Eyes Archives - 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 https://iristech.co/category/iris-articles/eyes/ Tue, 13 Feb 2024 22:46:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Healthy Eyes for Life https://iristech.co/healthy-eyes-for-life/ https://iristech.co/healthy-eyes-for-life/#respond Mon, 23 Mar 2020 11:14:29 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=30219 We all know how important is to have healthy eyes in any case. But do we know how much they deserve and how we should treat them? Few people take some care of their eyesight. Whether every 3 months, they have a spare hour for an eye doctor. Using different procedures, the important thing is to work for them. All ... Read More

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We all know how important is to have healthy eyes in any case.

But do we know how much they deserve and how we should treat them?

Few people take some care of their eyesight.

Whether every 3 months, they have a spare hour for an eye doctor.

Using different procedures, the important thing is to work for them.

All possible ways help your eyes as long as they are in the “Useful” column.

If you feel that you need to upgrade in every way possible to the health of your eyes.

Or you already know how to keep them safe, then go on down to find out what you shouldn’t do.

Impairment factors

It will be difficult to list all the obstacles to our sight.

But to start with a brief theory that will be useful for everyone, focused on practice.

Hygiene and care

First of all, we cannot but mention the most important of all the problems.

May everyone be familiar with personal hygiene.

Because lately, as we all know from the pandemic in early March.

We are affected by the so-called coronavirus.

And here it is important to mention that it gives in even when we touch our eyes.

Or other parts of the face, such as the nose and mouth.

It is important not to touch your face unless you have washed your hands with plenty of water and soap.

Different bacteria and more. They spread through mucosal contamination.

The eyes are a delicate area and are easily contaminated. This leads to several other eye infections that can affect the inside of the eye. So, observe your hygiene.

Wash your hands properly. Soap and scrub for 30-60 seconds in a circular motion.

Rinse them well and dry them well.

Blue light

Secondly, there is no way to mention blue light if we are talking about healthy eyes.

We cannot, without it, really need it, but we can limit it to a certain minimum.

In a digital age like ours, it’s normal to be exposed every day.

It may seem ridiculous, but the damage it causes to your eyesight is no fun.

Be competent in this. As we know, bright light also weakens our eyesight.

And this leads to different diseases.

The solution to the problem is you. Sunglasses, for example, also do a good job.

They protect the eyes from the inflammation.

Which the sun also contributes through its UV harmful rays.

Sleep deprivation

Sleep is extremely important.

Insomnia is often found in a fast-paced everyday life, like the one we are all subject to.

Pay attention! 30% of the global population has sleep problems.

Another 10% officially show signs of insomnia, the “National Sleep Foundation” tells us.

It’s not as small as it seems. It’s about a dream.

The most important care we often overlook.

Consider how many services we can avoid with just a few hours of sleep, plus a busy day.


The “University of Bristol” has researched.

That the wrong diet leads to some complications.

And not just by weight, but healthy from every angle.

For example, people with poor diets can damage their eyesight at a very young age.

I mean vision loss, blurry picture, affecting both eyes.

Improper nutrition leads to optic nerve dysfunction, or nutritionally called “Nutritional optic neuropathy.”

This condition is reversible if it is found in time, ie at an early stage.

And if you still think that eating healthy is due to starvation, you’re wrong.

Having healthy eyes means eating the right food in the right amount.

There is an extraordinary variety of foods that help our vision grow for the better.

The eyes need the right nutrients, such as vitamins, fiber, protein and more. Foods High in Omega 3, Vitamin E and A, as well as C.

Irritation, dryness, and redness of eyes

Often eye problems like these lead to more damage.

Pay attention to these symptoms if you already have them. Consult a doctor.

Such problems occur quite often, and some people consider it a completely normal thing.

Dry eyes can tell us about a disease to which we have some affinity.

Including red eyes and irritation can also be the key to more complications.

The symptoms that occur are often part of a variety of eye conditions.

Such as a dusty environment, a long stare at your computer or other digital devices.

Other causes are various allergies, unventilated room aids, lack of sleep and many more.

Consequently, pay close attention to your eyes and resort to the appropriate treatment.

Eyes for life

Create new conditions for your eyes in a busy everyday life.

The above topics and issues should be helpful. There is nothing more important than your health.

And we all know how difficult it can be sometimes, to quit important work and to rest for a minute.

But think about your eyesight. With a slight change in routine, you will notice the difference.

Eye exercises also help. Giving a few minutes a day saves you the tiredness in your eyes and keeps them moist.

Smoking and spirits harm both the body and the performance of the eyes.

I tell you if your work is connected to a computer.

And you spend a long time in front of your smartphone or other blue light-emitting devices.

You can buy computer glasses. They do a lot of useful work, protecting your eyes by “filtering” the blue light.

Makes the color softer (yellow or red).

Final words

I very much hope and will be glad if you continue with your good qualities.

Taking care of your hygiene, sleep, diet is the key to healthy eyes.

And about the knowledge that you have gained from this article, let me long for you. Health comes first, right?

Iris always tries to be as useful as possible to your eyes. We do not stop to develop and improve our product for you.

Because there is nothing more important than health. Which, anyway, has always been our priority.

This is how it should be. Iris is the software you need. For any display device, the dimer is perfectly suited.

Worried about going to Android? Of course!

For both Android and iOS, Windows, Linux, and other operating systems.

Eyes need more than one thank you. They are for life, so take care of them and their function to last a lifetime.



Author: Nikolay Tasev


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How animal’s sight works? https://iristech.co/how-animals-sight-works/ https://iristech.co/how-animals-sight-works/#respond Mon, 04 Nov 2019 14:27:11 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=22680 Animal`s sight is different from human vision In this article, you will understand how animal`s sight works. What do the vast majority think when they take a gander at the world most likely the animal`s sight it a similar way we see it. After some time we fathom that animals don’t have a comparative vision as people. “The information they ... Read More

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Animal`s sight is different from human vision

In this article, you will understand how animal`s sight works.

What do the vast majority think when they take a gander at the world most likely the animal`s sight it a similar way we see it.

After some time we fathom that animals don’t have a comparative vision as people.

“The information they receive visually goes through processes that we humans do not use.

When humans process these visual stimuli, animals do something with this information that we cannot perceive. ”

This adds in an interview with National Geographic’s Thomas Cronin, a biologist, and a specialist from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

How does vision work?

Let me start with a small set of facts about our eyes.

As we all know, the eyes are organs of the visual system.

The visual system is part of the central nervous system, which gives the ability to process visual details as vision. 

The capacity that the eyes have is to get and process visual subtleties.

The eyes recognize light and transform it into electrochemical motivations in neurons.

There is likewise an alleged refined optical framework it gathers light from the earth.

It alters its power through the stomach centering it through a customizable focal point gathering to deliver a picture.

It transforms them into signals and sends them to the mind using complex neural pathways that associate the eye through the optic nerve to the optic cortex and different regions of the cerebrum.

Eyes with goals have come in ten fundamentally various structures.

Of which 96% of the creature species have a complex optical framework.

There are less difficult eyes that have a place with microorganisms.

They do nothing but distinguish whether the environment is light or dark.

Animal`s sight

Take predators, for instance.

They have the most created visual field.

It serves them all the more effectively to catch their prey with brisk profundity discernment and great separation figuring, called binocular vision.

In different creatures, for example, rabbits and horses, they have monocular vision, with the eyes being utilized independently.

Utilizing her eyes thusly, the field of view is expanded while the impression of profundity is restricted.

Another interesting thing about vision is The visual perception of living things in the surrounding world.

It relies upon how their eyes procedure the light.

A sort of photoreceptors called cones recognize limited quantities of light; it allows us to see in the dark.

Animals treat light differently – some creatures have only two types of photoreceptors, making them partially blinded, others having four, allowing them to see ultraviolet light, and others may recognize polarized light, which means light waves that oscillate in the same plane.

The human against animal`s sight


Dan-Eric Nilsson, a zoology professor at the University of Lund in Sweden and co-author of the book Animal Eyes, said that cats, in contrast to people, have two sorts of cone cells in the retina, which means they are dichromatic.

They appear as though individuals with red-green blinding.

To get their visual perception, we need to join everything red or green in one shading. It is obscured on objects.

In sunlight, the cat’s eye is around multiple times more obscured than our own.

In the moonlight, their eyes are inclined to see cleaner than we are.


Dogs, similar to cats, contain two kinds of color-recognition cells to catch yellow and blue to bright light.

With a little gathering of cone types, dogs can’t recognize the same number of hues as people can.

Each cone cell contains color to explicit wavelengths of light.

The extent of tones that animals see depends upon the mix of concealing tricky hues in their eyes.


Horses bring the dogs closer to their eyes, and they can’t recognize red and green.

