Blue light Archives - 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 Mon, 03 Apr 2023 13:57:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blue light facts Tue, 31 Mar 2020 13:37:13 +0000 We are exposing ourselves to blue light every day so we are here to share some blue light facts with you. Even if one doesn’t use any specific digital devices they still get in touch with the blue light. This is because blue light is everywhere and it cannot be avoided. Therefore we all have to be aware of the ... Read More

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We are exposing ourselves to blue light every day so we are here to share some blue light facts with you.

Even if one doesn’t use any specific digital devices they still get in touch with the blue light.

This is because blue light is everywhere and it cannot be avoided.

Therefore we all have to be aware of the blue light’s specifications, so we can prepare and be aware of everything.

If you want to learn everything important about the blue light, keep on reading!

In this article, we are going to see what exactly blue light is and how it behaves.

Also, we will show you how to make the most of the blue light and how to get yourself protected.

Blue light is everywhere

If you have been thinking that you would get rid of the blue light just by switching your computer off, you have been mistaken.

Blue light is part of the natural white light that comes from the sun.

And it is also part of your home LED lighting.

Nowadays, the blue light is everywhere.

The truth is that the healthy levels of blue light depend on the time you spend looking at it.

There is a difference between working eight hours on a computer without a break and using it only to check on the news.

If you want to be safe, then reduce to a minimum the usage of devices like computers, smartphones, and tablets.

Of course, we know this cannot be possible if you get your income from working on a computer.

Therefore you should continue reading understand more about blue light facts and useful info.

Blue light can regulate your circadian rhythm and moods

One other treat to the blue light is that it can change your sleeping routine.

The circadian rhythm is what your natural clock is called.

It is responsible for your waking and sleeping cycles throughout the day.

The blue light can trick your mind to think that it is daytime and this will stop the production of melatonin.

Melatonin is the hormone of sleep and its production is usually triggered by dim light and the late hours of the day.

Moreover, when your sleep schedule gets disrupted, there can occur depression and anxiety.

It is going to make an impact on your productivity and most of all it will cause stress to your body.

The best way to avoid this from happening is to limit your blue light intake in the late hours before you go to bed.

For example, dim the lights two hours before the usual time you go to sleep and forget about your phone and computer, and also about watching TV.

You can read a book, play some games or play with your pet, anything that doesn’t involve an LCD screen.

Your eyes are unsecured from the blue light

The human eyes are very light-sensitive organs.

And while we have some kind of UV protection given to us naturally, we cannot keep our eyes safe from the blue light without the proper eyewear.

Sunglasses are the best way to keep the harmful light away while being outside.

The sunglasses must be always with high-quality lenses and UV protective film.

However, while the blue light that is coming from the sun is not that harmful, the one coming from the technology can cause many eye diseases.

Eyesight problems and how to reduce them with Iris

Blue light causes eye strain and other diseases

It is a wide known fact that the blue light is the reason behind many eye diseases and eye strain.

It can damage your eyesight and many kids worldwide are wearing glasses thanks to that.

After a long-hour period of starting at a monitor, you may suffer a slight discomfort.

There can be vision disruptions like blurred vision, blind spots, and also headaches.

In the long run, the blue light radiation can lead to age-related macular degeneration, which is close to complete vision loss.

How to stay protected from the blue light?

There are several secure ways to protect your eyes from the harmful rays.

If you are working on a computer you can buy computer glasses.

They have a special coating on the lenses that filters the blue light and restricts its reach to the eyes.

Though they are not completely effective.

With them, only a certain amount of the blue light gets filtered.

The other effective way of keeping your eyes safe and to prevent eye diseases is with a blue light filter for PC.

Iris is such a blue light filter.

It is a computer program that has already helped thousands of people around the world from any age – from students to seniors.

Iris can be installed easily on your computer or mobile phone and personalizing it is very easy.

You can choose between a variety of filter modes for the activities that you do.

Like reading, watching movies, programming, working, biohacking, and many more.

Remember that blue light is harming your sleep, so with Iris, you will be able to sleep like a child again.

You won’t wake up with red eyes or being tired anymore.

Last words

The blue light is a threat that nobody can escape from since it is all around us.

However, we can find a way to stop it from doing any damage to our eyes and our health.

With Iris, this is going to feel like a piece of cake!

Take your health in your hands and make the change for a better lifestyle now and we hope that these blue light facts have been interesting.





Author: Yoana Borisova

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Does iPhone’s Night Shift actually work? Wed, 30 Oct 2019 07:21:12 +0000 iPhone’s Night Shift We are exposed to blue light more often than ever before which can have negative health effects. Since the awareness was raised, a lot of manufacturers started to produce specially designed products which can “fight” the bad impact blue light may have on us. Carrying our portable electronic devices everywhere we go, it can be said they ... Read More

The post Does iPhone’s Night Shift actually work? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

iPhone’s Night Shift

We are exposed to blue light more often than ever before which can have negative health effects.

Since the awareness was raised, a lot of manufacturers started to produce specially designed products which can “fight” the bad impact blue light may have on us.

Carrying our portable electronic devices everywhere we go, it can be said they are the biggest threat.

Therefore Apple came up with a potential solution back in 2016 – iPhone’s Night Shift.


Apple is one of the leading companies in the multi-billion area of smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

Like any other brand’s devices, Apple’s iPhone, iPad, and Mac emit blue light.

But how did Apple try to reduce the blue light emission and improve its customer experience?

The answer is Night Shift, of course.

As good as it may sound at first, it should be definitely considered what the research has to say about it.

A brief explanation of blue light

In previous articles of ours, we have explained what blue light is and what health problems it can cause.

Summarized, blue light is a natural high-energy visible light, its main source being the sun.

The problem is the blue light exposure in the evening or at night.

Melatonin is the hormone responsible for sleep – the daylight awakes us, while the darkness of the night, acts as a signal for the body to finally relax and prepare for bed.

But the blue light constantly emitted from the devices we use confuses the brain, which makes it think it is still daytime.

This results in disrupting your sleep cycle, consequently poor sleep quality and other health conditions.

iPhone’s Night Shift

Apple’s Night Shift was introduced 3 years ago, in 2016.

The main aim of the Night Shift mode is to reduce blue light.

Less blue light means less digital eye strain and better night’s sleep.

It uses geolocation and sunset time data.

       How to turn the mode on?
If you do not know how to turn the special setting on, here is a quick and easy step by step tutorial:

1.Go to Settings -> Display & Brightness -> Night Shift.

2. Click on Scheduled and adjust the time frame to your liking. (You can activate Night Shift during the whole day by choosing from 04:00 AM to 03:59 AM).

3. Regulate the colour temperature – less warm equals more blue light, more warm = less blue light. When the colour temperature is set to more warm, the screen will appear in an orange sort of shade but you will quickly get used to it!

What does the research say?

In 2018 The Lighting Research Center has conducted a study in order to evaluate how effective Apple’s Night Shift really is. 12 young adults have participated.

They were asked to view iPads between 11:00 PM and 01:00 AM on four separate nights under four different conditions. (If you would like to know more details regarding the study, check the link of The Lighting Research Center’s press release in the sources of information below the article).

The outcome was a “significant” melatonin suppression during the two hours of each study night with Night Shift suppressing it slightly less.

Moreover, there was no big difference between the effectiveness of the two Night Shift modes (less warm/more warm colour temperature).

According to the researchers, changing only your screen colour won’t have the benefits you are hoping for.

They recommend reducing the brightness as well.

However, the best way to enjoy a good and peaceful night’s sleep is to avoid using any devices at least one hour or even two (as advised by The Lighting Research Center) before going to bed.

Melatonin suppression may not even be the problem – sleep scientists claim that inappropriate lighting is not the only reason for sleep issues.

The way we use our phones can also be a stimulant for the brain to keep us awake.

Scrolling through social networks or reading the news before bed are just as bad as blue light.

We have all seen a picture or read an article that made us anxious right before sleep.

Not pleasant, huh? A relaxing book instead is much of a better idea!

iOS 13 Dark Mode

The most recent iOS version has a full-time dark mode.

Sure, the cool appearance is the most obvious positive of the dark mode.

Furthermore, it saves your battery life and it is also said to protect your eyes from the original bright white background.

Yet, no research supports the latter claim since the iOS 13.1 was introduced on 24th of September.

You can turn the Dark Mode on full-time or make it change with the light one automatically when the sun has set.

Adjust it to your preference by going to Settings -> Display & Brightness.

Click on Automatic and choose different Options if you want to.


Apple’s Night Shift may not be the greatest way to protect your eyes from the blue light your devices emit.

However, it is better to use this feature instead of nothing at all.

Hopefully, Apple will improve it in future iPhone and iOS versions!

What you can do in the meantime, is to buy software like Iris which successfully regulates both the colour temperature and brightness of your screen.

This results in less blue light and naturally, less eye strain!

The best option remains not using your phone or any other devices one to two hours before going to bed and making sure to clear your mind.

This way you will enjoy a quiet evening and quality sleep followed by a productive day!

Author: Ilina Stoyanova

Read more:

Vision therapy: Eye exercises for keeping your eyes strong and healthy
What is the best Color temperature?
Best Monitor Brightness and Contrast Settings for Eyes


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Myths and truths about blue light Mon, 28 Oct 2019 14:44:52 +0000 Introduction of technology There are improved facts about blue light, in our everyday lives, another concern about our health was raised. Precisely – blue light. But as with everything that is new and unexplored yet, conspiracy theories start to lurk around every corner. However, we are here to help you learn the myths and the truths about blue light! Blue ... Read More

The post Myths and truths about blue light appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Introduction of technology

There are improved facts about blue light, in our everyday lives, another concern about our health was raised.

Precisely – blue light.

But as with everything that is new and unexplored yet, conspiracy theories start to lurk around every corner.

However, we are here to help you learn the myths and the truths about blue light!

Blue light is a range of the visible light spectrum with wavelengths 400-450 nm, which makes it a type of high-energy visible light.

Where does the problem come from then and what should you know about blue light?

We are diving right into it!

Myths and truths

We have collected some of the most important facts about blue light that you should be familiar with in order to deal with it in the right way.

Blue light is not natural – MYTH

The main source of blue light is actually… the sun itself!

Sunlight contains red, orange, yellow, green and blue rays and a lot of shades of these colors.

What is more interesting, blue light is the reason why we see the sky blue.

Walking outside during the day, you are exposed to blue light.

In fact, a certain number of daylight hours can be absorbed by the human body.

It becomes a problem when we introduce blue light at night as well – this way we disrupt our biological clock which can lead to health problems (including poor sleep, poor eye health, etc.).

Our eyes can’t block blue light – TRUTH

Our eyes can successfully block UV rays from reaching the retina.

It is proven that less than 1 percent of UV radiation from the sun reaches the retina, even if you have not put your sunglasses on.

Резултат с изображение за Our eyes can block UV rays from reaching the retina.


Nevertheless, it is advisable to always wear sunglasses with 100 percent UV protection since they are essential for eye health!

In contrary though, blue light can penetrate the inner structure of our eyes.

According to studies almost 100 percent of the blue light that we are exposed to, reaches our retina.

All blue light is harmful – MYTH

You may be confused by this one but it is actually true that not all blue light is harmful.

Thanks to blue light, our bodies know when we should be awake (throughout the day) and when we should go to sleep (after the night falls).

Therefore we are messing up with our circadian rhythm if we are exposed to blue light in the evening.

Try reading a paper book before bed instead of your e-reader and switch off your devices at least an hour before sleep.

Yet, some studies have shown that certain types of blue light can have a positive impact on our bodies.

High-energy visible light boosts vigilance, helps memory and cognitive function and improves mood.

A light therapy is used to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which is a type of depression related to changes in seasons.

With the right amount of blue light, the symptoms of SAD can be alleviated.


Blue light contributes to digital eye strain – TRUTH

It’s been made clear that not all blue light is bad for you but too much of it can really be.

Especially for your eyes.

They can not block the blue light, therefore they become irritated when we expose them to it for a long period of time.

The symptoms may include red, dry or sore eyes, as well as headaches and blurred vision.

However, digital eye strain can be prevented with a number of precautions – you can check them out in one of our previous articles!


Lowering the brightness of your device is enough – MYTH

Been there, done that.

In fact, the low brightness of the screen is not a safeguard!

It actually has a very small impact since apart from blue light there are a lot of other things that are harmful to your eyes.

Such are flickering, small fonts and so on.

Резултат с изображение за flickering damage the eyes

Blue light can cause macular degeneration – TRUTH

Macular degeneration is the condition which causes deterioration of the macula

Macula – the small central area of the retina, controlling the visual acuity.

The ability to complete any visual task requiring us to see detail depends on the health of the macula – reading, recognizing faces, driving, watching TV, using the computer, etc.

Резултат с изображение за blue light


Unfortunately, macular degeneration can lead to permanent sight loss.

Blue light is related to macular degeneration because our eyes can not block the blue light and it penetrates all the way to the inner of the eye.

Consequently too much blue light can cause damage to the light-sensitive cells in the retina.


However, more research is needed in order to define how much is too much and the potential long-term effects of constant digital eye strain.

How to reduce the blue light exposure?

If you are a bit concerned about your health after going through the myths and truths about blue light, we are happy to inform you that you can successfully reduce your blue light exposure!

You can do that by using software like ours – Iris will reduce the blue light emitted from your computer or laptop screen.

It has a few different modes and detects automatically whether it is day or night.

Thereupon Iris will change the color temperature and the brightness of your screen.

This way you will be able to use your device for longer without having a tired eye afterward.

Take a break

Yet, it is recommended to take a break from the screen every once in a while

The aim is to move around every hour for at least 5 minutes or simply follow the 20-20-20 rule:

Every 20 minutes look at an object 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds.


Blue light is naturally emitted by the sun and is needed by our bodies in order to regulate our biological clocks.

Too much of it though may cause worse sleep quality, eye strain and other health problems.

However, blue light therapy is used to treat people suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) – it improves their sleep patterns and elevates mood.

Download Iris

In our everyday lives, we can deal with excessive blue light exposure by downloading software like Iris.

It reduces the blue light emitted from the screen or by minimizing the time spent in front of a device in the evenings.


Author: Ilina Stoyanova

The post Myths and truths about blue light appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to avoid Blue light from Screens Sat, 19 Oct 2019 12:23:28 +0000 We spend too much time in front of the screen without any idea about how we are harming ourselves and without doing anything to avoid the blue light. We are neglecting our healthy level in front of smart devices. We increase the time in front of monitors even in the short breaks between work, university or school. In the everyday ... Read More

The post How to avoid Blue light from Screens appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

We spend too much time in front of the screen without any idea about how we are harming ourselves and without doing anything to avoid the blue light.

blue light computer smartphone screen sleep problems phone screen filter eye protection

We are neglecting our healthy level in front of smart devices.

We increase the time in front of monitors even in the short breaks between work, university or school.

In the everyday life of an average person living in the 21st century, it is a great difficulty to put aside even their phone.

Many of us, perhaps, would not have thought about the Blue Light problem because of the dynamic environment, and it actually exists everywhere around us.

Naturally, much of the earth’s population sinks into dealing with a computer or other technology.

Are we paying enough attention to our health?

I think many of us are asking ourselves health questions.

And often enough, we stop at full-fledged sleep, active lifestyles, sports, year-round diets and more.

In theory, we are not at all bothered by issues that bother us so much, but in practice, we are tired of doing everything…

We often browse through forums, everyday life websites, to get our feet firm, filled with energy and a desire to work, and to blossom in the morning for new ideas.

We can take a few easy steps to reduce the stress of the evening for a more refreshing sleep, tone and good health.

Avoid “Fast food”

Health experts, nutritionists, and doctors are alarmed at the effects of frequent on-the-go consumption.

This encourages one to eat more than if they eat healthily.


