Jobs Archives - 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 Thu, 28 May 2020 21:31:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 10 productivity tips for working from home Thu, 26 Mar 2020 10:22:42 +0000 With the constantly new possibilities of technologies working from home has never been so accessible. A lot of jobs now offer placements for people who can only work from home. What are more, big companies give their employees permission to work from a home office for a couple of days per year? Is it a good option though or how ... Read More

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productivity at work

With the constantly new possibilities of technologies working from home has never been so accessible.

A lot of jobs now offer placements for people who can only work from home.

What are more, big companies give their employees permission to work from a home office for a couple of days per year?

Is it a good option though or how to make the most out of it? Let’s find out together!

It is probably a dream for a number of people to work from home.

Since our home is a safe place we feel most comfortable there.

No extra pressure, no annoying colleagues and rude bosses, no meters – long traffic.

Just us and our working materials – as simple as that.

But working from home can sometimes be tricky.

There is a higher chance to get distracted by your lovely pet, the meal you are cooking or the bed which is calling for you.

For this reason, we have decided to list a few tips that can boost your productivity while working from home.

Our top 10 tips for boosting your home office productivity

Here are our suggestions for you, people working from home, who struggle to do it as effectively:

Set up a working space

Assumingly, not a lot of you can turn a whole room of their house into an office.

This is not an excuse to sit on the couch in front of the TV though.

The kitchen table or the desk in your bedroom is much of a better choice.

Sitting there with your laptop and notebook will automatically mean to turn your working mode on.

It is important to feel comfortable as well – make sure to take the right position which won’t result in a hurting back or neck.
You should not think that you will never be out of the office if you have one at home.

On the contrary, having a specially designed working space in your house is going to be the best office you will ever work in.

Besides, just like the other one – you have a schedule and the moment you go out, you are absolutely free to do whatever.

Have a plan

As with most things, it is better to have things planned in advance.

You can list all of the tasks you want to accomplish during your working session the night before or in the morning.

Such notes will be quite helpful in not letting distractions walk you out of your way.

Simply check out every task you are done with and stay motivated!

Something else you should actually plan is for how long you are going to work.

People can stay focused on a single task for around 90 to 120 minutes.

Therefore it is a good idea to separate your working sessions in, let’s say, 5 of 90 to 120 minutes each.

Have a 15 to 20 minutes break between every session.

This way you will get the most out of your productivity.

productivity at work

Limit your social media access

Scrolling through social media is one of the easiest ways to distract yourself. In a bad way.

It literally takes seconds to unlock your phone and open Instagram.

But it can take you hours to close it down.

That is why it is advisable to set some limits to your social media usage while you are working.

You can either leave your phone in another room or if you need it, just try to use it on purpose.

Turning off notifications is a great step for yourself not to be distracted.

Allow yourself to check on the social media platforms only during your breaks or before you start working at all.

Do not procrastinate

One of the worst things you could do for your productivity.

Getting only half of your work done won’t get you anywhere.

It will turn into a vicious cycle you won’t be able to escape from.

Unless it is a case of emergency, just push yourself a little bit harder and do everything you have set up for today.

Go outside

Working all day can definitely be tiring.

It is a great idea to just go out for a walk if the weather is nice and clear your head.

You will surely feel relaxed and energized afterward, ready to smash all of the resting work.

Download Iris, a blue – light blocking software

Having software that blocks the blue light emitted from your device’s screen won’t tire your eyes as much and will protect them.

Iris is an amazing example of such software.

Iris comes with a few different modes which allow you to choose the best one for your activity.

What is more, using Iris will have a good impact on your sleep because your body’s internal clock won’t be messed up.

Let’s summarize – with Iris you will be more productive during your work sessions and will sleep better!

Tell your family and friends about your goals

By letting your loved ones know that you are going to be busy throughout the day you will more likely be interrupted every couple of minutes.

They will respect your wish to work effectively and will help you reach your goals for the day by letting you do your job peacefully.

And when you are done, you can unwind together by going out for dinner, watching your favorite show or however, you like to spend your time off.

Get (kind of) dressed

No, do not be scared – we do not mean to wear a suit or high heels at home!

But wearing jeans instead of pajamas can also get you in the mood for working.

This trick works on a psychological level. After all, who watches Netflix with their jeans on?

Start early

Just like you would if you worked in an office.

Get up, get dressed, prepare your breakfast and coffee and sit on your desk to get things done.

It may be hard at first, especially if you are not a morning person.

But you will definitely notice how much more productive you will be if you start working early in the day.

Of course, once you have turned this into a habit you will find it much easier.

Do not put too much pressure on yourself

Working wherever can be quite stressful.

If you work hard enough, you will get where you want to be.

This does not necessarily mean to be consumed by your job.

You should be able to know where to put the line between work and personal life.

When you are done working, try not to think much about it.

Instead, try to relax while doing the things you enjoy.

This way you will be full of energy the next day which will result in a good productivity level of your working session!

Bonus tips: eat well, pay attention to the quality of your sleep and be as active as possible. These are the top three priorities you should have in order to feel your best. If you have any special needs, consult with a medical professional.


Working from home can be both a blessing and a curse.

Some will find it easier than others and the reverse as well.

We hope that by making this list we have helped you even a tiny bit to arrange your working days at home better.

Just plan ahead, limit the distractions as much as possible and have regular breaks in order to clear your head. And of course, keep doing a great job!





Author: Ilina Stoyanova

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5 ways to be the best freelancer possible Sat, 21 Mar 2020 19:10:11 +0000 What “freelancer” means? Freelancer is a person who works independently and is not committed to a particular company. Freelancers work for different clients. Their work is often short-term. Usually, freelancers earn their salary per-job. They can be paid by the hour or by daily rates. Freelancers are often working in the creative industry. Examples of freelancing jobs are designers, writers, ... Read More

The post 5 ways to be the best freelancer possible appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


What “freelancer” means?

Freelancer is a person who works independently and is not committed to a particular company.

Freelancers work for different clients.

Their work is often short-term.

Usually, freelancers earn their salary per-job.

They can be paid by the hour or by daily rates.

Freelancers are often working in the creative industry.