They like winged creatures put intensely in their 350-degree monocular vision empowering them to see for all intents and purposes behind.

Horses have more post cells than individuals a high degree of shaft cells to cone cells 20:1 similarly as a tapetum lucidum giving them prevalent night vision.


Insects have a more prominent number of eyes than individuals.

Most insects, for example, have 8 eyes, caterpillars have 12, the typical fly uses 4 000 central focuses in each eye, and the dragonfly wins in front of any and all individuals with 30 000 central focuses.

You will most likely feel that they are vastly improved at locating than individuals yet they presumably simply redress.

The insect compound eye resembles having bunches of little eyes looking in changed ways however each and every eye sees well overall. the human eye can turn yet it just looks a single way at some random time.

The nature of its vision is a lot higher than that of a compound eye.

So in the event that we can consider the to be thing as a creepy-crawly our eyes would see more subtleties in light of the fact that the sharpness of a human eye is around multiple times superior to that of the best compound eye.

The blue light and the animals

Light likewise influences different parts of the animal`s life.

Development, the plumage or body, relocation, propagation, and diapause are altogether imbued by light in different insects, birds, fish, reptiles, and mammals.

Many animals prefer to stay in the dark, while others like the hydroids fail to survive in the absence of light …

“LED lights are rapidly replacing other outdoor lighting sources around the world,” says TWS member Travis Longcore, lead author of the study and associate professor of Architectural Space Sciences and Biological Sciences at the University of Southern California.

The group looked at the impacts of hues that make up regular open-air lighting sources, including LEDs – or LEDs – that can be designed in a wide range of color mixes.

All in all, blue and white lights have the most negative consequences for wildlife, causing issues, for example, attraction and disorientation.

Amber and green are better for wildlife because they avoid the colors to which the study groups are most sensitive.


The blue light does far less damage to people than creatures.

Human vision is in danger because of the age we live in.

We do not question the health of our eyes, as well as the wildlife and the lives of our pet friends.

We should consider our wellbeing, life on the planet, and the planet itself.

We at the IRIS accept that our planet can be a superior spot to live.

We are expanding on our thoughts and attempting to make the world encompassed by innovation more secure with our blue light software – IRIS.

Author: Nikolay Tasev


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7 interesting facts about the human eyes https://iristech.co/facts-about-the-human-eyes/ https://iristech.co/facts-about-the-human-eyes/#respond Fri, 01 Nov 2019 10:15:54 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=20258 Here are 7 of the most curious facts about the human eyes. How often do we take a moment to appreciate these incredible organs? In my opinion, not often enough. So let’s do it together right now! Human eyes development The development of human eyes starts only two weeks after the conception of a baby. These organs have a very ... Read More

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Here are 7 of the most curious facts about the human eyes.

How often do we take a moment to appreciate these incredible organs?

In my opinion, not often enough.

So let’s do it together right now!

Human eyes development

The development of human eyes starts only two weeks after the conception of a baby.

These organs have a very complicated structure, so the process takes time.

Many people claim that these are the only organs in the human body that don’t grow after birth.

The truth is, they do.

By the time the baby is 3 months old, the eyes are still developing and growing.

At that point, the corneas stop growing for good.

However, the front-to-back length of the eyeball could continue increasing.

And since our head grows too, the distance between the two eyeballs also does.

We don’t see with our eyes

There’s a reason why human eyes are the prototypes of cameras.

They only let the light in through the pupil, which leads to forming an upside-down image.

It has to be turned around.

The brain does that and allows us to see everything as it is.

Furthermore, the visual information we perceive is being processed by the brain.

Therefore, we only observe with the eyes, but literally, see with our brain.

That makes sense because the hierarchy must be kept – the brain is the most complex organ in the body.

The eyes are on the second place. Besides, our brain is constantly engaged by the eyes.

“More than 50 percent of the cortex, the surface of the brain, is devoted to processing visual information.”, says Williams, the William G. Allyn Professor of Medical Optics.

Functions of the eye muscles

The muscle of the eyelid reacts faster than any other one in the entire body.

Blinking is meant to protect the eye from an unexpected danger and the muscle is 100 times stronger than it needs to be to perform its function properly.

There are also muscles on the back of your eyeball.

They’re responsible for our ability to focus on close and distant objects.

When we spend too much time in front of the laptop for instance, they don’t contract often enough.

That leads to sight problems.

You can easily prevent them by following the 20-20-20 rule.

Every 20 minutes get up and for 20 seconds stare at an object which is 20 feet away.

This will train the muscles and “restart” your eyes and they’ll be prepared for the next 20 minutes in front of the monitor.

There’s another hack to train your eyes which is as old as time.

Lighten up a candle and move it back and forward in front of your face.

Try focusing on the flame each time.

And you’re done with the eye workout for today:)

The weird floating things you see

Have you ever wondered what are those weird colorless bug-looking things you see sometimes?

I did for ages.

Well, here’s the simplified answer:

The first option is that you’re seeing the “floaters”.

They could be pieces of tissue, red blood cells or protein cells.

What they do is casting shadows on the sensitive part of your eye – the retina.

They move along with the movements you make with your eyes and look like tiny bugs which change shapes.

The “floaters” are clearly noticeable when you’re staring at a bright surface like snow or blue sky.

The second option is that you’re experiencing the “blue field entoptic phenomenon” – dots of light appearing when you’re looking at the bright blue sky.

These are actually white blood cells, letting the light through your retina.

They move in your capillaries and that’s why you see them shifting in time with your pulse.

The uniqueness of the cornea

The cornea is unique because of its transparency and the lack of blood vessels.

This allows the light to pass through and get to the retina.

There’s a wide-spread myth that a shark cornea has been used for human cornea transplantation once.

The explanation is that both structures are very similar.

However, there’s no evidence for these statements.

On the other hand, researches on pig corneas show that they may be appropriate for this kind of surgery.

In a few years, people with damaged corneas may replace them with pig ones.

Progressive, right?


What causes red eyes in photos

When the camera light hits our eyes, the pupils widen as usual.

However, they’re unable to reach the speed of a flashlight and constrict as fast as it disappears.

The light reaches the retina, but it’s too much and can’t be all absorbed.

That’s why it simply illuminates the capillaries at the back of the eye and (surprise, surprise!) they are red.

We all know the anti-red-eye function on the photo editors.

But is there something we can do to prevent this annoying effect?

It turns out that you have to avoid looking directly at the camera lens.

Just try shifting your vision slightly and see if it works for you.

In case it doesn’t, move further from the camera.

This way the light that reaches your eyes will be less aggressive.

Why do we cry?

There are 3 types of tears:

The basal ones keep the cornea nourished.

Thanks to them your eyes don’t dry out, even when exposed to extreme conditions like too cold or too hot weather.

The reflex tears are caused by different irritations such as dust, onion vapors, fallen eyelashes…

We all know them very well.

The psychic tears are most interesting.

Years have passed by before scientists explain what causes them.

It’s a very complicated process, of course.

In general, certain strong emotional reactions like sadness, anger or happiness trigger our nervous system.

Then it tells the “tear-producing center” that it needs to do its job.

What’s more curious is that this last type of tears is known to contain a higher level of stress hormones than the other ones.

So you literally cry the emotions out.


In order to finish this article in a more cheerful way,

I appeal to you: Be proud of your eyes!

I shared with you only 7 of the countless ways they amaze us every day.

Our software Iris also can be your eye’s friend!

We all know that monitors emitting harmful blue light, but with Iris, you can prevent it and improve eyesight.

Take good care of them and don’t forget to be grateful – thanks to them you get to enjoy the wonderful world around you.

Author: Slaveya Nikova


  1. https://www.lenstore.co.uk/eyecare/101-amazing-eye-facts
  2. https://versanthealth.com/blog/15-facts-about-all-things-eyes/
  3. https://birthworks.org/do-human-eyes-remain-the-same-size-from-birth-to-death-by-cathy-daub-cce-cd-bwi/
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6e_m9iq-4Q
  5. https://www.quora.com/Are-shark-corneas-really-used-for-human-cornea-transplantation
  6. https://www.goodeyes.com/blog/red-eyes-photos/
  7. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/features/why-do-we-cry-the-science-of-tears-9741287.html

Read more:

How can I take care of my eyes

Heterochromia – two different-colored eyes?

The eyes: from ancient jellyfish to modern humans

Blue light and Eyes


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Eye exercises: Myth or a real way to improve your eyesight? https://iristech.co/eye-exercises-myth-or-real/ https://iristech.co/eye-exercises-myth-or-real/#comments Wed, 23 Oct 2019 08:57:35 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=14504 Eye exercises Are eye exercises really helpful in relieving eye pain? For as long as we can remember propaganda existed. It can be used in every area of our lives in order to convince us of something. Evil events have happened when propaganda has succeeded. Nowadays we read news on our smart phones or computers. We rarely pay attention to ... Read More

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Eye exercises

Are eye exercises really helpful in relieving eye pain?

