Website Articles Archives - 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 Tue, 13 Feb 2024 22:46:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blue light facts Tue, 31 Mar 2020 13:37:13 +0000 We are exposing ourselves to blue light every day so we are here to share some blue light facts with you. Even if one doesn’t use any specific digital devices they still get in touch with the blue light. This is because blue light is everywhere and it cannot be avoided. Therefore we all have to be aware of the ... Read More

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We are exposing ourselves to blue light every day so we are here to share some blue light facts with you.

Even if one doesn’t use any specific digital devices they still get in touch with the blue light.

This is because blue light is everywhere and it cannot be avoided.

Therefore we all have to be aware of the blue light’s specifications, so we can prepare and be aware of everything.

If you want to learn everything important about the blue light, keep on reading!

In this article, we are going to see what exactly blue light is and how it behaves.

Also, we will show you how to make the most of the blue light and how to get yourself protected.

Blue light is everywhere

If you have been thinking that you would get rid of the blue light just by switching your computer off, you have been mistaken.

Blue light is part of the natural white light that comes from the sun.

And it is also part of your home LED lighting.

Nowadays, the blue light is everywhere.

The truth is that the healthy levels of blue light depend on the time you spend looking at it.

There is a difference between working eight hours on a computer without a break and using it only to check on the news.

If you want to be safe, then reduce to a minimum the usage of devices like computers, smartphones, and tablets.

Of course, we know this cannot be possible if you get your income from working on a computer.

Therefore you should continue reading understand more about blue light facts and useful info.

Blue light can regulate your circadian rhythm and moods

One other treat to the blue light is that it can change your sleeping routine.

The circadian rhythm is what your natural clock is called.

It is responsible for your waking and sleeping cycles throughout the day.

The blue light can trick your mind to think that it is daytime and this will stop the production of melatonin.

Melatonin is the hormone of sleep and its production is usually triggered by dim light and the late hours of the day.

Moreover, when your sleep schedule gets disrupted, there can occur depression and anxiety.

It is going to make an impact on your productivity and most of all it will cause stress to your body.

The best way to avoid this from happening is to limit your blue light intake in the late hours before you go to bed.

For example, dim the lights two hours before the usual time you go to sleep and forget about your phone and computer, and also about watching TV.

You can read a book, play some games or play with your pet, anything that doesn’t involve an LCD screen.

Your eyes are unsecured from the blue light

The human eyes are very light-sensitive organs.

And while we have some kind of UV protection given to us naturally, we cannot keep our eyes safe from the blue light without the proper eyewear.

Sunglasses are the best way to keep the harmful light away while being outside.

The sunglasses must be always with high-quality lenses and UV protective film.

However, while the blue light that is coming from the sun is not that harmful, the one coming from the technology can cause many eye diseases.

Eyesight problems and how to reduce them with Iris

Blue light causes eye strain and other diseases

It is a wide known fact that the blue light is the reason behind many eye diseases and eye strain.

It can damage your eyesight and many kids worldwide are wearing glasses thanks to that.

After a long-hour period of starting at a monitor, you may suffer a slight discomfort.

There can be vision disruptions like blurred vision, blind spots, and also headaches.

In the long run, the blue light radiation can lead to age-related macular degeneration, which is close to complete vision loss.

How to stay protected from the blue light?

There are several secure ways to protect your eyes from the harmful rays.

If you are working on a computer you can buy computer glasses.

They have a special coating on the lenses that filters the blue light and restricts its reach to the eyes.

Though they are not completely effective.

With them, only a certain amount of the blue light gets filtered.

The other effective way of keeping your eyes safe and to prevent eye diseases is with a blue light filter for PC.

Iris is such a blue light filter.

It is a computer program that has already helped thousands of people around the world from any age – from students to seniors.

Iris can be installed easily on your computer or mobile phone and personalizing it is very easy.

You can choose between a variety of filter modes for the activities that you do.

Like reading, watching movies, programming, working, biohacking, and many more.

Remember that blue light is harming your sleep, so with Iris, you will be able to sleep like a child again.

You won’t wake up with red eyes or being tired anymore.

Last words

The blue light is a threat that nobody can escape from since it is all around us.

However, we can find a way to stop it from doing any damage to our eyes and our health.

With Iris, this is going to feel like a piece of cake!

Take your health in your hands and make the change for a better lifestyle now and we hope that these blue light facts have been interesting.





Author: Yoana Borisova

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Do carrots help your eyes? Fri, 27 Mar 2020 10:32:51 +0000 The world we live in is dominated by unhealthy lifestyles and nutrition. After years of living in such a way, people have started noticing how badly their food choices can affect their health and well-being. That is why in recent years organic, healthy and nutritious foods have gained popularity. Now people panic when things aren’t “bio” enough. It may be ... Read More

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The world we live in is dominated by unhealthy lifestyles and nutrition.

After years of living in such a way, people have started noticing how badly their food choices can affect their health and well-being.

That is why in recent years organic, healthy and nutritious foods have gained popularity.

Now people panic when things aren’t “bio” enough.

It may be really hard to know what is good for you and what is not when there is so much information on the Internet.

However, eating a balanced diet is the best choice a person can make.

Having your favorite cookies from time to time won’t damage your health at all, but you should still try to consume healthy food.

Why are carrots that important?

There are many beneficial foods on the market, but one is often overlooked.

Everyone always runs to buy kale or avocado, but people do not pay enough attention to carrots.

They are crunchy and delicious and can be used for tons of dishes – soups, cakes, etc., or as a snack – just add some hummus!

The best part is that carrots are not only extremely tasty but also essential for your health.

They are a good source of vitamins A (from beta carotene), B6, K1; also potassium and biotin; low in fat, protein, and sugar.

Carrots can reduce the risk of cancer; lower blood cholesterol; help the digestive system and diabetes treatment; strengthen bones, increase hair growth; make the skin glow; help the teeth; etc.

The link between carrots and your eyes

“If you eat tons of carrots you will have healthy and powerful eyes”.

Most people have heard this sentence at least once in their life and the chance of hearing it when they were little is even greater.

Parents love to say this to their kids to keep them eating healthy.

It is something like: “Sack Man will come and pick you up if you are naughty” or “If you are a good kid Santa Claus will bring you presents”.

Sooner or later everyone learns the truth about those magical characters.

Now the day to break the myth about vision and carrots has come.

Where the myth comes from?

Everything has started with British propaganda from World War II.

There were two reasons which motivated the creation of the campaign.

The first one is that during this time, The Royal Air Force was using a new radar system called Airborne Interception Radar, which helped the pilots to target German bombers more efficiently throughout nighttime missions.

The radar was a new technology and a top-secret, therefore carrots were rumored to be the reason for the pilots’ success.

It is not clear if Germans actually believed this, but British people surely did.

The second is related to food shortages.

The Germans blockaded food supply ships and foods such as bacon, sugar, eggs couldn’t be delivered.

But carrots, on the other hand, can be grown at home.

Therefore, people were encouraged to do that.

The government told people that carrots will help them see during wartime blackouts.

Advertising brochures with different slogans were everywhere.

One of them said: “Carrots keep you healthy and help you see in the blackout”.

Carrots were promoted as the main ingredient in tons of dishes, especially in desserts, because of the sugar they contain.

People made carrot pudding, carrot fudge, carrot marmalade, etc.

To make the campaign accessible to children, the British Ministry of Food created a new character – Dr. Carrot.

He was everywhere – radio shows, posters, etc.

Disney helped too – one of the leading cartoonists in the company designed a whole family inspired by Dr. Carrot – Carroty George, Pop Carrot and Clara Carrot.

The propaganda campaign has left its mark on people’s minds to this day.

As we already mentioned it is not uncommon to hear that carrots will help you improve your eyesight and make you see 20/20 without wearing your glasses.

As good as it may sound this is not exactly the truth.

Is the myth true?

Now that we made clear where this myth comes from, it is time to talk about some scientifically proven facts.

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and lutein, which are high antioxidants.

That’s why they can prevent eye damage provoked by free radicals – the ones that lead to eye diseases, chronic illnesses, and aging.

Foods that contain more lutein, like yellow carrots, can protect you from AMD (age-related macular degeneration).

Beta-carotene gives a lot of yellow and orange plants their coloring.

Consequently, orange carrots are extremely high in beta-carotene which the body converts to vitamin A.

This particular vitamin protects the surface (cornea) of the eye, which is crucial for good eye vision.

Vitamin A also forms rhodopsin – the pigment in your eye cells that helps you see at night.

The lack of vitamin A is the main reason for blindness among people nowadays.

Every year more than 200,000 kids become blind because of vitamin A deficiency.

It can also lead to xerophthalmia – a state in which the eyes cannot tear.

This results in dryness, swelling of the eyelids, etc.

It is also important to say that your body absorbs the beta carotene better when you eat cooked rather than raw carrots!

The answer to the question is yes, carrots are very good for eyesight but they don’t improve vision like a magic wind.

The key to having strong and healthy eyes is to eat a balanced diet rich in Vitamin A.

For healthy eyes, it is advisable to consume more foods such as spinach, kale, salmon, tuna, eggs, nuts, beans, oranges, etc.

What else can you do?

If you want to take good care of your eyesight you should quit most of your bad habits – drinking and smoking too much, not wearing sunglasses or staring at the monitor.

To keep your eyes protected even when you are working long hours in front of the screen, you can download the Iris software (or app).

Iris decreases the amount of blue light emitted from the screen and controls the brightness.

The program does it automatically because it’s able to detect if it’s day or night.

You can also customize it as much as you want which is helpful for people who are not that much into technologies.

It works on both computers and phones!

Iris has 3 modes – automatic, manual and paused.

The wide variety of types (health, sleep, reading, etc) is another cool feature the program has.

Iris has a free version too so you are left without excuses not to download it.

Last words

The myth that carrots improve your eyesight may have been born long ago in the form of propaganda.

Whatsoever that doesn’t mean it’s not true.

Carrots are full of vitamins needed for the eyes.

That is why they can help you keep your eyes healthy.

They just won’t improve your vision.

But if you want to take good care of your eyesight, you should eat a balanced diet, not only carrots.

It is also recommended to reduce the harmful blue light оn electronic devices using either blue light blocking glasses or by installing a softwarе that does the same job (like Iris).






Author: Anna Tsaneva


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10 productivity tips for working from home Thu, 26 Mar 2020 10:22:42 +0000 With the constantly new possibilities of technologies working from home has never been so accessible. A lot of jobs now offer placements for people who can only work from home. What are more, big companies give their employees permission to work from a home office for a couple of days per year? Is it a good option though or how ... Read More

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productivity at work

With the constantly new possibilities of technologies working from home has never been so accessible.

A lot of jobs now offer placements for people who can only work from home.

What are more, big companies give their employees permission to work from a home office for a couple of days per year?

Is it a good option though or how to make the most out of it? Let’s find out together!

It is probably a dream for a number of people to work from home.

Since our home is a safe place we feel most comfortable there.

No extra pressure, no annoying colleagues and rude bosses, no meters – long traffic.

Just us and our working materials – as simple as that.

But working from home can sometimes be tricky.

There is a higher chance to get distracted by your lovely pet, the meal you are cooking or the bed which is calling for you.

For this reason, we have decided to list a few tips that can boost your productivity while working from home.

Our top 10 tips for boosting your home office productivity

Here are our suggestions for you, people working from home, who struggle to do it as effectively:

Set up a working space

Assumingly, not a lot of you can turn a whole room of their house into an office.

This is not an excuse to sit on the couch in front of the TV though.

The kitchen table or the desk in your bedroom is much of a better choice.

Sitting there with your laptop and notebook will automatically mean to turn your working mode on.

It is important to feel comfortable as well – make sure to take the right position which won’t result in a hurting back or neck.
You should not think that you will never be out of the office if you have one at home.

On the contrary, having a specially designed working space in your house is going to be the best office you will ever work in.

Besides, just like the other one – you have a schedule and the moment you go out, you are absolutely free to do whatever.

Have a plan

As with most things, it is better to have things planned in advance.

You can list all of the tasks you want to accomplish during your working session the night before or in the morning.

Such notes will be quite helpful in not letting distractions walk you out of your way.

Simply check out every task you are done with and stay motivated!

Something else you should actually plan is for how long you are going to work.

People can stay focused on a single task for around 90 to 120 minutes.

Therefore it is a good idea to separate your working sessions in, let’s say, 5 of 90 to 120 minutes each.

Have a 15 to 20 minutes break between every session.

This way you will get the most out of your productivity.

productivity at work

Limit your social media access

Scrolling through social media is one of the easiest ways to distract yourself. In a bad way.

It literally takes seconds to unlock your phone and open Instagram.

But it can take you hours to close it down.

That is why it is advisable to set some limits to your social media usage while you are working.

You can either leave your phone in another room or if you need it, just try to use it on purpose.

Turning off notifications is a great step for yourself not to be distracted.

Allow yourself to check on the social media platforms only during your breaks or before you start working at all.

Do not procrastinate

One of the worst things you could do for your productivity.

Getting only half of your work done won’t get you anywhere.

It will turn into a vicious cycle you won’t be able to escape from.

Unless it is a case of emergency, just push yourself a little bit harder and do everything you have set up for today.

Go outside

Working all day can definitely be tiring.

It is a great idea to just go out for a walk if the weather is nice and clear your head.

You will surely feel relaxed and energized afterward, ready to smash all of the resting work.

Download Iris, a blue – light blocking software

Having software that blocks the blue light emitted from your device’s screen won’t tire your eyes as much and will protect them.

Iris is an amazing example of such software.

Iris comes with a few different modes which allow you to choose the best one for your activity.

What is more, using Iris will have a good impact on your sleep because your body’s internal clock won’t be messed up.

Let’s summarize – with Iris you will be more productive during your work sessions and will sleep better!

Tell your family and friends about your goals

By letting your loved ones know that you are going to be busy throughout the day you will more likely be interrupted every couple of minutes.

They will respect your wish to work effectively and will help you reach your goals for the day by letting you do your job peacefully.

And when you are done, you can unwind together by going out for dinner, watching your favorite show or however, you like to spend your time off.

Get (kind of) dressed

No, do not be scared – we do not mean to wear a suit or high heels at home!

But wearing jeans instead of pajamas can also get you in the mood for working.

This trick works on a psychological level. After all, who watches Netflix with their jeans on?

Start early

Just like you would if you worked in an office.

Get up, get dressed, prepare your breakfast and coffee and sit on your desk to get things done.

It may be hard at first, especially if you are not a morning person.

But you will definitely notice how much more productive you will be if you start working early in the day.

Of course, once you have turned this into a habit you will find it much easier.

Do not put too much pressure on yourself

Working wherever can be quite stressful.

If you work hard enough, you will get where you want to be.

This does not necessarily mean to be consumed by your job.

You should be able to know where to put the line between work and personal life.

When you are done working, try not to think much about it.

Instead, try to relax while doing the things you enjoy.

This way you will be full of energy the next day which will result in a good productivity level of your working session!

Bonus tips: eat well, pay attention to the quality of your sleep and be as active as possible. These are the top three priorities you should have in order to feel your best. If you have any special needs, consult with a medical professional.


Working from home can be both a blessing and a curse.

Some will find it easier than others and the reverse as well.

We hope that by making this list we have helped you even a tiny bit to arrange your working days at home better.

Just plan ahead, limit the distractions as much as possible and have regular breaks in order to clear your head. And of course, keep doing a great job!





Author: Ilina Stoyanova

The post 10 productivity tips for working from home appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Meditation for better sleep Tue, 24 Mar 2020 09:11:08 +0000 The popularity of meditation as a recommended component of a healthy lifestyle has been going only up in recent years. Yoga and Pilates have become two of the most popular varieties of exercise. However, a lot of people still think of Tibetan monks, sitting in the air when it comes both to meditation and yoga. Actually you do not have ... Read More

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The popularity of meditation as a recommended component of a healthy lifestyle has been going only up in recent years.

Yoga and Pilates have become two of the most popular varieties of exercise.

However, a lot of people still think of Tibetan monks, sitting in the air when it comes both to meditation and yoga.

Actually you do not have to possess superpowers in order to practice it. It is quick, calming and beneficial in a number of ways.

Find out more about the article!

What is meditation?

Meditation is practicing mindfulness by focusing the mind on a single emotion or activity.

People are doing it to raise awareness and help to achieve a mentally and emotionally calm state.

The earliest written records of this practice are dating back to 7th century CE.

Meditation often reduces stress, depression, and pain, as well as increasing peace and well – being.

Reasons for poor sleep

In a lot of previous articles, we have stressed on how important sleep is.

Yet, sleep deprivation becomes even more common among adults.

The results of a recent Gallup poll showed that 40% of Americans sleep less than 7 hours per night.

In 1942 adults slept for average 7, 9 hours while in 2013 they have dropped to 6, 8.

Many people know that our bodies function best when they get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep.

Here it is important to mention that you should not focus only on the numbers of hours, but rather on the quality of your sleep.

Later on, in the article we will be telling you how to improve it.

One of the main reasons for sleep deprivation is the technology and more precisely, the blue light emitted from the devices’ screens.

This kind of light interrupts our internal body clock since it is being naturally emitted from the Sun.

If you expose to it, your body confuses and it disturbs your circadian rhythms.

A study showed that the more devices you use throughout the day, the harder you will find falling asleep.

These results refer mostly to people who used a device for a long period of time and have put it near them after going to bed.

However, Iris can help you a lot in this case.

The software reduces the blue light emitted from your device’s screen.

It works in a few different modes and depends on the action you are performing.

It is very easy to work with, cheap and most important, worth every dollar you spend on it.

We guarantee that after you try it, you won’t want to use your device without Iris on anymore!

Another reason is that our thoughts hit us like a truck once we have become still.

There are finally no other distractions and they can bother us freely.

This can lead not only to having a hard time falling asleep but to insomnia as well.

We all know how irritating this can be. We feel tired but our minds just do not leave us be.

What is more, a restless night has a negative impact on our productivity the next day.

Introduction to meditation for better sleep

Practicing meditation in order to improve your sleeping patterns is just one of the ways to do it.

As described on headspace’s website meditation for better sleep is actually “a specific, guided experience that offers a natural sleep aid all on its own, allowing us to let go of the day (…) so that we can rest the mind while simultaneously resting the body.”.

Slower breathing is encouraged during the process, which makes you concentrate on this general task and eventually results in falling asleep easier.

You are no longer put under pressure because of your thoughts and you can gently relax.

Therefore it is crucial not to force sleep while meditating, but rather just unwind and let yourself go.

A study from 2012 proved that people who joined a 1 – year-long program, teaching them meditation and mindfulness awareness exercises had less insomnia, fatigue, and depression at the end.

These results are in comparison to another group of people, completing a 1 – year-long course teaching them how to improve their sleep.

The participants were 49 years of age or older and had a hard time falling asleep.

What meditation actually does, is using techniques that “evoke the relaxation response” as Dr. Herbert Benson, director emeritus of the Harvard-affiliated Benson-Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine, says.

The relaxation response eases depression, pain, and even high blood pressure.


There are 2 ways to do meditation for better sleep – either guided or not.

If you are new to the whole meditation thing it would probably be easier for you to go for the first option.

But again, try not to focus this much on the techniques and instructions and just breathe.

Lay down in your bed, close your eyes, take a number of deep breaths and feel your body relaxing.

This is the beginning of any session.

After that follow the instructions or your own way.

The guided meditation includes breathing exercises, mindful body scanning, visualization, gratitude, counting, silence.

Before starting the meditation you may be asked to briefly review your day – just spend a couple of seconds on every task you accomplished from the time you got up to the moment you got into bed.

It is a good way of starting to relax your body.

You should pay attention to other aspects of your life as well.

Such are diet, stress management, physical activity, and bedtime preparation.

Aim to eat a healthy and balanced diet, actively move on a daily basis and find your ways to destress.

By “bedtime preparation” is meant not to use a single device at least an hour before bed, arrange your sleeping environment so that it is dark and quiet, and once you have laid down, think of the practice you are about to do.


If you struggle with falling asleep or suffer from insomnia, meditation for better sleep is definitely a practice you should give a go.

It has been proven that it improves sleep and consequently, depression, pain, and fatigue as well.

Having a quality sleep immediately results in a better life overall since it gives you energy and motivation.

If you are a newbie, you can start with the guided meditations of the headspace app or any other you can find.

If you are already into it, you can challenge yourself by creating your own method of meditation and guiding yourself.

Whatever you choose, it will definitely help you be a better version of yourself.

Do not make it a short – term “New Year’s resolution” but a long-lasting New Year’s habit.

DISCLAIMER: This article is not sponsored by headspace.





Author: Ilina Stoyanova


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Healthy Eyes for Life Mon, 23 Mar 2020 11:14:29 +0000 We all know how important is to have healthy eyes in any case. But do we know how much they deserve and how we should treat them? Few people take some care of their eyesight. Whether every 3 months, they have a spare hour for an eye doctor. Using different procedures, the important thing is to work for them. All ... Read More

The post Healthy Eyes for Life appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


We all know how important is to have healthy eyes in any case.

But do we know how much they deserve and how we should treat them?

Few people take some care of their eyesight.

Whether every 3 months, they have a spare hour for an eye doctor.

Using different procedures, the important thing is to work for them.

All possible ways help your eyes as long as they are in the “Useful” column.

If you feel that you need to upgrade in every way possible to the health of your eyes.

Or you already know how to keep them safe, then go on down to find out what you shouldn’t do.

Impairment factors

It will be difficult to list all the obstacles to our sight.

But to start with a brief theory that will be useful for everyone, focused on practice.

Hygiene and care

First of all, we cannot but mention the most important of all the problems.

May everyone be familiar with personal hygiene.

Because lately, as we all know from the pandemic in early March.

We are affected by the so-called coronavirus.

And here it is important to mention that it gives in even when we touch our eyes.

Or other parts of the face, such as the nose and mouth.

It is important not to touch your face unless you have washed your hands with plenty of water and soap.

Different bacteria and more. They spread through mucosal contamination.

The eyes are a delicate area and are easily contaminated. This leads to several other eye infections that can affect the inside of the eye. So, observe your hygiene.

Wash your hands properly. Soap and scrub for 30-60 seconds in a circular motion.

Rinse them well and dry them well.

Blue light

Secondly, there is no way to mention blue light if we are talking about healthy eyes.

We cannot, without it, really need it, but we can limit it to a certain minimum.

In a digital age like ours, it’s normal to be exposed every day.

It may seem ridiculous, but the damage it causes to your eyesight is no fun.

Be competent in this. As we know, bright light also weakens our eyesight.

And this leads to different diseases.

The solution to the problem is you. Sunglasses, for example, also do a good job.

They protect the eyes from the inflammation.

Which the sun also contributes through its UV harmful rays.

Sleep deprivation

Sleep is extremely important.

Insomnia is often found in a fast-paced everyday life, like the one we are all subject to.

Pay attention! 30% of the global population has sleep problems.

Another 10% officially show signs of insomnia, the “National Sleep Foundation” tells us.

It’s not as small as it seems. It’s about a dream.

The most important care we often overlook.

Consider how many services we can avoid with just a few hours of sleep, plus a busy day.


The “University of Bristol” has researched.

That the wrong diet leads to some complications.

And not just by weight, but healthy from every angle.

For example, people with poor diets can damage their eyesight at a very young age.

I mean vision loss, blurry picture, affecting both eyes.

Improper nutrition leads to optic nerve dysfunction, or nutritionally called “Nutritional optic neuropathy.”

This condition is reversible if it is found in time, ie at an early stage.

And if you still think that eating healthy is due to starvation, you’re wrong.

Having healthy eyes means eating the right food in the right amount.

There is an extraordinary variety of foods that help our vision grow for the better.

The eyes need the right nutrients, such as vitamins, fiber, protein and more. Foods High in Omega 3, Vitamin E and A, as well as C.

Irritation, dryness, and redness of eyes

Often eye problems like these lead to more damage.

Pay attention to these symptoms if you already have them. Consult a doctor.

Such problems occur quite often, and some people consider it a completely normal thing.

Dry eyes can tell us about a disease to which we have some affinity.

Including red eyes and irritation can also be the key to more complications.

The symptoms that occur are often part of a variety of eye conditions.

Such as a dusty environment, a long stare at your computer or other digital devices.

Other causes are various allergies, unventilated room aids, lack of sleep and many more.

Consequently, pay close attention to your eyes and resort to the appropriate treatment.

Eyes for life

Create new conditions for your eyes in a busy everyday life.

The above topics and issues should be helpful. There is nothing more important than your health.

And we all know how difficult it can be sometimes, to quit important work and to rest for a minute.

But think about your eyesight. With a slight change in routine, you will notice the difference.

Eye exercises also help. Giving a few minutes a day saves you the tiredness in your eyes and keeps them moist.

Smoking and spirits harm both the body and the performance of the eyes.

I tell you if your work is connected to a computer.

And you spend a long time in front of your smartphone or other blue light-emitting devices.

You can buy computer glasses. They do a lot of useful work, protecting your eyes by “filtering” the blue light.

Makes the color softer (yellow or red).

Final words

I very much hope and will be glad if you continue with your good qualities.

Taking care of your hygiene, sleep, diet is the key to healthy eyes.

And about the knowledge that you have gained from this article, let me long for you. Health comes first, right?

Iris always tries to be as useful as possible to your eyes. We do not stop to develop and improve our product for you.

Because there is nothing more important than health. Which, anyway, has always been our priority.

This is how it should be. Iris is the software you need. For any display device, the dimer is perfectly suited.

Worried about going to Android? Of course!

For both Android and iOS, Windows, Linux, and other operating systems.

Eyes need more than one thank you. They are for life, so take care of them and their function to last a lifetime.



Author: Nikolay Tasev


The post Healthy Eyes for Life appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Food supplements: Do you really need them? Sun, 22 Mar 2020 11:59:14 +0000 The whole world is in panic, caused by the new coronavirus. Countries are under quarantine, shops are empty, people literally fight for a pack of toilet paper. In times like these, it is vital to stay both calm and safe. This includes rational thinking, not letting panic make us sick and taking care of our health. Please, stay at home ... Read More

The post Food supplements: Do you really need them? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


The whole world is in panic, caused by the new coronavirus.

Countries are under quarantine, shops are empty, people literally fight for a pack of toilet paper.

In times like these, it is vital to stay both calm and safe.

This includes rational thinking, not letting panic make us sick and taking care of our health.

Please, stay at home until the crisis is over – this way you will save yourself and your loved ones, which may be at higher risk!

Let’s fight against this disease together – we are so much stronger when we unite!

In this article, we will talk about food supplements, which have become even more popular since the coronavirus is taking over the world.

A lot of people buy stacks of multivitamins, vitamin C, iron, etc.

Some pharmacies do not have any left.

Do these supplements really work though and can they actually help us in a way?

We shall find out in a minute!

What are food supplements?

Food supplements are also known as dietary or nutritional supplements.

Their role is to provide nutrients we may not get in sufficient quantities.

Vitamins, minerals, amino and fatty acids, as well as other substances, in the form of pills, tablets, liquids, etc. are considered to be food supplements.

What is more, there are different doses and combinations on the market.

The European Union regulates nutritional supplements as foods.

There are specific requirements for the sources, used from companies that produce them.

Are food supplements necessary?

A survey has found that more than half of the American population takes one or more food supplements either every day or from time to time.

If they really need it, it is a completely different question.

Our bodies need a certain amount of each nutrient, which makes its overconsumption unnecessary and in some cases, dangerous.

Even natural substances, called “botanicals”, can have side effects if used excessively.

You can buy food supplements without a prescription.

Therefore it is quite easy to get them.

However, here are some things you should have in mind:

Supplements do not substitute a healthy and balanced diet.

A lot of people think they may compensate for their unhealthy way of eating by taking a few different vitamins and minerals.

In fact, nutrients in food may be processed differently (meaning better) by our bodies than those from supplements.

If you eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and protein may give you the whole range of nutrients you need daily.

However, people in certain groups may need to take food supplements in order to improve their condition.

Some examples include:

Women who are in childbearing age, pregnant or breastfeeding – they should aim for adequate quantities of iron, folate, and vitamin D.

People over the age of 50 – vitamin B12, vitamin D, and folate are very important for people as they age.

What is more, individuals who suffer from age-related macular degeneration may benefit from using a combination of vitamins C and E, zinc, copper, lutein and zeaxanthin.

Age-related macular degeneration can be slowed down by taking good care of your eyes.

You can start doing that by downloading Iris and reading our articles, reviewing this topic.

Iris is a blue – light blocking software with a few different modes you can choose from.

With Iris, you will be able to use your device even in the evening without having trouble falling asleep.

This is due to the fact that Iris blocks the blue light emitted from the screen.

You can download it from our website and read our articles on our blog.

Vegans – it is recommended that people who follow a vegan diet, take vitamins B12 and D because they can not be delivered from vegan food.

Food supplements may have side effects if used inappropriately.

Remember that the label “natural” on a product does not always mean “safe” or “healthy”.

More on the risks of taking a food supplement later on in the article!

Consider what is the daily recommended amount of any vitamin or mineral before using a supplement of it.

Find out if you can get or if you are getting enough of it from food.

If so, always go for this option.

Before deciding for any food supplement though, we advise you to consult with a medical professional.

Only a qualified specialist can prescribe you the right amount of any nutrient you may need.


Even though most food supplements do not have critical side effects, some of them may cause health issues.

Especially if you exceed the recommended daily dose.

Besides, it may not be advisable to take any nutritional supplements if you have certain conditions or take some medications.

For this reason, you have to read the labels on the vitamins you consider taking and figure out if they are suitable for you.

If you are about to undergo surgery, have in mind that some supplements may have an effect on the way you react to anesthesia.

  • an excessive amount of vitamin A may cause headaches, liver damage, reduced bone strength, and birth defects;
  • vitamins C and E may reduce the effect of some types of cancer chemotherapy;
  • St. John’s wort can reduce the effectiveness of some medications like antidepressants and heart medications for example;
  • the herbs comfrey and kava can be the reason for liver damage.


Food supplements have a high demand not only in times of pandemic but usually.

People who lead a stressful lifestyle or have an unhealthy diet think multivitamins can prevent future health issues.

The situation, however, is kind of different.

Whole food supplements may be needed sometimes, other cases totally exclude their use.

Therefore, as always, we advise you to seek professional medical help before buying a dietary supplement.

You may not need it and do yourself more bad than good, or you may need something else.

The essentials for a healthy lifestyle, both for the body and for the mind, are a balanced diet, everyday activity and the ability to manage stress.

Last but not least, please stay safe by staying home and be aware!

Do not panic but be aware of what is happening around the world.

Protect yourself and your loved ones, and if you need any medical help, call your doctor!

Believe and pray and everything will be fine!




Author: Ilina Stoyanova


The post Food supplements: Do you really need them? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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5 ways to be the best freelancer possible Sat, 21 Mar 2020 19:10:11 +0000 What “freelancer” means? Freelancer is a person who works independently and is not committed to a particular company. Freelancers work for different clients. Their work is often short-term. Usually, freelancers earn their salary per-job. They can be paid by the hour or by daily rates. Freelancers are often working in the creative industry. Examples of freelancing jobs are designers, writers, ... Read More

The post 5 ways to be the best freelancer possible appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


What “freelancer” means?

Freelancer is a person who works independently and is not committed to a particular company.

Freelancers work for different clients.

Their work is often short-term.

Usually, freelancers earn their salary per-job.

They can be paid by the hour or by daily rates.

Freelancers are often working in the creative industry.

Examples of freelancing jobs are designers, writers, photographers, web developers, etc.

Positives and Negatives of Freelancing Jobs

Freelancing has become extremely popular these days.

It offers various opportunities that traditional employing jobs don’t.

But there are two sides to every coin.


Working as a freelancer means that you are your boss.

You can create your working schedule – you decide what is most important and when to do it.

You don’t have someone to tell you what to do all the time.

There is no need to go to the office.

You can enjoy the comfort of your own home. This can save you both money and time.

No need to dress up or to pay for public transport.

If you still prefer to go out, there are a lot of quiet coffee shops.

When you become more successful, you will be able to choose the projects you want to work on.

You will have the freedom to do what you enjoy!

But have in mind that when you are starting, you can’t afford yourself to be way too picky.

As you keep developing, things will turn the other way around!


If you are not organized, motivated or self-disciplined, freelancing will most likely be hard for you.

Making your schedule sounds fun and easy until you have to do it.

You have to learn to prioritize your most important tasks.

But it can be difficult to do so when everything seems important.

You won’t have paid vacations or sick leave. There will be times when you will have to work during the holidays or when you feel under the weather.

Unfortunately, self-employment comes with less stability.

When you work by yourself there is a big chance that every month is different from the other.

One can be very prosperous and the next can be the exact opposite. Clients may be also hard to find sometimes.

Freelancers have to take responsibility for their taxes – incomes, outcomes, etc.

They don’t receive benefits and have to set money aside for their retirement fund.

5 ways to be the best freelancer possible

Put yourself out there

If you want to be a successful freelancer it is very important to be sociable!

You have to search for clients and offer them your work.

Tell everyone you know about your new job. Show that you are ready to take on projects.

Stay active online. Make a portfolio website.

Put every bit of information that can help attract clients. Attach pieces of your work.

The same rules apply to your social media accounts.

Update your website and your profile on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Meetup, Quora, Instagram.

Try to be active in the real world too.

Participate in events where you can meet people from your field.

Talk to them and exchange contacts and social media accounts.

Know your worth

You have to know how much to charge your clients. It must be fair to the quality of work you offer.

The hours you spent working also count. Think about how much your time costs.

If you can’t decide how much you should take, compare your prices to those your competition offers.

If your new freelancing business is close to what you have worked before, you can make a fee similar to the salary you have received.

Whatever you decide, you must stick to it. Do not accept lower-paid offers. You deserve the money!

Set boundaries

Freelancers often forget that they are humans too.

Work can be overwhelming and never-ending.

Therefore, it is important to make sure you take proper care of yourself. 

Define your working and your resting hours.

When a client wants something during your free time,  feel comfortable to say no.

People need to respect you and your rules. Everyone deserves their time off.  

Try to look after yourself. Working from home does not mean neglecting your health.

You still need to eat healthily, work out and go outside. 

Most freelancers work on their computers without letting their eyes rest.

This can lead to different diseases.

If you want to prevent them, you can download Iris software- a life-changing program.

Iris blocks the blue light which your screen emits.

It identifies if it’s day or night automatically.

Based on this, it changes your color temperature and brightness.

You can customize the program the way you want.

Choose from the different types (health, sleep, reading, etc) and modes (automatic, paused and manual) that Iris offers. Iris has a free version, so you can give it a go.


You should never stop improving.

The competition is big. There is always someone who will do anything to take your clients.

Never underrate what the others are capable of. We live in a very hectic environment.

Everything changes in the blink of an eye.

Surprise your clients. Show them that you can do more than they thought.

Of course, that does not mean to overdo yourself. Be ready to hustle and bustle.

There is always something you can do better. Renew your website and your social media content.

Make the product you offer the best one on the market.

Try to improve your communication skills since they are your main weapon.

You attract clients when you know what to say, how to say it and when.

Don’t waste a minute

As we already said, one of the most important things in freelancing is to make your schedule.

Try to be as productive as you can. You have to learn to limit distractions and use your time wisely.

Understand what you have to do first, what are the things that matter.

If you work from home, distractions may be endless.

For this reason, try to work in a coffee shop or to rent an office in a building.

For being more productive, you can download the software we’ve already mentioned.

Iris improves your sleep.

When you have a good night’s sleep, you will feel refreshed in the morning and ready to take on the world.

This will boost your productivity levels.


It is no surprise that freelancing has become so popular these days.

It offers flexibility and freedom. You can work in the comfort of your own house without rules.

But things are not that simple. Being a freelancer can be harder than a traditional job.

There are way more obligations and risks.

You will have to be extremely productive and ready to make a lot of sacrifices.

However, if you want to succeed in the freelancing world, you have to be determined and consistent.

Plan ahead, understand that there will be both rough and prosperous periods, be creative and don’t give up!

Everything is possible!





Author: Anna Tsaneva




The post 5 ways to be the best freelancer possible appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Types of headaches Fri, 13 Mar 2020 19:36:11 +0000 Having a headache can be a very unfortunate thing to happen to anybody throughout the day. Especially when one is at work, school or anywhere. Headaches can occur at any time, regardless of your plans for having a good time. But headaches are happening because of something and there is always a reason behind them. It could be something particular ... Read More

The post Types of headaches appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


Having a headache can be a very unfortunate thing to happen to anybody throughout the day.

Especially when one is at work, school or anywhere.

Headaches can occur at any time, regardless of your plans for having a good time.

But headaches are happening because of something and there is always a reason behind them.

It could be something particular that is happening around you at the moment.

Or something that has been building up for some time.

If you want to learn more about the types of headaches and the ways to treat them, stay until the end of this article.

Why headaches are bad?

Sometimes a certain type of headaches can be a sign of serious illnesses and you should be very careful when they happen.

If there are any speech, vision or balance problems due to headaches, then it would be best to visit a doctor.

Any other unusual events also have to be looked at with great caution.

Though these are very rare occasions and most of the headaches go away with painkiller pills.

And you can turn the bad side of a headache into something good.

Especially if the headache is caused by not so serious problems.

You could take it as a reminder to rethink your lifestyle.

You may be in need of more water intake, more sleep, or more exercise.

Now, take a look at the most usual types of headaches that you may come upon.

What is causing different types of headaches?

Hereditary problems

There are some headaches that are most likely to occur in the result of a hereditary condition.

Such an example is the migraines.

If your family is having migraine problems then your headaches have a big chance to be migraines, too.

You will feel a migraine only in one part of your head.

Also, there may be sensitivity to all kinds of outer aggravators like light, sounds, etc.

Usually, migraines have signs that predict their happening some minutes before.

And the very migraine can last from some hours to days in a row.


If you wonder what could cause migraines, the reasons are various.

It is most likely for migraines to occur as a result of stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, bad diets, and others.

The most common way for fighting migraines is with painkillers.

However, if you do not want to stuff yourself with chemistry, you can try some other cures.

Like to rest in a quiet dim place, with a pack of ice on your head.

Also, drink more water and have some good sleep.

Medicines and sinus infections

If you have been taking some kind of medicines or antibiotics there is a chance that your headache is in the result of them.

All medicines have side effects that can be read on the prescription note by the producer.

And most of them include headaches.

Also, if you are constantly having sinus problems and a stuffed nose, it is most likely to develop a headache problem, too.

These sicknesses have to be treated by a specialist, so do not try to deal with them by yourself.

Stress-related headaches

Stress and anxiety are triggers for many diseases. And most importantly for headaches.

Stress can be found everywhere every day.

From your morning routine till the time you get back home from work or school.

Dealing with everyday tasks and also meeting short deadlines is stressful.

Many people have got used to living on the go, but this affects the mental and later the physical health of a person.

This is why one should be always aware of their calmness and well being.

Try to find a way to reduce stress.

It could be by meditation, short breaks from work, by reading a book or doing sports.

There is no way to avoid everyday stress but there is a way to put it under control.

Unhealthy lifestyle

Another type of headaches is the one caused by an improper way of life.

If you want to be healthy and to have a lot of energy and motivation, then try living in a better way.

Always make sure that you are getting enough sleep and that you drink enough water.

Headaches can occur if you are consuming improper food like energy drinks and an excessive amount of coffee.

It is not good to drink more than 4 cups of coffee per day.

These kinds of drinks speed up your heart rate and play with your hormones and neurotransmitters.

productivity at work

All they do it to keep your body awake and functioning, but this in reality tires you without you noticing.

It is better to eat fruits and vegetables that naturally are going to give you energy.

Moreover, demobilization can bring you many headaches.

Both in the literal and metaphorical way.

Do not allow your body to stiffen from hours and hours sitting in one place without moving a finger.

Try to find some time for sports during the week.

Blue light and technology

It is no secret that technology can be just as bad as it is useful.

The blue light that comes out from every screen can damage your eyes, your sleep, and can lead to headaches.

It is advisable to reduce the blue light radiation in every possible way.

You can take breaks every 20 minutes; wear proper eyewear; or install a blue light filter.

There are many ways to keep your eyes safe from the blue light, which is going to prevent the appearance of headaches as well.

The best way to prevent most of the headaches

What would you think if we told you there is a very simple way to prevent most of the above-written types of headaches?

Probably you wouldn’t believe us, but truth to be told, such a resolution exists.

This is Iris – the blue light filter for PCs.


Iris is a program that you can install on your computer and start using it immediately.

It is going to convert the colors of your screen into eye-friendly tones.

And the blue light will be gone. Iris is good for many reasons.

It will keep your eyes completely safe from the screen and it is going to improve your sleep quality.

You will be more productive and motivated.

Plus, it can be used by anybody – from children to seniors.

The bottom line

Headaches are surely something irritating that nobody wants on their head.

If you are wondering why you may be having a headache, search in the way you live and the answer will be visible.

Always aim for a healthy lifestyle with a proper diet and a lot of exercising.





Author: Ilina Stoyanova


The post Types of headaches appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Breathwork Thu, 12 Mar 2020 17:41:23 +0000 – Breathwork is a practice for relaxation, stress relief and therapy, which uses different breathing exercises and techniques. Nowadays there are a lot of variations of breathwork. Each of them has a purpose, depending on the needs of the practitioner. However, breathwork, in general, is a powerful healing tool. Probably it is your first time coming across this alien called ... Read More

The post Breathwork appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


Breathwork is a practice for relaxation, stress relief and therapy, which uses different breathing exercises and techniques.

Nowadays there are a lot of variations of breathwork.

Each of them has a purpose, depending on the needs of the practitioner.

However, breathwork, in general, is a powerful healing tool.

Probably it is your first time coming across this alien called ‘breathwork’.

Do not worry – I am a newbie myself!

When I have first heard of it, I was actually wondering what that thing might be.

After reading a couple of articles on the matter, here I am excited to tell you more about it.

Hopefully, you will find it just as intriguing and will stick with me to learn the history, the basics, and tips for breathwork.

Ready? Let’s go!

Brief history

It is no surprise that using breathing techniques as a way of spiritual awakening, meditation and relaxation comes from Eastern practices like yoga.

The truth though is that most breathwork variations of today have developed during the 1960s and 1970s.

What is more, this practice continues to evolve and no end is to be seen in the near future.

On the contrary, even more, people are giving meditation and co a go in order to relax and free their minds.

3 most popular kinds of breathwork therapy

There is a variety of breathwork types.

However, all of them should benefit you in the same way.

Namely, heal emotional and mental traumas, boost immunity, increase self – awareness, improve relationships both with oneself and with others, overcome addictions, reduce stress levels.

Here are some of the most popular ones, used for therapy

Holotropic breathwork

This breathwork therapy was developed in the 1970s by Stanislav and Christina Grof.

They were psychiatrists who were interested in how therapeutic are the different states of consciousness.

The goal of holotropic breathwork is to bring your mind, body, and spirit into one.

Usually, holotropic breathwork is being practiced in groups and guided by a certified practitioner.

People are guided through breathing exercises and work in pairs which allows them to support each other.

Music plays. Each session ends with a discussion when participants describe what they have felt and learned.

Rebirthing breathwork

Also known as ‘conscious energy breathing’ (CEB), this breathwork was developed by Leonard Orr and relies on the claim that every one of us carries the trauma of their own birth.

Eventually, Orr ‘re – experienced’ his birth in his bathtub and felt so free, that he decided to help other people free themselves too.

That is the main goal -to release stored emotional or energy baggage you have been carrying since being a child.

Again, it is advisable to do this type of breathwork with a certified practitioner.

You will be asked to relax and breathe in a ‘conscious connected circular’ way.

The latter means that your breathing will be continuous without spaces in between.

Diving into deep relaxation, makes your brain release the subconscious tension.

Clarity breathwork

This technique was developed by Ashanna Solaris and Dana DeLong and it resembles the rebirthing breathwork.

Just like CEB, practicing clarity breathwork should release any kind of emotional or energy blockages.

At the beginning of every session, the participant is being asked about present worries and past experiences.

The certified practitioner is supposed to teach people how to breathe fully, which will allow them to free themselves from their traumas.

Risks and recommendations

As many benefits as breathwork might have, there are some risks as well.

It is recommended to consult with a professional before deciding for a breathwork session.

You should not participate in it if you have any of the following conditions:

-cardiovascular disease
-high blood pressure;
-breathing problems;
-recent injuries or surgery;
-vision issues;
-severe mental illnesses, panic attacks or psychosis;
-pregnancy or breastfeeding

Besides, there is a risk of hyperventilation because of the deep state of relaxation you fall into.

This means some people might feel uncomfortable sensations such as weakness, dizziness, muscle spasms, heart palpitations, clouded vision or even seizures.

Therefore you should be very careful and trust only qualified professionals to guide you during the procedure.

More tips

The best tip we can give you is to search for an organization that can be trusted.

This way you will be sure that you will get the best breathwork possible.

Something else we would like to stress on is to consult with your doctor before your first breathwork session.

It is important that you are sure it is safe for you.

After all, it will make you feel better, release any emotional or mental tension and not worsen your health.

This can be done by noticing how you are feeling during a breathwork session.

If there are sensations bothering you, discontinue the practice.


Apart from the main topic, we would like to give you a few more tips on releasing stress.

Exercise is probably the best way to unwind.

Find the movement which makes you happier and does not feel like a punishment.

Whether be it dancing, strength training, walking, biking – it does not matter!

Your body loves to be active!

Iris can be very helpful in stress relief as well.

We are constantly looking at a screen and our eyes tire.

This can cause a feeling of stress as well.

For this reason, we recommend Iris – our software blocks the blue light emitted from the screen of your device.

It comes with a few different regimes and you can choose one, depending on your needs.

Try it out and forget about the eye pain and the headaches!


Breathwork includes breathing techniques which should bring you relaxation and feeling of letting present or past trauma go.

Having roots in the ancient Eastern culture experiences its renaissance since the 1960s and 1970s.

The three main types of breathwork techniques today are holotropic breathwork, rebirthing breathwork, and clarity breathwork.

It is common that after the end of every session, participants share their experiences with each other.

However, you should be careful with breathwork.

There are risks if you suffer from cardiovascular disease, have a mental illness, vision issue or other health problems.

Always consult with a professional before taking part in any breathwork therapy.






Author: Ilina Stoyanova
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina

The post Breathwork appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How does melatonin work? Wed, 11 Mar 2020 20:13:10 +0000 You have probably heard of melatonin before but do you know what it is or what its function is? You are in the right place then! In this article, we will be telling you everything you need to know about melatonin and the way it works. Besides, we will also let you know if it is a good idea to ... Read More

The post How does melatonin work? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


You have probably heard of melatonin before but do you know what it is or what its function is?

You are in the right place then! In this article, we will be telling you everything you need to know about melatonin and the way it works.

Besides, we will also let you know if it is a good idea to take melatonin as a supplement and in which conditions it will be helpful.

Melatonin is a hormone that can be naturally found in the body.

It contains the pineal gland and it is located above the middle of the brain.

Melatonin is being produced by the suprachiasmatic nucleus and released into the blood.

However, you can find it in the eyes, the bone marrow, and the gut as well.

The hormone is also a medication, most often in the form of a pill.

The way melatonin works

Melatonin is also known as the “sleep hormone”.

The latter is due to the fact that melatonin is responsible for your sleeping pattern.

It works with your circadian rhythm which is your body’s internal clock.

Thanks to it, your body knows when it is time to wake up or fall asleep.

Melatonin starts being produced after sundown because of the darkness.

As melatonin levels become higher, you feel less alert.

This leads to sleepiness. Melatonin levels stay high for up to 12 hours – or all night long – until the light of the new day lowers them.

Precisely for this reason, people know melatonin as the “Dracula of hormones” – it gets more active in the dark. 

In fact, light suppresses melatonin production.

Therefore there is some advice you may want to follow in order to achieve a good night’s sleep. 

Such are:

  • lower the lights in the whole house two hours before bedtime;
  • stop using electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed – the blue light emitted from their screens confuses your circadian rhythm since it is naturally emitted by the Sun. If you have work to do, want to watch a movie or scroll a bit more, then you can download Iris. Save yourself a lot of trouble not only in terms of insomnia but also of future health problems. Iris is a software that blocks the blue light of the device’s screen. You can use it in a few different regimes, depending on your needs. Download it now and thank both yourself and us later;
  • listen to quiet music, read a book or relax in your own way.

Melatonin supplements

However, in recent years there is an increasing number of people suffering from insomnia.

Whether be it because of too much blue light exposure in the evening, depression, stress or something else, melatonin production suppresses.

Lack of melatonin can also have an impact on other conditions like jet lag, delayed sleep-wake phase disorder, anxiety before surgery.

In such cases, you can take melatonin as a medicine.

It is advisable to take 0,5 to 3 mg doses for 1 to 4 weeks.

If you want to ease jet lag, you can start taking melatonin a week before your trip.

After you arrive at your new destination, simply stay awake until it is your usual bedtime according to the new time zone.

Getting some natural sunlight can also be helpful.

It has been proven by a couple of studies that melatonin helps a lot with improving jet lag.

If you have difficulty falling asleep but need to wake up early, take melatonin 30 minutes before going to bed.

Going to bed earlier can be possible by taking a pill 2 hours before your desired bedtime.

If you fall asleep early and wake up quite early as well, you can take the supplement in the morning.

In these cases, you have to take the lowest possible dosage of 0,5 to 2 mg.

Taking melatonin can have a positive impact on a few different conditions.

Researchers have found that melatonin is very useful in preventing eye diseases like age-related macular degeneration for example.

You can treat stomach ulcers and heartburn with melatonin.

Tinnitus and seasonal depression are two other conditions that melatonin can help you with.

What is more, melatonin can increase the growth hormone levels in men.

You should not take melatonin if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have an autoimmune disorder, a seizure disorder or depression.

People with diabetes and high blood pressure should be careful with melatonin supplements as well.

Even if you are a completely healthy individual have in mind that some mild side effects may occur.

Such are headache, dizziness, nausea.

Of course, before going for this option, you should consider it with a professional.

He or she will recommend you the right kind of therapy for your problem, without putting your health at risk!


Melatonin is a hormone naturally found in the body.

It controls our sleeping pattern because it works together with the circadian rhythm.

Melatonin production starts after sundown and lasts until the next day.

This way our bodies know it is time to relax and sleep.

If you want to optimize your melatonin production, it is advisable to dim all the lights at home 1 to 2 hours before bedtime, as well as to set all electronic devices aside.

However, if you have a condition that needs medication, you can try taking melatonin as a supplement.

The recommended dosage is 0,5 to 3 mg for 1 to 4 weeks.





Author: Ilina Stoyanova
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina


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Еyes burning after work Wed, 26 Feb 2020 21:07:43 +0000 Why are my eyes burning? A common question these days, having in mind that people spent most of there time in front of the PC. Many people suffer from burning eyes at the end of the day. And they often wake up with burning eyes, too. The burning eyes are accompanied by itching and redness. Sometimes there could be vision ... Read More

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eye strain hurt end of working day screen time monitor blue light filter eye protection

Why are my eyes burning? A common question these days, having in mind that people spent most of there time in front of the PC.

Many people suffer from burning eyes at the end of the day.

And they often wake up with burning eyes, too.

The burning eyes are accompanied by itching and redness.

Sometimes there could be vision problems, too.

Like blurred vision, difficulty with focusing, or blank dots.

What you are going to read in this article is about the reasons that stay behind the burning eyes.

Also, some methods that can cure them without the need for a medic.

What causes eye-burning?

The irritation can be caused by a variety of reasons.

Like working in a dusty place, having poor tear fluid production, or having an allergy.

Usually, if your job requires you to stay at a place that has smoke, dust or small particles from any material you must wear protective goggles.

If your boss doesn’t supply you with a pair, then buy one yourself.

It is of great importance to protecting your eyes from such threats.

And not only in the workplace.

Also, if you are suffering from poor tear fluids production or allergies, you should visit a doctor.

Or buy teardrops. If your eyes are lacking tears they are going to get dry and easily hurt.

Thus, when you blink your eyelid is going to scratch the surface of your eyes which is called the sclera.

The sclera’s role is to protect the organs in the eyeballs, but only in the presence of tears that moisturize it.

And allergies can occur at any time of the year.

It could be because of pollens, mold, or your pet.

Carefully look for what is making your eyes hurt, or go and test yourself for having any allergies.

Another very decent motivator of burning eyes is the blue light.

And to be honest, most of the cases of burning eyes are not caused by allergies or dust but are happening exactly because of blue light radiation.

And if you are working all day long on a computer it is most likely that this is the reason behind your bloodshot eyes.

The blue light that is emitted from the screen is dangerous for your eyes’ overall health.

It leads to insomnia and many eye problems.

Methods to cure burning eyes

The 20-20-20 rule

One of the most efficient methods for curing and preventing burning eyes is the 20-20-20 rule.

This rule is perfect for people who sit all day and stare at a monitor.

Plus, it is very easy to follow.

All it takes is to look at objects that are at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes.

When you do that, you are going to flex up your eyes’ muscles.

And changing focus between closeby and far objects will keep your vision sharp.

Eye exercises

If you need a more complex way to strengthen your eyes and improve your vision, you can do eye exercises.

They can be done at home, at work, on the bus… particularly everywhere!

The easiest of them is blinking.

Blinking is a natural remedy for eye problems.

It is healthy for keeping the eyes well moisturized.

Remember to blink while you use a computer.

It is a wide known fact that people forget to blink while using devices with LCD screens such as smartphones, tablets, and others.

Also, you can stop your work and look away from the screen for a minute or two in which you can blink more frequently.

You can also try to write your name in the air.

Just trace it out with your eyes.

Or look from side to side slowly.

The basics of all eye exercises include moving your eyes.

So, whatever exercises you come up with they will be good enough for keeping your eyes healthy.

Computer glasses

If you want to prevent the blue light from reaching your eyes, you can buy special computer glasses.

They can filter part of the blue light emission from your computer and are designed with a special film that turns the cold colors into warmer ones.

Such as yellow, red, orange, and brown.

Such glasses are not recommended for people who work with colors, though.

Like designers and artists.

You can buy such glasses in every optics store where you can consult with a specialist about your needs.

They are going to ask you at what length you will be reading and how much intensity of the film you want.

If you are already wearing diopter glasses do not worry.

Because computer glasses also come with diopters.

Although, if you do not want to spend so much money on glasses, that can be inconvenient and sometimes inefficient, you can install a blue light filter.

Iris – a blue light filter for PCs

Iris is an installable program that is going to improve drastically your lifestyle.

It is the right tool to make your eyes healthy and receive a good sleeping schedule.

Iris can be installed on all of your devices and is going to protect you fully from the blue light.

You will be able to choose from various filter modes like gaming, coding, reading, watching movies, and biohacking.

There are a lot more of course.

Iris is suitable for all ages and can be used by anyone.

The program is especially useful to students, programmers, and office workers.

For anybody that spends a lot of time on their computer or phone.

Last words

Forget about the headaches at the end of the day and the puffy eyes that itch like forever.

If you are following the new trend with biohacking you won’t regret it if you take care of your eyes, too.

Iris is another way to hack your life without doing even the least of your efforts!

Take the lead for your own life and be forever healthy!




Author: Yoana Borisova
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina

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Headache from the computer Mon, 24 Feb 2020 19:52:00 +0000 Most people nowadays suffer from computer headache regardless of the work they are doing. Even if your job does not require a computer, there is a big chance that you still use it for long periods. It is a well-known fact that computers may be dangerous in some cases. People who spend too much time in front of the screen ... Read More

The post Headache from the computer appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


Most people nowadays suffer from computer headache regardless of the work they are doing.

Even if your job does not require a computer, there is a big chance that you still use it for long periods.

It is a well-known fact that computers may be dangerous in some cases.

People who spend too much time in front of the screen often suffer from different diseases.

One of the most common includes eye vision problems and headaches.

In this article, we are going to see what are the reasons for a headache caused by a computer.

And how you can fix that problem!

Computer vision syndrome

What is CVS?

Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is the most likely cause of a headache.

It is also referred to as a Digital Eye Strain.

According to the American Optometric Association, CVS is, “a group of eye and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader, and cell phone use.”


The most common symptoms include headache, blurred vision, eye strain, dry eyes, neck and shoulder pain.

You can feel them all or you can feel only one!

Whatever it is the case, it’s important to heal to work and live healthily and fully!


The syndrome can appear for a variety of reasons.

Most of them are listed below.

They should be all taken under attention!

  • Starring too much at the screen

Whatever you do, you need to keep track of how much time you spend in front of the monitor.

  • Poor seating posture

Staying hunched over or leaning over your computer screen can be the case for your headache.

  • Improper viewing distance

When you glue your nose to the monitor, your eyes get red and dry and your vision gets blurry.

Almost every eye problem lead to a problem with your head.

  • Bad lightning

Working in a bright environment can seriously trigger your computer-related headache.

Unfortunately, lightning in many offices is bad.

There are sun-filled windows on every wall, fluorescent lights, and desk lamps.

In combination with the brightness from the screen, they can lead to serious problems.

  • Uncorrected vision problems

One of the main reasons behind computer-related headaches (or any headaches actually!) can be uncorrected vision problems.

Think about visiting your doctor because you may be in a need of a (new) pair of glasses!

How to heal headaches from

Now you know what the reasons behind your computer-related headache are.

The more important question you are asking yourself is: “How do I fix that problem?”

The tips below should be the answer!

  • Relocate your computer

It is important to position your computer in the right way.

First, make sure no bright lights are coming directly behind your screen.

If you can’t adjust the angle, close the window blinds or turn off the lights behind the screen.

Second, the monitor should be in front of you.

Meaning, you should not position it on the side because you will be twisting your head and neck.

Third, make sure that the screen is at an arm’s length away.

The best position for it is to be slightly below eye level, about 20-28 inches away from your face!

  • Reorganize your desk

Even if you work on a computer, there is a big chance that you still work with documents too.

Moving your gaze all the time from the screen to the paper can be harmful to the eyes.

You can buy a stand and put the documents on it.

This way they will be on the computer’s height and you won’t have to look down and up while you type!

  • Clean the monitor frequently

If you have a lot of dust on the screen, this can make your eyes work harder.

Try wiping your monitor with special cleaning cloths at least once a week.

  • Go to an eye doctor (regularly)

If you have eye problems and you work on a computer it is a must to go to the eye doctor for a check every few months!

If you don’t have any vision problems, you can still go once in a while to make sure everything is alright!

  • Fix your posture

Try to keep your neck and spine neutral and your shoulders relaxed.

Keep your back as close as possible to the backrest of the chair.

Keep both your feet flat on the floor.

Don’t sit with your legs crossed – this restricts the blood flow.

Don’t lean on any side. When you type, keep your hands lower than the elbows.

Be gentle with your wrists and don’t twist them.

If you ever consider using a keyboard palm rest, be sure you are not typing!

Otherwise, your wrist will be turning side to side.

Make sure there is a proper distance between the monitor and your eyes!

  • Take breaks

No matter the work you have to finish, it is important to look after yourself and your health.

One of the ways you can do that is to take quick breaks every 30 minutes.

Use them efficiently. Get up and do a few basic stretches.

For example, touching your toes. Walk around the room.

Drink a few sips of water (never forget how important is to stay hydrated!).

Eat a nourishing snack.

If you want to rest your eyes you can do a few easy eye exercises.

One of the best for working in front of a computer is the 20-20-20 rule.

Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus your eyes on something that is 20 feet away!

  • Reduce blue light and brightness

Your screen emits blue light which can be harsh on your eyes.

Very often she is the reason behind your headache.

If you want to protect your eyes and head from it you can install a blue light blocking program like Iris!

Iris changes color temperature and brightness after detects if it’s day or night.

This way the light on your screen won’t be that harmful.

Iris also has a break reminder, which is very useful for busy people who forget to rest!

You can choose between different models and types, which makes the program even more accessible!


Computers are one of the best inventions ever made.

They have been helping and improving the world ever since their creation.

However, sometimes they can be dangerous for health.

One of the most common computer-related health problems is headaches.

People with regular headaches often are less productive, moody and depressed.

Thankfully, this problem has a solution.

to incorporate the tips if you experience headaches daily.

They will help you improve your overall health.

Without the pain in your head, you will be able to keep conquering the world!

Start taking care of yourself now!



Author: Anna Tsaneva
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina




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Smartphones are Toxic Wed, 19 Feb 2020 08:43:22 +0000 The post Smartphones are Toxic appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

The post Smartphones are Toxic appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Here’s what the world needs now Tue, 18 Feb 2020 17:34:13 +0000 Ever wondered, “What am I contributing to this world or contributing enough?” It would be difficult to answer such questions if we were to criticize ourselves. But you are far from the answer. And when they stand out again, like a Facebook message in your head, remember where you went and where you went. Well, we’re not going to talk ... Read More

The post Here’s what the world needs now appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


Ever wondered, “What am I contributing to this world or contributing enough?”

It would be difficult to answer such questions if we were to criticize ourselves.

But you are far from the answer.

And when they stand out again, like a Facebook message in your head, remember where you went and where you went.

Well, we’re not going to talk about making millions of dollars in this article.

But be careful if you want to know what’s coming.

I inspire you to convince yourself, so don’t think it over and grab life by the horns and go ahead.

To fall does not mean to give up

Yes, there must be falls for success.

But no one human has succeeded so much, has not snapped with a finger and his wishes have come true.

And there is no shortcut to success. It won’t be as interesting as the Sunday morning breakfast show.

It probably won’t be and like surfing the internet …

Don’t waste your time.

Did you know that if you are 20 years old, you have about 2860 weeks to say goodbye to your life?

It seems pretty short, don’t you think?

Nobody can stop it yet. And as you wait for something to happen, your chances slip out from under your feet.

Imagine living in a domino where you have to invest one tile every day.

It is possible that everything falls at one point and you have to start over … But is this not a new chance?

A good example would be if I mentioned Colonel Harland David Sanders.

Whose chicken recipe has been rejected more than once, but 1,099 times.

Thinking of a franchise well known to anyone at KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken).

He was only 40 years old, offering up and down his recipe.

To its full potential, it went through the bloody World War II. Creating one of the largest franchises to date around the world. 

What will make your dreams come true?

I’ll be honest.

If you want to fulfill your dreams, then you must fight for them.

You probably haven’t stopped for something specific or do a lot of things?

And yet you do not know what to do to fully meet your goals.

And maybe there is already something to show the world?

Congratulations then!

Business is a tool that you have to make yourself.

Let’s start with a few introductory rules.

Small steps, but of great importance

The important thing first is to know where you are headed. Start with a few small but important steps like:

  • What am I best at?
  • What do I like to do?
  • Do I have the right skills?
  • How much money will I need?
  • What lifestyle do I want to live in?

Be extremely honest with yourself and your answers too. Because you will only fool yourself.

Unleash your potential for something new

You need to think about the world, the market and even you need.  Although for your own satisfaction.

Prove yourself. This is how you build a small and positive part of humanity.  Don’t be bored and annoying.

There are thousands of people hoping their product will be successful.

  • Think about what will change the business landscape?
  • Make a change.
  • Apply your skills to an entirely new field.
  • Use innovative approaches (faster, better, cheaper).

Nothing can stand in your way if you are yourself. Equality has grown too much.

Be as creative as possible and most of all, have confidence in your inner voice.

“Don’t compare yourself with other people; compare yourself with who you were yesterday. “
Jordan Peterson


Life priorities are so important.

Do not break them and do not be afraid to leave your ungrateful work for the moment.

Try new things, new jobs. Change your daily routine if necessary.

  • Set your goals first.
  • Think in perspective.
  • Think about your health.
  • Don’t be black-eyed, be realistic.

productivity at work

Learn from everything-every-day

Knowledge is your most useful tool nowadays.

Do not let laziness conquer you.

Knowledge is an inexhaustible source.

Do not indulge in stubbornness.

This will only prevent you from learning something new and useful for your goals.

Let others comment so you have more information on what to focus on.

Ask and they will answer you.

Read and build your perspective.

Trust in Iris

The Iris team will give you an exceptional experience with your smart device.

Wherever you are, whatever screen you do your job. Suitable software for any screen.

The reinforced smart barrier that builds Iris in front of your eyes, keeping you out of the blue light.

Convenient and calm, innovative solution. How exactly would Iris help you?

Iris is a software product that makes your daily life easier.

Developed by professionals who care for you.

This is Dimmer for the Blue Light. As we all know, blue light is emitted from any digital device (TVs, lamps, computers, phones, or even the sun).


Iris provides you with many modes, of which you can decide which one is best for you when you are standing on the screen.

There will be no need to worry about your sleep in the evening or the difficult mornings.

Thousands of users around the world have chosen Iris as their helper, and you?

A few closing words

As I mentioned in the beginning, this article will not make you millions.

But believe me, it will come true for some of your dreams, of course, if you take care of them at least a little.

You need to put in the time and effort, effort and nerves every day to succeed.

Step by step and look at it, you finally realize what you have achieved.

Iris is your little helper who supports and encourages you to achieve your goals.

You are what the world needs right now!



Author: Nikolai Tasev
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina



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Computer science jobs: pros and cons Mon, 17 Feb 2020 08:35:39 +0000 Computer science is one of the reasons for the world to develope at full speed nowadays. And one of the main reasons for that is technology. Technology is everywhere around us. It is almost impossible to imagine the world without it. As technologies evolve, so do the professions associated with them. It is a well-known fact that with time some ... Read More

The post Computer science jobs: pros and cons appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


Computer science is one of the reasons for the world to develope at full speed nowadays. And one of the main reasons for that is technology.

Technology is everywhere around us. It is almost impossible to imagine the world without it.

As technologies evolve, so do the professions associated with them.

It is a well-known fact that with time some professions will disappear because of the development of technology.

For example, travel agents; cashiers; librarians; pilots.

More and more people are trying to find a job in the field of technology. In particular, in the field of computer science.

The question is “Is it a good idea to work a computer-related job?”.

Like everything else in the world, working a job like this is having pros and cons. If you want to understand is that the profession for you, keep reading!

Types of computer science jobs

There are a lot of computer-related professions. Many people think that they are all the same.

That is not true. Below you can read about some of the professions that require computer skills:

  • Software Developers

    They are creating software programs that allow people to do different tasks on electronic devices. Usually, their job requires a lot of creativity.

  • Computer Hardware Engineers

    They are researching, designing, developing and testing computer components

  • Web Developers

    They create the technical structure for websites.

  • Information Security Analysts

    They are creating systems to protect information networks and websites from cyberattacks.

This list it’s supposed to show you that working with a computer doesn’t mean only typing on a keyboard.

There is a wide variety of activities in this field.

Of course, not all computer-related professions are on the list!

Now that you know a little bit more about computer science jobs, it’s time to talk about the pros and cons they have.

Why choose a computer science profession?
5 pros of computer science jobs

You love technology, science, and maths.

You may think that this is a big enough reason to start your career in the computer industry.

A job like this has many more advantages than you think.

If you want to make sure that this is your dream, you can check the list of the advantages below:

High salary

People with a computer science job earn high salaries.

Computer science degrees became very popular among students.

The payment is the reason behind it. Money should not be the only reason to choose a career!

Above everything else, you should make sure that you love what you do!

Endless possibilities

There is almost no branch that doesn’t need an IT specialist.

Computers are everywhere around us.

Think about it! Almost every industry offers some kind of online service.

For example, banks, magazines, travel agencies, healthcare.

Career opportunities

The technology sector is constantly growing.

There is always something new that is happening. Numerous things are not developed yet.

There is always a field for improvement. With that being said, you will hardly ever get bored!

Flexible hours

Most IT specialists don’t work from 9 am to 5 pm.

They still go to the office for a big amount of time but not for a defined time.

They often make their working schedule. This allows them to work from home!

Bettering the world

It is not uncommon to hear people complaining about how much technologies have ruined our life.

Yet, people don’t think about where the world would be now without them.

One of the sectors they have made a big impact on is healthcare!

Medicine is advancing so rapidly because of the development of technology!

Why not choose a computer science job?
5 cons of computer science jobs

The field of computers may look very tempting after we talked about its benefits.

However, you should never forget that a coin has two sides!

For this reason, we are going to examine the disadvantages a computing profession may have:


Regardless of your specialization in the tech field, you will be working under a lot of pressure.

There is always something to bring about!

There are always people who want things to happen faster!

You will have а large amount of obligations.

You will find yourself in situations where you will have to find the solution to a problem that may not be related to you.

Long hours

When it comes to a computing career there is one thing you cannot escape from.

Meaning, the long hours you will have to dedicate to your work.

Flexible hours doesn’t mean less work.

You should be ready to hustle and bustle if you want to succeed!


You will have to deal with a lot of people who will expect you to fix what they have done with their computers.

From weird pop-up ads to the chocolate cream on the keyboard that suddenly appeared!

When people do stupid things like that they prefer not to say what happened.

Therefore, partly you will be working as a detective.

Staying educated

The IT sector is constantly changing and evolving.

The new information gets outdated very fast.

Trying to keep up with all of the constant changes can be hard since you will have never-ending work.

Knowing what is going on is one of your duties if you want to be the best.

Health problems

One of the main problems that IT specialists are dealing with is their health.

The eyes are the ones that suffer the most.

The reason behind it is hiding in the blue light that screens emit.

Blue light can lead to age-related macular degeneration and other vision-related problems.

Therefore, one of the best things to invest in is a program that is going to protect your eyes from the harmful screen irradiation.

The perfect program for that is Iris software.

Iris reduces the brightness of the screen which can help with eye strain, dry eyes, and headaches.


It may be really hard to succeed in the IT field.

Technology is going to evolve throughout the years. It is the course of the future.

If you know that this is the path you want to take, you shouldn’t be scared!

Although it may have its disadvantages it is still one of the best fields to work in.

It is creative and challenging, logical and fun.

If you, on the other hand, have realized that this is not what you want to do with your life, that is fine.

There are tons of other professions that you can try.

The most important part is to love what you do and to never stop bettering yourself!




Author: Anna Tsaneva
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina




The post Computer science jobs: pros and cons appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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5 ways to get rid of blurred vision Thu, 30 Jan 2020 09:33:15 +0000 Blurred vision and blurriness are what cause the eyes to have problems focusing on objects and for the eyesight to be unclear and far from sharp. It can be provoked in only one or both eyes and it may concern close or far eyesight. It is quite a common problem amongst people who complain of eye problems. The treatment of ... Read More

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Blurred vision and blurriness are what cause the eyes to have problems focusing on objects and for the eyesight to be unclear and far from sharp.

It can be provoked in only one or both eyes and it may concern close or far eyesight.

It is quite a common problem amongst people who complain of eye problems.

The treatment of blurred vision may be dependent on what has caused it.

And there are many possible reasons for blurred vision.

It can be because of an injury, stress, vision loss, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

However, one of the most usual reasons is the blue light from computers and smartphones.

In this article, we are going to suggest five ways to get rid of the blurred vision at home.

Note that these treatments are mainly for blurred vision caused by technology and its blue light impact on human health.

But some of them might be as well working on other kinds of blurred vision triggers.

How can blue light affect the health of my eyes?

All technologies have LCD screens that emit blue light.

And this type of light by nature is highly energized because of its place in the light spectrum.

It can easily reach to the core of our eyes.

There is the retina and if it gets damaged once, it cannot be reversed.

There is blue light in the light that the sun gives us but in little quantity.

And there is also blue light in LED lamps, which are practically everywhere around us.

This is why it is difficult to avoid. But it is not unachievable.

Apart from eye blurriness, blue light can cause a lot of other eye problems.


Like red eyes, dry eyes, macular degeneration, headaches, lack of sleep, and even vision loss.

This is why it is not good to acquaintance young children with technology because their eyes will get damaged more easily.

And in the end, they will have to put on glasses for life.

To be thankful, there are some methods that can preserve yours and your children’s eyes from blue light, blurred vision, and other eye problems.

If you do not neglect the symptoms and take action on time, you can keep your eyes healthy with these five methods.

5 Ways to get rid of blurred vision

Use Computer Glasses

Computer glasses are specially designed to keep your eyes safe from the blue light that the displays radiate.

These spectacles are made with a coating that blocks a certain amount of blue rays before they reach your eyes.

And when looked thought, the glasses make the screen look yellow or red, depending on the intensity of the glasses’ filter.

But getting them is not easy.

First, it would be good to consult with a specialist.

Secondly, you have to know for sure the length from which you are going to look at the screen so that the lenses are constructed the right way.

Anyway, once you have the computer glasses and start using them, you will feel relief after a short period.

They are a good investment for your eyes’ health.

Rest Well And Do Eye Exercises

Getting a good rest is essential not only for your energy through the day but for your eyes.

When you sleep your body uses the opportunity to heal and recharge.

Plus, this is the only time when you do not use your eyes and they can rest.

Therefore sleep is important for your eyes’ health, too.

And while awake, if you start to feel any stiffness in your eyes you can try to relieve it with eye exercises.

Not only will eye exercises keep your eyes well moistured, but they will help you to stay focused.

And moisturizing your eyes is important because if your eyes are dry, you can scratch their surface.

This would lead to more problems and will need medical treatment.

Avoid anxiety and stress

It is proven that anxiety and stress have an impact on the health of your eyes.

You can try meditation and antistress activities.

Mental health is essential for the overall wellbeing of a human.

This is why one must avoid stressful situations and keep his mind clear.

Don’t smoke

Smoking is proven to be harmful not only to your lungs but to the whole body.

It leads to diseases and even lung cancer.

And apart from your lungs, the eyes are the other organ that gets a lot of damage.

And smokers are way more prone to getting cataracts, which is a disease that totally blindfolds the pupil.

One can also suffer from macular degeneration, uveitis, dry eyes, and diabetic problems because of smoking.

Use a blue light filter for PC

Iris is a blue light filter for PC and all other kinds of devices that keep the blue light away of the screen.

Iris is an installable program that immediately is going to filter the pixels on your screen to eye-friendly colors.

The filters of Iris differ depending on the intensity the user desires.

And this program is suitable for all ages – from students to grandparents.

For everybody who uses computers!

With a blue light filter like Iris, you are going to notice the effect in a very short time.

It prevents sore eyes, red eyes, and dry eyes.

In the long run, you will be protected by macular degeneration and sleep problems.

It is especially useful for the long-time device using.

Iris is a great alternative to computer glasses and even it is a lot better than them.

You can choose between reading mode, movie mode, programming mode, biohacking mode, working mode and so on.

Last words

Blurriness can be caused by many triggers, but one of the biggest of them is what we cannot live without.

And this is computers.

We use computers every day but that is dangerous to our health.

This is why we have to take care of that and protect our eyes without saying goodbye to technology.

And with Iris, you won’t be even thinking about eye care for it takes little time to set up and has no expiry period.



Author: Yoana Borisova
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina



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How to reduce stress at work? Mon, 27 Jan 2020 09:57:44 +0000 Do you come back home tired and squeezed out at the end of the day…could it be stress at work? Are you usually annoyed at work? Is your sleep a bad experience? This is all because of the stress caused by your job. Stress at the workplace can have both good and bad impact on your performance. It depends on ... Read More

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Do you come back home tired and squeezed out at the end of the day…could it be stress at work?

Are you usually annoyed at work? Is your sleep a bad experience? This is all because of the stress caused by your job.

Stress at the workplace can have both good and bad impact on your performance.

It depends on the levels of stress you have.

If there is some little amount of stress it has a great possibility to inspire you to do better.

For example, an acceptable level of stress is when there is a certain project among colleagues.

And they compete who is going to it better.

And this kind of stress could inspire you and give you fresh ideas to move forward.

However, if stress is really making you feel uncomfortable and stops you from doing your job, then it will affect your health.

And you must find a way to reduce it.

Why is stress bad for you?

An extra amount of stress could affect your mental and physical health.

It can be caused by strict deadlines or a lot of difficult workloads on your head. Or both at the same time.

Tight deadlines are leading to hastening and not paying attention to important details.

Which often leads to work that isn’t done right.

Also, if there is pressure in the relationship between you and your colleagues, this adds up to the overall stress.

Try to be kind to the people you work with. After all, you are spending the whole day with them.

Make the working atmosphere friendly and nice.

Stress at work and stress, in general, can lead mainly to mental problems like anxiety, sleeping problems, and headaches.

Usually, one leads to the other.

The first sign of being in a lot of stress is the lack of good sleep.

Another sign is to have problems with concentration and memorizing simple things.

We can help you to beat the stress in the office with some simple life hacks.

How to reduce stress at work? Here are 9 simple ways!

Be organized

The first rule of being productive is to be organized.

That way you will manage your tasks on time and will feel delighted that you made it before the deadline.

There is not going to be any stress about unfinished projects at all.

You could take a simple sheet of paper and prioritize everything that has to be done.

One tip is to start with the most difficult task, then move on to the simpler ones.

Do not multitask

This could be a big reason for stress at work.

Taking a lot of projects is not one of the best decisions you could make.

And multitasking is not always considered as something good.

This is because when you multitask the chance of forgetting something major is not small.

The best way is to take up to two or three projects, so your work goes smoothly.

Exercise and do sports

We know that it is difficult to go to fitness or to do anything else while working takes such a big part of your life.

But finding time for some exercising, even once per week, is going to reduce your stress levels drastically.

Sports are proven to have a beneficial impact on our health. Both physical and mental.

Yet, if you do not have time for spots even once per week, do not lose hope!

Instead of losing your time to check on your social media during the lunch break, you could go for a walk.

Even a simple walk could help you to charge some new powers and clear your mind.

Plus that it is going to relieve your stiff muscles of all that sitting during the whole day.

Listen to music

If you love music, then why not listen to your favorite songs while you work?

Make a playlist with the songs that motivate you and take a pair of headphones.

Motivation is healthy for people who work the whole day because it keeps them focused.

And this is going to help you to be more productive.

You could also talk with your colleagues and make a collective playlist together.

Get speakers in the office and let your jam inspires you.

Spend some time for yourself

Spending time with yourself, doing things that you love is a great way of releasing stress.

Find some time that will be planned especially for this purpose.

You could read a book, go out with friends, visit a theatre play, cook something delicious or watch that series you have been looking forward to for some time.

Stay away from conflicts

Conflicts are always a reason for long-lasting stress.

Always try to avoid being in conflict. neither with colleagues nor with family.

Try to see their point of view and be kind.

Speak calmly and find a solution to the problem.

Still, do not bury your interests and desires. Just find a consensus.

Take a night of good 8-hour sleep

Sleep is essential for being proactive and healthy.

Do not work till late, because the blue light from the display is both dangerous for your eyes and leads to insomnia.

If you have to get up early on the next day, go to bead some hours before the usual time you do it.

Napping is also considered to be healthy.

A good 20-minute nap can recharge you with new powers for work.

Take care of your eyes

The wellbeing of your eyes and your sleep are connected.

Even more, your eye’s health is essential for doing your work properly.

If you have red eyes, blurred vision, or dry eyes, it would be impossible to be productive.

Blue light can lead to many eye diseases and even to vision loss.

So, try to minimize the impact of the blue light from your monitor.

You can do that with special computer glasses, or with a blue light filter for PC.

Iris is a blue light filter for PC that can be installed easily on your computer, smartphone or tablet.

It is doing the same job as computer glasses, even better.

This blue light filter blocks the blue light from your display and you can set the levels of intensity.

It depends on what feels comfortable to you.

Another super perk of Iris is the break reminder.

In order to feel good, your eyes need a rest from the screen on every forty minutes or so.

You can set Iris to remind you of a chosen period of time to stop your work and look at far objects for several minutes.

Talk it out

Another way to reduce the stress from work is to directly speak with your employer about what you find stressful.

It could be the noise in your office, the conditions you work in, and the workload you are given.

Last Words

These are some simple ways to minimize the levels of stress in your life and become a healthier person.

After some days of practicing them, you are going to feel way better and grateful for your job and life.

Do not let stress ruin the way you live and the things you love.


Author: Yoana Borisova
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina



The post How to reduce stress at work? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Computers: Helping Or Destroying Humans Mon, 20 Jan 2020 12:28:53 +0000 With computers and technology’s conquest over the Earth, we cannot ask the question: is all of this helping us or is it destroying us? Humanity has always been trying to outdo itself, to do something better than the day before. This is how we ended up in such a prospering world with so many modern technologies. We can even speak ... Read More

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With computers and technology’s conquest over the Earth, we cannot ask the question: is all of this helping us or is it destroying us?

Humanity has always been trying to outdo itself, to do something better than the day before.

This is how we ended up in such a prospering world with so many modern technologies.

We can even speak of A.I. (artificial intelligence) nowadays!

Something that hasn’t even been invented some decades ago.

We have gadgets that turn on/off the lights when we tell them to.

That is definitely helpful at certain moments.

Still, why should there be such A.I.s for a task as little as turning on/off the lamps?

Little by little the robots are taking over.

And with the technology’s takeover, is there any humanity left?

Or are we already becoming one with the robots?

Without a doubt, the computer has become a part of the life of humans with the idea to help.

At first for executing small calculations until, today, they almost rule the world.

Nobody can imagine a world without computers and the new generations are born with smartphones in their hands.

Why computers help us?

Computers make life easier.

They do many tasks instead of us and can operate with a lot of data at the same time.

They have no problems with calculating big numbers and complex equations.

Computers are improving economics and connect various people around the globe.

Many important things depend on computers nowadays. Like online banking, for example.

Almost all people make their living by sitting in front of a computer monitor.

And computers allow working from home, too, which lowers the number of commuters.

You can work for a company that is in another country from the comfort of your home.

Compared to the last century, people nowadays have so many options to grow.

And let’s not forget that some machines and robots can replace people in their workplaces, which lowers the probability of injuries and mistakes.

Computers help for creating one huge online community and keep people together.

You can check out the latest news within some clicks.

And social media is a new way of living where anything is possible.

You can explore and see the world through the Internet.

Plus, there are limitless resources for free education online.

Many universities have a free-to-reach base with educational material for anybody.

And language learning has never been easier!

And relationships from distance just became a bit more endurable with instant messages and face chats.

You can make friends from all over the world and meet new people that like the same things you do.

Moreover, computers are ecological.

More and more archives are transferred to online store clouds.

This means that there is less and less paperwork.

And if a document in on a computer, there is a small chance of it to be lost or damaged.

Now you can pay your bills online, without the need to wait in queues.

But doesn’t it all sound too fast to you? Are we ready for this?

Why computers destroy humanity?

The more humans get used to computers doing their work, the more robotized they will become.

There are tiny robots that can control all the functions in your modern house.

You can get back home and have the rooms already warmed up and your television going.

Yes, this saves some time and time is precious.

But it doesn’t save the person inside you and makes you learn up to rely on computers.

But that is not all. Can a computer take over art and creativity?

Can computers create and invent stuff on their own?

Well, modern artificial intelligence robots are going that way.

There is software that writes movie scripts and another that invents music.

They are not perfect, but it is a prove that soon robots will learn to do everything that humans can.

And aren’t these abilities only human traits?

To be creative, to make art, to draw, to be imaginative… Think about this!

Health issues caused by computers

It is no surprise that computers have a bad influence on your health.

They immobilize people and this leads to obesity and movement problems.

But most of all, computers harm humans’ eyes.

Still, there isn’t a computer that doesn’t emit blue light which is deeply ruining your eyesight.

The blue light ‘s specifications allow it to reach deep into the eyeball and hurt the retina.

Excessive amounts of blue light radiation can cause diseases like:

Fortunately, there are some methods you can use to lower the impact that the blue light has on your eyes.

You can cut down the time you use your computer or phone, buy computer glasses, or install a blue light filter for PC.

Iris is a blue light filter for PC that can be installed easily on your computer.

It filters the blue light on your screen so that it is becoming more eye-friendly.

Iris reduces stress and helps with insomnia, so you won’t feel like a zombie anymore.

Can there be a balance?

Of course, there is a benefit from the computers, but also you can benefit from the real meaningful life.

Computers help a lot of disabled people and A.I. can save lives.

This is why we cannot turn our backs on computers, but we can learn how to be people again.

We can try to live out our lives and forget for some time about likes, reactions, and followers.

The world is out there and is waiting for us to explore it.

Go out and make a conversation instead of chatting all day or watching videos.

Go to a camping night with friends and listen to some music from a good old radio.

Find time to spend with real people, not with pixels.

There is no need to be harsh about computers, but we should find a balance between real life and life online.

Author: Yoana Borisova
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina


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8 Ways To Protect Your Eyesight Thu, 16 Jan 2020 13:05:51 +0000 Do you feel that every day you spend in front of your computer in the office your eyesight is diminishing, so you need to protect your eyesight? Today, the most common reason why people are putting on glasses worldwide is exactly because of the technologies. More and more young children put on glasses because of video games and smartphones. And ... Read More

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Do you feel that every day you spend in front of your computer in the office your eyesight is diminishing, so you need to protect your eyesight?

Today, the most common reason why people are putting on glasses worldwide is exactly because of the technologies.

More and more young children put on glasses because of video games and smartphones.

And with adults, the overlooking of minor signs that your eyes suffer might lead to serious diseases and vision damage.

Computers and smartphones cannot be put aside and be forgotten in the days we live in, but you could do your best to cut their impact on your health.

In this article, we are going to show you eight simple ways to protect your eyesight and keep your eyes healthy.

What is damaging your eyes?

  • Blue light

You can come across blue light when you look into every kind of display.

Except for the e-ink displays, which work with a different kind of technology.

Your computer, smartphone, tablet, and TV all emit blue light.

blue light computer screen filter eye protection iris software

Blue light is dangerous to human eyes because of its high energy levels.

Being highly energized, the blue light is able to reach deeper in the eye, damaging the retina.

This kind of approach may lead to diseases like macular degeneration, which ends up with blindness.

Moreover, the blue light not only will bring damage to your retina but will damage the tear fluid production.

This could lead to dry and red eyes. Having dry eyes hides the risk of scratching the gentle surface of the eye while you blink.

  • Strong light

Both natural and artificial strong lights could damage your eyes.

The human eyes are able to perceive almost all kinds of light from the light spectrum.

And some of these rays lead to more or less damage, depending on the quantity.

This is why wearing sunglasses when the sun is very bright or the snow is reflecting its rays it is good for you to put on a pair of sunglasses.

Artificial lighting is more difficult to cope with. Just like technologies emit blue light, LED lamps to do so, too.

This is why we recommend dimming the lights in your home sometime before going to bed.

Because when our eyes gather a great amount of light this makes the sensors of our natural body clock think that it is daytime.

Which would lead to difficulties with falling asleep?

  • Immobilization of the eye muscles

Do you know that you can immobilize your eyes?

There are a bunch of important muscles around the eye sockets and the eyeballs.

They consist of six extraocular muscles that move the eyeball. Plus the ones around your eyebrows and above the cheekbones.

The immobilization of these muscles occurs when you spend too much time looking in one spot.

Like when you are reading or staring on the screen of your computer.

  • Dryness

Having dry eyes is another case that could damage your eyes and vision.

As we noted some lines ago when you are having dry eyes, there is a possibility of scratching the surface of the eye.

These are only the most common reasons that may cause eye discomfort.

There are others like working in a dusty room without protective eyewear; wearing the wrong diopter; using the wrong medicine; etc.

Now, let’s see how you could prevent your eyes from having problems.

Eight ways to protect your eyesight

1. Eat healthy

The human body cannot produce vitamins and essential minerals by itself.

Thus we have to supply our organism with healthy food for increasing our immune system and overall wellbeing.

For protect your eyesight, you must eat food like fish, nuts, citruses, and green leafy plants and vegetables.

2. Do sports

Sports like archery, for example, exercise your eyesight. Archery gives you the option to look further than your keyboard.

But not only archery is good for your eyesight. Every kind of sport is appropriate for your health and eyes.

While doing sports we tune-up all our muscles and mental condition. There are not any blue light displays.

3. Doing eye exercises

Although, if your daily life has no time for doing sports, you could keep your eyes ‘fit’ by doing eye exercises.

This kind of exercise helps the eyes to stay well moisturized.

When we blink or look from side to side, the eyelids spread the tear fluids all over the eye’s surface.

4. Do not smoke

It is widely known that smoking harms every single organ in your body. This includes your eyes.

In the long run, smoking could lead to cataracts. This is a disease that leads to blindness.

Smoking can also make an impact on one’s central vision, causing blind spots.

5. Get enough sleep

While we sleep our eyes rest and recharge. This is why a good amount of sleep is appreciative of your eyes’ overall health.

If you lack sleep, you will notice how your eyes get red, with stressed blood vessels.

And blinking will feel like looking through the sand.

Apart from aiding the eyes, getting enough sleep will help you to stay fresh and full of energy throughout the day.

6. Reduce device using

Since devices are one of the main reasons for having sore eyes, why not consider to put them aside for some hours?

Think of a regime of your own to lock away your phone and computer for some time during the day.

Or spend a whole day on a digital diet. Let your eyes and brain rest from the overwhelmedness of the Internet.

During the time you do not use any technology, spend it on working over yourself or go out with friends.

Go for a walk, play with your pet, read a book… Anything that makes you happy!

7. Wearing protective eyewear

Sunglasses are not invented just for fashion. They protect the eyes of the strong natural rays that could damage the eyes.

But apart from that kind of eyewear, there are computer glasses.

They protect you from most of the blue light that your computer radiates.

These glasses are specially made for working with a computer. They may or may not have a diopter, depending on your needs.

They ‘filter’ the blue light and make the display seem a little yellow or red.

8. Iris

If you do not want to risk it with expensive glasses, there is an easier option. Iris is a blue light filter program for PCs and smartphones.

You can install this program on your device and it is going to block the blue light that it emits.

Iris is a software compatible with Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS.

Iris has many convenient options that you can personalize.

Like choosing the strength of the filter and how much to block the blue light. Iris also provides a break reminder.

You can set it up to remind you, for example, to take a rest every hour from the screen for several minutes.

This blue light filter is convenient because it doesn’t stop you from doing your job or watching your movie.

But meanwhile, it protects your eyes.

Last words

You can protect your eyesight with these eight simple steps by making them a habit of yours.

After some time you are going to notice how much better you feel and what a burden it is to have strained eyes.

Iris is a great way to kick off your eye care routine!

It doesn’t take much time to set it up and once you do it, you are going to forget that you have it. But your eyes are going to be grateful.

Author: Yoana Borisova

Publisher: Tanya Atanasova

Read more:

Work out for your eyes

7 ways technology is changing the healthcare industry

14 tips to make your monitor healthier for your eyes

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E-books vs books Mon, 13 Jan 2020 09:59:56 +0000 E-books or books? Books are the first reason why humanity created computers in the first place. The history of the book is long and colorful. It does not start with the first-ever printed book by the Gutenberg Press around the 15th century as many people think. The history of the book is dating 5000 years back from today to the ... Read More

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E-books or books?

Books are the first reason why humanity created computers in the first place.

The history of the book is long and colorful.

It does not start with the first-ever printed book by the Gutenberg Press around the 15th century as many people think.

The history of the book is dating 5000 years back from today to the first book artifact to be ever found in Egypt.

Also, again in Egyptian lands, it has been discovered to have been the first-ever library.

It was filled with thousands of papyrus scrolls, containers of knowledge.

The book as a paper block has suffered many transformations since its first creation that many years ago.

And many scientists from all over the world without a stop dig in the archives to find more and more facts.

Today’s books are enjoying an ergonomic shape and are coming in a variety of formats.

There are paper books, audiobooks, and e-books.

And there is the neverending question.

Which is better – books or e-books?


E-books are all over the Internet nowadays.

You can find free e-books and special platforms that are specially made only for reading.

There are way more e-books than paper books, due to the fact that everybody can write an e-book.

Available for every kind of device

E-books can be read on every kind of device.

You can read online or download them on your computer, phone, and tablet.

E-books come in different file types like Mobi, epub, and PDF.

It is very important to be sure that your device can read such formats.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to open the e-book.

Ultra personalizable

E-books can be personalized upon the reader’s wishes.

You could set up the font and the size of the letters, the orientation of the page, the color of the background, and others.

Also, it is easy to put bookmark and sometimes there is an option to highlight a quote.

With some apps, you can see all the quotes that you have highlighted from different books in one place.

A variety of genres

E-books are way more variable than paper books.

There are all types of e-books.

From the usual genres like fantasy, romance, and fiction to handbooks, how-to guides, cookbooks and many more.

Extra content

Sometimes you can find a free book for just subscribing to an email newsletter campaign.

Or for sharing a post.

Also, a lot of authors have their own sites where they often publish extra online content to their books.

Easy to store

An e-book file cannot take more than several megabytes on your device.

This is why one can store a whole library of hundreds of books in his pocket!

There isn’t any struggle with thinking about whether you have to take a second book with you.

Because if you finish the one you are currently reading you won’t have what to do on the way home.

All you have to do with e-books is to scroll down and pick a title.


With e-books, the publisher doesn’t pay for paper and printing.

So the money that would usually go for that is deducted.

Which makes the e-book cheaper than the paperback.

And there is a big chance to find titles for as little as 3$ on big e-book platforms.

Indie authors that are self-published also stream their books cheaper than usual.

But wouldn’t e-books hurt my eyes? Not with Iris

If you do not have an e-book reading device that has an e-ink display, then you are probably reading e-books on your phone, tablet or computer.

And after some time of reading, your eyes hurt a lot.

This is because of the blue light that this type of display emits.

It is harmful to our eyes and can lead to serious problems.

But there is a way to read without pain and headaches.


Iris is a blue light filter that you can install on all your devices.

It is going to transform your display to a warmer tone of the light.

Like red, yellow or orange.

And this way it is going to help you to read your favorite books without any problems.

The set up is very easy.

And there is a special ‘reading’ mode in the settings menu of this program, which is perfect for e-books!

And now to move on to the paper books.

Paper books

Despite the modern technologies, traditional books will never disappear.

More and more books are printed internationally every year and there are readers that stay loyal to the traditions.

And even though the e-book is very useful and easy-to-handle, paper books have just as many advantages.

A good feeling

One good-smelling paper book can please all the senses of a reader.

It is just a pleasure to touch the surface of the paper and to turn the page, which has that specific sound.

And if the book is designed professionally with a beautiful font and a stunning cover it can literally take you away to some other place.

For collectors

Paper book lovers like to have as many books as possible.

A good-stacked library is a pleasure to look at and it somehow fills your home with comfort.

And as the saying goes: “A home without books is like a body without a soul”.

Signed copies

You cannot get a signed copy of a digital book.

And having a signed book is something that can only make you happy.

It is like a special message from the creator of the story that you liked that much.


Paper books may collect memories from generations!

If you go to a library and start scouting you can find notes between the pages, poems, doodles, and so on.

Plus, highlighting quotes can be fun by using colorful markers or colorful stickers.


If there weren’t paper books, there wouldn’t be events like Book Cons and Book Fairs.

At these events, you can meet with people who liked the same books as you did.

You will be amongst friends! And usually, at big events, there are guest authors.

And readers can ask them questions personally or take a picture with them.

Which is better after all: e-books or books

What both books and e-books have in common is not only the text of the novel.

An e-book file can have all the attributes that the physical copy has.

There is a cover, there is a dedication, there are contents and even page counting.

Both are readable and equally enjoyable. Still, can we say which one is a better option?

To be honest, there is no right answer here.

Everybody has different preferences and books are books, nevermind in what shape.

If e-books are more convenient for you, then go ahead and take the advantages.

Both are readable and equally enjoyable. Still, can we say which one is a better option?

To be honest, there is no right answer here.

Everybody has different preferences and books are books, nevermind in what shape.

If e-books are more convenient for you, then go ahead and take the advantages.

But if you are a traditionalist, do not be ashamed of carrying several books at a time in your bag.

Both e-books and books have their pros and cons.

And if you wish you can combine them by reading e-books when you are on the go.

And reading paper books when you are at home and can curl up with a nice cup of tea and chocolate.

Author: Yoana Borisova
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina


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I can’t sleep – what can I do? Wed, 08 Jan 2020 09:33:27 +0000 Getting enough sleep is crucial to one’s health. And the constant lack of it not only will it affect your productivity, but is going to form a variety of possible diseases. If you do not get the sleep your body needs, the effectiveness of your immune system is going to decrease. This is because while we sleep, our body heals ... Read More

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Getting enough sleep is crucial to one’s health.

And the constant lack of it not only will it affect your productivity, but is going to form a variety of possible diseases.

If you do not get the sleep your body needs, the effectiveness of your immune system is going to decrease.

This is because while we sleep, our body heals and recharges.

It manages processes that while awake it doesn’t.

And if you deprive your organism of all this, you will be prone to getting sick more easily.

The constant lack of sleep leads to troubles with thinking and concentration; memory issues; heart problems; risk of diabetes; and raises the risk of cancer.

In this article, we are going to tell you several reasons why you might be having sleepless nights. Then we will show you the easiest way to solve your sleeping problems.

Why I can’t sleep?


Usually, our job is the main reason why we are lacking essential sleep.

We get up early and tire ourselves with stress and the never-ending workload during the day.

Then we drag ourselves home and all we think of is our comfortable and warm bed.

Yet, when we lie down, sleep is more than hard to come by.

This is because our brain is busy with the day’s problems and dramas. It keeps itself wide awake instead of relaxing and falling asleep.

This condition is widely known as insomnia.

Many people suffer from insomnia worldwide because of stress.

Sleep is dependent mainly on the way one lives.

Living a healthy life is not only down to eating healthy food but also taking care of your mental health, too.

Instead of overthinking your tough day, try to meditate, clear your mind of all the problems, and leave them outside your bedroom.

Before you go to bed forget all about the stressful things in your life.

These may be school, work, family, finances, et cetera.

Prepare your mind for sleep and you will be surprised how easy it will come.

Uncomfortable bedding

Another reason why you might be having problems with falling asleep is the uncomfortable bedding.

Your body will not be able to relax properly if it cannot find peace.

Arrange or change completely the place you sleep in.

Choose a comfortable mattress, some calming colors for the tapestry, and a nice scent that you like.

Reading a book or writing the way your day went down in a notebook are also great ways to calm your mind.

Bad lightning

If there is any kind of a light source, you must turn it off or take it away to another room.

Our bodies are having a natural clock that is led by the amount of light that it gets exposed to.

If there is any kind of light in the room we sleep, then our brain will start thinking that it is daytime.

This is why all kinds of electronics and artificial lightning are bad for human wellbeing.

They most of all destruct our eyes and later on, our way of life, depriving us of our natural habits.

This is why TVs, smartphones, and working late on your computer are sleep’s biggest enemies.

Blue light

All electronic devices that have a liquid-crystal display (LCD) emit blue light.

These are all the smartphones, tablets, computers and monitors.

The human eye can see a blue light in comparison to other types of light.

It is on the cold part of the light spectrum.

This means that it has short wavelengths and that it is highly energized.

Every kind of light that has high energy levels can get deeper into the eyeball.

This leads to greater irreversible damage.

Blue light is responsible for the disease called “macular degeneration”.

This is a disease that will lead to constant blurred vision and vision loss.


What has a blue light to do with the lack of sleep?

Blue light, were it from its natural source – the sun – or from your laptop, is reducing the production of melatonin in your body.

Melatonin is the hormone that your body produces when it is dark, so you get tired and can go to sleep more easily. But blue light prevents this.

How to deal with blue light?

There are several ways to deal with the impact of the blue light from your devices.

You could put a regime and turn your computer off two hours before going to bed.

The same implies to your phone or tablet, too.

However, if you cannot put aside your devices and have important work to do, there is another way to get the affection of blue light to the lowest level possible.

You could install a blue light filter for your PC and phone.

What are blue light filters?

A blue light filter is a program that you can install on your device.

It is going to put a filter on the display that is going to block out the blue light.

Thus, it will make the display more eye-friendly and less damaging to your vision.

So far, Iris is the best blue light filter.

Iris has many possibilities, like choosing at what rate to block the blue light.

Or at what intervals Iris to remind you to take a break.

During the break, you could look at faraway objects and ‘‘stretch’ the muscles of your eyes.

You must not worry that Iris will interfere with what are you doing.

The program operates as a background task.

It will only remind for its presence when it is time for your short break. (if you have enabled this option)

Iris works on both Windows, Android, and iOS devices.

Last words

Sometimes you can solve a problem with as little as installing an app on your computer.

Perhaps the reason why you are counting sheep every night is because of that you work till midnight on your computer.

Or scroll through your social media feed.

With Iris, there is no need to deprive yourself of all that.

You will be able to do whatever you want until whenever you desire without bad consequences for your eyes.

Author: Yoana Borisova
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina





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11 Tips for higher productivity. Mon, 06 Jan 2020 09:47:08 +0000 Productivity is not a talent that only the chosen ones have. Have you ever felt that you could do better, but never put yourself into it?  Productivity is achievable with not so great efforts and simple habits. Productivity is what helps us to do more in work and in our lives. It makes us feel of use to the world. ... Read More

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Productivity is not a talent that only the chosen ones have. Have you ever felt that you could do better, but never put yourself into it? 

Productivity is achievable with not so great efforts and simple habits.

Productivity is what helps us to do more in work and in our lives.

It makes us feel of use to the world.

Therefore every person tries to be as much productive as possible.

Yet, not everybody manages to do so.

This is why in this article we are going to show you some easy tips for better productivity that you could muster.

How to be productive?

The life hacks we thought of in this article are a piece of cake to start doing.

We will start with the most important and go through to the essential ones.

Here, take a look at these 11 tips 

Motivate yourself

First of all what motivates you?

For sure it is something from these: music; doing sports; watching movies; spending time with your family; coffee or something else?

Then do it in the morning before you even start your day!

Without motivation, nobody could do anything in the best way he/she is capable of.

Also, every day think that you will do better than the day before.

Try to outdo yourself!

Also, prepare your favorite music on a playlist to listen during the day for a dose of extra motivation. 

Use planners

Planners and bullet journals are the easiest way to remember what you have to do and what you have already done. 

Journals are also a great way to track your progress in a specific field. 

If you take notes every day, you can easily go back and see how you have been doing by the tasks that you have or haven’t done. 

Everybody could make his own planner in which to write down to-dos. 

All that is needed is a simple notebook and a pen.

Notebooks are very useful, for they do not need charging like smartphones.

And best of all – they are portable.

Plus, writing something down by hand is scientifically proven to be aiding for better memory.

Bullet journals are something fancier than a simple planner. 

They can have different sections for daily, monthly and yearly scheduling. 

A bullet journal may have many tracker pages.

For instance, about the books that you have read; the movies you have watched; the last time you did a full-house cleaning; etc.

Starting with something as simple as a notebook and a pen promises you to remember all the tasks you have to do. 

And making a reality check with a real pen is very delightful. 

Choose adequate deadlines

People are not robots.

We cannot take many chores and do them for several days.

So one has to cautiously manage his deadlines and the jobs he/she takes up to do. 

The best way to finish your job before the deadline is to monitor how much it takes you to do something for the first time and to remember that. 

That way when you come up with the same job again, it won’t bother you with the time it takes. 

Order tasks by priority

We know that you want to be a multitasker and do as much as possible.

But productivity isn’t about that, it is about quality, not quantity. 

And some things are more important than others.

Order them by priority in your planner or bullet journal and leave the others for another day or when you have more time. 

Take a rest

If you are feeling tired, do not force yourself.

Staying sharp all the time is not healthy.

Stop and take the rest you deserve for your hard work. 

Award yourself for the job you did.

You could take a day off and spend time with friends or to simply chill at home doing something you like. 

Reading books is a great way to rest and at the same time to be productive. 

Use some help

If you are struggling to do something, do not bother to dig into it forever. 

Try to find somebody who could help you and ask him kindly. 

Asking for help is not something to be ashamed of and it will help you to go along with your tasks faster. 

Decline unnecessary goings out

Going out with friends is pleasurable, but not at all times. 

When you have work to do and upcoming deadlines, better to learn how to say ‘no’. 

It would be best to leave time for such meetings in your planner and plan them sometime earlier.

That way the organizations would be better. 

Start with the hardest task

When you have a bunch of tasks to do, do the hardest one before all. 

That way you are going to concentrate mainly on it.

Otherwise, while doing the minor tasks you will constantly think about the hardest at the end. 

It may take some time to finish it, but once you do it, the others will feel like a piece of cake.

This tip is not necessary for all cases, but do it where it is applicable. 

Forget about your social media

Social media like Facebook or Instagram take a great deal of our precious time.

These apps are enemies to productivity. 

Unless your job is to manage the social media profiles of a firm, then try to cut the time you spend there.

Usually, we scroll endlessly through meaningless feed just for fun.

And after hours we still haven’t done anything productive. 

Of course, social media connect us with our friends and relatives. 

But the best way to be in connection with the world and still manage your chores is to put a regime to all social media you use.

There is time for everything if your life is well planned. 

Find time for sport

Sport is not only is going to motivate you, but it will give you energy. 

There is no difference what sport you will do, it could be yoga; running; fitness; dancing or just anything!

Being active has many advantages.

 It keeps you fit, strong and proactive.

But most of all it makes you healthy. 

Be healthy

Health is fundamental to productivity.

Make sure you do everything that is up to you to be healthy because if you are sick productivity is unthinkable.

And one of the most essential things to look after is your eyes.

Almost everybody works in front of a computer and usually for long hours.

There is the threat of the computer display to damage our eyes with its blue light radiations.

What blue light could provoke is red or dry eyes, headaches, and even vision damage.

What we suggest you are to install Iris – the blue light filter for PC, Android, and iOS.

Iris is a software that filters the blue light from your device’s display just like any professional computer glasses would do.

The program operates in the background of the computer’s tasks, so it wouldn’t stop you from doing your work and being productive.

 Iris has many options for you to personalize it for your exact needs. 

A great plus is also that Iris has a break reminder that will launch only when it is time for you to stop for several minutes and rest your eyes from the screen. 

Last words

To become productive is achievable.

You only have to find the best ways that work for you and here we gave you some tips to start with.

Motivation is what moves you throughout the day and health is what keeps you fresh and energetic.

Take care of both and everything else is going to come with ease! 

Author: Yoana Borisova
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina










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Another sleepless night? Mon, 16 Dec 2019 10:50:09 +0000 What is a sleepless night? Does your day seem indifferent and edgy? And with each passing day, your body graces unacceptable … The tasks of the day are more than endless, and you miss the bed at home. And while you haven’t had a sweet night’s sleep in almost a month, now is the time. Relax first, and I’ll show ... Read More

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What is a sleepless night? Does your day seem indifferent and edgy?

And with each passing day, your body graces unacceptable … The tasks of the day are more than endless, and you miss the bed at home.

And while you haven’t had a sweet night’s sleep in almost a month, now is the time. Relax first, and I’ll show you how to handle it.


Look at yourself to understand

Sometimes, inside you are the things that go wrong with your rest.

You got it right!

The habits that each person on this planet builds, predispose to various problems.

In a dynamic environment like ours, the long nights often haunt us.

Tiredness, little energy in the daytime, your mood often changes.

Daytime, the ability to work declines.

If this becomes a prolonged problem, then you are in danger.

For all, another sleepless night can be an individual obstacle.

If you love a simple drink like coffee in large doses can make you stay up all night.

Your health or emotional state is more sophisticated.

So you have a chance to change sleepless nights in extra cases.

To get out of your wrong routines and endless nights, you need some changes.

Follow the steps before looting

Figure out what you’re doing within the morning and what you’re doing in bedtime.

Many problems with alternative causes of ar being side.

You and your dream night may rely on your mood for pressure or alternative issues like that.

Your day’s rhythm, your body’s wellbeing, is vital. Grasp all the causes of dream disorder you will have.

It is also caused by reasons for an emotional or less quality manner.

For many days or not much. That night disturbance in some cases and can lasts longer intervals. 

You have a chance for Chronic Sleepless if you don’t listen to what your body calls to you in such cases.

It is often associated with a major mentally or detriment.

According to the “American Sleep Association statistics”.

“50-70 million Americans have issues with the dream. 37.9% report involuntary falling asleep least once in the previous month. 4.7% report falling asleep whereas driving at least once. Sleeplessness is the commonest specific condition, with records of short-term issues. And for adults and chronic insomnia 10%.”



Emotional reasons

There are a lot of similar psychic signs.

Others allow for nervousness, sadness, uncertainty.

I can add Anger together here.

Remember the last time you felt angry and it broke you for a little while.

After him and anxiety.

Causes such as suffering and bipolarity justified like others.

Medical reasons

For example, breathing difficulties.

Parkinson’s, kidney problems and frequent pain.

They are also common causes of this “beautiful” sleep disorder.

Drugs along with other problems are also perpetrators in the mind and body.

Several prescription medicines mess with sleep, too.

Mood stabilizers, drugs that stimulate you and a lot of.

A prescription from the doctor available for use medications for respiratory illness.

Pills for weight loss often induce the same.

Get rid of your “favorite” habits

For medical or personal reasons, it is not always enough to report a sleeping disorder.

Examine your regular activities.

For example, medicines damage sleep.

If you go to bed, do not drink alcohol, it disturbs sleep.

Late at night food consumption makes it impossible for the brain to be in harmony.

The focuses are on digestion.

STOP the models! In the evening, influence the flexibility to have a wonderful night’s sleep.

Getting up out of bed or having a little sleep leads to it.

You may not be ready to sleep at midnight if you sleep all day.

Or a lot of caffeine and sugar.

There are times when the workout is a plus, but, a late workout does not help much.

Not sleeping will cause longer nights.

Sleep can make the setting extra difficult, for a cycle of refreshing sleep.

Frequent deprivation or negative omissions in your routine.

That means if you sleep a lot of the day, it disrupts the rhythm of the body.

That is, it is useful to go to bed at night.

Make sure you are in a comfortable room

Too hot or cold at night in your bed will have an adverse effect on your sleep.

As well as inconvenient components like pad, pillow and more.

Noise pollution outside is another discomfort for your dream.

You need to be in a ventilated, dark room or use an eye mask.

Be regular with bedtime

Lie down at a convenient time and get up at a similar time, including Sunday.

Wake up, еven if you are asleep. It helps to return to the traditional Sleep Cycle.



Avoid the Blue Light late at night

The Blue Light, one of the biggest enemies of the dreamed dream.

The monitors support Blue Light.

In each brain, melatonin released, which fights for restful sleep and prevents a sleepless night.

Restrict your TV to bedtime.

Browsing on social networks also doesn’t help.

Аnd generally, reduce your attention to the screen.

Pick a different calming activity, as it is a good choice to also read something on a paper.

Or use a Screen Dimmer.

Change this now

Don’t let such issues affect your health. Do yourself a favor and take action.

Change your routine, exercise more, eat right and get hydrated.

Sleep is an important element in everyone’s life. Don’t let the sleepless night of the previous day disturb your future night.

What about The Blue Light? Do not worry…

The IRIS team committed to an important, sophisticated and healthy lifestyle.

And with IRIS you can do more.

Аn alternative approach to better health.

Convenient and easy-to-use software for your screens.

Provided to you with the small detail that you will be able to cope with sleepless nights.

Well, leave it to us, you only have to try, ENJOY!

Autor: Nikolay Tasev
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina






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How to treat eye pain? Wed, 11 Dec 2019 11:44:48 +0000 More or less, everybody has suffered from eye pain in their lives. But how to treat eye pain? This is natural, but while we are overloading our eyes every day, eye pain may become a constant event in our lives. If we leave our eye problems overlooked, they may lead to more serious cases. This may consist of headaches, blurred ... Read More

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More or less, everybody has suffered from eye pain in their lives. But how to treat eye pain?

This is natural, but while we are overloading our eyes every day, eye pain may become a constant event in our lives.

If we leave our eye problems overlooked, they may lead to more serious cases.

This may consist of headaches, blurred vision, red eyes, and even vision damage.

In this article we are going to discuss what causes eye pain; the types of eye pain; and how to treat eye pain.

What leads to eye pain?

Eye pain may be in consequence of many everyday activities that we are used to.

Like reading books, watching movies, doing work on a computer, and many others.

Take a look at the probable reasons why you might suffer from eye pain:

Poor or bad lightning

Poor lighting is harmful to our eyes because unlike animals, we can not see in low light or in the dark.

Human eyes need light to see.

Consequently, when there is a lack of it, our eyes are doing extra efforts to visualize the surroundings.
And if you are trying to do an activity that requires concentration your eyes are going to tire even faster.

Such are activities like reading and drawing.

They are such that the eyes have to perceive and digest many details during the process.

Bad lighting means also very strong and unhealthy LED lightning.

Many LED lamps stay on the violet side of the light specter.

These lamps give off blue light that is harmful to human eyes.

We recommend you to consider turning to warmer colored lights in your home and if achievable in your office.

Blue light is also radiated by electronics that every one of us possesses.

Blue light

This type of light – blue light – is, by the way, the biggest causer of eye pain and the most dangerous.

Every computer, tablet, and mobile phone screen emits blue light.

However, there is no way to remove it from settings or lowering the levels of brightness of your display.

You can reduce it if you install a blue light filter for PC or buy special computer spectacles and it will definitely help you with the way to treat eye pain.

The blue light that your computer emits is just like the one that comes from the LED lamps.

It is on the cold part of the light specter and in comparison to the red light, it is a lot more energized.

By nature, the human eyes filter a great part of the UV rays.

But all other types of light make their way to the retina at the back part of the eyeball.

And being that highly energized, blue light achieves a higher hurting rate.

This way the blue light with ease can get deeper into our eyes and thus to make greater damage.

When you get exposed to blue light every day, there are long-lasting effects that may occur.

Types of eye pain caused by blue light

Red eyes

Eye fatigue or red eyes are a result not only from blue light.

So, one must learn to recognize the signs of the two types of eye fatigue.

Red eyes may occur because of an allergy or something that has scratched the surface of the eyes.

But then, only a part of the eye’s surface would be concerned.

And with blue light, both eyes get red and itchy, because of that they both have been radiated with blue light.

And since the blue light radiated by computer and phone screens make people forget to blink, this also leads to reddened eyes.

When we blink we lubricate our eyes, this is why blinking is healthy.

When we forget to blink, the dry eyelids slide over the gentle surface of the sclera.

And this results in bloodshot eyes.

Blurred vision

This also could be a result of long-time exposure to blue light.

Blurred vision could appear in one or both eyes in different ways.

It could be an only blurred vision or double vision, along with a headache or dizziness.

Other – more serious – outcomes of continual exposure to blue light are:

Macular degeneration

This kind of eye disease has an option to lead to permanent vision damage.

This disease is even more popular than cataracts and glaucoma in some countries.

Macular degeneration is connected with the macula, which is near the retina at the back of our eyes.

This element of the eye is responsible for sending the images we see to the brain.

Macular degeneration has several stages before one starts losing its vision.

And often one doesn’t recognize the signs at an early stage.

Therefore, regular visits to the doctor are a must.


Circadian rhythm

The circadian rhythm is our biological clock that controls our waking and sleeping hours.

It is like the animals have their hibernation biological cycles.

What does it have to do with eye problems, you would ask?

Well, when you are consuming blue light and for a long time, your brain is going to be thinking that it is daytime when it actually is not.

You are going to start having problems with sleeping.

Also, because of the harm you have done to your circadian rhythm, you are going to constantly feel tired.

This is why many suffer from sleep loss after a long period of computer or mobile phone use.

Apart from the numbered problems above, blue light could cause other diseases that are not particularly in connection to the eyes.

How to treat eye pain caused by blue light?

One of the easiest methods to keep your eyes away from blue light is to try to block it.

You could consult with a specialist in ophthalmology for a pair of special computer glasses.

These glasses have special lenses that filtrate a part of the blue light.

When one looks through them he/she will see the screen in yellower color.

Or you could try blocking your device’s blue light by installing a blue light filter.

These kinds of filters can be installed on your PC, tablet or smartphone.

We recommend you, Iris.


Iris is a blue light blocking software that is going to remove the blue light given off by the display of your device.

It has already helped thousands of people worldwide to feel healthier.

Apart from blocking the blue light, this PC filter has many other options. 

You could set a timer routine that is going to remind you when to take a break for several minutes.

During the break, you have to look at faraway objects or to do eye exercises.

Iris can be installed on all your devices – on your PC, Android or iOS phone and tablet.

Iris has different display options that would suit everybody’s needs. And many more!

Last words

Eyecare is very important in our lives.

Therefore we have to give a lot more time and effort in keeping our eyes in good health.

If you do not have the time to do so, Iris – the filter that blocks your PC’s blue light – is a great start to begin relieving eye pain.

Author: Yoana Borisova

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Top 10 software developers in the world Thu, 05 Dec 2019 18:21:25 +0000 Programming and software developers are one of the fastest developing working fields and careers right now. Respectively, programmers or IT specialists are in high demand on the market. However, back in the days, not everyone could have become a programmer. Therefore 10 people were recognized as the “Top 10 software developers of all time”.  Introduction Naturally, as an introduction, we ... Read More

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Programming and software developers are one of the fastest developing working fields and careers right now.

Respectively, programmers or IT specialists are in high demand on the market.

However, back in the days, not everyone could have become a programmer.

Therefore 10 people were recognized as the “Top 10 software developers of all time”. 


Naturally, as an introduction, we have to mention who was the first software developer and the story behind this profession.

If you are not familiar with the topic, you will probably be surprised to know that actually the first computer programmer is a woman.

And namely, Ada Lovelace – the daughter of the famous British poet and politician Lord Byron.

From an early age, Ada showed talent in mathematics.

Her friendship with Charles Babbage is crucial for her further development in the field of mathematics and computer.

Charles Babbage is known as the father of the computer.

But Ada is the one who saw the potential of the machine beyond simple calculations.

In a publication, she described how codes can be created in order for the device to handle letters and symbols too.

During her lifetime Ada Lovelace did not gain any recognition.

Her work was discovered in the ’50s and was republished.

Since then she received a lot of honors and was recognized as the “first computer programmer”. 

Top 10 software developers

Now, after we have a brief idea of the history of this term, let’s move forward to the list of top 10 software developers:

  • Dennis Ritchie

The first place is given to the American computer scientist Dennis Ritchie.

He is said to have helped in the formation of the digital era by creating the C – a programming language and the Unix operating system, together with his colleague Ken Thompson.

Dennis Ritchie received a number of awards, including the National Medal of Technology in 1999.

  • Bjarne Stroustrup

The Danish computer scientist created and developed the famed C++ programming language.

It has become one of the most influential programming languages in the history of computing.

  • James Gosling

James Gosling is a Canadian computer scientist who is best known for the creation of the Java programming language.

He has also contributed to a few other software systems.

James Gosling was elected to Foreign Associate member of the US National Academy of Engineering because of his huge accomplishments.

  • Linus Torvalds

The Finnish – American software engineer is the creator and the developer of the Linux kernel.

It is the kernel of Linux operating systems, as well as of Android and Chrome OS.

As an addition to that, Torvalds created the revision control system Git and the diving log software Subsurface.

The Finnish – American engineer has won numerous awards, including the 2018 IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award.

  • Anders Hejlsberg

The Danish software engineer is known for the co-design of a few popular programming languages and development tools.

The programming language C# is his deed.

At the moment he works for Microsoft as the lead architect of C# and core developer on TypeScript.

  • Tim Berners – Lee

Sir Timothy Berners – Lee is the person, responsible for the World Wide Web we all know and use today.

He is a British computer scientist and director of the  World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

In 1989 Timothy Berners – Lee implemented the first successful communication between HTTP client and server via the Internet.

  • Brian Kernighan

Brian Kernighan is a Canadian computer scientist who worked along with Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson in the development of Unix.

He also contributed to the programming languages AWK and AMPL.

Brian Kernighan became more popular after publishing the first book on the C programming language, together with Dennis Ritchie. 

  • Ken Thompson

After mentioning his name twice, it is now Ken Thompson’s turn to join the list of the Top 10 software developers.

He is an American pioneer in computer science.

Ken Thompson designed and implemented the Unix operating system and the B programming language.

Working at Google, he participated in the invention of the Go programming language. 

  • Guido van Rossum

He is a Dutch computer programmer who developed the Python programming language. 

  • Donald Knuth

Donald Knuth is an American computer scientist and mathematician.

He is named the “father of the analysis of algorithms”.

His multi-volume work “The Art of Computer Programming” contributed a lot to Knuth’s analysis, algorithms, and mathematical techniques. 

It will be also reasonable to include the creator of Iris, Daniel Georgiev since his program can be beneficial for everyone!

Download it now and you will stop having the horrible headaches and digital eye strain when you work in front of a computer.

You will be able to scroll through social media or read on your laptop.

Iris will manage the brightness of your screen, depending on your own preferences because it comes in several different modes.

Do not hesitate to try it out – you will be grateful to yourself!

If you have any suggestions about people who should be included in this list, let us know in the comments down below!

Necessary habits of every programmer

After we have presented the most influential software developers, it is time to share with you the most important qualities you have to possess in order to be successful.

Of course, some things are valid for people in the industry but others are general necessities. 

You write clean code which is easy for test and use

Andrew Magee, who is a software development manager, says that “A function should do one thing and one thing only.

If it does more than one thing, it lacks focus.”

Therefore you have to make sure your code does not become so long that it will be hard for a test and use later on.

After all, you will “spend more time reading your code than writing it”.

For this reason, it should be possible to quickly understand what it is about.

Another good advice that Andrew Magee gives is to name the functions simply and meaningfully.

Your code helps the overall business

Nowadays even some kids can write a code and make it into a basic program.

What is important, however, is to be able to see beyond.

A programmer or software developer should be able to contribute not only to an app or a programming language but to the business as a whole.

Todd Stephan, who is a vice president of software engineering at Ask Applications, describes the “great developers” as “understand broadly how the company works at a business level, speak the business’ language, and master translating the business language to technology and vice versa”. 

You read a lot of books

In the digital era, we live information that has never been as available.

Big libraries are uploading online and everything can be read for free. The information is not so well organized, however, which can have an impact on the end result.

This means you may not learn as much.

Book is always a better idea, especially when it comes to topics like software engineering.

They have no distractions since all of the information you need is in one place. 

Furthermore, reading for a long time on a device may cause digital eye strain and headaches.

Having downloaded Iris on your PC will definitely help you with this issue through – the program will moderate how much blue light is emitted from the screen.

It comes with a few different modes which allow you to choose the most suitable one for your needs. 

You listen and ask questions

Having the ability to be a good listener is a very important one in general.

The more you listen, the more you learn.

Surround yourself with people who know more than you do and listen carefully to what they are saying.

After that ask as many questions as possible.

Never be afraid to do so – you won’t look stupid as you may fear!

On the contrary, you will show interest and eagerness to learn.

As a software developer you should analyze a lot and when you do not understand something, immediately ask about it.

By listening and asking questions you will learn a lot easier and faster.

Things every software developer should know

We have briefly told the story of programming, listed the greatest software developers and 5 habits every one of them should possess.

Let’s take a look at what is considered obligatory for them to know according to the words of a programmer himself. Javin Paul made a list in the site

Data structures and Algorithms

They are the basic that every programmer should be familiar with.

Without knowing the simplest data structures you won’t be able to write a single code.

Along with algorithms, these are the first two things you should learn in your career path as a software developer.

Source control

Thanks to store control you are able to store your code and collaborate within your team.

This way you can work in one codebase with your co-workers but on a different feature without overriding each change.

Text editors

Javin Paul says that the text editor has always been his friend during his work as a programmer.

It is an important tool for people who work with computers in general.

There more basic, as well as more advanced text editors so it really depends on your own preferences.

IDE (Integrated development environment) –

This is a software application that usually consists of a source code editor, builds automation tools and a debugger. 

Database and SQL (Structured query language) –

SQL is a domain-specific language that is used in programming.

It is designed to manage data held in database systems.  

UNIX or Linux

By working with Linux you will be able to be effective.

It allows you to search files, see what is happening with the system and perform both basic and advanced tasks. 

Microsoft Excel

As Javin Paul says, you may be surprised to see Microsoft Excel in this list since it is used for a lot of basic work.

It includes, however, a number of useful features and functions you can perform data analysis with.

Take your time to dive deep into what Microsoft Excel has to offer.

It will help you a lot in your work!

Programming languages

This one is pretty obvious but Javin Paul mentioned it nonetheless.

Whether be it C++, Java, Python or JavaScript.

His advice is to start with Java since it is easy.

But of course, the more you know – the better, right?

Networking basics

Most probably every app you write will be connected to a client-server app.

This means the request will go through the network to a server.

Clients will have access to your app from everywhere.

The point is you have to understand the network basics in order to know how to develop and support your app. 

Scripting languages

The successful software developers know scripting languages witch allows them to create tools and scripts you can solve common problems with. 


The history of programming is thought to have begun with a woman – the daughter of the British poet and politician Lord Byron, Ada Lovelace.

Later on, she was inherited by some people who left a great mark in the field of software engineering.

Their names now stay in history as an equivalent of unforgettable achievements.

The needed habits in order to become one of them include not only being able to write clean code, but also be in a constant state of improving your skills and knowledge.

There are some other necessary things you should know like data structures, text editors, a programming language, network basics, etc.

Programming is yet to develop even more.

So, if you are into it, continue working hard, understanding new concepts and why not – making history?


Author: Ilina Stoyanova



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Technology is integral part of our life but what are the hidden threats? Wed, 04 Dec 2019 07:21:14 +0000 With this article today we will introduce you to the hidden technology threats of even standing in front of your computer. Technology is part of the modern world and is evolving at a rapid pace. Technology has evolved with each passing year, and people are relying on it. Does this not carry great risks for ourselves? Do you know that ... Read More

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With this article today we will introduce you to the hidden technology threats of even standing in front of your computer.

Technology is part of the modern world and is evolving at a rapid pace.

Technology has evolved with each passing year, and people are relying on it.

Does this not carry great risks for ourselves?

Do you know that they harbor technologу threats to humanity?

We have decided to clarify this and try to prove it.

Unexpected dangers lie in our reliance on computers and communications that are dependent on electrical power, optical fiber links, and satellites.

We start from afar, but we have a clear goal, to get there.

Satellites are crucial for communications, but they still have a limited life span and can be divided into thousands of components that can affect and even destroy other satellites.

Current plans to improve data speed by doubling the number may mean that satellite technology is outdated and can be replaced in a few decades.

From there, new technology threats can be created.

Failed satellites already contribute to innumerable orbital fragments, so further collisions are inevitable.

Small pieces like an orbital cellphone can have kinetic energy 500 times the size of a military tank shell.

That’s almost impossible to believe, right? But unfortunately, it is a fact.

These types of hazards are predictable, unlike natural phenomena such as emissions from sunspots.

These are some of the threats to technology for all humanity.

Energy, electricity, water, food. All these are vital to the modern man.

Electricity has so much taken over people’s lives that it has become a biological necessity of invention.

Technology threats are like food poisoning. Namely, quite common.

The sun is a friend of humanity but at the same time an enemy.

Basic solar emissions that cross Earth’s orbit are inevitable and can cause complete loss of energy in advanced societies, including the destruction of satellites.

The consequences are so dire that few people want to consider them.

It all points to quite a few phenomena that hamper technology, and from ourselves, as human beings.

We will now descend to earth and look at the technology that surrounds us daily.

That’s right, our favorite computers and mobile devices.

Where to start? For example, how dependent we are.

Have you ever had the battery drop while you’re out and angry that you can’t connect with anyone?

It’s hard for you to imagine what our grandparents did without this kind of communication and source of information.

We will now move on to the worse influence, which is how physically and more accurately our health affects us.

Mobile phones are an integral friend in our daily lives.

For some people, it is even an extension of the hand.

Do you know that such a useful item is also harmful?


First of all, if you are keen on long conversations, the handset emits harmful impulses to the ear that disrupt the structure of the so-called eardrum.

In terms of vision, there is much to be said.

Screens and monitors, we already include our favorite computers here.

They are a major technology threat.

They emit blue light that lingers on our eyes and shows quite a negative effect on tension and sleep.

First of all, what is a blue light?

You’ve heard of UV rays, haven’t you?

In that case, accept the blue light, like yourself a stronger sister.

Blue light has a wavelength of between approximately 380nm and 500nm; making it one of the shortest, highest-energy wavelengths.

After we have clarified the important definition of blue light for us, we will point out a few influences that our eyes detect but show after a certain period of period them are quite extreme, but of course, these things are proven by ophthalmologists, and we only try to inform you.

They are:

  • Redness of eyes;
  • Burning of eyes;
  • Headache;
  • Disturbed sleep;
  • Loss of concentration;
  • Vision loss;
  • Blindness and others.

After a detailed mention of the ocular effects, sleep should be mentioned.

What happens when there is a lack of sleep in the first three days?

However, it is not until 36 hours after the last sleep that the brain begins to “shut down” or decrease the activity of areas of the brain related to action planning, leading to more impulsive and uncontrolled behavior.

Then comes the real fatigue – the reactions slow down, the brain’s ability to receive and
process information is very difficult.

Within 48 hours, the body loses its ability to metabolize enough glucose for energy and the immune system’s strength decreases dramatically.

In some cases, hallucinations may occur on the third sleepless day.

Insomnia is a common complaint – it is not terrifying if it rarely occurs and has no lasting effects.

If it becomes chronic with recurrent episodes, it can be a symptom of several ailments.

In such cases, immediate medical advice is advised.
That all sounds pretty scary doesn’t it?

Remember that the most invisible can be dangerous.

Technological threats are something that humanity has created.

That is why we must prevent it.

Iris is a company that strives for customer awareness and, above all, a helper for their health protection.

Lately, there is more and more talk of a healthy lifestyle, but let’s not limit it to sports and diet.

Let us not forget that eyes are part of a person’s sensibility.

Unfortunately, despite the complex eye makeup, they fail to protect themselves completely, so Iris comes to the rescue.

If you are surrounded by state-of-the-art technology and the tasks of the day require them to be used for at least three hours without interruption, then you either use safety glasses or suffer from eye strain or headaches.

Everything in the article is intended to show you how dependent we are on technologies, how they influence us even if they are in space, and how we can protect ourselves from it.

In your opinion, do companies that create and upgrade technology need to pay attention to the small details that are becoming cumbersome for consumers?

We hope that we have informed you enough about technology threats.

Remember that you are the ones to protect yourself, and even your relatives should follow your example to improve their health in the future.

Written by Hristina Ferkova

Read more:

Technology & its Harmful Effects on Eyes

10 hacks to Fall Asleep Faster

10 Tips on how to have Healthy Eyes

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Jobs of the future Sat, 30 Nov 2019 16:54:51 +0000 Welcome to the 21st generation and its jobs. Dive in the large pile of self-driving cars, large flat screens, and self-cleaning vacuum cleaners. Something that modernity confronts us every day. An immediate future, well deserved, but with a question mark to humanity. Back to the past Thanks to the old minds and the general development of technology and economy. Human ... Read More

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Welcome to the 21st generation and its jobs.

Dive in the large pile of self-driving cars, large flat screens, and self-cleaning vacuum cleaners.

Something that modernity confronts us every day.

An immediate future, well deserved, but with a question mark to humanity.

Back to the past

Thanks to the old minds and the general development of technology and economy.

Human beings are making a major turning point in humanity.

It’s a moment where there are a lot of twists and turns.

This joins with full force, shattering rural labor industrialization.

Industrial decline or vice versa

In this period, agricultural societies throughout Europe and America were extremely modern.

When the devices were made exclusively by hand and sweat on their foreheads, they producing large quantities in tons instead of them.

Тhe full use of machines during the revolution, but also collectively with the modification was the whole structure of society.

Urbanization, like labor productivity, has increased rapidly.

The beginning

The effect of industrial revolutions starts with the gradual influence of the UK on Europe and America, then on the whole world.

The Kingdom has a reputation for producing textiles.

Nonetheless, the textile industry made very little progress before the revolution, with labor being spent in small households, and so on.

This was achieved with support from Gear Machine.

Materials are produced faster.

It requires less time and far less human labor… jobs were getting easier.

At this point smelting, Iron Ore remains the lead.

The process has sought to be successful and produces products of higher quality that surpass iron and steel assembly.

In the last segment of the intellectual movement, contact has developed.


The second industrial

This period has changed the world in many ways.

Perhaps it couldn’t have been more important to the world after the Second transition.

Towns developed manufacturers at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, and people’s lives were regulated from the clock’s hands.

Progress in metal, chemistry and electricity generation has helped produce fuels, including weapons for consumer goods.

Access to trains, cars, and bikes has evolved, along with ideas spread through newspapers, radios, and telegraphs, and life has moved faster.

An era in which economic development created a wealthy business class and a comfortable middle class supporting its employees.

Whose employees coming from farms and small towns in America… 

Materials and production lines encourage the development of any products that enter American families and the state’s physical environment.

Steamboat-related transport networks have opened up new markets to producers, оwners of factories and banks globally.

The rail line was replaced by a car with the support of Henry Ford, who hired thousands under the roof of the Ford Motor Company.

The new wave

In addition to the two industrial revolutions, the third is definitely a benchmark for current manufacturers, historians say.

Where global information strategies are increasing, and where the Internet is already becoming a reality.

The way we transmit information is changed.

It is also claimed.

We are entering the so-called Fourth Industrialization.

The ideas of human life are changed here by electronics, machine intelligence, self-driving cars, and even life sciences. It affects both our lives and our psyche.

The old ways of doing things included a large number of parts as well as assembling them.

Now a product can be designed on a computer and printed on a 3D printer for ease of engineering.

Then the specification and the way it works, on the machine itself, like nothing can do just about anything, anywhere.

Whether the machine in question works from your personal home or from the other side of the earth.

The apple doesn’t fall further than the tree

Remember when Steve Jobs unveiled his first smartphone in 2007 and with IOS and all the revolutionary features overturned the modern world?

Obviously, we can also recall other great minds who pushed the 21st century to build even better devices and intelligent gadgets… 

But I want to emphasize that if the first computers ever created were as big as the wall in your living room, they now fit only an 8-inch screen, even smaller.

And this is not a call for negativism.

A quantum computer, for example, is not far behind in the ranking.

As the name suggests – it works on quantum mechanical phenomena.

It differs a lot from classic computers that operate based on transistors and electrical phenomena that are the subject of classical physics.

Unlike the ordinary ones, which store information such as bits so familiar to us 0 and 1, a quantum computer uses quantum bits or qubits.

They can be 0, 1 or their superposition, meaning both at the same time.

This enables the computer to calculate in parallel, making it much quicker and more efficient, of course.

A technology who involves complex experiments in science and is one of the priorities of modern physics.

Professions of the future

The jobs of the future, as anyone would say with their forethoughts, are likely to rely on basic engineering majors.

This is far from the truth.

A study from “U.S. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections, 2016-2026.”

According to their statistics, Solar Energy Technician, along with Wind Energy Technician, lead 105% and 96% respectively in the professions of the future.

On the other hand, third place with 47% is Home Health Aides with descending order in the column.

We will also mention professions such as Software Engineering, which goes back.

Because computers, robots and mobile devices are useless without the help of developers.

The fact is that almost 1.2 million jobs will be open between 2016 and 2026.

Many humanities specialties such as newspaper, postage, librarianship, tailoring and more.

In the near future, it will be totally forgotten.

On the other hand, we cannot say the same for jobs such  as a teacher in schools or universities, police, medicine, etc.

Last words

This is the 21st century, where everything is still in its heyday, but I also do not think that commenting will darken our future.

Life is much more dynamic than before, robotics is coming full force and whether we will be surrounded by machines that crush our psyche or do the hard work for us… who knows?

Technology is changing the planet by making it easy to reach someone with just one button.

Yet fundamentally, engineering is a sour innovation rooted in our planet with a slightly sweet taste…

Well, we at IRIS are also future people who think about health in the present day, but also in the future where everything may be different.

Author: Nikolay Tasev



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Do I need a blue light filter for PC? Fri, 29 Nov 2019 11:20:10 +0000 If you spend a lot of time in front of your computer, then you need a blue light filter for PC to protect your eyes. But let us first to explain in short what blue light is and then dig deeper into the problem. The sun is our natural source of light. White light is the type of light we ... Read More

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blue light filter

If you spend a lot of time in front of your computer, then you need a blue light filter for PC to protect your eyes.

But let us first to explain in short what blue light is and then dig deeper into the problem.

The sun is our natural source of light. White light is the type of light we see.

In the white light are contained all of the coloured rays – red, yellow, green, purple, blue and their endless shades.

Therefore, we are getting blue light naturally thanks to the sun in small portions.

