.

Now, you might be wondering that what exactly can you do in order to protect your eyes from the light of the screen because obviously not using your phones and laptops is not an option for you in this age and you need some sort of alternative that can solve your problems easily.

Well, if you are one of those people who is looking for a quick fix and protection from that light then you are at the right place reading the right article.

The Solution For Eye Protection

Today we are going to tell you an alternative that will not only protect your eyes in fact, it will put a very positive impact on you in general too and you will feel the difference for yourself.

We are talking about none other than the blue light filter screen protectors.

Currently, there are so many applications available on the play store for free that can adjust your blue light of the screen and make it less harmful to your vision and your eyes.

Moreover, with the use of these screen protectors, you will be able to get better naps and a sound sleep at night.

You see, if you are exposing your eyes to too much blue light every day then the consequences will put you in some serious troubles and there aren’t many cures discovered yet for the eyes.

Also, we all know the fact that once an eye falls victim to some sort of a disease than the chances of having a perfect vision become less.

Now, ultimately in order to protect your eyes, you are left with two options only, either, stop using your phone screen too much or if you cannot do that then download and install the applications and software like Iris to adjust the light as per your requirements.

And we do know that you will definitely go for the second option and will choose to protect your eyes by using different software which is why we are now going to tell you about Iris.

How Iris Works?

Speaking of Iris, it is one of the best software available for your phone and your desktop screens.

It basically works on the principle of reducing and adjusting the blue light of your phone or laptop screen by matching the screen brightness with the light around you.

This software is made all on modern technology and with it, you will reduce the risks of all sorts of eye diseases and vision problems.

It will keep regulating the blue light in the night time and in the daytime too so that it is easy for your eyes to sit and work on your screens for longer durations.

If you are someone who is quite worried about his or her eyes then we suggest you to download this software right at the moment.

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Blue Light Filter For Laptop Screen Mon, 12 Mar 2018 09:42:28 +0000 It is an undeniable fact that the most sensitive part of our body is the pair of eyes we have and we it is sad to know that we all are destroying our eyes without even knowing the cause of it. You see more than half of the population of the world is suffering from weak eyesight problem and many ... Read More

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It is an undeniable fact that the most sensitive part of our body is the pair of eyes we have and we it is sad to know that we all are destroying our eyes without even knowing the cause of it.

You see more than half of the population of the world is suffering from weak eyesight problem and many have even lost their vision permanently not knowing the reason behind it.

Studies and researches show that almost all the eye and vision-related issues are somehow connected with the exposure of blue light to the eye.

Blue light is found everywhere around us and Sun is known to be the major blue light provider but you definitely cannot stop going under the Sun.

However, what you can do is that you can apply blue light filters on your phone and laptop screens.

Unfortunately, our phone screens only have a fraction of the blue light that the Sun has but as we all spend too much time on our phone screens which is where the problem begins.

The Solution To The Problem

Now, you might be wondering how exactly can you get rid of this problem and what factors can reduce the stress and strain on your eyes.

Well, don’t worry because again, we are here for you to figure things out.

Now, you see you are no left with much choice when it comes to the solution of your problem, either you have to stop using your phones and laptops or you have to use the blue light filters for your laptop screens and we are pretty sure that you would go for the second option because in this age you cannot simply stop using your cellphone’s and other devices.

Now you might be wondering what and where will you find the blue light filter for your laptop and phone screens.

Well, for this Google is your best friend and you can find plenty of applications and software online that can help you with the adjustment of the blue light of your screens.

These applications and software like Iris are no less than a blessing and with them, you will be able to enjoy using your phone and laptop as much as you want too.

How Does Iris Help?

Now, for all those who want to know what Iris is and how it works, well, let us make it clear and easy to understand for you.

Iris is basically a software that can be downloaded and installed easily.

The basic function of this software is to adjust the blue light of your screen as per the light around you.

It can sense the light around you and then it adjusts everything accordingly.

The best part about it is that you will no longer feel any strain or stress on your eyes and ultimately you will be able to have a sound sleep at night.

You can also use it’s extended values to increase or suspend the melatonin secretion.

With this software, even if you spend the whole day on your screen, you won’t feel tired or stressed because that is the specialty of Iris, it is made all for the betterment and comfort of people so that they can protect their eyes and their vision from all sorts of diseases and issues.

The best part about Iris is that with it all the strain on your eyes is gone and this software adjusts the light in such an amazing way that it becomes very comfortable for your eyes to look and work on the screen all day long.

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Blue Light Filter App Review Mon, 12 Mar 2018 09:20:31 +0000 We all know the fact that the light coming out of our phone and laptop screens are destroying our eyes yet all of us neglect it and we keep on exposing our eyes to the blue light. However, the continuous negligence then leads to several other serious vision complications and it even gets severe to a limit where it causes ... Read More

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We all know the fact that the light coming out of our phone and laptop screens are destroying our eyes yet all of us neglect it and we keep on exposing our eyes to the blue light.

However, the continuous negligence then leads to several other serious vision complications and it even gets severe to a limit where it causes vision loss.

Eyes are known to be the most sensitive part of our body and you simply cannot take any risks with their safety.

Even a single issue in the arteries or the veins behind the eyes can cause a lot of problem with your overall vision.

We all hear about several vision problems from different people every day, sometimes, it is a chronic eye pain, sometimes it is redness along with pain in the eye and sometimes it is a blurry vision.

At the end of the day when most of these eye-related diseases are diagnosed, the one major cause of them is the too much exposure of blue light.

In short, your phone screens and your laptop screens are the root cause of visionary complications.

Now, obviously you cannot stop using these screens as maybe the nature of your job demands you to work on phones and tablets all day long but there are ways which can help you with the adjustment of the blue light.

This adjustment of the blue light should be done in such a way that it should not harm your eye in any way.

We do understand that there is an option in every phone which allows you to adjust the brightness but that is not what will help you.

In fact, you need to download and use the blue light filter application.

This application is the solution to all your problems and with it, you can easily use your phone and tablets without worrying about the exposure of the blue light.

How Does This App Work?

Now, if you haven’t heard of such applications before then I am pretty sure you are confused on how this application works for your eyes.

You see downloading this application is going to benefit you on a whole another level.

The blue light filter app works by adjusting the blue light of your phone’s screen to a level where it is no longer dangerous for your vision.

Not only this in fact with it you will be able to adjust the intensity of the light too and save power of your handset.

The benefits of using this app are numerous and above everything else, you get to have a better and calmer sleep at night.

You see when you are using your phone all day long, it ultimately disturbs your brain and you are unable to sleep properly at night but with this app, things are totally different and your naps can get way better than before.

Download this app and use it for yourself, you will see the results within a few days.

What Is Iris?

The blue light filter is not the only application to help you and there is another software called Iris that can even help in adjusting the blue light of your laptop screens.

So, if you genuinely care about your eyes then you need to try this software too.

Iris also works by adjusting the color and brightness of your screen by identifying the light around you so you can say that it is one intelligent software that helps you in protecting your eyes on a whole new level.

You should definitely try Iris too and we assure you that you will be happy with the results.

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Blue light filter App for Mac Mon, 12 Mar 2018 08:43:29 +0000 Technology has changed a lot of things in which we can perform our tasks. One of the biggest invention till dates is the computers which have now further evolved to laptops and smartphones. We all use computers and smartphones in our daily lives but we don’t know about the hazards of their usage. Our eyes are sensitive to extreme light ... Read More

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Technology has changed a lot of things in which we can perform our tasks. One of the biggest invention till dates is the computers which have now further evolved to laptops and smartphones.

We all use computers and smartphones in our daily lives but we don’t know about the hazards of their usage.

Our eyes are sensitive to extreme light and while using the laptops, computers, and smartphones our eyes remain in the continuous strain.

But sometimes usage of the technology is our necessity as some of you might have a work that demands you to be in front of the computer for straight 8 hours.

Does that means that you should compromise on your eye sight and health? No.

Because there is a solution for people with which they can keep their eyes in good health and they don’t even have to compromise on the usage of technology.

The solution that we are talking about is blue light filter app. To make it more clear for the readers, it is basically an app that filters the blue color from the light.

We all know that light is made up of three colors that are red, blue and green and blue is the one that causes the strain on the eyes.

With the blue filter app, you can filter the blue color from the light and then it will become less painful for the eyes.

In this article, we will typically talk about the blue light filter for the Mac users.

The best thing about the blue light filter app is that it is not specific to any platform and both Mac and Windows users can take advantage of the app.

However, the app is designed specifically for different platforms but it is available for each and everyone.

We know that there are people who prefer Mac over the windows laptop and whatever the reason behind this preference they will also be subjected to this eye strain problem.

What these mac users need to do is to install the blue light filter app in their mac book. Once installed they can open the blue light filter app and they will then get the option to adjust the ratio of blue color in the light.

Most of the blue light filters are just limited to adjusting the ratio of the blue light but there are blue light filter apps that provide you with other options as well.

Iris is one of the blue light filter apps that has multiple options along with the blue light filter.

The Iris detects the time itself and it then adjusts the brightness of the screen accordingly.

That means that all you have to do is to install the app and then the blue light filter app will adjust the screen ratio accordingly.

You can also adjust the ratio by yourself if you think that it is not adjusted according to your preference.

Eyes are an asset and it is very important to protect them in order to keep them in good health.

Installing a blue light filter app is a step in protecting your eyes. You can even use your laptops and mac books when you are staying up too late.

Not only the protection but this blue light filter app helps you to sleep better as you don’t feel strain while going to the bed.

So, those who are really concerned about the health of their eyes should immediately get a blue light filter app for their PC.

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Blue Light Filter App for Windows Mon, 12 Mar 2018 00:13:05 +0000 These days almost everyone spends a big chunk of time on digital screens. It has now become impossible to continue the date without letting your eyes stay naked in front of blue light emitting screens. No matter which profession, field or sector of community it is, the exposure of eyes to these harmful rays is increasing day by day. The ... Read More

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These days almost everyone spends a big chunk of time on digital screens.

It has now become impossible to continue the date without letting your eyes stay naked in front of blue light emitting screens.

No matter which profession, field or sector of community it is, the exposure of eyes to these harmful rays is increasing day by day.

The worst part is that people have zero awareness about blue light filter.

They must know that why a blue light filter must be installed in their Windows.

This blue light filter without affecting the quality of Windows will serve for better eye health.

Blue light is Slow poison

You know that how the physics of a single colored light can bring harm to you.

Count the hours you and your family spends in front of digital screens with out blue light filter and you will realize that on a scale of zero to ten where you are standing.

Blue Lights can also be called “Slow Poison” for your eyes because they do their functioning slowly.

They penetrate through your eyes in a slow rhythm. Sometimes, you even get the symptoms signaling you loud and clear but you prefer ignoring them.

This carelessness causes harm to your eye health. Although, digital screens have become an important requirement of these modern times where every job is incomplete without their use but you can limit the use to some hours and avoid their frequent use for a better eye health.

Blue light filters are a must-to-have for your Windows. Blue Lights come with those appliances which on one hand provide you with ease, comfort and efficient source of communication but despite of all these plus points ignoring the negative aspects would be a fool’s idea.

Sources of Blue Light

On the mention of “Blue Light” what sources come in your mind?

You must have come up with the idea of all digital devices, right? But that is not all.

Blue Light is not only emitted from digital appliances such as tablets, smart phones, laptops, computers and other screens.

In fact, there are more sources from where blue light is emitted. Blue light is a visible light and it is almost everywhere.

By ‘everywhere’ we mean traffic lights, Led bulbs and LED screens and even sunlight.

Naturally, your eyes are given shields to protect themselves against the blue lights. But unfortunately, these shields in your eyes are not enough to protect against blue lights and don’t act as blue light filter.

Your eyes are exposed to high intensity of blue light. Due to his high intensity, the shields are unable to perform their function.

In other words, we can say that your immune system does not permit you to take charge for the protection of eyes against these short wavelength blue lights.

The energy emitted by blue lights is quite intense and thus your natural barrier fails to fight the harsh lights.