Examples of freelancing jobs are designers, writers, photographers, web developers, etc.

Positives and Negatives of Freelancing Jobs

Freelancing has become extremely popular these days.

It offers various opportunities that traditional employing jobs don’t.

But there are two sides to every coin.


Working as a freelancer means that you are your boss.

You can create your working schedule – you decide what is most important and when to do it.

You don’t have someone to tell you what to do all the time.

There is no need to go to the office.

You can enjoy the comfort of your own home. This can save you both money and time.

No need to dress up or to pay for public transport.

If you still prefer to go out, there are a lot of quiet coffee shops.

When you become more successful, you will be able to choose the projects you want to work on.

You will have the freedom to do what you enjoy!

But have in mind that when you are starting, you can’t afford yourself to be way too picky.

As you keep developing, things will turn the other way around!


If you are not organized, motivated or self-disciplined, freelancing will most likely be hard for you.

Making your schedule sounds fun and easy until you have to do it.

You have to learn to prioritize your most important tasks.

But it can be difficult to do so when everything seems important.

You won’t have paid vacations or sick leave. There will be times when you will have to work during the holidays or when you feel under the weather.

Unfortunately, self-employment comes with less stability.

When you work by yourself there is a big chance that every month is different from the other.

One can be very prosperous and the next can be the exact opposite. Clients may be also hard to find sometimes.

Freelancers have to take responsibility for their taxes – incomes, outcomes, etc.

They don’t receive benefits and have to set money aside for their retirement fund.

5 ways to be the best freelancer possible

Put yourself out there

If you want to be a successful freelancer it is very important to be sociable!

You have to search for clients and offer them your work.

Tell everyone you know about your new job. Show that you are ready to take on projects.

Stay active online. Make a portfolio website.

Put every bit of information that can help attract clients. Attach pieces of your work.

The same rules apply to your social media accounts.

Update your website and your profile on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Meetup, Quora, Instagram.

Try to be active in the real world too.

Participate in events where you can meet people from your field.

Talk to them and exchange contacts and social media accounts.

Know your worth

You have to know how much to charge your clients. It must be fair to the quality of work you offer.

The hours you spent working also count. Think about how much your time costs.

If you can’t decide how much you should take, compare your prices to those your competition offers.

If your new freelancing business is close to what you have worked before, you can make a fee similar to the salary you have received.

Whatever you decide, you must stick to it. Do not accept lower-paid offers. You deserve the money!

Set boundaries

Freelancers often forget that they are humans too.

Work can be overwhelming and never-ending.

Therefore, it is important to make sure you take proper care of yourself. 

Define your working and your resting hours.

When a client wants something during your free time,  feel comfortable to say no.

People need to respect you and your rules. Everyone deserves their time off.  

Try to look after yourself. Working from home does not mean neglecting your health.

You still need to eat healthily, work out and go outside. 

Most freelancers work on their computers without letting their eyes rest.

This can lead to different diseases.

If you want to prevent them, you can download Iris software- a life-changing program.

Iris blocks the blue light which your screen emits.

It identifies if it’s day or night automatically.

Based on this, it changes your color temperature and brightness.

You can customize the program the way you want.

Choose from the different types (health, sleep, reading, etc) and modes (automatic, paused and manual) that Iris offers. Iris has a free version, so you can give it a go.


You should never stop improving.

The competition is big. There is always someone who will do anything to take your clients.

Never underrate what the others are capable of. We live in a very hectic environment.

Everything changes in the blink of an eye.

Surprise your clients. Show them that you can do more than they thought.

Of course, that does not mean to overdo yourself. Be ready to hustle and bustle.

There is always something you can do better. Renew your website and your social media content.

Make the product you offer the best one on the market.

Try to improve your communication skills since they are your main weapon.

You attract clients when you know what to say, how to say it and when.

Don’t waste a minute

As we already said, one of the most important things in freelancing is to make your schedule.

Try to be as productive as you can. You have to learn to limit distractions and use your time wisely.

Understand what you have to do first, what are the things that matter.

If you work from home, distractions may be endless.

For this reason, try to work in a coffee shop or to rent an office in a building.

For being more productive, you can download the software we’ve already mentioned.

Iris improves your sleep.

When you have a good night’s sleep, you will feel refreshed in the morning and ready to take on the world.

This will boost your productivity levels.


It is no surprise that freelancing has become so popular these days.

It offers flexibility and freedom. You can work in the comfort of your own house without rules.

But things are not that simple. Being a freelancer can be harder than a traditional job.

There are way more obligations and risks.

You will have to be extremely productive and ready to make a lot of sacrifices.

However, if you want to succeed in the freelancing world, you have to be determined and consistent.

Plan ahead, understand that there will be both rough and prosperous periods, be creative and don’t give up!

Everything is possible!





Author: Anna Tsaneva




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Here’s what the world needs now Tue, 18 Feb 2020 17:34:13 +0000 Ever wondered, “What am I contributing to this world or contributing enough?” It would be difficult to answer such questions if we were to criticize ourselves. But you are far from the answer. And when they stand out again, like a Facebook message in your head, remember where you went and where you went. Well, we’re not going to talk ... Read More

The post Here’s what the world needs now appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


Ever wondered, “What am I contributing to this world or contributing enough?”

It would be difficult to answer such questions if we were to criticize ourselves.

But you are far from the answer.

And when they stand out again, like a Facebook message in your head, remember where you went and where you went.

Well, we’re not going to talk about making millions of dollars in this article.

But be careful if you want to know what’s coming.

I inspire you to convince yourself, so don’t think it over and grab life by the horns and go ahead.

To fall does not mean to give up

Yes, there must be falls for success.

But no one human has succeeded so much, has not snapped with a finger and his wishes have come true.

And there is no shortcut to success. It won’t be as interesting as the Sunday morning breakfast show.

It probably won’t be and like surfing the internet …

Don’t waste your time.

Did you know that if you are 20 years old, you have about 2860 weeks to say goodbye to your life?

It seems pretty short, don’t you think?

Nobody can stop it yet. And as you wait for something to happen, your chances slip out from under your feet.

Imagine living in a domino where you have to invest one tile every day.