You do not have to spend two hours in fitness gyms, daily workouts, and more. A walk in the park with a pet or a friend would affect the body charging and the mind relaxing.

Exercising in the morning prepares the muscle for the whole day, as does the mind.

Hydrate your body

Drink enough water every day, it provides more energy and good function of the body and all the supporting organs in it.

Water is one of the best tools for weight loss, keeps the cardiovascular system healthy and helps digestion, maintains normal temperature and proper function of the brain and kidneys.

Get some sleep

Sleep is a major problem for many people, but the basis of many other factors associated with our body.

Quality sleep is considered to be the necessary 8 hours, so sleep stores our energy reorganizes our memories and the information we absorb during the day.

While we sleep, our body renews and builds certain tissues, nerve cells, neutralizes neurotoxins, and resumes the biochemical processes in the body.

Reduce the Blue light

As I mentioned in the beginning, Blue light reflected from screens, and not just from them.

Much of it is also based on sunlight – the danger of UV rays.

They have higher energy than visible light rays, which makes them capable of producing changes in the skin.

Because blue light is all around us, except for human-made digital devices and any other internal sources, including LED lighting and flat-screen TVs, they create a number of technology-based eye diseases.

In such cases, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Studies have shown that lenses that block blue light with a wavelength of less than 450 nm (blue-violet light) increase the contrast significantly.

Yellow-toned glasses increase comfort.

Is all Blue Light bad light?

If it really hurts us so much that we take extreme measures, then why not block it completely?

Bad idea.

Exposure to blue light is documented to be essential at times.

Many studies show that high-energy visible light increases concentration, enhances memory, cognitive function and boosts mood.

Used in what is known as “Light Therapy”, it is used to treat seasonal affective disorders (SAD) – a type of depression associated with changes in the seasons.

Blue light is very important for regulating the circadian rhythm.

This is the natural cycle of cheerfulness and sleep.

During daylight hours it helps to maintain it.

In the late hours, it completely disrupts this cycle, which can cause sleepless nights and fatigue during the day.

Let’s find a Compromise for our Eyes

Here we come to the easiest answer on “How to avoid Blue Light from screens”

The convenience that we often bring to the forefront distinguishes us so much that we find no explanation for the harm to which we periodically expose ourselves.

This is mainly the use of devices that help us write messages, check our emails or just surf the web.

The convenience of technology and the help we get from screens reach a solution for anyone who thinks about their vision.

Blue light filterIris

It is available for tablets and computer devices, operating-system-specific.

It prevents the blue light from these devices from reaching the eyes without affecting the visibility of the display with convenient modes for all needs.

Let’s compromise on our vision without being detrimental to the growing technology, and love our night dream again, tired everyday life and who knows, maybe working at a computer will be interesting and rewarding again.

Author: Nikolay Tasev


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Blue light and Eyes

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Blue light and Eyes

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Blue light and Eyes Wed, 16 Oct 2019 08:20:29 +0000 Have you thought about the effect of Blue light on our Eyes? Did you know that the average person spends more than 6 hours per day in front of a computer? Actually most people spend the majority of their time staring at a digital screen. Smartphones, tablets, laptops and all kinds of digital devices emit significant amounts of blue light. ... Read More

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Have you thought about the effect of Blue light on our Eyes?

Did you know that the average person spends more than 6 hours per day in front of a computer?

Actually most people spend the majority of their time staring at a digital screen.

Smartphones, tablets, laptops and all kinds of digital devices emit significant amounts of blue light.

That is why it is important to educate yourself about the dangers of blue light exposure.

What is Blue Light?

Blue light refers to a color from the visible light spectrum which means it can be seen by the human eye.

In fact, it is the highest frequency of the visible light. In addition, it has the shortest wavelength so it produces the highest amount of energy.

Most of the blue light is emitted by the sun.

However, there are many other man-made sources such as fluorescent lights, LED lights, computer monitors and various displays.

Although blue light exposure we receive from these sources is little compared to the amount we get from sunlight, ophthalmologists express their concerns over the long-term effects of screen exposure.

How Does Blue Light Damage Your Eyes?

Studies show that the time we spend looking at screens results in eye discomfort and can lead to lifelong health complications.

Here are 5 harmful effects for your eyes caused by the artificial blue light.

1. Cataract

The cataract is a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision.

In other words, it can be explained as the cloudiness that appears in the eye lens which is often caused by prolonged proneness to blue light emitting monitors.

2. Digital Eye Strain

Also known as Computer Vision Syndrome(CVS), digital eye strain is a term used to describe the vision discomfort which is a product of the extended use of computers and other digital devices.

3. Macular Degeneration

This condition is named after the mall area in the back of your eye that’s responsible for central vision called macula.

Imagine watching a movie but not being able to see what’s actually going on in the middle.

Having a macular degeneration damages the center of the vision making it wavy and blurry as well as inflicting blind spots and trouble seeing in low light.

Natural blue light from the sun and artificial LED lights are only part of the many risk factors that contribute to this disease.

4. Myopia

If it is hard for you to see distant objects and read road signs clearly but you can go through a magazine or book just fine, chances are you are nearsighted, also known as myopic.

Symptoms may vary but the most common are headaches, eye fatigue and eye strain.

Myopia is usually developed by spending great amounts of time staring at close-up objects. Nowadays almost all of these objects have digital screens and displays.

5. Photophobia

Literally photophobia means “fear of light” but it actually refers to light sensitivity or light intolerance.

The most common cause of light sensitivity are migraines which means that bright sunlight and indoor fluorescent lights can be harmful for a photophobic person.

How to Protect Your Eyes from the Blue Light?

Assuming you are one of the many suffering from constant exposure to blue light, here are a few tips on how to keep your eyes protected.

First of all, let’s talk about your screen time.

If it is hard for you to decrease the amount of time spent in front of your computer, at least take frequent breaks to give your eyes a rest.

And remember to blink once in a while.

Control the brightness of your monitor. The best case is to turn it down in a way to be similar as the light around you.

This will limit your vulnerability to excessive blue light.

You can also buy a pair of computer glasses.

Either with yellow-tinned or anti-reflective lenses they block the blue light and ease digital eye strain.

Nevertheless, glasses are definitely not the most effective prevention as they can often be uncomfortable and sometimes give you massive headaches.

Implement a blue light filter. They are available for smartphones, tablets and all kinds of computer screens.

These filters decrease the amount of blue light given off from screens that could reach the retina in our eyes. In addition, they can reduce significantly the digital eye strain.

What Is the Best Solution?

The best thing you can do is use eye protection software. Suchlike software is IRIS.

If you simply can’t remember to take breaks from your screen time IRIS has a timer that you can set to remind you.

Along with that it helps you control the brightness by optimizing the screen pulsations of your monitor.

IRIS also has a great customizable blue light filter which gradually regulates the harmful blue light as the day progresses.

Not only it prevents CVS and reduces eye pain, but it also improves your sleep cycle, helping your body produce more melatonin at night making you fall asleep faster and deeper.

We cannot completely avoid exposing our eyes to natural or artificial blue light, but we can effectively protect them from the damage it causes.

So the next time you binge-watch your favorite TV show make sure your monitor has the right adjustments.

Download Iris Now

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Blue Light and Dogs Mon, 07 Oct 2019 15:22:12 +0000 In a number of previous posts, the effects of blue light on humans were discussed. In this article though we will be talking about what effect does blue light have on animals, on dogs in particular and how you can prevent it. Introduction We are all aware of the problem with the plastic in the ocean but there are some ... Read More

The post Blue Light and Dogs appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

In a number of previous posts, the effects of blue light on humans were discussed.

In this article though we will be talking about what effect does blue light have on animals, on dogs in particular and how you can prevent it.


We are all aware of the problem with the plastic in the ocean but there are some other things that affect wildlife, even if we don’t pay attention to it.

Including blue light.

A research team from the University of Southern California conducted a study on the identification of harmful effects to wildlife as LED lights proliferate.


The study of the University of Southern

To a great extent, the research was based on a matrix called “Rapid Assessment of Lamp Spectrum to Quantify Ecological Effects of Light at Night.”

It is the first publicly available database showing how about two dozen different types of artificial lighting affect wildlife.

Developers, land-use planners, and policymakers can use it to choose lighting that balances the needs of nature and people.

As an addition to their study, the researchers devised an interactive web-based tool to help people make wildlife-friendly choices in outdoor lighting.

Selected species around the world were surveyed to determine how the hues of modern light-emitting diode (LED) lamps affect wildlife.

The results showed that blue and white light have the worst impact on animals, while yellow, amber and green are more benign.

Some creatures are more vulnerable than others, such are sea turtles and insects.

Nowadays every big city shines as bright as a giant glowing ball, especially at night.

Scientists have been studying how light brightness and direction affects wildlife, including migration and attraction, predator-prey relationships and circadian rhythms for years.

The team from the University of Southern California made that existing ecological data available.

LED lights are expected to comprise 69 percent of the global market by 2020, compared to just 9 percent in 2011.

They are popular because they have many uses, conserve energy and last longer than other lamps.

The research was focused on insects, sea turtles, salmon and Newell’s shearwater, a seabird.

Data for these species already existed at the time of the study’s conduction.

It was established that blue and white lights are the worst at night, some having the same effect as the brightness of midday sun.

In comparison yellow and green lights, which are designed with wavelengths less disruptive to wildlife, have three times less effect.

Some of the negative sides of blue and white lights for the animals include: lights attract migrating juvenile salmon, exposing them to predators.

Travis Longcore, lead author of the study and assistant professor of architecture, spatial sciences and biological sciences with the Spatial Sciences Institute at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, said that global declines in insects have been linked in part to light pollution.

“If we don’t provide advice and information to decisionmakers, they will go with the cheapest lighting or lighting that serves only one interest and does not balance other interests,” Longcore explained.

“We provide a method to assess the probable consequences of new light sources to keep up with the changing technology and wildlife concerns.”


Blue light and dogs

Here comes the part of the article for all dog parents.

Especially for the ones having trouble with the sleeping patterns of their beloved puppies.

We will take a look at why your dog may be keeping you awake and a few solutions to the problem.

The basic needs every mammal have a pretty clear: food, water, shelter, exercise, and companionship.

There is no doubt you provide your pet with every one of them.

Nevertheless, you still find yourself in a difficult situation – your pup is as playful at night as it is at daytime.

The main cause of this unusual behavior might be… your light bulbs.

Standard light bulbs – and especially CFL (curly) bulbs – emit a lot of Blue Light, which is the same color spectrum as the sun, which have told animals and humans that it’s time to be awake.

Just like humans dogs and cats have circadian rhythm – the cycle that tells your body when to get up and when to go to bed.

It is controlled by light and when it is disrupted, your pet can’t settle down because his body is simply telling him not to.

A comparison between such condition and insomnia can be made: both cause restlessness, wakefulness and make creatures look for a distraction.

Below you will find a couple of tips to get your pup to calm down and go to bed.

They probably resemble your own rituals before bedtime (or the ones you should definitely adapt if you want to sleep better).

Having a routine with your beloved fluffy friend might make it even more enjoyable and easier to follow.

Create a bedtime ritual

Just like human kids and adults as well, the routine is everything.

Set a bedtime and stick to it.

Dim the lights, give a special treat only at bedtime and talk to your puppy about your intentions as crazy as it sounds.

He may not understand the words but he will understand what you are up to.

Get a little extra exercise

Dogs have a lot of energy to spend in order to be able to rest.

A 30-minute walk may not be enough and if your pup is having trouble settling down at night, add a bit more exercise to help him burn off the extra energy.

Work in a little training

A little obedience is good for both you and your beloved puppy.

You can try to teach him a command like “lay down” or “bed” which will divert his brain from play to obedience.

If he lays on his bed still and quiet, calmness will likely follow.

Remove unnecessary distractions

Pick up all toys and bones, speak calmly and let your dog know you are ready for bed.

Don’t be too harsh

Even if your beloved four-legged friend has a little more energy and won’t fully listen to you, don’t be too harsh – he is just a small creature, trying to understand this world.

Love him and let him know all the interesting things there are for him to play with, smell and taste.

If none of these tips helps your over-excited puppy to go to bed, you may have to change your light bulbs.

A recently released study from Harvard University concludes that Blue Light – a type of UV light that is produced by artificial lighting like CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) – is detrimental to the circadian rhythm of animals, including humans and dogs.

Too much Blue Light at bedtime can cause insomnia by suppressing melatonin production in the body.

Too little melatonin may be the reason for insomnia and restlessness.

Try to prevent it by turning out CFL bulbs for at least 2 hours before bed or just replace them with biologically-corrected LED lights.

This way both you and your puppy will sleep better and be healthier overall.


Blue light has a negative effect on humans, as well as on animals.


The people responsible for lighting in areas which are near wildlife should make careful decisions about what kind of lights to use to keep all species safe.

This will be beneficial not only for them but for the planet.

In relation to dogs, trying to follow the recommended tips should has its positive impact.

Here at Iris, we believe that we can make technology healthy for you.

Our software Iris reduces the amount of blue light that our screens emit and controls the PWM Flicker.

Try IRIS Now

Author: Ilina Stoyanova


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Blue light Health effects Tue, 01 Oct 2019 07:51:53 +0000 We are all aware of what the phrase “feeling blue” means and feels like. A blue feeling is a sensation you experience when someone lets you down, there is a significant negative change in your life, or it could be an especially bad day you have. It is like a fog that blurs the dopamine levels and your sadness is ... Read More

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We are all aware of what the phrase “feeling blue” means and feels like.

A blue feeling is a sensation you experience when someone lets you down, there is a significant negative change in your life, or it could be an especially bad day you have.

It is like a fog that blurs the dopamine levels and your sadness is overwhelming.

Been there, done that.

Now, you are probably wondering what is the connection between technology for eye protection and the low mood you occasionally face.

The current state of your organism is deeply dependent on the surrounding environments.

This means that the internal processes of the nervous system as neurotransmission (dopamine and serotonin release) might be affected by external influences like day-to-day activities.

There is present research about whether sensory stimuli alter behaviorally relevant transmitter expression in the mature human brain.

However, if you often complain of depressive-like feelings and fatigue, some of their causes may surprise you.


What is the connection between blue light and your low mood?

Blue light can be harmful to your eyes in terms of long-term health issues.

Most of us know that blue light is everywhere and it is distinguished as having wavelengths with very high-energy levels.

Constant nighttime blue light exposure can be the reason for the poor quality of sleep, which, on the other hand, is the reason why you are singing the blues.

Sleep supports many of the cognitive processes: learning, attention, creativity, memory retrieval, etc. Some of the sleep disturbances are associated with memory consolidation impairments.

As a potent suppressor of melatonin (the hormone that helps you fall asleep), blue light can often be the reason you are feeling mentally ill.

Our bodies and the environment we put them in are defining the physical and emotional wellbeing of the whole organism.

For instance, if your stress levels are high due to family or work issues, but you also sleep a little, this may result in increasing the risk of diabetes or heart issues.

Maybe the blue light only is not so deadly for you, but in combination with other factors (and there is always more than one of them), you can harm yourself inadvertently.


What can you do about it

The first decision that you must make is an obvious one: reduce your time in front of the screen at night hours.

Try to rest more and to acquire better working habits.

But here is the hard truth: sometimes we just do not have enough time to do all the things we are up to.

And this might be applied to all of us: students, workers, bosses.

So inevitably, we find ourselves working late, sleeping less or not at all, and feeling blue out of nowhere.


Here it comes, Iris.

Hope you didn’t forget about it.

Well, if you are, see the title of the present article again 🙂 You cannot escape from the reality, but you can at least make it better, healthier and more pleasant for your being.

As humans, we can intuitively feel the holistic nature of the things that are within and around us.

Feeling cheerful, having a good sleep, being productive, looking charming – they are all connected.

Iris has the power to make this connection happier.