However, when received from an artificial source, blue light is the cause of many eye problems and is seriously damaging your vision.

And in the days we live in, blue light is literally everywhere.

This type of light is the one that reaches the deepest in our eye receptors and causes the biggest damage.

It is given off of every computer, smartphone, tablet or TV screen.

And apart from vision problems, one might suffer from sleep loss, eye fatigue, eye redness, and many more because of long exposure to blue light.

There are several ways to reduce blue light exposure.

  • You could try to minimize the time you spend in front of your computer or phone

The 20-20-20 rule is a good way to reduce stress in your eye muscles.

This rule is done by taking a short 20 seconds to break in every 20 minutes.

And at the time you have this break, you have to look at objects at least 20 feet away.

This exercise helps to minimize pressure between the eyes and relieve muscle stress.

  • Consider buying special glasses for computer use

Computer glasses are designed with special lenses that filter the blue light.

These glasses can be both with or without dioptre, depending on your needs.

They can be bought from special optics stores, but consult with a specialist before doing so.

They are also a good investment, but quality glasses can be a little expensive.

What is a blue light filter for PC?

Blue light filters for PC are programs that you install on your computer.

There are also variations for mobile phones and tablets, working on both Android and iOS devices.

Blue light filters readjust the settings of your display and block the light that harms your eyes.

The moderate the pixels and the colour that they emit.

With these filters, you can choose what colour temperature your monitor should have, as warmer temperatures are better for your eyes.

Warm colours are more natural and not harming to human eyes, like yellow, orange, brown and red.

This is why screens that have a filter look a little yellow (some even have the colour of deep orange, depending on the intensity of the filter).

This phenomenon could be compared to the experience of reading a book because of the usual ‘bookish’ colours.

But still, we haven’t answered the main question in this article.

Why do I need a blue light filter for PC?

1. For a night of better and healthy sleep

Research has shown that blue light directly affects your sleep quality and often causes insomnia.

This light makes your brain think it is daytime and deprives it of essential sleep hormones.

With a blue light filter, you are not going to have to turn off the lights some hours before going to bed in order to sleep well.

With it, you will be able to work on your computer or use your phone whenever you like and for how much time you want.

Work till the middle of the night or chat with friends until 3 a.m., it is your choice to make.

2. To protect your eyes

If you do not want to suffer from sore eyes, eye fatigue, and redness, or vision problems, then you have to protect your eyes.
Plus, your eyes’ health does an impact on your sleep.

Therefore, you have to pay attention and look after your eyes’ health.

3. For staying fresh during long hours of work

For sure you must have noticed that a long period of computer/phone usage has made you tired and kind of feeling dull.

When you eliminate the blue light radiation from all of your displays, then this is going to change.

4. To remind yourself to take a break

Some blue light filters for PCs have this option to remind you in a specific period of time (set in advance by you) to stop your work and just flex your eyes by looking around.

Our eyes tire the most by staring in one spot without blinking.

This is why looking around and flexing your eyes’ muscles can help you to feel better.

And usually, when we are at work we forget to do so. For this reason, break reminder options are welcome.

Where can I get one?

We recommend you Iris – the blue light filter for PC and Android/iOS devices.

Iris is a software that is used by millions of people from 180 countries around the world.

Iris is a professionalist in making the monitor of your computer or laptop safer for your eyes.

It has many options like the break reminder, automatic turn on and off settings, artist mode and more.

Iris provides a variety of filter modes that suit everybody’s desires and preferences.

It is suitable for all ages because everybody deserves to be protected by the blue light.

You can have it for your own use, for a friend, for your children or your grandparents.

Furthermore, if you worry that such a program is going to disturb you while you work – do not.

Iris operates in the background and doesn’t interfere with what you are doing with unwanted ads.

It is only going to step in when it is time for your break.

Last words

To sum up, if you spend a lot of time in front of a monitor or phone display and want a fast and cheap solution to your eyes problems, then you must get a blue light filter.

They are easy to use by everybody and are suitable for all of your devices.

Blue light filters for PC are a cheap and beneficial investment for staying healthy in the long run.

Author: Yoana Borisova

Read more:

Blue light filters Benefits

Blue Light Filters

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Work smart, not hard Wed, 27 Nov 2019 08:07:43 +0000 If the answer to the next two questions is yes, that means you work hard, not smart? Do you often go home from a tiring shift? Do you often have to refuse to go out with a relative or friend because you’re too tired? Sometimes we work harder than necessary. Sometimes we take extra work hours after a full-time shift ... Read More

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If the answer to the next two questions is yes, that means you work hard, not smart?

Do you often go home from a tiring shift?

Do you often have to refuse to go out with a relative or friend because you’re too tired?

Sometimes we work harder than necessary.

Sometimes we take extra work hours after a full-time shift and make additional commitments during the holidays.

Here’s the bigger question – what happens when we work hard, not smart?

In most cases, we do not think about our health and endanger it on a daily basis.

But the diligence we put in sometimes requires big and risky choices.

We are endangering both our health and our opportunities in the future.

So don’t panic and keep reading to protect yourself.

Chronic fatigue or just fatigue?

There is nothing else to mention before the word “Fatigue” itself.

Everyone has been tired at least once in their lives, right? We definitely don’t have superpowers!

Fatigue is a subjective feeling of fatigue and exhaustion, which in most cases appears gradually.

And like any diagnosis that balances the human body, it turns into an “enemy” for us.

Feeling like when you have the flu or have missed a lot of sleep. Fatigue is physical or mental.

Physical fatigue

Is the transient inability of a muscle to maintain optimal physical performance and is exacerbated by intense physical exercise.

Mental fatigue

Is a transient decrease in maximal cognitive ability due to prolonged activity.

If you have chronic fatigue or illness with intolerance to systemic loads, the feeling in the morning is like you have not slept.

Then it would make you sick during the day and not feel productive enough.

Often, this condition occurs after an acute viral infection.

Fatigue loves to accumulate

Symptoms of exhaustion can be:

  • physical
  • emotional
  • behavioural
  • in the form of an illness
  • changes in appetite
  • changes in sleep habits

These can have a serious impact on the whole body and the mental state of the mind.

Symptoms that are similar to depression are common but should not be misdiagnosed:

  • a sense of failure
  • self-doubt
  • feeling helpless
  • loss of motivation, etc.

Fatigue rises with excessive habits that threaten our health.

We often don’t realise we have these symptoms until it’s late

But hard work will never pay off unless we also work smart and take care of ourselves.

How much is a smart solution?

You won’t be able to live 9 lives like a cat but at least your one life will feel great once you start doing things for your health and ease of mind.

Blue light is a problematic feature of the 21st century that is all around us yet we don’t pay attention to it.

If you’re often in front of a laptop, desktop or another digital device, your change of fatigue and other symptoms increase.

And blue light doesn’t endanger your eyesight, it’s all connected – if something hurts one part of your body it will eventually have an effect on everything else.

However, blue light is an exceptional helper to insomnia.

For more information check here.

What do we know about screen dimmer like Iris?

Screen Dimmer is software through which the user is given access to adjust the brightness of the screen depending on the environment in which it is located.

And when we work under artificial light it can harm us immensely.

Therefore, the screen dimmer, once installed on a given device, helps us make the necessary adjustments to the screen.

By keeping the performance of the monitor without affecting its actual transmission.

IRIS is software that helps the user adjust the brightness of the screen with manual or automatic mode.

It provides a choice of different types or modes of interest, valued by thousands of users.

Joseph Michael Mercola, aka Dr. Mercola, is an adherent to alternative medicine, an osteopathic doctor, and an internet businessman.

He operates the “Dr Mercola Natural Health Center”, and is also a member of the political advocacy group “Association of American Physicians” and Surgeons, as well as a member of many alternative medicine organizations.

Be healthy with Iris

He shares with us the following: „Excess blue light from your computer monitor can be a serious threat to your biological health.

Fortunately, Iris software can eliminate virtually all of the risk through its innovative approach.

I use it on all my computers and encourage you to do the same.

It is clearly the best software on the market to control your blue light exposure.“

Let the words of Dr. Mercola remind you, and we at IRIS will continue to care for you and your health.

Let nothing interfere with health except the enjoyment of a sound sleep and a good rest.

No pain, no fatigue, only with strong tonus for the day.

So work smart, not hard and make sure to take care of your body in this full of stress world.

Try IRIS now!

Author: Nikolay Tasev

Read more:

Blue light and Eyes

Why you should choose Iris

Welcome to Iris

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9 Habits of successful people you need to follow Tue, 26 Nov 2019 09:46:14 +0000  Successful people are a few and achieve their goals. Making money is much more than working in an office, 12 hours a day. Introduction There are some very important qualities you have to possess in order to become the wealthy individual you imagine yourself as. Tom Corley’s 5 years long survey for successful people Tom Corley is an accountant and ... Read More

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 Successful people are a few and achieve their goals.

Making money is much more than working in an office, 12 hours a day.


There are some very important qualities you have to possess in order to become the wealthy individual you imagine yourself as.

Tom Corley’s 5 years long survey for successful people

Tom Corley is an accountant and financial planner.

He conducted a survey with 233 successful people, mostly self-made millionaires, focusing on their daily habits.

In comparison, he interviewed 128 individuals with a lower income.

All findings from the research are collected in Corley’s book, called “Change Your Habits, Change Your Life”.

The author spent 5 years studying self-made millionaires and in conclusion made a list of the 9 habits these men have in common.

9 habits successful people have

They get up early

You have probably seen “I woke up at 5 am for a week/ month” challenge videos on YouTube.

But for the successful people, it is simply a habit.

Nearly 50 percent of the millionaires who took part in Corley’s study, got out of bed at least 3 hours before work.

Many of them use this free time for exercise, to plan their day or to tackle personal projects.

“Getting up at five in the morning to tackle the top three things you want to accomplish in your day allows you to regain control of your life,” the author writes.

“It gives you a sense of confidence that you, indeed, direct your life.”

They read a lot

An impressive 88 percent of the respondents in the study say that they devote at least 30 minutes every day to education or self-improvement through reading.

Most of the successful people prefer biographies, history or self-help books instead of fiction.

Nevertheless, science suggests that reading, in general, makes you smarter.

Several studies have found that people who read literary fiction show higher levels of empathy and emotional intelligence, according to studies published in Public Library of Science, the Journal of Research in Personality, The European Journal of Communication Research and Science Magazine.

According to the legendary investor and self-made millionaire Warren Buffet reading is the most crucial habit he’s developed.

When asked about the key to success, he pointed to a stack of books and said: “Read 500 pages like this every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest.  All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.”

They spend 15 to 30 minutes each day on focused thinking

A significant part of the self-made millionaires Corley interviewed make time to process what is going on in their lives.

It is a tendency among rich people – most of them do it in the morning, in isolation, and for at least 15 minutes.

This ritual is associated with stress relief but it also enables individuals to reflect on their career, health and personal relationships.

They make exercise a priority

A number of studies have proven the health benefits that come from exercise.

Regular workouts clear your head and make you more motivated.

Therefore it is no coincidence that 76 percent of the respondents in Corley’s survey carve out a minimum of 30 minutes for aerobic exercise like jogging, biking or walking each day.

Billionaire Richard Branson always starts his morning with exercise.

He says that working out has doubled his productivity and has helped him get where he is today: “I definitely can achieve twice as much by keeping fit,” Branson tells FourYourBodyPress. “It keeps the brain functioning well.”

 They spend time with people who inspire them

There is a proverb in Bulgarian language which says that you become just like the people you surround yourself with.

And it is the ultimate truth!

If your friends are as motivated as you are, your success is guaranteed because you will be able to motivate each other all the time.

But if they don’t have the same goals or visions as you, it is very likely to drag your determination down.

As Corley writes in his book, “You are only as successful as those you frequently associate with”.

What you can do if you can’t find motivated people in your entourage, is to join groups for those who share the same career or personal interests.

Here is one more very important thing you should remember – keep yourself away from negative, toxic people!

 They pursue their own goals

The results of Corley’s survey show that most self-made millionaires plan to get rich and then make it happen.

80 percent of them are “obsessed with pursuing goals”, referring to both daily and long-term goals.

What you have to do though, is pursue your own goals and make your own dreams become a reality.

You have to live your life the way you want!

 They get enough sleep

In a previous article, we’ve discussed how is sleep related to your fitness results and as a summary, it can be said that it is actually crucial.

It turns out there’s no difference.

89 percent of the successful people sleep 7 or 8 hours each night or even more.

This is one of the most important steps on the way to success, considering its positive impact on memory function and creative thinking.

They have multiple incomes

“Self-made millionaires do not rely on one singular source of income,” Corley says. “They develop multiple streams.”

65 percent of the interviewed have at least 3 streams of income that they created prior to making their first million-dollar, such as a side-business for example.

“Diversifying sources of income allows you to weather the economic downturns that inevitably occur,” he writes.

 They avoid time-wasters

One of the things you should pay great attention to if you want to become successful is how you spend your time.

Be careful what apps you download on your phone and what you do in your free time.

Don’t waste it because once it is invested in anything, it is lost forever.

“When you see time as the greatest risk of all, it will force you to become more aware of exactly how to invest your time,” says Corley.


Hopefully, you found the article helpful and will adapt the habits of the rich to become one of them if it’s your goal.

And who knows, maybe one day you are going to be asked about the habits that made you so successful!

In Iris we believe in Success

Iris is a software, which protects your eyes from the monitor.

Work smart to acquire your success and work hard without getting tired.

-Be successful.
-Be healthy.
-Achieve more.



  1. 9 habits of highly successful people, from a man who spent 5 years studying them
  2. Richard Branson says this daily habit doubles his productivity
  3. Warren Buffett’s reading routine could make you smarter, science suggests

Read more:

Eye yoga will help you see everything you love to see 

10 Habits that will improve your sleep quality

5 affordable ways to invest in your health



The post 9 Habits of successful people you need to follow appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Why is my vision blurry? Mon, 25 Nov 2019 16:33:18 +0000 You have a blurry vision if you still blink to clarify that picture in front of your eyes? You probably think you need lenses or glasses… Most people have a blurry vision for one reason or another. Therefore, in this article, we will explain in detail the possible reasons. And ways to keep your natural vision. However, it is a ... Read More

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You have a blurry vision if you still blink to clarify that picture in front of your eyes? You probably think you need lenses or glasses…

Most people have a blurry vision for one reason or another.

Therefore, in this article, we will explain in detail the possible reasons.

And ways to keep your natural vision. However, it is a good idea to see a doctor under any circumstances.

Still, think about your well-being!

The Causes of Blurred vision

This is a rapid reduction in visual acuity. In other words, the focus is disturbed and the objects around you appear hazy.

The causes are so-called refractive errors or eye problems.

But nothing ends here; each symptom may evolve into a neurological disorder or cause a threatening disease.


There is in one or both eyes, eye strain headache and blurry vision. Flashing is included as a symptom (reflex in focus).

Glasses or contact lenses are a way to adjust.


It is the wrong refraction of light that the eye does not refract light properly. You stop focus on image reflection …

The views from near are clear, but not far ones. This causes eye fatigue or unusual tension.

Like myopia, it is corrected with contact lenses and optionally surgery.


No clear vision is created, the light rays do not enter the retina concentration.

The very vision is blurred at all distances, different from the others. An irregular corneal shape is a common symptom.

You can solve this problem like the other problems above.

More Causes

  • Presbyopia
  • Chronic dry eye
  • Eye drops and medicines
  • Eye migraines or migraine headaches

Presbyopia is slightly above middle age disease. For example, when reading a book or other small printing, blurred vision is obvious.

Presbyopia is an adult common issue of vision.

And while the signs here are the same as in far-sightedness, the focus does not work on close objects. Due to damage to the lens.

Chronic dry eye can affect the eyes in various ways.

The causes are different because of the dynamics these days. The eyes are a target for our digital environment.

Eye drops that are prescribed by a doctor may help.

Some medicines or preservatives that contain preservatives cause blurred vision.

In Eye Migraines or migraine headaches, although harmless and temporary, in turn, cause discomfort.

Symptoms are blurred vision, flickering lights or broken, unusual shapes.

Sleep well, Eat well – Live life to the full

We all know, and you’re probably tired of hearing from friends, your family, and more.

How to Live Well, Eat Right and Get Hydrated.

Well, that’s not bad. In this article, you will read this too.

I will mention important foods for the eyesight, as well as loving your body enough to give it everything you need.

Omega 3 foods

Consume foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Fish is a very suitable source of Omega 3.

It is of great importance for the normal course of the body.

Studies have shown that fish oil has a beneficial effect on the eyes, most notably for a diagnosis such as “Dry Eye” or Cataract (eye curtain) and macular degeneration (impaired vision).


Carrots are one of the most famous vegetables and also the most preferred. And no, it’s definitely not just rabbits.

Beta-carotene, which is transformed into vitamin A, improves vision and visual acuity.

Other foods rich in beta-carotene are butter, white fish, dairy products and darker coloured fruits.

And B vitamins, as well as minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and more.

Vitamin D

Studies have shown that Vitamin D has a very beneficial effect on the duel of each person and it is the ageing of the eye and acts as a powerful antioxidant.

Mushrooms, eggs, soy milk are all very good sources.

Vitamin C

It is a vitamin well known to everyone. It is found in 90% of fruits and vegetables.

It has an inhibitory effect on slowing the development of cataracts and provides the necessary vitamins to eyes.

To prevent the degeneration of the macular.

Lemons, grapefruit, rose hips, goji berries or strawberries, as well as vegetables such as broccoli, peppers, cabbage, zucchini and more.

You have a choice of rich foods of Vitamin C.

For 10/10 foods for healthy eyes and 10/10 vision, check it now!


There is no organism on the planet to live without sleep. With the exception of somnambulates in the evening.

In fact, they sleep, though rarely, but not at all fun.

Most reliable and first in the column for an important source of the body is the sleep.

It helps you develop fully. The eyes need a large dose of sleep every night to rest and recover for the morning. 8 hours of sleep is enough.

Do you see the Blue Light – RUN!

Don’t be scared. You must run, but you cannot escape. It’s all around us, but it shouldn’t bother you.

We all suffer from this “blue light syndrome” unlike the others I described earlier.

Blue light is largely emitted by the digital devices we encounter every day. Reflected by screens, not just them.

Much of it is detected by the sunlight, which sends UV rays to the eyes and this disrupts their normal function.

Blurred vision is generated by the digital voltage from the screens. Along with poor night vision, tired dry eyes or blinding resistance.

I completely understand this situation you are in.

What we at IRIS are fighting for is the unhealthy lifestyle and the lack of attention to the eyes.

You can prevent some of the mentioned issues, like Blurred Vision, with a screen dimmer such as IRIS.

And you can always consult a doctor if appropriate.


What is IRIS?

IRIS comes with manual, automatic and various modes according to your preferred software.

It takes care of your eyes by blocking the Blue Light from disturbing the integrity of the eye.

Prevents fatigue, dry eyes, and other problems.

Rich in various features that diversify your daily life from your computer, phone, or other digital devices.

It helps you enjoy your favourite book in Reading mode or your favourite movie.

The software rated by thousands of users.

Don’t hesitate and think about your health, let your eyes get what they need and don’t let them tell you, “Why my vision is blurry?”

Author: Nikolay Tasev

Read more:

Eye exercises: Myth or a real way to improve your eyesight?

Improve your vision naturally

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What is light therapy? Sun, 24 Nov 2019 11:29:46 +0000 In a number of articles, we were stressing out how important sleep is and how dangerous overexposure to blue light is…this time, however, we are going to present to you the so-called light therapy. It will surprise you with its methods and the reasons “why”! Eager to learn more? Let’s go! Introduction Light therapy or also called phototherapy. It includes ... Read More

The post What is light therapy? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


In a number of articles, we were stressing out how important sleep is and how dangerous overexposure to blue light is…this time, however, we are going to present to you the so-called light therapy.

It will surprise you with its methods and the reasons “why”!

Eager to learn more? Let’s go!


Light therapy or also called phototherapy.

It includes exposure to daylight or to light at specific wavelengths of light using polychromatic polarized light, lasers, light-emitting diodes, fluorescent lamps, dichroic lamps or very bright, full-spectrum light.

Doctors expose patients to the light for a certain amount of time and sometimes, at a set time of the day.

What do we use light therapy for?

We use light therapy in order to treat the seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and a few other conditions by exposure to artificial light.

Phototherapy affects brain chemicals which are responsible for the regulation of mood and sleep. In turn, this eases SAD symptoms.

The experiment from Japan

Japanese scientists have run an experiment in order to determine how bright light affects the body.

They did not get a full picture of it but cleared out some of the unclarities.

Atsushi Ishida and his teamwork at Kobe University’s medical school in the field of brain science.

The scientists started by exposing mice to bright light.

They noticed the mice experienced a wave of glucocorticoid hormones.

The latter are linked to processes in the body such as metabolism, response to stress, inflammation, and immunity.

The team of Ishida did a couple of different tests on the mice.

However, they did not do the experiment on humans.

This could be actually quite easy – hormone levels after exposure to light should be checked.

Nevertheless, the findings can serve as an explanation of the effectiveness of light therapy in treating SAD or other types of depression.


After a short look at the experiment of the Japanese scientists, here are the conditions in which we use light therapy:

  • SAD

It is believed that light therapy is effective in cases of SAD because it resets the body’s biological clock.

Symptoms like depressive behavior, fatigue and sleepiness are eased and the results last for up to 1 month.

The light therapy is definitely a better option than antidepressants since it is mostly safe and easy.

  • Non – seasonal depression

Even though a review from 2015 concluded that serious methodological flaws occurred in studies previously conducted.

These studies originally proved the positive impact of light therapy on patients with non-seasonal depression.

Therefore it is still being used in such cases.

  • Sleep disorders and jet lag

Here are included circadian rhythm sleeping disorders, chronic circadian rhythm sleeping disorders, and sleep disorders in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.

  • Adjusting to a nighttime work schedule

  • Dementia.

In addition to the previous ones, we also use phototherapy as a treatment for skin conditions.

This kind of light therapy is different though.

The lamp for it emits ultraviolet light (UV).

If you don’t filter the light, the treatment is not suitable for other disorders because it can harm the eyes and the skin.

If you do not have a skin condition, you should be very careful about what kind of lamp you choose.

Of course, in case you do it yourself. Make sure that the lamp emits as little UV light as possible.

This way it would be safest!

Talking about safety, we should say that light therapy is safe in general.

Although it is not impossible side effects to occur, they will most likely be mild and won’t last long.

Some of them might be:

-Agitation linked to bipolar disorder.

Side effects will probably occur at the beginning of light therapy.

They should go away on their own in a few days.

Yet, you can try to regulate them. How?

Move further from your lightbox, take regular breaks during prolonged sessions or change the time of the day you use it.

If you have any other concerns or would like to hear more advice on the topic, talk to your doctor.

Nevertheless, always have a health professional guide you while you are under light therapy!

Light therapy lamps

We are going to show you which are the best light therapy lamps in 2019 in the categories overall, budget and SAD.

We would like to note that you should consult with your doctor before buying any light therapy lamp!

  • Best overall: Circadian Optics Lumine Light Therapy Lamp

The design of this lamp is very simple and modern.

You can fit it everywhere in your home. In addition to that, it is very easy to use – with a quick one-touch!

There are 3 levels that you can adjust for greatest efficacy.

Furthermore, the Circadian Optics Lumine Lamp is free of UV rays and the LED bulbs last about 50,000 hours.

So you should not really worry about anything!

  • Best budget: Verilux HappyLight

This lamp is a very compact option in terms of not only size but budget as well.

It is portable and safe, tested to the highest standards.

The UV rays are being again filtered to protect both your eyes and your skin.

Moreover, you can use the lamp daily and sit in front of it for a bit longer.

  • Best for SAD: Carex Day-Light Classic Plus Bright Light Therapy Lamp

The Carex Day-Light Classic Light Therapy Lamp is a clinically proven product that will help you combat the symptoms of the unpleasant SAD.

It filters out 99,3% of UV light.

The light is projected downwards as to how health professionals recommend.

The lamp is long-lasting, height-adjustable and includes 2 light settings.

Aside from SAD, The Carex Day-Light Classic Light Therapy Lamp can ease symptoms of shift adjustment, jet lag, circadian sleep disorders, and Winter Blues as well.

If you have low energy, you can use it while exercising or in the morning to energize you!

If you would like to check out more options, click on source 3 from the sources list after the article!

Red light therapy

As opposed to the previous two kinds of light therapy we have described, the red light therapy uses waves in the red and infrared spectrum.

It is important to mention that red and infrared light is 100% safe for skin and you should not worry about the risk of cancer, sunburn or tanning!

It can help you if you have to deal with inflammation healing, tissue regeneration, brain recovery, or relief painful side effects from cancer. 

So, how it works? Simply put, the (infra)red wave goes straight to the cell, which is deep inside the body.

It enhances the molecule ATP, responsible for carrying energy within cells.

This way every cell gets a little bit of a nitro, making it do its job better. Almost every system in your body can be affected by such a boost

Numerous studies have been conducted in order to find if red light therapy actually has health benefits.

It turns out that it does! The red light therapy has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a treatment for a number of conditions, including:

  • Inflammation
  • Hair and skin
  • Soft-tissue damage – like sprains and strains
  • Pain relief – the results on the effectiveness of red light therapy are so straightforward, that FDA declared it as a treatment of minor pains and arthritis.
  • Wound healing
  • Muscle repair – a study from 2018 found red light therapy effective in reducing knee muscle fatigue, both before and after exercise.
  • Circulation – The circulation in the body gets increased, providing more oxygen and nutrients for internal healing.
  • Weight loss
  • Cellulite

There are also no known side effects of red light therapy.

Your body can only get a little tired after usage if you are new to it. 

Of course, you can have red light therapy at home since its popularity has been going up in the past few years.

The forms vary and it depends on what you prefer – whether be it masks, handheld devices, bulbs, and even full red light beds.

However, before buying any of the following, better consult with a dermatologist or other professional who can help you get the best option, depending on your condition. 

Light therapy at home

While briefly describing our top 3 light therapy lamps, it has become clear that you can treat yourself at home.

All of the listed devices are perfect for at-home use.

You can take the portable ones with you wherever you go – at the office or when you’re off on vacation.

They are small and therefore very convenient.

Still, we would like to remind you to always consult with your doctor, before buying any light therapy lamp.

Even though every one of the suggested lamps is of high quality, it is really important to have a professional opinion in mind.

Especially if you want to treat a skin condition.

In this case, you should be very careful about what you are exposing your skin too, in order not to irritate it more.

After you know which device is the best one for your condition, go grab it and you surely won’t regret the money you have spent on it!

You will notice the improvements in a short period of time.

Just make sure not to overuse the device and to follow the therapy as recommended!

Well, we at IRIS are looking very serious at the skincare. This is why our software blocks the blue light to it can protect your skin from aging. 


Light therapy is used to treat depressive behavior and sleep disorders, as well as skin conditions.

Most likely, light therapy influences parts of the brain which are responsible for mood and sleep.

Science does not give us any certain pieces of evidence up to this point but we rather believe in the efficacy in phototherapy.

People suffering from the disorders that the therapy can treat, give positive feedback most of the time.

However, as we mentioned more than once in the article, we highly recommend talking to your doctor about possible solutions for your problem before making a decision on your own!

Author: Iliana Stoyanova





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Top 15 gifts for computer geeks Sun, 24 Nov 2019 10:10:33 +0000 Gifts for computer geeks As freaky as it sounds, the year has almost gone by and Christmas will be knocking on our doors in a month and a half. We all know that Christmas equals gift-giving season and we love this time of the year just because of it. Snow is mostly awful (when it does not come to skiing) ... Read More

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Gifts for computer geeks

As freaky as it sounds, the year has almost gone by and Christmas will be knocking on our doors in a month and a half.

We all know that Christmas equals gift-giving season and we love this time of the year just because of it.

Snow is mostly awful (when it does not come to skiing) but the coziness of the Christmas spirit warms our hearts.

Now it is the perfect time to start thinking about the gifts you will surprise your loved ones with.


It is very likely to know a computer geek or to be one yourself.

So there are 2 options: you do not have a clue what is going on or you do not know what else to buy already.

In order to make it easy for you, whatever your situation is, we have collected some of the coolest gifts you can get for the computer geek in your life.

Open your mind and make sure to have fun in the process!

Oh, as for the budget – we have something for every pocket!

Top 15 gifts for computer geeks

We imagined what we would like to become as a present if we were computer geeks.

This is how the following list was created.

The presented gifts seemed the most intriguing to us and we hope that you will find them such too!

Now diving straight into it:

1. My Arcade Retro Arcade Machine Handheld Gaming System

If your computer geek is into gaming, he or she will probably love this!

This machine lets you go back to the era of retro gaming at any time and place since it is portable.

The gaming system comes with 200 built-in games and it requires no expensive game console.

Categories vary from playing forest adventure and tennis to Wonder ball and bug catcher.

It is suitable for computer geeks of all ages between 3 and 103!

Buy it on Amazon here.

2. ThinkGeek Star Wars R2-D2 Measuring Cup Set

We all have a friend who is a big Star Wars lover and this measuring cup set is definitely the perfect gift for them!

It looks like R2-D2 and it comes with a body, built from 4 measuring cups of ¼, ⅓, ½ and 1 cup.

The arms of R2-D2 are detachable and turn into nested measuring spoons of ¼, ½, one teaspoon and ⅓ tablespoon.

The dome is both ½ cup and 1 tablespoon. It is important not to microwave them or put them in the dishwasher!

However, the material of the measuring cup set is of high quality since it is made of food-grade ABS plastic which is BPA-free.

How cool is that!

Buy it on Amazon here.

In addition to the Star Wars measuring cup set, you can get your Star Wars lover a Sphero Star Wars BB-8 App Controlled Robot.

You can guide your Robot by using a tablet or a smartphone.

It can also recognize your arm movements and gestures, as well as understand your voice commands.

Buy it on Amazon here.

Last but not least for the Star Wars geeks – Lego Star Wars Darth Vader Alarm Clock and Star Wars Lightsaber Chopsticks.

Kids and adults love LEGO equally which makes the Darth Vader Alarm Clock an ideal gift for all ages!

It is digital and its arms and legs move.

The Star Wars Lightsaber Chopsticks come in 4 colours and you can carry them everywhere with you since they easily fit in your pocket.

You will surely impress all of your friends with the bright and fun chopsticks!

Buy the alarm clock here and the chopsticks here.

3. Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle Cooperative Deck Building Card Game

Harry Potter fans should not feel forgotten!

This card game lets you play as your favourite character from the series (Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom) to defend the magical world from evil forces.


The game set contains over 140 cards and offers 7 different adventures, giving you the opportunity to advance your skills.

While you go deeper into the game, you will find yourself in more challenging adventures and will unlock new secrets.

The Harry Potter card game is perfect for 2-4 Harry Potter fans and their themed parties!

Buy it on Amazon here.

4. TrackR Bravo

If the computer geek in your life is so consumed by games that he or she tends to forget some essentials when leaving the house, this is the most suitable gift for them!

This device is super light which allows you to attach it to everything.

It uses Bluetooth technology to detect items in the near area – up to 100 feet away.

For example, you can place it on the back of your keys or wallet and simply use the TrackR App when you can not find them.

The device will ring and voila!

You can even set it to remind you that you forget something – if you have placed the device on a wallet and try to leave the house without it, your phone will alert you.

Buy it on Amazon here.

5. ICE Portable Wireless Floating Bluetooth Speaker

It is really convenient to have a Bluetooth speaker but having a floating one is the next level of coolness.

It spins above a magnetic base and has a special sound guide cone designed to increase 3D surround effect.

You can connect your device via Bluetooth.

Buy it on Amazon here.

6. Oculus Go Standalone Virtual Reality Headset – 64GB by Oculus

This Virtual Reality Headset works with over 1000 apps which lets you meet up with your friends in virtual reality, watch shows or concerts of your favourite stars.

No additional devices are needed in order to move into virtual reality.

The speakers are built directly into the headset.

The Oculus headset is lightweight so that you can take it anytime, anywhere.

Buy it on Amazon here.

7. AirSelfie AS2, Pocket Size Selfie Flying Camera

You totally know a person who takes pictures and selfies all day, every day.

Good news – we have found you the right gift for them!

This tiny (pocket-size) camera can be connected with your phone and lets you take HD photos from above.

From an intuitive app, you can control it and capture photos or videos which can be easily shared.

The flying camera comes with a leather carrying case so it can always be with you!

Buy it on Amazon here.

8. nuraphone — Wireless Bluetooth Over Ear Headphones with Earbuds, Creates Personalized Sound for You

Okay, we believe that this one will impress every – single – body.

Have you heard about earphones that automatically adapt the sound to your hearing?! No? Well, now you have.

The first time you turn the nuraphone on, it plays a short series of tones.

Based on the tiny sound your inner ear produces in response, the nuraphone knows what tones your ears are more or less sensitive to.

This way you will hear your favourite songs like never before!

The nuraphone has won several innovation awards like CES 2018 Best Innovation Award.

Buy it on Amazon here.

9. Omegon Universe2go Planetarium

We have given a few gift suggestions for Star Wars lovers but here is something for all astronomy and space travel enthusiasts.

If you or a friend of yours love the night and the stars, simply hold the Planetarium up to your eyes.

It has 8 different models and 3 hours of full audio explanations about the celestial objects.

The Omegon Universe2go is perfect for both novices and experts, as well as for children who are 8 years or older.

Buy it on Amazon here.

10. Corsair Dark Core RGB SE

Your computer geek definitely deserves a comfortable mouse since it probably feels like a part of his hand.

The Corsair Dark Core RGB SE has a contoured shape and charges wirelessly.

It is compatible with Xbox One, Xbox One S and Xbox One X systems.

Buy it on Amazon here.

11. Stainless Steel Keycaps

The WASD part of the keyboard is essential for every gamer.

Therefore we suppose that he will be quite glad to make it shine.

The Fitlink FPS & MOBA Gaming Keycaps are compatible with all mechanical keyboards.

They are wear-resistant, no fading and will look good for a long period of time even if used regularly.

Buy in on Amazon here.

12. Sony Playstation Console Shaped Bifold Wallet

Does your computer geek love the old days and retro vibes?

If so, this Playstation Console Shaped wallet is what is missing in his life.

It includes a note and card slots, zip-up coin pocket and Playstation logo.

Buy it on Amazon here.

13. The Oregon Trail Handled Game

It will be no surprise if a computer geek is a big fan of this classic game.

Since it may be hard to play it on modern computers, this handy version is an amazing option!

It has authentic 80’s graphics and sounds.

Buy it on Amazon here.

14. Super NES Classic

The Super NES Classic has the same look as the 90’s console but it is a bit smaller.

Besides, it comes loaded with 21 games, including Super Mario Kart and Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting! Every 90’s kid will absolutely love to get the Super NES Classic as a gift, making all the others jealous!

Buy it on Amazon here.

15. Game Boy Watch

As you may have noticed, we are getting nostalgic here. Our last offer is the Game Boy Watch with the retro Game Boy design and digital display.

The original buttons of the game are used to set the time, date and alarm.

It is 100% sure it will impress all Game Boy and Nintendo lovers!

Buy it on Amazon here.

A bonus top gift: Iris

Our software is a perfect gift for all seasons since blue light is always emitted from our screens.

If you buy Iris for yourself or your loved ones you will help them become happier, as well as healthier.

And who does not want both for the people he loves?

Get Iris on our website and use your computer without worries even in the evening. Iris has a few different modes, suited for your needs – whether it be reading, gaming or else.


Our list is a compilation of the coolest gifts for computer geeks for 2019.

Normally, some of them are a bit more expensive than you would like.

Nevertheless, we strongly believe that the money is going to be worth it since the gadgets are designed to last long.

We hope that we have made the choice for a Christmas, birthday or whatever the occasion is present (slightly) easier for you!

Now go back to the list, take a closer look and consider what will be best for you or the computer geek in your life!

And may the force be with you!

Author: Ilina Stoyanova


Read more:

Unique gifts for gamers

What are the best gifts for programmers?

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10 reasons for having a swollen eyelid Wed, 20 Nov 2019 09:06:27 +0000 After a good (i.e. hardcore) crying session, we have all noticed that our eyes are red and quite puffy. However, there is a number of other reasons which can cause swollen eyelid. If you struggle with it and do not cry that often, in this article we will suggest what may cause this phenomenon. Introduction Swollen eyelids can be annoying ... Read More

The post 10 reasons for having a swollen eyelid appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

After a good (i.e. hardcore) crying session, we have all noticed that our eyes are red and quite puffy.

However, there is a number of other reasons which can cause swollen eyelid.

If you struggle with it and do not cry that often, in this article we will suggest what may cause this phenomenon.


Swollen eyelids can be annoying not just from an aesthetic point of view.

Even though they are mostly harmless.

It is possible that they cause pain or even worse – interfere with the person’s ability to see.

Therefore we advise you to see a specialist if you have any of these issues and the swelling lasts for over 48 hours.

Still, we are going to name 10 of the most popular causes for swollen eyelids.

What is a swollen eyelid?

First, let us explain what a swollen eyelid actually is.

It occurs when there is inflammation or excess fluid (edema) in the connective tissues around the eye.

Both the upper and lower eyelids can be affected.

A swollen eyelid is always a symptom of a more complex problem such as an allergy or an infection.

So, the swelling is an immune response to it.

As opposed to it, the term “puffy eyes” refers mostly to the external physical characteristic of swollen eyes from water retention, lack of sleep for example.

10 causes for a swollen eyelid

Now we will head to the list with 10 of the most probable causes for a swollen eyelid.

Later on, some relief tips will be given as well.

1. Chalazion

Chalazion or cyst is not an infection but it occurs when an oil gland in the eyelid gets clogged.

Normally, chalazion develops in the middle of the lid and away from its edge.

They grow into bumps but rarely hurt.

The bumps usually last for a few days.

Hold a warm cloth over the swollen eye for 4-5 times a day in order to relieve it.

However, if the chalazion does not disappear on its own after a couple of days or gets painful, you should definitely see an eye doctor.

2. Stye

Unlike the cyst, the stye is an infection which forms in the gland in the eyelid.

It can either be internal or external.

Typically, a stye occurs on the edge of the eyelid and looks like a pimple.

It is crucial not to use makeup during this period or pop the bump because this way you may spread the infection.

In turn, this will lead to eye damage. Again as a home treatment, you can use a warm compress.

3. Allergies

If a swollen eyelid is combined with itchy, red and watery eyes, it might be caused by an allergy.

When you are sensitive to a certain allergen, your eyes release chemical “mediators” to protect themselves.

That is how eye allergies develop. Some of the most common allergens include dust, pollen, makeup, etc.

The best way to avoid known allergens or use antihistamine but it is better to consult with a doctor before that.

4. Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis or also known as pink eye can be caused by a bacterial, viral or allergic infection.

It inflamates the surface of the eye and can affect both eyes at the same time.

Your eyes may get itchy, red and watery as well.

Wash your eyes with warm water. The conjunctivitis can go on its own, without treatment needed.

It is important not to touch your eyes and keep your pillows clean though.

5. Cosmetic products

As we have mentioned before, makeup and skincare products are potential allergens.

When they get into the eyes, they can cause irritation.

If your eyes are swollen and you feel as if they are burning, you can buy eye drops (not eye-whitening drops or any other products since they can make it worse) – just ask a competent medical face!

If the artificial tears do not help, go see a doctor.

6. Cellulitis of the eyelid

Orbital cellulitis is a serious infection in the tissue of the eyelid.

It can be developed even by a tiny cut around your eye.

The infection is often painful and more common in children than in adults.

The cellulitis of the eyelid should be treated with antibiotics because it is a serious condition.

7. Blepharitis

Blepharitis is an inflammation caused by too much bacteria in or around the eyelids.

Symptoms of blepharitis include swollen and painful eyelids.

Some people can even experience dandruff-like flakes around their eyelashes.

Unfortunately, more often blepharitis is a chronic condition that can not be cured.

Nevertheless, it can be controlled with proper hygiene and the right treatment.

8. Graves’ disease

This is an autoimmune disorder which causes a higher release of the thyroid hormone.

The latter affects parts of your body like the nervous system, brain development and other vital elements.

There are a lot of ways to treat Graves’ disease like thyroid surgery and medications.

9. Ocular herpes

The ocular herpes is a herpes infection in or around the eyes.

It looks like conjunctivitis (pink eye) but it can be painful and cause blurry vision.

There are a few types of ocular herpes which vary from a mild infection to a more complex eye condition.

It should be treated by a doctor.

10. Blocked tear duct

When a tear duct gets blocked, trains can not be fully drained by the eyes.

Therefore, pain and redness occur. People with a blocked tear duct may find it hard to open their eyes after waking up.

The condition is quite common in newborns and children.

Usually, it is not harmful but it can become infected.

In this case, medical help should be sought.


If your eyelids are swollen due to exhaustion, lack of sleep or stress you can treat them with warm compresses or black tea bags.

If there is another reason for it though, you should definitely consult with a doctor to understand what it really is.

Try not to wear makeup while your eyelid is swollen and avoid popular allergens.

Typically swollen eyelids are not harmful and disappear within days.

Sometimes they can be a symptom of a more serious condition when treatment is needed.

Author: Ilina Stoyanova

Read more:

10 Tips on how to have Healthy Eyes

Why dry eyes are a common thing in our everyday lives?

Why would my eyes feel tired all the time?

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Six Reasons to visit your ophthalmologist right away Mon, 18 Nov 2019 12:44:04 +0000 The first thing we can start with is the definition of ophthalmology. It is a branch of medicine and surgery that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. The ophthalmologist is a specialist in ophthalmology. He performs examinations and, thorough examinations prove the presence or absence of disease. Examples of diagnostic methods performed on eye examination: Visual acuity; ... Read More

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The first thing we can start with is the definition of ophthalmology.

It is a branch of medicine and surgery that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.

The ophthalmologist is a specialist in ophthalmology. He performs examinations and, thorough examinations prove the presence or absence of disease.

Examples of diagnostic methods performed on eye examination:

  • Visual acuity;
  • Refraction;
  • Ocular tonometry for determination of intraocular pressure;
  • Slit-lamp test;
  • Retina examination

Why are we telling you all this?

Because it is important to be informed so that you can protect yourself.

In this article, we will cover a lot of seemingly different topics, but in reality, they are related to each other.

Thanks to the symptoms, we are able to understand that there is something wrong with our health and we need an examination to diagnose a specific eye disease or condition.

Online control symptoms may not cover all visual or all possible conditions but may suggest that there is some imbalance.

If you have any of the following eye or vision symptoms, you should visit an ophthalmologist.

Always consult a doctor about your own health and seek medical treatment if you have an eye or vision concerns.

Eye injuries, sudden changes or loss of vision and eye pain can be signs of serious problems requiring emergency care.

That is why we need to take care of ourselves personally and attach importance to these conditions.

Information is at the heart of everything, without which humanity cannot develop.

One of the main goals of Iris is to be able to protect your eyes and realize how much we are harming while using our facilitating technologies.

It is increasingly necessary to talk about damage from screens and monitors because there are two sides to the coin on them as everything else.

From all of the above, it’s time to show you six common symptoms that you will need to visit an ophthalmologist for.

In these types of articles, the importance of numbers is sorted in descending order, but for people, each of the symptoms listed is vitally important that we will not follow this method, but simply inform you so that you can visit an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.


Have you ever had a slight burning sensation with your eyes closed for longer periods of time?

If so, you have to think about what caused it.

The most common cause is short hours of sleep, but have you thought about why you sleep less than 7-8 hours.

Our answer to this is the long exposure to blue light.

Yes, you will think that it is not common, but in fact, it is.

Every modern person owns a mobile device and a computer, and they are part of everyday life, completely.

These types of symptoms are difficult to grasp because each of us never thinks he has something, and always gives the most logical and reassuring explanation for it, but not always that the truth.

Have you experienced itching and secretion in your eye area?

We ask you because prolonged itching and secretion from the eyes are most often the results of allergies (pollen, pets, and other environmental substances).

The condition causes discomfort, but fortunately, it usually does not lead to vision loss.

You will now wonder what allergies have to do with protecting my eyes while using my mobile device.

It matters because while you use your phone, your eyes receive an additional dose of radiation, which can at some point increase the sensitivity of your eyes.

This symptom does not lead to irreversible consequences, but it is for your own benefit to visit an ophthalmologist over a period of time that can monitor your allergy level and whether there is any change in the condition of your eyes.

Have you ever looked across the horizon and seen misty silhouettes?

If so, unfortunately, this is not a good sign. You may suffer from blurred vision, which if not looked at by an ophthalmologist has its progressive consequences.

Blurred vision occurs in cataracts (a progressive condition that can lead to blindness if left untreated).

Cataract can be treated if diagnosed on time.

Blurred vision can be caused by vitamin A deficiency, sexually transmitted diseases, eye tumors.

Do not waste time, but immediately call to book an appointment with your ophthalmologist, because eyes are very important for your existence.

The next reason is the blurred vision of near and far

The inability to see clearly available near or far is a symptom recognized as external refraction (myopia, examination, astigmatism, presbyopia).

It can be easily adjusted with glasses, contact lenses or a laser.

A more serious reason for this may be macular degeneration that affects central vision.

The eye fails to visualize objects with the mid-visual field.

In contrast, peripheral vision is not affected.

This condition can lead to irreversible consequences, namely blindness.

The problem must be trapped in the bud and treatment should be started immediately.

Feedback is also possible.

If you do not have a problem with central vision, but the areas outside of it begin to lose volume, then you may have a problem with peripheral vision.

One of the reasons may be Glaucoma, but for complete safety of your condition, visit an ophthalmologist.


Have you heard of Floating Stains?

We will try to explain them briefly to you.

The dark, clearly visible spots in your field of view are called floating spots.

The occurrence may be an indication of vitreous, retinal, or diabetic retinopathy.

If you have such a symptom, consult an ophthalmologist, because the consequences are unclear unless the necessary examinations are done.

If you see flashes while watching your pet

If you happen to see lights or glimpses in the field of view and these are not glimpses of the sun out, then you may have vision problems.

Like dark spots, it is an indication of the detachment of the vitreous or retina.

This sounds daunting, but if diagnosed on time, any undesirable development of the problem can be reversed.

We decided to introduce you to the common and overlooked symptoms at the outset so you can help yourself when needed.

Because visual impairments can lead to blindness, it is recommended that you visit an ophthalmologist every year, especially for people with visual impairments.

Another reason for routine checkups is that many of the illnesses show almost no symptoms in their early stages.

And when they are discovered, they are usually advanced and difficult to treat.

Iris will be your faithful helper

Iris strives to make its customers aware of everything connected.

The company is fully committed to helping and developing its capabilities.

Iris is an additional tool that can even prevent future eye health problems.

For this, be sure to try the software of the company, which can guarantee you better sleep, low stress, and high productivity at work.

However, do not forget to visit an ophthalmologist periodically to determine your condition.

Finally, take Iris as extra protection for your eyesight and that thanks to it, you can watch your favorite movies and TVs indefinitely without worrying about the condition of your eyes.


Written by Hristina Ferkova




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Why dry eyes are a common thing in our everyday lives? Sun, 17 Nov 2019 08:50:33 +0000 Dry eyes are becoming a far more widespread problem than you may think. Many people suffer from it daily. For this reason, in this article, we are going to discuss several ways for dry eye treatment. Dry eyes could seem like something insignificant at the beginning, especially if there is no pain, but this condition is not to be overlooked. ... Read More

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Dry eyes are becoming a far more widespread problem than you may think.

Many people suffer from it daily.

For this reason, in this article, we are going to discuss several ways for dry eye treatment.

Dry eyes could seem like something insignificant at the beginning, especially if there is no pain, but this condition is not to be overlooked.

With an ease eye dryness could lead to complicated conditions like retinal damage, scratching of the sclera (this is the white part of the eyeball, that keeps the eye’s shape), or even lead to vision damage.

The symptoms of dry eyes are simple to notice.

First and most easily to spot, is the uncomfortable feeling when you blink, the stinginess and scratchiness.

Later on, there may occur redness and sensitivity to light.

And when the condition is at an advanced stage, you could start having vision problems like blurriness and eye fatigue.

What causes dry eyes?

Dry eyes are mainly caused because of the low tear lubrication by the tear glands.

The tear glands are in the upper part of our eye holes and produce tear fluid that the eyelids spread all over the surface of the sclera.

The dry eyes syndrome may occur when you are in an air-conditioned room with warm airflow.

Also, staying in a room with bad, dim lighting is another way to irritate your eyes.

Reading for a long time without getting rest is just as well harmful.

Other causes of dry eyes are overly strong artificial lighting; smoke or staring at a computer screen for too long. (Applies for staring in smartphone or tablet screens, too.)

eye strain eye stress computer monitor blue light filter protection

Unquestionably, blue light is usually the main cause of dry eyes.

Blue light is emitted by all technologies that have a display.

Blue light is bad for your eyes because it makes you forget to blink and thus your eyes do not get lubricated.

Blinking is healthy for your eyes, so you should blink more often.

Is there a way to get rid of dry eyes?

Hopefully, there are ways to fight the eye dryness.

Take regular breaks from your screen

Looking for a long time in one spot strains greatly your eyes.

Plus, working in front of a computer for hours and hours is not healthy for many other reasons, some of which we will discuss later in this article.

The tear fluid has to be spread all over the surface of the eyes.

This happens when you blink and look around at close and far objects.

When you take a break from your computer/phone screen, look around for some minutes and you are going to feel immediate comfort.

Use artificial tears

For quick relief of not so serious cases of dry eyes, artificial tear drops are one of the best solutions out there.

Most of the eye drops are easily accessible, for the reason they are available without a doctor’s prescription.

This means that if you feel the need of trying out any medical way of solving your problem, you do not need to go and see a doctor, just to make a research for the best medicine title.

There are two types of artificial tear drops – gel-like and watery.

The former type of drops are thicker in appearance and are more reliable for a long-lasting fix.

However, they are recommended for using later at night, before going to bed, because they may cause vision blurring and are dangerous for using before you drive, for example.

The later – watery type of eye drops – are the ones you could use at any time throughout the day.

They are a fast remedy, but for a short time. And in order to keep the effect, you have to use them more frequently.

Moisture the air

Especially during the cold autumn and wintertime the air in our homes and offices becomes really dry due to the air conditioners and forced-air heating.

The warm flow dries the air and consequently our eyes.

For this reason, be sure that from time to time you clean the air with fresh, outside air and do not force so much the air conditioners.

Beware when wearing contact lenses

For sure contact lenses are better for your image if you feel uncomfortable with spectacles.

But deciding to wear contact lenses is a responsible task.

Dryness with contact lenses may occur because of the small amount of oxygen that makes it to the eye due to the thin lens layer.

Without the essential oxygen, the tear glands suffer and hardly can they produce tears.

Moreover, hygiene is essential to contact lenses.

Not paying enough attention to hygiene could lead to even greater problems than dryness.

Of course, if you sense any discomfort with your contact lenses and think that they are the reason for your dry eyes, first consult with a doctor before trying to deal with the problem by yourself.

Wear computer glasses

In the beginning, we mentioned that blue light is one of the main reasons for having dry eyes.

Of course, it does not only cause dry eyes but vision damage and many other health issues.

And at these technological times, blue light is our daily companion – at work, on the phone and at home in front of the TV or our computer.

Therefore, blue light filter glasses exist.

They are made especially to lower the effect of blue light on our eyes.

Computer glasses are made with special lenses that block the blue light rays and this is why when looking through them, the screen looks a little yellow.

You could get such glasses in every optics store with or without dioptre, depending on your needs.

Quality computer glasses are not cheap and it is preferable for you to be buying them from certificated stores.

Alternatively, there is another option to block your monitor’s blue light without all the fuss around the activity of buying glasses. And this is Iris.


Iris – the blue light blocking software

Iris is a computer program that once installed will save you a lot. It is helping thousands of people with their vision problems and headaches around the globe.

Iris operates simply – it blocks the blue light and applies an eye-friendly filter on your screen.

It doesn’t at all distract you from doing your job, on the contrary – it helps you do it with fresh eyes and mind.

Iris even has an option to remind you to have some minutes break to look around and flex your eye muscles, which helps a lot for their well being.

Last words

Looking after our eye health is of great importance.

In general, it does not take a great effort to do so and starting with Iris is one of the easiest ways to start a series of good health habits.

Autor: Yoana Borisova


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Why should I use blue light blocking software? Wed, 13 Nov 2019 08:07:03 +0000 Obviously, the hours of the day when our eyes are exposed to the blue light from looking at a computer screen or other devices are getting bigger, and we’re just starting to study and learn about the long-term side effects associated with this exposure. Can we protect ourselves? The answer is yes.  Blue light blocking software comes to the rescue ... Read More

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Obviously, the hours of the day when our eyes are exposed to the blue light from looking at a computer screen or other devices are getting bigger, and we’re just starting to study and learn about the long-term side effects associated with this exposure.

Can we protect ourselves?

The answer is yes. 

Blue light blocking software comes to the rescue to prevent radiation.

There are a number of solutions, including screen filters, applications, and computer glasses.

Information about their existence is not widely publicized. 

This is why it is important for everyone to ask themselves specific questions.

 How often do I use a computer or other devices? 

What is blue light and why is it so harmful?

By what means can I prevent future negative consequences?

Тhe blue light in the world around us

Colors are naturally created, as are humans. 

This is why our surrounding world contains a large percentage of blue.

 The sun is a major source of various types of light, including blue light. 

Blue light is the cause of many unwanted vision problems.

It’s contained in technologies that are so popular, namely computers, smartphones and more.

Blue light contributes to the digital eye strain.

blue light around the world

Тhe eye fails to cope only with the blue light


Unfortunately, there is not much publicity about the blue light. Many people do not know about it and do not know what causes it in the long term.

As an example of the strong influence of blue light, UV rays can be compared with them.

With less than one percent, UV rays reach the retina, while blue light freely reaches them.

Research has shown that lenses that block blue light with wavelengths less than 450 nm (blue-violet light) increase contrast significantly. 

Therefore, computer glasses with yellow-tinted lenses may increase comfort when you’re viewing digital devices for extended periods of time.

Blue light blocking software is important because it enhances the biological protection of the eye.

Our body

We have all heard about hormones and I know about the human body as if it were its regulator. I know the specific technical effects on health, libido, plants and the region. Recommend crucifixion; Imbalance or lack of some of which can have fatal consequences.

Light affects the brain, and in particular, one area called the hypothalamus. 

The hypothalamus is linked to other parts of the brain and controls the synthesis of hormones, such as cortisol and melatonin.

An example can be given with a car that is a far simpler machine.

Cortisol is the unity between the turbo and the nitro.

Melatonin, on the other hand, is vital. Its levels depend on light. Therefore, the level of melatonin in the body is low throughout the day.

Everyone has to think for themselves and accept that technology has its side effects on both human perception and physical state.

It is no accident that many people go to a psychologist and improve their perception of the world, let’s follow the example and help our physical, protecting our eyes first.

the influence of blue light

 That’s why Iris is perfect for you


Iris is a protective “medicine” that aims to preserve both your vision and prevent other ailments of the body.

 Accept it as an additional feature on your computer.

Its basis is the control of flickers that a recurrent defect in the image of a cathode ray tube caused especially by slow screen scans.

The second major property is the reduction or elimination of blue light, the influence of which is mentioned above.

The ability to control the levels of blue light contributes to the continued use of modern technology.

Almost every person does not think when using modern technology.

 That is why Iris is necessary for everyone, every single exposure to blue light brings people closer to the possibility of worsening their health. 

Blue light-blocking softwаre protects the eye and makes it possible in the long run.

After a thorough explanation, Iris is confident that you will think about yourself and how you can improve or prevent your health from deteriorating.

Technologies are evolving with each passing day, so we need to be able to protect ourselves from their use because the eyes are not like parts of a machine and cannot be changed or updated.

 Many people do not think about the benefits of eye health, which is why Iris (blue light-blocking software) strives to educate its clients in this direction and direct them towards a better future. 

There should be no compromise with this because the technology is personal and users need to “see” it for a long time.

Written by Hristina Ferkova

The post Why should I use blue light blocking software? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Unique gifts for gamers Mon, 11 Nov 2019 13:32:39 +0000 Choosing gifts for gamers is not so difficult as you might think. Gamers like everything nerdy or gaming-related. They love collecting various fandom merchandise and their home is usually all covered with it. However, if you want to get on the next level with buying the best gift for your gamer friend you are in the right place! In general, ... Read More

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Choosing gifts for gamers is not so difficult as you might think.

Gamers like everything nerdy or gaming-related.

They love collecting various fandom merchandise and their home is usually all covered with it.

However, if you want to get on the next level with buying the best gift for your gamer friend you are in the right place!

In general, what are the best gifts for gamers?

Gifts should be upgrading the gamer’s overall experience.

Consider something new, shiny and totally awesome!

Yet, be careful when you consider buying something that your gamer already has.

Maybe they will not want to separate from it, just because you have bought them a new one.

This doesn’t apply for when you buy them the newest playing console, though. In this case, your gaming friend is going to be on cloud nine and love you endlessly.

Getting back to the topic, every gamer has specific needs concerning, for example, display size, hardware, colors, etc.

For this reason, to avoid awkward moments and please your gamer at most, take a look at these suggestions for gifts for gamers!

Virtual Reality Headset

What is a better gaming experience than the ‘real’ virtual reality?

VR headsets turn off the outer world and let us get into the game.

This makes the particular game feel almost like a real-life experience.

VR headsets vary from cheap, middle class, and high-end headsets.

It all depends on the experience you desire.

The cheapest seats are indeed cheap, but made of cardboard and not at all comfortable.

While the specially made for gaming VR headsets have head straps and are comfortable enough to carry for hours of gaming.

Of course, the different prices predict specific resolution qualities and graphics.

The rule when it comes to gaming is the more expensive it is, the better.

Convention tickets

Gamers love meeting with other gamers. (Unless in combats…)

Conventions are the most colored festivals around the globe where all nerds meet, including gamers.

Conventions are fun and chaotic but provide a wide range of panels, popular and international guests, merch, and wide-known brands that make games and gaming accessories.

Gamers would love to see free-to-test new technologies and be in a place where there are all of their favorite brands, youtube gamers, and live brawls.

Retro gaming-related stuff

A lot of gamers started their hobbies at a young age with games like Super Mario and Pacman.

Nowadays, when old arcade and electronic games are extinct, many seek out for sentimental items to remind them of the good old days.

You could survey your friend about the way he/she became a gamer and what hooked him/her up.

Subscriptions and gift cards

Subscriptions are sometimes essential to get in touch with the best games.

And often, subscriptions are a discomfort to pay.

A gamer would be more than glad his subscriptions to be paid by somebody else.

Gift cards are also very good options for a gift for gamers.

If you are really struggling to choose what to buy, gift cards are your best friends!

Ask your gamer about his/her favorite shops and check out if they sell gift cards or vouchers.

Portable Power Bank

Gamers, who play on their phones battle with low battery more than necessary.

Present them with extra battery life! Some power banks work on laptops, too.

First, choose the best option of power capacity that is enough for the needs of the device, no more or less.

Second, check if the outputs and inputs are compatible with the device that it will be used with.

And lastly, make sure the power bank is portable.

Books about games

Many games have novels, that are based on them.

Also, there are tons of handbooks that help gamers level up and provide extra information that can be hardly found online.

Moreover, such books often have stunning illustrations and concept art inside them.

Therefore, many editions are like collectibles… and as expensive as them.

Mini refrigerator

Imagine that you are in the middle of an important brawl and you are in the need of a refreshing drink.

However, the kitchen is not close enough.

A mini-fridge is the solution to this problem.

It is enough for several drinks or small snacks to keep the gamer’s wellbeing during a long series.

Surely, they are going to be very thankful for such a gift.

And even more, if you fill the mini-fridge for them.


Gamers love comfortable clothes like hoodies and warm pajamas.

Our advice is not to just buy any hoodie or pajamas, but to look out for hoodies with witty inscriptions and pajamas with funny patterns.

As well as that, these pixel maniacs would be happy to wear in public cool gamer t-shirts or merch.

Sound installation

Surround systems are not only for home theatre.

A good sound installation – that includes a front, rear and center speakers, and a subwoofer – would provide ultimate gaming experience.

Surround sound systems do not necessarily need to be bought from gaming stores.

They could simply be found in every electronics store.

Gaming chair and other gaming furniture

Furnish your gaming friend’s room to look like out of this world.

Dim it out, install LED lamps and get some special “gaming” furniture.

Such are gaming chairs that are specially designed to be ergonomic and comfortable for long hours of sitting.

Gaming hardware

Gaming hardware is usually expensive but for sure it is worth it!

This hardware is made for faster response times and heavy graphics.

In addition to this, gaming hardware has a remarkable design!

If you are considering to buy gaming hardware, there is a choice of heaps of keyboards, mouses, headphones and microphones, and monitors.

Iris -The blue light filter for displays

And when we talk about monitors, we cannot skip the blue light topic.

Blue light is radiated from every tech that has a display.

Blue light is harmful to human eyes and causes eye strain and vision damage.

Gamers spend all of their time staring in that screen, therefore they are known for their constant red eyes.

Iris is a software that blocks out the blue light and doesn’t interrupt the ongoing game.

It combines healthfulness and enjoyment.

For this reason, Iris is one of the best gifts for gamers.

Last words

Do not forget that being healthy is the most important thing, therefore this should be one of the main factors that you follow and consider when buying gifts for gamers.

It is best to combine efficiency with pleasure.

Author: Yoana Borisova

The post Unique gifts for gamers appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

7 ways technology is changing the healthcare industry Mon, 04 Nov 2019 15:27:41 +0000 Introduction I think we all are aware that technology takes a big part in our lives. But even before them, there was always something, created by humans, that made a big change in people’s everyday life. This includes innovations in medicine. Even nowadays, being a doctor or a scientist comes with financial security and plenty of opportunities. But what would ... Read More

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I think we all are aware that technology takes a big part in our lives.

But even before them, there was always something, created by humans, that made a big change in people’s everyday life. This includes innovations in medicine.

Even nowadays, being a doctor or a scientist comes with financial security and plenty of opportunities.

But what would happen if we combine the fastest growing industry with one that has always been needed?

Apps, device sand software

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when thinking about something, that combines medicine and technology?

Well, these are things that most of us use every day.

We have watches that we use when training, apps that check if we have done enough physical training for the day.

There are different types of apps for calorie tracking, etc.

We can share this information when we visit our doctor. These are devices and apps that make our lives a lot easier.

There are different types of software, created in the last years.

Their main idea is to keep us healthy in away.

For example, the main purpose of Iris is to protect our eyes from blue light and keep the normal functions in our body.

3D printing

At this point, all of us have heard about 3D printing technology.

It may sound a little scary but actually this is something that has helped doctors all over the world.

Nowadays we use 3D printing to create human body parts, hearing aids, dental devices and even to replace skin and organs.

Think about what would be the next step, if we are already able to create human body parts and organs?

Bearing in mind that we live in a certain era and people have always been …well, people, there is one question that comes in our minds.

How many of us are able to use that type of “service”?

Unfortunately, we know the answer, and we know that this type of “service” is not something all of us can afford.

Hopefully, in the future things change.

Robots and artificial intelligence

The 3D printing leads us to our next, very interesting stop.

Artificial intelligence is something used for a base for a lot of American sci-fi movies.

Most of the times the ending is scary and leads to robots controlling our planet, humankind – destroyed and so on, and so on.

Well, in the healthcare industry there is no place for fear of technologies.

It’s actually the other way around.

In the latest researches, it’s actually proven that AI (artificial intelligence) can diagnose more accurately strokes, skin cancer, heart and eye diseases.

And what about the robots?

Well, we will always need human doctors and surgeons but at the end of the day, they are people.

People make mistakes. Using robots in surgeries can lead to better results, fewer mistakes, more precise cuts.
Again this is something that helps surgeons, not replace them.

At least for now.

Virtual reality

The great minds on our planet come up with big, life-changing ideas all the time.

What is the latest one that can be used in the healthcare industry?

The so-called VR headsets can be used to train healthcare workers.

How? They immerse themselves in different simulated scenarios.

This way future doctors and nurses become more confident, more practical, and just better and faster at making decisions. Isn’t this what we all expect when we visit a hospital?

And this is not all!

Scientists in Boston have developed glasses that allow doctors to see inside patients’ bodies.

For this, they use data from scans. Again, this is an innovation that helps not only specialists but patients as well.


In Telemedicine people can transmit information regarding their health to a doctor.

And they don’t have to wait in front of the doctor’s office for hours.

Have you heard about medical tourism?

If a patient wants a second opinion or if they really need some help from a doctor that lives in another continent, what is the first step they can take?

Buy a plane ticket? Well, no.

There are apps that allow you to contact a doctor in any part of the world to get a diagnosis.

This is also connected to our next innovation.

Electronic Health Records

You know how, when you are sick, and you need to go to 2 or 3 different specialists for a diagnosis, you have to take with you all of the papers that you have with your test results, prescriptions. 

This just makes things harder and more annoying.

Yes, let me introduce you to Electronic Health Records!

These records consist of a patient’s tests, surgeries, diagnosis, medical history, allergies. Yes, all of this.

The good part is that they can access them right away, so you don’t have to wait.

The specialist will be able to get this data more easily and see if there has been made a mistake with your diagnosis.

This makes the whole process a lot easier and not so painfully annoying for the ill patient, and all of this, thanks to technology.

Using this data, doctors will be able to contact each other faster and discuss any of the problems they could find in your record.


In the future 5G will make it possible for surgeons to perform operations, using a robot, from another continent. How great is that!

If just for a second we erase all of our memories, connected to scary sci-fi movies, we will actually find all of this very amusing.

People in the past were dying from the plague, for example, and this is something that can’t happen today.

Innovations are here to help us.

They show us how beautiful the human brain is because after all, we, humans, create this magic called technology.


Author: Maq Peteva










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How animal’s sight works? Mon, 04 Nov 2019 14:27:11 +0000 Animal`s sight is different from human vision In this article, you will understand how animal`s sight works. What do the vast majority think when they take a gander at the world most likely the animal`s sight it a similar way we see it. After some time we fathom that animals don’t have a comparative vision as people. “The information they ... Read More

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Animal`s sight is different from human vision

In this article, you will understand how animal`s sight works.

What do the vast majority think when they take a gander at the world most likely the animal`s sight it a similar way we see it.

After some time we fathom that animals don’t have a comparative vision as people.

“The information they receive visually goes through processes that we humans do not use.

When humans process these visual stimuli, animals do something with this information that we cannot perceive. ”

This adds in an interview with National Geographic’s Thomas Cronin, a biologist, and a specialist from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

How does vision work?

Let me start with a small set of facts about our eyes.

As we all know, the eyes are organs of the visual system.

The visual system is part of the central nervous system, which gives the ability to process visual details as vision. 

The capacity that the eyes have is to get and process visual subtleties.

The eyes recognize light and transform it into electrochemical motivations in neurons.

There is likewise an alleged refined optical framework it gathers light from the earth.

It alters its power through the stomach centering it through a customizable focal point gathering to deliver a picture.

It transforms them into signals and sends them to the mind using complex neural pathways that associate the eye through the optic nerve to the optic cortex and different regions of the cerebrum.

Eyes with goals have come in ten fundamentally various structures.

Of which 96% of the creature species have a complex optical framework.

There are less difficult eyes that have a place with microorganisms.

They do nothing but distinguish whether the environment is light or dark.

Animal`s sight

Take predators, for instance.

They have the most created visual field.

It serves them all the more effectively to catch their prey with brisk profundity discernment and great separation figuring, called binocular vision.

In different creatures, for example, rabbits and horses, they have monocular vision, with the eyes being utilized independently.

Utilizing her eyes thusly, the field of view is expanded while the impression of profundity is restricted.

Another interesting thing about vision is The visual perception of living things in the surrounding world.

It relies upon how their eyes procedure the light.

A sort of photoreceptors called cones recognize limited quantities of light; it allows us to see in the dark.

Animals treat light differently – some creatures have only two types of photoreceptors, making them partially blinded, others having four, allowing them to see ultraviolet light, and others may recognize polarized light, which means light waves that oscillate in the same plane.

The human against animal`s sight


Dan-Eric Nilsson, a zoology professor at the University of Lund in Sweden and co-author of the book Animal Eyes, said that cats, in contrast to people, have two sorts of cone cells in the retina, which means they are dichromatic.

They appear as though individuals with red-green blinding.

To get their visual perception, we need to join everything red or green in one shading. It is obscured on objects.

In sunlight, the cat’s eye is around multiple times more obscured than our own.

In the moonlight, their eyes are inclined to see cleaner than we are.


Dogs, similar to cats, contain two kinds of color-recognition cells to catch yellow and blue to bright light.

With a little gathering of cone types, dogs can’t recognize the same number of hues as people can.

Each cone cell contains color to explicit wavelengths of light.

The extent of tones that animals see depends upon the mix of concealing tricky hues in their eyes.


Horses bring the dogs closer to their eyes, and they can’t recognize red and green.

They like winged creatures put intensely in their 350-degree monocular vision empowering them to see for all intents and purposes behind.

Horses have more post cells than individuals a high degree of shaft cells to cone cells 20:1 similarly as a tapetum lucidum giving them prevalent night vision.


Insects have a more prominent number of eyes than individuals.

Most insects, for example, have 8 eyes, caterpillars have 12, the typical fly uses 4 000 central focuses in each eye, and the dragonfly wins in front of any and all individuals with 30 000 central focuses.

You will most likely feel that they are vastly improved at locating than individuals yet they presumably simply redress.

The insect compound eye resembles having bunches of little eyes looking in changed ways however each and every eye sees well overall. the human eye can turn yet it just looks a single way at some random time.

The nature of its vision is a lot higher than that of a compound eye.

So in the event that we can consider the to be thing as a creepy-crawly our eyes would see more subtleties in light of the fact that the sharpness of a human eye is around multiple times superior to that of the best compound eye.

The blue light and the animals

Light likewise influences different parts of the animal`s life.

Development, the plumage or body, relocation, propagation, and diapause are altogether imbued by light in different insects, birds, fish, reptiles, and mammals.

Many animals prefer to stay in the dark, while others like the hydroids fail to survive in the absence of light …

“LED lights are rapidly replacing other outdoor lighting sources around the world,” says TWS member Travis Longcore, lead author of the study and associate professor of Architectural Space Sciences and Biological Sciences at the University of Southern California.

The group looked at the impacts of hues that make up regular open-air lighting sources, including LEDs – or LEDs – that can be designed in a wide range of color mixes.

All in all, blue and white lights have the most negative consequences for wildlife, causing issues, for example, attraction and disorientation.

Amber and green are better for wildlife because they avoid the colors to which the study groups are most sensitive.


The blue light does far less damage to people than creatures.

Human vision is in danger because of the age we live in.

We do not question the health of our eyes, as well as the wildlife and the lives of our pet friends.

We should consider our wellbeing, life on the planet, and the planet itself.

We at the IRIS accept that our planet can be a superior spot to live.

We are expanding on our thoughts and attempting to make the world encompassed by innovation more secure with our blue light software – IRIS.

Author: Nikolay Tasev


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What are the best gifts for programmers? Mon, 04 Nov 2019 13:54:01 +0000 Everybody has wondered at least once in their lives what is the perfect present for a close person and the choice is often difficult to make. And if you are seeking gifts for programmers, who is a relative or a loved one, then check out the ideas we are giving you in this article! Where to look out for gifts ... Read More

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Everybody has wondered at least once in their lives what is the perfect present for a close person and the choice is often difficult to make.

And if you are seeking gifts for programmers, who is a relative or a loved one, then check out the ideas we are giving you in this article!

Where to look out for gifts for programmers?

It is not so difficult to find gifts for programmers, for we are living in such technological days, that there is literally everything out there!

Moreover, programmers can easily steal computer merchandise from gamers, for whom there are many well designed and useful items.

Резултат с изображение за gifts for programmers

You could search for a gifts for programmers in every specialized gaming store or simply online on computer tech sites.

Do not go for second-hand items or buy something you do not see good feedback about.

Now, take a look at these ten super ideas for presents:

Laptop bag/backpack

A good laptop backpack should be reliable and chosen to suit the user’s needs.

They vary from ergonomic, stylish, carry-all, etc.

When looking for one, first of all, make sure the bag fits like a glove to the laptop – yours or the person you will be buying it for.

Another very considerable aspect of a good laptop backpack is that whether it is resistant to water.

If the one carrying the bag is using public transport or has a great possibility to be caught by rain, water resistance is essential for keeping the laptop safe.

Also, make sure that it is made of high-quality materials and has some warranty.

Usually, laptops and their hardware – like mouses, earphones, speakers, etc. – are heavy to carry and the laptop bag’s straps have to be strong enough to last long.

A good set of headphones

A programmer could find the best purpose of a headphone set by himself.

He or she could use them to listen to music while working or for relaxing while having a break.

The vital thing that you should consider about headphones is whether they have to be wired (connected to the laptop/pc with a cable) or wireless (connected via Bluetooth).

A plus to the good set of headphones is sound isolation, thus the programmer could get concentrated more easily and this quality is going to be highly appreciated.

In addition to this, headphones must be comfortable to wear for hours and hours while the programmer works.

A good quality set of a keyboard and a mouse

Have you seen those gamer keyboards and mouses that look like some space technology and glow in magnificent colors?

Surely they are cool and everybody would like to have one.

However, stick up to full-size keyboards that have as many keys as possible.

And if you really want to get fancy, search out for keyboards with a lot of unusual additional keys that ease the use of shortcuts.

About mouses, there is as much choice to get lost in as with keyboards.

They come in every color and shape, can be wired or not (Who likes cables anymore?), can be full-size or compact sized.

There are also mouses that come with extra buttons, apart from the left- and right-click buttons and the scroll.

There could be extra buttons for opening the home menu, opening a browser, executing different actions or just anything.

A plus is when you could program the different buttons on the mouse and design them to suit your needs.

Computer glasses

Imagine working for hours in front of that display every day.

There is no doubt that you will get sore eyes and vision problems.

Everybody who works on a computer cannot avoid blue light exposure.

Blue light is being emitted from every device that has a display and is very harmful to our eyes.

Computer glasses filter blue light with special glass lenses that could both have or not any dioptre.

These special glasses are made is every good optics store by specialists.

However, there is a cheaper alternative to buying expensive computer glasses.

Iris – the blue light filter for PC

Iris is software that once installed, will remove the blue light that goes off of the computer’s display.

It works like a blue light filter.

Iris is not at all distracting and will not interfere in the coder’s work.

Moreover, Iris is going to remind you when it is time to take a break and stretch out. (Computer glasses cannot do this, can they?)

Iris is going to be appreciated by everybody who is using their computer for too long and doesn’t want to harm their eyes, not only programmers.

The program also has many other options apart from filtering blue light.

Laptop cooling pad

Many laptops overheat because of long-time usage.

In order to extend the time, you can use your laptop and safe its battery, a cooling pad may be a good solution to the problem.

When looking out for a cooling pad you will meet with two options – cooling pads with a fan/fans or without any fans.

Our advice is to choose one with fans, because they provide better airflow and work finer, despite the noise they make.

A monitor

Obviously, monitors are important and when you buy one you have to be aware of all the possible choices out there.

First and most important, define what type of monitor you would like to buy – were it a gaming monitor, professional or one for general use.

They differ in their color accuracies and response time.

Secondly, aim for a higher resolution.

The higher it is, the clearer would be the image.

Nowadays, a 1920 x 1080 (a.k.a. Full HD) is a good enough choice that provides the best quality for the price.

Of course, there are 4K monitors, too.

All the same, all monitors radiate blue light, so if you consider a monitor as a gift for programmers, we suggest to give it along with Iris – the blue light filter for PCs.

A comfortable chair or chair accessories

Programmers sit all the time while they code, therefore a comfortable chair is a must.

A good office chair should be ergonomic, so it does not damage one’s posture.

There should be comfortable supports for one’s back and arms (armrests).

If your friend coder already has a chair that he/she doesn’t want to get rid of, you could give them chair accessories.

Such are the various additional cushions, for example.

A footrest

Footrests vary from inflatable, foam, adjustable and hammock footrests for under the desk.

Footrests improve blood circulation and relieve every kind of pain, caused by improper posture.

Most of them have a nonslip surface.

In most cases, they are easy to install and are very comfortable.

Cool merch

Cool merchandise is now available for all kinds of fandoms and not only.

There is a merch for everything!

Coders could take advantage of t-shirts, mugs, laptop stickers and posters that say something funny or so true about their job.

Last words

In short, it looks like choosing gifts for programmers is not hard at all, is it?

Our code maniacs may be quiet and look like hard people to pick up a present for, but deep inside they wish someone bought something like the examples above for them.

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How To Choose The Best Glasses For You? Mon, 04 Nov 2019 13:50:57 +0000 I know, I know, you spend too much time in stores, online stores, or ordinary accessories or fashion sites, for your dream glasses. Do you take your friends with you to express your opinion? – The poor ones. Glasses are not just about emphasizing your vision. On the contrary, they serve something more important – the health of your eyes. ... Read More

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I know, I know, you spend too much time in stores, online stores, or ordinary accessories or fashion sites, for your dream glasses.

Do you take your friends with you to express your opinion? – The poor ones.

Glasses are not just about emphasizing your vision.

On the contrary, they serve something more important – the health of your eyes.

The choices you make for your appearance often lead to fluctuations.

With just a few easy steps, you will gain your consent and the approval of your loved ones, and why not everyone else?


The glasses are designed to be an accessory as well as to protect the eyes from health problems.

According to the needs and preferences that we have, we make our choice whether it be sunglasses or goggles with diopter, accessory or for computer, driving, and even anything in between.


If you had previous glasses that you found comfortable.

Either they have stood well in your face, or for the first time you have the choice of deciding what to look like now, it is good to know their size before you buy them.

It is especially important if you buy glasses online.

It is also important to have the measurements handy.

This will reduce your hesitation and be able to focus on the best fit of the next pair.

Understand the basic shapes of the face

Everyone’s face is different, but it has 7 common shapes: round, heart-shaped (inverted triangle), triangular, square, rectangular, oblong and oval.

  • Round faces: mostly have fuller cheeks and rounded cheekbones, full forehead, and chin.
  • Heart-shaped faces: resembles a triangle inverted, with a wide forehead and pointed chin. It can be long and graceful or more rounded.
  • Triangular faces: Mostly have narrow foreheads and wide jaw.
  • Square faces: They have strong, wide foreheads and equally wide, strong chins. In proportion to the length and width of the face.
  • Elongated and oval faces: They are also very similar. Rounded and proportioned. The oval face has a more pointed chin.
Select frames using face shape

They must be in the correct proportion of the face.

That is, do not distract from your appearance or have the striker sideways.

  • Be sure your frames are neither too big nor too small – correct.
  • Too big glasses make you look ridiculous. Eyeglasses that are too small may look outdated or attention-grabbing.
  • The top should follow the curve of the eyebrows. You look best if you see your eyebrows just above the borders.
Choose the color that best suits you

The color was always attractive, especially if you choose the right one.

Different border colors may look better on you and reveal a little of your character.

  • Determine if you have a cool or warm tone to your skin.
  • To embody the cool skin tone you must have blue eyes, pale skin, blue veins in the skin. In this case, a cool color frame will complement your coloring best.
  • Warm colors include brown eyes, tanned skin, and green veins. Then you can look your best in warm colors within the frames.
  • Neutral skin tones can be framed in any color.


The American Academy of Ophthalmology offers advice on buying shades that provide the best protection against harmful UV rays.

As we all know, they serve to facilitate seeing on sunny days.

However, wearing the right sunglasses is also the best protection against ultraviolet light, which prevents short or long term damage.

As studies show, sun exposure can increase the risk of cataracts, which is a leading cause of blindness worldwide.

Even intense UV exposure can lead to temporary blindness, also called photokeratitis.

No one is immune to diseases like these.

In particular, children and people with sensitive and bright eyes should pay particular attention to their choice of sunglasses.

Because the intensity of the light reflected on the eyes is much higher, they are susceptible to sun damage.


“When shopping for sunglasses, some people concentrate on the appearance, not the sun,” says ophthalmologist Brenda Pagan-Duran.

The most important thing to do when buying sunglasses is to make sure they block 100-percent of the UV rays.

  • Look for a sticker or label that says 100-percent protection.
  • Dark glasses definitely look cool but don’t necessarily block more UV rays.
  • Color is irrelevant. Because you have a choice of different colors, they sometimes increase the contrasts that are appropriate for different sports enthusiasts and even professionals.
  • Polarized lenses block glare, not UV rays. They are suitable for driving or swimming.
  • Price is not a factor. Sunglasses definitely do not have to cost too much to “offset” well.


When choosing lenses for your glasses, the following elements should be appropriate: Appearance, comfort, vision, and safety.

The most common mistake is to ignore it.

Hasty decisions do not produce good results.

You have to think carefully about your choice, but these are your glasses.

So pay attention to the material that made the glass cover and the design.

Prescription eyeglasses, whether you need single vision lenses to correct myopia or hypocrisy and/or astigmatism.

Through visual problems, I will offer advantages and features.


  • Glass lenses – Although glass lenses offer exceptional optics, they are heavy and break easily. They can injure the eye when broken and are therefore no longer used.
  • Plastic lenses – Due to their lightweight, which is about 50 percent of the weight of glass, the low cost and excellent optical properties of CR-39 plastic (developed in 1947) remains a popular material even today.
  • Polycarbonate lenses – they are lighter and more impact-resistant, making them the preferred material for goggles, safety goggles, and sports goggles. In 2001 it was upgraded to Trivex.
  • High-index plastic lenses – Thinner and lighter, with a higher refractive index.


A refractive index is a number, which is an important measure of how effectively it bends light, it depends on how fast light passes through the material.

The higher the refractive index of a material, the slower the light moves through it, which results in the greater the refraction of light rays.

Lenses are considered mandatory when scratched.

All lightweight goggles have a smaller scratch factor.

Softer and more susceptible to abrasion than glass.

Stick to the following items.

  • Anti-reflection coating – makes all lenses for glasses better. They reduce contrast and clarity, especially at night.
  • UV blocking radiation – polycarbonate and almost all high-index plastic lenses have built-in 100% UV protection.


Now walk without much hesitation and shake with your new look the environment you are in.

Be unique, even if you do not have to follow these recommendations.

No one can take away your sense of style.

Seek a better future without hesitation.

We at IRIS support you when it comes to health and well-being, not only to your eyes but also to your lifestyle.

Author: Nikolay Tasev

Read more:

Will blue light blocking glasses help with eye strain?

Should I get glasses with ‘blue Light blocking’ coating?

Glasses to Protect Eyes From Blue Light

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5 affordable ways to invest in your health Sun, 03 Nov 2019 09:57:37 +0000 Some people invest in real estate, passive income, savings and so on but what they do not realize is that the best investment they could possibly make is in their health. It may sound expensive to you but it is actually not. In fact, it can be very easy and pleasant if you decide to change your life for the ... Read More

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Some people invest in real estate, passive income, savings and so on but what they do not realize is that the best investment they could possibly make is in their health.

It may sound expensive to you but it is actually not.

In fact, it can be very easy and pleasant if you decide to change your life for the better.


Health is probably the most important element of a person’s well-being.

If you are not healthy, you can not be completely happy, successful, or calm.

Investing in your health will spare you a lot of money and future worries and will eventually enable you to enjoy the years of your retirement for longer.

Of course, you can never predict what might happen but you can always try to decrease your risk as much as possible. Here are 5 ways you can do this:

5 ways to become a healthier version of yourself

Educate yourself

If you are starting just now with a healthy lifestyle, it is crucial to invest in your health educating first.

As with everything else, having the needed knowledge and using it in the right way is the key to success.

Learn about the nutrients your body needs the most, what type of exercise is the right for you, how to take self-care to the next level, etc.

However, you should have in mind that there is lots of misinformation on the Internet.

Therefore you should be very careful while choosing your sources – always make sure they are reliable!

Turn exercise into a habit

It is scientifically proven that exercise is good for both physical and mental health.

Regular exercise improves memory and thinking skill and it reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer.

It also strengthens the immune system, builds stronger bones and many more.

Exercise boosts the mood as well which will lead to a healthier life overall.

If the gym membership is too expensive for you, you can always find an alternative.

Platforms like YouTube are full of free workout videos, ranging from high-intensity interval training (the so-called HIIT) to yoga and pilates. No or little equipment is needed.

Another cheap way to workout you can try is running or walking.

If you do not have a park nearby, you can run or walk around your neighborhood.

To make these sessions funnier, find an enthusiastic friend to share them with.

Make it more challenging as time goes by increasing the distance or the speed.
Investing in your health is to make sure that you get the right pair of shoes.

They should fit perfectly and feel comfortable.

Buying sneakers online is most likely going to be cheaper than from the store but take this investment seriously since your well-being depends on it.

Turning exercise into a habit can also mean walking or biking to work.

This way you exercise and also de-stress.

Understandably, this is only possible if the weather is nice and you live near your workplace.

However, it is advisable to choose the movement at any convenient time.

You can also track it which will surely help you lead a healthier lifestyle.

Using a smartphone app or a movement tracking device is up to you – both are cheap in the long-term!

In the beginning, aim for at least 10 000 steps a day.

The last tip is to try to incorporate exercise naturally.

Especially if you are a busy individual and have no time for workouts, you can do the following – take the stairs instead of the elevator, park a bit further away or clean your house regularly.

All these little things might seem insignificant but they add up and keep your body moving.

Pay attention to the food you eat

According to studies, a diet rich in vegetables (and fruits) lowers the risk of numerous diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes.

It improves vision, digestion and blood pressure.

Besides, vegetables make you feel fuller which can result in limiting your calories unintentionally and therefore weight loss.

To invest in your health means that you have to buy produce that is good for you, eating plenty of vegetables will make you reach your daily nutritional goals since they contain complex carbs, proteins and many more healthy vitamins and minerals!

It is recommended to avoid sugary and high processed foods.

Do not fool yourself to buy “low-fat” foods as a healthy option since it often happens that they contain a lot of sugar in order to preserve the original taste.

Furthermore, regular consumption of ultra-processed foods (this includes packaged snacks, industrialized confectionery, etc.) is correlated with cancer risk.

Produce can be expensive, especially if you buy whatever is in store and let it sit in the fridge for too long.

Instead, learn which products are in season and buy them since they are cheaper.

This is due to the less packaging and transportation involved until they get to you.

In addition to that, it is better to cook your own food, instead of wasting your money on takeaway.

This way you can try a lot of new recipes too! Plus, you will support your local producers.

Get enough sleep

It is really hard to stress enough how important sleep is.

It is a vital process for the proper function of our whole body.

Therefore you have to make sure that you get enough sleep and that you get quality sleep.

Aim for at least 7-8 hours every night.

In a previous article, we have shared some tips with you on how to get the best sleep of your life.

So, if you have any issues with this one – go check it out and you will sleep like a baby.

Another way to invest in your health is to purchase Iris.

Iris has different modes with will block the blue light from your monitor and help you sleep better at night!

Manage stress

The hectic everyday life of the modern person undoubtedly includes stress.

Too much mental and emotional pressure which you can not deal with may bring you some serious health problems.

Psychical pain becomes physical. For this reason, the sooner you learn how to manage stress, the better.

It all depends on the person, so find out what works best for you – be it meditation, listening to music, walking, exercise, the possibilities are endless.

If you are unable to do it by yourself, seek professional help and never let this worry you – you are not crazy, you just want to live a healthier and happier life!


There are even more totally affordable ways to invest in your health than the 5 mentioned above.

Most importantly you have to be open to new ideas and approaches to your environment.

You should know why you want to change your lifestyle and never forget to remind it yourself.

As cheesy as it sounds, small steps lead to great changes that are surely worth the effort.

Eat well, exercise regularly, sleep enough and manage stress – with the right knowledge you will succeed and become a happier version of yourself, no doubt!


Author: Iliana Stoyanova


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7 interesting facts about the human eyes Fri, 01 Nov 2019 10:15:54 +0000 Here are 7 of the most curious facts about the human eyes. How often do we take a moment to appreciate these incredible organs? In my opinion, not often enough. So let’s do it together right now! Human eyes development The development of human eyes starts only two weeks after the conception of a baby. These organs have a very ... Read More

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Here are 7 of the most curious facts about the human eyes.

How often do we take a moment to appreciate these incredible organs?

In my opinion, not often enough.

So let’s do it together right now!

Human eyes development

The development of human eyes starts only two weeks after the conception of a baby.

These organs have a very complicated structure, so the process takes time.

Many people claim that these are the only organs in the human body that don’t grow after birth.

The truth is, they do.

By the time the baby is 3 months old, the eyes are still developing and growing.

At that point, the corneas stop growing for good.

However, the front-to-back length of the eyeball could continue increasing.

And since our head grows too, the distance between the two eyeballs also does.

We don’t see with our eyes

There’s a reason why human eyes are the prototypes of cameras.

They only let the light in through the pupil, which leads to forming an upside-down image.

It has to be turned around.

The brain does that and allows us to see everything as it is.

Furthermore, the visual information we perceive is being processed by the brain.

Therefore, we only observe with the eyes, but literally, see with our brain.

That makes sense because the hierarchy must be kept – the brain is the most complex organ in the body.

The eyes are on the second place. Besides, our brain is constantly engaged by the eyes.

“More than 50 percent of the cortex, the surface of the brain, is devoted to processing visual information.”, says Williams, the William G. Allyn Professor of Medical Optics.

Functions of the eye muscles

The muscle of the eyelid reacts faster than any other one in the entire body.

Blinking is meant to protect the eye from an unexpected danger and the muscle is 100 times stronger than it needs to be to perform its function properly.

There are also muscles on the back of your eyeball.

They’re responsible for our ability to focus on close and distant objects.

When we spend too much time in front of the laptop for instance, they don’t contract often enough.

That leads to sight problems.

You can easily prevent them by following the 20-20-20 rule.

Every 20 minutes get up and for 20 seconds stare at an object which is 20 feet away.

This will train the muscles and “restart” your eyes and they’ll be prepared for the next 20 minutes in front of the monitor.

There’s another hack to train your eyes which is as old as time.

Lighten up a candle and move it back and forward in front of your face.

Try focusing on the flame each time.

And you’re done with the eye workout for today:)

The weird floating things you see

Have you ever wondered what are those weird colorless bug-looking things you see sometimes?

I did for ages.

Well, here’s the simplified answer:

The first option is that you’re seeing the “floaters”.

They could be pieces of tissue, red blood cells or protein cells.

What they do is casting shadows on the sensitive part of your eye – the retina.

They move along with the movements you make with your eyes and look like tiny bugs which change shapes.

The “floaters” are clearly noticeable when you’re staring at a bright surface like snow or blue sky.

The second option is that you’re experiencing the “blue field entoptic phenomenon” – dots of light appearing when you’re looking at the bright blue sky.

These are actually white blood cells, letting the light through your retina.

They move in your capillaries and that’s why you see them shifting in time with your pulse.

The uniqueness of the cornea

The cornea is unique because of its transparency and the lack of blood vessels.

This allows the light to pass through and get to the retina.

There’s a wide-spread myth that a shark cornea has been used for human cornea transplantation once.

The explanation is that both structures are very similar.

However, there’s no evidence for these statements.

On the other hand, researches on pig corneas show that they may be appropriate for this kind of surgery.

In a few years, people with damaged corneas may replace them with pig ones.

Progressive, right?


What causes red eyes in photos

When the camera light hits our eyes, the pupils widen as usual.

However, they’re unable to reach the speed of a flashlight and constrict as fast as it disappears.

The light reaches the retina, but it’s too much and can’t be all absorbed.

That’s why it simply illuminates the capillaries at the back of the eye and (surprise, surprise!) they are red.

We all know the anti-red-eye function on the photo editors.

But is there something we can do to prevent this annoying effect?

It turns out that you have to avoid looking directly at the camera lens.

Just try shifting your vision slightly and see if it works for you.

In case it doesn’t, move further from the camera.

This way the light that reaches your eyes will be less aggressive.

Why do we cry?

There are 3 types of tears:

The basal ones keep the cornea nourished.

Thanks to them your eyes don’t dry out, even when exposed to extreme conditions like too cold or too hot weather.

The reflex tears are caused by different irritations such as dust, onion vapors, fallen eyelashes…

We all know them very well.

The psychic tears are most interesting.

Years have passed by before scientists explain what causes them.

It’s a very complicated process, of course.

In general, certain strong emotional reactions like sadness, anger or happiness trigger our nervous system.

Then it tells the “tear-producing center” that it needs to do its job.

What’s more curious is that this last type of tears is known to contain a higher level of stress hormones than the other ones.

So you literally cry the emotions out.


In order to finish this article in a more cheerful way,

I appeal to you: Be proud of your eyes!

I shared with you only 7 of the countless ways they amaze us every day.

Our software Iris also can be your eye’s friend!

We all know that monitors emitting harmful blue light, but with Iris, you can prevent it and improve eyesight.

Take good care of them and don’t forget to be grateful – thanks to them you get to enjoy the wonderful world around you.

Author: Slaveya Nikova



Read more:

How can I take care of my eyes

Heterochromia – two different-colored eyes?

The eyes: from ancient jellyfish to modern humans

Blue light and Eyes


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10 habits that will improve your sleep quality Fri, 01 Nov 2019 08:35:37 +0000 Did you know you could have a better life when you improve your sleep? Feeling tired all the time and the lack of sleep may cause not only tiredness but serious health issues and reduce your productivity. In this article, we will discuss ten habits that will improve your sleep quality and help you live a healthy life. Why improve ... Read More

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Did you know you could have a better life when you improve your sleep?

Feeling tired all the time and the lack of sleep may cause not only tiredness but serious health issues and reduce your productivity.

In this article, we will discuss ten habits that will improve your sleep quality and help you live a healthy life.

Why improve your sleep is important?

Sleeping is essential, it helps your body to relax from the pressure we all get from work, school and doing literally anything through the day.

Think of it as a way to charge your brain, just like you charge your phone and hope it is going to operate as much longer as possible.

While you sleep, many processes that your body can not perform during the time you are in the state of being awake, unlock.

What happens while you sleep:

your body relaxes – physically and mentally;

it also clears itself of harmful viruses and bacteria;

sleep controls weight;

a good sleep fights depression and makes you feel better.

In this article, we will discuss several healthy lifestyle tips that could help you improve your sleep quality and stay fresh throughout the whole day.

10 hacks for a night of better sleep:

Take more exercises

Not only is doing sports of great importance to staying fit and healthy, but it benefits for falling asleep faster.

When you tire yourself through the day, it will be easier to fall asleep at night.

Studies show that a 30-minute sports activity per day is enough to grant you sweet dreams.

However, do not do it right before going to bed, for your heartbeat will accelerate, which won’t help you sleep better at all.

Eat healthy food and meals

The best way to manage your diet is by eating most of your meals by midday and almost none after 6 pm.

A lot of people cope with insomnia by eating special food like almond nuts, bananas, milk goods, and etc., that are rich in magnesium and initiate sleep hormones.

Nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol are as well not recommended if you want to sleep better.

Listen to your nature clock

The circadian body rhythm is called the thing that connects us to nature and its cycles.

It is our inside body clock.

The circadian rhythm is different for every person, therefore some of us feel more energetic early in the morning, others at night.

The way to get the best of your circadian rhythm is to follow it.

Monitor at what time of the day you feel sleepy and the opposite, then adapt your daily routine according to that.

If needed and if applicable, change the time you go to work, eat, and go out.

Turn your phone off while resting and most importantly, start by little, because you do not want to stress out your body with drastic changes.

Thus you won’t be working against your body.

Be careful with lighting

In addition to the previous statements is that artificial lighting affects the circadian rhythm, too.

Without a doubt, humanity is already too dependent on this kind of lighting.

Since it was invented it has changed everybody’s sleeping pattern.

Artificial lights give fake signals to our bodies about the perception of time and whether it is day or night.

In order to avoid such traumas, try to minimize strong lights in the late hours.

Then go for warm colored light bulbs, that are closer to the sun’s natural color spectrum, and replace them in all of the rooms that you spend a lot of time in the evenings.

Try natural remedies

Many essential oils are the key to improve your sleep quality.

Scents can bring up different feelings, including relaxation.

This is the reason why scent therapies exist.

Some of the most famous and reliable essential oils for beating insomnia are lavender, valerian, sandalwood and chamomile.

In fact, you can use any essential oil or scent that you like, brings you good memories, and lets your brain relax.


Clean your brain clear of unwanted and excessive information.

All you have to do it to leave all your problems aside and think of nothing.

Give your brain some rest for several minutes.

Let it prepare for rest and sweet dreams.

Read a book

Already it’s scientifically proven that reading can reduce stress by almost 70%.

And since the main cause of sleeplessness is stress and anxiety, not only is reading a great way to relieve them, but you will spend some time before bed with a great story and favorite characters that will let you forget your problems for a while.

Optimize your bedroom

The room you sleep in should be appropriate for that. One must feel comfortable in his own bed.

Therefore you should invest a bit in making that special place the bedroom of your dreams.

For example, cool down the temperatures and dim the lights.

Remove all blue light sources, so that you do not get distracted and stick to colors and palettes that you would enjoy to see every morning when you wake up.

Protect your eyes from blue light

Eyes are closely connected to our well-sleep and blue light, which is emitted by all electronics with displays – like smartphones, computers, tablets, and TVs – damage them.

Blue light affects melatonin production, which is one of the main sleep hormones.

Also, blue light affects the circadian rhythm of which we talked at the beginning, plus that it damages our eyesight.

Nonetheless, we live in such times where the use of technologies is unavoidable.

The best way to both use your devices and not harm your eyes is to launch software like Iris.

Iris is like a filter that blocks the blue light radiation from your smartphone and computer effectively.


This software works in the background and will not distract you from doing your job.

Clearing out the blue light, your eyes will not strain and you can expect a better sleep experience after the long hours you spend in staring in the display.


Make a before-bed routine

By using all of the tips above you could compose a great bedtime routine to help you fall asleep faster and sleep better.

Start by turning off all the blue light from your computer and phone with Iris without having to put them aside, then see what will work for you and experiment!

Last words

The great things start with small and easy steps, like a good quality sleep.

It is not difficult at all to look after your own health.

After all, being the best in your job and even in life greatly depends on your health (and in this case improve your sleep).

Author:  Yoana Borisova


10 Hacks to fall asleep faster

How to have a good Sleep

The 8-hour myth: sleep better and live longer with these 7 healthy tips

Why is blue light bad for sleep

How does blue light affect your sleep


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Eye twitching: Causes and treatment Fri, 01 Nov 2019 07:23:57 +0000 It is very likely that every one of us has experienced eye twitching at some point. It is usually barely noticeable but for some people, it may get bothersome. What is actually the essence of this condition and how can it be treated? Let us find out! Introduction Eye twitching or medically known as myokymia affects only the eyelid of ... Read More

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It is very likely that every one of us has experienced eye twitching at some point.

It is usually barely noticeable but for some people, it may get bothersome.

What is actually the essence of this condition and how can it be treated?

Let us find out!


Eye twitching or medically known as myokymia affects only the eyelid of one eye, more often the low one.

However, it is possible to affect the upper lid as well.

It is a repetitive, involuntary spasm of the muscles of the eyelid.

The spasm happens every few seconds for about a minute or two.

In most cases, twitches come and go without the need for treatment.

Yet, sometimes they can last for days, weeks or even months.

If the twitching starts to become present in your life for a longer period, you should definitely make an appointment with your doctor.


It can be a sign of a serious brain or nerve disorder.

Do not panic immediately though – we are going to clarify the most common reasons why twitching occurs and what are the remedies.

The possibility of signaling for a more complex condition will be discussed too.

Causes for myokymia

As it has been specified in the previous paragraph, eye twitching is painless and normally harmless.

Here are some of the factors that may contribute to the occurrence of twitches:

  • Stress and fatigue
  • Eyestrain
  • Caffeine or alcohol consumption
  • Dry eye
  • Nutritional problems
  • Allergies

Does any of the following sound familiar to you?

Are you put under pressure in your office? Do you drink too much coffee or alcohol? Do you eat a balanced diet?

If the answer to any (or, I hope not, to all) of these questions is “yes”, keep on reading – the possible solutions are coming your way!


Not sure how to deal with what is bothering you and potentially causing your eyelids to twitch?

We are going to make it a bit easier for you by giving you some tips for the causes we have listed above.

Stress and fatigue

Stress can be responsible for a lot of health and mental problems since it affects all areas of our lives.

First of all, you should recognize the causative agent of it and preferably remove it or at least reduce its negative influence.

You can also try to minimize stress by doing yoga, exercising, spending time with your loved ones.

There are a lot of possibilities out there, you just have to find out what you enjoy and what makes you forget all of your worries!

Fatigue and lack of sleep are further reasons for eye twitching.

They can be related to stress or some other reasons.

Getting your sleep is surely going to make your twitching go away!

Eye strain and especially digital eye strain

To reduce eye strain and therefore the risk of eye twitching and more serious eye conditions, make sure to take regular breaks from your devices and do some eye relieving exercises such as the “20-20-20 rule” – every 20 minutes look at an object 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds.

Caffeine or alcohol consumption

Try limiting both your caffeine and alcohol intake since too much of any can trigger eye twitching.

Dry eye

This condition is common among adults older than 50, but also among people who work at a computer or take certain medications (antihistamines, antidepressants, etc.), wear contact lenses or drink caffeine, alcohol.

If your eyes twitch and feel dry as well, see your doctor in order to get professional help.

Nutritional problems

It is not scientifically proven that nutritional problems cause eye twitching.

Yet, according to some reports, the lack of vital nutritional substances like magnesium can be the spasm reason.

If you think this might refer to you, it is advisable to talk to a medical professional.


People who have eye allergies are more prone to eye twitching.

Their eyes itch, swell or are sometimes watery and when being rubbed, histamine is being released into the lid tissues and the tears, causing the eyelid muscles to twitch.

Benign essential blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm

In very rare cases, when the eye twitching won’t go away despite all of the efforts, Botox injections may be used as a remedy.

They ease spasms but only for a few months. Afterward, the effect wears off and you may need more injections.

In fact, there are two more main conditions that can cause eye twitching.

They are benign essential blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm.

Benign essential blepharospasm refers to increased blinking of both eyes and it is possible to progress to the eyelids being squeezed shut.

This condition is rather uncommon but it can be extreme. It is actually a movement disorder of the muscles around the eye.

The exact reason why it occurs is not known but it is suggested that it may be a malfunction of cells in the nervous system called basal ganglia.

Hemifacial spasm involves spasms of muscles on one side of the face, including the eyelid.

The usual cause for it is the irritation of a facial nerve by a small artery.

Is it something more than eye twitching?

It was mentioned in the beginning that eye twitch may be a sign of a serious brain or nerve disorder.

Now we are going to specify which conditions it might precede and when it is time to see a doctor.

It happens very rarely eye twitches to signal a more complex problem.

You will probably know it is not just because of stress or lack of sleep because disorders are almost always accompanied by other symptoms.



  • Bell’s palsy (facial palsy) – it is the cause one side of your face to droop downward.
  • Dystonia – causes unexpected muscle spasms.
  • Cervical dystonia (spasmodic torticollis) – the neck spasms randomly, whereas the head twist into uncomfortable positions.
  • Multiple sclerosis – a disease of the central nervous system, is the cause of cognitive and movement problems and fatigue as well.
  • Parkinson’s disease – causes trembling limbs, muscle stiffness, balance problems, and difficulties while speaking.
  • Tourette syndrome – involuntary movement and verbal tics.

Any of the above-mentioned conditions and their characteristics are serious.

Therefore they have to be medically treated and we strongly advise you to make a doctor’s appointment if you notice such symptoms!


Eye twitching may be an outcome of stress, lack of sleep or eye strain.

By calming your mind, sleeping well and protecting your eyes in front of the computer (for example with Iris) you can eliminate the unpleasant spasms.

However, eye twitching can be caused by a more complex problem that should be taken into serious consideration.

For your own comfort, you can visit an eye specialist, just to make sure your eyes are in good condition and get more good advice about your eye health!

Author: Ilina Stoyanova

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Ways to improve your IT career now! Wed, 30 Oct 2019 09:00:54 +0000 Do you want to improve your IT career? With every day going by, technology is becoming a bigger part of our lives. It is constantly evolving, therefore the expertise required in the IT sector change quickly. In order to stay on top of your IT prospects, you should always learn and develop new skills. We have collected the best ways ... Read More

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Do you want to improve your IT career?

With every day going by, technology is becoming a bigger part of our lives.

It is constantly evolving, therefore the expertise required in the IT sector change quickly.

In order to stay on top of your IT prospects, you should always learn and develop new skills.

We have collected the best ways you can do that and have a successful IT career!


The advices you are about to read are given by proven specialists with successful careers in the IT sector.

Mary Shacklett who is the president of Transworld Data, a technology research and market development company.

John Reed is the senior executive director of Robert Half Technology which provides a broad range of services such as systems integration, networking, database development and so on.

Now we are heading straight forward to the recommendations of both professionals!

15 ways to enhance your IT career

Mary Shacklett

Starting off with Mary Shacklett, here are the top 10 advices she could give everyone who wants to boost their career in the IT branch.

1. Find advantage in every situation

To explain this, Shacklett gives an example with her own self.

In the beginning of her career she wanted to focus on the technical side of IT but she has always been very communicative.

So, she got assigned to either training or documentation.

In the process though she discovered her ability to understandably explain technologies and applications to users and businessmen.

This skill helped her climb the ladder and become valued.

2. Read about the business

Reading corporate annual reports may sound terribly boring but according to Shacklett it would help you learn more about the business and understand it better.

This way you will be able to get on top wherever you start working.

3. Take a course in sales or marketing

Yes, we have not forgot what we are writing about – it is still the same article about the IT sector you have been reading.

But having the ability to talk decisively and sell your ideas is a key one and will surely serve you well.

Another advantage of taking a sales or marketing course is that you will step out of your comfort zone.

As cheesy as it sounds, we all know it is true that there is no better way than that to improve yourself!

4. Work on your communication skills

Shacklett advices to volunteer to make a presentation or a lead a meeting, no matter how terrified you might be of it.

By doing this you will stand out as a leader and be prepared for a management role (if you are aiming for it).

5. Engage with a failed project

Unfortunately, it happens sometimes a project to fail.

However, you can challenge yourself and take on it in order to make it work.

As Shacklett says, it has already failed and the only way it could go is up.

Therefore you should not be afraid – take the risk and prove yourself, as well as your boss, that you can turn it into success!

6. Look for mentors

In every sector there are skillful and creative people who you can learn a lot from.

A mentor will always share both their knowledge and experience and will guide you when you feel lost.

If you have the chance to have a mentor, get it immediately since it will help you not only professionally but also personally.

7. Remain present

The quick development of technologies overall makes it a bit hard to stay on the same place.

It requires constant changes and new skills.

So, it is good to take any courses, read periodicals or take part in trade groups in order to stay up to date.

8. Connect

Of course, this is valid not only for your professional but also for your personal life.

When you have a lot of contacts, more people will be aware of your competences.

This will make it easier for you to get into the business.

9. Win-win for everyone

Individuals love to win and feel successful.

A crucial skill every project manager or IT executive should have is the ability to make people work with passion.

When the team gets along, there is a desire for work and at the end the project succeeds, every member of the group will feel accomplished.

10. Give more

In the last advice Shacklett recalls an event – a senior app programmer wrote each app based on the user’s specifications but thereafter he added something a bit more he knew would be useful for the user.

By giving more than you are asked to, you will please your customers and this is impossible to remain unnoticed!

John Reed

In turn, John Reed gives only 5 advices for ways to enhance your IT career but they are just as valuable! Some of them overlap with Mary Shacklett’s, while others are a bit different and even – on the contrary of hers.

1. Master a new skill

Reed agrees with the old saying that you can not stand in one place – you are either going up or down.

This is very accurate in the IT sector since technology is evolving all the time.

In order to stay current, you have to develop new skills that correspond to the new needs.

We live in a time when all kinds of classes and courses are available on the market, so you should definitely take advantage!

By becoming certified you add a new asset in your CV and become more competitive.

2. Take on more projects

Shacklett advised to take on failed projects and turn them all around.

On the other hand, Reed’s opinion is that you should volunteer for any additional projects.

Surely, you will have to work extra but it will make you more qualified.

This will result in your value for the company getting bigger.

Thanks to the project you may also network with more people from your job which can always be beneficial!

Last but not least, you will prove yourself as a person who can be trusted.

Exactly in the third advice is the big difference between Mary Shacklett and John Reed.

While she advises you to get a mentor, he suggests:

3. Become a mentor

It is an amazing professional recognition to get the opportunity to guide your heirs.

You have to spread what you have learnt by your professional experience and help the mentees understand your motives, goals and the steps toward achieving them.

It is guaranteed that you too will learn a lot of new things in the process.

4. Comfort zone – jumped over

Always challenge yourself with what scares you the most.

No matter if it is making a presentation, taking on a project or representing your company on a meeting.

Jumping over your comfort zone will make you the better professional you dream of being.

5. Look for feedback

Be broad-minded and open for new ideas or suggestions for improving your work!

It is important to know how your managers view you as a worker and how do they evaluate your skills.

Once you have received feedback, you will be able to work on further development of your communication skills, ability to work in a team, approach to problems and their solving.

Moreover it is a good idea to ask questions about your presentation over it is over – for example in what ways it was helpful for your audience.

Most demanded computer skills

Next we will present you a list with the 6 computer skills that are in a very high demand these days.

  • Spreadsheets and databases – you have to be able to store and organize data but in addition to that you have to be familiar with complex mathematical formulas. If you want to be the best professional in this area, you have to work with: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Statistics, Data Analytics, Adobe Campaign and others. (You can find the full list in article number 1 in the sources of information.)

  • Social media – being an influencer or a blogger may seem like a very easy job but it is actually not. People should have certain skills in order to be successful on social media. Such are Content Management System, Google Analytics, Cascading Style Sheets, Email Marketing, Web Page Design, WordPress, Digital Marketing, SEO and Campaign Management Software.

  • Graphic design – if you would like to develop in the branch of graphic design, you should consider mastering the following skills: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, AutoCAD, CorelDRAW (very hard, phew), Microsoft Visual Studio, Maya, Microsoft Word.

  • Software and hardware design and development – if you are not familiar with the meaning of this profession, here it is simply put: you design, implement and test the computer software or hardware apps. Additionally, you should be aware of the user’s demands and develop an app which meets their expectations. Therefore you should “speak” different web and mobile app coding languages. A few of them are: HTML, C/C++, Java, Python, XML, UI/UX, LINUX, etc. By having the competence in this particular are, you may get a job as a Software Architect, Software Analyst, Hardware Configuration and more.

  • IT Troubleshooting – in order to get into the IT troubleshooting world, you have to know the computer and its mechanics closely. It is definitely not enough to spend the whole day playing games or doing any kind of work on it. People who work in the IT Troubleshooting are specialists who have the relevant education. If you are interested in this area, you should develop the following competences: Backup management, Diagnostics, End User support, Client-Server management, Installation and configuration, Issue tracking system, System administration and Tech support.

  • Enterprise systems – a lot of enterprises have their own apps, solutions or softwares to manage their operations. When you can use them (they are usually mentioned in the requirements), you will get the job easier.


Being eager to constantly learn new things and master new skills is a key step in whichever are you decide to specialize.

You have to be proactive, communicative, ready to talk but to listen as well.

To get a feedback, even if do not like it, has to serve you as a motivator to grow and improve your competence.

If it is hard for you to do it on your own, find a person who will motivate you and guide you in the right direction.

The advices given by the professional Mary Shacklett and John Reed are extremely valuable since they can be useful not only for the IT profession.

You can use them as guidelines for your personal development as well!

So, read them again if you have the need and get the work done!

It is 100 percent sure you won’t have any regrets after the positive outcome!

Author: Ilina Stoyanova

How to Improve Your Computer Skills to Get Ahead in Your Career
5 Ways to Boost Your IT Career
10 ways to advance your IT career


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How different colors affect our nervous system? Wed, 30 Oct 2019 08:26:49 +0000 It is a wide known fact that colors can manipulate us. There is a whole science that studies colors, the way we people perceive them, and the psychological effects they have on us. It is called colorimetry, or simply color science. In this article, we will talk about the emotions that colors make us feel and how we perceive them. ... Read More

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It is a wide known fact that colors can manipulate us.

There is a whole science that studies colors, the way we people perceive them, and the psychological effects they have on us.

It is called colorimetry, or simply color science. In this article, we will talk about the emotions that colors make us feel and how we perceive them.

Have you ever noticed how specific colors make you feel specific things?

Like when you look at the green you feel tranquil and calm?

The reason behind this fact is that we relate green to nature’s colors about leaves, plants, and grass.

Haven’t you asked yourself why traffic lights are specially working with these three colors: green, yellow and red?

It is all coming down to color phycology.

Why colors have such a great impact on us?

While animals have greater hearing and smelling senses, night vision, and even electricity waves perception, we humans rely too much on our eyes to understand the world around us.

Colors may be powerful tools to bring up memories, make someone feel in a specific way or call to action.

Without a doubt, the explanation about this is coded deep in our human beings.

In nature, there are two groups of colors – warm and cold.

Most people associate warm colors with the day, springtime and summer.

Such colors are all the shades that come out of yellow, red, and orange.

And the cold spectrum reminds us of the night and winter.

Their colors are purple and violet, blue, and grey, plus their many shades.

Thus, warm colors make us feel lively, full of energy, while on the other hand, cold colors remind us of calmness.

How different colors manipulate us?

Black and white

White is good and black is bad’ – this is how most people understand these two colors nowadays.

Black- mostly like the color of all bad things.

It is frequently connected with occasions that people hate.

Like mourning, death, and depression.

But also with power and strength.

According to science, this is the color that absorbs the whole spectrum of the white light.

Nonetheless, being a color with such a reputation, it is still the most searched for in clothing, both by men and women.

This may be because when worn on clothes, black hints of boldness, self-confidence, and formality.

On the other hand, white is often linked with purity and god-like, angelic powers.

Usually, brides wear white and used in hospitals.

Usually, you could spot that designers rely on this color to make a room seem larger and more spacious.

Warm colors


When do you see red?

You can see it on traffic lights because it attracts attention and warns about the danger.

Red is an intense, dynamic color that may invoke many emotions.

Not only does it bring up a reminder of love, but also anger.

Red is one of the most emotional colors of all.

Moreover, red is considered to boost up productivity and creativity.


Yellow brings attention, therefore all labels of great importance and signs are colored in yellow.

You can easily spot it while driving – on the traffic lights, street signs, and billboards.

Yellow is the very first color that babies perceive after they are born.

It establishes a warm atmosphere with a pinch of something fun.


Most of people think of an orange as a happy color.

It is warm and inspiring.

This color tends to make people proactive and full of energy.

Besides, orange reminds us of comfortable autumn evenings and pumpkin treats.


Usually, when we think of ‘pink’ something girlish and feminine comes to our minds.

Pink is linked to romance and love, compassion and sensitivity.

There is an international day of the Pink Shirt, celebrated every year, that symbolizes the intolerance of bullying and supports kindness among people.


Brown is a warm color associated with nature, for it is seen in the earth, on trees and plants, etc.

It is a neutral color that rarely brings up any strong emotions.

In fashion, brown varies from pale beige to deep dark brown.

Despite the shades, though, brown is seen as a boring color when it comes to clothing.

Cold colors


Blue is a sad color, also it is cool and lonely.

In nature, we connect blue to winter and coldness.

This is the reason we perceive it that way.

Still, it is also a calm and stable color.

Many people chose it for their bedrooms, especially the male half.

In the same way that women prefer pink and red, men prefer blue and its different shades.

Another interesting fact about blue is that people whose job is to be in a blue room seem to be more productive and their thoughts flow straight, they tend to not get easily distracted.


The light your computer or smartphone display emitters is cold blue light.

Blue light is in contrast to the light that our eyes get naturally from the sun.

Therefore blue light leads to damage to your eyes.

Read more on blue light and why it is damaging your eyes, and check out Iris – a reliable blue light-blocking software.


This is an exotic color.

It cannot be found easily in nature, therefore it is a combination of red and blue – one warm and one cold color.

In history, it was associated with royal families due to the fact that it was expensive to dye and find such fabrics.

Nowadays it is commonly seen as a spiritual and peculiar color that many love because of its attractiveness.


What is the first thing you think about green?

Of course, it is about nature. When we think of it, it brings us calmness and relaxes.

Our thoughts fly away to quiet forests and sunny meadows.

This is the reason why color therapies include green.

Nature is green, but money, healing, and luck are too.

Apart from the association above, many see green in different ways.

Therefore green is just like red one of the most temperamental colors.


People perceive and see the world through colors.

Companies use the colors through marketing to draw up clients.

Anyway, they help us understand different situations in our life and provide us with the ability to express ourselves.

All of this only because our minds are used to colors since birth.

Author: Yoanna Borisova

The post How different colors affect our nervous system? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Does iPhone’s Night Shift actually work? Wed, 30 Oct 2019 07:21:12 +0000 iPhone’s Night Shift We are exposed to blue light more often than ever before which can have negative health effects. Since the awareness was raised, a lot of manufacturers started to produce specially designed products which can “fight” the bad impact blue light may have on us. Carrying our portable electronic devices everywhere we go, it can be said they ... Read More

The post Does iPhone’s Night Shift actually work? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

iPhone’s Night Shift

We are exposed to blue light more often than ever before which can have negative health effects.

Since the awareness was raised, a lot of manufacturers started to produce specially designed products which can “fight” the bad impact blue light may have on us.

Carrying our portable electronic devices everywhere we go, it can be said they are the biggest threat.

Therefore Apple came up with a potential solution back in 2016 – iPhone’s Night Shift.


Apple is one of the leading companies in the multi-billion area of smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

Like any other brand’s devices, Apple’s iPhone, iPad, and Mac emit blue light.

But how did Apple try to reduce the blue light emission and improve its customer experience?

The answer is Night Shift, of course.

As good as it may sound at first, it should be definitely considered what the research has to say about it.

A brief explanation of blue light

In previous articles of ours, we have explained what blue light is and what health problems it can cause.

Summarized, blue light is a natural high-energy visible light, its main source being the sun.

The problem is the blue light exposure in the evening or at night.

Melatonin is the hormone responsible for sleep – the daylight awakes us, while the darkness of the night, acts as a signal for the body to finally relax and prepare for bed.

But the blue light constantly emitted from the devices we use confuses the brain, which makes it think it is still daytime.

This results in disrupting your sleep cycle, consequently poor sleep quality and other health conditions.

iPhone’s Night Shift

Apple’s Night Shift was introduced 3 years ago, in 2016.

The main aim of the Night Shift mode is to reduce blue light.

Less blue light means less digital eye strain and better night’s sleep.

It uses geolocation and sunset time data.

       How to turn the mode on?
If you do not know how to turn the special setting on, here is a quick and easy step by step tutorial:

1.Go to Settings -> Display & Brightness -> Night Shift.

2. Click on Scheduled and adjust the time frame to your liking. (You can activate Night Shift during the whole day by choosing from 04:00 AM to 03:59 AM).

3. Regulate the colour temperature – less warm equals more blue light, more warm = less blue light. When the colour temperature is set to more warm, the screen will appear in an orange sort of shade but you will quickly get used to it!

What does the research say?

In 2018 The Lighting Research Center has conducted a study in order to evaluate how effective Apple’s Night Shift really is. 12 young adults have participated.

They were asked to view iPads between 11:00 PM and 01:00 AM on four separate nights under four different conditions. (If you would like to know more details regarding the study, check the link of The Lighting Research Center’s press release in the sources of information below the article).

The outcome was a “significant” melatonin suppression during the two hours of each study night with Night Shift suppressing it slightly less.

Moreover, there was no big difference between the effectiveness of the two Night Shift modes (less warm/more warm colour temperature).

According to the researchers, changing only your screen colour won’t have the benefits you are hoping for.

They recommend reducing the brightness as well.

However, the best way to enjoy a good and peaceful night’s sleep is to avoid using any devices at least one hour or even two (as advised by The Lighting Research Center) before going to bed.

Melatonin suppression may not even be the problem – sleep scientists claim that inappropriate lighting is not the only reason for sleep issues.

The way we use our phones can also be a stimulant for the brain to keep us awake.

Scrolling through social networks or reading the news before bed are just as bad as blue light.

We have all seen a picture or read an article that made us anxious right before sleep.

Not pleasant, huh? A relaxing book instead is much of a better idea!

iOS 13 Dark Mode

The most recent iOS version has a full-time dark mode.

Sure, the cool appearance is the most obvious positive of the dark mode.

Furthermore, it saves your battery life and it is also said to protect your eyes from the original bright white background.

Yet, no research supports the latter claim since the iOS 13.1 was introduced on 24th of September.

You can turn the Dark Mode on full-time or make it change with the light one automatically when the sun has set.

Adjust it to your preference by going to Settings -> Display & Brightness.

Click on Automatic and choose different Options if you want to.


Apple’s Night Shift may not be the greatest way to protect your eyes from the blue light your devices emit.

However, it is better to use this feature instead of nothing at all.

Hopefully, Apple will improve it in future iPhone and iOS versions!

What you can do in the meantime, is to buy software like Iris which successfully regulates both the colour temperature and brightness of your screen.

This results in less blue light and naturally, less eye strain!

The best option remains not using your phone or any other devices one to two hours before going to bed and making sure to clear your mind.

This way you will enjoy a quiet evening and quality sleep followed by a productive day!

Author: Ilina Stoyanova

Read more:

Vision therapy: Eye exercises for keeping your eyes strong and healthy
What is the best Color temperature?
Best Monitor Brightness and Contrast Settings for Eyes


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Improving your posture while on the computer? Wed, 30 Oct 2019 06:53:19 +0000 Improving your posture is important for looking good. If you want improving your posture, you can exercises to strengthen your muscles. It is 2019 and we are sitting more than ever before. According to a study conducted last year, the average American sits on a chair for a longer period of time than 8 hours. Every single day. Sitting the ... Read More

The post Improving your posture while on the computer? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Improving your posture is important for looking good.

If you want improving your posture, you can exercises to strengthen your muscles.

It is 2019 and we are sitting more than ever before.

According to a study conducted last year, the average American sits on a chair for a longer period of time than 8 hours.

Every single day.

Sitting the whole day increases the risk of injury, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Moreover, research on possible connections between bad posture and poor sleep is being done.


The term posture defines the way a person is positioned while sitting, standing, lying down or completing different tasks.

Even though we are not aware enough about it, the posture of our body is essential for our health.

Poor posture may cause neck and back pain, difficulty breathing, heartburn, headaches and so on.

The good news is there are a few tips and exercises you should become familiar with in order to improve your posture.

It won’t be easy at first but it will be 100% worth it since you will start to feel more aware of your own body afterwards.

Tips for a better posture while on the computer

The most important step towards a better posture is actually finding the correct position.

You have to follow a number of simple steps.

1. Sit at the end of your chair and slouch with your shoulders and neck.

2. Slowly pull your shoulders and neck up in a tall standing position, pushing your lower back forward. It is highly likely this is going to feel a bit uncomfortable.

3. Release the sitting position slightly and scoot back in the chair until your back has reached the backrest.

After you have found the right position, you have to make sure to keep it and as time goes by, to make it a habit!

It takes about 4 to 8 weeks to build up a habit.

So, do not feel discouraged in the beginning and keep going with the process.

Sit correctly and continue with the following:

1. Put a pillow or a rolled-up towel (be careful not to choose too large one) between the chair and your lower back. This way your back is going to be supported.

2. Adjust your chair so that your legs are parallel with the ground, knees even with your hips or slightly below.

3. Rest your feet on the floor. If you are wearing high heels, it is advisable to take them off. Try not to cross your legs because it may reduce blood flow and therefore cause muscle strain. If you can not reach the floor, use a stool or a footrest.

4. Put your screen at the level of your eyes (you can use a stack of books in the sake of it) and around an arm’s length away. When your screen is too low or too high it may be the reason for neck pain and eye strain.

5. Leave some space between the edge of your keyboard and your desk in order to give your wrists place where to rest.

6. Keep your mouse easy to reach and your wrist straight while using it.

7. Keep your most used objects near you so that you do not stretch all the time. This may cause muscle strain and even joint pain.

8. Use speakerphone or a handset if you are constantly on the phone.

9. Move around frequently. While you get your blood flowing by walking or with some sort of an exercise (like calf raises or squats if you have enough room), you will take a break from your computer as well. It is recommended to rest every 30 minutes or at least every hour for around 1-2 minutes.

Guidelines for good posture in different positions

It is crucial to maintain the right position for your body not only while you are at the computer, but when you are standing or lying down as well.

The following brief descriptions should serve you as a guide to a better posture in every situation.

When you stand, your feet should be flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart.

Stand tall like a string and let your arms relax by the sides of your body.

Your belly button should be pulled gently toward your spine, chin parallel to the ground.

Try not to lean on one leg since this may cause muscle imbalance around your pelvis.

In turn such imbalances may be the reason for lower back and buttocks muscle strain.

Do not carry your backpack on one shoulder because it may also result in uneven hips.

Still, do not panic – the exercises we have provided later in the article are going to help you correct any imbalances!

When you sit, keep your back and shoulders straight.

Again keep your feet on the ground and try not to cross your legs, nor your ankles.

Rest your forearms on the desk with your shoulders back.

In this case your chin should also be parallel to the floor.

Allowing your neck to lean forward while on the computer on the phone, may lead to poor posture and problems known as “text neck”.

Scientists have made the suggestion that a “text neck” may cause mutations in the brain.

When lying down and trying to maintain a good posture, you can do that by lying on your back or side.

Keep your spine aligned and try not to twist your waist.

If you feel any back pain, put a pillow underneath or between your legs – this trick should relieve it!

It is advisable not to sleep on your stomach since this position puts a lot of pressure on the neck, shoulder and back as it forces the neck to twist.

Exercises for a good posture

Along with the tips mentioned above, you can try a bunch of exercises too.

They will help you improve your posture when you are on the computer and even when you are standing.

If you hate working out, do not worry!

These exercises do not require any preliminary experience at the gym.

However, the movements will increase your muscle strength and flexibility.

1. Child’s pose

This yoga pose can be used as a resting position during a yoga or exercise session. It lengthens and stretches the spine and opens the hips.

  • Start on your hands and knees.
  • Lean your body forward and extend your arms toward the front of the mat.
  • Slowly drop your hips back, trying to rest them on your heels.
  • Rest your forehead on the ground.

2. Plank

Plank engages the muscles of the whole body. Especially shoulders, back and core which are all essential for good posture.

  • Start on your hands and knees. Your hands should align with your shoulders, while your knees – with your hips.
  • Lift your heels and straighten your legs. Your body should form a straight line.
  • Keep your abdominal muscles contracted and squeeze your glutes.
  • Hold for about 30-60 seconds.
  • Try not to let your lower back sink during the exercise and look at the floor.

3. Cat-Cow pose

This position makes the neck, shoulders and spine more flexible and stretches the muscles of the hips, back, chest.

It is also said to relieve menstrual cramps or lower back pain.

  • Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Wrists, elbows and shoulders should be in one line.
  •  As you exhale: Using your abdominal muscles try to push your spine toward the ceiling, allowing your head to reach toward your chest.
  •  As you inhale: Drop your belly toward the floor, lifting your chin, chest and gaze up toward the ceiling. You should draw your shoulders away from your ears.

4. Glute bridges

This exercise strengthens the glutes and the abdominal muscles, which will relieve stress in the lower back.

  • Lie on your back. Bent your knees with your feet flat on the floor.
  • Lift your hips, buttocks and low back. Engage your glutes and core in the process!
  • Lie back down and repeat several times.

5. Chest stretch

  • Stand straight, legs shoulder-width apart.
  • Reach both arms behind you, interlacing your fingers below your lower back. Your head should be in a neutral position.
  • Pull back and down with your shoulders, lifting your chest.
  • Hold for a few seconds and release.

All ladies who find building up a habit a hard task, we have a link in the sources of information at the end of the article.

Under the number 6 there is an article with a 30 days programme for an improved posture.

In the course of 4 weeks you will try different exercises and stretches which will release muscle strain, increase your flexibility and awareness of your body.

You will have to take only 8 to 20 minutes of your day to complete the daily programme.

Bonus advice

In addition to regular stretching and being aware of your posture, there are some other tips we can give you to help you get that better posture.

Staying active is very important.

It does not really matter whether it is going to be cardio, strength training or just stretching.

All kind of exercise is good for both your physical and mental health.

It will help you build up the muscles that are needed for a good posture.

Wear comfortable shoes with a low heel since put a lot less stress on your muscles and joints.

Maintain a healthy weight.

Excess weight can weaken the core and put more pressure on the joints and ligaments.


It may seem as it is too much information but it is actually very easy to take the road to a better posture.

You just have to be focused while reading all tips and seriously decide that you want to change.

Start with small steps – for example pay attention to the way you stand or sit.

Then start to correct your posture by using the technique for finding the right one.

Try to incorporate some of the suggested exercises and stretches to feel low back pain release as soon as possible.

To see even better results, try to be more active in your everyday life since this will result in improved overall health and mood.

If you find it hard to remember to do the movements, set an alarm to remind you every morning.

You can do them every evening as well because they can also help you unwind and enjoy a better night’s sleep.

We are hoping that you have found this article helpful and will stand tall from now on (both literally and figuratively)!

Author: Ilina Stoyanova


  1. Common posture mistakes and fixes
  2. Exercises and tips for good posture
  3. How to Improve Your Posture
  4. The Holistic Benefits of Cat/Cow Pose
  5. Tips to improve posture
  6. The Every Woman’s Guide to Perfect Posture in 30 Days
  7. What’s the Best Sitting Position for Good Posture?




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Myths and truths about blue light Mon, 28 Oct 2019 14:44:52 +0000 Introduction of technology There are improved facts about blue light, in our everyday lives, another concern about our health was raised. Precisely – blue light. But as with everything that is new and unexplored yet, conspiracy theories start to lurk around every corner. However, we are here to help you learn the myths and the truths about blue light! Blue ... Read More

The post Myths and truths about blue light appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Introduction of technology

There are improved facts about blue light, in our everyday lives, another concern about our health was raised.

Precisely – blue light.

But as with everything that is new and unexplored yet, conspiracy theories start to lurk around every corner.

However, we are here to help you learn the myths and the truths about blue light!

Blue light is a range of the visible light spectrum with wavelengths 400-450 nm, which makes it a type of high-energy visible light.

Where does the problem come from then and what should you know about blue light?

We are diving right into it!

Myths and truths

We have collected some of the most important facts about blue light that you should be familiar with in order to deal with it in the right way.

Blue light is not natural – MYTH

The main source of blue light is actually… the sun itself!

Sunlight contains red, orange, yellow, green and blue rays and a lot of shades of these colors.

What is more interesting, blue light is the reason why we see the sky blue.

Walking outside during the day, you are exposed to blue light.

In fact, a certain number of daylight hours can be absorbed by the human body.

It becomes a problem when we introduce blue light at night as well – this way we disrupt our biological clock which can lead to health problems (including poor sleep, poor eye health, etc.).

Our eyes can’t block blue light – TRUTH

Our eyes can successfully block UV rays from reaching the retina.

It is proven that less than 1 percent of UV radiation from the sun reaches the retina, even if you have not put your sunglasses on.

Резултат с изображение за Our eyes can block UV rays from reaching the retina.


Nevertheless, it is advisable to always wear sunglasses with 100 percent UV protection since they are essential for eye health!

In contrary though, blue light can penetrate the inner structure of our eyes.

According to studies almost 100 percent of the blue light that we are exposed to, reaches our retina.

All blue light is harmful – MYTH

You may be confused by this one but it is actually true that not all blue light is harmful.

Thanks to blue light, our bodies know when we should be awake (throughout the day) and when we should go to sleep (after the night falls).

Therefore we are messing up with our circadian rhythm if we are exposed to blue light in the evening.

Try reading a paper book before bed instead of your e-reader and switch off your devices at least an hour before sleep.

Yet, some studies have shown that certain types of blue light can have a positive impact on our bodies.

High-energy visible light boosts vigilance, helps memory and cognitive function and improves mood.

A light therapy is used to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which is a type of depression related to changes in seasons.

With the right amount of blue light, the symptoms of SAD can be alleviated.


Blue light contributes to digital eye strain – TRUTH

It’s been made clear that not all blue light is bad for you but too much of it can really be.

Especially for your eyes.

They can not block the blue light, therefore they become irritated when we expose them to it for a long period of time.

The symptoms may include red, dry or sore eyes, as well as headaches and blurred vision.

However, digital eye strain can be prevented with a number of precautions – you can check them out in one of our previous articles!


Lowering the brightness of your device is enough – MYTH

Been there, done that.

In fact, the low brightness of the screen is not a safeguard!

It actually has a very small impact since apart from blue light there are a lot of other things that are harmful to your eyes.

Such are flickering, small fonts and so on.

Резултат с изображение за flickering damage the eyes

Blue light can cause macular degeneration – TRUTH

Macular degeneration is the condition which causes deterioration of the macula

Macula – the small central area of the retina, controlling the visual acuity.

The ability to complete any visual task requiring us to see detail depends on the health of the macula – reading, recognizing faces, driving, watching TV, using the computer, etc.

Резултат с изображение за blue light


Unfortunately, macular degeneration can lead to permanent sight loss.

Blue light is related to macular degeneration because our eyes can not block the blue light and it penetrates all the way to the inner of the eye.

Consequently too much blue light can cause damage to the light-sensitive cells in the retina.


However, more research is needed in order to define how much is too much and the potential long-term effects of constant digital eye strain.

How to reduce the blue light exposure?

If you are a bit concerned about your health after going through the myths and truths about blue light, we are happy to inform you that you can successfully reduce your blue light exposure!

You can do that by using software like ours – Iris will reduce the blue light emitted from your computer or laptop screen.

It has a few different modes and detects automatically whether it is day or night.

Thereupon Iris will change the color temperature and the brightness of your screen.

This way you will be able to use your device for longer without having a tired eye afterward.

Take a break

Yet, it is recommended to take a break from the screen every once in a while

The aim is to move around every hour for at least 5 minutes or simply follow the 20-20-20 rule:

Every 20 minutes look at an object 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds.


Blue light is naturally emitted by the sun and is needed by our bodies in order to regulate our biological clocks.

Too much of it though may cause worse sleep quality, eye strain and other health problems.

However, blue light therapy is used to treat people suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) – it improves their sleep patterns and elevates mood.

Download Iris

In our everyday lives, we can deal with excessive blue light exposure by downloading software like Iris.

It reduces the blue light emitted from the screen or by minimizing the time spent in front of a device in the evenings.


Author: Ilina Stoyanova

The post Myths and truths about blue light appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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10 benefits of reading before bed Mon, 28 Oct 2019 12:55:44 +0000 It is a common occurrence in adults to neglect the habit of reading before bed. In 2018 25% of Americans say they have not read a single book in the past year. A scary result, considering the amount of time spent every day in scrolling social media and reading articles about celebrities’ lives. This kind of reading is not beneficial ... Read More

The post 10 benefits of reading before bed appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


It is a common occurrence in adults to neglect the habit of reading before bed.

In 2018 25% of Americans say they have not read a single book in the past year.

A scary result, considering the amount of time spent every day in scrolling social media and reading articles about celebrities’ lives.

This kind of reading is not beneficial in any way – not physically, nor mentally.

But why and how should we make reading our friends?



I have heard the claim that you should not read before bed because it awakens the imagination and therefore you will fall asleep harder.

It is misleading without being put in a context.

It actually depends on what kind of books you choose to read before calling it a day.

In addition, research tends to prove that reading at that time of the day is the most beneficial.

10 benefits of reading before sleep

Here are 10 reasons which will make you adapt to this habit as soon as possible:

It reduces stress and anxiety

Researchers from the University of Sussex conducted a study in order to see if stress levels are being influenced by reading, especially before bed.

It turned out that even six minutes of reading can reduce your stress levels by as high as 68 percent!

It is believed that due to the fact we get lost in the book, focusing completely on the plot, we let go of the real-world problems.


This eventually results in lowering the muscle and heart tension.