It is possible that everything falls at one point and you have to start over … But is this not a new chance?

A good example would be if I mentioned Colonel Harland David Sanders.

Whose chicken recipe has been rejected more than once, but 1,099 times.

Thinking of a franchise well known to anyone at KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken).

He was only 40 years old, offering up and down his recipe.

To its full potential, it went through the bloody World War II. Creating one of the largest franchises to date around the world. 

What will make your dreams come true?

I’ll be honest.

If you want to fulfill your dreams, then you must fight for them.

You probably haven’t stopped for something specific or do a lot of things?

And yet you do not know what to do to fully meet your goals.

And maybe there is already something to show the world?

Congratulations then!

Business is a tool that you have to make yourself.

Let’s start with a few introductory rules.

Small steps, but of great importance

The important thing first is to know where you are headed. Start with a few small but important steps like:

  • What am I best at?
  • What do I like to do?
  • Do I have the right skills?
  • How much money will I need?
  • What lifestyle do I want to live in?

Be extremely honest with yourself and your answers too. Because you will only fool yourself.

Unleash your potential for something new

You need to think about the world, the market and even you need.  Although for your own satisfaction.

Prove yourself. This is how you build a small and positive part of humanity.  Don’t be bored and annoying.

There are thousands of people hoping their product will be successful.

  • Think about what will change the business landscape?
  • Make a change.
  • Apply your skills to an entirely new field.
  • Use innovative approaches (faster, better, cheaper).

Nothing can stand in your way if you are yourself. Equality has grown too much.

Be as creative as possible and most of all, have confidence in your inner voice.

“Don’t compare yourself with other people; compare yourself with who you were yesterday. “
Jordan Peterson


Life priorities are so important.

Do not break them and do not be afraid to leave your ungrateful work for the moment.

Try new things, new jobs. Change your daily routine if necessary.

  • Set your goals first.
  • Think in perspective.
  • Think about your health.
  • Don’t be black-eyed, be realistic.

productivity at work

Learn from everything-every-day

Knowledge is your most useful tool nowadays.

Do not let laziness conquer you.

Knowledge is an inexhaustible source.

Do not indulge in stubbornness.

This will only prevent you from learning something new and useful for your goals.

Let others comment so you have more information on what to focus on.

Ask and they will answer you.

Read and build your perspective.

Trust in Iris

The Iris team will give you an exceptional experience with your smart device.

Wherever you are, whatever screen you do your job. Suitable software for any screen.

The reinforced smart barrier that builds Iris in front of your eyes, keeping you out of the blue light.

Convenient and calm, innovative solution. How exactly would Iris help you?

Iris is a software product that makes your daily life easier.

Developed by professionals who care for you.

This is Dimmer for the Blue Light. As we all know, blue light is emitted from any digital device (TVs, lamps, computers, phones, or even the sun).


Iris provides you with many modes, of which you can decide which one is best for you when you are standing on the screen.

There will be no need to worry about your sleep in the evening or the difficult mornings.

Thousands of users around the world have chosen Iris as their helper, and you?

A few closing words

As I mentioned in the beginning, this article will not make you millions.

But believe me, it will come true for some of your dreams, of course, if you take care of them at least a little.

You need to put in the time and effort, effort and nerves every day to succeed.

Step by step and look at it, you finally realize what you have achieved.

Iris is your little helper who supports and encourages you to achieve your goals.

You are what the world needs right now!



Author: Nikolai Tasev
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina



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Computer science jobs: pros and cons Mon, 17 Feb 2020 08:35:39 +0000 Computer science is one of the reasons for the world to develope at full speed nowadays. And one of the main reasons for that is technology. Technology is everywhere around us. It is almost impossible to imagine the world without it. As technologies evolve, so do the professions associated with them. It is a well-known fact that with time some ... Read More

The post Computer science jobs: pros and cons appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


Computer science is one of the reasons for the world to develope at full speed nowadays. And one of the main reasons for that is technology.

Technology is everywhere around us. It is almost impossible to imagine the world without it.

As technologies evolve, so do the professions associated with them.

It is a well-known fact that with time some professions will disappear because of the development of technology.

For example, travel agents; cashiers; librarians; pilots.

More and more people are trying to find a job in the field of technology. In particular, in the field of computer science.

The question is “Is it a good idea to work a computer-related job?”.

Like everything else in the world, working a job like this is having pros and cons. If you want to understand is that the profession for you, keep reading!

Types of computer science jobs

There are a lot of computer-related professions. Many people think that they are all the same.

That is not true. Below you can read about some of the professions that require computer skills:

  • Software Developers

    They are creating software programs that allow people to do different tasks on electronic devices. Usually, their job requires a lot of creativity.

  • Computer Hardware Engineers

    They are researching, designing, developing and testing computer components

  • Web Developers

    They create the technical structure for websites.

  • Information Security Analysts

    They are creating systems to protect information networks and websites from cyberattacks.

This list it’s supposed to show you that working with a computer doesn’t mean only typing on a keyboard.

There is a wide variety of activities in this field.

Of course, not all computer-related professions are on the list!

Now that you know a little bit more about computer science jobs, it’s time to talk about the pros and cons they have.

Why choose a computer science profession?
5 pros of computer science jobs

You love technology, science, and maths.

You may think that this is a big enough reason to start your career in the computer industry.

A job like this has many more advantages than you think.

If you want to make sure that this is your dream, you can check the list of the advantages below:

High salary

People with a computer science job earn high salaries.

Computer science degrees became very popular among students.

The payment is the reason behind it. Money should not be the only reason to choose a career!

Above everything else, you should make sure that you love what you do!

Endless possibilities

There is almost no branch that doesn’t need an IT specialist.

Computers are everywhere around us.

Think about it! Almost every industry offers some kind of online service.

For example, banks, magazines, travel agencies, healthcare.

Career opportunities

The technology sector is constantly growing.

There is always something new that is happening. Numerous things are not developed yet.

There is always a field for improvement. With that being said, you will hardly ever get bored!

Flexible hours

Most IT specialists don’t work from 9 am to 5 pm.

They still go to the office for a big amount of time but not for a defined time.