Try Iris Now


  • Bedrosian, T. A., & Nelson, R. J. (2013). Influence of the modern light environment on mood. Molecular psychiatry, 18(7), 751.
  • Plitnick, B., Figueiro, M. G., Wood, B., & Rea, M. S. (2010). The effects of red and blue light on alertness and mood at night. Lighting Research & Technology, 42(4), 449-458.

Read More:

Blue Light Effects

EMF Exposure: Is it what you think it is?

Blue light – learn the fact and fiction behind this modern threat


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Blue light Effects Fri, 26 Jul 2019 07:47:32 +0000 When you look at blue light for a long time the following things will happen: You will need more time to fall asleep ? You will start to feel eye strain Your eyes will start getting dry and you may start to have symptoms of CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome) ? Your circadian rhythm will be disrupted You will experience macular ... Read More

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When you look at blue light for a long time the following things will happen:

  • You will need more time to fall asleep ?
  • You will start to feel eye strain
  • Your eyes will start getting dry and you may start to have symptoms of CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome) ?
  • Your circadian rhythm will be disrupted
  • You will experience macular degeneration
  • You will have less energy during the day and have insomnia ?

However, you are not going to die from blue light. Actually, not all blue light is bad.

Blue light controls our mood and energy levels and when we look at blue light we feel more energized.

But I said earlier that you will have less energy so what exactly is the truth?

By looking at blue light you will feel more energized but your body will stop the production of your sleep hormone melatonin and you will not get good night’s sleep.

Not getting enough sleep will cause way more tiredness than the effect of the blue light and looking and blue light is something like drinking a coffee.

When you drink too much coffee you may feel good for a while but then you are going to be twice as drained.

Why you need more time to fall asleep when you look at Blue light

If you don’t already know – not all blue light is harmful.

Look up at the sky – it’s blue. Natural blue light suppresses the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, which then keeps us awake and alert.

This is the reason why if we artificially stare at blue light at night it’s like we’re getting drunk on coffee and energy drinks and won’t be able to fall asleep.

Why you will start to feel eye strain

The two main reasons why we feel eye strain in front of the computer are blue light and glare.

Glare is caused by glossy screens that are not placed correctly according to the light in the room and can cause reflections as well which don’t let the eyes focus properly.

Blue light like we already mentioned suppresses melatonin production and keeps us awake.

Staring at a screen also lowers the blinking rate per minute which can lead to dust in our eyes and dryness.

Both blue light and glare cause unnecessary feedback that enters our eyes and causes pain and headaches.

Why your eyes will be dry and you may start to have symptoms of CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome) when you look at Blue light

CVS is the collective name of all eye-related diseases caused by prolonged computer use.

When you’re sitting in front of the computer you start blinking less, which causes dust to enter the eyes and doesn’t keep the eyes moist enough for proper vision.

This can also lead to blurriness. Artificial tears are not a solution for this as they are just that – artificial, instead you should try forced blinking and yawning.

Long use of digital devices comes with constant focus and refocus of the eyes.

Glare, reflections, looking at things on the side and then looking back at the computer, improper brightness and so on.

All of these can lead to various issues starting from discomfort, eye pain, strain, headaches, glaucoma, cataract, and even blindness.

Why Your circadian rhythms will be disrupted when you look at Blue light

Like I already mentioned blue light keeps you awake and you can’t fall asleep easily.

Well, when that happens many nights and days in a row that disrupts your natural rhythm.

Going to sleep at 3 am and waking up at 2 pm – that messes up not only your mental state (and your work schedule) but also your body’s normal bodily functions.

Why You will experience macular generation when you look at Blue light

It’s scientifically proven that too much exposure to blue light can cause macular degeneration.

This is due to the wave nature of light. Blue light has the shortest wavelength and the highest energy.

blue light

This allows it to reach all the way to the inner lining of the eye (the retina) and when it gets there things aren’t pretty.

Blue light with its high energy can damage and deteriorate light-sensitive cells in the retina.

Why you will have less energy during the day and have insomnia when you look at Blue light

Like previously mentioned, blue light suppresses melatonin secretion which means you won’t be able to fall asleep right away after turning off your device.

This, in turn, leads to wanting to wake up later, sleeping more, and if you aren’t rested enough you will have less energy during the day.

All of this leads to a cursed circle of tiredness during the day and insomnia during the night.

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Blue light – learn the fact and fiction behind this modern threat Tue, 11 Jun 2019 08:19:45 +0000 Have you ever tried researching blue light on the Internet? Are you left confused by all the articles claiming different things? Are you wondering if you should be worried or if it’s all just another marketing ploy from big corporations trying to sell you stuff? Well look no further-here are 7 debunked myths and 5 truths about blue light you ... Read More

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Have you ever tried researching blue light on the Internet?

Are you left confused by all the articles claiming different things?

Are you wondering if you should be worried or if it’s all just another marketing ploy from big corporations trying to sell you stuff?

Well look no further-here are 7 debunked myths and 5 truths about blue light you should consider worrying about.

Blue light is not natural-FICTION

The harmful effects of blue light became prominent after the introduction of digital devices like laptops, smartphones and TVs.

But blue light is very much natural. Just look up at the sky!

What you may now consider as something bad and harmful to your health is just regular light that is, well, blue.

The Sun is actually our main source of blue light.

The problem, however, is that introducing too much blue light at night confuses our biological clock and can cause many problems with our eyesight in the long run.

All blue light is harmful-FICTION

As you already learned humans have been experiencing blue light long, long before the invention of computers.

Natural blue light helps synchronize our biological clock-i.e tell us when it’s day so we should be awake and notify us that we should be going to sleep at night.

This is why blue light from the monitor can cause sleeplessness – it confuses our organism and it doesn’t know it’s already night. For more information check out the “How blue light destroyed our sleep?” article.

That confusion is not always a bad thing though.

Many people who are constantly tired or suffering from diseases that cause sleep episodes can benefit from blue light exposure.

Studies have shown that with the right amount of blue light productivity increases.

Blue light treatments can also help with different kinds of harmful bacteria that eat away your teeth or cause gastritis for example.

It can also help with different kinds of skin problems like red spots for example.

Blue light therapy can also help treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or help people with dementia reduce their sleeping problems or depression.

UV light is more dangerous than blue light-FICTION

Now if you know a thing or two about the light spectrum you should know that UV light is much more energetic and with a shorter wavelength than blue light-therefore, it should be much more dangerous.

However, there is something important you’re forgetting.

The ozone layer that we so adamantly want to protect blocks more than 80% of all UV light coming from the Sun.

Don’t misunderstand UV radiation is still harmful and can cause things cataract and pterygium, however, we are much more exposed to blue light in our everyday lives and that is the main reason why to us specifically blue light is more dangerous.

Your eyes are not strong enough to block blue light-FACT

It is true that our eye does a very good job when it comes to protection from UV light.

But the cornea and lens of the eye can’t block the blue light as it does with the UV light.

Blue light easily reaches our retina (which by the way is super sensitive) and causes a number of damages like dry and red eyes.

So why do we wear sunglasses to protect ourselves from UV light but do nothing about our exposure to blue light?

Exposure to blue light increases your chances of various diseases-FACT

Since the invention of digital devices, our exposure to harmful blue light has skyrocketed.

Laptops, smartphones, TVs, LED lights are all around us.

And overtime prolonged exposure to harmful blue light can cause various diseases like cataracts, macular degeneration, blurred vision, muscle strain and even permanent blindness.

Blue light can also have a negative effect on memory, sleep cycles and hormonal balance. For more information see “How monitors destroyed our eyes“.

All of this can also lead to various mental health issues like depression, seasonal affective disorder and anxiety.

Blue light reduces sleep quality-FACT

Too much blue light suppresses the production of melatonin which is essential for knowing when it’s time to sleep.

Like we’ve already mentioned seeing the bright blue sky during the day shows that you should be awake.

But if you expose yourself to too much blue light at night, that’s basically telling your body it’s always day, I should never sleep.

And that is definitely not good for you.

Not enough sleep can be detrimental not only to your physical health but your mental health and productivity as well.

Learn more about how to sleep better with our care tips: “The 8-hour myth: Sleep better and live longer with these 7 healthy tips” and “10 Tips for falling asleep quickly“.

Lowering the brightness is enough-FICTION

You’ve probably had this idea-I’ll just tinker with my computer settings a little bit, lower my brightness or saturation, change my wallpaper to something darker and that should be enough.

Well, that’s not completely true. There’s much more than just blue light that can be harmful to your eyes like PWM, flickering, blurred and small fonts, etc.

The best way to take all precautions on your devices is to use computer glasses, screen overlay or install software that deals automatically with all the negative effects of blue light.

Wearing glasses will worsen your vision-FICTION

It’s an absolute myth that when you start wearing glasses you’ll begin to rely on them and that will cause your eyesight to worsen.

If you choose the right prescription for your problems and wear your glasses for the recommended by a professional amount of time you definitely won’t experience any decrease in vision.

Or if you do it won’t be because of your glasses.

However wearing inappropriate diopters or too heavy or embellished frames can cause problems with eyesight and strain to your nose and ears, and even cause headaches.

In fact, wearing fitting glasses can ease your eyes and let them relax and work properly.

You can wear blue light glasses all the time-FACT

If you already have dioptric glasses there are places that can get you a protective computer filter for them.

If you don’t, however, you can get specialized computer glasses that can very well be used as an accessory in your everyday life.

Some blue light protection glasses also block harmful UV light as well or work like sunglasses outside.

There are many different options you can choose from and find the one that’s best for you and your needs.

You’ll get used to wearing glasses-FACT

You’re probably thinking-well I’ve never worn glasses in my life, if I start now it will be super annoying and won’t help me at all.

Well, let me tell you this as a person who’s worn glasses for almost 10 years - there’s nothing like washing your face with your glasses still on because you forgot they were on your face.

What I’m trying to say is don’t be discouraged.

Many companies and optometrists nowadays offer personalized eyewear that will fit your head like a glove, or well, a hat.

And be sure that once you start wearing glasses and working with them you’ll forget all about them very soon.

Not only that but all that’s left will be the helpful effects they’ll have on your vision.

There’s nothing you can do about the negative effects of blue light-FICTION

Today there are so many ways to reduce blue light on all of your devices.

You can choose between glasses, screen protectors, different programs and apps that filter blue light.

You can try and see which option works best for you.

For more tips on how to reduce eye strain, you can check out “11 ways we strain our eyes with computers”.

You can also try Iris – a software for eye protection from blue light that can ease your life in a second.

Using blue light filters will prevent all diseases-FICTION

Don’t be fooled though.

No matter how many of our preventing tips you’ve followed you can’t just become invincible and immortal.

That’s mainly because many eye related issues and diseases are due to old age, genetic reasons, diabetes and various things that cannot be accounted for in your life.

That doesn’t mean that you should abandon all hope though. If you properly protect yourself from the preventable negative effects of blue light you can live a long happy life and prosper.

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Is it safe for your vision to look at a computer screen all day at work and then more at home each day? Mon, 11 Feb 2019 23:57:25 +0000 Absolutely no Monitors emit blue light and have PWM (Pulse-width modulation) flicker Blue light is really harmful to your eyes and prevents you from having a good sleep PWM flicker is basically your monitor turning off hundreds of times per second, you can’t see it with your eyes but your brain perceives it and it is the most common cause ... Read More

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Absolutely no

Monitors emit blue light and have PWM (Pulse-width modulation) flicker

Blue light is really harmful to your eyes and prevents you from having a good sleep

PWM flicker is basically your monitor turning off hundreds of times per second, you can’t see it with your eyes but your brain perceives it and it is the most common cause for eye pain

To lower Blue Light and remove PWM Flicker you can download a program likeIris

Download Iris

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How does blue light change with screen brightness? Mon, 11 Feb 2019 23:48:03 +0000 There is little to none change in the blue light amount Although when talking about brightness you should make sure that you are using your monitor without PWM Flicker That, in its essence, is your monitor turning on and off again hundreds of times per second: That is the main cause of eye pain when spending a lot of time ... Read More

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There is little to none change in the blue light amount

Although when talking about brightness you should make sure that you are using your monitor without PWM Flicker

That, in its essence, is your monitor turning on and off again hundreds of times per second:

That is the main cause of eye pain when spending a lot of time at the computer

If you want to remove the flickering completely you can download Iris which is the only software that is able to completely remove the PWM flicker of your monitor

You can test your monitor here:

How to test my Monitor for PWM flicker? –  Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

Download Iris


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How does “blue light” emitted from computer screens, phone screens, and tablets impact a person? Mon, 11 Feb 2019 23:41:39 +0000 Blue light comes from everywhere around us. It’s not only the monitors, or the smartphones, or the tablets around us. Almost all artificial light sources today generate much more than the recommended amount of blue light. In 1988 the photoreceptor Melanopsin was found and for the first time it was proven that light is not only useful for our vision ... Read More

The post How does “blue light” emitted from computer screens, phone screens, and tablets impact a person? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Blue light comes from everywhere around us. It’s not only the monitors, or the smartphones, or the tablets around us.

Almost all artificial light sources today generate much more than the recommended amount of blue light.

In 1988 the photoreceptor Melanopsin was found and for the first time it was proven that light is not only useful for our vision but it’s critical for many biological processes

The main role of Melanopsin is to control our biological clock and circadian rhythms.

It does this by detecting when blue light is present in our environment.

Melanopsin activates when blue light enters our eye and it sends a signal to our brain that it’s day and our brains stops the secretion of our sleep hormone melatonin.

Melatonin from his side controls a large number of processes in our bodies and is responsible for our good night sleep.

When we have melatonin in our bodies we feel sleepy and this is the reason why you can’t fall asleep when you sit in front of the computer at night.

If you want to have a normal sleep cycle and feel less eye strain you can try Iris

Download Iris


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Does blue light damage your eyes? Mon, 28 Jan 2019 19:06:05 +0000 Millions of years ago people lived in sync with nature. When we lived in caves we didn’t have light bulbs and this somehow helped our circadian clocks to stay on track with the natural day and night cycles of the sun Then people started using candles which have color temperature around 1800K which was still fine The Incandescent light bulbs ... Read More

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Millions of years ago people lived in sync with nature.

When we lived in caves we didn’t have light bulbs and this somehow helped our circadian clocks to stay on track with the natural day and night cycles of the sun

Then people started using candles which have color temperature around 1800K which was still fine

The Incandescent light bulbs time was also good because the light emitted from this lightbulbs is with color temperature around 2800K.

Basically, the lower the color temperature the less blue light the light source emits.

In contrast, LED light bulbs and monitors both emit around 6500K.

Is it bad?

Sleep is one part of the problem with blue light.

The bigger problem is actually that blue light enters deep into our eyes and it’s high energy light.

You may know that the UV light is really bad for our eyes, but you probably don’t know that the blue light is also a big problem.

How to fix this?

As you can guess the best solution is to live in a cave and to get only full spectrum sunlight but we all know this is impossible.

Try to avoid light at night and if you just can’t avoid all light and need to get some work done on your PC you can use Iris to block both the Blue Light and the PWM Flicker

Download Iris

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Do LED smart lights emit blue light even when the visible light is red (or any other color)? Mon, 28 Jan 2019 19:02:44 +0000 Look at this spectrum: These LED smart light emit color by mixing Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) lights If the only visible color is Red then, no, it doesn’t emit blue light But if you select a color like yellow, for example, there will be an emit of blue light The same goes for your monitor, it constantly emits blue ... Read More

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Look at this spectrum:

These LED smart light emit color by mixing Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) lights

If the only visible color is Red then, no, it doesn’t emit blue light

But if you select a color like yellow, for example, there will be an emit of blue light

The same goes for your monitor, it constantly emits blue light and has PWM flicker which is really harmful to your eyes

If you want to remove the blue light and flicker, you can try Iris, which is a program made exactly for that

Download Iris


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As a designer, what are the benefits of using F.lux? Mon, 28 Jan 2019 18:54:32 +0000 Designers work with color. Blue light filters remove (or at least partly) the blue light, which alters the colors So when you are creating something with flux on, you will notice that the moment you turn it on or send it to somebody else the colors will look different Of course, you can turn it off every time you start ... Read More

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Designers work with color.