Since, natural blue light filter fails to provide efficient security for your eyes therefore man made blue light filters must be opted so that you can work uninterrupted.

How Iris helps?

Whichever Windows you have installed in your computers or laptops instantly install Iris for tension free working hours.

Iris is a blue light filter which works for all versions of Windows.

Iris makes sure to maintain its level and prove to be the best blue light filter.

By doing this, all the customers stay care free and rely on Iris for its excellence.

Iris has been proving standard excellence for all Windows users for quite long.

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Blue light filter App Download Mon, 12 Mar 2018 00:03:33 +0000 Are you worried about your excess usage of computers and smartphones? Then you are not the only one who is dealing with this issue. There are million other people who are facing the same issue. Sleep is one of the most important aspects when it comes to physical and mental health and researchers have shown that lack of sleep leads ... Read More

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Are you worried about your excess usage of computers and smartphones?

Then you are not the only one who is dealing with this issue. There are million other people who are facing the same issue.

Sleep is one of the most important aspects when it comes to physical and mental health and researchers have shown that lack of sleep leads to many problems such as heart diseases, diabetes, impaired alertness and many more.

But unfortunately, our modern lifestyles have included many factors that has to lead some people to get less sleep they should.

Don’t worry as we are not the one who will advise you to get rid of these modern gadgets straight away as we know that it is nearly impossible to do that.

We are here to provide you with a solution with which you can keep using these gadgets without risking your health.

Basically, the main reason for all the problems from the excessive use of the gadgets is the artificial light that these gadgets emit.

This light makes our bodies confused and the various sleep signals get disrupted.

Blue light is the one that causes most of the problems and if we able to control this blue light then we can effectively control the effects of these gadgets as well.

To tackle the situation there are blue light filter apps available with which you can control the ratio of blue in the light coming out from the gadgets.

Most of the latest gadgets have their own blue light filter system installed on the device but those who don’t have this built-in feature on their devices can get their own blue light filter app.

There are a number of blue light filter apps available these days but it is important to get the best one out of the rest.

There are blue light filter apps that have multiple other features to offer as well. They can detect the night time by their self and then adjusts the screen brightness accordingly.

Iris is one of the promising blue light filter apps that has a lot of features to offer. It is a free app which means that you don’t have to pay for anything in order to use the app.

Then it is available for Mac, Windows and for Linux and there are several modes that users can enjoy with this blue light filter app.

Some of the other benefits that Iris has to offer as compared to its competitors include the smaller versions that use less CPU.

It also has much larger blue light reduction color range and with the manual settings, you can adjust the ratio according to your preference.

But whatever blue light filter you choose make sure that it has all the features that can help you in reducing the strain on your eyes and can help you in getting a good night sleep.

These blue light filters are now also available for Android and iOS platforms. These blue light filters are specifically designed for the smartphones are by installing them you can even use your mobile phones at the night time.

This is best for the ebook readers who have to read lengthy books on their digital devices.

Protecting your eyes is very easy and you don’t even have to compromise the usefulness of the gadgets.

Get a blue light filter app for your device and start using your device more intelligently.

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Blue Light Blocking Screen Filter Sat, 10 Mar 2018 12:35:36 +0000 There is no doubt in the fact that blue light is all around us and we cannot control all of it but the one place where it can be controlled is our phone and laptop screens. We all do own a handset or a computer but on the other hand we have no idea how the light coming out of ... Read More

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There is no doubt in the fact that blue light is all around us and we cannot control all of it but the one place where it can be controlled is our phone and laptop screens.

We all do own a handset or a computer but on the other hand we have no idea how the light coming out of our screens is destroying our retina.

Almost every other person has now a weak eyesight and the major cause of it is known to be the excessive exposure of the eye to the blue light.

Especially the teengaers in this age are the ones who suffer a lot from such eye diseases, sometimes it is severe eye pain, sometimes it is redness of the eye and in some cases the circumstances become so worse that people start losing their vision.

Now, in such a problematic situation the need of the hour is to identify those factors and elements that can reduce the exposure of blue light to the eyes.

If you are also one of those people who is looking for some solution to lower down or reduce the risk of eye diseases then you are at the right place, reading the right article.

Today we are going to give you a solution to the excessive blue light coming your screens.

So, folks, take notes of what we are about to tell you because this article might save your eyes from permanent vision loss or some other big eye problem.

 Blue Light Blocking Screen Filter

Technology has taken over the world and it has given us so much that we just can’t thank it enough as we now have blue light blocking screen filters that can help you in protecting our eyes.

You see, there are so many applications and software available online that can benefit you a lot in blocking the excessive and harmful blue light from reaching your eyes.

These applications help by adjusting the blue light in a way that it becomes natural and with it, you won’t hurt your eyes at all.

Speaking of the blue light blocking applications, Iris is considered as one of the best and the most used software that is just a download away.

How Iris Works?

Iris works by reducing and adjusting the blue light of your screens according to the light present around you.

It is made with modern technology and it is intelligent enough to adjust the blue light as per your requirement.

You have several options to choose from here and you can even test Iris on how it helps you with your health.

With Iris you will not only be able to reduce the blue light in fact with it you get plenty of other health benefits too.

Among all the benefits, on number 1 it gives you a sound sleep.

Basically, the adjustment of the blue light with Iris is so natural that it puts very less and sometimes no strain or stress on your eyes.

As a result, you get to sleep in a more peaceful way and even your naps get better.

In a nutshell, Iris is one of the best software that is a must try for someone who wants to protect his or her eyes and with it, we assure you that you won’t feel like you’ve wasted your time.

In fact, just like all the other users, we are sure of the fact that you will also find it very useful and beneficial because within a short time period you will see the results for yourself.

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Anti-Blue Light Screen Filter Sat, 10 Mar 2018 12:29:05 +0000 In this age where almost everyone own a phone or a laptop, people need to be aware about the side effects of blue light on their eyes and their nervous system too. Only a few people in the world know that how dangerous can blue light be for the eyes and it’s proper functioning and even those who know that ... Read More

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In this age where almost everyone own a phone or a laptop, people need to be aware about the side effects of blue light on their eyes and their nervous system too.

Only a few people in the world know that how dangerous can blue light be for the eyes and it’s proper functioning and even those who know that it is dangerous, they keep on using their screens without thinking or searching about some alternative that can reduce the side effects of blue light.

There are millions of people in the world that are suffering from some sort of eye diseases, some have a blurry vision, some have chronic pain in their eyes and there are people out there who have lost their vision completely.

The reason behind all of these issues was identified and the answer was the excess exposure of the eyes to the blue light.

Also, studies have shown that the human eye is unable to protect itself from the blue light and this light directly goes to the retina of your eye, too much exposure of the blue light can destroy the light sensitive cells of your retina and ultimately your eyes suffer for it.

Moreover, blue light puts soo much strain on your eyes that it affects your nervous system too and as a result you cannot have a sound sleep at night.

What Can Be Done? 

Now, those who are reading this article might be thinking that what exactly can be done because practically there is blue light everywhere around you.

Well, you don’t have to worry anymore because we are here to help you with this issue and we do have a solution for you.

Now the thing is that you have blue light coming from the Sun most importantly and then there are other sources too that cannot be avoided.

Well, actually you cannot save your eyes from the blue light around you but the one that is more dangerous for your eyes is the one coming out of your phone and laptop screens and for that we do have a way out.

There are anti-blue light screen filters available online and you can every download applications and software from your play store in order to make things easier for you.

Speaking of software and applications, Iris is the best of all and it is famous for its intelligence and extraordinary capabilities to control and adjust the light of your screens.  

How Iris Works?

A lot of you might be wondering that how can a software be so intelligent that it can adjust the blue light coming out of your devices.

Well, it is simple, Iris is a software that is made with modern technology and it is so intelligent that it can easily sense the light around you and then it adjusts the blue light of your screen accordingly.

With Iris, you will not only be able to protect your eyes, in fact, you can now get better naps and a sound sleep at night because your nervous system gets relaxed by applying the blue light filter and hence your vision stays the same.

So, if you are someone who is looking out for the best software that can help you with the blue light and its side effects then we suggest you give Iris a try and we assure you that you won’t regret using it.

In fact, right now there is a big figure of people which is using Iris for the protection of their eyes because they know that its high time that we all start taking care of our eyes.

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How Blue light from gadgets increases Sharp pain in eye? Sun, 25 Feb 2018 15:32:00 +0000 What is a Blue light? It is very important to know about the blue light. Any person who wants to study the effects of the blue light on the eyes of the person, he should know about the blue light that what is it? It is a very easy way to know about it.Every person can achieve a positive knowledge ... Read More

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What is a Blue light?

It is very important to know about the blue light.

Any person who wants to study the effects of the blue light on the eyes of the person, he should know about the blue light that what is it?

It is a very easy way to know about it.Every person can achieve a positive knowledge of it.

Did u know about sunlight? Yes, sure you will be aware of it.

Sunlight is made of seven colors. These colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Every color has its own energy and wavelength.

So the person who wants to know about the blue light, it is very clear that he should know about the blue lour of the light.

White light has a large wavelength of the blue light which can explore the eye.

This also may result in sharp pain in the eye.

Resources of the Blue light and How they can make a sharp pain in the eye

The main source of the blue light is the sunlight.

The other sources are the FlouFluorescent light, CFL  LED light, LED televisions, Computer monitors, and all other mobile phone technologies.

The light that you received from the screen is like that of sunlight.

You may be affected by this light because of the very much use of these screens.

This also may result in the sharp pain in the eye.

How does the Blue light impact or affect the Eyes

All the blue light passes through the cornea and then to the lens and after that, it reaches to the retina.

This light may become the cause of vision problem.

The research shows that too much use of blue light may result in the following conditions:

Digital eyestrain

This is the condition in which Fatigue, dry and irritated eyes and bad lighting are appeared due to the excessive use of tv screens.

There are many symptoms of it.

But the most important symptom is the sharp pain in the eye.

Sharp pain in the eyes can also lead to a severe headache.

Damage to Retina

This is a condition in which retina damaged due to the excessive usage of blue light.

Retina plays a very important role in the functioning of the eye and due to blue light, it is affected due to excessive use of screens and this also leads to the severe pain in the eye.

How can we protect our eyes from the Blue Light?

By using the computer glasses and anti-reflective lens we can minimize its impacts on our eyes.

To make your eyes dry and to use those kinds of tools which have the blue light for a very small time is also very effective.

Screen filters can also be used to minimize the effect of the blue light.

Sharp pain in the eyes can also be treated by consultants.

Control Blue light with Iris

Iris is a recently developed technology that will help to control the blue light emitted by the screen of the technological devices.

Within few minutes it will adjust the brightness so perfectly by changing the color of the screen that you will never have to feel the pain anymore.

You will have the positive effects and negative effects of the blue light will be reduced.

You will notice that your strain will be reduced and sleep will improve in limited time.

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Why is Blue Light bad for our Health? Sat, 24 Feb 2018 23:57:53 +0000 Blue light constitutes one of the colors available in the visible light spectrum and can be seen by the human eye. Blue light has a wavelength of between 400−495 nm. This short length confers on blue light a high energy visibility status. The main source of blue light is from the Sun. With the recent advancements in technology, blue light ... Read More

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Blue light constitutes one of the colors available in the visible light spectrum and can be seen by the human eye.

Blue light has a wavelength of between 400−495 nm. This short length confers on blue light a high energy visibility status. The main source of blue light is from the Sun.

With the recent advancements in technology, blue light is becoming readily available in man’s immediate environment.

Exposure to blue light also comes from access/interaction with a variety of computers, smartphones, televisions, tablets, and sources of lighting.

And the numbers of people exposed to blue light emissions continue to rise.

Statistics reveal that 70 percent of adults in the US own a smartphone while 45 percent make use of a tablet computer.

For children and younger ones, the numbers rise to as high as 86 percent. This means that these individuals receive copious amounts of blue light radiation on a daily basis.