They often make their working schedule. This allows them to work from home!

Bettering the world

It is not uncommon to hear people complaining about how much technologies have ruined our life.

Yet, people don’t think about where the world would be now without them.

One of the sectors they have made a big impact on is healthcare!

Medicine is advancing so rapidly because of the development of technology!

Why not choose a computer science job?
5 cons of computer science jobs

The field of computers may look very tempting after we talked about its benefits.

However, you should never forget that a coin has two sides!

For this reason, we are going to examine the disadvantages a computing profession may have:


Regardless of your specialization in the tech field, you will be working under a lot of pressure.

There is always something to bring about!

There are always people who want things to happen faster!

You will have а large amount of obligations.

You will find yourself in situations where you will have to find the solution to a problem that may not be related to you.

Long hours

When it comes to a computing career there is one thing you cannot escape from.

Meaning, the long hours you will have to dedicate to your work.

Flexible hours doesn’t mean less work.

You should be ready to hustle and bustle if you want to succeed!


You will have to deal with a lot of people who will expect you to fix what they have done with their computers.

From weird pop-up ads to the chocolate cream on the keyboard that suddenly appeared!

When people do stupid things like that they prefer not to say what happened.

Therefore, partly you will be working as a detective.

Staying educated

The IT sector is constantly changing and evolving.

The new information gets outdated very fast.

Trying to keep up with all of the constant changes can be hard since you will have never-ending work.

Knowing what is going on is one of your duties if you want to be the best.

Health problems

One of the main problems that IT specialists are dealing with is their health.

The eyes are the ones that suffer the most.

The reason behind it is hiding in the blue light that screens emit.

Blue light can lead to age-related macular degeneration and other vision-related problems.

Therefore, one of the best things to invest in is a program that is going to protect your eyes from the harmful screen irradiation.

The perfect program for that is Iris software.

Iris reduces the brightness of the screen which can help with eye strain, dry eyes, and headaches.


It may be really hard to succeed in the IT field.

Technology is going to evolve throughout the years. It is the course of the future.

If you know that this is the path you want to take, you shouldn’t be scared!

Although it may have its disadvantages it is still one of the best fields to work in.

It is creative and challenging, logical and fun.

If you, on the other hand, have realized that this is not what you want to do with your life, that is fine.

There are tons of other professions that you can try.

The most important part is to love what you do and to never stop bettering yourself!




Author: Anna Tsaneva
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina




The post Computer science jobs: pros and cons appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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E-books vs books Mon, 13 Jan 2020 09:59:56 +0000 E-books or books? Books are the first reason why humanity created computers in the first place. The history of the book is long and colorful. It does not start with the first-ever printed book by the Gutenberg Press around the 15th century as many people think. The history of the book is dating 5000 years back from today to the ... Read More

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E-books or books?

Books are the first reason why humanity created computers in the first place.

The history of the book is long and colorful.

It does not start with the first-ever printed book by the Gutenberg Press around the 15th century as many people think.

The history of the book is dating 5000 years back from today to the first book artifact to be ever found in Egypt.

Also, again in Egyptian lands, it has been discovered to have been the first-ever library.

It was filled with thousands of papyrus scrolls, containers of knowledge.

The book as a paper block has suffered many transformations since its first creation that many years ago.

And many scientists from all over the world without a stop dig in the archives to find more and more facts.

Today’s books are enjoying an ergonomic shape and are coming in a variety of formats.

There are paper books, audiobooks, and e-books.

And there is the neverending question.

Which is better – books or e-books?


E-books are all over the Internet nowadays.

You can find free e-books and special platforms that are specially made only for reading.

There are way more e-books than paper books, due to the fact that everybody can write an e-book.

Available for every kind of device

E-books can be read on every kind of device.

You can read online or download them on your computer, phone, and tablet.

E-books come in different file types like Mobi, epub, and PDF.

It is very important to be sure that your device can read such formats.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to open the e-book.

Ultra personalizable

E-books can be personalized upon the reader’s wishes.

You could set up the font and the size of the letters, the orientation of the page, the color of the background, and others.

Also, it is easy to put bookmark and sometimes there is an option to highlight a quote.

With some apps, you can see all the quotes that you have highlighted from different books in one place.

A variety of genres

E-books are way more variable than paper books.

There are all types of e-books.

From the usual genres like fantasy, romance, and fiction to handbooks, how-to guides, cookbooks and many more.

Extra content

Sometimes you can find a free book for just subscribing to an email newsletter campaign.

Or for sharing a post.

Also, a lot of authors have their own sites where they often publish extra online content to their books.

Easy to store

An e-book file cannot take more than several megabytes on your device.

This is why one can store a whole library of hundreds of books in his pocket!

There isn’t any struggle with thinking about whether you have to take a second book with you.

Because if you finish the one you are currently reading you won’t have what to do on the way home.

All you have to do with e-books is to scroll down and pick a title.


With e-books, the publisher doesn’t pay for paper and printing.

So the money that would usually go for that is deducted.

Which makes the e-book cheaper than the paperback.

And there is a big chance to find titles for as little as 3$ on big e-book platforms.

Indie authors that are self-published also stream their books cheaper than usual.

But wouldn’t e-books hurt my eyes? Not with Iris

If you do not have an e-book reading device that has an e-ink display, then you are probably reading e-books on your phone, tablet or computer.

And after some time of reading, your eyes hurt a lot.

This is because of the blue light that this type of display emits.

It is harmful to our eyes and can lead to serious problems.

But there is a way to read without pain and headaches.


Iris is a blue light filter that you can install on all your devices.

It is going to transform your display to a warmer tone of the light.

Like red, yellow or orange.

And this way it is going to help you to read your favorite books without any problems.

The set up is very easy.

And there is a special ‘reading’ mode in the settings menu of this program, which is perfect for e-books!

And now to move on to the paper books.

Paper books

Despite the modern technologies, traditional books will never disappear.

More and more books are printed internationally every year and there are readers that stay loyal to the traditions.

And even though the e-book is very useful and easy-to-handle, paper books have just as many advantages.

A good feeling

One good-smelling paper book can please all the senses of a reader.

It is just a pleasure to touch the surface of the paper and to turn the page, which has that specific sound.