Blue light filters remove (or at least partly) the blue light, which alters the colors

So when you are creating something with flux on, you will notice that the moment you turn it on or send it to somebody else the colors will look different

Of course, you can turn it off every time you start working but that’s just annoying

It would be nice to be able to do that automatically, wouldn’t it?

Well, there’s a way.

You can do that using Iris

It has a feature called Color Pausers and it will automatically stop altering colors when you are working with any program that you add

You can find more info on it here:

Color pausers Help –  Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

Download Iris

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Blue light Medical Researches Sat, 28 Jul 2018 15:11:36 +0000 A collection of articles and medical researches on blue light effects on our sleep and eyes:

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A collection of articles and medical researches on blue light effects on our sleep and eyes:

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The Ultimate Guide to Blue Light Filters Tue, 12 Jun 2018 22:43:41 +0000 From Iris, f.lux, Redshift and other blue light filter desktop softwares for blue light reduction to Android screen filters, blue blockers, transparent sheets and everything in between this is the biggest collection of tools to remove the blue light from your life but first, lets make one thing clear: You are not going to die Blue light is just blue ... Read More

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From Iris, f.lux, Redshift and other blue light filter desktop softwares for blue light reduction to Android screen filters, blue blockers, transparent sheets and everything in between this is the biggest collection of tools to remove the blue light from your life but first, lets make one thing clear:

You are not going to die

Blue light is just blue light. Yes, it’s the most high-energy wavelength of the visible light but we have it everywhere around us.

Even if you place blue LED in front of your eye you are not going to be blind in a couple of seconds but still, prolong exposure to blue light may cause permanent damage in the long run.

I’m not going to go into details why you would want to block blue light from your life.

If you are on this page you probably know a thing or two about the negative effects of blue light on our sleep and eye health.

With our constant exposure to digital screens, we should be at least slightly aware about our blue light exposure and how much time we spend in front of computers daily.

Taking this into account let’s look at all known ways to block light around us from entering our eyes.

How to block blue light?

You have 6 ways to block blue light from your life and screens.


The first one is to place something on your eyes. This is what blue light filter glasses, orange glasses, and just regular sunglasses are.

Plastic Sheets

The second is to place something on your screen. In the most basic case, it can be just some orange, red or yellow sheet but some companies make a little better filter sheets and they cut it in the right size for you plus some glue to look more beautiful.

Native Filter

The third is to use special software which can lower the blue light programmatically with the help of the video card. This is what Iris, f.lux, Redshift and every native blue light filter application does.

It’s super effective, cheap and customizable solution, but also has some drawback like it can’t block just blue-turquoise blue light or part of the spectrum of blue light. Effects like this can only be achieved with glasses or physical filters.

Some monitors also have something called Low Blue Light mode but most of the time it’s just a marketing trick for something that every monitor has from more than 10 years.

I will talk about this after a moment so let’s return to our ways to block blue light from your life and screen.

Screen Overlay

The fourth way is to place transparent overlay with software on your screen. This is what most Android apps for blue light reduction do.

You may notice how they are redder always and how they are a little worse than software alternatives for your PC but the truth is that there is just no other way for developers to make something better for Android.

On Android devices which are rooted, you can access the device drivers and this is what f.lux and CF.lumen does but most normal people will never jailbreak their phone.

Fortunately in the newest devices, Android includes something called Night Light which is native video card filter and it works at least but bad. No automation, no super low values and the things I really need in one blue light filter like Iris for computers have.

All developers of blue light filter apps would be really happy if Android and iOS open their API to the public but it’s understandable from their side.

If you do something bad with the video card you can make the entire screen of the person black and unusable and eye protection apps are tricky for development.

Aside from this, you can make the screen black the same way with the Screen Overlay on Android but it’s high-level API and I’m happy that it’s open to the public.

Display Buttons

I’m going to put the last two ways into this category because they are basically the same.

Some new monitors come with the so-called Low Blue Light mode this is just a marketing trick for the old Color Temperature menu that every monitor and TV has.

So you can lower the blue light via hardware way on near all monitors but what this is missing is the automation.

This is important because every change via monitor buttons take around half a minute for someone who is fast. Well, you can get this to 10 seconds if you are really fast, but it’s still cumbersome.

I will also mention how you can lower the blue light on every TV later in this article.

Which is the best?

As always there is no best way that some ways which are better for certain situation.

Glasses are great for blocking all blue light around you without touching anything. You can block blue light from your lighting, from the TV and even from the Sun.

Plastic sheets are set and forget and sometimes they don’t make the monitor to look orange, but blue light may not be blocked entirely.

Both Glasses and Plastic sheets are not customizable in their reduction so if you want stronger or lighter filter you need to buy new lenses or sheets.

Native filters are probably the best solution for PC but they do require Root or Jailbreak on your phone. They also can’t work on every device.

Windows Phone and TVs are examples on which blue light filter apps can’t be made.

Screen Overlay apps are great for Android but they decrease the contrast and are not the best solution for eye strain.

Display buttons are better are reducing blue light than any other software but you can’t automate the buttons with software. One thing I work on right now is to combine the automation of Iris with the hardware reduce of blue light via software. Basically to automatically click the buttons via software.

Aside from this, you can’t remove all blue light with Display buttons since they usually go no lower than 4000 K of color temperature which is still a really high amount of blue light.

Low Blue Light screens improve the condition a bit with stronger filters but they too can’t be automated based on the time of the day which is what most software products do.

In conclusion, each of the above methods has some pros and cons that we will discuss in greater details later.

History of Blue Light Filters


Before the beginning of this century, scientist knew that the eye contains 2 types of photoreceptor cells called Rods and Cones.


Out of all photoreceptors in our eye more than 95% are rods.

They are responsible for our night vision and are also really bad at recognizing colors.

Rods are not so sensitive to colors and this is the reason why it’s hard for us to see the color of things when it’s dark.


Cones are mostly around the center of our retina.

Thanks to cones we can see things in bright light be it sun or artificial lights.

There are 3 types of cones: red, green and blue and thanks to them our eye is awesome and detecting colors and distinguishing things with different colors.


Then in 1998 Ignacio Provencio found new photoreceptor called Melanopsin and for the first time proved that light is not only useful for our vision, but it’s critical for many biological processes.

It turns out that Melanopsin is present in much more mammals and it doesn’t play any role in our vision.

The main role of Melanopsin is to control our biological clock and circadian rhythms.

It does this by detecting when blue light is present in our environment.

Melanopsin activates when blue light enters our eye and it sends a signal to our brain that it’s day and our brains stops the secretion of our sleep hormone melatonin.

Melatonin from his side controls a large number of processes in our bodies and is responsible for our good night sleep.

When we have melatonin in our bodies we feel sleepy and this is the reason why you can’t fall asleep when you sit in front of the computer at night.


While Michael Herf didn’t know about Ignacio Provencio at the beginning he created f.lux to match his monitor colors to the light in the room.

The first version of f.lux was something like a command line app which gives you color filters when you request them.

After Michael and Lorna found that the orange screen filter makes them feel more relaxed at night they started researching the topic of light and sleep.

Lorna remembered from a biology class that birds migrated according to the season and the main reason for it was the blue light.

The first version of f.lux automatically synchronized itself with sunrise and sunset and actually, this is the main feature of f.lux even to this day.

Created in 2008 f.lux was the first blue light filter. A lot of other programs came into the following years, blue blocker glasses started to emerge and in one point monitor manufactures started to make low blue light monitors.

Several companies like Microsoft, Google, and Apple integrated low blue light filters into their operating systems and opened the blue light research to the mass audience recently.

We may say that f.lux is the father of all blue light filters but during the years better alternatives started to emerge.

Part of the reason is that the app remains free even to this day and free software generally don’t pay salaries to people who can create great products.


As everything in life, it wouldn’t be a complete story without an open source software.

Inspired by f.lux, Jon Lund Steffensen created Redshift in 2009.

The point of Redshift was simple. Bring f.lux to the Linux world.

Adjusting the screen color temperature based on the time of the day again Redshift was the first open source project for blue light reduction.

Free, open source and customizable the software gained popularity among Linux users.

Over the years the software became more user-friendly, it now has some simple UI and supports several different platforms like Windows, macOS, and Linux.


F.lux and Redshift created the first blue light filter software for the PC but there were 1 billion devices running Android without any solution for lowering blue light.

You may have heard about Urbandroid Team but you probably don’t know about the mastermind behind it Petr Nalevka.

Several years after creating one of the most popular Android apps Sleep as Android somewhere in 2013 he came out with Twilight.

The first blue light filter app on Android Twilight found a way to lower the blue light on the closed Android platform.

While the approach of Twilight is really poor compared to the native gamma approach which computer softwares use, Twilight still made a huge step for improving the sleep and eye health of Android users.

The Color temperature values are not actually real because Twilight is using the Overlay approach with transparent red color but still it was the first solution for Android.


Back at 2015 nobody looked seriously into the eye problems caused by computer monitors.

There were the blue light filter tools like f.lux, Redshift and Twilight but most of the people who knew about them were mostly geeks.

On the other part of the spectrum, there were programs like WorkRave which reminded you to take breaks from time to time but they were just nice to have reminders.

I remember how I searched for weeks programs to help me with my eye pain.

My story was simple. I started working as a programmer at the age of 17 and wanted to become the best programmer in the company.

This goal of mine caused me to spend 14 to 16 hours per day in front of the monitor looking at digital letters and learning new things.

I was going to work for 8 to 10 hours then back home working on a side project which I really wanted to become my own business one day.

After a year of this “balanced” work routine and thousands of artificial tear bottles, I finally decided that maybe I need to go to the eye doctor to see why my eyes were hurting so much.

She prescribed me glasses and for the first time in my life, I felt hopeless about my eye conditions.

This was the turning point after which I started to read everything related to eye pain and eye health.

I started to do some exercises from time to time. I found WorkRave, EyeLeo and other break reminders.

I found f.lux and after some months of experimentation with blue light, rests, exercises and a lot of blinking I actually started to feel really good.

My problem with WorkRave and EyeLeo was that I always skipped the rests on the screen. Even on strict mode, Alt+F4 was closing the rest screen

As I test this again now several years later I see that the program has been improved a lot but you can skip the rest again if you want with some key combinations.

What I wanted at the beginning of 2015 was a break reminding timer which I can’t skip with my programming knowledge.

The first version of Iris was actually just that. I made myself a timer which locks my screen and disables my keyboard on a specific time interval.

I started using my own custom app for break reminding but was still using f.lux for the blue light.

My problem with f.lux back then was that it wasn’t able to go lower than 2700K back then.

It was able during the night to go to 1200K via a special menu but the lowest value during the day was 2700K.

I guess this was intentional but I just wanted to be able to manually customize it. Also, there was no way for manual control, only the day and night things based on the time of the day.

I remember how I wrote to the support e-mail several times and even tried to tweet and write to Herf several times to add manual control.

I never received a response.

After I realized that maybe f.lux will never get an update and my problem will never be fixed I started searching for alternatives.

I’m actually pretty sure that if it wasn’t for Iris f.lux indeed would never receive an update like the resent new version.

Back in 2015, there were no alternatives. A good version of Redshift was just not available and SunsetScreen was still not created.

So I decided to find a way to make this and add a blue light control to Iris.

After several months the first version of Iris was born and it was super ugly.

I didn’t know how to count versions so I just named this Iris-0.0.0. At least it was working the way I wanted a blue light filter to work.

From then on I started improving the program.

I found that eye strain is not only about blue light. There are also PWM flicker, font rendering, blinking, brightness automation, subpixel flicker and much more.

Over the next several years I gradually solved all problems I found.

Iris was free back then and I mean totally free.

After several months of non-stop work, I decided to place a donation button on the website.

I also quit my job to dedicate my life to help people feel less eye strain.

Back in 2015, I believed that people will send me some money because they appreciate my work and I would be able to sustain myself while working full time on Iris.

At the end of 2015 after I almost starved myself to death I realized that I may be wrong.

This was how Iris was looking back then. I actually still have all versions and you can still use these versions of Iris for free but I almost quit.

After 1 year of non-stop work trying to make the best software for eye protection and 0$ revenue from donations, I had 2 choices.

Abandon the project and start a job again or make it work.

As you can guess I choose to give my everything to Iris. I started selling all kinds of Chinese stuff to make some money and made Iris paid.

The software was still too bad for anyone to buy it but after several months I made my first sale, then the second then the third.

Many people these days ask me how I can charge for this kind of software but Iris actually drove the blue light filter revolution.

I chose to make a paid product because I didn’t want to show ads. And I chose to make a great product for few users instead of crappy product for everyone.

Iris was the first product to automatically pause itself when some program is running.

Iris was the first product to have flicker free brightness automation.

Iris was the first product to have a color inversion and black theme on everything

Iris became the first product to support USB monitors even before they made drivers for them.

The first product with UI for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

The first product with native Chrome extension.

First product for iOS without jailbreak.

The first product to work per monitor and first to improve font rendering.

I can talk a lot but Iris inspired the renaissance of blue light filters.

Most of the features in the new f.lux are based on the things that were available for years in Iris.

This makes me happy and I am glad that competition made monitors more healthy for the eyes.

Which brings me to the biggest win for blue light filters which was

Native Solutions

Starting with Night Shift which was actually a really unfair move from Apple to f.lux, Native blue light filter solutions started to emerge.

The unfair thing is that f.lux for years was available for jailbroken devices via Cydia but because it’s using a private API it was against Apple rules and Apple didn’t allow it into the AppStore.

Tasks like this are really good to be handled by the operating system but most of the time their solution to the blue light problem is really bad.

So Apple came out with this groundbreaking innovation called blue light filter and removed the f.lux app from everywhere.

There was some kind of petitions about this but Apple was actually right.

Apps are eligible for Sideloading if they are open source so if the team behind f.lux really wanted to have their application available they could just open the source code.

Since the app was free I don’t see a problem but only they know what works best for them.

The good thing about the whole thing was that companies started to care about blue light all at once.

Microsoft added something called Night Light in the newest versions of Windows 10.

Android also introduced their implementation of a blue light filter also called Night Light.

The good thing about the native Android Night Light is that in comparison to Twilight it’s not a transparent filter but real gamma blue light reduction which works better and increases contrast.

And of course, Night Shift came to macOS.

Every day more and more people learn about the benefits of setting a proper light environment for their eye health.

Every day more and more people learn how to set up and customize their monitor and light for the best eye health and every day more and more eyes are saved from macular degeneration thanks to all these products and much more.

History of Blue Light Filter Glasses

I talked a lot about the software blue light filters but there was one parallel blue light revolution in the face of blue light filter glasses.

I’m not an expert in the glasses side but I think it’s proper to start with

Gunnar Optiks

Founded in 2006 way before f.lux came into existence Gunnar was actually the first product to try to fight computer vision syndrome and to filter blue light with the help of special lenses.

We can say that eye safety glasses were the first blue blockers but still Gunnar Optiks was the first commercial product of it’s kind.

The woman in the picture above is actually Gunnar co-founder Jenny Michelsen.

She started Gunnar in her garage in search of a solution for her husband’s digitally induced migraines.

Jenny son name is actually Gunnar and the name of the company comes from his name.

Here is the full story:

The idea for the glasses was born out of one woman’s frustration with her husband’s digitally induced migraines and worry about the eyes of her child who was fascinated by technology.

Jenny Michelsen’s husband, Matt, was suffering from the headaches he had after hours sitting in front of six computer screens.