For as long as we can remember propaganda existed.

It can be used in every area of our lives in order to convince us of something.

Evil events have happened when propaganda has succeeded.

Nowadays we read news on our smart phones or computers.

We rarely pay attention to where we are getting the information from.

Everyone can write whatever he wants on the Internet and some people will immediately believe it.

Unfortunately, unproven medical and scientific claims are also being made and sometimes they can do only harm, no good.

Back in the 1920s

Back in 1920s an ophthalmologist named William Bates created an eye-exercising program which became known as the Bates Method.

However, it has never been proven effective and in fact, some of the recommended exercises can be causing damage, rather than to cure it – like exposing the eyes to direct sunlight.

What is more shocking is that most modern programs for vision improvement are at least partially based on the Bates Method.

Some of them even include repeatedly telling yourself that you are seeing better every day and you can see without your glasses.

Ridiculous, right?

What is vision therapy and who is it for?

There is a difference between “eye exercises” and “vision therapy” which is often being neglected.

As we have stated in the previous paragraph, most of the time eye exercises are simply useless.

Sadly, there is no magical exercise that will help you “throw away your glasses” like there is no magical weight loss pill.

On the other hand, vision therapy may have a positive impact on our eyes.

If you have any of the following common eye conditions though – myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness), or astigmatism, it is highly likely you won’t benefit from vision therapy.

People with age-related macular degeneration, cataracts or glaucoma won’t be able to change their condition with vision therapy as well.

Vision therapy is sometimes incorrectly referred to only as “eye exercises”.

The main goal of vision therapy can be to strengthen the eye muscles.

It can also help with eye tracking issues.

A doctor-prescribed vision therapy includes specific activities to help correct vision problems such as amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (crossed eyes).

Such conditions often affect children and sometimes adults.

Many of these therapies have been proven safe and effective by research.

How to exercise and relief your tired eyes?

Our eyes have muscles and like all the other muscles in our bodies, they can get sore when held in one position for too long.

Especially if we work on a computer all day, it is definitely a good idea to do some quick and easy eye-workouts from time to time.

The condition “digital eye strain” is common amongst people who constantly work at a computer.

It can cause dry eyes, eye strain, blurred vision, headaches.

To prevent the discomfort you can try some of the following exercises and relief tips:

1. Comprehensive eye exam

If you have not visited an eye doctor in over a year, you should certainly schedule a visit.

Getting a comprehensive eye exam regularly is of great importance to prevent or treat computer vision problems.

During the exam you should tell the doctor how long you use a computer and any other devices not only at work, but also at home.

You can also measure how far your eyes are from the computer when you work on it and bring the measurements to the doctor.

This way he will test your eyes at this exact distance.

2. Blue light filter

By adjusting the settings of your display you will reduce the eye strain and fatigue.

If you are not completely sure how to do that or how to do it in the best way possible, you can download Iris and it will do the job for you!

The blue light emitted from the screens is short-wavelength visible light which is associated with more eye strain than longer wavelength hues, such as orange and red.

Iris will automatically reduce the color temperature of your display, depending on what time of the day it is as well.

Therefore you will be able to work on your computer for longer without tiring your eyes!

You can download Iris on our website.

3. 20-20-20 rule

As we have stated, human eyes (just like any other muscle in our bodies) are not supposed to be “glued” to a single point for extended periods of time.

So if you work on a computer all day, you can implement the so called 20-20-20 rule – every 20 minutes look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

4. Blink more often

Blinking has the function to moisten your eyes to prevent dryness and irritation.

Yet studies show that when staring at a screen, people tend to blink less frequently – only about ⅓ as they would normally do.

This can cause dry eyes. If you want to reduce the risk of it, try the following exercise – every 20 minutes blink 10 times by closing your eyes as if you are about to fall asleep (very slowly).

The exercise will help rewet your eyes.

5. Take frequent breaks

As much work as you might have, it is advisable to take frequent screen breaks during your work day.

One 10-minute break every hour would be good.

You will be able to relax mentally and also to reduce your risk of computer vision syndrome, as well as of neck, back and shoulder pain.

Stand up, move about and stretch your whole body until you feel less tension and muscle fatigue.

Tips for healthy eyes

After we have given you some exercises and changes you can implement in your daily computer routine, here are some tips for healthy eyes too!

  • get a comprehensive eye scan if you have not in over a year (this is utterly important, therefore is mentioned twice)
  • many eye diseases are genetic so you can ask relatives if there are any prevalent eye diseases that run in your family
  • if you are at an increased risk for eye problems, visit your eye doctor every six months
  • wear sunglasses in order to protect your eyes from damaging UV rays
  • eat a healthy balanced diet – in one of our other articles you can find information about the 10 foods for healthy eyes and perfect vision (and yes, carrots are included)
  • wear your glasses or contact lenses if you have to
  • avoid smoking


If you have any of these eye conditions – myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness), or astigmatism, eye exercises or vision therapy won’t help you.

In these cases see your eye doctor and follow his professional advice!

But if you sit on a computer all day and experience eye strain, there is good news for you – some exercises and tips can serve you as a relief and enable you to do your job without feeling tired all the time!

Blue light filter, focus exercises and frequent breaks are one of the key steps to preventing the risk of eye disease.

Get a comprehensive eye scan to be sure that your eyes are healthy or to learn how to optimize your eye care!

Author: Ilina Stoyanova

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The post Eye exercises: Myth or a real way to improve your eyesight? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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10 foods for healthy eyes and 10/10 vision https://iristech.co/10-foods-for-healthy-eyes/ https://iristech.co/10-foods-for-healthy-eyes/#respond Sun, 20 Oct 2019 08:04:03 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=14398 10 foods for healthy eyes and 10/10 vision Balanced healthy eating and the topic of healthy eyes have gained increasing popularity in recent years, taking precedence over the countless miracle diets named after doctors of dubious origins. Thanks to the large database that people all over the world have access to today, knowledge of the true principles of nutrition and ... Read More

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10 foods for healthy eyes and 10/10 vision

Balanced healthy eating and the topic of healthy eyes have gained increasing popularity in recent years, taking precedence over the countless miracle diets named after doctors of dubious origins.

Thanks to the large database that people all over the world have access to today, knowledge of the true principles of nutrition and body mechanics are being disseminated and put into use to make us healthier and happier.


All fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products, and meats have certain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals which certainly are essential for the optimal function of the human body (except in cases of intolerance).

Therefore aiming to eat a balanced diet is crucial in the desire for a healthier lifestyle.

In the course of this article, we will become familiar with the foundations of healthy eating, the three main nutrients and not least – which foods can improve our vision with Iris.

Foundations of healthy eating

According to several health organizations, a healthy eating regime also includes the consumption of more plant-based foods and less processed.

First, of course, some fruits and vegetables as kings of every rating, associated with our health.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends consuming 400 gr fruits and vegetables a day, excluding potatoes, sweet potatoes, and other starchy roots.

Fruits and vegetables contain a variety of antioxidants, minerals, and fiber, thus making us feel full for longer.

Whole grains like oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, etc are rich in fiber and B-vitamins.

The protein sources help both in the formation and preservation of bone, muscle, and skin.

Such are meat, fish, as well as dairy products, eggs, legumes, seeds, nuts.

The infographic below shows approximately how much of your serving should come from fruits and vegetables, whole grains and proteins.

½ of your serving must contain fruits and vegetables, ¼ with whole grains and the last ¼ – with protein.

It is good to add a few healthy fats like olive oil, canola oil and less often butter.

Main nutrients

After we have learned about the requirements of a healthy diet (meaning a non-restrictive diet that we can easily sustain throughout our lives, not the “bad” meaning of the word most commonly associated with it), let’s become familiar with all three essential nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for living organisms.

They are important for the proper functioning of the central nervous system since the brain is the largest consumer of carbohydrates at rest.

Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose. Then the glucose moves through the blood to all tissues and organs.

Some of it is used for energy purposes and another is stored in the form of glycogen in the muscles and liver, to be used when needed.

When glycogen stores are saturated, excess carbohydrates are transported to fat cells and converted to fat.

In strength and cardio workouts, they are a major fuel.

If the organism does not have enough in store, it is very likely to affect athletic performance.
The division of carbohydrates into “simple” and “complex” depends on their structure, and on “fast” and “slow” on their glycemic index.

The glycemic index is a scale by which rates how fast a carbohydrate breaks down in the organism to glucose.
One gram of carbohydrates contains 4 calories.


Proteins are the main building blocks in the cellular structures of living organisms.

They play a key role in nutrition, related to the renewal, growth, and development of the human body.