And if the book is designed professionally with a beautiful font and a stunning cover it can literally take you away to some other place.

For collectors

Paper book lovers like to have as many books as possible.

A good-stacked library is a pleasure to look at and it somehow fills your home with comfort.

And as the saying goes: “A home without books is like a body without a soul”.

Signed copies

You cannot get a signed copy of a digital book.

And having a signed book is something that can only make you happy.

It is like a special message from the creator of the story that you liked that much.


Paper books may collect memories from generations!

If you go to a library and start scouting you can find notes between the pages, poems, doodles, and so on.

Plus, highlighting quotes can be fun by using colorful markers or colorful stickers.


If there weren’t paper books, there wouldn’t be events like Book Cons and Book Fairs.

At these events, you can meet with people who liked the same books as you did.

You will be amongst friends! And usually, at big events, there are guest authors.

And readers can ask them questions personally or take a picture with them.

Which is better after all: e-books or books

What both books and e-books have in common is not only the text of the novel.

An e-book file can have all the attributes that the physical copy has.

There is a cover, there is a dedication, there are contents and even page counting.

Both are readable and equally enjoyable. Still, can we say which one is a better option?

To be honest, there is no right answer here.

Everybody has different preferences and books are books, nevermind in what shape.

If e-books are more convenient for you, then go ahead and take the advantages.

Both are readable and equally enjoyable. Still, can we say which one is a better option?

To be honest, there is no right answer here.

Everybody has different preferences and books are books, nevermind in what shape.

If e-books are more convenient for you, then go ahead and take the advantages.

But if you are a traditionalist, do not be ashamed of carrying several books at a time in your bag.

Both e-books and books have their pros and cons.

And if you wish you can combine them by reading e-books when you are on the go.

And reading paper books when you are at home and can curl up with a nice cup of tea and chocolate.

Author: Yoana Borisova
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina


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Top 10 software developers in the world Thu, 05 Dec 2019 18:21:25 +0000 Programming and software developers are one of the fastest developing working fields and careers right now. Respectively, programmers or IT specialists are in high demand on the market. However, back in the days, not everyone could have become a programmer. Therefore 10 people were recognized as the “Top 10 software developers of all time”.  Introduction Naturally, as an introduction, we ... Read More

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Programming and software developers are one of the fastest developing working fields and careers right now.

Respectively, programmers or IT specialists are in high demand on the market.

However, back in the days, not everyone could have become a programmer.

Therefore 10 people were recognized as the “Top 10 software developers of all time”. 


Naturally, as an introduction, we have to mention who was the first software developer and the story behind this profession.

If you are not familiar with the topic, you will probably be surprised to know that actually the first computer programmer is a woman.

And namely, Ada Lovelace – the daughter of the famous British poet and politician Lord Byron.

From an early age, Ada showed talent in mathematics.

Her friendship with Charles Babbage is crucial for her further development in the field of mathematics and computer.

Charles Babbage is known as the father of the computer.

But Ada is the one who saw the potential of the machine beyond simple calculations.

In a publication, she described how codes can be created in order for the device to handle letters and symbols too.

During her lifetime Ada Lovelace did not gain any recognition.

Her work was discovered in the ’50s and was republished.

Since then she received a lot of honors and was recognized as the “first computer programmer”. 

Top 10 software developers

Now, after we have a brief idea of the history of this term, let’s move forward to the list of top 10 software developers:

  • Dennis Ritchie

The first place is given to the American computer scientist Dennis Ritchie.

He is said to have helped in the formation of the digital era by creating the C – a programming language and the Unix operating system, together with his colleague Ken Thompson.

Dennis Ritchie received a number of awards, including the National Medal of Technology in 1999.

  • Bjarne Stroustrup

The Danish computer scientist created and developed the famed C++ programming language.

It has become one of the most influential programming languages in the history of computing.

  • James Gosling

James Gosling is a Canadian computer scientist who is best known for the creation of the Java programming language.

He has also contributed to a few other software systems.

James Gosling was elected to Foreign Associate member of the US National Academy of Engineering because of his huge accomplishments.

  • Linus Torvalds

The Finnish – American software engineer is the creator and the developer of the Linux kernel.

It is the kernel of Linux operating systems, as well as of Android and Chrome OS.

As an addition to that, Torvalds created the revision control system Git and the diving log software Subsurface.

The Finnish – American engineer has won numerous awards, including the 2018 IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award.

  • Anders Hejlsberg

The Danish software engineer is known for the co-design of a few popular programming languages and development tools.

The programming language C# is his deed.

At the moment he works for Microsoft as the lead architect of C# and core developer on TypeScript.

  • Tim Berners – Lee

Sir Timothy Berners – Lee is the person, responsible for the World Wide Web we all know and use today.

He is a British computer scientist and director of the  World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

In 1989 Timothy Berners – Lee implemented the first successful communication between HTTP client and server via the Internet.

  • Brian Kernighan

Brian Kernighan is a Canadian computer scientist who worked along with Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson in the development of Unix.

He also contributed to the programming languages AWK and AMPL.

Brian Kernighan became more popular after publishing the first book on the C programming language, together with Dennis Ritchie. 

  • Ken Thompson

After mentioning his name twice, it is now Ken Thompson’s turn to join the list of the Top 10 software developers.

He is an American pioneer in computer science.

Ken Thompson designed and implemented the Unix operating system and the B programming language.

Working at Google, he participated in the invention of the Go programming language. 

  • Guido van Rossum

He is a Dutch computer programmer who developed the Python programming language. 

  • Donald Knuth

Donald Knuth is an American computer scientist and mathematician.

He is named the “father of the analysis of algorithms”.

His multi-volume work “The Art of Computer Programming” contributed a lot to Knuth’s analysis, algorithms, and mathematical techniques. 

It will be also reasonable to include the creator of Iris, Daniel Georgiev since his program can be beneficial for everyone!

Download it now and you will stop having the horrible headaches and digital eye strain when you work in front of a computer.

You will be able to scroll through social media or read on your laptop.

Iris will manage the brightness of your screen, depending on your own preferences because it comes in several different modes.