These exposure levels raise serious health concerns.

On the one hand, natural exposure to blue light, during the day, is touted to boost energy levels, enhance alertness and improve one’s mood.

On the other hand, the issues with blue light exposure center on close proximity to smart devices, especially at night.

Blue Light and Eye Health

Again it is worth mentioning that blue light falls under the high energy visible light spectrum.

When viewing smart devices at night, the blue light high energy levels puts a huge demand on the retina of the eyes, especially in the low-light environment, like a dimly-lit or a totally dark room.

Prolonged exposure continues to exert this pressure, which may lead to the development of eye problems including digital eye strain, retina damage, dry eyes as well as age-related macular degeneration.

Blue Light, Sleep, and Circadian rhythm

The human body is wired to stay active during the day and to unwind/rest (sleep) at night.

Studies show that over-exposure to blue light occurs at night.

The high energy levels associated with the light can increase the heart rate and body temperature as well as disrupt the natural sleep mechanism or clock (circadian rhythm).

In more detail, blue light emission has been found to hinder the release of melatonin, a chemical agent in the body that conditions the body’s need for rest and a good night sleep.

In effect, blue light has the potential of usurping the body’s need for sleep, leading to a wakeful night and often, a sluggish day.

Measures to guard against the effects of Blue Light on health

While blue light, sourced from both the Sun and man-made devices, will always be around us, measures exist that can mitigate its effects. They include the following:

Screen time

Endeavour to cut back on the amount of time spent in front of the screens of smart devices. It is also wise to take frequent breaks to give the eyes some rest.


Make use of blue light filters tailored for smartphones, tablets, and computer screens.

These materials lower the emission levels of blue light given off from these devices that could reach the retina.

Anti-reflective lenses

Employ anti-reflective lenses to reduce glare and increase contrast.

These lenses also work to block blue light from smartphones and other devices.

Put in place a rule that ensures smartphones and other devices are put away at least 1 hour before bedtime.

Resources To Help You

In case you need help in coping with the effects of blue light, Iris has resources and materials to assist you.

The company produces intelligent software that installs on just about any device or computer and controls the amount of blue light emission that reaches your eyes.

Named after the company, Iris is basically software for eye protection, health, and productivity.

Iris achieves this feat in two ways:

  • Users can decrease the amount of blue light emitted from the screen of their computer or smart device.
  • Users can regulate screen brightness with the ability to control Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and flickering.

Iris software comes in a variety of models to suit various budgets, needs, and demands.

Users can select from any of the following packages including Iris, Iris mini, Iris micro, Iris OS, Iris Floss as well as Iris floss for Wayland.

For more information and buying guide, do visit the manufacturer’s page at


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Blue light Protection Glasses Wed, 14 Feb 2018 21:59:44 +0000 Although blue light protection glasses became popular in the 80’s because of how everyday items can seem sharper without magnification, they have made a comeback over the past few years since new advantages have been found. Most of us know that we have to protect our eyes from harmful UV rays, but know nothing of how artificial blue light from ... Read More

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Although blue light protection glasses became popular in the 80’s because of how everyday items can seem sharper without magnification, they have made a comeback over the past few years since new advantages have been found.

Most of us know that we have to protect our eyes from harmful UV rays, but know nothing of how artificial blue light from modern day tech can affect health from sleeping problems to headaches and concentration.

Blue light protection glasses are essential in modern times where the majority of us spend a lot of time looking at screens whether on phones, computers, tablets or the television.

Blue light is naturally created by the sun, however, this serves a purpose.

It helps the body to differentiate between day and night.

When exposed to artificial blue light from tech as well as in many offices and shops through strip lighting this can be affected leading to a whole host of health problems.

Blue light protection glasses are the cost-effective simple way to stop the body being affected by artificial light.

At the end of the day before tech, most people would go home, eat, talk to their families and possibly read before bed.

Nowadays this has been replaced by people surfing the internet, texting, playing games or watching television as a means to unwind.

This change means that the modern means of entertainment expose people to more blue rays than ever before, but you don’t have to give up watching your favorite TV show or movie nights.

Instead, you can avoid the blue glow that modern tech emits by wearing blue light protection glasses.

In doing so it stops the body from being fooled into thinking it’s still day which can slow down melatonin production.

Melatonin is the hormone that makes you feel sleepy at night and to get a good night’s sleep is necessary.

LED lights that most of us now use can damage eyesight over time and lead to problems including macular degeneration.

It can also cause eye strain which can lead to headaches and dry uncomfortable eyes.

Wearing blue light protection glasses when using tech or being in a room with LED lighting, especially at night before bed can help to improve sleep and make waking more refreshing.

For some, it can eradicate the need for an alarm clock altogether as the body wakes naturally.

As well as blocking blue light the blue light protection glasses can help to filter out yellow and green lights that can cause an uncomfortable glare.

Wearing them can make driving, sports and even shopping a more comfortable experience.

It’s great being out in the sun and enjoying the warmth, but unfortunately could be damaging your sleep pattern as well as your sight.

Something as simple as wearing blue light protection glasses will stop you from having to squint during the day to see properly, which is especially important if you want to play your best on the golf course, watching sports and even spending time in the garden with friends and family.

Are you exposed to screen all day?

If you are exposed to the screen, you may consider using a blue light filter app like Iris.

It automatically adjusts your screen to filter out the unwanted light to provide you a safe environment for your eyes.

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Blue Light Glasses Wed, 14 Feb 2018 21:51:07 +0000 A number of studies have recently told us of the dangers of blue light, and the need to filter blue lights from our monitors and screen as much as possible. Not all blue light is damaging to us as obviously, the sky is blue, but this is one of the reasons that blue light can be confusing and be straining ... Read More

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A number of studies have recently told us of the dangers of blue light, and the need to filter blue lights from our monitors and screen as much as possible.

Not all blue light is damaging to us as obviously, the sky is blue, but this is one of the reasons that blue light can be confusing and be straining to our eyes.

Blue lights before bed can convince our brains that it is the color of the sky and it is not night time yet.

The excessive blue lights that they use to display images on screens can lessen the contrast and strain our eyes, causing fatigue and headaches.

So, what can we do to reduce the amount of eye strain caused by the blue light?

When researching the type of glasses that you could use to reduce blue light related eye strain, you should take your specific eye needs into consideration.

If you wear glasses to see then you will need to take this into consideration when looking for the right lenses for you.

If you do need glasses, but prefer not to wear them, there is the option of getting lenses.

But blue light blocking glasses do not need a prescription to buy, just a little research.

Aesthetics can be a concern for some people, though these will be glasses that you will generally only use inside when using your desktop.

You can use them with a phone or tablet as well, though most people use them when working inside.

A lot of major brands are working on their own blue filter glasses, and this means there are a lot of options out there for glasses frames.

Blue light filter glasses work by using a tint that adds a better level of contrast to the colors that you are looking at.

Whichever tint you use will depend on your own vision and your own eyes, as well as whatever settings you normally use on your desktop monitor.

These glasses are an easy alternative to changing all of the settings on your various devices.

You can ask your eye doctor for the different perks of using blue light filter lenses.

You can find other lenses that block UV light and glare from screens also.

There are a lot of options out there for people who already wear glasses and need special care for their eyes outside of blue light filtering.

If you are not very fond of using glasses while facing the screen you can consider blue light filter app like Iris.

The app features various filters that filter out the unwanted blue light based on the lightning in your surroundings.

We should be doing all that we can to save our eyes from fatigue and strain.

We live in a world surrounded by screens in our hands, in our homes, and everywhere, meaning we need to be much more conscious of the strains our eyes are enduring.

So, let’s take some time to consider one of our most precious senses, our eyes, and how we can change our technology and habits to better fit our bodies, rather than the other way around.

It is definitely worth it.

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Blue Light Filter Glasses Wed, 14 Feb 2018 21:31:27 +0000 Screens are becoming more and more a part of our daily lives. Whether we are using computers and tablets at work, using phones and other devices to speak to family and friends, or using gaming computers and television screens to unwind in the evenings, we are constantly surrounded by screens these days. Because of this, ongoing research into the side effects ... Read More

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Screens are becoming more and more a part of our daily lives.

Whether we are using computers and tablets at work, using phones and other devices to speak to family and friends, or using gaming computers and television screens to unwind in the evenings, we are constantly surrounded by screens these days.

Because of this, ongoing research into the side effects and possible health effects of screen exposure are essential, and some studies have already found some interesting results regarding the blue lights that our screens emit.

Not all blue light is bad, for example, the blue light that we receive from the sun on any given day is natural and helps us regulate our sleep hormones.

However, or screens also give off blue light and this can have a range of effects on us.

One of the most common problems with using screens as much as we do is the issue of blue light which, among other things, can mimic the sunlight we are used to, and cause our sleep cycles to become unbalanced, leading to insomnia and loss of concentration.

There are a number of options out there to deal with the issue of excessive blue light exposure, and one of those options that are becoming more and more popular is blue light filter glasses.

Blue light filter glasses are glasses that are specially made to block the blue light emitted from our screens.

These glasses can be preferable to using an app to change your screen settings on your devices as you can wear them to use any device at home or at work, not just your own.

They can be a great way to carry around protection in your pocket, meaning that you never have to be exposed to excess blue light when you don’t want to be.

There are a few brands that have launched in the last year or two that specifically sell blue light filter glasses, and they can come in a variety of colors and styles.

A lot of people are wary of trying out these types of eyewear and protection because they think they will look more like protective goggles than glasses, but this is not true.

You can purchase filter glasses that look just like ordinary prescription glasses.

You can also buy them whether you ordinarily wear glasses or not.

Healthcare in general, but especially the care of our eyes which is so often overlooked, needs to be put higher on our priority lists.

Screens have transformed our lives in ways that we could never have imagined, yet without our eyes and without healthy eyes, we won’t be able to enjoy them much longer.

If you are exposed to screens a lot because of work or home life and think you might be causing yourself eye strain or are having problems sleeping, it may be worth your while investing in some blue light filter glasses or a blue light filter app like Iris which automatically adjust your screen based on your surrounding and filters out the unwanted blue light.

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Best Blue Light Filter App Wed, 14 Feb 2018 17:06:38 +0000 You may have heard a lot lately about the evils of blue light. But what is everyone talking about? Well, most of the screens that we use have a lot of extra blue light. This can have two different effects on us, the first being that blue is the natural color of the sky in daylight and this can trick ... Read More

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You may have heard a lot lately about the evils of blue light.

But what is everyone talking about?

Well, most of the screens that we use have a lot of extra blue light.

This can have two different effects on us, the first being that blue is the natural color of the sky in daylight and this can trick our brains into thinking that it is still time to be awake, making it harder for us to get to sleep at night when we are staring at screens.

The second effect is that there can be a lot of unfocused visual blues around the edges of images on screens, and this lessens the contrast and can cause eye strain and headaches.

What can you do to combat this?

A lot of tablets and phones come with a setting where you can turn down the extra blue light that may be causing you problems.

However, a much better way to combat the effects of blue light is to get yourself an app.

There are plenty of apps out there that promise to do the job for you, but here are a few of the best apps that you can get to prevent blue light eye strain.


One of the best blue light filter apps is Iris.

Aside from the Pro, It comes with a free version and works with both the windows and Mac OS.

It works differently to other apps as it changes your computer screen based on your surroundings.

Just navigate through the app settings once and Iris can change the colors of your screen to reflect your indoor lights in the evening, and sunlight in the morning. It is that simple!


Twilight is a great app for this problem.

This is a free app that can be upgraded to a paid app for perks.

Twilight adds a slightly red tint to your screen and this means that it canceled out a lot of the blue.

It also allows you to adjust the different color filters for your own preferences.

You can add different profiles for different things like work, bedtime etc. and this lets you set your own contrasts for whatever you are doing at the time.


Darker works mainly by lowering all the backlights of your phone to reduce eye strain.

Darker is a similar app to Twilight but you can choose which colors you want to see more of rather than red.