The latter needs a certain amount of amino acids (the building blocks of the proteins) every day.

If there is a protein deficiency in the body, it responds with delayed development, loss of muscle mass or even disease.

When the protein intake corresponds with the body’s daily needs, hunger and satiety are controlled, the metabolism speeds up, muscle mass is preserved.

One gram of protein contains the same amount of calories as carbohydrates – 4.


Fats are organic compounds, part of the group of the lipids, which are characterized by insolubility in water and are an essential building block of cell membranes.

Three are the main functions of fatty acids in the human body – they are: 1) a source of energy, 2) involved in the structure of different parts of the cell, and 3) the building material for the production of important substances such as hormones, neurotransmitters, and others.

Four types of fat are extremely important to be familiar with: 1) trans fat, 2) saturated fat, 3) monounsaturated fat, and 4) polyunsaturated fat.

People all around the world know that trans fat is one of the biggest enemies of human health and the fight against its elimination from the food we consume is yet to become bigger.

Saturated fats are also harmful.

However, a 2010 study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found no sufficient evidence that saturated fatty acids are relevant to cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. 350 000 people have taken part in the study.

The fats that are vital for the human body are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

You can find them in avocados, nuts and some vegetable oils such as olive oil, as well as in foods rich in Omega-6 and Omega-3 as vegetable oils (sunflower, hemp, flax), nuts, seeds (chia, hemp), seafood.

These fatty acids are essential for the body since it can not synthesize them on its own.

Therefore we need to get them from food. So it is utterly important to be sure that we consume the right amount.

Fat is denser in calories than the other two main nutrients – carbohydrates and proteins – containing 9 calories per one gram.


10 foods for healthy eyes

Let’s make it clear – there are no “good” and “bad” foods. There simply are nutrient-dense foods and less nutrient-dense foods.

The nutrient-dense foods are the ones that should form the bigger part of our diet like fruits, vegetables, grains, meat.

The less nutrient-dense foods are most often the processed foods that we should consume in smaller amounts.

It has been found in an age-related eye disease study conducted in 2001, that certain nutrients (zinc, copper, vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene) – can reduce the risk of eye disease caused by aging by up to 25%.

The study was updated in 2013 to try different formulas. Options included Omega-3 fatty acids, zeaxanthin, lutein, and beta carotene.


The conclusion was that some combinations worked better than others.

What all studies agree on though, is that Omega-3 fatty acids, copper, lutein, and zeaxanthin are essential for healthy eyes.

If you want to know which foods will help you fight against age-related eye disease, this article is the right one for you!

We will present to you a ranking of the healthiest foods for our visual organs.


Many fish are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Oily fish retain fat in their intestines and body tissue, so their consumption provides high levels of Omega-3s.

The fish containing the most beneficial amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids are tuna, salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, herring.
Some studies have found that fish oil can help combat dry eyes, including dry eyes caused by spending too much time on the computer.


Nuts are also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

They contain vitamin E as well, which can protect the eyes from age-related diseases.

Such nuts are walnuts, brazil nuts, cashew, peanuts.

Legumes such as lentils

Just like nuts, seeds are a good source of Omega-3 and vitamin E.

Try to incorporate chia seeds, flax seeds and hemp seeds in your diet.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits contain high amounts of vitamin C.

Like vitamin E, vitamin C is an antioxidant, recommended in the combat with eye diseases.

Citrus fruits rich in vitamin C are lemon, orange, grapefruit.

Leafy green vegetables

You may have wondered (or may have not) why the sun does not dry and spoil the leaves exposed to excessive heat and sunlight.

It is thought to be partially due to two carotenoids called lutein and zeaxanthin.

They can also be found in our eyes and help prevent or at least delay eye diseases such as macular degeneration caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet light, and in particular, high-energy visible light.

You can find Zeaxanthin in the macula in high concentrations.

A healthy macula should have darker pigmentation.

In turn, it will not let the harmful blue light reach the retina.

The leafy greens we should try to consume often are spinach, kale, cabbage.


We have heard since we were young that we have to eat carrots (even if we hated them sincerely) in order to have healthy eyes.

And in fact, it turns out it is not a myth but the truth – carrots contain vitamin A and beta carotene, which is responsible for their orange color.

Vitamin A plays a significant role in vision.

It is a protein- rhodopsin that helps the retina absorb light.


Veal is rich in zinc, which is related to better long-term eye health.

The eye itself contains high amounts of zinc and it aids in slowing down age-related vision loss and avoiding macular degeneration.


Eggs are a perfect source of lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc.


Water is vital for the body in every way, when it comes to eye health too, of course.

Drinking enough water prevents dehydration, which in turn can reduce the symptoms of dry eyes.

Currently, the recommended daily amounts of the nutrients for healthy eyes and in order to slow down the development of eye disease are:

500 mg (milligram) of vitamin C
10 mg lutein
2 mg zeaxanthin
80 mg of zinc oxide
2 mg of copper oxide

Maintaining a healthy and varied diet, that includes a lot of fruits, vegetables and proteins is usually enough to provide people with most of the nutrients, responsible for eye health.

If for some reason you are unable to obtain the specific nutrients from the food, it is advisable to consult a doctor about possible eye health supplements.

People who have already developed an eye disease or those with restrictive diets should also consult a competent medical practitioner about which foods are right for them.


It can be also concluded that proper nutrition is the basis of human health.

All other external factors, especially the secondary ones (man-made) are just an addition.

In this case, such are sunglasses, lenses and many others.

But we must not complicate care by making it a burden – it must be a ritual of peace and pleasure.

Food can undoubtedly be both as long as we are patient and aware enough.

Contrary to the propagandized statement that food is our enemy, it is actually our most loyal friend when we have a healthy relationship with.

Color diversity, innumerable combinations and cooking methods, make healthy and balanced eating even more interesting, easy and affordable.


Author: Ilina Stoyanova


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How can I improve my Vision? https://iristech.co/improve-vision/ https://iristech.co/improve-vision/#respond Wed, 16 Oct 2019 07:44:18 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=14345 Nobody wants to wear glasses or contact lenses in their life, but if you don’t, then you ask yourself: “How can I improve my vision otherwise?” However, with the evergrowing usage of technologies, more and more people are obliged to do so and there is no medical way of turning the process backward. However, there is still some hope that ... Read More

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Nobody wants to wear glasses or contact lenses in their life, but if you don’t, then you ask yourself: “How can I improve my vision otherwise?”

However, with the evergrowing usage of technologies, more and more people are obliged to do so and there is no medical way of turning the process backward.

However, there is still some hope that you could improve more or less your vision naturally, just by doing several simple tricks.

Why does technology ruin our eyesight?

Everybody who has used any technology – were it a smartphone, a tablet or a computer – has felt the aftereffect of it by having eye pain, redness or eye strain.

This is all due to the huge amount of blue light that our eyes absorb by the displays of the technology we use.

Also, the hours spent staring at one spot and the low blinking rate (because displays and monitors make us forget to blink) additionally tire our eyes and eye muscles.

The everyday work in front of blue light emission leads to slow, but sure damage to the human eyesight.

So here’s your answer to “How can I improve my Vision?”


1. Get enough sleep

Sleep is essential to our well being.

Good sleep gives the chance to our body and eyes to rest and relax. And its absence leads to many problems.

The least that could happen to one’s eyes when they skip out on their beauty sleep starts with symptoms like dry and “puffy” eyes.

For sure it has happened at least once to you and you have felt how heavy and sometimes painful blinking is at that situation.

Dryness by itself could lead to eyelid spasms, popped out vessels, and scratched surface of the retina.

2. Exercise regularly – for your eyes and body

Active sport is a must for every human. However, did you know that your eyes could get some tune-up just as your body?

At the beginning of this article, we mentioned that displays make us look at one spot for a long time, which stiffens the eye muscles.

And just like every other muscle that gets stiffed, they need to be flexed every now and then.

Our recommendation is on every 20 minutes to look at far objects and glance around on the surroundings.

Also, another very efficient trick is to spell your name with your eyes. All you have to do is to trace the letters in the air.

3. Sunglasses aren’t only fashionable

Our eyes are one of the most sensitive body parts and they are as well in need of protection.

Sunglasses should be worn all the time when the sun is too strong, not only in the summer.

The worst outcome that is to come is conditions like cataracts and glaucoma.

Therefore, a pair of good quality eyewear is needed.

4. Say no to smoking

Smoking is harmful in general and nobody can counter at that.

Smoking is overly dangerous to pregnant women, for it could lead to premature birth and blindness in children.

5. Take regular breaks

Reminding yourself of taking regular breaks could postpone the chance of putting on glasses.

As said above on every 20 minutes of reading, writing, studying, or computer using, one should take a break.

That way – resting for a minute or two – the eyes can get moistured and less likely to get strained or itchy.