Do not hesitate to try it out – you will be grateful to yourself!

If you have any suggestions about people who should be included in this list, let us know in the comments down below!

Necessary habits of every programmer

After we have presented the most influential software developers, it is time to share with you the most important qualities you have to possess in order to be successful.

Of course, some things are valid for people in the industry but others are general necessities. 

You write clean code which is easy for test and use

Andrew Magee, who is a software development manager, says that “A function should do one thing and one thing only.

If it does more than one thing, it lacks focus.”

Therefore you have to make sure your code does not become so long that it will be hard for a test and use later on.

After all, you will “spend more time reading your code than writing it”.

For this reason, it should be possible to quickly understand what it is about.

Another good advice that Andrew Magee gives is to name the functions simply and meaningfully.

Your code helps the overall business

Nowadays even some kids can write a code and make it into a basic program.

What is important, however, is to be able to see beyond.

A programmer or software developer should be able to contribute not only to an app or a programming language but to the business as a whole.

Todd Stephan, who is a vice president of software engineering at Ask Applications, describes the “great developers” as “understand broadly how the company works at a business level, speak the business’ language, and master translating the business language to technology and vice versa”. 

You read a lot of books

In the digital era, we live information that has never been as available.

Big libraries are uploading online and everything can be read for free. The information is not so well organized, however, which can have an impact on the end result.

This means you may not learn as much.

Book is always a better idea, especially when it comes to topics like software engineering.

They have no distractions since all of the information you need is in one place. 

Furthermore, reading for a long time on a device may cause digital eye strain and headaches.

Having downloaded Iris on your PC will definitely help you with this issue through – the program will moderate how much blue light is emitted from the screen.

It comes with a few different modes which allow you to choose the most suitable one for your needs. 

You listen and ask questions

Having the ability to be a good listener is a very important one in general.

The more you listen, the more you learn.

Surround yourself with people who know more than you do and listen carefully to what they are saying.

After that ask as many questions as possible.

Never be afraid to do so – you won’t look stupid as you may fear!

On the contrary, you will show interest and eagerness to learn.

As a software developer you should analyze a lot and when you do not understand something, immediately ask about it.

By listening and asking questions you will learn a lot easier and faster.

Things every software developer should know

We have briefly told the story of programming, listed the greatest software developers and 5 habits every one of them should possess.

Let’s take a look at what is considered obligatory for them to know according to the words of a programmer himself. Javin Paul made a list in the site

Data structures and Algorithms

They are the basic that every programmer should be familiar with.

Without knowing the simplest data structures you won’t be able to write a single code.

Along with algorithms, these are the first two things you should learn in your career path as a software developer.

Source control

Thanks to store control you are able to store your code and collaborate within your team.

This way you can work in one codebase with your co-workers but on a different feature without overriding each change.

Text editors

Javin Paul says that the text editor has always been his friend during his work as a programmer.

It is an important tool for people who work with computers in general.

There more basic, as well as more advanced text editors so it really depends on your own preferences.

IDE (Integrated development environment) –

This is a software application that usually consists of a source code editor, builds automation tools and a debugger. 

Database and SQL (Structured query language) –

SQL is a domain-specific language that is used in programming.

It is designed to manage data held in database systems.  

UNIX or Linux

By working with Linux you will be able to be effective.

It allows you to search files, see what is happening with the system and perform both basic and advanced tasks. 

Microsoft Excel

As Javin Paul says, you may be surprised to see Microsoft Excel in this list since it is used for a lot of basic work.

It includes, however, a number of useful features and functions you can perform data analysis with.

Take your time to dive deep into what Microsoft Excel has to offer.

It will help you a lot in your work!

Programming languages

This one is pretty obvious but Javin Paul mentioned it nonetheless.

Whether be it C++, Java, Python or JavaScript.

His advice is to start with Java since it is easy.

But of course, the more you know – the better, right?

Networking basics

Most probably every app you write will be connected to a client-server app.

This means the request will go through the network to a server.

Clients will have access to your app from everywhere.

The point is you have to understand the network basics in order to know how to develop and support your app. 

Scripting languages

The successful software developers know scripting languages witch allows them to create tools and scripts you can solve common problems with. 


The history of programming is thought to have begun with a woman – the daughter of the British poet and politician Lord Byron, Ada Lovelace.

Later on, she was inherited by some people who left a great mark in the field of software engineering.

Their names now stay in history as an equivalent of unforgettable achievements.

The needed habits in order to become one of them include not only being able to write clean code, but also be in a constant state of improving your skills and knowledge.

There are some other necessary things you should know like data structures, text editors, a programming language, network basics, etc.

Programming is yet to develop even more.

So, if you are into it, continue working hard, understanding new concepts and why not – making history?


Author: Ilina Stoyanova



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Jobs of the future Sat, 30 Nov 2019 16:54:51 +0000 Welcome to the 21st generation and its jobs. Dive in the large pile of self-driving cars, large flat screens, and self-cleaning vacuum cleaners. Something that modernity confronts us every day. An immediate future, well deserved, but with a question mark to humanity. Back to the past Thanks to the old minds and the general development of technology and economy. Human ... Read More

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Welcome to the 21st generation and its jobs.

Dive in the large pile of self-driving cars, large flat screens, and self-cleaning vacuum cleaners.

Something that modernity confronts us every day.

An immediate future, well deserved, but with a question mark to humanity.

Back to the past

Thanks to the old minds and the general development of technology and economy.

Human beings are making a major turning point in humanity.

It’s a moment where there are a lot of twists and turns.

This joins with full force, shattering rural labor industrialization.

Industrial decline or vice versa

In this period, agricultural societies throughout Europe and America were extremely modern.

When the devices were made exclusively by hand and sweat on their foreheads, they producing large quantities in tons instead of them.

Тhe full use of machines during the revolution, but also collectively with the modification was the whole structure of society.

Urbanization, like labor productivity, has increased rapidly.

The beginning

The effect of industrial revolutions starts with the gradual influence of the UK on Europe and America, then on the whole world.

The Kingdom has a reputation for producing textiles.

Nonetheless, the textile industry made very little progress before the revolution, with labor being spent in small households, and so on.