Some of the features are only available with the paid Pro version, but it is an app you should check out if you like to have full control over customization.

Blue Light Filter Night Mode

Blue Light Filter Night Mode is a slightly less intensive app.

It works the same as the other apps and lets you customize colors and profiles.

This app allows for a sixty-second pause if you wish to have all the lights of your phone on for a specific reason. Much simpler to use for those who don’t like extensive apps.

We use screens more and more these days and they are having an impact on our health and habits.

Taking care of our health is becoming more intricate and technology related. However, our eyes are something that we overlook far too much and something that we should pay more attention to.

We should all do our best to take care of our eyes and do what we can to protect our precious vision.

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Best Blue Light Blocking Glasses Wed, 14 Feb 2018 09:52:25 +0000 Back in the 80’s blue light blocking glasses became extremely popular because of how they were able to clarify images. They were initially created for NASA due to their ability to protect astronauts from damage to their eyes because of how close they got to the suns UV rays. As well as blocking the UV rays the best blue light ... Read More

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Back in the 80’s blue light blocking glasses became extremely popular because of how they were able to clarify images.

They were initially created for NASA due to their ability to protect astronauts from damage to their eyes because of how close they got to the suns UV rays.

As well as blocking the UV rays the best blue light blocking glasses also stop damaging blue rays from entering the eye but since they were first invented other benefits have also been found.

As well as protecting sight the best blue light blocking glasses can help biologically.

They can help you to avoid sleep problems that many people in the 21st century develop from using smartphones and computers.

By avoiding blue light and getting a good night’s sleep you can increase your health as it is at night when the body repairs itself.

As many of use screens that emit artificial blue light which can mess with the natural sleep and wake cycle that people develop from acclimatizing to the sun rising and falling.

When we expose ourselves to artificial blue light the body becomes confused which can cause sleep problems.

The cheapest way to stop your body from suffering due to unavoidable blue light is to wear the best blue light blocking glasses.

They’re not only for night time use, they can be used at any time to protect your eyes from the artificial light.

There are lots of different types of blue light blocking glasses available but below you will find a list of the best for different types of exposure:

Glasses for Computer and Gaming use

Although described as gaming glasses they work the same as other blue light blocking glasses so are suitable for any time you are exposed to artificial blue light.

The Gunnar Optiks Gaming glasses have an amber lens tint to them.

When used while using the computer they have been shown to help to stop eye strain, which is a problem for people that spend a lot of time in front of a screen.

The tint to them is something you can get used to after 15 minutes and is what makes them so effective.

They’re lightweight and stylish so can be worn out shopping to avoid the strip lighting glare and damage.

Great for Work environment

The anti-blue light glasses are great for people in an office/work environment as they don’t have any type of tint so look like normal reading glasses.

They are lightweight so comfortable to wear all day but won’t stand out at work or in public.

Best Blue light blocking glasses for Everyday use

The sunglasses are great for an all-around pair that you can wear all day.

They are great for helping sleep problems due to the fact they help increase the production of the natural sleep hormone melatonin.

Despite being plastic they are extremely strong which is necessary for day to day use.

They do however have a noticeable amber tint, so if you are looking for something more subtle the sleep better blue light glasses from Amazon are affordable and no one will know that you are wearing anything other than regular reading glasses.

An alternative to blue light blocking glasses is the Iris software that automatically filters out the unwanted blue light simply by installing the software on your computer.

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Best Blue Light Filter For Windows Mon, 12 Feb 2018 23:55:08 +0000 The blue lights that are emitted through our phones, tablets, and desktop monitors can be very difficult for our eyes to work with. One reason for this is that the blue light imitates daylight hours, making it harder for us to get to sleep because our bodies still think it is daytime. This is one of the reasons you may ... Read More

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The blue lights that are emitted through our phones, tablets, and desktop monitors can be very difficult for our eyes to work with.

One reason for this is that the blue light imitates daylight hours, making it harder for us to get to sleep because our bodies still think it is daytime.

This is one of the reasons you may have been warned about keeping screens and technology in the bedroom because it can seriously disturb our sleep cycles.

The second reason is that our eyes are not very good at dealing with the lack of contrast that blue lights put on the images and colors that we see on screen.

This leads to use over-straining our eyes and can lead to damaging our vision, eye fatigue, and even headaches.

There are plenty of apps that you can choose from to dim the lights on your screens and compensate for the problems with contrast.

Here are some of the best apps that you can get to use with a Windows operating system.


Iris is a great app that works specifically, for you.

By entering some information like where you live and what kind of lights you use in your computer room.

This app can change the contrasts and colors of your screen to keep in line with the natural light of the day and to work with the artificial lights in your home.


This is an app that is best suited to those who wish to get better sleep at night.

SunsetScreen is specifically made to reduce the glare off your screen in the evenings.

It’s a free app for Windows that is great and has much less contrast than the other apps and so you will be able to adapt very quickly to what the app is doing.

Allowing you to set what time sunset and sunrise is, you can take better control of your sleeping patterns.

PC Sun Screen

Another great app for getting to sleep faster is PC Sunscreen.

This is an app that works for Windows 7 or after and it works by increasing and decreasing the level of blue light emitted, depending on the time of day and working with what your natural cycle should be.

An automatic and simple app to use, PC Sunscreen will help you get back into a proper, relaxing sleep cycle.

Looking after our eyes and monitoring how much and how effectively we use the technology that we love so much is something that we can do, and something that we should do.

It is a simple and often free way to improve our overall health and get the most out of the devices that we use.

Find what applications work best for you, and what you can do to reduce the strain on your eyes and get rid of any headaches related to this that you can.

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Blue Light Filter for Windows 7 Mon, 12 Feb 2018 23:45:38 +0000 Digital eye strain is something that people are generally becoming more and more concerned with. Blue light is something that is concerning more people and has been developing a lot of study in. Blue light filter apps are becoming more popular with those of us who use technology every day and we are starting to see the benefits of reducing ... Read More

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Digital eye strain is something that people are generally becoming more and more concerned with.

Blue light is something that is concerning more people and has been developing a lot of study in.

Blue light filter apps are becoming more popular with those of us who use technology every day and we are starting to see the benefits of reducing our exposure to unnecessary blue lights.

There are plenty of applications out there for smaller devices like phones and tablets, but there is also some great software out there to use on your desktop monitor as well.

Best App for Windows 7

Arguably the best application for windows seven is Iris.

It offers a free as well as a paid version that can be used on any operating system.

How it works is quite interesting and different to other apps that you might find out there that only give you the options of changing the colors shown on your screen.

The Iris app changes your computer screen to reflect the room that you are in.

Just by filling in some information on where you live and what kind of lights you have in your room, Iris can change the colors of your screen to reflect your indoor lights in the evening, and sunlight in the morning.

These changes happen automatically, so you don’t to do any fiddling with contrasts sliders every time you turn your computer on. It is that simple!

There can be a dramatic contrast in what you are used to in terms of the color temperature.

The switch from blue light to reds and oranges can take some getting used to, but you will quickly notice the difference in your ability to get to bed earlier and fall asleep faster.

If you are prone to headaches due to eye strain, you will soon see a reduction in these.

If you are worried about not seeing images the way they really are, you can have the app disabled for an hour at a time in just a few clicks.

There are some other apps that do similar things and can act very much like the apps that you can download for your phone.

However, Iris has its own personality and really works to suit your contrast rates with your own environment and what you need automatically.

Eye strain is something that everybody has to be more aware of and deal with much better.

With all of the screens that we use in everyday life, both at work and at home, it is becoming more apparent that we have to face the possible negative side effects of using all the technology that we do.

So, we need to be better at taking care of our eyes and assessing the risks of the technology and screens that we use.

If we get the appropriate apps and take precautions for ourselves, we can reduce so many headaches and a lot of eye loss to, which is arguably more important than not changing our settings and screens.

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What Is Blue Light Filter? Mon, 12 Feb 2018 23:37:58 +0000 You may be wondering what blue light is and what is a blue light filter. I will explain this to you, so you understand what a blue light filter does and how it can help you. All About Blue Light Blue light is produced by the computer monitor and all computers produce it. All light is made up of electromagnetic ... Read More

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You may be wondering what blue light is and what is a blue light filter.

I will explain this to you, so you understand what a blue light filter does and how it can help you.

All About Blue Light

Blue light is produced by the computer monitor and all computers produce it.

All light is made up of electromagnetic particles that move in waves.

There’s energy that’s emitted by these waves. When there’s a short wavelength, there’s more energy produced.

Waves are measured in nanometres which is one billionth of a meter, so they are very small. The waves are made into groups such as:

  • UV or ultraviolet
  • Visible light
  • X-rays
  • Radio waves

The eyes are only sensitive to visible light.

Light is seen in various colors like green, blue, red, orange, and so on.

Blue light has a very short wavelength and it produces more energy.

It’s said that long-time exposure to blue light may cause damage to your eyes.

This is why it’s a good idea to filter blue light. This is what a blue light filter does for you.

Different Types

To filter blue light, you have several options. The first option is to just stay away from your computer and take a lot of breaks, but this won’t work for most people as we need to work at our desks.

You can buy blue light filter glasses which will filter blue light, but they are expensive and not everyone likes to wear glasses.

Another option is to use special software that blue light.

It installs on your computer and your eyes are protected from damage.

There are all types of software to do this so you need to conduct a little research before you buy.

You need software that will work on your specific operating system and have the features you want.

Good software will reduce your eye pain, and let you work at your desk without the need for frequent breaks to rest your eyes.

Buying Software

You need to buy software that is going to filter blue light in the best way.

You don’t want a poor filter as all the blue light may not be filtered effectively.

There are many companies that sell it so pick one that’s going to work for you.

Look for software that us well documented so you know how to set it up properly.

One company we recommend that has excellent blue light software is called Iris software.

Iris Software

So now that you know what is a blue light filter, you should try Iris software.

We have robust blue light filter software. You can get both a free version and we also have a pro version which gives you more features and options.

Iris software is easy to use and works with multiple operating systems, so you don’t have to buy other software.

Our program reduces eye pain, eye fatigue, and you will sleep better, too.

Iris is your best bet for a quality blue light filter.


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Blue Light Filter Monitor Sun, 11 Feb 2018 15:14:58 +0000 Blue light is something that is becoming more and more important to consider when thinking about our health and our use of technology. Most of us use screens a little too much these days, keeping ourselves up a night and disrupting our natural sleep cycles by reading articles and checking emails before bed. The effect that blue lights have on ... Read More

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Blue light is something that is becoming more and more important to consider when thinking about our health and our use of technology.

Most of us use screens a little too much these days, keeping ourselves up a night and disrupting our natural sleep cycles by reading articles and checking emails before bed.

The effect that blue lights have on our eyes can be much more extensive than we even realize.

There are plenty of apps that you can get for your phones or tablets that counteract the blue lights that may be causing you problems, but what can you do with your television screens or computer monitors?

Here are some tips to help you when picking out a monitor for your computer.

Is all Blue light bad?

No, of course not. All blue light is not bad, however, when using screens that use excessive blue lights to show images, they can cause eye strain.

Some people are more sensitive to this kind of light than others, but everyone can benefit from reducing their blue lights from all of their screens, including monitors.

How to Block blue light in monitors

There are a number of ways that you can better filter blue light in your monitor, and not necessarily by investing in a new screen.

One thing you can do is to manually change the colors and filters on your documents and video players.

This can give you better control over your customizing options, and it can also be less expensive.

Another thing you can do is to install apps like Iris directly onto your desktop.

It is a software that can automatically change the filter settings depending on the time of day and your own preferences.

You can install these apps directly onto your monitor as well, and these will help guide you through the process of changes colors.

If you have an older monitor that doesn’t have the same customizing capabilities as new models, or if you are simply not confident with changing settings by yourself, there is an easier way.

You can purchase blue light filtering glasses.

These are glasses that are specially designed to reduce the amount of blue light that gets to your eyes from your monitor.

Blue light filter glasses are a great way of reducing the amount of technological changes that you might not be ready to make in your life.