6. Eat properly

Human bodies cannot produce vitamins and vital minerals on its own, therefore it is in our interests to do it.

Green leafed vegetables, citruses, seafood, and eggs are a great start.

We have a whole article on healthy for the eyes food that you can read here.

7. Use proper lighting

If you feel the need to rub your eyes and feel pressure in the base of your nose, then the lightbulbs at your home need to be replaced.

Artificial lighting is under no consideration useful, but it isn’t harmless. So does the dim light.

Some people think that when they work in the dark, with turned off most/all of their artificial lights, their eyes would be feeling better.

But the truth is, that when there isn’t enough light, our eyes are overworking on seeing and this is even more fatal than the written above risks.

8. Update all of your displays!

“But how could I do that?” you would ask.

Pretty easily, as a matter of fact.

We present to you, Iris!

This is a software that blocks and filters the blue light from your computer’s monitor.

Iris is used by thousands of people worldwide that thank us for helping them by preventing eye soreness and eventually from putting on glasses.

Iris can help you without distracting you from doing your job, it is working in the background, only stepping in when it’s time to remind you to take a break.

Iris will help you to accomplish almost half of the numbered tips in this article!

Last words

Our Software Iris can do most of those things for you:

  • It blocks the blue light and helps you sleep better
  • It reminds you to take breaks every once in a while
  • It adjusts the brightness of your screen to the lighting around you
  • It will help you work faster and achieve more every day

Our eyes need as much care as every other part of us. Maintaining some simple habits is the key to a healthier and happier life.

So the answer to:

How can I improve my Vision?

Download Iris Now

Author: Yoanna Borisova

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How can I Take Care of My Eyes? https://iristech.co/take-care-of-my-eyes/ https://iristech.co/take-care-of-my-eyes/#comments Wed, 16 Oct 2019 07:08:47 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=14317 Do I take care of my eyes? How often do you think about your eyes’ health? How would you recognize if there’s a problem and what causes it? We all take care of the place we live in, the car we ride, the books we read… When we feel sick, we take some medicines or go to the hospital. However, ... Read More

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Do I take care of my eyes?

How often do you think about your eyes’ health?

How would you recognize if there’s a problem and what causes it?

We all take care of the place we live in, the car we ride, the books we read… When we feel sick, we take some medicines or go to the hospital.

However, we don’t take as much care about our eyes’ health, unless our vision worsens or the headaches become unbearable.

Do we have to get that far and can we actually prevent issues like these?

The answer is yes.

We just have to start paying more attention to symptoms like:

  • Eye strain
  • Eye pain
  • Red eyes
  • Dry eyes
  • Trouble sleeping

I’m sure you’ve experienced at least two of these symptoms, especially if your work requires sitting in front of a computer all day long.

If that’s not the case, even staring at your phone screen at night can cause them.

Well, here’s one simple question:

Do you take care of your eyes?

Answer by answering a few questions that are even more simple:

  1. What did you do when you noticed one of the symptoms above?
  2. Did you look it up on the internet or convinced yourself that it’s normal and there’s nothing to worry about?
  3. Or did you make an appointment to see an ophthalmologist?
  4. Did you research the reasons why it may be happening?

If you didn’t take any of those actions, and you have one of these symptoms regularly, better hurry up.

Stop convincing yourself that it’s normal because it’s not.

Your eyes need care as much as every other organ in our body.

And just like every other organ, they give signals when they need help.

Why are we ignoring our eyes?

I think that the main reason is that it’s become normal for us to be surrounded by screens of all kind.

The TV, the PC, the laptop, the smartphone… They’re all part of our daily life.

But what makes them bad for our health is the blue light they emit. Well, we can’t escape the era we live in, but we surely can adjust to it. 🙂

How can we protect our eyes?

That’s why “Iris” was created.

It’s meant to help people protect their eyes effortlessly – all you have to do is download the software which will filter the blue light so that you won’t have to worry about the harmful effect its rays have on your eyes.

If you wonder what blue light is, the main thing you need to know is that it’s not all bad.

The sun is the main source of blue light we’re exposed to and yet we don’t get headaches just by looking up at the sky.

Actually, looking at it helps us orient better in biological meanings (when to go to sleep for example).

And here comes the problem that the modern devices cause – the emissions of rays of blue light mess up with our biological clock and that leads to sleep issues.

Besides, our eyes were not designed to be exposed to blue light rays almost all day.

Therefore, they can’t block them. So they go directly to the most sensitive part of the eye – the retina – and cause various of discomfortable issues like the ones we mentioned above.

So we all take care of the place we live in, the car we ride, the books we read… But we don’t take care of the one organ that allows us to do all this? Paradoxical, isn’t it?

It’s not too late to change that.

Try Iris and start living healthier and working faster now.

Achieve More Every Day

Download Now

Author: Slaveya Nikova

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Heterochromia – two different-colored eyes? https://iristech.co/heterochromia/ https://iristech.co/heterochromia/#respond Tue, 20 Aug 2019 09:22:34 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=13770 Hetero- what? The different coloration of the iris of the two eyes, known as heterochromia, may be a congenital or acquired condition. Types of Heterochromia Congenital Heterochromia Congenital heterochromia is an unequal coloration of two irises or separate sectors of the same iris. When it comes to the two irises, one is a lighter color than the other. Its combination ... Read More

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Hetero- what?

The different coloration of the iris of the two eyes, known as heterochromia, may be a congenital or acquired condition.

Types of Heterochromia

Congenital Heterochromia

Congenital heterochromia is an unequal coloration of two irises or separate sectors of the same iris.

When it comes to the two irises, one is a lighter color than the other.

Its combination with chronic cyclitis, precipitates and cataract in the calm eye is called Fuchsian heterochromia.

It was first described in 1906 by Fuchs.

This type more often affects brighter eyes, develops mainly in young people, with symptoms being minimal, no pain and no redness.

This is a rare case in the ophthalmic practice.

People between the ages of 20 and 60 usually have it, with the highest rate being around the age of 40.

No relation to ethnicity or race. The incidence is the same for both sexes.

The condition is usually mild, with minimal symptoms and can be detected at random.

The classic triad of symptoms includes heterochromia, cataracts and corneal precipitates.

The most common complications are cataracts and glaucoma.

In the case of an already complicated cataract, the cloudy lens is removed.

The treatment is managed by a specialist ophthalmologist.

Acquired heterochromia

Acquired heterochromia is a change in the color of the iris of one eye after a process in it.

This occurs after chronic inflammation, in which the stroma and iris pigment epithelium atrophy and the iris becomes lighter.

In processes such as iris melanoma, as well as in metallosis, the iris becomes more pigmented.

The main process is treated by an eye specialist.

Complete heterochromia

Complete heterochromia (in Greek: heterochromia iridis).

In this form, the color of one eye is different from the color of the other.

Partial heterochromia

Partial heterochromia or sectoral heterochromia (in Greek: heterochromia iridum).

The color in different parts of the iris of one eye is different from the rest of the eye.

A special case of sectoral heterochromia is the central one, where the iris area around the pupil has a discolored color.

Eye check-up

Although most types of heterochromia are congenital and benign, if you or your child have eyes of different colors (or segments of different colors), consult your ophthalmologist for a complete eye exam to make sure that your case has no place for worries.

After your ophthalmologist confirms that your eyes are healthy, enjoy the compliments you will receive.

Extra Protection

You can never be too careful when it comes to your health.

That’s why even if you don’t have two different-colored irises you can try our Iris ?.

Iris is a software for eye protection and overall health of your eyes.

What it could do for you is decrease the amount of blue light emitted from your screen, control the PWM flicker, the brightness, etc.

Iris offers a few different modes and types depending on your needs.

You can learn more about it from our User Guide.

Try Iris Today

Achieve more – change the way you work ?

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The eyes: from ancient jellyfish to modern humans https://iristech.co/eye-evolution/ https://iristech.co/eye-evolution/#respond Tue, 18 Jun 2019 10:09:40 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=12636 Life has most likely been on Earth for almost as long as Earth itself has existed. But for the most part of those more than 4 billion years, life on Earth has been simple, single-celled organisms living on the bottom of dark oceans. Slowly but surely life began to evolve in many different ways. One of the most extraordinary features ... Read More

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Life has most likely been on Earth for almost as long as Earth itself has existed.

But for the most part of those more than 4 billion years, life on Earth has been simple, single-celled organisms living on the bottom of dark oceans.

Slowly but surely life began to evolve in many different ways.

One of the most extraordinary features that came with evolution is eyesight.

It is a helpful tool and the most used of all our senses today. Without eyesight we are mostly helpless.

But things weren’t always like this.

Building blocks

The eyes are one of evolution’s greatest achievements. Today eyes are everywhere in different shapes, sizes and function.