Yet you have to be careful what genre you choose – thriller, horror, the mystery should be avoided since the suspense might make you stay awake instead.

So it is better to stick to calming and inspirational books that will have a positive impact on your mood.

It improves sleep quality

If both your body and your mind are relaxed, it is certainly sure that your sleep quality will be better.

Take the children who love good stories before bed as an example – this leads to inducing sleep.

Reading calms the mind and clears or at least minimizes thoughts that may disrupt us.

If you find it hard to deal with them, this might be the solution for you!

It makes you more creative

According to research reading before bed will make you more creative and passionate about your projects.

It is no coincidence that the majority of executives, investors, and leaders in any area take the time to read before sleep.

It helps them not only unwind from the busy day they have had, but also train their creativity and give them new ideas or career approaches.

Later in the article, you can learn what some famous successful people prefer to read before bed.

It decreases the time we are exposed to screens

The blue light emitted from screens suppresses the brain’s ability to secrete melatonin, the hormone responsible to make us feel sleepy.

Therefore the exposure to any gadgets like smartphones, laptops or even television can worsen the quality of our sleep.

It is recommended to put aside all devices at least an hour before going to bed.

This also includes e-book readers, even though some of them do have a blue light filter.

Grab a physical book instead and feel its magic happening!

It acts as an effective sleep-inducing habit

Just like in the dog’s experiment of the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov, creating the habit of reading before bed can start to act as an effective sleep-inducing habit.

This way you develop a virtual relation between reading and sleeping.

As it will become a signal for the brain that it is time to call it a day, falling asleep will become easier!

It will improve your concentration

With all the new technologies and our hectic daily routines, we have started to lose our ability to concentrate.

We are constantly trying to catch up with everything by “multitasking”.

This approach does not always work though. Instead of helping us to complete all of our tasks, we often end up with almost no work done.

On the other hand, reading can help in such miserable situations.

It will force us to process the information without the visual aids smartphones and computers provide.

Thus we will train our brains to concentrate and again wake up our imagination and creativity.

It is likely to make you wake up mentally relaxed

You may have heard the quote: “The quality of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts”.

But it can be said that it depends upon the quality of your sleep as well.

If we wake up well-rested, we will have more energy and motivation for the day that is ahead of us.

Reading before bed almost ensures that we will get a good sleep.

With an improved sleep pattern, your body is likely to feel re-energized in the morning and your mind – relaxed.

It positively influences our dreams

Most often our dreams are a product of the thoughts we have had before bed.

Consequently, if you have had troubles during the day or something else worries you, you might experience a bad dream.

In turn, the right book before sleep will make you concentrate on a pleasant plot and calm your mind.

Afterward, you might dream about your favorite character and what’s better?

It is more effective

Surely, reading is beneficial in general.

But having to read on the bus or in any other noisy place might ruin the whole experience.

Evenings and nights at home are usually quiet.

If you choose to read at that time, you will get into the story much easier because of the lack of distractions.

Therefore reading before bed is considered to be a more effective and focused form of reading.

It will make you more empathic

To be empathic means to have the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.

Every book has characters and a plot to which we connect to a certain extent. As we dive deep into the story, we subconsciously become a part of it.

This way we feel what the characters are supposed to feel, we try to understand their pain.

Raymond Mar, a psychologist at York University in Canada, has a work supporting the claim that reading makes us more empathic.

The author writes: “Narratives offer a unique opportunity to engage this capacity, as we identify with characters’ longings and frustrations, guess at their hidden motives and track their encounters with friends and enemies, neighbors and lovers.”

Furthermore, when being concentrated in what is being said and meant in the book, we also become a good listener. This is another form of empathy and understanding.

What do successful people read before bed?

Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, says that he reads for an hour every night, even if he gets home late.

His reading topics range from public health to the history of shipping containers.

Arianna Huffington is the founder of The Huffington Post.

She takes sleep very seriously, as well as her evening reading routine.

Huffington always reads “old-fashioned” paper books and recommends banning electronic devices like e-book readers, laptops, tablets.

In 2012 Barack Obama told Rolling Stone he spends a lot of time reading reports, briefing books, studies, and intelligence assessments.

The American fashion designer Vera Wang sees her bedroom as “a refuge” as she told Fortune in 2006.

She uses part of her evenings to read over whatever her staff sends.

Tim Armstrong, CEO of The AOL, gets home around 20:00 and sits down to read a book or two to his daughters, he told The Guardian.


Reading before bed is the most effective form of reading since it is deprived of any distractions.

Ergo we can soothe our minds and transition our body from working mode to shutting it off for sleep.

An inspirational and pleasant book will positively influence our dreams and overall mood, which will lead to improved sleep quality as well.

The combination of all these benefits will make us feel well-rested in the mornings, increase our creativity and concentration levels and decrease our stress and anxiety by up to 68 percent.

So it is time to adopt the habit of reading before bed if you have neglected it for a while.

And if you take it as a ritual, good job – keep doing it this way!

Reading doesn’t have to be harmful to the eyes.

With Iris’s reading mode your eyes won’t get tired when you read from your mobile device.

You can try Iris and see for yourself!


Author: Ilina Stoyanova


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The foundations of Digital Health Wed, 23 Oct 2019 09:32:01 +0000   If you are not familiar with the meaning of the phrase “ digital health”,… you may think it is about being aware of the time you spent on any of your devices and how to reduce the scrolling, TV shows binge-watching, etc. What digital health is actually about, is the use of technology in order to help people improve ... Read More

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If you are not familiar with the meaning of the phrase “ digital health”,…

you may think it is about being aware of the time you spent on any of your devices and how to reduce the scrolling, TV shows binge-watching, etc.

What digital health is actually about, is the use of technology in order to help people improve their health and wellness.


We live in a world that revolves around an increasing number and kinds of technologies.

It all started with the radio, then television came along, the computer, the smartphones…

After our everyday lives and our relationships even have been digitized, it has come the time for the digitalization of our health as well.

What does digital health aim for?

The aims of digital health are not unambiguous.

They include preventing disease, helping patients monitor and manage chronic conditions, lower costs of healthcare provision and making medicine more tailored to individual needs.

These aims may be beneficial not only for patients but also for healthcare providers.

It is hoped that individuals will be able to improve their lifestyle and maintain good health for longer…, if

…they gather more data on markers of their health, such as activity level or blood pressure.

Consequently, fewer visits to the physician will be needed.

Another benefit of digital health tools is the help they could provide in the identification of a new illness or the worsening of an already existing one.

This will also enable doctors to take measures in the early courses of the disease and eventually shorten its length or ease the symptoms before it is too late.

So it can be said that digital health will improve the quality of life of the patient, as well as reduce the total cost of a person’s healthcare.

The different paths taken

The leading companies in the IT sector are, of course, aiming to be leaders in the digital health area too.

Their strategies though are a bit different from one another.

It is thought that Google has the most far-sighted strategy.

It is not the only one among its rivals that launched health-tracking wearable gadgets – the Google Wear and the health platform Fit.

Alphabet unites Google businesses and is focused on health.

It has a few companies which are completely devoted to the improvement of quality of life and longevity.

Google is also putting a serious effort into artificial intelligence for healthcare.

It is using it to identify eye disease from scans, which are usually read by doctors.

 Apple’s endeavors are rooted in the present by providing apps and services.

It already has a platform for health services and apps.

Besides, the functionality of the Apple Watch was expanded in order to make it more health-focused.

ECG detection feature for example.

However, Apple focuses primarily on monitoring.

Amazon is not inferior to its rivals.

The company has recently bought a medication delivery company and has plans to change the way healthcare is delivered in the US by building its own health platform.

 The efforts of Microsoft and IBM

Last but not least Microsoft and IBM are mostly focused on developing artificial intelligence which can be used to help doctors.

IBM Watson already helps physicians diagnose different types of cancer.

Meanwhile, Microsoft is developing the platform Azure that can help with the precise selection of medicines.

Trends and opportunities

The biggest trend in digital health right now is probably all the wearable gadgets like FitBit, Apple Watch, and other smart bands.

With the launch of such technologies and mobile health apps, people can easily gather data on their activity level.

For example, a number of steps, minutes of exercise.

This data can be stored and compared, as well as shared.

Furthermore, digital health can be used not only to measure “lifestyle health” but to manage diseases as well.

An off-the-shelf connected blood pressure cuff can show the blood pressure levels of its user and identify what changes in everyday life are beneficial.

Also which medications improve the control over the condition.

Glucose monitors are also a thing – this way diabetics can track their blood sugar over time and know-how effective their diets and medications are.

Another opportunity which the further development of digital health can provide is to cut the cost of the appointments with the doctor.

Emergency room visits and even hospital admissions of people with these conditions.

Which problems are to be solved by digital health?

It is expected that companies would want to benefit from all the data they have.

Health is a huge industry and it is an expensive one. Naturally, patients are looking for ways to save money.

This can happen not by treating, but by preventing disease.

Some conditions can, to a large extent, be controlled or prevented by measures taken in everyday life.

Such are high blood pressure, type II diabetes, raised cholesterol.

This is the role wearable gadgets play.

They enable people to track their activities, exercise, weight and have a better overlook on their health in general.


More innovations in the digital health area are yet to come.

But what we have for now – for example, all the wearable gadgets – helps us easily maintain a healthy lifestyle by all the data it gives us.

Suffering from an illness like high blood pressure can also be improved by digital health technologies.

They will surely improve the quality of life of the patients.

It will save them costs for healthcare as well.

But we should never forget that smartphones, apps, or even artificial intelligence can not replace the visits to the doctor.

Like blood tests and the examination devices.

Health is most important and should be taken seriously.

Always, when having worries about it, seek out professional help!

The software we developed is other innovations in digital health.

Iris is software that makes monitors more healthy for the eyes.

It automatically adapts to the light around you reduces the blue light emitted from your screen for better sleep

Iris software removes flicker and other harmful emissions from your monitor.


Author: Ilina Stoyanova

What is digital health? Everything you need to know about the future of healthcare
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10 Tips How To Have Healthy Eyes

14 tips to make your monitor healthier for your eyes


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EMFs, 5G and Radiation Wed, 23 Oct 2019 09:05:42 +0000 Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible areas of energy, often referred to as radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical power and various forms of natural and man-made lighting. Disclaimer: This is not an article about the highest rated tv show on IMDb, Chernobyl. An interesting sentence to begin with, but I felt obligated to state that ... Read More

The post EMFs, 5G and Radiation appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible areas of energy, often referred to as radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical power and various forms of natural and man-made lighting.

Disclaimer: This is not an article about the highest rated tv show on IMDb, Chernobyl.

An interesting sentence to begin with, but I felt obligated to state that the title might be a little bit misleading for some of you.

Not that I did not enjoy watching ‘Chernobyl’, I just thought there is another (somehow related) topic more people should be aware of.

That, ladies and gentlemen, are the so called EMFs – electromagnetic fields.

1. Introduction

The majority of people can not even imagine to live without the conveniences of twenty-first-century life, yet to give them up.

But only a small percentage of ‘modern’ people are actually aware of the possible health consequences our gadgets may have on us.

In recent years, many articles have claimed that EMFs can cause cancer, endocrine disruption, sleep disturbances, sperm mutations, behavioral problems, and other health conditions.

Manufacturers have even designed products to help reduce EMF exposure.

But are these fears justified?

Later on in this article we are going to try to answer this exact question.

Let’s start with the basics:

2. Types of EMF exposure

First of all, we have to understand what the EMFs are.

EMFs are a form of radiation emitted from cell phones, electronics, power lines, and other man-made (as well as naturally occurring) objects.

From a technical standpoint, EMFs are physical fields created by the motion of electrically charged objects.

The full electromagnetic spectrum is broad, including both natural and manmade forms of radiation.

It extends from extremely low frequencies (like power lines, at 50-60 Hz) to extremely high frequencies (like cancer treatment radiation, at 500-5,000 EHz).

Mobile phones, microwave ovens and even visible light produce radiation on the EMF spectrum.

But we can separate two types of EMF exposure: non-ionizing radiation (which is a low-level radiation) and ionizing radiation (high-level radiation).

Sources of low-level radiation and high-level radiation are:

Non-ionizing radiation: microwave ovens, computers, WiFi, cellphones, Bluetooth devices, power lines.

Ionizing radiation: ultraviolet light, X-rays.

EMF exposure intensity decreases as you increase your distance from the object that’s sending out waves.

It is well known that the high-level radiation can cause damage to tissue and DNA but today’s concern is about the low-frequency EMF, to which we are exposed every single day.

Something interesting to keep in mind is that the earth’s magnetic field, the sun and even our own bodies (the nervous and cardiovascular systems) produce low levels of EMFs, meaning we have always been exposed to EMFs to some degree.

3. Official organizations on EMF

All around the world different health organizations have released statements and policies on the safety of EMF exposure.

Two of the most popular are:

The World Health Organization (WHO), via the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), classifies EMFs as a Group 2B carcinogen: “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”

But don’t be scared, this only means that it is not excluded EMFs to be a carcinogen.

The WHO acknowledges the potential for an increased risk of one type of rare cancer, glioma, from cell phones (later on we shall find out what does the research says about it).

To make it a little less scary, let me inform you that other items considered Group 2B carcinogens include aloe vera leaf extract, goldenseal root powder, and pickled vegetables!

Dr. Steve Novella, an assistant professor of neurology at Yale and the editor of Science-Based Medicine, says: “you have to look at all the other things they classify as a possible carcinogen.

They put it in the same class as things like caffeine.

That is such a weak standard that it basically means nothing.

It’s like saying ‘everything causes cancer.’”

The European Commission Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks has identified a potential risk of childhood leukemia related to high EMF exposure (0.3 to 0.4 μT daily), only that we don’t have any experimental studies to support the validity of this link.

Furthermore the commission found no evidence that EMFs cause brain cancer.

If you are skeptical about the statements of the official organizations, let me present to you the findings of conducted research throughout the years.

4. Research on harmfulness

More than 40 years, researchers have tried to find out whether or not exposure in the extremely low frequency range (such as electronics) is related to cancer and other medical conditions.

Since the results of animal studies, human studies and mechanistic studies are so contradictory, it is very hard to establish a consensus.

However let’s have a look at what both animal studies and human studies have uncovered.

Animal studies

Most animal studies have shown that EMFs in general don’t have any clear association with cancer.

Specific forms of EMFs (like WiFi) too.

The more recent, high quality animal studies have generally failed to demonstrate any consistent cancer-causing potential of EMFs.

Although one group of investigators seemed to find that EMFs caused DNA damage in rodent brain cells, later studies failed to replicate those findings.

Another found an increase in chronic myeloid leukemia in rats exposed to even higher-strength EMFs (50 μT) for twelve hours per day for a week, but these levels are almost impossible to attain for the average human (estimates vary, but our daily exposure tends to be well under 0.2 μT plus we’re a little bit bigger than rats, meaning the equivalent cancer-causing dose for us would be something like 25,000X more than we get on average).

The majority of rodent studies show a lack of toxicity from EMFs at biologically feasible levels (and in many cases, even at unrealistically high levels).

The largest set of animal tests conducted—an eight-year long, $10 million project called Perform-A, organized by the European Commission—didn’t find any evidence that EMFs from cell phones promoted cancer in rodents.

After all it’s important to remember that animal studies may give us some clues but are completely different to what actually happens with humans.

The biological difference, as well as the usage of a single frequency or intensity of EMF exposure, contradict to the human exposure to a mixture of sources and intensities throughout the day.

Human studies

There’s been some concern that EMF exposure could raise the risk of certain cancers, such as childhood leukemia and brain cancer in children.

A study in 1979 found a potential association between childhood leukemia and living near electric power lines.

But the majority of more recent studies show no association at all or only an association for children living in homes with unusually high EMF levels.

More research and monitoring is needed though.

The parental exposure to EMF may also have an influence on the child.

Some studies suggest that children have a higher risk of leukemia if their mother was exposed to very high occupational levels of EMFs during pregnancy (if being an x-ray technician for example).

In adults only a few studies have found an association between EMF exposure and cancer risk.

While a study did find that women living near high-voltage power lines had a higher risk of breast cancer, additional studies found no link at all.

Once again, more recent studies haven’t established a consistent link between EMF exposure and cancer risk.

Cell phones

Since the introduction of cell phones in our everyday lives, there’s been fears concerning the potential link with cancer.

As a result multiple studies have been launched and the largest two of them are:

The INTERPHONE study which studied phone usage and cancer risk in thirteen different countries (Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom).

The main findings included: an overall lack of risk for acoustic neuroma, a benign brain tumor, associated with cell phone use; and an overall lack of risk for glioma or meningioma, cancerous brain tumors, associated with cell phone use.

The UK-based Million Women study of more than one million women aged 50 and over.

The findings were: no increased risk of cancerous brain tumors (glioma or meningioma) for women who were mobile phone users versus those who never used them, but there was an increased risk of benign acoustic neuroma among the longest-time mobile phone users.

Most smaller studies have either found no link between cell phone use and brain cancer, or an increased risk in people who have a heavy usage.


Nowadays the average person spends around 2.5 hours per day on his smart phone.

We sleep, we eat, we party, we live with our phones and we rarely think of the consequences this might have.

What they are is not fully known yet and further research needs to be done in order to give answers.

Until then we could try some of the protection tips, given at the end of this article.

5. Danger levels

The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) maintains international guidelines for EMF exposure, which are based on the findings of many years of scientific research.

Most electrical appliances sold by reputable brands test their products to ensure EMFs fall within the ICNIRP’s guidelines.

Public utilities and governments are responsible for managing EMFs related to power lines, cell phone towers, and other sources of EMF.

  • natural electromagnetic fields (like those created by the sun): 200 V/m
  • power mains (not close to power lines): 100 V/m
  • power mains (close to power lines): 10,000 V/m
  • electric trains and trams: 300 V/m
  • TV and computer screens: 10 V/m
  • TV and radio transmitters: 6 V/m
  • mobile phone base stations: 6 V/m
  • radars: 9 V/m
  • microwave ovens: 14 V/m

According to the ICNIRP, most people’s maximum exposure to EMF is very low in everyday life.

6. Symptoms of EMF exposure

According to some scientists, EMFs can affect the function of the body’s nervous system and damage cells.

Cancer may be one symptom of very high EMF exposure (but we are not Marie Curie, carrying test tubes containing radioactive isotopes in our pockets after all).

Other symptoms may include:

  • sleep disturbances, including insomnia
  • headache
  • depression and depressive symptoms
  • tiredness and fatigue
  • dysesthesia (a painful, often itchy sensation)
  • lack of concentration
  • changes in memory
  • dizziness
  • irritability
  • loss of appetite and weight loss
  • restlessness and anxiety
  • nausea
  • skin burning and tingling
  • changes in an electroencephalogram (which measures electrical activity in the brain)

However we need more research to be able to say 100% surely what effects do EMFs have on our health and do they have any.

7. How to stay safe?

Meanwhile we can stay safe by following some very easy advices:

  • use earbuds, speakerphone, headset while making calls, instead of holding the phone directly to your head. Remember – the further away the object is, the lower EMFs exposure intensity!
  • don’t use your phone without a blue light filter before bed (Iris will help you with this one) and make sure you set it to Do Not Disturb overnight.
  • avoid using your cell phone when the signal is weak (this increases EMF emissions, because the phone has to work harder to communicate with the base station).
  • eat a nutrient-dense diet high in antioxidants!

8. 5G – should you be worried?

5G is the next generation of cellular technology.

With it, of course, there’s a concern about the health risk of this more powerful network. But should you be worried?

As we understood in this article, the studies on the link between EMFs and cancer are very contradictory.

So are the opinions on the 5G, despite the initial claims how harmful it is.

The Environmental Health Trust contends that “5G will require the buildout of literally hundreds of thousands of new wireless antennas in neighborhoods, cities, and towns.”

Again according to Dr. Novella: “We’re still talking about power and frequency less than light. You go out in the sun, and you’re bathed in electromagnetic radiation that’s far greater than these 5G cell towers.” observes that “1G, 2G, 3G and 4G use between 1 to 5 gigahertz frequency.

5G uses between 24 to 90 gigahertz frequency,” and then asserts that “Within the RF Radiation portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the higher the frequency, the more dangerous it is to living organisms.”

But this remains just an assertion after all, because 5G is non-ionizing in nature.

Scientists will continue to test new networks and technologies in order to keep our environment safe.

As for now, we should not be alarmed about the 5G since there are many technologies we use every day which have higher measurable risk.

Author: Ilina Stoyanova

Read more:



EMFs: What’s the link between electromagnetic fields and disease?

How worried should you be about the health risks of 5G?

Should you be worried about EMF exposure?

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Eye exercises: Myth or a real way to improve your eyesight? Wed, 23 Oct 2019 08:57:35 +0000 Eye exercises Are eye exercises really helpful in relieving eye pain? For as long as we can remember propaganda existed. It can be used in every area of our lives in order to convince us of something. Evil events have happened when propaganda has succeeded. Nowadays we read news on our smart phones or computers. We rarely pay attention to ... Read More

The post Eye exercises: Myth or a real way to improve your eyesight? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Eye exercises

Are eye exercises really helpful in relieving eye pain?

For as long as we can remember propaganda existed.

It can be used in every area of our lives in order to convince us of something.

Evil events have happened when propaganda has succeeded.

Nowadays we read news on our smart phones or computers.

We rarely pay attention to where we are getting the information from.

Everyone can write whatever he wants on the Internet and some people will immediately believe it.

Unfortunately, unproven medical and scientific claims are also being made and sometimes they can do only harm, no good.

Back in the 1920s

Back in 1920s an ophthalmologist named William Bates created an eye-exercising program which became known as the Bates Method.

However, it has never been proven effective and in fact, some of the recommended exercises can be causing damage, rather than to cure it – like exposing the eyes to direct sunlight.

What is more shocking is that most modern programs for vision improvement are at least partially based on the Bates Method.

Some of them even include repeatedly telling yourself that you are seeing better every day and you can see without your glasses.

Ridiculous, right?

What is vision therapy and who is it for?

There is a difference between “eye exercises” and “vision therapy” which is often being neglected.

As we have stated in the previous paragraph, most of the time eye exercises are simply useless.

Sadly, there is no magical exercise that will help you “throw away your glasses” like there is no magical weight loss pill.

On the other hand, vision therapy may have a positive impact on our eyes.

If you have any of the following common eye conditions though – myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness), or astigmatism, it is highly likely you won’t benefit from vision therapy.

People with age-related macular degeneration, cataracts or glaucoma won’t be able to change their condition with vision therapy as well.

Vision therapy is sometimes incorrectly referred to only as “eye exercises”.

The main goal of vision therapy can be to strengthen the eye muscles.

It can also help with eye tracking issues.

A doctor-prescribed vision therapy includes specific activities to help correct vision problems such as amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (crossed eyes).

Such conditions often affect children and sometimes adults.

Many of these therapies have been proven safe and effective by research.

How to exercise and relief your tired eyes?

Our eyes have muscles and like all the other muscles in our bodies, they can get sore when held in one position for too long.

Especially if we work on a computer all day, it is definitely a good idea to do some quick and easy eye-workouts from time to time.

The condition “digital eye strain” is common amongst people who constantly work at a computer.

It can cause dry eyes, eye strain, blurred vision, headaches.

To prevent the discomfort you can try some of the following exercises and relief tips:

1. Comprehensive eye exam

If you have not visited an eye doctor in over a year, you should certainly schedule a visit.

Getting a comprehensive eye exam regularly is of great importance to prevent or treat computer vision problems.

During the exam you should tell the doctor how long you use a computer and any other devices not only at work, but also at home.

You can also measure how far your eyes are from the computer when you work on it and bring the measurements to the doctor.

This way he will test your eyes at this exact distance.

2. Blue light filter

By adjusting the settings of your display you will reduce the eye strain and fatigue.

If you are not completely sure how to do that or how to do it in the best way possible, you can download Iris and it will do the job for you!

The blue light emitted from the screens is short-wavelength visible light which is associated with more eye strain than longer wavelength hues, such as orange and red.

Iris will automatically reduce the color temperature of your display, depending on what time of the day it is as well.

Therefore you will be able to work on your computer for longer without tiring your eyes!

You can download Iris on our website.

3. 20-20-20 rule

As we have stated, human eyes (just like any other muscle in our bodies) are not supposed to be “glued” to a single point for extended periods of time.

So if you work on a computer all day, you can implement the so called 20-20-20 rule – every 20 minutes look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

4. Blink more often

Blinking has the function to moisten your eyes to prevent dryness and irritation.

Yet studies show that when staring at a screen, people tend to blink less frequently – only about ⅓ as they would normally do.

This can cause dry eyes. If you want to reduce the risk of it, try the following exercise – every 20 minutes blink 10 times by closing your eyes as if you are about to fall asleep (very slowly).

The exercise will help rewet your eyes.

5. Take frequent breaks

As much work as you might have, it is advisable to take frequent screen breaks during your work day.

One 10-minute break every hour would be good.

You will be able to relax mentally and also to reduce your risk of computer vision syndrome, as well as of neck, back and shoulder pain.

Stand up, move about and stretch your whole body until you feel less tension and muscle fatigue.

Tips for healthy eyes

After we have given you some exercises and changes you can implement in your daily computer routine, here are some tips for healthy eyes too!

  • get a comprehensive eye scan if you have not in over a year (this is utterly important, therefore is mentioned twice)
  • many eye diseases are genetic so you can ask relatives if there are any prevalent eye diseases that run in your family
  • if you are at an increased risk for eye problems, visit your eye doctor every six months
  • wear sunglasses in order to protect your eyes from damaging UV rays
  • eat a healthy balanced diet – in one of our other articles you can find information about the 10 foods for healthy eyes and perfect vision (and yes, carrots are included)
  • wear your glasses or contact lenses if you have to
  • avoid smoking


If you have any of these eye conditions – myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness), or astigmatism, eye exercises or vision therapy won’t help you.

In these cases see your eye doctor and follow his professional advice!

But if you sit on a computer all day and experience eye strain, there is good news for you – some exercises and tips can serve you as a relief and enable you to do your job without feeling tired all the time!

Blue light filter, focus exercises and frequent breaks are one of the key steps to preventing the risk of eye disease.

Get a comprehensive eye scan to be sure that your eyes are healthy or to learn how to optimize your eye care!

Author: Ilina Stoyanova

Read more:

The post Eye exercises: Myth or a real way to improve your eyesight? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Technology and our brain Mon, 21 Oct 2019 13:16:48 +0000 Introduction Have you ever thought about the technology and the impact that it has on your brain? One of the greatest abilities that we have as human beings is to think. This is something that makes us different from the rest of the living creatures on our planet. Making adequate decisions, following logic and having a long term memory – ... Read More

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Have you ever thought about the technology and the impact that it has on your brain?

One of the greatest abilities that we have as human beings is to think.

This is something that makes us different from the rest of the living creatures on our planet.

Making adequate decisions, following logic and having a long term memory – all of this is possible because of the way our brain works.

But like every other muscle in our body, the brain also needs to be stimulated often.

The question is are we making enough effort nowadays to “train” our brain?

Let’s find out!

Negative influence

I remember back in high school my favorite thing to do was reading.

And it didn`t matter if the book was 200 or 600 pages long, I just loved doing it!

Even though I had a lot of homework, I somehow managed to finish a whole book just for a couple of days.

Today I need more time to complete this task, so what is the reason?

Of course, we have the obvious reasons, that take up most of our time like work and other responsibilities.

But the biggest difference is hiding in my brain, and probably in yours as well.

The keyword is concentration.

In the past children had to do two things after school – write their homework and read a couple of pages from a book.

Adults were trying to create this habit so their children could learn to concentrate at a very young age.

And obviously it worked because it helped kids focus their attention for a longer time.

This was also very good for their imagination.

Unfortunately, technology conditions the brain to pay attention to the information in a slightly different way.

For example, when we watch TV we don`t need to focus all of our attention on the screen, we can just listen to the dialogue and to something else.

This is multitasking.

This is very interesting because actually it is proven that our brain can`t focus its attention on two different things at the same time.

So it’s the same with children.

They watch TV, pay attention to the screen but don`t focus the same way that they do when they read a book.

Children`s brains nowadays are just wired in a slightly different way.

But this is not bad.

Social media

There is this modern fear in young people that they are always missing out on something.

The roots of this fear lay in social media and its impact on our mental health.

We see all of these beautiful people on Instagram or Facebook and they are living their life.

They are going to parties, concerts, traveling, going here and there.

And as proof, that they are living to the fullest, they always have a photo to post.

Now, it’s not bad to take pictures and remember happy moments, but it becomes a problem when it’s something that we feel the need to do.

Most of the time the party was not that fun anyway.

Some psychologist is saying that this creates the FOMO – fear of missing out.

It makes people scared that they are not experiencing everything that they are supposed to and creates a certain amount of pressure that can cause anxiety.

Smiley faces

Do you use a lot of emoticons when chatting?

In my brain emoticons exist since the moment I saw them, which was in 4th grade.

This means that I have been using them for more than 12 years.

And what about you?

Well, there is a published study on this matter. And the news is not good.

Unfortunately, after a couple of tests, it has been proven that the part of our brain, activated when we look at people`s faces, now reacts when seeing smileys as well.

That’s a bit scary!

Positive effects

But does technology have a positive impact on our brain?

Our kids spend a lot of time playing computer games.

And when they are not playing, they spend their time discussing the games with their friends.

Adults think that this causes young people to become violent, unsuccessful, uninterested in anything else.

Research shows that actually computer games can have a good impact on children.

It is proven that they pay more attention to the details, develop their logical thinking (it depends on the type of game), have better reflexes.

As I mentioned, social media and technology itself have a negative effect on the brain.

But this is not everything, things are never black and white.

A couple of researches show that sharing every part of our life on the internet sometimes can have a good effect.

When there is an audience, most of the times people strive to be better, kinder, more helpful, smarter, basically to bring out the best in what they are doing.

So, maybe social media can help us become more conscious and kinder.

If we manage to pay attention to the important things, surrounding us, we can actually achieve a lot in this era.

We have all of these technologies, created to make our life easier.

Also, we have access to all kinds of information around the world.

We become better in decision – making. Our children are smarter and more adaptive.

Every creation has a bad side, so maybe, next time you are reading some fake news or wondering if a photo is real or made using photoshop, remember that you have the ability to distinguish the truth from the lie.

You just need to read more, concentrate more, search for information and train your brain.

Because, well, yes, without this type of “fitness” technology will change the way you think and it might not be in a good way.

Author: Maya Peteva

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10 foods for healthy eyes and 10/10 vision Sun, 20 Oct 2019 08:04:03 +0000 10 foods for healthy eyes and 10/10 vision Balanced healthy eating and the topic of healthy eyes have gained increasing popularity in recent years, taking precedence over the countless miracle diets named after doctors of dubious origins. Thanks to the large database that people all over the world have access to today, knowledge of the true principles of nutrition and ... Read More

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10 foods for healthy eyes and 10/10 vision

Balanced healthy eating and the topic of healthy eyes have gained increasing popularity in recent years, taking precedence over the countless miracle diets named after doctors of dubious origins.

Thanks to the large database that people all over the world have access to today, knowledge of the true principles of nutrition and body mechanics are being disseminated and put into use to make us healthier and happier.


All fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products, and meats have certain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals which certainly are essential for the optimal function of the human body (except in cases of intolerance).

Therefore aiming to eat a balanced diet is crucial in the desire for a healthier lifestyle.

In the course of this article, we will become familiar with the foundations of healthy eating, the three main nutrients and not least – which foods can improve our vision with Iris.

Foundations of healthy eating

According to several health organizations, a healthy eating regime also includes the consumption of more plant-based foods and less processed.

First, of course, some fruits and vegetables as kings of every rating, associated with our health.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends consuming 400 gr fruits and vegetables a day, excluding potatoes, sweet potatoes, and other starchy roots.

Fruits and vegetables contain a variety of antioxidants, minerals, and fiber, thus making us feel full for longer.

Whole grains like oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, etc are rich in fiber and B-vitamins.

The protein sources help both in the formation and preservation of bone, muscle, and skin.

Such are meat, fish, as well as dairy products, eggs, legumes, seeds, nuts.

The infographic below shows approximately how much of your serving should come from fruits and vegetables, whole grains and proteins.

½ of your serving must contain fruits and vegetables, ¼ with whole grains and the last ¼ – with protein.

It is good to add a few healthy fats like olive oil, canola oil and less often butter.

Main nutrients

After we have learned about the requirements of a healthy diet (meaning a non-restrictive diet that we can easily sustain throughout our lives, not the “bad” meaning of the word most commonly associated with it), let’s become familiar with all three essential nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for living organisms.

They are important for the proper functioning of the central nervous system since the brain is the largest consumer of carbohydrates at rest.

Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose. Then the glucose moves through the blood to all tissues and organs.

Some of it is used for energy purposes and another is stored in the form of glycogen in the muscles and liver, to be used when needed.

When glycogen stores are saturated, excess carbohydrates are transported to fat cells and converted to fat.

In strength and cardio workouts, they are a major fuel.

If the organism does not have enough in store, it is very likely to affect athletic performance.
The division of carbohydrates into “simple” and “complex” depends on their structure, and on “fast” and “slow” on their glycemic index.

The glycemic index is a scale by which rates how fast a carbohydrate breaks down in the organism to glucose.
One gram of carbohydrates contains 4 calories.


Proteins are the main building blocks in the cellular structures of living organisms.

They play a key role in nutrition, related to the renewal, growth, and development of the human body.

The latter needs a certain amount of amino acids (the building blocks of the proteins) every day.

If there is a protein deficiency in the body, it responds with delayed development, loss of muscle mass or even disease.

When the protein intake corresponds with the body’s daily needs, hunger and satiety are controlled, the metabolism speeds up, muscle mass is preserved.

One gram of protein contains the same amount of calories as carbohydrates – 4.


Fats are organic compounds, part of the group of the lipids, which are characterized by insolubility in water and are an essential building block of cell membranes.

Three are the main functions of fatty acids in the human body – they are: 1) a source of energy, 2) involved in the structure of different parts of the cell, and 3) the building material for the production of important substances such as hormones, neurotransmitters, and others.

Four types of fat are extremely important to be familiar with: 1) trans fat, 2) saturated fat, 3) monounsaturated fat, and 4) polyunsaturated fat.

People all around the world know that trans fat is one of the biggest enemies of human health and the fight against its elimination from the food we consume is yet to become bigger.

Saturated fats are also harmful.

However, a 2010 study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found no sufficient evidence that saturated fatty acids are relevant to cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. 350 000 people have taken part in the study.

The fats that are vital for the human body are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

You can find them in avocados, nuts and some vegetable oils such as olive oil, as well as in foods rich in Omega-6 and Omega-3 as vegetable oils (sunflower, hemp, flax), nuts, seeds (chia, hemp), seafood.

These fatty acids are essential for the body since it can not synthesize them on its own.

Therefore we need to get them from food. So it is utterly important to be sure that we consume the right amount.

Fat is denser in calories than the other two main nutrients – carbohydrates and proteins – containing 9 calories per one gram.


10 foods for healthy eyes

Let’s make it clear – there are no “good” and “bad” foods. There simply are nutrient-dense foods and less nutrient-dense foods.

The nutrient-dense foods are the ones that should form the bigger part of our diet like fruits, vegetables, grains, meat.

The less nutrient-dense foods are most often the processed foods that we should consume in smaller amounts.

It has been found in an age-related eye disease study conducted in 2001, that certain nutrients (zinc, copper, vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene) – can reduce the risk of eye disease caused by aging by up to 25%.

The study was updated in 2013 to try different formulas. Options included Omega-3 fatty acids, zeaxanthin, lutein, and beta carotene.


The conclusion was that some combinations worked better than others.

What all studies agree on though, is that Omega-3 fatty acids, copper, lutein, and zeaxanthin are essential for healthy eyes.

If you want to know which foods will help you fight against age-related eye disease, this article is the right one for you!

We will present to you a ranking of the healthiest foods for our visual organs.


Many fish are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Oily fish retain fat in their intestines and body tissue, so their consumption provides high levels of Omega-3s.

The fish containing the most beneficial amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids are tuna, salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, herring.
Some studies have found that fish oil can help combat dry eyes, including dry eyes caused by spending too much time on the computer.


Nuts are also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

They contain vitamin E as well, which can protect the eyes from age-related diseases.

Such nuts are walnuts, brazil nuts, cashew, peanuts.

Legumes such as lentils

Just like nuts, seeds are a good source of Omega-3 and vitamin E.

Try to incorporate chia seeds, flax seeds and hemp seeds in your diet.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits contain high amounts of vitamin C.

Like vitamin E, vitamin C is an antioxidant, recommended in the combat with eye diseases.

Citrus fruits rich in vitamin C are lemon, orange, grapefruit.

Leafy green vegetables

You may have wondered (or may have not) why the sun does not dry and spoil the leaves exposed to excessive heat and sunlight.

It is thought to be partially due to two carotenoids called lutein and zeaxanthin.

They can also be found in our eyes and help prevent or at least delay eye diseases such as macular degeneration caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet light, and in particular, high-energy visible light.

You can find Zeaxanthin in the macula in high concentrations.

A healthy macula should have darker pigmentation.

In turn, it will not let the harmful blue light reach the retina.

The leafy greens we should try to consume often are spinach, kale, cabbage.


We have heard since we were young that we have to eat carrots (even if we hated them sincerely) in order to have healthy eyes.

And in fact, it turns out it is not a myth but the truth – carrots contain vitamin A and beta carotene, which is responsible for their orange color.

Vitamin A plays a significant role in vision.

It is a protein- rhodopsin that helps the retina absorb light.


Veal is rich in zinc, which is related to better long-term eye health.

The eye itself contains high amounts of zinc and it aids in slowing down age-related vision loss and avoiding macular degeneration.


Eggs are a perfect source of lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc.


Water is vital for the body in every way, when it comes to eye health too, of course.

Drinking enough water prevents dehydration, which in turn can reduce the symptoms of dry eyes.

Currently, the recommended daily amounts of the nutrients for healthy eyes and in order to slow down the development of eye disease are:

500 mg (milligram) of vitamin C
10 mg lutein
2 mg zeaxanthin
80 mg of zinc oxide
2 mg of copper oxide

Maintaining a healthy and varied diet, that includes a lot of fruits, vegetables and proteins is usually enough to provide people with most of the nutrients, responsible for eye health.

If for some reason you are unable to obtain the specific nutrients from the food, it is advisable to consult a doctor about possible eye health supplements.

People who have already developed an eye disease or those with restrictive diets should also consult a competent medical practitioner about which foods are right for them.


It can be also concluded that proper nutrition is the basis of human health.

All other external factors, especially the secondary ones (man-made) are just an addition.

In this case, such are sunglasses, lenses and many others.

But we must not complicate care by making it a burden – it must be a ritual of peace and pleasure.

Food can undoubtedly be both as long as we are patient and aware enough.

Contrary to the propagandized statement that food is our enemy, it is actually our most loyal friend when we have a healthy relationship with.

Color diversity, innumerable combinations and cooking methods, make healthy and balanced eating even more interesting, easy and affordable.


Author: Ilina Stoyanova


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Matte VS Glossy Screens: Pros & Cons Sun, 20 Oct 2019 07:50:57 +0000 The screens in our life Computer screens are everywhere and all around us in this day and age. From your office PCs to your personal home computer and your TV – it seems we have made them a crucial part of our everyday life and need them as a basic necessity to function with the tech all around us for ... Read More

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The screens in our life

Computer screens are everywhere and all around us in this day and age.

From your office PCs to your personal home computer and your TV – it seems we have made them a crucial part of our everyday life and need them as a basic necessity to function with the tech all around us for work, leisure, etc.

Screens and monitors are great and all, but the problematic thing about them with a lot of people is that they’re made of glass – highly reflective, shiny glass that is.

The average person, even avid users of tech, doesn’t spend that much time looking at a screen during the day, so even though they may have other issues related to prolonged use they wouldn’t have an issue with some shine.

For the people who have hobbies or jobs involving said prolonged use however, screen glares and reflections could be a big hassle when one has to look at a monitor for longer periods of time, for example:

  • They could distort perceived images and colors, make them look different and render the monitor completely useless in direct sunlight or in a brightly lit room
  • They could cause eye strain and irritation because of all the reflections and glare produced on the glass surface of the monitor
  • The above mentioned eye strains and irritations may cause long-term issues connected to migraines and headaches, etc.

In short, highly reflective monitors are not as liked and as preferred as their matte counterparts by many people looking at screens for longer periods. (gamers, office workers, etc.)

But the thing is, you need a screen to function with a PC for whatever reason it may be.

The shine

So what’s the deal with all the shiny monitors then? Is it a conspiracy theory? Are companies purposefully making screens shiny to cause headaches, migraines, health issues and to distort images and colors? Not really.

The main purpose of all of those shiny screens is exactly to be as shiny and as reflective as possible so they look fancy, expensive and of pristine, premium quality.

The screens being shiny and not having any matte coating on top has its technical aspects as well, but the primary reason why you will barely find any matte screens in mainstream tech these days, especially with smartphones and touch screens all around us, is product image. After all, we all love good shiny, glossy gadgets don’t we?

Luckily for avid computer users, matte alternatives and anti-glare products exist to combat and offer competition to the sometimes painful to use shiny screens.

Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em? Here are some solutions to help with the gloss and shine of modern-day screens.

Anti-Glare Solutions: Filters

Anti-glare monitor filters are usually thin layers applied on top of the glass surface of the monitor to help prevent glare, shine, color shift, etc.

Older varieties of anti-glare filters were mesh filters giving the appearance of a nylon screen – although effective they caused severe degradation in image quality, so they weren’t quite the perfect solution and alternative.

Modern-day manufacturer of such filters however, offer a variety of anti-glare filter solutions for PC monitors, laptops and even smartphones.

Filters these days are manufactured from polycarbonate or acrylic plastic, giving the screen that matte finish without compensating with image quality or clarity.

The filters are thin and easy to use and apply. Some key features include:

  • Light diffusion to help reduce glare
  • Added layer of durable protection added to screen to protect it from dust and scratches
  • Gives the monitor a clean matte surface that’s easily cleaned and that hides fingerprints

Anti-Glare Solutions: Monitors

Naturally there’s also always the alternative to purchase an anti-glare monitor or laptop.

As already mentioned these are usually targeted at audiences who spend a lot of time in front of a screen.

Majority of anti-glare laptops for example are either professional notebooks or gaming laptops.

The pros and cons of matte and glossy displays

In general, there has been a long-time discussion in the tech community about which type of monitor or screen is better.

While glossy screens may cause distortions due to reflections and glare, they have been reported to display images more clearly and colors like black deeper and more saturated, while their matte counterparts tend to water down colors and make images fuzzy sometimes.

While matte screens are better for tasks like gaming or office use, glossy screens, in a controlled environment and properly lit, can be very beneficial to tasks like graphic design or photography – duties requiring clarity of image.

Additionally, matte screens have been found to be less of fingerprint magnets than glossy ones.

The takeaway

So which one should you choose?

Seems like glossy screens, while producing images with better quality, colors and clarity, have the issue of being rendered unusable in any light condition other than perfect and are major fingerprint magnets, while matte screens combat those same issues, but can compensate by not delivering the best image quality.

In a perfect world there would be a matte screen that doesn’t cause any irritation through shine and glare, has a killer image quality and color accuracy, and is not a fingerprint magnet, and maybe someday we will have such a monitor, but until then we can only do as much as pick the best option for our specific needs.

Truth is, nobody can recommend the perfect monitor to anyone else but themselves, but it’s good to know that there are and will always be alternatives and solutions to possible issues along the way.

Glossy or matte, users should pick the monitor they think suits them best and doesn’t compensate with ease of use, their user experience or their health.

There is also another solution to eye pain.

Whether your screen is matte or glossy with Iris you will protect your eyes from harmful effects of the computer. Read more in these articles:

Iris – Program to protect the eyes from the harmful rays of the monitors

14 tips to make your monitor healthier for your eyes

What is the best monitor settings for eyes?

3 Simple Ways to Test if your Monitor is Good for your Eyes and Health

Best Monitor Brightness and Contrast Settings for Eyes

Adjuѕt Monitor Cоlоr Temperature

Author: Yasen Nedelchev

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The science of color in life Sun, 20 Oct 2019 07:17:25 +0000 Color in everyday life Marketing and advertising  Color and color vision are one of the most important, key aspects in our lives when it comes to living and perceiving the world as we do. We as human beings are visual creatures, meaning about 90% of the information we take in from the surrounding environment is in the form of visual ... Read More

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Color in everyday life

Marketing and advertising 

Color and color vision are one of the most important, key aspects in our lives when it comes to living and perceiving the world as we do.

We as human beings are visual creatures, meaning about 90% of the information we take in from the surrounding environment is in the form of visual input through our eyes.

Color vision was, is and will always be important to us.

It was a key evolutionary trait that our ancestors developed that helped them survive, thrive and spread around the world.

It affects us deeply and the majority of the time subconsciously without us even realizing it.

In today’s capitalist, saturated market, no one knows this better than brands and companies themselves.

Striving to attract attention, fighting the silent battle for the customer’s dollar every day.

Brands and companies have developed a series of key tactics to sell their products and services.

They use the right colors in their logos, marketing and advertising to invoke specific feelings in their target customers.

Color science was definitely not invented by brands and has naturally existed long before companies.

Putting the information gathered and researched to use in the marketing and sales field is definitely a specific trait of the 20th and 21st-century company.

The effects of color on human subconsciousness have been documented in detail by various scientists over the years with results showing mostly similar effects of certain colors on people and their psyche.

Below listed are some basic colors we see in the environment and in our everyday life and the documented subconscious effects they have been reported to have on the human mind:


The color is widely recognized as the color of passion, romance and love, but has also widely been reported to be associated with danger, excitement and urgency.

Usually most widely used by stores, brands and companies when they want to attract attention to their products and create a sense of urgency, during sales for example.

Think of the STOP sign and the red signal on traffic lights.


Being the color of grass, trees and nature in general, naturally, the color is associated with the environment, relaxation, safety, health, life, healing, etc.

Interestingly enough, because of the nature of the world and the economy, we have created, one of the things the human brain most frequently connects green to is money.


Associated mostly with peace, stability, calmness and tranquility.

It’s also the color most widely used in social media design and layout, the how and why of which are a topic for another article (spoiler alert: blue can be dangerous for your eyesight and attention span).


Associated with joy, energy, cheerfulness and warmth. Like red, it may also be used to create a sense of urgency, caution and emergency.


Think of all the buildings surrounding us, think of the concrete jungle – gray is most widely connected to stability, security, strength of character, authority and maturity.

Black and White

For colors that are technically not considered colors at all, our minds seem to connect black and white to various different things.

Sophistication, power, mystery, formality, evil and death for black..

..and freshness, hope, light, goodness, purity, cleanliness and simplicity for white, just to name a few.

Of course, those are just a few of the colors companies use in their logos, marketing and advertising.

Going into full detail about every color and how it affects us would take hundreds of articles and following the ways companies carefully craft their logos.

From design to colors and even color hues would be practically impossible as those are industry secrets.

The negative effects of color on health

Naturally, we need color. Color in life is what defines our sight and makes our world vivid and vibrant.

Should we be afraid of too much color though?

Way too much of a certain color can have a negative impact on a person’s health.

It has been reported that “overdosing” on certain colors like red and yellow, which induce feelings of urgency and excitement can have a negative impact on our health, resulting in high blood pressure and anxiety.

On the other hand “overdosing” on blue (coincidentally used in a lot in social media design and layout as a primary color) can make us feel too calm and relaxed and lose track of time.

Endlessly scrolling as time passes, subconsciously dozing off and ignoring the world around us.

Additionally, blue is one of the colors the retina cannot block from causing damage to our eyes.

As red light gets blocked, blue light can pass right through and with prolonged use of blue light-emitting technology.

Blue light can cause health issues connected to sore eyes, migraines and headaches.

The takeaway

As already mentioned, going into full detail about every color in life and the way it can impact us negatively or positively would take a lot of time.

But in today’s world where we’re constantly bombarded with advertisements and logos anywhere we go.

Being educated on the how and why of advertising, marketing and color science can be beneficial to us.

We can stop ourselves from making impulse purchases based on subconscious decisions we make without even realizing it and prevent the negative effects from them.

Most importantly, however, knowing color in life and the way colors influence us can help us reduce exposure to an excess of certain colors, preventing health issues.

We ourselves love color, but like everything we know, it should be used in moderation.

The software we developed helps you do just that! – controlling how much and which colors you see every day from your computer screen, helping you regain control.

 Review the different free and paid options the Iris software offers, pick the one that suits your needs best.

Say goodbye to those constant headaches and start improving your productivity and quality of life today.


Author: Yasen Nedelchev

Read more:

Blue light Effects

The Complete Guide to Color Therapy

Blue Light from Electronics

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How to avoid Blue light from Screens Sat, 19 Oct 2019 12:23:28 +0000 We spend too much time in front of the screen without any idea about how we are harming ourselves and without doing anything to avoid the blue light. We are neglecting our healthy level in front of smart devices. We increase the time in front of monitors even in the short breaks between work, university or school. In the everyday ... Read More

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We spend too much time in front of the screen without any idea about how we are harming ourselves and without doing anything to avoid the blue light.

blue light computer smartphone screen sleep problems phone screen filter eye protection

We are neglecting our healthy level in front of smart devices.

We increase the time in front of monitors even in the short breaks between work, university or school.

In the everyday life of an average person living in the 21st century, it is a great difficulty to put aside even their phone.

Many of us, perhaps, would not have thought about the Blue Light problem because of the dynamic environment, and it actually exists everywhere around us.

Naturally, much of the earth’s population sinks into dealing with a computer or other technology.

Are we paying enough attention to our health?

I think many of us are asking ourselves health questions.

And often enough, we stop at full-fledged sleep, active lifestyles, sports, year-round diets and more.

In theory, we are not at all bothered by issues that bother us so much, but in practice, we are tired of doing everything…

We often browse through forums, everyday life websites, to get our feet firm, filled with energy and a desire to work, and to blossom in the morning for new ideas.

We can take a few easy steps to reduce the stress of the evening for a more refreshing sleep, tone and good health.

Avoid “Fast food”

Health experts, nutritionists, and doctors are alarmed at the effects of frequent on-the-go consumption.

This encourages one to eat more than if they eat healthily.


You do not have to spend two hours in fitness gyms, daily workouts, and more. A walk in the park with a pet or a friend would affect the body charging and the mind relaxing.

Exercising in the morning prepares the muscle for the whole day, as does the mind.

Hydrate your body

Drink enough water every day, it provides more energy and good function of the body and all the supporting organs in it.

Water is one of the best tools for weight loss, keeps the cardiovascular system healthy and helps digestion, maintains normal temperature and proper function of the brain and kidneys.

Get some sleep

Sleep is a major problem for many people, but the basis of many other factors associated with our body.

Quality sleep is considered to be the necessary 8 hours, so sleep stores our energy reorganizes our memories and the information we absorb during the day.

While we sleep, our body renews and builds certain tissues, nerve cells, neutralizes neurotoxins, and resumes the biochemical processes in the body.

Reduce the Blue light

As I mentioned in the beginning, Blue light reflected from screens, and not just from them.

Much of it is also based on sunlight – the danger of UV rays.

They have higher energy than visible light rays, which makes them capable of producing changes in the skin.

Because blue light is all around us, except for human-made digital devices and any other internal sources, including LED lighting and flat-screen TVs, they create a number of technology-based eye diseases.

In such cases, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Studies have shown that lenses that block blue light with a wavelength of less than 450 nm (blue-violet light) increase the contrast significantly.

Yellow-toned glasses increase comfort.

Is all Blue Light bad light?

If it really hurts us so much that we take extreme measures, then why not block it completely?

Bad idea.

Exposure to blue light is documented to be essential at times.

Many studies show that high-energy visible light increases concentration, enhances memory, cognitive function and boosts mood.

Used in what is known as “Light Therapy”, it is used to treat seasonal affective disorders (SAD) – a type of depression associated with changes in the seasons.

Blue light is very important for regulating the circadian rhythm.

This is the natural cycle of cheerfulness and sleep.

During daylight hours it helps to maintain it.

In the late hours, it completely disrupts this cycle, which can cause sleepless nights and fatigue during the day.

Let’s find a Compromise for our Eyes

Here we come to the easiest answer on “How to avoid Blue Light from screens”

The convenience that we often bring to the forefront distinguishes us so much that we find no explanation for the harm to which we periodically expose ourselves.

This is mainly the use of devices that help us write messages, check our emails or just surf the web.

The convenience of technology and the help we get from screens reach a solution for anyone who thinks about their vision.

Blue light filterIris

It is available for tablets and computer devices, operating-system-specific.

It prevents the blue light from these devices from reaching the eyes without affecting the visibility of the display with convenient modes for all needs.

Let’s compromise on our vision without being detrimental to the growing technology, and love our night dream again, tired everyday life and who knows, maybe working at a computer will be interesting and rewarding again.

Author: Nikolay Tasev


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Blue light and Eyes

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Blue light and Eyes

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Blue light and Eyes Wed, 16 Oct 2019 08:20:29 +0000 Have you thought about the effect of Blue light on our Eyes? Did you know that the average person spends more than 6 hours per day in front of a computer? Actually most people spend the majority of their time staring at a digital screen. Smartphones, tablets, laptops and all kinds of digital devices emit significant amounts of blue light. ... Read More

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Have you thought about the effect of Blue light on our Eyes?

Did you know that the average person spends more than 6 hours per day in front of a computer?

Actually most people spend the majority of their time staring at a digital screen.

Smartphones, tablets, laptops and all kinds of digital devices emit significant amounts of blue light.

That is why it is important to educate yourself about the dangers of blue light exposure.

What is Blue Light?

Blue light refers to a color from the visible light spectrum which means it can be seen by the human eye.

In fact, it is the highest frequency of the visible light. In addition, it has the shortest wavelength so it produces the highest amount of energy.

Most of the blue light is emitted by the sun.

However, there are many other man-made sources such as fluorescent lights, LED lights, computer monitors and various displays.

Although blue light exposure we receive from these sources is little compared to the amount we get from sunlight, ophthalmologists express their concerns over the long-term effects of screen exposure.

How Does Blue Light Damage Your Eyes?

Studies show that the time we spend looking at screens results in eye discomfort and can lead to lifelong health complications.

Here are 5 harmful effects for your eyes caused by the artificial blue light.

1. Cataract

The cataract is a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision.

In other words, it can be explained as the cloudiness that appears in the eye lens which is often caused by prolonged proneness to blue light emitting monitors.

2. Digital Eye Strain

Also known as Computer Vision Syndrome(CVS), digital eye strain is a term used to describe the vision discomfort which is a product of the extended use of computers and other digital devices.

3. Macular Degeneration

This condition is named after the mall area in the back of your eye that’s responsible for central vision called macula.

Imagine watching a movie but not being able to see what’s actually going on in the middle.

Having a macular degeneration damages the center of the vision making it wavy and blurry as well as inflicting blind spots and trouble seeing in low light.

Natural blue light from the sun and artificial LED lights are only part of the many risk factors that contribute to this disease.

4. Myopia

If it is hard for you to see distant objects and read road signs clearly but you can go through a magazine or book just fine, chances are you are nearsighted, also known as myopic.

Symptoms may vary but the most common are headaches, eye fatigue and eye strain.

Myopia is usually developed by spending great amounts of time staring at close-up objects. Nowadays almost all of these objects have digital screens and displays.

5. Photophobia

Literally photophobia means “fear of light” but it actually refers to light sensitivity or light intolerance.

The most common cause of light sensitivity are migraines which means that bright sunlight and indoor fluorescent lights can be harmful for a photophobic person.

How to Protect Your Eyes from the Blue Light?

Assuming you are one of the many suffering from constant exposure to blue light, here are a few tips on how to keep your eyes protected.

First of all, let’s talk about your screen time.

If it is hard for you to decrease the amount of time spent in front of your computer, at least take frequent breaks to give your eyes a rest.

And remember to blink once in a while.

Control the brightness of your monitor. The best case is to turn it down in a way to be similar as the light around you.

This will limit your vulnerability to excessive blue light.

You can also buy a pair of computer glasses.

Either with yellow-tinned or anti-reflective lenses they block the blue light and ease digital eye strain.

Nevertheless, glasses are definitely not the most effective prevention as they can often be uncomfortable and sometimes give you massive headaches.

Implement a blue light filter. They are available for smartphones, tablets and all kinds of computer screens.

These filters decrease the amount of blue light given off from screens that could reach the retina in our eyes. In addition, they can reduce significantly the digital eye strain.

What Is the Best Solution?

The best thing you can do is use eye protection software. Suchlike software is IRIS.

If you simply can’t remember to take breaks from your screen time IRIS has a timer that you can set to remind you.

Along with that it helps you control the brightness by optimizing the screen pulsations of your monitor.

IRIS also has a great customizable blue light filter which gradually regulates the harmful blue light as the day progresses.

Not only it prevents CVS and reduces eye pain, but it also improves your sleep cycle, helping your body produce more melatonin at night making you fall asleep faster and deeper.

We cannot completely avoid exposing our eyes to natural or artificial blue light, but we can effectively protect them from the damage it causes.

So the next time you binge-watch your favorite TV show make sure your monitor has the right adjustments.

Download Iris Now

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How can I improve my Vision? Wed, 16 Oct 2019 07:44:18 +0000 Nobody wants to wear glasses or contact lenses in their life, but if you don’t, then you ask yourself: “How can I improve my vision otherwise?” However, with the evergrowing usage of technologies, more and more people are obliged to do so and there is no medical way of turning the process backward. However, there is still some hope that ... Read More

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Nobody wants to wear glasses or contact lenses in their life, but if you don’t, then you ask yourself: “How can I improve my vision otherwise?”

However, with the evergrowing usage of technologies, more and more people are obliged to do so and there is no medical way of turning the process backward.

However, there is still some hope that you could improve more or less your vision naturally, just by doing several simple tricks.

Why does technology ruin our eyesight?

Everybody who has used any technology – were it a smartphone, a tablet or a computer – has felt the aftereffect of it by having eye pain, redness or eye strain.

This is all due to the huge amount of blue light that our eyes absorb by the displays of the technology we use.

Also, the hours spent staring at one spot and the low blinking rate (because displays and monitors make us forget to blink) additionally tire our eyes and eye muscles.

The everyday work in front of blue light emission leads to slow, but sure damage to the human eyesight.

So here’s your answer to “How can I improve my Vision?”


1. Get enough sleep

Sleep is essential to our well being.

Good sleep gives the chance to our body and eyes to rest and relax. And its absence leads to many problems.

The least that could happen to one’s eyes when they skip out on their beauty sleep starts with symptoms like dry and “puffy” eyes.

For sure it has happened at least once to you and you have felt how heavy and sometimes painful blinking is at that situation.

Dryness by itself could lead to eyelid spasms, popped out vessels, and scratched surface of the retina.

2. Exercise regularly – for your eyes and body

Active sport is a must for every human. However, did you know that your eyes could get some tune-up just as your body?

At the beginning of this article, we mentioned that displays make us look at one spot for a long time, which stiffens the eye muscles.

And just like every other muscle that gets stiffed, they need to be flexed every now and then.

Our recommendation is on every 20 minutes to look at far objects and glance around on the surroundings.

Also, another very efficient trick is to spell your name with your eyes. All you have to do is to trace the letters in the air.

3. Sunglasses aren’t only fashionable

Our eyes are one of the most sensitive body parts and they are as well in need of protection.

Sunglasses should be worn all the time when the sun is too strong, not only in the summer.

The worst outcome that is to come is conditions like cataracts and glaucoma.

Therefore, a pair of good quality eyewear is needed.

4. Say no to smoking

Smoking is harmful in general and nobody can counter at that.

Smoking is overly dangerous to pregnant women, for it could lead to premature birth and blindness in children.

5. Take regular breaks

Reminding yourself of taking regular breaks could postpone the chance of putting on glasses.

As said above on every 20 minutes of reading, writing, studying, or computer using, one should take a break.

That way – resting for a minute or two – the eyes can get moistured and less likely to get strained or itchy.

6. Eat properly

Human bodies cannot produce vitamins and vital minerals on its own, therefore it is in our interests to do it.

Green leafed vegetables, citruses, seafood, and eggs are a great start.

We have a whole article on healthy for the eyes food that you can read here.

7. Use proper lighting

If you feel the need to rub your eyes and feel pressure in the base of your nose, then the lightbulbs at your home need to be replaced.

Artificial lighting is under no consideration useful, but it isn’t harmless. So does the dim light.

Some people think that when they work in the dark, with turned off most/all of their artificial lights, their eyes would be feeling better.

But the truth is, that when there isn’t enough light, our eyes are overworking on seeing and this is even more fatal than the written above risks.

8. Update all of your displays!

“But how could I do that?” you would ask.

Pretty easily, as a matter of fact.

We present to you, Iris!

This is a software that blocks and filters the blue light from your computer’s monitor.

Iris is used by thousands of people worldwide that thank us for helping them by preventing eye soreness and eventually from putting on glasses.

Iris can help you without distracting you from doing your job, it is working in the background, only stepping in when it’s time to remind you to take a break.

Iris will help you to accomplish almost half of the numbered tips in this article!

Last words

Our Software Iris can do most of those things for you:

  • It blocks the blue light and helps you sleep better
  • It reminds you to take breaks every once in a while
  • It adjusts the brightness of your screen to the lighting around you
  • It will help you work faster and achieve more every day

Our eyes need as much care as every other part of us. Maintaining some simple habits is the key to a healthier and happier life.

So the answer to:

How can I improve my Vision?

Download Iris Now

Author: Yoanna Borisova

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How can I Take Care of My Eyes? Wed, 16 Oct 2019 07:08:47 +0000 Do I take care of my eyes? How often do you think about your eyes’ health? How would you recognize if there’s a problem and what causes it? We all take care of the place we live in, the car we ride, the books we read… When we feel sick, we take some medicines or go to the hospital. However, ... Read More

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Do I take care of my eyes?

How often do you think about your eyes’ health?

How would you recognize if there’s a problem and what causes it?

We all take care of the place we live in, the car we ride, the books we read… When we feel sick, we take some medicines or go to the hospital.

However, we don’t take as much care about our eyes’ health, unless our vision worsens or the headaches become unbearable.

Do we have to get that far and can we actually prevent issues like these?

The answer is yes.

We just have to start paying more attention to symptoms like:

  • Eye strain
  • Eye pain
  • Red eyes
  • Dry eyes
  • Trouble sleeping

I’m sure you’ve experienced at least two of these symptoms, especially if your work requires sitting in front of a computer all day long.

If that’s not the case, even staring at your phone screen at night can cause them.

Well, here’s one simple question:

Do you take care of your eyes?

Answer by answering a few questions that are even more simple:

  1. What did you do when you noticed one of the symptoms above?
  2. Did you look it up on the internet or convinced yourself that it’s normal and there’s nothing to worry about?
  3. Or did you make an appointment to see an ophthalmologist?
  4. Did you research the reasons why it may be happening?

If you didn’t take any of those actions, and you have one of these symptoms regularly, better hurry up.

Stop convincing yourself that it’s normal because it’s not.

Your eyes need care as much as every other organ in our body.

And just like every other organ, they give signals when they need help.

Why are we ignoring our eyes?

I think that the main reason is that it’s become normal for us to be surrounded by screens of all kind.

The TV, the PC, the laptop, the smartphone… They’re all part of our daily life.

But what makes them bad for our health is the blue light they emit. Well, we can’t escape the era we live in, but we surely can adjust to it. 🙂

How can we protect our eyes?

That’s why “Iris” was created.

It’s meant to help people protect their eyes effortlessly – all you have to do is download the software which will filter the blue light so that you won’t have to worry about the harmful effect its rays have on your eyes.

If you wonder what blue light is, the main thing you need to know is that it’s not all bad.

The sun is the main source of blue light we’re exposed to and yet we don’t get headaches just by looking up at the sky.

Actually, looking at it helps us orient better in biological meanings (when to go to sleep for example).

And here comes the problem that the modern devices cause – the emissions of rays of blue light mess up with our biological clock and that leads to sleep issues.

Besides, our eyes were not designed to be exposed to blue light rays almost all day.

Therefore, they can’t block them. So they go directly to the most sensitive part of the eye – the retina – and cause various of discomfortable issues like the ones we mentioned above.

So we all take care of the place we live in, the car we ride, the books we read… But we don’t take care of the one organ that allows us to do all this? Paradoxical, isn’t it?

It’s not too late to change that.

Try Iris and start living healthier and working faster now.

Achieve More Every Day

Download Now

Author: Slaveya Nikova

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The benefits of Dark mode and Dark themes Wed, 16 Oct 2019 06:38:21 +0000 In recent years there has been a feature, a trend if you will, that’s making the rounds within the tech community, becoming almost mandatory amongst websites, computer and mobile operating systems – dark mode. Essentially, it’s an either entirely or partially blacked-out version of the website or operating system interface in question. Any harsh, bright, white light is replaced with ... Read More

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In recent years there has been a feature, a trend if you will, that’s making the rounds within the tech community, becoming almost mandatory amongst websites, computer and mobile operating systems – dark mode.

Essentially, it’s an either entirely or partially blacked-out version of the website or operating system interface in question.

Any harsh, bright, white light is replaced with an entirely blacked out or greyed out color scheme to help users avoid being blasted with white light constantly and to achieve a more easier on the eyes user experience.

It sounds simple enough as it is, but the reason it’s become so popular amongst avid computer users is the amount of headaches, migraines and eyesight issues it has helped avoid, along with how practical and beneficial it can be to maximize the performance of your device.


Is dark mode an entirely new feature?

Dark mode and dark themes, in general, have been popular within certain apps and operating systems for quite some time now, but it has been only fairly recently that the feature has started to spread through the entirety of desktop and mobile operating systems and not just certain applications and/or aspects.

Some major websites like YouTube and Reddit were amongst the first to pick up on the trend in recent years.

On both platforms the dark mode feature greyed out any and all harsh white-colored elements and replaces them with a darker color to be easy on the eyes – needless to say the feature was swiftly picked up on and quickly adopted by the community of users and became quite popular and praised for its health, practical and aesthetic benefits.

Android and iOS have recently implemented the feature in their software themselves and have added the option for a dark mode version of their mobile operating systems, starting with their most recent software updates as of 2019.


Why dark mode and dark themes matter

Dark themed software and interface is not a new thing as in the past black was the only color besides green that monitors were able to produce.

Back in the good old days of DOS and other basic operating systems, the only output from a computer screen was a black background with green text on top.

Back then monitors and graphical interface weren’t developed enough to produce anything more complex as visuals, but with time the images we started seeing on our screens became lighter and brighter, as well as more colorful and complex.

In the case of software applications like Microsoft Word and Excel for example, white being the predominant color with black colored text on top is used to make text seem more realistic and easy on the eyes, replicating the visuals of ink on paper.

Ironically, while visually and aesthetically more pleasing to the eyes, the software becomes almost painful to use with prolonged use.

What we end with today is harsh, bright, blue light saturated white light blasting us from almost every corner of the internet and operating systems, especially with social media websites like Instagram and Facebook’s interface being predominantly white-colored.

Additionally, with the average time users spent on either platform sometimes exceeding the recommended amount, we start to see how in the long-term this can cause health issues related to migraines, headaches and sore eyes – issues dark mode and dark themes can help avoid.


More advantages of dark mode and dark themes

Along with white light not being constantly blared at your eyes, dark mode has even more pros than just health ones.

For example:


Dark mode can help save battery life on your device: If you’re using a laptop or a smartphone especially for work and business-related tasks, you know how crucial battery life is on portable devices – dark mode can help resolve the issue of short battery life even if it’s by a little amount.


Although battery savings are much more prominent and effective on OLED panels (panels without backlight where blacks are produced by the pixels simply not lighting up) even back lit panels can benefit from dark mode and dark themes, since to produce white color all 3 pixels from the RGB matrix have to light up making the device consume battery.


Dark mode and dark themes produce less white light, using less battery power for the production of white color in both LCD and OLED panels and help for maximizing the performance out of a single battery charge.


Colors look better: The majority of colors (with the exception of grey) look better in dark mode or with a dark theme applied, especially brighter colors.

Most colors tend to get washed out when in contrast with white, but with a dark theme applied or by using dark mode colors pop out more and are more vivid.


In situations and tasks where color accuracy is of the highest importance (like photography or graphic design for example) dark mode and dark themes can be quite beneficial for productivity when it comes to color.


It’s reported by a majority to be aesthetically more pleasing to the eye: Of course personal tastes and preferences vary and are almost always very subjective, but more and more users report that they prefer dark-themed software over light-themed one as it looks more simplistic and sophisticated, as well as generally more “cool”.


The takeaway

After years and years of using white light predominant software and technology, it seems that the tech community, developers and the general public have become aware of the negative effects and impacts the harsh, blue-light filled white light has on health and sight.

Switching to dark mode and dark themes and making both options available in future tech and operating systems, be it a desktop or mobile, is an important step in the right direction for maximizing the performance of our devices and resolving the many modern-day health issues that have arisen from using white light-emitting technology.

Since we don’t only care about dark mode and dark themes and the improvements and benefits they have, but also the many other ways improvements can be achieved, we ourselves have developed our software with the intent of maximizing performance and improving users’ productivity and health quality.

Discover the many possibilities our software offers today!

Download Iris Now

Author: Yasen Nedelchev

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Technology & its Harmful Effects on Eyes Sun, 13 Oct 2019 16:44:35 +0000 The benefits of technology are enormous. We can do a lot of things today thanks to the introduction of technology. While it has made things easy, it also comes with certain side effects. The fact that most technological devices make use of LED light bulbs makes them a threat to the human eyes. LED light is a combination of different ... Read More

The post Technology & its Harmful Effects on Eyes appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

The benefits of technology are enormous.

We can do a lot of things today thanks to the introduction of technology.

While it has made things easy, it also comes with certain side effects.

The fact that most technological devices make use of LED light bulbs makes them a threat to the human eyes.

LED light is a combination of different light colors and excessive exposure of the eyes to them can pose a problem.

Besides the light, there are certain unhealthy habits you also develop as a result of the constant use of digital devices that are harmful to your eyes in particular.

Excessive focus

This is more or less the foundation of all digital devices eye-related problems.

While using your phone or tablet next time, try to observe how you focus. You will observe that your focus is usually very intense.

This intense focus is particular to the use of digital devices. Reading a book from a hard note is different from reading a book from your digital device (phone, tablet, laptop) in terms of concentration.

This can really cause you to strain your eyes, headaches and some other symptoms.

Blinking less than normal

Blinking of the eyes is a very important aspect of eye health.

It is so important that nature makes it natural phenomena such that you do not have to learn it to maintain a healthy eye.

This is not usually the case when you are obsessed with digital devices.

When you use digital devices or almost any kind of technology, your high level of concentration means that you blink far lesser than you should.

Blinking is the eyes way of lubricating (by spreading a layer of tear over the eye).

Not blinking frequently enough can cause you to have sore eyes, blurry vision and so on.

Blue light and the retina

LED light is a spectrum of light but blue light tends to command a lot of attention thanks to its adverse effect on the eyes.

Blue light has the ability to go deeper into the eyes than UV light.

What is even scarier is the fact that people now use their phones in lowlight conditions as well as alarms.

This is not the best as blue light can cause muscular degradation of the eyes.

This will result in your ability to see an object at various angles.

Sometimes, it may be objects in front of you; sometimes it may be objects far away and sometimes objects not too far away.

Computer vision syndrome

This syndrome was usually particular to those working in offices and using technology often.

This is due to the fact that they expose their eyes to light from digital devices as a result of the nature of their work.

This is no longer the case as results show that everyone who uses digital devices excessively is prone to having them and it is not peculiar to office workers alone.

Signs of computer vision syndrome include but are not limited to: headaches, dry eye, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, eye strain, itchy or watery eyes.


Having any of the above symptoms is not the end of the world.

You can help yourself by reducing your exposure to LED light.

You can invest in your eyes by buying the right glasses for your eye condition as well as eating properly.

Also, you can find eye protection software such as Iris that helps you protect your eyes from the adverse effects of the digital devices.

Download Now

Author: Abi Cool

Abi Cool is the Director of Search at Marketing Wind – (Miami SEO Company) and is an experienced SEO Outreach expert and advertisement specialist. His interests lie in Digital Marketing Management.

He is an internet marketing enthusiast and his specialty is in search engine optimization outreach and content marketing.

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10 hacks to Fall Asleep Faster Sun, 13 Oct 2019 13:51:56 +0000 Have you ever been so desperate that you start counting sheep to try to fall asleep faster? Yes, I’ve been there too. That’s why I decided to share with you 10 simple hacks. They’ll help you fall asleep faster and have way better sleep quality. In the morning you won’t need a cup of coffee with the size of your ... Read More

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Have you ever been so desperate that you start counting sheep to try to fall asleep faster?

Yes, I’ve been there too.

That’s why I decided to share with you 10 simple hacks.

They’ll help you fall asleep faster and have way better sleep quality.

In the morning you won’t need a cup of coffee with the size of your head anymore. Worth trying, huh?

Keep your phone away

We are all aware of the damage the electromagnetic fields cause to us.

However, we rarely think about the psychological side of the “falling asleep with my smartphone beside me” phenomenon.

Research shows that only the process of sending and receiving messages itself leads to sleep disturbance.

So, if you strive for better sleep quality, you have to leave your phone in another room before bedtime.

You will not only be protected from the harmful EMFs, but also from the temptation of constantly checking for notifications.

It will probably be inconvenient at first, especially because of the alarm setting. But we could always turn back to the good old alarm clock, right?

No water before bedtime

Let’s be honest – no one likes getting out of bed just because they need to pee.

In order to prevent that, try not to drink water at least 2 hours before turning the lights off.

I know many people who have to get up 3-4 times per night to go to the bathroom.

This is more than annoying, especially if the next day is workday and you need to get proper sleep.

No emotional movies or books

Imagine the perfect Friday night – cozy bed, popcorn and a really good movie to watch.

You love these types of evenings, don’t you?

However, it does matter what genre the film is. If you like horrors, for example, you’ll have trouble sleeping because of stress hormones your brain produces.

The same applies to books. A very thrilling novel will affect your emotions for sure. And if you’re like me you’ll be thinking over and over about it and wonder what will happen in the next chapter.

How could you possibly fall asleep with an itch like this?

Stop overthinking

We’ve all been there – recalling situations from the day, worrying about the test we’ll have tomorrow, making plans for the next week, month, year… This is meaningless.

Instead of spending hours in thoughts like these, try not to think about anything at all.

I know it’s easier said than done, but believe me – once you learn to “shut down”, you’ll fall asleep faster.

Therefore, your sleep quality will improve immediately.

Eat well

Everyone’s gone crazy about “healthy eating” and there’s a reason for that.

A well-balanced diet is capable of improving many aspects of our life, including our sleep.

We could go even further by saying that a high-fat diet, for example, is a melatonin suppressor.

So, in order to have better sleep quality, you should reduce fat intake.

In the era of artificial fast food, this is a difficult task.

Nevertheless, you can try preparing healthy meals at home and bringing them with you at school or work. Or you can just create the habit of eating more foods that are good for you.

Create a routine

Speaking of habits, I also have to mention the importance of a routine.

I couldn’t even describe the positive impact a good night routine has on your sleep.

It takes 30 days to form a habit, they say. Begin tonight.

Create a schedule – go to bed at 10 pm and get up at 6 am for example. Keep to it for the next 30 days and see what happens.

I’m sure that you’ll start seeing the difference not only in your sleep quality but also in your productivity.

Choose the right pillow

This one may seem obvious, but let me be the annoying reminder – your pillow plays a huge role.

If you don’t feel comfortable enough, you won’t be able to relax properly.

I’ve read that people who sleep on their backs need a thinner pillow. So it’s a good idea to ask yourself what type of sleeper you are and choose the right pillow for your needs.

And if you have neck or back problems choosing the right pillow is a must. The same goes for your mattress.

Make it cozy

You should be impatient to hop into your bed. Therefore, you have to make it as cozy as possible.

Buy beautiful sheets if you hate the old ones. Choose a soft fabric. Decorate your bedroom with flowers, pictures, lights… whatever feels comfortable to you.

Keep in mind that this is your place for relaxation – don’t paint the walls in neon pink. Create a peaceful atmosphere.

This will make falling asleep and waking up way more pleasant.

Track your sleep cycles

Knowing that you have to wake up early is one of the main reasons for having trouble sleeping.

Actually, the hours of sleep are irrelevant. What matters is the sleep cycle you’re in when you wake up.

While we sleep, we go through 5 cycles.

The first two of them are light sleep, the next two – deep sleep. In the fifth stage, your brain activity intensifies and you start dreaming.


There are apps and smart devices like bracelets that track your sleep cycles and calculate the right moment to wake you up. Basically, you set the desired time and the alarm rings in the lightest sleep cycle.

This way you won’t be worrying about making up the hours of sleep you’ve already missed.

You’ll just trust your smart buddies to choose the right time to wake you up so you won’t feel like crap in the morning.

Download “Iris”

I’ve already mentioned melatonin, but I’m not sure if you know what it is.

It’s the hormone that tells our brain that it’s time to go to bed.

However, melatonin has an enemy in the modern world. It’s called Blue light. If you wonder what blue light is, the main thing you need to know is that it’s not all bad.

The sun is the main source of blue light we’re exposed to and yet it’s not harmful. Actually, looking at it helps us orient in biological meanings – when to go to sleep for example.

And here comes the problem that modern devices cause – the emissions of rays of blue light mess up with our biological clock and that leads to sleep issues.

Besides, our eyes were not designed to be directly exposed to blue light almost all day. Therefore, they can’t block it.

Your eyes need help. That’s why “Iris” was created. It’s the world’s best blue light filter.

All you have to do is download the software on your PC, smartphone, tablet… Just give it a try for 7 days.


Iris” will regulate blue light emitted from your devices.

This will make your body produce the right amount of melatonin at night, so you will fall asleep faster.


Author: Slaveya Nikova


Read more:

How Blue Light Destroyed Our Sleep

What Color Light IS Good for Sleep?

10 Tips For Falling Asleep Quickly

The 8-hours Myth: Sleep Better and Live Longer with these 7 Healthy Tips


The post 10 hacks to Fall Asleep Faster appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Blue Light and Dogs Mon, 07 Oct 2019 15:22:12 +0000 In a number of previous posts, the effects of blue light on humans were discussed. In this article though we will be talking about what effect does blue light have on animals, on dogs in particular and how you can prevent it. Introduction We are all aware of the problem with the plastic in the ocean but there are some ... Read More

The post Blue Light and Dogs appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

In a number of previous posts, the effects of blue light on humans were discussed.

In this article though we will be talking about what effect does blue light have on animals, on dogs in particular and how you can prevent it.


We are all aware of the problem with the plastic in the ocean but there are some other things that affect wildlife, even if we don’t pay attention to it.

Including blue light.

A research team from the University of Southern California conducted a study on the identification of harmful effects to wildlife as LED lights proliferate.


The study of the University of Southern

To a great extent, the research was based on a matrix called “Rapid Assessment of Lamp Spectrum to Quantify Ecological Effects of Light at Night.”

It is the first publicly available database showing how about two dozen different types of artificial lighting affect wildlife.

Developers, land-use planners, and policymakers can use it to choose lighting that balances the needs of nature and people.

As an addition to their study, the researchers devised an interactive web-based tool to help people make wildlife-friendly choices in outdoor lighting.

Selected species around the world were surveyed to determine how the hues of modern light-emitting diode (LED) lamps affect wildlife.

The results showed that blue and white light have the worst impact on animals, while yellow, amber and green are more benign.

Some creatures are more vulnerable than others, such are sea turtles and insects.

Nowadays every big city shines as bright as a giant glowing ball, especially at night.

Scientists have been studying how light brightness and direction affects wildlife, including migration and attraction, predator-prey relationships and circadian rhythms for years.

The team from the University of Southern California made that existing ecological data available.

LED lights are expected to comprise 69 percent of the global market by 2020, compared to just 9 percent in 2011.

They are popular because they have many uses, conserve energy and last longer than other lamps.

The research was focused on insects, sea turtles, salmon and Newell’s shearwater, a seabird.

Data for these species already existed at the time of the study’s conduction.

It was established that blue and white lights are the worst at night, some having the same effect as the brightness of midday sun.

In comparison yellow and green lights, which are designed with wavelengths less disruptive to wildlife, have three times less effect.

Some of the negative sides of blue and white lights for the animals include: lights attract migrating juvenile salmon, exposing them to predators.

Travis Longcore, lead author of the study and assistant professor of architecture, spatial sciences and biological sciences with the Spatial Sciences Institute at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, said that global declines in insects have been linked in part to light pollution.

“If we don’t provide advice and information to decisionmakers, they will go with the cheapest lighting or lighting that serves only one interest and does not balance other interests,” Longcore explained.

“We provide a method to assess the probable consequences of new light sources to keep up with the changing technology and wildlife concerns.”


Blue light and dogs

Here comes the part of the article for all dog parents.

Especially for the ones having trouble with the sleeping patterns of their beloved puppies.

We will take a look at why your dog may be keeping you awake and a few solutions to the problem.

The basic needs every mammal have a pretty clear: food, water, shelter, exercise, and companionship.

There is no doubt you provide your pet with every one of them.

Nevertheless, you still find yourself in a difficult situation – your pup is as playful at night as it is at daytime.

The main cause of this unusual behavior might be… your light bulbs.

Standard light bulbs – and especially CFL (curly) bulbs – emit a lot of Blue Light, which is the same color spectrum as the sun, which have told animals and humans that it’s time to be awake.

Just like humans dogs and cats have circadian rhythm – the cycle that tells your body when to get up and when to go to bed.

It is controlled by light and when it is disrupted, your pet can’t settle down because his body is simply telling him not to.

A comparison between such condition and insomnia can be made: both cause restlessness, wakefulness and make creatures look for a distraction.

Below you will find a couple of tips to get your pup to calm down and go to bed.

They probably resemble your own rituals before bedtime (or the ones you should definitely adapt if you want to sleep better).

Having a routine with your beloved fluffy friend might make it even more enjoyable and easier to follow.

Create a bedtime ritual

Just like human kids and adults as well, the routine is everything.

Set a bedtime and stick to it.

Dim the lights, give a special treat only at bedtime and talk to your puppy about your intentions as crazy as it sounds.

He may not understand the words but he will understand what you are up to.

Get a little extra exercise

Dogs have a lot of energy to spend in order to be able to rest.

A 30-minute walk may not be enough and if your pup is having trouble settling down at night, add a bit more exercise to help him burn off the extra energy.

Work in a little training

A little obedience is good for both you and your beloved puppy.

You can try to teach him a command like “lay down” or “bed” which will divert his brain from play to obedience.

If he lays on his bed still and quiet, calmness will likely follow.

Remove unnecessary distractions

Pick up all toys and bones, speak calmly and let your dog know you are ready for bed.

Don’t be too harsh

Even if your beloved four-legged friend has a little more energy and won’t fully listen to you, don’t be too harsh – he is just a small creature, trying to understand this world.

Love him and let him know all the interesting things there are for him to play with, smell and taste.

If none of these tips helps your over-excited puppy to go to bed, you may have to change your light bulbs.

A recently released study from Harvard University concludes that Blue Light – a type of UV light that is produced by artificial lighting like CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) – is detrimental to the circadian rhythm of animals, including humans and dogs.

Too much Blue Light at bedtime can cause insomnia by suppressing melatonin production in the body.

Too little melatonin may be the reason for insomnia and restlessness.

Try to prevent it by turning out CFL bulbs for at least 2 hours before bed or just replace them with biologically-corrected LED lights.

This way both you and your puppy will sleep better and be healthier overall.


Blue light has a negative effect on humans, as well as on animals.


The people responsible for lighting in areas which are near wildlife should make careful decisions about what kind of lights to use to keep all species safe.

This will be beneficial not only for them but for the planet.

In relation to dogs, trying to follow the recommended tips should has its positive impact.

Here at Iris, we believe that we can make technology healthy for you.

Our software Iris reduces the amount of blue light that our screens emit and controls the PWM Flicker.

Try IRIS Now

Author: Ilina Stoyanova


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Blue light Health effects Tue, 01 Oct 2019 07:51:53 +0000 We are all aware of what the phrase “feeling blue” means and feels like. A blue feeling is a sensation you experience when someone lets you down, there is a significant negative change in your life, or it could be an especially bad day you have. It is like a fog that blurs the dopamine levels and your sadness is ... Read More

The post Blue light Health effects appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

We are all aware of what the phrase “feeling blue” means and feels like.

A blue feeling is a sensation you experience when someone lets you down, there is a significant negative change in your life, or it could be an especially bad day you have.

It is like a fog that blurs the dopamine levels and your sadness is overwhelming.

Been there, done that.

Now, you are probably wondering what is the connection between technology for eye protection and the low mood you occasionally face.

The current state of your organism is deeply dependent on the surrounding environments.

This means that the internal processes of the nervous system as neurotransmission (dopamine and serotonin release) might be affected by external influences like day-to-day activities.

There is present research about whether sensory stimuli alter behaviorally relevant transmitter expression in the mature human brain.

However, if you often complain of depressive-like feelings and fatigue, some of their causes may surprise you.


What is the connection between blue light and your low mood?

Blue light can be harmful to your eyes in terms of long-term health issues.

Most of us know that blue light is everywhere and it is distinguished as having wavelengths with very high-energy levels.

Constant nighttime blue light exposure can be the reason for the poor quality of sleep, which, on the other hand, is the reason why you are singing the blues.

Sleep supports many of the cognitive processes: learning, attention, creativity, memory retrieval, etc. Some of the sleep disturbances are associated with memory consolidation impairments.

As a potent suppressor of melatonin (the hormone that helps you fall asleep), blue light can often be the reason you are feeling mentally ill.

Our bodies and the environment we put them in are defining the physical and emotional wellbeing of the whole organism.

For instance, if your stress levels are high due to family or work issues, but you also sleep a little, this may result in increasing the risk of diabetes or heart issues.

Maybe the blue light only is not so deadly for you, but in combination with other factors (and there is always more than one of them), you can harm yourself inadvertently.


What can you do about it

The first decision that you must make is an obvious one: reduce your time in front of the screen at night hours.

Try to rest more and to acquire better working habits.

But here is the hard truth: sometimes we just do not have enough time to do all the things we are up to.

And this might be applied to all of us: students, workers, bosses.

So inevitably, we find ourselves working late, sleeping less or not at all, and feeling blue out of nowhere.


Here it comes, Iris.

Hope you didn’t forget about it.

Well, if you are, see the title of the present article again 🙂 You cannot escape from the reality, but you can at least make it better, healthier and more pleasant for your being.

As humans, we can intuitively feel the holistic nature of the things that are within and around us.

Feeling cheerful, having a good sleep, being productive, looking charming – they are all connected.

Iris has the power to make this connection happier.

Try Iris Now


  • Bedrosian, T. A., & Nelson, R. J. (2013). Influence of the modern light environment on mood. Molecular psychiatry, 18(7), 751.
  • Plitnick, B., Figueiro, M. G., Wood, B., & Rea, M. S. (2010). The effects of red and blue light on alertness and mood at night. Lighting Research & Technology, 42(4), 449-458.

Read More:

Blue Light Effects

EMF Exposure: Is it what you think it is?

Blue light – learn the fact and fiction behind this modern threat


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How to have a good Sleep Fri, 27 Sep 2019 07:02:01 +0000 Having control over people, events, thoughts, nature and everything in and around us in general, is a genuine human desire. If we ever get to the point where we feel that we are in charge of what happens in our lives, we will feel proud, confident and as if we’ve entered some order in this chaotic world. Mastering your sleeping ... Read More

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Having control over people, events, thoughts, nature and everything in and around us in general, is a genuine human desire.

If we ever get to the point where we feel that we are in charge of what happens in our lives, we will feel proud, confident and as if we’ve entered some order in this chaotic world.

Mastering your sleeping pattern will surely make you feel almighty because sleep is vital for our proper functioning.

Not sure how to sleep like a boss?

Keep reading this article.

We all know the pleasant feeling after a good night’s sleep and the joy of seeing the beauty of the shy morning sun.

Unfortunately, we all know the opposite feeling as well – not being able to fall asleep for an hour or even more after going to bed, having restless sleep or feeling tired right after we opened our eyes in the morning.

There may be a lot of reasons hiding behind both of these conditions.

But in order to help the people who are dealing with the inability to sleep qualitatively, we will focus on a few main topics:


The importance of sleep

It is well known how beneficial sleep is but not all of the reasons for sleeping have been specified yet.

There are a few leading theories and most likely the truth is a combination of them.

Above everything else our bodies preserve energy, recover physically and mentally during sleep.

And if there are obstacles for these processes to take place, bad things start to happen instead.

How does lack of sleep affect our lives?

When we don’t get enough sleep or don’t sleep well, our metabolism slows down, we feel hungrier (thus we eat more and gain weight – according to a study, people who lack sleep, eat around 500 calories more), we don’t have as much energy, our immune system destabilizes, stress and depression hit us – these are only some of the effects that bad sleep brings with itself.

Sleeping well means getting through all 5 phases of sleep every night. Each phase lasts 90 minutes.

First phase

Our brain activity decreases compared to our waking state.

Second phase

The muscles relax, the body temperature drops, and the pulse slows.

During this stage, our body prepares for deep sleep.

Third and fourth phase

The body falls into a deep sleep. This is where all the healing processes take place – the repair of injured tissues, muscle building, etc.

Fifth phase

REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. During this phase, we dream most actively, our muscles are paralyzed, and our breathing speeds up. The first REM phase lasts about 10 minutes, each subsequent one being longer.

As a summary, it could be said that a good night’s sleep is continuous, deep and intense.

Sleep guideline

If you are looking for ways to improve your sleep, this article is here to help you. Here are a few tips that you could try to get that recommended, sweet 8-hour rest at night.

It is very important to take notice of the lights around you.

Nowadays we are surrounded by thousands of sources radiating blue light. Wondering where the problem with this statement is?

Blue light actually prompts the body to wake up (in nature blue light is noticeable at day time and is strongest when the sun rises) – therefore it is advisable to turn off all of your devices at least 60 minutes before going to bed.

Or there is another solution you could try if you can’t resist some final scrolling – Iris.

At night the blue light stops the secretion of melatonin, the hormone responsible for our sleep.

Less blue light equates better sleep and less eye strain. The bulgarian software gradually regulates blue light day and night.

It also matches your screen brightness to the light around you, leading to reduced eye pain.

These are only 2 of the many different types of usage. As well as the main version of Iris, there is also an Iris Mini which is free but has only 2 modes whereas the original Iris costs $15 once and offers you much more possibilities and options to make your eyes and yourself happier. (You can find and get the products or read further information on our website).

It is so cheap and easy to install Iris that when you do, you would wish you had done it sooner.

Another tip is to pay attention to your sleeping environment since it is essential too as strange as it sounds.

Your bedroom should be as dark as possible. If you don’t have blinds or curtains on your windows, you could buy a sleeping mask which will do the job for years.

Also, make sure that the noise you hear in your bedroom is as still as possible.

This never depends on you, that’s why you could resort to buying earplugs (especially if you live in a noisier area).

The temperature is the next important factor in our sleeping environment – the best temperature for falling asleep is around 20 degrees Celsius.

Taking a hot shower or bath before bed is a great idea and in fact, it’s not the heat that makes you feel sleepy afterwards – stepping out of the shower, your body radiates out the inner heat to your environment and your body temperature drops.

This results in triggering the brain to think it’s sleepy time.

If you have already tried all of the tips mentioned above and nothing works for you, you could try to come up with your own ‘sleeping plan’.

30-40 minutes before bedtime, do something that makes you feel relaxed – meditate, read a book, brush your teeth, etc. Attempt going to bed at the same time every night (with an acceptable difference up to an hour).

This way, when the time comes, your body will automatically know that it is time for sleep and you will find it a lot easier to enjoy a well-deserved night rest.

Author: Ilina Stoyanova

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How to have a little Digital Detox?

Blue Light Effects

How blue light destroyed our sleep
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How is sleep related to your fitness results? Thu, 19 Sep 2019 08:26:51 +0000 Going to the gym is like being in a relationship – you have to be absolutely devoted, loyal and consistent, always learning and improving. And of course, there are some things you should do by all means. These include not only a good structured training program and a balanced diet, but most importantly – sleep. Why? Let’s find out together. ... Read More

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Going to the gym is like being in a relationship – you have to be absolutely devoted, loyal and consistent, always learning and improving.

And of course, there are some things you should do by all means.

These include not only a good structured training program and a balanced diet, but most importantly – sleep.

Why? Let’s find out together.


Sleep is crucial for a lot of vital processes in our bodies.

When getting the right quantity and quality of sleep every night, we have more energy, our mood is better, our immune system is stronger, our hunger is at a normal level.

Understandable, the listed benefits contribute to our performance at the gym.

Less sleep – more mistakes

Lack of sleep increases the mistakes we make which means that the possibility of an injury is higher.

The inability to train equals a nightmare for every fitness lover and I believe it’s a good enough reason to try to get your recommended 8-hours of sleep per night.

“Per night” is not said randomly – the time when you sleep matters too.

If you sleep during the day, your cortisol levels (stress hormone which functions to increase blood sugar through gluconeogenesis, to suppress the immune system, and to aid in the metabolism of fat, protein, and carbohydrates).

High cortisol levels are equal to the probability of losing more lean mass and less fat.

A study showed that people who slept 8,5 hours per night vs people who slept 5,5 hours per night lost the same amount of weight but the first group lost 55% more fat and preserved 60% more muscle than the second one.

Sleep hormones


Further on less sleep means that your body will have troubles breaking glucose down (glucose is important for energy), therefore energy levels will be breaking down instead.

Clearly this process will lead to you getting tired quicker and most likely, not being able to perform your whole workout.

Don’t think that this will affect your peak capability – no, you simply won’t have the energy needed to reach it!

Anabolic hormones

Another affected process in your body from the lack of sleep is the release of hormones.

While sleeping, the body releases high amount of anabolic hormones such as testosterone and IGF-1.

As many of you may already know, testosterone is closely related to building muscle.

When don’t sleep qualitatively, especially if the first stage of REM sleep is disrupted, the release of these vital hormones takes much longer.

This can disrupt the body’s ability to repair and build muscle during sleep and to lower testosterone levels overall.

A disastrous combination which will surely lead to reduced gains.

Ghrelin and leptine

Coming back again at the increased level of mistakes you make when you haven’t got enough sleep, the next topic is along the way.


The so-called “decision fatigue” means limited complex decision making. Combined with hunger, both equal failed diets.

Leptin and ghrelin are the two hormones responsible for fullness and hunger. Leptin is the satiety hormone.

With low leptin levels, our stomach feels empty and we won’t feel satisfied even after having a big meal.

This may result in “binge eating” or consuming unusually large amounts of food, being unable to stop.

Ghrelin or also known as the “hunger hormone” is being secreted when the stomach is empty.

The secretion stops when the stomach is stretched. It acts on hypothalamic brain cells both to increase hunger, and to increase gastric acid secretion and gastrointestinal motility to prepare the body for food intake.

Ghrelin has been linked to inducing appetite and feeding behaviors. Studies have shown that ghrelin levels are negatively correlated with weight.

This data suggests that ghrelin functions as an adiposity signal, a messenger between the body’s energy stores and the brain. Short sleep duration is associated with high levels of ghrelin and obesity.

An inverse relationship between the hours of sleep and blood plasma concentrations of ghrelin exists – as the hours of sleep increase, ghrelin levels tend to lower and obesity is less likely.

Long story short – lack of sleep increases ghrelin (or hunger) and decreases leptin (or satiety), both of which lead to increased hunger and obesity.

How is fitness related to your sleep quality?

So far we have talked about how sleep is related to your fitness results but let’s turn things upside down – how is fitness related to your sleep quality, does it improve it or on the contrary?

It is widely known that exercise has a great deal of health benefits, depending on its type – cardio and HIIT keep your heart at a healthy state, while resistance training improves overall strength.

Here come more good news – it’s been proven that exercise will also help you with getting more and better sleep at night.

Higher body temperature is one of the signals our body uses to tell us that it is time for bed because this way the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin is being increased.

If you are struggling with sleeping, you could use exercise in order to increase your body temperature.

In addition, by burning more energy during a workout the levels of adenosine, another hormone making you feel tired and sleepy, raise.

A study has undoubtedly shown that exercise is helpful for people suffering from chronic insomnia as well.

Only one session helped them to not only fall asleep faster, but also sleep longer.

Even though the exact reason could not be defined, the possible options are 1) the link to body temperature we’ve already discussed and 2) the potential of working out to lower anxiety and depression symptoms which are common for people with chronic insomnia.

Both cardio and resistance training seem to improve sleep, therefore it’s absolutely up to your preferences to decide which kind of exercise will be more enjoyable for you.

In conclusion

Sleep and fitness are inevitably connected through all of the ongoing processes in the body.

Less and bad sleep equals less gains and poor-quality workouts.

But it’s not only about the negatives at the gym, it’s about the negative effect it has on your entire well-being.

Feeling sleepy and tired all the time definitely makes you unfocused, unproductive and incapable of completing the necessary tasks.

On the other hand, exercise is good for both your physical and mental health – it keeps you in shape, gives you more energy, makes you sleep longer and better, but also improves your overall mood.

Indoors or outdoors, cardio or weights – it doesn’t matter how as long as you move your body and enjoy it!

Try Iris for FREE

Say goodbye to the constant headaches and start improving your productivity and quality of life today ?

Author: Ilina Stoyanova

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Why you should choose Iris Wed, 21 Aug 2019 06:02:44 +0000 Introduction Are you an avid computer or internet user? Well, let’s be honest, in this day and age – who isn’t? Are you reading this exact text blurry-eyed with a headache not knowing the cause? It might just be because of looking at those screens for too long. Now, we’re not here to nag you like a parent, blaming health ... Read More

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Are you an avid computer or internet user?

computer screen blue light harm eye health uv light screen filter dimmer eye strain

Well, let’s be honest, in this day and age – who isn’t?

Are you reading this exact text blurry-eyed with a headache not knowing the cause?

It might just be because of looking at those screens for too long.

Now, we’re not here to nag you like a parent, blaming health issues on “sitting on that computer and phone all day”, but we are here to explain to you the effects the light emitted by the screens all around us in the modern world has on human sight.

We are here to make you aware of the negative impacts that otherwise helpful technology has on our eyes and to provide you with a solution in the face of our product.

We are definitely not here to declare technology as bad, as technology lovers ourselves – we are only here to make it better and help you realize your full potential using it without sacrificing your precious sight.

How does Iris help?

Iris‘s blue light filter and screen optimization software serves the purpose of optimizing screens in different ways including:

Screen pulsations

Monitors are like lightbulbs, to be more precise monitors are like a million lightbulbs together in one place.

To control the energy consumption and for the monitor to function properly, the tiny bulbs (pixels) need to constantly be turned on and off – that’s called monitor flicker.

Flickering causes contractions in the eye muscles, opening and closing the iris, causing strain and muscle pain in the eye area with time.

One way to not be affected by monitor flicker is to purchase a flicker-free monitor, however, those can be quite expensive – a lower cost alternative being the Iris software.

Iris controls flicker through controlling the luminance of the screen.

The procedure has a slight color shift effect on the monitor, but it won’t bother people who don’t need color accuracy. The Iris software is a great low-cost alternative to buying a new expensive monitor.


Iris matches the screen brightness to the light around you.

If you share your location to Iris it will know when it is day/night in your country and the Automatic mode will control the brightness.

Bright screens in the dark are a big no-no when it comes to healthy eyesight. A lot of people pay little to no attention to how bright their devices are in the dark, especially at night with the brain getting ready to sleep, causing further health issues and eye strain.

blue light harm screen filter eye protection night use smartphone woman

Iris software can be used to solve this issue as well.

It can be set to control the brightness of your monitor depending on the time of day, minimizing the light contrast between the environment around you and your monitor and minimizing eye issues.

Blue light

Iris also regulates the blue light emitted from the screen to help the brain produce more melatonin for better sleep.

It has been scientifically proven that blue light wakes us up. It throttles the brain’s production of melatonin – a hormone essential for healthy sleep.

blue light filter app iris software eye protection bedtime smartphone tablet use

Additionally, as red light gets blocked by our retina, blue light is let right in our eye causing issues such as eye muscle strain and headaches, staring into a monitor for longer periods of time not making the situation any better.

Iris software helps solve the issue by shifting the colors and controlling the amount of blue light emitted by the monitor, helping the brain regain control of its natural production of melatonin and increasing sleep quality.


All of these functions and helpful tools and many more can be available right at your fingertips.

Try Iris for FREE

Say goodbye to those constant headaches and start improving your productivity and quality of life today ?

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10 Tips on how to have Healthy Eyes Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:01:34 +0000 You ever just get to work all excited that you will finally sit in front of your laptop and do your thing? Yeah… Me neither. Maybe we’re pushing it with the whole excitement thing, but it’s a fact that whether we like it or not we have to do our jobs. And a good amount of those jobs require working ... Read More

The post 10 Tips on how to have Healthy Eyes appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

You ever just get to work all excited that you will finally sit in front of your laptop and do your thing?

Yeah… Me neither.

Maybe we’re pushing it with the whole excitement thing, but it’s a fact that whether we like it or not we have to do our jobs.

And a good amount of those jobs require working on a laptop, which may sound better than laying asphalt, but they still carry risks for our health and can be exhausting.

Staring at a computer screen for 8 hours a day and then a few more if you like video games, killing time on YouTube or watching Netflix can make your life unnecessarily harder.

All that screen time is undoubtedly going to lead to eye strain, which inevitably will lead to headaches, dry eyes, tiredness and all kinds of things we wish we didn’t have.

Digital eye strain is something we all should fear and be wary of. People tend to not think about their eyes as much when they’re too busy having the time of their lives watching Stranger Things, The Office, Game of Thrones or something else that glues you to the screen.

But trust us, we could do some serious damage to them and we need to start taking care of them just like we would take care of our favorite kitten or puppy.

Thankfully, there are things we can do, which will battle the Computer Vision Syndrome or at least help us keep our eyes as healthy as possible.

Visit a Doctor

Of course, seeing a doctor should be the first thing you do, so you can get a better idea of what is going on and what steps to take next.

Even if you think that your vision is fine, visit a doctor once a year – that way if there is a problem you will be able to fix it at the beginning.

Control the brightness

Turning it down to around the same brightness as your workplace will not only save you battery but limits your exposure to excessive light.

Which is exactly what we want to avoid digital eye strain.

Remember – too low brightness will strain your eyes and cause you a headache.

Proper body position

Correct sitting is also important.

Not just for your eyes too, but for your back, your spine.

It’s important to try and make it a habit or get a chair that supports proper sitting form, our whole body will thank it. The eyes will too.

Note: This is not a correct sitting position:

Take a break

Taking a little break, a short walk or even closing your eyes for a little would rest your mind and your eyes alike. 

And if you can’t remember to do that, our app Iris will help you!

Iris offers you a Timer – it will remind you to take those breaks once in a while.


This might be an obvious one, but remember to blink.

Studies show that people who use computer tend to blink less. This causes dry eyes and eye strain.

Avoid staring for a long time without blinking.


Something that helps against dry eyes are eye drops.

So if you have that problem, the drops would help you.

However, this can’t be a temporary solution.

Try blinking and yawning more often – this will help you with the dry eyes too.

Blue light filters

Something very helpful and important is the Blue Light filter.

It can reduce the eye strain significantly and help you feel better and sleep better.

It is a must if you’re using any device in the night time.

Iris is a software that reduces the blue light like this:

Anti-glare screen

There are anti-glare screens we can purchase for both our monitors and smartphones or we can at least try to sit somewhere away from a window.

If your monitors reflect the wall or something else that surrounds you your eyes will strain to focus.

Monitor position

Your device needs to be at arm’s length from you, which prevents visual as well as neck and back strain.


You can always try the glasses that block blue light.

However, they can be uncomfortable, they may cause headaches in some cases and they don’t solve the problem – once you take them off or forget them somewhere the blue light is still going to be there.

We owe it to ourselves to take care of our eyes and all the ways available to help us protect them to make our job easier.

What makes it even easier is Iris, which will make you battle all the eye strain symptoms at once and effectively.

? You can get a 7-day FREE Trial ?

Try Iris for 7 days and see if it works for you ?

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Top 3 Categories of Computer Addicts Tue, 20 Aug 2019 11:22:44 +0000 Today we would like to share with you a few shocking statistics that would make you think twice before you indulge in the usual long-hour stares at your monitor. We guarantee that everyone reading this falls into one of the below categories. Stick till the end to find out what you could do to help your eyes instantly. The Office ... Read More

The post Top 3 Categories of Computer Addicts appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Today we would like to share with you a few shocking statistics that would make you think twice before you indulge in the usual long-hour stares at your monitor.

We guarantee that everyone reading this falls into one of the below categories.

Stick till the end to find out what you could do to help your eyes instantly.

The Office Worker

Statistics show us that office workers tend to spend about 1,700 hours per year in front of a computer screen.

Now that’s a lot!

An average office worker is in front of a screen for about 7 hours per day and you know most of us do not take their eye breaks seriously.

And here is where it all goes terribly wrong: one in four have had to move their screen closer to them to bring their work to focus, the study shows.

Do not think you do not fit into this category because you are working from home, this is just a lie and you know it!

The Social Media Maniac

We tend to stick this label to the ‘’Millennials’’ but we all are guilty of this time-water.

There are a lot of studies devoted to revealing how poisonous social media addiction could be but we never hear about how the repetitive scrolling is damaging our eyes.

Now we all secretly believe in miracles but leaving social media is a bit of a stretch even for the hardcore believers.

The good news is that you don’t have to give up your digital social life (maybe just turn it down a notch?) because we have the solution for you!

The Gamer/Developer Guru

This is the most damaged group of brilliant people you could think of.

Here you do not need a study to know this bunch spends a tremendous amount of time without even taking their eyes off the screen.

These people need to stay focused for as much time as possible and they enter this state of mind, (or should I say the state of mindlessness) where nothing and no-one can disconnect them back into reality.


I think you got the picture so instead of going on and on with the categories and depress you further, we would like to point your attention to our solutions.

Below you can find a brief description of each of our products and how exactly it could help you.


Iris is a software for eye protection and overall health of your eyes.

What it could do for you is decrease the amount of blue light emitted from your screen, control the PWM flicker, the brightness, etc.

Iris offers a few different modes depending on your needs.

You can learn more about it from our User Guide.

Iris is a software, that reduces the amount of blue light like this:

Get your 7-day Free Trial

You don’t have to sacrifice your time on the computer ?

Iris Mini

Iris Mini is a bit simpler version for the bunch who are not that tech-savvy and do not like a lot of confusing options and buttons.

Iris Micro

Iris Micro is the Super Speed hero for you. As you could guess this is a smaller-in-size Iris which makes it fast and easy. It is also available for any Operating system.

Iris Addon

Iris ADDON operates as an add-on to your website – it makes your browsing experience healthier for the eyes and much more.

We have so much more for you so head up to our Blog to find out the perfect match for you and protect your eyes

Win-win, right?

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How to have a little Digital Detox? Tue, 20 Aug 2019 10:21:27 +0000 Technology is like a drug – you get used to it so fast that you don’t even realize how big part of your life it is. This is the part where you’ll probably say: “I’m in control of my technology use – my phone has no power over me” 1.Denial . . . 2.Acceptance Now you probably realize that we ... Read More

The post How to have a little Digital Detox? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Technology is like a drug – you get used to it so fast that you don’t even realize how big part of your life it is.

This is the part where you’ll probably say:

“I’m in control of my technology use – my phone has no power over me”


. . .


Now you probably realize that we actually need help. If you still haven’t – check out these statistics:

  • The smartphone is the last thing most people look at before going to bed at night (not the eyes of your loved one).
  • We spend more time staring at our phones than making eye contact.
  • An average person will spend more than five years of their life on social media.
  • 79% of adult smartphone users have their phones with them for 22 hours a day.
  • Shockingly relatable, right?

How Technology harms us

There are thousands of books and articles out there about the negative effects of technology.

We won’t bore you with that now ?

You can read more about the effect of technology on us here:

You can also download our E-Book “What most successful people do

Before you start your Digital Detox

First, I’ll advise you to focus on the four most important things in your life:

We tend to make a big deal out of small things.

But most emergencies are just in our head, they are imagined.

We often pretend to be super busy, always in a rush and 24 hours a day are not enough for us to do everything.

The truth is that it is way easier to be busy than to cut out the unnecessary things in your life.

It is way easier to act like you do important things than to actually start pursuing what would really make you happy.

And the Internet helps us stay busy.

Here at Iris, we think that Technology doesn’t need to be toxic.

Which is why we have dedicated our work to you – our software Iris protects your eyes in front of the screen.

Once you install it, you’ll forget about the headache and the eye pain in front of the screen

With Iris you will:

  • Block the blue light
  • Control the PWM flicker
  • Work for hours without getting tired
  • Be able to achieve more

How to have a little Digital Detox

Set an achievable target

If you decide to cut out all of your devices there is a high chance of failure.

My advice is to change one technology habit at a time. Start by removing the phone from the table during dinner.

You will be surprised how good you will feel – having a nice conversation with family and friends without being interrupted by a messenger notification.

When you get used to that you can add for example 2 hours a day during the weekends when you turn off your phone and put away all electronic devices.

Grab a book or go for a walk in the park, meet friends, draw a painting, start a new hobby, etc.

Step by step you can achieve everything – just don’t set unachievable goals because this will disappoint you.

Find a detox buddy

Detoxing yourself from technologies is just like going to the gym.

If you don’t have enough willpower you’ll probably give up soon.

Find yourself someone to motivate you and to remind you what your goal is.

Tell everyone

Let all your friends and family know that you’ll start a Digital Detox.

The more people watch you the less you’ll want to fail.

So, if you want to succeed tell your annoying friend and every time you reach for your phone he or she will be like: Weren’t you detoxing yourself?

The rule of the third

Have you heard about it?

It basically means that you divide 24 hours into three parts – 8 hours work, 8 hours sleep, 8 hours free.

40 hours of work a week are enough, there are studies that show that for creative workers more than 20 hours of work a week decrease their productivity and creativity.

No matter what – don’t overwork yourself.

If you wonder what it has to do with your digital detox if you don’t work in front of the PC – it has a lot to do with your overall well being.


Most of us can’t fall asleep the second their head touches the pillow.

So we play a game on our phones or check Instagram and Facebook one last time.

Usually, it takes us 30-40 minutes.

That’s because our screens emit blue light. The blue light itself is not bad – it exists in nature.

The sky is blue and people have always watched it and it didn’t bother them.

However, it is not OK to look at a bright sky at night, right?

This is why phones in bed don’t help us fall asleep – they do the exact opposite.

The solution – grab a nice book, just like you used to do as a kid, and I am pretty sure that you will fall asleep in a minute.


You can also try our software for eye protection Iris that we mentioned – it blocks the blue light and improves the sleep.

Try Iris for FREE

Protect your eyes. Sleep better. Achieve more.

The post How to have a little Digital Detox? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Heterochromia – two different-colored eyes? Tue, 20 Aug 2019 09:22:34 +0000 Hetero- what? The different coloration of the iris of the two eyes, known as heterochromia, may be a congenital or acquired condition. Types of Heterochromia Congenital Heterochromia Congenital heterochromia is an unequal coloration of two irises or separate sectors of the same iris. When it comes to the two irises, one is a lighter color than the other. Its combination ... Read More

The post Heterochromia – two different-colored eyes? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Hetero- what?

The different coloration of the iris of the two eyes, known as heterochromia, may be a congenital or acquired condition.

Types of Heterochromia

Congenital Heterochromia

Congenital heterochromia is an unequal coloration of two irises or separate sectors of the same iris.

When it comes to the two irises, one is a lighter color than the other.

Its combination with chronic cyclitis, precipitates and cataract in the calm eye is called Fuchsian heterochromia.

It was first described in 1906 by Fuchs.

This type more often affects brighter eyes, develops mainly in young people, with symptoms being minimal, no pain and no redness.

This is a rare case in the ophthalmic practice.

People between the ages of 20 and 60 usually have it, with the highest rate being around the age of 40.

No relation to ethnicity or race. The incidence is the same for both sexes.

The condition is usually mild, with minimal symptoms and can be detected at random.

The classic triad of symptoms includes heterochromia, cataracts and corneal precipitates.

The most common complications are cataracts and glaucoma.

In the case of an already complicated cataract, the cloudy lens is removed.

The treatment is managed by a specialist ophthalmologist.

Acquired heterochromia

Acquired heterochromia is a change in the color of the iris of one eye after a process in it.

This occurs after chronic inflammation, in which the stroma and iris pigment epithelium atrophy and the iris becomes lighter.

In processes such as iris melanoma, as well as in metallosis, the iris becomes more pigmented.

The main process is treated by an eye specialist.

Complete heterochromia

Complete heterochromia (in Greek: heterochromia iridis).

In this form, the color of one eye is different from the color of the other.

Partial heterochromia

Partial heterochromia or sectoral heterochromia (in Greek: heterochromia iridum).

The color in different parts of the iris of one eye is different from the rest of the eye.

A special case of sectoral heterochromia is the central one, where the iris area around the pupil has a discolored color.

Eye check-up

Although most types of heterochromia are congenital and benign, if you or your child have eyes of different colors (or segments of different colors), consult your ophthalmologist for a complete eye exam to make sure that your case has no place for worries.

After your ophthalmologist confirms that your eyes are healthy, enjoy the compliments you will receive.

Extra Protection

You can never be too careful when it comes to your health.

That’s why even if you don’t have two different-colored irises you can try our Iris ?.

Iris is a software for eye protection and overall health of your eyes.

What it could do for you is decrease the amount of blue light emitted from your screen, control the PWM flicker, the brightness, etc.

Iris offers a few different modes and types depending on your needs.

You can learn more about it from our User Guide.

Try Iris Today

Achieve more – change the way you work ?

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Eye diseases you need to look out for when using your PC Mon, 19 Aug 2019 13:58:15 +0000 We use our eyes all the time while we’re awake. Some would say that’s our most important sense. However, like anything else, there are eye diseases and disorders that can cause deteriorating health of the different parts in your eyes. They can be caused by genetics, environmental issues, accidents, age and exposure to bright and harmful light. In this article ... Read More

The post Eye diseases you need to look out for when using your PC appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

We use our eyes all the time while we’re awake. Some would say that’s our most important sense.

However, like anything else, there are eye diseases and disorders that can cause deteriorating health of the different parts in your eyes.

They can be caused by genetics, environmental issues, accidents, age and exposure to bright and harmful light.

In this article we’re going to explore a few eye diseases caused by prolonged use of digital devices and LED lights.

As we know in the 21st century we all can’t go a few hours without checking our messages, emails, binge-watching our favorite show or look through spreadsheets all day.

However, our computers and phones emit harmful radiation in the form of blue light.

Which is why we must learn how to protect our eyes and do our best to prevent the following common diseases.


Retinopathy refers to a few diseases and conditions caused by deformation in the retina.

It can be caused by diabetes, high blood pressure and mutations.

Damaged or misplaced nerves in the retina can cause blurry vision.

Blood vessels can also enlarge and cause eye pain and shadows on the vision.

Retinal disorders often are a result from other eye diseases like cataract and myopia.


A pterygium (from the greek word meaning ‘wing’) is a membrane that grows on the eyes, skin, neck or knees due to exposure to ultraviolet light.

Very common in countries where there is a lot of sunlight and outdoor activities are popular.

The pterygium can grow and as it does it pulls the cornea and distorts it. It can also tear the lens film in the eye.

It can distort vision, cause physical pain and strain, blurriness, discomfort and reduced eyesight.


Cataracts are small cloud-like zones that appear in the eye lens.

They’re usually caused by a thinning of the lens. This thinning can be a product of prolonged exposure to radiation.

X-rays and UV rays can cause damaging changes in the lens cells.

Blue light is also a very high energetic light wave like UV light.

It’s been proven that staring at blue light-emitting screens for long periods of time can cause cataracts.

To prevent cataracts you can wear sunglasses, computer glasses or get a blue light filter like Iris for your digital device.

Macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is one of the leading diseases that cause blindness.

It happens when the small central region of the retina, called the macula, starts deteriorating.

This can lead to severe vision issues and distortions.

It’s also a condition that gets worse with age and is often referred to as age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

While aging and genetics are indeed a factor in developing macular degeneration, there are additional causes like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking and obesity.

One very preventable additional cause is exposure to UV and blue light from the Sun and artificial light from LED lights.

Prevention here suggests wearing protective eyewear and limiting LED lights in your home.

Unfortunately, all modern screens are made from tiny LED lights, which is why there are ways to limit harmful exposure and reduce the flickering effects of the screens. Check out this article: What I need to know about PWM Flicker.


Myopia, also known as near-sightedness, is a very common eye disorder where light focuses before it reaches the retina.

It can be caused by many factors like age, glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment and lens degeneration.

In recent times myopia is usually developed during the adolescent years where young people spend a lot of time staring at objects near them (in particular digital devices) and not taking breaks to look at a distant object and exercise their vision.

We here at Iris recommend the 20-20-20 rule – every 20 minutes for 20 seconds look at an object 20 feet away (approx. 7 meters).

This will help you prevent near-sightedness and get your eye health back on track.

Read more about eye protection here – 7 Tips for eye protection in front of the PC.


Astigmatism is an error in refraction where the light can’t focus properly on the retina.

That’s caused when your eye isn’t a perfect round shape.

Actually, most people have a certain type of astigmatism, because barely anyone has perfectly round eyes.

However, if your eye starts looking like an american football, there’s a big problem.

Astigmatism is usually an additional condition to far or near-sightedness.

It can cause blurry vision, double vision, eye pain, fatigue and headaches.


Nyctalopia, or night-blindness is a condition in which you can’t see clearly in fairly low light.

It’s often described as the inability to adapt to darkness.

It’s usually a result of a different ocular disease like glaucoma, cataract or retinitis.

It can also cause a loss of peripheral vision.

A roman by the name of Aulus in 30AD suggested that washing your eyes with liver juice and eating liver can cure night-blindness.

We suggest you stop listening to Romans from centuries ago and instead try Iris to properly adjust your screen brightness and deal with these preventable diseases.


Presbyopia, from the greek presbus – meaning old, is also called the aging eye condition.

You know your aunt Grace who squints and holds the newspaper really far away from her face so she can read it.

Yes, that’s presbyopia. It’s caused by the progressing age of course. It includes the inability to read small text and focus on the small print.

Which is why older people when using digital devices often put their glasses on and hold the phone really close to their face.

Also if you’re wondering why the zoom on the Wikipedia page your mom is reading is 240%, now you know why.

In Iris, we have created a menu to help with magnification that can easily reduce the eye strain and headaches caused by presbyopia.


As you can probably guess from the name photophobia is the fear of light.

It’s more often explained as discomfort in the eyes and body when exposed to really bright light.

Photophobia is usually present in people who’ve experienced other eye-related issues and diseases or gone through surgery of some kind.

Artificial light can also cause great pain and discomfort to people with photophobia which is why dimming of the brightness and the colors is recommended in these cases.

These are only some of the common eye diseases that can be seen in frequent users of digital devices in our day and age.

We should always do our research and learn how to protect our eyesight and our health.


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How to choose the Best Monitor Sun, 04 Aug 2019 10:26:57 +0000 Since the invention of the computer the average adult spends around 9 hours a day in front of a screen – whether it be a PC, laptop or the phone. As you can guess that’s a lot of screen time given that we are awake for about 12-14 hours a day. A lot of people are forced to this due ... Read More

The post How to choose the Best Monitor appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Since the invention of the computer the average adult spends around 9 hours a day in front of a screen – whether it be a PC, laptop or the phone.

As you can guess that’s a lot of screen time given that we are awake for about 12-14 hours a day.

A lot of people are forced to this due to their office work, others have jobs like graphic design and programming that are impossible without a digital device.

It’s been researched time and time again how digital devices and staring at screens affects our health, but what is absolutely clear is that they do – and not in the best way.

This is why if we can’t avoid staying away from screens we should do our best to make our digital devices healthy enough for prolonged use.

If you’re using a PC you can’t go without a monitor, obviously, but in this day and age you’ll go to a store and there will be thousands of different types to choose from.

How do you know which one is the best one?

Well here are some tips on how to choose the best monitor for your health.

Beginner mistakes

When you go to look around you’ll find there are various specifications that discern the different types of monitors like screen size, screen type, contrast ratio, update frequency, color depth, power usage, response time, etc.

Most of these, however, means nothing to the average user.

Here are some frequent mistakes you might want to avoid when first looking for a monitor:

  • Buying the cheapest one
  • Buying the most expensive one
  • Buying a tiny one
  • Buying a monitor that’s too huge
  • Buying from a sketchy place
  • Buying an incompatible monitor to the rest of your PC
  • Not knowing what you’re gonna use the PC for
  • Not shopping in person and only looking online

Tips for picking out the best monitor


First, you should decide what you’ll be using your PC for in order to pick out the right monitor for you.

Will it be a home PC for general use, are you an avid gamer or a professional graphic designer or architect?

Will you be using it to work from home?

This is very important not only to the specifics we’ll mention later but for size and placement as well.

If you have a tiny desk or table and won’t be using the PC a lot then don’t buy a huge monitor that will take up all your space and just have an empty desktop blaring light at you.


Next thing you should pay attention to is your budget.

How much are you willing to spend overall on the PC and separately on the monitor.

Don’t have a specific price set, but a range. For example – I’ll look for a monitor between 100-200$.

Also, be prepared if you have a lot of preferences and need a really good monitor for constant use that it won’t come cheap.


Now for the more precise things. If you want a fairly good picture, vivid colors and overall good look get a monitor with a higher resolution.

For refresh rate remember – the higher it is the better.

Also, this reduces the flicker rate and makes for a smoother picture.

Why reducing the flicker rate is important – learn here: What I need to know about PWM flicker.

Should you buy a curved monitor – depends, they’re usually very big and very expensive, so if you’re looking for something simple, avoid them.

Look at the LCD panel – for gaming monitors, it’s best to get a TN panel monitor. VA and IPS are best for general use. Check out the differences in this article.

Consider getting a flicker-free monitor to reduce eye strain and pain. You can also read our article “14 tips to make your monitor healthier for your eyes

If you don’t need to work with exact and vivid colors consider blue light filtering. There are different blue light filters and you can try ours for FREE – download Iris.

Follow these tips when looking out for a monitor in order to get the best for your needs.

Check out this article for the best 2019 computer monitors.

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Blue light filters Benefits Fri, 26 Jul 2019 08:26:20 +0000 With all that being said if you use a blue light filter on your PC you will get benefits like: Better sleep More energy Less eye strain and More healthy life Without any more introduction, I want to show you what software programs you can use on your PC and Electronic devices to protect yourself from the negative effects of ... Read More

The post Blue light filters Benefits appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

With all that being said if you use a blue light filter on your PC you will get benefits like:

  • Better sleep
  • More energy
  • Less eye strain
  • and More healthy life

Without any more introduction, I want to show you what software programs you can use on your PC and Electronic devices to protect yourself from the negative effects of blue light.

Why you have Better sleep thanks to Blue light filters


The others…

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Blue light Effects Fri, 26 Jul 2019 07:47:32 +0000 When you look at blue light for a long time the following things will happen: You will need more time to fall asleep ? You will start to feel eye strain Your eyes will start getting dry and you may start to have symptoms of CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome) ? Your circadian rhythm will be disrupted You will experience macular ... Read More

The post Blue light Effects appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


When you look at blue light for a long time the following things will happen:

  • You will need more time to fall asleep ?
  • You will start to feel eye strain
  • Your eyes will start getting dry and you may start to have symptoms of CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome) ?
  • Your circadian rhythm will be disrupted
  • You will experience macular degeneration
  • You will have less energy during the day and have insomnia ?

However, you are not going to die from blue light. Actually, not all blue light is bad.

Blue light controls our mood and energy levels and when we look at blue light we feel more energized.

But I said earlier that you will have less energy so what exactly is the truth?

By looking at blue light you will feel more energized but your body will stop the production of your sleep hormone melatonin and you will not get good night’s sleep.

Not getting enough sleep will cause way more tiredness than the effect of the blue light and looking and blue light is something like drinking a coffee.

When you drink too much coffee you may feel good for a while but then you are going to be twice as drained.

Why you need more time to fall asleep when you look at Blue light

If you don’t already know – not all blue light is harmful.

Look up at the sky – it’s blue. Natural blue light suppresses the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, which then keeps us awake and alert.

This is the reason why if we artificially stare at blue light at night it’s like we’re getting drunk on coffee and energy drinks and won’t be able to fall asleep.

Why you will start to feel eye strain

The two main reasons why we feel eye strain in front of the computer are blue light and glare.

Glare is caused by glossy screens that are not placed correctly according to the light in the room and can cause reflections as well which don’t let the eyes focus properly.

Blue light like we already mentioned suppresses melatonin production and keeps us awake.

Staring at a screen also lowers the blinking rate per minute which can lead to dust in our eyes and dryness.

Both blue light and glare cause unnecessary feedback that enters our eyes and causes pain and headaches.

Why your eyes will be dry and you may start to have symptoms of CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome) when you look at Blue light

CVS is the collective name of all eye-related diseases caused by prolonged computer use.

When you’re sitting in front of the computer you start blinking less, which causes dust to enter the eyes and doesn’t keep the eyes moist enough for proper vision.

This can also lead to blurriness. Artificial tears are not a solution for this as they are just that – artificial, instead you should try forced blinking and yawning.

Long use of digital devices comes with constant focus and refocus of the eyes.

Glare, reflections, looking at things on the side and then looking back at the computer, improper brightness and so on.

All of these can lead to various issues starting from discomfort, eye pain, strain, headaches, glaucoma, cataract, and even blindness.

Why Your circadian rhythms will be disrupted when you look at Blue light

Like I already mentioned blue light keeps you awake and you can’t fall asleep easily.

Well, when that happens many nights and days in a row that disrupts your natural rhythm.

Going to sleep at 3 am and waking up at 2 pm – that messes up not only your mental state (and your work schedule) but also your body’s normal bodily functions.

Why You will experience macular generation when you look at Blue light

It’s scientifically proven that too much exposure to blue light can cause macular degeneration.

This is due to the wave nature of light. Blue light has the shortest wavelength and the highest energy.

blue light

This allows it to reach all the way to the inner lining of the eye (the retina) and when it gets there things aren’t pretty.

Blue light with its high energy can damage and deteriorate light-sensitive cells in the retina.

Why you will have less energy during the day and have insomnia when you look at Blue light

Like previously mentioned, blue light suppresses melatonin secretion which means you won’t be able to fall asleep right away after turning off your device.

This, in turn, leads to wanting to wake up later, sleeping more, and if you aren’t rested enough you will have less energy during the day.

All of this leads to a cursed circle of tiredness during the day and insomnia during the night.

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14 tips to make your monitor healthier for your eyes Thu, 25 Jul 2019 15:53:32 +0000 You’re probably wondering “Is it possible to improve my eye health if I’m spending a lot of time in front of the PC?”. Well yes, yes you can. Let me tell you a story of an 18-year-old kid who had perfect eyesight and was an amazing athlete all his life. One day he wanted to become the best programmer and ... Read More

The post 14 tips to make your monitor healthier for your eyes appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

You’re probably wondering “Is it possible to improve my eye health if I’m spending a lot of time in front of the PC?”.

Well yes, yes you can.

Let me tell you a story of an 18-year-old kid who had perfect eyesight and was an amazing athlete all his life.

One day he wanted to become the best programmer and started working more than 14 hours every day in front of two old monitors in bad lighting.

Just after six months, he started feeling dryness, light sensitivity, and eye pain. He tried medication which only made things worse and eventually had to get 1.5 diopter glasses.

After this, he started researching why PCs make our eyesight worse and how to deal with the issues. That kid later became the creator and CEO of Iris – software for eye health in front of the computer.

Today Iris, which began as the dream of a boy to improve his health, is used by more than 2 million people in more than 180 countries all over the world.

Some time ago Daniel, the creator of Iris, passed his medical exam and found out his diopter had gone down to 0.25.

That can happen to you too if you follow the following tips to health proof your monitor:

Monitor position

It’s really important to know how to position your monitor according to the light source in your room.

Most often that light source is sunlight coming through a window.

Remember that when using a computer the window should always be on your left or on your right – meaning on your side.

If it’s behind you, you will see reflection and the so called double image which is bad for your eyes because they can’t focus correctly.

If it’s in front of you will be staring directly in the light which can greatly damage your eyes.

Blue light

Blue light is a part of the light spectrum which has the shortest wavelength, but the highest amount of energy.

Because of that a lot of studies suggest that over time, prolonged exposure to blue light can cause long-term damage like cataract, astigmatism and blindness.

All digital devices today emit blue light and the more we stare at them the worse.

However, there are ways to block harmful blue light from your screen and one of those ways is Sleep type in Iris – it blocks all blue light emitted from your monitor and, as the name suggests, helps you sleep better.

PWM Flicker

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a method to reduce the energy usage and brightness of your monitor by turning the screen ON and OFF at high frequency.

It’s the cheapest way to make brightness control for monitors and that’s why 99% of modern monitors use PWM.

The bad thing about this is that our iris’ open and close all the time and this is the main reason why we feel eye pain and headaches.

You can reduce PWM by putting your monitor’s built-in brightness on max setting and then adjusting the brightness from the Iris app.

Subpixel Flicker

LCD displays are made up of small elements called Liquid17 Crystals (LCD – Liquid crystal display).

When we use our monitors the picture emitted constantly changes and when the colors are different the liquid crystal rotates a lot.

This rotation causes the light to turn off and on again in a small fraction of the second when the colors change too much.

And this ON and OFF of the light when the liquid crystals rotate is what we call subpixel flicker.

How to test my LCD monitor for Subpixel Flicker?

The bad thing about subpixel flicker is that you start to feel eye pain and headaches from this constant change of the light emitted from the monitor pixels.

Use Iris Sleep or Biohacker type to reduce subpixel flickering.

Font smoothing

Modern operating systems use a technique called subpixel anti-aliasing to make the fonts on your screen a lot more beautiful and smoother.

Or eyes, however, need sharper edges to be able to focus better and when the fonts are smoother that causes eye strain and blurry vision and can be difficult to read a long text.

Disabling font smoothing and subpixel anti-aliasing will help reduce your eye strain in front of the PC.

You can do this from your operating system settings or by using the Iris Fonts Menu in Advanced view.

Matte monitor

If you have a choice get a matte screen over a glossy one.

You can also get a matte overlay for your screen.

Matte screens have anti-reflection coating and reduce the double image and reflections glossy screen cause.

Prescription glasses

If you’re feeling even the lightest eye pain and strain often don’t hesitate to visit a doctor even for a check-up.

Sometimes even a small diopter like 0.5 can reduce your pain by great lengths and improve your vision in front of the PC.

Anti-reflective coating

If you’re wearing glasses, even if they aren’t prescription, get anti-reflective coating for them or your monitor.

It helps reduce reflections that strain the eyes and makes the image more clear.


You should always try to match the brightness of your screen to the light in your surroundings.

The basic rule is to look at your device from afar – if it looks like a light source in the room then it’s too bright.

Also, remember to never make it too dark as that puts a strain on the eyes.

Normal brightness is between 20 and 80% depending on how bright your environment is.

Dark themes

To lower your brightness further and avoid eye strain you should use dark themes in the websites and apps you visit often.

A lot of popular sites like Youtube, 9GAG and Reddit have a dark theme, there are also dark themes for apps like Messenger.

Dark themes, especially at night help match brightness.


When staring at a screen for a long time it’s been proven we start blinking less often.

You should try to keep the blinking rate constant or take breaks in which to blink avidly.

Blinking helps keep your eyes moist and keeps dust and dirt away.


Yawning just like blinking is a way to moisten your eyes and take a tiny break from fixating on the screen all day.

You should avoid using fake tears and other such substances for keeping eyes watery.


It’s very important to take breaks.

Not only for your eyes but for your back, neck and also mental health.

We here at Iris follow the 20-20-20 rule – every 20 minutes for 20 seconds look at an object 20 feet away (approx. 7 meters).

Also try to stand up from your desk from time to time and stretch.

This will relax your eyes and make you feel way better.

Eye position

Apart from placing your desk and monitor in a certain way in your room you should make sure your monitor is positioned at the right place on your desk itself.

It should be lower than your eyes because your eyes are more relaxed when looking downwards.

Basically, the upper corner of your screen should be on the level of your eyes.

Your screen should also be an outstretched arm away from where you’re sitting.

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Blue Light Filters Thu, 25 Jul 2019 15:41:41 +0000 A Blue light filter is a program which changes the screen colors, lowering the blue light. There are many medical kinds of research pointing towards the negative effects of Blue light. Effects of Blue light When you look at blue light the following things will happen: You will need more time to fall asleep You will start to feel eye ... Read More

The post Blue Light Filters appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

A Blue light filter is a program which changes the screen colors, lowering the blue light.

There are many medical kinds of research pointing towards the negative effects of Blue light.

Effects of Blue light

When you look at blue light the following things will happen:

  • You will need more time to fall asleep
  • You will start to feel eye strain
  • Your eyes will be dry and you may start to have symptoms of CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome)
  • Your circadian rhythms will be disrupted
  • You will experience macular generation
  • You will have less energy during the day and have insomnia

But aside from this, you are not going to die from blue light. Actually, not all blue light is bad.

Blue light controls our mood and energy levels and when we look at blue light we feel more energized.

But I said earlier that you will have less energy so what is the truth?

By looking at blue light you will feel more energized but your body will stop the production of your sleep hormone melatonin and you will not get good night sleep.

Not getting enough sleep will cause way more tiredness than the effect of the blue light and looking a blue light is something like drinking a coffee.

When you drink too much coffee you may feel good for a while but then you are going to be 2 times more drained.

Benefits of a Blue light filter

With all that being said if you use a blue light filter on your PC you will get benefits like:

  • Better sleep
  • More energy
  • Less eye strain
  • and More healthy life

Without any more introduction, I want to show you what software programs you can use on your PC and Electronic devices to protect yourself from the negative effects of blue light.

Blue light filter Softwares

  • Top Blue light filter Softwares
    1. Iris
    2. Iris mini
    3. f.lux
    4. Redshift
    5. Night Light
    6. SunsetScreen
    7. Iris micro
  • Free Blue light filter Softwares
    1. Iris mini
    2. f.lux
    3. Redshift
    4. Night Light
    5. Iris micro
  • Blue light filter Softwares Review
  • Blue light filter Softwares Effectiveness metrics
  • Blue light filter Softwares Comparison

Top Blue light filter Softwares


You need to set your monitor software brightness to the Maximum

Daniel Georgiev – CEO Iris Technologies

Test Block

Subtitle test


Free Blue light filter Softwares

Blue light filter Softwares Review

Blue light filter Softwares Effectiveness metrics

Blue light filter Softwares Comparison



Night Light

Night Shift


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Fatiga visual: evítala a toda costa Tue, 23 Jul 2019 23:00:39 +0000 Este es el mal de todas aquellas personas que pasan horas y horas sentadas frente a las pantallas de sus ordenadores portátiles o sus computadoras de escritorio, ya sea por cuestiones profesionales o personales. La fatiga visual se origina cuando el ojo se somete a un esfuerzo profundo y continuado, ya que el músculo ciliar que reviste al cristalino se ... Read More

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Este es el mal de todas aquellas personas que pasan horas y horas sentadas frente a las pantallas de sus ordenadores portátiles o sus computadoras de escritorio, ya sea por cuestiones profesionales o personales.

La fatiga visual se origina cuando el ojo se somete a un esfuerzo profundo y continuado, ya que el músculo ciliar que reviste al cristalino se contrae con mayor frecuencia, y por ende, se genera el cansancio en los ojos que suele estar acompañado de resequedad, dolor de cabeza, lagrimeos o enrojecimiento.

Los especialistas aseguran que la fatiga visual es uno de los principales motivos que obliga a las personas a asistir a sus consultas, y no es de extrañar que las más afectadas sean aquellas que se exponen constantemente al uso desmedido de aparatos electrónicos como las tabletas, teléfonos celulares, televisores, PC o laptops.

