Food Archives - 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 Wed, 27 May 2020 21:56:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Do carrots help your eyes? Fri, 27 Mar 2020 10:32:51 +0000 The world we live in is dominated by unhealthy lifestyles and nutrition. After years of living in such a way, people have started noticing how badly their food choices can affect their health and well-being. That is why in recent years organic, healthy and nutritious foods have gained popularity. Now people panic when things aren’t “bio” enough. It may be ... Read More

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The world we live in is dominated by unhealthy lifestyles and nutrition.

After years of living in such a way, people have started noticing how badly their food choices can affect their health and well-being.

That is why in recent years organic, healthy and nutritious foods have gained popularity.

Now people panic when things aren’t “bio” enough.

It may be really hard to know what is good for you and what is not when there is so much information on the Internet.

However, eating a balanced diet is the best choice a person can make.

Having your favorite cookies from time to time won’t damage your health at all, but you should still try to consume healthy food.

Why are carrots that important?

There are many beneficial foods on the market, but one is often overlooked.

Everyone always runs to buy kale or avocado, but people do not pay enough attention to carrots.

They are crunchy and delicious and can be used for tons of dishes – soups, cakes, etc., or as a snack – just add some hummus!

The best part is that carrots are not only extremely tasty but also essential for your health.

They are a good source of vitamins A (from beta carotene), B6, K1; also potassium and biotin; low in fat, protein, and sugar.

Carrots can reduce the risk of cancer; lower blood cholesterol; help the digestive system and diabetes treatment; strengthen bones, increase hair growth; make the skin glow; help the teeth; etc.

The link between carrots and your eyes

“If you eat tons of carrots you will have healthy and powerful eyes”.

Most people have heard this sentence at least once in their life and the chance of hearing it when they were little is even greater.

Parents love to say this to their kids to keep them eating healthy.

It is something like: “Sack Man will come and pick you up if you are naughty” or “If you are a good kid Santa Claus will bring you presents”.

Sooner or later everyone learns the truth about those magical characters.

Now the day to break the myth about vision and carrots has come.

Where the myth comes from?

Everything has started with British propaganda from World War II.

There were two reasons which motivated the creation of the campaign.

The first one is that during this time, The Royal Air Force was using a new radar system called Airborne Interception Radar, which helped the pilots to target German bombers more efficiently throughout nighttime missions.

The radar was a new technology and a top-secret, therefore carrots were rumored to be the reason for the pilots’ success.

It is not clear if Germans actually believed this, but British people surely did.

The second is related to food shortages.

The Germans blockaded food supply ships and foods such as bacon, sugar, eggs couldn’t be delivered.

But carrots, on the other hand, can be grown at home.

Therefore, people were encouraged to do that.

The government told people that carrots will help them see during wartime blackouts.

Advertising brochures with different slogans were everywhere.

One of them said: “Carrots keep you healthy and help you see in the blackout”.

Carrots were promoted as the main ingredient in tons of dishes, especially in desserts, because of the sugar they contain.

People made carrot pudding, carrot fudge, carrot marmalade, etc.

To make the campaign accessible to children, the British Ministry of Food created a new character – Dr. Carrot.

He was everywhere – radio shows, posters, etc.

Disney helped too – one of the leading cartoonists in the company designed a whole family inspired by Dr. Carrot – Carroty George, Pop Carrot and Clara Carrot.

The propaganda campaign has left its mark on people’s minds to this day.

As we already mentioned it is not uncommon to hear that carrots will help you improve your eyesight and make you see 20/20 without wearing your glasses.

As good as it may sound this is not exactly the truth.

Is the myth true?

Now that we made clear where this myth comes from, it is time to talk about some scientifically proven facts.

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and lutein, which are high antioxidants.

That’s why they can prevent eye damage provoked by free radicals – the ones that lead to eye diseases, chronic illnesses, and aging.

Foods that contain more lutein, like yellow carrots, can protect you from AMD (age-related macular degeneration).

Beta-carotene gives a lot of yellow and orange plants their coloring.

Consequently, orange carrots are extremely high in beta-carotene which the body converts to vitamin A.

This particular vitamin protects the surface (cornea) of the eye, which is crucial for good eye vision.

Vitamin A also forms rhodopsin – the pigment in your eye cells that helps you see at night.

The lack of vitamin A is the main reason for blindness among people nowadays.

Every year more than 200,000 kids become blind because of vitamin A deficiency.

It can also lead to xerophthalmia – a state in which the eyes cannot tear.