That depends on the lifestyle a certain species is leading.

Those different types of eyes all formed from something called convergent evolution – meaning they evolved side by side in different environments. But how did the first eye ever come to be?

Around 600 million years ago sea life was simple, small, soft and slow.

One tiny ancient plant called phytoplankton developed the rhodopsin gene which would lead to the creation of the proto-eye.

These tiny cells were living off photosynthesis so why did they need eyes? These organisms didn’t have brains or the complex vision we have today, so obviously they couldn’t just ‘see’.

The proto-eye was used only to make a difference between light and shadow. That ended up being really helpful in avoiding predators who could cast shadows.

At some point, a representative of one of the oldest lineages of almost unchanged species ate phytoplankton.

That was the ancient jellyfish.

Through mutation, jellyfish developed tiny black spots on their bells.

One recent experiment proved that jellyfish respond to colors from the different wavelengths of light.

Green makes them relax because it resembles the bottom of the ocean floor.

Purple light, however, turns on their escape response.

Purple and blue lights are the highest energy types from the spectrum which means they can cause various injuries.

Explosion of life

A little over 500 million years ago an event would come to a place that would baffle and excite evolution scientists.

That was the Cambrian explosion that spanned about 50 million years.

To us, that seems like a lot of time but given that life originated on Earth around 3 billion years ago it seemed strange that ‘suddenly’ most major species from that time would first appear in the fossil record.

The Cambrian period marks the evolution of compound eyes which would be used as natural weapons until current times.

Compound eyes are an array of many microscopic lenses – the same type that insects like flies and bees have today.

It’s believed the first such eyes came from an ancient arthropod called trilobite that secreted rock from its skin and ended up making itself crystal eyes.

Sounds very hardcore until of course its extinction around 250 million years ago.

Modern insects had a common ancestor with the trilobites which explains how they got compound eyes too.

The most complex compound eye is the dragonfly’s which has a whopping 29000 lenses per eye.

Rise of the vertebrates

The evolution of eyes gave the arthropods an extraordinary advantage in the battle for survival in the ancient oceans.

The sea scorpion was around 2 meters long and for a while, it was the main predator in the oceans.

That would change with a tiny worm-like creature that through a merging of genes developed a new type of eye – the camera eye.

This ancient worm through millions of years would evolve to become the modern vertebrates – fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals, including humans.

The camera eye was a single lens made of soft tissue. With it, the vertebrates quickly overcame the arthropods.

The largest vertebrate ever was a 10 meter, 4-ton ancient shark that would be the largest animal on Earth until the dawn of the dinosaurs.

The advantages the camera eye gave were that animals could now see in 3D and measure distance.

That meant not only knowing that there is something there but knowing how big it is and where exactly it is.

With the evolution of dinosaurs came another problem, however. It was good to have eyes, but they needed to be in the best possible position on the head for better vision.

Some dinosaurs had their eyes on both sides of the head but the nose area would prevent their fields of vision to overlap.

Meaning they had annoying blinders on their head constantly.

That, however, was great for the tactic of ambush. To this day crocodiles use their ‘blinders’ as an advantage.

Prey animals, on the other hand, developed eyes that could help them escape easily.

The eyes of rabbits, for example, are placed so that it gives them a 360-degree vision.

Sure it wasn’t 3D but it helped in avoiding possible predators.

Mark of the mammals

The first mammals emerged around 100 million years ago. They were mice-sized and in the era of dinosaurs had to be creative.

So they developed night vision. This way they could go out at night for food without risking being eaten or stomped on.

The main component in these types of eyes was the size of the cornea – the transparent layer making the front of the eye.

The size of the cornea dictated how much light would be let in the eye.

A modern primate called a tarsier has a cornea with the diameter of its whole eye. Its eyes are also bigger than its brain.

That means they are heavy and hard to hold into the skull. That led to evolving immobile eyes.

Tarsiers are able to rotate their heads 180 degrees compensating for their immobile eyes.

Big cats and wolves also have an advantage appropriately named ‘glowing eyes’.

That’s the effect of light scattering that allows them to see their prey very well in the dark. It’s also very intimidating.

The progressive evolution of the human eye began around 30 million years ago.

Following the extinction of the dinosaurs, the ape ancestors of humans evolved from night to day vision and were one of the first species to see many different colors.

Yellow, blue, green and red in the beginning and the modern human can now see more than 2 million different colors.

The color differentiation came from mammals going to live in trees and eating red leaves which were more nutritious than green ones.

The early humans had depth perception due to the position of their eyes but had a very limited field of view.

That imposed the need to live with others of your kind to watch your back. This would lead to the development of larger brains and modern societies.


The eyes are the most important sense to modern species.

Which is why it’s crucial that in our age of technology we do the best to protect our eyes and prevent strain and diseases.

After all the eyes have taken millions of years to evolve into the useful machine we have today and we should take all measures possible to keep them and ourselves healthy.

Find out more about eye protection in our article “7 Tips for eye protection in front of the PC“.


The post The eyes: from ancient jellyfish to modern humans appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Why do my eyes randomly burn and become so watery as if I’m crying? https://iristech.co/why-do-my-eyes-randomly-burn-and-become-so-watery-as-if-im-crying/ https://iristech.co/why-do-my-eyes-randomly-burn-and-become-so-watery-as-if-im-crying/#respond Tue, 12 Feb 2019 01:02:19 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=11934 This used to happen to me quite often It is caused by very dry eyes I have tried ‘Artificial Tears’ which does make you feel better for a little while but can be addictive and it’s not the best solution What you can do to naturally decrease the dryness is blink and yawn more often, you’d be surprised If you ... Read More

The post Why do my eyes randomly burn and become so watery as if I’m crying? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

This used to happen to me quite often

It is caused by very dry eyes

I have tried ‘Artificial Tears’ which does make you feel better for a little while but can be addictive and it’s not the best solution

What you can do to naturally decrease the dryness is blink and yawn more often, you’d be surprised

If you are spending a lot of time in front of the computer, that’s probably the cause, in this case, you can download Iris


It will reduce PWM Flicker and Blue Light, make some magic, and make you feel better in no time

Download Iris


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What is the difference between the iris and the pupil in the eye? https://iristech.co/what-is-the-difference-between-the-iris-and-the-pupil-in-the-eye/ https://iristech.co/what-is-the-difference-between-the-iris-and-the-pupil-in-the-eye/#respond Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:57:35 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=11924 The easiest way to explain it is this: In short, The Pupil allows light to strike the retina The Iris is responsible for controlling the diameter and size of the pupil and thus the amount of light reaching the retina Iris is also the name of the program that aims to save and protect your eyes while in front of ... Read More

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The easiest way to explain it is this:

In short, The Pupil allows light to strike the retina

The Iris is responsible for controlling the diameter and size of the pupil and thus the amount of light reaching the retina

Iris is also the name of the program that aims to save and protect your eyes while in front of the computer

It reduces the amount of blue light that your screen emits and removes the PWM flicker (which is essentially your monitor turning on and off thousands of time per second), so you can feel less eye pain and sleep better

Download Iris


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How computers affect our health https://iristech.co/how-computers-affect-our-health/ https://iristech.co/how-computers-affect-our-health/#comments Fri, 08 Jun 2018 07:51:08 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=9347 As it’s not that uncommon, it’s very likely that you work a sedentary job and you have to stay in front of the computer for hours. With the technical advancements, nowadays, every company is a technology company. As a result, the use of digital technologies is an essential requirement. Given that most of us are preoccupied, we may not even ... Read More

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As it’s not that uncommon, it’s very likely that you work a sedentary job and you have to stay in front of the computer for hours.

With the technical advancements, nowadays, every company is a technology company. As a result, the use of digital technologies is an essential requirement.

Given that most of us are preoccupied, we may not even realize what risks the constant use of computers hides.

So you should change your habits to make sure that your job is not actually killing you.

A woman working on her laptop in a cafe.

 Stay healthy while using the computer?

Here are some basic tips to make your computer habits healthier.

1. Get moving

We all know a sedentary lifestyle is one of the leading causes of most modern diseases such as diabetes, ischemic heart diseases, neuropathy, and obesity.

A lot of health campaigns are addressing the problem by initiating sports activities at the workplace.

If your company hasn’t made that step yet, you can take the initiative. Small changes can definitely make a difference

  • Walk or ride on the way to work 

You can run or cycle your way to work following the Scandinavian model for a healthier society.

That’s a great way to fit a bit more activity into your day. You’ll be energized, with an increased mood and productivity.

Cycle to work every day.

  • Take the stairs

Taking the stairs instead of the lift is better for sure.

But you should make it a habit so that you don’t think of it each and every time.

Start by once a day until you make it automatic.

2. Pay attention to posture

Almost every office employee has bad posture, resulting in back or neck pain or even damaging spinal structures.