Síntomas de la fatiga visual


  1. Incomodidad ocular

    Los ojos se sienten picosos, aunque también es común experimentar la sensación de ojo con quemazón o con arenilla, la cual genera goteos, ardor o resequedad.

  2. Dolor de cabeza

    La fatiga ocular casi siempre se manifiesta con dolores de cabeza en la parte frontal, a la altura de los ojos, o inclusive con dolores en la nuca o en la parte trasera de la cabeza.

  3. Visión borrosablue-light-sources-avoid-eye-pain
    La vista se nubla con facilidad y por ello cuesta mucho enfocar con éxito.

    Sin duda los ojos se resienten y la visión se ve bastante perjudicada a raíz de la fatiga ocular, la cual suele conocerse popularmente como el Síndrome Visual Informático (SVI).

Cómo evitar la fatiga visual

Si te aseguras de acatar las próximas recomendaciones te aseguramos que podrás usar tus equipos sin problemas, sin perjudicar tu productividad, ni mucho menos tu salud ocular ¿Vale? Veamos


  • Checa que la luz sea la más adecuada: esta no puede ser ni muy brillante ni muy oscura.
  • Descansa la vista cuando comiences a sentir los ojos cansados, pesados o cuando se produzcan lagrimeos o parpadeos continuados.
  • Protege tus ojos de la luz azul.

Dicha luz es emitida en grandes cantidades por las pantallas que sueles usar a diario, y dado que los ojos no cuentan con un filtro fisiológico para protegerse, es tu deber hacerlo con los recursos que tengas disponibles o a tu alcance.

Sácale provecho a Iris


Es precisamente aquí en donde entra en juego el software creado en 2015 que lleva por nombre Iris, el cual promete proteger tus ojos, fomentar tu salud y lograr que te conviertas en un ser altamente productivo.

Iris ha sido descargado más de un millón de veces desde que fue lanzado al mercado hace unos pocos años, y hoy en día sus usuarios están felices con la decisión que tomaron al darle una probada.


¿Te preguntas a qué debe su éxito? De ser así te lo diremos sin tapujos ni titubeos: se le atañe a que realmente funciona porque cuenta con más de 20 funciones de avanzada para reducir la cantidad de luz azul emitida por tus pantallas.

Esta es una de las principales causantes de la fatiga visual, aunque también es válido destacar que permite regular el brillo sin usar PWM, controla la temperatura y los colores que observas por la noche para conciliar mejor el sueño y muchas bondades más.

¡Descarga Iris de inmediato!

Ingrese a nuestro sitio web y consulte muchos más datos sobre sus funcionalidades, modos, preconfiguraciones, costos y mucho más.

Descargar Iris

¿Y sabes lo mejor de todo? Tenemos una increíble prueba gratuita que te permite probar la funcionalidad completa del programa.

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Dolor de ojo: cómo evitarlo Tue, 23 Jul 2019 23:00:33 +0000 La sobre exposición a las nuevas tecnologías y el uso desmedido de aparatos electrónicos como las tabletas, los ordenadores portátiles y los teléfonos inteligentes, han ocasionado que cada vez seamos más propensos a sufrir de dolor en los ojos. Muchas veces esta incomodidad se presenta sin causa aparente, es decir, sin estar enfermos, pero lo cierto es que sí existe ... Read More

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La sobre exposición a las nuevas tecnologías y el uso desmedido de aparatos electrónicos como las tabletas, los ordenadores portátiles y los teléfonos inteligentes, han ocasionado que cada vez seamos más propensos a sufrir de dolor en los ojos.

Muchas veces esta incomodidad se presenta sin causa aparente, es decir, sin estar enfermos, pero lo cierto es que sí existe un factor desencadenante y es ese gran cúmulo de horas que pasamos frente a las pantallas.

¿Te preguntas cómo nos perjudica esta situación?

Si tu respuesta es afirmativa te invitamos a leer esta nota hasta el final porque acá te contaremos cómo estos dispositivos de uso cotidiano afectan significativamente nuestra salud visual y general en el corto plazo.

La luz azul y el dolor de ojo


La llamada luz azul es una de las más perjudiciales para nuestros ojos porque afecta directamente a la retina.

La captamos a través de los LED y las pantallas que tenemos literalmente al alcance de nuestras manos.

Pero lo más preocupante es que importantes estudios han demostrado que el organismo no ha sido capaz de desarrollar mecanismos fisiológicos para protegerse de sus nefastos efectos.


Esto se traduce en que al usar estos equipos estás fatigando tu vista y dañando tus retinas.

Aunque en los casos más graves puede llegar a desarrollarse una patología conocida como degeneración macular que perjudica a las células de la mácula –un tejido súper sensible a la luz situado justo en el centro de la retina.

Esta condición no solo genera dolor de ojo, sino que también puede afectar la visión central con el paso del tiempo, al punto de que algunos pacientes dejan de realizar actividades cotidianas como leer o escribir debido a su incapacidad visual.

Cómo evitar el dolor de ojo


La respuesta es bastante sencilla y evidente: protege tu vista al ver televisión, usar tu smartphone, tableta, laptop o tu computadora de escritorio

¿Te preguntas cómo hacerlo? Pues si quieres contar con la solución ideal entonces permítenos recomendarte a Iris: un software creado en 2015 para promover la salud visual.

Iris es utilizada por más de dos millones de personas a escala universal y puede descargarla de nuestro sitio web oficial con solo un par de clics.


En esencia, Iris fue creado para que los monitores o las pantallas sean saludables para tus ojos.

Es capaz de reducir la luz azul que emiten tus pantallas de forma automática y las adapta a la luz que te rodea para tu mayor comodidad y seguridad.

Este software previene el dolor de ojo porque controla el brillo de estas pantallas y evita que parpadees demasiado, evitando así la desagradable y molesta fatiga ocular.

Cómo disfrutar de este software


Puedes descargar y probar Iris directamente desde nuestro sitio web oficial.

Con Iris Pro puedes protegerte de la luz azul al momento de utilizar todos esos aparatos electrónicos que sueles tener en casa, en el trabajo o en tu mochila, y que por ende llevas contigo a todos lados.

Descargar Iris

Iris es una solución sencilla y económica para que evites el dolor de ojo y así puedas usar los dispositivos electrónicos de tu preferencia sin problemas, riesgos ni amenazas.

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Lo que debes saber sobre la fatiga ocular Tue, 23 Jul 2019 23:00:31 +0000 Si alguna vez has sentido los ojos cansados, o si te han picado o lagrimeado es muy probable que hayas sufrido de fatiga ocular. El principal detonante de esta condición es el uso desproporcionado de equipos como tabletas, computadoras, laptops, móviles y más, especialmente porque sus pantallas emiten cantidades elevadas de luz azul. Dicha luz no es beneficiosa para tus ... Read More

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Si alguna vez has sentido los ojos cansados, o si te han picado o lagrimeado es muy probable que hayas sufrido de fatiga ocular.

El principal detonante de esta condición es el uso desproporcionado de equipos como tabletas, computadoras, laptops, móviles y más, especialmente porque sus pantallas emiten cantidades elevadas de luz azul.

Dicha luz no es beneficiosa para tus ojos, pese a que seas capaz de percibirla. Es decir, aunque tus ojos la captan no cuentan con protecciones naturales o fisiológicas para evitar que perjudiquen tu salud visual.

Como consecuencia te expones a estos monitores a diario sin tomar los cuidados necesarios para evitar la fatiga ocular, y es así como comienzas a experimentar sus indeseados efectos con regularidad.

Causas y síntomas de la fatiga ocular


Cuando ves tus pantallas sueles estar muy pegado a ellas, y esto te obliga a enfocar con más frecuencia.

Este trabajo es conocido como esfuerzo acomodativo mayor y supone que la musculatura del ojo se fatigue y muestre señales de cansancio.

En cuanto a sus síntomas más recurrentes pues hemos decidido esbozártelos a continuación:

  • Molestia en los ojos

    ardor, picazón, hinchazón, sensación de tener arenilla en los ojos y enrojecimiento.

  • Dolor de cabeza

    Esfuerzo acomodativo deviene en dolores de cabeza, específicamente a la altura de los ojos o la frente, aunque es muy factible que esta dolencia se extienda hasta la parte posterior de la cabeza o hacia la nuca.

  • Visión borrosa

    quienes padecen fatiga visual aseguran que tienden a ver las imágenes con menor nitidez, pero la buena nueva es que este síntoma desaparece rápidamente tras descansar la vista, o tras alejarse de las pantallas.

Cómo evitar la fatiga ocular


  1. Descansa

    Esta es la solución más lógica que puedes llevar a cabo tomando en consideración que la fatiga ocular se origina al forzar los ojos durante la realización de una actividad fija continuada o excesiva que termina por fatigarlos.

    Lo ideal es que no pases más de 20 minutos frente a tus pantallas, por ello no olvides hacer pausas cronometradas o conscientes, y durante este tiempo “libre” procura hacer actividades más relajantes o que no te exijan tanto esfuerzo de acomodación.

  2. Cuida los enfoques

    Sí, esto es muy recomendable para prevenir la fatiga ocular y puedes lograrlo al alejar tu computador o al mirar a larga distancia, es decir, a más de 20 pies –lo equivalente a unos 6 metros-.

    Otros consejos muy buenos consisten en incrementar el tamaño del texto o de las imágenes que estés checando en tu pantalla, así como configurar el brillo del monitor de forma tal que no perjudique tu visión.

  3. Usa Iris: el software que cambiará tu vida

    Cuando decimos que te mantendrá sano y saludable debes confiar en que no estamos exagerando.

    Iris es un software creado en 2015 para evitar que sufras de problemas de visión como la fatiga ocular, dolor de ojos o alteración de tus patrones de sueño.

    Ha sido de gran utilidad para aquellas personas que pasan horas frente a las pantallas de sus dispositivos electrónicos por motivos laborales o personales, y que por lo tanto, terminando sufriendo de la vista más temprano que tarde.


    Iris reduce la cantidad de luz azul que emiten tus pantallas, la cual causa cataratas, degeneración macular, dolor de ojos, irritación y otros síntomas desagradables.

    Y no solo eso, también controla su brillo al optimizar las pulsaciones sin necesidad de usar PWM.

    Como consecuencia estarás facultado para utilizar tus monitores el tiempo que consideres necesario sin sufrir de dolores de cabeza ni otras molestias en tus ojos.

    Tanto así que sentirás que estás leyendo un libro en lugar de estar pegado a una pantalla Increíble, ¿no crees?

Descárgalo ya

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Descargar Iris

Iris tiene más de 20 funciones, 3 modalidades: automática, manual y pausada, y 9 tipos o modos, siendo el de “Sueño” y “Salud” los más usados porque mejoran el sueño y previenen la fatiga ocular respectivamente.


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A qué se debe el dolor de cabeza y ojo izquierdo Tue, 23 Jul 2019 22:59:59 +0000   Forzar la vista o exigirle más de lo que naturalmente puede dar es un error que te costará muy caro. Entonces, antes de pasar todo el día pegado a la pantalla de tu computadora, o a la de cualquier otro equipo electrónico, asegúrate de proteger tus ojos apropiadamente. Los cuidados que debes tener para evitar que el uso desmedido ... Read More

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Forzar la vista o exigirle más de lo que naturalmente puede dar es un error que te costará muy caro.

Entonces, antes de pasar todo el día pegado a la pantalla de tu computadora, o a la de cualquier otro equipo electrónico, asegúrate de proteger tus ojos apropiadamente.

Los cuidados que debes tener para evitar que el uso desmedido de estos dispositivos te generen dolor de cabeza y ojo izquierdo son variados, pero dado a que es vital que los conozcas y los pongas en práctica hemos decidido compartírtelos en esta nota.

Cómo evitar estas dolencias


  1. Evita la fatiga visual

    Cuando realizas una actividad fija continuada como mirar la pantalla durante horas obligas al músculo ciliar, el cual recubre al cristalino del ojo, a enfocar o a realizar contracciones repetitivas y aceleradas, lo cual deviene en su fatiga inminente.

    Este esfuerzo acomodativo detona la fatiga visual, la cual se caracteriza por causar dolor de cabeza y de ojos, visión borrosa o poca nitidez al mirar, así como molestias en los ojos.
    En efecto, quienes padecen esta condición sienten como una especie de sucio o arenilla dentro de los ojos, al igual que picor, enrojecimiento y lagrimeo por reflejo.

    Por ello descansar cada 20 minutos desviando la vista 20 pies por encima de ti, durante 20 segundos, es vital para evitar padecimientos como estos que terminan afectando considerablemente tu productividad y tu salud visual y general.

  2. Relájate

    Cuando realizas una actividad fija continuada como mirar la pantalla durante horas obligas al músculo ciliar, el cual recubre al cristalino del ojo, a enfocar o a realizar contracciones repetitivas y aceleradas, lo cual deviene en su fatiga inminente.

    Este esfuerzo acomodativo detona la fatiga visual, la cual se caracteriza por causar dolor de cabeza y de ojos, visión borrosa o poca nitidez al mirar, así como molestias en los ojos.

    En efecto, quienes padecen esta condición sienten como una especie de sucio o arenilla dentro de los ojos, al igual que picor, enrojecimiento y lagrimeo por reflejo.

    Por ello descansar cada 20 minutos desviando la vista 20 pies por encima de ti, durante 20 segundos, es vital para evitar padecimientos como estos que terminan afectando considerablemente tu productividad y tu salud visual y general.

  3. Sácale provecho a Iris

    Iris es un software muy bueno que se creó en el 2015 para prevenir la fatiga visual, reducir el dolor de ojos y mejorar el sueño.

    El primer beneficio se le atañe al control del brillo de tu pantalla, el segundo a que es capaz de coincidir el brillo de tu pantalla con la luz que te rodea, y el último a que gradúa la cantidad de luz azul que emiten los monitores tanto de día como de noche ayudando al organismo a producir más melatonina para que te duermas más rápidamente y a profundidad.

Cómo funciona Iris


¿Sabías que la luz azul emitida por los dispositivos electrónicos causa fatiga ocular, dolor de cabeza y ojos, problemas del sueño, daños en la piel, desbalances emocionales, cambios repentinos de humor, depresión y otras condiciones oculares como cataratas?

Así es, por ello el creador de este potente software se aseguró de que fuese lo suficientemente avanzado y efectivo como para que tus ojos estén 100% protegidos y para que de esta manera puedas ver tu pantalla y sentirte tan cómodo como cuando lees un libro.

En esencia Iris controla el brillo, reduce la luz azul y los parpadeos de tus monitores, y gracias a sus ajustes predeterminados que hacen un match perfecto y automático con tu pantalla, puedes mantener una buena salud ocular.


Además, Iris se destaca de otros software de este tipo disponibles en el mercado porque bloquea mejor la luz azul y porque su rango de colores es mucho mayor. Tal cual, Iris remueve la luz azul y verde hasta en 550nm, lo cual es un valor realmente favorable para tus ojos.

Descarga Iris y cuida tus ojos 24/7

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Te aseguramos que esta será una inversión que te cambiará la vida

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Filtro de luz azul para pc Tue, 23 Jul 2019 22:58:29 +0000 La luz azul forma parte de la luz visible, es decir, esa que nuestros ojos son capaces de percibir. El sol es su fuente natural más poderosa, pero artificialmente es emitida en grandes cantidades a través de las pantallas de los dispositivos electrónicos que usamos diariamente y con una altísima frecuencia. Diversos estudios han demostrado que el exponerse a la ... Read More

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La luz azul forma parte de la luz visible, es decir, esa que nuestros ojos son capaces de percibir.

El sol es su fuente natural más poderosa, pero artificialmente es emitida en grandes cantidades a través de las pantallas de los dispositivos electrónicos que usamos diariamente y con una altísima frecuencia.


Diversos estudios han demostrado que el exponerse a la luz azul sin protección causa efectos negativos en nuestra salud visual, como por ejemplo resequedad, fatiga ocular, lagrimeo de los ojos, cataratas, degeneración macular asociada a la edad, estrés visual y muchos más.

A ver, digamos que al estar frente al monitor de tu computador estás afectando seriamente tus ojos, en caso de que no uses algún tipo de filtro de luz azul para PC que sea realmente efectivo.

Descarga Iris: el mejor software del mercado


Pero acá queremos detenernos y explicarte que la mayoría de este tipo de filtros no cumplen con su función básica: evitar el daño de la luz azul en tus ojos y hasta en tu piel.

Es por ello que queremos recomendarte un software increíble que no funciona como un filtro, sino que es muchísimo más avanzado y eficaz para preservar tu buena visión.

Iris fue creado en el año 2015 y desde entonces más de un millón de personas alrededor del mundo lo han comprado, y están 100% satisfechas de haberlo hecho porque sus ojos se lo han agradecido enormemente.

Verás, basta con descargarlo para que puedas disfrutar todas sus funcionalidades; son más de 20 e incluyen una página de recubrimiento de pantalla especial para reducir la luz azul, además de un filtro de cromoterapia que incidirá positivamente en el uso de tus pantallas, por tan solo mencionar algunas.

Funciones y modos de Iris: eficientes y saludables


  1. Página de brillo

    Personaliza el brillo de tu pantalla rápidamente con Iris. Esto evita que tu monitor parpadee incesantemente y de esta forma no afecta tu visión ni le causa fatiga ocular, dolores o resequedades.

  2. Página de luz azul

    En esta página tu puedes personalizar la cantidad de luz azul que deseas que emita tu pantalla.

    Mientras más bajos sean estos valores menor exposición a dicha luz tendrás, y por ende evitarás la fatiga ocular, y hasta conciliarás un sueño más profundo y reparador.


  3. Modo “Salud”

    En esta página tu puedes personalizar la cantidad de luz azul que deseas que emita tu pantalla.

    Mientras más bajos sean estos valores menor exposición a dicha luz tendrás, y por ende evitarás la fatiga ocular, y hasta conciliarás un sueño más profundo y reparador.

  4. Modo “Dormir”


    Este modo también es muy popular y su principal objetivo es ayudarte a dormir mejor ¿Te preguntas cómo lo hace?

    Bien, pues remueve la luz azul de tu pantalla y fija la temperatura del color en 0K.

    Lo ideal es que configures esta modalidad cuanto estés usando tu computadora y desees dormirte muy rápidamente

    ¿Vale? Inténtalo, es realmente efectivo

Cómo obtener Iris

Puede iniciar sesión en nuestro sitio web y descargar Iris para poder probarlo y ver los beneficios por sí mismo.

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Viene con una versión de prueba gratuita de 7 días, aunque la versión de prueba puede ser mucho más útil y extendida por 30 días si invitas a probar, lo que es realmente genial.

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12 Things you need to know about Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) Sat, 29 Jun 2019 10:27:30 +0000 The post 12 Things you need to know about Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


All eye issues caused by extended computer use fall under the name Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), also known as Digital Eye Strain. It’s not just one specific problem, it’s a wide range of strain and pain.


Computer screens affect not only adults with jobs but also small children that play with their tablets and teens who stare at their phones on social media all day.


When you work on a computer, your eyes have to constantly focus and refocus.


When you’re working with papers and documents you have to look away from the screen and back at it which prevents the eye from focusing correctly.


Fonts and changing images are also a problem. Pretty unsharpened fonts cause “invisible” eye strain.
To add to all that the technology we use today adds to the mix constant flicker, blue light exposure and monitor glare.


Many problems are caused by using the wrong brightness on your device.
Especially at night if your screen is too bright it can lead to early blindness and irregular sleep patterns.


If you have glasses or need to get them be careful to get the right prescription you need.
Wrongly made glasses can worsen the effects of computer use instead of decreasing them.


Regular computer use can cause strain and discomfort, occasional blurred vision, throbbing headaches and constant back and neck pain.


When you start noticing symptoms of CVS you should visit a doctor for a proper diagnosis and start taking precautions immediately.


If untreated, the harmless looking issues of CVS can lead to glaucoma, nearsightedness and even blindness.


However, to stop the negative effects of digital screens and to prevent Computer Vision Syndrome you can use care tips recommended by professionals.
Take breaks, use proper eyewear and adjust the position of your screen.


We here at Iris, strongly recommend the 20-20-20 rule.
Every 20 minutes of computer use take a 20-second break and stare at an object 20 feet away (approx. 7 meters).

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Vision therapy: Eye exercises for keeping your eyes strong and healthy Wed, 26 Jun 2019 11:45:01 +0000   Your eyes just like any other muscle can get sore and start to hurt. That’s why it’s important to let them rest properly and exercise them to keep them healthy and strong. Here is a collection of some eye exercises that can help you be productive, eliminate headaches and reduce the risks of serious eye diseases like glaucoma and ... Read More

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Your eyes just like any other muscle can get sore and start to hurt.

That’s why it’s important to let them rest properly and exercise them to keep them healthy and strong.

Here is a collection of some eye exercises that can help you be productive, eliminate headaches and reduce the risks of serious eye diseases like glaucoma and cataract, and help recovery from previous eye surgery.

Keep palm and carry on

Rub your hands firmly in one another as if you’re starting a fire the medieval way.

Once they’re warm cup your eyes with your palms and let them rest on.

It’s best if you’re in a laid back or lying position.

Make sure there are no cracks between your fingers where light can go through because that would stimulate your eyes, not relax them.

Keep your palms on your eyes until the whole heat is transferred.

Gaze into the darkness meanwhile and imagine a beach perhaps. Repeat 3-5 times.

Binge Blinking

Sit down and relax.

Blink really fast about 15 times.

Then close your eyes for about 20 seconds. Repeat 4 times.

Zoom in on this tip

Hold your arm outstretched in a thumbs up position or holding a pencil upright.

Focus on your thumb or the pencil.

Slowly start bringing it closer until you can’t focus on it anymore.

Then stretch your arm again to the starting position.

Repeat 3 times each once a week.


Kinda like flexing your biceps on Tinder, but not quite.

Sit in a chair and without moving your neck look to the most extreme up you can.

If you want you can just try looking at the space between your eyebrows.

Then look to the extreme down (or your nose).

Repeat 10 times.

Then shift in looking to the left and the right the same way.

Repeat 10 times.

To infinity and beyond

Look towards the floor or a wall about 10 feet in front of you (approx 3 meters).

Imagine you’re drawing a giant figure 8 or the infinity sign with your eyes.

Trace it one way for a couple of minutes and then the other way.

Eye spa with my little eye

There are a few ways to make a DIY spa for your eyes (or a D’eye’Y spa, get it).

One way is to do a hot compress.

Soak a towel in hot water and then slowly and gently massage your closed eyes, your forehead and your cheeks. Repeat a few times.

You can also do that with your hands, again by soaking them in warm water and lightly massaging your eyelids.

Don’t press too hard! The other way is with a hot&cold compress.

Have one towel soaked in hot water and another in cold water.

Put one on your eyes for about 3 minutes, then remove and put the other one.

Switch between the two as long as you wish just make sure to always end on a cold compress.


Like in the zooming exercise hold your arm outstretched with your thumb up.

Focus on your thumb, then focus on something in the distance, then again focus on your thumb.

Repeat for about 2 minutes.

Roll, roll, roll your eyes

You know that moment when you’re getting off the bus and some fool takes 50 minutes to get down the stairs and then stops right in front of the door and you don’t want to be rude so you just roll your eyes at them.

Yes, imagine that and slowly roll your eyes 360 degrees.

Repeat 5 times in one direction and 5 times in the other direction.

Leave a message

Similar to the figure 8 exercise, sit in front of a wall (preferably with no pattern) and imagine you’re writing a message on it.

Remember that argument you had with a classmate when you were in fifth grade and you couldn’t think of a good reply.

Well, think of it now and slowly write it out on the wall with your eyes.

Make sure to write out every letter well to strengthen your eyes better.

Don’t make it too long though.

Additional care tips

Keep in mind that if you’re already wearing glasses or have some kind of eye issue these exercises won’t magically cure you.

If you’re not feeling well constantly schedule an appointment at the optometrist and listen to what he has to say.

Make sure to eat and sleep well too.

If you don’t have time to do these eye exercises or you still feel like you need more help to keep your eyes safe and healthy don’t hesitate and install Iris today.

Iris is a software for eye protection that keeps you healthy in front of any device all day.


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The Complete Guide to Color Therapy Tue, 25 Jun 2019 10:21:25 +0000 An intro to chromotherapy Chromotherapy is a system of alternative medicine based on the use of projected different colored light. Otherwise known as just color therapy, it’s an exciting new addition to your local spa. Antiquity However, color therapy is not something new. It has been used in medicinal practices over 2000 years ago in ancient Egypt and China. Of ... Read More

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An intro to chromotherapy

Chromotherapy is a system of alternative medicine based on the use of projected different colored light.

Otherwise known as just color therapy, it’s an exciting new addition to your local spa.


However, color therapy is not something new.

It has been used in medicinal practices over 2000 years ago in ancient Egypt and China.

Of course, back then people had no understanding of the science behind light and different colors, but they certainly believed in their healing properties.

Ancient Egyptians considered chromotherapy as part of their mythology and constructed various healing rooms with different colored crystals, oil, minerals, and remedies.

Chromotherapy was also often combined with aromatherapy.

In ancient India began the view that still stands to this day in some monasteries that sunlight is essential to healing and well-being.

In ancient Greece began the rise of the physical prominence of color that still dominates our lives in modern times.

The ruins of statues and temples that we see today as white were originally painted in striking bright colors.

The ancient Greeks wore vivid garments and used many oils, crystals, dyes and ointments (that probably also came from Egypt) in the belief that colors affect our physical and mental state.

In the early Middle Ages, many philosophers created color charts and started associating different colors with different parts of the human body and different diseases.

Modern times

The modern understanding of the light spectrum began in 1672 with the experiments of Isaac Newton on the light spectrum.

He discovered that white light splits into the different colors of the spectrum when passing through a prism.

The belief that light and color can be used as a healing technique continued through the centuries after.

In the 19th century, there were many books published that explore the effects of light on animals and plants with various diseases.

Some avid researchers even performed experiments on people to further their claims on light therapy.

In the 20th century, many people began to try and explain why different colors of light had certain effects on particular parts of the human body and others didn’t.

By this time scientists had already done some research on the light spectrum and studying the wavelengths of different colors.

It turns out color is not just light but also energy.

This way by receiving energy the brain interprets the wavelength of the light and makes our perception of color a physical and sensory experience.

We already know about the effects non-visible light has on our bodies so naturally, visible light should also have some kind of action on us.


It’s a common misconception that we perceive light only with our eyes.

Light is just a wave and can enter through our skin and pass right through our bodies.

The longer the wavelength of light the deeper it can come through the skin.

All this is why people have and continue to believe that diverse color vibrations can stimulate different moods and reactions in humans and even have an effect on the way our bodies grow and heal.

Color symbolism has also been used in different cultures throughout the world.

For example, think of a specific country like Italy or China-you immediately associate them with some kind of color.

This is also true for traditions like wedding attire, rituals, and folklore, the color of different foods around the world.

In modern times colors are an important part in marketing and advertising.

Subconsciously practically everyone believes that different colors somehow affect our mindset and way of thinking.

But how exactly? Should we believe all of this?

Is it more likely for me to buy a hamburger if the logo of the restaurant was yellow rather than violet?

Can I be healed from lung cancer if I’m exposed to green light? Can we be sure and how much exactly is plausible in the different color meanings?

The spectrum

Warm colors


Red is a color associated with energy and the bloodstream.

It’s considered to stimulate cell growth and metabolism.

It’s also the healthiest color for our eyes. In some cultures, it’s considered as the color of pureness and marriage.

Red along with orange is also an abundant color in fruits and stimulates our appetite.


Orange is warm and cheerful, it’s considered the colors of happiness.

You’ve also probably wondered which was named first the color orange or the fruit?

Well, whatever it is it’s no coincidence because oranges have Vitamin C which is very important when fighting the flu or a regular Thursday cough.


Yellow is often associated with mental health.

It’s a color that stimulates interest and increases awareness.

It’s also related to the ability to perceive and understand.

Yellow is a very popular color in marketing too.

That’s mostly because we see the Sun as yellow we consider it to be the brightest and happiest color.

Cold colors


The Sun gives off light in the whole spectrum but it’s maximum is in green.

So it’s no coincidence that green has been considered by many as the most healing color that starts a process of throughout restoration and ‘makes everything feel good’.

Green is also the color of nature-grass, trees, leaves.

Being in the middle of the visible spectrum green is considered to bring balance in every aspect of life.

Green is also the color of money. ?


Blue light is the most dangerous type of light.

We’ve discussed its effects on health and the human eye many times.

You can check out our other informative articles “Blue light – learn the fact and fiction behind this modern threat” and “How blue light destroyed our sleep“.

Don’t forget however that not all blue light is harmful. Blue is the color of the sky!

It helps us know when we should sleep and wake up.

Regulates our circadian rhythm and keeps us on track.

Blue is also the color of many social media as it’s considered as a color connected to communication and speech.


Violet is a color often associated with power, authority and wisdom. It also stimulates creativity.

In the spectrum, violet is the last color before light switches into the dangerous short wavelengths.

Although violet is associated with injury it has been used to treat inflammatory issues, cramps and epilepsy.

Non-spectral colors

You’ve probably looked at a rainbow once or twice in your life and wondered “Where is brown?”.

That shouldn’t worry you at all. The human eye can perceive 7 MILLION colors!

What would that rainbow look like?

Colors that we see in our everyday life but not in the light spectrum are colors like white, gray, black, brown, pink, gold, silver and the so-called impossible colors.

Take a look at this fun picture that can show you some impossible colors:

So why are these colors not in the spectrum?

Well, white is a combination of all wavelengths in the visible spectrum, and black is the lack thereof.

Brown is a mix of a primary color and its complementary (meaning the color opposite it on the color wheel)

So if you mix yellow and purple-tada! You get brown.

Metallic colors, like gold, silver and platinum, on the other hand, have a characteristic that makes them what they are-shiny.

The shiny effect is due to the material’s brightness varying with the surface angle.

That’s how you get metallic colors.

Everybody’s favorite baby girl go-to color pink is just a mixture of red and white.

The more white you add the lighter pink you get.

Remember white was a mixture of all spectrum colors and then you add some red-isn’t pink the funkiest color?

Grey however you can make in various different ways. By mixing black and white. By mixing the primary colors.

By adding a little white to that primary mix. By mixing primary with a complementary color (and not getting brown).

What is the effect of all these kooky colors?

White has always been associated with purity and safety, and black with darkness and fear.

Brown is one of the nature colors, reminds you of tree bark and musty smells.

Metallic colors give us a sense of a new car or a fancy restaurant. Gold is after all a symbol of wealth.

And pink even in the 21st century is still considered a girly color (can we not with the prejudice?).

All of these are colors that you should be careful about how you incorporate in your daily life.

For the love of all good things don’t make your bathroom out of gold or paint your porch a bright neon pink!

Scientific validation

All of this is nice and everything but how much scientific recognition does all this have?

In these modern times if something regarding our health cannot be backed up by science it’s considered quackery and pseudoscience, no matter how many people actually believe in it.

In recent times color therapy is a huge business in the spa industry.

Verified or not it’s used to treat various disorders and diseases not only with the physical body but it also claims it can heal the soul.

Some hardcore supporters delve into claims of chakras and the electromagnetic recharge of the aura.

More down-to-earth users of color therapy believe it’s only a way to help you relax and unwind after a hard day or cope better after an injury.

Throughout the years color therapy has been used to treat inflammation, pain, open wound healing, burns, scars, back pain, sore muscles, jet lag, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and many mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

Some people even believe it to have anti-aging properties, others are using it to treat violence and aggressive behavior.

Light therapy can also help with sleep disorders like insomnia, and help with work productivity.

This is very useful in northern countries where there is less light from the Sun on a daily basis.

None of these effects have actually been 100% confirmed by scientific experiments despite there being many attempts.

One study conducted on a certain kind of jellyfish showed that their primitive eye receptors send specific neural signals depending on the type of light shone upon them.

Read more about this study in our article about the evolution of eyes – “The eyes: from ancient jellyfish to modern humans“.

There are also many inconsistencies as to which color you should use for what.

Despite color therapy having many signs of being a pseudoscience, people are still participating in it.

There are many shared opinions on the internet of people’s stories on how colored light therapy has helped them in some way.

However, the main consensus in the science circle is that color therapy cannot treat serious diseases and can only help in placebo-type relaxation and perhaps some mental related issues-but it’s not a guaranteed treatment.


In conclusion, if color therapy helps you feel better, like a cold beer on a summer day, or a hot tea on a winter morning, then use it as you wish.

But remember-don’t let it replace a visit to the doctor.

If you’re more curious about the effects of colored light you can check out our article “Are you feeling drained from your frequent computer use?

And if you’re worried that your computer screen is hurting your eyes you can try Iris – software for eye protection in front of the PC.

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EMF Exposure: Is it what you think it is? Sat, 22 Jun 2019 12:45:47 +0000 What does EMF mean? EMF stands for electromagnetic field. It’s the combination of electric and magnetic fields. EMF is a physical field caused by electrically charged objects. It’s also one of the four fundamental forces of the universe. The electric field is a stationary charge and the magnetic field is formed by moving currents. In the past these two were ... Read More

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What does EMF mean?

EMF stands for electromagnetic field.

It’s the combination of electric and magnetic fields. EMF is a physical field caused by electrically charged objects.

It’s also one of the four fundamental forces of the universe.

The electric field is a stationary charge and the magnetic field is formed by moving currents.

In the past these two were thought to be completely separate, but as science progressed we see that together they form the EMF.

Meaning that electricity and magnetism are not unrelated phenomena.

The charged moving fields also affect particles that find themselves in the fields.

This is where the modern perception that EMF is dangerous comes from.

Our understanding of the different wavelengths of the spectrum has shown that higher energy particles pose a great danger to our lives hence the mass confusion.

EMF Exposure

The effects of EMF on health depend on the frequency and intensity of the fields created.

Let’s take a look at the different types of waves in the EM spectrum and how they might affect us.

Low-frequency waves

LFWs have long wavelengths as big as buildings! Extremely low-frequency waves can cause at most an annoying tingling sensation.

They along with shortwaves have been used in medicine for heating up tissues and muscles.

Some studies have also shown the positive effects of shortwaves on cancer treatment.

In 2011 the World Health Organisation (WHO) classified mobile phone signals as ‘possibly carcinogenic’.

This has been widely misinterpreted. The definition simply means that not enough studies have been made to conclude that mobile phones don’t cause cancer.

In no way does that mean that phones do cause cancer!

Like many other things, however, this has been blown out of proportion and many people today live with the idea that they’ll get cancer from prolonged exposure to phones and computers.

However, no studies since the 1960s have shown results that distinctly say phones cause cancer.

In fact, there are many other things in our daily lives that are more likely to cause cancer than your smartphone.

Also, remember when I said radio waves are as long as tall buildings.

Well even if you don’t have a phone, your neighbor one wall over certainly does.

Millimeter and microwaves (not the machine, but that’s what they emit anyway) are used in airport security scans and satellite communication.

Many people believe microwave ovens make food radioactive and cause cancer, but that has never been proven true and in fact, is considered a myth nowadays.

In some work environments like welders, glass cutters and similar high-heat industry settings it is mandatory to wear Infrared-proof protective glasses.

High heat can produce strong infrared light (also referred to as radiation) which being invisible can cause cataracts and even blindness.

For effects of visible light on health check out our articles: “Blue light – learn the fact and fiction behind this modern threat” and “How blue light destroyed our sleep

High-frequency waves

HFWs are what’s called ionizing radiation.

This means that when they pass through an object (or human) they can cause the electrons to leave the atoms they’re a part of.

Obviously, that’s not a good thing and can lead to some pretty nasty results.

As you probably already know UV light emitted from the Sun can cause severe sunburns.

And after prolonged exposure, it can also lead to skin cancer.

Exposure to UV light can also increase in highly-reflective areas like a snowy mountain top or an icy tundra.

UV light can also cause eye strain and even lead to cataract.

Other sources of UV light are tanning beds, bright desk lights and fluorescent light bulbs.

The permanent effects of the exposure may not be evident immediately but show up after quite some time.

X-ray radiation is also referred to as Röntgen radiation by the name of the scientist who discovered it.

It’s vastly used in radiology to make scans of bones and tissue to examine medical problems like fractures and assist with operations.

Soon after it was found out that too much exposure to X-rays can be extremely dangerous. Reported side effects after X-ray scans were bald spots, burns, pain and even death.

Observation of X-rays is also used in astronomy, inspecting industrial parts to find counterfeits, inspection of paintings to reveal the first pigments or other paintings underneath, and even for fine art photography like this:

The more exposure to X-rays you have the higher your chance of complications.

The American College of Radiology recommends a lifetime exposure to 100 mSv (micro Sieverts-unit for measuring radiation)- that’s about 10 000 X-ray scans or 25 chest CT scans.

Gamma rays are the most dangerous out of all high-frequency waves. They have the shortest wavelength and the highest energy.

Gamma rays are highly penetrative which means you’ll need a wide lead or concrete block to shield you from the radiation (and that might not even do the trick).

Gamma radiation can break up the building blocks of life-DNA.

However, gamma radiation is also used in the so-called nuclear medicine as a treatment for cancer because gamma rays can swiftly kill cancer cells.

Scientific evidence

There have been many proponents of the ideas that cell towers, computers, mobile phones, microwaves, wifi routers, Bluetooth devices and even regular power lines cause cancer and are dangerous to our lives.

Like every other conspiracy, this has been blown out of proportion.

As we learned in this article the electromagnetic field is a very widespread thing and doesn’t include just cell phones.

Sure there are dangerous parts of the EMF, but surely your iPhone doesn’t emit as much gamma radiation as an atomic bomb perhaps?

There has been much research on whether any malicious claims are actually true.

Check out this research considered one of the biggest ever experiments on the connection between mobile phones and cancer:

More recent studies  have shown that there may be a connection between EMF exposure and negative effects on moods and sleep rhythms.

For more information on problems with sleep and how to deal with them check out our articles: “11 Ways we strain our eyes with computer“, “The 8-hour myth: sleep better and live longer with these 7 healthy tips” and “7 Tips for eye protection in front of the PC


Be aware as to which parts of the EMF are actually dangerous and follow asserted scientific guidelines on how to limit harmful exposure.

If you’re worried about the health risk from your computer screens check out Iris – our software for eye protection!

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The eyes: from ancient jellyfish to modern humans Tue, 18 Jun 2019 10:09:40 +0000 Life has most likely been on Earth for almost as long as Earth itself has existed. But for the most part of those more than 4 billion years, life on Earth has been simple, single-celled organisms living on the bottom of dark oceans. Slowly but surely life began to evolve in many different ways. One of the most extraordinary features ... Read More

The post The eyes: from ancient jellyfish to modern humans appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Life has most likely been on Earth for almost as long as Earth itself has existed.

But for the most part of those more than 4 billion years, life on Earth has been simple, single-celled organisms living on the bottom of dark oceans.

Slowly but surely life began to evolve in many different ways.

One of the most extraordinary features that came with evolution is eyesight.

It is a helpful tool and the most used of all our senses today. Without eyesight we are mostly helpless.

But things weren’t always like this.

Building blocks

The eyes are one of evolution’s greatest achievements. Today eyes are everywhere in different shapes, sizes and function.

That depends on the lifestyle a certain species is leading.

Those different types of eyes all formed from something called convergent evolution – meaning they evolved side by side in different environments. But how did the first eye ever come to be?

Around 600 million years ago sea life was simple, small, soft and slow.

One tiny ancient plant called phytoplankton developed the rhodopsin gene which would lead to the creation of the proto-eye.

These tiny cells were living off photosynthesis so why did they need eyes? These organisms didn’t have brains or the complex vision we have today, so obviously they couldn’t just ‘see’.

The proto-eye was used only to make a difference between light and shadow. That ended up being really helpful in avoiding predators who could cast shadows.

At some point, a representative of one of the oldest lineages of almost unchanged species ate phytoplankton.

That was the ancient jellyfish.

Through mutation, jellyfish developed tiny black spots on their bells.

One recent experiment proved that jellyfish respond to colors from the different wavelengths of light.

Green makes them relax because it resembles the bottom of the ocean floor.

Purple light, however, turns on their escape response.

Purple and blue lights are the highest energy types from the spectrum which means they can cause various injuries.

Explosion of life

A little over 500 million years ago an event would come to a place that would baffle and excite evolution scientists.

That was the Cambrian explosion that spanned about 50 million years.

To us, that seems like a lot of time but given that life originated on Earth around 3 billion years ago it seemed strange that ‘suddenly’ most major species from that time would first appear in the fossil record.

The Cambrian period marks the evolution of compound eyes which would be used as natural weapons until current times.

Compound eyes are an array of many microscopic lenses – the same type that insects like flies and bees have today.

It’s believed the first such eyes came from an ancient arthropod called trilobite that secreted rock from its skin and ended up making itself crystal eyes.

Sounds very hardcore until of course its extinction around 250 million years ago.

Modern insects had a common ancestor with the trilobites which explains how they got compound eyes too.

The most complex compound eye is the dragonfly’s which has a whopping 29000 lenses per eye.

Rise of the vertebrates

The evolution of eyes gave the arthropods an extraordinary advantage in the battle for survival in the ancient oceans.

The sea scorpion was around 2 meters long and for a while, it was the main predator in the oceans.

That would change with a tiny worm-like creature that through a merging of genes developed a new type of eye – the camera eye.

This ancient worm through millions of years would evolve to become the modern vertebrates – fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals, including humans.

The camera eye was a single lens made of soft tissue. With it, the vertebrates quickly overcame the arthropods.

The largest vertebrate ever was a 10 meter, 4-ton ancient shark that would be the largest animal on Earth until the dawn of the dinosaurs.

The advantages the camera eye gave were that animals could now see in 3D and measure distance.

That meant not only knowing that there is something there but knowing how big it is and where exactly it is.

With the evolution of dinosaurs came another problem, however. It was good to have eyes, but they needed to be in the best possible position on the head for better vision.

Some dinosaurs had their eyes on both sides of the head but the nose area would prevent their fields of vision to overlap.

Meaning they had annoying blinders on their head constantly.

That, however, was great for the tactic of ambush. To this day crocodiles use their ‘blinders’ as an advantage.

Prey animals, on the other hand, developed eyes that could help them escape easily.

The eyes of rabbits, for example, are placed so that it gives them a 360-degree vision.

Sure it wasn’t 3D but it helped in avoiding possible predators.

Mark of the mammals

The first mammals emerged around 100 million years ago. They were mice-sized and in the era of dinosaurs had to be creative.

So they developed night vision. This way they could go out at night for food without risking being eaten or stomped on.

The main component in these types of eyes was the size of the cornea – the transparent layer making the front of the eye.

The size of the cornea dictated how much light would be let in the eye.

A modern primate called a tarsier has a cornea with the diameter of its whole eye. Its eyes are also bigger than its brain.

That means they are heavy and hard to hold into the skull. That led to evolving immobile eyes.

Tarsiers are able to rotate their heads 180 degrees compensating for their immobile eyes.

Big cats and wolves also have an advantage appropriately named ‘glowing eyes’.

That’s the effect of light scattering that allows them to see their prey very well in the dark. It’s also very intimidating.

The progressive evolution of the human eye began around 30 million years ago.

Following the extinction of the dinosaurs, the ape ancestors of humans evolved from night to day vision and were one of the first species to see many different colors.

Yellow, blue, green and red in the beginning and the modern human can now see more than 2 million different colors.

The color differentiation came from mammals going to live in trees and eating red leaves which were more nutritious than green ones.

The early humans had depth perception due to the position of their eyes but had a very limited field of view.

That imposed the need to live with others of your kind to watch your back. This would lead to the development of larger brains and modern societies.


The eyes are the most important sense to modern species.

Which is why it’s crucial that in our age of technology we do the best to protect our eyes and prevent strain and diseases.

After all the eyes have taken millions of years to evolve into the useful machine we have today and we should take all measures possible to keep them and ourselves healthy.

Find out more about eye protection in our article “7 Tips for eye protection in front of the PC“.


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Are you feeling drained from your frequent computer use? Tue, 11 Jun 2019 10:50:38 +0000   Effects of technology Let’s be honest – we spend most of our wake time staring at a computer or mobile screens and it’s hard not to. Studies suggest that 60% of people spend more than 6 hours a day in front of a digital device. However, that has a certain effect on us, most specifically on our eyes. The ... Read More

The post Are you feeling drained from your frequent computer use? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.



Effects of technology

Let’s be honest – we spend most of our wake time staring at a computer or mobile screens and it’s hard not to.

Studies suggest that 60% of people spend more than 6 hours a day in front of a digital device.

However, that has a certain effect on us, most specifically on our eyes.

The total number of hours of exposure is cumulative and adds to the building up of visual problems.

In recent years eyesight issues are developed at a younger age, like nearsightedness, AMD, sleep issues, changes in color perceptions and headaches.

How can we prevent or treat the aftermath of our fast technology filled daily lives?

First, we need to understand how exactly our eyes are being affected.


What is light?

Light is an electromagnetic wave.

It also has kinetic energy which is absorbed by your retinas when the light goes into your eyes.

Depending on how high that energy is it could seriously damage the eyes.

Don’t worry though you won’t disintegrate like in the sci-fi movies just by staring at your laptop for eight hours.

However, we shouldn’t think lightly of the process. Our eyes see the part of the light spectrum we call, obviously, “visible”.

Blue light has the shortest wavelength and the highest energy level.

Our main source of blue light is sunlight and we’ve evolved under blue skies that dictate our daily rhythm – as in when we should be awake and when asleep.

But since the rise of technology the artificial sources of blue light have become a vivid part of our lives.

Fluorescent lighting, LED lighting, display screens such as smartphones, tablets, computers, and flat-screen TVs are all around us significantly increasing our exposure to blue light.

Over time accumulated damage from blue light can increase risks of various eyesight related diseases such as cataract, muscle strain, eye fatigue and blurred vision.

During the day blue light boosts attention and mood but too much exposure to it at night can greatly disrupt our circadian rhythms – our natural wake and sleep cycle, memory and hormonal balance.

Now, we talked a lot about blue light, but you’re going to ask “what about all the other colours?”. Is only blue light bad for you?

Well, the short answer is kind of. To be honest, too much of anything is bad for you, but it’s long been discussed how the different colours affect our health and our psyche.

How do we decide what is ‘good’ for us?

From a simple biological point, ‘good’ means ‘not stressful’ and that can make a big difference in our fast-paced daily lives.

Colour subconsciously affects everyday life.

Different coloured lightning is being used in fixing sleep patterns, curing jet lag and stimulating mental activity among other things.

Studies have also shown that certain colours can have an impact on performance on tests and exams.


Colour therapy

As discovered by Sir Isaac Newton, white light disperses into the seven colours of the rainbow when it passes through a prism.

Let’s go through the rest of the colours from the spectrum one by one:


Similar to blue, indigo can cause stress to the eyes, however, experimental evidence suggests exposure to the spectrum range of indigo is much safer than regular blue light.



Violet and its ‘twin’ purple are often described as mysterious, imaginative and inspiring high ideals; it also generates feelings of wisdom.



Green is considered one of the most calming colours. It’s also the most visible and sensitive to the human eye which might be because our Sun’s spectrum peaks in green.

Green light can enhance learning and concentration. It is restful for eyes, causes the least amount of eyestrain and can also soothe migraines.



Yellow is a warming colour that brings up feelings of joy and sparks energy and mental activity.

Yellow is also the brightest colour in the spectrum which is closely related to contrast and how we can use brightness and contrast in our advantage.



Orange is the colour of friendship, enthusiasm and creativity.

It also helps in increasing mental activity.



Red is probably the best colour for our eyes.

It’s especially soothing which makes it the perfect computer background or ambient light.


Care tips

So technically, less light is always better as it does less damage, right?

But we also need light to “see” things. What can we do to prevent severe damage to our eyes and brain?

All in all less screen time makes you healthier and happier, but if you can’t afford just not using your computer for eight hours a day, here are some useful tips for self-care:

  • Reduce brightness

Less light = less strain. Always adjust your brightness to be similar to the ambient light surrounding you, if it’s dimmer you are forcing your eyes to focus hence damaging the nerves to the brain.


  • Adjust contrast and saturation on your screens

The saturation and brightness of colors are connected to our emotional response to them. Of course, not everyone knows how to do this manually, which is why there are many apps and new software that does that automatically for you.


  • Adjust the position of your screen

It has to be tilted slightly backwards and be at the level of your eyesight. Maintain a proper distance between your eyes and displays. Find out more about the screen position.


  • Blink

Blinking more frequently can also minimize eye problems – many people don’t realise that they blink less than normal when looking at a screen.


  • Avoid using any devices at night

If you must – always do it with the room’s lights on. Try to say goodnight to technology at least two hours before bedtime.


  • The 20-20-20 rule

Work for 20 minutes on screen, take a 20-second pause, during which go look at least 20 feet away (approx. 7 meters).


  • A healthy diet

A healthy diet, high in green vegetables and colourful fruits helps increase levels of protective pigments in the retina thus limiting the damaging effects of blue light technology.


  • Download a blue light filtering app like Iris


In the end make sure you balance your digital life with healthy daily routines, good sleep and a lot of natural sunlight.

After all, our eyes are probably the sense we use the most and we must do our best to protect them.


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Blue light – learn the fact and fiction behind this modern threat Tue, 11 Jun 2019 08:19:45 +0000 Have you ever tried researching blue light on the Internet? Are you left confused by all the articles claiming different things? Are you wondering if you should be worried or if it’s all just another marketing ploy from big corporations trying to sell you stuff? Well look no further-here are 7 debunked myths and 5 truths about blue light you ... Read More

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Have you ever tried researching blue light on the Internet?

Are you left confused by all the articles claiming different things?

Are you wondering if you should be worried or if it’s all just another marketing ploy from big corporations trying to sell you stuff?

Well look no further-here are 7 debunked myths and 5 truths about blue light you should consider worrying about.

Blue light is not natural-FICTION

The harmful effects of blue light became prominent after the introduction of digital devices like laptops, smartphones and TVs.

But blue light is very much natural. Just look up at the sky!

What you may now consider as something bad and harmful to your health is just regular light that is, well, blue.

The Sun is actually our main source of blue light.

The problem, however, is that introducing too much blue light at night confuses our biological clock and can cause many problems with our eyesight in the long run.

All blue light is harmful-FICTION

As you already learned humans have been experiencing blue light long, long before the invention of computers.

Natural blue light helps synchronize our biological clock-i.e tell us when it’s day so we should be awake and notify us that we should be going to sleep at night.

This is why blue light from the monitor can cause sleeplessness – it confuses our organism and it doesn’t know it’s already night. For more information check out the “How blue light destroyed our sleep?” article.

That confusion is not always a bad thing though.

Many people who are constantly tired or suffering from diseases that cause sleep episodes can benefit from blue light exposure.

Studies have shown that with the right amount of blue light productivity increases.

Blue light treatments can also help with different kinds of harmful bacteria that eat away your teeth or cause gastritis for example.

It can also help with different kinds of skin problems like red spots for example.

Blue light therapy can also help treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or help people with dementia reduce their sleeping problems or depression.

UV light is more dangerous than blue light-FICTION

Now if you know a thing or two about the light spectrum you should know that UV light is much more energetic and with a shorter wavelength than blue light-therefore, it should be much more dangerous.

However, there is something important you’re forgetting.

The ozone layer that we so adamantly want to protect blocks more than 80% of all UV light coming from the Sun.

Don’t misunderstand UV radiation is still harmful and can cause things cataract and pterygium, however, we are much more exposed to blue light in our everyday lives and that is the main reason why to us specifically blue light is more dangerous.

Your eyes are not strong enough to block blue light-FACT

It is true that our eye does a very good job when it comes to protection from UV light.

But the cornea and lens of the eye can’t block the blue light as it does with the UV light.

Blue light easily reaches our retina (which by the way is super sensitive) and causes a number of damages like dry and red eyes.

So why do we wear sunglasses to protect ourselves from UV light but do nothing about our exposure to blue light?

Exposure to blue light increases your chances of various diseases-FACT

Since the invention of digital devices, our exposure to harmful blue light has skyrocketed.

Laptops, smartphones, TVs, LED lights are all around us.

And overtime prolonged exposure to harmful blue light can cause various diseases like cataracts, macular degeneration, blurred vision, muscle strain and even permanent blindness.

Blue light can also have a negative effect on memory, sleep cycles and hormonal balance. For more information see “How monitors destroyed our eyes“.

All of this can also lead to various mental health issues like depression, seasonal affective disorder and anxiety.

Blue light reduces sleep quality-FACT

Too much blue light suppresses the production of melatonin which is essential for knowing when it’s time to sleep.

Like we’ve already mentioned seeing the bright blue sky during the day shows that you should be awake.

But if you expose yourself to too much blue light at night, that’s basically telling your body it’s always day, I should never sleep.

And that is definitely not good for you.

Not enough sleep can be detrimental not only to your physical health but your mental health and productivity as well.

Learn more about how to sleep better with our care tips: “The 8-hour myth: Sleep better and live longer with these 7 healthy tips” and “10 Tips for falling asleep quickly“.

Lowering the brightness is enough-FICTION

You’ve probably had this idea-I’ll just tinker with my computer settings a little bit, lower my brightness or saturation, change my wallpaper to something darker and that should be enough.

Well, that’s not completely true. There’s much more than just blue light that can be harmful to your eyes like PWM, flickering, blurred and small fonts, etc.

The best way to take all precautions on your devices is to use computer glasses, screen overlay or install software that deals automatically with all the negative effects of blue light.

Wearing glasses will worsen your vision-FICTION

It’s an absolute myth that when you start wearing glasses you’ll begin to rely on them and that will cause your eyesight to worsen.

If you choose the right prescription for your problems and wear your glasses for the recommended by a professional amount of time you definitely won’t experience any decrease in vision.

Or if you do it won’t be because of your glasses.

However wearing inappropriate diopters or too heavy or embellished frames can cause problems with eyesight and strain to your nose and ears, and even cause headaches.

In fact, wearing fitting glasses can ease your eyes and let them relax and work properly.

You can wear blue light glasses all the time-FACT

If you already have dioptric glasses there are places that can get you a protective computer filter for them.

If you don’t, however, you can get specialized computer glasses that can very well be used as an accessory in your everyday life.

Some blue light protection glasses also block harmful UV light as well or work like sunglasses outside.

There are many different options you can choose from and find the one that’s best for you and your needs.

You’ll get used to wearing glasses-FACT

You’re probably thinking-well I’ve never worn glasses in my life, if I start now it will be super annoying and won’t help me at all.

Well, let me tell you this as a person who’s worn glasses for almost 10 years - there’s nothing like washing your face with your glasses still on because you forgot they were on your face.

What I’m trying to say is don’t be discouraged.

Many companies and optometrists nowadays offer personalized eyewear that will fit your head like a glove, or well, a hat.

And be sure that once you start wearing glasses and working with them you’ll forget all about them very soon.

Not only that but all that’s left will be the helpful effects they’ll have on your vision.

There’s nothing you can do about the negative effects of blue light-FICTION

Today there are so many ways to reduce blue light on all of your devices.

You can choose between glasses, screen protectors, different programs and apps that filter blue light.

You can try and see which option works best for you.

For more tips on how to reduce eye strain, you can check out “11 ways we strain our eyes with computers”.

You can also try Iris – a software for eye protection from blue light that can ease your life in a second.

Using blue light filters will prevent all diseases-FICTION

Don’t be fooled though.

No matter how many of our preventing tips you’ve followed you can’t just become invincible and immortal.

That’s mainly because many eye related issues and diseases are due to old age, genetic reasons, diabetes and various things that cannot be accounted for in your life.

That doesn’t mean that you should abandon all hope though. If you properly protect yourself from the preventable negative effects of blue light you can live a long happy life and prosper.

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The 8-hour myth: sleep better and live longer with these 7 healthy tips Mon, 10 Jun 2019 15:51:39 +0000 Stop looking for the fountain of youth or that magical spell that helps you sleep better at night! We asked some gamers how they deal with spending countless hours in front of a computer and if you’re curious about what they said-keep reading. Put that ice-cream back in the freezer Don’t we all love a midnight snack? Whether we’re just ... Read More

The post The 8-hour myth: sleep better and live longer with these 7 healthy tips appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


Stop looking for the fountain of youth or that magical spell that helps you sleep better at night!

We asked some gamers how they deal with spending countless hours in front of a computer and if you’re curious about what they said-keep reading.

Put that ice-cream back in the freezer

Don’t we all love a midnight snack? Whether we’re just laying in bed, browsing social media or watching a show on Netflix, a good snack to have around is always nice.

But beware! Late night snacking can not only make you gain weight easily but it’s really bad for your sleep.

Try to avoid carb-filled fatty foods late in the afternoon and evening. Maybe even try to fix your diet altogether.

Bad eating habits can lead to obesity and diabetes but the poor sleep it leads to can also be a cause of many diseases.

Instead focus on eating clean meat, fresh vegetables, fruits like cherries and kiwis and nuts like almonds.

Stay away from any kind of dietary and supplemental pills, unless your doctor has prescribed them to you.

If you want to sleep better and live longer find a good eating cycle for your needs and wants and work with it.


Where’s the tea

Sure you’ve probably had a little too much to drink on Friday and you woke up the next morning feeling like you lived through the events of the third Transformers movie.

That’s because alcohol reduces the so-called REM stage of sleep which is pretty much the one responsible for getting a good night’s sleep.
How to deal with this? Drink lots and lots and lots of water. Water is good for you in every aspect.

It keeps you healthy and hydrated. You can also drink juice and warm chamomile tea to relax you before going to sleep.








Avoid all kinds of coffee and energy drinks at least 6 hours before having to go to sleep.

You don’t want to stay awake until morning regretting your choices, do you?

Another thing you should promptly avoid is smoking. The nicotine you ingest rushes through your system and can lead to insomnia, sleep disorders, heavy breathing and problems with waking up.

Heavy smokers also sleep lightly and may wake up during the second stage of light sleep and even sleepwalk.

The 10,000 steps challenge

An average adult takes around 3 to 4,000 steps daily.

If you’re an avid gamer though, an overwhelmed student or a swallowed by the system office worker, you probably haven’t seen the Sun in a while and your daily step count consists of trips back and forth to the fridge and the bathroom.

As you can probably guess that’s super unhealthy for your sleep and your life expectancy.

That’s why scientists recommend to slowly build up your daily step count until it reaches 10,000 steps a day.

Some of those can be from jogging, running or climbing stairs for better results.

How does exercise help you sleep? Well, clearly when you get tired you’ll fall asleep a lot easier.

But not only that! Exercise can help prevent diseases like high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, insomnia, mental health problems like depression and anxiety and can help you lose weight.

All of these health issues mess with your proper sleep cycle and decrease the quality of your memory storage and your rest time.

Exercise also helps with bedsores or soreness caused by sitting in your office chair all day.

Remember however that you should work out at least 3 hours before your scheduled sleep time as adrenaline and the endorphins released during exercise will keep you awake and energized for a while.

The 8-hour myth

If you fall asleep a little before having to wake up you might disrupt your sleep cycle.

Sleep has four stages-two light NREM stages, deep NREM sleep, and REM stage.

If you are abruptly woken up by your alarm during deep sleep, for example, you’ll feel dazed and confused, weak, moody and also very forgetful.

Bad sleeping habits can have damaging effects on your memory as well.

The REM stage starts around 90 to 120 minutes after falling asleep, so make sure you have more than that time before having to wake up so you can get at least a somewhat adequate rest.

How much sleep you should get for a proper night’s rest however is a subject to discussion.

You’ve definitely heard the 8-hour myth, however, that’s all it is-a myth. That’s just an average amount people that have been asked get.

Do you have that one friend though that went through the whole school year on Red Bull, chips and 3-hours of sleep every night? And that cousin you have that sleeps for 14 hours every day with no problem and doesn’t do anything with their life?

How much sleep you should get every night and is good for you is fully dependant on your own daily routine.


Of course, if you sleep 13 hours one night you won’t fall asleep easily the next night. If you’ve ran 15 km one day you’ll sleep like a dead man that night.

The best advice to follow is to look at what you do with your day-do you work, go to school, for how long, what exactly do you do, do you take naps, drink coffee and so on-and then choose the proper amount that will get you going through the day.


The time you leave for sleep should be between 5 and 10 hours for the healthiest results.

Most importantly when you find the right routine stick to it forever!


Sleep like a vampire

No, not for a thousand years and then rise up like Nosferatu.

Adjust your bedroom environment to be as dark and as cold as possible. If there’s too much light shining on you it can wake you up easily or lead to erratic eye movements, disrupted dreams and loss of memory.

During the day, however, you should try to get as much sunlight as possible. Thanks to sunlight we can produce vitamin D which improves brain function. Exposure to sunlight also prevents depression and mood disorders and helps with sleep quality.

Sleeping in a cold room is also very beneficial to health and sleep quality.

During sleep, your body’s core temperature slowly decreases so sleeping in a hot room can lead to sickness, flu symptoms like fever and breathing problems.

Sleeping in a hot room also poorly affects memory and thinking skills.

It’s best if you open up a window and let that fresh night air in. The more comfortable you are the better you’ll sleep.

For more tips on how to properly optimize your sleeping environment check out our ‘10 tips for falling asleep quickly’ article.


Relax, take it easy

Why do we need sleep anyway? To gain more energy, repair and recuperate our body, brain and memory for the new day that awaits us.

That’s why sleep is so important. Which is why we should strive to make our rest time the best.

As I already said make sure to find the most proper sleep cycle for you and stick to it.

If you continuously get less sleep than needed you’ll suffer from sleep deprivation.

Your body can’t adapt to that and sooner or later it will need the energy it hasn’t been getting.

This can lead to serious consequences. Most importantly make sure you’re getting enough sleep when you’re on the road.

If you have to drive and aren’t feeling up to par, take a break, sled for a couple of hours to get back on track.

Not enough quality sleep leads to moodiness, mental disorders, weakness.

Sleep deficiency disrupts your daily routine and in the long run, can lead to heart diseases.

Overall it’s better to get another 30 minutes of sleep than to be useless and grumpy all day.


Reduce your screen time

The effects of blue-light technology are evident in our everyday life.

As already mentioned light at night is very bad for your eyes and sleep.

Blue light being with shorter wavelength than any other type of light decreases the production of melatonin, the hormone that signals our brain it’s time to go to bed.

Too much exposure to blue light can have negative effects on your overall well being and life expectancy.

The solution to this is to reduce your daily screen time.

Don’t watch TV right before going to bed. Try to resist the urge to browse Instagram on your phone until the early morning hours.

Reduce the negative effects of technology by adjusting your screen settings, your desk environment, getting protective eyewear or installing protective software like Iris


For more tips on how to deal with blue light technology check out our ‘11 ways we strain our eyes with computers’ article.

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10 Tips for falling asleep quickly Mon, 10 Jun 2019 15:29:46 +0000 Does this sound familiar to you - you’re laying in bed staring at the ceiling and counting how much time you’ll get to sleep if you fall asleep immediately? Well, look no further! Here are 10 tips to help you fall asleep quickly and get that sweet sweet rest you’ve been looking forward to all day.   Exercise The best ... Read More

The post 10 Tips for falling asleep quickly appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


Does this sound familiar to you - you’re laying in bed staring at the ceiling and counting how much time you’ll get to sleep if you fall asleep immediately?

Well, look no further! Here are 10 tips to help you fall asleep quickly and get that sweet sweet rest you’ve been looking forward to all day.



The best way to make yourself sleepy is to get tired, obviously. You can exercise in the gym, at home or at the park.

Any place and any way you choose will be helpful to tire you out.

What you need to remember, however, is to not work out immediately before going to bed.

Adrenaline and other hormones exercise creates will keep you awake and pumped up for at least 3 hours after working out.

So try to work out in the early morning or in your lunch break for best results.


Take a shower

The benefits of hot showers have been proven all the time.

Even if you’re a fan of cold showers, you should know that cold showers have the effect of waking you up.

Which is why specialists recommend taking a cold shower in the morning and a hot one in the evening.

Hot showers help relieve stress, fight insomnia and relax the muscles.


Don’t get drunk

This is something most of us can relate to – you go out with friends at night, get wasted, go to sleep for 15 hours and then wake up like you’ve lived through two economic crises, a world war and maybe a divorce or two.

That’s because alcohol affects the REM stage of sleep, which means it makes you sleep longer but worse.

Coffee is also another bad beverage to ingest before planning to go to sleep.

Remember to drink coffee at least 6 hours before your scheduled sleep time, otherwise, you’ll just be laying in bed regretting your choices.

What you should drink, however, is soothing beverages like chamomile tea, hot choco or just plain water to keep yourself hydrated and relaxed.


Lay off the fatty foods

One other thing you should reconsider in your diet is saturated fats.

Hence if you’ve had a juicy steak with a side of potatoes for dinner, maybe don’t go to bed immediately.

Other fatty foods you should avoid before bedtime are oils, butter, cheese, meats and cream.

Also, try not to have too much sugar in the evening because it also energizes you.

Fatty and sugary foods make sleep lighter and less restorative.


Put down the phone

If you’re reading this article on your phone while laying in bed – well tough luck.

Put down that phone and know from now on to avoid any kind of electronic devices at least 2 hours before going to sleep.

Also maybe keep the home office out of your bedroom.

The blue light all technology emits is super bad for our eyes, causes diseases, messes up sleep and is just not good for sleep. Find out how blue light destroys your eyes and sleep.

To decrease the eye strain you get from sitting in front of your computer all day you can install Iris – our software that will help you sleep better.

Let some air in your room

Air circulation means better breathing. Try to sleep with an open window as much as possible to let in fresh air.

Avoid using a humidifier and a heater while you are sleeping as they dry the air and spread dust particles easily.

A heater can also make you sick because when you sleep your body’s core temperature decreases and if the room is too hot the difference in degrees can get you a runny nose, a fever and probably make you pretty weak in the morning.

Also, keep your room as dark as possible at night.

Turn off desk lights, hanging christmas or fairy lights and so on.

Avoid the bright light from electronic devices too as that will do great damage to your eyes.


Make a blanket fort

Like I already mentioned trying not to use a heater, because it can cause breathing problems.

If you’re cold just throw on a few extra blankets. Everybody loves a blanket fort.

Want to get really cozy and fall asleep quickly?

Open your window to let the cold night air in, snuggle up in your bed and make a burrito out of yourself with at least 3 blankets.

Bonus if you throw in a couple of pillows around you for maximum comfort.

You’ll be floating to dreamland in no time.


Fix your sleeping position

In the wise words of Captain Holt of Brooklyn 99 - the only acceptable sleeping positions are on your back with hands on chest, and on your back with hands to the side.

Things aren’t that easy however - there is no universal sleep position that is healthy and comfortable for all.

If you’re worried about premature aging - sleep on your back.

That also helps with the proper alignment of your neck and spine and prevents any deformations.

Sleeping on your left relieves pressure from the liver and allows better blood flow.

Sleeping on your right side increases the chances of heartburn.

If you’re having back and spine problems, try sleeping on the floor for a couple of nights, that will definitely straighten you out.

Remember to also keep track if your mattress and pillow haven’t already worn out and change them once in a while.


Play some music

If you’re that type of person play some relaxing music to help you fall asleep faster.

There are millions of hour-long compilation on the internet with sounds of nature, wind, rivers, birds and so on.

Some people fall asleep with loud metal too. Find your cup of tea and work with it.

If listening to music is not your thing however you can always try those white noise machines.


Stop stressing

Easier said than done, no? It’s scientifically proven that forcing yourself to fall asleep and worrying about getting enough sleep, can cause stress and anxiety, and prevent you from relaxing and snoozing off.

The solution to this is to try breathing exercises and guided imagery.

Even if you don’t have a beaming imagination you can do the guided imagery exercise.

Just leave your mind blank, don’t think about anything, try to relax, maybe imagine a calming scenery that helps you personally.

Push yourself not to think about anything overall. This takes a lot of practice but once you master it you’ll be falling asleep in no time.
The breathing exercise we recommend is 478.

You can try it by itself or combine it with the guided imagery exercise.

Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold breath for 7 seconds and exhale through the mouth for 8 seconds.

Repeat as many times as necessary.

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7 Tips for eye protection in front of the PC Sun, 02 Jun 2019 12:58:59 +0000 Does this sound familiar to you? Long work days grinding in front of the computer. Even longer sleepless nights. Swollen eyelids, puffy eyes. You coming home looking like a vampire. The kids cry when they see you, the dog hides under the table. Do you want to feel better? Sleep better? Be healthier? Check out these 7 tips for protecting ... Read More

The post 7 Tips for eye protection in front of the PC appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


Does this sound familiar to you?

Long work days grinding in front of the computer.

Even longer sleepless nights. Swollen eyelids, puffy eyes.

You coming home looking like a vampire.

The kids cry when they see you, the dog hides under the table.

Do you want to feel better? Sleep better? Be healthier?

Check out these 7 tips for protecting your eyes in front of the PC.

Tips for eye protection

1. Visit a doctor

The first and most important thing you can do is to examine your eyes at least once a year.

That way every problem with your vision can be caught at an early stage before it evolves into something more serious and you will have the best chance to prevent that.

Especially if your work requires long hours in front of the computer you should tell the doctor so that he can suggest a proper treatment if necessary.

2. Blink

Monitors tend to make you forget to do that. But this is simply the easiest way to protect the eyes.

A lot of people complain about dry eyes when they spend hours in front of the PC.

That is because they don’t blink often enough and just stare at the screen.

You should avoid doing it and the best way to remember to blink is to:

3. Take a break

Even if you are at work you can give yourself a break from time to time.

Stand up, look through the window for a while so that your eyes can rest a little.

You can follow the “20-20-20” rule – every 20 minutes look for 20 seconds at an object that is 20 feet away.

Your eyes will shift from short- to long-distance perception.

This will help you relax not only your eyes but also your brain and will help you work better.

While you sit you can do some exercises like moving the eyes around in circles, which is good for the eye muscles.

4. Use proper lighting

Your screen should be the most brightly glowing thing in the room.

Pay attention to the position of the monitor – if it is possible the windows should not be right in front or right behind the screen, but to the side.

When something reflects on your screen your eyes strain to see what is written on the monitor and to ignore the reflection.

All kinds of reflections on your screen – from the window, from the wall or from a lightbulb, can cause eye strain.

Considering the fact that you probably spend 8+ hours in front of the monitor daily, make sure that you minimize the glare.

If it is necessary then cover the windows so that the bright light from the outside doesn’t affect your eyes.

If the room is too dark, your brightness should not be at its highest level either, because the difference between the light around you and the one of the screen will be too big.

5. Keep your screen an arm’s length away

You will probably be shocked to find out how unnecessarily close your screen is.

One simple rule says: If you can high-five your monitor, then it is too close.

This refers to the screens of all kinds of devices – mobile phones, laptops, tablets, etc.

Especially when it comes to our smartphones, we tend to keep them close to the eyes because of the smaller screen.

Here’s a piece of advice: Keep all kinds of monitors away from your face and you will feel the absence of eye strain.

6. Block the blue light

It is known that blue light is harmful to our eyes. There are different ways to reduce it.

You can buy a blocking screen protector and use it on your computer.

The negative side here is that you have to buy an individual protector for every computer and there is no such thing for all kinds of smartphones so the problem won’t be fully solved.

You can also buy special glasses for computer, but they don’t remove the blue light, they just filter it for you and the problem still remains.

Plus glasses can feel uncomfortable and you will have to wear them almost all the time, so that is also not the best solution.

So here we come to the next opportunity:

7. Install Iris

Iris is a software for protecting the eyes from the harmful rays of the screen.

Easy to install and to use, Iris can change your life immediately.

You can get the 7-day free trial to see if it works for you. You can choose from the different versions depending on which one you like best.

The advantage here is that you can install Iris on all of your mobile devices and never again worry about the blue light that constantly affects your eyes.

More about Iris

There are different versions of Iris. Let’s take a look:

  • Iris – This version has different modes like automatic, manual and paused. There are different types – health, sleep, reading, etc. There is also a Pro version.

  • Iris mini – This is a smaller version of Iris, which does not have so many settings but still helps you decrease the blue light that your screen emits. Here there is also a Pro version.

  • Iris micro – Even smaller than Iris mini and very fast. It has only manual mode and looks like this:

In conclusion… 

Do not hesitate, because your eyes won’t wait for you forever to start taking care of them.

If you are stuck in front of the computer daily and there is no way to use it only once in a while, you can ease your life and get Iris now.

The post 7 Tips for eye protection in front of the PC appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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11 ways we Strain our Eyes with Computers Sat, 01 Jun 2019 15:08:39 +0000 Introduction People spend most their waking hours staring at screens. Whether you work in an office, lay in bed browsing on your phone all day or play games on your PC all night, you probably spend about ten hours in front of a screen every day. That has a significant effect on your body and health, but most importantly your ... Read More

The post 11 ways we Strain our Eyes with Computers appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

11 ways we strain our eyes with computers


People spend most their waking hours staring at screens.

Whether you work in an office, lay in bed browsing on your phone all day or play games on your PC all night, you probably spend about ten hours in front of a screen every day.

That has a significant effect on your body and health, but most importantly your eyes.

So let’s review some things that cause the most strain to our eyes when we spend a lot of time in front of a computer and ways we can fix our bad habits in order to be healthier, more productive and live longer.

Desk position

First, it’s very important to choose the proper position in your workplace.

When placing your computer or laptop on your desk you must make sure the windows in the room are either on your left or your right side.

As we know the main source of light in our lives is the Sun.

But as great as the Sun is, it can be very dangerous.

We’ve all tried to look directly at the Sun-notice how your eyes hurt after that?

That’s because the light coming from the Sun is very powerful and it can greatly damage our sensitive eyes, even causing blindness.

Therefore an incorrect position in relation to the source of sunlight in a room can cause great strain to our eyes.

If the Sun is behind us, we experience the so-called ‘double image’ - on one part the image on the screen and on another the reflection from the light behind.

This way the eyes cannot maintain and constantly change focus.

On the other hand, if the Sun is in front the greater light coming from it will cause strain to our vision-imagine it as you’ve just woken up and opened your eyes to a really bright room.

All of this is why the source of sunlight should be on either of your sides when working on a computer.

This does not directly apply to artificial light since it’s always on the ceiling which is in its own way on your side.

Desk Position

Monitor position

After you’ve placed your monitor properly in accordance to the Sun and you’ve sat down, how are you supposed to position yourself against the monitor?

If you’re too low and you have to look up at the screen your eyes will be more open which means they are more exposed to the environment like dust and wind.

If you’re too high your eyes are less open but that position can cause slumping and different issues with back posture and spinal form.

So the best way to sit across your monitor is to have the top of it be at the same level of your eyes -this lowers strain and fixes posture.

Taking a break

Spending countless hours in front of a screen without taking a break is also the main cause in eye strain.

The average person blinks at a rate of 10-15 blinks per minute, however when we focus for a long time at a screen that rate drops to 1-2 blinks per minute.

Less blinking, apart from the usual eye strain, adds further tension.

Blinking helps keep dust away from the eyes and also helps regulate the moisture on the retina.

Less moisture equals more eye strain and can lead to headaches.

One way of creating additional moisture is yawning.

However, the best way to deal with the implication of spending a lot of time in front of a screen is to just take a break.

Stand up, stretch your arms and legs, take a walk, look far away into the distance to focus and calm your eyes.

It’s best to remember the 20-20-20 rule -every 20 minutes of work take a 20-second pause in which you look at an object 20 feet away (approx. 7 meters).

This way you can balance your digital life and still keep a healthy daily routine.

Bad lighting

Bad Lighting

As we know there are different types of lights. It’s been 200 years since the light bulb was invented.

Today apart from the regular incandescent bulb there are also LED lights, halogen and luminescent lamps, fluorescent lights, neon lights, energy-efficient bulbs and so on.

It greatly depends on what kind of light you’re using in the room when working on a computer.

The best one for your health is the original incandescent bulb.

Its emission spectrum is the same as the Sun’s which means it’s very close to the natural light we receive during the day.

It also doesn’t flicker as LED and fluorescent lights tend to do.

However in many countries today this bulb is banned.

Offices and workplaces now use luminescent lights that emit a lot of blue light and are very harmful to our eyes especially after so many hours of exposure.

Bright screens

Since light is an electromagnetic wave the more exposure to bright lights can cause permanent damage to the retina.

There always needs to be a balance between the brightness of your screen and the light around you.

If the environment is dark that opens up your pupil to let more light in and then you shine the bright phone or computer screen right in there.

That can cause blurred vision, headaches and after constant exposure much more serious diseases.

Step away from your screen and look at it from afar.

If it looks like a light source in the room then it’s definitely too bright.

Some newer devices have auto brightness features, but some don’t allow low enough settings of brightness.

Lower brightness can also cause shimmering and flickering on the device which causes additional eye strain.

If you feel your devices brightness settings aren’t meeting your needs you can use software like Iris for additional help.

Glossy screens

Take your phone and look at the screen when it’s turned off.

Can you see your reflection?

That means your screen is glossy.

Glossy screens can cause the so-called double image we talked about earlier.

If you have a glossy screen you can buy a matte filter.

Matte screens don’t allow reflection because they scatter more light away from the eye.

One pro for glossy screens is that they have better and more accurate colors, but is that really worth it that much?

Blue light

Blue Light Buildings

Blue light is the part of the visible spectrum of light with the shortest wavelength.

Humans have evolved under blue skies so blue light controls our sleep time.

Now imagine what happens when you spend all night in front of your laptop screen exposed to blue light.

Simply put your daily rhythm gets all messed up.

But also since blue light has the highest kinetic energy level over time it damages the eyes and can cause various diseases like cataract, macular degeneration, blurred vision and can also lead to permanent blindness.

The solution is to limit exposure to blue light and try to receive more red light which is on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Red light is much softer on the eyes and has a calming and soothing effect.

If your phone or computer doesn’t have a built-in feature you can use software like Iris to regulate the red shift in accordance with the environment around you.


It’s no secret screens emit light.

Once upon a time, someone decided they want to save from their electricity bill and that’s how flickering lights came to be.

How does flickering work?

Basically, the light turns off and then back on so quickly the brain cannot register it.

However, that’s extremely harmful to our eyes.

Remember that really old internet saying that your pupil enlarges when you’re looking at someone you love?

Yeah well, that only happens if you’re in a really dark room and you can’t really see them.

You see the pupil gets bigger in conditions of little light so it can let in the eye as much light as possible.

And when there’s a lot of light the pupil gets smaller so you don’t go blind from too much light entering the eye.

So when your screen is constantly turning off and on the pupil keeps pulsating like a muscle trying to adjust.

In order to deal with this you can increase the brightness on your display but that, as we already saw, causes other problems on its own, especially in a dark room.

Newer smartphones now have something called DC dimming that deals with the issues caused by flickering.

But if your devices don’t you can always use specialized software like Iris.

Iris adjusts the brightness of your screens, controls the flickering, and stops the emission of too much harmful blue light.

Blurred fonts

The blurring of fonts can be a technique for font rendering.

That is the way you see the letters on your screen.

Every pixel on our monitors is actually a small diode emitting light in red, green or blue.

In order to fix jagged edges of letters and make fonts ‘prettier’ something called font smoothing is used.

However when letters are smoothed out that causes eye strain.

The sharper and simpler a font is the better it affects our eyes.

Small fonts and letters

Apart from being blurred, fonts can be too small.

This is probably something we’ve all experienced, even when reading a book or a newspaper if the font is too small you have to either move closer or kind of squint at the text to read it better.

Obviously, that causes great strain to the eyes and can lead to headaches from focusing too hard.

So remember ー bigger is better.

Need for glasses

Even if you follow all previous advice to the max, if you are in need of glasses your eyes will still hurt no matter what.

If after taking precautions you still experience eye pain you need to visit a professional optometrist.

It’s better if you go to a hospital and not a mainstream optic shop because sometimes they’re not as professional.

If you have any concerns about your eye health visit an eye doctor for a check-up at least since nowadays almost everyone needs glasses - some hospitals offer free check-ups.

If you are prescribed glasses do not waste time and go get them and make sure they’re the right diopter so you don’t worsen your eye pain.

It’s not possible to lower your diopter but it’s possible to slow its increase.

Since we can’t get rid of all electronics in our lives we can at least try to lessen their harmful effects on us.


The post 11 ways we Strain our Eyes with Computers appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Eye Pain Wed, 08 May 2019 12:47:19 +0000 Eye pain – Almost anything you need to know   Table of contents Leading causes of eye pain Different types of eye pain How to prevent eye pain     Eyes are one of the most important and used human parts. Unfortunately in the time we live our eyes are exposed to а lot of dangers. Main causes of eye ... Read More

The post Eye Pain appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Eye pain –

Almost anything you need to know


Table of contents

Leading causes of eye pain

Different types of eye pain

How to prevent eye pain



Eyes are one of the most important and used human parts. Unfortunately in the time we live our eyes are exposed to а lot of dangers. Main causes of eye pain is technology – our monitors, PC screens, etc. In this guide you will learn a lot more on what eye pain. Stay tuned.


Why do we feel eye pain?

As mentioned earlier technology is one of the main eye killers. In 21st century, people spend a lot of time sitting in front of a PC, watching TV or using their smartphone. Studies show that over a third of adults spend more than half of their day using technology.

Particularly using a technology is not that bad for our eyesight. The problem is that we do it for a very long time. This leads to our eyes getting tired and sore. We should take a bigger amount of breaks.

Not blinking enough also is a big problem



Blue light

Have you ever wondered why you cannot sleep after a long PC usage session? That’s probably because of blue light. This is one of the main light our PC monitors emit


The post Eye Pain appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to Easily Remove Eye Strain While Gaming Fri, 03 May 2019 15:48:03 +0000 Hi Gamer, Have you ever imagined that there is a way to play more and harder without getting your eyes red, sore and strained? There is! Actually… there are a lot of easy and quick ways on how to do it so you can practice more and become just like one of the mega cool guys in the picture above ... Read More

The post How to Easily Remove Eye Strain While Gaming appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to reduce eye strain while gaming

Hi Gamer,

Have you ever imagined that there is a way to play more and harder without getting your eyes red, sore and strained? There is!

Actually… there are a lot of easy and quick ways on how to do it so you can practice more and become just like one of the mega cool guys in the picture above or you could just enjoy the fun more. Let me show you how to do it.

Digital Eye Strain is one of the most common eye problems of the modern society. It is the discomfort you feel in the eyes after using a technology device for a couple of hours.

It may be caused by a lot of things – your screen brightness, the lightness around your PC and many more.

Here are a few ways to reduce it’s symptoms and feel better when using your PC and especially while gaming.

Blink, blink, blink!

Just like a mage… or anti mage if you prefer.. (if you could this it would be awesome actually).

Yes, blinking (in real life) keeps your eyes hydrated and doesn’t let them get sore. It is very important because if your eyes are sore for a lot of time it can lead to more serious problems in the long run. I know it is hard to blink consistently in the middle of a team fight, but please remind yourself now and then.

Take regular breaks

The 20-20-20 rule.. Every 20 minutes go look at something 20 feets away for 20 seconds. Actually for a hardcore gamer this isn’t so useful but try to adjust it as per the games you play.

Every now and then stand up from the computer and go focus on something away. This helps muscles in your eyes relief after you used them to focus. Also try getting a 15 minute break after an hour or two of gaming.

Adjust the lighting in your room properly

Always keep a light on in the room where you play or use your PC. Try to avoid playing in the dark because the light difference between your PC monitor and the surrounding area could really harm your eyes in the long run.

Avoid using fluorescent lamps. Also try to avoid screen glaring at all costs.

Try Flicker free monitor

Nowadays there are a lot of less harmful monitors on the market.

These kind of monitors are made without using the Flicker technology in which the brightness of your monitor is controlled by the monitor turning on and off hundreds of times in a second.

Our eyes actually cannot perceive this movement and they start to hurt after some time.
These monitors also come with a blue light filter and IPS display which is the best for our eyes. The problem is that they can be pretty expensive.

Eat healthy


Food which help our eyesight

Maintaining a healthy diet is also crucial for your overall health and eye wellness. Eating healthy can make you feel better and let you be more active while gaming.

Fish can prevent your eyes from getting sore due to the omega 3 acids it contains. Another great foods for your eyes are:

  • Green vegetables
  • Citrus fruits
  • Nuts
  • Seeds

Try to consume more foods which contain vitamin A – it has very good effect on our eyesight.
Also try to exercise more.

Being fit increases our overall happiness and calmness and helps us being more productive and active. Hitting the gym for an hour will help you pwn the noobs ingame later.

Use a software designed to protect your eyesight

And now the most interesting part, especially for me. Use a blue light blocking software.

Blue light is one of the main eye killers in the technology we use nowadays. The blue light emitted from monitors of modern PCs, laptops, smartphones and other devices is artificial and has a negative effect on our overall health and eyesight.

Blue light - is harmful - graph

The problem is that most devices emit more than the healthy amount of blue light which our brains cannot perceive and our head and eyes start to hurt.

Basically the lower the amount of blue light is and warmer the colors of our display are, the more healthy our monitors become.

The amount of blue light conserved by our brains and eyes is highly related to sleep issues.
Iris is a software which lowers the amount of blue light emitted from your monitor and removes the PMW flicker.


How to protect our eyes while gaming - Iris Gaming mode

The best part of this software is that you can control the brightness and the amount of blue light you want to reduce. This helps you adjust the colorness (the warmer colors you use, the better) of your display so you can see every object in game.

This software will help you feel better after long gaming sessions and will reduce your eye strain. Another great feature is that Iris does not use a lot of CPU or GPU power and wouldn’t affect your overall gaming experience.

You could try it right now for free and see the difference.

With a software like Iris you can enjoy playing a lot more without getting your eyes stressed and tired.

How does this sound?

Iris also adjusts your screen brightness and warmness of colors automatically depending on the time of the day.

Let’s summarize all information

Long gaming hours spent in front of a monitor can be devastating to your eyesight if you don’t have an eye hygiene. Our overall health and wellness is closely related to our eyesight.

  • Remember to blink often
  • Take breaks now and then
  • Consider the lighting in your room and the PC monitor you use
  • And last but not least consider trying a software which reduces blue light and makes the colors of your screen warmer, just like Iris.

Thank you for your time, I would be really happy if you know other advices and ideas on how to protect our eyes while gaming.

See you in the Rift or World, or the battlefield… you name it!
You can also check out more about Iris and it’s functionalities.

The post How to Easily Remove Eye Strain While Gaming appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to install blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? Sun, 28 Apr 2019 12:31:41 +0000 How to install blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? Table of contents How to download blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? How to install blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? How to run blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? How to download blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? You can download Iris on your computer ... Read More

The post How to install blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install blue light filter on macOS High Sierra?

Table of contents

  1. How to download blue light filter on macOS High Sierra?
  2. How to install blue light filter on macOS High Sierra?
  3. How to run blue light filter on macOS High Sierra?

How to download blue light filter on macOS High Sierra?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install blue light filter on macOS High Sierra?

Locate the file in Finder and Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button

If you get an error with the following text:

“Iris” can’t be opened because it was not downloaded from the App Store.
Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the App Store.

Click Ok then click the System Preferences button

From the System Preferences, click Security & Privacy button

You will have message like this
“Iris” was blocked from opening because it is not from an identified developer.

Click Open Anyway

When “Iris” is not from the App Store. Are you sure you want to open it? is shown

Click Open

The installation window will now open. Click Move to Applications Folder to install Iris

Iris will now start and it will be installed in the Applications folder. You can find the Iris file here

Iris will also start automatically when your Mac starts. You know that Iris is running when these icons are visible


How to run blue light filter on macOS High Sierra?

When you Left click the small tray icon context menu with different settings will open

And if you Left click the Settings button it will open the main Iris Settings

And from here you can customize your Iris.

If you want access to more options you can support the project and us Iris Pro from here:

Buy Now


The post How to install blue light filter on macOS High Sierra? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to install screen dimmer on macOS High Sierra? Sun, 28 Apr 2019 12:29:57 +0000 How to install Screen Dimmer on macOS High Sierra? Table of contents How to download screen dimmer on macOS High Sierra? How to install screen dimmer on macOS High Sierra? How to run screen dimmer on macOS High Sierra? How to download screen dimmer on macOS High Sierra? You can download Iris on your computer from here: How to ... Read More

The post How to install screen dimmer on macOS High Sierra? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install Screen Dimmer on macOS High Sierra?

Table of contents

  1. How to download screen dimmer on macOS High Sierra?
  2. How to install screen dimmer on macOS High Sierra?
  3. How to run screen dimmer on macOS High Sierra?

How to download screen dimmer on macOS High Sierra?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install screen dimmer on macOS High Sierra?

Locate the file in Finder and Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button

If you get an error with the following text:

“Iris” can’t be opened because it was not downloaded from the App Store.
Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the App Store.

Click Ok then click the System Preferences button

From the System Preferences, click Security & Privacy button

You will have message like this
“Iris” was blocked from opening because it is not from an identified developer.

Click Open Anyway

When “Iris” is not from the App Store. Are you sure you want to open it? is shown

Click Open

The installation window will now open. Click Move to Applications Folder to install Iris

Iris will now start and it will be installed in the Applications folder. You can find the Iris file here

Iris will also start automatically when your Mac starts. You know that Iris is running when these icons are visible

How to run screen dimmer on macOS High Sierra?

When you Left click the small tray icon context menu with different settings will open

And if you Left click the Settings button it will open the main Iris Settings

And from here you can customize your Iris.

If you want access to more options you can support the project and us Iris Pro from here:

Buy Now

The post How to install screen dimmer on macOS High Sierra? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows XP? Fri, 26 Apr 2019 16:46:35 +0000 How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows XP? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows XP? How to install Iris on Windows XP? How to run Iris on Windows XP? How to download screen dimmer on Windows XP? You can download Iris on your computer from here: How to install screen dimmer on Windows XP? Locate the ... Read More

The post How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows XP? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows XP?

Table of contents

  1. How to download Iris on Windows XP?
  2. How to install Iris on Windows XP?
  3. How to run Iris on Windows XP?

How to download screen dimmer on Windows XP?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install screen dimmer on Windows XP?

Locate the file on your PC and Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button


If you get Warning click Run

An installation window will open

Click the Next button, then read and Agree with the Iris EULA


Iris will start to install itself into the computer Local folder


The reason it’s not installed in Program Files is, that not everyone has admin access on their machine, for example in the office

This enables everyone to install Iris easy, even if you don’t have the Administrator password of your PC

The installation is also a little bit easier ?

After a couple of seconds, the installation will finish and the Settings window will open

How to run screen dimmer on Windows XP?


Iris will also start automatically when you turn ON your PC

You can now click the X button to minimize Iris into the tray


If you double click this icon the settings window will open again

If you Right click it you will get some fast options


If you want access to more options you can support the project and buy Iris Pro

Buy Now


The post How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows XP? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows 7? Fri, 26 Apr 2019 16:44:36 +0000 How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows 7? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows 7? How to install Iris on Windows 7? How to run Iris on Windows 7? How to download Screen Dimmer on Windows 7? You can download Iris on your computer from here: How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows 7? Locate the ... Read More

The post How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows 7? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows 7?

Table of contents

  1. How to download Iris on Windows 7?
  2. How to install Iris on Windows 7?
  3. How to run Iris on Windows 7?

How to download Screen Dimmer on Windows 7?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows 7?

Locate the file on your PC and Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button


If you get Warning click Run


An installation window will open

Click the Next button, then read and Agree with the Iris EULA



Iris will start to install itself into the computer Local folder


The reason it’s not installed in Program Files is, that not everyone has admin access on their machine, for example in the office

This enables everyone to install Iris easy, even if you don’t have the Administrator password of your PC

The installation is also a little bit easier ?

After a couple of seconds, the installation will finish and the Settings window will open

How to run Screen Dimmer on Windows 7?


Iris will also start automatically when you turn ON your PC

You can now click the X button to minimize Iris into the tray


If you double click this icon the settings window will open again

If you Right click it you will get some fast options


If you want access to more options you can support the project and buy Iris Pro

Buy Now


The post How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows 7? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows 10? Fri, 26 Apr 2019 16:43:32 +0000 How to install screen dimmer on Windows 10? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows 10? How to install Iris on Windows 10? How to run Iris on Windows 10? How to download screen dimmer on Windows 10? You can download Iris on your computer from here: How to install screen dimmer on Windows 10? Locate the ... Read More

The post How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows 10? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install screen dimmer on Windows 10?

Table of contents

  1. How to download Iris on Windows 10?
  2. How to install Iris on Windows 10?
  3. How to run Iris on Windows 10?

How to download screen dimmer on Windows 10?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install screen dimmer on Windows 10?

Locate the file on your PC and Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button


An installation window will open

Click the Next button, then read and Agree with the Iris EULA



Iris will start to install itself into the computer Local folder


In my case this is


The reason it’s not installed in Program Files is, that not everyone has admin access on their machine, for example in the office.

This enables everyone to install Iris easy, even if you don’t have the Administrator password of your PC. The installation is also a little bit easier

After a couple of seconds, the installation will finish and the Settings window will open

How to run screen dimmer on Windows 10?


Iris will also start automatically when you turn ON your PC

You can now click the X button to minimize Iris into the tray


If you double click this icon the settings window will open again

If you Right click it you will get some fast options


If you want access to more options you can support the project and buy Iris Pro

Buy Now


The post How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows 10? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows Vista? Fri, 26 Apr 2019 16:42:28 +0000 How to install screen dimmer on Windows Vista? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows Vista? How to install Iris on Windows Vista? How to run Iris on Windows Vista? How to download screen dimmer on Windows Vista? You can download Iris on your computer from here: How to install screen dimmer on Windows Vista? Locate the ... Read More

The post How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows Vista? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install screen dimmer on Windows Vista?

Table of contents

  1. How to download Iris on Windows Vista?
  2. How to install Iris on Windows Vista?
  3. How to run Iris on Windows Vista?

How to download screen dimmer on Windows Vista?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install screen dimmer on Windows Vista?

Locate the file on your PC and Right click -> Properties


Click Unblock then click Ok to allow Iris installer to run


Now Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button

An installation window will open. Click the Next button, then read and Agree with the Iris EULA



Iris will start to install itself into the computer Local folder


In my case this is


The reason it’s not installed in Program Files is, that not everyone has admin access on their machine, for example in the office.

This enables everyone to install Iris easy, even if you don’t have the Administrator password of your PC. The installation is also a little bit easier

After a couple of seconds, the installation will finish and the Settings window will open

How to run screen dimmer on Windows Vista?


Iris will also start automatically when you turn ON your PC

You can now click the X button to minimize Iris into the tray


If you double click this icon the settings window will open again

If you Right click it you will get some fast options


If you want access to more options you can support the project and buy Iris Pro

Buy Now


The post How to install Screen Dimmer on Windows Vista? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to install screen dimmer on Windows 8? Fri, 26 Apr 2019 16:41:01 +0000 How to install a screen dimmer on Windows 8? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows 8? How to install Iris on Windows 8? How to run Iris on Windows 8? How to download screen dimmer on Windows 8? You can download Iris on your computer from here: How to install screen dimmer on Windows 8? Locate ... Read More

The post How to install screen dimmer on Windows 8? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install a screen dimmer on Windows 8?

Table of contents

  1. How to download Iris on Windows 8?
  2. How to install Iris on Windows 8?
  3. How to run Iris on Windows 8?

How to download screen dimmer on Windows 8?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install screen dimmer on Windows 8?

Locate the file on your PC and Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button


An installation window will open

Click the Next button, then read and Agree with the Iris EULA



Iris will start to install itself into the computer Local folder


In my case this is


The reason it’s not installed in Program Files is, that not everyone has admin access on their machine, for example in the office.

This enables everyone to install Iris easy, even if you don’t have the Administrator password of your PC. The installation is also a little bit easier

After a couple of seconds, the installation will finish and the Settings window will open

How to run screen dimmer on windows 8?


Iris will also start automatically when you turn ON your PC

You can now click the X button to minimize Iris into the tray


If you double click this icon the settings window will open again

If you Right click it you will get some fast options


If you want access to more options you can support the project and buy Iris Pro

Buy Now


The post How to install screen dimmer on Windows 8? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to install blue light filter on Windows 8? Wed, 17 Apr 2019 21:05:06 +0000 How to install a blue light filter on Windows 8? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows 8? How to install Iris on Windows 8? How to run Iris on Windows 8? How to download blue light filter on Windows 8? You can download Iris on your computer from here: How to install blue light filter on ... Read More

The post How to install blue light filter on Windows 8? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install a blue light filter on Windows 8?

Table of contents

  1. How to download Iris on Windows 8?
  2. How to install Iris on Windows 8?
  3. How to run Iris on Windows 8?

How to download blue light filter on Windows 8?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install blue light filter on Windows 8?

Locate the file on your PC and Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button


An installation window will open

Click the Next button, then read and Agree with the Iris EULA



Iris will start to install itself into the computer Local folder


In my case this is


The reason it’s not installed in Program Files is, that not everyone has admin access on their machine, for example in the office.

This enables everyone to install Iris easy, even if you don’t have the Administrator password of your PC. The installation is also a little bit easier

After a couple of seconds, the installation will finish and the Settings window will open

How to run blue light filter on windows 8?


Iris will also start automatically when you turn ON your PC

You can now click the X button to minimize Iris into the tray


If you double click this icon the settings window will open again

If you Right click it you will get some fast options


If you want access to more options you can support the project and buy Iris Pro

Buy Now


The post How to install blue light filter on Windows 8? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to install Blue Light Filter on Windows Vista? Mon, 15 Apr 2019 14:20:10 +0000 How to install blue light filter on Windows Vista? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows Vista? How to install Iris on Windows Vista? How to run Iris on Windows Vista? How to download blue light filter on Windows Vista? You can download Iris on your computer from here: How to install blue light filter on Windows ... Read More

The post How to install Blue Light Filter on Windows Vista? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install blue light filter on Windows Vista?

Table of contents

  1. How to download Iris on Windows Vista?
  2. How to install Iris on Windows Vista?
  3. How to run Iris on Windows Vista?

How to download blue light filter on Windows Vista?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install blue light filter on Windows Vista?

Locate the file on your PC and Right click -> Properties


Click Unblock then click Ok to allow Iris installer to run


Now Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button

An installation window will open. Click the Next button, then read and Agree with the Iris EULA



Iris will start to install itself into the computer Local folder


In my case this is


The reason it’s not installed in Program Files is, that not everyone has admin access on their machine, for example in the office.

This enables everyone to install Iris easy, even if you don’t have the Administrator password of your PC. The installation is also a little bit easier

After a couple of seconds, the installation will finish and the Settings window will open

How to run blue light filter on Windows Vista?


Iris will also start automatically when you turn ON your PC

You can now click the X button to minimize Iris into the tray


If you double click this icon the settings window will open again

If you Right click it you will get some fast options


If you want access to more options you can support the project and buy Iris Pro

Buy Now


The post How to install Blue Light Filter on Windows Vista? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to install blue light filter on Windows 10? Mon, 15 Apr 2019 14:14:23 +0000 How to install blue light filter on Windows 10? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows 10? How to install Iris on Windows 10? How to run Iris on Windows 10? How to download blue light filter on Windows 10? You can download Iris on your computer from here: How to install blue light filter on Windows ... Read More

The post How to install blue light filter on Windows 10? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install blue light filter on Windows 10?

Table of contents

  1. How to download Iris on Windows 10?
  2. How to install Iris on Windows 10?
  3. How to run Iris on Windows 10?

How to download blue light filter on Windows 10?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install blue light filter on Windows 10?

Locate the file on your PC and Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button


An installation window will open

Click the Next button, then read and Agree with the Iris EULA



Iris will start to install itself into the computer Local folder


In my case this is


The reason it’s not installed in Program Files is, that not everyone has admin access on their machine, for example in the office.

This enables everyone to install Iris easy, even if you don’t have the Administrator password of your PC. The installation is also a little bit easier

After a couple of seconds, the installation will finish and the Settings window will open

How to run blue light filter on Windows 10?


Iris will also start automatically when you turn ON your PC

You can now click the X button to minimize Iris into the tray


If you double click this icon the settings window will open again

If you Right click it you will get some fast options


If you want access to more options you can support the project and buy Iris Pro

Buy Now


The post How to install blue light filter on Windows 10? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to install blue light filter on Windows 7? Mon, 15 Apr 2019 14:07:05 +0000 How to install blue light filter on Windows 7? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows 7? How to install Iris on Windows 7? How to run Iris on Windows 7? How to download blue light filter on Windows 7? You can download Iris on your computer from here: How to install blue light filter on Windows ... Read More

The post How to install blue light filter on Windows 7? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install blue light filter on Windows 7?

Table of contents

  1. How to download Iris on Windows 7?
  2. How to install Iris on Windows 7?
  3. How to run Iris on Windows 7?

How to download blue light filter on Windows 7?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install blue light filter on Windows 7?

Locate the file on your PC and Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button


If you get Warning click Run


An installation window will open

Click the Next button, then read and Agree with the Iris EULA



Iris will start to install itself into the computer Local folder


The reason it’s not installed in Program Files is, that not everyone has admin access on their machine, for example in the office

This enables everyone to install Iris easy, even if you don’t have the Administrator password of your PC

The installation is also a little bit easier ?

After a couple of seconds, the installation will finish and the Settings window will open

How to run blue light filter on Windows 7?


Iris will also start automatically when you turn ON your PC

You can now click the X button to minimize Iris into the tray


If you double click this icon the settings window will open again

If you Right click it you will get some fast options


If you want access to more options you can support the project and buy Iris Pro

Buy Now


The post How to install blue light filter on Windows 7? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to install Blue Light Filter on Windows XP? Mon, 15 Apr 2019 13:58:18 +0000 How to install blue light filter on Windows XP? Table of contents How to download Iris on Windows XP? How to install Iris on Windows XP? How to run Iris on Windows XP? How to download blue light filter on Windows XP? You can download Iris on your computer from here: How to install blue light filter on Windows ... Read More

The post How to install Blue Light Filter on Windows XP? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to install blue light filter on Windows XP?

Table of contents

  1. How to download Iris on Windows XP?
  2. How to install Iris on Windows XP?
  3. How to run Iris on Windows XP?

How to download blue light filter on Windows XP?

You can download Iris on your computer from here:

How to install blue light filter on Windows XP?

Locate the file on your PC and Right click -> Open or Double click it with the Left mouse button


If you get Warning click Run

An installation window will open

Click the Next button, then read and Agree with the Iris EULA


Iris will start to install itself into the computer Local folder


The reason it’s not installed in Program Files is, that not everyone has admin access on their machine, for example in the office

This enables everyone to install Iris easy, even if you don’t have the Administrator password of your PC

The installation is also a little bit easier ?

After a couple of seconds, the installation will finish and the Settings window will open

How to run blue light filter on Windows XP?


Iris will also start automatically when you turn ON your PC

You can now click the X button to minimize Iris into the tray


If you double click this icon the settings window will open again

If you Right click it you will get some fast options


If you want access to more options you can support the project and buy Iris Pro

Buy Now


The post How to install Blue Light Filter on Windows XP? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Will blue light blocking glasses help with eye strain? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 01:08:24 +0000 Probably yes and might feel better, blue light is really harmful to your sleep because it basically tells your brain that it’s time to be awake and that’s not cool when it’s 2 AM and you’ve got to get up in 4 hours for example The real reason for eye pain when in front of the computer that I’ve found ... Read More

The post Will blue light blocking glasses help with eye strain? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Probably yes and might feel better, blue light is really harmful to your sleep because it basically tells your brain that it’s time to be awake and that’s not cool when it’s 2 AM and you’ve got to get up in 4 hours for example

The real reason for eye pain when in front of the computer that I’ve found is the PWM Flicker. That is you monitor turning on and off thousands of times per second

We can’t really feel it with our eyes but our brain does register it

Our eyes pretty much do this:

And that can really bring you eye pain, can’t it?

There is a solution currently and it’s called Iris.

It can both save you money (because blue light blocking glasses are expensive) and keep you safe and healthy

It will block Blue Light as well as PWM Flicker, so you will get the best of the best treatment

More info on Blue Light:

How Blue light Destroyed our Sleep? – Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

And PWM Flicker:

How Мonitors Destroyed our Eyes? – Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

Download Iris


The post Will blue light blocking glasses help with eye strain? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Why would someone turn off their laptop’s night mode if it helps reduce eye strain? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 01:06:40 +0000 It may be that you are a designer (work with colors) or just don’t like dark mode and don’t use it despite the fact that it’s better for your eyes If any of the above is you and you still want to reduce eye strain and protect your eyes you can try a blue light reduction program like Iris Iris ... Read More

The post Why would someone turn off their laptop’s night mode if it helps reduce eye strain? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

It may be that you are a designer (work with colors) or just don’t like dark mode and don’t use it despite the fact that it’s better for your eyes

If any of the above is you and you still want to reduce eye strain and protect your eyes you can try a blue light reduction program like Iris

Iris is not only going to lowe the amount of blue light that your monitor emits but is also going to remove the PWM flicker so you can feel less eye pain and have an amazing sleep

It also has a smart inversion function so you can have dark mode on anything you wantD

You can read more on PWM Flicker here:

How Мonitors Destroyed our Eyes? – Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

Download Iris


The post Why would someone turn off their laptop’s night mode if it helps reduce eye strain? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Why would my eyes feel tired all the time? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 01:04:38 +0000 Is it possible that you are spending a lot of time in front of a screen? It can be a monitor, a TV or any other digital thing that emits light The problem with that is that screens (monitors) emit a lot of Blue Light That can be the cause of dry eyes or why your eyes are tired all ... Read More

The post Why would my eyes feel tired all the time? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Is it possible that you are spending a lot of time in front of a screen? It can be a monitor, a TV or any other digital thing that emits light

The problem with that is that screens (monitors) emit a lot of Blue Light

That can be the cause of dry eyes or why your eyes are tired all the time, it can also really reduce the quality of sleep that you get

To fix this you can download a program like Iris.

It specializes in saving your eyes and making you feel better while in front of the computer

You can read more about Blue Light and Iris here:

How Blue light Destroyed our Sleep? –  Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

Download Iris


The post Why would my eyes feel tired all the time? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Why do tears come out of my left eye, randomly? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 01:03:16 +0000 Eyes can become damaged in the long run when spending a lot of hours in front of the computer. Here are a couple of things you can do: Take regular breaks from your computer, you can use some sort of timer to remind you so you don’t forget to take a break Reduce PWM flicker, your monitor turns on and ... Read More

The post Why do tears come out of my left eye, randomly? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Eyes can become damaged in the long run when spending a lot of hours in front of the computer.

Here are a couple of things you can do:

  1. Take regular breaks from your computer, you can use some sort of timer to remind you so you don’t forget to take a break
  2. Reduce PWM flicker, your monitor turns on and off 20–60 times a second. Our eyes can’ spot this but our brains can and it’s really harmful
  3. Reduce Blue Light, the monitors nowadays emit blue light, which is really harmful to our eyes, sleep and overall health.

You can do all 3 things and much more with a program like Iris

It is the only program that can block the PWM flicker of any monitor and one of the best blue light blocking applications out there

Download Iris


The post Why do tears come out of my left eye, randomly? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Why do my eyes randomly burn and become so watery as if I’m crying? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 01:02:19 +0000 This used to happen to me quite often It is caused by very dry eyes I have tried ‘Artificial Tears’ which does make you feel better for a little while but can be addictive and it’s not the best solution What you can do to naturally decrease the dryness is blink and yawn more often, you’d be surprised If you ... Read More

The post Why do my eyes randomly burn and become so watery as if I’m crying? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

This used to happen to me quite often

It is caused by very dry eyes

I have tried ‘Artificial Tears’ which does make you feel better for a little while but can be addictive and it’s not the best solution

What you can do to naturally decrease the dryness is blink and yawn more often, you’d be surprised

If you are spending a lot of time in front of the computer, that’s probably the cause, in this case, you can download Iris


It will reduce PWM Flicker and Blue Light, make some magic, and make you feel better in no time

Download Iris


The post Why do my eyes randomly burn and become so watery as if I’m crying? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Why are there sometimes redness around my iris? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 01:00:14 +0000 First of all, it is very important to avoid rubbing your eyes with your hands or fingers as they may have irritants that will further inflame them. This may cause your eyes to be more reddish and irritated There’s a thing called Computer Vision Syndrom (CVS) caused by looking at your computer screen for too long. If you spend a ... Read More

The post Why are there sometimes redness around my iris? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

First of all, it is very important to avoid rubbing your eyes with your hands or fingers as they may have irritants that will further inflame them.

This may cause your eyes to be more reddish and irritated

There’s a thing called Computer Vision Syndrom (CVS) caused by looking at your computer screen for too long.

If you spend a lot of time looking at the screen of your computer you should have experienced burning sensation and tiredness in the eyes.

This is because when using your computer, you tend to stare more and forget to blink as much as usual

This eventually dries out the eye’s exterior film.

But perhaps the best and most recommended is taking regular pauses away from the computer screen as you work.

Doctors recommend the 20-20-20 rule where you look away from the computer screen on 20 minutes intervals, focus on a distant item that is 20 feet from you, for around 20 seconds.

Another thing you can do is download Iris

It reduces the blue light that your monitor emits and also removes the PWM Flicker

If you try it you will see in no time all the benefits from it, you will sleep much better and feel a lot less eye pain and redness

More about PWM Flicker and eye pain

Download Iris


The post Why are there sometimes redness around my iris? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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What is the equivalent of Flux (PC software) on Android? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:58:31 +0000 On Android you can try Iris: Iris Pro – Apps on Google Play Iris is a blue light blocking and PWM Flicker removal software that can help you a lot It comes with a lot of out of the box functionality that will make your life better and easier It is also available on absolutely all platforms You can read ... Read More

The post What is the equivalent of Flux (PC software) on Android? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

On Android you can try Iris:

Iris Pro – Apps on Google Play

Iris is a blue light blocking and PWM Flicker removal software that can help you a lot

It comes with a lot of out of the box functionality that will make your life better and easier

It is also available on absolutely all platforms

You can read more about it here:

Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

The post What is the equivalent of Flux (PC software) on Android? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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What is the difference between the iris and the pupil in the eye? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:57:35 +0000 The easiest way to explain it is this: In short, The Pupil allows light to strike the retina The Iris is responsible for controlling the diameter and size of the pupil and thus the amount of light reaching the retina Iris is also the name of the program that aims to save and protect your eyes while in front of ... Read More

The post What is the difference between the iris and the pupil in the eye? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

The easiest way to explain it is this:

In short, The Pupil allows light to strike the retina

The Iris is responsible for controlling the diameter and size of the pupil and thus the amount of light reaching the retina

Iris is also the name of the program that aims to save and protect your eyes while in front of the computer

It reduces the amount of blue light that your screen emits and removes the PWM flicker (which is essentially your monitor turning on and off thousands of time per second), so you can feel less eye pain and sleep better

Download Iris


The post What is the difference between the iris and the pupil in the eye? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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What is the best monitor settings for eyes? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:56:35 +0000 First of all, you should make sure that your brightness matches the room lighting Try to reduce the blue light and remove PWM flicker to prevent macular degeneration The blue light is very bad for your eyes and reduces sleep quality and makes you feel more tired, the same thing goes for PWM flicker, which is essentially your screen flashing ... Read More

The post What is the best monitor settings for eyes? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

First of all, you should make sure that your brightness matches the room lighting

Try to reduce the blue light and remove PWM flicker to prevent macular degeneration

The blue light is very bad for your eyes and reduces sleep quality and makes you feel more tired, the same thing goes for PWM flicker, which is essentially your screen flashing at all times, at speeds so fast that the eyes can’t perceive but your brain does.

You can download a program that does it for you, one such program is Iris

Download Iris

The post What is the best monitor settings for eyes? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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What is the actual reason for left eye flickering? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:54:55 +0000 Most of the time it’s due to the fact that you’re tired You might have not been able to sleep well last night or feel severe eye strain, have red eyes, you might be under a lot of stress or even have consumed a tad too much alcohol All this can cause left eye flicker and most of these symptoms ... Read More

The post What is the actual reason for left eye flickering? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Most of the time it’s due to the fact that you’re tired

You might have not been able to sleep well last night or feel severe eye strain, have red eyes, you might be under a lot of stress or even have consumed a tad too much alcohol

All this can cause left eye flicker and most of these symptoms can be due to spending a lot of time in front of the computer

To remove the blue light from your monitor, have better sleep and less eye pain, you can download Iris

This picture demonstrates some of its functions and how Iris works:

Download Iris


The post What is the actual reason for left eye flickering? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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What can we do to protect our eyes when working for long in front of a computer? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:53:46 +0000 Eyes can become damaged in the long run when spending a lot of hours in front of the computer. Here are a couple of things you can do: Take regular breaks from your computer, you can use some sort of timer to remind you so you don’t forget to take a break Reduce PWM flicker, your monitor turns on and ... Read More

The post What can we do to protect our eyes when working for long in front of a computer? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Eyes can become damaged in the long run when spending a lot of hours in front of the computer.

Here are a couple of things you can do:

  1. Take regular breaks from your computer, you can use some sort of timer to remind you so you don’t forget to take a break
  2. Reduce PWM flicker, your monitor turns on and off 20–60 times a second. Our eyes can’ spot this but our brains can and it’s really harmful
  3. Reduce Blue Light, the monitors nowadays emit blue light, which is really harmful to our eyes, sleep and overall health.

You can do all 3 things and much more with a program like Iris

It is the only program that can block the PWM flicker of any monitor and one of the best blue light blocking applications out there

Download Iris


The post What can we do to protect our eyes when working for long in front of a computer? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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What can cause a pulsating eye pain? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:13:16 +0000 Chances are that your vision is imbalanced When eyes and brain try hard to compensate with each other due to vision problems then chances are that you get pain behind your eyes The vision gets blurred most of the times but in some cases, the change is so little that it is hard to figure it out by yourself This ... Read More

The post What can cause a pulsating eye pain? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Chances are that your vision is imbalanced

When eyes and brain try hard to compensate with each other due to vision problems then chances are that you get pain behind your eyes

The vision gets blurred most of the times but in some cases, the change is so little that it is hard to figure it out by yourself

This is another common reason for pain in the eyes

The eyes in such cases become sensitive to the light and the patient starts to experience a headache as well

Exposure to extreme blue light can also be a reason for dry eye syndrome

That usually happens when you spend hours in front of the computer, you can save your eyes by downloading a blue light reduction program like Iris.

In no time you will feel less eye pain and have a much better sleep quality

Download Iris


The post What can cause a pulsating eye pain? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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What are the causes of insomnia? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:10:37 +0000 While it’s true that insomnia can and usually is caused by a psychological issue, it can be that you are in perfect psychological condition and still experience insomnia This happens to a lot of people that regularly spend a lot of time in front of the computer That’s because monitors emit blue light That prevents you from experiencing a quality ... Read More

The post What are the causes of insomnia? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

While it’s true that insomnia can and usually is caused by a psychological issue, it can be that you are in perfect psychological condition and still experience insomnia

This happens to a lot of people that regularly spend a lot of time in front of the computer

That’s because monitors emit blue light

That prevents you from experiencing a quality sleep.

If you want to solve this you can download Iris, which is a program that can reduce the blue light that your monitor emits

You can also see more info about Blue Light here:

How Blue light Destroyed our Sleep? –  Iris Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

Download Iris

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What are some screen dimmer apps for PC? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:08:30 +0000 Iris is an app that lowers the blue light that your screen emits, removes PWM flicker and dims it so it can help you to protect your eyes and improve your sleep after long hours at the computer. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a method to control the brightness of your monitor by settings the backlight ON and OFF at ... Read More

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Iris is an app that lowers the blue light that your screen emits, removes PWM flicker and dims it so it can help you to protect your eyes and improve your sleep after long hours at the computer.

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a method to control the brightness of your monitor by settings the backlight ON and OFF at high frequency.

Our brain doesn’t perceive this, but we get a lot of eye strain and headaches from this.

You can read more about it here:

How Мonitors Destroyed our Eyes? –  Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

Download Iris


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Should I get glasses with ‘blue Light blocking’ coating? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:03:48 +0000 Generally speaking, if you care about your eyes then, yes This will be a great investment in your health but I have found a better investment I spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen every day. Easily 3–8 hours a day, sometimes more If you are like me, I suggest you try a blue light blocking filter ... Read More

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Generally speaking, if you care about your eyes then, yes

This will be a great investment in your health but I have found a better investment

I spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen every day. Easily 3–8 hours a day, sometimes more

If you are like me, I suggest you try a blue light blocking filter like Iris

It will not only reduce the Blue Light (it can go up to 0%) but it will also remove the PWM Flicker, which is also really important

  1. Blue Light
    Basically, it tricks your mind into thinking that it’s time to be active, to think that it’s daytime and it’s no time to sleep
    That single thing prevents you from having a good night sleep and can even be the cause of insomnia
  2. PWM Flicker
    This one I call the eye killer. That’s your screen flashing ON and OFF thousand of times per second
    This happens so fast that you can’t even see it but guess what? Your brain does.
    Over time this will lead to severe eye pain, dry eyes, head pain, etc. I could go like this all day but I believe you get the point

So, to sum up

If I were you, I would try Iris

The benefit over the blue light blocking glasses is that it also blocks PWM Flicker

Iris is the only app that can both reduce Blue Light and block PWM Flicker

More info on Blue Light:

How Blue light Destroyed our Sleep? –  Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

And PWM Flicker:

How Мonitors Destroyed our Eyes? –  Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

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My eyes are almost always red because of my computer Will this damage my eyes in the long term? Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:00:57 +0000 Yes and if you keep doing that for a couple of decades you will eventually probably get macular degeneration You will only be able to see with your peripheral vision which is almost considered blind This is not 100% but you will certainly experience some problems with your eyes if you keep doing this One thing you can try that’s ... Read More

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Yes and if you keep doing that for a couple of decades you will eventually probably get macular degeneration

You will only be able to see with your peripheral vision which is almost considered blind

This is not 100% but you will certainly experience some problems with your eyes if you keep doing this

One thing you can try that’s going to help is Iris

It will reduce the blue light that your screen emits and remove the PWM Flicker

This will help you sleep better and feel less eye pain

Read mode on Macular Degeneration

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Is it safe for your vision to look at a computer screen all day at work and then more at home each day? Mon, 11 Feb 2019 23:57:25 +0000 Absolutely no Monitors emit blue light and have PWM (Pulse-width modulation) flicker Blue light is really harmful to your eyes and prevents you from having a good sleep PWM flicker is basically your monitor turning off hundreds of times per second, you can’t see it with your eyes but your brain perceives it and it is the most common cause ... Read More

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Absolutely no

Monitors emit blue light and have PWM (Pulse-width modulation) flicker

Blue light is really harmful to your eyes and prevents you from having a good sleep

PWM flicker is basically your monitor turning off hundreds of times per second, you can’t see it with your eyes but your brain perceives it and it is the most common cause for eye pain

To lower Blue Light and remove PWM Flicker you can download a program likeIris

Download Iris

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Is it a good idea to put your desk facing a window? Mon, 11 Feb 2019 23:52:08 +0000 I find putting your desk facing a window a bad idea Apart from the seemingly insignificant fact, that it can be extremely distracting, placing a desk to face the sun burns your retina and you can go blind in the long-term Having the window behind you is also a bad idea because it can reflect the light off of your ... Read More

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I find putting your desk facing a window a bad idea

Apart from the seemingly insignificant fact, that it can be extremely distracting, placing a desk to face the sun burns your retina and you can go blind in the long-term

Having the window behind you is also a bad idea because it can reflect the light off of your monitor and make the image more “dirty” which is bad for the eyes too

Because of that, the best decision would be to have the screen placed left or right of you

If you want to go a step further you can reduce the Blue Light that your monitor emits and remove the PWM flicker so that you can have a better sleep and less eye strain

There are programs that can do this for you, probably the best one is

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How I solve eye problem? Mon, 11 Feb 2019 23:49:53 +0000 If you are spending a lot of time in front of the computer you can try a Blue LIght filter program, that’s going to help you to sleep better and have less eye pain. The other benefit is the PWM Flicker removal which will help you turn down greatly all the eye strain and eye redness you might have been ... Read More

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If you are spending a lot of time in front of the computer you can try a Blue LIght filter program, that’s going to help you to sleep better and have less eye pain.

The other benefit is the PWM Flicker removal which will help you turn down greatly all the eye strain and eye redness you might have been feeling

A program that does both these things is Iris:

You can read more about PWM Flicker

Download Iris

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How does blue light change with screen brightness? Mon, 11 Feb 2019 23:48:03 +0000 There is little to none change in the blue light amount Although when talking about brightness you should make sure that you are using your monitor without PWM Flicker That, in its essence, is your monitor turning on and off again hundreds of times per second: That is the main cause of eye pain when spending a lot of time ... Read More

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There is little to none change in the blue light amount

Although when talking about brightness you should make sure that you are using your monitor without PWM Flicker

That, in its essence, is your monitor turning on and off again hundreds of times per second:

That is the main cause of eye pain when spending a lot of time at the computer

If you want to remove the flickering completely you can download Iris which is the only software that is able to completely remove the PWM flicker of your monitor

You can test your monitor here:

How to test my Monitor for PWM flicker? –  Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

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How does a blue light filter work? Mon, 11 Feb 2019 23:44:29 +0000 The most effective blue light filters work by changing the pixels of your monitor and removing the blue color from them. This is done using the video card of your computer. Once you enable the filter you should notice a color change, after a few minutes your eyes will adapt and you will start feeling better and experience less and ... Read More

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The most effective blue light filters work by changing the pixels of your monitor and removing the blue color from them. This is done using the video card of your computer.

Once you enable the filter you should notice a color change, after a few minutes your eyes will adapt and you will start feeling better and experience less and less eye pain as you use it more often

If you are looking to get started and protect your eyes, you can try Iris

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How does “blue light” emitted from computer screens, phone screens, and tablets impact a person? Mon, 11 Feb 2019 23:41:39 +0000 Blue light comes from everywhere around us. It’s not only the monitors, or the smartphones, or the tablets around us. Almost all artificial light sources today generate much more than the recommended amount of blue light. In 1988 the photoreceptor Melanopsin was found and for the first time it was proven that light is not only useful for our vision ... Read More

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Blue light comes from everywhere around us. It’s not only the monitors, or the smartphones, or the tablets around us.

Almost all artificial light sources today generate much more than the recommended amount of blue light.

In 1988 the photoreceptor Melanopsin was found and for the first time it was proven that light is not only useful for our vision but it’s critical for many biological processes

The main role of Melanopsin is to control our biological clock and circadian rhythms.

It does this by detecting when blue light is present in our environment.

Melanopsin activates when blue light enters our eye and it sends a signal to our brain that it’s day and our brains stops the secretion of our sleep hormone melatonin.

Melatonin from his side controls a large number of processes in our bodies and is responsible for our good night sleep.

When we have melatonin in our bodies we feel sleepy and this is the reason why you can’t fall asleep when you sit in front of the computer at night.

If you want to have a normal sleep cycle and feel less eye strain you can try Iris

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How do software professionals take care of their eyes? Mon, 11 Feb 2019 23:39:38 +0000 There are a couple of things you can when you are spending a lot of time staring at a computer screen every day: Blink Blinking more often helps moisture your eyes better, you’d be surprised by how much this little thing can do Take Small but regular breaks Apply the 20–20–20 rule: Taking a break also helps will actually also ... Read More

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There are a couple of things you can when you are spending a lot of time staring at a computer screen every day:


Blinking more often helps moisture your eyes better, you’d be surprised by how much this little thing can do

Take Small but regular breaks

Apply the 20–20–20 rule:

Taking a break also helps will actually also help you study better

Use a Blue Light Protection Software

You can try a software like Iris:

It will not only reduce the Blue Light of your monitor (which basically prevents you from having a nice sleep) but is also the only program that can completely remove PWM Flicker from monitors (which makes your eyes hurt and become red).

I suggest you at least give it a shot and see the difference

Download Iris

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How do I to take care of eyes when sitting in front of a screen? Are blue light filters useful? Mon, 11 Feb 2019 23:37:22 +0000 In short: Yes, they are If you are spending a lot of time in front of the computer, one of the best things you can do is to download a blue light filter app Blue Light filters block a huge amount of Blue Light from your computer thus helping you sleep better, some can even block 100% of the blue ... Read More

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In short:

Yes, they are

If you are spending a lot of time in front of the computer, one of the best things you can do is to download a blue light filter app

Blue Light filters block a huge amount of Blue Light from your computer thus helping you sleep better, some can even block 100% of the blue light being emitted

You can also block PWM Flicker which is the main cause of eye pain.

Currently, the only program that blocks PWM Flicker and also reduces Blue Light is Iris

Download Iris


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How do I stabilize or improve my eyesight? Mon, 11 Feb 2019 22:55:02 +0000 If you are spending a lot of time in front of a computer screen or in a similar working environment of the main things that can occur is macular degeneration. This is a problem concerned with the retina of the eye. In this disorder, the nerves of the central part of the retina are affected, and this is called the ... Read More

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If you are spending a lot of time in front of a computer screen or in a similar working environment of the main things that can occur is macular degeneration.

This is a problem concerned with the retina of the eye.

In this disorder, the nerves of the central part of the retina are affected, and this is called the macula.

This condition causes loss of vision, especially in tasks where concentration focuses on one point such as in driving, writing, reading, studying, painting, crafting, stitching, etc.

In this condition, the central vision is blurred whereas the peripheral vision of sides is normal.

The effect is so intense that the affected person is considered to be blind.

Save Yourself

Download a program like Iris. It will remove the blue light from your screen and the PWM Flicker, they will not only save your eyes but you’ll get to sleep better and to feel less eye pain

Read more on Macular degeneration

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How do I improve my eyesight naturally? Mon, 28 Jan 2019 19:39:04 +0000 You can use this to ‘hack’ your eyes and feel better when in front of the computer screen So, long story short, monitors emit Blue Light and have PWM Flicker These are both extremely bad for your eyes and can cause a lot of problems in the short and in the long-term What you can do is download a program ... Read More

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You can use this to ‘hack’ your eyes and feel better when in front of the computer screen

So, long story short, monitors emit Blue Light and have PWM Flicker

These are both extremely bad for your eyes and can cause a lot of problems in the short and in the long-term

What you can do is download a program that takes care of both these things, its called Iris

Download Iris to save your eyes

More on:

Blue Light

PWM Flicker

Download Iris

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How to protect our kids from the harmful computer screen? Mon, 28 Jan 2019 19:31:38 +0000 Honestly, the best thing you can do is not let them use the computer at all But that’s not really feasible in the world we live in today So here a couple of things that you can do to save their eyes: Reduce the PWM flicker, monitors turn on and off, thousands of times per second. It is so fast ... Read More

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Honestly, the best thing you can do is not let them use the computer at all

But that’s not really feasible in the world we live in today

So here a couple of things that you can do to save their eyes:

Reduce the PWM flicker, monitors turn on and off, thousands of times per second.

It is so fast that our eyes can’t even see it but our brains can and it’s really harmful

Take regular breaks from the computer, you can use some sort of timer to remind you so you don’t forget to take a break

You can apply the famous 20–20–20 rule here:

Reduce Blue Light, almost everything emits blue light, screens of any time are especially dangerous. This is really harmful to our eyes, sleep and overall health.

You can do all 3 things and much more with a program like Iris

It is the only program that can block the PWM flicker of any monitor and is probably the best blue light blocking application out there

You can read more about blue light here:

How Blue light Destroyed our Sleep? –  Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

And PWM Flicker:

How Мonitors Destroyed our Eyes? –  Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

Download Iris

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Does f.lux (software) really filter out blue light? Mon, 28 Jan 2019 19:19:03 +0000 In a sense, yes While it doesn’t literally filter out the blue light from your screen, it does still remove it Why is this good for you? Blue light can be one of the causes of insomnia, so when you are using a blue light filter you are almost guaranteeing yourself a good night sleep If you had heard that ... Read More

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In a sense, yes

While it doesn’t literally filter out the blue light from your screen, it does still remove it

Why is this good for you?

Blue light can be one of the causes of insomnia, so when you are using a blue light filter you are almost guaranteeing yourself a good night sleep

If you had heard that X-rays are bad for you, then you should know that blue light is the closest visible light to UV light and X-rays.

That’s why it is extremely important to get as many people as possible aware so we can all save our eyes

What you can do?

You should stop wondering and go ahead and download a blue light filter

Right. Now.

Try using it for a couple of days and you will notice a tremendous difference in how you feel after a whole day at the computer

If flux’s functionality is not enough for you, you can also try Iris.

It is packed with a lot of features created specially to make your life easier

How Iris reduces Blue light? –  Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

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Does blue light damage your eyes? Mon, 28 Jan 2019 19:06:05 +0000 Millions of years ago people lived in sync with nature. When we lived in caves we didn’t have light bulbs and this somehow helped our circadian clocks to stay on track with the natural day and night cycles of the sun Then people started using candles which have color temperature around 1800K which was still fine The Incandescent light bulbs ... Read More

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Millions of years ago people lived in sync with nature.

When we lived in caves we didn’t have light bulbs and this somehow helped our circadian clocks to stay on track with the natural day and night cycles of the sun

Then people started using candles which have color temperature around 1800K which was still fine

The Incandescent light bulbs time was also good because the light emitted from this lightbulbs is with color temperature around 2800K.

Basically, the lower the color temperature the less blue light the light source emits.

In contrast, LED light bulbs and monitors both emit around 6500K.

Is it bad?

Sleep is one part of the problem with blue light.

The bigger problem is actually that blue light enters deep into our eyes and it’s high energy light.

You may know that the UV light is really bad for our eyes, but you probably don’t know that the blue light is also a big problem.

How to fix this?

As you can guess the best solution is to live in a cave and to get only full spectrum sunlight but we all know this is impossible.

Try to avoid light at night and if you just can’t avoid all light and need to get some work done on your PC you can use Iris to block both the Blue Light and the PWM Flicker

Download Iris

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Do LED smart lights emit blue light even when the visible light is red (or any other color)? Mon, 28 Jan 2019 19:02:44 +0000 Look at this spectrum: These LED smart light emit color by mixing Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) lights If the only visible color is Red then, no, it doesn’t emit blue light But if you select a color like yellow, for example, there will be an emit of blue light The same goes for your monitor, it constantly emits blue ... Read More

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Look at this spectrum:

These LED smart light emit color by mixing Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) lights

If the only visible color is Red then, no, it doesn’t emit blue light

But if you select a color like yellow, for example, there will be an emit of blue light

The same goes for your monitor, it constantly emits blue light and has PWM flicker which is really harmful to your eyes

If you want to remove the blue light and flicker, you can try Iris, which is a program made exactly for that

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Do blue light filter apps really protect our eyes? Mon, 28 Jan 2019 18:58:05 +0000 Yes, they can protect our eyes from almost all of the harmful light There is a difference between filtering and using a software in combination with your video card to remove blue light as Iris does. This way it makes it possible to remove up to 100% of the blue light, helping you to sleep better and feel fewer headaches ... Read More

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Yes, they can protect our eyes from almost all of the harmful light

There is a difference between filtering and using a software in combination with your video card to remove blue light as Iris does.

This way it makes it possible to remove up to 100% of the blue light, helping you to sleep better and feel fewer headaches and be more happy and productive overall

Iris can block all the way to 0K

It is also the only app that also removes the PWM Flicker from your screen

If in doubt you can check our testimonials

Download Iris

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As a designer, what are the benefits of using F.lux? Mon, 28 Jan 2019 18:54:32 +0000 Designers work with color. Blue light filters remove (or at least partly) the blue light, which alters the colors So when you are creating something with flux on, you will notice that the moment you turn it on or send it to somebody else the colors will look different Of course, you can turn it off every time you start ... Read More

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Designers work with color.

Blue light filters remove (or at least partly) the blue light, which alters the colors

So when you are creating something with flux on, you will notice that the moment you turn it on or send it to somebody else the colors will look different

Of course, you can turn it off every time you start working but that’s just annoying

It would be nice to be able to do that automatically, wouldn’t it?

Well, there’s a way.

You can do that using Iris

It has a feature called Color Pausers and it will automatically stop altering colors when you are working with any program that you add

You can find more info on it here:

Color pausers Help –  Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

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Iris Brightness Wed, 09 Jan 2019 17:20:34 +0000 Most modern monitors use a method called PWM to control the brightness and this is the reason why we feel eye pain, eye strain and headaches in front of your monitor 1. Set your monitor Hardware brightness to 100% using your monitor buttons 2. Use Iris to control the brightness without PWM Iris Brightness will lower the lightness of your ... Read More

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Most modern monitors use a method called PWM to control the brightness and this is the reason why we feel eye pain, eye strain and headaches in front of your monitor

1. Set your monitor Hardware brightness to 100% using your monitor buttons

2. Use Iris to control the brightness without PWM

Iris Brightness will lower the lightness of your screen without PWM (read more)

If the button above doesn’t work here are some instructions for manual activation: How to try Iris Brightness

How to try Iris Brightness

How to Try Iris Brightness with Magic button

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3 Simple Ways to Test if your Monitor is Good for your Eyes and Health Tue, 13 Nov 2018 09:11:24 +0000 Manufactures make today’s monitors to be energy efficient but this is not always healthy Use this 3 simple tests to find out if your monitor is good and healthy for your eyes 1. The Blue light Test Blue light emitted from computer monitors causes digital eye strain, macular degeneration and sleep problems (read more) To fix this set Iris to ... Read More

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Manufactures make today’s monitors to be energy efficient but this is not always healthy
Use this 3 simple tests to find out if your monitor is good and healthy for your eyes

1. The Blue light Test

Blue light emitted from computer monitors causes digital eye strain, macular degeneration and sleep problems (read more)

To fix this set Iris to Sleep or Biohacker type

See the full Blue light Test

2. The PWM flicker Test

To save energy on low brightness modern monitors constantly turn ON and OFF hundred times per second (read more)

Our brain is slow and we don’t perceive this but our eyes get tired of adjusting to the different light

To fix this set your monitor Hardware brightness to the MAX and control the brightness with Iris

See the full PWM flicker Test

3. The Subpixel flicker Test

Behind our monitor, there are small elements called liquid crystals. These movements cause the so-called subpixel flicker (read more)

To fix this set Iris to Reading, Sleep or Biohacker type

See the full Subpixel flicker test

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Top 5 Benefits of Using Sauna Thu, 11 Oct 2018 13:53:29 +0000 Saunas originate from Finland and with almost 2 million steam baths, it’s not a surprise that Finland is often called the land of saunas. Finns go to the sauna at least once per week to relax, relieve the stress, to achieve mind-body harmony or even for social interaction. Nowadays, almost every family has a sauna in their home or own ... Read More

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Saunas originate from Finland and with almost 2 million steam baths, it’s not a surprise that Finland is often called the land of saunas.

Finns go to the sauna at least once per week to relax, relieve the stress, to achieve mind-body harmony or even for social interaction.

Nowadays, almost every family has a sauna in their home or own a portable camping one, but years ago things were different.

The traditional Finnish sauna, dating back to the 12th century, was a smoke sauna, a small house with no chimney, heated by a wooden stove.

So, if you haven’t already tried a sauna, just go to Finland and they’ll show you how to do it the right way.

Well, going in the cold Finnish air right afterward might be a bit shocking but at least it’s how they do it…and it’s thought to increase the blood circulation.

Either you love saunas or you haven’t tried one, you’ll be curious to find out the top 4 benefits you can experience if you take a steam bath today.

1. An immune booster

German studies have shown that regular sauna reduces the risk of catching a cold or flu by almost a 30%. The reason behind that?

As the body is exposed to the heat of the sauna, it produces more white blood cells, which in turn helps our bodies to fight against illness more rapidly.

As a bonus, inhaling the hot air is thought to relieve the cold symptoms.

So, if you’re not feeling your best, simply put on a smile and jump into the sauna.

What rests? Just wait for the results.

2. Sauna increases blood circulation

One of the things you will experience once you get into the sauna is an increase in circulation.

It’s simple biology. When your body is heating, your heart muscle starts to beat faster, which means, to pump blood faster.

As a result, your blood vessels widen and the blood can flow a lot more freely.

Also, more blood goes to your brain and that’s why when you go to the sauna, you feel a lot more creative and you’re able to think better. Actually, your brain works ways better.