This results in dryness, swelling of the eyelids, etc.

It is also important to say that your body absorbs the beta carotene better when you eat cooked rather than raw carrots!

The answer to the question is yes, carrots are very good for eyesight but they don’t improve vision like a magic wind.

The key to having strong and healthy eyes is to eat a balanced diet rich in Vitamin A.

For healthy eyes, it is advisable to consume more foods such as spinach, kale, salmon, tuna, eggs, nuts, beans, oranges, etc.

What else can you do?

If you want to take good care of your eyesight you should quit most of your bad habits – drinking and smoking too much, not wearing sunglasses or staring at the monitor.

To keep your eyes protected even when you are working long hours in front of the screen, you can download the Iris software (or app).

Iris decreases the amount of blue light emitted from the screen and controls the brightness.

The program does it automatically because it’s able to detect if it’s day or night.

You can also customize it as much as you want which is helpful for people who are not that much into technologies.

It works on both computers and phones!

Iris has 3 modes – automatic, manual and paused.

The wide variety of types (health, sleep, reading, etc) is another cool feature the program has.

Iris has a free version too so you are left without excuses not to download it.

Last words

The myth that carrots improve your eyesight may have been born long ago in the form of propaganda.

Whatsoever that doesn’t mean it’s not true.

Carrots are full of vitamins needed for the eyes.

That is why they can help you keep your eyes healthy.

They just won’t improve your vision.

But if you want to take good care of your eyesight, you should eat a balanced diet, not only carrots.

It is also recommended to reduce the harmful blue light оn electronic devices using either blue light blocking glasses or by installing a softwarе that does the same job (like Iris).






Author: Anna Tsaneva


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Food supplements: Do you really need them? Sun, 22 Mar 2020 11:59:14 +0000 The whole world is in panic, caused by the new coronavirus. Countries are under quarantine, shops are empty, people literally fight for a pack of toilet paper. In times like these, it is vital to stay both calm and safe. This includes rational thinking, not letting panic make us sick and taking care of our health. Please, stay at home ... Read More

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The whole world is in panic, caused by the new coronavirus.

Countries are under quarantine, shops are empty, people literally fight for a pack of toilet paper.

In times like these, it is vital to stay both calm and safe.

This includes rational thinking, not letting panic make us sick and taking care of our health.

Please, stay at home until the crisis is over – this way you will save yourself and your loved ones, which may be at higher risk!

Let’s fight against this disease together – we are so much stronger when we unite!

In this article, we will talk about food supplements, which have become even more popular since the coronavirus is taking over the world.

A lot of people buy stacks of multivitamins, vitamin C, iron, etc.

Some pharmacies do not have any left.

Do these supplements really work though and can they actually help us in a way?

We shall find out in a minute!

What are food supplements?

Food supplements are also known as dietary or nutritional supplements.

Their role is to provide nutrients we may not get in sufficient quantities.

Vitamins, minerals, amino and fatty acids, as well as other substances, in the form of pills, tablets, liquids, etc. are considered to be food supplements.

What is more, there are different doses and combinations on the market.

The European Union regulates nutritional supplements as foods.

There are specific requirements for the sources, used from companies that produce them.

Are food supplements necessary?

A survey has found that more than half of the American population takes one or more food supplements either every day or from time to time.

If they really need it, it is a completely different question.

Our bodies need a certain amount of each nutrient, which makes its overconsumption unnecessary and in some cases, dangerous.

Even natural substances, called “botanicals”, can have side effects if used excessively.

You can buy food supplements without a prescription.

Therefore it is quite easy to get them.

However, here are some things you should have in mind:

Supplements do not substitute a healthy and balanced diet.

A lot of people think they may compensate for their unhealthy way of eating by taking a few different vitamins and minerals.

In fact, nutrients in food may be processed differently (meaning better) by our bodies than those from supplements.

If you eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and protein may give you the whole range of nutrients you need daily.

However, people in certain groups may need to take food supplements in order to improve their condition.

Some examples include:

Women who are in childbearing age, pregnant or breastfeeding – they should aim for adequate quantities of iron, folate, and vitamin D.

People over the age of 50 – vitamin B12, vitamin D, and folate are very important for people as they age.

What is more, individuals who suffer from age-related macular degeneration may benefit from using a combination of vitamins C and E, zinc, copper, lutein and zeaxanthin.

Age-related macular degeneration can be slowed down by taking good care of your eyes.

You can start doing that by downloading Iris and reading our articles, reviewing this topic.