It is our responsibility to take care of our eyes, and though this may mean rolling back our use of technology and giving our eyes a rest when they really need them.

Making changes to our habits and also the technology that we use is important for our health is something that we should not put on the back burner.

So, let’s take our eye care into consideration when we buy new technology.

The best we can do is to strike a balance between our love of technology and our important eye health.

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Blue Light Filter for Windows Sun, 11 Feb 2018 15:12:46 +0000 Looking for a blue light filter windows solution? There are several ways you can protect yourself from blue light. Your computer screen emits blue light, and this can be harmful to your health. You may get headaches, eye strain, or even have painful eyes if you spend a lot of time looking at a computer screen each day. Here’s what ... Read More

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Looking for a blue light filter windows solution?

There are several ways you can protect yourself from blue light.

Your computer screen emits blue light, and this can be harmful to your health.

You may get headaches, eye strain, or even have painful eyes if you spend a lot of time looking at a computer screen each day.

Here’s what you need to know about blue light filters and what you should look for.

About Blue Light Filters

There are several ways you can use a filter to protect your eyes from the blue light.

The first option is to take long breaks away from your work to rest your eyes.

The problem with this is that you end up being less productive than you would like and you’ll fall behind on the work of the day.

This really isn’t a good option for most of us that work throughout the day at the computer screen.

Your eye doctor can prescribe blue light filter glasses and you can get this option worked in with a regular prescription, but these glasses may cost a lot of money and not be worth it if you don’t like glasses.

The glasses do work, but they aren’t the best option.

The best blue light filter Windows option is blue light filter software.

Blue Light Filter Software

If you use Windows, you can install special software which will filter the blue light and make the screen easier on your eyes.

You’ll reduce eye pain and eye fatigue and you will be able to be as productive as you would like as you don’t have to spend a lot of time away from your computer any longer.

The software usually has a lot of features and setting that make it easy to use. You can set the software and forget that its even there.

Your eyes will be protected from blue light issues.

You have to be careful about what you buy as you must ensure that the software program will work with Windows.

Some programs only work with Apple computer or other computers running different operating systems.

You want a version that will work with your system.

You also need software that has a lot of features.

Many programs are free, but they have poor features which don’t give you the quality of protection for your eyes that you need.

You have to take care, so you don’t end up with a poor quality blue filter that doesn’t do what you want.

You should avoid companies that don’t provide you with a lot of information about their filters.

Look for companies that provide a lot of documentation and are trustworthy.

We have looked at various companies that make blue light filters and have found Iris software to be the best.

About Iris Software

Iris software makes blue light filters and we have a blue light filter for Windows to meet your needs.

We have a free program with fewer features but they also offer a more robust Pro version which has all the features that you need.

If you want quality software for your Windows computer to protect your eyes from the blue light, try Iris software.

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Screen Filters That Block Blue Light Sun, 11 Feb 2018 14:56:54 +0000 In recent years we have been concentrating on and learning more about the importance of a good sleep cycle. Many studies have shown that an irregular cycle or lack of sleep could lead to many negative side effects including weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease. One of the reasons that this is becoming such an important topic is because of ... Read More

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In recent years we have been concentrating on and learning more about the importance of a good sleep cycle.

Many studies have shown that an irregular cycle or lack of sleep could lead to many negative side effects including weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease.

One of the reasons that this is becoming such an important topic is because of the technology that has crept so far into our lives may be causing some of these problems.

Not only does this stem from using our devices too much, but it is also related to the lights that are emitted from our device screens.

Specifically, the blue lights that are emitted from most screens can mimic the color of the sky and trick our minds into thinking that the sun is still up and that we should stay awake.

This can be counteracted by leaving screens outside of the bedroom and having an hour of technology-free time before bed, but there are other solutions that you can try.

You can get the Iris Software for your smaller devices and your desktop or laptop computer that will help to filter out the extra blue lights that can be causing problems.

These applications work by mimicking the natural light outside of where you live, working like the sun to regulate your circadian rhythm.

Iris manages this by working with the hours of daylight, lowering the intensity of the light as the day goes on.

They can also let you customize the levels of contrast that your screens have, and you can set profiles to work for different parts of the day or depending on what you are using your device for.

You can even pause the applications when you want to if you wish to see things the same as you did before.

It caters to both Windows and Mac and can be integrated easily into your computer software.

Some apps move to a much redder light which will take a little getting used to, but as this is something that can damage the eyes and it is worth taking a look at.

The lack of contrast that occurs when blue light is emitted causes our eyes to strain to see images and text clearly.

This can lead to eye strain and headaches, which can have a knock-on effect on insomnia as well.

Iris a great way to protect your eyes and to get yourself back into a better sleeping rhythm if that is a problem that you have been facing recently.

Often, these applications are free for the basic software and are very easy to use for anyone who does not feel confident changing settings on their computer screens.

So, it is very important to take care of our sleep cycles and our eyes and to manage the amount of time we spend looking at screens in our daily lives.


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Blue Light Filter Pro Sun, 11 Feb 2018 14:49:48 +0000 Are you looking for a blue light filter pro piece of software to filter blue light from your computer? There are many different blue light programs that you can buy to filter blue light. Here’s what you should look for before you buy. Buy Something that Works with Your Operating System Not all blue light program will work with every ... Read More

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Are you looking for a blue light filter pro piece of software to filter blue light from your computer?

There are many different blue light programs that you can buy to filter blue light.

Here’s what you should look for before you buy.

Buy Something that Works with Your Operating System

Not all blue light program will work with every operating system.

You want a program that will work with your specific system.

You don’t want to have to buy two programs when you run both a computer with Windows 10 and one that runs iOS software.

Make sure your program can work with your operating system, so you don’t have to buy multiple pieces of software to filter blue light from all of your devices.

Make Note of Features

You want to buy a program that has a robust set of features.

For example, you may want to have certain settings or modes in your program.

Some software is quite limiting in what you can do with it so look for software that has a robust set of features so you’re able to tweak your blue light filter to what you want.

This is why you need to look at a blue light filter pro piece of software that will do everything for you.

The professional software may cost a little more, but it’s going to be well worth it in the end as you’ll have software that will do everything that you want.

Look for Documentation and Guides

You should buy software that is well documented, so you know how to set it up properly on your computers.

Some software may be quite complex, so you’ll need a guide as to how to use it in an effective way.

In general, blue light software is quite easy to use, but a good guide can help you get up and running quickly.

Buy from a Good Company

Ensure that you buy your software from a good company that knows all about blue light software.

You don’t want to buy from a site that is suspect or can’t back up their claims with testimonials or review of what they have to offer you.

Make sure you get a good value for your money.

Poor websites will be one or two pages so avoid these sites and buy from someone that knows all about blue light filter software.

For this reasons we created Iris.

How Iris Can Help You

If you need a blue light filter pro piece of software, we recommend Iris software.

We have both a free version of their software, so you can see what it does, but we also offer a pro version that has more features.

This program will reduce eye pain and fatigue, so you can work without strain.

The program can even help you get a better night’s sleep.

Our software has a robust set of features and will work with multiple common operating systems.

We recommend the blue light filter pro option as it has more features to meet your needs.

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Blue Light Filter for Mac Sun, 11 Feb 2018 13:53:35 +0000 Are you looking for a blue light filter program for mac to help filter blue light from your computer? Blue light can cause eye strain, eye pain, and can make it difficult to use your computer as your eyes are always tired. A good blue light filter can prevent this from happening. Here’s what you need to know about these filters ... Read More

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Are you looking for a blue light filter program for mac to help filter blue light from your computer?

Blue light can cause eye strain, eye pain, and can make it difficult to use your computer as your eyes are always tired.

A good blue light filter can prevent this from happening.

Here’s what you need to know about these filters and what the best option for you is going to be.

Why You Need a Blue Light Filter

You need to use a blue light filter because you can’t afford not to protect your eyes.

Prolonged exposure to blue light can cause serious eye issues.

If you experience eye pain and strain now, you need to start using a proper filter, so you can get back to work and remain productive.

A good filter will help protest your eyes so here is what you need to look for.

Blue Light Filter Options

You can just walk away from your computer periodically to rest your eyes, but most of us need to work long hours at a screen so this isn’t a good option.

There are glasses on the market that have a blue light filter, and these will protect your eyes, but these can be expensive and for many aren’t that practical.

The best Mac blue light filter option is to use software specifically designed to work with your Mac computer, so your eyes are protected from blue light at all times.

There are many different programs out there that can help you.

Choosing a Blue Light Filter Program


The first thing you need to do is ensure that the program works with Mac.

Many programs only work with windows or other operating systems, so you need a program that is designed to work with your computer.

You want a blue light filter software that is robust and has a lot of features.

Look for a free program to try it out and then ensure there’s a pro version as the pro version usually has the features that you’re looking for and it’s generally a better option for the maximum in eye protection.

Make sure the program has a lot of options, settings, and that it’s produced by a good company.

There’s a lot of poor options out there so you need a program that’s going to do a good job.

Proper documentation and guides are helpful, so you can get up and running in no time.

We created Iris software and you can try it on your MacBook.

About Iris Software

Iris software will work for the Mac so it’s a good blue light filter mac option.

This software has robust features and there’s a free as well as a pro version.

The Pro version has more features and it’s recommended if you want the best blue light filter protection possible.

You need to protect your eyes from the blue light.

Consider Iris software as we produce a great blue light filter with lots of options to meet your needs.

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Blue Light Filter for Laptop Sun, 11 Feb 2018 13:36:59 +0000 Looking for a blue light filter for laptop? If you’re looking for a good blue light filter so your computer laptop screen is easier on your eyes you have several options. Blue light can damage your eyes and you need to protect your eyes if you do a lot of computer work. Here’s what to look for before you buy ... Read More

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Looking for a blue light filter for laptop?

If you’re looking for a good blue light filter so your computer laptop screen is easier on your eyes you have several options.

Blue light can damage your eyes and you need to protect your eyes if you do a lot of computer work. Here’s what to look for before you buy a blue light filter.


You have several options when it comes to these filters.

You could just walk away from your computer more often and rest, but this leaves you less productive and you may get behind on your work.

If you don’t use a blue light filter right now, it’s a good idea to rest for fifteen minutes every hour to rest your eyes.

If you can’t rest, you can always get blue light filter glasses which will protect your eyes.

These glasses do filter blue light, but they are quite expensive, and you may not want to sell out a lot of money for a pair of these glasses.

The best option is to use blue light filter software which will filter blue light in the best way.

There’s no need for any glasses and you don’t have to buy anything else.

There are many types of software that you can use to filter the blue light.

You want software that has plenty of features and settings, so you get the most out of the program.

You should so with software as the other options just aren’t the best for your needs.

Before You Buy

Make sure you buy software from a good company.

You don’t want to purchase a poor blue light filter for laptop.

Look for companies that have a good website and ones that have documentation and guides for the software.

You want software that you can tweak to how you like it and a program that has plenty of features.

There’s free software, but this often doesn’t have the features that you want, although it’s fine to try out and see if you like it.

Watch for websites that are poorly done as you may be getting a suspect program that doesn’t work the way you want.

The software should also work with your operating system.

Some software will only work a specific system, so you may need to buy additional programs to work on your particular operating system.

We recommend Iris software as this has the features you need.

About Iris Software

Iris software is a program that works with multiple operating systems.

It’s a robust program that has plenty of features and settings, so you can tweak the program to work the way you like.

It filters blue light to reduce eye strain, eye pain, and it will help you sleep better.

We have a free version, so you can try it out.

We also offer a pro version that has better features and more settings.

If you want a good blue filter for laptop, we suggest Iris software as it’s an exceptional blue light filter program.

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Blue Light Blocker Sun, 11 Feb 2018 13:25:22 +0000 A new hot topic for anyone into health and technology is the issue of blue light and the effects it can have on the human eye and sleep patterns. So, what is this blue light that everyone is talking about? And why is it so bad for you? What is Blue light? The blue light being discussed here is the ... Read More

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A new hot topic for anyone into health and technology is the issue of blue light and the effects it can have on the human eye and sleep patterns.