The headaches, the Michelsens would learn, were a symptom of Computer Vision Syndrome, a collection of minor ailments that build up over time.

As the Rancho Santa Fe woman urged her husband to see a doctor, she wondered whether her 3-year-old son, Gunnar, was getting a jump-start on similar problems.

If she and her husband believed the computers were getting to their eyes – and they didn’t start using electronics until they were in their 20s – what would happen to Gunnar’s generation?

An estimated 125 million Americans suffer from what is now commonly referred to as Digital Eye Fatigue or Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), according to the American Optometric Association.

Matt and Jenny Michelsen reached out to their close friend, Joe Croft, a former Oakley engineer, about the issues surrounding CVS.

They wanted to learn more about the effects of focusing on a digital image projected on a screen just inches from one’s face for hours at a time and years on end.

The Crofts and the Michelsens began their five-year road to launch by talking to medical experts.

One of those experts was Dr. Jeffrey Anschel, a Carlsbad optometrist who has become an expert in Computer Vision Syndrome and Visual Ergonomics.

He noticed the problem about 17 years ago when employees of a nearby computer company began complaining about dry and tired eyes and difficulty focusing.

They were problems that people generally didn’t experience until they were in their 40s, but these patients were in their early 30s.

It didn’t take him long to make the connection between their work and the required time spent in front of a computer screen.

“You can work, shop, communicate and do just about everything from your computer now, and people just don’t realize how much time they’re spending looking at the screen.

The digital images that computers project are one factor contributing to Computer Vision Syndrome.  The eye focuses on the hard edge of an image, but digital images don’t have a clean edge.

As a result, the focus drifts forward and back, causing eye fatigue.”

Anschel also noted, “that when people spend long periods focusing on something close to their face, eye muscles tend to lock into a singular position, which is tiring and can push the eye down the path to becoming farsighted.

Meanwhile, the eye has to deal with light from conflicting sources, such as sunlight, that are much brighter than the computer screen.

There’s also glare from the light shining into the eyes.  And the angle of view for the computer screen, which is straight ahead, isn’t desirable.

People tend to focus better at objects when looking down, such as reading a book.”

Croft and Michelsen eventually took a prototype to Anschel and explained the important components of the glasses.

They had an amber-tinted lens, which makes images appear clearer.

Yellow makes images sharper by adding contrast and filtering out blue light.

The lens is also shaped to pre-focus the light into the eyes, so the eyes don’t have to do all the work.

There’s also an anti-glare filter that allows light from the computer in but keeps out distracting reflected light from other sources.

The lenses are also designed to be fitted close to the face, creating a “micro-climate” that keeps away the dry air currents.

This helps keep eyes moist by reducing squinting and maintaining a closer-to-normal rate of blinking - a leading cause of dry eyes.

Croft and Michelsen set out to create a product that addresses the issues associated with digital eye-strain.

They completed their first prototype in 2006.  In early 2007, they founded the company and in October of 2008, they launched their first product.

Investors in the company include Peter Thiel (a founder of PayPal and early investor in Facebook), 50 Cent, Carl Zeiss Vision, Monster, Inc., Christopher Burch and Happy Madison Productions.

I think the Gunnar glasses were the first and main innovator of blue light filter glasses so I will not talk much about others.

Note that many big names and hundreds of different brands make blue light filter glasses so Gunnar is not unique in any way.

Almost all blue blocking glasses do the exact same thing and they do it badly.

I will review many different brands but here are some things I want to make clear now.

Sunglasses block more blue light than many blue blockers.

You can find a test how Sunglasses block as much as 40% of the blue light while some blue light filter glasses block less than 10%.

You can also find Orange safety glasses which are under $10 and block more than 90% of the blue light.

If you have ever been to a dentist for whitening they place you red glasses so your eyes don’t get damaged from the UV light used for whitening your teeth.

Well if you are really concerned about the blue light I suggest you to buy a Dental safety protective glasses which are also under $10 and block all blue light.

This and all other fully red glasses block 100% of the blue light.

I will talk more about the different model of blue light filter glasses but you need to know that most slightly yellow glasses don’t do anything.

They don’t help you to sleep better and they don’t stop a lot of blue light. The truth is that software like Iris is way more if you want to use them in front of a computer.

The only reason to buy blue light filter glasses should be if you have bad lighting or watch a TV a lot and software don’t support your screen.

Another reason is if you want to do some biohacking and wear them outside.

How much Blue light software Blue light filters block?

There is not much information on the internet about how to check if your monitor emits blue light so I did a simple Blue light filter Test:

With your blue light filter look at the image above and if all squares look black all blue light is blocked.

GIF test

You can also use this GIF test here

If the image is black and you don’t see any blue all blue light is blocked.

The latest medical researches, however, point the melatonin secretion is also effected by green light so to test if all blue and green light is blocked use this image:

Ideally, if your monitor doesn’t emit blue or blue and green light you shouldn’t see a change in the color.

You should only see black square without any change of the color or hue like this

For more info about the Iris blue light filter test visit How to check if my Monitor emits Blue light?

Here is an example of how Iris blocks all blue and green light

Test with the images

When no blue light is blocked the white color should look like this

When 10% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 20% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 30% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 40% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 50% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 60% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 70% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 80% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 90% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 100% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

If your blue light is 100% blocked white color will actually be yellow.

Note that you can’t actually test how much blue light your blue light filter blocks and if you really need to test this you need a colorimeter.

Here is an example of Iris with Groot color scheme which blocks only blue light without affecting the green light:

If you want to test if both green and blue light is blocked you need to use some other test images.

When no blue light is blocked the white color should look like this

When 10% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 20% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 30% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 40% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 50% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 60% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 70% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 80% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 90% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 100% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

You may notice that most blue light filter softwares actually don’t look like this at high values.

This is because there is a legacy to use Color temperature instead of linear reduction dating to the first versions of f.lux.

However, if all blue and green light is removed the result is always red.

Here is an example at Iris set to 0% blue light which actually removes both blue and green light:

RGB test

While the first test was made for easily test if all blue and green light is removed from the screen it was not really good for finding what percentage of blue light is blocked.

The second test is really good for finding what percentage is blocked but you need a really sharp eye to see the difference in the colors.

This RGB test is something in between. You can test if all blue light is blocked and you can also see some percentage.

Look at the image below with your blue light filter

If you don’t see the blue color all blue light is blocked

If you don’t see the green color all green light is blocked

And here how most blue light filter softwares work at 3400K

To remove all blue light you need something bellow 1900K

and going down even move will remove also the green light

These were basically the test you can do to see how effective is you blue light filter.

You can test this way both software and glasses.

The difference is that with software you will not see emission while with glasses the lest will block the light.

Blue Light Filters Market

In this fictional market, my goal is to collect all products on Earth for reducing blue light.

I’m going to the deepest parts of the web in search of the No Blue Light World.

Blue light blocking Glasses

There are really a lot of ways to block blue light via glasses. There are blue blockers with a yellow tint, with orange, with a red tint or the regular sunglasses also block some of the blue light aside from the UV light.

The best blue blockers look something like this:

To write the best and most comprehensive article about blue blockers I basically opened Google and contacted more than 100 blue blocking glasses manufacturers and brands.

In the beginning, I expected something like 1000 brands but it turned out that there are not many blue light blocking companies in the words.

While there are so many companies for regular glasses only some of them produce also blue blocking glasses and fewer than that actually specialize in blue blockers.

Most of the best companies for blue blocking glasses turned out to be recently founded companies.

What really struck me that the big brands actually had no interest in talking about their products.

I wrote to them and most of the time they ignored me or redirected me to a chain of customer support which I just thought it will not be helpful for this article.

Here are some of the companies I write to actually:

What surprised me actually was that the small companies are much better at answering questions and their response time is usually lighting fast.

Well, I guess it was not so surprising because this is true even with Iris and most companies who succeed in the long run are really great at responding and customer support.

I remember how at the beginning of Iris I personally responded to every mail under 1 minute and if I was sleeping when I get some question I had an alarm sound to wake up and respond faster.

What was also not surprising is that I already knew some of the guys behind this projects in one way or another.

I guess our industry is still really small and there are not a lot of people who care about the negative effects of blue light and technology on our lives.

So in this section, I will present everything on the internet I found about blue light filter glasses.

I will also include some quotes from the founders or from the team behind the companies.

There is not a lot of ordering here and the first companies are just the ones which responded me the fastest which I guess is also a really good measure of how good is their customer support and product but this is not always the case.

However, I guess the people who responded the fastest are this who care the most.

I am not going to include companies which may have a great product but don’t respond to user questions because I think this is bad user experience and they don’t deserve a spot in this article.

Swanwick Sleep

I actually just recently saw the Swanwick Sleep glasses after some ad on Facebook.

They have some campaign going on IndieGoGo right now with some discount here:

Swannies Model X: Created to Help You Sleep Better

and here is how the “Swannies” actually look like

You can use the links above to read more about the Swanwick Sleep but let’s go into a little bit more details now.

Swanwick story

Swanwick Sleep was founded in 2015 by two Australian brothers – James and Tristan Swanwick.

Everything started because James used to have bad sleep that he thought may have been some kind of mental disorder because he couldn’t get any sleep at night and spend his nights tossing and turning.

While searching for ways to fix his sleep problems he found about the blue light effect on our bodies and circadian rhythms.

Motivated that this may be the solution to his sleep problems he started looking for some cool products to block all blue light from his surrounding.

The problem was that most products which actually block all blue light are some ski goggles or protective orange glasses.

The yellow lenses are also not so effective because they block only some of the blue light.

To block all blue light the lenses should be some deep orange filter color.

Back then there were some solutions on the market for blocking blue light but all blue blocking glasses were super ugly and he didn’t want to wear them.

He also found out about software solutions like Iris, f.lux and also the Night Shift feature of iOS which Apple introduced recently.

While blue light filter softwares are really effective and customizable they don’t work on everything.

With software, you can’t block the blue light coming from the TV or from the LED lighting around us which becomes more and more popular today.

We have LED lights everywhere around us and they emit primary blue light which really disturbs our circadian rhythms.

Monitors are just one of the sources of blue light.

Software cannot block blue light from sunlight, TVs, and Lights so a pair of stylish blue blockers are actually more effective for better sleep.

The only bad thing is that you need to make some kind of habit to wear them 1-2 hours before going to sleep as Swanwick brothers recommend.

And this is why James decided to create Swanwick sleep.

James wanted to make the sexiest and most effective blue blocker possible which works everywhere not just on your PC.

He called his brother Tristan to tell him the idea.

They launched their new business on November 25, 2015  (Black Friday shopping day in the US) with 300 pairs of glasses in stock on Amazon and sold out everything before the end of the year.

After this, they sold another 806 pairs in the next six months.

This initial boost motivated the brothers to keep going and until the end of 2017, they already made and sold close to 30,000 pairs of glasses.

Thanks to the Amazon FBA program they were able to quickly expand globally to Canada, Britain, USA, Europe, and Australia.

The brothers also said that Japan is the next country on their radar.


I’m actually not connected in any way with James or Tristan but I really like how they put modern advertising into the blue light blocking field.

My goal with this whole article was to combine everyone who cares about the eyes and sleep and let you choose some product to buy because this thing is really important.

While I’m a big fan of software because of the customization and automation using glasses is much more simple and intuitive for non-technical people and once you block blue light once you never go back.

I would be happy if someone has some measurement of the effectiveness of Swanwick glasses but their lens seems great.

However, this lens blocks only blue light. If you are really concerned about the melatonin suppression I would choose red lens because it blocks both blue and green light.

The problem with the red lens, however, is that they change the colors too much even I prefer the orange blocking.

It’s enough to improve the sleep and also great to not change your surrounding too much.

Swanwick glasses are also really stylish and good looking.

Other types of orange blue blocking glasses which are cheaper may do something similar but they are just ugly.

And here is where I recommend Swanwick. If you are the type of person who moves a lot, who goes outside at night and want to have a great sleep get a pair of Swannies.

If you spend a lot of time in front of a TV or have some LED, white or any other kind of bad lighting in the house get Swannies.

Swannick glasses are the most beautifully designed and effective glasses for blocking blue light.

Dr S Eyewear

Dr S Eyewear was founded in August 2017 by Dr. Mariana Salmasi.

What is interesting about this blue blockers is that they are the first blue light blocking glasses designed by an Optometrist.

When I talked with Dr. Mariana that even since she was a child she had this gut feeling that staring into digital devices was harmful.

After learning more about the many harmful effects in of blue light in studies she searched for good glasses for blue light blocking.

When she tested Gunnar and other brands she saw that the blue light protection is only 40% and decided to try to create a product which can remove 100% of the blue light.

She also told me that Gunnar has improved their lenses a lot since back then and it now blocks around 65% but this is still far from perfect.

In case you are interested, the newest and best Gunnar lens is called AMBER (BPF 65), you can see it in the picture above.

You can also see the old LIQUET (BPF 35) lens which was blocking 35% of the blue light.

I’m actually not sure why Gunnar even use this lens. I wrote to them to include them in this article but am still waiting for a response.

As I told many times before the more orange or red the lenses are the better. For me personally, red lenses are the best because they block blue and green light or the so-called Cyan color which affects sleep the most.

For those of you who don’t know cyan is some combination between blue and green and this is really close to how our sky looks like during the day.

Dr. Mariana, however, was super fast to respond to all my questions why Dr S Eyewear blue blockers are the best glasses on the market.

Dr. Mariana Salmasi

Dr. Mariana Salmasi is a medical optometrist with glaucoma certification.

She is also trained in the treatment and management of eye diseases, specialty contact lenses, corneal refractive therapy and the preoperative evaluation and postoperative care of patients.

With other doctors, she co-manages patient care for LASIK and cataract surgery.

Dr. Salmasi is also certified in therapeutic pharmaceutical agents, lacrimal irrigation, and dilation, as well as certified to diagnose, treat and manage glaucoma.

She studied Optometry in the Western University of Health Sciences and have a Doctors degree in Optometry.

She also has a Biology science degree from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

This is actually what I like about Dr S Eyewear blue blockers. They are not just an ordinary orange glasses which sometimes don’t block any blue light but are actually created by an optometrist.

Dr. Salsasi is also full-time eye doctor since 2014 and you can find her in Los Angeles.

She is also an avid artist and won numerous awards for painting, sculpting and creating works of art.

Her created her first patent was for eyewear in 2013 while still in Optometry School and haven’t stopped creating since then.

If you are interested you can see her Eyewear frame ornamentation patent here:

She told me that she is particularly interested in the harmful effects of blue-light rays that are emitted from digital devices and the quality of the Dr S Eyewear glasses supports this.

The Science

Mariana told me that she designed the glasses and they are unique to her company. They created the mold and then manufactured thousands of glasses for adults and children.

This is actually really big deal because I know that many blue light blocking glasses actually come from China and the lens is some regular safety glasses lens.

Dr S Eyewear glasses are entirely custom made on the other hand.

She showed me also that they block 99% of the blue light.

I really appreciate how she said 99% because it actually super hard to remove all blue light with a lens.

Most companies which tell that they block 100% of the blue light don’t even come close to 50%.

I remember how when I tried to remove all of the blue light with my software Iris I basically almost removed all colors from the screen and also did an inversion.

For example here is how the screen looks like when 50% of the blue light is blocked by software.

And this is the equivalent of the 99% blue light blocking

To remove all blue light your screen should look something like this

Which even I think it’s too much.

Dr S Eyewear blocking spectrum is really good and effective.

The benefit with glasses over software is that with the glasses you can block all blue light not just from the monitor.

You can block the blue light from your TV, tablet, smartphone and the light around you without installing anything.

I am a fan of software because of the automation and that it is easier to build a habit but the glasses are much more effective if you don’t just use your PC at night.

Children also seem to like glasses more.

And this is actually what Dr. Mariana told me several times:

I also want to add that I am an advocate in childrens’ vision and eye health.