Iris is a blue – light blocking software with a few different modes you can choose from.

With Iris, you will be able to use your device even in the evening without having trouble falling asleep.

This is due to the fact that Iris blocks the blue light emitted from the screen.

You can download it from our website and read our articles on our blog.

Vegans – it is recommended that people who follow a vegan diet, take vitamins B12 and D because they can not be delivered from vegan food.

Food supplements may have side effects if used inappropriately.

Remember that the label “natural” on a product does not always mean “safe” or “healthy”.

More on the risks of taking a food supplement later on in the article!

Consider what is the daily recommended amount of any vitamin or mineral before using a supplement of it.

Find out if you can get or if you are getting enough of it from food.

If so, always go for this option.

Before deciding for any food supplement though, we advise you to consult with a medical professional.

Only a qualified specialist can prescribe you the right amount of any nutrient you may need.


Even though most food supplements do not have critical side effects, some of them may cause health issues.

Especially if you exceed the recommended daily dose.

Besides, it may not be advisable to take any nutritional supplements if you have certain conditions or take some medications.

For this reason, you have to read the labels on the vitamins you consider taking and figure out if they are suitable for you.

If you are about to undergo surgery, have in mind that some supplements may have an effect on the way you react to anesthesia.

  • an excessive amount of vitamin A may cause headaches, liver damage, reduced bone strength, and birth defects;
  • vitamins C and E may reduce the effect of some types of cancer chemotherapy;
  • St. John’s wort can reduce the effectiveness of some medications like antidepressants and heart medications for example;
  • the herbs comfrey and kava can be the reason for liver damage.


Food supplements have a high demand not only in times of pandemic but usually.

People who lead a stressful lifestyle or have an unhealthy diet think multivitamins can prevent future health issues.

The situation, however, is kind of different.

Whole food supplements may be needed sometimes, other cases totally exclude their use.

Therefore, as always, we advise you to seek professional medical help before buying a dietary supplement.

You may not need it and do yourself more bad than good, or you may need something else.

The essentials for a healthy lifestyle, both for the body and for the mind, are a balanced diet, everyday activity and the ability to manage stress.

Last but not least, please stay safe by staying home and be aware!

Do not panic but be aware of what is happening around the world.

Protect yourself and your loved ones, and if you need any medical help, call your doctor!

Believe and pray and everything will be fine!




Author: Ilina Stoyanova


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Foods For Eye Protection Sun, 13 Mar 2016 18:38:42 +0000 In this article show you some foods for eye protection and better eyesight. Kale, Spinach And Collards Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that protect and maintain healthy cells – and they’re abundant in these dark vegetables. They act like “internal sunglasses” that can “filter harmful blue waves.” Another bonus is that these vegetables are also high in vitamin A, which is good ... Read More

The post Foods For Eye Protection appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

In this article show you some foods for eye protection and better eyesight.


Kale, Spinach And Collards

Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that protect and maintain healthy cells – and they’re abundant in these dark vegetables. They act like “internal sunglasses” that can “filter harmful blue waves.” Another bonus is that these vegetables are also high in vitamin A, which is good for the eyes.



Zinc deficiency has been linked to impaired vision and poor night vision, as well as cloudy cataracts. But getting plenty of of the nutrient can work wonders, slowing the progression of age-related macular degeneration, which is a common condition in adults age 50 and older. Oysters are a great source of zinc. And if they’re not exactly your thing you can try lobster, salmon, beef or milk instead.



Apricots are a good source of beta carotene and lycopene, both carotenoids that can help promote good vision. Indeed, the body converts beta carotene into vitamin A, which resists damage to cells and tissues, including the eye lens. Continued oxidative stress may result in the development of cataracts or damage the blood supply to the eyes and lead to macular degeneration.


Sweet Potatoes

A one-cup serving of sweet potato has more than the full daily requirement for vitamin A. And yes, there is another orange, vitamin A-rich option that’s more commonly associated with protecting our peepers: carrots.



Eggs are another food that’s relatively high in zinc. They’re also a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids and lutein. Eggs don’t contain as much of that particular carotenoid as the leafy greens that are also on this list, but the body is able to absorb these antioxidants better from eggs.

Wheat Germ

Vitamin E might slow macular degeneration and can also decrease risk of cataracts. Wheat germ is top source for vitamin E, as well as other tasty options like almonds, sunflower seeds, peanut butter and the aforementioned sweet potato.

The post Foods For Eye Protection appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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