So, what is this blue light that everyone is talking about? And why is it so bad for you?

What is Blue light?

The blue light being discussed here is the light that is emitted through the screens on your various technological devices like your phone, tablet, and computer screen.

Is all Blue light bad?

No. Not all blue light is bad, and it can even depend on how sensitive you are to this type of light when it comes to whether or not it will cause you any problems.

But most people can benefit from reducing their exposure to blue light.

Why is Blue light bad for you?

There are two different reasons why blue light can be bad for you.

The first reason is that the excess blue light emitted by electronic screens lowers the contrast that we see in images.

This causes our eyes to overcompensate and can cause eyes strain.

The second reason that excess blue light from screen could be causing you harm, is that they can lead to a skewed sleep cycle.

What this means is that the blue light emitted by our screens can interrupt our circadian rhythm by mimicking the light we see naturally during the day.

This is why you are recommended to keep screens out of the bedroom and also why so many social media sites have a blue background.

What can you do about it?

There are a few different things that you can do to combat the effects of excess blue light.

The first is obviously to only use screens when we need to, but as technology is becoming a bigger and more integrated part of our lives every day, that is something that most people will find difficult to do, especially if your day job also revolves around a screen.

On the technological side of things, however, you have a lot more options.

One of the most popular, and mostly free, an option is to download Iris software that automatically filters out the unwanted blue light.

It can work by allowing you to customize the color contrasts you wish to see more of on your screens, or by automatically synching up with the natural daylight you experience outside, better easing you into a night time mode and thus, better sleep.

Another option that is becoming popular is the use of blue light filtering glasses.

These glasses don’t require you to make any changes to your screens and are a handy way to choose when and where you wish to reduce your blue light exposure.

Filter glasses can be worn with or without a prescription and can even be purchased as a contact.

If you want to protect yourself from eye strain or get better sleep, you might want to think about getting yourself a blue light blocker to give you a better night’s sleep.



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Anti-Blue Light Glasses Sun, 11 Feb 2018 13:10:55 +0000 A new trend that is on the rise for anyone who is into technology or anyone who uses screens for work or excessively in their free time, which includes pretty much everyone, is the trend of anti-blue light glasses. You might have heard of these before, but you may not know exactly why they are becoming so popular, or what ... Read More

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A new trend that is on the rise for anyone who is into technology or anyone who uses screens for work or excessively in their free time, which includes pretty much everyone, is the trend of anti-blue light glasses.

You might have heard of these before, but you may not know exactly why they are becoming so popular, or what they even do for us. Here’s everything you need to know about anti-blue light glasses.

What is Blue Light and Why is it Bad?

Blue light is a light that is emitted from our digital screens.

This blue light can blend with white lights and reduce the contrast in images and texts that we see on screens.

This can create problems for us because our eyes overcompensate to make up for this, and strain to see how we normally would off the screen.

This can lead to eye strain and even headaches if you use screens all the time, especially for work.

Another negative effect this can have on you is that it can copy the type of light that we naturally get from the sun.

This type of light can help regulate our sleep hormones and tell us when we should be waking up and getting ready for bed.

Having so much artificial blue light around us, especially in the evening or when we are actually in bed, can trick our minds into thinking that the sun is still up and that we shouldn’t be sleeping yet.

This is also why so many websites use the color blue as their background, to keep us awake and using them longer.

Obviously, this leads us to find it difficult to switch off our brains even when the device is switched off and can disrupt our sleep patterns long-term or even lead to insomnia.

What are Anti-Blue Light Glasses?

Anti-blue light glasses are glasses that automatically block out the excess blue light that you see from your screens.

These are glasses that you can carry around in your pocket and use for any device at work or at home.

You don’t need a prescription to get them, though if you use glasses, you can get prescription ones and can also get contacts if that is what you prefer.

These are a great way to have protection from eye strain everywhere you go and can be purchased in a variety of styles and frame colors.

The negative effects of blue light on our eyes are becoming an increasing concern with the amount of time that we spend using screens every single day.

As screens become more integrated and integral to our daily lives and needs, more time needs to be spent researching the possible negative effects of this and how we can minimize them as much as possible.

Whatever you can do to reduce the risk of eye strain or disruption to your sleep cycles is definitely worth doing some research into, as obviously our eye health directly affects our ability to use the screens that we love so much.

Consider Iris software as we produce a great blue light filter with lots of options to meet your needs.


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Blue Light Screen Filter Sat, 03 Feb 2018 15:29:21 +0000 If you suffer from computer eye strain, you may be looking for a blue light screen filter. In today’s world of high technology, we spend even more time than we may like on our computer screen. This intense screen time can cause eye strain and fatigue due to blue light. This light emitted from our computer screen tends to fatigue ... Read More

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If you suffer from computer eye strain, you may be looking for a blue light screen filter.

In today’s world of high technology, we spend even more time than we may like on our computer screen.

This intense screen time can cause eye strain and fatigue due to blue light.

This light emitted from our computer screen tends to fatigue the eyes over time and can make you uncomfortable or even cause headaches or other eye problems.

It’s a good idea to use a filter to reduce eyes strain.

Here are a few ways you can address blue light eye strain and the best solution for this common problem.

Solving Blue Light Issues

The easiest way to reduce blue light eye strain is to stay away from your computer screen.

This means taking hourly breaks and resting your eyes before you go back to work.

For most of us, this is impractical as we need to be at our computers for long hours to get work done.

If you reduce your computer time too much, this can lead to less productivity and you might not finish projects in time.

Another solution to blue light is to get a blue light screen filter. You can buy eyeglasses that solve this problem, but you need to wear these glasses every time you’re at the computer.

These glasses can sometimes be expensive.

You may forget or even break them and need to buy a new pair.

For some people, blue light glasses may be a great solution, but for others, it’s not the best idea.

Another way to address the issue is with special software.

Blue Light Screen Filter Software

Blue light screen filter software installs on your computer and works to protect your eyes.

You won’t need glasses and you can get the software for many different operating systems such as Windows 10.

This software reduces eye strain, eye pain, and can help you sleep better at night.

Some software features different modes, so the program will work the way you want.

Other programs have handy pre-sets, so you can be up and running with your blue light screen filter in no time at all and your eyes will be protected.

You can also set the software to various types, so you get the filter style you need.

Iris Software

If you have been looking for software, but can’t find a good program, you should look at Iris software which we made to be an excellent filter.

Iris software has pre-sets, various type of filters, and modes so you can use this software just the way you want.

It works with many different operating systems, so you won’t have to buy any additional programs.

You will have a robust blue light screen filter which will help protect your eyes from eye strain.

You reduce headaches and eye fatigue when you use the Iris software.

If you suffer from eye strain, get a good blue light screen filter such as the excellent Iris software.

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Blue Light Filter For Eye Care Sat, 03 Feb 2018 15:21:36 +0000 If you have poor eyes due to too much time on the computer, you may be looking for blue light filter eye care solutions. Today, eye strain is a common problem that we often don’t think too much about. When you use a computer for extended periods without many breaks, you tend to get eye fatigue or even eye pain ... Read More

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If you have poor eyes due to too much time on the computer, you may be looking for blue light filter eye care solutions.

Today, eye strain is a common problem that we often don’t think too much about.

When you use a computer for extended periods without many breaks, you tend to get eye fatigue or even eye pain which can lead to other issues if you don’t address it.

Here’s why you need to take good care of your eyes.

Why Blue Light Is Harmful

The most common cause of eye strain and other eye issues when using a computer is the blue light that’s produced by the computer screen.

You don’t realize what this light is doing to your eyes, but constant exposure to it can lead to eye issues like eye strain.

If you don’t rest your eyes periodically for several minutes each hour this eye strain can accumulate during the day.

The main problem we face is that we are constantly busy and don’t have the spare time.

We have to work on our computers to get the daily tasks done and this often involves long hours and even overtime.

All of this exposure to the light from the computer screen can be harmful to your eyes over time.

To keep your eyes healthy, you need a blue light filter for eye care.

There are serval ways you can go about this.

Addressing Blue Light

One way to address blue light is to simply spend less time at the computer, but this isn’t practical.

You can also use glasses designed to filter blue light, but these can be expensive and if you forget to wear them, you still get blue light exposure.

Today, we have specific software programs you can use which will filter the blue light, so you get less eye strain.

Your eyes won’t have fatigue and you can even sleep better as a result.

You simply install the software and it helps to filter out the blue light.

There are many programs you can use, but it can be confusing as to which one to buy especially if you use multiple operating systems as you want the best program to meet your needs.

You may find it difficult to find a quality blue light program to work with the operating system you use now. You need this program for proper blue light eye care.

Iris Software

One company that offers a comprehensive blue light filter for eye care solutions is Iris.

We have blue light software that works with many types of operating systems.

You will enjoy less eye strain, better sleep, and you’ll be more productive and can spend more time doing work without having to take a rest.

Iris offers a free version of their software as well as Pro version with more advanced features.

If you care about your eyes, consider a good blue light filter for eye care solution today.

Iris is a company that can help you with your eye care needs as we have amazing blue light filter software to protect your eyes.

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Blue Light Filter for Windows 10 Sat, 03 Feb 2018 14:54:33 +0000 In today’s world, we use computers all the time and spend countless hours looking at screens. We work hard on our computers and with all that work comes tremendous eye strain. If you suffer from eye strain, you need to take better care of your eyes. If you use Windows 10, you might want to look at a blue light ... Read More

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In today’s world, we use computers all the time and spend countless hours looking at screens.

We work hard on our computers and with all that work comes tremendous eye strain.

If you suffer from eye strain, you need to take better care of your eyes.

If you use Windows 10, you might want to look at a blue light filter Windows 10 solution to address the issue.

Why a Blue Light Filter?

Eye strain is a common problem and it’s often left untreated.

Eye strain tends to reduce our productivity and can lead to headaches or just feel tired more often than normal.

When you have eye strain or eye pain, you don’t work as well as you could be.

If you have deadlines or need work done right away, you’re not at your best because you have problems with your eyes.

If you’re not using a blue light filter now, you need to take frequent breaks away from your computer.

You should aim for around fifteen minutes each hour.

When you add these all up during the day, you have wasted a lot of time which you could have applied to your work.

All Operating Systems are Impacted by Blue Light

You can have the best computer possible and even run Windows 10 at a fast rate, but blue light still exists even with the very best computers.

All computers and operating systems are impacted by blue light so changing computers isn’t an option.

If you want to use today’s programs and reduce eye strain, you need a proper blue light filter as it comes from the screen no matter how powerful the computer may be.

Blue Light Options

Glasses with a blue light filter are one option, but these are expensive.

One of the best blue light filter Windows 10 solutions is to use software which works with Windows 10 to address blue light.

This software is specifically designed to work with operating systems like Windows 10 to reduce blue light.

You will have less eye strain and eye pain and you will be able to get back the productivity you need as you won’t have to rest as often as before.

This software is the best option to reduce eye fatigue.

Finding the Right Software

There’s a lot of options for a blue light filter in the market.

You may find it difficult to find a program that works for your needs.

Some programs don’t work with all operating systems like Windows 10.

You need to ensure that the software you buy is going to work for your needs and work with Windows 10.

Iris Software Can Help

If you need the perfect blue light filter windows 10 solution, you might want to try Iris software.

Iris software works with multiple operating systems and features both a free version as well as Pro version to meet your changing needs.

The software will reduce eye strain and even help you get better sleep.

Iris is your best bet for a blue light filter for Windows 10.

Download Now

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Blue Light Filter Glasses Sat, 03 Feb 2018 14:22:29 +0000 Computers are a big part of our lives, but they bring health problems that you might not even realize. One of the top problems we face when we use any sort of computer is eye strain. This strain on our eyes can be corrected with blue light filter glasses which do an excellent job at reducing eye strain and other ... Read More

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Computers are a big part of our lives, but they bring health problems that you might not even realize.