Improved circulation can have a bunch of benefits for your health.


For instance, saunas can deal with muscle soreness and help your joints a lot.

Something else, sauna use has been linked to decreased heart disease which is a big thing as we know that the number 1 cause of death in the world is cardiovascular disease.

Researches have shown that those who visit sauna regularly suffer less from heart disease and stroke.

It’s not red wine, but still, it’s an easy measure to take, isn’t it?

3. Powers the mitochondria

For those of you who don’t know what mitochondria is, I’ll explain in a few words.

Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. You make all your energy with the help of mitochondria. They transform the proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates into ATP, which is the basic energy unit.

Maybe you’ve heard that the sauna improves mitochondrial function but do you know how exactly?

The infrared light from the sauna makes more ATP. What is interesting is that mitochondria create ATP without any food, just from that light.

Boosting mitochondria will make your life a lot easier.

Some of the best ways are exposing yourself to cold temperatures, using a sauna, getting more sunlight and avoiding blue light.

Well, I’ll get out of the topic a little bit to explain to you why avoiding blue light is one of the best things you can do to boost your mitochondria.

Blue light

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Not exposing yourself to blue light is definitely a hard thing to do. electronics, some light bulbs, and even the Sun emit blue light.

Even though it’s everywhere around us, you can block it with ease just by installing an eye-protecting software.

A good one that I can recommend is Iris. One of its main features is reducing the emitted blue light as well as the brightness.

It has many other features but if you’re interested in reading more about the software and how it can protect your eyes, you can just check the website.

4. Detoxifies your body


Your skin is the largest organ in your body and it acts as a barrier that doesn’t let any pollutants from the environment to get into your body.

And so, even if you go outside just for a few minutes, your skin absorbs these pollutants. The way you can get rid of the toxins is by sweating.

But nowadays, we’re getting more and more used to a sedentary lifestyle, and we rarely have time to workout.  As a result, the toxins clog your pores and the harmful elements go deeper into your skin.

Once this happens, it gets a lot of work to clean your body from the inside out.

Actually, the sauna is one of the best alternatives to sport to detoxify your body.

You’re sweating out some toxic elements such as copper, zinc, and lead.

Cleaning the toxins in a steam room or sauna is a relaxing way to improve your overall health and energy. So, what are you waiting for? Get into the sauna and sweat it all out!

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Cómo combatir el insomnio con Iris Sun, 07 Oct 2018 11:44:41 +0000 La dificultad para conciliar el sueño por las noches se ha convertido en un tema que ha dado mucho de que hablar actualmente, y no es de extrañar que sean las personas jóvenes unas de las más afectadas. Estudios han demostrado que el incremento de las horas de luz altera los ritmos circadianos del organismo, los cuales funcionan como un ... Read More

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La dificultad para conciliar el sueño por las noches se ha convertido en un tema que ha dado mucho de que hablar actualmente, y no es de extrañar que sean las personas jóvenes unas de las más afectadas.

Estudios han demostrado que el incremento de las horas de luz altera los ritmos circadianos del organismo, los cuales funcionan como un reloj biológico, el cual entre otras cosas, le indica al cerebro cuando es hora de dormir.

De modo que la sobre exposición a los equipos electrónicos durante el periodo nocturno ha incidido significativamente en la incapacidad de los jóvenes y adultos contemporáneos para dormirse rápida y profundamente al irse a la cama.

Los dispositivos electrónicos y el insomnio


Así es y esto se debe principalmente a que la luz azul emitida por las pantallas de los aparatos que sueles usar antes de acostarte, e inclusive cuando ya estás bajo las sábanas, es muy similar a la que emite la luz solar, de modo que el cerebro interpreta mal el mensaje: cree que aun es de día y te mantiene en estado de vigilia.

Esto significa que si estás acostumbrado a revisar tu celular o a usar tu laptop horas antes de dormir, pues es muy probable que sufras de insomnio y no puedas apegarte a los patrones del sueño que tenías antes de incorporar este mal hábito en tu rutina nocturna.

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Y no solo esto, ¿sabías que la luz azul afecta dramáticamente a tu organismo y le impide descansar? Tal cual, dicha luz inhibe la producción de melatonina por las noches, la cual es una hormona encargada de combatir el insomnio.

Entonces si no cambias esta mala práctica, o al menos te proteges contra ella con los recursos disponibles para tal fin, lamentamos decirte que seguirás pasando noches en vela, o en los casos menos graves, seguirás quedándote dormido muy tarde y no serás capaz de descansar, de modo que vivirás exhausto, irritable y tus niveles de productividad serán bajos.

Cómo combatir el insomnio


Hay muchos consejos fáciles y prácticos que puedes tomar en consideración para dormir plácidamente y a horas recomendadas, pero hoy queremos darte una solución efectiva, increíble y poderosa para que no sigas desvelándote y sufriendo los estragos de esta condición.

Se trata de un software saludable lanzado en 2015 para ayudarte a dormir más y mejor por las noches.

Se llama Iris y en efecto cuenta con funcionalidades especiales para que logres conciliar el sueño sin problemas, incluso cuando uses tus equipos estando ya en cama.


¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Iris? Apostamos que sí y por ello te resumiremos sus funcionalidades más destacadas a continuación.

Verás, Iris cuenta con una página de luz azul que regula su cantidad gradualmente durante el día, pero con mayor énfasis durante la noche.

El motivo de esto es que el organismo necesita producir más melatonina para que seas capaz de dormirte más rápida y profundamente.

Al reducir los valores de luz azul emitida por las pantallas de tus aparatos estás más propenso a dormir mejor y a evitar la fatiga ocular que aporta más cansancio y síntomas molestos como dolor de ojos o cabeza.

¡Descarga y prueba Iris!

Puede ingresar a nuestro sitio web y descargar el software Iris para dormir mejor, cuidar sus ojos y ser más productivo.

Descargar Iris

También tenemos una prueba gratuita de 7 días para que puedas ver los beneficios de usar Iris por ti mismo.

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Cómo evitar el dolor de cabeza en la nuca Sun, 07 Oct 2018 11:44:06 +0000 Pasar muchas horas frente a la pantalla de tu computadora, bien sea en tu hogar o en tu trabajo, acarrea diversos efectos negativos en tu cuerpo que a la larga pueden ser irreversibles. Así es, este y otros equipos electrónicos son los principales emisores de la temible luz azul que causa estragos en nuestra visión y en nuestra piel mayoritariamente. ... Read More

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computer work screen blue light harm sleep problems eye strain eye harm iris software

Pasar muchas horas frente a la pantalla de tu computadora, bien sea en tu hogar o en tu trabajo, acarrea diversos efectos negativos en tu cuerpo que a la larga pueden ser irreversibles.

Así es, este y otros equipos electrónicos son los principales emisores de la temible luz azul que causa estragos en nuestra visión y en nuestra piel mayoritariamente.

Esto significa que al exponernos a ella sin protección estamos propensos a desarrollar cataratas, degeneración macular, dolor de cabeza en la nuca porque los ojos se fatigan, y muchos otros síntomas desagradables.

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Verás, los daños en la retina que se producen cuando abusamos del uso de la PC, laptop, tabletas y de los teléfonos celulares, ocasiona un intenso dolor de cabeza en la nuca en la mayoría de los casos, y esto se debe a que dichos equipos emiten muchísima luz azul y nuestros ojos no tienen una defensa natural para filtrarla.

Cómo evitar los daños

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No obstante, hoy en día no hay excusas para seguir expuestos a ella sin protección, sobre todo porque ya existen soluciones económicas y eficientes en el mercado como el increíble software Iris.

¿Habías escuchado de el? Probablemente sí, pues más de un millón de personas lo han descargado y lo usan activamente desde que fue creado en el año 2015, pero si no sabes a ciencia cierta de qué va, entonces te lo contaremos a detalle en los siguientes apartados.

Iris es un software creado para que puedas usar tu computador durante todo el día –si así lo deseas o necesitas-, sin sufrir de ojos secos, visión borrosa, dolor de cabeza, dolor de cuello o espalda, u otros padecimientos como la fatiga ocular.

¿Cómo funciona Iris?


Iris tiene configuraciones de avanzada y más de 20 funciones vanguardistas pensadas para aumentar tus niveles de productividad, y sobre todo, para cuidar tu salud visual y general.

Algunas de las más destacadas comprenden:

  1. Función de luz azul

    Con ella puedes personalizar la cantidad que emite tu pantalla, y a menor valor, menos fatiga ocular sentirás y hasta lograrás conciliar el sueño más rápida y placenteramente por las noches.

  2. Página de brillo


    En esta página puedes personalizar el brillo de tus pantallas.

    De hecho, el brillo de Iris es diferente al brillo de tu computador porque este software no usa PWM para controlar la luz emitida por tus pantallas.

    Iris determina automáticamente si es de día o de noche en función de tu ubicación o a través de tu sistema de reloj, y de esa manera regula la cantidad de brillo a emitir para que te sientas más cómodo al momento de estar frente a tu computador u ordenador portátil.

  3. Página de combinación de colores


    Acá cuenta con un panel de combinación de colores muy efectivo para configurar o ajustar los valores de temperatura y el brillo que se despliega en la pantalla.

    Al cambiar el aspecto de la misma, manteniendo la temperatura del color predeterminada, se reduce la cantidad de luz azul a emitir y de esta manera evitas fatiga ocular, dolor de cabeza en la nuca, alteración de los patrones del sueño y más.

Probar Iris

Iris viene con una prueba gratuita de 7 días, puedes probarlo y ver y sentir los beneficios que aporta. Puede descargar en nuestro sitio web.

Descargar Iris

Los grandes beneficios que le traerán a su vista y su cuerpo harán que la inversión valga cada centavo. Intentalo

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Qué es el dolor de cabeza tensional Sun, 07 Oct 2018 11:43:19 +0000 Quienes sufren de dolor de cabeza tensional confiesan que la sensación es similar a tener una banda muy ajustada alrededor de la cabeza, puesto que las molestias e incomodidades se manifiestan agudamente en los laterales, en la frente y en la parte posterior de la cabeza. Las causas de este padecimiento son bastante inciertas, aunque algunos estudios han sugerido -no ... Read More

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Quienes sufren de dolor de cabeza tensional confiesan que la sensación es similar a tener una banda muy ajustada alrededor de la cabeza, puesto que las molestias e incomodidades se manifiestan agudamente en los laterales, en la frente y en la parte posterior de la cabeza.

Las causas de este padecimiento son bastante inciertas, aunque algunos estudios han sugerido -no conclusivamente- que el dolor de cabeza tensional puede estar vinculado a contracciones musculares.

Lo cierto es que los afectados suelen tener algo en común: destinan muchas horas del día o la noche a usar sus computadoras, laptops, móviles y otros aparatos electrónicos que terminan perjudicando su salud a grandes rasgos.

Cómo evitar este dolor


Y dado que la sobre exposición a las pantallas o monitores de estos equipos fatiga los ojos y el músculo ciliar que reviste al cristalino, es muy factible que los dolores de cabeza como estos estén a la orden del día.

Por ello te compartiremos unos cuantos consejos útiles y favorables para que te libres de esta situación exitosamente


  1. Intenta relajarte

    Realizar actividades que te generen estrés es contraproducente en estos casos, así que lo mejor es que te relajes a como de lugar.

    Esto implica alejarte de tu computador de tanto en tanto porque así no estresas la musculatura de tus ojos y los dañas, así como meditar, respirar profundamente o cerrar tus ojos y descansar tu cuello y espalda por bastante rato.

  2. Obtén ayuda especializada

    Si vienes sufriendo de dolor de cabeza tensional lo más recomendable es que te apoyes en las soluciones vanguardistas disponibles actualmente en el mercado para mantenerte sano y activo.

    Y acá es donde entra en juego un software muy efectivo para preservar la salud visual que lleva por nombre Iris.

    Hoy te lo presentaremos formalmente porque se convertirá en tu mejor aliado para combatir tanto el dolor de cabeza tensional como otras complicaciones vinculadas al uso desproporcionado de los equipos electrónicos que tenemos literalmente al alcance de nuestras manos.

Conoce más de Iris


Verás, Iris realmente funciona, no en vano es utilizado por un millón de personas en todo el mundo en la actualidad.

Posee más de 20 funcionalidades de avanzada como páginas de luz azul, de luminosidad, control de temperatura, opacidad o brillo y muchas otras más.

Adicionalmente incluye modos muy efectivos para mejorar tus niveles de productividad, cuidar tus ojos y mejorar tu calidad del sueño dramáticamente

¿Quieres saber cómo lo hace? Seguro que sí, por eso te invitamos a seguir leyendo ¿De acuerdo?


Veamos, este software se encarga, entre otras cosas, de:

    • Disminuir la cantidad de luz azul que emiten las pantallas de tus equipos, puesto que esta es la principal causante de las alteraciones de los patrones del sueño, dolor de cabeza y ojos, visión nublada o borrosa y resequedad de los ojos.
    • Controlar el brillo de tu pantalla, y de hecho hace que este coincida con la luz a tu alrededor para que así tu monitor sea súper saludable para tus ojos: tanto así que podrás mirarlo tantas horas como desees sin correr riesgos de desarrollar fatiga ocular ni otras dolencias.
    • Regular de manera gradual la luz azul tanto de día como de noche.
      Destaca que al hacer esto una vez que se ha puesto el sol es muy favorable ya que el organismo produce más melatonina y por lo tanto es capaz de procurar el sueño con mayor velocidad y a un nivel mucho más profundo.

Obtén Iris cuanto antes

Puedes descargar Iris desde nuestra web oficial.

Descargar Iris

Puedes usar la versión de prueba gratuita para probarlo y ver si funciona para ti.

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Lo que debes saber sobre el cuidado de los ojos Sun, 07 Oct 2018 11:36:47 +0000 Gozar de buena salud visual es tan importante como verte y sentirte sano a manera generalizada. Por ello debes asegurarte de cuidar tus ojos constantemente, especialmente si eres un fanático de tus equipos electrónicos como tu teléfono inteligente, tu computadora o laptop. Y aunque seguramente conoces uno que otro efecto negativo vinculado a la utilización exagerada de estos dispositivos, seguramente ... Read More

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Gozar de buena salud visual es tan importante como verte y sentirte sano a manera generalizada.

Por ello debes asegurarte de cuidar tus ojos constantemente, especialmente si eres un fanático de tus equipos electrónicos como tu teléfono inteligente, tu computadora o laptop.

Y aunque seguramente conoces uno que otro efecto negativo vinculado a la utilización exagerada de estos dispositivos, seguramente no evitas muy bien que te afecten en el corto, mediano o largo plazo.

Pero te aseguramos que tras leer esta nota cambiarás radicalmente los malos hábitos que perjudican tu visión significativamente, sobre todo si pasas más de 8 horas pegado a la pantalla de tu PC, computador, tableta o smartphone.

Cómo cuidar los ojos

  1. Dales un descanso

    Aunque esta recomendación parece vaga, te recomendamos no subestimarla. Verás, al estar mucho tiempo viendo una pantalla es muy frecuente que olvides parpadear y este detalle hace que tus ojos se sientan cansados o fatigados con facilidad.

    En efecto, la fatiga ocular se produce cuando no le das descanso a tu vista tras haber forzado a tus ojos a trabajar exageradamente, por decirlo de una manera que te resulte entendible.

    Entonces, te sugerimos seguir la regla conocida como 20-20-20 para evitar molestias en tus ojos, la cual reza lo siguiente: desvía la vista de la pantalla cada 20 minutos, a unos 20 pies –que equivalen a unos 6 metros- delante de ti, durante 20 segundos.

    De esta manera permitirás que el músculo ciliar que recubre al cristalino del ojo se relaje, y deje de contraerse continuadamente y en exceso, porque esto es lo que causa que tus ojos se cansen, enrojezcan, o hasta que lagrimeen.

  2. Parpadea

    Una vez más, al parpadear te cercioras de preservar la superficie ocular porque se mantiene transparente tras la lubricación de la llamada película lagrimal.

    En cambio cuando te concentras en la realización de una actividad fija, como ver tu pantalla por tiempo prolongado, olvidas parpadear con frecuencia y dicha película no es lubricada.

    El resultado se traduce en síntomas molestos e indeseados como la resequedad de los ojos, visión borrosa, dolor de ojos, enrojecimiento y goteos por reflejo

    ¡Así que a parpadear!

  3. Usa un software especial


    Aquí es donde entra en juego el software Iris, porque si bien es cierto que las recomendaciones anteriores son prácticas, útiles y valiosas, resulta innegable que las funcionalidades de avanzada para cuidar los ojos llevan todas las de ganar en la actualidad.

    Por eso Iris goza de tan buena aceptación y receptividad en el mercado del cuidado de la salud visual a escala universal, al punto de que más de un millón de personas lo usa activamente en sus computadoras.

    Fue creado para proteger tus ojos, mejorar tus patrones de sueño y tu salud en general

    ¿Quieres saber cómo? Pues reduciendo la cantidad de luz azul que emiten tus pantallas, así como el parpadeo de los monitores, lo cual los torna más saludables para tu vista.

Cómo funciona Iris


Iris fue creado en el 2015 y su objetivo es optimizar las pulsaciones de las pantallas para controlar su brillo sin utilizar PWM. En palabras más sencillas, fue diseñado para que puedas usar tu computador cómodamente y por el tiempo que desees sin correr el riesgo de sufrir dolor de ojo o cabeza.

Iris es capaz de hacer que el brillo de tu pantalla coincida con la luz a tu alrededor, mientras que diferentes configuraciones pre determinadas se ajustan a tu pantalla para que usarla sea tan placentero y cómodo como leer un libro.

Una de las funciones más destacadas de Iris es que regula gradualmente la luz azul en el día y la noche, y es precisamente cuando el sol ya se ha ocultado cuando resulta más relevante.


¿Te intriga saber por qué? bien, porque a menor cantidad de luz azul percibida, mayor cantidad de melatonina produce el cuerpo, y de esta forma es capaz de conciliar un sueño más rápida y profundamente.

Descárgalo cuánto antes

Puedes visitar nuestro sitio web y descargarlo con unos pocos clics.

Descargar Iris

Con Iris, sus ojos estarán protegidos y se sentirá y dormirá mejor en poco tiempo.

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Cefalea en racimos: qué es y cómo evitarla Sun, 07 Oct 2018 11:29:37 +0000 La cefalea en racimos es conocida popularmente, o con mayor frecuencia, como dolor de cabeza en brotes. Estos pueden ocurrir de forma cíclica o en brotes o racimos, tal cual como lo indica su nombre, más que todo durante la media noche. Se caracteriza por ocasionar un fuerte dolor en el ojo, o a su alrededor, especialmente en el lateral ... Read More

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La cefalea en racimos es conocida popularmente, o con mayor frecuencia, como dolor de cabeza en brotes.

Estos pueden ocurrir de forma cíclica o en brotes o racimos, tal cual como lo indica su nombre, más que todo durante la media noche.

Se caracteriza por ocasionar un fuerte dolor en el ojo, o a su alrededor, especialmente en el lateral de la cabeza, y una vez que se manifiesta este síntoma, el mismo puede prolongarse durante semanas o meses.

Como ves se trata de una condición bastante seria que debes evitar a toda costa, especialmente si estás muy expuesto a la luz azul que emiten las pantallas de los equipos electrónicos que usas a diario y con extrema frecuencia.

La luz azul y la cefalea en racimos


Aunque no se ha comprobado que la luz azul desencadene este padecimiento directamente, sí se ha demostrado que esta puede causar efectos nefastos en los ojos y en la salud en general.

Pero como ya se ha demostrado que las personas que sufren de cefalea en racimos experimentan anomalías en su hipotálamo, el cual es conocido como el “reloj biológico”, no es extraño inferir que este tipo de ondas tengan algo que ver con esto.

La luz azul altera los patrones del sueño porque inhibe la producción de melatonina, y el hipotálamo lo nota de inmediato, porque una de sus funciones más importantes es la regulación del sueño

¡Y es que todo está increíblemente conectado!, ¿acaso no esto increíble?

Cómo prevenir la cefalea en racimos


A continuación te compartiremos un par de sugerencias o cuidados destacados para que no te veas afectado por la cefalea en racimos o brotes:

  1. Usa filtros de luz azul

    Estos filtros evitan que te sobre expongas a esta temible luz y termines sufriendo de fatiga ocular, enrojecimiento o lagrimeo de los ojos, visión borrosa o dolores de cabeza, por tan solo mencionar unos cuantos síntomas.

    Actualmente existen muchísimas variedades en el mercado, tan solo asegúrate de que realmente funcionen para que estés protegido lo mejor que puedas ¿Vale?


  2. Usa un software de avanzada

    Bien, aunque acabamos de recomendarte los filtros de luz azul, la verdad es que debemos confesarte que estos no son tan prácticos ni saludables como para confiar únicamente en ellos.

    Por ello lo más recomendable y seguro es que le saques el máximo provecho a un software especializado para cuidar los ojos, mejorar tu sueño y promover tu salud visual y general significativamente conocido como Iris.

    Este ha marcado la pauta desde su creación en el 2015, tanto así que más de dos millón de personas lo usan activamente en sus computadoras u ordenadores portátiles a diario y por periodos prolongados.

Conoce cómo funciona Iris


  1. Previene la fatiga ocular

    Al controlar el brillo de la pantalla sin usar PWM, optimiza sus pulsaciones y de esta manera prepara tu monitor para que puedas usarlo horas y horas sin fatigar tu vista ni ocasionarte dolores de cabeza.

  2. Reduce el dolor de tus ojos

    Este software hace un match perfecto entre la luz a tu alrededor y el brillo de tu pantalla, y además sus configuraciones predeterminadas se ajustan automáticamente a ella, logrando que te sientas tan cómodo cuando la mires que hasta creerás que estás leyendo un libro en lugar de estar usándola.


  3. Mejora tu ciclo de sueño

    Iris regula de forma gradual la cantidad de luz azul que emiten tus pantallas día y noche.

    Así es como incita al organismo a producir más melatonina una vez que el sol se ha ocultado, y en consecuencia, eres capaz de conciliar el sueño más rápido y con mayor profundidad.

    El hipotálamo lo nota de inmediato y se ve favorecido puesto que como te dijimos hace un par de párrafos, es el encargado de regular estados fisiológicos vitales como el sueño.

¡Disfruta de Iris: un software 100% saludable!

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Puede descargar Iris ahora: es rápido, fácil y simple. Viene con una prueba gratuita de 7 días para que pueda probarlo y ver los beneficios

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Principales problemas para dormir Mon, 01 Oct 2018 09:31:42 +0000 Conciliar el sueño en estos tiempos es casi una misión imposible. Las rutinas profesionales son cada vez más demandantes y si a eso le sumamos las obligaciones personales y familiares, casi desearíamos que el día durara el doble. Sin embargo, existen factores más serios que nos imposibilitan dormir profundamente y en horas tempranas ¿Te imaginas de qué se tratan? Bueno, ... Read More

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Conciliar el sueño en estos tiempos es casi una misión imposible.

Las rutinas profesionales son cada vez más demandantes y si a eso le sumamos las obligaciones personales y familiares, casi desearíamos que el día durara el doble.

Sin embargo, existen factores más serios que nos imposibilitan dormir profundamente y en horas tempranas

¿Te imaginas de qué se tratan? Bueno, si estás pensando en aquellos vinculados a las nuevas tecnologías entonces has acertado.

blue light harm eye harm eye problems

Ya es costumbre usar las computadoras en demasía, incluso al llegar casa, ya sea para buscar información sobre algo en específico, para consultar las noticias, comunicarnos con alguien más o entretenernos.

Y desde que los teléfonos inteligentes irrumpieron en el mercado pues los patrones del sueño terminaron por descontrolarse desmesuradamente.

Esto se debe a que los manejamos al estar en cama y aunque no lo creas sus pantallas tienen el poder de mantenernos despiertos por más tiempo.

La tecnología te roba el sueño

computer work screen blue light harm sleep problems eye strain eye harm iris software

En este apartado te explicaremos cómo tus problemas del sueño pueden estar intrínsecamente vinculados con la gran cantidad de luz azul que emiten las pantallas de tus equipos electrónicos y que seguramente percibes sin la protección adecuada.

La luz azul es capaz de inhibir la producción de melatonina, la cual es la encargada de regular los ritmos circadianos que representan nuestro reloj biológico, adaptándolos a periodos de 24 horas y enfocándolos tanto al sueño como a la vigilia.

Entonces, el insomnio o los problemas para quedarte dormido con facilidad en las noches se deben a un trastorno del ritmo, y este se origina muchas veces por usar tu celular o tu computador al acostarte.

Cómo evitar los problemas del sueño


  • No uses tu teléfono ni tu laptop al irte a la cama

El argumento es muy convincente y te lo explicaremos de manera clara:
la luz azul emitida por estos aparatos altera tu ritmo del sueño y te mantiene vigilante, en lugar de ayudar a tu cuerpo a prepararse para dormir.
Entonces, si estás sufriendo de insomnio últimamente y durante estos episodios usas tu celular, tableta o laptop, puedes estar seguro de que su luz azul está causándote estragos.

  • Utiliza un filtro de luz azul


Si por motivos que se escapan de tus manos debes usar tu computador antes de ir a la cama, o inclusive al haberte acostado,
pues lo más recomendable es que utilices un filtro de luz azul que la bloquee e impida que altere tus patrones del sueño, y que además te cause síntomas como dolor de cabeza y ojos, visión borrosa, lagrimeos, etc.

Hoy en día existen muchos bloqueadores de luz azul en el mercado, e inclusive ya hay lentes especializados para proteger tu visión de sus efectos nefastos,
pero lo cierto es que no suelen ser tan efectivos como tus ojos lo ameritan.
Digamos que cumplen un poco el trabajo, pero no son del todo confiables ni mucho 100% saludables.

  • Usa Iris: un software increíble 


Iris te ayudará a dormir más y mejor puesto que su página de luz azul reduce la cantidad emitida por las pantallas de tus dispositivos electrónicos tanto de día como de noche.
Y es precisamente cuando ya no hay sol cuando esta funcionalidad es más importante.

¿Te preguntas por qué? pues te lo dijimos al principio: porque tu organismo produce más melatonina y es capaz de conciliar el sueño a una mayor velocidad.
Y no solo eso, sino que duermes profundamente y por lo tanto descansas y te relajas.

Iris: cómo obtenerlo

Descargar Iris

Iris reduce la fatiga ocular, el dolor de ojos y mejora la calidad del sueño.

Tiene más de 20 funciones novedosas para configurar tus pantallas y convertirlas en hardware aptos para la vista.

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A qué se debe el insomnio en el embarazo Mon, 01 Oct 2018 09:29:05 +0000 El período de gestación de la mujer suele ser uno de lo más estresantes de su vida debido a la gran cantidad de cambios que se manifiestan, y no solamente a nivel físico, sino también a nivel psicológico, mental y por supuesto, hormonal. El embarazo es como subirse a una montaña rusa: tiene altos y bajos, picos de éxtasis y ... Read More

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El período de gestación de la mujer suele ser uno de lo más estresantes de su vida debido a la gran cantidad de cambios que se manifiestan, y no solamente a nivel físico, sino también a nivel psicológico, mental y por supuesto, hormonal.

El embarazo es como subirse a una montaña rusa: tiene altos y bajos, picos de éxtasis y felicidad y caídas estrepitosas llenas de ansiedad, desconcierto y cansancio.

Y si a esto le sumas uno de los mayores problemas como lo es el insomnio, pues el escenario se torna mucho más fatigante.


Así es, la imposibilidad de dormir durante la dulce espera se debe más que todo a molestias físicas como los vómitos y náuseas –especialmente durante el primer trimestre-, al síndrome de las piernas cansadas, o al peso ganado que muchas veces les genera sensación de asfixia a las mujeres al momento de acostarse.

Sin embargo, una de las causas más frecuentes para sufrir de insomnio en el embarazo suele pasar desapercibida, o no se le da la importancia que amerita pese a los efectos negativos que genera en el organismo, y se trata del uso de equipos electrónicos antes de dormir.

Por qué sufres de insomnio embarazada

Alarm clock showing 3 a.m.

En efecto, la luz azul que emiten las pantallas de tus dispositivos de uso diario como tu móvil, laptop o tableta altera tu reloj biológico porque es muy parecida a la luz solar, de modo que tu cerebro capta una señal errada: cree que es de día y no de noche, y por lo tanto te cuesta tanto conciliar el sueño al acostarte.

Además, la gran cantidad de luz azul que emiten tus monitores durante la noche evitan que tu organismo produzca suficiente melatonina, y por ende, no puedes quedarte dormida rápida ni profundamente.

Entonces debes tomar los correctivos pertinentes para que el uso de estos aparatos no perturbe tu patrón del sueño, en especial porque durante el embarazo es cuando más necesitas dormir y descansar plácidamente.

Cómo evitar el insomnio


  • No uses tus equipos antes de dormir

Lo ideal es que dejes de usar tu móvil o tu computadora al menos 2 horas antes de irte a la cama.

De esta manera permitirás que tu ritmo circadiano funcione correctamente y así tu cerebro interpretará el mensaje de que ha llegado el momento de dormir y descansar.

  • Usa un filtro de luz azul


Si deseas darle un vistazo a tus redes sociales, leer digitalmente, jugar con alguna aplicación o checar tu correo una vez que te has metido a la cama, pues no olvides proteger tus ojos de la luz azul con un filtro especialmente diseñado para esto.

Estos bloquearán el exceso de luz que percibirás y te harán sentir un poco más cómoda al usarlos, aunque lo más probable es que no sean tan eficaces como para prevenir el insomnio.

  • Usa Iris: un software para dormir mejor


Así como lo lees: Iris fue creado en 2015 para ayudarte a dormir mejor ¿Quieres saber cómo funciona?

Bien, pues a través de su página de luz azul la regula gradualmente, sobre todo si el sol ya se ha puesto y aun estás usando tu computador.

De esta manera incentiva a tu cuerpo a producir más melatonina y así es como tu insomnio se disipará por completo: podrás dormirte más velozmente y a un nivel más profundo del que pudieses imaginarte.


Además Iris cuida tus ojos, pues la fatiga ocular también puede ser una importante causa de desvelo durante el embarazo.

En esencia, optimiza las pulsaciones de tu pantalla y controla su brillo para que puedas mirarlas sin sufrir esta condición ni dolores de cabeza.

El dolor de ojos al usar tu PC por muchas horas también será cosa del pasado puesto que ganarás muchísima comodidad: tanta que creerás que estás leyendo un libro, aun cuando realmente estés frente a tu pantalla.

Descarga y disfruta Iris

Compra Ahora

La versión de prueba es gratuita y puedes aprovecharla durante 7 días continuos, pero debes saber que la versión de por vida cuesta $15 y puedes descargarlo usando nuestro sitio web

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Best energy boosters Fri, 28 Sep 2018 08:41:18 +0000 I’ve always tried to get up as early as possible as all successful people do that, right? Wanting to conquer my alarm clock has become something like an ultimate goal. I got all the motivation in the world but when the morning came, all of it was lost somewhere between the messy sheets. And, honestly, none of it was there. ... Read More

The post Best energy boosters appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


I’ve always tried to get up as early as possible as all successful people do that, right?

Wanting to conquer my alarm clock has become something like an ultimate goal.

I got all the motivation in the world but when the morning came, all of it was lost somewhere between the messy sheets.

And, honestly, none of it was there. I couldn’t even catch up with one single thought of why should I get up with the Sun.

One thing I knew for sure.

The person who set up the alarm clock the previous night was not the same mindful person who can’t open his eyes the next morning.

If you’re like me and you spend most of your day thinking why do you feel always tired for no reason and in the morning you just feel as you’ve been hit by a truck, give this article a go, it may save you a bunch of headaches.

There are some medical conditions that can explain the constant fatigue, but if not so, the chances are that you might have got a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Down below, I’ll list some of the most common symptoms that people with CFS have

Symptoms of CFS

  • sleep doesn’t help with fatigue
  • concentration issues
  • muscle or joint pain
  • headaches
  • enlarged lymph nodes

Even though you may have some of the symptoms, the chances that you have CFS are not that high actually as it’s most common for people around their 60′.

But what is probable, is that your tiredness is due to some medical conditions such as:

Other causes of fatigue

  • hypothyroidism
  • heart problems
  • anemia
  • depression
  • sleep apnea
  • diabetes

Well, these are some of the main reasons for feeling tired most of the time.  If you’ve already consulted а medical expert and he or she didn’t find that there is an underlying cause for your fatigue, just chill, the things might not be serious at all.

It’s all about the habits.

The chances are that due to your overwhelming everyday life, you’ve put your health on the back seat.

It’s time to look after yourself to bring back your previous productive self.

I’ve listed for you 9 energy boosters, that have changed my life.

Stressed out?

It’s important to focus on some ways to stress out.

I guess you’re occupied most of the time with some extra work your boss gave you.

Probably your children want your attention 24/7 and the slightest hint of free time you have is automatically filled with more work. Because hey, there is always something else to be done, right?

But what happens when your self-time literally doesn’t exist?

You feel stressed, that’s it. And unfortunately, stress and emotions take most of your energy.

In the end, you feel just like a squeezed lemon, exhausted by the nonstop demands of your life. If you’ve had enough, making some time for yourself is a must. Just half an hour will make wonders.

Trying yoga will definitely help you to feel your muscles and calm you at the same time.

Also, focusing your mind is what you need after a long day. So don’t hesitate, meditate, and feel great.

2. Get moving

The more you work, the less energy you have, right? It’s absolutely true but this doesn’t apply for working out.

Most of us do is getting back home after a long day, feel exhausted because of the work they’ve done and… sit on the couch in front of the TV hoping to fill up the energy tank.

Sadly, laying on the couch makes you more tired.

What you need are some good 30 minutes or so to get your heart pumping. If intense cardio workouts are not your thing, just half an hour walking in the park is a good start too.

Then take a hot shower and believe me, you’ll forget all about stress and fatigue.

The reason behind that? When exercising, your body releases the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine.

These are stress hormones that in modest amounts make you feel full of energy

3. Say no to smoking

This for sure isn’t an easy one for passionate smokers but it’s worth it in the long-term.

I’m not going to explain to you all about the health benefits you’ll get when you stop smoking.

Chances are that you already know most of them. I’ll emphasize one specific benefit which is connected to energy levels.

When you smoke, the nicotine which is a stimulant goes really fast into your bloodstream.

There it can act both as stimulant and depressant. It stimulates the adrenal gland which releases adrenaline. That’s the reason why smokers feel a boost of energy.

But depending on the mood, it’s proven that nicotine can actually calm you down.

It sounds pretty good, right?

Well, not exactly, these effects are only short-term and after the first cigarette, the energy levels drop significantly.

That’s why smokers usually go for another one to return back to their “normal state”. Ever wondered why nicotine is so addictive?

4. Rest and recharge

Some people find midday naps essential for keeping their productivity throughout the whole day at high levels.

Researches have found that some shut-eye time in the middle of the day for just as little as 10 minutes can increase the productivity and make you a lot more alert for the next more than 2 hours.

A good example to illustrate how powerful the naps are is Leonardo Da Vinci.

Every four hours, he took a 20-minute nap which boosted his productivity and allowed him to work on long-term projects.

Never thought about naps? Think twice

5. Take a cold shower

Most of us associate showers with instant refreshment.

But if your habits are as those of 90% of the people, you probably take a hot shower in the morning first thing.

But there’s a little problem with that. Instead of getting you ready for the day, it prepares your body for a good night’s sleep.

This is because of the drastic change in the body temperature. When you get out of the bathroom and towel off, the body temperature lowers immediately which is soothing the nerves.

Contrast showers

What you have to do is try contrast showers. The drastic changes in the temperature increase your blood flow as well as opening up your capillaries.

The technique takes literally no time, as little as one minute and a half. So, no excuses.

First, start with cold water for a period of 30 seconds.

Then, drastically change the temperature to hot water. Hot enough that you can feel the difference. Finish up with another interval of 30 seconds with cold water.

This simple trick has helped me probably the most with my morning tiredness.

If going in the bathroom for an icy-cold shower sounds shocking for you, don’t blame it on your perceptions. In the beginning, it sounded awful for me either.

So, a good strategy is to start taking warm showers and gradually reduce the water temperature until you achieve your goal. It’s not hard at all, it’s all about getting used to it

There are a lot of positives of having contrast showers despite the increased blood circulation.

Scientists have said that this practice deals well with depression and strengthens the immune system.

What else could you want from a minute and a half?

6. Don’t sleep too much

Everyone talks about the importance of the good quality sleep but why it is so crucial?

Sleep is the best break we can give to our body. When we sleep, our body rests while it’s healing itself. Literally, there is nothing better we can do to deal with stress or any other slight discomfort.

So, sleep has an important role in maintaining good psychological and physical health. But how much of it?

In a world where time is never enough and everyone is trying to get a little bit more sleep, looking at oversleeping as a problem might sound ridiculous.

Well, not the ultimate truth. Oversleeping is a real problem which is often associated with diabetes, obesity, sleep apnea and so on.

Generally, sleeping too much is caused by not having good quality sleep due to some medical conditions such as those which I just mentioned above.

Some other reasons for the lack of good sleep are the use of some drugs, medicines and especially blue light.

Okay, we saw what could the causes for oversleeping might be and now it’s time to look at the consequences.

You may ask yourself, how something which is considered good, can be harmful?

Well, as for everything else in life, the same goes for sleep. Do everything in moderation, they say

Generally, 8 hours of sleep are thought to be okay. The rule is, the more over 8 hours you sleep, the more tired you feel. Here’s an example

If you sleep for 10 hours, your brain will interpret that as 6 hours straight.

Start by going to bed earlier, and set an alarm for after 8 hours. Within a few weeks, you’ve already regulated your inner clock and get up with an ease. It’s time to say goodbye to the blue mornings.

7. Limit the time in front of the screen

Well, we finally get to a really important point-monitors.

Let’s talk about the bright screens and how do they affect our health.

They’re everywhere and unavoidable, we all know that. But nowadays everything is concentrated around them. Computers, smartphones, and tablets have become part of our lives.

So, yeah, we can’t just delete them from our lives. Still, we can avoid them, but that’s a hard one too.

Our generation is always sick and tired, what do you think, is there some sort of a connection between that and technology?

In simple words-yes, there is. And the problem comes with the blue light.

Contrary to what you might have heard, blue is not that big of an enemy, or at least during the sunny part of the day.  Actually, blue light is part of the solar spectrum.

During the day, it makes us more alert, and so, more productive. But when the night comes, it suppresses the production of melatonin-the sleeping hormone.

This is where the issue is.

Years ago, when there weren’t any other light sources instead of the sun, things were alright. The sun goes down and there is no blue light, so your brain can release melatonin and prepare for sleep.

Now, due to the emission of blue light, our circadian rhythm is seriously confused.

Circadian rhythm

For those of you who don’t know what the circadian rhythm is, I’ll explain in a few words.

The circadian rhythm is something like an internal clock which tells your brain when should it wake up or take a rest.

It works pretty easily by releasing two main hormones-adrenaline and melatonin.

Your internal clock knows when to release or suppress those hormones with the help of light.

As I said above, we get blue light from the Sun during the day and it keeps us concentrated and alert.

But when the night comes, it suppresses the secretion of melatonin and that’s why we can’t fall asleep. Obviously, no sleep-no energy.

That’s the reason why we feel sick and tired. Just because our circadian rhythm is confused. Unfortunately, our phones, laptops and even LED light bulbs emit blue light.

There are some ways to block the blue light and one of them which I highly recommend is installing an eye protecting software.


Iris is one of the top programs to protect you from the harmful blue light rays while saving your eyesight. The software is created to fit everyone’s needs.

There are several modes and types and one of its two main features are lowering blue light and automatic brightness reduction.

Download Iris

The first type is Health which is used by most of the users.

It lowers the blue light as well as the brightness and doesn’t change much the colors.

It feels good on the eyes and increases productivity just because your eyes don’t get tired even after a long working day.

Another type is Sleep. It removes all of the blue light and even though it changes colors drastically, it helps a lot when you’re trying to fall asleep as fast as possible after using your PC.

Some other types are reading-which makes the colors of your screen black and white like an E-reader, programming, biohacker, Sunglasses, Dark and Movie.

Iris is now being used by millions of people and gets more and more popular with its daily updates.

So, don’t hesitate and give it a try to feel your energy boosted in just after a few days

Download Iris

8. Don’t forget about the water

Everyone talks about how important drinking water is-but why?

Our bodies are literally constituted on water. 55% to 75% of our bodies are made up of water.

Every single organ of our body requires water and when we don’t drink enough, the systems don’t function as they have to.

Water helps with the absorption of nutrients and also, it regulates body temperature.

What you might don’t know is that most of us are dehydrated.

How can you know if that applies to you?

Each time you feel like you’re thirsty, you’re basically dehydrated. And dehydration affects us in many ways such as headaches, fatigue, constipation, kidney malfunction, and many muscle cramps.

In addition, dehydration can lead to slowing your metabolism and storing fat.

To make sure that you don’t get dehydrated, to boost your metabolism and so, your energy, my advice is to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

9. Cut out the fast-carbs

You know that feeling around 2 PM and 4 PM when you have to work but all you want to do is go straight to bed?

You feel sleepy and unmotivated and all you do is pretend you’re productive.

Sounds familiar? I’m sure it does.

This is known as a carb-crash.

When you eat too many fast carbs such as bread, pasta, sweets and general foods with high glycemic index, your glucose tank fills up.

The glucose gets fast in the bloodstream and makes the pancreas to secrete insulin- the hormone which lowers glucose levels.

When this happens, we feel tired and crave more and more carbs which turns into a vicious circle from which you can hardly exit.

The main enemy is sugar which you should try to avoid at all costs even though you feel like you can eat all the chocolate in the world

And again, we feel sick and tired.

The chances are that you know this tendency pretty well.

But don’t get stressed over it, it’s absolutely normal. At least, it’s that normal that a whole country like Spain practice the siesta, right?

But the fact that it’s common, doesn’t mean that it’s something that we can’t deal with.

You just have to follow one simple step: avoid fast carbs or those of them with high glycemic index and you will feel energised throughout the whole day without having surprising or not that surprising  energy crashes.

10. Natural supplements

Another point I’m going to emphasize is the natural supplements which can have a great effect on our overall health, energy, and productivity.

Ever wondered whether a natural supplement or a herbal tea can lift you in the morning when you can hardly wake up or in the early afternoon?

Well, surprisingly, some of them actually can.

Some of the most popular stimulants like the caffeine and green tea,

  • Caffeine

Caffeine found in coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate is probably the most famous psychoactive drug in the world.

Many people rely on it to combat the chronic fatigue. Actually, coffee doesn’t give you real energy just because the pure black coffee contains no energy.

What it does is stimulating the adrenal gland to secrete the hormone adrenaline which gives you a quick shot of energy.

Just as quick as drinking the espresso shot. One coffee a day is what you need. If you think you can live only on caffeine, sorry, but not really.

But do you know what’s happening when you start drinking more coffee?

First of all, we need to figure out how does our brain prepares itself for sleep.

The brain neurons break down a molecule called adenosine triphosphate. Once it’s broken down, the molecule can either wake us up or make us fall asleep depending on our personal needs.

One of adenosine triphosphate’s components is adenosine which is captured by the brain receptors.

The structures of caffeine and adenosine are very similar which means that the caffeine can easily take adenosine’s place in the brain receptors.

But given that, their structure is not exactly the same but only similar, caffeine cannot activate those receptors. The only thing it can do is combat with adenosine.

And that’s how caffeine makes you feel more alert-it literally doesn’t let your brain to fall asleep.

The problem comes when you start drinking more than 3 cups a day.

Then, your brain literally starts crying for sleep. What your brain does is creating more receptors so that adenosine can go there and make you sleepy.

And so, the more caffeine you take in, the more you’ll need to fill all of the receptors.

And believe me, drinking a lot of coffee is everything but not a good thing cause it oxidates you.


Guarana is gaining more and more popularity the recent years. It is a plant originated from Brasil. It’s an eye-sized red fruit with black seeds inside and it resembles the coffee beans.

Guarana is best-well known as an ingredient in most popular energy drinks. It’s an excellent source of antioxidants and caffeine. In fact, there is 6 times more caffeine in guarana beans than in coffee beans.

Some other benefits of Guarana are that it helps your focus and concentration, as well as it promotes heart health.

Researches show that Guarana may decrease the oxidation of LDL or “bad cholesterol” and also aid blood flow.

Whether you’re interested in trying how will Guarana affect your body or you just search a good alternative for coffee, give it a try, you may be surprised!

Final words

Thank you for reading this article. If you’ve found it useful, share it with your friends on the social media, so they can learn some of the best ways to boost their energy levels naturally.


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Aprende a proteger tus ojos de la PC Tue, 25 Sep 2018 21:12:48 +0000 Hoy en día resulta inevitable usar dispositivos electrónicos tanto en el ámbito profesional como personal, siendo la PC uno de los más populares. Así es, la usamos para casi todo lo que tenemos que hacer a diario: para las compras, los servicios, para movilizar dinero, enviar un correo, buscar información, y por supuesto, hasta para jugar o entretenernos un rato. ... Read More

The post Aprende a proteger tus ojos de la PC appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


Hoy en día resulta inevitable usar dispositivos electrónicos tanto en el ámbito profesional como personal, siendo la PC uno de los más populares.

Así es, la usamos para casi todo lo que tenemos que hacer a diario: para las compras, los servicios, para movilizar dinero, enviar un correo, buscar información, y por supuesto, hasta para jugar o entretenernos un rato.

Pero lo cierto es que el uso desmedido de este y otros equipos tecnológicos nos perjudica considerablemente, sobre todo a nivel visual.

blue light sources iris software eye protection blue light filter screen dimmer

De allí que cuidar nuestros ojos cuando estamos mucho tiempo frente a una pantalla goce de tanta importancia en la actualidad, y si tu aun no has tomado los correctivos pertinentes, pues te invitamos a hacerlo cuanto antes.

Pero si no sabes por dónde empezar, tranquilo, no te desesperes: acá te contaremos qué puedes hacer para proteger tus ojos de la PC siempre que te dispongas a usarla

Cómo proteger tus ojos de la PC


  • Usa un filtro de luz azul

Este es quizás el mejor consejo que podemos darte porque los efectos que genera la luz azul en tus ojos son realmente nocivos y preocupantes.

Desde visión borrosa y dolores de cabeza, hasta complicaciones más serias como la llamada degeneración macular asociada a la edad, que a la larga produce ceguera.

Entonces, no dudes en adquirir un buen filtro que te permita regular la cantidad de luz que perciben tus ojos al estar pegado al monitor durante horas y horas, o de lo contrario tus ojos sufrirán las consecuencias más temprano que tarde.

  • Prueba Iris: un software de avanzada


Es cierto que existen otras recomendaciones importantes y valiosas para cuidar tus ojos al usar tu computadora tales como ubicar el monitor a una distancia y altura prudencial, o descansar la vista cada cierto tiempo para evitar fatiga ocular, rojeces o irritación en los ojos, pero ninguna se compara con la utilización de un software tan vanguardista como Iris.

Este fue creado en el 2015 precisamente para que las personas que usan mucho sus ordenadores puedan seguir sacándoles provecho sin perjudicar su visión.

La idea es que usarlos sea tan cómodo como leer un libro y en las siguientes líneas te explicaremos por qué.

Qué es Iris y cómo funciona


Iris no es un filtro de luz azul, sino un software muy revolucionario que evita que dicha luz emitida por las pantallas de los dispositivos que usas a diario, y en demasía, te generen fatiga ocular, problemas del sueño, dolores de cabeza, cuello o espalda, depresión, cambios de humor, inestabilidad emocional, cataratas y más.

Tiene más de 20 funcionalidades para controlar el brillo de las pantallas, la cantidad de luz azul que emitirán, la temperatura del color, transiciones, configuraciones de pantalla para el día y la noche y pare usted de contar.

Además tiene 3 modos: automático, manual y pausado, mientras que sus tipos se clasifican en 9 pre configuraciones, siendo las alusivas a la “Salud” y al “Sueño”, las preferidas por sus usuarios debido a sus increíbles beneficios.

Tu puedes usar Iris sin problemas

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Una vez que finaliza la prueba, puede ver el efecto usted mismo y decidir si continúa o no usando Iris.

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Qué es la astenopía y cómo prevenirla Tue, 25 Sep 2018 21:09:22 +0000 La astenopía es conocida clínicamente como una condición oftalmológica derivada del esfuerzo ocular constante y continuado que produce dolor en los ojos, fatiga ocular, visión borrosa o doble y por supuesto dolores de cabeza. Suele manifestarse con mucha frecuencia al forzar la vista durante las lecturas, escrituras o al estar mucho tiempo mirando la pantalla de la laptop, la PC ... Read More

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La astenopía es conocida clínicamente como una condición oftalmológica derivada del esfuerzo ocular constante y continuado que produce dolor en los ojos, fatiga ocular, visión borrosa o doble y por supuesto dolores de cabeza.

Suele manifestarse con mucha frecuencia al forzar la vista durante las lecturas, escrituras o al estar mucho tiempo mirando la pantalla de la laptop, la PC o de otros equipos electrónicos que hoy en día tenemos al alcance de nuestras light harm eye harm eye problems

En efecto, se ha demostrado que al fijar la mirada en la realización de una actividad intensa, como en el uso de dichos dispositivos tecnológicos, los ojos se resienten y se produce la astenopía.

Esto se debe a que el músculo ciliar -el cual reviste al cristalino del ojo- se tensa y origina síntomas como enrojecimiento o irritación de los ojos que indudablemente reducen tus horas de productividad, y además, impactan tu salud considerablemente en el corto, mediano y largo plazo.

Cómo cuidar tus ojos


Así que si tu eres una de esas personas que destina gran parte de su día a estar frente a estas pantallas lo más recomendable es que tomes los correctivos pertinentes a la brevedad posible para que tu visión se mantenga sana y saludable.

¿Te interesa saber algunos consejos para cuidar tus ojos regularmente?

Si es así estás de suerte porque acá abajo te compartiremos unos cuantos y estamos seguros de que te resultarán muy útiles y prácticos.

  • Guarda las distancias


No estés ni muy lejos ni muy pegado a la pantalla de tu computador o de cualquier otro aparato electrónico, aunque lo mismo aplica mientras lees un libro o escribes un texto ¿De acuerdo?

De esta forma evitas la sobre estimulación del músculo ciliar para conseguir un buen enfoque y así tus ojos no se sentirán fatigados, cansados, ni tendrás lagrimeos o rojeces indeseadas.

  • Usa recursos adicionales


En este punto consideramos muy apropiado presentarte un software creado en 2015 para cuidar tu salud visual, evitándote dolor de ojos, mejorando tus horas de descanso e incrementando tus niveles de productividad al máximo.

Se trata de Iris y si sigues leyendo descubrirás cómo puede mejorar tu vida a grandes rasgos.

Digamos que Iris te ofrece la posibilidad de configurar o ajustar ciertos parámetros para que el uso de tus pantallas sea tan placentero como leer un libro.

Por ejemplo, puedes reducir la cantidad de luz azul que emiten las pantallas y que causan muchísima fatiga visual, o reducir su brillo para mayor comodidad, e inclusive puedes renderizar las fuentes de tus textos para que tus ojos no hagan tanto esfuerzo al leer y se cansen.

Aunque no lo creas, este tipo de renderización marca la diferencia entre tener ojos cansados o descansados y en óptimo estado, y gracias a Iris puedes modificarlas; tan solo recuerda que mientras más “fea” luzca la fuente, mejor será esta para tus ojos.

Evita la astenopía con Iris


Iris es el único software disponible actualmente en el mercado mundial que evita el parpadeo de tus monitores que originan que el músculo ciliar se contraiga constantemente.

Para ello usa un proceso similar al movimiento que hace el iris del ojo cuando encendemos y apagamos las luces de nuestro cuarto y luego nos miramos al espejo, con la salvedad de que el cumple estos pasos más velozmente.

Este tipo de funcionalidades de Iris son las que evitarán que sufras de astenopía u otras afectaciones oculares como el Síndrome Visual Informático (SVI), cataratas, degeneración macular, ojos llorosos, entre otras.

¿Dónde lo consigues?

Descargar Iris

Puede descargarlo e intentarlo durante 7 días sin cargo adicional, y también puede comprarlo desde nuestro sitio web

¿Qué dices?, ¿le darás una oportunidad? Si lo haces te garantizamos que no te arrepentirás.

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Computer Night Light: Window’s Night Light Or Dark Mode? Tue, 25 Sep 2018 21:05:00 +0000 Windows 10 has come up with a variety of features over the years since it’s been around. One notable feature is the Night Light feature. This feature is a built-in function that allows the user to reduce the blue light that’s emitted from the monitor. The reason this feature exists is that as people are using technology more and more ... Read More

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Windows 10 has come up with a variety of features over the years since it’s been around. One notable feature is the Night Light feature.

This feature is a built-in function that allows the user to reduce the blue light that’s emitted from the monitor.

The reason this feature exists is that as people are using technology more and more their exposure to blue light is rising as well.

For the uninitiated, blue light has several health benefits, but an over-exposure to blue can cause some serious damages to us.

blue light sun light uv rays color spectrum eye harm strain iris software filter protection

Blue light is derived from the sun but also from fluorescent lights and most importantly our devices.

This computer night light is one such feature to help us in reducing blue light.

That being said, there is another feature that Windows 10 has and that is Dark Mode. Dark Mode does essentially what it says, makes the screen into a dark, sleek environment.

At the same time, it still begs the question which one should you go for if you are stuck between those two? Well, let’s look at them.

What Is Night Light?

computer work screen blue light harm sleep problems eye strain eye harm iris software


Night Light is – in short – Microsoft’s answer to the popular app f.lux.

It’s basic in function much like f.lux and offers the exact same thing as f.lux.

The only real difference between this built-in function and f.lux is simply that.

Window’s computer night light is essentially f.lux except you don’t need to download it.

What About Dark Mode?


As for Dark Mode, you have to keep in mind for what it was intended for at the beginning.

It was integrated specifically for some apps in mind and provides a dark visual appearance to apps that are black.

Dark Mode essentially makes them darker. What is also to note is that there is an option for users to use a high contrast black mode.

What it does is brings in bright colours against a black theme.

The only catch to Dark Mode is that it only works on certain apps, so it’s not completely dark no matter what app you use in Dark Mode.

When Should I Use Them?



With these facts in mind, when should you be using them? Well first off Dark Mode is simply a shift in theme.

Although users have reported a reduced eye strain when in this mode, this computer night light alternative doesn’t serve much outside of that.

Furthermore, with Night Light it doesn’t completely remove blue light.

It certainly does a good job of providing a filter and covers the basics, but it can’t do much other than that.


But don’t fret too much about that as there are plenty of alternatives.

One particular alternative is the product that we offer called Iris.

With the assistance of our app, we can reduce eye pain, remove screen flickering, and assist in our users sleeping better by blocking blue light entirely.

Download Iris

We do all this and more thanks to the app carefully monitoring the user’s screen, regulating the blue lights as well as reducing the pulsations from the screen too to reduce headaches.

Our app is the perfect alternative and serves well as a computer night light.

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How to Reduce Blue Light from Computer Screen Sun, 23 Sep 2018 18:41:13 +0000 Studies show that frequent exposure to blue light on your computer screens have harmful effects. You might want to know how to reduce blue light from the computer screen or lower your screen time. The Blue Light Effect We need blue light in order to stay active. The sun emits a lot of it that can be found in its ... Read More

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Studies show that frequent exposure to blue light on your computer screens have harmful effects.

You might want to know how to reduce blue light from the computer screen or lower your screen time.

The Blue Light Effect


We need blue light in order to stay active. The sun emits a lot of it that can be found in its ultraviolet rays.

Blue light can help you stay active within the day, boost your memory and alertness, aid your cognition and memory, and make you feel happy.

However, prolonged exposure to blue light has several harmful effects on your body.

Studies show that blue light can cause eye irritation, headaches, neck and body pain, and blurry vision.

There are other alarming health problems that are connected to the blue light. Some of them are permanent eye damage, illness, and cancer.

Protect Your Eyes


You can get eyeglasses that filter ultraviolet rays. Take a lot of breaks if you are doing your work mostly from a computer.

You have to reduce your surrounding light screen and avoid using too much brightness especially if your computer is located in an area with direct sunlight.

You can also upgrade your computer screen’s display.


It is recommended to use a monitor with a liquid crystal display instead of a cathode ray tube.

LCDs are easier to see and they have an anti-reflective surface.

When you use a CRT screen, you might notice a frequent flicker on your computer screen at times.

This can cause eye fatigue in the long run.

What can Iris Software Do for You


There is another way of protecting your eyes. This can be a solution that is for the long-term.

Iris is created to decrease the amount of blue light emitted from your computer and reduce the flicker rate for your computer.

Iris can detect automatically whether you are working in a day or night setting, and it adjusts the monitor display accordingly.

The color temperature and brightness are adjusted as well on your computer.


If you are wondering how to reduce blue light from the computer screen, then try Iris.

Iris can work on USB monitors and docking stations. Some of the features include brightness without pulse width modulation, partial screen blue light reduction, manual settings, and color effects.

If the blue light is properly filtered, it won’t affect your body clock and you can sleep easily during nighttime.

Download Iris

There are new versions of Iris for latest Windows upgrade.

Iris can make your work easier. Your eyes can adjust to a prolonged computer screen time and you can do your work much faster if you don’t have eye strain.

Contact Iris today and learn more valuable information on how to reduce blue light from the computer screen.

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Qué causa el dolor de cabeza frontal Wed, 19 Sep 2018 17:31:14 +0000 El dolor de cabeza frontal puede estar asociado a padecimientos serios como las migrañas, las cefaleas tensionales o la sinusitis, pero también ha sido vinculado con alteraciones en los ojos que comprometen la retina, la mácula o la conjuntiva. La mayoría de los padecimientos visuales generan dolores de cabeza, bien sea en la nuca, o a nivel lateral o frontal ... Read More

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El dolor de cabeza frontal puede estar asociado a padecimientos serios como las migrañas, las cefaleas tensionales o la sinusitis, pero también ha sido vinculado con alteraciones en los ojos que comprometen la retina, la mácula o la conjuntiva.

La mayoría de los padecimientos visuales generan dolores de cabeza, bien sea en la nuca, o a nivel lateral o frontal ¿Te preguntas por qué?

Seguramente sí y acá te lo explicaremos más detalladamente.

blue light sources iris software eye protection blue light filter screen dimmer

Verás, el esfuerzo continuado del músculo que recubre al cristalino del ojo se fatiga mayoritariamente cuando usamos equipos como el computador.

Cuando este está muy cerca, muy elevado, o cuando no usamos protección ante la luz azul que emite su pantalla nos estamos perjudicando.

Y dado que tanto este como otros equipos electrónicos como las tabletas, las PC, laptops y los smartphones emiten grandes cantidades de esta luz tan dañina para los ojos, pues no es de extrañar que al usarlos desmedidamente te generen un dolor de cabeza frontal con bastante frecuencia o intensidad.

Cómo evitar esta dolencia


La respuesta no es otra que protegiendo tus ojos de la luz azul – y por ello hoy queremos hablarte del revolucionario software anti luz azul Iris.

Fue creado en el 2015 y desde entonces ha ganado más de un millón de adeptos a nivel mundial dada su eficacia y efectividad en la promoción de la salud visual.


Fue ideado pensando en tu productividad y en la preservación de la buena condición de tus ojos, especialmente porque no es un secreto para nadie que hoy en día pasamos horas frente a la pantalla de nuestros dispositivos electrónicos, bien sea por trabajo o por ocio.

Este software cuenta con más de 20 funcionalidades de avanzada con las cuales podrás regular la cantidad de brillo o luminosidad de tus pantallas, o reducir la luz azul emitida por ellas, lo cual evita la fatiga ocular, el dolor de cabeza frontal o en la nuca, cuello o espalda, así como resequedad en los ojos y lagrimeos.

Funcionamiento de Iris

blue light filter health problems eye stress eye protection eye strainIris se apoya en tres grandes pilares y puesto que son vitales para que te sientas bien al usar tus dispositivos electrónicos, hemos decidido esbozártelos a continuación:

  • Prevención de la fatiga ocular

Esta condición es mayormente conocida como síndrome visual informático, pero con el uso de Iris no debes temer ya que este software optimiza las pulsaciones de la pantalla al controlar su brillo sin el uso de PWM; en palabras más sencillas evita que tus ojos se fatiguen y por ende no se producen los dolores de cabeza.

Iris permite que el brillo de tu pantalla coincida con la luz a tu alrededor. Esto es posible gracias a los ajustes que puedes predeterminar automáticamente para acomodar tu pantalla a tu conveniencia o comodidad. La idea es que al usarla sientas tanto confort como que si estuvieses leyendo un libro ¡Fantástico!, ¿verdad?

  • Mejora del sueño nocturno

¿Sabías que la luz incide en nuestro estado de ánimo, en nuestras emociones y hasta en nuestros patrones del sueño? Si trabajas en un lugar mal iluminado, o si usas tus pantallas sin proteger tu vista de la luz azul pues te verás severamente perjudicado, a menos que uses Iris.

En esencia, Iris regula gradualmente la luz azul de tu pantalla durante el día y la noche, y mediante esta función ayuda a tu cuerpo a producir más melatonina una vez que se ha ocultado el sol.

El resultado de esto es que puedes quedarte dormido más rápido, y además conciliar un sueño profundo que te permita descansar como lo mereces, para despertar al otro día con toda la energía necesaria para cumplir con tus asignaciones exitosamente y sin sentirte exhausto.

¡Descarga Iris!


Descargar Iris

Visite nuestro sitio web ahora y descargue Iris luego de seguir unos sencillos pasos.

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Cómo prevenir el dolor de ojos y cabeza Wed, 19 Sep 2018 17:31:12 +0000 Piensa en cuantas veces usas tu teléfono inteligente a diario ¿100 veces?, ¿200?, ¿más? Bueno, si a esto le sumas las horas que pasas frente al televisor, o viendo la pantalla de tu computadora, tableta o laptop, es muy probable que termines sufriendo de dolor de ojos y cabeza. Verás, no es casualidad que luego de estar largas horas pegado ... Read More

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Piensa en cuantas veces usas tu teléfono inteligente a diario ¿100 veces?, ¿200?, ¿más?

Bueno, si a esto le sumas las horas que pasas frente al televisor, o viendo la pantalla de tu computadora, tableta o laptop, es muy probable que termines sufriendo de dolor de ojos y cabeza.

Verás, no es casualidad que luego de estar largas horas pegado a este tipo de dispositivos electrónicos te sientas cansado, fatigado, con malestar en la vista y hasta con un dolor de cabeza cuya intensidad tiende a variar.

Esto se debe a la percepción de la temible luz azul que emiten estas pantallas y ante la cual el ojo humano está fisiológicamente desprotegido.

blue light sources iris software eye protection blue light filter screen dimmer

Esta es capaz de afectar la retina, dañar la mácula, ocasionar degeneraciones en los ojos y un sinfín de síntomas indeseados.

Pero descuida, pese a que no tenemos defensas naturales ante la luz azul, ya existe un software para cuidar nuestros ojos llamado Iris.

A ver, fue creado en el año 2015 y desde entonces la cantidad de personas que lo han probado ha crecido vertiginosamente.

¿Qué es Iris?


Iris es un software que tiene objetivos muy saludables: proteger los ojos, promover la salud y fomentar el descanso o el mejor dormir, gracias a que reduce dramáticamente la luz azul.

De hecho, basta con descargarlo en tu computador para que optimice las pulsaciones de la pantalla mediante el control del brillo sin la modulación de ancho de pulso, o PWM, por sus siglas en inglés.

Acá es válido explicar que el PWM es un método diseñado para controlar el brillo de tu monitor al configurar la luz de fondo –tanto del encendido como del apagado- a una alta frecuencia.


Digamos que Iris es tu opción ideal para proteger tu visión de la luz azul, evitando el dolor de ojos y cabeza mediante la reducción de la luminancia de tus monitores.

Indudablemente es tu mejor aliado porque es fácil de descargar, funciona de forma automática controlando el brillo y adaptando las pantallas a la luz que te rodea, y lo mejor de todo es que no es costoso.

Cómo descargar Iris


Si está interesado en cuidar su salud y ha decidido comprar este software increíble, no lo piense dos veces e ingrese a nuestro sitio web oficial para descargarlo fácil e inmediatamente.

Allí podrás consultar una gran cantidad de información sobre los devastadores efectos de la luz azul, así como el mecanismo de funcionamiento del software y cómo su uso continuado puede ayudarte a gozar de buena salud visual, lo cual supone que no sufras de dolor de ojos y cabeza ni de ningunas otras afecciones de la vista.

Por ello es tan importante que le des un vistazo a su página y te cerciores de comprender cómo funciona, por qué goza de tan buena aceptación en el mercado mundial en la actualidad, y cómo puedes pagarlo y comenzar a aprovecharlo cuanto antes.

Descargar Iris

Iris es tu opción ideal


Así es, Iris es tu mejor aliado para cuidar tu salud visual porque te ofrece las siguientes ventajas:

  • Reduce la luz azul de las pantallas o monitores que usas a diario.
  • Previene la fatiga ocular al mejorar las pulsaciones de la pantalla sin PWM, de esta manera podrás usar tu computador o tu laptop sin sufrir dolores de cabeza o de ojos.
  • Hace coincidir el brillo de tu pantalla con la luz que te rodea para prevenir que tus ojos te duelan.
  • Mejora tu sueño. Aunque no lo creas, Iris regula la luz azul en el día y en la noche, lo cual es muy positivo cuando ya se ha ocultado el sol ya que de esta manera tu cuerpo produce más melatonina y así puedes dormirte más rápida y profundamente.

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Blue Light Filter for PC Wed, 19 Sep 2018 13:49:00 +0000 In the current world where everything is automated, it is nearly next to impossible to live without computers. Almost all businesses use some kind of technology in order to be successful. Part of Everyday Life Inside an office, computers make staffs productive and efficient. Computers help save valuable time by automating the communication process, printing reports and memos, and a ... Read More

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In the current world where everything is automated, it is nearly next to impossible to live without computers. Almost all businesses use some kind of technology in order to be successful.

Part of Everyday Life

Inside an office, computers make staffs productive and efficient. Computers help save valuable time by automating the communication process, printing reports and memos, and a lot more.

In a school setting, computers are important since students can learn and comprehend lessons easier through the use of presentations, videos and audios.

In higher institutions, researchers, scientists, and professors can read a lot of studies, do a lot of experiments and research about past and present events with the help of the internet.

computer work screen blue light harm sleep problems eye strain eye harm iris software

A computer is also a big part of the entertainment and social networking industry.

You can message someone on Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, watch Youtube videos, movies or read novels, books, and articles on the internet.

Computers and Blue Light


Too much exposure with computers can have harmful effects on your eyes. This is because computers are emitting blue light.

Blue light is generally defined as the high-energy visible light that can be found in the color spectrum.

Frequent proximity to blue light causes concerns for eye doctors and a lot of healthcare professionals.


There are already studies that show too much exposure to blue light can be very unhealthy.

Blue light can cause eye strain, affects the circadian rhythm or the body clock and can cause insomnia.

You can take frequent breaks if you are frequently looking on your computer screens or wear glasses.

However, glasses and breaks can be a short-term solution to a long-term problem. You need to get a blue light filter for PC.

Eyes Blocking the Blue Light


Your eye is not very good at blocking the blue lights that are emitted from your computer screens.

The cornea and the lens can block ultraviolet rays from reaching your eye retina.

However, blue light can directly reach your retina with ease if you are not wearing protective eyeglasses.

A blue light filter for PC can easily protect your eyes. One of the best and most recommended software is Iris.

Iris Software Can Help You


Iris is the perfect tool that is used by millions of users on their computer screen.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, an employee, a student, a teacher, or an athlete, you can be assured that your eyes get the maximum protection that they deserve.

Iris can simply remove the blue light from your computer, reduce your eyestrain by automatically adjusting your brightness, and help you sleep better.

Download Iris

With our software, you can adjust the color temperature, brightness, and color settings of your screen in the level which your eye is comfortable.

The people behind Iris have extensively studied the human eye and the color spectrum.

You are guaranteed that you are in the hands of experts when it comes to getting a blue light filter for PC.

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Blue Screen Filter Windows Fri, 14 Sep 2018 13:30:07 +0000 In this digital era, people spend most of their time in front of the computers. Spending most of the time in front of the computer causes eye strain, yes you want to work hard but you need to take good care of the eyes especially if you have been experiencing eye strain. One way of addressing this issue especially if ... Read More

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In this digital era, people spend most of their time in front of the computers.

Spending most of the time in front of the computer causes eye strain, yes you want to work hard but you need to take good care of the eyes especially if you have been experiencing eye strain.

One way of addressing this issue especially if you are using windows 10 is to look at a blue light filter.

Do I really need a blue screen filter for Windows?


If an eye strain which is a common problem is left untreated, you risk reducing productivity and headaches can become regular or feeling extremely tired after a day’s work.

In case there is work that needs to be done urgently, eye strain can hinder you from doing your best due to headaches or feeling tired.

If you are not using blue screen filter for Windows, you will find yourself needing regular breaks from your computer.

A lot of time is wasted when taking these breaks where one can take 15 minutes every hour and if they were added together you have lost a fair amount of work time.

All operating systems will have the negative blue light


The blue screen filter for Windows is available on all computers even the best ones, and computers that run Windows 10 can have it.

You can decide to change computers because of eye strain but all computers and operating systems are known to have blue light.

You can reduce eye strain by getting a blue screen filter for windows and use it in today’s programs and start protecting your precious eyes.

Blue light options


You may opt to wear glasses that have a blue filter, but they are very expensive.

Look for a blue light filter which is compatible with Windows 10 to get this issue of eye strain addressed.

The software is designed to work specifically windows 10 or other operating systems that are similar to reduce the blue light.

With this software, you will not experience eye strain or pain where you will be productive as required and no need to rest now and then.

This is all you need to fight eye fatigue.

Which software is recommended?


There are different types of this software and all you need is to choose the one that fits your needs which might be a bit hectic.

Not all programs are compatible with Windows 10, just ensure the one you have is best used to filter blue light on windows 10, where one of the best choices is Iris software.

Iris is known to work well with many operating systems where you can get both the pro version and free version to meet all your needs.

Download Iris

With this software, you’ll get better and the eye strain will be reduced at a very big margin.

If you have a windows 10 screen, blue light filter is the best software for you to buy and get all the comfort when working on your computer.

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Blue Light Wake Up App Fri, 14 Sep 2018 13:30:00 +0000 Light contains particles that are electromagnetic and are said to travel in waves where they emit energy both in length and strength. More energy is produced when the wavelength is short where a nanometer is used to measure the length 1nm is equalled to 1 billionth meter. Different wavelengths appear in different colour where they are categorized into different groups. ... Read More

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Light contains particles that are electromagnetic and are said to travel in waves where they emit energy both in length and strength.

More energy is produced when the wavelength is short where a nanometer is used to measure the length 1nm is equalled to 1 billionth meter.

Different wavelengths appear in different colour where they are categorized into different groups.

These categories include:

Ultraviolet rays, infrared light radio waves, gamma rays, visible rights and x-rays.


The human eye is only capable of recognizing just one spectrum which is the visible right which is an electromagnetic spectrum which is seen as different colours such as; indigo, blue, violet, red, yellow and orange.

The blue light is known for producing a higher amount of energy due to its very short wavelength.

Long exposure to blue light spectrum can bring damages to the eye as the study shows.

How to use blue light wake up app


The blue light wake up app acts effectively when you need help in waking up, the app has natural processes that are contained in the blue light therapy app.

It will take 2-4 minutes to get out of bed and continue with your normal day rather than spending so much time swiping and snoozing in bed.

The suprachiasmatic nuclear is said to stimulate the brain and activate it using the blue light and it’s responsible for waking up and sleeping transition.


Effects of the blue light filter

  • Your mood gets boosted within a short time.
  • Getting out of bed gets easier.
  • You always stay alert.
  • You’ll have a smiling face.
  • You stay motivated throughout the day.

How to use it

  • The blue light wake up app is meant for waking you so don’t use it at night.
  • Use it in the morning when the room is well lit.
  • Prepare the device before you go to sleep.
  • Use the control centre to disable night shift feature.
  • Set brightness to the maximum.
  • Set it to play for up to 4 mins.
  • Play with the ripple effect by touching the screen.
  • At night always remember to restore brightness.

Iris software


This is the simplest and great way to use as an alternative.

The Iris software is able to work without PWM where it regulates the brightness of the monitor where the backlight flicker-frequency does not require any changes or even current through backlit.

To move the white point of the monitor, it only requires a video card which will emit big brightness and be able to keep it in a moderate range.

Depending on the time of the day, Iris software can be adjusted so that the screen can detect the light that is found at night.

Download Iris

Iris is suitable for effective solutions and pocket-friendly where it does not make any effects on the monitor which has PWM flicker.

PWM is known to cause dry eyes, strains and headaches.

The Iris software will control the viewing and give you a different colored view that is safer for your eyes and your overall health.

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Blue Light Eye Strain Fri, 14 Sep 2018 13:21:10 +0000 Sunlight is a combination of red, yellow, orange, green, indigo, violet and blue light. When all the colours are combined they create white light we all see from computers and more. However, did you know that each of those individual lights has both different wavelengths as well as energy? It’s true.   While rays from red are longer wavelengths and ... Read More

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Sunlight is a combination of red, yellow, orange, green, indigo, violet and blue light.

When all the colours are combined they create white light we all see from computers and more.

However, did you know that each of those individual lights has both different wavelengths as well as energy? It’s true.


While rays from red are longer wavelengths and have less energy, blue rays are shorter wavelength and have more energy.

Because of those shorter wavelengths and higher energy, the blue light can cause a lot of strain on eyes, especially children’s.

As a result, it’s important to take preventative measures as well as understand more about blue light.

Sources Of Blue Light

blue light sources iris software eye protection blue light filter screen dimmer

First, we need to understand where the sources of blue light come from. As mentioned above, sunlight has a combination of lights.

This means the sun is the highest source of blue light. Controlling the sun is out of our control, however, there are other sources of blue light we can control.

Blue light also stems from fluorescent lights, compact fluorescent light bulbs, LED light, flat screen LED TVs, as well as any computer, smartphone, and tablets.


Of course, these are small compact devices making the exposure small in comparison to the sun.

The concern though stems from the long-term usage of those items.

Furthermore, the damages of blue light can come faster depending on the eye’s proximity to screens and for how long they are exposed to it.

Is Blue Light Good For You?

Another thing to talk about is whether blue light is good for you. The truth is, blue light is good for you in proper amounts.

Blue light helps in boosting alertness, memory, and even improves mood.

Blue light also helps in developing eyes as well as vision as a child and even regulates circadian rhythm (the body’s wake and sleep cycle)

That being said, too much blue light can cause a lot of damages. It can cause digital eye strain and also retina damage as well.

How To Protect From Blue Light


Because we spend so much time with technology, it’s important to take preventative measures.

The first big thing you can do is reduce screen time.

This means taking frequent breaks to allow your eyes to rest.

Some other things to consider are computer glasses which provide yellow tinted lenses and blocks blue light.

If worse comes to worse, your child or you can get anti-reflective lenses which reduce glare as well as block blue light from devices and the sun.

Protect Your Eyes


The last preventative measure you can consider as well is to try out filters or find some helpful apps.

We launched a helpful app that reduces blue light exposure on devices.

Download Iris

With the reduced blue light, individuals can find that they get better sleep, removes flickering of the screen and blue light, reduces the pain in the eyes, and so much more.

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Blue Light Eye Damage Mon, 03 Sep 2018 07:48:22 +0000 Blue light is one of the types of light on the light spectrum. It is the light that comes from the sun, as well as electronic devices. There are two types of blue light, the good kind, and the bad kind. The blue light that comes from the sun is the good kind of blue light. It is needed for ... Read More

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Blue light is one of the types of light on the light spectrum. It is the light that comes from the sun, as well as electronic devices.

There are two types of blue light, the good kind, and the bad kind. The blue light that comes from the sun is the good kind of blue light.

It is needed for our bodies to get Vitamin D and it helps boost our moods and thinking levels.

However, the blue light that comes from our tablets, TVs, and computer screens is not very beneficial and can be damaging for our eyes and overall health.

The Issue with Digital Blue Light

blue light harm eye harm eye problems

The main problem with digital blue light is that people are getting way too much of it and are starting to see and feel the negative health effects.

The average person and child can spend up to 9 hours a day on an electronic device, from which blue light is being emitted.

So why is it so bad exactly? Well, the most common problem people who have had too much exposure to blue light complain of is eye strain and eye irritation.

Symptoms of eye strain and eye irritation are fatigue, itchy eyes and headaches.

The long-term effect is possible retina damage and problems with vision as well as nearsightedness.


We are seeing these problems become more and more common in people who are on devices during their work day, as well as after work to relax.

These people are often not very young and may already be having problems with their eyesight and the constant exposure to digital blue light can only be making it worse.

Then there is the issue with children these days being on their computers and tablets for hours on end, which means they are also being exposed to the harmful blue light for hours too.

These children could grow up to have defects in their vision and chronic migraines at a later age.

How Iris Software Works Against Digital Blue Light


Iris Software is a way to combat the negative effects that blue light has on our health. You simply install the software on your devices and then set different modes that control and minimize the blue light that is being emitted.

You can fully customize how much blue light you want to be produced, the brightness levels and strength on yours and your children’s devices, as well as how strong the colour emittance is from all the devices.


Our software is affordable and very easy to install and navigate and definitely well worth the money when talking about you and your family’s wellbeing.

With Iris Software, you can be sure all of the negative effects of blue light from digital devices will be lessened and your health will be protected without having to give up time from devices.

Download Iris

Many testimonials on our website state seeing good effects in a short amount of time, and even some doctors have started using Iris Software on their devices.

They say it is a protective measure you definitely should think about taking.

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Blue Filters: Do They Work? Mon, 03 Sep 2018 07:47:54 +0000 As we become exposed to more technology use, so too does our exposure to blue light. It’s been a growing concern for many people as blue light has a number of health benefits, but an over-exposure can lead to lack of sleep and a slew of health problems. It’s, for this reason, a lot of people have been turning to ... Read More

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computer work screen blue light harm sleep problems eye strain eye harm iris software

As we become exposed to more technology use, so too does our exposure to blue light.

It’s been a growing concern for many people as blue light has a number of health benefits, but an over-exposure can lead to lack of sleep and a slew of health problems. It’s, for this reason, a lot of people have been turning to blue filter apps and other alternatives.

But do they actually work?

There are many companies, ours included that claim that they do, but are they actually an effective measure in reducing or in some cases eliminating blue light?

First, let’s look into how they actually work.

How They Work


In many cases, the low-end apps offer some basic blue filter functions. These are basically the same as what computers and other devices come with. If the free stuff is as effective as what you get right out of the box for a computer, then you can be sure that it’ll do its job just fine.

How those apps manage to pull this off, and with other apps as well is that they shift the color tone.

They move away from blue and deviate towards the warmer parts like yellow, red, or orange.

What this leaves you with is a tint or sheen that is about that colour.

The ones where you need to pay and go above and beyond for these, in fact, quality apps will do such a good job you won’t even notice a difference at all.

Download Iris

Are They Effective?

We have to say yes. Not because we are a company that specializes in blue filter apps and reducing blue light.

The reason is that our customers and many other companies have reported user results.

Those results have been overwhelmingly positive as people have reported they can sleep better, have fewer headaches from technology usage, and so much more.

Blue Filter Apps Are Only Half The Solution


But at the end of the day, the blue filter apps, at least the free ones are only half of the solution. The reason for that is fluorescent lights are also a source of blue light as well.

Since people opt to use their lights at night, they can still get an overexposure to blue light.

Furthermore, the free apps as mentioned only help in reducing blue light as opposed to blocking it.

The fix that those apps bring is temporary if you are someone who works or looks at a computer screen most of the time.


However, that is where our product comes in. As we mentioned before it works and people have reported that they sleep better and have fewer headaches.

Download Iris

What’s also important to note is that our app completely blocks blue light by regulating blue light throughout the day. Users have also reported that a reduction in eye pain.

Lastly, our app can remove screen flickering entirely as well, ensuring we go above and beyond traditional apps to provide you with the best experience while also reducing blue light for you.

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Blue Light Dimmer App Mon, 03 Sep 2018 07:47:33 +0000   Exposure to blue light is something that is becoming more and more common in everyday households. Blue light is the light in all of your electronic devices with screens such as TVs, tablets, phones, and laptops. As people are becoming more fluent with technology and using it more often in their homes and at work, studies are beginning to ... Read More

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computer work screen blue light harm sleep problems eye strain eye harm iris software

Exposure to blue light is something that is becoming more and more common in everyday households. Blue light is the light in all of your electronic devices with screens such as TVs, tablets, phones, and laptops.

As people are becoming more fluent with technology and using it more often in their homes and at work, studies are beginning to show that all this technology use can actually be quite dangerous to our health and well-being due to our constant exposure to blue light.

Everything that is electronic and has a screen contains blue light which changes the color of the screen to a more attractive color, so it is quite inescapable, but there are things you can do to make it less harmful.


The Consequences of Too Much Blue Light Exposure



The bad health effects of constant blue light exposure include, but are not limited to, eye strain, eye irritation, migraines, headaches, insomnia, and bad sleeping patterns.

Some of the more major health concerns can be future nearsightedness in children and permanent retina damage.

Eye strain and eye irritation can be caused by staring into a screen that emits blue light for too long, and it is the most common health concern seen in people who use electronic devices excessively.

Migraines and headaches are another common concern seen in people.

However, migraines are a little more severe and are more likely to affect people who use computers for long hours in their workplace or school.


Insomnia and uneasy sleeping can affect anybody who uses electronic devices before bed or at night in a dark room.

The blue light is very severe in dark places so it can hurt someone badly when it is used for long periods of time in the dark.

If you are exposed to blue light for too long before bed, you won’t sleep very well because the blue light is like a signal to wake up your brain, and so your mind and conscious will be awake for a long time even if your body is tired.


The two more severe cases can happen if you let young children use electronics for too long.

Their young and sensitive eyes are easily harmed and they could become nearsighted when they are older due to too much blue light exposure.

The same goes for retina damage, though that could happen to anyone in the most extreme cases.

The Blue Light Dimmer App That Can Help


With the installation of a blue light dimmer app that can help minimize the harmful effects of blue light, all the bad health effects that are caused by blue light can be neutralized and not so likely in many cases.

One such blue light dimmer app is Iris it is an extremely affordable and well-reviewed solution that has been tested and proven as a good option by many people already.


With the Iris software, you have full control over customization on all of your devices where Iris is installed.

Download Iris

You can control the brightness, the blue light levels, and the color saturation of any device at any time.

The blue light will not be such a health concern with the help of the blue light dimmer app like our software.

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Blue Light Cut Fri, 31 Aug 2018 20:59:51 +0000 Regardless of your age, you need to develop healthy habits to protect your eyes. If you frequently spend time watching videos on your computer screen or your mobile phones, your eyes might be exposed to a lot of blue light. About Blue Light Blue light is a part of the visible spectrum that has a harmful effect on your eyes. ... Read More

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Regardless of your age, you need to develop healthy habits to protect your eyes. If you frequently spend time watching videos on your computer screen or your mobile phones, your eyes might be exposed to a lot of blue light.

About Blue Light


Blue light is a part of the visible spectrum that has a harmful effect on your eyes. Blue light can be found everywhere. The sun’s ultraviolet rays have a blue light in it.

Digital devices and LED or light emitting diodes also emit a lot of blue light. If you are young, you need to get yourself a blue light cut.

The ocular lens pigment which protects the eyes from harmful light forms and develops during teenage years.

It is important to limit the exposure of children and adults alike in order to prevent any eye diseases such as cataracts for older people, and age-related macular degeneration.

Harmful Effects of Blue Light

blue light filter app eye filter screen dimmer iris software eye protection eye stain

There are health problems that are related to blue light. Your circadian rhythm might get disrupted if you expose yourself to blue light before sleeping.

You might have a hard time learning and memorizing lessons. If you become an insomniac, it will lead to the increase of neurotoxin in the body which will make it harder to sleep.

People who have high levels of neurotoxin are prone to depression. People who are not getting a good night’s sleep are prone to eat more fatty food which can lead to obesity and other heart problems.

Our eye filter does not provide enough protection for a blue light cut.

Blue Light from Computers


With today’s technology advances, computers became a necessity. You can get a lot of information from your computer.

However, the computer can emit a lot of blue light without you realizing it. Blinking frequently can be a temporary solution in order to get a blue light cut or reduce your exposure to blue light.

If you are experiencing eye strain, you can also take breaks frequently or wear glasses.

However, there is another way that can help you reduce your exposure to blue light that can be very convenient for you.

Iris Software


Iris software was created with the goal of protecting your eyes from any harmful light that your computer emits.

This software optimizes the time of screen pulsating and reduces brightness at a certain time of the day on your computer.

The Iris software filters the blue light on your screen by switching it in the proper mode whether you are watching a movie, reading during nighttime, you are in a dark room and a lot more.


Some of the benefits that you can get with the Iris software are it enables you to see the dark screens better when you are watching a movie, use optimize color inversions, leaves the green color while reducing the blue color on your screen and a lot more.

For more information, you can visit Iris.

Download Iris

This will enable you to work more conveniently and without any hassles.

The software is automatic and your eyes are protected without compromising your entertainment or your work.

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Blue Filter For PC Sat, 25 Aug 2018 22:01:54 +0000 Sleep is a necessary aspect of our mental and physical health. Any lack of sleep, as research has suggested, can lead to a variety of problems like diabetes, heart disease, an impairment in attention, concentration, and more. In fact, dropping sleep from seven to only five hours or less per night doubles our risk of death from all causes. But ... Read More

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alram clock
Sleep is a necessary aspect of our mental and physical health. Any lack of sleep, as research has suggested, can lead to a variety of problems like diabetes, heart disease, an impairment in attention, concentration, and more.

In fact, dropping sleep from seven to only five hours or less per night doubles our risk of death from all causes.

But what does sleep have to do with blue light or having a blue filter? Well, the truth is, as we’ve grown more and more dependent on technology, we’ve spent longer times being exposed to it.

The problem stems from the fact that the devices we use emit blue light. Although blue light is helpful, too much can cause us to stay up later and suffer from a variety of other problems too.

Why Is Technology Hurting Us?

damaged caused by computers

One of the benefits of blue light is that it helps our body regulate our wake up and sleep cycle. An overexposure to blue light from technology throws that balance off of the scale.

How it does that is since our body’s cycle is determined by the exposure to light and dark, by having a monitor on, our body thinks it’s being exposed to more sunlight than darkness.

The darkness is important as once our eyes capture darkness, our body recognizes that it’s dark and produces a variety of chemicals that make us feel sleepy.

Fortunately for us though, recent updates in technology have addressed some of these concerns and they actually have some features in place to help with avoiding these problems in the future.

Adding A Blue Filter For PC

In the creator’s update in April 2017, Windows 10 was given a Night Light feature. What this feature does is that it reduces the amount of blue light that’s coming from the display screen. It does this by showing warmer colours on the monitor which reduce the amount of energy that’s coming out of the screen.

In order to activate this all you need to do is get access to the Action Center. From there, click on All Settings, then System, followed by clicking on Display. From that menu, you can choose whether you want the night light to be on or off. To configure it, click on Night Light settings.

The benefits of configuring it can allow you to turn it on or off immediately, adjusting colour temperature, and even scheduling when the night light will turn on or off.

Adding A Blue Filter For macOS

Iris for macOS

Macs also got their own blue light limiting feature called Night Shift, to activate it, open up System Preferences and find Displays. From there you’ll have a Night Shift tab where you can schedule it however you like. Whether it’s custom schedule or you can configure it to when the sun is set based on your location.

A Guaranteed Way To Eliminate Blue Light


Although these methods are free, they still do the same thing in reducing blue light instead of removing it completely. This is important to note as there are many sources of blue light, most notably from the sun.

If you want to remove that risk of blue light overexposure you should try Iris. It works on all platforms and devices and provides numerous benefits.

Users have reported that since installing they’ve gotten better sleep and that the app also removes screen flicker, reduces eye pain and removes blue light entirely

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How to Reduce Eye strain when using Computers Wed, 22 Aug 2018 12:53:23 +0000 I guess you’ll find it hard to imagine your everyday life without your smartphone or laptop. To relax, for work, to check something out, they all go for several hours a day. The result-your eyes are red and itchy. More bonus points for the blurred vision and fatigue. The use of eye drops is also on the list. Well, the best ... Read More

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I guess you’ll find it hard to imagine your everyday life without your smartphone or laptop. To relax, for work, to check something out, they all go for several hours a day.

The result-your eyes are red and itchy.

More bonus points for the blurred vision and fatigue. The use of eye drops is also on the list.

Well, the best thing you can do is to remove all of the electronics, but I guess it might be that hard for you as it is for me.

Young beautiful woman lying in a hammock with a laptop in a tropical resort


That’s why in this article, I’ll share with you some tips and tricks that will save you a whole bunch of problems with your eyes.

What causes eye pain?

A number of factors make your eyes hurt when you’re staying in front of the screen.

Don’t forget to blink

To begin, research has shown that we actually forget to blink when looking at the monitor.

Normally, we blink around 15-20 times per minute, which makes 1,200 per hour.

It seems a lot, right?

But when we’re spending time on the computer, this number is considerably lower.

If you work normally for about 8 hours per day, sitting on the desk, your eyes basically dry out, which irritates them a lot.

The tears contain water, oils, lysozyme, etc. to nourish the eyes.

There are three types of tears: basal, emotional and reflex. Reflex tears appear when there are harsh irritants, or in case of dry eyes.

That’s why, sometimes, when you spend hours in front of the screen the tears start to roll one after the other.

What can you do?

Well, try this exercise. Every 20 minutes, blink around 10 times really slowly so that your eyes can re-moisture and you can finally forget about the eye drops.

It’s all about the habits

Most of the eye-related problems are caused by bad habits.

Create timing

For sure, it’s not necessary to cut all of your devices but building some high-tech habits is a must.

Instead of checking your phone for something new every 5 minutes, try to make a schedule. Turning on your device once every hour will help you regulate the time you spend in front of the screen.

Experts recommend shutting off the electronics for one or two days per week.

The ideal time for me is over the weekend. Every weekend I go out of town, for a hike or to the beach where I basically don’t use my phone at all.

The result? Even though I work in front of the computer, I don’t have any eye-related problems.

Follow the 20-20-20 rule

That one’s easy. Every 20 minutes, look at an object which is 20 feet away from you for at least 20 seconds.

Regular eye exams

It’s important to go to a specialist every once in a while to check whether you see as best a possible.

Not only can your doctor prescribe you wearing glasses but he can detect some early symptoms concerning your overall health such as diabetes, high blood pressure or a risk of stroke.

Check the humidity levels

There a lot of factors that make the air in the room dryer. During the winter months, the humidity levels become lower which makes the moisture from the eyes evaporate a lot quicker and the dry eye symptoms become worse.

You can try putting a humidifier in the room where you’re working or where you’re most often using your device to ease the symptoms.

Adjust your ambient lighting

Really often, eye strain is caused either by harsh interior lighting or by too much much sunlight coming through the window. There are a few things you can do.

The first one is placing your monitor perpendicular to the window, not in front of or behind it.

What else? You can use fewer or just put low-intensity light bulbs to reduce interior lighting. Another trick is to close the blinds or curtains.

Improve your devices

Researches show that 80% of the adults in America spend more than 2 hours a day in front of the screens and around 60% of them experience eye strain symptoms like red, dry eyes, eye pain, blurred vision, etc. So, what does this tell us?

We’re spending more and more time looking at those screens. Sad, but true.

Overall health problems are occurring due to the emitted light from the digital devices, especially from blue light.

Blue light

Blue light damages the retina and causes macular degeneration.

Actually, we have a cell in our retinas that is connected to our pineal gland, situated in the brain. That gland controls our sleep and wake cycle.

Not only that blue light damages the retina but it’s linked to something called the circadian rhythm.

When we’re exposed to blue light right before we go to bed, the Pineal gland produces less melatonin and we just can’t fall asleep.

Sleeping problems are one of the causes of cardiovascular problems, cancer and an overall increase in mortality.

Well, now you see what’s the problem with the blue light and why we should avoid it at all costs.


I can recommend you installing an eye-protecting software that lowers the emitted blue light from your laptop, smartphone or computer.

Iris is such a software.

It’s used by thousands of people and becomes more and more popular with its daily updates.

Basically, the two main features that Iris has, are reducing the blue light and regulating the brightness.  There are 3 modes.

The first one is automatic. If you select that mode, the program automatically detects the ambient lighting and regulates the brightness.

With the manual mode, you have to choose between 9 types, Health, Sleep, Reading, Programming, Biohacker, Sunglasses, Dark, Movie, and Overlay.

Download Iris

Final words

If you’ve been working on a sedentary job in front of the computer for ages, probably you’ve got used to constant eye pain. But there are a bunch of things you can do to stop the eye strain.

Improving your high-tech habits is key.

While using proper lighting, limit computer usage or making regular eye exercises are a solution, there are some applications and software which do most of the work for you.

Well, installing such software as Iris is definitely a must.

Not only it will save your vision and reduce eye strain but also, the quality of your sleep will improve.

Download Iris

If you liked this article, share it with friends on social media so they can learn some tips and tricks for improving their eye health.

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How to choose a Blue light filter Wed, 22 Aug 2018 09:27:27 +0000 You may think that all blue light filters are the same but they are not. In this article, I’m going to give you everything you need to know to choose the best blue light filter. Based on my 5 years of experience dealing with blue light, eye problems, and sleep, there are certain things which are super important and nobody ... Read More

The post How to choose a Blue light filter appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


You may think that all blue light filters are the same but they are not.

In this article, I’m going to give you everything you need to know to choose the best blue light filter.

Based on my 5 years of experience dealing with blue light, eye problems, and sleep, there are certain things which are super important and nobody talks about.

Eye problems caused by too much blue light exposure

If you want to protect your eyes from the PC,

If you want to have better and more deep sleep,

If you want to work more on your computer and be less tired,

Then filtering and controlling your blue light exposure will help you achieve this.

All high-performing people know about blue light, but there are also some things which they know and most people don’t.

You are already a step ahead because you know that our health is not only food and water.

Light has so profound effect on our body and yet it is the most underrated physical phenomena.

The light changes our sleep patterns, affect the building blocks of our body – the mitochondria cells.

Light regulates our mood and emotions and the truth is that we don’t even see most of the light around us.

Our microwave, the Wi-Fi in our house, radio, our smartphones even the electrical current in our house, all of this is light.

And while we can’t live in caves and about all EMFs, you can do something about the harmful emissions from your PC at work or at your home.

Cells of living things respond the most to red and blue light.

Red light promotes growth and blue light suppresses growth.

You can see this in medical researches on plants, rats and all kinds of animals.

In our body, we get tons of problems by too much exposure to blue light.

One of the most prominent are different problems and retinal damages to our eyes, but we also get negative effects if we get too much blue light onto our skin.

And not surprisingly the biggest producer of blue light in our lives is our electronic devices.

Phones, laptops and our PC.

Compared to the sunlight the light emitted from our electronic devices contains so much more blue light that all of us get eye pain, sleep problems, depression, mood swings and emotional instability.

But it shouldn’t be that way. There is a way to use your PC whole day and feel great.

In 2015 I created a game-changing health software called Iris.

Today it’s used by more than 1 million people worldwide and is growing every day.

Download Iris

If you have some friend who is super productive and feels great all the time she is probably using Iris and is one of the thousands of happy users. So back to the question,

Why most Blue light filters are bad?

To answer this question simply, it’s not only blue light.

There is also PWM flicker, Subpixel flicker and the premise of most blue light filters is that they will improve your sleep.

But is this actually true?

If you have some blue light filter you can use this blue light filter test to see how effective it is.

It’s not only Blue light

And by it’s not only blue light I mean that the latest medical researches point that light up to 550 nm has an effect on melatonin suppression.

They are actually not that new since most of them are from 2001 but most of the blue light filter manufacturers don’t even read things that are this old.

I don’t want to go into much details about this so I’m just going to give you some links to medical researches: Study 1, Study 2, Study 3, etc.

And you don’t need a PhD to understand all of this things.

We have read, tested and made a product which can give you all the benefits of the science of blue light with a simple click.

And just so you know, if you really want to improve your sleep, the colors around you at night should look like the Sleep type in Iris.

This may seem like too much but it’s actually true.

However, the Health type will reduce the peak of blue light and you will be more healthy and sleep better while the colors of your screen comfortable to watch.

Just try and tell me if you don’t see a difference in your eye and sleep health. You will be amazed and you will never use a PC without Iris again.

Download Iris


So you need to block light up to 550 nm to have a better sleep (both blue and green) but what about eye protection?

Is blocking blue light enough to reduce your eye pain and eye-related problems with the PC?

Is it normal to feel eye strain in front of the PC?

The answer is No.

Eye pain has little to do with reducing the blue light and much more with matching the brightness to the room lighting and reducing flicker from your monitor.

My research found that most monitors are actually really bad for the eyes and I explain this in a little bit more details in my TED talk, “How technology is killing our eyes“:

The flicker from our monitor causes our iris got make constant contractions and this is actually the thing I wanted to fix when I created my software, Iris.

The process is similar to the movement of the iris when we turn ON and OFF the lights in the room and watch ourselves in the mirror but much faster.

It looks like this:

Iris fixes this by controlling the brightness of the screen automatically without changing the flicker frequency.

Under the hood, it uses the video card and special kinds of commands instead of the backlight which is much better for eye protection and Iris is the only software in the world which takes care of all kinds of flickers.

You can test this by installing Iris and going to the PWM flicker test or Subpixel flicker test.

You can also try other softwares for eye protection and/or blue light reduction with the above tests and just the difference.

Download Iris

Other things which affect our Eye health

Aside from the blue light and the flicker of our monitors, there are also other things which affect our eye health.

Font Rendering

Iris is the only software which can make things like font rendering more healthy for the eyes by displaying more sharp fonts which are easier for our eyes to focus.

Glossy vs Matte

Other things like glossy monitors also affect our eye health because they cause a double image on the screen and our eye gets strained while trying to focus on only one of the images.

If you have a glossy monitor like on the picture of the left consider buying some anti-reflective coating or using a matte screen which doesn’t reflect the light but diffuses it.


It’s also a good practice to yawn more since this makes our eyes to produce more tears.

Yawning is the most effective way to moisture our eyes.


If you can try to stand up from the PC from time to time and look at a distant object.

Looking at distant objects will help your eyes to relax more and will reduce the eye strain from your monitor.

Iris can remind you to take breaks at regular intervals with its Timer feature.

But if you only install Iris just for the blue light and the flicker-free brightness you don’t need to take such measures and you will feel great without implementing complex routines into your lifestyle.

It’s simple as downloading the software.

Download Iris

What if I don’t use a Blue light filter?

Well, you are not going to die but you are going to be much more unhealthy and I’m not sure if there is even a downside to blue light filters.

Studies show that prolong exposure to blue light is linked to:

  • Impaired memory
  • Depression
  • Macular degeneration
  • Cataracts
  • Prostate and breast cancer
  • Risk of obesity
  • Neurotoxin buildup
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Poor immunity and susceptibility to viruses and bacteria
  • Cardiovascular diseases

This may sound like too much but the light really is more than just light.

We spend so much time thinking about what we eat and what we drink.

We know that a poor diet can cause all sorts of diseases but what about our light diet?

Light is important for every cell into our body from the mitochondria to our hormone-producing organs.

Light is important and using a blue light filter at least during the night is also important.

Whatever you will get blue light filter glasses, blue light filter software or blue light filter screen protector try for a couple of days to reduce the blue light around you during the night.

You will never look at electronic devices during the night the same way again.

Download Iris

How will I be better if I use a Blue light filter?

First, if you use a blue light filter at night you will notice an immediate difference in the amount of the time you need to fall asleep after using your computer at night.

But I personally don’t like to go to sleep early so my biggest benefit is that I don’t feel any eye pain or eye strain anymore from my monitor.

Protect yourself from blue light

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)  or some symptoms of it are present in more than 90% of the computer users worldwide.

I suffered from dry eyes, used tons of artificial eye drops but not anymore. A regular blue light filter may not cure all of the symptoms of CVS but it will definitely help.

The reason is as I told before that blue light is only part of the problem but it’s an important part.

As the most high-energy visible light, it penetrates deep into our retina and damages it.

Macular degeneration, cataracts, and all kinds of irreversible diseases are caused by too much blue light so by using a blue light filter you will never have to worry about this things again.

So you will sleep better, you will feel less eye strain and your eye pain will be reduced.

If you care about your eye health and really want to use your computer for longer without feeling any eye strain Iris is the perfect solution.

Not only that it will gradually regulate the blue light to sleep better and protect yourself from all kinds of eye diseases, but it will also match the brightness of the screen to the light around you and will remove the flicker from your monitor.

Flicker is the most common case for us to get bad vision and prescription glasses and Iris will save your vision without the need to restrain yourself from using the computer.

With Iris, you can use your computer for the entire day and night and be sure that your vision will not become worse. It will actually become better, much better.

Healthy eyes, better vision, reduces eye strain, relieved eye pain, and better sleep.

Do you want to be the healthiest of your friends, without doing anything?

Download Iris

How is Iris different from other products?

Blue light

Compared to other blue light filter software Iris blocks the blue light better and has bigger color range.

While most softwares can leave 5 or 10% blue light even on the lowest values Iris can literally remove all blue and green light up to 550nm.

To test this you can use this test image or go to Iris blue light filter test for testing gifs and other methods to test how much blue light your blue light filter blocks.

Iris doesn’t work on TVs yet so if you want to block the blue light from your TV or the lightbulbs around you it’s good to combine it with blue light filter glasses.

The benefit of Iris over blue light filter glasses aside for the bigger blocking range is also that it blocks the blue light before it’s even emitted so it doesn’t come to your skin which causes some health problems with the mitochondria.

Melanopsin is also present in our skin so you may also get some circadian rhythms disruption if you get too much blue light on your skin.


Iris is also the only product which can remove all flicker from your monitor which is the main cause of eye strain and headaches.

You can test your monitor for PWM flicker from this PWM flicker test and test your monitor for Subpixel flicker from this Subpixel flicker test.

Download Iris

Is Iris Free?

Iris is free for 7 days and it doesn’t require you to enter any debit/credit card details so you can just click the Download button and you will get an installation file.

After installation, you will also get your own special invite link and if you like Iris and send your link to some of your friends you get 1 more free month for every friend you invite.

If some of your friends install Iris you will get 1 more month of free time for your Iris so you can basically use it 1 year for free if you just tell to 10 friends.

If you want to use the program more than this you can always click the Buy button and you can purchase lifelong or subscription license for Iris.

You can read more about all these things from the Licensing page on our website.

Download Iris

Will I get my money back if I don’t like it?

Yes, we have a company rule to always refund money if somebody is unhappy with Iris.

We will also probably delete the activation code since it’s not fair if you like and use Iris but want a refund.

I tried to summarize all questions related to your buying protection at this Buying Agreement.

In short, we always refund money and try to provide the best possible service.

Up until now, we don’t have not even one unhappy customer so we try really hard to be good and helpful.

If you don’t believe me, see the reviews on our Facebook page.

Download Iris

Do people use Iris?

Yes, more than 2 million people at the time of writing use Iris in more than 180 countries.

Iris is also recommended from world-class experts as the best health software. It’s used by millionaires, Olympic athletes, doctors and health experts and so many people tell us that this is the first software they install on their PC.

Download Iris

Famous people like Dr. Mercola and Ben Greenfield use Iris:

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People on Facebook use Iris:

and also on Twitter:

You can see all positive reviews on our Facebook page and famous people who use the software on the homepage.

I also have some collection of e-mails and other reviews on the testimonials page.

There are so much more people using Iris but we just recently started collecting reviews so I guess it’s my fault that I can only show you only couple of hundred reviews but they are all real.

We don’t have even one unhappy user and if somebody is not happy we refund everything purchased.

It’s mine and our company biggest rule and responsibility to never let problem unsolved or a user not happy.

Download Iris

If I have a problem will somebody help me?

Yes, we answer via Messenger and via e-mail to everything.

On Messenger, we also have some automation for the most common questions so it’s the preferred method of communication and you can get an answer in under 1 second.

For our team to respond it takes us around 1 day because we are still a small team but I have also a plan to add some phone support 🙂

Download Iris

Final Words

Thanks for reading this article and if you liked it, we would be really happy if you click some of the buttons bellow and share it with friends. Thank you again,

Daniel Georgiev
CEO Iris Technologies

The post How to choose a Blue light filter appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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The Pros and Cons of Natural and Artificial Light Tue, 21 Aug 2018 14:44:57 +0000 For the last few decades, there has been a lot of buzz around the effects, both positive and negative of the natural and artificial light on us. Be how the light influences our mood, energy or some biological and physiological processes. In this article, you’ll find out why and in which ways, sunlight can either help us or damage our ... Read More

The post The Pros and Cons of Natural and Artificial Light appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


For the last few decades, there has been a lot of buzz around the effects, both positive and negative of the natural and artificial light on us.

Be how the light influences our mood, energy or some biological and physiological processes.

In this article, you’ll find out why and in which ways, sunlight can either help us or damage our health.

From the synthesis of Vitamin D which is crucial for us to some problems such as sunburn, premature aging, and even skin cancer.

What else?

You’ll find out why exposing to artificial light-every light produced by electrical means from tablets, laptops, smartphones, and TV to LED lights and incandescent bulbs harms you.

1. Natural light

Okay, let’s begin with the sunlight.

The sun often gets a bad rap for affecting our health badly, but the truth is it has tons of positives for our overall health when we’re getting just enough of it.

  • The sun literally makes you smile

Have you ever thought about why everyone is so keen on going to the beach?  I guess it’s more than just to get a tan or burn.

Whenever I think of relaxation, what my brain immediately illustrates is the picture of a big ocean in front of me with the golden sand,  the peaceful sun warming me and the gentle breeze brushing against my skin while listening to the sound of the waves, crashing against the shore.

Honestly, I can’t imagine anything better, like most of us.

Scientists found out that the sun may be addictive, that’s why we just can’t resist getting tanned.

A group of scientists exposed mice to moderate UV radiation 5 times a week for a period of 6 weeks. The light the animals were getting was similar to what a fair-skinned person would get.

The results said it all. After this period, a molecule, called beta-endorphin was found in the mice’s blood.

For those who don’t know what exactly beta-endorphins are-Endorphins are brain chemicals which influence our perception of pain. They act just like some drugs.

So, spend just an hour under the warming sun, and you literally will feel like you can’t stop smiling.

  • The Sun vitamin

Probably the best source of vitamin D is the Sun.

Vitamin D is one of the essentials of being healthy. As not much foods are that rich in this vitamin, some time spent under the rays is important.

For example, if you’re fair-skinned, 15 to 20 minutes several days a week will do the work for you.

However, if you have a darker complexion, you should stay a bit more under the sun to get the benefits.

How is it synthesized?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. So, when UVB rays hit cholesterol in your cells, which is a lipid molecule, the reaction produces energy and vitamin D uses it.

Low vitamin D levels problems

Vitamin D deficiency is linked to some serious health conditions such as depression, weak bones and muscles, osteoporosis and even increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder

Have you heard about the seasonal affective disorder or (SAD)?

In simple words, that’s a seasonal depression-SAD literally makes you feel sad.

If you’re like the most people with SAD, you’re feeling under the weather from early fall to late winter.

In some cases, SAD may occur either in early spring and during the summer, but that’s another case.

If during the winter your energy levels are low, you lose interest in almost everything, you gain weight and feel tired even though you sleep literally all the time, don’t blame it on the winter blues.

There are some things you can do to beat the seasonal disorder.

Go outside and get some sunlight.

Even though it’s winter, the UV rays will still get to you and help you to deal with that seasonal sadness by synthesizing some beta-endorphins.

Another trick is to change your diet by lowering the carbohydrates intake to avoid insulin boosts.

Sunburn and skin cancer

Probably one of the most common negative effects of too much sun is sunburn.

We’ve all been there and we know how bad it is. Sunburn is caused by UV light and can occur after just several hours of direct sun exposure.

UV rays are in the invisible part of the solar spectrum and even though we don’t see them, they can get through our skin.

Our skin has two layers-inner and an outer layer which are the dermis and the epidermis.

When our skin protects from the UV rays, a pigment called melanin becomes more and our skin, darker.

An effect of way too much sun is the sunburn which occurs when the UV rays have passed through the epidermis and have reached the inner layer of the skin. Sunburn can damage, kill skin cells or even cause cancer.

The symptoms are well known and they go through redness, bumps, dry skin which can peel over time(that’s the way your skin gets rid of dead cells).

But the real problem is skin cancer.

There are two types-melanoma and nonmelanoma. The first one is far more aggressive and harder to treat and it originates from moles or any pigmented cell on the skin.

The nonmelanoma type is a lot more able to treat and can start its development from hair follicles, oil, and sweat glands as well as blood vessels.

As UV radiation is the leading cause of skin cancer, it’s crucial to protect our skin.

The solution?

Get that sunscreen

The easiest and the best way to protect your skin is by applying a sunscreen.

The timing is important. Put it on your skin around half an hour before getting into the sun to let the cream absorb properly.

Also, look at the SPF factor. The higher, the better. If your skin is likely to burn easily, a SPF 50 will work best for you and if you go for a swim, just reapply it. It will save you a lot of headaches.

2.Artificial light

Okay, let’s move forward. Artificial light for sure has a lot more negatives than positives for our health than natural sunlight.

Understanding when to expose ourselves to artificial light can make us more alert during the day or help us falling asleep easier.

We all know that artificial light has an adverse effect on animals or on entire ecosystems. But how does the light affect us?
We need light, right?

Contrast to what you may think, we don’t have to look at the clock to see if it’s time to get to sleep. Every living organism has an internal, biological clock.

This internal clock regulates most of our functions, and the biological pattern that regulates our sleep, behavior etc. is called a circadian rhythm.

It is affected by light, both natural and artificial. When the sun goes down, the brain sends signals to our body to secrete melatonin which is the sleeping hormone and when it rises, cortisol is released to make us get out of bed.

But given that nowadays artificial light is everywhere-from incandescent to LED, CFL, and halogen light bulbs to all of the electronics, it’s hard to avoid harmful light.

The main problem with artificial light is blue and UV light.

Blue light

I guess you’ve heard about blue light and that it interferes with our sleep. But what exactly it is and how does it affect us?

Blue light is a part of the light spectrum. All electronics and the sun emit blue light.

Actually, blue wavelengths emitted from the sun are good.

Blue light during the day keeps our mood and energy high when we’re awake but when the sun goes down, the blue light exposure confuses our circadian rhythm.

What happens?

We just can’t fall asleep because blue light suppresses the secretion of melatonin. Looking at the bright screens just before we go to bed confuses the circadian rhythm, i.e. our internal clock.

For sure, the best way is to live in a cave and have no exposure to other light but the sunlight, but we all know it’s impossible. The solution?

Installing an eye protecting software will for sure deal with your sleepless nights.

I can recommend you using Iris. It removes almost all of the blue light from your screen and has different types and modes which can do a lot more than just reduce blue light and brightness.

Try it now to start getting a good night’s sleep, save your eyes and become more productive.

Download Iris

Something more…

Avoid using energy efficient LED light bulbs which are bad for your health. Replace them with incandescent bulbs or use candles from time to time.

Final words

Remember to expose yourself more often to natural sunlight to get your daily dose of endorphins and vitamin D.

If you can’t avoid artificial light especially at night, definitely install Iris to start sleeping better than ever.

You can use Iris on any Windows type and it’s free, except of some pro versions.

Download Iris

Thank you for reading this article. If you’ve found it useful, share it with friends on the social media.

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6 Ways to Fall Asleep Faster Wed, 15 Aug 2018 13:19:34 +0000 Many of us don’t realize the importance of getting enough sleep. Your body craves shut-eye time and if you don’t give enough of it, it just can’t recover to get ready for the new day. If you’re one of those people having difficulties falling asleep, you’re not alone. The brain passes through several stages from being conscious to full unconsciousness. ... Read More

The post 6 Ways to Fall Asleep Faster appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


Many of us don’t realize the importance of getting enough sleep.

Your body craves shut-eye time and if you don’t give enough of it, it just can’t recover to get ready for the new day.

If you’re one of those people having difficulties falling asleep, you’re not alone.

The brain passes through several stages from being conscious to full unconsciousness.

But many of us don’t find that passage that easy. Towards research, those of us are just around 40%.

It usually takes around 10-20 minutes to transit from a state of wakefulness to sleep.

But it’s around 1.00 AM, you’re in bed, you’re tired, you’re looking at the clock and you feel bad because you know you have to get up just in a few hours.

You get up and drink a tea or two or even get something to read to help you fall asleep but nothing actually works.

Sounds familiar? I’m sure it does.

That’s why in this article I’ll show you the Ultimate 6 Ways that will deal with your sleepiness.

Keep reading for the best tips and tricks to fall asleep faster than ever before.

1. Turn off the lights

The most important factor in creating your bedroom atmosphere for sleeping is by turning off all the lights.

When we sleep with the lights on, our wake and sleep cycle gets seriously affected as it’s tied up to light exposure -be sunlight or artificial light, everything confuses our body and more especially, our hormonal system.

In simple words, when it’s dark your brain sends to your endocrine signals in order to release a hormone.

That hormone is melatonin which helps us fall asleep.

But can you guess what the effect of just a tiny bit of light is? It suppresses the secretion of melatonin, which reflects on our Circadian rhythm.

Well, one of the ways to turn your circadian rhythm back in order is to get up early in the morning, let the sunlight filters through your eyes and get that full sunlight spectrum.

2. Reduce the use of electronics

Sleep disorders are continuously rising and for sure, technology plays a major role in that.

My advice is to leave your phone away from you about half an hour before you go to bed so your brain can relax and tune itself to a sleeping mode.

That way, it’s easier for your brain to get ready to sleep.

Blue light

Blue light emitted from the screen

Another important point is the blue light.

Blue light is a part of the spectrum that interferes with melatonin production.

As I told you already, the secretion of melatonin starts when there is darkness, and when there’s light in the room, you simply can’t fall asleep.

I believe that behind all of our sleeping issues stand technology and especially blue light.

Well, the most obvious but certainly not the easiest thing to do is to remove all the devices emitting blue light.

But I think that your high-tech habits resemble mines, and even if it’s hard to admit it, the first thing you look at in the morning and the last before you go off to bed is your phone.

Well, I want to share a trick with you the benefits of installing an eye protecting software.

Iris is such software and it’s created to reduce the amount of emitted blue light from the screens.

Two of the main features are reducing the amount of emitted blue light and regulating the brightness without PMW flicker.

It detects automatically whether it’s day or night and controls the screen color and temperature.

With its help, you won’t have to worry about falling asleep because you’re using your phone late at night.

Not only it’s solving our sleep problems, we become ways more productive and most importantly-save your eyesight. It’s an innovative way to avoid the risks monitors are hiding.

In the video you can see Iris’ different types and modes.

Iris is being used by thousands of people and they become even more with its daily updates. You can install Iris on any type of Windows.

Download Iris

Iris is basically free, instead of some Pro versions.

3. The technique |4-7-8|

The 4-7-8 technique is a common breathing technique developed by Andrew Weil.

It originated from an ancient yogi breathing practice which helps you keep calm and relax your whole body by controlling your breathing.

It’s just as easy as it seems.

I’ve personally tried this one and I can tell it’s one of the best life hacks!

Firstly, you take a deep breath for just as 4 seconds to feel your lungs with, preferably, fresh oxygen. T

he next step is to hold your breath while counting to 7 in your head and then exhale while making a whooshing sound from your mouth and count for another 8 seconds.

This technique is called pranayama and is said to help with anxiety and many other sleeping issues.

4. Listen to some music

Not many of us know that there are different waves going through our brains throughout the night and so, there are several stages of sleep.

To introduce you to the waves in the brain activity, firstly, imagine that you’re lying in your bed, in complete relaxation, preparing your body and brain for a good night’s sleep. In that moment of relaxation, your brain exhibits some alpha activity.

And so, after a while, you enter stage 1 of sleep when theta brain waves are being introduced. We experience that brain activity hardly when we’re awake but in those hard-to-remember moments, just before we drop off to sleep or in full relaxation.

Then, we enter stages 3 and 4 of our sleep when we have our deepest sleep with delta waves, followed by the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) or dreaming stage

So, you may wonder what has this in common with music? I’ll tell you.

Listening to delta waves right before falling asleep tricks our brain to think that we’re in our deepest sleep. And just within minutes listening to that, you will find yourself fallen asleep ways quicker than you thought.

To find some delta waves-deep relaxation music, check on Youtube.

5. Aromatherapy

What is aromatherapy?

Most of you may know it’s the use of natural plant extracts (essential oils) which can help us to deal with a great number of health conditions.

Herbal oil and lavender flowers on wooden background

As most of them are adaptogens, the way they will affect your body depend on your individual needs. Whether you need stress relief, an energy booster or you want to lift your mood.

They can have both physical and mental benefits and cure health problems such as depression insomnia, fatigue, asthma and many more.

But in this article, we’ll focus on the essential oils that treat insomnia.

1. Lavender

The first one that comes to my mind is lavender, and for sure it’s not a surprise for you too.

Lavender is famous for its soothing and relaxing effects. For some reason, I’ve always connected lavender to sleep.

Even though its benefits are known for ages, many scientists study lavender’s properties until today and they have proven that its effectiveness is more than just an old belief.

2. Ylang-Ylang

Another one is the essential oil from Ylang-Ylang. Not only that it reduces hypertension, helps you fall asleep faster, but also it lower anxiety and stress. It prepares your body for a restful sleep.

What more can you need?

 3. Bergamot

The bergamot orange with its citrus and a little spicy scent is known to lift the mood and release anxiety and reduce nervous tension. Add just a few drops in the diffuser or in your tea to feel its benefits almost instantly.

6. Create your own schedule. 

First, think what your ideal sleep schedule should be. Depending on your age and your personal lifestyle, your need for sleep can vary from the recommended 8 hours.

What I can tell you from my personal experience is to avoid having naps in the afternoon if you have problems falling asleep.

The perfect time frame for sleep should be from 7-9 hours a good night’s sleep.


What you should do is to go to bed at the same time each night and respectively to try waking up at a specific hour the morning after.

At first, you may have to set an alarm, but after a while, your circadian rhythm will get back in order and your internal clock will do the work for you.

I found that this tip and also reducing the blue light with Iris have helped me the most.

Final Words

Thank you for reading this article. If you’ve liked it, you can share it on social media with your friends, so more people can read about the Top 6 things they can do to sleep better than ever before.

“Everything you need to know is within you. Listen. Feel. Trust the body’s wisdom.”
Dan Millman


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4 Ways to Improve your Mitochondria Function Wed, 01 Aug 2018 10:05:12 +0000 In the previous article, I’ve explained what is the structure and function of mitochondria and also what happens when they’re damaged. In this one, I’ll talk about some tips and tricks you can use increase their function. Mitochondria-the powerhouses of our cells produce nearly all of the energy we need. We need energy for basic daily activities from eating, thinking, going outside to ... Read More

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Woman training on the beach

In the previous article, I’ve explained what is the structure and function of mitochondria and also what happens when they’re damaged. In this one, I’ll talk about some tips and tricks you can use increase their function.

Mitochondria-the powerhouses of our cells produce nearly all of the energy we need. We need energy for basic daily activities from eating, thinking, going outside to even sleeping.

If mitochondria are not performing well, we feel tired and our body goes into energy saver mode.

It means that even basic functions such as building, repairing and maintaining body tissues and cells are impossible.

How do mitochondria look

But I guess, you’ll be glad to hear that there are some proven ways to boost your mitochondria and so, your energy.

And even more, many of the modern diseases such as diabetes obesity and heart disease can be prevented by just keeping your mitochondria in a good health.

A man with low energy

What can you do to boost them?

1. Get some sunlight 

Years ago, a French speleologist, named Michel Siffre launched an experiment. He isolated himself in a cave for several months and had no exposure to light, neither did he have a clock.

He was keeping track of when he ate, fell asleep and woke up.

After he came out of the cave, he got to the conclusion that he ate and slept at fixed intervals, he understood that each of us has an inner biological clock.

This later became known as the circadian rhythm.

The sunlight and helps your body to control the sleep cycle by the secretion of hormones.

Confused circadian rhythm

When the morning comes and sunlight filters through our eyes, it helps us to wake up a lot more easily by suppressing the secretion of melatonin, which is the sleeping hormone and increasing adrenaline.

Adrenaline makes us more energetic and drives up our alertness in order to get ready for the day.

For example, when you wake up and don’t get that sunlight in your eyes, your brain doesn’t get signals to produce hormones to make you get up out of bed.

Bright computer screens can confuse these signals and in fact cause a whole bunch of problems. Your circadian rhythm is set by frequencies of light.

These frequencies of light come from the sun, the sunlight. And if we don’t get the sun’s full spectrum light, our internal clock gets seriously confused. We need the full solar spectrum’s light because of the red light which powers the mitochondria.

Woman practising yoga at the beach st sunrise.

What you should do each morning is go outside and let the sunlight pass through your body.

2. Avoid the blue light 

But what can you do if your job requires you to stay in front of the screen for hours?

Woman working on a computer

Obviously, you can’t get that full spectrum’s light, right?

Just like light can help to enhance you mitochondria function, it can hurt them. With artificial light, we barely give our eyes red and infrared light, which is good for our eyesight.

Blue light can slow down the ATP production (energy production) and rise that of free radicals.

With all that artificial light, often we find it hard to maintain our sleep-wake cycle.

That’s why I will tell you another trick to bring your circadian rhythm back in order. Installing an eye protecting software will help you be more productive and sleep better.

I can recommend you trying Iris which is such software.

Iris- software for eye protection and productivity

What it does is match the brightness of your screen to your ambient lighting and also reduce gradually the blue light throughout the day to cope with sleeping and many other problems.

3. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting

I’m pretty sure most of you have heard about intermittent fasting and there are just a few people that are not or aren’t still into it.

These days, everyone is talking about its benefits- from losing weight by forcing your body to burn fat, not sugars and not losing muscle mass to better overall health.

For those who haven’t heard about it, I’ll explain in just a few words.

Intermittent fasting is a way of eating which cycles between eating and fasting. Throughout the day there are the so-called “windows” in which you can consume pretty much whatever you want and a fasting period in which you drink simply water.

Down below, I’ll show you some programs. Of course, there are a lot more, but these are the most popular and recommended.

The health benefits of fasting

  • The 5-2 Intermittent Fasting program

That one is pretty simple. Five days of the week, you eat whatever you want, whenever you decide but the rest 2 days, you should consume as little as 500-600 calories for the whole day.

  • The 16-8 program

During the day, you’re allowed to eat only in a window of 8 hours, the rest 16 of the day, you fast. Even if it sounds hard to get used to it, it is possible your first meal to be at 12.00 PM and your last one at 8.00 PM.

  • Eat-stop-eat

In this variation, 6 days of the week you can eat, the one day that rests, you’re fasting for a whole period for 24 hours. Even if it’s harder to follow, this program remains one of the most popular.

For a long time, we’ve been listening for the benefits of Intermittent Fasting beyond weight-loss. But recently, researchers have found the biological reasons behind that fast-gaining popularity trend.

One of the advantages is exactly that intermittent Fasting is proven to boost your mitochondrial biogenesis which is the creation of new mitochondria. This, in turn, increases out lifespan and energy levels.

3. Cold exposure

The health benefits f cold exposure

Cold baths and contrast showers are actually good for our health. Each time when we’re exposed to a colder temperature, our body switches on to cold thermogenesis.

This is a way to produce heat. Our body uses a form of fat called BAT (Brown Adipose tissue) to burn normal fat for heat generation. This increases the mitochondria function by cranking out more and more ATP molecules.

The more you’re exposed to cold, the more you’re training your body to use fat for fuel. To boost your energy and recovery capacity, add the cold and contrast showers in the daily menu.

In a nutshell

Many of us find difficulties in waking up in the morning or in doing basic daily tasks due to the lack of energy. We try many things to increase our energy but we still feel like we’re hit by a truck each time we try to get up out of bed.

Cold showers, spending time under the sun and avoiding junk light are some of the things that will help.

If you’ve liked this article, share it with your friends on the social media so they can derive the benefits and feel better almost instantly.

If you want to read more about Mitochondria, check this article.

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Blue light filter for Windows, macOS and Linux Tue, 31 Jul 2018 16:32:46 +0000 Blue light interacts with our eyes and body and causes melatonin and mitochondrial problems. Without going into much details about this the goal of this article is to show you how you can lower the blue light emitted from the screen. I also want to tell you about some important things to consider before you choose a blue light filter ... Read More

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Blue light interacts with our eyes and body and causes melatonin and mitochondrial problems.

Without going into much details about this the goal of this article is to show you how you can lower the blue light emitted from the screen.

I also want to tell you about some important things to consider before you choose a blue light filter software.

Why to Install a Blue light filter?


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Blue light Medical Researches Sat, 28 Jul 2018 15:11:36 +0000 A collection of articles and medical researches on blue light effects on our sleep and eyes:

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A collection of articles and medical researches on blue light effects on our sleep and eyes:

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How I Fall Asleep in Under a Minute Sat, 28 Jul 2018 08:26:15 +0000 I also had a lot of problems with getting a good night sleep and spend countless hours trying all sorts of different things. I tried sleep masks, reducing noises, exercising more, not drinking coffee and alcohol and millions of other things. Although they this things helped me not to be awake all night I still flipping on my bed more than ... Read More

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I also had a lot of problems with getting a good night sleep and spend countless hours trying all sorts of different things.

I tried sleep masks, reducing noises, exercising more, not drinking coffee and alcohol and millions of other things.

Although they this things helped me not to be awake all night I still flipping on my bed more than 30 minutes before I finally can get some sleep.

My routine back then was something like this:

  • I would eat healthy 3 times per day avoiding meals after 10 pm
  • I would not drink any caffeine or energy drinks at night
  • I would exercise at least 1 per day
  • I would read a book in bed until I get sleepy

This seems like a lot of things to do and it really is. I found a way better and easy way to fall asleep really fast and sleep deeper.

While all the things I talked about will be effective on some level if you are somebody like me who uses a computer or phone during the day or during the night you will still have trouble falling asleep.

One day the electricity at my home stopped.

I was really angry at first because I had some work to do on my computer but then after some time I calmed down.

We lit candles, talked, laughed and ignored all lights and electronic devices for several hours.

Then because it was already late and my girlfriend needed to wake up early for work we went to bed.

Then I strange thing happened.

I was actually sleepy without doing my routines like not eating, reading a book, using a sleep mask and wearing earplugs.

A minute later I fell asleep.

I had one of the best sleep of my life and in the next several weeks I searched what caused this strange thing to happen.

At first, I thought that it was the moments with your closest people before going to bed that caused this and I made a routine to talk with my girlfriend every night before going to bed.

I think this was a great way to make a stronger relationship but sometimes it was actually counterproductive.

For example, if we talked in the living room there was no significant effect on my sleep but if we talked in bed the result was horrible. (well at least for sleep)

Not only that I didn’t get good night sleep but my girlfriend also and we stayed awake almost the entire night.

This has probably happened also to you at one point of your life, right?

Remember the time that you were talking with some friend, boyfriend or girlfriend all night and you didn’t sleep at all?

The reason it turned out is that conversation is engaging not relaxing which we actually need before falling asleep.

This is why reading a book actually helps you to fall asleep faster. It’s relaxing rather than stimulating and engaging.

Same thing with the movies by the way. The reason we can’t fall asleep while we watch movies is because they engage and stimulate our brain and we wait for the next scene with anticipation.

This can happen actually also with a really interesting book so these days I just go to bed and fall asleep without reading.

I tried using candles – No result

I tried by switching the electricity off for a bit – No result

I tried several other things but the first result actually came when I switched the electricity off for the entire day and night.

Pretty radical I know but I guess I somehow found the problem.

There was something in the light and electronic devices which caused me insomnia.

So because I am a night owl as a person I frequently work in the afternoon and a couple of hours after sunset.

After reading a lot about the subject of how light and electronic devices affect our sleep and health I found I a simple and effective solution for improving my sleep.

According to a lot of medical studies and countless others suggestions from doctors and other people blue light affects our body in a way that we stop producing our sleep hormone melatonin.

Basically, in our brain, we have a small organ called a pineal gland which activates in the absence of light and produces our sleep hormone melatonin.

It’s not any light, however. Around 15 years ago one scientist named Ignacio Provencio found a third photoreceptor into our eye which is responsible for the activation and the deactivation of the pineal gland.

This photoreceptor is called Melanopsin and responds to blue and part of the green light.

So if we somehow remove blue and green lights from our homes we can still use all of our electronic devices during the night and fall asleep immediately.

As a programmer, I created a computer program for myself which later become the most popular software for improving sleep and health.

Iris reduces the blue light emitted from your screen and will help you to sleep better.

With Iris, you can use your computer during the night and still fall asleep fast.

You will sleep way better without any other change in your life.

You can still drink and eat everything all the time without worrying that this will affect your sleep.

You can stop doing all kinds of routines to fall asleep faster.

You can also do all of your work late at night without worrying that you will have trouble falling asleep later.

Iris is used by more than 1 million people and everyday people told me that is the most valuable app they have on their PC.

Famous people like Dr. Mercola and Ben Greenfield use Iris:

Download Now

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and also on Twitter:

You can see all positive reviews on our Facebook page and famous people who use the software on the homepage.

I also have some collection of e-mails and other reviews on the testimonials page.

You can also try the software 7 days for free.

Click the link below the download the software and have the best sleep of your life tonight:

Download Now


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What is the Function of Mitochondria Cells in our Body? Thu, 26 Jul 2018 21:47:48 +0000 Our bodies run on energy. Each moment, even when you’re sitting, reading this, your body generates energy equal to 100W, enough to power seven light bulbs. But where does this energy come from? If you remember something from your biology classes, you’ll probably think of mitochondria, and you’re totally on the right way. Nearly all of our energy is provided ... Read More

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Woman running on the beach

Our bodies run on energy. Each moment, even when you’re sitting, reading this, your body generates energy equal to 100W, enough to power seven light bulbs.

But where does this energy come from?

Light bulb emitting energy

If you remember something from your biology classes, you’ll probably think of mitochondria, and you’re totally on the right way.

Nearly all of our energy is provided by mitochondria. They are tiny structures in the cell that turn macronutrients that we take from food, combine them with oxygen and converting them into energy.

Every living being is made of cells and when we look into them, we can see that they work just like our organs function.

Mitochondria can be found in multicellular organisms with specialized tissues, such as all complex organisms.

How exactly do mitochondria look

So, it’s not hard to get to the conclusion that when mitochondria are wrong, everything else is wrong.

We need their right function for everything from answering the phone, going to the shop or even for your brain to work and so to think well.

Energy is everything and if we don’t have enough of it, bad things happen. So, when your body doesn’t get enough energy it gets into energy saving mode and can’t repair some organ dysfunctions.

Woman by the sea gets energy from the sun

To produce all that energy what mitochondria need is oxygen.

What they do is decompose food and if the oxygen lacks, there is no produced energy. Well, we need food for energy and have a satisfying life throughout the years.

What do they do?

Contrary to what we all know, there is a lot more mitochondria do than just produce energy. There are other key tasks which I’ll show to you down below.

Let’s start with what most of us know.

1. Energy 

In each of your cells, you have tons of little mitochondria who make ATP.

We can find Adenosine Triphosphate in all forms of life and ATP is produced in mitochondria through a series of processes such as the Krebs cycle.

Whata re mitochondria- Your body's energy powerhouseMitochondria – the powerhouses of the cell.

2. Dead cells

Here, the mitochondria role is of great importance. As everything, when the cells get old, they start not to function right and die. What those little mitochondria do is to release cytochrome C which activates one of the main enzymes whose function is to cope with the dead cells.

3. Calcium

There are many roles of the calcium so that our body can work well. It’s the most abundant mineral in our body and represents 2% of the total body mass.

Our bodies use most of its calcium to keep our teeth and bones strong and the rest to prevent diseases, for cell signaling, nerve function etc.

Our body should regulate really strictly the calcium and here come the mitochondria again. They absorb calcium ions, store and release them when it’s needed.

Mitochondrial disease

If mitochondria do not function correctly, it can trigger many medical conditions.

DNA dysfunction causes most of the diseases. DNA in mitochondria can be damaged a lot more easily than the rest of the genome, that’s because the Free radicals are produced during ATP synthesis

the difference between healthy and damaged mitochondria


On the image above you can see how the structure has changed in a healthy and a damaged mitochondrion.

As mitochondria need a huge amount of oxygen to work right, most mitochondria diseases are damaging the cells that need most oxygen, such as those in the heart and the nervous system.

Mitochondria dysfunction can lead to:

1. Heart problems 

The heart relies mainly on mitochondria to supply it with enough oxygen so it can pump blood to oxygenate the whole body.

The increasing death rate worldwide originates mostly from cardiovascular problems.

Recent researches have proven that improving mitochondria functions will automatically make your heart healthier and avoid many cardiovascular diseases

2. Hearing loss  

Another problem mitochondrial degeneration can trigger is hearing loss

Sound waves

Two parts compose the whole ear-the external which is the visible part and the inner part.

In the inner part of the ear, there is the cochlea which is the part mitochondrial dysfunction affects mostly. In the cochlea, sound waves make tiny hair cells to move.

Where comes the problem with mitochondrial dysfunction?

If these hair cells don’t move, the sound waves have difficulties in traveling from the external to the inner ear.

To save your hearing, most importantly, you should avoid loud noises. Any noise that is too loud may destroy hair cells and even lead to permanent hearing loss.

3. Macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration is in a tight relationship with mitochondrial disease. A research found that retinal cells died a lot faster for people with mitochondrial disease compared to those with healthy mitochondria.

good and bad vision showed through glasses

A change in the mitochondria DNA contributes to a person’s risk of developing age-related macular degeneration. To avoid eye-related problems what you have to do is to simply practice just a few basic eye-health habits.

Some changes in your diet such as eating more leafy green and orange vegetables will save you a lot of headaches, for real.

Avoiding blue light is one of the best things you can do to save your eyesight. So, the most obvious thing is to reduce the time spent in front of the screen.

blue light emitted in the dark

Sounds simple? Not really, especially if you work in front of the computer for long hours each day

Even though it’s everywhere around us (it’s emitted from computer and smartphone screens, actually from all electronic devices, from artificial light and even from sunlight) it can be easily blocked just by installing a proper software for eye protection.


I can recommend you using Iris which is a software that automatically filters the unwanted blue light. For sure, you have other options such as blue light blocking glasses.

Final words

Mitochondria are these tiny parts of the cells with their own DNA which generate energy and make our life possible. Given that they perform a lot of functions, there are tons of mitochondrial diseases.

They may vary widely passing through heart problems, muscle weakness, damaged vision, hearing difficulties and in some cases, even death.

If you’ve liked this article, please share it on the social media, so that more people can learn about mitochondria and some life hacks to boost your energy and be ways more productive.

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Use red blue filter apps to solve problems of blue light Sat, 14 Jul 2018 23:34:13 +0000 If you are frequently experiencing less good night’s sleep these days, then it is time for you to take into consideration the impact that your red blue light devices have upon your nightly slumber. With the introduction of advanced technology and sophisticated gadgets, people just love to unwind watching their favorite movies on Netflix, reading ebooks, connect with friends and ... Read More

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red blue light filter sleep problems Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

If you are frequently experiencing less good night’s sleep these days, then it is time for you to take into consideration the impact that your red blue light devices have upon your nightly slumber.

With the introduction of advanced technology and sophisticated gadgets, people just love to unwind watching their favorite movies on Netflix, reading ebooks, connect with friends and others known on Twitter, Facebook or check out information on any specific subject or topic using their tablets or phones.

The health experts do opine that this is not eye-healthy.