This was achieved with support from Gear Machine.

Materials are produced faster.

It requires less time and far less human labor… jobs were getting easier.

At this point smelting, Iron Ore remains the lead.

The process has sought to be successful and produces products of higher quality that surpass iron and steel assembly.

In the last segment of the intellectual movement, contact has developed.


The second industrial

This period has changed the world in many ways.

Perhaps it couldn’t have been more important to the world after the Second transition.

Towns developed manufacturers at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, and people’s lives were regulated from the clock’s hands.

Progress in metal, chemistry and electricity generation has helped produce fuels, including weapons for consumer goods.

Access to trains, cars, and bikes has evolved, along with ideas spread through newspapers, radios, and telegraphs, and life has moved faster.

An era in which economic development created a wealthy business class and a comfortable middle class supporting its employees.

Whose employees coming from farms and small towns in America… 

Materials and production lines encourage the development of any products that enter American families and the state’s physical environment.

Steamboat-related transport networks have opened up new markets to producers, оwners of factories and banks globally.

The rail line was replaced by a car with the support of Henry Ford, who hired thousands under the roof of the Ford Motor Company.

The new wave

In addition to the two industrial revolutions, the third is definitely a benchmark for current manufacturers, historians say.

Where global information strategies are increasing, and where the Internet is already becoming a reality.

The way we transmit information is changed.

It is also claimed.

We are entering the so-called Fourth Industrialization.

The ideas of human life are changed here by electronics, machine intelligence, self-driving cars, and even life sciences. It affects both our lives and our psyche.

The old ways of doing things included a large number of parts as well as assembling them.

Now a product can be designed on a computer and printed on a 3D printer for ease of engineering.

Then the specification and the way it works, on the machine itself, like nothing can do just about anything, anywhere.

Whether the machine in question works from your personal home or from the other side of the earth.

The apple doesn’t fall further than the tree

Remember when Steve Jobs unveiled his first smartphone in 2007 and with IOS and all the revolutionary features overturned the modern world?

Obviously, we can also recall other great minds who pushed the 21st century to build even better devices and intelligent gadgets… 

But I want to emphasize that if the first computers ever created were as big as the wall in your living room, they now fit only an 8-inch screen, even smaller.

And this is not a call for negativism.

A quantum computer, for example, is not far behind in the ranking.

As the name suggests – it works on quantum mechanical phenomena.

It differs a lot from classic computers that operate based on transistors and electrical phenomena that are the subject of classical physics.

Unlike the ordinary ones, which store information such as bits so familiar to us 0 and 1, a quantum computer uses quantum bits or qubits.

They can be 0, 1 or their superposition, meaning both at the same time.

This enables the computer to calculate in parallel, making it much quicker and more efficient, of course.

A technology who involves complex experiments in science and is one of the priorities of modern physics.

Professions of the future

The jobs of the future, as anyone would say with their forethoughts, are likely to rely on basic engineering majors.

This is far from the truth.

A study from “U.S. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections, 2016-2026.”

According to their statistics, Solar Energy Technician, along with Wind Energy Technician, lead 105% and 96% respectively in the professions of the future.

On the other hand, third place with 47% is Home Health Aides with descending order in the column.

We will also mention professions such as Software Engineering, which goes back.

Because computers, robots and mobile devices are useless without the help of developers.

The fact is that almost 1.2 million jobs will be open between 2016 and 2026.

Many humanities specialties such as newspaper, postage, librarianship, tailoring and more.

In the near future, it will be totally forgotten.

On the other hand, we cannot say the same for jobs such  as a teacher in schools or universities, police, medicine, etc.

Last words

This is the 21st century, where everything is still in its heyday, but I also do not think that commenting will darken our future.

Life is much more dynamic than before, robotics is coming full force and whether we will be surrounded by machines that crush our psyche or do the hard work for us… who knows?

Technology is changing the planet by making it easy to reach someone with just one button.

Yet fundamentally, engineering is a sour innovation rooted in our planet with a slightly sweet taste…

Well, we at IRIS are also future people who think about health in the present day, but also in the future where everything may be different.

Author: Nikolay Tasev



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Ways to improve your IT career now! Wed, 30 Oct 2019 09:00:54 +0000 Do you want to improve your IT career? With every day going by, technology is becoming a bigger part of our lives. It is constantly evolving, therefore the expertise required in the IT sector change quickly. In order to stay on top of your IT prospects, you should always learn and develop new skills. We have collected the best ways ... Read More

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Do you want to improve your IT career?

With every day going by, technology is becoming a bigger part of our lives.

It is constantly evolving, therefore the expertise required in the IT sector change quickly.

In order to stay on top of your IT prospects, you should always learn and develop new skills.

We have collected the best ways you can do that and have a successful IT career!


The advices you are about to read are given by proven specialists with successful careers in the IT sector.

Mary Shacklett who is the president of Transworld Data, a technology research and market development company.

John Reed is the senior executive director of Robert Half Technology which provides a broad range of services such as systems integration, networking, database development and so on.

Now we are heading straight forward to the recommendations of both professionals!

15 ways to enhance your IT career

Mary Shacklett

Starting off with Mary Shacklett, here are the top 10 advices she could give everyone who wants to boost their career in the IT branch.

1. Find advantage in every situation

To explain this, Shacklett gives an example with her own self.

In the beginning of her career she wanted to focus on the technical side of IT but she has always been very communicative.

So, she got assigned to either training or documentation.

In the process though she discovered her ability to understandably explain technologies and applications to users and businessmen.

This skill helped her climb the ladder and become valued.

2. Read about the business

Reading corporate annual reports may sound terribly boring but according to Shacklett it would help you learn more about the business and understand it better.

This way you will be able to get on top wherever you start working.

3. Take a course in sales or marketing

Yes, we have not forgot what we are writing about – it is still the same article about the IT sector you have been reading.

But having the ability to talk decisively and sell your ideas is a key one and will surely serve you well.

Another advantage of taking a sales or marketing course is that you will step out of your comfort zone.

As cheesy as it sounds, we all know it is true that there is no better way than that to improve yourself!