Kids nowadays spend more time on smartphones, iPhones and digital devices thus creating possible permanent eye damage.

In addition, increased near activities are contributing to nearsightedness (myopia) which means they will likely need glasses.

We need to educate parents.

Parents are worried about their children’s digital device use and always ask me if it is harmful.

I totally agree with this. We need to spread the word about the harmful effects of blue light and protect ourselves.

It doesn’t matter if you are going to use glasses, screen protectors, software or whatever you choose.

If you just decide to spend more time outdoors to get more full-spectrum sunlight it will also be great.

But more and more people need to know about the dangers of blue light and LED lighting in general.

I talk also a lot about the dangers of PWM flicker but still, there are really a few people who think that blue light can harm them in the long run.

Studies show again and again that blue light causes macular degeneration after prolonged exposure.

It also changes our circadian rhythms and kills our sleep.

If you spend a lot of time in front of the TV or have LED lighting in your home get some blue light blocking glasses.

For PWM and subpixel flicker from the computer and automation of the blue light reduction on your PC you can also try Iris.

I really recommend Dr S Eyewear glasses for several reasons.

They are one of the few glasses which actually have some measurements on them and block all blue light.

Dr S Eyewear glasses are one of the few blue light blocking glasses actually designed by an optometrist with a lot of science in them.

They are proven to block 99% of the blue light and really effective and have also anti-reflective coating and UV protection.

If you want you can learn more about the product from the official Dr S Eyewear website:


What I like about BLUblox is the huge variety of lenses which they have and that they actually have red lens for night usage which blocks both blue and green light.

At first glance you may think “Why do I need to use different lenses?” and I want to spend some time to explain the reasoning behind using different lenses during the different parts of the day.

During the day, you actually need full spectrum sunlight to be more healthy but the light from monitors and other light sources are different from the light of the Sun.

The first graph on the picture above shows the light spectrum from the Sun and the next 3 graphs are from different light sources.

You probably know that red light causes growth and blue light decreases growth, red light promotes health, while blue light most of the time is degenerative.

The first lightbulb which Thomas Edison made was actually really healthy lightbulb because it emitted mostly red light and a little blue light.

We know this light bulb as Incandescent and it creates light mostly by generating heat.

This is why it’s not energy efficient and emits a lot of red light.

The more energy efficient the light bulb the more blue light it emits most of the time.

So I’m telling you all this because almost all modern energy efficient light bulbs are LED and they emit a lot of blue light.

Looking at the picture of light distribution again you see how different is LED light from Sunlight and why it’s actually not normal to look at monitors or use LED lighting not only during the night but also during the day.

Computers, TVs, Cell phones, Tablets and all sorts of lights around us emit harmful blue light and this is why I and so many other people recommend blocking blue light even during the day.

If you use Iris on your computer you may have noticed how even during the day there is a small blue light reduction exactly for this.

This is intentional to try to make the LED light more like the Sunlight by reducing some of the blue light during the day. But Iris doesn’t work on everything.

What about your TV? What about your tabled, phone or all other blue light emitting devices.

What about all these LED lights around the house?

This is where the blue light blocking glasses are the only alternative and this is why you need to get BLUblox.

BLUblox is a relatively new company but what makes the project unique is this huge variety of lenses suitable for the different parts of the day.

I don’t know other company which manufactures both day and night lenses.

Most companies focus only on blocking blue light or on the eye protection with not so stronger lens and an anti-reflective coating.

What makes BLUblox unique is that they cover everything.

From lens to use when you sit in front of some device during the day to blue blocking day lens and finally deep red lens which blocks all blue and green light for night time usage.

Aside from the lenses, BLUblox has also a huge assortment of sizes and shapes which is also really unique to other companies which manufacture blue blocking glasses.

The Story

Andy and Katie Mant founded BLUblox in 2016 with the mission of supplying the most optimal blue blocker glasses in the world.

Andy told me that they started wearing blue blockers after dark in 2015 but they saw only minor improvements in their sleep.

We purchased our first blue blockers from a popular brand in the US so we wanted to know why we were not getting perfect sleep by wearing these blue blockers, as the company claimed.

Then we found the answer, some studies were showing that not just blue light but green light up to 550nm was negatively affecting our sleep.

We set to work in our laboratory and created a red lens that blocked all blue and green light from 400-550nm, in line with the latest science, called Ultra550.

The first night we wore our prototype pairs we slept right the way through the night and woke up feeling refreshed and full of energy.

We knew we had just created the most effective blue and green light blocking glasses ever made and we wanted to share this product with the world.

We both work in office jobs, not a good environment as we are exposed to LED lighting overhead, LED computer screens and LED screens from our smart phones.

Even though our night range of red lenses were giving us a fantastic sleep we knew we had to address the digital eyestrain and headaches we were suffering from exposure to blue light during our office jobs during the day.

We tried a few popular brands and some cheap computer glasses from eBay but nothing improved. Then we discovered a post by a popular scientist who showed the light spectrum of LED lights.

Then in clicked, we had to block the nasty spike in blue light around 450nm, so obvious but none of our competitors were doing this.

So, we set about making two prototypes; a clear lens impregnated with an advanced blue light reducing material, which reduced the blue light spike from LEDs down, and a yellow pair which eradicated blue light from 400-450nm.

Being in an office environment we both tried out the clear pair and we were amazed how fresh our eyes felt and we did not have any headaches after working on our computer for 8 hours.

We had a colleague in our office who suffered from frequent weekly migraines, so we lent her our pair of yellow tinted Ultra450 lenses to trial for a month.

To this day we have not had them returned to us because they eradicated her migraines whilst working on computers in the office so we let her keep them, we felt so humbled.

With the lenses sorted we set to work designing frames that were in line with the latest fashions, making blue blockers more socially acceptable to wear and comfortable on your face.

You would not wear safety goggles to work or to dinner after dark, so we fixed that we ultra-sleek and stylish frames, with styles to suit everyone.

Did we also mention that unlike our competitors whose glasses are made in China BLUblox glasses are designed and made in Australia? This guarantees a high-quality product that does exactly what it promises.

Since launching BLUblox we have sold thousands of pairs of our blue blockers not just to people who wanted their first pair of blue blocker glasses, but to many people wanting to upgrade from their cheap amazon and eBay pairs and even from some of the other popular brands out there.

We have had many wonderful testimonials about how our glasses have improved the lives of our tribe who have trusted in BLUblox to give them their sleep and health back.


The thing I love about BLUblox is that the team actually use and sell a red lens for night time usage which blocks all blue and green light instead of some yellow or orange one.

As I told many times before yellow and orange lenses don’t block the green light which also has an effect on our melatonin secretion at night.

Blue and green light after dark from the 400-550nm range suppresses melatonin production and disrupts your sleep.

BLUblox Ultra550 red lens block 100% of this range meaning zero sleep-disrupting blue and green light passes through their lenses.

While amber lenses only block some blue light and no green light the red lens of BLUblox blocks everything.

It’s clear that you must block all light that disrupts your sleep or your sleep won’t improve much.

If you want the best possible sleep consider getting a pair of glasses with red lens from BLUblox 🙂

BLUblox Ultra450 yellow lens are super useful at daytime to make the light emitted from LED digital devices more like the sun.

It has been proven that excess artificial blue light damages your eyes during the day.

The range of light that does the most damage is between 400-450nm.

BLUblox yellow lenses block 100% of the eye-damaging blue light in this range.

If you want to be more healthy and block the blue light during the day consider their yellow lenses and if you want to block the spikes of blue light but have more clear colors around you BLUblox computer lenses may be for you 🙂

Ra Optics

Matt Maruca created Ra Optics in 2017 because all effective blue light blocking glasses were pretty unattractive.

The good looking blue blockers were not blocking much of the blue light and the ones that actually worked were made for the safety of workers and looked pretty ugly.

What I love about Ra Optics is exactly this red lens which is super effective for blocking all blue and green light.

As I have said many times the yellow and orange lenses most of the time don’t block all blue light or if all blue light is blocked they do nothing for the green light which is emitted from the artificial light around us.

The latest medical researches point that light up to 550nm suppresses the secretion of our sleep hormone melatonin and actually, Matt showed me something even more interesting.

There is also evidence that even the healthy red light can cause some melatonin suppression.

I guess we just need to turn off all lights before going to sleep and what I love about the whole team behind Ra Optics is that they are experts in light and photobiology.

Another awesome thing about Ra Optics is that they manufacture both Daytime and Nighttime lenses and you can customize everything.

You can even send your own glasses and the team will place you the perfect lens which can block all blue light.

This custom tinting service is actually unique and no other company offers you to send your own frames and Ra Optics will make you a new lens and send the frame back to you.

I’m not going to go into many details again why the red lens is important for night time use and why you also need some blue blocking during the day but Ra Optics offer everything.

A great lens which blocks all blue and green light up to 550nm and great daytime lenses which block blue light up to 450nm.

Matt explains the difference this way:

In a perfect world, we would not need blue blockers. In our world, it would be ideal for most people to have both, but it depends on your lifestyle. Nocturnal Red lenses block all light wavelengths up to 550nm. These are the wavelengths shown to most affect our “biologic clock”, lowering melatonin levels and altering our sleep/wake cycle when present after sunset. This is because our body is designed to be not exposed to them after dark. Everyone who does not live alone in the forest or ever leaves their house should have a pair of nighttime blue blocking glasses; our are ideal because they are the most attractive on the market, making them something that will be used on a consistent basis without hesitation. These blue blockers can also be re-purposed for temporary daytime use if you enter someplace like a Target, Walmart, or Grocery Store.

Daytime Blue Blocking Glasses are for people who spend most of their day indoors under artificial light, which means most people. The reason we have a different tint is that it is not only not necessary to block all blue light during the day, as our Nocturnal Red lenses do, but it is functionally a new mismatch, telling the brain that it is nighttime, more or less, when it is not. Some may argue that, because almost all artificial light itself is already a “mismatch”, it is better to block all of the harmful blue light than to block none of it.

My Review

I strongly recommend Ra Optics and especially the custom tinting service which is the only one in the world right now.

We also did a talk with Matt about light, biohacking, blue blocking, sleep and everything in between which you can watch here:

BlueBlockGlasses by Somnitude

When I wrote to BlueBlockGlasses they provided me so much useful info that I’m going to first share it with you unchanged.

After this, I’m going to give you my thoughts about the product and why you should choose BlueBlockGlasses.

Sleep is essential for survival. Your brain is responsible for making you feel sleepy in the evening and keeping you asleep during the night. To do so, it has two processes that regulate sleep.

The first is called the homeostatic process. This is the pressure to sleep that accumulates throughout the day.

The second is the circadian (circa: “around” and diem: “day”) process. This regulates when you fall asleep and wake up.

These two processes work to ensure a good night of sleep.

Poor sleep has many consequences; some are decreased alertness, altered mood, and impaired memory. Long-term sleep deprivation has been linked with diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

One strategy to ensure a good night of sleep is to strengthen your circadian signal of sleep and wakefulness. The circadian clock is kept in sync by environmental inputs.

The most important factor is the blue component of light. The presence of light in the morning signals day time, and the absence of light in the evening signals night.

Special cells within your eyes detect blue light (wavelength 440 – 480 nm) and send a signal to your circadian system.

Historically, humans were exposed to blue light during the day (from the sun) and not exposed to blue light at night. Our circadian systems are geared to anticipate this pattern of light exposure.

Today, however, blue light exposure in the evening is very common, either because of screen use before bedtime or simply because the lights are on in the house.

Lights in living areas and washrooms usually have some blue component.

Blue light at night tricks your circadian clock into thinking it is the day, and prevents you from preparing for sleep. More specifically, blue light suppresses the release of a hormone called melatonin.

Melatonin is secreted and transmitted throughout your body in the evening to signal night time.

A delay in the release of melatonin, due to light exposure may result in delayed bedtime, sleep onset insomnia or poor sleep.

Eliminating electronic devices and lightning exposure before bedtime would improve sleep, but it is often unrealistic.

It is furthermore not necessary to cut off all of the light because the circadian clock is blind to most colors.


This is why Somnitude has developed specialized sleep promoting glasses that selectively block harmful blue light while allowing other wavelengths of light to pass.

The glasses filter 99% of full spectrum blue light (spectra light until 520 nm).

Somnitude’s Blue Block Glasses allow you to pursue your regular activities in the evening, without having to worry that your circadian clock gets confused because of the surrounding light at night.

The glasses are ideal for those who use electronic devices in the evening or those who have problems with waking up on time.

The glasses are made from an optical grade polycarbonate, infused with a blue absorbing dye. The material is simple, yet durable and the glasses can easily survive being dropped.

The various styles allow for wearing of prescription glasses or not.

The glasses are tested at the University of Toronto’s Institute of Optical Sciences and were used by members of Team Canada at the recent winter Olympic Games.

Somnitude’s Blue Block Glasses have also recently been approved as a Medical Device by Health Canada and are now being used by sleep physicians to help those who have certain sleep disorders, such as Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome.

Why Somnitude?

We often get asked – What’s the difference between Somnitude and other brands?

The main difference between our glasses and those filters provided by Warby Parker, Gunnars etc. is in the degree of filtering and width of the spectrum of filtering.

Most other providers will filter a lower amount (for example 40%) at a smaller spectrum (440 – 470 nm).

These types of glasses are typically intended to be worn during the day, to prevent against eyestrain.

On the other hand, Somnitude’s glasses filter 99% full spectrum blue light and are only recommended for evening wear.   

Another important consideration is the effectiveness of the blue filter. For the untrained eye, it is almost impossible to detect how much blue is actually being filtered.

Many brands will claim things like ‘Full blue blocking effectiveness’ etc. but then fail to provide testing results or details on the company.

The only way to test effectiveness is by measuring the spectral transmissivity using a spectrometer.

Because we are affiliated with the University of Toronto we conduct rigorous testing on all our glasses to ensure that they are designed and manufactured to the specification of 99% blue light filtering.

My review

I decided to share the info that Somnitude provided me because they included so much useful and unique info but here are my thoughts and the things I think that are missed in the text above.

What I love about BlueBlockGlasses are they are a cheap and effective solution and effective solution for blocking all blue light.

I also like that they actually provide measurements for all their glasses not just talk about blocking blue light.

While other brands glasses may look better than some of the Somnitude glasses styles, BlueBlockGlasses are the cheapest option and they also cover the entire face.

What I mean by covering the entire face is that there is no place for the blue light to enter your eyes because they have Fitover glasses.

One thing that maybe they can improve in the future is to make also a red lens which can block green light also as we talked before.

Consider buying this glasses if you are from Canada and if you want to have Fitover glasses.

BlueBlockGlasses have a great price and work great for blocking all blue light.



Blue light Screen Protectors


Blue light filter Apps

While everything can be effective for blocking blue light, my personal favorite way is by using a blue light filter app.

I guess this is also maybe the reason why I created Iris in the first place.

The good thing about a blue light filter app is that most of the time it’s super customizable.

For example with glasses and screen protectors, you need a different kind of lenses and sheets to block different parts of the light.

With Iris and apps like it, you can just move one slider and regulate how much blue or green light is blocked which is really cool.

You also have automation which means that during the day you will get a small blue light reduction and during the night it will be much stronger.

This helps to build a habit of blocking blue light easier.

With glasses, you may forget them and the sheets block light all the time which may not be what you need.

I will try to present and compare all different blue light filter apps here.

As you can guess I’m a little biased towards Iris but I will try to explain why I believe it’s the best software for eye protection.

Native Filters

Big companies started to create native solutions for blue light reduction from the beginning of 2017 and these settings are a really popular choice for a lot of users.

However, as everything integrated into the operating system it’s not working perfectly for specific needs like improving sleep and better eye protection.