One of the top problems we face when we use any sort of computer is eye strain.

This strain on our eyes can be corrected with blue light filter glasses which do an excellent job at reducing eye strain and other issues.

Where to Get Blue Light Filter Glasses

You don’t need a prescription to buy blue light filter glasses as they can be worn just like a regular pair of glasses.

If you have a prescription, your doctor can fit you with a pair that will also offer the blue light filter as well as work with your prescription.

You can buy the glasses online through many online retailers or you can get them through your eye doctor.

There are many styles and colors to choose from as they are just like regular glasses. You use these glasses when you work on a computer to reduce eye strain and eye fatigue.

What to Look For

You should look for glasses that offer good protection and ones that are produced by a top retailer.

You don’t want to buy cheap glasses as you won’t get the maximum benefit from them.

You will avoid eye strain with blue light glasses, so they are a smart option if you face eye fatigue often.

Advantages of Blue Light Filter Glasses

  • Protect Your eyes from eye strain
  • Come in many colors and styles


  • Can be very expensive
  • You need to wear them each time you use a computer
  • They may break or wear down and you’ll need a new pair

Why Glasses Aren’t the Best Solution

Blue light filter glasses seem like a good idea to reduce eye strain and they do help, but they aren’t the best option.

Today, you can use special software with your operating system that reduces blue light and have less eye fatigue.

This software makes it easy to reduce blue light and it’s less expensive than glasses which you need to use each time you use a computer.

If you forget your glasses, you still have eye strain.

With software, your eyes are protected each time you use the computer.

The software can even help you get a better quality of sleep.

There are many different blue light programs you can buy in the market which make a better solution to blue light filter glasses.

How Iris Software Can Help

If you don’t want to use blue light filter glasses and would like to try software to correct blue light issues, you can try Iris software.

This software works on various operating systems and is the right solution to address blue light.

You will have less eye strain and eye pain.

The software is ready to go each time you use your computer.

You won’t need to worry about forgetting your blue light filter glasses at home as the software provided by Iris does all the work.

Iris has the blue light software solution that you need.

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Blue Light Filter App Sat, 03 Feb 2018 13:28:38 +0000 When you use computer technology daily, you run the risk of serious eye strain. One way to correct this problem is with a blue flight filter app for your computer. As you work, you may find that your eyes feel sore, they get tired easily, and you need to rest more often than you like. When your job requires that ... Read More

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When you use computer technology daily, you run the risk of serious eye strain.

One way to correct this problem is with a blue flight filter app for your computer.

As you work, you may find that your eyes feel sore, they get tired easily, and you need to rest more often than you like.

When your job requires that you be at a computer screen for hours at a time, you end up reducing your overall productivity.

You need to rest frequently due to eye strain and eye fatigue and you aren’t able to work like you would like to finish projects or other assignments.

A blue light filter app can be a very effective solution.

Finding a Blue Light Filter App

There’s a lot of choice when it comes to blue light application, so you need to do a little research before you purchase one.

You may find an excellent program, but the software only works with a certain operating system which you may or may not use.

This means you could potentially spend a lot to get a software to work with the various operating systems you use.

For example, you may have a Mac computer as well as a computer the runs Microsoft Windows.

In our fast-paced world, we often have more than one computer system on the go at one time to complete all the work we need to do.

Before you buy a blue light program, you must ensure that the software is going to work with whatever operating system you currently run.

A Comprehensive Solution

You also need a blue light filter app that will be a comprehensive solution for you.

In other words, it needs to be a complete solution to protect your eyes.

You shouldn’t have to buy any extras or other programs to ensure that the filter is going to give you the protection that your eyes deserve.

You want your eyes to be healthy, so you need something that works with ease, yet will protect your eyes in the best way possible.

Avoiding Poor Products

There are many products on the market that say they protect your eyes but do a poor job of it.

You need a program that is going to work for you.

Before you buy, ensure that the company has a well-developed website and provides you information about how the program works.

Here are a few questions you might think about:

  • Will it work with my operating system?
  • What is the cost?
  • Is the company well known?
  • Do they provide FAQS or other information about the software?

How Iris Can Help

If you need a comprehensive blue light filter app that works with different operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and more, Iris is the perfect solution for you.

Iris is software designed to work with today’s changing operating systems.

It also has a free version that you can try out to see how well it works for you or you can buy the Pro version which has more features.

Iris is the best software for eye protection and has an amazing blue light filter app to meet your needs.

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Blue light filter and Night mode Tue, 30 Jan 2018 13:25:18 +0000 We sit in front of the computer for 8 or more hours during the day. And yes, a lot of people use their computers during the night too. But as you can imagine, this artificial light does come with its own set of challenges, and in time it can damage your sight. This is why you need to find an ... Read More

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We sit in front of the computer for 8 or more hours during the day.

And yes, a lot of people use their computers during the night too.

But as you can imagine, this artificial light does come with its own set of challenges, and in time it can damage your sight.

This is why you need to find an app with the blue light filter night mode.

This dedicated mode will help you protect your eyes and help you keep them safe even if you use the computer for many hours during the evening or night.

That’s where Iris comes into play.

What is Iris?

Iris is a dedicated software solution which has the blue light filter night mode.

Its primary focus is to help you protect your eyes and also boost your productivity during the night.

Even the newest monitors don’t really have the necessary blue light filter night mode that you need to keep your eyes safe.

So, using a solution like Iris does make a lot of sense.

The way Iris works is simple.

It will match the screen brightness to the light around you.

There are various presets that will adjust your screen, and everything is done automatically.

Is Iris efficient?

The fact that Iris has a great blue light filter night mode is very important.

It’s the blue light from your computer that will prevent your sleep.

So, the thing you want to do here is to figure out the desired mode and then the type of light you want.

There are 3×9 different combinations for you to choose.

Aside from the blue light filter night mode, Iris also has some great light types too.

These include dark, movie, overlay, sunglasses, biohacker, programming, reading, sleep or health.

They vary in intensity, and that alone is really nice.

You do have to set these on your own, but they can be adjusted with a single click.

How can you benefit from using the Iris blue light filter night mode?

The best thing about blue light filter night mode is that it helps you reduce the eye pain.

By matching the screen brightness to the nearby lighting will make it easier for you to keep your eyes safe.

This way you will feel like reading a book each time you work in front of your computer.

Also, the blue light filter night mode is designed to prevent eye strain.

Iris will optimize the screen pulsations simply by controlling the brightness without the need for PWM.

What this means is that you get to use the computer without having to worry about any a headache in the long run, and that’s extremely helpful.

Lastly, Iris helps you boost your sleep pattern.

It will increasingly improve the way you react to blue light during the day and night.

As you can see, using the Iris blue light filter night mode is very important.

It helps you sleep better, you won’t have to deal with eye pain anymore, and you can also prevent eye strain too.

If you want to avail all of these benefits, just visit right now to get the best results!

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Protect your eyes from negative effects of Blue Light Sun, 28 Jan 2018 11:58:01 +0000 In a recent research, it has been found that most of the people are suffering from eye pain or lack of sleep. We often blame stress and anxiety for insomnia but our technological gadget is also a reason behind it. A blue light is emitted from the screen of the gadgets that are harmful to the eyes. Looking at the ... Read More

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In a recent research, it has been found that most of the people are suffering from eye pain or lack of sleep.

We often blame stress and anxiety for insomnia but our technological gadget is also a reason behind it.

A blue light is emitted from the screen of the gadgets that are harmful to the eyes.

Looking at the device for too long can increase the stress on the muscles that will cause the eye pain.

It is important that you protect your eyes from the sides effects of blue light and here we have some of the tips to help you out.

Give your eyes a break

It is important that you give your eyes a break.

If you have been using the computer for more than 3 hours that are chances that soon you will start feeling the strain in your eyes because of blue light.

So it is important that you take a break of at least 1 hours so your muscles will be relaxed.

Be smart with your lens

It is important that you wear the lens that has reflective features.

  • Even your regular spectacles should have the reflective lens
  • It will reflect all the blue light before it reached your eyes
  • The amount of strain on your eyes will be reduced and you will not have to suffer from eye pain
  • It is a good option for the individuals that have weak eyesight

Have light reducing applications

There are several applications available online that you can download in your smartphones.

They will help to reduce the brightness of the screen according to the light in the surrounding.

It will change the light to the night mode in case you are using the phone at night and will protect your eyes.

Use filter glass

It is important that you should apply filter glass on the screen of your smartphone and your desktops.

It is a special glass that will not let the blue light reach your eyes and so you will not have to deal with lack of sleep due to eye pain.

Do not look at the screen before going to sleep

One of the most important things that you have to do is stop using your laptops and your mobile phones at least 2 to 3 hours before going to sleep.

It will give your eye muscles and brain time to relax.

Your brain will not be performing any kind of activity and it will be easier for you to fall asleep.

Iris has the perfect solution for you

You might find it hard to follow the above-mentioned strategies and there are chances that you do not have the time for all this.

Do not worry because we have got the perfect solution for you in the form of Iris.

It is a recently developed software for the individuals that have to spend most of their time on the computer.

There are two versions of Iris.

It will help to reduce the emission of blue light from your computer screen and so you will not have to suffer from eye pain or lack of sleep.

You will be able to easily concentrate on your work.

It will prevent your eyes from strain and you will not have to suffer from a long-term headache.

Another benefit of the system is that it will help to improve your sleep due to which you will have a healthier start every day.

There are 9 different modes available in the device and you can select the one that you like the most.

So download Iris on your computer today and enjoy the benefits.

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Bigger, Brighter, Bluer-Better? Current light-emitting devices – adverse sleep properties and preventative strategies Sun, 30 Apr 2017 11:15:58 +0000 1Department of Children’s Sleep Medicine, Evelina London Children’s Sleep Medicine and King’s College London, St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK 2Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK Objective: In an effort to enhance the efficiency, brightness, and contrast of light-emitting (LE) devices during the day, displays often generate substantial short-wavelength (blue-enriched) light emissions that can adversely affect ... Read More

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  • 1Department of Children’s Sleep Medicine, Evelina London Children’s Sleep Medicine and King’s College London, St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK
  • 2Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

Objective: In an effort to enhance the efficiency, brightness, and contrast of light-emitting (LE) devices during the day, displays often generate substantial short-wavelength (blue-enriched) light emissions that can adversely affect sleep. We set out to verify the extent of such short-wavelength emissions, produced by a tablet (iPad Air), e-reader (Kindle Paperwhite 1st generation), and smartphone (iPhone 5s) and to determine the impact of strategies designed to reduce these light emissions.

Setting: University of Surrey dedicated chronobiology facility.

Methods: First, the spectral power of all the LE devices was assessed when displaying identical text. Second, we compared the text output with that of “Angry Birds” – a popular top 100 “App Store” game. Finally, we measured the impact of two strategies that attempt to reduce the output of short-wavelength light emissions. The first strategy employed an inexpensive commercially available pair of orange-tinted “blue-blocking” glasses. The second strategy tested an app designed to be “sleep-aware” whose designers deliberately attempted to reduce short-wavelength light emissions.

Results: All the LE devices shared very similar enhanced short-wavelength peaks when displaying text. This included the output from the backlit Kindle Paperwhite device. The spectra when comparing text to the Angry Birds game were also very similar, although the text emissions were higher intensity. Both the orange-tinted glasses and the “sleep-aware” app significantly reduced short-wavelength emissions.

Conclusion: The LE devices tested were all bright and characterized by short-wavelength enriched emissions. Since this type of light is likely to cause the most disruption to sleep as it most effectively suppresses melatonin and increases alertness, there needs to be the recognition that at night-time “brighter and bluer” is not synonymous with “better.” Ideally future software design could be better optimized when night-time use is anticipated, and hardware should allow an automatic “bedtime mode” that shifts blue and green light emissions to yellow and red as well as reduce backlight/light intensity.