Bad posture can easily become a second nature so you should try to keep your body in alignment while sitting in an office chair or standing.

Proper computer chair posture.

3. Protect your eyes 

Looking at a bright screen for prolonged periods of time can lead to eye fatigue, eye strain and tearing eyes.

Studies show that 50 to 90 percent of computer workers have CVS (computer vision syndrome). If you have CVS you may notice

  • Blurred vision
  • Dry, red eyes
  • Eye irritation
  • Headaches

CVS( computer vision syndrome) causes eye fatigue, eye strain, dry eyes

Not only adults but also kids during the school day have eyesight problems. To deal with the problem, you should:

  • Improve the lighting in the room

Eye strain often is an effect of excessively bright light from outdoor sunlight coming through the window or from bright interior lighting.

Close the drapes or the blinds for eye relief.

  • Make eye breaks

To avoid some of the CVS syndromes try following the 20-20-20 rule.  Every 20 minutes try looking at an object which is 20 feet away for about 20 seconds.

Do not stare at the screen and try to blink to keep your eyes moist.

  • Software for eye protection

As the 20-20-20 rule is not always effective, think of installing an eye protecting software such as Iris.

It will dim the display and adjust the screen brightness to the light around you.

Iris-an eye protecting software

Install it now and give it a go.

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Best RGB settings for eyes https://iristech.co/best-rgb-settings-for-eyes/ https://iristech.co/best-rgb-settings-for-eyes/#respond Mon, 04 Jun 2018 13:54:16 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=9222 If you sit in front of the computer multiple hours per day, you can end up with eye strain and other similar issues. Plus, what looks good on your computer usually ends up leading to eye fatigue. If you think that the RGB settings matter here and they can cause some vision issues, that’s most likely the case. The reason ... Read More

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If you sit in front of the computer multiple hours per day, you can end up with eye strain and other similar issues. Plus, what looks good on your computer usually ends up leading to eye fatigue.

If you think that the RGB settings matter here and they can cause some vision issues, that’s most likely the case.

The reason is simple here, the more you focus on brightness, the more demanding that will be for your eyes. This is why you need to lower the brightness levels, especially during the evening.

Lower Brightness Levels

You want the brightness levels to contrast what you have outside, coming from the natural light.

It will be a really good idea to focus lower the quality settings as they will not put a lot of strain on your eyes. But as you can imagine, this is specific to each monitor and person as well.

What type of monitor configuration should you opt for?

Normally, you want to have a contrast of 1:1000. The brightest spot will emit 1000x more light than the darkest spot. That’s OK because the higher the contrast is, the more challenging it will be for your eyes.

RGB Settings and Monitor Color Configuration

When it comes to brightness, you want to have that at around 200 cd in the office and around 75 cd in a dark room. It’s ideal to keep these settings, but if you want to go lower, then that’s up to you.

In the end, the return on investment will be a tremendous one, so try to consider that.

The greyscale and color tracking should be a lower number than 2 Delta E. Everything higher than that can cause eye strain issues, and that’s certainly something that you want to avoid.

Best RGB Settings For Eyes

What about gamma levels?

2.2 gamma should be ok. Anything higher than that may not be helpful at all, it can end up leading to eye strain and other issues.

Of course, there are other criteria when it comes to finding the best RGB settings. These include a uniform field of view, refresh rate and size.

But these vary from monitor to monitor, and they end up being very specific. In each situation, you will need another value.

Gamma Levels

Is there a way to automate the process of finding good RGB settings?

Yes, you can use the IRIS software. What this software does is it provides you with the means to automate the brightness and RGB levels based on the time of the day. This way you will have the best eye protection at all times.

You won’t have to deal with any eye pain or eye strain ever again!

IRIS has a multitude of presets that you can use and it helps you regulate the blue light levels in a natural way. You can easily choose one of the many presets that you can find out there, and the ROI will be an astonishing one in the end.

As you can see, IRIS is the best solution if you want to find the right RGB settings for your eyes.

IRIS - Eye Protection Software    

Eliminate the unwanted blue light and protect your eyes right away. Give this software a shot, and you will not be disappointed!

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Why does direct sunlight damage our eyes? https://iristech.co/why-does-direct-sunlight-damage-our-eyes/ https://iristech.co/why-does-direct-sunlight-damage-our-eyes/#respond Fri, 04 May 2018 20:55:04 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=8075 Aside from the colors we see light constitutes of much more things Visible light is only small portion of the light that the Sun emits. The wavelengths from the router, the wavelengths from the microwave or the radio waves, all of this things is light in one way or another. Actually, it will be better to say that all visible ... Read More

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Aside from the colors we see light constitutes of much more things

Visible light is only small portion of the light that the Sun emits.

The wavelengths from the router, the wavelengths from the microwave or the radio waves, all of this things is light in one way or another.

Actually, it will be better to say that all visible light is actually different wavelengths that our eyes and brain makes sense of by giving the wavelength a color.

So the problem is that we are really gentle creatures and almost everything can harm us.

This is why X-rays are bad for us because our atoms and DNA may become damaged. Same goes for cosmic rays and gamma rays.

Our Earth atmosphere blocks most of these harmful rays so you don’t need to worry about it but a lot of UV light passes down from the atmosphere and enters the ground.

UV light and Blue light are really high-energy lights and they cause a lot of damage to us.

Because of this high-energy light, we burn under the Sun and our skin can become damaged

Our eyes, however, doesn’t have the same protective mechanism for repairing like our skin and looking at UV and Blue light directly is cumulative and you can permanently damage your vision in the long run.

While there is some protection for UVC and UVB light, our eyes can’t block UVA and Blue light and these kinds of lights enter deep into our retina.

This may cause Macular degeneration and other injuries in the long run to the eye.

This is why wearing sunglasses is recommended when you go outside and it’s bad to look directly at the Sun.

However, what most people would not tell you is that most monitor emits as much blue light as the Sun and also cause permanent eye injuries in the long run.

This is why it’s good to wear your sunglasses even in front of the monitor or if you don’t want to look dorky you can use blue light filter software like Iris which will automatically reduce the blue light emitted from your monitor so your eyes will be protected even without sunglasses.

Basically, UV light enters deep into our retina and cause damage and Blue light is also bad for the same reason.

I also have one more article if you want to read more about these kinds of things:

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How would an Eye work with no Pupils? https://iristech.co/how-would-an-eye-work-with-no-pupils/ https://iristech.co/how-would-an-eye-work-with-no-pupils/#respond Mon, 30 Apr 2018 10:09:25 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=8012 The condition when you don’t have pupils(iris) is called aniridia which literally means “without iris”. Technically you can close your eyes a bit and you will stop the amount of light that enters the eye a bit. You can also get some artificial iris to reduce the amount of light entering the eye. The job of pupils is to reduce ... Read More

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The condition when you don’t have pupils(iris) is called aniridia which literally means “without iris”.

Technically you can close your eyes a bit and you will stop the amount of light that enters the eye a bit.

You can also get some artificial iris to reduce the amount of light entering the eye.

The job of pupils is to reduce the light entering the eye so you should be able to see fine in the dark but you will have some extreme light sensitivity during the day.

With this light sensitivity during the day software like Iris may help to reduce the light emitted from the screen or lowering the brightness of your screen.

However, if you lower the brightness via the monitor buttons you may get more eye strain because of pulse-width modulation but I’m actually not sure if this will cause more eye strain if you don’t have pupil to adapt to the light around you.

Lowering and filtering blue light may also help since blue light often causes the biggest amount of light sensitivity because it’s the highest energy visible light.

That being said looking directly at the Sun without pupils will probably make you blind for a bit or permanently if you stare too much into the Sun.

Your photoreceptors will be overstimulated and continuous exposure may damage or burn them.

One of the best ways to deal with not having pupils will probably be wearing Sunglasses all the time.

You will probably have different sunglasses for the different kinds of the day to reduce the light entering the light more or less depending on how much light there is around you and how much light sensitivity you have.

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Eye evolution timeline https://iristech.co/eye-evolution-timeline/ https://iristech.co/eye-evolution-timeline/#respond Thu, 12 Oct 2017 13:06:39 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=5358 The origins of vision is a widely debated subject, since genetic relationships between early animals capable of sight are inconsistent. A team of researchers has conducted an extensive computer analysis that tests every proposed hypothesis on the origin of vision to date, and found a common ancestor dating from 700 million years ago. Their findings suggest vision evolved much earlier ... Read More

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The origins of vision is a widely debated subject, since genetic relationships between early animals capable of sight are inconsistent. A team of researchers has conducted an extensive computer analysis that tests every proposed hypothesis on the origin of vision to date, and found a common ancestor dating from 700 million years ago. Their findings suggest vision evolved much earlier than previously thought.