4. Work on your communication skills

Shacklett advices to volunteer to make a presentation or a lead a meeting, no matter how terrified you might be of it.

By doing this you will stand out as a leader and be prepared for a management role (if you are aiming for it).

5. Engage with a failed project

Unfortunately, it happens sometimes a project to fail.

However, you can challenge yourself and take on it in order to make it work.

As Shacklett says, it has already failed and the only way it could go is up.

Therefore you should not be afraid – take the risk and prove yourself, as well as your boss, that you can turn it into success!

6. Look for mentors

In every sector there are skillful and creative people who you can learn a lot from.

A mentor will always share both their knowledge and experience and will guide you when you feel lost.

If you have the chance to have a mentor, get it immediately since it will help you not only professionally but also personally.

7. Remain present

The quick development of technologies overall makes it a bit hard to stay on the same place.

It requires constant changes and new skills.

So, it is good to take any courses, read periodicals or take part in trade groups in order to stay up to date.

8. Connect

Of course, this is valid not only for your professional but also for your personal life.

When you have a lot of contacts, more people will be aware of your competences.

This will make it easier for you to get into the business.

9. Win-win for everyone

Individuals love to win and feel successful.

A crucial skill every project manager or IT executive should have is the ability to make people work with passion.

When the team gets along, there is a desire for work and at the end the project succeeds, every member of the group will feel accomplished.

10. Give more

In the last advice Shacklett recalls an event – a senior app programmer wrote each app based on the user’s specifications but thereafter he added something a bit more he knew would be useful for the user.

By giving more than you are asked to, you will please your customers and this is impossible to remain unnoticed!

John Reed

In turn, John Reed gives only 5 advices for ways to enhance your IT career but they are just as valuable! Some of them overlap with Mary Shacklett’s, while others are a bit different and even – on the contrary of hers.

1. Master a new skill

Reed agrees with the old saying that you can not stand in one place – you are either going up or down.

This is very accurate in the IT sector since technology is evolving all the time.

In order to stay current, you have to develop new skills that correspond to the new needs.

We live in a time when all kinds of classes and courses are available on the market, so you should definitely take advantage!

By becoming certified you add a new asset in your CV and become more competitive.

2. Take on more projects

Shacklett advised to take on failed projects and turn them all around.

On the other hand, Reed’s opinion is that you should volunteer for any additional projects.

Surely, you will have to work extra but it will make you more qualified.

This will result in your value for the company getting bigger.

Thanks to the project you may also network with more people from your job which can always be beneficial!

Last but not least, you will prove yourself as a person who can be trusted.

Exactly in the third advice is the big difference between Mary Shacklett and John Reed.

While she advises you to get a mentor, he suggests:

3. Become a mentor

It is an amazing professional recognition to get the opportunity to guide your heirs.

You have to spread what you have learnt by your professional experience and help the mentees understand your motives, goals and the steps toward achieving them.

It is guaranteed that you too will learn a lot of new things in the process.

4. Comfort zone – jumped over

Always challenge yourself with what scares you the most.

No matter if it is making a presentation, taking on a project or representing your company on a meeting.

Jumping over your comfort zone will make you the better professional you dream of being.

5. Look for feedback

Be broad-minded and open for new ideas or suggestions for improving your work!

It is important to know how your managers view you as a worker and how do they evaluate your skills.

Once you have received feedback, you will be able to work on further development of your communication skills, ability to work in a team, approach to problems and their solving.

Moreover it is a good idea to ask questions about your presentation over it is over – for example in what ways it was helpful for your audience.

Most demanded computer skills

Next we will present you a list with the 6 computer skills that are in a very high demand these days.

  • Spreadsheets and databases – you have to be able to store and organize data but in addition to that you have to be familiar with complex mathematical formulas. If you want to be the best professional in this area, you have to work with: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Statistics, Data Analytics, Adobe Campaign and others. (You can find the full list in article number 1 in the sources of information.)

  • Social media – being an influencer or a blogger may seem like a very easy job but it is actually not. People should have certain skills in order to be successful on social media. Such are Content Management System, Google Analytics, Cascading Style Sheets, Email Marketing, Web Page Design, WordPress, Digital Marketing, SEO and Campaign Management Software.

  • Graphic design – if you would like to develop in the branch of graphic design, you should consider mastering the following skills: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, AutoCAD, CorelDRAW (very hard, phew), Microsoft Visual Studio, Maya, Microsoft Word.

  • Software and hardware design and development – if you are not familiar with the meaning of this profession, here it is simply put: you design, implement and test the computer software or hardware apps. Additionally, you should be aware of the user’s demands and develop an app which meets their expectations. Therefore you should “speak” different web and mobile app coding languages. A few of them are: HTML, C/C++, Java, Python, XML, UI/UX, LINUX, etc. By having the competence in this particular are, you may get a job as a Software Architect, Software Analyst, Hardware Configuration and more.

  • IT Troubleshooting – in order to get into the IT troubleshooting world, you have to know the computer and its mechanics closely. It is definitely not enough to spend the whole day playing games or doing any kind of work on it. People who work in the IT Troubleshooting are specialists who have the relevant education. If you are interested in this area, you should develop the following competences: Backup management, Diagnostics, End User support, Client-Server management, Installation and configuration, Issue tracking system, System administration and Tech support.

  • Enterprise systems – a lot of enterprises have their own apps, solutions or softwares to manage their operations. When you can use them (they are usually mentioned in the requirements), you will get the job easier.


Being eager to constantly learn new things and master new skills is a key step in whichever are you decide to specialize.

You have to be proactive, communicative, ready to talk but to listen as well.

To get a feedback, even if do not like it, has to serve you as a motivator to grow and improve your competence.

If it is hard for you to do it on your own, find a person who will motivate you and guide you in the right direction.

The advices given by the professional Mary Shacklett and John Reed are extremely valuable since they can be useful not only for the IT profession.

You can use them as guidelines for your personal development as well!

So, read them again if you have the need and get the work done!

It is 100 percent sure you won’t have any regrets after the positive outcome!

Author: Ilina Stoyanova

How to Improve Your Computer Skills to Get Ahead in Your Career
5 Ways to Boost Your IT Career
10 ways to advance your IT career


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