According to a report revealed by the American Medical Assoc. Council on Public Health and Science, exposure towards excessive low blue light especially during the night time, including extended usage of different types of electronic media is likely to exacerbate sleep disorder or disrupt sleep.

computer work screen blue light harm sleep problems eye strain eye harm iris software

Identifying the problem 

The problem faced with using gadgets during the evenings and night is that it affects quality and quantity of sleep.

Exposure at nighttime to such UV blue light is not good for your eye health.

This is more so with exposure being towards short wavelength blue light.

This type of light is generally emitted by tablets and computers and other gadgets with an illuminated display.

However, sunlight also does contain blue light.

Blue Light sunlight visible spectrum Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

But it is vital for the eyes during the day to help us be alert and awake.

It is also an integral part of the functioning of the sleep cycles.

But having your eyes at night to blue light exposure is termed to be a bad thing.

It tends to suppress melatonin creation.

melatonin creation sleep problems Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

This hormone is produced generally at night and helps the body to get ready to sleep.

Such is its impact is that studies have suggested the car dashboards to be installed with blue LED light shining.

It is an effective way to prevent drivers from sleeping when driving the car.

But suppression of melatonin is not just linked with poor sleep, but also there are reports of its being linked with dangerous diseases like diabetes and cancer.

Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain health diseases

Use proven apps to filter blue light 

If you find it impossible to keep away your phone during night time before going to bed, then it will be wise to install the leading app like Iris software that can prove to be more than beneficial for your eyes.

iris software blue light filter eye protection

This app is quite efficient to completely filter out blue light.

The Blue Light Solution 

It is found to be beneficial when operating the device after sunset.

They tend to change the device color temperature providing red hue.

It helps to eliminate out all negative effects given out by the blue light and also decreases glare by a huge extent.

Using it for just a few days will help to notice a sharp reduction in strain in the eyes even when using the phone in a dim lit room.

iris blue light filter Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

You can download the screen dimmer app easily which just a few seconds and less space.

It is safe to be used and useful. Going through the details of the screen filter app will help you to enjoy its benefits and use the phone for long hours without any trouble.

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Eliminate blue light from computer screen Sat, 14 Jul 2018 22:57:35 +0000 If you are an avid user of the computer and required to work in shifts and work on accounts or data all the time, then it becomes all the more essential for you to protect your eyes. Constant usage of computers and mobile phones will only damage your eyes which will result in severe eye strain. This is because of ... Read More

The post Eliminate blue light from computer screen appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

night work tired computer blue light Eyes Protection - Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

If you are an avid user of the computer and required to work in shifts and work on accounts or data all the time, then it becomes all the more essential for you to protect your eyes.

Constant usage of computers and mobile phones will only damage your eyes which will result in severe eye strain.

This is because of the blue light emitted by these devices.

blue light sources iris software eye protection blue light filter screen dimmer

Besides damaging the eyes, blue light affects sleep quality and performance, which in turn can prove to be detrimental for the health.

Hence, using a blue light filter on the computer or the phone can help remove flicker and also reduce eye strain.

Take immediate measures 

Evidence from researches has very clearly shown that blue light arising from computer and phone screens are only making it tough for the person to fall asleep.

Microsoft and Apple have tried to tackle this issue by introducing new features within their operating systems.

It is now possible to turn on the nighttime setting features to filter away those blue tones which otherwise tends to trigger the body’s nervous system.

blue light filter app eye filter screen dimmer iris software eye protection eye stain

The blue light only interferes with the sleeping pattern and creates havoc in the person’s sleep quality.

This is noticed more among people using such devices just before hitting the bed.

There is present a plausible rationale for the blue light filter apps to effectively and efficiently work.

blue light filter glasses lenses Eyes Protection - Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

Also, are developed screen dimmer apps like Iris that can help promote healthy eyes by blue light significantly.

Providing solutions to blue light related health issues 

Insomnia is termed to be a problem that does require immediate solutions.

According to surveys, a good number of adults do face problems falling asleep or trying to stay asleep most nights.

The studies also revealed that the majority of the people struggled with sleep for at least once a week.

They can make use of the screen settings to decrease blue light emission in Windows, Macs computers, and iPhones.

Eyes Protection - Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

Such a light filter is officially present only in very few Android phones which include Samsung Galaxy S8 and the Google Pixel.

But apps like Iris can be downloaded on just about any type and brand of phone.

Afterwards, they are used instantly to remove blue light and to provide protection to the eyes.

Additional Anti-Blue Light Apps 

Android and Chromebook users have found it extremely useful to wear those blue light filter glasses when operating their devices in the evenings.

Others can simply download the Iris software to their phone to enjoy healthy eyes.

This app can be downloaded effortlessly and it also comes with one-week free trial use after which the charges are very minimal.

eyes protection - Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

They are found to be useful and reduce strain on the eyes.

Current users have reported that this screen dimmer app does work up to their expectations.

It has also been said to be quite inexpensive on the pocket.

Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

You should not ignore this particular aspect and should make sure that you use the blue light filters all the time.

This will make your working with the phone completely safe and highly efficient.

You can also increase your overall productivity at work.

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Screen Light Protector Sat, 14 Jul 2018 22:15:52 +0000 Researchers are of the opinion that human retinal cells can be destroyed with the blue light exposure of low intensity emerging from television and smartphones. It has been discovered by scientists that blue light, more specifically the short wavelength ones may damage the retina cells. This is regarded to be a light-sensitive tissue layer outlining the internal part of the ... Read More

The post Screen Light Protector appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

smartphone night staring texting Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

Researchers are of the opinion that human retinal cells can be destroyed with the blue light exposure of low intensity emerging from television and smartphones.

It has been discovered by scientists that blue light, more specifically the short wavelength ones may damage the retina cells.

This is regarded to be a light-sensitive tissue layer outlining the internal part of the eyes.

It may lead to the death of the cells and ultimately, migraine eye pain.

Harmful effects of exposure to blue light 

These days, advanced technology and the introduction of modern electronic gadgets and smartphones have made people spend their time staring at televisions, laptops, and phones for longer time periods.

According to the experts, exposure to blue light during daytime is beneficial for eye health.

At the same time, during evenings is considered to be harmful, especially during night time.

retina human eye health blue light filter app iris software eye protection sleep deprivation screen light protector

The researchers have investigated the ill effects of low blue light of low intensity on the human retinal cells.

Blue light of short wavelength has been found to double the rate of death in the human retinal cells when compared to those cells which kept at dark places.

Moreover, the researchers stated that a molecule ‘N-retinylidene-N-retinylethanolamine tends to react with blue light towards producing radicals to the human retinal cells.

They are exposed to numerous wavelengths of blue light of low intensity by using the liquid crystal as well as organic LED (light emitting diode).

Eyes Protection - Blue Light Filter App screen light protector

They also opine that exposure to even the shortest of wavelength blue light of about 449nm for about 24 hours will cause the largest ROS production increase.

This is almost twice like that of a control group which was kept in a dark place.

Cell death and ROS production may witness an increase in stimulating real-life conditions when white light having 449nm blue wavelength peak.

It is termed to be double the cell death amount when compared to dark control group.

Other studies for Blue Light Harm 

Studies also suggest adjusting the screen brightness to be done of what is exactly perfect – by using a screen light protector.

This means that the screen light protector has to work without any eye problems and to add up to the entertainment.

Using blue screen filter does help to reduce stress on the eyes.

Blue Light Filter video tutorial sleep deprivation iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

As a result, it also helps the person to have a great phone, computer or tablet viewing experience at night.

It will be also useful to download paid apps like Iris software. Such a screen light protector app is bound to be the eye’s best friend.

This app is able to manage, control and filter blue light effectively. Thus, ensuring that the eyes are in good health and condition.

Blue lights are known to create problems in sleep quality. This can be rectified and good sleep enjoyed using the best phone app like Iris software.

brightness settings sleep Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection dimmer eye health eye strain screen light protector

It is affordable and can be used by anyone without any hassle.

The scientists are also of the opinion that the human eye does come with natural protective mechanisms to block wavelengths. Such waves are below 400nm.

But anything above this will prove to be detrimental to the health. But this can be taken care of by using such a screen light protector.

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Blue Light from Electronics Sat, 14 Jul 2018 07:39:20 +0000 It could be that your phone is hurting your eyes very badly due to constant usage. If so, then it becomes essential to find out the symptoms related to eye strain along with some tips to cut down on exposure towards blue light. This will require changing your existing lifestyle, use glasses, filters and eye protection apps. You can also ... Read More

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iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain table phone night use

It could be that your phone is hurting your eyes very badly due to constant usage.

If so, then it becomes essential to find out the symptoms related to eye strain along with some tips to cut down on exposure towards blue light.

This will require changing your existing lifestyle, use glasses, filters and eye protection apps.

You can also download the Iris app on your phone to reduce eye strain and to ensure having healthy eyes.

Straining the eyes 

These days, the majority of the people prefer to use their smartphones and tablets for hours together.

They do this to check emails, chat with friends, colleagues, and customers.

That way, they can also see the social feeds or to play games.

Staring the phone for a very long period will only make the eyes to feel tired, drowsy, even feeling eye muscle pain.

According to reports conducted globally, people in huge numbers are glued to their devices for a good amount of time.

screen brightness smartphone computer monitor blue light filter app eye protection iris software

This trend is only noticed to become an obsession among them.

All this screen time is only negatively affecting our eye health, cited by Wikipedia as well.

There are some professions that do work the person to work on the phone or the computer for hours together or some people simply love to chat with their loved ones or friends all the time.

Hence, it becomes necessary to use a blue light filter to ensure that the phone is now safe for the eyes.

Do away with negative impacts of the eyes

The truth is exposure towards blue light especially from electronic devices is likely to have a negative impact upon the eyes.

Blue light can be really concerning since the lens and cornea are not able to filter the blue light out.

Hence, it goes to the back portion of the eyes.

Some experts are of the opinion that it could damage the retina, leading to unwanted conditions such as macular degeneration.

Eyes Protection - Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain


But no research has been conducted as of yet to back up such concerns.

The leading optometrists also state that staring at the screen for longer periods lead to facing digital eye strain.

This is also called computer vision syndrome.

Few symptoms might include trouble focusing upon a single thing, tired, red eyes, blurry vision, headaches and dry eyes.

eye strain iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health

Therefore, it becomes crucial on your part to make use of the latest advanced technology and eye protection apps like Iris to reduce eye strain and prolong natural good sight.

For example, if you sit in a squat position for a long time, then your legs are sure to get tired.

That way, it will not allow you to sit in that position anymore.

Eyes Protection - Blue Light Filter App iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain

A similar thing takes place in your eyes.

To focus better and sharper on any object, your eye muscles are to pull together constantly.

But after a while, the muscles get tired.

The Solution to Blue Light Harm

Researches have also stated that melatonin, an essential hormone that assists the body to properly maintain healthy circadian rhythms, is suppressed by blue light.

Experts concluded that this can make it tough for the person to fall asleep.

iris software eye protection blue light filter app screen dimmer eye health eye strain health sleep

Again, lack of sleep is likely to have long-term ill health effects.

Using Iris anti-blue light filter app will help promote good eyes and also allow you to work on your device for hours without any strain or worry.

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Shield Eyes From Blue Light Of Tablet And Phone Tue, 10 Jul 2018 07:43:56 +0000 It could be that your child uses tablets and smartphones frequently to play games, to gain useful information or to chat with friends. What you are not aware of is the fact that devices may cause potentially irreversible eye damage. This is because, such devices are said to emit blue light, which is proven to be harmful to the eyes ... Read More

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blue light tablet phone screen dimmer sleep problems eye protection eye health iris software

It could be that your child uses tablets and smartphones frequently to play games, to gain useful information or to chat with friends.

What you are not aware of is the fact that devices may cause potentially irreversible eye damage.

This is because, such devices are said to emit blue light, which is proven to be harmful to the eyes and for getting good quality sleep.

Using blue light filter can help your child’s eyes to be well protected.

little girl tablet phone blue light night use eye protection eye health iris software

Increased eyesight problems 

The fact is the explosion of modern technology and the introduction of different types of handheld devices in the last few years has only witnessed an enormous increase in the number of patients.

A good number of eye patients tend to comprise of young school children who complain of dry eyes and eye strain.

Such issues are caused due to excessive screen time.

Although these conditions could be prevented and treated by performing some exercises and using screen breaks, the hazards caused due to blue light exposure is still relatively unknown.

blue light harm eye harm eye problems

Medical experts are quite convinced about the potential harm caused to children is much greater to be ignored.

Majority of the health experts across the globe do recommend their young patients to use blue light filter software to block blue light effectively.

They strongly prescribe non-prescription lenses. No downsides are present towards availing protection against blue lights.

However, potential downsides do exist if adequate care and remedy are not taken. Hence, it will be useful to reduce eye strain by removing screen flicker.

Why use filters to block blue light? 

According to studies, blue light is found to cause eye damage to its back portion, which is the retina.

The medical experts state that if blue light is exposed to children at night time, it can lead to a quick onset of macular degeneration.

It is termed to be the leading reason for blindness of age over 50 and can cause cataracts.

blue light filter eye protection eye strain eye protection filter

Since adults eye tends to have a natural defense system, the risk from blue light is comparatively lesser.

With age, the lens begins to yellow, thus blocking out some part of the harmful blue light.

But children are more prone to suffer since their eyes are still in the development stage.

This means such light will be able to penetrate more easily and efficiently into the eye retina directly resulting in an eye migraine.

Taking adequate precaution

Unfortunately, smartphones are given to toddlers and young children to play without understanding the consequences it brings about.

What is necessary to know is that blue wavelength is crucial for the eyes at day.

For this reason, they help boost reaction, mood, and attention.

circadian rhythm sleep human eye health eye protection blue light filter affect app iris software

But it becomes harmful at night, since it disturbs the circadian rhythm, disrupting sleep.

Hence, the installation of apps like Iris can help to block effectively blue light.

Thus, making the devices completely safe for children to use.


iris software blue light filter eye protection

Such anti-blue light app filter out blue light and make playing games or viewing movies or chatting on tablets and smartphones safer.

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Blue Light Reducer Tue, 10 Jul 2018 07:14:18 +0000 These days, the number of computer and smartphone users has increased manifolds. What many are not aware of is the fact that these technological devices which are found to be extremely useful in life also may cause potential eye harm to one’s health. According to researches, blue light emerging from cell phones are likely to disrupt circadian rhythms. As a ... Read More

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blue ligh man health sleep human eye health eye protection blue light filter affect app iris software

These days, the number of computer and smartphone users has increased manifolds.

What many are not aware of is the fact that these technological devices which are found to be extremely useful in life also may cause potential eye harm to one’s health.

According to researches, blue light emerging from cell phones are likely to disrupt circadian rhythms.

As a result, they are disrupting sleep and leading to poor sleep quality.

sleep problems deprivation late-night bed blue light filter eye protection

Studies have also concluded that blue light emerging from home devices and street lamps may enhance prostate cancer risk.

Data from researches have also shown that external light, when blocked using dark window shades, is likely to reduce cancer development risks.

Moreover, using blue light filter apps like Iris blue light reducer app will prove to be useful to safeguard the eyes and also to get good sleep.

Risks faced with Blue Light 

Health professionals state that using cell phones late at night will only keep the user awake and do away with his sleep.

New studies have further revealed that browsing the web in bed will lead to prostate cancer.

These are day-to-day devices such as computer screens, street lamps, and cell phones tend to emit blue light.

Researches do show that this light is harmful tends to disrupt the human body’s circadian rhythms.

This is achieved with the blue light confusing the body during sleeping time.

melatonin blue light filter app eye protection eye strain eye harm

Evidence also has shown that it may increase the risk of cancer in people.

Studies have further revealed that blue light exposure at night will only double the risk of prostate cancer in man and development of breast cancer in women by about 1.5 times.

To determine if the evening glow is dangerous by which level, researchers had compiled data from over 4,000 people.

The participants include those facing breast and prostate cancers or devoid of cancer and of ages 20 to 85.

Questionnaires were used to evaluate bedroom environments, like if people slept in dimly lit or dark rooms, used photographs from space for capturing blue light reducer levels found outdoors.

Results of the Study 

The study found out that areas having heavy outdoor lighting and brighter bedrooms were associated with higher prostate cancer risk.

With cities and towns replacing older lighting and using the latest technological devices like computer and phones, people are exposed to good amounts of blue lights.

This will only disrupt the biological clocks. This way, a strong link has been found with blue light and eye sleep.

blue light filter app eye filter screen dimmer iris software eye protection eye stain

However, the study is not found to show causation, but a link is derived between prostate cancer and blue light.

Further studies were carried out to determine if addiction to the smartphone is really deadly!

Also were studied during night time exposure towards a low blue light that is emitted by the modern phones.

Such a thing is being associated with cancer risk.

The studies did state that using blue light filters like the Iris blue light reducer app will prevent any blue light harm.

That way, making it completely safe for the phone to be used at night for hours together without any worry about eye health and sleep quality.

software eye strain eye health eye protection blue light filter affect app iris software

However, still, medical experts do advise limiting the usage of the phone before going to bed.

They also recommend installing reliable computer screen dimmer apps that make phone viewing completely safe.

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Screen Light App Sun, 08 Jul 2018 13:33:54 +0000 There are many who are not aware of the harmful effects of getting exposed to blue light at night. The fact is such screen light is emitted by modern electronic gadgets like the tablets and smartphones and if exposed to it during the evening will harm sleep quality. Hence, it becomes essential to know how blue light exposure is to ... Read More

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blue light harm screen filter eye protection night use smartphone woman

There are many who are not aware of the harmful effects of getting exposed to blue light at night.

The fact is such screen light is emitted by modern electronic gadgets like the tablets and smartphones and if exposed to it during the evening will harm sleep quality.

Hence, it becomes essential to know how blue light exposure is to be managed to protect health and sleep.

How much light exposure is better for human health and to get good sleep? 

Light is considered to be medicine.

Just like junk food is not expected to be consumed regularly and to feel healthy and to be in best condition, it is not possible to consume all types of junk light every time and expect good sleep, to feel better and perform well.

If managed properly, exposure to screen light may help to improve sleep, increase overall energy and to boost overall performance.

melatonin good night sleep eye protection eye strain blue light filter screen dimmer

In today’s modern world, where electronic gadgets rule lives, the well-educated individual can better protect his/her health and get good sleep at night as well as function efficiently during the day.

In today’s modern world, there is light everywhere and it becomes essential to seek out darkness actively.

Also is present more blue wavelength light which is found in plentiful in most of the energy efficient light sources as well as digital devices.

blue light sources iris software eye protection blue light filter screen dimmer

Why blue light at night time interferes with sleep? 

There is numerous evidence piled up to show the potential hazards that blue wavelength screen light brings on human health and sleep patterns.

As a matter of fact, studies have revealed that blue light is a light form.

This is aggressive enough to trigger sleeplessness.

It suppresses production of melatonin for over twice as long when compared to other types of light wavelengths.

Also, the circadian rhythms are altered by about twice the degree.

circadiam rhythm sleep iris software eye protection eye strain eye blue light filter screen dimmer

Hence, interference with the 24-hour circadian body rhythm may have a significant adverse effect upon human and eye health.

It also creates problems with the immune, metabolic and cardiovascular systems, comprising cognitive functions and disturbing mood.

When circadian rhythms are found to be out of control, then the person is not able to perform, feel or think at his/her best.

Therefore with time, the health is compromised and put at risk.

circadian rhythm sleep human eye health eye protection blue light filter affect app iris software

Studies conducted among healthy young adults have found out that exposure towards low blue light arising from computer or phone screens between 9 & 11 pm results in shortened total sleep time, significant suppression of melatonin production and diminished sleep quality with the increase of frequent nighttime awakenings.

It also has been revealed that body temperature is prevented from dropping by blue screen light during night time.

It is important to get good sleep which is only possible with a gradual lowering of the body’s temperature.

Night time exposure to blue light is likely to disrupt regular circadian rhythms.

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After constant blue light exposure for several nights, people were noticed to get more tired during the daytime.

In addition, they also experienced negative moods.

Using sleep light app like Iris software can do a lot of good to filter out blue screen light and to promote good sleep.

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Blue Light Filter for Eye Care for PC Sun, 08 Jul 2018 13:17:57 +0000 There are many who are required to sit on the PC for hours together at work at various times of the day or night. Whatever be it, excessive exposure to the PC only leads to stress and strain in the eye and retina region. The PC is known to radiate UV and blue light screen rays. They are considered to ... Read More

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blue light night work screen dimmer blue light filter app software eye protection

There are many who are required to sit on the PC for hours together at work at various times of the day or night.

Whatever be it, excessive exposure to the PC only leads to stress and strain in the eye and retina region.

The PC is known to radiate UV and blue light screen rays.

They are considered to cause eye muscle pain and eye harm.

Hence, it becomes essential to search for the most appropriate blue light filters that can take care of the eyes.

Providing proper eye care 

These days, eye strain is said to have become a common problem, something that is not much thought about.

When using the computer for longer time periods.

eye pain migraine eye health blue light harm screen dimmer filter eye proteciton

The user is bound to get tired and his eyes become fatigued and even experience pain, resulting in an eye migraine.

If not addressed to immediately, it may lead to the development of various types of eye-related problems.

Know the harmful effects of blue light 

The computer screen is said to produce blue light that is known to cause eye-related issues, stress, and strain.

This light is quite harmful to the eyes. however, constant exposure may lead to eye problems and sleep deprivation.

If the eyes are not rested periodically for a few minutes in every hour of computer usage.

Then, the eye strain is only likely to get accumulated throughout the day.

blue light filter app iris software eye protection bedtime smartphone tablet use

However, people, these days do lead busy lives and not have much spare time to relax and take good eye care.

There is a need and compulsion to work on the computers even at night to get the assigned tasks completed.

Such overexposure to light faced from the screen, be it the computer or the mobile phone only causes eye pressure pain over time.

blue light filter effect on eye protection uv light retina damage eye harm

Hence for ensuring healthy eyes, it becomes necessary to make use of a blue light filter.

Such is the Iris app that will protect the eyes and take care of sleep.

Addressing blue light 

Spending less time on the computer and the mobile phone is a better way to address the issues caused by blue light.

But this is not stated to be practical. There are blue light filter glasses which are designed specifically to filter such light.

However, it can prove to be expensive. The person is sure to be exposed to blue light if he/she forgets to wear it.

These days, there are specific anti-blue light software programs that can be used to filter out blue light to ensure getting less eye strain.

iris software blue light filter eye protection eye strain screen dimmer software app eye harm productivity

Such an app is Iris app and by using this app will remove the blue light from the screen and make it completely safe to be viewed at night time.

This way, the eyes will not get fatigued and better quality sleep can be experienced at night, thus leading to overall better health and eye care.

iris software blue light filter eye harm eye protection eye strain screen dimmer software

This software just needs to be installed in the device, which takes a matter of seconds.

Once done, it will get activated instantly to filter blue light and protect the eyes from strain and stress when using the phone for hours at night.

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UV Light from Computer Screens Sun, 08 Jul 2018 12:23:28 +0000 Sitting before the computer for hours together and for days has become more than a fashion and requirements of modern work life, resulting in a high blue light exposure. But a new eye health term ‘computer face’ has emerged to describe premature aging effects caused by sitting at the computer for hours. What is the computer face all about?  According ... Read More

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computer screen blue light harm eye health uv light screen filter dimmer eye strain

Sitting before the computer for hours together and for days has become more than a fashion and requirements of modern work life, resulting in a high blue light exposure.

But a new eye health term ‘computer face’ has emerged to describe premature aging effects caused by sitting at the computer for hours.

What is the computer face all about? 

According to medical experts, people who are required to sit continuously at the computer for hours are at greater risk of facing premature aging.

This is because of the UV light emerging from the computer screens.

It also means accelerated wrinkles, fine lines, turkey neck, frown lines, jowls and deep wrinkles.

blue light sun light uv rays color spectrum eye harm strain iris software filter protection

Some potential problems faced: 

• When concentrating if the person squints or frowns, then premature frown lines are likely to develop.

• Sitting in a single position for a long time also increases jowls risks or make for a sharp pain in the eye.

• Looking down a lot may sag and shorten the neck muscles causing turkey neck.

• Young women and men are likely to age much more quickly due to heavy usage of IT.

blue light harm eye harm eye problems

Patients suffering from such effects are only found to be increasingly lining up at the leading cosmetic surgical centers.

These can be considered to be early warnings.

They should be heeded to as to how badly the body’s muscles (eye muscle pain for example) tend to react towards endless sitting.

How do computers expose to UV radiation? 

The experts are of the opinion that computers do expose the user to harmful UV light radiation.

Low UV light levels are emitted by older CRT monitors, which over a period of time, leads to skin damage.

It can also be problematic for those who are photosensitive like people suffering from severe xeroderma pigmentosum and lupus problems.

UV screen light, however, is not radiated by the new flat paneled LCD screens as opposed to LCD and plasma screens.

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Aging caused by allergic reactions

Researches conducted have stated that exposure to the computer screen for hours can lead to blotches, discoloration, skin allergies and rashes with time.

Moreover, those facing pre-existing skin issues such as sun sensitivity and rosacea can face more risk and eye strain.

Some scientists also opine that an electrostatic field is created by monitors to attract floating dust.

It then settles on the skin, thus causing irritation, dryness and allergic reactions, specifically in the poorly ventilated areas.

Excessive exposure to the computer screen in a few sensitive individuals may cause screen dermatitis.

Here, the skin cells tend to suffer due to consistent exposure towards electromagnetic fields and light.

uv uva uvb light skin damage blue light harm sun computer screen filter eye protection skin protection eye health

How to protect the eyes and the face?

It will be useful to do some thorough research on the potential effects that computers have over skin in its very early stages.

One more aspect to understand is that LCD screens although don’t emit UV light radiation, are known to emit LED light.

Such light is associated with eye damage.

Furthermore, studies have associated LED UV lights present in computers, bulbs, TVs and cell phones.

Therefore, enhancing irreparable harm and risk to the retinal region which can result even in migraine eye pain.

Researchers have also stated that damage may be caused by radiation at higher levels present in blue light band.

iris blue light filter eye protection filter app screen dimmer eye protection eye health eye strain

With LED lights being used in TV screens, phones, and computers, the problem is only anticipated to grow.

Hence, there has been developed blue light filters like Iris app that will do a world of good to the eyes and sleep.

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Eye Filter Sun, 01 Jul 2018 15:31:05 +0000 The truth is blue light affects sleep patterns and health negatively. It is quite common these days for you to come late from work and to get relaxed watch your favorite show or movie on Netflix or play some games on your smartphone or watch television. Medical experts have been lately cautioning people not to use light-emitting gadgets prior to ... Read More

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The truth is blue light affects sleep patterns and health negatively.

It is quite common these days for you to come late from work and to get relaxed watch your favorite show or movie on Netflix or play some games on your smartphone or watch television.

Medical experts have been lately cautioning people not to use light-emitting gadgets prior to going to bed unless there use some sort of an eye filter.

The reason is that the blue light radiated from the device is termed to be short wavelength enriched.

visible specter blue light wavelengths visible light protection filter eye health

This means this blue light emission is in higher concentration when compared to natural light.

Moreover, melatonin – a sleep-inducing hormone is affected by blue light more than other wavelengths.

Effects in sleep and need of eye filter

When there are noticed changes in the pattern of sleep, then natural clock in the body witnesses a shift, called circadian rhythm.

According to studies and articles cited by Wikipedia, they have revealed that the clock shifts may have unwanted devastating health effects since it tends to control not just our wakefulness, however, also the individual clocks which dictate the body organ’s functions.

blue light filter app sleep deprivation melatonin bedtime eye strain eye protection iris software

The stressors in other words, which affects the circadian clocks, like blue light exposure have more serious consequences than expected.

Researchers investigated how different light wavelengths tend to affect melatonin body release.

It was discovered that light emitting devices had effects upon the circadian system which extended beyond evening and well into the next morning.

How light affects the circadian rhythm and how melatonin is involved? 

It is known for quite some time that the most powerful cue to shift the phase or to reset the circadian time clock is light.

Moreover, melatonin during daytime is low and starts to get released just a few hours prior to bedtime.

It tends to peak during the middle of the night.

Studies have also shown that melatonin is surprised by light.

blue light filter app iris software eye protection eye strain sleep deprivation melatonin screen dimmer circadian rhythm

As a result, the circadian delay is caused by light during the early evening. Otherwise, the clock is reset for later schedule.

Again circadian advancement may be caused due to light was seen in the early morning or the clock reset to an earlier schedule.

How scientists got involved with blue light and eye filter? 

Over 700 experiments were performed in a period of seven years for measuring how different light wavelengths tend to regulate the correct production of melatonin.

It was found that peak sensitivity is displayed towards the light by humans in the blue light wavelength spectrum region.

blue light filter effect on eye protection uv light retina damage eye harm

Cones and rods (the eye photoreceptors) may not account for melatonin production’s various regulation.

Hence, another photoreceptor type is said to be accountable for mediating this physiological response.

Such wavelength photoreceptors had been identified later and called melanopsin as they contain ganglion cells.

What happens when eyes get exposed to electronic device radiated blue light? 

Studies have revealed that short wavelength or blue light has a greater effect upon the circadian clock’s phase shifting as well as on melatonin suppression unless an eye filter is used.

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Those who read using light emitted devices fell asleep slower and less REM sleep while having higher alertness before bedtime.

This will also affect overall health with time.

However, eye filter apps like Iris can be downloaded and used to act as a blue light filter.

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Yellow Filter For Computer Screen Sun, 01 Jul 2018 14:27:10 +0000 Blue light blocking apps can help promote better sleep after screen-time  Televisions and mobile phones are likely to emit blue and yellow lights that are considered by medical experts to be harmful to the eyes and overall eye health. Blue light that radiates from such devices is likely to suppress natural mechanism which helps people to fall asleep during the ... Read More

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blue light filter app screen dimmer led light eye protection eye strain iris software

Blue light blocking apps can help promote better sleep after screen-time 

Televisions and mobile phones are likely to emit blue and yellow lights that are considered by medical experts to be harmful to the eyes and overall eye health.

Blue light that radiates from such devices is likely to suppress natural mechanism which helps people to fall asleep during the night.

sleep phone eye strain hurt blue light filter eye protection software monitor time sleep deprivation

However, blocking blue wavelength is likely to help restore normal sleep at night time, as revealed by studies.

Teenagers using computers and various types of digital devices when using apps like Iris software are found to be much more relaxed when using these devices at night for a good amount of time.

They also get sleepy during bedtime which is essential for better health.

Effects of screen light 

LED screens are being used widely in smart phones, computer monitors, TVs and tablets.

Screen light tends to affect the circadian physiology, which is quite high in these devices and are used very close to the eyes.

Viewing these screens during evening time will only make the teenagers be awake at night and not get good quality sleep.

blue light and screen time

This is because, it tends to involve light exposure, specifically in the blue wavelength range.

There is where the biological clock, as well as its related arousal promotion, is known to its greatest sensitivity.

Viewing computer or phone screens when in bed is linked to insomnia.

It can become difficult to wake up the next morning according to studies.

The reason is that light tends to impact the circadian rhythms along with the sleep-wake cycles.

Using yellow filter for computer screen will prove to be more than beneficial for the eyes and overall health.

Why blue light is harmful? 

Teenagers are already found to stay awake for late hours.

As a result, requiring to wake up very early for studies is likely to develop a chronic sleep debt.

As a result, this affects sharply the teens’ focus and moods.

The LED light screens, as suggested by Wikipedia, do emit short wavelength light. It is found to block natural evening rise of hormone melatonin which promotes sleepiness.

Blue light exposure does keep the brain activated and alert at a time when it is to slow down to get into sleep mode.

blue light filter app iris software eye protection sleep deprivation

For experiment purpose, blue blocker, orange-tinted glasses were used to filter out short light wavelengths in the visible spectrum’s blue portion.

13 healthy boys were recruited between the ages of 15 & 17. For about a week, they maintained regular sleep schedule at their home.

Those same people were also devoid of going out during the evenings or consuming caffeine drinks.

blue light filter app glasses eye protection eye strain iris software eye health

They used devices that had blue light blocker glasses during the evenings until bedtime every evening.

They also maintained dairies of the duration of wearing of the glasses and time spent with non-LED and LED devices including sleep-wake log.


The Solution to this Blue Light Harm 

The yellow filter glasses and apps like Iris software were found to be highly beneficial. They helped them to have good sleep at night without much interruption in between.

They were also reported to have higher melatonin levels ranging from ninety to five minutes prior to sleeping.

iris blue light screen filter dimmer uv light color brightness iris software eye protection eye strain

In short, this screen dimmer app did make a huge difference to the sleep quality and prevented those light responses that are found not to be helpful during evening hours as the mind and the body prepares to get ready for sleep.

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Eye Protection App Sun, 01 Jul 2018 13:04:12 +0000 It is a really good thing to expose the eyes to blue light during the daytime. It is this natural short wavelength light which helps to keep us energized, awake and to boost our moods. However, this blue light when emerges from the mobile devices during night time is not good for our sleep. Blue light is emitted from avaricious ... Read More

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blue light filter app iris software eye protection bedtime smartphone tablet use

It is a really good thing to expose the eyes to blue light during the daytime.

It is this natural short wavelength light which helps to keep us energized, awake and to boost our moods.

However, this blue light when emerges from the mobile devices during night time is not good for our sleep.

Blue light is emitted from avaricious types of digital devices, fluorescent lights, and LEDs.

All these devices only suppress the body’s natural hormone formation named melatonin required for comfortable, good night sleep.

Hence, some sort of eye protection app is needed.

blue light sleep deprivation eye protection eye strain screen dimmer led light melatonin iris software

If you are health conscious and eager to protect your eyes and sleep, then it is essential to find out ways and means to ensure getting proper and complete sleep.

There are blue light screen filter apps present like the Iris app that can do a lot of good for the eyes and to improve sleep quality and duration.

Dimming the lights

According to blue light technology facts, presented by Wikipedia, LED lights although are found to be environmentally friendly and consumes less energy, are considered to produce blue light in plenty, similar to that of fluorescent lights.

Hence, using screen light dimmer can help protect eyes and act as a highly effective blue light filter, especially during evenings.

blue lighjt filter harm app led light eye protection eye strain

Switching off unnecessary lights when not in use can be much more eye and sleep-friendly.

Using lights in the room that are essential will ensure to limit exposure towards blue light.

Also, it will save a good amount of money on energy bills.

Device downtime

A good number of health-conscious people are found to be aware of the importance of sleeping early.

However, the majority seem to use their mobile phones to check their social network accounts.

The reason – to ensure they do not miss the interesting happenings and to not be missed out by anyone!

It has become a common practice among people of all ages to sleep with their tablets, smartphones, and laptops besides their beds.

sleep problems deprivation late-night bed blue light filter eye protection

They simply cannot resist those mysterious messages received from friends or someone known.

Also are present few people who just prefer to wake up at night, just to check their phone!

All this only increases their getting exposed to blue light, which is equivalent to waking in the morning having the sun gleaming through the window.

The eyes’ back portion is struck with blue light from the device.

That compels the body to get ready for the morning.

Use blue light filter apps to reduce eye strain and get good sleep

Even though special filter screen glasses are being sold in the market to help good sleep, there are many who may feel uncomfortable wearing it all the time and would want to remove it.

blue light filter app glasses filter eye protection eye strain iris software

Wearing the glasses can also be disturbing especially when going through the mobile phone messages at night. With the Iris app, nothing can go wrong.

It is effective enough to filter blue light from the tablet or smartphone.

It can effectively nullify the negative effects that come with blue light harm when using devices during evening and night time.

blue light affect filter app eye [rotection eye strain iris software

Such eye protection apps are much smarter and also completely safe to be used by almost all types of devices.

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Improve your vision naturally Sat, 30 Jun 2018 13:21:43 +0000 The older you get, the more possible it is to deteriorate your vision and the more you’re damaging your eyesight. Opposed to popular belief, deteriorating vision is not automatically linked with aging. It’s mainly a side effect of modern lifestyle. Habits such as staying for long hours in front of the screen, not wearing eye protection, rubbing your eyes and ... Read More

The post Improve your vision naturally appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

The older you get, the more possible it is to deteriorate your vision and the more you’re damaging your eyesight.

Opposed to popular belief, deteriorating vision is not automatically linked with aging. It’s mainly a side effect of modern lifestyle.

Habits such as staying for long hours in front of the screen, not wearing eye protection, rubbing your eyes and overexposure to blue light are seriously harming your vision.

Take care of your eyes

Even though your eyes are so small, they pay a big role in helping you navigate the world around you. Protecting your eyes is in your hands, and yes, you can totally do something to avoid eye injuries and save your sight throughout the years.

So, what’s the key?

Lutein and Zeaxanthin

  • What are they?

Good nutrition is crucial in order to keep your eyes healthy and functioning their best throughout your lifetime.

The two principal nutrients that may reduce your risk for macular degeneration are Lutein and Zeaxanthin.

The macula is the small central part of your retina which is responsible for detailed central vision. It is protected by a yellow pigment made up of lutein and zeaxanthin.

Lutein is the antioxydant that protects your vision naturally

The two nutrients are found in high concentrations in the macula and their function is to absorb light and protect the macula from high-energy light rays, called blue light and also from UV light.

What they do in nature is to absorb excess light energy to prevent damage to plants from too much sunlight, especially from blue light.

  • Daily intake 

As our body does not produce lutein and zeaxanthin, we should consume them through lutein-rich foods.

Though it’s not recommended how much of the nutrients is good for us to consume, studies have found that we can derive a lot of benefits simply by taking a dosage of 10 mg of lutein per day, and 2 mg per day of zeaxanthin.

Foods in which you can find Lutein and Zeaxanthin

  • Where can you find them?

You can find lutein and zeaxanthin in green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach. You’ll also find these nutrients in orange- and yellow-colored fruits and vegetables.

Most of the foods containing lutein also have zeaxanthin, so here are the top 10 lutein-rich foods.

  1. Dark leafy greens (Kale)
  2. Green herbs (Basil)
  3. Salad greens (Lettuce)
  4. Summer squash
  5. Broccoli
  6. Brussels sprouts
  7. Asparagus
  8. Green peas
  9. Leaks
  10. Green beans

Try to eat them raw when possible to derive maximum benefit.

Check the graph below to see how much lutein can you get from your foods. 

Foods containing Lutein and ZeaxanthinEat your way to good eyesight

Maintaining a well-balanced, healthy diet is vital to keep your eyes healthy, and may help lower your the of developing eye conditions or of making existing ones worse.

A lot of people have eyesight problems caused by their lifestyle but just a few know they may be avoided if we include foods that contain a range of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, known as antioxidants in our diet.

Eye conditions that you may be able to prevent with a proper diet are:  

  • Macular degeneration
  • Glaucoma (often provoked by Diabetes)
  • dry eyes
  • poor night vision

That’s why a number of antioxidants such as those given below can help. 

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  •  Lutein
  • Zeaxanthin
  • Zinc oxide
  • Copper oxide

Here are some of the foods to add to your diet.

  • Fish

Fish, especially salmon, can be one of the best foods to consume for eye health. Salmon and other fish have omega-3 fatty acids which are the “healthy” fats. Omega-3 fatty acids make the tiny blood vessels stronger and healthier. By incorporating fatty fish into your diet you’ll also avoid dry eye syndrome and glaucoma

  • Eggs

The egg is filled with amazing antioxidants. Eggs contain zeaxanthin; an antioxidant found in egg yolk and is believed to help protect eyes against damaging light rays from the sun-UV rays.  Zeaxanthin and lutein also reduce the risk of developing cataracts

Eggs healthy benefits

  • Almonds

Almonds are not only one of the most delicious nuts but they’re rich in vitamin E which is another essential nutrient that can help prevent cataracts and age-related degeneration. They are considered superfoods just because of the amount of vitamin E they contain.

You can enjoy almonds as a snack at any time or incorporate them in most meals.

Computer screens and eye strain

Spending hours of your time in front of the screen seems pretty normal, right? Laptops, tablets, smartphones and so on are common in our everyday lives.

But what exactly do they do to the body and brain?

After continuous screen exposure, you may notice that more and more often you have symptoms such as blurred vision, headaches, dry and red eyes, neck or back pain. All of these can result from CVS which is Computer Vision Syndrome.

Are your teechnology habits hgood?

If you have the listed symptoms above, probably not. But CVS can be treated just by a few changes in your high tech habits.

1. Use proper lighting 

Most often, eye pain is provoked by excessive ambient lighting. When you’re in front of the screen, you should reduce the lightning in your room.

You can eliminate excessive lighting by dropping the drapes. Avoid using too much light bulbs or any source of fluorescent light. Another trick is to place your device to the sides of the window and not placing it right in front of it.

2. The Gloden 20-20 rule


The golden 20-20-20 rule.

On the picture above, you can see what the rule is. Each time when 20 minutes have passed, look away at an object(20 feet away from you) for just as little as 20 seconds.

3. Just blink 

It seems a bit silly to remember to yourself to do something absolutely normal but the truth is we tend not to blink when sitting in front of computers, tablets, and smartphones. Blinking is crucial  because it moisturizes the eyes and can save us from itchy and dry eyes.

So, the next time you feel discomfort- just blink, blink and blink again.

4. Install an eye protecting software

iris tech showed in an animated gif

Installing an eye protecting software will solve most of your computer-related problems. It will make the monitor healthy for your eyes by:

  • Blocking the emitted blue light
  • Detect the blinking rate
  • Reduce the brightness
  • Remind you to take regular breaks

blue light affect

Iris is such software which you can install no matter what Windows type you’re using.

It will increase your productivity, improve your sleep and general health. If you want to learn more about it, click here.

Final words

If you’ve liked this article, share it on the social media, so that more people can learn about the natural alternatives for eye health.

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Monitor Brightness Control Sat, 30 Jun 2018 08:20:21 +0000 If you are someone who owns a mobile phone or a laptop then this article is a must-read for you because today we are going to explain you about the importance of adjusting the brightness of your monitor screen. Also, we will tell you about an amazing blue light software that can actually make the screen of your device healthy ... Read More

The post Monitor Brightness Control appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

screen brightness smartphone computer monitor blue light filter app eye protection iris software

If you are someone who owns a mobile phone or a laptop then this article is a must-read for you because today we are going to explain you about the importance of adjusting the brightness of your monitor screen.

Also, we will tell you about an amazing blue light software that can actually make the screen of your device healthy for your eyes.

Yes, you read it right, after reading this article, you will never have to listen to people who tell you to stop using your mobile phones and laptops.

That way, everything will sort out for you and you will be free from the blue light harm of your smartphone or screen blue light filter eye harm protection eye strain social media iris software

Why Is It Important To Adjust The Brightness Of Your Screen?

A lot of people out there know that their screens are not healthy for their eyes but the sad part is that people don’t know why isn’t it healthy.

In short, only a few people out there actually discuss about the health of eyes and half of the world is just after weight loss tricks and healthy eating which is also good but let’s face it, you cannot just “not talk” about the most sensitive part of the body which is the human eye.

blue light filter effect on eye protection uv light retina damage eye harm

We’ve been told since childhood that eyes are quite sensitive but people don’t actually tell about the ways to protect these eyes.

It is but an undeniable fact that right now almost everyone owns a laptop or a phone and people don’t realize that the screen blue light is continuously damaging their eyes.

Yes, the light emission from your screen regarded as blue light and this light is so far the most dangerous thing you expose your eyes to. Prove can be cited by various sources like Wikipedia on this topic about the blue light effect.

blue light color spectrum uv light blue light filter software iris

Blue light comes with a lot of benefits too but just like the UV rays from the Sun, this light is not healthy for your skin and your eyes.

In fact, you can say that the excessive exposure of blue light is not healthy and unfortunately, we all spend almost all our day in front of our laptops and mobiles which is where all the problems like eye pressure pain and eye muscle pain begin.

Adjusting The Brightness Of Your Screen

We hope you now understand why is your monitor screen not healthy for your vision.

Now, we are going to tell you about an amazing screen brightness adjustment software that can actually make your life a lot easier than you’ve ever imagined.

iris blue light filter app iris software eye protection eye health

Especially if you are someone worried about your vision and if you don’t want to end up wearing glasses or contact lenses then you need this screen light dimmer software right at the moment.

Here we are talking about none other than Iris.

Iris is a great software that has been making headlines since its introduction.

The sole purpose of this software is to make your screens healthy for your eyes.

How Iris Works?

Unlike any other software out there, Iris is the most effective one and this software is pretty intelligent as it regulates your screen brightness just according to the light around you.

blue light affect app filter eye protection screen brightness settings iris software

The best part about this software is that it prevents any kind of eye strain.

What actually happens is that when you use too much of your phone or laptop, the light coming out of the screen starts putting a lot of strain on your eyes.

iris software blue light filter eye protection

Afterward, this strain passes on to your nervous system which is why most of the times you are unable to get a good night’s sleep.

However, if you start using Iris, computer screen dimmer, on your screen, we assure you that you will be able to see a positive change in your vision, you will be able to sleep well and most importantly, there won’t be any strain or stress on your eyes ever again.

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Software For Laptop Brightness Adjustment Sat, 30 Jun 2018 07:53:22 +0000 There is no doubt about the fact that technology has taken over the world and therefore, the internet has taken over the world. Right now, more than half of the world’s population owns a mobile phone and a laptop or a computer which is great. However, there are always some drawbacks to these digital devices and where we all discuss ... Read More

The post Software For Laptop Brightness Adjustment appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


There is no doubt about the fact that technology has taken over the world and therefore, the internet has taken over the world.

Right now, more than half of the world’s population owns a mobile phone and a laptop or a computer which is great.

However, there are always some drawbacks to these digital devices and where we all discuss the benefits and blessings of technology, we should also talk about the disadvantages with which it comes.

One of the biggest disadvantages of these digital devices is that they are continuously damaging our eyes causing various stabbing pain in the eye.

blue light filter health problems eye stress eye protection eye strain

Yes, you read it right and the worst part is that people with nearsightedness and farsightedness are growing rapidly in number.

As a result, people now have to rely on contact lenses and glasses in order to see clearly and honestly this isn’t something that can be called or considered “healthy”.

Every day we read several blogs and articles where people are discussing different ways to lose weight and maintain a healthy body but then think about it yourself, will be you be a healthy person if you aren’t able to have a proper eye health?

The Unhealthy Truth About Your Computer Screen

The screen of your monitor and your phone is continuously emitting blue light.

According to resources about the technology of blue light by Wikipedia, that light is so far the most dangerous thing for your eyes as it can cause eye pain and redness.

If you observe a little, you will see that most of the people in your circle who wear glasses and lenses are the ones who use laptops and phones 24/7.

Well, the message is pretty clear that the harmful blue light coming out of your screen is not at all healthy and the sooner you realize it, the better it will be for you.

blue light filter app screen brightness settings iris software eye protection health
Another disturbing fact is that people are now rapidly falling victim to different ocular diseases and things are getting worse with the passage of time.

For this reason, it is high time that we start thinking about our eye health too because again, there is no point of looking slim and trim when you cannot even see the things around you clearly.

Furthermore, you should be thinking about how to treat eye muscle pain of yours.

blue light harm eye harm eye problems

What To Do About The Blue Light Harm?

Now, we will obviously never ask you to stop using all your digital devices because it is but a fact that these devices have now become an integral part of our lives and we just cannot live without them.

However, thanks to technology again that we do have some alternatives that can make these screens healthier for our eyes.

Yes, you read it right, right now if you search on the internet, you will see that there are a lot of applications and blue light filter software out there that can help bock the dangerous blue light coming out of your screen.

iris software eye protection eye harm blue light filter settings screen brightness

One of the best screen brightness dimmer software for your eyes is Iris. The software comes with the sole purpose of protecting your eyes from being damaged by the different reasons for eye pain.

The thing is that our eyes are the most sensitive part of our body and therefore, it is quite important for us to take care of them or else we can even up losing our vision forever.

blue light affect filter app iris software brightness settings computer monitor screen dimmer

Right now, a lot of people in the world are using Iris on their phones and their laptops because this software is pretty effective in adjusting your screen brightness.

With it, you will never feel any strain or stress on your eyes and above everything, you will be able to sleep well.

So, without wasting any further time, download this blue light screen filter app software and install it on your screen right at the moment and we assure you that you will never be disappointed with the results.

It’s the best software for those who really care about their vision.

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Top 10 essential apps for Windows 10 Sat, 30 Jun 2018 01:21:19 +0000 So, you just bought a new Windows 10 device and you’re looking for some cool useful apps? Many people are looking for ways to further improve the Windows 10 experience. If you want to work faster, smarter and even more productively, I’ve prepared you a list of some popular apps you can use daily on your device. 1. Spotify Music These ... Read More

The post Top 10 essential apps for Windows 10 appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Tablet with multiple apps

So, you just bought a new Windows 10 device and you’re looking for some cool useful apps?

Many people are looking for ways to further improve the Windows 10 experience.

If you want to work faster, smarter and even more productively, I’ve prepared you a list of some popular apps you can use daily on your device.

1. Spotify Music

These days, there are lots of music streaming services you can choose from with many new being offered on the market constantly.

But there is one app that always comes to mind first and offers an incredible experience with plenty of choices.

Spotify is for sure the coolest, easiest-to-use, and best music service around.

It remains popular just because it has super-smart playlists, podcasts, and social sharing tools while keeping on track with its new features which are beyond doubt useful.

How does the spotify main menu looks like

2. 7-Zip

Windows can create and open just basic archives. If you’re looking for more complicated tasks, 7-Zip is perfect for you.

It is the ultimate free tool for zipping and unzipping file archives to help you extract compressed files and create your own compressed files in several different formats.

It compresses and decompresses files and with the Internet, compressing files means they can be sent and received faster and important files can be encrypted and password protected.

7-Zip has all the bases covered whether you’d like to save space or secure data efficiently

3. Readit

Reddit for many of us is one of the best apps for entertainment and knowledge. You can read about the latest gossips, watch some fun videos and even be part of a community with similar interests as yours.

Readit is a beautiful Reddit application made for the Windows platform.

This app is absolutely a good way to pass your time and socialize a bit. If you’re curious, install it now for free and have some fun.

4. VLC Media Player

VLC Media player

If you are finding some trouble for playing your favorite videos on a media player, caused by compatibility issues, then it is not a bad idea to try VLC.

This free to use software tool is capable enough to play almost all popular video file formats while the rest can be easily converted.

In case when other players don’t work, you can trust VLC. It works perfectly on Linux, Macintosh, and Windows platform.

Some of the pros

  • Supports a wide range of formats
  • Good hotkey support
  • Easy to use
  • Very flexible and lightweight
  • Integration with web channel streaming service
  • Completely free!

5. Office 365

Office 365 gets you the best productivity software available today, including full installations of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more. It’s available for up to five Windows and Mac desktops.

With a subscription to Office 365, you can get:

  • The latest Office apps, like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook
  • Feature updates and upgrades not available anywhere else.

Office 365 cloud system


6. Dropbox

Dropbox is one of the simplest and easiest to use cloud storage services. You can install it simply everywhere and it gives you the possibility to access your information wherever you are.

Dropbox is a convenient way for online storage but still, you have limited space if you don’t pay.  Your free personal account stars with 2 GB free storage space.

You can earn more space for each friend who has joined (an additional 500MB for every friend who joins, up to 16GB)

7. PDF Reader for Windows

PDF Reader

If you’ve just bought a new Windows 10 device or you’re simply not happy with your old PDF reader, this free PDF reader for Windows 10 is the perfect alternative.

Not only is it able to perform all of the functions that a standard reader offers but it is still easy to use and is capable of opening huge PDF files in just a few seconds.

This free package is ideal for both personal and commercial use.

8. Google Chrome

With Google Chrome you can browse on your smartphone or laptop really fast with an incredible ease.

Google chrome a standard, easy to use browser that lets you do nearly everything.

You can find pictures, visit websites, search by voice, go into incognito mode and easily read web pages in any language. 

9. Team Viewer

Team Viewer is a software that shares your system desktop with another person’s in screen mirroring way.

So when you give your ID and Password of Team Viewer(TV), other person can access your machine, can see your display that you can see as well, when he moves the cursor, you can see your cursor moving on your display, he can do anything on your system and you can see that.

An interesting part is, as soon you close your TV, the connection gets closed and the other person won’t be able to access your computer until you activate TV again and give him the password.

Note that the ID remains the same, whereas the password changes each time.

Team Viewer is widely used.

  • 400, 000 people download TeamViewer every day
  • 1.7 Billion devices connected
  • 40+ Million sessions per day

Team viewer allows you to connect with other computers and devices within seconds

10. Iris 

The more time we spend in front of the computer, the more our eyes suffer. As most of us stay in front of the PC  and laptops for hours each day, we’re consistently damaging them.

When you stare at a screen for hours at a time, whether it is a computer, TV, phone or tablet, you are exposing yourself to blue light from the device you’re using.

Blue light affects the cardiac rhythm, the sleep cycle and overexposure can lead to some serious eye-related issues such as eye dryness, eye strain and some more severe health problems

Iris tech- a software for eye protection

Some tips such as:

  • Blocking the blue light
  • Brightness reduction
  • Blink detection
  • Break and rest reminding

can all help you be more productive, have a good night’s sleep and be in better health.

Iris is an app you can install no matter what Windows you are using.

If you want to learn more about it click here and give it a go.

Final words

if you’ve liked the content, I’ll be very grateful if you share it on social media, so more people can get informed on the value they can get from their device.

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Must Have Applications For Windows 10 Fri, 29 Jun 2018 12:15:41 +0000 If you are someone who just shifted to Windows 10 then this article is a must-read for you because today we are going to jot down some of the best and the most used applications that can make your Windows 10 game strong. So, folks, take notes of what we are about to tell you because this article can actually ... Read More

The post Must Have Applications For Windows 10 appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

windows-10-apps-eye protection blue light filter screen dimmer settings

If you are someone who just shifted to Windows 10 then this article is a must-read for you because today we are going to jot down some of the best and the most used applications that can make your Windows 10 game strong.

So, folks, take notes of what we are about to tell you because this article can actually help you get the best out of your newly installed Windows 10 apps.


More than a million people use Reddit every single day to spice up their days with some hot news, some funny clips and the best part is that this application can help you make new friends that have relevant interests just like you.

Reddit is basically a Reddit application for Windows 10 and it comes with a UI that is pretty flawless so yes you can say that you will have some fun time using this application.

It is so far the best application where you can easily pass your time by reading news and making some friends.

So, do download it right now and have fun scrolling the app.


Previously the Windows 10 app of Instagram was nothing special but recently even this application got a lot of hits and downloads due to the several new and exciting updates.

instagram blue light filter eye protection eye strain iris software

You can say that it is now exactly what people wanted it to be and this app will actually make you feel right at home.

Browse, scroll and swipe and enjoy watching the pictures and the new posts that come every single second.


You will have to spend a little money on this application but honestly, it will be worthy of each and every single penny that you spend.

Imagine a platform where there are thousands of movies, Tv series, and shows from all around the world and in all genres. Isn’t it amazing?

netflix iris software eye protection eye strain mobile screen dimmer light

Well, if you are a movie freak this Netflix is definitely the application that you need to try.

Downloading this application on Windows 10 will help you access your favorite shows without searching and opening the web browser which is pretty great.


Eye health is equally important as the overall health of our body.

Especially if you are someone who has to work all day long on his laptop or PC then you need Iris for the protection of your eyes.

As Wikipedia suggests, the effects of blue light technology are continuously damaging your eyes and sooner or later you will start experiencing different vision problems like pain under the eye too which is why it’s high time to use an application that can protect your eyes and block the blue light.

iris software blue light filter eye protection

This application is currently being used by thousands of people from all around the world and it is a must-have app no matter what Windows you are using.

Adobe Photoshop Express

Are you into editing photos and videos? Well, if yes then the all-new Adobe Photoshop Express is something you should definitely have on your PC as this application has quite a lot of exciting updates and tools to use.

Download the app right now and take your editing skills to a whole another level.

adobe photoshop express blue light filter eye protection iris software

These are the few must-have applications especially if you are using Windows 10.

Make some online research and you will find plenty of other apps to download.

For now, download and install all of the above-mentioned apps and we assure you that you won’t be able to keep your hands of your PC.

blue light affect filter eye protection eye strain iris software

Most importantly, don’t forget to install Iris anti-blue light app as protecting your eyes should be your number one priority while using your computer.

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Screen Brightness Program Fri, 29 Jun 2018 11:35:02 +0000 We all know the fact that junk food is the worst enemy of our health but have you ever thought about your eyes? Do you know what’s the worst enemy of your eyes? The screen of your monitor and all of your digital devices are no less than an enemy to your eyes. We all at some point in our ... Read More

The post Screen Brightness Program appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

computer work screen blue light filter eye protection software

We all know the fact that junk food is the worst enemy of our health but have you ever thought about your eyes?

Do you know what’s the worst enemy of your eyes?

The screen of your monitor and all of your digital devices are no less than an enemy to your eyes.

We all at some point in our life have heard people telling us not to use too much of our phones and laptops but we never actually tried to know the reason behind it.

However, today we will be explaining it all to you along with the reason why your monitor screen is dangerous for you.

So, folks, take notes of what we are about to tell you because this article can be very useful for you in the long run.

blue light computer smartphone screen sleep problems phone screen filter eye protection

Why Is Your Monitor Screen Dangerous?

Have you ever noticed that the people who work on laptops and computers all day long, they wear contact lenses or glasses in order to see properly?

In fact, that sad part is that almost all of us know someone who suffers through near or farsightedness.

blue light filter eye protection software eye strain screen protector light

Now, the major reason behind it again is the excessive use of the screen and the dangerous part is the blue light coming out of it.

Yes, you read it right, blue light is the worst enemy of your eyes and the more you expose your eyes to this light, the more harm it does to your optic nerves which can later cause a headache and eye pain.

What Is Blue Light?

The visible light is a mixture of different colors such indigo, red, yellow, green and blue and among all the other lights, the blue one is the most dangerous one as it comes with a short wavelength.

According to some articles in sites like Wikipedia on these UV light technology and their nature, you will see that the shorter the wavelength of a light is, the more powerful and dangerous it will be.

sunlight spectrum visible light blue light filter eye protection eye strain

Also, an interesting thing is that Sun is the major source of blue light and just like the UV rays, blue light is also dangerous for your skin and your eyes which is why it’s always better to avoid direct contact of your eyes with the Sun and wear sunglasses if you have to go out.

The light coming out of the Sun is not as dangerous as the one that is coming out of our screens.

And the reason is that we all use our phones and laptops almost every day for hours and hours which means we expose too much of the blue light to our eyes and this is where all the problem begins.

What To Do?

It would be insane to ask you to stop using your digital devices or throw them away but we do have an alternative for you.

By that alternative, we are talking about none other than an amazing screen brightness filter program that can make your monitor healthy for your eyes.

iris software blue light filter eye protection

 Iris is the one screen brightness program that is currently being used by thousands of people all around the world and this program is quite beneficial and effective.

What actually happens is that Iris blocks the blue light on your screen and it doesn’t allow the light to hit straight on the retina of your eyes.

blue light affect filter app screen light dimmer eye protection eye strain iris software

This software is pretty intelligent as it can identify the light around you and then regulate the brightness of the monitor accordingly.

With Iris, you will be able to protect your eyes from computer light like never before and the best part is that you will be able to use your laptop as much as you want to without the fear of having blue light eye damage.

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Remove Blue Light On Your PC Mon, 25 Jun 2018 19:39:14 +0000 Before getting started with the topic of today, let’s first talk a bit about the visible light present around us. Why is it important for us to know the advantages and disadvantages of this light? Yes, you read it right, light is everywhere around us and just like all the other things in the world, light also comes with a ... Read More

The post Remove Blue Light On Your PC appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

blue light filter computer work screen time work day eye protection eye strain

Before getting started with the topic of today, let’s first talk a bit about the visible light present around us.

Why is it important for us to know the advantages and disadvantages of this light?

Yes, you read it right, light is everywhere around us and just like all the other things in the world, light also comes with a few pros and cons for us humans.

The Visible Light 

The visible light around us is a mixture of different colors that include indigo, yellow, green, red and blue etc.

According to Wikipedia, now, among all the other lights, the color that needs our attention the most is the blue light.

sunlight spectrum visible light blue light filter eye protection eye strain

Again, if you study the nature of visible light and how it works, you will know that there are different wavelengths for each of the light.

As a result, one of the shortest wavelengths is the blue light.

Now, this is where all the problem begins. Blue light is the most dangerous light because it has the shortest wavelength which makes it extremely powerful and can cause various headache and eye pain problems.

This powerful light is not good for the human eye because our eyes are unable to filter the blue light.

 blue light filter effect on eye protection uv light retina damage eye harm

What To Worry About?

What actually happens is that when your eyes are exposed directly to the blue light it starts becoming a threat to your vision.

The major source of blue light is the Sun and it has equal harmful effects on the human beings just like the UV light.

This is why it is highly recommended for you to wear sunscreen and sunglasses everytime you go out under the Sun or even use a screen eye protector app.

Now, even the Sun is not the major problem as blue light is not as dangerous as the one coming out of our screens is.

blue light filter eye protection uv light health eye problems eye strain

The other major source of blue light are the screens of the digital devices that we use on daily basis and this exposure is what’s damaging our eyes continuously resulting in sharp pain in the eye.

As said earlier, the human eye is not able to filter the blue light.

This is because this light goes straight up to the retina of your eye and hits it which causes the major damage.

 blue light screen time retina harm eye strain eye stress uv light iris software


How Can You Protect Your Eyes?

Not a lot of people talk on this topic but now is the right time to do that because prevention is better than cure.

Every optical disease can now be cured but why damage your eyes in the first place?

Now, we all know that this is the digital age and right now one cannot survive without using phones and laptops.

However, there is one thing that you can do.

You should download and install an amazing anti-blue light filter on your phone and laptop – that amazing filter software is Iris.

blue light filter iris software brightness settings eye strain

Iris is pretty much the best blue light software you will find on the internet.

Once you start using it, you will see the results on your own.

The sole purpose of Iris is to protect your eyes from any kind of damage done by the blue light.

This software is basically a blue light screen brightness dimmer that blocks harmful light from reaching the human eye.

As a result, you will never have to face an eye pain or eye stress and strain ever again.

blue light affect filter app eye protection eye strain iris software


There are thousands of people using this software at the moment and the reviews are pretty good.

The best part about this Iris software is that it helps you in getting a good night’s sleep.

With this low blue light software, you won’t ever complain about not sleeping at night because again, it prevents, stress and strain.

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What Blue Light Filter Does? Mon, 25 Jun 2018 16:15:35 +0000 You hear about infrared light and ultraviolet light all the time but with the advent of the modern technology, blue light has been thrown around in the mix quite often. Looks like it’s about time that we shed light on this controversial type of light and answer the question about what blue light filter does? What is blue light? Actually, ... Read More

The post What Blue Light Filter Does? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

blue light filter bed sleep problems eye strain eye protection stress

You hear about infrared light and ultraviolet light all the time but with the advent of the modern technology, blue light has been thrown around in the mix quite often.

Looks like it’s about time that we shed light on this controversial type of light and answer the question about what blue light filter does?

What is blue light?

Actually, the light that we include consists of red, orange, yellow, green and blue rays.

These are the different shades that make up a spectrum.

visible light spectrum blue light filter eye protection eye strain health

Blue light has the shortest wavelength and is also found to have the highest amount of energy.

When there is high energy light it can affect people.

It can mess up people’s sleep cycle and therefore, can result in insomnia or even sinus eye pain.

It is also linked to digital eye strain. And it is found to be one of the causes of macular degeneration.

Where blue light causes eye harm, there also exist ways on how to avoid that potential harm.

blue light filter eye protection eye harm wavelengths iris software

The solution to blue light harm

To prevent the harmful effects of this light, there are blue light filters.

They are made to block the light in order for the light not to reach people’s eyes.

blue light filter eye protection eye strain eye protection filter

Blue light filters are ideal for people who stare at the computer for an extended amount of time.

Exposure to screens which contains blue light is shown to be the culprit of digital eye strain, as suggested by Wikipedia.

If you’ve been having a headache and tired eyes, there is a chance that you need such a low light filter.

The same goes if you are having a wonky sleep cycle.

blue light filter eye protection eye strain work hours laptop computer screen use eye health

Now that is acknowledged that excessive such light may be harmful especially at night, there are different kinds of blue light screen dimmer filters out there.

The whole point of blue light filters is to reduce the exposure of our eyes to this harmful light at night.

This way, it does not mess up your sleep pattern and eventually affecting every other body processes.

Among the many types of this light, filters are screen dimmer app softwares you can download and install on your device to keep your eyes protected from such light.

What is Iris?

One example of a blue light filter is Iris which is software for that promises eye protection, health, and productivity.

Iris comes with many features but the two most popular ones are:

If you have Iris on your device you can control the amount of blue light that your device’s screen emits.

Iris enables you to control the brightness of your device’s screen without the PWM flicker.

PWM is Pulse Width is the method by which the screen’s brightness is controlled by turning the backlight on and then turning it off at high frequency.

This process produces eye strain and headache despite our brain not being able to perceive this occurrence in our devices.

Iris also gives its users a variety of options with its different modes and various types.

iris software blue light filter eye protection settings brightness contrast screen eye strain


Although the settings can be automatic and defaulted, some users who are well versed with the technology are able to customize the software.

The default mode is also able to detect if its day or night, automatically.

Based on the time of the day, it then changes the screen’s color, temperature, and brightness.

iris blue light filter app eye protection iris software eye strain eye health

In order to access these options and customize your Iris, you can go to the flux blue light software’s control panel.

Now, you know that you need a blue light filter.

Why don’t you start with Iris?

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What Does Blue Light Do To Your Eyes? Sat, 23 Jun 2018 19:40:11 +0000 It is that time of life when almost all of own a laptop, a TV or a mobile phone and there is no doubt in the fact that technology has taken over the world but if you dig deep then you’ll see that where all these digital devices are a blessing for us, they are harmful too. Most importantly, the ... Read More

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computer blue light filter computer work everyday life eye strain eye protection iris software

It is that time of life when almost all of own a laptop, a TV or a mobile phone and there is no doubt in the fact that technology has taken over the world but if you dig deep then you’ll see that where all these digital devices are a blessing for us, they are harmful too.

Most importantly, the light coming out of our screens is the most dangerous thing that we expose our eyes to.

Want to know more than why is this light dangerous and what causes eye pain?

Well, stick to this article a little longer because we are now going to explain it all to you.

Blue Light & Its Effect

There are several types of lights around us but the reason why blue light is the most dangerous is that it this one comes with the shortest wavelength which means it is extremely powerful and so is its effect on our eyes that can result in various types of eye muscle pain.

When we use our mobile phones and laptops, the blue light from electronics like these goes straight to the retina of our eyes and that is exactly where all the issue begins.

blue light filter eye harm LED light eye protection computer iris software

Has it ever occurred to you that you found it hard to get a good sleep at night? Well, the major reason behind it is the exposure of the blue light to your eyes.

This is why a lot of elder people keep advising us to use as less of our cell phones as we can.

What Can Blue Light Do To Your Eyes?

Blue light can cause various ocular diseases and most of the times it all starts with vision problems such as farsightedness and nearsightedness.

We are pretty sure that you know a lot of people in your circle who wear contact lenses or glasses as they are suffering through the above-mentioned eye pain headache problems.

eye protection eye strain glasses iris software

Well, the major reason behind far and nearsightedness is that is the excessive use of digital devices.

As suggested by Wikipedia, the excessive exposure of blue light to your eyes can even lead to permanent vision loss if your eyes are really sensitive to light.

Other things that you might suffer due to blue light are macular degeneration, blurred vision, migraine eye pain, pain in the eyes and continuous heaviness of the eyes.

blue light harm eye harm eye problems What Can Be Done To Protect Your Eyes?

Blue light is basically responsible for putting a constant strain on your eyes and that eye strain ultimately goes straight to your nervous system which is why you find it hard at night to sleep.

Now, if you are looking for ways to protect your eyes then honestly you need to install the Iris software right at the moment.

Iris is one of the best software that can actually help you protect your eyes from the danger of blue light.

iris software blue light filter eye protection

We cannot suggest you to stop using your digital devices because maybe the nature of your job or work demands you to use your laptop and work on it even at the night hours which is why we came up with something that is actually possible and that is the use of Iris on your screens.

Iris is currently being used by thousands of people all around the world and it can actually make your monitor healthy for your eyes so yes, you need to get it if you really care about your vision.

iris blue light filter eye protection eye stress eye strain iris software

Iris is an intelligent computer screen dimmer software that actually regulates the blue light coming out of your screen according to the light around you which is why you even get a better sleep at night.

So, without wasting any further time, get this screen dimmer for pc.

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What is the best blue light filter for Android Sat, 23 Jun 2018 18:32:40 +0000 We all are just so busy in our daily routine schedules and we’ve got so much work stress on ourselves that we miss out on the little things that need our attention around us. As a human being, you need to know about the things that are good and bad for your health and today we are going to drive ... Read More

The post What is the best blue light filter for Android appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

blue light filter health problems eye stress eye protection eye strain

We all are just so busy in our daily routine schedules and we’ve got so much work stress on ourselves that we miss out on the little things that need our attention around us.

As a human being, you need to know about the things that are good and bad for your health and today we are going to drive your attention to a very important topic and that is the light around you.

Yes, you read it right, there are several types of lights around you with different spectrums and guess what?

There is this one light – the blue light that is extremely dangerous for your health, especially your eyes.

blue light filter computer work light harm eye protection iris software

What Is Blue Light & Why Is It Dangerous? 

Now, a lot of you might be shocked to know that the light around you can actually become a problem for your eye health but don’t worry, we’ll tell you why this happens and how to avoid getting affected by blue light.

Blue light basically is all around us and the one major source of this light is the Sun. As suggested by Wikipedia, it can cause quite the eye problems to your body.

Blue light has almost the same effect on our eyes and our skin just as the UV light and it is equally dangerous for our eyes which is why experts recommend wearing sunglasses or any sort of screen filter for eyes every time you go outside under the Sun.

The reason why blue light is the most dangerous one among all the other lights is that this one comes with a very short wavelength.

blue light sun light uv rays color spectrum eye harm strain iris software filter protection

Now, if you ever read about the science behind the lights around us then you’ll know that the shorter the wavelength of a light is, the more dangerous it will be and same is the case with the blue light.

It has a short wavelength which makes it extremely powerful and dangerous for our eye health too.

The Solution to Blue light problem 

We have all heard our elders telling us how dangerous our cellphones and laptops are for our eyes, well, guess what?

The reason why these screens are dangerous for us is that of the blue light again.

The light coming out of our screens is the blue light and when we use mobile phones and laptops, this light goes straight to the retina of our eyes and that is where all the problems such as sinus eye pain begin.

blue light filter eye protection eye strain eye protection filter

Now, obviously in this age of technology, we cannot ask you to throw away all your phones and other electronic devices but yes we do have a solution for you that can save you from vision loss or other ocular diseases like eye muscle pain or color blindness.

Hereby that solution, we are referring you to one of the best blue light filters for your Androids and that filter is known as Iris.

How Iris Works? 

Iris is the most used and the most effective blue light filter for Android to date.

The results of this filter are just miraculous and within the first few days, you will actually start getting good results, most importantly, you will be able to have a good night’s sleep like never before.

iris software blue light filter eye protection eye harm eye strain

Imagine that your monitor screens and your phone screens just become healthy for your eyes which means you can use as much of your phone as you want to without worrying about the dangerous blue light or having to use any type of blue light filter.

Yes, you read it right, now your screen can become healthy for you only if you use Iris on your phone.

The best part about this screen light dimmer is that it blocks the blue light coming out of your screen and it adjusts the light of the screen as per the light around you.

blue light affect filter eye protection eye strain prevention brightness settings night mode iris software

Right now thousands of people are using this software on their phone and if you really care about your eyes then you also need to get this anti-blue light screen filter on your phone right now.

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Why should you install a blue light filter? Wed, 20 Jun 2018 23:16:20 +0000 Visible light is extremely complex than you think. When you turn on your computer or phone, flip a wall switch inside your room or step outdoors, your eyes will be exposed to visible light. These light rays are in a position to create a tremendous impact on your vision as well. Therefore, you must have a clear understanding of them ... Read More

The post Why should you install a blue light filter? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

phone screen blue light filter eye harm protection eye strain social media iris software

Visible light is extremely complex than you think.

When you turn on your computer or phone, flip a wall switch inside your room or step outdoors, your eyes will be exposed to visible light.

These light rays are in a position to create a tremendous impact on your vision as well.

Therefore, you must have a clear understanding of them to minimize the negative consequences that you will have to experience connected with great eye pressure pain.

That’s where you should go ahead and enhance the knowledge you have on blue light.

Blue Light Filter App eye protection eye strain eye health iris software

What exactly is blue light?

As you already know, sunlight is made out of light rays with many different colors. They include red, yellow, orange, blue and green rays.

Wavelength and energy differentiate these color light spectrums from each other. When combined, these lights are in a position to give life to white light.

Also, according to the Wikipedia’s article about visible light, you should also understand that energy of light is inversely proportional to the energy. Blue light has a shorter wavelength. As a result, it has a high energy.

sunlight spectrum visible light blue light filter eye protection eye strain

This energy can create an impact on your vision like migraine eye pain for example. That’s where you will need to start searching for a blue light filter.

If you are a person who is using your mobile phone or sits in front of the computer most of the time, you must think about getting an anti-blue light filter.

Whether you are browsing the web, reading emails or sending text messages, you must be concerned about reducing the exposure to blue light as much as possible.

A blue light filter has the ability to help you with that.

It is possible for you to find blue light filters for computer screens, tablets, and smartphones.

These filters are effective and they have the ability to reduce a significant amount of blue light that is emitted by the devices you use. Hence, your visibility will never be impacted by blue light.

blue light filter eye protection eye strain eye harm iris software

Instead of purchasing a physical blue light filter, it will be possible for you to go ahead and get blue light filtering software as well.

A large number of blue light filtering software apps are available on the internet for you to try out.

However, you should be careful to purchase a reliable application out of them.

Then you will get the opportunity to stay away from frustration in the long run. That’s why you are encouraged to take a look at Iris.

Understanding Iris

Iris can simply be defined as a software application, which has been designed to provide enhanced protection to your eyes.

In addition, Iris has got the ability to contribute a lot towards your productivity and health as well.

The best thing about Iris is that it has the ability to work as a free blue light filter app.

blue light filter affect eye protection eye harm eye strain iris software download

Therefore, you will get the opportunity to stay away from the frustration of installing and using physical blue light filters.

You just need to install the screen dimmer software on your device and it will provide you with the service you need.

What features can you experience with Iris?

Before you go ahead and download Iris, it is important to have a clear understanding of the features that come along with this blue light protection software.

Then you will be able to determine whether it is worth to give this application a try or not.

Iris can prevent eye strain

One of the most outstanding features that you will be able to experience in Iris is its ability to prevent eye strain.

It has got the ability to optimize the screen pulsations in an efficient manner.

This is done through proper controlling of screen brightness.

Therefore, you will be provided with the opportunity to stay in front of your computer for a long period of time without encountering any headaches.

iris software blue light filter eye protection eye strainIris can reduce eye pain

Most of the computer users complain about the frustrating eye pain that they will have to experience after sitting in front of the computer for a long period of time.

If you are one of them, you just need to get Iris installed.

It will help you to figure out the perfect color scheme for your display, which can keep you away from eye pain in the long run.

iris software download color scheme blue light filter software app eye protection eye harm eye strain


Iris can deliver a better sleep to you

Iris has got the ability to function as a true blue light filter. Therefore, you will be able to get a better sleep experience by using this software application.

The application has got the ability to regulate the blue light accordingly during daytime as well as night time.

Therefore, your body will be provided with the chance to produce a lot of melatonin during the night time.

This can keep you away from the frustration of trying hard to go to sleep in bed.

You can quickly fall asleep. On the other hand, it can help you to achieve a deeper blue light sleep as well.

iris blue light filter eye protection eye strain eye harm

How to download Iris?

Now you have a clear understanding of all the fascinating features that are delivered by Iris.

Hence, you just need to go ahead and download this monitor blue light filter. You will be able to do it on their official website.

eye protection blue light filter iris software brightness settings eye strain eye health and eye harm

The best thing about Iris is that it provides you with the ability to try the software for free.

You can use this blue light dimmer software for seven days without making a payment.

If you are impressed, then you will be able to go ahead and spend your money to buy it.

You just need to spend $15 on this software as well and it will be a one-time purchase.

If you are a computer user, this will be one of the best investments that you can take in order to protect your vision.

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App To Remove Blue Light Wed, 20 Jun 2018 20:29:12 +0000 Before telling you about the best software to remove the blue light, let’s first talk a bit about blue light and what it is. We all know about the electromagnetic waves and how the different particles and wavelengths make up the electromagnetic spectrum. Now, the thing is that the human eye is just sensitive to one part of all this ... Read More

The post App To Remove Blue Light appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

blue light filter app ebooks phone screen computer night mode eye strain eye protection

Before telling you about the best software to remove the blue light, let’s first talk a bit about blue light and what it is.

We all know about the electromagnetic waves and how the different particles and wavelengths make up the electromagnetic spectrum.

Now, the thing is that the human eye is just sensitive to one part of all this spectrum and that part is known as visible light.

Human eye basically is sensitive to visible light and visible light further has different lights in it such as indigo, violet, blue, green, yellow and red.

Among all these lights the most dangerous one is none other than the blue light.

blue light filter tablet eye strain health eye protection computer screen


Why Is Blue Light Dangerous? 

Blue light is just like the other lights when it comes to the benefits but when we talk about the darker side of blue light, you will see that it actually is very dangerous to the naked eye and can cause eye pain and redness.

The fault is not in the color blue, in fact, the major problem lies in the wavelength of the blue light color temperature.

It is said that the shorter the wavelength, the stronger the light.

Same is the case with the blue light, it comes with a short wavelength which makes it the most powerful one.

The direct exposure of the eye to blue light is dangerous because the human eye cannot filter this light and it goes straight up to the retina where all the problem begins. According to Wikipedia, these effects of blue light technology are where the problems for our eye health begin.

Eyes Protection - Blue LIght Filter App eye protection iris software

Blue light comes with a wavelength of 380nm to 500nm and this makes it the highest energy wavelength.

This light is almost everywhere around us but the major source of it is the Sun and our digital screens.

Just like UV rays are harmful to our skin and our eyes, such light is also equally harmful which is why you should always wear sunglasses while going out in the daytime.


blue light filter eye protection eye harm color wavelengths filter app iris software eye strain

As far as our digital devices are concerned, the screens of our cell phones and laptops are extremely dangerous as our eyes are quite near to the blue light screen.

The direct contact of the eyes to this light can slowly affect your vision and there are chances that you might even get blind.

So, you need a solution to protect your eyes or else things will get worse with the passage of time. 

eye strain eye protection blue light filter app iris software


The Best Blue Light Filter 

Using such a light filter also known as a screen brightness dimmer on your screen is so far the best thing you can do to yourself.

If you really want your monitor to become healthy for your eyes then there is an amazing filter that can reduce the blue light coming out of your screens and here by that filter we are referring you to Iris.

Iris is the king of vision, this software used as a blue light blocking screen filter comes with numerous benefits but most importantly, it is there to help you protect your eyes.

iris blue light filter eye protection app filter blue light yellow screen

Right now there is a big figure of the population that is using Iris and you can use it too because honestly, it does bring you some good results.

You will start feeling less stressed at night, there won’t be any strain on your eyes, you will be able to get a better sleep at night and above everything, you won’t have those painful headaches anymore.

Yes, you read it right, Iris is making headlines due to its effectiveness and there is no doubt in the fact that this software is intelligent.

blue light filter eye protection eye strain iris filter app iris software yellow computer screen

What actually happens is that Iris regulates the light coming out of your screen and sets it according to the light around you.

This way the blue light of your monitor gets reduced and your eyes stay protected.

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Why is blue light bad for sleep? Tue, 19 Jun 2018 10:04:48 +0000 It is a sad fact that we all are unknowingly destroying our eyes and harming them every single day. The number of people with vision issues and eye pressure pain is increasing at a rapid pace but yet we don’t pay much heed to this matter. On the other hand, these small eye injuries and ocular diseases can lead us ... Read More

The post Why is blue light bad for sleep? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

sleep problems deprivation late-night bed blue light filter eye protection

It is a sad fact that we all are unknowingly destroying our eyes and harming them every single day.

The number of people with vision issues and eye pressure pain is increasing at a rapid pace but yet we don’t pay much heed to this matter.

On the other hand, these small eye injuries and ocular diseases can lead us to serious eye muscle pain or even vision loss.

This is the reason why the need of the hour is that we all start taking note of what wrong we are doing to our eyes.

As you can see eyes are the most sensitive part of the human body.

For this reason, they need extra care and as even a little injury can cost us a lot resulting in different health problems.

computer use blue light filter eye protection eye strain health problems dry eyes headache neck pain

Blue Light 

There surely are a number of benefits of the blue light.

On the other hand, however, the excessive exposure of the eyes to the blue light can actually create dreadful circumstances for us like eye strain or eye muscle pain.

Especially when your eyes are exposed to the blue light at the night time, that is where all the problem begins.

The more blue light goes into your eyes, the more strain it puts on the eyes and ultimately your nervous system starts getting under stress.

This is like a circle basically, the continuous eye strain on the eyes affects the nervous system.

Hence, you become deprived of a sound sleep at night which leads to the aforementioned health problems.

blue light uv light retina damage brain problems eye protection blue light filter eye health

Is Blue Light Bad For Sleep? 

So, the answer to this question is “yes”.

Blue light has a very negative impact on the nervous system and you don’t get to have a sound sleep at night.

Now, you might be thinking that where exactly does this blue light come from and what can be done in order to protect the eyes.

Well, it is everywhere around us and the major source of blue light is the Sun.

sunlight spectrum visible light blue light filter eye protection eye strain

On the other hand, the screens of our phones, laptops, and tablets can also cause blue light harm on the eye and that is exactly where the problem begins.

You can avoid going much under the Sun for prolonged hours but when it comes to cellphones and tablets, well we all know the fact that these devices have now become a part of our lives and we just cannot stop using them.

So, now the main question here is that what exactly can you do.

Well, don’t worry because we are going to give you some solutions to this problem too.

blue light effect filter eye harm eye strain computer screen

The Solution to Blue Light Problem

Well, there are a few things that can you can do in order for your effective eye protection from the blue light.

You can try reducing the brightness of your phone and if even that won’t work and the strain on your eyes stays constant then you can try using blue light filters on your screen.

These filters can actually help you in reducing the strain and pain in your eyes which the excessive exposure to blue light causes.

There are a number of these filters available online and among all of them Iris is known to be the best one.

iris software blue light filter brightness computer screen settings eye strain sleep deprivation problems

How Iris Works? 

Those who don’t know about Iris need to try this software for once because it is genuinely one of the best blue light filters that come with various features and adjustments.

Iris is an anti-blue light app and it basically works by adjusting and optimizing the light of your screen according to the light around you.

blue light affect eye protection eye strain screen settings iris software

Yes, you read it right, Iris is one intelligent software that is available for both, the screen of your laptop and the screen of your phone too making it the ultimate computer screen filter for eyes.

If you want to see the results then we suggest you try Iris once and we assure you that you will love the results.


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Tips and tricks to stay healthy Sun, 17 Jun 2018 20:10:24 +0000 Most of us want to look good and feel even better. We wish to be fit and live a long active life but how many of us actually do something about it? Do you eat right? Is sport part of your everyday life? Do you drink enough water a day? Do you get proper sleep? Do you enjoy a healthy ... Read More

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Most of us want to look good and feel even better.

We wish to be fit and live a long active life but how many of us actually do something about it?

  • Do you eat right?
  • Is sport part of your everyday life?
  • Do you drink enough water a day?
  • Do you get proper sleep?
  • Do you enjoy a healthy lifestyle?

Our body is our temple and we should take care of it.

If your health is out of order, everything else that’s going on in your life will be too. From small problems to major ones, they all have a negative effect on overall happiness and life satisfaction.

There are several things you can do to live a better and more enjoyable life, from following a healthy diet to having a regular exercise routine.

The focus should be on living a life that you can be proud of, while also avoiding health problems or making the existing ones worse.


In this article, I’ll share with you some tips and tricks towards a healthier lifestyle TODAY.

Take a look through them and follow the steps to a happier, healthier you.

Stay hydrated

We all know that drinking 2-3 liters of water a day has a lot of benefits for the organism. But why?

As human beings, we need first and foremost water to survive. Our bodies consist of approximately 60%  water, that’s why it’s important to stay hydrated in order for the organs to function right.

The amount of water in the heart and brain is 63%, the lungs are 85%, muscles and kidneys are 79%, the skin is 64%, and the bones are around 31%.

Here are some scientifically proven benefits of drinking enough water

  • Drinking water can aid with weight loss

Good news for those who are trying to lose weight! According to studies, a water intake of half a liter can

increase the metabolism with 25-30%

Furthermore, drinking water reduces hunger. Those who drank water half an hour before each meal lost 44% more weight over a period of 3 months. Sounds good?

  • Increase your energy and mood

Given that your brain is mostly water, drinking enough of it helps you concentrate and stay focused. Moreover, water boosts your energy levels and reduces stress.

  • Natural headache relief

Dehydration can trigger headaches and migraines in some people.

A dehydration headache makes the brain contract and pull away from the skull due to fluid loss. Once rehydrated, the brain gets back to its normal state.

Refresh your eating habits

Eating healthy isn’t always easy, but committing to a healthy diet can be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make. Why?

Not only can eating well make you look and feel ways better, also it can also save money on future health costs.

Nowadays, more than 2 billion people from around the world are overweight or suffer from obesity. This causes severe health problems and a rise in the death rate.


But even if you’ve decided to change your eating habits, not knowing from where to start might be a bit challenging.

To follow a healthy diet, you should get enough vitamins, and especially your micro and macronutrients.

As they help sustain your body’s physiological processes, they’re the essentials of a healthy diet.

If you don’t know where to start, here are the basics of a healthy eating.

Just as the Mediterranean diet, which is the world’s healthiest diet, yours should consist of plenty of fruits, whole grains, vegetables and monosaturated fats.

  • Eat some more fish

The go-to protein in the Mediterranean diet is fish.

Even though fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel are high in fats, they’re rich in heart- and brain-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Leaner fish such as cod that have less fat is a great source of protein too.

  • Switch to extra-virgin olive oil

Use olive oil to make salad dressings and vinaigrettes. Drizzle it to finish off dishes like fish or chicken to boost flavor.

Olive oil contains monosaturated fats which may improve the good type of cholesterol (HDL), fight the free radical damage and improve heart health.


  • Fruits and veggies all day long

If you’ve noticed that the greens in your diet lack, now’s the time to make them part of your meals.

Snack on fruits, make a huge veggie salad for lunch or even make some green smoothies.

It’s a great way to get your key nutrients and vitamins for the day.

Eating well also means leaving out or rarely consuming foods that are high in added sugar, saturated fat, and also sodium.

That includes most fast food, processed snacks and anything with too much sodium.

Get Moving 

Whether you play basketball, go for a morning run in the park or swim, playing sports can make you healthier and happier because of the physical activity involved.

Playing sports develops our muscles, coordination improves cardiovascular health and has numerous other benefits associated with disease prevention.

Physical activity can help ward off chronic diseases including

  • Cardiovascular disease

Sport of any kind is an extremely effective way of reducing the risk of several cardiovascular diseases. Being active boosts high-density lipoprotein, (HDL) cholesterol, and keeps your blood flowing smoothly

  • Obesity

Exercise can help in preventing excess weight gain or help you maintaining weight loss. The more you engage in physical activity, the more you burn calories. The more intense the activity is, the more calories you burn.

  • Depression

Regular physical activity has an impact on your brain because it releases various chemicals that make you feel happier and relaxed.

You may also have better self-esteem because exercising keeps you fit and improves the skin condition.

  • Better sleep 

Having difficulties falling asleep? Regular physical activity can help you deepen your sleep.

Just try not to workout right before bedtime as you may be too energized to fall asleep.

Another possible reason for problems with falling asleep is the blue light.

Blue light suppresses melatonin production for more than twice as long as other light wavelengths and has a bad influence on the cardiac rhythm. 

If you spend long hours in front of the computer, then you should install Iris application-software for eye protection.

Iris will gradually regulate blue light day and night. As a result, your body will produce more melatonin at night. You will fall asleep faster and sleep deeper.

blue light affect

Install now and give it a go.

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How Does Blue Light Affect Your Sleep? Sun, 17 Jun 2018 15:25:35 +0000 We all are quite conscious about our health and every day we come across several articles and several doctors telling us to adopt a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy, sleep well and exercise daily. But honestly, have you ever come across a person who tells you about the exposure of the junk light and how dangerous it is for our eyes? ... Read More

The post How Does Blue Light Affect Your Sleep? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

eye health protection eye strain blue light filter eye harm

We all are quite conscious about our health and every day we come across several articles and several doctors telling us to adopt a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy, sleep well and exercise daily.

But honestly, have you ever come across a person who tells you about the exposure of the junk light and how dangerous it is for our eyes?

Well, we are pretty sure that more than half of the people reading this article don’t even know what junk light is and what is continuously threatening the health of their eyes.

Hereby that junk light we are referring to the blue light that we are constantly exposing our eyes to.

Blue light is equally harmful to the eyes just as UV light is and the interesting part is that a big fraction of blue light comes from the Sun.

For this reason, doctors and experts recommend you to wear sunglasses every time you go out under the Sun.

blue light filter screen eye protection iris software

Blue Light And Everything You Need To Know About It?

As said earlier, the blue light comes from the Sun too but there is another major source from where our eyes get exposed to this light.

That source is your mobile phone, your laptop, your computer and even your TV screen.

Yes, you read it right, the screen blue light coming out of your screen is a serious threat to your vision which is why a lot of elders advise the children to use as less of the mobile phones as possible as it results in a serious headache and eye pain.

Now, you might be wondering that why exactly is blue light dangerous and how can it cause ocular diseases.

Well, the thing about this light is that it comes with the shortest of wavelengths which is why blue light is extremely powerful.

This light goes straight up to the retina of your eyes which is where the problem begins.

blue light filter eye harm protection high pressure on eye

How Can Blue Light Affect Your Sleep?

The thing is that blue light puts a lot of strain on your eyes.

Has it ever occurred to you that you used to cellphone throughout the day and then it became difficult for you to sleep at night?

Well, if this did happen to you then know that you need to blame the screen of your phone and most importantly the blue light coming out of it.

You cannot feel it but honestly, the light coming out of your screen is constantly destroying your eyes by constantly putting them under eye strain.

In addition, that exact strain is responsible for a disturbed sleep at night.

blue light filter sleep effect eye protection eye strain health

What Can Be Done? 

The number one thing you need to do is to get your hands off your screens as soon as possible.

That way you will surely stop the stabbing pain in the eye which blue light causes.

If you can’t do that due to your job or your office work then try to stop using your phone and your laptop almost 1 hour before you sleep.

Another alternative is to use one of the best software Iris on your screens to block the blue light and protect your eyes from it.

iris blue light filter eye protection eye strain iris software download

What Is Iris?

Iris is so far the best software that helps in making your monitors and your phone screens healthier and safer for your eyes by using a blue light screen filter.

You now no longer have to suffer through eye pain or eye strain because with Iris you can easily reduce the blue light coming out of your screen.

iris software blue light filter eye protection

The best thing is that due to Iris you will be able to get a good night’s sleep as this software regulates the blue light day and night which means that your body will be able to produce more melatonin at night and hence you will be able to sleep deeper and faster.


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What is the use of Blue light filter? Sun, 17 Jun 2018 13:42:34 +0000 We all have been talking about a healthy lifestyle and about healthy eating for quite a long time now and this is good that people actually discuss their health and what they need to do in order to live longer. However, it’s high time that we all start paying heed to other things too that are affecting our health and ... Read More

The post What is the use of Blue light filter? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

computer screen work eye stress eye strain blue light filter eye protection

We all have been talking about a healthy lifestyle and about healthy eating for quite a long time now and this is good that people actually discuss their health and what they need to do in order to live longer.

However, it’s high time that we all start paying heed to other things too that are affecting our health and other body parts.

We now need to pay some attention to our eye health too and we all have to take certain measures to protect our vision or else all of us will end up with different ocular diseases among which far and nearsightedness are quite common.

Eye Strain Protection blue light filter eye harm health


Why Do You Need Blue Light Filter To Protect Your Eyes? 

Eye health is now an important thing that we all need to consider.

The thing is that a lot of people out there are currently suffering through weak vision problems and for that, they are wearing contact lenses and contact glasses.

If you look around yourself, you will see that quite a lot of people have the issue of near and farsightedness and the worst part is that these people have to stay dependant on glasses all their life.

They can get laser surgery but then again, prevention is always better than cure.

The human eye is the most sensitive organ of the body and they need extra care and extra attention when it comes to protection and safety.

Right now, we all are unknowingly destroying our vision by sitting in front of our desktops for hours and hours.

Almost everyone now owns a mobile phone and all of us use our phones a lot especially when at the night time.

Now, all of these little bad habits are continuously damaging our eyes and all the blame goes on the blue light that is coming out of our screens.

blue light filter tablet eye strain health eye protection computer screen


What Is Blue Light? 

 blue light sun light uv rays color spectrum eye harm strain iris software filter protection

The visible light is a mixture of colors among which there is this blue light that has the shortest wavelength.

The short wavelength of blue light makes it the most powerful light, it is so powerful that even the human eye cannot filter this light.

The major source of blue light is the Sun and all our digital devices too.

The light coming out of our screens is known as blue light and it is the most dangerous thing to expose your eyes to this light.

color spectrum blue light filter uv light eye harm protection iris software

What Can Be Done? 

Now obviously you cannot just stop using your digital devices but what you can do is that you can install a blue light filter on your mobile and your PC too. 

One of the best blue light filter to date is called Iris. For this reason, Iris will help you make your monitor safe for your eyes and with it, you won’t be able to feel any strain on your eyes and your brain every again.

Iris basically is a software that is so intelligent that it automatically detects the light around you and then it regulates the light coming out of your screen accordingly.

blue light affect filter eye protection iris software

This in short means that you can now use your laptops and phones in easily even during the night hours without worrying about the health of your eyes.

The best part about Iris is that it also helps you in getting a good night’s sleep.

It’s simple to understand that if you won’t feel any strain or stress on your eyes, you then will be able to sleep well as there won’t be any strain on your nervous system.

Download Blue Light Filter eye protection software iris

Iris blocks the blue light coming out of your screen and you should definitely try this software if you actually care about your vision.

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Yellow Computer Screen Sun, 17 Jun 2018 06:49:10 +0000 We all at some point of our life have heard people telling us to avoid using too much of the laptops and phones but sadly, we never pay much heed to why they are saying this to us and what’s the reason behind it. The thing is that our monitor screens are continuously destroying our vision and the sooner we ... Read More

The post Yellow Computer Screen appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

yellow screen monitor blue light filter eye protection iris software

We all at some point of our life have heard people telling us to avoid using too much of the laptops and phones but sadly, we never pay much heed to why they are saying this to us and what’s the reason behind it.

The thing is that our monitor screens are continuously destroying our vision and the sooner we realize this, the better it will be for us.

Using computer or phone all day is seriously horrible for your eyes and it can cause a lot of damage to your optic nerves.

Eyes are considered to be the most sensitive organ of our body yet we don’t take care of them but now it is high time that we all start caring for our eyes and our vision or else just like other people, we will also end up wearing contact lenses or glasses for the rest of our lives.

eye strain eye stress computer monitor blue light filter protection

20-20-20 Vision Rule  

This is the age of technology and there is no doubt in the fact that internet has taken over the world.

Now, in such a situation, we won’t suggest you quit using laptops and phones because they are now a necessity in our lives.

However, there are certain rules that you can follow in order to keep your eyes safe. The first and foremost thing that you have to do is to follow the 20-20-20 rule.

All you have to do is to look away from your screen after every 20 minutes and them stare at a fixed point that is 20 ft away from you.

You have to keep staring and stay focused on that point for 20 seconds.

This practice will actually help your eyes relax and you will be saved from the continuous strain.

20-20-20 rule eye health protection eye strain blue light computer screen monitor eye harm

Color Temperature For Your Screen 

Some of the monitors allow you to adjust the color temperature manually and if you have such a computer then the best thing to do is to use a warmer, yellowish color temperature when it’s dark around you.

When you are using the screen in the daytime when there is light all around you then you need to shift to a colder, bluer color temperature.

It’s simple, you just have to keep the color temperature cooler in the morning and warmer at the night so that you don’t feel much strain and stress on your eyes.

color temperature cold warm screen eye protection blue light filter

The Best Thing To Do? 

Now, if you are someone who genuinely cares about his eyes and is worried about his vision then the best gift you can give to your eyes is to use a blue light filter on your screen.

One of the best blue light filter to date is none other than the Iris.

Iris is an exceptionally intelligent software that will help regulate the light coming out of your screen by identifying the light around you.

Yes, you read it right, Iris will automatically adjust the blue light of your monitor when it’s dark around you and when it’s light around you.

iris blue light filter color temperature settings computer yellow screen monitor iris software

This software is built for the sole purpose of protecting your eyes from the dangerous light being emitted from your monitor and phones screens.

The best part about using Iris is that with it, you will be able to get a good night’s sleep and there won’t be any stress or strain that you will feel on your eyes and your nervous system.

For a while imagine using our laptop all day long yet not feeling any stress or heaviness?

blue light affect filter yellow screen eye protection brightness auto settings iris software

Isn’t it amazing? Well, if this does sound amazing to you then you need to install Iris right at the moment and we promise you that you will love it.

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Blue Light Filter For Windows 8.1 Sun, 17 Jun 2018 05:28:13 +0000 If you are someone who genuinely cares about his eyesight and the health of his eyes then you need to start using blue light filters on your phone and monitor screen right at the moment. The thing is that this is the age of technology and right now almost everyone out there has the access to the internet, mobile phones, ... Read More

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blue light filter windows 8.1

If you are someone who genuinely cares about his eyesight and the health of his eyes then you need to start using blue light filters on your phone and monitor screen right at the moment.

The thing is that this is the age of technology and right now almost everyone out there has the access to the internet, mobile phones, and other digital devices.

Now, where all this access is a blessing for us, there are a few drawbacks to it too.

One of the biggest side effects of using these digital devices is that the light coming out of them can harm your eyes to a whole another level.

Yes, you read it right, we all used to hear this from our elders to stop using computers and phones especially during the night time because there is this thing called blue light coming out of our screens that directly goes to the retina of our eyes and starts damaging it.

blue light computer smartphone screen sleep problems phone screen filter eye protection

Everything You Need To Know About Blue Light 

The human eye is sensitive to the visible light and the visible light is a mixture of violet, indigo, red, green, yellow and blue light.

Now, among all the other colors, blue light is the one that is the most dangerous for the eyes.

This light is dangerous because the wavelength with which it comes is very short and if you study light, you will come to know that the shorter the wavelength of a light, the more powerful it is.

The major source of blue light is the Sun and the and just like the UV rays, blue light is equally dangerous for the eyes and the skin which is why you should wear sunglasses every time you go out.

blue light color spectrum uv light blue light filter software iris

Another major source of blue light is the screen of your PC and your mobile phone.

The light coming out of these devices is known as blue light and this source is more dangerous than the Sun because our eyes are very close and in direct contact with the screen.

The human eye is unable to filter blue light which is why this light starts damaging the optic nerves slowly.

We hope you now understand why the people who use the laptops and computers a lot wear contact glasses and lenses for near and farsightedness.

blue light computer screen filter eye protection iris software


The Solution to Blue Light Problem? 

If you are looking for a solution that can help you get rid of the dangerous blue light and its effect then again, you need to install a blue light filter on your PC. 

Now, if you are looking for a recommendation then honestly, you need to try Iris even if you have Windows  8.1.

This software can work with all the Windows especially the latest ones so yes, you should surely give it a try.

Iris is so far the best software for the sole purpose of protecting your eyes from the blue light harm.

iris blue light filter


You just need to install this software on your PC and then you can easily use your laptops and computers all day long without worry about your eyesight and your vision.

Iris works by regulating the light of your screen according to the light around you.

For example, if it’s dark around you, Iris will automatically regulate the light of your monitor so that you don’t feel any strain on your eyes and same is the case when there is light around you.

iris software blue light filter eye protection

In other words, you can say that this software is pretty intelligent.

Now, without wasting any further time, if you are someone who has to work on his laptop all day long then you need to install this software right at the moment.

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Why Is Blue Light Bad For You? Fri, 15 Jun 2018 14:44:10 +0000 The light around you is way more complex than you can ever imagine and a lot of you out there might not even know that there are literally several types of lights and spectrums around you. We all just carelessly go out in the Sun without sunglasses, we use our laptops and phones all day long without realizing that the ... Read More

The post Why Is Blue Light Bad For You? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

blue light phone smartphone eye health filter protection iris software

The light around you is way more complex than you can ever imagine and a lot of you out there might not even know that there are literally several types of lights and spectrums around you.

We all just carelessly go out in the Sun without sunglasses, we use our laptops and phones all day long without realizing that the lights coming out of all these devices and the Sun is extremely dangerous to our eyes.

The light rays have a wide range of effects on our skin and especially our eyes and today in this article we are specifically going to talk about blue light and what can it do to you.

Blue Light And Why Is It So Dangerous?

Among all the other lights, blue light is the most dangerous one because it comes with the shortest wavelength and it is said that the shorter the wavelength of a light is, the more powerful it is.

This is where all the problem begins now, the blue light is dangerous for the naked eye because it just goes straight up to the retina of the eye and your eyes are so sensitive that they are unable to block this type of light.

We have all heard our elders telling us not to use our phones and laptops for hours and hours but we never pay heed to it.

Well, all our elders are trying to tell us is that the excessive exposure of the blue light to the eyes is not good for us and it can cause several vision problems. 

visible specter blue light wavelengths visible light protection filter eye health

The Effect Of Blue light On Our Eyes 

Nearsightedness, farsightedness, macular degeneration, corneal abrasion, eye pain etc, these are just a few problems that blue light can cause.

In fact, there are several other ocular diseases that occur due to the blue light, it just depends on how weak and sensitive your eyes are.

One of the worst thing that can happen to you due to the blue light is that you will find it difficult to sleep at night.

We often hear people complaining about how they weren’t able to sleep at night and how their eyes start hurting when they are about to sleep.

Well, little do they know that it is all the result of the excessive exposure of blue light to the eyes.

Yes, you read it right, when you use too much of your laptop or your phone, the blue light constantly puts stress and strain on them and ultimately that strain is passed on to your nervous system which is why you find it hard to get a good night’s sleep.

LED blue light effect on eyes eye harm filter protection eye health iris software

The Solution to Blue Light Harm 

Obviously telling you to stop using your laptops and phones won’t make any sense especially in this age of technology but what you can do is, stay away from your screen as much as it’s possible.

However, if you are someone with a job where you have to keep working on your laptop then you need to use Iris on your screen.

Iris is a great software for your eyes, just imagine for a while that your monitor becomes healthy for your eyes, isn’t this thought wonderful?

Well, if yes then here is Iris where you can download this software and take the health of your eyes to the next level.

blue light affect blue light filter eye protection eye strain iris software

Now, with Iris, you can use as much as your laptop as you want to and don’t worry because your eyes will stay completely safe because this software blocks the blue light from reaching your eyes to an extent where it becomes harmful.

Download Blue Light Filter eye pain eye strain improve sleep eye protection iris software

So, without wasting any further time, download and use this software, we assure you that you will love the results with which it comes.



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How does blue light affect your brain? Fri, 15 Jun 2018 02:08:45 +0000 Do you know the reason why there are soo many people around you suffering through weak or farsightedness? Have you ever heard your colleague complaining how bad his eyes hurt especially when he is trying to sleep? Well, we are pretty sure that you do know a lot of people in your circle who are suffering through different ocular problems ... Read More

The post How does blue light affect your brain? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

eye strain hurt end of working day screen time monitor blue light filter eye protection

Do you know the reason why there are soo many people around you suffering through weak or farsightedness?

Have you ever heard your colleague complaining how bad his eyes hurt especially when he is trying to sleep?

Well, we are pretty sure that you do know a lot of people in your circle who are suffering through different ocular problems without even knowing the main cause of it.

Now, if you are someone who is genuinely worried about the health of his eyes or if you want to know why you are going through all these vision problems then you need to stick to this article a little longer.

Because today, not only will we tell you the reason why your eyes hurt in fact, we will also tell you about some cures and alternatives that can help you get rid of this problem.

sleep phone eye strain hurt blue light filter eye protection software monitor time sleep deprivation

What Is Blue Light? 

We have several types of lights all around us in our homes.

However, the most dangerous one is the blue light which emitted by the screens of our phones, laptops and even Tv’s.

We all know someone in our family who tells us to stop using cell phone especially at the night time but we don’t pay much heed to this and we carry on to use our phones and laptops.

Now, this exact ignorance is what’s destroying our eyes and our ability to see clearly.

blue light effect on eye protection uv light retina damage eye harm

The need of the hour is that we all start paying attention and avoid exposing our eyes to the blue light coming out of our screens.

Blue light is dangerous just because this one comes with a very short wavelength which means this light is way more powerful than the other lights and it goes straight to the retina of our eyes which is where all the problem begins.


The Affect Of Blue Light On Our Brain 

Blue light puts constant strain and stress on our eyes and this strain ultimately disturbs our nervous system which is why a lot of people in the world are unable to get a proper sleep at night.

Most importantly, if you spend 2 hours continuously on your phone or laptop before sleeping then you are likely to get disturbed at night when you want to sleep.

It’s just that all the strain of your eyes passes to your nervous system and slowly it damaged your brain.

blue light uv light retina damage brain problems eye protection blue light filter eye health

The Solution To Blue Light Problem 

Now, in this age of technology and internet, we cannot ask you to stop using your laptops and your phones because maybe the nature of your job demands you to work all day long on your laptop.

However, we do have a solution for you that can help you protect your eyes and here by that solution we are talking about an amazing software called Iris.

iris software blue light filter eye protection brain harm eye strain brightness settings

How Iris Works?

If you really want your monitor screen to be safe and healthy for your eyes then you need to use this software on your screen right now.

Iris is so far the best software out there that can actually block the dangerous blue light from destroying your eyes.

The best part about Iris is that it keeps regulating the blue light of your screen day and night which means that you will be able to get a good night’s without worrying about any strain or stress on your eyes.

Most importantly, your brain will stay safe and protected from the dangers of blue light.

iris software blue light filter eye protection computer monitor screen settings

Right now thousands of people all around the world are using this software and if you really care about your eyes then you need to install it too.

We assure you that you won’t be disappointed by the results with which it comes.

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The Ultimate Guide to Blue Light Filters Tue, 12 Jun 2018 22:43:41 +0000 From Iris, f.lux, Redshift and other blue light filter desktop softwares for blue light reduction to Android screen filters, blue blockers, transparent sheets and everything in between this is the biggest collection of tools to remove the blue light from your life but first, lets make one thing clear: You are not going to die Blue light is just blue ... Read More

The post The Ultimate Guide to Blue Light Filters appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


From Iris, f.lux, Redshift and other blue light filter desktop softwares for blue light reduction to Android screen filters, blue blockers, transparent sheets and everything in between this is the biggest collection of tools to remove the blue light from your life but first, lets make one thing clear:

You are not going to die

Blue light is just blue light. Yes, it’s the most high-energy wavelength of the visible light but we have it everywhere around us.

Even if you place blue LED in front of your eye you are not going to be blind in a couple of seconds but still, prolong exposure to blue light may cause permanent damage in the long run.

I’m not going to go into details why you would want to block blue light from your life.

If you are on this page you probably know a thing or two about the negative effects of blue light on our sleep and eye health.

With our constant exposure to digital screens, we should be at least slightly aware about our blue light exposure and how much time we spend in front of computers daily.

Taking this into account let’s look at all known ways to block light around us from entering our eyes.

How to block blue light?

You have 6 ways to block blue light from your life and screens.


The first one is to place something on your eyes. This is what blue light filter glasses, orange glasses, and just regular sunglasses are.

Plastic Sheets

The second is to place something on your screen. In the most basic case, it can be just some orange, red or yellow sheet but some companies make a little better filter sheets and they cut it in the right size for you plus some glue to look more beautiful.

Native Filter

The third is to use special software which can lower the blue light programmatically with the help of the video card. This is what Iris, f.lux, Redshift and every native blue light filter application does.

It’s super effective, cheap and customizable solution, but also has some drawback like it can’t block just blue-turquoise blue light or part of the spectrum of blue light. Effects like this can only be achieved with glasses or physical filters.

Some monitors also have something called Low Blue Light mode but most of the time it’s just a marketing trick for something that every monitor has from more than 10 years.

I will talk about this after a moment so let’s return to our ways to block blue light from your life and screen.

Screen Overlay

The fourth way is to place transparent overlay with software on your screen. This is what most Android apps for blue light reduction do.

You may notice how they are redder always and how they are a little worse than software alternatives for your PC but the truth is that there is just no other way for developers to make something better for Android.

On Android devices which are rooted, you can access the device drivers and this is what f.lux and CF.lumen does but most normal people will never jailbreak their phone.

Fortunately in the newest devices, Android includes something called Night Light which is native video card filter and it works at least but bad. No automation, no super low values and the things I really need in one blue light filter like Iris for computers have.

All developers of blue light filter apps would be really happy if Android and iOS open their API to the public but it’s understandable from their side.

If you do something bad with the video card you can make the entire screen of the person black and unusable and eye protection apps are tricky for development.

Aside from this, you can make the screen black the same way with the Screen Overlay on Android but it’s high-level API and I’m happy that it’s open to the public.

Display Buttons

I’m going to put the last two ways into this category because they are basically the same.

Some new monitors come with the so-called Low Blue Light mode this is just a marketing trick for the old Color Temperature menu that every monitor and TV has.

So you can lower the blue light via hardware way on near all monitors but what this is missing is the automation.

This is important because every change via monitor buttons take around half a minute for someone who is fast. Well, you can get this to 10 seconds if you are really fast, but it’s still cumbersome.

I will also mention how you can lower the blue light on every TV later in this article.

Which is the best?

As always there is no best way that some ways which are better for certain situation.

Glasses are great for blocking all blue light around you without touching anything. You can block blue light from your lighting, from the TV and even from the Sun.

Plastic sheets are set and forget and sometimes they don’t make the monitor to look orange, but blue light may not be blocked entirely.

Both Glasses and Plastic sheets are not customizable in their reduction so if you want stronger or lighter filter you need to buy new lenses or sheets.

Native filters are probably the best solution for PC but they do require Root or Jailbreak on your phone. They also can’t work on every device.

Windows Phone and TVs are examples on which blue light filter apps can’t be made.

Screen Overlay apps are great for Android but they decrease the contrast and are not the best solution for eye strain.

Display buttons are better are reducing blue light than any other software but you can’t automate the buttons with software. One thing I work on right now is to combine the automation of Iris with the hardware reduce of blue light via software. Basically to automatically click the buttons via software.

Aside from this, you can’t remove all blue light with Display buttons since they usually go no lower than 4000 K of color temperature which is still a really high amount of blue light.

Low Blue Light screens improve the condition a bit with stronger filters but they too can’t be automated based on the time of the day which is what most software products do.

In conclusion, each of the above methods has some pros and cons that we will discuss in greater details later.

History of Blue Light Filters


Before the beginning of this century, scientist knew that the eye contains 2 types of photoreceptor cells called Rods and Cones.


Out of all photoreceptors in our eye more than 95% are rods.

They are responsible for our night vision and are also really bad at recognizing colors.

Rods are not so sensitive to colors and this is the reason why it’s hard for us to see the color of things when it’s dark.


Cones are mostly around the center of our retina.

Thanks to cones we can see things in bright light be it sun or artificial lights.

There are 3 types of cones: red, green and blue and thanks to them our eye is awesome and detecting colors and distinguishing things with different colors.


Then in 1998 Ignacio Provencio found new photoreceptor called Melanopsin and for the first time proved that light is not only useful for our vision, but it’s critical for many biological processes.

It turns out that Melanopsin is present in much more mammals and it doesn’t play any role in our vision.

The main role of Melanopsin is to control our biological clock and circadian rhythms.

It does this by detecting when blue light is present in our environment.

Melanopsin activates when blue light enters our eye and it sends a signal to our brain that it’s day and our brains stops the secretion of our sleep hormone melatonin.

Melatonin from his side controls a large number of processes in our bodies and is responsible for our good night sleep.

When we have melatonin in our bodies we feel sleepy and this is the reason why you can’t fall asleep when you sit in front of the computer at night.


While Michael Herf didn’t know about Ignacio Provencio at the beginning he created f.lux to match his monitor colors to the light in the room.

The first version of f.lux was something like a command line app which gives you color filters when you request them.

After Michael and Lorna found that the orange screen filter makes them feel more relaxed at night they started researching the topic of light and sleep.

Lorna remembered from a biology class that birds migrated according to the season and the main reason for it was the blue light.

The first version of f.lux automatically synchronized itself with sunrise and sunset and actually, this is the main feature of f.lux even to this day.

Created in 2008 f.lux was the first blue light filter. A lot of other programs came into the following years, blue blocker glasses started to emerge and in one point monitor manufactures started to make low blue light monitors.

Several companies like Microsoft, Google, and Apple integrated low blue light filters into their operating systems and opened the blue light research to the mass audience recently.

We may say that f.lux is the father of all blue light filters but during the years better alternatives started to emerge.

Part of the reason is that the app remains free even to this day and free software generally don’t pay salaries to people who can create great products.


As everything in life, it wouldn’t be a complete story without an open source software.

Inspired by f.lux, Jon Lund Steffensen created Redshift in 2009.

The point of Redshift was simple. Bring f.lux to the Linux world.

Adjusting the screen color temperature based on the time of the day again Redshift was the first open source project for blue light reduction.

Free, open source and customizable the software gained popularity among Linux users.

Over the years the software became more user-friendly, it now has some simple UI and supports several different platforms like Windows, macOS, and Linux.


F.lux and Redshift created the first blue light filter software for the PC but there were 1 billion devices running Android without any solution for lowering blue light.

You may have heard about Urbandroid Team but you probably don’t know about the mastermind behind it Petr Nalevka.

Several years after creating one of the most popular Android apps Sleep as Android somewhere in 2013 he came out with Twilight.

The first blue light filter app on Android Twilight found a way to lower the blue light on the closed Android platform.

While the approach of Twilight is really poor compared to the native gamma approach which computer softwares use, Twilight still made a huge step for improving the sleep and eye health of Android users.

The Color temperature values are not actually real because Twilight is using the Overlay approach with transparent red color but still it was the first solution for Android.


Back at 2015 nobody looked seriously into the eye problems caused by computer monitors.

There were the blue light filter tools like f.lux, Redshift and Twilight but most of the people who knew about them were mostly geeks.

On the other part of the spectrum, there were programs like WorkRave which reminded you to take breaks from time to time but they were just nice to have reminders.

I remember how I searched for weeks programs to help me with my eye pain.

My story was simple. I started working as a programmer at the age of 17 and wanted to become the best programmer in the company.

This goal of mine caused me to spend 14 to 16 hours per day in front of the monitor looking at digital letters and learning new things.

I was going to work for 8 to 10 hours then back home working on a side project which I really wanted to become my own business one day.

After a year of this “balanced” work routine and thousands of artificial tear bottles, I finally decided that maybe I need to go to the eye doctor to see why my eyes were hurting so much.

She prescribed me glasses and for the first time in my life, I felt hopeless about my eye conditions.

This was the turning point after which I started to read everything related to eye pain and eye health.

I started to do some exercises from time to time. I found WorkRave, EyeLeo and other break reminders.

I found f.lux and after some months of experimentation with blue light, rests, exercises and a lot of blinking I actually started to feel really good.

My problem with WorkRave and EyeLeo was that I always skipped the rests on the screen. Even on strict mode, Alt+F4 was closing the rest screen

As I test this again now several years later I see that the program has been improved a lot but you can skip the rest again if you want with some key combinations.

What I wanted at the beginning of 2015 was a break reminding timer which I can’t skip with my programming knowledge.

The first version of Iris was actually just that. I made myself a timer which locks my screen and disables my keyboard on a specific time interval.

I started using my own custom app for break reminding but was still using f.lux for the blue light.

My problem with f.lux back then was that it wasn’t able to go lower than 2700K back then.

It was able during the night to go to 1200K via a special menu but the lowest value during the day was 2700K.

I guess this was intentional but I just wanted to be able to manually customize it. Also, there was no way for manual control, only the day and night things based on the time of the day.

I remember how I wrote to the support e-mail several times and even tried to tweet and write to Herf several times to add manual control.

I never received a response.

After I realized that maybe f.lux will never get an update and my problem will never be fixed I started searching for alternatives.

I’m actually pretty sure that if it wasn’t for Iris f.lux indeed would never receive an update like the resent new version.

Back in 2015, there were no alternatives. A good version of Redshift was just not available and SunsetScreen was still not created.

So I decided to find a way to make this and add a blue light control to Iris.

After several months the first version of Iris was born and it was super ugly.

I didn’t know how to count versions so I just named this Iris-0.0.0. At least it was working the way I wanted a blue light filter to work.

From then on I started improving the program.

I found that eye strain is not only about blue light. There are also PWM flicker, font rendering, blinking, brightness automation, subpixel flicker and much more.

Over the next several years I gradually solved all problems I found.

Iris was free back then and I mean totally free.

After several months of non-stop work, I decided to place a donation button on the website.

I also quit my job to dedicate my life to help people feel less eye strain.

Back in 2015, I believed that people will send me some money because they appreciate my work and I would be able to sustain myself while working full time on Iris.

At the end of 2015 after I almost starved myself to death I realized that I may be wrong.

This was how Iris was looking back then. I actually still have all versions and you can still use these versions of Iris for free but I almost quit.

After 1 year of non-stop work trying to make the best software for eye protection and 0$ revenue from donations, I had 2 choices.

Abandon the project and start a job again or make it work.

As you can guess I choose to give my everything to Iris. I started selling all kinds of Chinese stuff to make some money and made Iris paid.

The software was still too bad for anyone to buy it but after several months I made my first sale, then the second then the third.

Many people these days ask me how I can charge for this kind of software but Iris actually drove the blue light filter revolution.

I chose to make a paid product because I didn’t want to show ads. And I chose to make a great product for few users instead of crappy product for everyone.

Iris was the first product to automatically pause itself when some program is running.

Iris was the first product to have flicker free brightness automation.

Iris was the first product to have a color inversion and black theme on everything

Iris became the first product to support USB monitors even before they made drivers for them.

The first product with UI for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

The first product with native Chrome extension.

First product for iOS without jailbreak.

The first product to work per monitor and first to improve font rendering.

I can talk a lot but Iris inspired the renaissance of blue light filters.

Most of the features in the new f.lux are based on the things that were available for years in Iris.

This makes me happy and I am glad that competition made monitors more healthy for the eyes.

Which brings me to the biggest win for blue light filters which was

Native Solutions

Starting with Night Shift which was actually a really unfair move from Apple to f.lux, Native blue light filter solutions started to emerge.

The unfair thing is that f.lux for years was available for jailbroken devices via Cydia but because it’s using a private API it was against Apple rules and Apple didn’t allow it into the AppStore.

Tasks like this are really good to be handled by the operating system but most of the time their solution to the blue light problem is really bad.

So Apple came out with this groundbreaking innovation called blue light filter and removed the f.lux app from everywhere.

There was some kind of petitions about this but Apple was actually right.

Apps are eligible for Sideloading if they are open source so if the team behind f.lux really wanted to have their application available they could just open the source code.

Since the app was free I don’t see a problem but only they know what works best for them.

The good thing about the whole thing was that companies started to care about blue light all at once.

Microsoft added something called Night Light in the newest versions of Windows 10.

Android also introduced their implementation of a blue light filter also called Night Light.

The good thing about the native Android Night Light is that in comparison to Twilight it’s not a transparent filter but real gamma blue light reduction which works better and increases contrast.

And of course, Night Shift came to macOS.

Every day more and more people learn about the benefits of setting a proper light environment for their eye health.

Every day more and more people learn how to set up and customize their monitor and light for the best eye health and every day more and more eyes are saved from macular degeneration thanks to all these products and much more.

History of Blue Light Filter Glasses

I talked a lot about the software blue light filters but there was one parallel blue light revolution in the face of blue light filter glasses.

I’m not an expert in the glasses side but I think it’s proper to start with

Gunnar Optiks

Founded in 2006 way before f.lux came into existence Gunnar was actually the first product to try to fight computer vision syndrome and to filter blue light with the help of special lenses.

We can say that eye safety glasses were the first blue blockers but still Gunnar Optiks was the first commercial product of it’s kind.

The woman in the picture above is actually Gunnar co-founder Jenny Michelsen.

She started Gunnar in her garage in search of a solution for her husband’s digitally induced migraines.

Jenny son name is actually Gunnar and the name of the company comes from his name.

Here is the full story:

The idea for the glasses was born out of one woman’s frustration with her husband’s digitally induced migraines and worry about the eyes of her child who was fascinated by technology.

Jenny Michelsen’s husband, Matt, was suffering from the headaches he had after hours sitting in front of six computer screens.

The headaches, the Michelsens would learn, were a symptom of Computer Vision Syndrome, a collection of minor ailments that build up over time.

As the Rancho Santa Fe woman urged her husband to see a doctor, she wondered whether her 3-year-old son, Gunnar, was getting a jump-start on similar problems.

If she and her husband believed the computers were getting to their eyes – and they didn’t start using electronics until they were in their 20s – what would happen to Gunnar’s generation?

An estimated 125 million Americans suffer from what is now commonly referred to as Digital Eye Fatigue or Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), according to the American Optometric Association.

Matt and Jenny Michelsen reached out to their close friend, Joe Croft, a former Oakley engineer, about the issues surrounding CVS.

They wanted to learn more about the effects of focusing on a digital image projected on a screen just inches from one’s face for hours at a time and years on end.

The Crofts and the Michelsens began their five-year road to launch by talking to medical experts.

One of those experts was Dr. Jeffrey Anschel, a Carlsbad optometrist who has become an expert in Computer Vision Syndrome and Visual Ergonomics.

He noticed the problem about 17 years ago when employees of a nearby computer company began complaining about dry and tired eyes and difficulty focusing.

They were problems that people generally didn’t experience until they were in their 40s, but these patients were in their early 30s.

It didn’t take him long to make the connection between their work and the required time spent in front of a computer screen.

“You can work, shop, communicate and do just about everything from your computer now, and people just don’t realize how much time they’re spending looking at the screen.

The digital images that computers project are one factor contributing to Computer Vision Syndrome.  The eye focuses on the hard edge of an image, but digital images don’t have a clean edge.

As a result, the focus drifts forward and back, causing eye fatigue.”

Anschel also noted, “that when people spend long periods focusing on something close to their face, eye muscles tend to lock into a singular position, which is tiring and can push the eye down the path to becoming farsighted.

Meanwhile, the eye has to deal with light from conflicting sources, such as sunlight, that are much brighter than the computer screen.

There’s also glare from the light shining into the eyes.  And the angle of view for the computer screen, which is straight ahead, isn’t desirable.

People tend to focus better at objects when looking down, such as reading a book.”

Croft and Michelsen eventually took a prototype to Anschel and explained the important components of the glasses.

They had an amber-tinted lens, which makes images appear clearer.

Yellow makes images sharper by adding contrast and filtering out blue light.

The lens is also shaped to pre-focus the light into the eyes, so the eyes don’t have to do all the work.

There’s also an anti-glare filter that allows light from the computer in but keeps out distracting reflected light from other sources.

The lenses are also designed to be fitted close to the face, creating a “micro-climate” that keeps away the dry air currents.

This helps keep eyes moist by reducing squinting and maintaining a closer-to-normal rate of blinking - a leading cause of dry eyes.

Croft and Michelsen set out to create a product that addresses the issues associated with digital eye-strain.

They completed their first prototype in 2006.  In early 2007, they founded the company and in October of 2008, they launched their first product.

Investors in the company include Peter Thiel (a founder of PayPal and early investor in Facebook), 50 Cent, Carl Zeiss Vision, Monster, Inc., Christopher Burch and Happy Madison Productions.

I think the Gunnar glasses were the first and main innovator of blue light filter glasses so I will not talk much about others.

Note that many big names and hundreds of different brands make blue light filter glasses so Gunnar is not unique in any way.

Almost all blue blocking glasses do the exact same thing and they do it badly.

I will review many different brands but here are some things I want to make clear now.

Sunglasses block more blue light than many blue blockers.

You can find a test how Sunglasses block as much as 40% of the blue light while some blue light filter glasses block less than 10%.

You can also find Orange safety glasses which are under $10 and block more than 90% of the blue light.

If you have ever been to a dentist for whitening they place you red glasses so your eyes don’t get damaged from the UV light used for whitening your teeth.

Well if you are really concerned about the blue light I suggest you to buy a Dental safety protective glasses which are also under $10 and block all blue light.

This and all other fully red glasses block 100% of the blue light.

I will talk more about the different model of blue light filter glasses but you need to know that most slightly yellow glasses don’t do anything.

They don’t help you to sleep better and they don’t stop a lot of blue light. The truth is that software like Iris is way more if you want to use them in front of a computer.

The only reason to buy blue light filter glasses should be if you have bad lighting or watch a TV a lot and software don’t support your screen.

Another reason is if you want to do some biohacking and wear them outside.

How much Blue light software Blue light filters block?

There is not much information on the internet about how to check if your monitor emits blue light so I did a simple Blue light filter Test:

With your blue light filter look at the image above and if all squares look black all blue light is blocked.

GIF test

You can also use this GIF test here

If the image is black and you don’t see any blue all blue light is blocked.

The latest medical researches, however, point the melatonin secretion is also effected by green light so to test if all blue and green light is blocked use this image:

Ideally, if your monitor doesn’t emit blue or blue and green light you shouldn’t see a change in the color.

You should only see black square without any change of the color or hue like this

For more info about the Iris blue light filter test visit How to check if my Monitor emits Blue light?

Here is an example of how Iris blocks all blue and green light

Test with the images

When no blue light is blocked the white color should look like this

When 10% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 20% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 30% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 40% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 50% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 60% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 70% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 80% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 90% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

When 100% of the blue light is blocked white color should look like this

If your blue light is 100% blocked white color will actually be yellow.

Note that you can’t actually test how much blue light your blue light filter blocks and if you really need to test this you need a colorimeter.

Here is an example of Iris with Groot color scheme which blocks only blue light without affecting the green light:

If you want to test if both green and blue light is blocked you need to use some other test images.

When no blue light is blocked the white color should look like this

When 10% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 20% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 30% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 40% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 50% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 60% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 70% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 80% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 90% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

When 100% of blue and green light is blocked white color should look like this

You may notice that most blue light filter softwares actually don’t look like this at high values.

This is because there is a legacy to use Color temperature instead of linear reduction dating to the first versions of f.lux.

However, if all blue and green light is removed the result is always red.

Here is an example at Iris set to 0% blue light which actually removes both blue and green light:

RGB test

While the first test was made for easily test if all blue and green light is removed from the screen it was not really good for finding what percentage of blue light is blocked.

The second test is really good for finding what percentage is blocked but you need a really sharp eye to see the difference in the colors.

This RGB test is something in between. You can test if all blue light is blocked and you can also see some percentage.

Look at the image below with your blue light filter

If you don’t see the blue color all blue light is blocked

If you don’t see the green color all green light is blocked

And here how most blue light filter softwares work at 3400K

To remove all blue light you need something bellow 1900K

and going down even move will remove also the green light

These were basically the test you can do to see how effective is you blue light filter.

You can test this way both software and glasses.

The difference is that with software you will not see emission while with glasses the lest will block the light.

Blue Light Filters Market

In this fictional market, my goal is to collect all products on Earth for reducing blue light.

I’m going to the deepest parts of the web in search of the No Blue Light World.

Blue light blocking Glasses

There are really a lot of ways to block blue light via glasses. There are blue blockers with a yellow tint, with orange, with a red tint or the regular sunglasses also block some of the blue light aside from the UV light.

The best blue blockers look something like this:

To write the best and most comprehensive article about blue blockers I basically opened Google and contacted more than 100 blue blocking glasses manufacturers and brands.

In the beginning, I expected something like 1000 brands but it turned out that there are not many blue light blocking companies in the words.

While there are so many companies for regular glasses only some of them produce also blue blocking glasses and fewer than that actually specialize in blue blockers.

Most of the best companies for blue blocking glasses turned out to be recently founded companies.

What really struck me that the big brands actually had no interest in talking about their products.

I wrote to them and most of the time they ignored me or redirected me to a chain of customer support which I just thought it will not be helpful for this article.

Here are some of the companies I write to actually:

What surprised me actually was that the small companies are much better at answering questions and their response time is usually lighting fast.

Well, I guess it was not so surprising because this is true even with Iris and most companies who succeed in the long run are really great at responding and customer support.

I remember how at the beginning of Iris I personally responded to every mail under 1 minute and if I was sleeping when I get some question I had an alarm sound to wake up and respond faster.

What was also not surprising is that I already knew some of the guys behind this projects in one way or another.

I guess our industry is still really small and there are not a lot of people who care about the negative effects of blue light and technology on our lives.

So in this section, I will present everything on the internet I found about blue light filter glasses.

I will also include some quotes from the founders or from the team behind the companies.

There is not a lot of ordering here and the first companies are just the ones which responded me the fastest which I guess is also a really good measure of how good is their customer support and product but this is not always the case.

However, I guess the people who responded the fastest are this who care the most.

I am not going to include companies which may have a great product but don’t respond to user questions because I think this is bad user experience and they don’t deserve a spot in this article.

Swanwick Sleep

I actually just recently saw the Swanwick Sleep glasses after some ad on Facebook.

They have some campaign going on IndieGoGo right now with some discount here:

Swannies Model X: Created to Help You Sleep Better

and here is how the “Swannies” actually look like

You can use the links above to read more about the Swanwick Sleep but let’s go into a little bit more details now.

Swanwick story

Swanwick Sleep was founded in 2015 by two Australian brothers – James and Tristan Swanwick.

Everything started because James used to have bad sleep that he thought may have been some kind of mental disorder because he couldn’t get any sleep at night and spend his nights tossing and turning.

While searching for ways to fix his sleep problems he found about the blue light effect on our bodies and circadian rhythms.

Motivated that this may be the solution to his sleep problems he started looking for some cool products to block all blue light from his surrounding.

The problem was that most products which actually block all blue light are some ski goggles or protective orange glasses.

The yellow lenses are also not so effective because they block only some of the blue light.

To block all blue light the lenses should be some deep orange filter color.

Back then there were some solutions on the market for blocking blue light but all blue blocking glasses were super ugly and he didn’t want to wear them.

He also found out about software solutions like Iris, f.lux and also the Night Shift feature of iOS which Apple introduced recently.

While blue light filter softwares are really effective and customizable they don’t work on everything.

With software, you can’t block the blue light coming from the TV or from the LED lighting around us which becomes more and more popular today.

We have LED lights everywhere around us and they emit primary blue light which really disturbs our circadian rhythms.

Monitors are just one of the sources of blue light.

Software cannot block blue light from sunlight, TVs, and Lights so a pair of stylish blue blockers are actually more effective for better sleep.

The only bad thing is that you need to make some kind of habit to wear them 1-2 hours before going to sleep as Swanwick brothers recommend.

And this is why James decided to create Swanwick sleep.

James wanted to make the sexiest and most effective blue blocker possible which works everywhere not just on your PC.

He called his brother Tristan to tell him the idea.

They launched their new business on November 25, 2015  (Black Friday shopping day in the US) with 300 pairs of glasses in stock on Amazon and sold out everything before the end of the year.

After this, they sold another 806 pairs in the next six months.

This initial boost motivated the brothers to keep going and until the end of 2017, they already made and sold close to 30,000 pairs of glasses.

Thanks to the Amazon FBA program they were able to quickly expand globally to Canada, Britain, USA, Europe, and Australia.

The brothers also said that Japan is the next country on their radar.


I’m actually not connected in any way with James or Tristan but I really like how they put modern advertising into the blue light blocking field.

My goal with this whole article was to combine everyone who cares about the eyes and sleep and let you choose some product to buy because this thing is really important.

While I’m a big fan of software because of the customization and automation using glasses is much more simple and intuitive for non-technical people and once you block blue light once you never go back.

I would be happy if someone has some measurement of the effectiveness of Swanwick glasses but their lens seems great.

However, this lens blocks only blue light. If you are really concerned about the melatonin suppression I would choose red lens because it blocks both blue and green light.

The problem with the red lens, however, is that they change the colors too much even I prefer the orange blocking.

It’s enough to improve the sleep and also great to not change your surrounding too much.

Swanwick glasses are also really stylish and good looking.

Other types of orange blue blocking glasses which are cheaper may do something similar but they are just ugly.

And here is where I recommend Swanwick. If you are the type of person who moves a lot, who goes outside at night and want to have a great sleep get a pair of Swannies.

If you spend a lot of time in front of a TV or have some LED, white or any other kind of bad lighting in the house get Swannies.

Swannick glasses are the most beautifully designed and effective glasses for blocking blue light.

Dr S Eyewear

Dr S Eyewear was founded in August 2017 by Dr. Mariana Salmasi.

What is interesting about this blue blockers is that they are the first blue light blocking glasses designed by an Optometrist.

When I talked with Dr. Mariana that even since she was a child she had this gut feeling that staring into digital devices was harmful.

After learning more about the many harmful effects in of blue light in studies she searched for good glasses for blue light blocking.

When she tested Gunnar and other brands she saw that the blue light protection is only 40% and decided to try to create a product which can remove 100% of the blue light.

She also told me that Gunnar has improved their lenses a lot since back then and it now blocks around 65% but this is still far from perfect.

In case you are interested, the newest and best Gunnar lens is called AMBER (BPF 65), you can see it in the picture above.

You can also see the old LIQUET (BPF 35) lens which was blocking 35% of the blue light.

I’m actually not sure why Gunnar even use this lens. I wrote to them to include them in this article but am still waiting for a response.

As I told many times before the more orange or red the lenses are the better. For me personally, red lenses are the best because they block blue and green light or the so-called Cyan color which affects sleep the most.

For those of you who don’t know cyan is some combination between blue and green and this is really close to how our sky looks like during the day.

Dr. Mariana, however, was super fast to respond to all my questions why Dr S Eyewear blue blockers are the best glasses on the market.

Dr. Mariana Salmasi

Dr. Mariana Salmasi is a medical optometrist with glaucoma certification.

She is also trained in the treatment and management of eye diseases, specialty contact lenses, corneal refractive therapy and the preoperative evaluation and postoperative care of patients.

With other doctors, she co-manages patient care for LASIK and cataract surgery.

Dr. Salmasi is also certified in therapeutic pharmaceutical agents, lacrimal irrigation, and dilation, as well as certified to diagnose, treat and manage glaucoma.

She studied Optometry in the Western University of Health Sciences and have a Doctors degree in Optometry.

She also has a Biology science degree from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

This is actually what I like about Dr S Eyewear blue blockers. They are not just an ordinary orange glasses which sometimes don’t block any blue light but are actually created by an optometrist.

Dr. Salsasi is also full-time eye doctor since 2014 and you can find her in Los Angeles.

She is also an avid artist and won numerous awards for painting, sculpting and creating works of art.

Her created her first patent was for eyewear in 2013 while still in Optometry School and haven’t stopped creating since then.

If you are interested you can see her Eyewear frame ornamentation patent here:

She told me that she is particularly interested in the harmful effects of blue-light rays that are emitted from digital devices and the quality of the Dr S Eyewear glasses supports this.

The Science

Mariana told me that she designed the glasses and they are unique to her company. They created the mold and then manufactured thousands of glasses for adults and children.

This is actually really big deal because I know that many blue light blocking glasses actually come from China and the lens is some regular safety glasses lens.

Dr S Eyewear glasses are entirely custom made on the other hand.

She showed me also that they block 99% of the blue light.

I really appreciate how she said 99% because it actually super hard to remove all blue light with a lens.

Most companies which tell that they block 100% of the blue light don’t even come close to 50%.