Opsin is photosensitive protein which holds the key to developing optical vision. These vital components trap light in the eyes’ pigments, however when they first evolved has been always a puzzling question for scientists.

Dr Davide Pisani of Bristol’s Schools of Biological Sciences and Earth Sciences and colleagues at NUI Maynooth performed a computational analysis of all available genomic information from all relevant animal lineages, including a newly sequenced group of sponges (Oscarella carmela) and the Cnidarians, a group of animals thought to have possessed the world’s earliest eyes.

With this data at hand, the researchers were able to construct an evolutionary timeline of opsin, which eventually lead them to the point of origin – a common ancestors to all groups appearing some 700 million years ago. The first opsin originated from the duplication of the common ancestor of the melatonin and opsin genes in a eumetazoan (Placozoa plus Neuralia) ancestor, and an inference of its amino acid sequence suggests that this protein might not have been light-sensitive.

Despite being consider blind, the opsin protein underwent key genetic changes over the span of 11 million years that conveyed the ability to detect light.

“The great relevance of our study is that we traced the earliest origin of vision and we found that it originated only once in animals,” says Dr Davide Pisani.

“This is an astonishing discovery, because it implies that our study uncovered, in consequence, how and when vision evolved in humans.”

Findings were published in the journal PNAS. Below you can find a very interesting infographic published by Voltier Creative which explains how eyes evolved.


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Optical illusions https://iristech.co/optical-illusions/ https://iristech.co/optical-illusions/#respond Wed, 11 Oct 2017 11:25:21 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=5302 Optical Illusions can use color, light and patterns to create images that can be deceptive or misleading to our brains. The information gathered by the eye is processed by the brain, creating a perception that in reality, does not match the true image. Perception refers to the interpretation of what we take in through our eyes. Optical illusions occur because ... Read More

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Optical Illusions can use color, light and patterns to create images that can be deceptive or misleading to our brains. The information gathered by the eye is processed by the brain, creating a perception that in reality, does not match the true image. Perception refers to the interpretation of what we take in through our eyes. Optical illusions occur because our brain is trying to interpret what we see and make sense of the world around us. Optical illusions simply trick our brains into seeing things which may or may not be real.

Try out some of these illusions and discover just how tricky it can be for your brain to accurately interpret the images from your eyes.

Color Blind

Color Illusion

Elephant Legs


Hermann Grid Illusion

Horizontal Lines

Kanizsa Triangle

Light Bulb


Muller-Lyer Illusion

My Wife and My Mother-in-Law


Refraction Ilusion


The Animal

The Box and the Sphere

Zollner Illusion

Rotating Rings

If you stare at the dot in the center and move your head away from the screen the rings will start to rotate. Now gradually get closer again and they will change direction.

Fading Image

Stare at the image for about half a minute without moving your eyes and watch as it gradually disappears. This is a variation of Troxler’s effect which essentially says that if you fixate your eyes on a certain point, stimuli near that point will gradually fade.

Kanizsa Triangle

The Kanizsa Triangle was named after the psychologist Gaetano Kanizsa who first described its effect. When you look at the image your brain creates contours (outlines) of a triangle although none exist. In reality it is an illusion created by the the wedges and the angles.


This is one of the most famous optical illusion pictures of an impossible object. It has two rectangular prongs at one end that morph into three cylindrical prongs at the other.

Monster Illusion

Found in virtually every psychology textbook in the world, the two monsters in this optical illusion are in fact the same size. Your brain automatically adjusts images that it perceives to be distant in order to compensate for the fact that they are larger than they seem.

Jastrow Illusion

Named after Robert Jastrow in 1889, the bottom figure appears to be larger although they are both the same size. This is because the shorter edge of “A” is directly adjacent to the longer edge of “B”.

Fraser Spiral

First described by British psychologist James Fraser in 1908, this illusion is also known as the “false spiral”. While it appears that the overlapping arcs are spiraling into infinity they are in fact only a series of concentric circles.

Scintillating Grid

This is a variation of the Hermann Grid where black dots appear and disappear at the intersections of the gray lines. Interestingly enough, if you cock your head at a 45 degree angle the effect is reduced (but not eliminated).

Blue vs Green

There are several variations to this optical illusion but the effect is the same. The “blue” and “green” backgrounds are in fact the same color.

Penrose triangle

Endless Staircase

Black on White

Stare at the center of the image for about 30 seconds and then look away at a preferably white surface (sometimes the ceiling works). What do you see?

Zöllner Illusion

This optical illusion was named after Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner and consists of parallel lines that appear to be diagonal. You may need a ruler for this one.

Hering Illusion

Although the two red lines seem to be bowed outwards they are perfectly straight and parallel. This optical illusion is attributed to Ewald Hering, a German physiologist who believed that the distortion was derived from the mind overestimating the angles at the points of intersection.

Titchener Circles

Also known as the Ebbinghaus Illusion, there is still a debate in psychological circles as to the exact mechanism and implication of this effect. Essentially, the orange circle on the left appears to be smaller than the one on the right although in reality they are the same size.

Leaning Tower

Yes, the leaning tower of pisa does actually lean, but these two images are in fact one and the same. Although the image on the right appears to be leaning away from the one on the left this is only in your head.

Spinning Silhouette

Created by web designer Nobuyuki Kayahara, some people at first see the figure spinning clockwise while others see it spinning counterclockwise. Don’t spend too much time trying to decipher it though, you could be here all day.

Up and Down

Although it is obvious that the pillars in this optical illusion gif are staying in the same horizontal position, our brain is convinced that they should be moving to the right.

Rotating Squares

At first this optical illusion picture may be hard to see, but if you begin to scan back and forth across the image you will notice that the squares in your periphery begin to rotate. As soon as your eyes stop moving, however, rotation will cease.

Static Motion

No, this is not an optical illusions GIF. The image really is static. Notice that when you look at any individual point dead on, it will stop moving. This powerful optical illusion is derived from interacting color contrasts and shape positions within the image.

Lilac Chaser

Also known as the pac-man illusion, if you stare at the center cross for a couple seconds you will begin to perceive a green disco going around the circle of magenta discs. After a few more seconds the magenta discs will gradually begin to fade away until all you see is a green disc going in a circle around the cross (if you’re having trouble seeing this optical illusion move closer to the screen).

Cafe Illusion

Another famous optical illusion, this one was recently rediscovered in a cafe wall at the bottom of St. Michael’s Hill. Although the lines appear to be diverging from one another they are in fact quite parallel.

Checker Shadow Illusion

Probably one of the most unbelievable illusions out there, this one was first optical illusions pictures published by Edward Adelson, a professor at MIT. Although the square labeled “A” appears to be darker than the square labeled “B”, they are actually exactly the same shade of gray. It’s okay if you don’t believe it, we didn’t either, but Photoshop proved us wrong.

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Macular Pigment https://iristech.co/macular-pigment/ https://iristech.co/macular-pigment/#respond Thu, 04 May 2017 13:59:11 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=4179   Macular pigment is comprised of Zeaxanthin and Lutein, which are found in the center of the macula (fovea) at a natural 2:1 ratio. MPOD (Macular Pigment Optical Density) is important for three specific reasons: 1. Low macular pigment is a key risk factor for Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of significant vision loss over age 55 2. ... Read More

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Macular pigment is comprised of Zeaxanthin and Lutein, which are found in the center of the macula (fovea) at a natural 2:1 ratio. MPOD (Macular Pigment Optical Density) is important for three specific reasons:

1. Low macular pigment is a key risk factor for Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of significant vision loss over age 55

2. Macular pigment absorbs harmful blue light, protecting the photo-receptors from damage

3. Macular pigment improves visual performance, including:

  • Visual acuity – ability to see clearly, especially in fine detail situations like needlepoint or reading in low light situations
  • Contrast sensitivity – ability to discern objects from their background (i.e. seeing a white golf ball or baseball clearly against a light blue sky)
  • Light sensitivity – visual discomfort in sunlight or when exposed to bright light
  • Glare recovery – recovery from temporary “blindness” caused by high intensity lighting, such as automobiles or stadium lights

Did you know that 78 percent of the U.S. population has less than optimal macular pigment? Healthy macular pigment acts as “internal sunglasses” to protect against harmful blue light that enters the eye and negatively impacts the visual cells responsible for central and peripheral vision.

Significant increases can be achieved through nutritional intake and supplements containing Zeaxanthin and Lutein.

The natural ratio of Zeaxanthin to Lutein found in a healthy fovea is 2:1

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Evolution – How Eyes Evolved https://iristech.co/evolution-how-eyes-evolved/ https://iristech.co/evolution-how-eyes-evolved/#respond Sat, 02 Apr 2016 21:43:23 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=919 [fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/iristech.co/videos/1158571464166591/” width=”500″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

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