The reason is not that the filters don’t block blue light, but they either don’t block enough blue and green light for better sleep or are not automated enough to match to screen brightness to the light around you and this makes them inefficient for eye protection.


After Apple introduced Night Shift in order to try to make an integrated into the OS way of lowering the blue light Microsoft also added a feature called Night Light in their new build of Windows 10.

If you have the latest version of Windows 10 you will probably find Night Light in the settings.

However, if you use Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP or Windows 10 which doesn’t support blue light reduction getting a blue light filter software like Iris or some other third-party program may be a good idea.

Night Light can also go to around 1200k of color temperature which removes most of the blue light but this may be ineffective if you want really improve your sleep.

Here is how measurement of 1200K of color temperature looks like:

If you want more reduction that this Iris can go to 0% blue and green light.

Otherwise, if you only need some eye protection going to 3400k  will reduce the spikes of blue light and will be enough and not much orange or red.

Something I don’t like about Night Light is that you can’t see the actual values of the color temperature anywhere.

It would be nice if there was some kind of percentage but this is also not present.

If you have some ruler you can calculate the kelvins via getting the length of the line and the position of the black slider then calculate the percentage.

From there you need to know that the most right value is 6500K and the most left value is 1200K.

You can then calculate the color temperature of the screen.

Another nice benefit of other third-party programs is that they show the current color temperature.

Iris, for example, also shows the percentage of blue light blocked from the screen.




Thank you for reading this whole massive article about blocking blue light from digital devices. I spend 3 months researching and creating it and I hope that I helped you to learn some new things.

If you liked my work click some of the share links or send this article to a friend 🙂

Daniel Georgiev
Iris Technologies

The post The Ultimate Guide to Blue Light Filters appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Which is the best Blue light Filter? Wed, 09 May 2018 09:42:16 +0000 I may be the creator of Iris, which is blue light filter software but I will be honest with you. Which is better depends on what you need and what you want to achieve? Depending on why you want to block blue light and what do you want to achieve your best solution will probably be different than mine. In this ... Read More

The post Which is the best Blue light Filter? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


I may be the creator of Iris, which is blue light filter software but I will be honest with you.

Which is better depends on what you need and what you want to achieve?

Depending on why you want to block blue light and what do you want to achieve your best solution will probably be different than mine.

In this article, I will present to you all cases and what to choose in every case.

I will tell you when to choose glasses and when to choose software solutions.

I will also tell when screen protector may be a good choice.

But first, let’s give a fast overview for people who heard about the dangers of blue light for the first time.

Why do you need to block blue light?

You probably feel how when you spend a lot of time in front of the PC or your phone at night you can’t fall asleep really fast.

The reason for this is really simple.

In our eyes, we have a photoreceptor called Melanopsin.

When melanopsin detects blue light entering our eyes in blocks the secretion of our sleep hormone called Melatonin.

And when you don’t produce enough Melatonin you can’t fall asleep.

There are 2 hormones actually which control when we should be awake and when we should fall asleep.

Cortisol tells our body to be awake and Melatonin tells our body to fall asleep.

Cortisol levels are biggest when you wake up and Melatonin levels are biggest when you sleep.

They shift during the day and this is actually our Circadian clock.

Without boring you to death with science we evolved around the Sun and at night there was no light before.

Right now, however, we have all types light sources.

Some of them like LED emit a lot of blue light and cause a drop in our secretion of Melatonin.

Fluorescent light bulbs may flicker and this to cause eye strain and headaches.

Because it’s cheap, manufacturers use PWM to control the brightness which again is some sort of flicker that causes eye strain and headaches, etc.

So the one aspect of blue light is that it’s bad for our sleep if we get too much light in the night and the other is that too much exposure causes Macular degeneration and all other kinds of eye problems in the long run.

You know that UV light and X-rays are bad, but blue light is also really close to them on the light spectrum.

So because it’s so high energy it makes sense that it enters deep into our eye and may cause damage.

I hope you now have some general understanding of the science behind the blue light filters so without further due let’s start to talk about which blue light filter is best and when.

Blue light filter glasses

Blue light filter glasses come in all forms and shades and some of them are pretty effective and inexpensive.

The first bad thing about blue light filter glasses is that they can’t be customized.

You can’t control the amount of blue light which is blocked and some of them are actually really ineffective.

For example, I don’t think the yellow tint or without a tint will do a good job in helping you to sleep better.

They may help with eye-strain if they have an antireflective coating and they may be made to block only small part of the blue light to not change the world colors much.

But there is a lot of evidence that you need to block all blue light and even part of the green to stimulate proper melatonin secretion.

One recommendation from me for blue light filter glasses if you are concerned about your sleep is to use orange and red ones.

Orange ones will block all blue light and part of the green which will be awesome for your sleep.

If you want to really biohack your sleep the red ones will probably be one idea better.

They will block all UV, blue and green light and leave you only with a red world.

This will cause the biggest melatonin peak and will stimulate conditions close to complete darkness.

Why should I choose Blue light filter glasses?

Aside from the things above blue light filter glasses are great for several things.

Block blue light from the TV

It’s almost impossible to block the blue light from the TV with software.

For example, you can install Iris on your computer and then duplicate your screen on the TV and reduce the blue light from the TV.

But if you just watch some TV channel you will probably need some hardware device to connect to your cable.

The nice thing about this is that you can have automation from the hardware device but glasses are way simpler to put on your head.

Even there you can also place some blue light filter sheet on your TV so glasses are not the only solution for TV.

Their real power comes from.

Blocking blue light from your lightbulbs

If you have LED light bulbs which I don’t recommend they emit a lot of blue light.

The only real way to block the blue light from light bulbs is to use glasses or to change them.

The reason I don’t recommend LED light bulbs is that they emit a lot of blue light.

They also most of the time use PWM to be more energy-saving.

You can see this in the graphics that I also included before.

I recommend the standard Edison light bulb (Incandescent) because it doesn’t flicker and the spectrum is will really low amounts of blue light.

You see that here there are other solutions again for blocking blue light.

I left the one thing which glasses are the best solution for the end.

Blocking blue light from the Sun

If you are concerned about blue light from the Sun the only good solution for you are blue light filter glasses.

You can of course just don’t go outside but you miss the other part of the health benefits for your skin and general health that comes from full-spectrum Sunlight.

If you want to block blue light from the Sun, get blue light filter glasses.

Blue light filter Softwares

Really great for automation and customization there are lots of them.

Starting from Iris which is the most advanced eye protection and sleep improvement tool

Going to f.lux which is the grandfather of the blue light industry

And mentioning Redshift which is not only free but open-source

There are a lot of blue light filtering software which you can choose.

What are Blue light filtering softwares bad for?

Because software are based on computer code they may not work on every operating system.

Blue light filtering software will also not work for blocking blue light from the TV.

They will not work for blocking blue light from light bulbs and the Sun.

There are certain minuses for software solutions but there are also a lot of pluses which a will talk about later.

On Android, for example, the only way to block blue light is to use Overlay approach which decreases contrast and it’s not really great.

This is what Twilight app does.

The other method for Android is to jailbreak your phone but this is hard for a lot of people.

Putting glasses or screen filter, in this case, is much easier.

Same goes for iOS.

On iOS, you can make great blue light filter but Apple doesn’t allow the developers to publish their solution to the Appstore so you can’t get the most high-quality software.

Here again, it’s much easier to put glasses or screen filter.

Last year both Android and iOS presented integrated solutions called Night Light and Night Shift, but they are really bad copies of high-quality software like Iris or f.lux.

They do block the blue light but they are just not specialized in this.

It’s like comparing Photoshop and Paint.

You can go much deeper and make awesome solution if you really focus on the blue light sleep and eye issues.

However, for most people, the integrated solutions will also work well.

There are also solutions for Windows, macOS and Linux called again with some names like Night Light, Night Shift and Night mode.

Why should I choose Blue light filter softwares?

There are some downsides like that you can’t block the Sunlight but blue light filter software are actually the best solution.

This is why I work on this kind of software obviously.

If I thought that something else is better I would probably do it instead.

I told you some of the pain points with software solutions but let’s not talk about the benefits now.

I’m sure that the biggest benefit for you will be that some of them are


I will not talk about the economic realities of this but most of the blue light filter software are free and they are super effective.

They can block all blue light, you can customize the amount of blue light being blocked.

Or you can block all blue and green light for best sleep.

You can customize them, schedule some things and some companies integrated filters into their OS.

You can find a free blue light filter in Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android.

You may know that Iris is paid and you may think that I’m super stupid and Iris don’t have even 1 user but the truth is that it’s not only the blue light.

Iris removes PWM pulsations, optimizes subpixel flicker, improves font rendering, adapts to the light around you and all kinds of stuff which are not the point of this article so it’s not like it’s not a successful project.

With over 2 million users, hundreds of positive reviews and a lot of people who pay for the software I’m really happy to do something which improves the people health.

Let’s go over the other benefits of blue light filters aside from that most of them are free.


Blue light filter softwares can adapt to all kinds of things.

They can adapt to the time of the day based on your clock or your position.

They can use sensors like the camera or adapt to the contents of the screen.

They can be paused when you need to and resumed when you want.

Some of them can pause automatically when certain programs are running.

Iris, for example, can adapt to the program that is currently running, stop itself when you need perfect colors or improve the image quality when you watch a movie.


With blue light filter software, you can also set how much blue light you want during the day and how much you want during the night.

In order to be really easy to use Iris, for example, has several types with preset values: Health, Sleep, Reading, Programming, Biohacker, Sunglasses, Dark, Movie, Overlay.

You probably understand why blue light filter softwares are the most popular solutions to block blue light.

It’s not only Blue light

It’s not only the Blue light.

There is also PWM flicker, Font rendering, Subpixel flicker, Temporal dithering, Rests, and ease of use.

Iris, for example, takes care of all things related to eye health and sleep.

For flickering, no glasses or screen filter will help you and your only solution may be software or to buy some really expensive monitor which is optimized for eye health.

Now let’s talk about the last category of blue light filters

Blue light Screen protectors

I will not enter into much more details here because I talked a lot about what blue light filter glasses are bad and good for.

With screen protectors the thing is similar but instead, you placing a glasses on yourself you place the glasses on your phone or screen or TV.

Blue light screen protectors again are bad for automation and customization.

They are also bad for blocking blue light from the Sun and from light bulbs.

With the new integrated solutions for every OS, they are also not the only solutions for smartphones.

One thing which screen filters are particularly good for is actually to make your glossy screen matte but most blue light filter screen protectors don’t do this.

I strongly recommend screen protectors which make glossy screens matte because this reduces reflections and will help a lot which eye pain and eye strain.

The other thing which blue light filter screen protectors are great is that like glasses they can block only some part of the blue light spectrum.

This is something which blue light filter softwares can’t do. Blue light filter softwares block the whole color spectrum at once.

Be careful however that there are a lot of scam into the blue light filter screen protector space.

While you can measure and see for yourself the orange or red tint made by glasses and software a lot of blue light filter screen protectors are a scam.

The reason for this is because regular screen protectors are really hard to sale.

They are all the same and super cheap.

This is why some people decide to change the name of their screen protector and make it blue blocking.

Sellers may tell you that it doesn’t change the image quality but the reason for this may be because it’s just a regular screen protector.

Sometimes the screen protector just protects your phone from scratches and don’t block any blue light.

I’m not saying that all blue light screen protectors are like this but be careful.

Look for measurements and what their tint is. If the tint is orange, yellow or red they probably work.

However, if the tint is transparent, there is a high chance that they don’t do anything.

Tell Friends

Thank you very much for reading and staying with me to the end of this long post 🙂

If you liked this article and you learned some new things about the blue light and how it affects our body

If this article helped you to choose the best blue light filter for you

If you think this may be helpful for somebody else

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Blue light filter Test Tue, 08 May 2018 14:01:55 +0000 In this article, I want to show you how you can test if your monitor emits blue light. To check if your monitor emits blue light click the image below to open it in a new tab. This will open an animation which switches from blue to black. To check if your monitor emits both blue and green light click ... Read More

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In this article, I want to show you how you can test if your monitor emits blue light.

To check if your monitor emits blue light click the image below to open it in a new tab.

This will open an animation which switches from blue to black.

To check if your monitor emits both blue and green light click the image below.

This will open an animation which switches from the combination of blue and green to black.

What to observe?

Ideally, if your monitor doesn’t emit blue or blue and green light you shouldn’t see a change in the color.

You should only see black square without any change of the color or hue like this

How to block all blue light?

Most blue light filters whether they are glasses, software or physical filters will not block all blue light.

Some of the time this is intentional because they only block part of the blue light spectrum or the goal is the screen to look more normal.

When all blue light is blocked the screen will look really green or really red.

When part of the blue light is blocked the screen will look yellow or orange.

Blue light filter Glasses

If your glasses look like the image above there is a high chance that they don’t do anything to block the blue light from your screen.

To block all blue light you probably will need some glasses with a red tint

Most of the effective blue light blocking glasses look like this.

In reality, however, this will also block all blue light and all green light.

This makes it really strange for me why nobody manufactures glasses with a green tint which will block all blue and red light

This will be interesting to test but if you only need to block the blue light you need some deep yellow or a little orange tint like this

So test your glasses with the test pictures at the beginning of this article.

If you see a black square at the first image then your glasses block all blue light.

If you see a black square at the second image then your glasses block both blue and green light.

Blue light filter Software

Software solutions by default will make the screen more orange which will block part of the blue and part of the green light.

Even from my experience if a person hasn’t heard of the bad effects of blue light he will probably not like the red screen at first.

Even to this day I still don’t block all the blue light from my screen because this makes my screen a little uncomfortable.

Same is true with the glasses. If all blue light is blocked everything will look red.

So be it Iris, f.lux, Redshift or any other software for eye protection and sleep improvement they will usually use 3400K at night by default which is half of the blue light.

You may notice that at 3400K there is still blue light visible

This is still helpful and I have talked to a lot of users about what they prefer and orange screen helps with eye strain and eye pain a lot.

The goal of Iris is to be eye protection software first and sleep improvement tool second.

I believe eye problems are way worse than sleep problems because you can fix your sleep just by cutting the computer usage at night.

Blocking all blue

However, if you really want to biohack and improve your sleep you need to go to 1900K or bellow.

1900K is the first value which will block all blue light and your screen will look deep orange.

This is why in the latest versions f.lux tries to set the color temperature to 1900K by default.

They are trying to force people to learn to remove all blue light for best sleep.

While you may notice that the first versions of f.lux don’t even have this option in the sliders.

There are a couple of differences in the different blue light blocking software products.

Iris operates at % of blue light + showing the color temperature at the upper right corner.

F.lux uses color temperature + showing light sources types.

For example in f.lux Halogen means 3400K while Candle means 1900K.

Basically, if you want to remove all blue light from your screen you want to strive for 1900K or Candle.

If you have trouble with the K values see this link What are the K values?

Everything bellow starts to cut also the green light which the latest medical researchers point that also have some effect on our sleep.

Blocking all blue and green

So if you really want to improve your sleep you also need to cut all green light at basically set Iris blue light to 0%

Notice how when all blue light and all green light is blocked how the screen is deep red.

You can achieve the same thing by using Sleep or Biohacker type.

Blue light physical filters

I will not go into too many details about the filters you place on your monitor because the logic is basically the same as with the glasses.

You need a red filter to block all blue and green light.

You need a yellow filter to block all blue light.

If you look at the picture above you need the second or the third filter.

This will block all blue light or all blue and green light.

Tell Friends

If you liked this article and you learned new things about how to block blue light

If you learned how to improve your sleep and feel less eye strain

If you want more and more people to learn about this

If you want your friends to protect themselves from the monitor harmful  rays and emissions

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F.lux Blue Light Wed, 02 May 2018 10:39:38 +0000 Many people today use their computers frequently and they often suffer from eye issues. When you use your computer all the time you can suffer from eye strain or eye pain. The reason for this is that you have flux blue light which can damage your eyes over time. There are several ways you can combat blue light. Here’s a ... Read More

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Many people today use their computers frequently and they often suffer from eye issues.