I remember how when I tried to remove all of the blue light with my software Iris I basically almost removed all colors from the screen and also did an inversion.

For example here is how the screen looks like when 50% of the blue light is blocked by software.

And this is the equivalent of the 99% blue light blocking

To remove all blue light your screen should look something like this

Which even I think it’s too much.

Dr S Eyewear blocking spectrum is really good and effective.

The benefit with glasses over software is that with the glasses you can block all blue light not just from the monitor.

You can block the blue light from your TV, tablet, smartphone and the light around you without installing anything.

I am a fan of software because of the automation and that it is easier to build a habit but the glasses are much more effective if you don’t just use your PC at night.

Children also seem to like glasses more.

And this is actually what Dr. Mariana told me several times:

I also want to add that I am an advocate in childrens’ vision and eye health.

Kids nowadays spend more time on smartphones, iPhones and digital devices thus creating possible permanent eye damage.

In addition, increased near activities are contributing to nearsightedness (myopia) which means they will likely need glasses.

We need to educate parents.

Parents are worried about their children’s digital device use and always ask me if it is harmful.

I totally agree with this. We need to spread the word about the harmful effects of blue light and protect ourselves.

It doesn’t matter if you are going to use glasses, screen protectors, software or whatever you choose.

If you just decide to spend more time outdoors to get more full-spectrum sunlight it will also be great.

But more and more people need to know about the dangers of blue light and LED lighting in general.

I talk also a lot about the dangers of PWM flicker but still, there are really a few people who think that blue light can harm them in the long run.

Studies show again and again that blue light causes macular degeneration after prolonged exposure.

It also changes our circadian rhythms and kills our sleep.

If you spend a lot of time in front of the TV or have LED lighting in your home get some blue light blocking glasses.

For PWM and subpixel flicker from the computer and automation of the blue light reduction on your PC you can also try Iris.

I really recommend Dr S Eyewear glasses for several reasons.

They are one of the few glasses which actually have some measurements on them and block all blue light.

Dr S Eyewear glasses are one of the few blue light blocking glasses actually designed by an optometrist with a lot of science in them.

They are proven to block 99% of the blue light and really effective and have also anti-reflective coating and UV protection.

If you want you can learn more about the product from the official Dr S Eyewear website:


What I like about BLUblox is the huge variety of lenses which they have and that they actually have red lens for night usage which blocks both blue and green light.

At first glance you may think “Why do I need to use different lenses?” and I want to spend some time to explain the reasoning behind using different lenses during the different parts of the day.

During the day, you actually need full spectrum sunlight to be more healthy but the light from monitors and other light sources are different from the light of the Sun.

The first graph on the picture above shows the light spectrum from the Sun and the next 3 graphs are from different light sources.

You probably know that red light causes growth and blue light decreases growth, red light promotes health, while blue light most of the time is degenerative.

The first lightbulb which Thomas Edison made was actually really healthy lightbulb because it emitted mostly red light and a little blue light.

We know this light bulb as Incandescent and it creates light mostly by generating heat.

This is why it’s not energy efficient and emits a lot of red light.

The more energy efficient the light bulb the more blue light it emits most of the time.

So I’m telling you all this because almost all modern energy efficient light bulbs are LED and they emit a lot of blue light.

Looking at the picture of light distribution again you see how different is LED light from Sunlight and why it’s actually not normal to look at monitors or use LED lighting not only during the night but also during the day.

Computers, TVs, Cell phones, Tablets and all sorts of lights around us emit harmful blue light and this is why I and so many other people recommend blocking blue light even during the day.

If you use Iris on your computer you may have noticed how even during the day there is a small blue light reduction exactly for this.

This is intentional to try to make the LED light more like the Sunlight by reducing some of the blue light during the day. But Iris doesn’t work on everything.

What about your TV? What about your tabled, phone or all other blue light emitting devices.

What about all these LED lights around the house?

This is where the blue light blocking glasses are the only alternative and this is why you need to get BLUblox.

BLUblox is a relatively new company but what makes the project unique is this huge variety of lenses suitable for the different parts of the day.

I don’t know other company which manufactures both day and night lenses.

Most companies focus only on blocking blue light or on the eye protection with not so stronger lens and an anti-reflective coating.

What makes BLUblox unique is that they cover everything.

From lens to use when you sit in front of some device during the day to blue blocking day lens and finally deep red lens which blocks all blue and green light for night time usage.

Aside from the lenses, BLUblox has also a huge assortment of sizes and shapes which is also really unique to other companies which manufacture blue blocking glasses.

The Story

Andy and Katie Mant founded BLUblox in 2016 with the mission of supplying the most optimal blue blocker glasses in the world.

Andy told me that they started wearing blue blockers after dark in 2015 but they saw only minor improvements in their sleep.

We purchased our first blue blockers from a popular brand in the US so we wanted to know why we were not getting perfect sleep by wearing these blue blockers, as the company claimed.

Then we found the answer, some studies were showing that not just blue light but green light up to 550nm was negatively affecting our sleep.

We set to work in our laboratory and created a red lens that blocked all blue and green light from 400-550nm, in line with the latest science, called Ultra550.

The first night we wore our prototype pairs we slept right the way through the night and woke up feeling refreshed and full of energy.

We knew we had just created the most effective blue and green light blocking glasses ever made and we wanted to share this product with the world.

We both work in office jobs, not a good environment as we are exposed to LED lighting overhead, LED computer screens and LED screens from our smart phones.

Even though our night range of red lenses were giving us a fantastic sleep we knew we had to address the digital eyestrain and headaches we were suffering from exposure to blue light during our office jobs during the day.

We tried a few popular brands and some cheap computer glasses from eBay but nothing improved. Then we discovered a post by a popular scientist who showed the light spectrum of LED lights.

Then in clicked, we had to block the nasty spike in blue light around 450nm, so obvious but none of our competitors were doing this.

So, we set about making two prototypes; a clear lens impregnated with an advanced blue light reducing material, which reduced the blue light spike from LEDs down, and a yellow pair which eradicated blue light from 400-450nm.

Being in an office environment we both tried out the clear pair and we were amazed how fresh our eyes felt and we did not have any headaches after working on our computer for 8 hours.

We had a colleague in our office who suffered from frequent weekly migraines, so we lent her our pair of yellow tinted Ultra450 lenses to trial for a month.

To this day we have not had them returned to us because they eradicated her migraines whilst working on computers in the office so we let her keep them, we felt so humbled.

With the lenses sorted we set to work designing frames that were in line with the latest fashions, making blue blockers more socially acceptable to wear and comfortable on your face.

You would not wear safety goggles to work or to dinner after dark, so we fixed that we ultra-sleek and stylish frames, with styles to suit everyone.

Did we also mention that unlike our competitors whose glasses are made in China BLUblox glasses are designed and made in Australia? This guarantees a high-quality product that does exactly what it promises.

Since launching BLUblox we have sold thousands of pairs of our blue blockers not just to people who wanted their first pair of blue blocker glasses, but to many people wanting to upgrade from their cheap amazon and eBay pairs and even from some of the other popular brands out there.

We have had many wonderful testimonials about how our glasses have improved the lives of our tribe who have trusted in BLUblox to give them their sleep and health back.


The thing I love about BLUblox is that the team actually use and sell a red lens for night time usage which blocks all blue and green light instead of some yellow or orange one.

As I told many times before yellow and orange lenses don’t block the green light which also has an effect on our melatonin secretion at night.

Blue and green light after dark from the 400-550nm range suppresses melatonin production and disrupts your sleep.

BLUblox Ultra550 red lens block 100% of this range meaning zero sleep-disrupting blue and green light passes through their lenses.

While amber lenses only block some blue light and no green light the red lens of BLUblox blocks everything.

It’s clear that you must block all light that disrupts your sleep or your sleep won’t improve much.

If you want the best possible sleep consider getting a pair of glasses with red lens from BLUblox 🙂

BLUblox Ultra450 yellow lens are super useful at daytime to make the light emitted from LED digital devices more like the sun.

It has been proven that excess artificial blue light damages your eyes during the day.

The range of light that does the most damage is between 400-450nm.

BLUblox yellow lenses block 100% of the eye-damaging blue light in this range.

If you want to be more healthy and block the blue light during the day consider their yellow lenses and if you want to block the spikes of blue light but have more clear colors around you BLUblox computer lenses may be for you 🙂

Ra Optics

Matt Maruca created Ra Optics in 2017 because all effective blue light blocking glasses were pretty unattractive.

The good looking blue blockers were not blocking much of the blue light and the ones that actually worked were made for the safety of workers and looked pretty ugly.

What I love about Ra Optics is exactly this red lens which is super effective for blocking all blue and green light.

As I have said many times the yellow and orange lenses most of the time don’t block all blue light or if all blue light is blocked they do nothing for the green light which is emitted from the artificial light around us.

The latest medical researches point that light up to 550nm suppresses the secretion of our sleep hormone melatonin and actually, Matt showed me something even more interesting.

There is also evidence that even the healthy red light can cause some melatonin suppression.

I guess we just need to turn off all lights before going to sleep and what I love about the whole team behind Ra Optics is that they are experts in light and photobiology.

Another awesome thing about Ra Optics is that they manufacture both Daytime and Nighttime lenses and you can customize everything.

You can even send your own glasses and the team will place you the perfect lens which can block all blue light.

This custom tinting service is actually unique and no other company offers you to send your own frames and Ra Optics will make you a new lens and send the frame back to you.

I’m not going to go into many details again why the red lens is important for night time use and why you also need some blue blocking during the day but Ra Optics offer everything.

A great lens which blocks all blue and green light up to 550nm and great daytime lenses which block blue light up to 450nm.

Matt explains the difference this way:

In a perfect world, we would not need blue blockers. In our world, it would be ideal for most people to have both, but it depends on your lifestyle. Nocturnal Red lenses block all light wavelengths up to 550nm. These are the wavelengths shown to most affect our “biologic clock”, lowering melatonin levels and altering our sleep/wake cycle when present after sunset. This is because our body is designed to be not exposed to them after dark. Everyone who does not live alone in the forest or ever leaves their house should have a pair of nighttime blue blocking glasses; our are ideal because they are the most attractive on the market, making them something that will be used on a consistent basis without hesitation. These blue blockers can also be re-purposed for temporary daytime use if you enter someplace like a Target, Walmart, or Grocery Store.

Daytime Blue Blocking Glasses are for people who spend most of their day indoors under artificial light, which means most people. The reason we have a different tint is that it is not only not necessary to block all blue light during the day, as our Nocturnal Red lenses do, but it is functionally a new mismatch, telling the brain that it is nighttime, more or less, when it is not. Some may argue that, because almost all artificial light itself is already a “mismatch”, it is better to block all of the harmful blue light than to block none of it.

My Review

I strongly recommend Ra Optics and especially the custom tinting service which is the only one in the world right now.

We also did a talk with Matt about light, biohacking, blue blocking, sleep and everything in between which you can watch here:

BlueBlockGlasses by Somnitude

When I wrote to BlueBlockGlasses they provided me so much useful info that I’m going to first share it with you unchanged.

After this, I’m going to give you my thoughts about the product and why you should choose BlueBlockGlasses.

Sleep is essential for survival. Your brain is responsible for making you feel sleepy in the evening and keeping you asleep during the night. To do so, it has two processes that regulate sleep.

The first is called the homeostatic process. This is the pressure to sleep that accumulates throughout the day.

The second is the circadian (circa: “around” and diem: “day”) process. This regulates when you fall asleep and wake up.

These two processes work to ensure a good night of sleep.

Poor sleep has many consequences; some are decreased alertness, altered mood, and impaired memory. Long-term sleep deprivation has been linked with diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

One strategy to ensure a good night of sleep is to strengthen your circadian signal of sleep and wakefulness. The circadian clock is kept in sync by environmental inputs.

The most important factor is the blue component of light. The presence of light in the morning signals day time, and the absence of light in the evening signals night.

Special cells within your eyes detect blue light (wavelength 440 – 480 nm) and send a signal to your circadian system.

Historically, humans were exposed to blue light during the day (from the sun) and not exposed to blue light at night. Our circadian systems are geared to anticipate this pattern of light exposure.

Today, however, blue light exposure in the evening is very common, either because of screen use before bedtime or simply because the lights are on in the house.

Lights in living areas and washrooms usually have some blue component.

Blue light at night tricks your circadian clock into thinking it is the day, and prevents you from preparing for sleep. More specifically, blue light suppresses the release of a hormone called melatonin.

Melatonin is secreted and transmitted throughout your body in the evening to signal night time.

A delay in the release of melatonin, due to light exposure may result in delayed bedtime, sleep onset insomnia or poor sleep.

Eliminating electronic devices and lightning exposure before bedtime would improve sleep, but it is often unrealistic.

It is furthermore not necessary to cut off all of the light because the circadian clock is blind to most colors.


This is why Somnitude has developed specialized sleep promoting glasses that selectively block harmful blue light while allowing other wavelengths of light to pass.

The glasses filter 99% of full spectrum blue light (spectra light until 520 nm).

Somnitude’s Blue Block Glasses allow you to pursue your regular activities in the evening, without having to worry that your circadian clock gets confused because of the surrounding light at night.

The glasses are ideal for those who use electronic devices in the evening or those who have problems with waking up on time.

The glasses are made from an optical grade polycarbonate, infused with a blue absorbing dye. The material is simple, yet durable and the glasses can easily survive being dropped.

The various styles allow for wearing of prescription glasses or not.

The glasses are tested at the University of Toronto’s Institute of Optical Sciences and were used by members of Team Canada at the recent winter Olympic Games.

Somnitude’s Blue Block Glasses have also recently been approved as a Medical Device by Health Canada and are now being used by sleep physicians to help those who have certain sleep disorders, such as Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome.

Why Somnitude?

We often get asked – What’s the difference between Somnitude and other brands?

The main difference between our glasses and those filters provided by Warby Parker, Gunnars etc. is in the degree of filtering and width of the spectrum of filtering.

Most other providers will filter a lower amount (for example 40%) at a smaller spectrum (440 – 470 nm).

These types of glasses are typically intended to be worn during the day, to prevent against eyestrain.

On the other hand, Somnitude’s glasses filter 99% full spectrum blue light and are only recommended for evening wear.   

Another important consideration is the effectiveness of the blue filter. For the untrained eye, it is almost impossible to detect how much blue is actually being filtered.

Many brands will claim things like ‘Full blue blocking effectiveness’ etc. but then fail to provide testing results or details on the company.

The only way to test effectiveness is by measuring the spectral transmissivity using a spectrometer.

Because we are affiliated with the University of Toronto we conduct rigorous testing on all our glasses to ensure that they are designed and manufactured to the specification of 99% blue light filtering.

My review

I decided to share the info that Somnitude provided me because they included so much useful and unique info but here are my thoughts and the things I think that are missed in the text above.

What I love about BlueBlockGlasses are they are a cheap and effective solution and effective solution for blocking all blue light.

I also like that they actually provide measurements for all their glasses not just talk about blocking blue light.

While other brands glasses may look better than some of the Somnitude glasses styles, BlueBlockGlasses are the cheapest option and they also cover the entire face.

What I mean by covering the entire face is that there is no place for the blue light to enter your eyes because they have Fitover glasses.

One thing that maybe they can improve in the future is to make also a red lens which can block green light also as we talked before.

Consider buying this glasses if you are from Canada and if you want to have Fitover glasses.

BlueBlockGlasses have a great price and work great for blocking all blue light.



Blue light Screen Protectors


Blue light filter Apps

While everything can be effective for blocking blue light, my personal favorite way is by using a blue light filter app.

I guess this is also maybe the reason why I created Iris in the first place.

The good thing about a blue light filter app is that most of the time it’s super customizable.

For example with glasses and screen protectors, you need a different kind of lenses and sheets to block different parts of the light.

With Iris and apps like it, you can just move one slider and regulate how much blue or green light is blocked which is really cool.

You also have automation which means that during the day you will get a small blue light reduction and during the night it will be much stronger.

This helps to build a habit of blocking blue light easier.

With glasses, you may forget them and the sheets block light all the time which may not be what you need.

I will try to present and compare all different blue light filter apps here.

As you can guess I’m a little biased towards Iris but I will try to explain why I believe it’s the best software for eye protection.

Native Filters

Big companies started to create native solutions for blue light reduction from the beginning of 2017 and these settings are a really popular choice for a lot of users.

However, as everything integrated into the operating system it’s not working perfectly for specific needs like improving sleep and better eye protection.

The reason is not that the filters don’t block blue light, but they either don’t block enough blue and green light for better sleep or are not automated enough to match to screen brightness to the light around you and this makes them inefficient for eye protection.


After Apple introduced Night Shift in order to try to make an integrated into the OS way of lowering the blue light Microsoft also added a feature called Night Light in their new build of Windows 10.

If you have the latest version of Windows 10 you will probably find Night Light in the settings.

However, if you use Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP or Windows 10 which doesn’t support blue light reduction getting a blue light filter software like Iris or some other third-party program may be a good idea.

Night Light can also go to around 1200k of color temperature which removes most of the blue light but this may be ineffective if you want really improve your sleep.

Here is how measurement of 1200K of color temperature looks like:

If you want more reduction that this Iris can go to 0% blue and green light.

Otherwise, if you only need some eye protection going to 3400k  will reduce the spikes of blue light and will be enough and not much orange or red.

Something I don’t like about Night Light is that you can’t see the actual values of the color temperature anywhere.

It would be nice if there was some kind of percentage but this is also not present.

If you have some ruler you can calculate the kelvins via getting the length of the line and the position of the black slider then calculate the percentage.

From there you need to know that the most right value is 6500K and the most left value is 1200K.

You can then calculate the color temperature of the screen.

Another nice benefit of other third-party programs is that they show the current color temperature.

Iris, for example, also shows the percentage of blue light blocked from the screen.




Thank you for reading this whole massive article about blocking blue light from digital devices. I spend 3 months researching and creating it and I hope that I helped you to learn some new things.

If you liked my work click some of the share links or send this article to a friend 🙂

Daniel Georgiev
Iris Technologies

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Blue Light And Eye Strain Tue, 12 Jun 2018 15:51:45 +0000 Right now everyone in the world is talking about healthy food, healthy lifestyle and the importance of exercise, etc. Sadly, there aren’t many people who talk about the other factors that are continuously damaging different human organs. Most importantly, right now people are quite ignorant about the health of their eyes and this is becoming a serious problem now. Look ... Read More

The post Blue Light And Eye Strain appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

blue light eye protection computer screen monitor eye strain problem

Right now everyone in the world is talking about healthy food, healthy lifestyle and the importance of exercise, etc.

Sadly, there aren’t many people who talk about the other factors that are continuously damaging different human organs.

Most importantly, right now people are quite ignorant about the health of their eyes and this is becoming a serious problem now.

Look around you, we are pretty sure that you know someone in your friends or family circle who is suffering through some sort of ocular problems like experiencing sharp pain behind the eye or eye muscle pain.

Most of the people suffer through near and farsightedness which is why they have to wear contact glasses and sometimes contact lenses to see clearly.

The need of the hour is that we all should start worrying about the health of our eyes and see what factors are causing vision problems.

eye strain eye health blue light filter iris software screen light protection

Blue Light And Why Should You Know About It?

A lot of people out there don’t even know what blue light is which is why today we are going to explain it all to you and tell you how blue light is destroying our eyes.

There are several types of lights around us and among all the other lights is the blue light. It is known to be the most dangerous one just because this one comes with a short wavelength.

According to Wikipedia and its article about the electromagnetic spectrum, it is said that the shorter the wavelength of a light is, the more harmful it becomes.

The same science applies to this so-called “blue light”. 

blue light sun light uv rays color spectrum eye harm strain iris software filter protection


Blue light could be equally dangerous just as the UV light from that comes from the Sun.

Sun itself is the major source of blue light and the other source are our electronic devices.

Yes, you read it right, the reason why mobile phones and laptops are dangerous for your eyes is that these screens emit blue light.

When you expose your eyes to such light, it goes straight up to your cornea and starts damaging it resulting in eye pressure pain.

blue light uv light eye structure eye harm eye strain filter protection

Blue Light And Eye Strain 

Has it ever occurred to you that you were using your mobile phone at night and all of a sudden you start feeling that your head is heavy?

Well, we are pretty sure that this has happened to you more than once and the reason behind it is again the blue light.

When you expose your eyes to the blue light, it starts putting a continuous eye strain.

The strain then passes down to your nervous system which is why most of the people find it hard to sleep at night.

blue light computer smartphone screen sleep problems phone screen filter eye protection

The Solution To Blue Light Problem? 

Obviously, we can’t suggest you to stop using your cell phones and other electronic devices because this is the age of technology and internet.

So, the best thing you can do to save your eyes from the damage is to use the filter on your screen.

Iris is the best blue light filter app for pc and as a result, this famous blue light software can make screens healthier for your eyes.

This software regulates the light of your monitor as well as the light around you.

blue light affect iris software eye protection blue light filter brightness settings

It blocks the blue light from reaching your eyes directly.

Right now thousands of people are using this software to protect their eyes and get a good night’s sleep.

If you also want to make some healthy changes in your life then we suggest you try this screen brightness software as soon as possible.

We assure you that you won’t be disappointed with the results.

Eyes are the most sensitive part of our body and you need to take care of them just like the rest of your body.


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Best Monitor Brightness and Contrast Settings for Eyes Mon, 11 Jun 2018 13:05:15 +0000 Too much contrast and brightness on your monitor can cause eye problems. That is the reason why your monitor must have the right contrast and brightness settings. So, what’s the most ideal setting to protect your eyes from any harm? Why are Monitor Brightness, Gamma, and Contrast Important? Many people spend between three to ten hours a day in front ... Read More

The post Best Monitor Brightness and Contrast Settings for Eyes appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

eye protection blue light screen brightness monitor settings eye harm

Too much contrast and brightness on your monitor can cause eye problems.

That is the reason why your monitor must have the right contrast and brightness settings.

So, what’s the most ideal setting to protect your eyes from any harm?

Why are Monitor Brightness, Gamma, and Contrast Important?

Many people spend between three to ten hours a day in front of computers and for this reason, some complain about eye dryness and strain.

It causes headaches and some vision-related concerns.

It is essential to have great quality monitor for computers, yet at the same time, you must adjust the settings of your monitor for it to be suitable for your eyes.

monitor screen height correct viewing distance eye health posture computer work

Test Your Contrast

monitor contrast settings computer brightness eye protection filter

Increase your monitor’s contrast on a medium value like 60 to 70 percent and try keeping a distance of your monitor and eyes around a meter.

Then, check whether extreme sharpness or distortion happens to the images or some things on your screen.

If yes, adjust the set value accordingly.

brightness color filter screen blue light monitor contrast eye protection

Now that you have optimized the contrast value of your monitor, the next thing you should do is to set your brightness.

Test Your Brightness in a Simple Way

brightness color settings filter screen blue light monitor contrast eye protection

Before you change the monitor’s brightness, see the different shades available. If you aren’t able to determine the shades, adjust your monitor’s brightness.

For a more accurate brightness value, go for adjusting the brightness in an extreme manner. In this test, you will need to determine extreme white and extreme black shades.

Try getting the 5 percent and 95 percent shade different than 0 percent and 100 percent shade.

If you have visualized and differentiated the extreme shades, you’re now ready with the perfect value of contrast and brightness on your monitor.

Having healthy eyes will work more than a painful one.

Therefore, always keep track of your overall health and keep your eyes cool and clean by adjusting the monitor brightness and contrast.

You can also use an eye protection software like Iris to keep your eyes pain-free and healthy when you’re using your monitor.

 day night brightness settings iris software eye protection and health

How Can Iris Help You Protect Your Eyes?

Iris is a blue light filter that is designed for eye protection.

It improves your sleep by gradually regulating blue light night and day.

With this, your body will be able to generate more melatonin during night time, enabling you to sleep deeper and fall asleep faster.

smartphones blue light filter problems eye strain sleep problems melatonin

Iris can also help you prevent eye strain, which optimizes screen pulsations by controlling the how bright it is without PWM.

This only means that you will be able to your computer for a long period of time without experiencing headaches. This software will also let you experience relief from eye pain.

The reason behind it is that this will match the brightness of your screen to the light that surrounds you.

Various presets will adjust your screen automatically, allowing you to feel like you’re reading a book.

pwm dc dimming brightness color settings monitor screen flickering difference

So, if you want to experience ease and convenience when setting the brightness and contrast of your monitor, make sure to get a software like Iris.

 day night contrast brightness settings iris software eye protection and health eye harm blue light filter screen

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How computers affect our health Fri, 08 Jun 2018 07:51:08 +0000 As it’s not that uncommon, it’s very likely that you work a sedentary job and you have to stay in front of the computer for hours. With the technical advancements, nowadays, every company is a technology company. As a result, the use of digital technologies is an essential requirement. Given that most of us are preoccupied, we may not even ... Read More

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As it’s not that uncommon, it’s very likely that you work a sedentary job and you have to stay in front of the computer for hours.

With the technical advancements, nowadays, every company is a technology company. As a result, the use of digital technologies is an essential requirement.

Given that most of us are preoccupied, we may not even realize what risks the constant use of computers hides.

So you should change your habits to make sure that your job is not actually killing you.

A woman working on her laptop in a cafe.

 Stay healthy while using the computer?

Here are some basic tips to make your computer habits healthier.

1. Get moving

We all know a sedentary lifestyle is one of the leading causes of most modern diseases such as diabetes, ischemic heart diseases, neuropathy, and obesity.

A lot of health campaigns are addressing the problem by initiating sports activities at the workplace.

If your company hasn’t made that step yet, you can take the initiative. Small changes can definitely make a difference

  • Walk or ride on the way to work 

You can run or cycle your way to work following the Scandinavian model for a healthier society.

That’s a great way to fit a bit more activity into your day. You’ll be energized, with an increased mood and productivity.

Cycle to work every day.

  • Take the stairs

Taking the stairs instead of the lift is better for sure.

But you should make it a habit so that you don’t think of it each and every time.

Start by once a day until you make it automatic.

2. Pay attention to posture

Almost every office employee has bad posture, resulting in back or neck pain or even damaging spinal structures.

Bad posture can easily become a second nature so you should try to keep your body in alignment while sitting in an office chair or standing.

Proper computer chair posture.

3. Protect your eyes 

Looking at a bright screen for prolonged periods of time can lead to eye fatigue, eye strain and tearing eyes.

Studies show that 50 to 90 percent of computer workers have CVS (computer vision syndrome). If you have CVS you may notice

  • Blurred vision
  • Dry, red eyes
  • Eye irritation
  • Headaches

CVS( computer vision syndrome) causes eye fatigue, eye strain, dry eyes

Not only adults but also kids during the school day have eyesight problems. To deal with the problem, you should:

  • Improve the lighting in the room

Eye strain often is an effect of excessively bright light from outdoor sunlight coming through the window or from bright interior lighting.

Close the drapes or the blinds for eye relief.

  • Make eye breaks

To avoid some of the CVS syndromes try following the 20-20-20 rule.  Every 20 minutes try looking at an object which is 20 feet away for about 20 seconds.

Do not stare at the screen and try to blink to keep your eyes moist.

  • Software for eye protection

As the 20-20-20 rule is not always effective, think of installing an eye protecting software such as Iris.

It will dim the display and adjust the screen brightness to the light around you.

Iris-an eye protecting software

Install it now and give it a go.

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Best Background Color to Reduce Eye Strain Thu, 07 Jun 2018 14:46:28 +0000 Did you know that the wrong choice of background color for your computer screen can lead to eye strain? In this world that has gotten more obsessed with technology, most of your devices have screens that can cause modern kind of eye strain. Once left unchecked, this eye strain can cause major eye and medical issues including blurred vision, macular ... Read More

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Did you know that the wrong choice of background color for your computer screen can lead to eye strain?

Eye Strain Protection

In this world that has gotten more obsessed with technology, most of your devices have screens that can cause modern kind of eye strain.

Once left unchecked, this eye strain can cause major eye and medical issues including blurred vision, macular degenerations, and headaches.

The good thing is that nowadays there are a lot of easy and convenient ways to prevent eye strain.

Using these methods can guarantee that your eyes will stay strain-free and healthy for the rest of your life.

How Background Color of Computer Screens Cause Eye Strain

The color spectrum from computer screens is varied as well as the wavelengths of the colors.

Blue Light Filter

Some colors on the spectrum, such as blue light, tend to be harder on the human eyes since these have higher energy and shorter wavelengths.

Blue light can also flicker more frequently on the LED backlight controllers of the computer screens, and the flickering can then cause more fatigue on the eyes compared to other colors such as orange or red.

Blue light can also reach much deeper into the eyes which can cause retinal damages. Blue light is found to be detrimental to eyes.

In fact, there are some medical studies which discovered that this can lead to retinal and macular degenerations.

Common Sources of Blue Light

The sun is the biggest and main blue light source for the eyes although there are still some other sources, such as the following:

  • Screens of computers
  • Screens of smartphones
  • Screens of tablets
  • LED lights
  • Fluorescent lights
  • Flat screen LED televisions

What are the Symptoms of Digital Eye Strain?

Symptoms of eye strain are varied although the more common ones are the following:

  • Headaches
  • Physical fatigue
  • Red eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Eye pain
  • Eye twitching

Use the Best Software to Help Reduce Eye Strain

Since it is almost unavoidable not to use your computer, especially if it is part of your daily job, it is important to use something to ensure that your eyes will not suffer from any strain.

Eye Protection Software - Iris   blue light protection software

Iris is a special software meant to protect your eyes, and improve your productivity and health.

With the help of Iris, you will be able to reduce the blue light amount that the screen emits. It also controls the brightness with no PWM flicker.

Iris comes in several types and modes. These are preset values that you can use.

Another exciting thing about Iris is that you can even customize it according to your preferences.

Iris can also work automatically and detect if it is night or day. It will then change the color of the screen and its brightness and temperature.

Upon opening the program’s control panel, you can choose various types and modes of Iris.

Download Blue Light Filter

Taking care of your eyes should always be one of your top priorities as it affects your health and life in many ways. To reduce eye strain, try Iris and experience the difference.

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Are blue light filter apps effective? Wed, 06 Jun 2018 15:37:37 +0000 Are you losing sleep because of extended hours of staring at your screens? Some people work over time. And some people falsely believed that browsing the internet on their phone before going to sleep will help them doze off easily. Science it has already been established that the emitted blue light from our phone and computer screens can disrupt our ... Read More

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Are you losing sleep because of extended hours of staring at your screens?

Some people work over time. And some people falsely believed that browsing the internet on their phone before going to sleep will help them doze off easily.

Blue Light Filter App

Science it has already been established that the emitted blue light from our phone and computer screens can disrupt our sleep cycle causing us the difficulty of sleeping and eventually other health conditions that come with lack of sleep.

Thankfully, there are blue light filter apps that promise to protect your eyes from the harm that blue light might cause. But the question is does blue light filter apps effective? Let us figure it out.

Can blue light filter apps really help?

Without the blue light filter app, you are exposed to a risky amount of blue light. Some people have a habit of turning to their phones and tablets and covering their faces with their screens before they sleep.

This actually puts you to an alarming amount of exposure to blue light.

Blue Light Filter and Protection

Putting your devices inches close to your eyes could put you at a higher risk if your device does not have a blue light filter app.

But how do blue light create this harmful effect on our health?

When the sun sets and it gets dark, your body would release melatonin.

This is the substance that enables us to get restful sleep. The thing about the blue light that is emitted by artificial light is it makes our photoreceptors or our eyes into believing that it is still daytime.

Therefore our body releases less and less melatonin resulting in the difficulty of sleep.

Eyes Protection - Blue LIght Filter App

Researchers have actually found out that if you use a blue light filter it avoids your photoreceptors from being tricked into extended daylight.

A study was conducted by making people use the filters and their melatonin has found to be increased in levels. The subjects of the study were also found to have better and quality sleep.


The conclusion is blue light filter apps really work in protecting your eyes from the blue light that computers, tablets, and phones emit. But also make a note that these are not the only source of blue light.

Nevertheless, these devices are the ones which we are exposed to the most. Installing a blue light filter app may be a great way to reduce exposure if not to eliminate.

There are different apps that were developed and are made available. One of them is Iris. This app promises “eye protection, health, and productivity”.

This blue light filter app boasts two popular and effective features.

First, is it can decrease the amount of blue light emitted by your device’s screens?

Second, is it can control the brightness without the pulse width modulation flicker (this is the thing that screens do but our brain does not perceive and it actually cause us eye strain and headache).

Iris also offers its users to customize its settings.

Download Blue Light Filter

With the number of devices that we surround ourselves, it is best to have blue light filter apps as a precaution. It is better to prevent than to cure.

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Best RGB settings for eyes Mon, 04 Jun 2018 13:54:16 +0000 If you sit in front of the computer multiple hours per day, you can end up with eye strain and other similar issues. Plus, what looks good on your computer usually ends up leading to eye fatigue. If you think that the RGB settings matter here and they can cause some vision issues, that’s most likely the case. The reason ... Read More

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If you sit in front of the computer multiple hours per day, you can end up with eye strain and other similar issues. Plus, what looks good on your computer usually ends up leading to eye fatigue.

If you think that the RGB settings matter here and they can cause some vision issues, that’s most likely the case.

The reason is simple here, the more you focus on brightness, the more demanding that will be for your eyes. This is why you need to lower the brightness levels, especially during the evening.

Lower Brightness Levels

You want the brightness levels to contrast what you have outside, coming from the natural light.

It will be a really good idea to focus lower the quality settings as they will not put a lot of strain on your eyes. But as you can imagine, this is specific to each monitor and person as well.

What type of monitor configuration should you opt for?

Normally, you want to have a contrast of 1:1000. The brightest spot will emit 1000x more light than the darkest spot. That’s OK because the higher the contrast is, the more challenging it will be for your eyes.

RGB Settings and Monitor Color Configuration

When it comes to brightness, you want to have that at around 200 cd in the office and around 75 cd in a dark room. It’s ideal to keep these settings, but if you want to go lower, then that’s up to you.

In the end, the return on investment will be a tremendous one, so try to consider that.

The greyscale and color tracking should be a lower number than 2 Delta E. Everything higher than that can cause eye strain issues, and that’s certainly something that you want to avoid.

Best RGB Settings For Eyes

What about gamma levels?

2.2 gamma should be ok. Anything higher than that may not be helpful at all, it can end up leading to eye strain and other issues.

Of course, there are other criteria when it comes to finding the best RGB settings. These include a uniform field of view, refresh rate and size.

But these vary from monitor to monitor, and they end up being very specific. In each situation, you will need another value.

Gamma Levels

Is there a way to automate the process of finding good RGB settings?

Yes, you can use the IRIS software. What this software does is it provides you with the means to automate the brightness and RGB levels based on the time of the day. This way you will have the best eye protection at all times.

You won’t have to deal with any eye pain or eye strain ever again!

IRIS has a multitude of presets that you can use and it helps you regulate the blue light levels in a natural way. You can easily choose one of the many presets that you can find out there, and the ROI will be an astonishing one in the end.

As you can see, IRIS is the best solution if you want to find the right RGB settings for your eyes.

IRIS - Eye Protection Software    

Eliminate the unwanted blue light and protect your eyes right away. Give this software a shot, and you will not be disappointed!

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Adjuѕt Monitor Cоlоr Temperature Sun, 03 Jun 2018 00:22:32 +0000 Cоlоr iѕ еxрrеѕѕеd as a tеmреrаturе bесаuѕе оf thе rеlаtiоnѕhiр bеtwееn tеmреrаturеѕ thе соlоr оf light whеn оbjесtѕ аrе hеаtеd to high tеmреrаturеѕ. Mоnitоr Cоlоr Tеmреrаturе Mоѕt сurrеnt LCD mоnitоrѕ еnаblе uѕеrѕ tо аdjuѕt color tеmреrаturеѕ utilizing thе OSD menu. Dесrеаѕing thе соlоr tеmреrаturе оn a mоnitоr рrоvidеѕ thе whоlе ѕсrееn аn inсrеаѕinglу rеddiѕh саѕt while inсrеаѕing the соlоr temperature ... Read More

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Cоlоr iѕ еxрrеѕѕеd as a tеmреrаturе bесаuѕе оf thе rеlаtiоnѕhiр bеtwееn tеmреrаturеѕ thе соlоr оf light whеn оbjесtѕ аrе hеаtеd to high tеmреrаturеѕ.

Mоnitоr Cоlоr Tеmреrаturе

Mоѕt сurrеnt LCD mоnitоrѕ еnаblе uѕеrѕ tо аdjuѕt color tеmреrаturеѕ utilizing thе OSD menu. Dесrеаѕing thе соlоr tеmреrаturе оn a mоnitоr рrоvidеѕ thе whоlе ѕсrееn аn inсrеаѕinglу rеddiѕh саѕt while inсrеаѕing the соlоr temperature influеnсеѕ thе colоr tо саѕt inсrеаѕinglу bluе. Thе mеnu itеmѕ fоr аdjuѕting соlоr tеmреrаturе diffеr frоm рrоduсt tо рrоduсt. Sоmе rеԛuеѕt thаt uѕеrѕ lооk over tеrmѕ likе “bluе” аnd “rеd” оr “сооl” and “wаrm”; оthеrѕ rеԛuеѕt thаt uѕеrѕ ѕеt numеriсаl vаluеѕ likе 6500 K оr 9300 K.

On thе оff сhаnсе thаt thе орtiоnѕ fоr ѕеlесting соlоr tеmреrаturе аrе “bluе” аnd “rеd” оr “сооl” аnd “wаrm,” pick “rеd” оr “wаrm” tо rеduсе thе соlоr tеmреrаturе аnd “bluе” or “cool” tо inсrеаѕе the соlоr tеmреrаturе. Whilе these орtiоnѕ mаkе it еаѕiеr tо соmрrеhеnd how thе еуе will dеtесt thе соlоr whitе, ѕinсе thе uѕеr iѕn’t given раrtiсulаr Kеlvin vаluеѕ, thеу саn bе inсоnvеniеnt whеn adjusting thе mоnitоr tо раrtiсulаr соlоr tеmреrаturе.

It аidѕ tо be аblе tо ѕресifу рrесiѕе Kеlvin values when wе аdjuѕt thе рiсturе ԛuаlitу оf a mоnitоr. Fоr inѕtаnсе, оn mоѕt LCD mоnitоrѕ, users can сhооѕе frоm аbоut 14 lеvеlѕ (in 500-K intеrimѕ frоm 4000 tо 10,000 K, рluѕ 9300 K). Sоmе оthеr LCD mоnitоrѕ еnаblе uѕеrѕ to dеѕignаtе соlоr temperature bу Kelvin vаluе. Most оffеr ѕignifiсаntlу fеwеr орtiоnѕ in the OSD mеnu: 5000, 6500, аnd 9300 K, for inѕtаnсе.

In a реrfесt wоrld, bесаuѕе оf thе nееd tо ѕеlесt the орtimаl соlоr tеmреrаturе аgrееing tо individuаl сirсumѕtаnсеѕ аnd аррliсаtiоnѕ, we ѕhоuld be аblе tо adjust соlоr temperature utilizing Kеlvin vаluеѕ. A fеw саѕеѕ аrе givеn bеnеаth.

A соlоr temperature of 6500 K iѕ official fоr common PC utilizе аnd fоr the ѕRGB ѕtаndаrd. Mоѕt LCD mоnitоrѕ оffеr a ѕеtting of 6500 K аmоng thеir соlоr tеmреrаturе орtiоnѕ. In thе еvеnt that a mоnitоr оffеrѕ a ѕRGB mоdе, ѕеtting it tо thiѕ mode ѕhоuld bring no рrоblеmѕ.

Muсh оf thе timе, еvеn рrоduсtѕ whоѕе соlоr-tеmреrаturе settings utilize tеrmѕ likе “blue” and “rеd” will bе adjusted to сlоѕе tо 6500 K fоr ѕtаndаrd mоdе, аlthоugh ассurасу mау be lасking. Thе mоnitоrѕ оn some lарtор PCѕ аrе inѕtаllеd tо highеr соlоr tеmреrаturеѕ.

Tооlѕ Required Tо Adjuѕt Mоnitоr Cоlоr Tеmреrаturе

Fоr аррliсаtiоnѕ likе rеtоuсhing digitаl рhоtоgrарhѕ оr соlоr аdjuѕtmеntѕ fоr рrinting оr vidео еditing, where uѕеrѕ аrе еxреrtѕ оr high-еnd аmаtеurѕ for whоm color rерrоduсtiоn fundаmеntаllу influеnсеѕ thе finаl ԛuаlitу оf thе wоrk, mаnаging mоnitоr color tеmреrаturеѕ with grеаtеr ассurасу iѕ сritiсаl.

In thе еvеnt thаt If соlоrѕ diffеr bеtwееn thе оutрut оf рhоtо rеtоuсhing аnd thе соlоr rерrоduсtiоn in рrinting, оr colors ѕееm unnаturаl whеn a video iѕ viеwеd оn аnоthеr PC, it соuldn’t juѕt wеаkеn thе wоrk itѕеlf, but аlѕо significantly diminish thе еffiсiеnсу оf imаgе рrосеѕѕing.


Tеnding tо thеѕе rеԛuеѕtѕ adequately rеԛuirеѕ a mоnitоr that ѕuрроrtѕ соlоr mаnаgеmеnt in light of hаrdwаrе саlibrаtiоn. A hаrdwаrе саlibrаtiоn ѕуѕtеm utilizеѕ a соlоr ѕеnѕоr tо ԛuаntifу colors оn ѕсrееn аnd соntrоlѕ thе lооk-intо tаblе (LUT) in thе monitor ѕtrаightfоrwаrdlу. Thiѕ mаkеѕ it роѕѕiblе tо аdjuѕt fоr diffеrеnсеѕ in соlоr tеmреrаturе аttributаblе tо differences bеtwееn individuаl mоnitоr unitѕ or аn аging diѕрlау аnd to рrоduсе ассurаtе соlоrѕ, аn еѕѕеntiаl fеаturе whеn handling соlоr.

CоlоrNаvigаtоr likеwiѕе оffеrѕ аn аdvаnсеd funсtiоn fоr еmulаting аnу соlоr gаmut. Thiѕ givеѕ uѕеrѕ a сhаnсе tо rерrоduсе оn ѕсrееn, with high рrесiѕiоn, thе Adоbе RGB, sRGB, оr NTSC соlоr gamut, utilizing a widе соlоr-gаmut panel. ColorNavigator can likеwiѕе bе ѕеt tо emulate соlоr gаmutѕ bу reading еxiѕting ICC рrоfilеѕ, inѕtеаd оf dереnding оn рrеѕеt ѕоftwаrе gаmutѕ. Fоr inѕtаnсе, fоr соmmеrсiаl аррliсаtiоnѕ, еmulаting thе customer’s LCD mоnitоrѕ utilizing thеir ICC рrоfilеѕ givеѕ thе сuѕtоmеr a сhаnсе tо ѕtrеаmlinе thе соlоr-рrооfing wоrkflоw by rерrоduсing thе соlоr rерrоduсtiоn оf thе сuѕtоmеr’ѕ mоnitоr оn a CоlоrEdgе mоnitоr.

CоlоrNаvigаtоr аdditiоnаllу inсludеѕ uѕеѕ thаt urgе сliеntѕ tо conduct реriоdiс hаrdwаrе саlibrаtiоn оf thеir mоnitоrѕ аnd tо kеер uр еxасt соlоr reproduction thrоugh precise mаnuаl аdjuѕtmеntѕ. Sinсе ѕсrееn brightness аnd соlоr rерrоduсtiоn change аѕ a mоnitоr iѕ utilizеd оvеr numеrоuѕ years, соlоr tеmреrаturеѕ will likewise сhаngе. In аррliсаtiоnѕ fоr whiсh accurate соlоr rерrоduсtiоn iѕ раrаmоunt, juѕt ѕеlесting рrеѕеt соlоr- tеmреrаturе ѕеttingѕ iѕn’t sufficient. It’ѕ a ѕmаrt idеа tо реrfоrm hаrdwаrе саlibrаtiоn оnсе реr mоnth оr ѕо.

Iris Software

Iriѕ is a ѕоftwаrе (blue light filtеr) fоr eye рrоtесtiоn, hеаlth аnd productivity. Thiѕ ѕоftwаrе iѕ capablе of Adjuѕt Mоnitоr Cоlоr Tеmреrаturе and thеrеfоrе реrfоrm the fоllоwing funсtiоnѕ.

  • Prеvеnt Eуе Strаin – Iris орtimizеѕ ѕсrееn рulѕаtiоnѕ bу соntrоlling thе brightnеѕѕ withоut PWM. Yоu will bе аblе tо uѕе your computer for lоngеr withоut hеаdасhе.
  • Rеduсе Eуе Pain – Iriѕ will match your ѕсrееn brightness tо the light around уоu. Different рrеѕеtѕ will аutоmаtiсаllу adjust уоur screen. Uѕing computers will feel likе rеаding a bооk.
  • Imрrоvе Slеер – Iris will gradually regulate bluе light dау and night. This will help уоur body tо рrоduсе more mеlаtоnin at night. You will fаll аѕlеер faster аnd ѕlеер deeper.

NOTE: You may visit for details.

The post Adjuѕt Monitor Cоlоr Temperature appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How does blue light affect the brain? Fri, 01 Jun 2018 21:53:14 +0000 How does blue light affect the brain? What is your typical routine before sleeping? For most of us, it is burying our noses on our phone screens. Some of us does not know that the blue light (blue light affect) that is emitted by our phones, and other electronics pose harm to our health. The dark side of blue light Have ... Read More

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How does blue light affect the brain?

What is your typical routine before sleeping? For most of us, it is burying our noses on our phone screens. Some of us does not know that the blue light (blue light affect) that is emitted by our phones, and other electronics pose harm to our health.

blue light

The dark side of blue light

Have you noticed that your sleeping pattern is actually affected by your mobile phone habit? Well, this is because, as researchers and studies show that blue light affects our circadian rhythm. Our biological clock is thrown off of its pattern when we spend too much time staring at our screen or basking under the blue light. Inconsistent sleep patterns can result in lack of sleep which then eventually contributes to lots of diseases such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes and even cancer.

Blue Light during the day

The blue wavelengths are not at all times harmful, as different light colors may have different effects. Blue light actually boosts attention, mood and reaction. What’s worrying is the increase of blue light exposure when the sun is down.

Sleep and blue light

Sleep pattern may be different for everyone. However, the average length is 24 and a quarter hours. If you stay up late at night, chances are your rhythm is longer. While if you wake up early your rhythm is shorter. What keeps our rhythm aligned with our environment is the daylight.

The blue light and your health

Night time light may cause health risks. There are studies that showed working at night is connected with factors that cause cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. But what exactly is the effect of blue light on our health? Exposure to this type of light prevents secretion of melatonin which is also a hormone that is related to our circadian rhythm. Low levels of melatonin are shown to be possibly connected to the occurrence of cancer.

blue light filter

How to prevent harmful effects of blue light

  1.  Try not to look at bright screens two to three hours before you go to sleep.
  2.  When working at night, consider using blue light blocking eyeglasses. There are also applications that lessen harmful light at night. For example, Iris Tech ( has developed a software which adjusts the brightness of your screen to your surroundings to prevent eye strain and improve sleep. This software promises to protect your skin while keeping you more productive even at night. It can be downloaded for a free trial and be purchased for additional protection.
  3.  Boost your sleeping habit by getting your eyes exposed on a lot of bright lights during the day. This will help you sleep easier at night.

Looking at your phone at night may be hard to avoid, for some it is part of the work, but there are definitely ways to prevent blue light from causing harm to your health. Pay attention to your mobile phone habits. Be aware of the light types that your electronics emit. Remember that sometimes the light is not good all the time.

blue light filter


Do blue light filters really work?

What is the blue light filter for?

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What is the blue light filter for? Thu, 31 May 2018 10:20:35 +0000 Blue light filter may not ring a bell in many people’s heads but it is one of the most wide-spread softwares for keeping the eye safe from any harm from blue light. What exactly is blue light and why is it so dangerous to your health?  Blue light is that part of the visible light spectrum, which is seen by ... Read More

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Blue light filter may not ring a bell in many people’s heads but it is one of the most wide-spread softwares for keeping the eye safe from any harm from blue light. What exactly is blue light and why is it so dangerous to your health? 

blue light

Blue light is that part of the visible light spectrum, which is seen by the human naked eye.

Blue light is known for producing a higher amount of energy as it has a short wavelength.

In today’s era, it is almost impossible for people to stay without their laptop, smartphones or any other smart devices.

While, all these gadgets emit blue light causing long – term damage to our eyes and overall health.

As per studies, if a person is regularly exposed to the blue light then over the period of time it may cause a severe long – term damage to the eyes of the person.

Luckily, there is a solution for this problem and it is a very simple one – Iris’ blue light filter.

blue light

Blue Light Filter

What is a blue light filter for?

As the name suggests the blue light filter reduces the quantity of blue light exhibited on the screen of the device or smart device.

Blue light has the ability to curb the production of the hormone that is very useful in inducing sleep.

This hormone is known as melatonin.

Due to the efficient working of this filter, one gets to sleep better. 


The blue light filter does not work when one watches high – definition videos from the exclusive services of HDR video service providers like Amazon Prime.

It is pertinent to know that blue light filter can be applied by following methods, but it can be done manually only:

  • By selecting an option in settings menu or quick panel or automatically
  • By user schedule or automatic schedule

Blue light filter apps effectively block blue light, saving one from the ill effects of it.

These apps regulate the emitting light’s wavelength of your device with the outer natural light.

This means that using the device with the blue light filter during the late hours of the night, will cause much lesser harm to you.

blue light filter
The filter blocks the blue light and therefore, removes any harm and health concerns for the human eye.

Blue light emitted from our devices has a harmful effect on our overall well-being.

It severely affects our eyes, sleep disorder, muscular degeneration, etc.

However, there are many companies offering the filter these days, but Iris is one of the most celebrated ones.

Iris is the software that is known for protecting the eyes in the best possible manner by removing the blue light.

Some of the prominent features of Iris  

  • It provides predetermined reduction for blue light.
  • It adapts to the light surrounding automatically.
  • Manually reduces the strain on the eyes.
  • With sleep, removes all the blue light.
  • Protects eyes with all types of USB computers.
  • To ensure better health, experts suggest one should stay in reduced blue light exposure by installing such blue light reduction software and apps on your devices.

blue light and screen time

Solutions for Blue Light Harm 

As you can guess the best solution not to expose yourself to blue light is to live in a cave and to get only full spectrum sunlight, but we all know this is impossible.

Try to avoid light at night and if you just can’t avoid all light and need to do some work on your PC use Iris or other blue blocking software.

iris blue light filter

Iris has Sleep type preset which removes almost all blue light from your screen.

In front of the TV use some blue blocking glasses or just sunglasses. Sunglasses are sometimes even more effective that blue blockers since they also block UV light.

And lastly, remove all LED light bulbs in your home. Although energy efficient they are bad for your sleep. Use the good old incandescent light bulbs or if you can use candles sometimes.

Thank you very much for reading this article!


If you are interested in learning more about how to keep your eye in healthy condition, feel free to check our other articles on the topic: 

How Blue light Destroyed our Sleep? 

How Мonitors Destroyed our Eyes?

Brightness and Why your monitor is bad for your sleep?

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Best Apps For Windows 10 Thu, 31 May 2018 09:10:40 +0000 Some words about Windows 10 Apps With Windows 10, comes the new versions of apps, which now we can update and download on the PC easily. More in-demand apps we download from the Windows Store. For example Twitter, eBay, Facebook Messenger, and Weather Channel among other traditional ones. These apps are not just basic navigational, social media, and entertainment apps, but also an ... Read More

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Some words about Windows 10 Apps

With Windows 10, comes the new versions of apps, which now we can update and download on the PC easily. More in-demand apps we download from the Windows Store. For example Twitter, eBay, Facebook Messenger, and Weather Channel among other traditional ones.

Windows 10 Store Screenshot

These apps are not just basic navigational, social media, and entertainment apps, but also an assistant in helping the user work on their computer. It is worth more on the PC than on the smartphone. Here are a few of these popular, worthy apps for Windows 10.

Iris Tech©

This app has already got plenty of people’s attention because it addresses the issue of eye strain for those who are on their computers all the time. Iris Tech adjusts the screen automatically. It matches the brightness based on the current light around the PC using the computer’s video camera.

It has pre-settings and customized views that are made to help people read, work on programming, give proper viewing with digital movie streaming, and blue light to control light intake at night.

Eye strain is a common issue with those who use their PCs for work. Iris Tech has become a popularly downloaded app to help combat that.


Iris first screenshotiris advanced settings



The application is a Skype-like app that reaches to other Skype accounts by phone or PC, but, unlike Skype or Facebook Messenger, Viber needs a phone number and its app on that phone to work.

This app also has a Facebook and Instagram-like feature. Users can look at public chats from user celebrities and groups. On Windows 10, the Viber app allows users to reply to text messages directly after being notified.




This is an app that students should get because it is a digital scientific encyclopedia for those who are studying math, statistics, chemistry, and biology. WolframAlpha lets users calculate and compare areas, masses, and other forms of size, and includes valuable information about music, vocabulary, and health.


Wolfram Alpha iOS VersionWolfram Alpha Android Version


Fresh Paint

This is an incredible app for artists, featuring five multitouch points that create with style of realism in watercolor, oil, and pencil form. Fresh Paint comes in various modes: Fun Pack is free, Variety Pack is $1.49, and Adventure Pack, is $1.99.

Fresh Paint Screenshot

Users also can choose from different canvases and papers. You can save it and sent it to email and social networks. Making Fresh Paint a fun and useful piece of the art software.

These apps are not from the traditional sets that are found on every smartphone and PC. They are the hidden kinds that should top the others for what they give to users.

While Dropbox and Duolingo have been added to the Windows 10 app store. Other less noticeable apps have been around to make the PC use much easier, even to use other apps. We can use them for different needs and help save time and stress (and eye soreness) when using your computer.

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Why does blue light keep you awake? Thu, 31 May 2018 07:10:17 +0000 Most of the people are not aware of the negative impact on the blue light on one’s health. Most of the people are not aware of the negative impact of the blue light on one’s health. Perils of blue light can lead to long-term health issues that can keep you at bay from using your laptop, smartphone or MAC. Today’s ... Read More

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Most of the people are not aware of the negative impact on the blue light on one’s health.

Most of the people are not aware of the negative impact of the blue light on one’s health.

Perils of blue light can lead to long-term health issues that can keep you at bay from using your laptop, smartphone or MAC.

Today’s lifestyle, which includes long working hours, long study hours in front of a computer screen, watching television for long hours, or reading an ebook leads to overexposure to blue light.

The blue light can make your eyes fatigued, dry, or even sleeplessness. The ill effects of blue light can be up to alarming level.


Blue light can keep you awake at night.

Why does blue light keep you awake ?

In recent studies, it is being clearly instructed by the scientists that one should not use such blue light emitting devices just before going to bed.

Using devices that produce blue light before sleep might be dangerous for your health.



Have you ever wondered, why?

Or, how a blue light emitting the device can keep you away from sleep and increase alertness in you?

Actually, the blue light that emits from our devices is short in wavelength, hence has much more concentrated than natural light.

Blue light directly affects melatonin, the hormone known to induce sleep.



This is how blue light affects your brain and melatonin.


In simpler words, blue light signals the mind that it is not the time to sleep yet.

Lack of quality and quantity of sleep can lead to mood issues, stress, anxiety, depression, etc.

All of us know the ill- effects and damage caused by the ultraviolet rays.

In order to make it even clearer, we can say that blue light is very close to the ultraviolet rays.

Despite any smart device or television screen, the very common source of getting blue light is LEDs.

These lights are a rich source of emitting blue light potentially.

What can you do to protect your eyesight ?

Although it is not easy to get rid of blue light completely, you must try to avoid using the gadgets, laptop or LEDs at night.

In case you cannot avoid it due to any of your constraint then you must use blue light filter software.

A good blue light filter software will prevent the eye strain, reduce pain in the eyes, and definitely improve your sleep.


Blue light filter software will definitely improve your sleep.


Along with many other available blue light filter software, Iris is amongst the most preferred choice of the customers.

Iris is mostly known for the below mentioned exclusive qualities:

  • Allows to set customized blue light and brightness values

  • Customization of reduction in blue light by making the screen more red, orange, or yellow

  • Adjusting brightness to match the screen brightness with the surrounding light

  • Custom timing set up for days and nights

  • Allows pausing Iris when you watch videos in full screen in You Tube and many more.

Iris is designed with the purpose to adjust the blue light as much as possible with the natural light of the surrounding.


Are you ready to prevent the eye strain, reduce the pain in your eyes, and improve your sleep ?

If your answer is yes then Iris is the perfect fir for you. You can purchase it in the buy section on this website.

If you hesitate however, you can try the free trial version of Iris.


iris software




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Do blue light filters really work? Wed, 30 May 2018 19:34:21 +0000 Blue light, also known as HEV (High Energy Visible) light is part of the light spectrum. It’s mainly produced from sunlight. Artificially created blue light is used for different types of lights and bulbs and the displays of technology devices, for example, LED TVs and mobile phones. In the modern day and age technology has become a vital part of our ... Read More

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Blue light, also known as HEV (High Energy Visible) light is part of the light spectrum.

light spectrum

It’s mainly produced from sunlight.

Artificially created blue light is used for different types of lights and bulbs and the displays of technology devices, for example, LED TVs and mobile phones.

sources of blue light emission

In the modern day and age technology has become a vital part of our everyday lives.

Smartphones have become a crucial part of our lives.

What is more, our schools and workplace heavily rely on technology devices to stay up to date.

Little do we know what we are compromising by constantly staring at these screens all day.

Blue light damage

1.Eye harm

Just like staring at the sun for too long with the naked eye, too much exposure to the blue light has its disadvantages.

Excessive blue light decreases contrast and with the fierce rays may slowly and therefore damage the retina permanently resulting in loss of vision.

the damage blue light is causing to the eyes

We are also at risk of migraines and deteriorating body muscles.

2. Influence on the sleep cycle

Furthermore, Studies have also proven that it reduces Melatonin which is essential for our sleep cycle thus it can be destructive for our sleep cycle.

Using technology devices also cause insomnia because the blue light tricks our brains into thinking it is daytime.

This leads to low melatonin levels at night.

On the picture below you can see the optimal melatonin and cortisol levels throughout the day.

the optimal levels of melatonin and cortisol throughout the day

Blue light filters

To counter the rays, the blue light filter feature also known as the night mode was created in new rolling technology devices.

It acts as protects the retina from the vigorous rays from straining the eye.

This immediately decreases the color balance and contrast of the display.

As a result, users can browse the web and read text on their devices for a long period of time without the dangerous side effects.

The night filter helps in ease of sleep for the individual.

You can activate this feature in the display section in the settings. Older devices can access attain this feature through numerous third-party applications.

night mode

It is especially important for children as they have weaker and more sensitive retinas.

Kids now spend most of their leisure time glued to Television screens and gaming consoles.

Modern school policies include tablets in place of children’s books and studies. Teachers lecture students through projectors omitting such light.

In addition, kids can benefit greatly from about the blue light filter. That way, they can use devices for a longer period of time without compromising their optical health

digital classroom equipment in primary school


Following the release and benefits of the blue light filters opticians too have become aware of the dangers of the blue light.

They have now released contact lenses and spectacles, known as blue light blocking glasses.

They have reflective coatings protecting from the harmful light from the screens and the UV rays of the sun.

blue light blocking glasses protecting the vision by reflecting blue light

In conclusion

Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

We need to carefully review our daily routines and cut down the usage of technology devices to a minimum which comes at a cost to our health and eyesight.

Also, we should encourage our children to turn to libraries and books instead of e-Books.

Inevitably we are all slaves to technology we must make sure we are shielding our eyes with the help of blue light filters

Iris has the blue light software solution that you need.

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What I need to know about PWM flicker? Tue, 15 May 2018 14:19:09 +0000 A quick FAQ about the common questions about PWM flicker, because sometimes it may be confusing with all the information out there. Write me somewhere if your question is not answered and I will answer it and add the answer here 🙂 Do my monitor flicker? Most of the time yes. This depends on whether your monitor uses PWM or ... Read More

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A quick FAQ about the common questions about PWM flicker, because sometimes it may be confusing with all the information out there.

Write me somewhere if your question is not answered and I will answer it and add the answer here 🙂

Do my monitor flicker?

Most of the time yes. This depends on whether your monitor uses PWM or DC dimming.

What is PWM flicker?

Some manufacturers use pulse-width modulation to control the brightness of the monitor.

What is Pulse-width modulation?

Basically turning the LED on the backlight ON and OFF.

Why is this unhealthy?

Your eyes start to contract like this

And you get eye strain and eye pain.

How to fix this?

Set your monitor Hardware brightness to 100% using your monitor buttons.

Why set my monitor Hardware brightness to the MAX?

Most monitors don’t use PWM at maximum brightness.

What happens if my brightness is set to 80%?

Your monitor may use PWM

What happens if my brightness is set to 50%?

Your monitor may use PWM

What happens if my brightness is set to 100%?

Your monitor probably is not using PWM and you don’t get this ON and OFF thing and eye strain.

Isn’t 100% brightness unhealthy?

Yes if your room lighting is really low.

Why is this unhealthy?

For best eye protection and least amount of eye strain and eye pain, your monitor should not look a light source in the room.

It should match the brightness of the room and not look like a light source.

100% brightness in dark room is bad?


And with 50% brightness, I may get even more eye pain?

Yes, if your monitor uses PWM.

Then what to do?

Iris can control the brightness of the monitor without using PWM.

I don’t want it, what else?

Turn ON the lights in the room all the time and use your monitor at maximum brightness.

I like a dark room, what else?

You can buy some new monitor which is flicker-free or use Iris.

So I should use Iris at maximum brightness?

No, Iris brightness is healthy and doesn’t use PWM.

You can use whatever value you want with Iris, but your monitor hardware brightness from the buttons is good to be at 100%.

Ideally, match the brightness with Iris to your room lighting.

So I will not get eye pain if Iris is set to 50% brightness?


Will I get eye pain if Iris is set to 40% brightness?


Will I get eye pain if Iris is set to low brightness?

If your room is really bright and your monitor brightness is dark you may get eye pain.

Try to match the room lighting to the brightness of the screen.

If brightness is set to 150% from Iris will I get less flicker?

It will be the same as any other value.

Iris can’t change the hardware but can remove the PWM flicker when controlling the brightness.

When backlight Hz is lower there is more eye strain?

Yes, you have bigger breaks between ON and OFF and your eye contracts more.

When backlight Hz is bigger you get less eye strain?

Yes, you have really small breaks or there are just no breaks in the light and your eyes don’t contract.

What is our goal for Eye health?

Basically, our goal is to have a constant light level which is not possible with LED or the highest possible Hz rate with LED.

Lower Hz rate is like turning the lightbulb in the room ON and OFF all the time.

Is no flicker 0 Hz frequency?

No, we call flicker this ON and OFF.

Basically, in monitors, you strive for the biggest possible Hz for lowest eye strain.

In E-ink, you have 0 Hz frequency but the technology is different.

0 Hz is no flicker but you can’t have this thing with any light source.

You can get 0 Hz from a book or some physical object like a rock.

I’m confused, what to do?

Set your monitor hardware brightness to the MAX from the monitor buttons and use Iris to control the brightness.

Should I quit monitors altogether?

Well, this is the best solution but it is really hard in our world of technology and electronic devices altogether.

Are flicker and EMF connected?

Well, both came from electrically charged objects but there is no big connection.

Do all monitor use PWM?

No, but a lot of them, the other monitors use something called DC dimming.

What is DC dimming?

Instead of using short breaks to control the brightness like this

You change the DC like this

And this doesn’t cause flicker.

So DC dimming doesn’t flicker?

Well, there is subpixel flicker and all kinds of other stuff but it doesn’t use PWM to control the brightness.

DC dimming is better than PWM.

Do Iris does the same as DC dimming?

Yes, but Iris changes the contrast a bit so DC dimming is better.

However, if you don’t want to spend a lot of money for a new monitor and want automation Iris is better.

Anything else?

Try Iris for a couple of days and see if it helps you with eye pain and sleep problems.

If it doesn’t you can always uninstall it with 2 clicks.

Daniel Georgiev
CEO Iris Technologies

Publishing date: 15.05.2018

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Blue Light Filter For Windows Sun, 13 May 2018 18:25:21 +0000 Are you looking for a blue light filter for Windows? If you owned a Windows-based computer or any computer with a different operating system, you can be exposed to blue light. Here are a few reasons why you need to protect your eyes from blue light and how a proper blue light filter can help you. Computers and Blue Light ... Read More

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Are you looking for a blue light filter for Windows? If you owned a Windows-based computer or any computer with a different operating system, you can be exposed to blue light.

Here are a few reasons why you need to protect your eyes from blue light and how a proper blue light filter can help you.

Computers and Blue Light

Today we spend long hours at a computer screen. It’s estimated that around 60% of individuals spend more than 6 hours each day in front of their digital device.

This is a lot of time spent and during this time, we get exposed to blue light.

Whenever you were exposed to blue light waves these are the highest energy, and shortest energy wavelengths that we experience in the visible light spectrum.

Since these waves are shorter, they flicker easier than the longer and the weaker wavelengths.

When you get this sort of a flickering there’s a glare and this will reduce the visual contrast, clarity, and sharpness.

This glare and flickering causes headaches, eye strain, mental fatigue, physical fatigue, and other conditions.

This is directly caused by sitting at a computer screen for long hours at a time.

This is one of the main reasons why we need a blue light filter for Windows and other operating systems.

Blue Light Protection

We need blue light protection because the natural filters of our eyes don’t provide enough protection from the light rays produced by blue light.

When we have prolonged exposure to Blue Light you may get loss of vision, macular degeneration, retinal damage, and other eye problems.

It’s critical to spend less time in front of your computer if you want to save your eyesight.

The problem with this is that in our technologically advanced world we need to spend long hours in front of our computers because we do the bulk of our work in front of computers.

This is why you need a proper filter app for your computer.

Solutions to Blue Light

There are several solutions to dealing with blue light.

One of the simplest solutions is to use blue light filter glasses.

These glasses have a filter built in which will help you deal with issues with blue light.

The main problem with this is the expense of buying the glasses and not everyone find them comfortable.

Another solution is to spend less time at your computer, but for many of us, we simply can’t do this because we need to use our computer for the work we have to do during the day.

The best solution is to use a proper blue light filter which you can get through software solutions.

Iris Software

Iris is a company that makes excellent blue light filters and you can get a blue light filter for Windows as well as other operating systems.

This software has many different features in settings which make it easy to use.

When you use the filter, you won’t have to deal with issues from blue light.

You can simply install the software, and it will begin working for you. If you want to save your eyesight from damage, consider getting a blue light filter from Iris.


Blue light can be a problem and we need to address this issue. There are ways to solve blue light issues and the best one is to use quality software from a company such as Iris software as they have excellent blue light filters to meet your needs.

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Blue Light Filter App for PC Sun, 13 May 2018 18:14:56 +0000 Are you looking for a blue light filter app for PC?  People today are becoming concerned with blue light. This light can be very harmful to your eyes and all computers produce it. Many individuals today spend long hours on the computer and this can be damaging to the eyes because you get increased levels of blue light. Here’s how you ... Read More

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Are you looking for a blue light filter app for PC?  People today are becoming concerned with blue light.

This light can be very harmful to your eyes and all computers produce it.

Many individuals today spend long hours on the computer and this can be damaging to the eyes because you get increased levels of blue light.

Here’s how you can reduce or eliminate blue light completely, so you have less eye strain.

Monitor Height

One way to reduce blue light is to make sure you have the proper monitor height.

Your eyes should be near the top of the monitor as this reduces the amount of blue light that you get into your eyes.

You can put books underneath your monitor to raise the monitor level up.

You can experiment a little bit with your monitor to determine the best angle and the best height that works for you.

This is one way to reduce the amount of blue light that gets into your eyes.


Another way to reduce blue light is to be careful with the brightness of your computer.

If your computer is too bright you’re going to be getting more blue light than you would like.

If you use the computer at night time, considering turning the brightness down a little bit because the extra glare from your computer is going to make your eyes tired.

As with the monitor height, you can play around a little bit with the brightness to get a brightness feature that works the best for you.

Blue light filter Software

One of the best ways to reduce blue light is to use a blue light filter app for PC program.

These programs can make it easy to reduce blue light on your computer.

The main problem with them is there’s a lot of choice in the marketplace.

Many of these programs will only work on a certain operating system such as Windows, Mac, or other operating systems and they don’t work on every system.

This can be a bit of a problem if you have several computers because you need a lot of different programs to eliminate blue light from all of your computers.

Iris Software

One of the best blue light filter app for PC programs Is called Iris Software.

This program makes it easy for you to reduce blue light on your computer.

The software has many features and settings that you can take advantage of.

You can get this software to work at just the way you want to reduce blue light on your computer.

The best part about this software is it works with all major operating systems including smartphone such as Android or iOS.

It’s a robust program that works quite well for reducing issues with blue light.


You don’t have to suffer from issues with blue light.

There are many software programs to help you, but one of the best ones is from Iris software.

I recommend Iris Software because it’s easy to use it has a lot of features, and it works with all operating systems with ease to reduce blue light when you use your computer.


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Blue Light App for PC Sun, 13 May 2018 18:04:21 +0000 Are you looking for a blue light app for PC?  There are several ways that you can reduce blue light from your computer. This light can be harmful to your eyesight. Here are a few ways that you can reduce blue light problems. The Position of Your Monitor If you don’t have a blue light app for PC, there are ... Read More

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Are you looking for a blue light app for PC?  There are several ways that you can reduce blue light from your computer.

This light can be harmful to your eyesight. Here are a few ways that you can reduce blue light problems.

The Position of Your Monitor

If you don’t have a blue light app for PC, there are some other Solutions.

The position of your monitor is critical to reducing blue light. Make sure the screen is at least 20 to 30 inches away from you.

The eyes should be level to the top of the monitor. Another way to raise the screen height by stacking hardcover books underneath your monitor.

You can also lower or raise your chair as this will help.

It is recommended that you look a little down at your work. By adjusting the monitor, you can reduce some issues with blue light.

Caring for Your Eyes

If you wear contacts, the eyes will have to work harder when you stare at the screen.

To reduce eye strain, consider using a pair of glasses once or twice each week.

If you wear glasses, talk to your optometrist and to make add an anti-glare coat to the lens.

By adding this coding, you’ll cut down on some issues with blue light. Some optometrists will even add this feature without charging you.

If you do wear contact lenses, consider using some eye drops as this will help refresh your eyesight during a long workday.

Glare and Screen Brightness

You should have just the monitor brightness, so it matches the area of your workspace.

If the monitor screen is too bright, reduce the brightness feature.

If the screen is too grey and dull, then you might have to raise the brightness.

You should work with a brightness feature that works the best for you.

In general, you should reduce the brightness or use a glare reduction filter on the screen as this can give your eyesight some relief.

Software Solutions

One of the easier ways to reduce issues with a blue light is to use filter software.

Iris can be installed on your computer and your other devices to reduce blue light.

It is an excellent blue light app for PC which will reduce this light source which is harmful to your eyes.

The software has many different settings and it’s easy to install.

The best part about this software is it will work with many different operating systems such as Mac, Windows, and even mobile operating systems.

You won’t have to buy additional software when you use Iris Software.

If you want to take care of your eyesight and reduce eye pain and eye strain, use a proper filter program.

There are steps you can take in the meantime to reduce blue light such as the tips described above, but the best solution is to use a proper blue light filter.


If you want to reduce issues with blue light, get a proper blue light filter.

The filters such as the ones provided by Iris software or exceptional and they can help reduce strain and wear on your eyesight, so you can get the work that you need to get done on a daily basis without having to worry about damage to your eyes.

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Best Blue Light App Sun, 13 May 2018 17:52:03 +0000 Are you looking for the best blue light app? There are several different apps out there that you can use to filter blue light. Let’s examine three of them to find the best one to suit your needs. Redshift One popular app to filter blue light is called Redshift. It will adjust the color of your screen according to where ... Read More

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Are you looking for the best blue light app? There are several different apps out there that you can use to filter blue light. Let’s examine three of them to find the best one to suit your needs.


One popular app to filter blue light is called Redshift. It will adjust the color of your screen according to where the sun is positioned.

When you look at the screen in the early morning hours the screen will transition from the nighttime color to a daytime color and this helps your eyes adjust.

Once night arrives the color then adjust itself and will match the light from lamps and another lighting in your home.

This software is available for the Linux operating system.


This software will keep the screen bright in the winter months. With this software you can customize the sunset time and the sunrise time, so you can adjust the software to meet your needs.

You can select the color that you want for your screen. You also have the ability to temporarily disable this app whenever you want.

This software will work with the Windows operating system.


The best blue light app programs you can get is called Iris. This program works cross-platform.

It will detect whether it’s nighttime or daytime. The software it will then adjust the color of the screen and reduce issues with blue light.

This program has many different features which can be customizable. You can customize the brightness, color temperature, manual settings, automatic settings, and other settings.

You will have to pay a small price for the more advanced features, but you have a lot of control over this program which you don’t get with other blue light filter programs.

Since this program has a lot of customization, we consider it to be the best blue light app on the current market.

The best part about the program is it’s available for most mobile platforms and desktop platforms.

You won’t have to worry about buying other programs like you do with some software because it won’t work on all of your mobile devices or your home computers. Iris will work on:

• Linux
• Windows
• Android
• iOS
• Mac OS X
• Google Chrome web browser

As you can see, the iris program offers you a lot of value for your money. If you want to filter blue light in the best way, this is the best blue light app that you can get.

It makes more sense to use Iris Software then some of the other software solutions.


Blue light can be a problem on your computer. You can have issues with eye strain, eye pain, and have a poor-quality sleep.

If you want to improve your health when you use your computer, consider getting a quality blue light filter.

One of the best solutions we have found for dealing with blue light is a software that you can buy through Iris software as it has the most features and it’s the best blue light app we have found.

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How to test my Monitor for PWM flicker? Sun, 13 May 2018 11:11:39 +0000 There are several devices which you use the test your monitor for PWM flicker but I want to show you something simpler. The test below is based on a simple moving line on your screen. You need to test your monitor at MAX hardware brightness and at MIN hardware brightness. By hardware brightness, I mean to change the brightness from your ... Read More

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There are several devices which you use the test your monitor for PWM flicker but I want to show you something simpler.

The test below is based on a simple moving line on your screen.

You need to test your monitor at MAX hardware brightness and at MIN hardware brightness.

By hardware brightness, I mean to change the brightness from your monitor or laptop buttons.

PWM flicker test

Below you can see a white line moving really fast.


You can open this in your own browser TestUFO Blur Trail test.

We will use this to determine if your monitor has PWM flicker or no at both max and min brightness.

I will tell you what to look for but first a little intro on

What is PWM flicker?


PWM flicker is a cheap way that manufacturers use to control the brightness of the screen by adding some breaks without light.

Basically, on a given interval your monitor is OFF then after some milliseconds ON again.

Our brain is slow and we don’t perceive this but we get huge eye strain and eye pain from this.

This is one of the main reasons why our eyes hurt in front of the computer.

Because of this constant ON and OFF of the backlight our eyes contract all the time like this

This is why PWM flicker causes so much eye strain and is undesirable.

Most monitors flicker only when the brightness is lowered so when the hardware brightness is at 100% there is no flicker.

This is why my recommendation when you download Iris is to set your hardware brightness to the MAX and control the brightness with Iris.

Iris uses another method to control the brightness which doesn’t cause eye strain and eye pain.

What to look for?

Depending on how you see the moving line you can determine if your monitor uses PWM to control the brightness.

If your monitor doesn’t use PWM you will see a smooth moving line like this

You can test this by setting your hardware brightness to 100%.

When your hardware brightness is set to 100% your monitor doesn’t use PWM in all cases and you should see this smooth line.

Now set your hardware brightness to the minimum possible value.

If your monitor uses DC dimming instead of PWM the test line should look smooth like this

If your monitor uses PWM to control the brightness you will see multiple lines on the screen separated by some space like this

What to do if my monitor uses PWM?

1. Set your monitor Hardware brightness to 100% using your monitor buttons.

2. Use Iris to control the brightness without PWM

Tell Friends

If you liked this article and you learned new things about why we feel eye pain in front of the monitors

If you want more and more people to learn about this

If you want your friends to protect themselves from the monitor harmful rays and emissions

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Best Blue Filter App Sat, 12 May 2018 22:31:02 +0000   There are many different blue light filters that you can get for your computer. You might be confused as to which one is the best blue filter app that you can use. I have reviewed several of these apps for you and picked up the best one which will reduce blue light from your computer screen, so you have ... Read More

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There are many different blue light filters that you can get for your computer.

You might be confused as to which one is the best blue filter app that you can use.

I have reviewed several of these apps for you and picked up the best one which will reduce blue light from your computer screen, so you have less eye strain and eye pain.


This app is designed for your smartphone. It has a nice round slider interface.

You’re able to control the temperature color such as red, blue, yellow, and black on your computer screen.

It’s an easy program to use and you can schedule both to stop time in the start time of the filter.

This app also has a sensor which determines the ambient light in the room.

The setting will dim the light on the screen when the device is in a dark environment.

The main drawback to this program is it’s not available for your PC or laptop so you’ll need to buy another program.

This is one of the best blue light filter app programs for your smartphone, but it won’t work with PC.

Night Screen

The main advantage of this app is that is quite easy to use. If you just want to stand and blue light filter, this is the program to use.

When you’re ready to use the application to reduce blue light just tap the app and it will reduce the brightness and blue light that comes from your smartphone screen.

Like the previous app, this one only works with your smartphone and you’ll need a different application if you have a PC or laptop that you want to reduce blue light from.


Another program you can get to reduce blue light is called Dimly.

This program is also easy to use, and it has a shake feature where you can shake the phone to restore the brightness of your phone.

This app also has a sliding feature which is easy to use. You’ll be able to adjust the screen color and it has a few more features if you pay for the pro version of the program.

If you have a laptop or a personal computer, you need to buy another program is this one is just designed to work with smartphones.

Iris Software

The top best blue filter app program is called Iris Software.

This program is easy to install, and it has plenty of features and settings that you can take advantage of.

The best part about this program is that it works with multiple operating systems.

You can use the program on Windows, Mac computers, and all of your mobile devices like Android or iOS.

You won’t have to buy additional programs as this one has everything you need. You can adjust the program to just the way you need it.

This blue light filter also comes with handy documentation which shows you how to do everything step by step, so you won’t run into any problems.

This is one of the best programs we have found for filtering blue light from all of your devices with just one handy program.


If you’re looking for the best blue filter app I would go with Iris Software.

This program has plenty of features and it’s one of the better programs to filter blue light.

It works with all operating systems and devices, so you won’t have to buy additional programs to filter blue light in the best way possible.


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Anti Blue Light App Sat, 12 May 2018 22:17:24 +0000 Are you looking for a good anti-blue light app?  There are many ways that you can get rid of blue light issues with your computer. Blue light can be a common problem because it needs to eye strain, eye pain, and even issues with lack of sleep. Here are a few blue light apps you can get on the current ... Read More

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Are you looking for a good anti-blue light app?  There are many ways that you can get rid of blue light issues with your computer.

Blue light can be a common problem because it needs to eye strain, eye pain, and even issues with lack of sleep.

Here are a few blue light apps you can get on the current market and a recommendation for the best app to meet your needs.


One anti-blue light app is called Twilight. The program will work with smartphones.

It works quite well to filter out blue light. The program will adapt to the display and will mount a filter on top of the entire display to give you protection for your eyes.

You can set filter intensity, the color temperature, and the dimness of your computer screen.

You can also create profiles with the program and set customizable filters for a specific time of the day.

For example, you can set a filter for bedtime reading or filter for your commute home from the office.

This is a great program to use with your smartphone, but it won’t work with a regular computer so for some people it’s quite limited and you’ll need to buy a proper program for your personal computer at home because this one won’t work.


Another program you can use is called Darker. It works to reduce your eye strain because it reduces the screen brightness and it will enable color filters for your smartphone.

There’s a plenty of features with this program and it does work quite well. You can dim that many buttons on your phone and you can set various brightness levels.

You can also set it so the phone will switch the display automatically. If you want more flexibility with your smartphone, this is a good program to get.

Like the previous program, it is limited because it won’t work with your laptop, or your personal computer at home and you’ll need another software solution for this.

Iris Software

One of the best programs on the market to reduce blue light is called Iris Software.

This is an exceptional anti blue light app. The program has a lot of features and various settings that you can work with through the program.

Unlike other programs, it’s very robust because it works on almost every operating system.

It will work on a Mac computers, Windows computers, and even mobile platforms like Android or iOS.

You will have a full and comprehensive program to reduce blue light on all of your devices.

You won’t have to worry about downloading various apps or other programs to work with all of your computers.

This software is designed to give you a comprehensive solution to issues with blue light.

The program comes with detailed instructions which show you how to use the program in the best way to meet your needs.


Iris Software is an exceptional program to reduce blue light.

It works with almost every operating system on the current market, so you don’t have to buy additional programs to meet your needs.

It has plenty of features and settings, so you can make the most out of this program to reduce issues with blue light.

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Which is the best Blue light Filter? Wed, 09 May 2018 09:42:16 +0000 I may be the creator of Iris, which is blue light filter software but I will be honest with you. Which is better depends on what you need and what you want to achieve? Depending on why you want to block blue light and what do you want to achieve your best solution will probably be different than mine. In this ... Read More

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I may be the creator of Iris, which is blue light filter software but I will be honest with you.

Which is better depends on what you need and what you want to achieve?

Depending on why you want to block blue light and what do you want to achieve your best solution will probably be different than mine.

In this article, I will present to you all cases and what to choose in every case.

I will tell you when to choose glasses and when to choose software solutions.

I will also tell when screen protector may be a good choice.

But first, let’s give a fast overview for people who heard about the dangers of blue light for the first time.

Why do you need to block blue light?

You probably feel how when you spend a lot of time in front of the PC or your phone at night you can’t fall asleep really fast.

The reason for this is really simple.

In our eyes, we have a photoreceptor called Melanopsin.

When melanopsin detects blue light entering our eyes in blocks the secretion of our sleep hormone called Melatonin.

And when you don’t produce enough Melatonin you can’t fall asleep.

There are 2 hormones actually which control when we should be awake and when we should fall asleep.

Cortisol tells our body to be awake and Melatonin tells our body to fall asleep.

Cortisol levels are biggest when you wake up and Melatonin levels are biggest when you sleep.

They shift during the day and this is actually our Circadian clock.

Without boring you to death with science we evolved around the Sun and at night there was no light before.

Right now, however, we have all types light sources.

Some of them like LED emit a lot of blue light and cause a drop in our secretion of Melatonin.

Fluorescent light bulbs may flicker and this to cause eye strain and headaches.

Because it’s cheap, manufacturers use PWM to control the brightness which again is some sort of flicker that causes eye strain and headaches, etc.

So the one aspect of blue light is that it’s bad for our sleep if we get too much light in the night and the other is that too much exposure causes Macular degeneration and all other kinds of eye problems in the long run.

You know that UV light and X-rays are bad, but blue light is also really close to them on the light spectrum.

So because it’s so high energy it makes sense that it enters deep into our eye and may cause damage.

I hope you now have some general understanding of the science behind the blue light filters so without further due let’s start to talk about which blue light filter is best and when.

Blue light filter glasses

Blue light filter glasses come in all forms and shades and some of them are pretty effective and inexpensive.

The first bad thing about blue light filter glasses is that they can’t be customized.

You can’t control the amount of blue light which is blocked and some of them are actually really ineffective.

For example, I don’t think the yellow tint or without a tint will do a good job in helping you to sleep better.

They may help with eye-strain if they have an antireflective coating and they may be made to block only small part of the blue light to not change the world colors much.

But there is a lot of evidence that you need to block all blue light and even part of the green to stimulate proper melatonin secretion.

One recommendation from me for blue light filter glasses if you are concerned about your sleep is to use orange and red ones.

Orange ones will block all blue light and part of the green which will be awesome for your sleep.

If you want to really biohack your sleep the red ones will probably be one idea better.

They will block all UV, blue and green light and leave you only with a red world.

This will cause the biggest melatonin peak and will stimulate conditions close to complete darkness.

Why should I choose Blue light filter glasses?

Aside from the things above blue light filter glasses are great for several things.

Block blue light from the TV

It’s almost impossible to block the blue light from the TV with software.

For example, you can install Iris on your computer and then duplicate your screen on the TV and reduce the blue light from the TV.

But if you just watch some TV channel you will probably need some hardware device to connect to your cable.

The nice thing about this is that you can have automation from the hardware device but glasses are way simpler to put on your head.

Even there you can also place some blue light filter sheet on your TV so glasses are not the only solution for TV.

Their real power comes from.

Blocking blue light from your lightbulbs

If you have LED light bulbs which I don’t recommend they emit a lot of blue light.

The only real way to block the blue light from light bulbs is to use glasses or to change them.

The reason I don’t recommend LED light bulbs is that they emit a lot of blue light.

They also most of the time use PWM to be more energy-saving.

You can see this in the graphics that I also included before.

I recommend the standard Edison light bulb (Incandescent) because it doesn’t flicker and the spectrum is will really low amounts of blue light.

You see that here there are other solutions again for blocking blue light.

I left the one thing which glasses are the best solution for the end.

Blocking blue light from the Sun

If you are concerned about blue light from the Sun the only good solution for you are blue light filter glasses.

You can of course just don’t go outside but you miss the other part of the health benefits for your skin and general health that comes from full-spectrum Sunlight.

If you want to block blue light from the Sun, get blue light filter glasses.

Blue light filter Softwares

Really great for automation and customization there are lots of them.

Starting from Iris which is the most advanced eye protection and sleep improvement tool

Going to f.lux which is the grandfather of the blue light industry

And mentioning Redshift which is not only free but open-source

There are a lot of blue light filtering software which you can choose.

What are Blue light filtering softwares bad for?

Because software are based on computer code they may not work on every operating system.

Blue light filtering software will also not work for blocking blue light from the TV.

They will not work for blocking blue light from light bulbs and the Sun.

There are certain minuses for software solutions but there are also a lot of pluses which a will talk about later.

On Android, for example, the only way to block blue light is to use Overlay approach which decreases contrast and it’s not really great.

This is what Twilight app does.

The other method for Android is to jailbreak your phone but this is hard for a lot of people.

Putting glasses or screen filter, in this case, is much easier.

Same goes for iOS.

On iOS, you can make great blue light filter but Apple doesn’t allow the developers to publish their solution to the Appstore so you can’t get the most high-quality software.

Here again, it’s much easier to put glasses or screen filter.

Last year both Android and iOS presented integrated solutions called Night Light and Night Shift, but they are really bad copies of high-quality software like Iris or f.lux.

They do block the blue light but they are just not specialized in this.

It’s like comparing Photoshop and Paint.

You can go much deeper and make awesome solution if you really focus on the blue light sleep and eye issues.

However, for most people, the integrated solutions will also work well.

There are also solutions for Windows, macOS and Linux called again with some names like Night Light, Night Shift and Night mode.

Why should I choose Blue light filter softwares?

There are some downsides like that you can’t block the Sunlight but blue light filter software are actually the best solution.

This is why I work on this kind of software obviously.

If I thought that something else is better I would probably do it instead.

I told you some of the pain points with software solutions but let’s not talk about the benefits now.

I’m sure that the biggest benefit for you will be that some of them are


I will not talk about the economic realities of this but most of the blue light filter software are free and they are super effective.

They can block all blue light, you can customize the amount of blue light being blocked.

Or you can block all blue and green light for best sleep.

You can customize them, schedule some things and some companies integrated filters into their OS.

You can find a free blue light filter in Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android.

You may know that Iris is paid and you may think that I’m super stupid and Iris don’t have even 1 user but the truth is that it’s not only the blue light.

Iris removes PWM pulsations, optimizes subpixel flicker, improves font rendering, adapts to the light around you and all kinds of stuff which are not the point of this article so it’s not like it’s not a successful project.

With over 2 million users, hundreds of positive reviews and a lot of people who pay for the software I’m really happy to do something which improves the people health.

Let’s go over the other benefits of blue light filters aside from that most of them are free.


Blue light filter softwares can adapt to all kinds of things.

They can adapt to the time of the day based on your clock or your position.

They can use sensors like the camera or adapt to the contents of the screen.

They can be paused when you need to and resumed when you want.

Some of them can pause automatically when certain programs are running.

Iris, for example, can adapt to the program that is currently running, stop itself when you need perfect colors or improve the image quality when you watch a movie.


With blue light filter software, you can also set how much blue light you want during the day and how much you want during the night.

In order to be really easy to use Iris, for example, has several types with preset values: Health, Sleep, Reading, Programming, Biohacker, Sunglasses, Dark, Movie, Overlay.

You probably understand why blue light filter softwares are the most popular solutions to block blue light.

It’s not only Blue light

It’s not only the Blue light.

There is also PWM flicker, Font rendering, Subpixel flicker, Temporal dithering, Rests, and ease of use.

Iris, for example, takes care of all things related to eye health and sleep.

For flickering, no glasses or screen filter will help you and your only solution may be software or to buy some really expensive monitor which is optimized for eye health.

Now let’s talk about the last category of blue light filters

Blue light Screen protectors

I will not enter into much more details here because I talked a lot about what blue light filter glasses are bad and good for.

With screen protectors the thing is similar but instead, you placing a glasses on yourself you place the glasses on your phone or screen or TV.

Blue light screen protectors again are bad for automation and customization.

They are also bad for blocking blue light from the Sun and from light bulbs.

With the new integrated solutions for every OS, they are also not the only solutions for smartphones.

One thing which screen filters are particularly good for is actually to make your glossy screen matte but most blue light filter screen protectors don’t do this.

I strongly recommend screen protectors which make glossy screens matte because this reduces reflections and will help a lot which eye pain and eye strain.

The other thing which blue light filter screen protectors are great is that like glasses they can block only some part of the blue light spectrum.

This is something which blue light filter softwares can’t do. Blue light filter softwares block the whole color spectrum at once.

Be careful however that there are a lot of scam into the blue light filter screen protector space.

While you can measure and see for yourself the orange or red tint made by glasses and software a lot of blue light filter screen protectors are a scam.

The reason for this is because regular screen protectors are really hard to sale.

They are all the same and super cheap.

This is why some people decide to change the name of their screen protector and make it blue blocking.

Sellers may tell you that it doesn’t change the image quality but the reason for this may be because it’s just a regular screen protector.

Sometimes the screen protector just protects your phone from scratches and don’t block any blue light.

I’m not saying that all blue light screen protectors are like this but be careful.

Look for measurements and what their tint is. If the tint is orange, yellow or red they probably work.

However, if the tint is transparent, there is a high chance that they don’t do anything.

Tell Friends

Thank you very much for reading and staying with me to the end of this long post 🙂

If you liked this article and you learned some new things about the blue light and how it affects our body

If this article helped you to choose the best blue light filter for you

If you think this may be helpful for somebody else

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Blue light filter Test Tue, 08 May 2018 14:01:55 +0000 In this article, I want to show you how you can test if your monitor emits blue light. To check if your monitor emits blue light click the image below to open it in a new tab. This will open an animation which switches from blue to black. To check if your monitor emits both blue and green light click ... Read More

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In this article, I want to show you how you can test if your monitor emits blue light.

To check if your monitor emits blue light click the image below to open it in a new tab.

This will open an animation which switches from blue to black.

To check if your monitor emits both blue and green light click the image below.

This will open an animation which switches from the combination of blue and green to black.

What to observe?

Ideally, if your monitor doesn’t emit blue or blue and green light you shouldn’t see a change in the color.

You should only see black square without any change of the color or hue like this

How to block all blue light?

Most blue light filters whether they are glasses, software or physical filters will not block all blue light.

Some of the time this is intentional because they only block part of the blue light spectrum or the goal is the screen to look more normal.

When all blue light is blocked the screen will look really green or really red.

When part of the blue light is blocked the screen will look yellow or orange.

Blue light filter Glasses

If your glasses look like the image above there is a high chance that they don’t do anything to block the blue light from your screen.

To block all blue light you probably will need some glasses with a red tint

Most of the effective blue light blocking glasses look like this.

In reality, however, this will also block all blue light and all green light.

This makes it really strange for me why nobody manufactures glasses with a green tint which will block all blue and red light

This will be interesting to test but if you only need to block the blue light you need some deep yellow or a little orange tint like this

So test your glasses with the test pictures at the beginning of this article.

If you see a black square at the first image then your glasses block all blue light.

If you see a black square at the second image then your glasses block both blue and green light.

Blue light filter Software

Software solutions by default will make the screen more orange which will block part of the blue and part of the green light.

Even from my experience if a person hasn’t heard of the bad effects of blue light he will probably not like the red screen at first.

Even to this day I still don’t block all the blue light from my screen because this makes my screen a little uncomfortable.

Same is true with the glasses. If all blue light is blocked everything will look red.

So be it Iris, f.lux, Redshift or any other software for eye protection and sleep improvement they will usually use 3400K at night by default which is half of the blue light.

You may notice that at 3400K there is still blue light visible

This is still helpful and I have talked to a lot of users about what they prefer and orange screen helps with eye strain and eye pain a lot.

The goal of Iris is to be eye protection software first and sleep improvement tool second.

I believe eye problems are way worse than sleep problems because you can fix your sleep just by cutting the computer usage at night.

Blocking all blue

However, if you really want to biohack and improve your sleep you need to go to 1900K or bellow.

1900K is the first value which will block all blue light and your screen will look deep orange.

This is why in the latest versions f.lux tries to set the color temperature to 1900K by default.

They are trying to force people to learn to remove all blue light for best sleep.

While you may notice that the first versions of f.lux don’t even have this option in the sliders.

There are a couple of differences in the different blue light blocking software products.

Iris operates at % of blue light + showing the color temperature at the upper right corner.

F.lux uses color temperature + showing light sources types.

For example in f.lux Halogen means 3400K while Candle means 1900K.

Basically, if you want to remove all blue light from your screen you want to strive for 1900K or Candle.

If you have trouble with the K values see this link What are the K values?

Everything bellow starts to cut also the green light which the latest medical researchers point that also have some effect on our sleep.

Blocking all blue and green

So if you really want to improve your sleep you also need to cut all green light at basically set Iris blue light to 0%

Notice how when all blue light and all green light is blocked how the screen is deep red.

You can achieve the same thing by using Sleep or Biohacker type.

Blue light physical filters

I will not go into too many details about the filters you place on your monitor because the logic is basically the same as with the glasses.

You need a red filter to block all blue and green light.

You need a yellow filter to block all blue light.

If you look at the picture above you need the second or the third filter.

This will block all blue light or all blue and green light.

Tell Friends

If you liked this article and you learned new things about how to block blue light

If you learned how to improve your sleep and feel less eye strain

If you want more and more people to learn about this

If you want your friends to protect themselves from the monitor harmful  rays and emissions

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How to test my LCD monitor for Subpixel Flicker? Tue, 08 May 2018 09:24:55 +0000 Click the image below to open it in Fullscreen mode If this doesn’t work use and if you want to share this image on your website later use the link below – LCD Subpixel Flicker Test On most monitors, this test should work but in order for your eyes to see the effect more clearly, you may need a ... Read More

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Click the image below to open it in Fullscreen mode

How to test my LCD monitor for Subpixel Flicker?

If this doesn’t work use and if you want to share this image on your website later use the link below – LCD Subpixel Flicker Test

On most monitors, this test should work but in order for your eyes to see the effect more clearly, you may need a black background

In this case right click the link above and click and click Open Link in New Tab from the menu

If you don’t see any visible flicker or pulsations with the first test, set your Browser to Fullscreen mode and open the second test in a New Tab – LCD Subpixel Flicker Test with Bigger Black Background

What to watch for?

One of the eleven boxes may flicker slightly

Observe for up and down movement or a pulsation of the box

What to do about it?

If you don’t see any noticeable movement you are really lucky

If your monitor also has Blue light control and doesn’t use PWM for controlling the brightness you Iris can help you with automation of the blue light and the brightness

However, if you see movement or pulsation in one of the boxes Iris is a total must for your eye health.

There are 2 ways in Iris to fix the Subpixel flicker

Blue light to Zero

One is to set Blue light to 0%, there is preset type in Iris called Sleep type which can do this

Biohacker type should also fix the issue and will invert the colors to reduce the light emitted from the monitor even more

Making the screen Grayscale

You can also fix this problem by making the screen Grayscale

In Iris, there is Reading type which will do exactly this

It will also reduce the blue light and brightness automatically

Test again

Now if you try again with any of the methods above you should not see any flicker or pulsation in the image

Here are photos from my Iris




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How to Setup Iris for Maximum Eye Health Tue, 08 May 2018 08:14:50 +0000 Generally, Iris comes with almost everything preset for maximum eye health but there are some things you can do to improve the effect of Iris. Set your Hardware brightness to the MAX Set your monitor Hardware brightness to 100% using your monitor buttons. This will stop the PWM flicker if your monitor has it. Iris brightness is automatic and doesn’t use ... Read More

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Generally, Iris comes with almost everything preset for maximum eye health but there are some things you can do to improve the effect of Iris.

Set your Hardware brightness to the MAX

Set your monitor Hardware brightness to 100% using your monitor buttons.

This will stop the PWM flicker if your monitor has it.

Iris brightness is automatic and doesn’t use PWM. You don’t need to change anything else.

But if you do need to adjust the brightness to match it to the room lighting you can always do this from the Brightness page.


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Iris vs Physical Blue blocking filters Mon, 07 May 2018 12:32:29 +0000 Some of the glasses which are with yellowish tint don’t do anything. You need orange or red lenses for better blue light blocking. If you can’t find orange or red blue light filter glasses you can try to use sunglasses instead of the ones with the yellowish tint. Sunglasses block a lot more blue light than most blue blocking glasses ... Read More

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Some of the glasses which are with yellowish tint don’t do anything.

You need orange or red lenses for better blue light blocking.

If you can’t find orange or red blue light filter glasses you can try to use sunglasses instead of the ones with the yellowish tint.

Sunglasses block a lot more blue light than most blue blocking glasses and they also block UV light.

Some yellowish glasses may work but really be skeptical and search for a proof with some measurement.

At the end of this article, I talk about how you can test your blue blocking glasses.

Iris is much more effective because it actually stops the blue light before emitted and it’s customizable which means that you can control the amount of blue light.

If you use glasses you also still get light to your head and to your skin.

This may not cause melanopsin response but still, it’s better to place a transparent blue blocking sheet on your screen.

How to test how much blue light is blocked?

Look at the image below with your blue blocking glasses on your face or your blue blocking filter on your screen

If the blue blocking filter is good you shouldn’t be able to see the B letter and the entire blue color should be black.

Here is an example with Iris set on Sleep type which blocks all blue and all green light

When all blue light and all green light is blocked you only see nuances of the red color.

Here is set to Health and Manual mode which blocks a lot of blue light and a little green light

You see that there is remaining blue and remaining green and also the screen is a little dimmer.

Based on a lot of talking with users and a lot of talking with doctors this is preset which is the best to not feel eye pain and eye strain.

However, if you want to block all blue light for best sleep you may need to go to the Blue light page and set the color temperature to around 1900K or around 29% from the Iris slider.

In this case, some of the green light is also blocked because Melanopsin also responds to some of the green light.

You can see these measurements in the latest medical researches when you search for something like sleep response to green light in Google.

Here is some study from Harvard: Green Light Affects Circadian Rhythm

If you still just want to remove only blue light without some green light you can switch to Groot color scheme.

Example picture of how this color scheme looks like

When you set this color scheme and set blue light to 0% from the Blue light page all blue light is reduced without reducing the green light.

Maybe you now understand why Iris is much more powerful than any other physical filter.

With several clicks, you can do everything with Iris and while you need to buy new glasses or filter for every different reduction with Iris you can just open the menu.



CEO Iris Technologies

Publishing date: 07.05.2018

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I have a feeling of something behind my eye, what could it be? Fri, 04 May 2018 21:37:30 +0000 You probably need to put glasses with a small diopter. This is the most common case of this kind of eye pain and eye muscle strain. Tips if you want to delay the appointment to the optometrist: Blink more Blinking more will moisture your eyes better Yawn more Yawning will help you to produce more tears Window/Monitor position If you ... Read More

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You probably need to put glasses with a small diopter.

This is the most common case of this kind of eye pain and eye muscle strain.

Tips if you want to delay the appointment to the optometrist:

Blink more

Blinking more will moisture your eyes better

Yawn more

Yawning will help you to produce more tears

Window/Monitor position

If you use computer, your monitor should be to the side of the window.

Not in front or behind, because this may cause eye damage or glare.


Install Iris or other blue light filter software to reduce the blue light. This may help you to relieve the tension in the eyes.

Take breaks

Close your eyes, look at distant objects from time to time. This will help you to relax your eye muscles.

Eat Healthy

Proper nutrition and exercise may heal everything even if you don’t do anything else.

See a doctor

It’s good someone trained in eye problems to look at you but also do your best to take care of yourself alone.

Ophthalmologist may put you some diagnose but eye problems can’t be cured with a simple pill.

You may also need glasses and an optemetrist may give you an exact prescription for your eyes.

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Why does direct sunlight damage our eyes? Fri, 04 May 2018 20:55:04 +0000 Aside from the colors we see light constitutes of much more things Visible light is only small portion of the light that the Sun emits. The wavelengths from the router, the wavelengths from the microwave or the radio waves, all of this things is light in one way or another. Actually, it will be better to say that all visible ... Read More

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Aside from the colors we see light constitutes of much more things

Visible light is only small portion of the light that the Sun emits.

The wavelengths from the router, the wavelengths from the microwave or the radio waves, all of this things is light in one way or another.

Actually, it will be better to say that all visible light is actually different wavelengths that our eyes and brain makes sense of by giving the wavelength a color.

So the problem is that we are really gentle creatures and almost everything can harm us.

This is why X-rays are bad for us because our atoms and DNA may become damaged. Same goes for cosmic rays and gamma rays.

Our Earth atmosphere blocks most of these harmful rays so you don’t need to worry about it but a lot of UV light passes down from the atmosphere and enters the ground.

UV light and Blue light are really high-energy lights and they cause a lot of damage to us.

Because of this high-energy light, we burn under the Sun and our skin can become damaged

Our eyes, however, doesn’t have the same protective mechanism for repairing like our skin and looking at UV and Blue light directly is cumulative and you can permanently damage your vision in the long run.

While there is some protection for UVC and UVB light, our eyes can’t block UVA and Blue light and these kinds of lights enter deep into our retina.

This may cause Macular degeneration and other injuries in the long run to the eye.

This is why wearing sunglasses is recommended when you go outside and it’s bad to look directly at the Sun.

However, what most people would not tell you is that most monitor emits as much blue light as the Sun and also cause permanent eye injuries in the long run.

This is why it’s good to wear your sunglasses even in front of the monitor or if you don’t want to look dorky you can use blue light filter software like Iris which will automatically reduce the blue light emitted from your monitor so your eyes will be protected even without sunglasses.

Basically, UV light enters deep into our retina and cause damage and Blue light is also bad for the same reason.

I also have one more article if you want to read more about these kinds of things:

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Red Light Filter for PC Wed, 02 May 2018 10:53:03 +0000 Are you looking for a red-light filter for PC option? There are many reasons why you might want a red-light filter for your PC. While red light can be a problem it’s blue light that is usually a problem with your PC and you need the appropriate filter. Here’s why you need to filter blue light. Damaging to Your Eyes ... Read More

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Are you looking for a red-light filter for PC option?

There are many reasons why you might want a red-light filter for your PC.

While red light can be a problem it’s blue light that is usually a problem with your PC and you need the appropriate filter.

Here’s why you need to filter blue light.

Damaging to Your Eyes

Your computer emits what is called Blue Light. This light can impact the health of your eyes.

You may find yourself with issues of eye strain, eye pain, and you might not be able to get quality sleep.

Blue light can even interfere with the way that you sleep.

To combat this problem, you need a good blue light filter.

You might think you need a red-light filter PC option, but you really need a blue light filter to combat issues with blue light.

Solutions for Blue Light

The simplest solution to deal with blue light is to use your computer last often.

If you find that you’re having issues with eye strain or eye pain, you should take a break from your computer.

Most experts will recommend that you take at least a ten-minute break each hour when you’re working on a computer.

If you take frequent breaks, you won’t have as many issues with eye strain.

The main problem with this is that we often can’t take a lot of time off from our computer because we have a lot of work to do.

Another solution to dealing with eye strain and eye pain is to use blue light filter glasses.

You can get glasses that have a specific filter for blue light and you can wear these to reduce blue light issues with your computer.

This sounds like a good option, but these classes can be expensive and not everyone can wear them because they can be uncomfortable.

Iris Software

The simplest solution to deal with issues with blue light is to get proper software.

A company such as Iris produces exceptional blue light filter software.

You can install this on your computer and you’ll be protected from issues with blue light.

You don’t really need a red light filter for PC option you need a blue light filter option Is this is the light which damages your eyes not a red light.

The software provided by Iris Software has plenty of features and it can be customized to just how you need it to work.

If you want to protect your eyes, consider getting some software from Iris Software as it’s the best solution to dealing with issues that blue light can cause.


You want to protect your eyes from Blue Light. The easiest way to do this is to use Iris Software.

The software has a lot of features and settings that you can use on your computer.

The software works with all operating systems and it’s easy to set up.

To protect your eyes from blue light use the software produced by Iris as it’s the best solution for you.

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MacBook Blue Light Filter App Wed, 02 May 2018 10:48:27 +0000 Are you looking for a MacBook blue light filter app? If you own a MacBook you know that blue light can be a problem. When you have issues with blue light you can have eye strain as well as eye pain and this can lead to problems down the line. One way to correct this issue is with a proper ... Read More

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Are you looking for a MacBook blue light filter app?

If you own a MacBook you know that blue light can be a problem.

When you have issues with blue light you can have eye strain as well as eye pain and this can lead to problems down the line.

One way to correct this issue is with a proper blue light filter.

Here’s a little bit more about blue light filters and how they can help you.

Why a Blue Light Filter?

Computers produced several different types of light.

One type of light that can be harmful is called blue light.

You can’t see this type of light, but it can be damaging to your eyes over time.

If you suffer from issues of eye strain or eye pain this could be an indication that you’re getting too much blue light.

Over time this strain to your eyes can add up and you may find that you need more frequent breaks from your computer because your eyes are just too tired to do any work.

Solutions to Blue Light

There are several solutions to deal with the issue of blue light.

One simple solution is to use blue light filter glasses.

These types of glasses already have a blue light filter built into the glass and you can wear these to filter that light.

The main problem with these glasses is that they can be expensive, and you have to wear them all the time.

If you forget your glasses at home, for example, you won’t be able to protect your eyes from the blue light.

Other people reduce the issues of blue light by simply staying away from the computer.

This might work in the short run, but for those of us that need to use the computer for extended periods of time, this simply won’t work.

There are other solutions to blue light issues such as a MacBook blue light filter app.

Iris Software

Iris is a software that filters blue light programs also known as blue light filter.

We produce filters for Windows computers, for example as well as a quality MacBook blue light filter app.

Their software is easy to install, and it works with all operating systems including the operating system of the MacBook.

The software has plenty of settings and various features that you can use to make the most out of the software.

Once it’s installed on your computer you won’t have to worry about issues with blue light.

It reduces blue light, so you have fewer issues with eye strain or eye pain.

If you want to reduce blue light for your MacBook, Iris Software has a great solution for you.


You don’t have to deal with issues of eye strain or eye pain when you use a proper blue light filter.

Iris Software produces excellent filters to remove the blue light, so your eyes have less pain and other issues.

If you’re concerned about the health of your eyes, consider getting a quality blue light filter which will work with your MacBook through Iris Software.

Our company produces great blue light filters to help protect your eyes from issues that relate to blue light.

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Glasses to Protect Eyes From Blue Light Wed, 02 May 2018 10:43:24 +0000 If you’ve ever wondered why your eyes always get tired when you use your computer, this is because of blue light. When you use your computer over a period of time, you can have issues with eye pain or eye strain. Here’s how blue light impacts your eyesight and what you can do to correct the issue. Blue Light and ... Read More

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If you’ve ever wondered why your eyes always get tired when you use your computer, this is because of blue light.

When you use your computer over a period of time, you can have issues with eye pain or eye strain.

Here’s how blue light impacts your eyesight and what you can do to correct the issue.

Blue Light and Your Eyes

Whenever you use your computer it admits a lot of light. Your computer also emits what is called the blue light.

You can’t see this sort of light, but it can be damaging to your eyes. If you use your computer frequently, you need to take a lot of breaks to rest your eyesight.

Health professionals indicate that you should rest your eyes at least 10 minutes per hour if you’re using a computer for a long period of time.

Solutions to Blue Light Issues

One of the simplest solutions to Blue Light is to get glasses to protect eyes from blue light.

These glasses have a specific blue light filter and can help protect your eyes from issues with this sort of light.

Whenever you use your computer just wear the glasses and they will protect your eyesight.

For many people, these glasses can be a great solution to issues with blue light, but they can be quite expensive, and they might not be the best solution for you.

Other individuals simply spend less time on the computer, but for those of us that work long hours, this is not the best solution.

Iris Software

If you don’t want to buy glasses to protect eyes from blue light, consider getting software like Iris.

This blue light filter software can be installed on your computer and it will reduce blue light that comes from your computer.

The software is easy to use, set up, and you won’t have to worry about it once it’s installed.

You can use your computer for long hours and you won’t have to worry about issues with eye pain, eyestrain, and you’ll even be able to get more sleep.

Iris Software is a great solution for those that want to reduce blue light when they use their computer.

Once you have the software installed there’s different settings as well as modes that you can set up within the software to meet all of your current needs.

The software also comes with great documentation, so it will show you specifically how you can use the software in just the way that you need.


You don’t want to buy glasses to protect eyes from blue light, consider using Iris Software.

This is exceptional software for blue light. The software is easy to install on your computer and in no time at all you’ll have the protection that you need from issues with blue light.

If you value the health of your eyesight, get a quality blue light filter such as the software produced by Iris Software as it’s a great solution to reduce blue light on your computer.

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F.lux Blue Light Wed, 02 May 2018 10:39:38 +0000 Many people today use their computers frequently and they often suffer from eye issues. When you use your computer all the time you can suffer from eye strain or eye pain. The reason for this is that you have flux blue light which can damage your eyes over time. There are several ways you can combat blue light. Here’s a ... Read More

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Many people today use their computers frequently and they often suffer from eye issues.

When you use your computer all the time you can suffer from eye strain or eye pain.

The reason for this is that you have flux blue light which can damage your eyes over time.

There are several ways you can combat blue light. Here’s a little bit more about blue light and how you can address this issue.

Your Eyes and Blue Light

Are computers produce several sources of light and some of these light sources are not harmful.

One of the harmful types of light that your computer produces is blue light.

You won’t see this light when you’re working on your computer, but it can lead to eye strain and eye pain.

This is why you need a flux blue light filter to protect your eyes from this sort of light.

Blue Light Glasses

One of the better ways to protect your eyes from issues resulting from blue light exposure is to use blue light filter glasses.

These glasses have a specific filter for blue light, so you can wear them to reduce issues with this light when you use your computer.

These glasses are a good solution, but they can be quite expensive.

You will need to wear these glasses all the time when you’re using your computer and for some people, glasses can be cumbersome.

Another way that you can reduce blue light issues is to simply spend less time on your computer.

This works for some people, but for the vast majority of us, we need to spend a lot of time on our computer because we have work to do.

There are other solutions for the issues a blue light.


The best way to deal with flux blue light is to use Iris.

Our company produces excellent blue light filter software.

The software will work with all operating systems and it’s easy to set up.

Once the software is set up on your computer you won’t have issues with blue light any longer.

You can work on your computer and do the things that you need to do without having to worry about issues with blue light.

You’ll have less eye strain, that’s eye pain, and you generally feel better when you work on your computer.

Your eyesight matters so you need to take care of it by using software such as software produced by Iris Software.

This software also has plenty of features and options, so you can set it up you just the way that you like it.

It has many different modes and filter types would you can use for various settings.


You need to take care of your eyesight if you do a lot of computer work.

You don’t want to have to deal with blue light issues as this can lead to a lot of eye problems.

Use Iris as this software is a great solution to dealing with issues that result from blue light exposure.

Take care of your eyesight when you use a computer but using a proper blue light filter such as the ones produced by Iris.


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Blue Light Blocking Screen Protector Wed, 02 May 2018 10:31:18 +0000 In today’s world, we use computers all of the time. We have a lot of work to do and we need to spend long hours at our computer. The main problem with this is that we can suffer from issues with eye pain and eye strain. To reduce these problems, we can use a blue light blocking screen protector. When ... Read More

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In today’s world, we use computers all of the time.

We have a lot of work to do and we need to spend long hours at our computer.

The main problem with this is that we can suffer from issues with eye pain and eye strain.

To reduce these problems, we can use a blue light blocking screen protector.

When we use this sort of protector, we can have fewer issues with eye strain or pain.

Why a Filter?

The main reason we want to use a blue light filter is that are computers admit this sort of light.

If you use a computer for an extended period of time this blue light can be damaging to your eyesight.

You may suffer from a lot of eye pain, eye strain, and you won’t be able to complete the work you need to do because your eyes are so tired.

When you use a proper blue light blocking screen protector You won’t have this much eye pain.

Other Solutions to Blue Light Problems

There are a few other solutions to deal with blue light. One of the easiest solutions is to Simply use your computer less often.

For most of us, this is not a practical solution. We need to spend long hours on our computer to complete the work we need to do during the day.

While you can take frequent breaks, this ends up eating into your productivity and you might not be able to get everything done that you want to do.

Another way to deal with blue light is to use blue light filter glasses.

these glasses come with a specific filter for issues with blue light.

The main problem with this is that these glasses can be quite expensive and if you don’t like wearing glasses, they can be cumbersome.

Iris Software

The best way to deal with issues with blue light is to use proper filter software.

Iris is a company that produces exceptional blue light filter software.

We have the proper blue light blocking screen protector that you need.

The software we produce is easy to set up and you won’t have any problems getting it to work with your operating system because it works with all operating systems.

The software has a lot of settings and features that you can use.

Once you get the software setup you won’t have to worry about blue light anymore and you can work on your computer whenever you want to.

If you want to protect your eyes from the blue light you need the right filter.

Iris Software produces excellent blue light filter software that you can use for your computer.


You don’t have to suffer from issues with blue light. If you use the right software on your computer you’re not going to have any problems with eye strain, eye pain, and you’ll even sleep better.

You need to take care of your eyes so look the software such as Iris Software which produces excellent blue light filter software to meet your needs.

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How would an Eye work with no Pupils? Mon, 30 Apr 2018 10:09:25 +0000 The condition when you don’t have pupils(iris) is called aniridia which literally means “without iris”. Technically you can close your eyes a bit and you will stop the amount of light that enters the eye a bit. You can also get some artificial iris to reduce the amount of light entering the eye. The job of pupils is to reduce ... Read More

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The condition when you don’t have pupils(iris) is called aniridia which literally means “without iris”.

Technically you can close your eyes a bit and you will stop the amount of light that enters the eye a bit.

You can also get some artificial iris to reduce the amount of light entering the eye.

The job of pupils is to reduce the light entering the eye so you should be able to see fine in the dark but you will have some extreme light sensitivity during the day.

With this light sensitivity during the day software like Iris may help to reduce the light emitted from the screen or lowering the brightness of your screen.

However, if you lower the brightness via the monitor buttons you may get more eye strain because of pulse-width modulation but I’m actually not sure if this will cause more eye strain if you don’t have pupil to adapt to the light around you.

Lowering and filtering blue light may also help since blue light often causes the biggest amount of light sensitivity because it’s the highest energy visible light.

That being said looking directly at the Sun without pupils will probably make you blind for a bit or permanently if you stare too much into the Sun.

Your photoreceptors will be overstimulated and continuous exposure may damage or burn them.

One of the best ways to deal with not having pupils will probably be wearing Sunglasses all the time.

You will probably have different sunglasses for the different kinds of the day to reduce the light entering the light more or less depending on how much light there is around you and how much light sensitivity you have.

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Iris – Program to protect the eyes from the harmful rays of the monitors Sun, 29 Apr 2018 07:38:34 +0000 Iris is a software that reduces eye pain caused by prolonged exposure to the computer and helps with sleep problems caused by insufficient exposure to full-spectrum Sunlight and excessive exposure to blue light in the evening. Keywords: eye protection, blue light filter, automatic brightness

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Iris is a software that reduces eye pain caused by prolonged exposure to the computer and helps with sleep problems caused by insufficient exposure to full-spectrum Sunlight and excessive exposure to blue light in the evening.

Keywords: eye protection, blue light filter, automatic brightness

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Iris – Програма за предпазване на очите от вредните лъчи на мониторите Sun, 29 Apr 2018 07:33:41 +0000 Iris е софтуер, който намалява болката в очите, причинена от продължителното стоене пред компютъра и помага при проблеми със съня, причинени от недостатъчното излагане на Слънчева светлина с пълен спектър и прекаленото излагане на синя светлина вечер. Iris е софтуер, който прави мониторите по-полезни за очите. Iris премахва предните лъчи излъчвани от мониторите, намалява синята светлина и контролира яркостта на ... Read More

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Iris е софтуер, който намалява болката в очите, причинена от продължителното стоене пред компютъра и помага при проблеми със съня, причинени от недостатъчното излагане на Слънчева светлина с пълен спектър и прекаленото излагане на синя светлина вечер.

Iris е софтуер, който прави мониторите по-полезни за очите. Iris премахва предните лъчи излъчвани от мониторите, намалява синята светлина и контролира яркостта на екрана без фликър.

Iris is software which makes Monitors healthy for the eyes. With Iris, you can reduce the Blue Light emitted from your screen for better sleep, reduce the Brightness of your screen without PWM and avoid eye pain.

Iris е софтуер, който прави мониторите по-полезни за очите. Той предпазва очите ти като се адаптира автоматично към светлината около теб и премахва фликъра и вредните лъчи на мониторите. Намалявайки синята светлина вечер, Iris също така ти помага да спиш по-бързо и по-добре и да имаш имаш повече време за любимите ти занимания.

Iris е софтуер, който прави мониторът ти по-полезен за очите. Премахва синята светлина и фликъра от екрана ти автоматично, спиш по-бързо и по-добре, нямаш болка в очите и имаш повече време за любимите ти занимания.

Iris е софтуер, който прави мониторът ти по-полезен за очите. Премахва синята светлина и фликъра от екрана ти автоматично, спиш по-бързо и по-добре, нямаш болка в очите и имаш повече свободно време

Ключови думи: предпазване на очите, филтър за синя светлина, автоматична яркост

Download Iris

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Computer Screen Filter Protect Eyes Sat, 28 Apr 2018 13:51:53 +0000 If you use a computer for an extended period of time you may need to look at a computer screen filter protect eyes solution. The main reason why you want to protect your eyes when you use a computer screen for a long time is that the screen emits what is called blue light. This light can end up damaging ... Read More

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If you use a computer for an extended period of time you may need to look at a computer screen filter protect eyes solution.

The main reason why you want to protect your eyes when you use a computer screen for a long time is that the screen emits what is called blue light.

This light can end up damaging to your eyes over time.

Why a Filter?

The best way to reduce blue light is to use a blue screen filter.

There are several ways to protect your eyes from a blue light.

A filter will reduce the blue light, so you have less instances of eye strain or eye pain when you use a computer during the day.

If you’re a frequent computer user you may notice that your eyes are getting tired or you just don’t feel as well as you usually do.

This could be an indication that blue light is straining your eyes.

Here are a few solutions to reduce blue light.

How to Reduce Blue Light

One way to reduce blue light, is to use blue light filter glasses.

This is a computer screen filter protect eyes solution, but it’s not the best one.

Blue light filter glasses can cost a lot of money and you need to have them with you all the time when you work on your computer.

You may find glasses cumbersome to use so they may not be the best solution for you.

Another simple way to reduce blue light is to stay away from your computer.

For most people that’s not a practical solution because we need to stay at our computer for long hours to do the work we need to do during the day.

There are better solutions to reduce blue light such as computer software.

Iris Software

One of the best ways to reduce blue light is to use filter software such as the blue light filter software produced by Iris.

This company offers a computer screen protect eyes solution that is better than other solutions.

They produced a software that can reduce blue light and it will work on various operating systems.

All you do is install the software on your computer and it will give you blue light protection.

The software comes with many different modes and settings, so you can get the software to work exactly how you want it to.

If you’re looking to protect your eyes from blue light, it makes sense to use software such as that produced by Iris Software.


Your eyesight is important to you. If you use a computer for a long period of time you need a proper blue light filter.

One of the best solutions for reducing blue light is to use blue light filter software.

Iris is a company that produces exceptional blue light filter software.

You can use this software to reduce blue light on your computer, so you have less eye strain, eye pain, and you’ll even sleep better as a result.

Protect your eyes now by using blue light filter software.


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Blue Light Screen Protector Computer Sat, 28 Apr 2018 13:47:39 +0000 Are you looking for a blue light screen protector computer filter? Whenever you use a laptop or a personal computer, you are exposed to blue light. This light can be harmful to your eyes. Here’s a little bit more about a blue light screen filter and how it can help you. Computers Harm Your Eyes You need a blue light ... Read More

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Are you looking for a blue light screen protector computer filter?

Whenever you use a laptop or a personal computer, you are exposed to blue light.

This light can be harmful to your eyes. Here’s a little bit more about a blue light screen filter and how it can help you.

Computers Harm Your Eyes

You need a blue light screen protector computer filter because the light that comes from your computer can be damaging to your eyes.

As you work on a computer you may find that your eyes get tired.

You may need to take frequent breaks because of eye strain.

In some cases, you may get a headache or even feel sick and need rest.

The eye strain caused by the blue light that comes from your computer can be a real problem.

One way to solve this issue is to get a blue light filter which eliminates the blue light and makes using your computer a lot easier.

Some Common Ways to Reduce Blue Light

There are some common ways that people will reduce blue light from their computer.

One way to do this is to get specially designed glasses that have a blue light filter already installed in the glass.

These special glasses can cost a lot of money and they’re not always practical for most individuals.

If you don’t wear glasses already, you may find them to be quite uncomfortable and not the best way to reduce blue light from your computer.

You could end up spending a lot of money on blue light filter glasses.

Another way that people deal with blue light from the computer is to simply use their computer a lot less and give their eyes more rest.

This is a good option for some people, but for those of us that work long hours and need to be at our computer, this is not very practical.

If you spend a lot of time at your computer, you need a proper blue light filter, so you have less eye strain.

Best option

The best option for a blue light screen protector computer filter is to use special software.

This software can be installed on any computer with any operating system and it can reduce blue light, so you get less eye strain and you feel comfortable when you’re using your computer.

Iris is a company that makes exceptional software that you can use as a blue light filter.

This software is easy to install, and it will reduce blue light, so you have less eyestrain when you’re using your computer.

Well, there are other methods to reduce eye strain, the best option is to use proper software such as that supplied by Iris. 


Blue light can be a problem and you need a proper blue light screen protector computer filter to deal with the issue.

If you want to reduce eye strain, consider the software supplied by Iris as they have exceptional blue light filter software which will reduce your eye strain, so you can use your computer without having to worry about resting your eyes.


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Blue Light Macular Degeneration Sat, 28 Apr 2018 13:41:45 +0000 For individuals that use computers for extended periods during the day, it’s important to use a blue light filter. If you don’t use a blue light filter, you could have health issues. Some individuals even suffer from blue light macular degeneration issues because their eyes get strained from extended computer use. Here’s a little bit more about blue light and why ... Read More

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For individuals that use computers for extended periods during the day, it’s important to use a blue light filter.

If you don’t use a blue light filter, you could have health issues.

Some individuals even suffer from blue light macular degeneration issues because their eyes get strained from extended computer use.

Here’s a little bit more about blue light and why it can be so damaging to your eyes.

Blue Light and Your Health

People that use computers for long periods of time can suffer from blue light macular degeneration.

Studies have shown that a large amount of exposure to Blue Light can be damaging to cells in the retina which are light sensitive.

This can cause changes that resemble changes cause to your eyes through macular degeneration.

When you suffer from this sort of eye issue, you can even have complete loss of your vision.

More research does need to be done on blue light and how it impacts the eyes.

Healthcare providers are concerned that blue light exposure from computers is damaging to your eyes and may even lead to issues with macular degeneration later on in your life.

It’s important to reduce eye strain and there are several ways you can go about this.

Reducing Eye Strain

One of the easy ways to reduce eye strain is to simply spend less time on your computer.

You can reduce eye strain and issues with blue light if you take frequent breaks from your computer.

For many individuals, this is not a practical solution because we need to spend long hours on a computer to do the work that we have to do during a given day.

Another way you can reduce eye strain is to use specific glasses for blue light.

These glasses can be equipped with a blue light filter and when you wear them, you filter out the blue light, so you have less eye strain and less eye pain.

Iris Software

One of the best ways to reduce blue light macular degeneration and other eye issues is to use software to reduce blue light.

Iris Software is a company that produces blue light filter software.

When you install this on your computer it will reduce blue light, so you have less eye pain, less eye fatigue, and you’ll even sleep better.

This software has many settings that you can use, and it works with all operating systems.

This is a robust solution to reduce blue light from your computer.

The software is simple to set up and once it is set up on your computer you won’t have to worry about it.

If you want to take care of your eyesight, then this software can help you.


There are many different ways to reduce blue light. One of the best solutions is to use Iris Software.

This software can be installed on your computer and you won’t have to worry about blue light any longer.

You can spend time on your computer to do the things that you want to do and the blue light filter will reduce the impacts that blue light has on your eyes.

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Blue Light Blocking Computer Screen Sat, 28 Apr 2018 13:37:11 +0000 If you work on a computer for extended hours during the day, you need a blue light blocking computer screen filter. When you work on a computer for long hours you’ll end up with a lot of eye strain. The reason for this is that computers produce what is called blue light. This light ends up straining your eyes to ... Read More

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If you work on a computer for extended hours during the day, you need a blue light blocking computer screen filter.

When you work on a computer for long hours you’ll end up with a lot of eye strain.

The reason for this is that computers produce what is called blue light.

This light ends up straining your eyes to a great degree and it can make it difficult to work long hours.

Here’s a little bit more about blue light and how you can reduce this light, so you feel better.

Why a Filter?

When you work on a computer it can cause a lot of eye strain.

You don’t see a blue light when you’re working on your computer.

This light ends up causing you a lot of difficulties because it can be damaging to your eyesight.

You may end up feeling tired and it can even make you feel sick over an extended period.

To reduce the amount of blue light that your computer admits, you should use a blue light blocking computer screen filter.

There are several ways that you can go about this.

Blue Light Glasses

One way to reduce blue light is to have a special type of glasses which have a blue light filter.

They make these glasses for computer use and in some cases, you can even have the filter installed with it your prescription.

These glasses do work quite well, but you have to have them with you all the time when you work on your computer.

If you leave them at home, you’ll still suffer from the effects of blue light.

Another downside to these glasses is that they cost a lot of money.

There are better options to reduce blue light then blue light glasses although they do work as intended.

Less Computer Time

The simplest solution to reduce blue light and reduce eye strain is to simply use your computer that’s often.

This might work for regular individuals who don’t spend a lot of time on the computer, but for others, this isn’t practical.

Some of us need to spend long hours on our computer to do the work we need to do on any given day, so this option isn’t the best solution.

Blue Light Software

The best solution to reduce blue light is to use specific software that you install on your computer to reduce blue light issues. Iris is a company that produces exceptional blue light filter software.

This is the best solution to reduce blue light because it’s easy to install and once it’s installed you just forget that it’s there.

The software has plenty of features and options that you can use to get the software to work just the way you want.

It works with all types of operating systems and it will reduce blue light, so you have less eye strain.


You need a blue light blocking computer screen filter. You can get soft worm through Iris as this company produces exceptional blue light filter software to reduce blue light on your computer, so you have less eye strain and can do the work you need to do.


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Computer Screen Filter For Eyes Sat, 28 Apr 2018 13:14:57 +0000 If you work on a computer for a long period of time, you may find that your eyes start to get too tired. The reason for this is that computers emit what is called blue light. This light can make your eyes feel tired. This is why you need a computer screen filter for eyes to reduce this blue light. ... Read More

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If you work on a computer for a long period of time, you may find that your eyes start to get too tired.

The reason for this is that computers emit what is called blue light.

This light can make your eyes feel tired. This is why you need a computer screen filter for eyes to reduce this blue light.

How A Filter Helps

A blue light filter will reduce the blue light that comes from your laptop, personal computer, or another computer that you use at home.

This blue light can’t be seen but it still causes eye strain and other eye problems when you sit at a computer for extended periods.

This is why professionals recommend that you take frequent breaks from your computer and not workout it for a long time.

When you take breaks, you will reduce the amount of blue light that your eyes are receiving.

Common Solutions

There are a couple of common solutions that you can use to reduce blue light.

One of the easiest ways to simply use your computer for less time.

For many people, this is not a practical solution because we need to spend long hours at our computer to do the work we need to do during the day.

You can also get specific glasses that have a blue light filter installed.

This is also not as practical because you have to have the glasses with you at all times when you use your computer. Some people may find glasses uncomfortable to use.

There are better solutions to this such as using a computer screen filter for eyes with software.

Iris Software

Iris is a company that produces blue light filter software.

The software is easy to use and has 9 simple presets. You can choose many different combinations and there are different modes in the software, so it can work just the way that you want.

They have an automatic mode, a manual mode, and a paused mode.

The software also features different types such as reading, sleep, health, biohacker, programming, sunglasses, movie, and dark.

You’ll be able to use a type to suit any need that you have.

The software is also well-documented, so you’ll find it easy to use to reduce blue light.

Improved Health

When you use Iris Software you’ll also improve your health.

You’ll have less eye strain when you use your computer simply for the fact that you have a proper blue light filter installed.

You will reduce instances of eye pain when you use a proper blue light filter.

When you have the right filter you’ll even get better sleep because your body will produce more melatonin and you’ll be able to fall asleep faster.

Using the proper blue light filter such as the ones produced by Iris software can improve your health to a great degree, so you can use your computer whenever you need it


You need a computer screen filter for eyes. A good filter such as the ones produced by Iris Software can make using your computer a lot easier.

You’ll be able to use your computer for extended periods of time and you won’t have to worry about the impacts of blue light.


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Why you should have screen dimmer for pc on your  computer Sat, 28 Apr 2018 13:12:11 +0000   The digital world has invaded our lives by occupying most of our time. From waking up to going back to sleep, we have been hooked to the smart devices for all the good and bad reasons. From the alarm clock to the doing a quick research on Google, we have been so addicted to our smart/digital devices that it ... Read More

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The digital world has invaded our lives by occupying most of our time. From waking up to going back to sleep, we have been hooked to the smart devices for all the good and bad reasons. From the alarm clock to the doing a quick research on Google, we have been so addicted to our smart/digital devices that it has become almost impossible to survive without it. Whether you are a student or employee there are many tasks that you cannot accomplish without a computer, laptop or mobile phone. It feels like our life will be incomplete without these devices.

However, immoderate use of anything especially the screen time on the PC is harmful and should be a considered a matter to be resolved. In order to reduce the health risks that steep screen time cause, screen dimmer for PC must be used because the most threatening effect of the regular use of the PC for you is that the display brightness has on the eyes and brain’s activities.

Why you need the screen dimmer?

Our eyes are more sensitive to the bright lights. Also, once the you start using the computer, it is hard to get off of it because of the obvious addiction. Despite known the harmful effects of bright screen on the eyes it often becomes hard to leave the technological device because there are many tasks that we have to accomplish. Therefore, screen dimmer for PC must be used to prevent the eyes from aching and vision getting blurred or damaged.

What are the adverse effects of the screen’s brightness?

The fact that the screen dimmer for PC, similar to Iris the eye software for the prevention of weak eyesight and eye strain, is supremely beneficial for you.  You cannot deny its benefits after looking into the adverse effects that the excessive screen time has on the brain and eyes, some of which include:

  1. It disturbs the sleep routine.
  2. It confuses the brain’s development by mixing up melatonin and cortisol.
  3. It affects the vision and makes the eyesight weak.
  4. It increases chances of eye strain and eye pain.
  5. It damages the natural sleep cycle which has an impact on the brain activities.

How does the screen dimmer for PC help?

A screen dimmer for PC is helpful a lot of the ways that are mentioned below:

  • It helps in focusing on the screen without irritating the eyes.
  • It soothes the eyes of the user by relaxing the eye muscles.
  • It does not let the brightness any harmful effects on the eyes, head, and the brain.
  • It provides the convenience of using the PC in the nighttime without worrying about the side effects.
  • A screen dimmer for PC helps in preventing the eye pressure that is caused by the increased brightness.

It is a fact that life today revolves around the computer and other smart products. Therefore, making the smart devices less harmful for your own well-being by using a screen dimmer for PC is all that we can do to ensure a secure, healthy, and long life.


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Increase your efficiency by using screen dimmer app Sat, 28 Apr 2018 13:11:46 +0000 In the present age, your basic job requirement is to work on the computer screen or the laptop have greater chances of getting frequent headaches and eye pains etc. This is because of the exposure to the blue light which emits rays that is harmful to the eyes. It also affects your creativity due to the fatigue and tiredness of ... Read More

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In the present age, your basic job requirement is to work on the computer screen or the laptop have greater chances of getting frequent headaches and eye pains etc. This is because of the exposure to the blue light which emits rays that is harmful to the eyes. It also affects your creativity due to the fatigue and tiredness of sitting at one place and staring the bright screen all the time. This is why people have started looking for options like a screen dimmer app which benefits the user to an extent of reducing the eye pain and increasing the work efficiency.

The fact that a screen dimmer app is also primarily related to the screen exposure proves the point that it is almost impossible in today’s time to carry out the daily tasks without the involvement of internet and technology. Here is presenting to you some of the many benefits of a screen dimmer app help in increasing your efficiency to function for a profitable outcome.

How is productivity related to screen dimmer app?

Installing a screen dimmer app helps the you in working efficiently because of the reduced burden on their eyes and head which exceeds due to the excessive screen time. In case you are bound to stay in front of the laptop most of the time tend to relatively have an increased rate of inefficiency. This is because of the extra load that your eyes have to bear because of the screen brightness. This leads to an abnormal reaction in the mind which ultimately results in your absence from the workplace or the improper work submission. It might means that you might not get the bonus this time.

What are the possible ways of getting a screen dimmer app?

A screen dimmer app is easily available on the cell phone software that is accessible to the laptop also. There are numerous screen dimmer apps that are reliable and prove to be useful for a productive work outcome, out of which, one of the common names is Iris. Iris is an eye software specifically designed to reduce the eye infections and diseases because of the exposure to the unbalanced screen brightness. The screen dimmer app is designed to operate automatically and adjust the brightness according to the respective surrounding.

Tips to increase the your productivity

Other than the screen dimmer app, there are several other ways of increasing your creativity and efficiency, some of which are:

  1. Train to work with the help of creative and advanced tools.
  2. Encourage yourself in creating their own ideas and ways to work.
  3. Assure that you take some breaks during work.
  4. Do not bound yourself to perform well because of the unnecessary insecurities.
  5. During your break do not use any kind of screens

A screen dimmer app acts as a life savior for you whose work is limited to the computer screens. Hence, it should be made compulsory along the other work tools to ensure a secure and efficient working environment.

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How screen brightness dimmer can relieve your eye pain for better sleep Sat, 28 Apr 2018 13:11:09 +0000 Most of us have jobs which require direct contact with the computer screen almost all day long. This is with the intention of making the most of the technology and saving time and energy as well. however, computer, laptop, or smartphone screens not only affect the mental capabilities but also the eyes. It is important to use the screen brightness ... Read More

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Most of us have jobs which require direct contact with the computer screen almost all day long. This is with the intention of making the most of the technology and saving time and energy as well. however, computer, laptop, or smartphone screens not only affect the mental capabilities but also the eyes. It is important to use the screen brightness dimmer in such conditions.