Background and Objectives

A growing body of evidence suggests that the use of light-emitting (LE) devices in the evening may adversely affect sleep quality and timing, daytime performance, health, and safety (13). The brightness, timing, color, pattern, and the duration of light exposure all influence important physiological body rhythms (46). When modern LE devices are used in the evening before bedtime all these factors combine to produce a “perfect storm,” which can adversely affect sleep.

The role of light and its influence on many aspects of our physiology, behavior and well-being is increasingly well understood (46). In particular, the light/dark cycle is critical in synchronizing the circadian (daily) clock to the 24 h day. The hormone melatonin (“the hormone of darkness”) is produced at night, with the duration of secretion mirroring the dark period, and its production is associated with sleep (7).

While light during the daytime can beneficially enhance alertness, performance, and mood (8), in the evening it can suppress the production of melatonin, increase alertness, and delay sleep onset (9).

Importantly, not all colors of light have the same effect. Short-wavelength-enriched light (blue-enriched) is likely to cause the most disruption, as it most effectively suppresses melatonin (10) and increases alertness (11). Many older LE devices have been shown to have peaks specifically in these short wavelengths (3).

The development of LE devices means that for many people, a “book at bedtime” is now often an “e-book.” Traditional paper books with dim incandescent bedside lighting reflected off the pages of the book expose the readers to a low-intensity tungsten light with a yellow–red spectrum that has little impact on sleep. In comparison, the same book read in electronic format will provide a very different light signal with biological effects. This is not an insignificant issue with over a quarter of the US population reading e-books in 2014 (12). Furthermore, these same LE devices allow access to the Internet, social media, and games as well as reading, with evidence that multi-tasking is becoming the norm rather than the exception (13).

Studies considering the potential impact of light exposure at night have employed a variety of methodologies, including animal studies (14), laboratory-based controlled-environment studies (36), and epidemiological studies (13, 15). All have important roles, with advantages and limitations.

Until 2000, the majority of photometric studies quantified light stimuli in terms of photopic illuminance (lux) (16). During that time, inexpensive lux meters were used because of their existing role in lighting and photography. As the existence and role of melanopsin and the intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGC) in the inner retina have become clearer, so has the realization that current methods of light measurement are incomplete (16). In order to better characterize the biological effects of light, a “toolkit” to calculate the effective irradiance experienced by each of the rod, cone, and melanopsin photoreceptors has been developed (16).

We set out to measure light levels and spectral profiles of three of the most popular contemporary LE devices to verify and compare their short-wavelength-enriched light emissions. We decided to include three categories of devices; one tablet, one smartphone, and one e-reader. As we were not aware of studies comparing activities such as reading an e-book with playing a game, we also compared the light signals emitted when playing a popular game, with those emitted by e-book text.

Since there are a number of potential strategies that claim to reduce the intensity of short-wavelength light exposure, we also sought to test the actual effect of some of these strategies on the spectral profile of these light emissions.

By characterizing the extent to which each of the five photopigments in the human eye are activated by all the light conditions we tested, we intended to provide reliable benchmark data for each LE device, to allow later comparison with other devices, other conditions, and extrapolation to physiological and behavioral responses.

Materials and Methods

Using data from International Data Corporation (IDC) (17) and Canaccord Genuity (18), we chose the most popular devices of 2014 (iPad Air, iPhone 5s, Kindle Paperwhite 1st generation) from each of the three categories (tablets, smartphones, e-readers).

Since all the devices claim to be easily viewed at night in a dark room without any room lighting, we carried out spectrometric light readings in the same completely dark room. Light measurements were taken at a distance suggested as a typical reading distance, as advised by each device’s manufacturer (Table 1).


www.frontiersin.orgTable 1. Physical properties of LE devices tested.

The brightness levels of the screens were not adjusted for those devices that had an automatic setting (iPhone 5s and ipad Air) but the Kindle Paperwhite screen brightness level was reduced to 50% (guided by “typical night time settings” feedback from a convenience sample of 10 Kindle Paperwhite users). For each device, the irradiance as an exact spectral power distribution (SPD) was measured using the same calibrated spectrometer (Ocean Optics BV, Dunedin, FL, USA).

During e-book measurements, identical text was displayed across all devices – the same page, of the same downloaded e-book via the Kindle store. (We had previously looked at increasing and decreasing the font size within the boundaries available on the Kindle reading app and this made no significant difference to the light irradiance measurements.) For the game measurements, we used the same screen from “Angry Birds” – a popular top 100 “App Store” game by Rovio mobile (this was displayed on the iPad Air and iPhone 5s but not on the Kindle Paperwhite as this device does not display games).

These measurements were followed by testing the two different strategies designed to reduce the output of short-wavelength enriched light emissions. The first strategy involved testing the impact of blue-blocking (orange-tinted) glasses (Pyramex Ztek Safety Eyewear). These were tested by holding one of the lenses of the glasses 2.5 cm in front of the spectrometer probe. The second tested “Kids Sleep Dr” (a sleep diary/behavioral advice app intended to help parents solve their children’s sleep problems) (19). As this app is designed to be used during the evening and at night, its developers took this into account and chose a “sleep-aware” palate of colors accordingly. This is the only app we were aware of at the time that employed this strategy.

Finally, using the measured SPD, we calculated the equivalent “α-opic” illuminance for each of the five photopigments in the human eye using the recently proposed light measurement strategy (16).


Table 2 displays the device emission spectra (cyanopic, melanopic, rhodopic, chloropic and erythopic “α-opic” lux) in comparison with photopic lux for all LE devices and conditions.


www.frontiersin.orgTable 2. Spectral distribution of human retinal photopigment-weighted measures from all light-emitting devices during different display conditions.

Interestingly, the LE devices all shared very similar enhanced short-wavelength blue peaks when displaying the same text (445–455 nm). This includes the output from the new backlit Kindle device. Figure 1 presents the SPD of text of all devices. The spectral profile of text and Angry Birds game were also very similar, although the text emissions were higher intensity (Figure 2).


www.frontiersin.orgFigure 1. Spectral Profile comparing identical text on all three devices.


www.frontiersin.orgFigure 2. Spectral Profile of Text compared to game (same device).

The orange-tinted glasses significantly reduced short-wavelength light emissions (Figure 3). The color palate used in the Kids Sleep Dr app generated a different spectral profile to the “text” or “Angry Birds” with a marked reduction in short-wavelength light emissions (Figure 4).


www.frontiersin.orgFigure 3. Spectral Profile demonstrating impact of ‘blue-blocking’ glasses.


www.frontiersin.orgFigure 4. Spectral Profile comparing ‘sleep aware’ designed game with normal game.


We have shown that the “latest models” of tablet and smartphone LE devices that were tested maintained the same enhanced short-wavelength (blue-light) emitting characteristics as their predecessors (3). A third e-reader device (Kindle), previously non-backlit, is now backlit, and also emits the same short-wavelength (blue-enriched) light emissions.

Light levels emitted by games have not been previously compared with e-books, although the stimulating effects of games at night time have been documented (20). Interestingly, the game we tested had a very similar blue-enriched spectral profile to text, but was less bright.

There are some fairly simple strategies to reduce exposure to short-wavelength lighting before bed. The most obvious is to avoid exposure to light-emitting devices at night. Harvard Medical School suggest avoiding blue-light 2–3 h before you go to bed, while the National Sleep Foundation suggest turning all electronic devices off at least an hour before bed. Parents who have young children using LE Devices at night have the ability to either remove the devices from their bedroom, or at least turn them before bed. Falbe et al. (15) showed the associations between small screens in the sleep environment, screen time and shorter, insufficient sleep in school aged children. Such “removal” strategies become more difficult to implement with adolescents and adults, who make their own choices and are often influenced by peer and work pressures.

The two fairly simple light-blocking strategies we evaluated both effectively reduced the emission of short-wavelength blue-enriched light. The glasses we used were inexpensive, mass-produced plastic orange-tinted glasses often advertised “for shift workers.” The effect of these on the emitted spectrum, however, was significant and in keeping with more expensive blue-blockers that have recently been shown to attenuate evening suppression of melatonin while viewing an LED computer screen (21). The designers of the “sleep-aware” app adapted its colors using basic principles without needing expensive concurrent spectrometer measurements. This simple strategy was effective in reducing short-wavelength emissions.

Perhaps a more viable alternative to expecting people to wear such orange glasses, or app developers to limit their color palate, is to use software to apply a “mask,” or filter to the device itself. As we only tested one example of each of the currently most popular LE devices, this unfortunately meant we did not test android devices; had we done so we would have been able to also test software such as F.lux (developed by Michael and Lorna Herf that adjusts a computer display’s color temperature according to its location and time of day). This software, however, was not available for the iPad, iPhone, nor is it applicable for the Kindle Paperlight.

One important limitation of this study is that a multitude of environmental factors may interact and may contribute to sleep disruption. Light duration is one important factor whereby even a blue-light source of lower intensity, if viewed long enough, could still suppress nocturnal melatonin levels and increase alertness. Exactly how long, for each intensity and each device type, is not known, but it is an important area for future research. We only tested one “typical brightness” setting at one distance for each device. Some users of iPad and iPhone devices might manually adjust light intensity or invert colors, so our findings are only applicable to those users that rely on the default automatic lighting settings. Future research needs to construct full intensity responses curves for each device and to characterize the extent to which each of the five photoreceptor channels are activated using the Toolkit from Lucas et al. (16), the way we have done in the present manuscript. Following this, investigating individual variations in the response to such light sources will be necessary.

Another obvious limitation to research involving new technology is that the rate of releasing new LE devices, outstrips the time it takes to publish new research. The result is that studies that evaluate contemporary hardware are out of date by the time they are published (much as the hardware examined in this publication is also “last years model”).

Not withstanding these limitations, the trend is clear and technological “advances” to date for LE devices, seem to have focused on designs that enhance their brightness, blueness, visibility and contrast during the day. Unfortunately, these are the same characteristics that in the evening are likely to worsen timing and quality of sleep, and reduce morning alertness.

Despite increasing availability of information about the possible risks from evening LE device use, it is often hard to encourage people to make better health choices. The National Sleep Foundation’s Sleep in America Poll found nine out of ten Americans reported using a technological device in the hour before bed (13).

Even if this topic was determined important enough to warrant individual, community-based or national public health interventions, such approaches are expensive, difficult to implement, and often unsuccessful (22). A faster and more tenable solution would be for manufacturers to ensure that software design is optimized when night-time use is anticipated, and all hardware devices allow an automatic “bedtime mode” that shifts blue and green light emissions to yellow and red as well as reduces backlight/light intensity.

We hope that as technology improves, “brighter” will not always be synonymous with “better.”

Ethics Approval

As no human subjects were involved, none of the CONSORT, PRISMA, MOOSE, STARD or STROBE frameworks with which we are familiar, were applicable for this research.

Data Sharing Statement

Additional raw spectrometer data used for this article and from testing other apps are available on request from corresponding author.

Conflict of Interest Statement

Debra J. Skene, Victoria L. Revell, and Benita Middleton declare no support from any organization for the submitted work, no financial relationships with any organizations that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previous 3 years, no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work. Paul Gringras was involved in the development of the Kids Sleep Dr app – one piece of software whose light emissions were measured in this research. However, he has received no financial support for this development, and the app is a free resource with IP owned by Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust.


DS is a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award holder.


This study was conducted without any external funding for either equipment or researchers’ time.


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Keywords: sleep disorders, light, tablets, smartphone, apps, melatonin

Citation: Gringras P, Middleton B, Skene DJ and Revell VL (2015) Bigger, Brighter, Bluer-Better? Current light-emitting devices – adverse sleep properties and preventative strategies. Front. Public Health 3:233. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00233

Received: 28 April 2015; Accepted: 28 September 2015;
Published: 13 October 2015

Edited by:

Joav Merrick, Ministry of Social Affairs, Israel

Reviewed by:

Christophe Huynh, Hôpital Rivière-des-Prairies, Canada
Lena Pareto, University West, Sweden

Copyright: © 2015 Gringras, Middleton, Skene and Revell. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

*Correspondence: Paul Gringras,

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