When you use your computer all the time you can suffer from eye strain or eye pain.

The reason for this is that you have flux blue light which can damage your eyes over time.

There are several ways you can combat blue light. Here’s a little bit more about blue light and how you can address this issue.

Your Eyes and Blue Light

Are computers produce several sources of light and some of these light sources are not harmful.

One of the harmful types of light that your computer produces is blue light.

You won’t see this light when you’re working on your computer, but it can lead to eye strain and eye pain.

This is why you need a flux blue light filter to protect your eyes from this sort of light.

Blue Light Glasses

One of the better ways to protect your eyes from issues resulting from blue light exposure is to use blue light filter glasses.

These glasses have a specific filter for blue light, so you can wear them to reduce issues with this light when you use your computer.

These glasses are a good solution, but they can be quite expensive.

You will need to wear these glasses all the time when you’re using your computer and for some people, glasses can be cumbersome.

Another way that you can reduce blue light issues is to simply spend less time on your computer.

This works for some people, but for the vast majority of us, we need to spend a lot of time on our computer because we have work to do.

There are other solutions for the issues a blue light.


The best way to deal with flux blue light is to use Iris.

Our company produces excellent blue light filter software.

The software will work with all operating systems and it’s easy to set up.

Once the software is set up on your computer you won’t have issues with blue light any longer.

You can work on your computer and do the things that you need to do without having to worry about issues with blue light.

You’ll have less eye strain, that’s eye pain, and you generally feel better when you work on your computer.

Your eyesight matters so you need to take care of it by using software such as software produced by Iris Software.

This software also has plenty of features and options, so you can set it up you just the way that you like it.

It has many different modes and filter types would you can use for various settings.


You need to take care of your eyesight if you do a lot of computer work.

You don’t want to have to deal with blue light issues as this can lead to a lot of eye problems.

Use Iris as this software is a great solution to dealing with issues that result from blue light exposure.

Take care of your eyesight when you use a computer but using a proper blue light filter such as the ones produced by Iris.


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Blue Light and Sleep Sun, 11 Feb 2018 15:21:22 +0000 You may have heard some hype recently about the ‘dangers’ of blue light and what it can do to your sleeping patterns. Blue light is not immediately dangerous however it can cause some problems with regards to our eyes and our sleeping patterns. But why is blue light so bad? And what can it do to damage your sleeping patterns? ... Read More

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You may have heard some hype recently about the ‘dangers’ of blue light and what it can do to your sleeping patterns.

Blue light is not immediately dangerous however it can cause some problems with regards to our eyes and our sleeping patterns.

But why is blue light so bad? And what can it do to damage your sleeping patterns?

Here is everything you need to know about blue light and why it might be stopping you from sleeping.

What is Blue light?

The blue light that we are talking about specifically, is the blue light that is emitted by electronic screens.

These are blue lights that reduce contrast in images that you see on the screen and can also relate to the blue lights that a lot of social media sights use as their background colors and is also the reason that they use those colors as their background.

Why is this bad for us?

Not all blue light is bad for us, because of course the sky is blue, and there is plenty of blue light that occurs naturally in nature.

The problem with blue light occurs when we use our screens too much.

One reason that this is bad is that the reduced contrast on images means that our eyes strain to better see things, and this can cause damage to our eyes and even headaches.

Looking at sleep specifically, blue lights are disruptive to our sleep patterns because they mimic the lights that we see during the daytime and trick our minds into believing that we should still be awake.

That means that looking at screens in bed, and especially blue social media sites, can keep us awake even though we are tired.

How to reduce Blue light

There are a number of ways that you can reduce the amount of unnatural blue light that you are exposed to in your daily life.

Iris was software formulated to help you reduce the amount of blue lights emitted by your screens.

It works by increasing the contrast on your screen and allowing you to adjust the levels of each color on your device.

This can make it a lot easier for our eyes to focus on our screens and see what we need to see.

There are also applications for both mobile and desktop that are specifically to help you get your sleeping patterns back on track.

These apps in particular work by adjusting the colors and backlighting of your screens to suit the time of day wherever you live.

This means that as it gets closer to bedtime, your screen will naturally darken and get you ready for sleep.

So that is what blue light from screen might be doing to damage your sleep.

There are plenty of things that you can do to reduce your screen time or even adjust your technology to better suit your health.

These are things that can easily be changed and can make a huge difference in our lives.

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Test how much Blue light is blocked Wed, 27 Dec 2017 18:51:53 +0000         At 1900K Iris blocks all blue light Video Iris with Groot Color Scheme and 0K (only blue light removed without green)

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At 1900K Iris blocks all blue light


Iris with Groot Color Scheme and 0K (only blue light removed without green)

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How Iris reduces Blue light? Mon, 18 Dec 2017 17:13:44 +0000 How modern monitors work? Monitors emit all colors of the rainbow, but they don’t emit full spectrum sunlight which is bad. Everyone agrees that staying outside on a sunny day helps our health, but this is not the case when we sit in front of the computer. Monitors today are made from semiconductors called diodes which contain 3 subpixels emitting ... Read More

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How modern monitors work?

Monitors emit all colors of the rainbow, but they don’t emit full spectrum sunlight which is bad.

Everyone agrees that staying outside on a sunny day helps our health, but this is not the case when we sit in front of the computer.

Monitors today are made from semiconductors called diodes which contain 3 subpixels emitting red, green and blue.

When you combine this 3 subpixels you get 1 pixel and if all 3 subpixels are ON we see white on the screen.

If all are OFF we see black on the screen. When we zoom our monitor we get patterns like this.

If you have Iris working on your system you will probably not see the blue subpixel so one way to see what I talk about is to pause Iris for a moment.

The screen will start to glow a lot and you will be able to see the blue subpixel.

What’s the problem blue light?

Scientist knew that the retina contains two types of photoreceptors – rods and cones. Thanks to them we see light and images in full color.

But in 1998 one scientist named Ignacio Provencio found a new photoreceptor called Melanopsin.

Melanopsin evolved millions of years ago to help early human distinguish between day and night and to regulate their circadian rhythms or in short to help our brain tell our body when to sleep.

This was normal when we only had light from candles and campfire, but lately, we are bombarded with all kinds of electronic devices and especially devices containing LED diodes.

This photoreceptor Melanopsin activates when blue light goes into eyes. The idea of nature was that if the sky is blue then it’s day and it’s no time to sleep.

However today the same kind of blue light is emitted from our monitors and we just can’t go to sleep at night, because our Melanopsin photoreceptors are overstimulated and our Melatonin secretion is stopped, because of this.

How Iris works?

To fix this problem and to help you to fall asleep faster Iris is gradually decreasing blue light at night. This helps your body to produce more melatonin and your melanopsin photoreceptors and not overstimulated.

Reducing blue light is also beneficial during the day since blue light is the light with shortest wavelength and it enters really deep into the eyes.

If you had heard that X-rays are bad for you, then you should know that blue light is the closest visible light to UV light and X-rays.


Iris reduces the blue light by lowering the light emitted from the blue subpixel of the screen.

The orange, yellow or red color of the screen is just a side effect of this blue light lowering. It will probably take you some time to get used to this, but after a week you will not be able to disable Iris at night without feeling a massive amount of eye pain.

The light emitted from the screen without Iris looks like this

And with Iris to the lowest setting, it looks close to this

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What is the best Color temperature? Mon, 22 May 2017 08:01:24 +0000 A lot of users asked me what is the best value of Iris for blue light reduction. Well in this article I’m going to look at exactly this with measurements. This will be helpfull for users of other software products like f.lux, Redshift, SunsetScreen, Night Shift and Night Light. The Android Twilight and Night mode use different algorithms than Color ... Read More

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A lot of users asked me what is the best value of Iris for blue light reduction. Well in this article I’m going to look at exactly this with measurements.

This will be helpfull for users of other software products like f.lux, Redshift, SunsetScreen, Night Shift and Night Light.

The Android Twilight and Night mode use different algorithms than Color temperature. Twilight is like the Iris Overlay mode and Night mode is like the Iris Groot color scheme.

I made a 10 measurements of the display from 6500K to 1200K since this is the format that is universal to all blue blocking softwares and I think is enought.

6500K is screen with no color changes at all. This is perfectly calibrated screen.

1200K is the lowest value of f.lux, Redshift, Night Shift and Night light. Actually Redshift can go down to 1000K, f.lux to 800K, SunsetScreen to 500K and Iris to 0K, but this is irrelevant.

The bellow measurements are the same for all software products. No matter what anyone tells you all this softwares do the same thing with color temperature. They may do it with different algorithms, but the end result is the same.

6500K – 100%

At 6500K this is how the color graph looks like. You see that blue light is even more than all other colors and this is the first reason that this value is bad for your sleep and for your eyes.

We will just use this measurement as comparission to other values and as how normal displays emmit colors.

The height of the blue part of the graph shows the amount of blue light emitted.

The height of the green part of the shows the amount of green light emitted.

The height of the red part of the shows the amount of red light emitted.

It’s important to know that most softwares reduce also the green light at low values and red light is untouched at all values.

Thus to select the best value we will need to select the value with lowest blue light and highest green light, but green light should also be reduced for best eye protection and sleep.

5970K – 90%

Close to the light of Mercury vapor light lamp and Cloudy sky light the color graph looks like this

5440K – 80%

Close to the light of Daylight metal halide lamp (HMI) and Average noon light the color graph looks like this

4910K – 70%

Close to the light of Late morning and Early afternoon light color graph looks like this

4380K – 60%

Close to the light of Cool White Fluorescent lamp (CFL) and Mid Morning and Mid Afternoon light the color graph looks like this

3850K – 50%

Close to the light of Standart Clear metal halide lamp and Later Afternoon light the color graph looks like this

3320K – 40%

Close to the light of Halogen light lamp and Evening light the color graph looks like this

2790K – 30%

Close to the light of Household tungsten light lamp and Sunset light the color graph looks like this

2260K – 20%

Close to the light of High pressure sodium light lamp the color graph looks like this

1730K – 10%

Close to the light of Candle light the color graph looks like this

1200K – 0%

Close to the light of Ember light the color graph looks like this


To save you the thinking here what all these results mean. The lowest blue light will be at 1200K or bellow, but this is actually not the best setting.

At 1200K a lot of the green light is reduced and the screen may be hard to read.

Best value for sleep and blue light reduction is 1900K or Candle light.

Iris is using 3400K for the night and 5000K for the day. The reason for this is because new users get shocked by the big changes to their screen colors and can’t handle the transition from really bright screen to 1900K.

Start with 5000K during the day and 3400K during the night. After several months gradually switch to 1900K all the time for best health.

Try to get more full-spectrum sunlight and go outside from time to time to produce good amounts of melatonin.

Thank you for reading this article,
Daniel – Founder of Iris

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How Blue light Destroyed our Sleep? Mon, 05 Jan 2015 16:21:33 +0000 Millions of years ago people lived in sync with nature. Yes, they were dying somehow every day from fever, but life was good, sort of. When we lived in caves we didn’t have light bulbs and this somehow helped our circadian clocks to stay on track with the natural day and night cycles of the Sun. People oriented if it’s day ... Read More

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Millions of years ago people lived in sync with nature.

Yes, they were dying somehow every day from fever, but life was good, sort of.

When we lived in caves we didn’t have light bulbs and this somehow helped our circadian clocks to stay on track with the natural day and night cycles of the Sun.

People oriented if it’s day or night by the blue sky and looking at blue light became a major factor for controlling our sleep hormones.

At some point, evolution created one special photoreceptor into the eye. The only function of this photoreceptor was only to check if it’s day or night and tell our brain the result, so our brain can control our biological clocks.

Eye Basics

Our eyes are something like 2 cameras glued to our face.

The sole purpose of our eyes is to focus light on the back of our retina where 2 types of photoreceptors detect the wavelength and the color of the incoming light.

We can look at both distant and closer objects thanks to our biological lenses which change the focus distance we are looking at.

The first type of photoreceptor in our eyes is called


Our of all photoreceptors in our eye more than 95% are rods.

They are responsible for our night vision and are also really bad at recognizing colors.

Rods are not so sensitive to colors and this is the reason why it’s hard for us to see the color of things when it’s dark.


Cones are mostly around the center of our retina.

Thanks to cones we can see things in bright light be it sun or artificial lights.

There are 3 types of cones: red, green and blue and thanks to them our eye is awesome and detecting colors and distinguishing things with different colors.

Eye Basics 2.0

Rods and cones were all scientists knew before the beginning of this century.

The common wisdom was that the eye contains only 2 types of photoreceptors responsible for the things we see with our eyes.

Meet Ignacio Provencio. The neuroscientist who in 1998 found new photoreceptor called Melanopsin and for the first time proved that light is not only useful for our vision, but it’s critical for many biological processes.

It turns out that Melanopsin is present in much more mammals and it doesn’t play any role in our vision.

The main role of Melanopsin is to control our biological clock and circadian rhythms.

It does this by detecting when blue light is present in our environment.

Melanopsin activates when blue light enters our eye and it sends a signal to our brain that it’s day and our brains stops the secretion of our sleep hormone melatonin.

Melatonin from his side controls a large number of processes in our bodies and is responsible for our good night sleep.

When we have melatonin in our bodies we feel sleepy and this is the reason why you can’t fall asleep when you sit in front of the computer at night.

Blue light

Blue light comes from everywhere around us. It’s not only the monitors, or the smartphones, or the tablets around us.

Almost all artificial light sources today generate much more than the recommended amount of blue light.

All energy saving products, all LED light bulbs, and screens have a negative impact on our vision and wellbeing.

Years ago when we had only the standard  Incandescent light bulbs things were good, because the light emitted from this lightbulbs is with color temperature around 2800K.

Things were even better when people used only candles which have color temperature around 1800K.

Basically, the lower the color temperature the less blue light the light source emits.

Less color temperature is close to the natural fire found in around us for millions of years.

In contrast, LED light bulbs and monitors both emit around 6500K.

The sky emits more blue light, but the difference is that it’s full spectrum sunlight and this is beneficial for us.

So the problem is not exactly that we get too much blue light. The problem is actually that we get too little of the other light and especially red light.

Iris tries a lot to fix this problem, but you also need some light hygiene.

Even with Iris, if you stay late at night with LED light bulbs ON, you will fall asleep slower and your health will be compromised.

Avoid light at night. If you can’t avoid all light try to avoid blue light.


Sleep is one part of the problem with blue light.

The bigger problem is actually that blue light enters deep into our eyes and it’s high energy light.

You may know that the UV light is really bad for our eyes, but you probably don’t know that the blue light is also a big problem.

We have substance in the skin, hair and eyes called Melanin that absorbs UV light, but blue-violet light continues it’s path to the macula of our eyes.

This, in the long run, causes macular degeneration.


As you can guess the best solution is to live in a cave and to get only full spectrum sunlight, but we all know this is impossible.

Try to avoid light at night and if you just can’t avoid all light and need to do some work on your PC use Iris or other blue blocking software.

Iris has Sleep type preset which removes almost all blue light from your screen.

In front of the TV use some blue blocking glasses or just sunglasses. Sunglasses are sometimes even more effective that blue blockers since they also block UV light.

And lastly, remove all LED light bulbs in your home. Although energy efficient they are bad for your sleep. Use the good old incandescent light bulbs or if you can use candles sometimes.

Thank you very much for reading this article.

Final words

If you liked this article share it with friends. You can also try Iris, which is software for eye protection and better sleep.

Iris will automatically make your monitor more healthy by reducing the blue light emitted from your screen at night and much more.

Blue light at night stops the secretion of our sleep hormone melatonin and this prevents us from getting the so desired good night sleep.



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