It has been noticed that most of the individuals that spend their time in from of the screen suffer from eye pain. The muscles of their eyes are strained due to which they have to deal with sever pain and headache. This headache leads to sleeplessness. When they do not get proper sleep they are unable to give the best performance.

Screen brightness dimmer will protect your eyes

A screen brightness dimmer is fundamentally a software which controls the blue light of the computer screen according to the surrounding lights. For instance, if its daytime then the brightness will increase and adjust on its own so that it becomes easy to function on the computer screen. Whereas, at night time the blue light is supposed to emit rays which are harmful to the eyes and might cause an eye strain as well. The screen brightness dimmer makes the screen darker according to the environment without making it unreadable or complicated to use.

Screen brightness dimmer can help improve your sleep

A screen brightness dimmer has a lot of the advantages which are effective on a regular use. However, the most basic yet the most beneficial fact about the screen brightness dimmer is that it will reduce the stress in your eyes and so you will not have to deal with eye pain and headache. Here is how it’s done:

  1. It provides a comfort to the user’s eyes by maintaining a balance of the screen to the outside environment.
  2. The light of the screen will adjust according to the comfort level of your eyes. So you will not feel any kind of stress on your eyes
  3. There would be no headache or active brain when you will go to sleep
  4. The biggest advantage of the technology is that you will not have to deal with eye issues that happen because of bright light.

Ways to install the screen brightness dimmer

As mentioned earlier, a screen brightness dimmer is a computer software available on the internet with numerous names. However, the most common and the effective one is Iris which is popular among the regular computer users. Iris is designed in a way to automatically adjust the screen brightness by using its screen brightness dimmer properties. This way, you get to focus on the screen without worrying about the headaches and dry eyes etc. other than that, there are several other programs also which serve the same purpose.

There are many ways in which a screen brightness dimmer reduce the strain on your eyes and improve your sleep. Both of these factors are extremely beneficial for a healthy lifestyle. Hence, it is important to consider the screen brightness dimmer hack for a harmless exposure to the screen.


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How dim screen Windows 7 can help you work without eye pain or headache Sat, 28 Apr 2018 13:10:35 +0000 There are many individuals that are suffering because they are not able to give the best performance. They are unable to accomplish their tasks because of pain in the eyes or sa evere headache associated with eye strain. The alarming situation is that severe headache makes it hard for them to focus on their work. It is important for you ... Read More

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There are many individuals that are suffering because they are not able to give the best performance. They are unable to accomplish their tasks because of pain in the eyes or sa evere headache associated with eye strain. The alarming situation is that severe headache makes it hard for them to focus on their work. It is important for you to start using the dim screen windows 7 because it can help to reduce the stress and headache. You do not believe us, here are some of the benefits you can get from the dimmer.

Increase the focus

When the brightness of the screen will be adjusted according to the light it will be easy for the you to focus on your work. Excessive brightness is dangerous because it will not allow you to look at the screen for a long time. In the same, if you lower the brightness the screen will be so dull that you cannot clearly see the screen. The dim screen windows 7 will be the perfect solution. The software will adjust the brightness of the screen with such perfection that you will not have to deal with any issues. You will feel like the brightness has been adjusted according to your eyes.

There will be no headache or eye pain

The biggest benefit of the dim screen windows 7 is that you will not have to deal with any kind of eye pain.

  • You will not have to deal with the increased stress of the muscles of the eyes because of the blue light of the screen.
  • There is no need to worry about a headache that happens because of the excessive stretching of the muscles at the back of the head because of looking at the screen with high brightness
  • You will get a proper good night sleep. It means that the next day you would give the best performance with a fresh mind and body. It will increase your personal satisfaction level.

Work will be accomplished in limited time

Once you will start using the dim screen windows 7 you will notice that you will accomplish the projects in limited time. When there will be no pain or lack of sleep there is no reason that you will not work properly. Your healthy body will give you the energy to manage your tasks as soon as possible so that you can review the task before submission. You will notice that the positive ranking of your work will increase in limited time and it will enhance your sales and revenue.

Bottom line

Make sure that you use the iris dim screen windows 7 software. It is the high-tech and best product available in the market that would allow you to use the computers efficiently. The software is available at an affordable rate so you will not have to worry about your budget. Do not wait and start using iris dim screen windows 7 software.

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Why does a Blue light keep you Awake? Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:48:54 +0000 Study and research have shown that the light coming out of our phones and our laptops is extremely dangerous for our mental health. Now, we are pretty sure that you have somehow heard of this fact before or you might have heard from people that don’t use too much mobile or computer, yet, you don’t pay much heed to this ... Read More

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Study and research have shown that the light coming out of our phones and our laptops is extremely dangerous for our mental health.

Now, we are pretty sure that you have somehow heard of this fact before or you might have heard from people that don’t use too much mobile or computer, yet, you don’t pay much heed to this sensitive topic and you continue to destroy your vision and your nervous system too.

Now, if you are someone who is curious on how our mental health gets affected by the light coming out of the screen then you are at the right place, reading the right article.

Today we are going to tell you all about the blue light, its effect on us and why does this light keep you awake at night. 

What Is Blue Light?

Those who have never heard of this term before need to stick to this article because again, it is going to be very beneficial for you.

Now, you see the light coming out of the electronic devices such as your phone, laptop and tablet are known as the blue light and this is the most dangerous type of light especially at the night time.

Now the reason why we called it dangerous is that the human eye is unable to filter the blue light and it goes straight to the retina of the eyes, this is where all the problem begins.

The Effect Of Blue Light?

Blue light has a positive side to it too and it comes with several health benefits but again, the excess exposure of it to the eyes is the major problem.

The blue light of the screen can become a serious problem for your eyes as it puts constant strain on your eyes and that strain then starts disturbing your nervous system.

Why Does It Keep You Awake?

Now the answer to this question is very simple, what actually happens is that when at night you use too much of the screen, the blue light of it starts putting extra strain on your eyes and that strain then goes straight to your nervous system.

This is the main reason why people find it difficult to sleep at night and this is how blue light keeps you awake.

 What Can Be Done?

Now you might be wondering that what exactly can be done in order to avoid more sleepless nights.

Well, truth be told, there are only two solutions to this problem.

Either you can start avoiding the use of your mobile phones and laptops at night or if this isn’t what you can do then you can use the blue light filters to protect your eyes and your nervous system.

Blue light filters are no less than a blessing and they are the best because with them you can easily use your screen for long durations without harming your eyes.

One of the best blue light software is Iris.

What Is Iris?

Iris is a blue light filter software that can be used both, on a laptop and on mobile too.

This software is very intelligent as it optimized and adjusts the light of your screen as per the light around you.

The adjustment of the blue light is done with such perfection that it starts appearing natural to the eyes and hence there is no strain felt.

No strain on the eyes means no strain on the nervous system and hence you get to have a sound sleep at night.

So, try this software on your phone or laptop for once and you will see the results.


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Why is Blue light before Bedtime bad for Sleep? Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:45:26 +0000 Have you ever heard people saying that mobile phones and laptops should not be used at night? Well, we are pretty sure that you heard this from someone at some point in your life but you never focused on why do people say that. Well, if you are someone who is curious to know the answer to this concept then ... Read More

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Have you ever heard people saying that mobile phones and laptops should not be used at night?

Well, we are pretty sure that you heard this from someone at some point in your life but you never focused on why do people say that.

Well, if you are someone who is curious to know the answer to this concept then you are at the right place, reading the right article.

Today we are going to tell you why the screen of your electronic device is your worst enemy, especially during the night time.

Blue Light

We all know the fact that there are different types of lights around us such as the white light, green light, red light etc and blue light is also one of these natural lights present around us.

Now, there is this concept of wavelengths among these lights that the shorter the wavelength is, the stronger the light will be and unfortunately among all the types of lights, blue light is the one with the shortest wavelength, this means, blue light can become your worst enemy if it reaches your eyes excessively.

Where The Trouble Begins

Now, blue light has several benefits and we don’t totally deny its presence and advantages but on the other hand, it can cause equal harm to the human eye and nervous system just like the UV light.

Now, we are sure you know how dangerous UV light can be for humans and again it is not the light that is harmful in fact it is the excessive exposure of that light that later becomes an issue for us humans.

Why Is Blue Light A Problem At Night

Now coming back to the topic of today that why exactly and how can blue light be bad for you especially when it is your bedtime.

You see what actually happens is that when you use too much of your mobile phone or laptop at night, the light of your screen starts putting extra strain on your eyes.

This strain is doubled up at the night time because the light around us is dimmer and dull and that requires the eye to put more effort on focusing on the screen.

Now, with the passage of time, the strain reaches a point where it starts affecting the nervous system and this is where all the problem lies.

A disturbed nervous system then makes it tough for you to have a sound sleep at night because it has been under constant strain throughout the day.

Now we hope you can now understand why is it bad to use the screen at night.

The Solutions

Now you might be wondering that what can you do in order to reduce this strain or avoid the danger caused by the blue light coming out of the screen.

Well, don’t worry because there are several things that can be done to protect your eyes.

The best way to take care of your eyes is to use blue light filters on your mobiles and your laptops.

These filters are easily available online and you can use them with complete ease for the protection purpose.

Now if you are looking for recommendations then we do have one amazing blue light filter recommendation for you. We are talking about none other than Iris.

How Iris Works?

Among all the other blue light filters, Iris is the best and there are reasons to why we consider it the best.

What actually happens is that Iris optimized and adjusts the light of your screen in such a way that it appears natural to your naked eye.

Hence you don’t feel any strain on your eyes and you get to have a better and sound sleep at night.

This software is available for both, your laptops and your phones and you can easily download it online.

So, if you are someone who is worried about the protection of his eyes then you need to give Iris a try and you will see the results on your own.

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Why is Blue light bad for You? Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:42:12 +0000 Before getting started with the topic of today, first, let’s talk a bit about blue light, what it is and how it affects your vision and your lifestyle. Most importantly if you are someone who hasn’t yet heard of the term “blue light” then you need to stick to this article because today we are going to give you all ... Read More

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Before getting started with the topic of today, first, let’s talk a bit about blue light, what it is and how it affects your vision and your lifestyle.

Most importantly if you are someone who hasn’t yet heard of the term “blue light” then you need to stick to this article because today we are going to give you all the information on blue light and what can be done to protect your eyes from it. 

What Is Blue Light?

One of the most common questions asked by many people is that what exactly is blue light.

Well, we will cut it short for you, you see if you are using a mobile, a tablet or a laptop to read this article then know that you are exposing your eyes to some serious and very dangerous light.

That dangerous light is known as blue light. Blue light is basically present all around us and one of the major sources of blue light is the Sun.

Have you ever read or heard that excessive exposure to the ultraviolet rays from the Sun can damage your skin?

Well, if you did then know that alongside the UV rays, Sun generates a big amount of blue light too which is dangerous for the eyes.

Now, you might be wondering that how can someone avoid the blue light from the Sun?

Well, that is not the concern of today, in fact, the concern for today is the blue light that is coming out of your screens.

We all spend all our day using these tablets and mobiles without knowing the fact that they are destroying our eyes to a limit where it can even cause permanent vision loss.

The Effect Of Bluelight

Now for a while thing of vision loss and we are sure you got goosebumps with that though because let’s face it, no vision means no life.

Now let’s talk about why and how does blue light affect our eyes?

First, let’s get one thing straight, blue light has some good side to it too, it increases the activity of mind, keeps it active and working but the excess exposure of the eye to the blue light can cause several diseases that are unimaginable.

Bluelight has a bad effect on the eyes especially at the night time when you are using your screens.

What happens is that the light around you is dimmer and dark and the one light coming out of your screen puts a direct strain on your eyes, your retina and ultimately your nervous system.

Has it ever occurred to you that you’ve been in front of the screen all day long and at the night time it becomes difficult for you to sleep?

Well, if yes then know that your sleep is getting disturbed due to the blue light coming out of your screens. 

What Can Be Done?

Obviously, you cannot start avoiding using cellphones and laptops but what can be done is that you can install a blue light filter software or application on your phone and your laptop too.

There are currently several filters available online and on your play store and you can easily access and download them to protect your eyes. One of the best blue light filter at the moment is Iris. 

What Is Iris?

Iris is one of the most used blue light filter software that can be used on mobile phones and laptops too.

The main purpose of Iris is to protect your eyes from the dangers of the light coming out of your screen.

If you genuinely care about your eyes then we suggest you to give Iris a try and you will see the results for yourself.

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Why is Blue light bad for Sleep? Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:37:23 +0000 It is a sad fact that we all are unknowingly destroying our eyes and harming them every single day. The number of people with vision issues is increasing at a rapid pace but yet we don’t pay much heed to this matter. On the other hand, these small eye injuries and ocular diseases can lead us to even vision loss. ... Read More

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It is a sad fact that we all are unknowingly destroying our eyes and harming them every single day.

The number of people with vision issues is increasing at a rapid pace but yet we don’t pay much heed to this matter.

On the other hand, these small eye injuries and ocular diseases can lead us to even vision loss.

This is the reason why the need of the hour is that we all start taking note of what wrong we are doing to our eyes.

You see eyes are the most sensitive part of the human body and they need extra care and again, even a little injury can cost us a lot. 

Blue Light

There surely are a number of benefits of the blue light but on the other hand, the excessive exposure of the eyes to the blue light can actually create dreadful circumstances for us.

Especially when your eyes are exposed to the blue light at the night time, that is where all the problem begins. The more blue light goes into your eyes, the more strain it puts on the eyes and ultimately your nervous system starts getting under stress.

This is like a circle basically, the continuous strain on the eyes affects the nervous system and hence you become deprived of a sound sleep at night.

Is Blue Light Bad For Sleep?

So, the answer to this question is “yes”. Blue light has a very negative impact on the nervous system and you don’t get to have a sound sleep at night.

Now, you might be thinking that where exactly does this blue light come from and what can be done in order to protect the eyes.

Well, blue light is everywhere around us and the major source of blue light is the Sun.

On the other hand, the screens of our phones, laptops, and tablets also have the blue light and that is exactly where the problem begins.

You can avoid going much under the Sun for prolonged hours but when it comes to cellphones and tablets, well we all know the fact that these devices have now become a part of our lives and we just cannot stop using them.

So, now the main question here is that what exactly can be done. Well, don’t worry because we are going to give you some solutions to this problem too. 

The Solution

Well, there are a few things that can be done in order to protect your eyes from the blue light, you see you can try reducing the brightness of your phone and if even that won’t work and the strain on your eyes stays constant then you can try using blue light filters on your screen.

These filters can actually help you in reducing the strain and pain in your eyes that is caused by the excessive exposure to blue light.

There are a number of these filters available online and among all of them Iris is known to be the best one.

How Iris Works?

Those who don’t know about Iris need to try this software for once because it is genuinely one of the best blue light filters that come with various features and adjustments.

It basically works by adjusting and optimizing the light of your screen according to the light around you.

Yes, you read it right, Iris is one intelligent software that is available for both, the screen of your laptop and the screen of your phone too.

If you want to see the results then we suggest you try Iris once and we assure you that you will love the results.

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Which type of Light is good for the Eyes? Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:32:41 +0000 Have you ever noticed that the amount of people with eyesight problems is increasing at a rapid pace? Like, there is a big amount of the population that is wearing glasses for weak eyesight and this is something to be worried about. Now, there obviously is one common reason of why people are falling victim to eyesight problems and that ... Read More

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Have you ever noticed that the amount of people with eyesight problems is increasing at a rapid pace?

Like, there is a big amount of the population that is wearing glasses for weak eyesight and this is something to be worried about.

Now, there obviously is one common reason of why people are falling victim to eyesight problems and that reason is the excessive use of cellphones and laptops.

Yes, you read it right, it is that time of life when almost everyone is using these devices and we all are unknowingly destroying our eye.

The Effect Of Light On Eyes

The use of laptops and phones isn’t dangerous but if you start using the screen excessively and for long durations then obviously it is going to destroy your eyes.

The light coming out of the screen is the major thing that affects your vision and this is something we all need to pay heed too.

Now, the question here is that what light is good for the eyes and what should be done about the blue light coming out of the screen. Well, don’t worry because we do have answers to that too.

You see there is blue light everywhere around you and one of the biggest sources of blue light is the Sun, now obviously one cannot start avoiding the Sun but we surely can avoid other sources of blue light.

Here we want to clear one thing again that blue light comes with some benefits too but the “excessive” exposure of the eye to this light is what causes the main problem. 

What Light Is Good For The Eyes

It is clear and simple, the light that puts a strain on your eyes isn’t good for you.

On the other hand, you can change the bulbs around you and you can opt for LED bulbs, the traditional incandescent bulbs, and halogen bulbs as they come with a warmer light that is good for the eyes.

Moreover, for the blue light coming out of the screens, you can use blue light filters, especially at the night time.

Blue light becomes more dangerous for you at night because the light around you is darker and dimmer than the light coming out of your screen, ultimately, what happens is that the blue light coming from the screen of your phone starts putting excessive strain on your eyes and ultimately your nervous system gets disturbed.

Here is where blue light filter plays its part, you see there are several blue light filters available online and these filters are no less than a blessing because they protect your eyes from all sorts of damages. 


One of the most common and the most used blue light filter is called Iris, it basically is a software that comes with several benefits and numerous features.

The basic principle of Iris is to adjust the light of your screen in such a way that it looks natural to the eyes.

Hence, you don’t feel any strain and this is what this magical software is all about.

No strain means a relaxed nervous system and relaxed eyes to and that ultimately gives you a chance to have a sound sleep at night too.

Not only improved sleep and prevention of strain are what Iris promotes in fact with it you will be able to get rid of the unnecessary eye pain too.

So, yes you can say that it is an amazing software that can be used both, on a laptop and on a phone too.

If you are also worried about your vision then we suggest you try this filter for once and you will see the results for yourself.



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What is Blue light filter Glasses? Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:27:03 +0000 There has recently been a lot of hype about blue light filters and their effectiveness when it comes to the protection of the eyes. However, there yet is a big figure of the population that is unaware of the term “blue light” and its dangers. If you are also someone who wants to know everything in detail about blue light ... Read More

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There has recently been a lot of hype about blue light filters and their effectiveness when it comes to the protection of the eyes.

However, there yet is a big figure of the population that is unaware of the term “blue light” and its dangers.

If you are also someone who wants to know everything in detail about blue light and the blue light filter glasses then you are at the right place, reading the right article.

Today we are going to tell you everything about it so don’t forget to take notes because this article is going to be very useful for you. 

What Is Blue Light?

There are different types of lights around us like white light, red light, green light and the blue light.

Now, every light has a different wavelength and it is said that the longer the wavelength is, the less energy it has.

Blue light among all the other lights is considered to have the shortest wavelength and that is where the problem begins.

Blue light cannot be filtered by the naked human eye and it goes straight to the retina of the eye and obviously, if you are going to expose your eyes constantly to the blue light then that can be a problem for your vision.

Moreover, blue light is also considered to be equally dangerous as UV light which is also known as the ultraviolet light. So, from that, you can have an idea of how dangerous it can be for us and our eyes.

Our Eyes and Blue Light

Unfortunately blue light is the only light that cannot be blocked by our eyes and again this is the major issue.

This is the reason why people mostly tell you that you should not use your mobile phone, especially at night.

Excessive exposure to blue light to the eye can actually lead you to permanent vision loss too and as you grow older, your eyes become more and more sensitive to this light.

Now, in order to save our eyes from the damage of the blue light, we all need to find out some solutions that can help us with the protection or else the circumstances may get worse.

What Can Be Done?

Now, we won’t ask you to stop using your screens because let’s face it mobile phones and laptops have now become a part of our lives but what there are several other things you can do in order to protect yourself from the damage of the blue light.

Firstly, you can start avoiding the use of electronic devices, especially at the night time.

Secondly, you can start using blue light filters on your phones, tablets, and computers so that the light of your screen won’t enter directly into your retina.

Thirdly you can try on the blue light filter glasses while you are using your screens, these glasses are easily available and you can buy them from any eye care.

Blue Light Filters

The blue light filters are currently the talk of the town and the number of these filter applications and software is increasing at a rapid pace.

One of the best blue light filter software till date is Iris.

Iris is considered to be the best software for both, your phones and your computers because it actually optimizes and adjusts the temperature of your screen in such a way that it looks completely natural to your eyes.

So, yes if you are looking forward to protecting your eyes from your screen light then we suggest you give Iris a try.



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What Screen Color is Best for Eyes? Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:22:31 +0000 Eyes are considered to be the most sensitive part of the human body yet we do not pay much heed to their sensitivity and we are unknowingly destroying our vision with the each passing day. Now if you are using a phone or a laptop to read this article then honestly even you are destroying your eyes without knowing it. ... Read More

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Eyes are considered to be the most sensitive part of the human body yet we do not pay much heed to their sensitivity and we are unknowingly destroying our vision with the each passing day.

Now if you are using a phone or a laptop to read this article then honestly even you are destroying your eyes without knowing it.

The reason behind it is awareness, there is very less awareness among the people regarding eyes and their protection.

However, today we are going to make sure that whoever reads this article, starts using a blue light filter or starts avoiding the excess use of laptops and other devices because at the end of the day, excess exposure of anything can have a bad effect.

 What Light Is Dangerous To The Eyes?

Before giving you the answer of what screen color is best for the eyes, we will first talk about what screen color and light is dangerous to the eyes.

You see, the light coming out of your screen at the moment is the most dangerous light specially if you are using it at the night time.

When one used screen light at the night time, know that you are putting extra stress and strain on your eyes and your nervous system too.

The light coming out of your screen is basically known as the blue light and where blue light has health benefits, it has some really terrible downsides too.

Excessive blue light at night is so dangerous that it can even lead you to permanent vision loss.

Now you might be wondering that what exactly can one do in order to make this light less dangerous for the eyes, well, we do have an answer for that too.

You can use different blue light filters to reduce the strain or you can use various screen colors to avoid that stress on your eyes and your nervous system. 

The Best Screen Colors For The Eyes

There are several ways through which you can protect your eyes from the dangerous light of your screen.

The number on solution to this problem is to reduce the brightness of your screen and make sure that it is reduced to a limit where it is not putting any strain on your eyes.

The next solution is to change the color of your screen, the background and the text on it.

You can use different color combinations and the best ones are black text on white screens or if you are opting for some other colors of the text then make sure that the text is dark and the background of your screen is kept lighter.

This can seriously save you from the excessive and disturbing strain on your eye.

Now the third and the best way to protect your eyes especially at the night time is to use blue light filters.

Blue light filters are no less than a blessing for someone whose nature of work demands the excessive use of the screen. One of the most used blue light filter is Iris.


Iris is a software that works both for a laptop and a phone.

This software is pretty intelligent and it works simply by analyzing the light around you and adjusting the light of your screen accordingly so that it won’t be irritating for your eyes.

With Iris, you will be able to stay active and put less strain on your eyes and your nervous system.

Right now there are thousands of people who are using this software to protect their eyes and it has given them some seriously amazing results.

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What is the Best Blue light filter for Android? Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:18:22 +0000 Before telling you about the best blue light filter, let’s talk a bit about the blue light filter, what it is and why would you need it. We all at some point of our lives have heard from other people that excessive use of mobile phones and laptops isn’t good for our health but we never tried to figure out ... Read More

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Before telling you about the best blue light filter, let’s talk a bit about the blue light filter, what it is and why would you need it.

We all at some point of our lives have heard from other people that excessive use of mobile phones and laptops isn’t good for our health but we never tried to figure out the answer that why is it so.

We never pay much heed to this topic because there isn’t much awareness among people regarding it.

However, if you are someone who is curious and wants to know the reason why these screens are bad for you then you are at the right place, reading the right article.

Today we are going to jot down the problem, the reason for the problem and the solution to it too.

So, folks take notes of what we are about to tell you because this article can actually be very useful for you. 

The Problem

It is said that one should not use too much of his mobile phone because the light and the rays coming out of the screen is not healthy for the human eye.

Now, not many know that the light coming out of all the electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, and mobiles is known as the blue light.

This light is basically everywhere around us but the problem begins when our eyes are exposed to direct blue light especially at the time of night.

The human eye is unable to filter the blue light and it goes straight to the retina of the eye and if you constantly expose your eyes to this light then ultimately it will start putting a strain on your eyes and then this strain goes straight up to the nervous system.

As a result, your nervous system gets disturbed and you are unable to have a sound sleep at night.

The Solution

Now you might be wondering that what exactly can be done in order to protect your eyes from this dangerous light.

Well, again don’t worry because we are here to tell you about the solution too.

You see we won’t ask you to stop using your cellphones because in this age we all know the fact that mobiles have become a part of our lives but what you can do is that you can apply blue light filters on your Android handsets.

Yes, you read it right, there are blue light filters available for both, your laptop screens and your mobile phones too. 

The Best Blue Light Filter

If you are looking for a sincere recommendation for the best blue light filter then we will suggest you try Iris once.

Iris is currently being used by thousands of people and yes it is very very effective.

It is more of a three problems one solution type software that helps you in reducing the strain on your eyes, it protects your eyes and with it, you will be able to sleep well at night too.

What actually happens is that with Iris you get to protect your eyes from the intensity of the blue light coming out of the screen of your phone.

The software is intelligent enough that it adjusts and optimizes the light of your screen in such a way that it starts appearing natural to the human eye and that is what we all need at this age.

Blue light filters are now becoming a trend and people are now finally getting more and more awareness on the protection of their eyes.

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What Color Light is Good for Sleep? Sat, 31 Mar 2018 23:31:38 +0000 Before getting started with the topic of today, we would first like to tell you that this article is for all those people out there who consider the health of their eyes important. This article is for all those who find it hard to sleep peacefully at night due to eye strain, pain and injury too. It is a sad ... Read More

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Before getting started with the topic of today, we would first like to tell you that this article is for all those people out there who consider the health of their eyes important.

This article is for all those who find it hard to sleep peacefully at night due to eye strain, pain and injury too.

It is a sad fact that a big figure of the world’s population is falling victim to ocular diseases and the weakness of the eyesight is now considered a normal thing.

But truth be told, this is not something that is normal, weakness of the eyesight can actually become a bigger problem with the passage of time.

Sometimes even a small injury to the eyes can lead a person to permanent vision loss and we are pretty sure this isn’t something anyone would want. 

What’s The Basic Issue?

Now, you might be wondering that what exactly can lead a person to ocular diseases and why are people falling victim to it so quickly?

Well, the answer is something that we all do know but we don’t pay much heed to it.

The problem lies with the excessive use of mobiles, laptops, television, tablets and all other such devices.

All of these devices produce blue light that goes straight to the retina.

Also, it is a fact that blue light is the only type of light which the eye cannot filter and this is where the problem begins.

You keep using the mobile and laptop screen throughout the day and that constantly puts your eyes under strain.

The strain on the eyes than starts affecting your nervous system and hence you lose the ability to concentrate on certain things and most importantly, you don’t get to have a sound sleep then.

What Can Be Done?

Now we obviously can’t suggest you to stop using your phones and your computers but at least you can avoid it at the night time.

Moreover, if the nature of your work demands from you to use the screens at the night too then we have another solution for you and that is the blue light filter.

These filters are available online and in your play stores too and you can easily download them.

However one of the best blue light filter software is Iris. 

What Is Iris?

Iris is a software that is made with the modern technology and the sole purpose of this software is to protect your eyes from the damage of blue light.

What actually happens is that Iris optimizes and adjusts the light of your screen in such a way that it starts appearing natural to the naked eye and all the strain and stress is gone with it.

By applying this filter you can use your screen even at the night time and we assure you that you won’t feel any kind of stress on your eyes.

Automatically, your nervous system will stay relaxed and you will be able to have a sound sleep at night.

There are several people using this software on their phones and laptops at the moment and till now Iris is totally successful in protecting the eyes of the people from getting damaged.

If you are also someone who is worried about his eyes then you need to try this software for once and you will feel the results on your own.

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What Color is Easier on the Eyes at Night? Sat, 31 Mar 2018 23:22:46 +0000 The worst thing that one can do to his eyes is to put them under excessive and constant strain. Strain and stress on the eyes can actually have a very bad effect on the overall health of a person and especially on the nervous system. Has it ever occurred to you that you spent all your day in front of ... Read More

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The worst thing that one can do to his eyes is to put them under excessive and constant strain.

Strain and stress on the eyes can actually have a very bad effect on the overall health of a person and especially on the nervous system.

Has it ever occurred to you that you spent all your day in front of the screen and at night you didn’t sleep well?

Well, this happens and it is a reaction of the body and the nervous system when you put your eyes under a constant state of strain.

Every individual has one common sensitive part of the body and that is the eye.

Eyes are very very sensitive and sometimes even a small injury in the eye can lead you to chronic ocular diseases.

Also, sometimes the situations get so worse that it leads you to permanent vision loss.

Now, we all know the fact that injuries are inevitable but what we can do is that we can protect our eyes from the other dangerous elements around us.

Speaking of the dangers, one of the most common thing that can destroy our eyes is the light coming out of our screens. 

The Light Of The Screen

Not many are aware of the fact that the light coming out of our devices and laptops etc is also known as blue light and it is the most dangerous light, especially at the night time.

Why at night is a question that everyone asks, you see what actually happens is that at night time, everything around you is dark and the light around you is kept dim on the other hand if you are going to use your mobile phone or laptop with a dim light around you then automatically it will put double strain on your eyes than the daytime, this is where the problem begins.

Extra strain means the disturbed nervous system and hence all your body functions especially your sleep gets really disturbed.

The Solution

The need of the hour is that people should now start paying heed to their eyes and their protection.

You cannot just simply carry on with by destroying your vision because when you reach your 60’s you will then start facing some serious vision problems.

Now there are several ways we can protect our eyes from this light and we are now going to jot down some of the basic ones, so make sure you note down what we are about to tell you.

Change the color of your screen, the easiest color on your eyes can be dark text on a light background.

For example, your eyes can be at their maximum comfort if you use a black colored text on a white background.

You can change the color of both the text and the background by just keeping one thing in mind that the text should always be darker.

Another solution is to use blue light filters for your screens such as Iris.

Iris is currently the most popular blue light filter that can help you in reducing the strain on your eyes to a whole another level.

Iris is one intelligent software that works by adjusting the light of your screen in accordance with the light around you.

Moreover, with it, you can a variety of options to choose from and see which color makes your eyes more comfortable.

If you are someone who genuinely cares about his or her vision then we suggest you to give Iris a try once and the results will be in front of you.


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Is Blue Light Bad for Sleep? Sat, 31 Mar 2018 22:41:05 +0000 Before moving towards any conclusion, let’s first talk a bit about blue light and what it is. If you are someone who has never heard of this term before then you need to stick to this article. Today we are going to tell you all about the blue light, its effect on our eyes and how dangerous it is becoming ... Read More

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Before moving towards any conclusion, let’s first talk a bit about blue light and what it is.

If you are someone who has never heard of this term before then you need to stick to this article.

Today we are going to tell you all about the blue light, its effect on our eyes and how dangerous it is becoming for us.

So, folks take notes of what we are about to tell you because this article can be very beneficial for you and for the protection of your eyes.

Blue light is basically everywhere around us and the basic reason why it is considered to be one of the most dangerous lights is, that it comes with a very short and high energy wavelength.

This wavelength can become an issue for the human eye because our eyes are very sensitive and the blue light goes straight to the retina of the eye where all the problem begins.

Moreover, the blue light becomes dangerous for the eyes, especially at the night time.

What actually happens is that when the light around you becomes dull and dim at night, the light of your screen starts putting a strain on your eyes and ultimately the continuous strain leads you to a disturbed nervous system.

Now we all know the fact that when our nervous system gets disturbed, our sleeping cycle automatically becomes abnormal.

The Relation Between Blue Light & Nervous System

Has it ever occurred to you that you used your mobile phone all the day and then at night you felt like you weren’t able to sleep well?

Well, if yes then know that this was the effect of excessive blue light on your eyes.

When your eyes are kept under continuous strain, they ultimately start affecting your nervous system and then you don’t get to have a sound sleep at night.

So, yes the blue light is definitely bad for your sleep and you need to take measures to protect your eyes along with your nervous system.

What Can Be Done?


Now we obviously won’t suggest you to stop using your phones and your laptops but what you can do is that you can avoid using the screen for prolonged hours.

Again, know that blue light isn’t bad but the excessive exposure of it to the eyes can lead you to vision loss too. So, you have to avoid using your screen all through the day.

There are other alternatives too, for example, you can reduce the brightness of your screen to a point where it is no longer irritating your eyes or you can use blue light filters on your screens.

Blue light filters are no less than a blessing for someone who wants to protect his eyes.

These filters are currently the talk of the town and there are numerous apps and software available online that can shield your eyes from the blue light of your screen


Among all the other blue light filters, Iris is the best and there are reasons to why we consider it the best.

What actually happens is that Iris optimized and adjusts the light of your screen in such a way that it appears natural to your naked eye.

Hence you don’t feel any strain on your eyes and you get to have a better and sound sleep at night.

This software is available for both, your laptops and your phones and you can easily download it online.

So, if you are someone who is worried about the protection of his eyes then you need to give Iris a try and you will see the results on your own.

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Do Computer Glasses Really Work? Sat, 31 Mar 2018 22:30:27 +0000 Mental and physical health is an important thing to be taken care of but now it is high time that we all start talking about eye health too. There is a huge number of people who are falling victim to some terrible ocular diseases and there even are a few people who have permanently lost their vision. We all know ... Read More

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Mental and physical health is an important thing to be taken care of but now it is high time that we all start talking about eye health too.

There is a huge number of people who are falling victim to some terrible ocular diseases and there even are a few people who have permanently lost their vision.

We all know the fact that eyes are the most sensitive part of the body yet we don’t pay much heed to this topic and we continue to be careless about our eyes.

But again, it is high time that people should start worrying about their vision too because let’s face it, a man half dies within himself if he can’t see.

So, before things start getting worse let’s spread awareness and talk about those factors that are destroying our eyes.

Where The Problem Begins

It is an undeniable fact that we spend half of our day on laptops and phones and mostly we use these devices at night when we get free from all the daily routine work.

Well, you see that is where all the problem lies, at night there is no natural light present around you and everything is dark and dim, this is the time when the blue light puts extra strain on your eyes and that strain then goes straight up to your nervous system and hence you lose the ability to focus on certain things and also, you don’t get to have a sound sleep at night.

In a nutshell, all of the problems start with the excessive exposure of the blue light to the eye.

What Can Be Done?

Now you might be wondering what exactly can be done in order to avoid the damage of the blue light to the eyes.

Well, this is the time when you can use the computer glasses for protection purpose.

These computer glasses are basically tinted glasses that come in two basic colors, brown and yellow and these glasses are known to be magical because they block the blue light from entering the eyes directly.

With the help of these glasses, you can easily use your mobile phones and your laptops all night long without harming your eyes in any way.

Another alternative that can save your eyes from the light of your screen is the blue light filter.

These filters are available online and you can easily download them on your phones and on your computer screens too.

Now, among all the other blue light filters, the one that comes on top is Iris.

How Iris Works?

Iris is one of the best blue light filter software because it comes with several special features and controls that can actually reduce the strain on your eyes.

Moreover, Iris is more of a 3 in 1 solution because firstly it can help in reducing the strain on your eyes, secondly, it can help you in having a sound sleep at night and thirdly, it reduces eye pain too.

So, yes you can say that it is the best software. The best part about this blue light filter is that it is available for both, Android and PC so no matter what device you are using, you can install the software at any moment and start using it to protect your eyes.

Currently, there are thousands of people who are using Iris and the results are really positive so if you also want to focus on the health of your eyes then we suggest you try this software right at the moment because it will give you some very positive results.


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Do Blue Light Filters Work? Wed, 28 Mar 2018 16:15:30 +0000 It is that time of life when almost everyone owns some sort of a device, either it is a mobile phone, a TV or a computer. Now where there are several benefits of all these devices, there are some drawbacks to them too and we are not talking about normal drawbacks, we are talking about some serious dangers with which ... Read More

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It is that time of life when almost everyone owns some sort of a device, either it is a mobile phone, a TV or a computer.

Now where there are several benefits of all these devices, there are some drawbacks to them too and we are not talking about normal drawbacks, we are talking about some serious dangers with which these devices come.

One of the most dangerous elements of these devices is blue light.

Basically blue light is everywhere around us and one major source of blue light is the Sun.

Now obviously one cannot stop going under the Sun but one can surely save himself from the blue light coming out of the other places such as mobile phones and computers.

Yes, you read it right, the blue light coming out of these devices is just a fraction of what comes from the Sun, but this little fraction of blue light can be extremely dangerous to the eyes due to excessive exposure. 

Blue Light And Its Effect

Blue light for us normal people is just a normal form of light but if you dig deep, you will know that this light can actually lead you to permanent vision loss.

The light coming out of our screens is continuously destroying our vision and even our nervous system and the need of the hour is that we all start realizing that we need to protect our eyes from this light.

We all know the fact that we all spend almost half of our day in using mobile phones and laptops and this is exactly where the problem begins.

Excessive exposure of blue light to the eye is the major issue and this can lead every individual to some serious ocular diseases.

Eyes are very sensitive but not many care about this part of the body.

Even a small pain in the eye or injury in the nerves of the eye can lead you to serious vision problems and the other downside of this fact is that there isn’t much you can do to cure eye related problems.

 Does Blue Light Filter Work?

Now you might have this question in your mind at the moment that how exactly do blue light filters work?

Well, don’t worry because we are going to explain that to you now.

You see what actually happens is that these filters protect our eyes from direct contact with the blue light coming out of our screens.

It is pretty simple and it is very beneficial.

There are several blue light filter applications and sites available at the moment such as Iris.

If you haven’t heard of Iris before then you need to stick a little longer to this article because we are now going to tell you all about Iris and how it works. 

What Is Iris?

Iris is basically one of the most used and the most popular software at the moment that works as a blue light filter for your screens.

The best part about this software is that it is available both, for your laptops and your android phone too.

Moreover, with Iris, you will be able to use your phones and laptops without disturbing your eyes and your nervous system.

There are thousands of people using this software at the moment and all of them are quite impressed by the benefits of this software.

The best benefit of Iris is that you can have a sound sleep at night because there is little and sometimes no stress or strain on your eyes even if you use your screen all day long.

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Do all Yellow glasses block Blue light? Tue, 27 Mar 2018 13:19:54 +0000 There has been a lot of hype about yellow glasses and blue light filters but the actual question asked by many people is that do these things really work? Do they really help in blocking the blue light? Well, if you are also someone who has the same questions in his mind then you are at the right place, reading ... Read More

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There has been a lot of hype about yellow glasses and blue light filters but the actual question asked by many people is that do these things really work? Do they really help in blocking the blue light?

Well, if you are also someone who has the same questions in his mind then you are at the right place, reading the right article.

Today we are going to answer this question of yours in detail and also, we will give you a detailed explanation of our answer.

So, people, take notes of what we are about to reveal because this article can be very beneficial for you and especially for your eyes.

What Are These Yellow Glasses For?

This question seems pretty simple and most of you might even know the answer but this is something that should be talked about in detail.

Basically, yellow glasses were introduced in order to block the blue light from entering the eyes directly.

Studies were made and researches were conducted and all of them pointed out that people now need to be worried about their eyes because the use of mobiles and laptops is constantly destroying the human eye.

After that, people actually started getting aware about the health of their eyes and that is when tinted glasses were introduced. 

Do They Really Work?

Yes, yellow and brown, both tinted glasses work great for blocking the blue light and this is the best solution for someone who is a computer geek.

Moreover, you can even use your mobile phones at night with these glasses because with them the screen light won’t cause any harm or danger to your vision.

So, in case you are planning to get one for yourself or your loved one then don’t wait anymore and buy them right at the moment because the sooner you start taking measures for protecting your eyes, the better it is.

Blue Light & The Danger

Blue light is the major problem here because this is one of those lights that come with a very short wavelength and it is said that the shorter the wavelength of a light is, the more powerful it is.

Also, it is a fact that the human eye is not able to filter the blue light and this is where all the problem begins.

The screen of our phones and computers all give blue light and ultimately this light starts putting an unimaginable strain on the eyes. In short, your eyes are pretty sensitive to this light.


If you are someone who feels uncomfortable with the yellow glasses then you surely have an alternative to that.

We are talking about none other than the blue light filters.

There are several blue light filters available online and for free.

You can download any one of them on your phone or computer and then the light won’t stay harmful to you anymore.

One of the best blue light filter software is Iris.

How Iris Works?

Iris is one of the smartest software that blocks the blue light on your screen like nothing else does.

With Iris, you won’t have to worry about your eyes because this software takes care of it all once you download it.

At the moment there are thousands of people who are using Iris and all of them are quite happy with the results so if you are someone who is worried about the protection of his eyes then you also need to try Iris for once and you will have the results in front of you.



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Do all Orange glasses block Blue light? Mon, 26 Mar 2018 16:14:48 +0000 All of our electronic devices such as mobiles phones and laptops emit blue light and the blue light is that light which comes with a very short wavelength. Now it is said that the shorter the wavelength of a light is the more powerful it is and this is the main reason why blue light becomes an issue for the ... Read More

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All of our electronic devices such as mobiles phones and laptops emit blue light and the blue light is that light which comes with a very short wavelength.

Now it is said that the shorter the wavelength of a light is the more powerful it is and this is the main reason why blue light becomes an issue for the human eye.

You see our eyes can filter all other types of lights but blue light is the one which cannot be filtered and it goes straight to the retina which is why people find it difficult to sleep at night if they’ve used their mobile phones for a longer duration at night.

What Is Blue Light?

Now again, blue light is also a form of light such as the white, green and red light around us but the only thing that makes blue light an issue is its wavelength.

On the other side blue light comes with several benefits too but the excessive exposure of it to the human eye is what we ask you to avoid.

People who use the screens of their devices a lot especially at night, they suffer through certain kinds of ocular pains and diseases sooner or later and again it all falls back to their carelessness regarding their eyes.


Let’s get one thing clear if we all can start worrying about our mental and physical health then what’s wrong with talking about eye health?

In fact, we all know the fact that eyes are the most sensitive part of the human body then why do we show carelessness in this matter.

Now, as far as the solutions are concerned, well, there are two things that can be done.

Firstly, you can start using orange tinted glasses that are easily available in the market.

These glasses are fully effective because they help in blocking the blue light and hence your eyes stay protected.

Now the other solution is the use of blue light filters on your screen.

Blue light filters are now easily available online and you can use them both on your mobile screens and on the screen of your PC too.

As far as the effectiveness of these filters is concerned, well, truth be told, these filters are trending at the moment because yes, these are pretty effective and more easy to use than to wear orange tinted glasses.

Right now one of the best and the most used blue light filter software is Iris.

If you haven’t heard of Iris yet then stick a little longer to this article because we will tell you briefly what it is.

What Is Iris?

If you haven’t heard of Iris yet then don’t worry because we are here to explain you all about it.

Iris is a blue light filter software that is currently the talk of the town due to its effectiveness and the benefits with which it comes.

Iris is so intelligent that it optimizes and adjusts the color of your screen in accordance with the light around you, this actually happens so that your eyes won’t get harmed by the intensity of blue light of your screen and the light can appear natural to your eyes.

Now, if you are someone who genuinely cares about his or her eyes then we suggest you try Iris once and we assure you that you will be impressed by the performance of this software.

There will be no eye strain again, no eye pain and also, no more sleepless nights because Iris makes sure that you don’t get to face any kind of problem.

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What makes Iris the best Computer Screen dimmer? Sun, 25 Mar 2018 14:33:30 +0000 Technological devices have become an important part of our business. All the data and other information related to the business and other facilities are available on the computers. You might have noticed that today we are using technological devices in all fields of life whether it is healthcare, education or business. The devices might be beneficial but at the same ... Read More

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Technological devices have become an important part of our business.

All the data and other information related to the business and other facilities are available on the computers.

You might have noticed that today we are using technological devices in all fields of life whether it is healthcare, education or business.

The devices might be beneficial but at the same time, they are creating other issues for the employees.

This is the reason that utilization of computer screen dimmer is very important.

There are different types of computer screen dimmer software available in the market.

However, none of them have been able to meet the quality of Iris. It is the best software and here are some of the reasons why.

Automatic adjustment

The biggest attraction of Iris is that it has the automatic screen brightness adjustment services.

  • If the lights in the room are dim the computer screen dimmer will adjust the lights of your computer screen automatically to a lower mode
  • When the light in the rooms are high that it is hard for you to focus on the screen, it will increase the brightness
  • The software will increase and decrease the brightness to such extent that you will not feel any kind of strain on your eyes.

No more eye pain

The screens of the technological devices emit special kind of blue light that affects your eyes.

This light will increase the pressure and stress on your eyes and you will notice that soon you will be feeling pain.

On the other hand with the computer screen dimmer, you will not have to deal with such kind of issues.

It will reduce the emission of blue light from the screen so that you will not have to deal with the side effects that come with the emission of the blue light.

You will get a proper sleep

A common issue that most of the people deal with is that they are unable to sleep at night because of the pain in the eyes and continuous use of the devices.

With the help of Iris computer screen dimmer, you will not have to deal with this issue.

The software will help to keep your eyes on the relaxed situation.

This is the reason that you will easily fall asleep at night when you will go to bed.

It will allow you to have the perfect sleep so that you will not have to deal with any issues.

Blue light filter for Eye Protection

The computer screen dimmer by Iris will be your best office partner.

You will notice that it will remove all the issues that you were dealing with because of the utilization of the technological devices.

It has all the latest features that will provide you the facility to work effectively on your computer.

Stop wasting your time and money on the software that is not even providing the services they claim.

Get Iris today so that you can enjoy the amazing services that come with it.

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Screen dimmer for Windows 10 Sun, 25 Mar 2018 14:16:46 +0000 Steep use of the smartphones has become a requirement for keeping in touch in touch with the digital world 24/7. A lot of the people face some serious problems related to the excessive screen time. This is because of the blue light or the brightness that is also the key feature of a cell phone because it keeps the screen ... Read More

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Steep use of the smartphones has become a requirement for keeping in touch in touch with the digital world 24/7.

A lot of the people face some serious problems related to the excessive screen time.

This is because of the blue light or the brightness that is also the key feature of a cell phone because it keeps the screen bright enough for an attractive display.

However, too much of the brightness in an unfavorable surrounding such as in the dark in unhealthy for the eyes and the human body in general.

A technology tool like a screen dimmer for Windows 10 is exactly what was needed for the laptop users.

A screen dimmer app or a software is one of the many applications in the Windows 10 which is supremely helpful in treating insomnia and getting rid of the eye strains and infection.

Below are mentioned some of the facts which prove that screen dimmer for Windows 10 is the best thing to be installed on your laptops and mobile phones.

How is Insomnia related to Light?

The blue light in the smartphones and the laptop decreases the release of melatonin, a brain chemical which is responsible for comforting and relaxing the brain. Instead, it allows cortisol which increases mental stress.

This way, when the user uses bright mode in the night time, it affects the sleep cycle and confuses the brain which results in insomnia.

Screen dimmer for Windows 10 has features that are most suitable for treating insomnia and getting rid of the unbalanced sleep cycle.

The screen dimmer for Windows 10 has been a successful feature of the Windows since its release since its immensely beneficial for a good night’s sleep.

What are the side effects of increased screen brightness?

The fact that the screen dimmer for Windows 10 is a hit feature can be proved by observing the side effects of unnecessary and increased screen brightness, which include:

  1. It disturbs the sleep cycle.
  2. It affects the eyes and generates eye pain.
  3. Other frequent ailments such as eye strain, dry eyes, and headaches are caused by the increased brightness.
  4. It upsets the brain’s functioning by confusing between the two brain chemicals.
  5. It puts immense pressure on the eyes which weakens the eyesight.
  6. It creates frustration in the mood due to the irregularity in the brain’s performance.

Benefits of the Screen dimmer for Windows 10

Countless benefits of the screen dimmer for Windows 10 have been observed since its release and regular Windows users are appreciating the feature by giving honest and contended reviews for the same.

Iris is also one of the software for managing the screen brightness and reducing the risks of eye diseases. Some of the benefits include:

  • It increases the battery life.
  • It provides relief to the eyes through the dark background.
  • It comforts the brain’s activities.
  • It helps the brain in functioning according to the natural cycle.
  • The Screen dimmer for Windows 10 reduces the chances of getting eye infections and diseases.

The screen dimmer for Windows 10 has been found to be as one of the best features of the program since it is benefitting a lot of the people in the long run and providing comfort to their computer and smartphone needs.


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Screen Light Dimmer Sun, 25 Mar 2018 14:12:03 +0000 Continuous exposure to the screen has become one of the basic requirements of doing our jobs even performing small daily tasks. The advantages technology provides are immense and supremely favorable for reducing the human effort. However, at the same time, it also generates some serious health problems which affect the organ functioning in a long term. Using a screen light ... Read More

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Continuous exposure to the screen has become one of the basic requirements of doing our jobs even performing small daily tasks.

The advantages technology provides are immense and supremely favorable for reducing the human effort.

However, at the same time, it also generates some serious health problems which affect the organ functioning in a long term.

Using a screen light dimmer to decrease the chances of getting an eye strain or eye problems is the advanced way of handling the issue like a pro.

Regular use of the computer for a good 10-12 hours a day has a severe impact on the mental activity and capability.

The screen light dimmer is supposed to make the user’s comfortable for a continual stare at the screen, helping the person to blink more and cause fewer eye problems.

Below are mentioned some of the scientific facts which prove that using a screen light dimmer for preventing the eye pain is extremely effective for a secure screen exposure.

Benefits of a Screen light dimmer

There are a number of benefits that a screen light dimmer provides and support the user’s regular functioning on the screen. Some of the advantages of a screen light dimmer include:

  1. It reduces the chances of eye strain and dry eyes.
  2. It prevents screen distraction due to the unsuitable lighting environment.
  3. It restrains from suffering the watery discharge from the eyes.
  4. It stops the screen flickering.
  5. It urges the user to blink more which is beneficial for the healthy eyes.
  6. It helps in getting rid of the eye fatigue caused due to the excessive exposure to the screen.

How does bad Screen lighting affect the eyes?

While staring the screen, eyes are the most affected organ of the body.

This is because that often the screen lighting is too dark or dim which does not support the surroundings.

For example, the daytime lighting of the screen should be bright whereas the nighttime lighting should be dim for relaxing eyes.

The screen light dimmer for the night time enhances the user’s productivity and creativity to work to perfection, regardless of the environmental distractions.

The idea to have a screen light dimmer on the computer is to reduce the eye diseases like eye strain and pain which cause further problems if not taken proper care of.

Other ways to avoid the eye pain

Several other ways of reducing the eye pain due to the continual screen exposure are:

  • Iris, an eye software which is responsible for modifying the screen’s brightness according to the surroundings.
  • By managing a work routine in which small break intervals are possible.
  • By utilizing a screen light dimmer to the most of the computer’s use.
  • Adjust the computer display settings to the personal need and requirements.
  • By repositioning the screen from time to time which also helps in eye exercises.

A screen light dimmer is becoming a common tool for making the computer’s use less harmful.

The benefits that it provides are beyond expectations and prove to be favorable every screen user in general.

Therefore, consider a screen light dimmer as one of the best ideas to prevent eye pain and reduce headaches.

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Screen Dimmer Fri, 23 Mar 2018 16:03:37 +0000 One of the most appreciative gifts of technology is the screen dimmer for the laptop. With the help of latest technology developments, human efforts have become less due to the availability of numerous options for getting things done in no time. Laptop or a computer is one of those options which immensely facilitate the user for working online, anytime and ... Read More

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One of the most appreciative gifts of technology is the screen dimmer for the laptop.

With the help of latest technology developments, human efforts have become less due to the availability of numerous options for getting things done in no time.

Laptop or a computer is one of those options which immensely facilitate the user for working online, anytime and anywhere.

A laptop owner has this convenience of a mobile workstation where it is easy to operate online/offline and finish the work according to the perfect comfort zone.

Not only working professionals but students are becoming used to this technology and are becoming dependent on the laptop for doing the smallest of research and assignments.

If someone’s job or study requires being on the laptop most of the time then it is important to stay aware and conscious of its side effects as well.

This is because excessive exposure to the screen is harmful to the eyes and brain development.

However, if properly taken care of, a regular laptop user can save himself/herself from its adverse side effects, for example, the use of a screen dimmer.

What is a Screen dimmer?

A screen dimmer is most probably a software through which the user gets to adjust the screen’s brightness according to the surroundings.

For instance, if there a need of working in a dark environment then too much of the screen brightness causes irritation in the eyes and can result in a weak eyesight.

Therefore, a screen dimmer is installed with the help of a software installation tool which helps the user in making required adjustments to the screen without affecting the real screen outlook.

This way, the user outs himself/herself in the safe zone and feel secure to use the laptop according to the work requirements without worrying about its damaging reactions, all of it because of the screen dimmer.


The benefits of a screen dimmer include:

  1. It reduces the chances of weak eyesight.
  2. It helps in getting rid of the eye irritation.
  3. It prevents the obvious side effects of excessive screen time such as an eye strain.
  4. A screen dimmer is designed in a such a way that it accommodates the screen’s brightness perfectly according to the user’s demands.
  5. It supports the surrounding environment by converting the laptop screen into a dark theme.
  6. A screen dimmer in the form Iris can be immensely helpful in getting things done in an effective and productive manner.

How to Get it Installed?

A screen dimmer is available on the internet with various names such as The Dimmer etc.

These software packages are free and easy to install. Also, functioning the laptop with the help of a screen dimmer makes it convenient for the user to work efficiently, producing effective results.

The basic concept of a screen dimmer is to provide extra relief to the regular laptop users which is important for a healthy work routine.

Installing a screen dimmer in the laptop has been made easy, thanks to the numerous software houses who are stepping in to create a difference and make the laptop use a useful tool to complete work in minimal time.


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Screen dimmer for Windows Fri, 23 Mar 2018 11:35:17 +0000 Using a computer on a regular basis is no longer a luxury but has become a necessity. Be it driving, watching tv, working online, or researching, screen time is mandatory for performing all of these tasks with efficiency and perfection. The benefits that the technology provides such as time-saving etc. are on one hand but the disadvantages of continuous exposure ... Read More

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Using a computer on a regular basis is no longer a luxury but has become a necessity.

Be it driving, watching tv, working online, or researching, screen time is mandatory for performing all of these tasks with efficiency and perfection.

The benefits that the technology provides such as time-saving etc. are on one hand but the disadvantages of continuous exposure to the screen cannot be neglected.

This is why people have started to opt for options that are less harmful and have reduced chances of long-term ailments.

Screen dimmer Windows is one of the many options to choose from which are easily available and produce an effective outcome.

The main issue in the excessive screen time is the blue light that most of the smart devices to present a bright and vibrant screen display.

This blue light is harmful to the eyes and the brain as well.

However, using a screen dimmer Windows makes the screen time less painful and frustrating for the user with the prevention of diseases, pains, mental and physical issues.

How does the screen Brightness cause eye strain?

The screen’s too much brightness in the nighttime puts immense pressure on the user’s eyes and sometimes cause a headache also.

Other than that, most of us do not frequently blink while staring the screen which causes the eyes to get less painful.

The blue light emitted from the screen also causes insomnia which is also one of the reasons for eye strain.

Hence, screen dimmer Windows save the day by adjusting and dimming the screen brightness without making it any less attractive than before.

Also, the screen time requires being done with considering small details which are impossible to do with a burden on the eyes and mental activities.

Basic features of Screen dimmer for Windows

Some of the basic features that the screen dimmer Windows has created for benefitting its regular users are:

  1. It controls the backlight which directly affects the eyes and causes blurry vision.
  2. It adjusts the brightness without influencing the screen’s surrounding.
  3. It spreads a black shade all over the screen which helps in highlighting and reading the front font.
  4. It suggests and advice the user to take small intervals in between the screen time to avoid the continuous exposure.
  5. It has the ability to set the timer which automatically turns on and off sensing the surrounding area.

Other ways to reduce eye strain by extended screen exposure

The other ways to reduce eye strain, other than the screen dimmer Windows, is the eye software called Iris which is designed to facilitate the Windows’s users by managing the screen’s brightness accordingly.

Apart from screen dimmer Windows, below are mentioned some of the effective methods of preventing the eye strain:

  • Get the eyes checked regularly by a known physician.
  • Use proper lighting around the computer.
  • Consider zero chances of screen reflection.
  • Improve the screen’s display by maintaining a fine color theme.
  • Keep exercising the eyes in between the work.

Eye strains can be quite painful at times and must be immediately treated.

Moreover, preventive measures such as screen dimmer Windows must be taken to reduce the health risks and focus on the main target.

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How not using the Screen dimmer on Mac can affect your eyesight? Thu, 22 Mar 2018 22:09:29 +0000 Continuously staring the Mac screen for a good 10 hours a day is harmful to the eyes. But the fact that most of our work and studies are done online and therefore, excessive screen time is not a choice but a dependency. Be it a research-based or sending an important email, technology, and the internet are becoming a major part ... Read More

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Continuously staring the Mac screen for a good 10 hours a day is harmful to the eyes.

But the fact that most of our work and studies are done online and therefore, excessive screen time is not a choice but a dependency.

Be it a research-based or sending an important email, technology, and the internet are becoming a major part of our lives without realizing that it’s taking a toll on the mental and physical health.

The blue light emitted from the screen which is there to serve the purpose of brightening the display is okay to be exposed to in daytime.

However, in the nighttime, human eye’s sensitivity to light increases and any kind of strong light can have an immensely negative impact on the eyes.

This usually results in eye pain, headaches, watery and dry eyes.

For this purpose, screen dimmer Mac is created by the professionals to help cope with the issue and set an improved version of the screen time addiction.

What is Screen dimmer for Mac?

A screen dimmer Mac is the option on your Mac device which lets the user adjust the screen’s brightness level for the obvious reasons.

The minimum default brightness level might not be always satisfying for the user because it is set to a standard level.

However, when this happens, Mac users tend to look for other options such as installing a screen dimmer Mac app which is supposed to minimize the brightness beyond the default settings.

This way, the night time work or entertainment shift becomes bearable enough and it also supports in having a peaceful sleep or treating insomnia.

Disadvantages of not using Screen dimmer on Mac

When the user continues using the Mac device without adjusting the brightness, it badly affects the eyes and also generates some further health problems which are harmful to the remote future.

Some of the disadvantages not using a screen dimmer Mac are:

  1. It does not let the user sleep.
  2. Even if the user gets to sleep, he/she feels tired the next morning due to the lack of mental peace.
  3. It often results in eye pain and headaches because of the pressure that brightness has on our eyes.
  4. Eye strain is a common complaint reported for not using screen dimmer Mac.
  5. It confuses the brain’s activities and the brain tends to release cortisol instead of melatonin for a well-kept sleep cycle.

Productive ways to deal with the problem

Other than the screen dimmer Mac, there are other methods available online which are helpful for a productive outcome. For example, Iris, an eye software.

Iris was created to help the user understand the problems that occur when the screen brightness is not maintained in the nighttime, by automatically adjusting the display according to the dark or light surroundings.

Also, some Mac applications such as Shady as screen dimmer Mac are also easily available which serve the same purpose.

Using a screen dimmer Mac is for the user’s own good and does benefit any other person in general.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand the root cause of the problem and focus on producing effective solutions such as the screen dimmer Mac.


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What are the benefits of using Screen dimmer at Night? Thu, 22 Mar 2018 22:04:07 +0000 Most people in today’s tech-dependent era are addicted to the use of smartphones, laptops, and other gadgets. A smartphone addict cannot go to sleep until and unless the eyes begin to hurt or the body shows some mild as well as severe symptoms of tiredness and exhaustion. People who are addicted to their gadgets are most likely to suffer from ... Read More

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Most people in today’s tech-dependent era are addicted to the use of smartphones, laptops, and other gadgets.

A smartphone addict cannot go to sleep until and unless the eyes begin to hurt or the body shows some mild as well as severe symptoms of tiredness and exhaustion.

People who are addicted to their gadgets are most likely to suffer from insomnia because of the excessive screen time which decreases their sleep routine.

This is also the reason why these people have to go through a disturbed and irregular sleeping cycle which happens due to the screen’s brightness.

A screen dimmer for the night is all that a smartphone addict must use to prevent the eyes from damaging.

The brightness on the screen is a blue light which must be dimmed at night.

Due to the increased use of the smartphones etc. a lot of the people undergo stress symptoms.

This fact has been proven by science and is supposed to affect the mental and physical health in the long run.

How does a Screen dimmer at night help?

A screen dimmer for the night is a software or a technology tool which is responsible for adjusting the screen brightness without ruining its actual essence.

It is okay to increase the brightness and get exposed to the blue light but at night, it is important to avoid direct contact with the blue light as it confuses the brain’s activity for a normal sleep cycle.

This results in a disturbed sleep pattern and a frustrated mood.

Hence, it is necessary to make a screen dimmer for the night a fundamental part of making the screen a secure and protected form of technology dependence.


There are countless benefits of a screen dimmer for the night but not all of those apply to everyone because the problems that occur to a screen addict might vary from individual personalities and daily routine.

Therefore, it is suggested to avoid unnecessary judgments and focus on the main issue.

  1. It stops from reducing the release of melatonin from our body which is found to be useful for a peaceful sleep.
  2. It helps in stopping cortisol from affecting the mental activities such as a good sleep pattern.
  3. A screen dimmer for the night decreases the chances of stress due to eyes and headaches.
  4. It prevents the eyes from eye infections such as eye strain and dry eyes etc.
  5. It saves from the struggle of sleeping on a different time every single day.

What is the most popular Screen dimmer software?

The most popular eye software as a screen dimmer for the night which is making rounds in the world of technology is Iris.

Basically, Iris possesses an automatic power of adjusting the screen’s brightness by sensing the night or day environment.

This way, it saves the user from going to the complex options and set the options every time in a different environment by the automated screen dimmer for the night.

The use of the internet is only possible through the usage of smart products.

Therefore, a screen dimmer for the night must be made a necessity for dealing with the problems caused due to the steep screen time.

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Screen dimmer for Android Thu, 22 Mar 2018 21:59:22 +0000 Most of the smartphones users are aware of the extraordinary features and apps that can be installed in the system. Android is known to be releasing phenomenal mobile/laptop applications which are extremely useful for the people who are addicted to staying in contact with the digital world. Other than that, in today’s time of technology dependent era, most of the ... Read More

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Most of the smartphones users are aware of the extraordinary features and apps that can be installed in the system.

Android is known to be releasing phenomenal mobile/laptop applications which are extremely useful for the people who are addicted to staying in contact with the digital world.

Other than that, in today’s time of technology dependent era, most of the official work is also done using the internet and its technologies.

However, while this habit and addiction has lead to a developed future of the world, it has also affected the brain’s functioning in a negative way.

The blue light on the screen which is there in almost all the smart devices affects the eyes and brain activities in a manner which produce harmful results. For this purpose, screen dimmer for Android is used which is a digital tool for reducing the side effects of the continuous screen exposure.

How does the screen dimmer for Android work?

The screen dimmer for Android works through different applications and software installed on the laptop or cell phone system. These apps are designed to operate automatically and created with exceptional features that are uncommon for a smartphone.

The daytime brightness and the nighttime brightness must be different and changed according to the surrounding.

Therefore, the app sensor the environment’s lighting and adjusts the screen’s brightness accordingly.

For this purpose, screen dimmer for Android is the best choice to make for the prevention of numerous problems including eye strains and disturbed sleep cycle.

What are the basic features of the screen dimmer for Android?

There are some remarkable features that the screen dimmer for Android has created, However, the application of these features may vary to individual systems of the different smartphones.

  1. A clear vision of the screen despite the dark shade.
  2. A notification that indicates the user of the functioning of the screen dimmer application.
  3. Options to adjust the brightness beyond the system’s default settings.
  4. Screen dimmer for Android is capable of operating the cellphone/laptop according to the desired and fixed settings.
  5. Changes the screen color according to the video or the picture display.

Facts related to the screen dimmer for Android

The screen dimmer for Android is created due to some serious medical problems that were reported by the regular smartphone users.

One of the main and most affecting problems was the decrease in the melatonin release, a brain chemical responsible to soothe the brain and provide a relaxing sleep.

As a result of which, cortisol plays its part and adversely affects the brain sleep cycle, resulting in insomnia.

This is why software like Iris was built which serves the purpose of adjusting the screen’s brightness for the prevention of eye strains and headaches.

The screen dimmer for Android has also proved to be medically appropriate and does not produce any known side effects either.

The screen dimmer for Android is one of the best creations ever made in the digital world.

This product or digital tool generates some outstanding results which are supremely favorable for using the smartphones on a regular basis.

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Night owl Screen Dimmer Thu, 22 Mar 2018 21:25:35 +0000 The brightness of the smartphone screens is good if used in the daytime. However, there are different levels of brightness for the nighttime due to the side effects that the increased brightness holds. Installing a screen dimmer in the system and setting it up to the required level of brightness according to personal choices has become a regular practice by ... Read More

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The brightness of the smartphone screens is good if used in the daytime.

However, there are different levels of brightness for the nighttime due to the side effects that the increased brightness holds.

Installing a screen dimmer in the system and setting it up to the required level of brightness according to personal choices has become a regular practice by the avid smartphone users.

This feature is mostly used by the Android users due to the awareness and benefits that it provides for the dimmed screen.

The night owl screen dimmer for Android is a trued and tested application for adjusting the screen brightness accordingly.

Android is known to have been created some amazing features to facilitate its users. The night owl screen dimmer is one of those incredible applications which is being successfully operated by most of the users.

The brightness levels in this app can be set according to the surrounding area and lights. However, the levels have to be reasonably chosen to make the most of the feature.

How does the Night owl screen dimmer function?

The night owl screen dimmer is an Android application which was created to reduce the risks of eye strain, headaches, and insomnia, all of which are a result of the excessive screen brightness in the nighttime.

The application’s functions are set according to the personal requirements.

For instance, the user can set the app to automatically dim the screen’s brightness after sensing the dark surrounding.

This way, the hassle of going to the settings and changing the system’s setup is preventing and the night owl screen dimmer gets to efficiently operate the cell phone’s brightness.

What are the special features of the night owl screen dimmer?

The special features of the night owl screen dimmer include:

  1. Adjusts the backlight lower than the default settings.
  2. A timer is given in the app which starts and stops the application’s operation.
  3. Stops the screen’s blue light from affecting the eyes and brain’s functions.
  4. Availability of the red, blue, and green filters to suit the screen’s cover.
  5. An ad-free application which is a big plus point.
  6. Access to the sun timer for benefitting the user of the app’s powerful functions.
  7. Senses the location and increases and decreases the brightness accordingly.

The levels of brightness in the night owl screen dimmer

This is the most liked feature of the night owl screen dimmer.

The levels of brightness that are present in the application are beyond the system’s own default settings.

This means that it benefits the user to an extent of functioning above the cell phone’s instilled features.

The app’s ability to provide numerous levels of brightness is what makes it an exceptional option for reducing the health risks.

With the help of the reduced brightness, the user gets to efficiently function and perform well.

Night owl screen dimmer is an app similar to the eye software Iris which serves somewhat identical purposes.

The idea to reduce the chances of health risks due to the extended screen time has been made possible with the night owl screen dimmer.

Therefore, its use must be made regular and define to ensure a healthy functioning on the smartphones/laptop.

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Laptop screen dimmer Thu, 22 Mar 2018 21:12:14 +0000 The work, study, and entertainment requirements of today’s era can only be fulfilled by using a smartphone or a laptop. While smartphones have small screens and less exposure to the clear picture, a laptop is mostly preferred by people who tend to stare the screen for a longer period of time. For example, watching a movie or completing assignments, all ... Read More

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The work, study, and entertainment requirements of today’s era can only be fulfilled by using a smartphone or a laptop.

While smartphones have small screens and less exposure to the clear picture, a laptop is mostly preferred by people who tend to stare the screen for a longer period of time.

For example, watching a movie or completing assignments, all of the online work from home or at the office is also done on the laptop.

As much this facility provides some amazing perks, the fact cannot be neglected and denied that excessive use of the screen time or a laptop can lead to some serious health problems.

This being said, a laptop screen dimmer is all that is needed to overcome these medical issues and keep using the device like a pro.

The main purpose of a laptop screen dimmer is to reduce the screen’s brightness to a bearable level which does not put a pressure on the eyes and head.

This way, it becomes convenient for the user to operate with efficiency and creativity.

How does a Laptop screen dimmer help?

The laptop screen dimmer minimizes the screen’s brightness by reducing the backlight on the display.

This is done by making its shade a bit darker without affecting the real charm of the picture as it does not ruin the display clarity.

When the laptop is used for a longer time period without adjusting or dimming the screen brightness then the user often complaints for eye pains, headaches, and eye strain etc.

Also, by using the laptop screen dimmer the user gets a peaceful sleep which is because of the release of melatonin in the brain that is supposed to relax the brain activities.

What is the suggested brightness level for the Laptop screen dimmer?

There is no specific suggested level for the laptop screen dimmer.

However, it is suggested by the experts to completely minimize the brightness to people who are already extra sensitive to the bright lights and react in an adverse manner when exposed to the maximum or medium screen brightness.

The laptop screen dimmer has certain brightness levels which must be adjusted according to the personal requirements.

Also, the screen or laptop display must not be affected by doing the same and should support the eyes for a relaxed laptop view.

How to get rid of the common medical complaints due to the excessive Laptop use?

There are some tried, tested, and suggested ways of getting rid of the complaints due to the excessive laptop use, which also involve laptop screen dimmer as one of the solutions.

Some of the remedies include:

  1. Take frequent intervals in the screen time.
  2. Blink the eyes more often.
  3. Install an app or a software like Iris, which helps in minimizing the brightness beyond the default settings.
  4. Understand all the basic and advanced features of the laptop screen dimmer for an improved application.
  5. Keep adjusting the display according to the different surroundings.

The laptop screen dimmer is a blessing for users who are bound to operate online.

This incredible feature helps a lot in getting rid of most of the problems that occur due to the extended screen time.


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How the Dimly screen Dimmer works for your devices Thu, 22 Mar 2018 21:03:27 +0000 Adjusting the screen’s brightness according to the surrounding can be frustrating at times because of the constant movements you make in and outside the workplace. Having to manually maintain the screen’s blue light is tough to do with the already charged workload. Therefore, it is essential to own a digital tool which happens to make life easier by providing facilities ... Read More

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Adjusting the screen’s brightness according to the surrounding can be frustrating at times because of the constant movements you make in and outside the workplace.

Having to manually maintain the screen’s blue light is tough to do with the already charged workload.

Therefore, it is essential to own a digital tool which happens to make life easier by providing facilities and features that are helpful on a daily to regular basis.

Mobile phone applications are easy to install on the laptop also and therefore, most IT professionals and other people are opting for this trend called the screen dimmer app.

One of the famous and most reliable apps for the same purpose is the Dimly screen dimmer.

It is available for Android software and simple to operate. The features that are installed in the Dimly screen dimmer app by the makers are the main highlight of the tool being used for an effective screen time.

Features of the Dimly screen dimmer

The dimly screen dimmer is an app specially designed to ease and comfort the smartphone usage by keeping a balance between the screen and outside brightness.

Here are some of the popular and most liked features of the dimly screen dimmer:

  1. Dimming the backlight of the screen by making its shade darker. This way, the screen bearable to stare for a longer period of time without causing any sort of eye disease.
  2. Filtering the blue light that is supposed to be dangerous for the eyes in the night time.
  3. A customizable brightness level which is beyond the default settings in the cellphone. This feature makes the Dimly screen dimmer app special because the cellphones instill brightness levels are not sufficient for a healthier and relaxing work phase.
  4. By just shaking the mobile, the app gets to the phone’s original brightness setting, keeping the frustration away, of going to the settings time and again.
  5. Small memory which makes the app feasible and accessible to everyone, regardless of the size of the hard disk.


The perks of installing the Dimly screen dimmer is that it is interfered by unnecessary ads which are mostly irritating because nobody is interested in seeing the ads in between the important work.

Also, the app has an auto start timer which supports the concept of maintaining a dim light once the night time starts i.e. in the evening.


Reviews for the Dimly screen dimmer can be easily seen on the Android’s Play store in which almost all the users have confirmed the app to be most useful and effective tool of working on a mobile or a laptop.

This app is making positive rounds in the market with the help of its unbiased reviews.

One of the main reasons for this app becoming a major hit among the masses is that a bright screen at night reduces the release of melatonin which is responsible for making the mind relaxed and comfortable for a good night’s sleep.

The dimly screen dimmer app is somewhat similar to the Iris, an eye software which performs also the same tasks as the Dimly.

Therefore, making a sensible use of the technology can help in reducing the complications that are related to the increased screen time.

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PC Monitor Blue Light Filter Mon, 12 Mar 2018 16:42:13 +0000 The One Thing Your PC Monitor Is Missing Have you ever wondered that you do own a one branded computer with the best Windows installed in it and the best features but what exactly is that one thing that is missing in your such perfect computer? Well, if you haven’t ever thought of it then don’t worry because here we ... Read More

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The One Thing Your PC Monitor Is Missing

Have you ever wondered that you do own a one branded computer with the best Windows installed in it and the best features but what exactly is that one thing that is missing in your such perfect computer?

Well, if you haven’t ever thought of it then don’t worry because here we are with an answer for you.

The screen of your PC monitor needs a blue light filter that can protect your eyes from the damage of blue light.

Our eyes are pretty sensitive and an eye disease can be worse than even a heart disease because just imagine your life without vision?

The idea of losing vision is horrible and we are sure that none of you want to take that risk.

Now, there are a lot of people out there are who are not aware of what blue light is, how is it harmful to the eyes and what can be done to protect your eyes from it.

Well, if you are also one of those people who is looking for an answer then you are at the right place, reading the right article because today we are going to tell you all about it.

What Is Blue Light & How Does It Affect Your Eyes?

Blue light is basically everywhere around us and the one major source of blue light is the Sun.

Where the Sun is good for your health for vitamins, it can be bad for your eyes due to the excessive exposure of blue light.

Now, even the Sun is not the problem, the problem is with our PC monitor screens and our phone screens, both these screens emit a fraction of blue light but as we spend all our day on these devices, that is where the problem begins.

Our eyes are continuously being exposed to the blue light and this isn’t only dangerous for the eyes in fact it somehow affects your nervous system too.

You might be wondering that what exactly can you do in order to protect your eyes from getting harmed.

Well, the answer is simple you just have to use the blue light filter on your monitor screen and it will do the rest of the job for you. 


There are several softwares and applications that can help you with this especially Iris is that one software that you must try for at least once and you will see the difference for yourself.

Iris is basically made on the principle of adjusting the blue light in such a way that it appears natural to the eye and Iris helps both in the daytime and at the night too.

The only motto of Iris is to protect your eyes, be healthy and achieve more.

With Iris we assure you that you will be able to sleep in peace and especially at night you will have a sound sleep as throughout the day there is zero and sometimes no strain on your eyes and that is the specialty of Iris, to protect and filter the blue light before it reaches your retina.

So, if you are someone who genuinely cares about his eyes and wants no vision issues then you need to try Iris for once at least and we assure you that you will be happy with the results.

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Free Blue Light Filter App Mon, 12 Mar 2018 16:32:21 +0000 How often do you get a good night sleep? If your answer is anything less than “Always” then it is should be a worrying sign for you. Why because it is your sleep that decides how active and productive you will remain throughout the day. It is your sleep that decides that whether you will be able to perform the ... Read More

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How often do you get a good night sleep?

If your answer is anything less than “Always” then it is should be a worrying sign for you.

Why because it is your sleep that decides how active and productive you will remain throughout the day.

It is your sleep that decides that whether you will be able to perform the daily tasks efficiently or not.

One of the things that affect our sleep is the extreme usage of gadgets.

Whether you are reading a book on your tablet, watching a movie on the Netflix or using Facebook on your laptop your sleep is getting affected badly.

But does that mean that we should stop using these gadgets? Yes, or maybe not.

Stop using the gadgets can be a solution but that is not most of us will opt for.

The best way to tackle the problem is to reduce the effects of these gadgets on our health.

But how can we do that?

Basically it is the light coming out from the gadgets that affect the health of our eyes and as a result, we failed to get a good night sleep.

Using the gadgets in the daylight might not have the same effect as using those gadgets in the night.

So, it is very clear that we should come up with a solution with which we can adjust the light ratio of the gadgets.

Fortunately, we have blue light filter apps with which we can control the light ratio of our gadgets.

It is the blue light of the gadgets that make the most of the mess.

With these blue light filter apps, we can adjust the ratio of the blue in the light and can effectively control the strain on the eyes because of the gadgets.

Most of the blue light filter apps work in the same manner as they don’t operate in the daytime but after the sunset, they drop the color temperature of the screen.

They cancel out the negative effects of the blue light and decreases the glare massively.

This makes the working environment very easy for the gadgets users.

These blue light filter apps are now available for different platforms such as mac book and windows computers and laptops.

For Android and other smartphones, there are blue light filter apps available as well.

Iris is one of the blue light filtering apps that is available for multiple platforms including macs and windows pcs.

Linux users can also get this blue light filter app for their computer and can protect their eyes from the strain.

There are multiple features that Iris has to offer and two of the most popular features are the decrease in the amount of blue light emitted from the screen and control of the brightness without the PWM flicker.

Further, there are different modes that you can select according to your preference.

The best thing about Iris is that it is a free blue light filter app that you can try. In case you started to like using Iris then you can buy a lifelong license for Iris as well.

Gadgets are here to make our lives and work easy but that doesn’t mean that you have to compromise your health and sleep on these gadgets.

Use blue light filter apps to make the working environment easy to work in.

Using technology in the right way is the only solution to control the abuse of the technology.

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Download F.lux For Windows Mon, 12 Mar 2018 16:24:24 +0000 What Is The One Thing That Is Missing On Your Windows? Have you installed the best version of Windows in your computer? Have you done your best to set all of its features and functions as per your requirement? Well, if yes then wait for a while and think of what one thing is missing in your Windows and while ... Read More

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What Is The One Thing That Is Missing On Your Windows?

Have you installed the best version of Windows in your computer?

Have you done your best to set all of its features and functions as per your requirement?

Well, if yes then wait for a while and think of what one thing is missing in your Windows and while you are trying to figure it all out, think of your eyes and their protection.

If you haven’t yet guessed the answer then don’t worry because here we are to answer your and tell you all the necessary detail that you should know.

What Is F.lux?

Your Windows and your computer is basically missing the F.lux software and you need to download it as soon as you can.

F.lux is an amazing graphical display that shows the current position of the Sun. Yes, you read it right, this software is made all intelligent and it is extremely useful for someone who wants to protect his eyes.

The best part about this software is that it can adjust the brightness of your screen according to the night and day time and even you can control the brightness by yourself according to what suits your eyes the most.

F.lux comes with features that you’ve never even thought of, with it you can easily do the color sensitive work without worrying about changing the brightness of the screen.

The use of this software depends upon your use of the computer in the office, make sure that you are using the computer in a place where the light doesn’t change much so that f.lux can do its job properly.

If you are someone who genuinely cares about his eyes and wants to protect them from the damage of blue light then you need to download this software right at the moment.

You see not only F.lux can be a life-saver for you in fact, there are plenty of other applications and softwares too that can put a filter on the blue light of your screens.

For example, Iris, it is also an amazing and outstanding software that can put a shield between your eyes and the blue light of your screen which is the need of the hour. 

How Does Iris Work?

Iris works by adjusting the blue light of your screen as per the light around you so that the screen light can appear natural to your eyes and the sharpness of it won’t irritate your eye.

You see, when too much blue light is exposed to your eyes, it becomes difficult for you to have a sound sleep at night but with Iris things are totally different and by using this filter you can have a good and sound sleep because there is no strain or stress on your eyes throughout the day and that is exactly what Iris specializes in.

Moreover with Iris you will never again feel stressed out or tired even if you have been using the screen all day long because Iris makes your screen and the light coming out of it so natural that it is not at all disturbing for your eyes and especially, your retina gets filtered blue light which is what you need to protect your eyes.

So, do try Iris for once and you will be impressed by the magic with which it comes.

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Computer Screen Blue Light Filter Download Mon, 12 Mar 2018 16:21:35 +0000 The Effect Of Blue Light On Your Eyes Have you ever thought of the light coming out of your phone and laptop screens? Have you ever thought how dangerous that blue light can be for your eyes? If not then now is the right time to start worrying about your eyes and the effect of blue light on them. Have ... Read More

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The Effect Of Blue Light On Your Eyes

Have you ever thought of the light coming out of your phone and laptop screens?

Have you ever thought how dangerous that blue light can be for your eyes?

If not then now is the right time to start worrying about your eyes and the effect of blue light on them.

Have you ever noticed that the people who spend more time on laptops and phones have eyesight issues the most?

The reason behind it is simple and that is too much exposure of blue light to the eyes.

If you expose too much blue light to your eyes ultimately your retina gets damaged and that is where you start facing other eye-related problems.

Sometimes the retina of the eye is so sensitive that the blue light can cause permanent vision loss and that is something no one wants for himself.

The Solution To Your Problem

Now you might be wondering that what exactly can you do in order to protect your eyes from the screen light because obviously, you cannot stop using these devices and your phones.

Well, the answer is simple and there are two things that can be done in order to protect your eyes from the damage done by blue light.

First, you should reduce the duration of using your phones, tablets, and computers.

Secondly, you can download blue light filter applications and software for your computer screen.

Technology has taken over the world and now there are software that are intelligent enough to sense the light around you and then according to that light, they adjust the blue light of your screens.

The best part about these software and applications is that they are free of cost yet they come with numerous benefits. These benefits range from protection for your eyes, to reduction of stress and a better sound sleep.

As a matter of fact when you use your computer screen all day long, it ultimately affects your nervous system which is why you are unable to get a sound sleep.

Now, what these softwares basically do is that they reduce the sharpness and the brightness of a light in such a way that it looks natural to your eyes and your nervous system gets no strain or stress on it, the result ultimately is a good and sound sleep.

If you are looking for such blue light filter application for your computer screens then you are at the right place, reading the right article because we have do have a solution for you.

Iris is the one software that is the answer to all your eye related problems.

How Iris Works?

The software is pretty simple yet it comes with a number of benefits. Iris comes with 9 different presets and three different modes.

You can adjust it as per your requirements so that the blue light of your computer screen cannot be harmful for your eyes.

Iris adjusts the blue light in such a way that it matches perfectly with the light around you and ultimately your screen light appears very natural to your eyes which then leads to no stress and strain.

Moreover, with Iris, you can take a health test too and you can try it for once and we assure you that you will see the results within a few days. Imagine having no strain on your eyes even if you have been in front of the screen all day long? It sounds and feels amazing, no?

Well, if it does then we suggest you to install this software right now and enjoy a stress and strain free screen experience.

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Blue Light UV Filter Screen Protector Mon, 12 Mar 2018 16:08:20 +0000 Only a few people in the world are aware of what UV and blue light is and how is it affecting our vision and our eyes. If you are someone who is worried about his or her eyesight or if you are one of those people who is suffering from some sort of eye pain or eye disease then this ... Read More

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Only a few people in the world are aware of what UV and blue light is and how is it affecting our vision and our eyes.

If you are someone who is worried about his or her eyesight or if you are one of those people who is suffering from some sort of eye pain or eye disease then this article is a must-to-read for you.

We do understand the fact that eyes are the most sensitive part of human body and even a small injury can cost people a lot which is why today in this article we are going to jot down everything you need to know about blue light, its effect on our vision and what can be done to reduce the exposure of it because, at the end of the day, you can never put your eyes on risk.

So, folks take notes of what we are about to tell you in this article because it might save you from serious and chronic eye problems. 

Blue Light Is Everywhere

Let’s get one thing straight, blue light is present everywhere around us and the one major source of it is the Sun.

Like obviously we all do spend some time under the Sun which is good for health but on the other hand, too much exposure of blue light to your eyes can be eye-threatening.

Now, even the Sun is not the issue, as a matter of fact, we all own some sort of a device that emits blue light, here we are talking about everything including cell phones, tablets, TVs, and laptops.

Like we all own at least one of these devices and even if the blue light that comes out of the screen is just equal to a few fractions as compared to that, that comes out of the Sun yet this fraction is more dangerous to us because we spend almost all our day looking at these screens.

In short, the continuous exposure of blue light to the eye is the basic issue and doctors are now more concerned about it.

Studies have shown that almost all the eye diseases and other vision-related issues occur due to the use of laptops and cellphones and the need of the hour is to figure out a way to reduce this exposure of blue light.

What Can Be Done?

You might be wondering that what exactly can you do in order to reduce the exposure.

Well, we do have a solution and that is the use of blue light filters on your phones, laptops and tablet screens.

These filters are a life-saver for people as with them, the danger caused by the blue light to the eye is reduced and even if you spend all your day on your phone screens, you won’t hurt your eyes.

You can now easily download and install software such as Iris on your phones and laptops and apply the blue light filter to the screens. 

How Iris Works?

Iris is one of the most used and the most popular software till date that comes with numerous benefits.

Above everything, this software adjusts and applies the blue light filter to your screen in order to protect your eyes and your nervous system too.

With Iris, you will be able to reduce the stress and strain on your eyes that is caused by the excessive use of screens and also you can now have a sound sleep at night because with Iris your eyes can relax and all your vision and eye problems come to an end.

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Blue Light Screen Filter Pro Mon, 12 Mar 2018 14:52:40 +0000 There are thousands of people in the world who are suffering from some sort of eye diseases and most of them suffer through chronic eye pain and some are going through ocular hypertension and research and studies have shown that half of the vision-related issues are generated due to the excessive exposure of blue light to the eye. Our eyes ... Read More

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There are thousands of people in the world who are suffering from some sort of eye diseases and most of them suffer through chronic eye pain and some are going through ocular hypertension and research and studies have shown that half of the vision-related issues are generated due to the excessive exposure of blue light to the eye.

Our eyes are very sensitive and especially our retina. Now our eyes can filter all the other light but blue light is that one light that goes straight to our retina without any filters.

Now, if you are someone who is using laptop screens and phone screens throughout the day then there are chances of you to get the ocular diseases that can sometimes become so severe that they can lead you to permanent vision loss.

The Alternative

Now, in such a case we do understand that you cannot stop using your devices and especially phones which is why we have an alternate of it for you that can help you in protecting your eyes.

The blue light screen filter pro is what you need at the moment.

This application can help you use your devices all day long without harming your eyes and your vision.

The blue light filter works by filtering the light coming out of your screen and it basically adjusts it in such a way that the light appears natural to your eyes and hence you do not get harmed at all.

Moreover, when you use the screen throughout the day, it puts a lot of strain on your eyes and ultimately your nervous system gets disturbed and then that further leads you to disturbed sleep at night.

However, as said earlier, you now no longer have to worry about that stress and strain that causes ocular diseases because there are several applications and software available online and in your play stores that are currently being used by thousands of people.

These applications are helping people by protecting their eyes and filtering the blue light in such a way that when it reaches the retina of the eye, it is no longer dangerous to it.

Also, it is something worth appreciation that now there is a lot of awareness about the danger of the exposure of blue light and people now actually consider the health of their eyes to be an important matter.

If you are also one of those people who is looking for the best software that can work for your computer screens as well then don’t worry because we do have an answer for you and that is Iris.

What Is Iris?

Iris is one of the most used and the best software till date that can easily filter the blue light of your screen and make it appear natural to your eyes.

The software senses the light around you and then adjusts the light of your screen according to it in order to make it all smooth for you.

The best benefit of using this blue light filter is that you can easily have a sound sleep at night unlike before because when you use too much of your phone and computer screen, it puts stress and strain on your eyes and that ultimately disturbs your nervous system which cannot let you have a sound sleep at night.

So, in short, Iris is best for someone who wants no stress on the strain on his eyes yet wants to use the screen all over the day.

Also, we assure you that installing this software on your screen won’t waste your time and you will see the results for yourself.

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Blue Light Screen filter App Mon, 12 Mar 2018 14:38:58 +0000 We are actively participating in the time where running on the wheel of success and progress has become a trend setter. But this trend setter has brought numerous side effects with it. All the businesses, educational institutes and domestic, commercial and professional life revolve around the bright computer screens. Assume the picture: A man working from early morning till midnight ... Read More

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We are actively participating in the time where running on the wheel of success and progress has become a trend setter. But this trend setter has brought numerous side effects with it.

All the businesses, educational institutes and domestic, commercial and professional life revolve around the bright computer screens.

Assume the picture: A man working from early morning till midnight in a dimly lit room with coffee on the side table and laptop screen sitting in front of him.

Add, the rubbing of eyes and massaging forehead every now and then too.

Yes, we know that meeting deadlines is important. Nobody is fond of being kicked out of the office for now preparing an important presentation. So what can be adjusted here?

Install a blue light filter on your laptop, computer, LCD, smartphones etc to keep your eyes guarded.

What is Blue Light?

 It is necessary to first know what actually blue light is. The light emitted from digital screens consists of different electromagnetic particles which travel in wave form.

The rays which make up the electromagnetic spectrum include gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet (UV) rays, visible light, infrared light, and radio waves. Each wave varies in length and energy.

Shorter the wavelength, greater the energy. If we talk about a naked human eye then it is sensitive to only visible light which consists of colors that include violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red.

Out of all these colors, blue light has a short wavelength and thus, it radiates more energy than others.

It has a wavelength of 400-495 nm. The twist lies in the fact that Blue Light or High Energy Visible (HEV) being the shortest and highest energy wavelengths in visible spectrum flicker easily than the other longer and weaker wavelengths.

According to studies and researches, this flickering of blue light is the sole reason for headaches, eye strain and mental fatigue caused as a result of continuous exposure to digital screens ultimately leading to long-term damage to eyes.

But don’t worry, a blue light filter such as Iris now provides protection against these harmful rays.

How blue light affects your eyes?

Let us kill your curiosity and enlighten you with some facts that how digital screens affect your eyes.

You see the light being emitted by the screens but do you know what the constituents of this light are?

There are multiple rays which make up the brightness or light because of which you are able to see the work on screen. One of those rays is Blue Light.

A layman is unaware of blue light because there is no such awareness about the protection of eye health against these lights.

You work daily for long hours in front of digital screens without a blue light filter and that is the time when blue light is busy attacking your naked eyes. The effect is slow.

The damage does not occur all of a sudden in a few hours or even days. It takes some time to first show the symptoms and then progress towards the damages.

And the credit for destruction for to the absence of the blue light filter. In order to avoid this damage, one must install blue light filter as the first priority.

How does Iris help?

Iris has been helping its customers for a long time by serving as a blue light filter.

This blue light filter stops all the extremely harmful blue lights and doesn’t allow them to pass from digital screen to your eyes.

Iris is a blue light filter which has high sensors for the detection of blue lights.

It builds up barriers for the blue light to pass. Iris proves excellence in its performance and all its customers who rely for good and stable eye health rely on this blue light filter.

With Iris, say NO to eye strain, headache and fatigue.

Download this blue light screen filter app and let all the worries go.


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Blue Light Filter Screen Protector Mon, 12 Mar 2018 14:32:32 +0000 Eyes are known to be one of the most sensitive parts of the body yet we all don’t take much care of them, the result ultimately is some serious and chronic eye and vision problems. In this age, almost all the people in the world own a phone or a computer and none of them are aware of what the ... Read More

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Eyes are known to be one of the most sensitive parts of the body yet we all don’t take much care of them, the result ultimately is some serious and chronic eye and vision problems.

In this age, almost all the people in the world own a phone or a computer and none of them are aware of what the blue light of their screen is doing to their eyes.

You can say that the blue light of your screen is just like a slow poison for your eyes and this poison can sometimes lead to permanent vision loss.

Just imagine your life where you will be unable to see anything, I am sure even the thought of it is very scary.

Now, you might be wondering that what exactly can you do in order to protect your eyes from the light of the screen because obviously not using your phones and laptops is not an option for you in this age and you need some sort of alternative that can solve your problems easily.

Well, if you are one of those people who is looking for a quick fix and protection from that light then you are at the right place reading the right article.

The Solution For Eye Protection

Today we are going to tell you an alternative that will not only protect your eyes in fact, it will put a very positive impact on you in general too and you will feel the difference for yourself.

We are talking about none other than the blue light filter screen protectors.

Currently, there are so many applications available on the play store for free that can adjust your blue light of the screen and make it less harmful to your vision and your eyes.

Moreover, with the use of these screen protectors, you will be able to get better naps and a sound sleep at night.

You see, if you are exposing your eyes to too much blue light every day then the consequences will put you in some serious troubles and there aren’t many cures discovered yet for the eyes.

Also, we all know the fact that once an eye falls victim to some sort of a disease than the chances of having a perfect vision become less.

Now, ultimately in order to protect your eyes, you are left with two options only, either, stop using your phone screen too much or if you cannot do that then download and install the applications and software like Iris to adjust the light as per your requirements.

And we do know that you will definitely go for the second option and will choose to protect your eyes by using different software which is why we are now going to tell you about Iris.

How Iris Works?

Speaking of Iris, it is one of the best software available for your phone and your desktop screens.

It basically works on the principle of reducing and adjusting the blue light of your phone or laptop screen by matching the screen brightness with the light around you.

This software is made all on modern technology and with it, you will reduce the risks of all sorts of eye diseases and vision problems.

It will keep regulating the blue light in the night time and in the daytime too so that it is easy for your eyes to sit and work on your screens for longer durations.

If you are someone who is quite worried about his or her eyes then we suggest you to download this software right at the moment.

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Blue Light Filter For Laptop Screen Mon, 12 Mar 2018 09:42:28 +0000 It is an undeniable fact that the most sensitive part of our body is the pair of eyes we have and we it is sad to know that we all are destroying our eyes without even knowing the cause of it. You see more than half of the population of the world is suffering from weak eyesight problem and many ... Read More

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It is an undeniable fact that the most sensitive part of our body is the pair of eyes we have and we it is sad to know that we all are destroying our eyes without even knowing the cause of it.

You see more than half of the population of the world is suffering from weak eyesight problem and many have even lost their vision permanently not knowing the reason behind it.

Studies and researches show that almost all the eye and vision-related issues are somehow connected with the exposure of blue light to the eye.

Blue light is found everywhere around us and Sun is known to be the major blue light provider but you definitely cannot stop going under the Sun.

However, what you can do is that you can apply blue light filters on your phone and laptop screens.

Unfortunately, our phone screens only have a fraction of the blue light that the Sun has but as we all spend too much time on our phone screens which is where the problem begins.

The Solution To The Problem

Now, you might be wondering how exactly can you get rid of this problem and what factors can reduce the stress and strain on your eyes.

Well, don’t worry because again, we are here for you to figure things out.

Now, you see you are no left with much choice when it comes to the solution of your problem, either you have to stop using your phones and laptops or you have to use the blue light filters for your laptop screens and we are pretty sure that you would go for the second option because in this age you cannot simply stop using your cellphone’s and other devices.

Now you might be wondering what and where will you find the blue light filter for your laptop and phone screens.

Well, for this Google is your best friend and you can find plenty of applications and software online that can help you with the adjustment of the blue light of your screens.

These applications and software like Iris are no less than a blessing and with them, you will be able to enjoy using your phone and laptop as much as you want too.

How Does Iris Help?

Now, for all those who want to know what Iris is and how it works, well, let us make it clear and easy to understand for you.

Iris is basically a software that can be downloaded and installed easily.

The basic function of this software is to adjust the blue light of your screen as per the light around you.

It can sense the light around you and then it adjusts everything accordingly.

The best part about it is that you will no longer feel any strain or stress on your eyes and ultimately you will be able to have a sound sleep at night.

You can also use it’s extended values to increase or suspend the melatonin secretion.

With this software, even if you spend the whole day on your screen, you won’t feel tired or stressed because that is the specialty of Iris, it is made all for the betterment and comfort of people so that they can protect their eyes and their vision from all sorts of diseases and issues.

The best part about Iris is that with it all the strain on your eyes is gone and this software adjusts the light in such an amazing way that it becomes very comfortable for your eyes to look and work on the screen all day long.

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Blue Light Filter App Review Mon, 12 Mar 2018 09:20:31 +0000 We all know the fact that the light coming out of our phone and laptop screens are destroying our eyes yet all of us neglect it and we keep on exposing our eyes to the blue light. However, the continuous negligence then leads to several other serious vision complications and it even gets severe to a limit where it causes ... Read More

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We all know the fact that the light coming out of our phone and laptop screens are destroying our eyes yet all of us neglect it and we keep on exposing our eyes to the blue light.

However, the continuous negligence then leads to several other serious vision complications and it even gets severe to a limit where it causes vision loss.

Eyes are known to be the most sensitive part of our body and you simply cannot take any risks with their safety.

Even a single issue in the arteries or the veins behind the eyes can cause a lot of problem with your overall vision.

We all hear about several vision problems from different people every day, sometimes, it is a chronic eye pain, sometimes it is redness along with pain in the eye and sometimes it is a blurry vision.

At the end of the day when most of these eye-related diseases are diagnosed, the one major cause of them is the too much exposure of blue light.

In short, your phone screens and your laptop screens are the root cause of visionary complications.

Now, obviously you cannot stop using these screens as maybe the nature of your job demands you to work on phones and tablets all day long but there are ways which can help you with the adjustment of the blue light.

This adjustment of the blue light should be done in such a way that it should not harm your eye in any way.

We do understand that there is an option in every phone which allows you to adjust the brightness but that is not what will help you.

In fact, you need to download and use the blue light filter application.

This application is the solution to all your problems and with it, you can easily use your phone and tablets without worrying about the exposure of the blue light.

How Does This App Work?

Now, if you haven’t heard of such applications before then I am pretty sure you are confused on how this application works for your eyes.

You see downloading this application is going to benefit you on a whole another level.

The blue light filter app works by adjusting the blue light of your phone’s screen to a level where it is no longer dangerous for your vision.

Not only this in fact with it you will be able to adjust the intensity of the light too and save power of your handset.

The benefits of using this app are numerous and above everything else, you get to have a better and calmer sleep at night.

You see when you are using your phone all day long, it ultimately disturbs your brain and you are unable to sleep properly at night but with this app, things are totally different and your naps can get way better than before.

Download this app and use it for yourself, you will see the results within a few days.

What Is Iris?

The blue light filter is not the only application to help you and there is another software called Iris that can even help in adjusting the blue light of your laptop screens.

So, if you genuinely care about your eyes then you need to try this software too.

Iris also works by adjusting the color and brightness of your screen by identifying the light around you so you can say that it is one intelligent software that helps you in protecting your eyes on a whole new level.

You should definitely try Iris too and we assure you that you will be happy with the results.

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Blue light filter App for Mac Mon, 12 Mar 2018 08:43:29 +0000 Technology has changed a lot of things in which we can perform our tasks. One of the biggest invention till dates is the computers which have now further evolved to laptops and smartphones. We all use computers and smartphones in our daily lives but we don’t know about the hazards of their usage. Our eyes are sensitive to extreme light ... Read More

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Technology has changed a lot of things in which we can perform our tasks. One of the biggest invention till dates is the computers which have now further evolved to laptops and smartphones.

We all use computers and smartphones in our daily lives but we don’t know about the hazards of their usage.

Our eyes are sensitive to extreme light and while using the laptops, computers, and smartphones our eyes remain in the continuous strain.

But sometimes usage of the technology is our necessity as some of you might have a work that demands you to be in front of the computer for straight 8 hours.

Does that means that you should compromise on your eye sight and health? No.

Because there is a solution for people with which they can keep their eyes in good health and they don’t even have to compromise on the usage of technology.

The solution that we are talking about is blue light filter app. To make it more clear for the readers, it is basically an app that filters the blue color from the light.

We all know that light is made up of three colors that are red, blue and green and blue is the one that causes the strain on the eyes.

With the blue filter app, you can filter the blue color from the light and then it will become less painful for the eyes.

In this article, we will typically talk about the blue light filter for the Mac users.

The best thing about the blue light filter app is that it is not specific to any platform and both Mac and Windows users can take advantage of the app.

However, the app is designed specifically for different platforms but it is available for each and everyone.

We know that there are people who prefer Mac over the windows laptop and whatever the reason behind this preference they will also be subjected to this eye strain problem.

What these mac users need to do is to install the blue light filter app in their mac book. Once installed they can open the blue light filter app and they will then get the option to adjust the ratio of blue color in the light.

Most of the blue light filters are just limited to adjusting the ratio of the blue light but there are blue light filter apps that provide you with other options as well.

Iris is one of the blue light filter apps that has multiple options along with the blue light filter.

The Iris detects the time itself and it then adjusts the brightness of the screen accordingly.

That means that all you have to do is to install the app and then the blue light filter app will adjust the screen ratio accordingly.

You can also adjust the ratio by yourself if you think that it is not adjusted according to your preference.

Eyes are an asset and it is very important to protect them in order to keep them in good health.

Installing a blue light filter app is a step in protecting your eyes. You can even use your laptops and mac books when you are staying up too late.

Not only the protection but this blue light filter app helps you to sleep better as you don’t feel strain while going to the bed.

So, those who are really concerned about the health of their eyes should immediately get a blue light filter app for their PC.

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Blue Light Filter App for Windows Mon, 12 Mar 2018 00:13:05 +0000 These days almost everyone spends a big chunk of time on digital screens. It has now become impossible to continue the date without letting your eyes stay naked in front of blue light emitting screens. No matter which profession, field or sector of community it is, the exposure of eyes to these harmful rays is increasing day by day. The ... Read More

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These days almost everyone spends a big chunk of time on digital screens.

It has now become impossible to continue the date without letting your eyes stay naked in front of blue light emitting screens.

No matter which profession, field or sector of community it is, the exposure of eyes to these harmful rays is increasing day by day.

The worst part is that people have zero awareness about blue light filter.

They must know that why a blue light filter must be installed in their Windows.

This blue light filter without affecting the quality of Windows will serve for better eye health.

Blue light is Slow poison

You know that how the physics of a single colored light can bring harm to you.

Count the hours you and your family spends in front of digital screens with out blue light filter and you will realize that on a scale of zero to ten where you are standing.

Blue Lights can also be called “Slow Poison” for your eyes because they do their functioning slowly.

They penetrate through your eyes in a slow rhythm. Sometimes, you even get the symptoms signaling you loud and clear but you prefer ignoring them.

This carelessness causes harm to your eye health. Although, digital screens have become an important requirement of these modern times where every job is incomplete without their use but you can limit the use to some hours and avoid their frequent use for a better eye health.

Blue light filters are a must-to-have for your Windows. Blue Lights come with those appliances which on one hand provide you with ease, comfort and efficient source of communication but despite of all these plus points ignoring the negative aspects would be a fool’s idea.

Sources of Blue Light

On the mention of “Blue Light” what sources come in your mind?

You must have come up with the idea of all digital devices, right? But that is not all.

Blue Light is not only emitted from digital appliances such as tablets, smart phones, laptops, computers and other screens.

In fact, there are more sources from where blue light is emitted. Blue light is a visible light and it is almost everywhere.

By ‘everywhere’ we mean traffic lights, Led bulbs and LED screens and even sunlight.

Naturally, your eyes are given shields to protect themselves against the blue lights. But unfortunately, these shields in your eyes are not enough to protect against blue lights and don’t act as blue light filter.

Your eyes are exposed to high intensity of blue light. Due to his high intensity, the shields are unable to perform their function.

In other words, we can say that your immune system does not permit you to take charge for the protection of eyes against these short wavelength blue lights.

The energy emitted by blue lights is quite intense and thus your natural barrier fails to fight the harsh lights.

Since, natural blue light filter fails to provide efficient security for your eyes therefore man made blue light filters must be opted so that you can work uninterrupted.

How Iris helps?

Whichever Windows you have installed in your computers or laptops instantly install Iris for tension free working hours.

Iris is a blue light filter which works for all versions of Windows.

Iris makes sure to maintain its level and prove to be the best blue light filter.

By doing this, all the customers stay care free and rely on Iris for its excellence.

Iris has been proving standard excellence for all Windows users for quite long.

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Blue light filter App Download Mon, 12 Mar 2018 00:03:33 +0000 Are you worried about your excess usage of computers and smartphones? Then you are not the only one who is dealing with this issue. There are million other people who are facing the same issue. Sleep is one of the most important aspects when it comes to physical and mental health and researchers have shown that lack of sleep leads ... Read More

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Are you worried about your excess usage of computers and smartphones?

Then you are not the only one who is dealing with this issue. There are million other people who are facing the same issue.

Sleep is one of the most important aspects when it comes to physical and mental health and researchers have shown that lack of sleep leads to many problems such as heart diseases, diabetes, impaired alertness and many more.

But unfortunately, our modern lifestyles have included many factors that has to lead some people to get less sleep they should.

Don’t worry as we are not the one who will advise you to get rid of these modern gadgets straight away as we know that it is nearly impossible to do that.

We are here to provide you with a solution with which you can keep using these gadgets without risking your health.

Basically, the main reason for all the problems from the excessive use of the gadgets is the artificial light that these gadgets emit.

This light makes our bodies confused and the various sleep signals get disrupted.

Blue light is the one that causes most of the problems and if we able to control this blue light then we can effectively control the effects of these gadgets as well.

To tackle the situation there are blue light filter apps available with which you can control the ratio of blue in the light coming out from the gadgets.

Most of the latest gadgets have their own blue light filter system installed on the device but those who don’t have this built-in feature on their devices can get their own blue light filter app.

There are a number of blue light filter apps available these days but it is important to get the best one out of the rest.

There are blue light filter apps that have multiple other features to offer as well. They can detect the night time by their self and then adjusts the screen brightness accordingly.

Iris is one of the promising blue light filter apps that has a lot of features to offer. It is a free app which means that you don’t have to pay for anything in order to use the app.

Then it is available for Mac, Windows and for Linux and there are several modes that users can enjoy with this blue light filter app.

Some of the other benefits that Iris has to offer as compared to its competitors include the smaller versions that use less CPU.

It also has much larger blue light reduction color range and with the manual settings, you can adjust the ratio according to your preference.

But whatever blue light filter you choose make sure that it has all the features that can help you in reducing the strain on your eyes and can help you in getting a good night sleep.

These blue light filters are now also available for Android and iOS platforms. These blue light filters are specifically designed for the smartphones are by installing them you can even use your mobile phones at the night time.

This is best for the ebook readers who have to read lengthy books on their digital devices.

Protecting your eyes is very easy and you don’t even have to compromise the usefulness of the gadgets.

Get a blue light filter app for your device and start using your device more intelligently.

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Blue Light Blocking Screen Filter Sat, 10 Mar 2018 12:35:36 +0000 There is no doubt in the fact that blue light is all around us and we cannot control all of it but the one place where it can be controlled is our phone and laptop screens. We all do own a handset or a computer but on the other hand we have no idea how the light coming out of ... Read More

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There is no doubt in the fact that blue light is all around us and we cannot control all of it but the one place where it can be controlled is our phone and laptop screens.

We all do own a handset or a computer but on the other hand we have no idea how the light coming out of our screens is destroying our retina.

Almost every other person has now a weak eyesight and the major cause of it is known to be the excessive exposure of the eye to the blue light.

Especially the teengaers in this age are the ones who suffer a lot from such eye diseases, sometimes it is severe eye pain, sometimes it is redness of the eye and in some cases the circumstances become so worse that people start losing their vision.

Now, in such a problematic situation the need of the hour is to identify those factors and elements that can reduce the exposure of blue light to the eyes.

If you are also one of those people who is looking for some solution to lower down or reduce the risk of eye diseases then you are at the right place, reading the right article.

Today we are going to give you a solution to the excessive blue light coming your screens.

So, folks, take notes of what we are about to tell you because this article might save your eyes from permanent vision loss or some other big eye problem.

 Blue Light Blocking Screen Filter

Technology has taken over the world and it has given us so much that we just can’t thank it enough as we now have blue light blocking screen filters that can help you in protecting our eyes.

You see, there are so many applications and software available online that can benefit you a lot in blocking the excessive and harmful blue light from reaching your eyes.

These applications help by adjusting the blue light in a way that it becomes natural and with it, you won’t hurt your eyes at all.

Speaking of the blue light blocking applications, Iris is considered as one of the best and the most used software that is just a download away.

How Iris Works?

Iris works by reducing and adjusting the blue light of your screens according to the light present around you.

It is made with modern technology and it is intelligent enough to adjust the blue light as per your requirement.

You have several options to choose from here and you can even test Iris on how it helps you with your health.

With Iris you will not only be able to reduce the blue light in fact with it you get plenty of other health benefits too.

Among all the benefits, on number 1 it gives you a sound sleep.

Basically, the adjustment of the blue light with Iris is so natural that it puts very less and sometimes no strain or stress on your eyes.

As a result, you get to sleep in a more peaceful way and even your naps get better.

In a nutshell, Iris is one of the best software that is a must try for someone who wants to protect his or her eyes and with it, we assure you that you won’t feel like you’ve wasted your time.

In fact, just like all the other users, we are sure of the fact that you will also find it very useful and beneficial because within a short time period you will see the results for yourself.

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Anti-Blue Light Screen Filter Sat, 10 Mar 2018 12:29:05 +0000 In this age where almost everyone own a phone or a laptop, people need to be aware about the side effects of blue light on their eyes and their nervous system too. Only a few people in the world know that how dangerous can blue light be for the eyes and it’s proper functioning and even those who know that ... Read More

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In this age where almost everyone own a phone or a laptop, people need to be aware about the side effects of blue light on their eyes and their nervous system too.

Only a few people in the world know that how dangerous can blue light be for the eyes and it’s proper functioning and even those who know that it is dangerous, they keep on using their screens without thinking or searching about some alternative that can reduce the side effects of blue light.

There are millions of people in the world that are suffering from some sort of eye diseases, some have a blurry vision, some have chronic pain in their eyes and there are people out there who have lost their vision completely.

The reason behind all of these issues was identified and the answer was the excess exposure of the eyes to the blue light.

Also, studies have shown that the human eye is unable to protect itself from the blue light and this light directly goes to the retina of your eye, too much exposure of the blue light can destroy the light sensitive cells of your retina and ultimately your eyes suffer for it.

Moreover, blue light puts soo much strain on your eyes that it affects your nervous system too and as a result you cannot have a sound sleep at night.

What Can Be Done? 

Now, those who are reading this article might be thinking that what exactly can be done because practically there is blue light everywhere around you.

Well, you don’t have to worry anymore because we are here to help you with this issue and we do have a solution for you.

Now the thing is that you have blue light coming from the Sun most importantly and then there are other sources too that cannot be avoided.

Well, actually you cannot save your eyes from the blue light around you but the one that is more dangerous for your eyes is the one coming out of your phone and laptop screens and for that we do have a way out.

There are anti-blue light screen filters available online and you can every download applications and software from your play store in order to make things easier for you.

Speaking of software and applications, Iris is the best of all and it is famous for its intelligence and extraordinary capabilities to control and adjust the light of your screens.  

How Iris Works?

A lot of you might be wondering that how can a software be so intelligent that it can adjust the blue light coming out of your devices.

Well, it is simple, Iris is a software that is made with modern technology and it is so intelligent that it can easily sense the light around you and then it adjusts the blue light of your screen accordingly.

With Iris, you will not only be able to protect your eyes, in fact, you can now get better naps and a sound sleep at night because your nervous system gets relaxed by applying the blue light filter and hence your vision stays the same.

So, if you are someone who is looking out for the best software that can help you with the blue light and its side effects then we suggest you give Iris a try and we assure you that you won’t regret using it.

In fact, right now there is a big figure of people which is using Iris for the protection of their eyes because they know that its high time that we all start taking care of our eyes.

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Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms Sat, 10 Mar 2018 12:21:33 +0000 Glaucoma is one of those conditions that can be very problematic for your eyes. It causes damage to the optic nerve, and it just gets worse and worse if you don’t treat it the proper way. Most of the time, this is linked to a pressure buildup that appears in your eye. One thing to note here is that Glaucoma ... Read More

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Glaucoma is one of those conditions that can be very problematic for your eyes.

It causes damage to the optic nerve, and it just gets worse and worse if you don’t treat it the proper way.

Most of the time, this is linked to a pressure buildup that appears in your eye.

One thing to note here is that Glaucoma can be inherited, but it can also appear from other things too.

The more pressure you have in your eye, the more you will have to deal with Glaucoma.

And the optic nerve will get damaged, so the images aren’t transmitted properly to your brain.

That’s the reason why the glaucoma signs and symptoms are very important.

Glaucoma and Symptoms

What you have to understand here is that not everyone has glaucoma signs and symptoms.

In fact, most people don’t really know that they have Glaucoma until they visit the doctor.

The first sign will be a loss of the side vision. But as you can imagine, this will mostly go unnoticed most of the time.

However, if you feel a lot of pressure in your eyes and your vision is not as good as you would want it to be, then it’s important to go to the doctor and see if there are any glaucoma signs and symptoms in your case. Visiting the doctor each year is a very good idea.

The pressure inside your eyes can rise constantly. As a result, you can deal with glaucoma signs and symptoms like eye pain or blurred vision.

Sometimes you will also see halos around lights, deal with a headache and so on.

Vision loss is the general symptom that you will have in this regard.

Also, redness in your eye is another thing that can and will appear all the time in such a situation.

The eye can also look hazy, and it’s another symptom of glaucoma too.

But the glaucoma signs and symptoms don’t stop here.

You can end up with a narrowed vision and vomiting or nausea too.

It goes to show that these things can indeed be quite problematic, and it’s up to you to make the right thing and approach the entire experience with the utmost confidence.

Are the Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms dangerous?

As we mentioned earlier, not everyone will see the symptoms, but it’s crucial to visit the doctor and prevent their expansion.

Ideally, if you identify these problems fast, you will get to deal with them faster, and maybe you won’t have any more Glaucoma.

However, if the glaucoma signs and symptoms are left there, the problem will get worse, and you can end up with vision loss.

This is why it’s very important to study the Glaucoma signs and symptoms and see if there are any issues. If there are, get the right treatment.

Or you can use Iris, a great software that helps reduce any signs of Glaucoma fast.

If you sit in front of your computer often, start using this software, and you will get to prevent Glaucoma from appearing!

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Closed angle Glaucoma Sat, 10 Mar 2018 12:16:14 +0000 Closed-angle glaucoma is a type of condition where your eyes end up building up a lot of pressure inside. In the case of this particular type of glaucoma, the fluid is not flowing out of your eye as it would normally do. The fluid is created in the rear chamber of your eye, and it will normally go through a ... Read More

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Closed-angle glaucoma is a type of condition where your eyes end up building up a lot of pressure inside.

In the case of this particular type of glaucoma, the fluid is not flowing out of your eye as it would normally do.

The fluid is created in the rear chamber of your eye, and it will normally go through a multitude of chambers.

But if you have closed angle glaucoma, that will not happen, instead the fluid will be obstructed by the trabecular meshwork.

In the end, your eyes will build up a lot of pressure, and that means you will not see properly.

There are 2 main types of Closed angle Glaucoma

First, you have the primary closed angle glaucoma where the structure of the eye makes it even more probable for the iris to be pressed on the trabecular meshwork.

For the secondary closed angle glaucoma, the iris is forced against the meshwork.

The conditions here can include an eye injury, tumor, inflammation, advanced cataract, diabetes and many others.

The closed angle glaucoma is also known as being chronic or acute.

These cases are quite common, and they appear out of nowhere.

The chronic closed angle glaucoma will end up developing gradually, and that’s what makes it the most dangerous.

Is Closed Angle Glaucoma risky?


While it can blur your vision, closed angle glaucoma can be treated if you go to the doctor fast.

Some people tend to be prone to this type of thing.

These include females, people older than 40 in general, which have a parent or sibling with this condition or which are farsighted.

Also, persons from Africa or Alaska may have to deal with closed angle glaucoma too.

Closed angle Glaucoma Symptoms

The closed angle glaucoma is hard to figure out because they just seem like a minor issue which would happen now and then.

These include a feeling of vomiting and nausea, eye redness and hardness, blurred vision, bright halos near objects and severe pain in your eyes.

If these things appear and they tend to get worse each day, make sure that you visit the doctor as fast as possible.

This is the best way to figure out if you do have closed angle glaucoma.

How can you treat Closed angle Glaucoma?

Normally, medication would be the first step to handle this condition.

The doctor will study your current situation and figure out if you have any problems with your eyes or not.

This is extremely important to focus on, so try to consider that.

If that doesn’t help you, then surgery can be the only answer.

The surgeon will have to cut a small portion of the far eye to help the fluid go out of the eye and thus remove the pressure.

You can also use the Iris application if you want to take care of your eye or prevent closed angle glaucoma.

You just have to install the closed angle glaucoma app and that’s it.

The app will automatically select the right way to protect your eyes based on how much light you have in your room and other factors.

If you want to keep your eyes safe against closed angle glaucoma, try out Iris today.

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Angle closure Glaucoma Sat, 10 Mar 2018 12:09:50 +0000 This is a type of Glaucoma that people also known as angle glaucoma. It’s very rare, and it mostly happens when the drainage canals are covered or blocked. As you can imagine, the pressure buildup in your eyes gets immense to the point where your ocular nerves get to be affected and damaged. When you encounter angle closure glaucoma, your ... Read More

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This is a type of Glaucoma that people also known as angle glaucoma.

It’s very rare, and it mostly happens when the drainage canals are covered or blocked.

As you can imagine, the pressure buildup in your eyes gets immense to the point where your ocular nerves get to be affected and damaged.

When you encounter angle closure glaucoma, your iris will not be as open and wide as it would normally be.

The outer edge of the iris will bunch up mostly due to the canals, and that’s what really happens in the end. You do need to go to the doctor and see if there are any major issues with it or not.

Angle closure Glaucoma Symptoms

Some of the main angle closure glaucoma symptoms include blurred vision, rainbows around the lights, nausea, headaches and some eye pain.

As you can imagine, these will get worse as the condition progresses.

This is why the best thing you can do is to address the situation the best way you can, and the results can be more than ok if you do so.

Is Angle closure Glaucoma dangerous?

Normally, a lot of people won’t even notice the symptoms.

They will just believe that all of this is created by tiredness.

But it’s safe to say that as time passes, angle-closure glaucoma does end up getting more and more challenging.

Your eye will have to face more pressure, and if you don’t act fast, you will end up dealing with vision loss.

Of course, this doesn’t happen immediately, but it can get pretty dangerous as time goes by.

This is why it’s important to go to the ophthalmologist to make sure that everything is ok with your vision.

Otherwise, you will end up having a lot of trouble, and your vision will be affected quite a lot because of that.

Treating Angle closure Glaucoma

There’s no denying that angle closure glaucoma can be very dangerous.

So, opting for the best treatment can be a very good idea. Normally, you can treat it with conventional surgery or laser surgery.

During this process, a small portion of the outer edge iris will be removed to let the fluids drain adequately.

It’s not the best possible approach, but it does work extremely well, and it can help you see better again.

This helps unblock the canals, and in the end, you won’t have to worry about the fluid drain.

As you can see, angle closure glaucoma is a very dangerous condition, and you have to address it as fast as you can.

It’s mandatory to go to the doctor often, so try to keep that in mind the best way you can.

It’s extremely important to know how to assess and handle angle closure glaucoma, but preventing it would be even better.

If you want to prevent angle closure glaucoma from ever appearing, try to use the Iris app.

This allows you to protect your eyes while you use any computer screen.

The results can be very good, and there will be no sign of angle closure glaucoma.

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Acute angle closure Glaucoma Sat, 10 Mar 2018 12:05:26 +0000 Acute angle closure glaucoma is one of those conditions that will increase the pressure in your eyes out of nowhere. This is very bad, and it does get even worse as the time goes by. The idea here is that the pressure rises in just a few hours, and it usually appears when the fluid in your eyes can’t drain ... Read More

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Acute angle closure glaucoma is one of those conditions that will increase the pressure in your eyes out of nowhere.

This is very bad, and it does get even worse as the time goes by.

The idea here is that the pressure rises in just a few hours, and it usually appears when the fluid in your eyes can’t drain properly.

It’s not the most common type of glaucoma, but a lot of people have to deal with.

What causes Acute angle closure Glaucoma?

Usually, this problem appears when fluid drains out of the eye through a canal system.

If the canals are blocked, then you will have a pressure buildup in your eye. As you can imagine, the pressure gets higher and higher, and that’s when the optic nerve can be damaged.

As a result, if you don’t address this problem quickly, it can end up bringing in other issues into the mix.

So, acute angle closure glaucoma has to be treated as fast as possible, otherwise, you can end up with blurred or even lack of vision for a while.

How can you identify Acute angle closure Glaucoma?

Usually, you will have an attack like this when the eyes tend to dilate too quickly or too much.

It happens when you go into a dark room, if you get drops that are dilating your eyes or if you are stressed or excited. Medication can also be the cause of this.

Also, there are some health issues that can lead to acute angle closure glaucoma. These include tumors, ocular ischemia, uveitis, ectopic lens, cataracts and so on.

What you should know is that women are more prone to getting acute angle closure glaucoma when compared to men.

If you are Asian or Inuit, farsighted or over 55 years old, then you are also more likely to get acute angle closure glaucoma when compared to others.

Known Acute angle closure Glaucoma Symptoms

The acute angle closure glaucoma symptoms include a sudden loss of sight, your pupils have different sizes, you feel the need to vomit, and you have nausea all the time.

This condition also leads to severe headaches, eye pains and sometimes you can even see halos around lights or rainbows.

It’s hard to detect this condition, unfortunately, and that can be a problem for you.

But you have to target it the best way you can, and you need to identify the right approach in no time.

Doctors will use tonometry, ophthalmoscopy or gonioscopy as the means to identify and treat your acute angle closure glaucoma.

It’s a very good thing to consider and one that does pay off immensely because of that.

Treating acute angle closure glaucoma is very important.

You will receive drops that will narrow your pupil or medication that will help your eye generate less fluid.

Alternatively, you can use Iris, a tool that helps you adjust the screen in a way so that you won’t be affected by acute angle closure glaucoma.

Iris is very helpful, and it’s a tool that you can download and use on the spot.

Consider giving it a shot and trying it out, you will not be disappointed 🙂


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What is the difference between Pressure and Sinus eye pain? Wed, 07 Mar 2018 22:16:50 +0000 Eye pain itself is discomforting for carrying out the simplest of the tasks. What if, this pain expands into numerous other types of the eye pains which are caused by various viral infections and unhealthy habits? In this case, it causes a severe headache which is mostly confused between a migraine, sinusitis, and eye pressure. All three of the factors ... Read More

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Eye pain itself is discomforting for carrying out the simplest of the tasks.

What if, this pain expands into numerous other types of the eye pains which are caused by various viral infections and unhealthy habits?

In this case, it causes a severe headache which is mostly confused between a migraine, sinusitis, and eye pressure.

All three of the factors immense pain in and around the head which also affects both or either of the eyes.

Nowadays, with the help of online self-diagnosis, people with different medical complaints are deciding their ailments on their own and have become habitual of the self-treatment.

This, however, is a dangerous sign for those who wish to live a longer and healthier life.

In order to correctly the pain, one must be fully aware of its complete diagnosis and the possible effective treatments.

Most of the time, sinus eye pain is confused with eye pressure, both of which are entirely different issues and must be treated accordingly.

What is an Eye Pressure and its symptoms?

Eye pressure is something that causes the eyes to go abnormally red and is visible in the first diagnosis.

It is caused by the hypertensive eye pressure which is due to numerous medical conditions.

It also increases the risk factors for glaucoma which is an eye disease related to the high-eye pressure and can lead to blindness or partial loss of vision.

Some of the most common symptoms of the eye pressure include:

  1. Blurred vision.
  2. Halos, an appearance of the rainbow colors around the eyes.
  3. Severe eye pain.
  4. Intense pain in the forehead or above the eye.
  5. Nausea and sometimes vomiting.
  6. Sudden weakness of the eyesight.

All of these symptoms are far different from the sinus eye pain and can be treated as per the medical suggestions.

What is the Sinus Eye pain and its symptoms?

Sinusitis is a nasal infection which is caused due to the blocked/runny nose and inflammation of the sinuses.

It is mostly confused with the migraine pain also which is somehow similar to the sinusitis but on the same hand entirely different also.

The reason for it being that the sinus eye pain is caused because of the sinusitis and migraine or eye pressure itself is a kind of a headache which is not related to the sinus or any other viral infection.

Some of the common symptoms of sinus eye pain include:

  1. Pain in front or sides of the face.
  2. Pain that increases with movement.
  3. Pain which restricts from doing any physical activity.
  4. Pain that is intense in the morning and gets better by the time.
  5. Pain that shoots in the cold and dry weather.
  6. Watery eyes.
  7. Pain that frequently comes and goes causing an irritation to the mood swings.

Eye pressure and sinus eye pain are two different medical conditions which should be confused with each other.

Considering the high risk-factors that both the conditions follow, one must be fully aware of the symptoms, causes, and possible treatments of each type of the pain, including Iris, the software for the preventing the eye and headache pain.

Hence, it is necessary to self-educate before taking the harmful medicines or applying unnecessary remedies.


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6 tips to reduce Right Eye Pain Wed, 07 Mar 2018 22:10:23 +0000 Any sort of eye pain is immensely annoying and cause an extreme level of frustration in the patient’s personality. Most of the time, we are so lost in our own things that forget to shed a light on the countless blessings such as a perfectly operating eye without any kind of pain. This pleasant blessing of nature is only realized ... Read More

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Any sort of eye pain is immensely annoying and cause an extreme level of frustration in the patient’s personality.

Most of the time, we are so lost in our own things that forget to shed a light on the countless blessings such as a perfectly operating eye without any kind of pain.

This pleasant blessing of nature is only realized when there is an eye pain which causes utmost discomfort.

These types of pain are mostly caused by the contaminated surroundings but there are several other reasons as well for the same.

Right eye pain is most commonly caused by the severe headaches which also affect the eyes.

Normally, headaches do not run only in or around the head but also have a great impact on the eyes and its surroundings.

This causes a shooting pain which sometimes becomes unbearable. Below are mentioned some of the effective tips to reduce right eye pain.

Wash the eyes

Washing the eyes regularly with either salt water or a medicated eye washer prevents the eyes from catching eye diseases.

The main cause of the eye pain is the diseases which happen due to the unhygienic atmosphere consisting of dust and solid junk particles.


Providing rest to the eyes by sleeping or putting an eye-rest helps the eye muscles to relax which results in soothing the right eye pain.

Resting the eyes to sleep supports the eye muscles to function properly and reduces the chances of any kind of the eye pain.

Apply a compressor

Applying a hot compressor on the eyes provides immense comfort to the continuously operating eyes.

One cannot possibly survive without looking here and there for necessary as well as unnecessary reasons.

Therefore, it is necessary to give this relaxing massage to the eyes for reducing the pain.

Get rid of the low-quality eye products

Low-quality eye products which include contact lenses, mascara, eyeliner, and other eye cosmetics can greatly cause the right eye pain.

These products are made from the harmful chemicals which are dangerous for the eye’s long-lasting health.

Avoid unnecessary Screen time

Screen time is mostly an obligation in the corporate world.

However, avoiding the unnecessary use of the computers and mobile can prevent the eyes from right eye pain.

Abstain from direct contact with the sunlight

Mostly, eye pain is of the kind which releases a stabbing sensation in the eyes.

Therefore, a direct contact with the sunlight can increase its intensity cause additional discomfort to the right eye pain.

Other natural remedies to cure right eye pain

  • Intake of the nutritious food such as fish, yogurt, orange, and leafy green vegetables.
  • Quit unhealthy habits such as smoking.
  • Wear sunglasses to avoid dust exposure.
  • Massage therapy.
  • Warm compresses.
  • Performing eye exercises.
  • Providing relief to the eye muscles by observing a peaceful sleep.

Excessive use of the medicines to treat the continual eye pain on a regular to daily basis can have harmful effects on the body’s immune system.

Hence, it is suggested to treat the right eye pain through organic product and home remedies for a healthy eyesight.

Moreover, Iris, the popular aye software can also be installed for the eyesight prevention.


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Tips to permanently cure Pain under Eye Wed, 07 Mar 2018 21:58:10 +0000 Eyes are the most sensitive organ of our body which badly react to the unhygienic atmosphere. The windy weather or dusty surroundings can lead to severe eye injuries that cause severe pain under the eye. However, the pain may vary depending on the root cause and can be caused above and behind the eyes as well. Especially for people who ... Read More

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Eyes are the most sensitive organ of our body which badly react to the unhygienic atmosphere.

The windy weather or dusty surroundings can lead to severe eye injuries that cause severe pain under the eye.

However, the pain may vary depending on the root cause and can be caused above and behind the eyes as well.

Especially for people who wear contact glasses, the eye pain gets so intense that it becomes difficult to tolerate without consulting any specialist.

Most people are not aware of the fact that a mild pain under the eye can turn into a bigger problem and cause a loss of vision as well.

Due to this fact, people who complain about the eye pain tend to grab numerous other medical issues such as a headache, migraine, or sinusitis.

Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of the eye pain as soon as possible to avoid any greater misfortunes. Below are mentioned some of the tips which are found to be helpful in permanently curing the pain under the eye.

How to differentiate between numerous types of pain based on their symptoms?

Most commonly, there are two types of eye pain. Ocular pain and orbital pain. An ocular pain is the one that occurs in the outer structure or mostly causes pain under the eye, whereas, the orbital pain causes discomfort in or behind the eyes. Symptoms of an ocular pain include:

  • Itching with redness.
  • Sticky discharge.
  • Stabbing sensation is the eyes.
  • A burnt feeling in the eyes causing difficulty in eye’s movement.
  • Constant irritation in the eyes, which results in the lack of focus.
  • Defects in the vision.

How can the pain under the eye be treated?

Permanent treatments are most probably not possible with the use of medicines and ointments.

However, natural remedies which greatly affect the eyes in a curing manner are supposed to be a permanent treatment for pain under the eye.

Here are some of the effective tips and treatments which are beneficial for permanently treating the eye pain.

  1. Putting cucumber slices on the eyes on a regular basis helps in relaxing the eyes.
  2. Continual use of the coconut and castor oil helps in getting rid of the dry and irritating eyes.
  3. A proper intake of the healthy nutrients such as fish, dairy products, and green vegetables prevent the eyes from catching any diseases.
  4. Applying Aloe Vera gel immediately treats the pain under the eye as it possesses extremely beneficial properties for treating the eye pain.
  5. Massaging the eyelids with pure and organic olive oil keeps the eyes moisturized, leaving fewer chances of any sort of pain under the eye.
  6. A solution of lemon juice mixed in water with a properly measured ratio is a tried and tested way of saving the eyes from dust and causing discomfort.
  7. Honey is the all-time favorite remedy for treating most of the medical problems which also includes eye pain, hence, it can provide relief to the eye pain when mixed with water.
  8. A computer software with the name of Iris is created for preventing headaches caused due to excessive screen time.

Pain under the eye can is not impossible to be permanently treated.

Therefore, one must look for the natural ways to get rid of the pain and avoid unnecessary intake of the harmful medicines.

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Is Pain behind left Eye associated with Migraine? Wed, 07 Mar 2018 21:52:29 +0000 Headaches have become quite common nowadays due to the unhygienic atmosphere. Headaches have numerous kinds which can be differentiated and treated according to the individual symptoms. Some people get headaches quite often but not with an unbearable intensity. But the headaches which cause extreme pain in the head, neck, shoulder and behind one eye are the most destructive of all. ... Read More

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Headaches have become quite common nowadays due to the unhygienic atmosphere.

Headaches have numerous kinds which can be differentiated and treated according to the individual symptoms.

Some people get headaches quite often but not with an unbearable intensity. But the headaches which cause extreme pain in the head, neck, shoulder and behind one eye are the most destructive of all.

It makes the person vomit and even loss vision for some time.

In order to treat the severe form of headaches, one must be aware of the ground causes to have a better understanding of the sickness.

Pain behind the left eye is usually termed as a migraine or sinusitis.

However, sinusitis usually happens due to other medical conditions such as flu.

Whereas a migraine is a confirmed form of a headache in which the pain is only there on side of the head and behind the eye.

How to diagnose Migraine?

Migraine is simple to explain. Intense pain behind the left eye or only on side of the head is called migraine.

It is also called the tension headache where it is not necessarily related to tension but other various causes as well.

Pain in the eye, also known as migraine, can be diagnosed by understanding the following symptoms:

  • Excruciating pain on one side of the head.
  • Pain that feels like beating or severe sort of vibration in the head.
  • Sensitivity to the surrounding area specially the light due to the one eye being affected.
  • Slight loss of vision.
  • Fainting, in grievous cases.

What causes Migraine?

Migraine or pain behind the left eye is mostly caused by stress and exertion.

However, there are various causes which explain that migraine is not only to tension but other factors as well, which include:

  1. Use of certain harmful medication on a regular basis.
  2. Addiction to the medicines such as anti-depressants.
  3. Exposure to excessive screen time which affects the vision and results in extreme one eye pain.
  4. Annoying noises which trigger the head muscles to stress out.
  5. Being allergic to string fragrances.

Migraine is caused by abnormal brain activities in which the brain reacts to the surroundings in a cold manner, making the victim suffer with an intolerable pain.

Preventive measures to avoid continual migraine attacks

Migraine or pain behind the left eye can be avoided if some definite and effective measures are taken beforehand.

After its specific indications, migraine is almost impossible to stop and doesn’t leave without completing its validity.

Migraine is usually caused due to the excessive screen time. Therefore, one of the popular preventive methods includes the use of Iris, a software which is supposed to decrease the screen light according to the surroundings.

It adjusts the brightness of the screen without compromising on the brilliance.

Other measures like avoiding contact with direct sunlight etc. must be considered to get rid of the frequent migraine attacks.

Pain in the left eye is crucial to treat and it also affects the victim’s performance at work and home as well.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand its basic cause and opt for the harmless treatments to get rid of it.

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Iris will never let you suffer from a Headache and Eye pain Wed, 07 Mar 2018 17:51:31 +0000 A Headache and eye pain is a common condition of ailment. Especially nowadays, when there is an extreme level of exposure to the screen time which includes mobile, laptop, computer, and other gadgets. The fact that there is a need to perform the daily tasks by using these technology products cannot be neglected. However, some necessary measures can be taken ... Read More

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A Headache and eye pain is a common condition of ailment.

Especially nowadays, when there is an extreme level of exposure to the screen time which includes mobile, laptop, computer, and other gadgets.

The fact that there is a need to perform the daily tasks by using these technology products cannot be neglected.

However, some necessary measures can be taken to avoid these things from causing headache and eye pain.

Other than the natural remedies such as intake of a healthy diet, and refraining from taking unnecessary medication, there are some other methods as well which are effective for preventing the headache and eye pain.

Today’s era of technology has made us too much dependent on the electronic devices, without which the tasks seem endlessly tiring.

Therefore, in order to continue with the latest trends, it is important to look for ways that are suitable and act as a preventive shield for protection from its dangerous side effects.

How does the prolonged screen time cause eye pain and headache?

Screen time usually means exposing to the bright lights and the UV rays.

Both of these factors cause a burden on the eyes, as a result of which an eye pain takes place which increases by the time into an excruciating headache as well.

This headache can lead to stiff neck, frustration, and frozen shoulder etc.

The cause of dry eyes or eye strain is also the excessive use of the mobiles and computers.

The pressure that the eyes have while concentrating on the screen becomes unbearable which induces a headache and eye pain.

How does Iris help in its prevention?

Iris is a software which can be easily installed on the computer system without making any payments.

It is totally free of cost until the user wants to install its Pro version which is not quite necessary.

The basic concept of creating the software is to minimize the side effects which are caused by the screen’s brightness and the device’s temperature.

It regulates the screen lights and modifies according to the surrounding area.

Whether it is day or night, the software is capable of controlling the brightness which causes a headache and eye pain.

Iris is supposed to be operating as a successful innovation which is helpful for people who are bound to use the computer on a daily basis for their work purpose.

What are the major symptoms of a headache and eye pain?

  1. Watery eyes.
  2. Blurred vision.
  3. Constant irritation in the eyes.
  4. Extended light sensitivity.
  5. A sense of striking feeling in the head.
  6. Shoulder and neck pain.
  7. Tightness in the facial muscles.
  8. Excruciating pain in the head while moving.

All of these symptoms act as a starting motion for bigger and intense problems of a headache and eye pain.

The fact that Iris is a technical software, accurately explains the difficulty of doing the certain jobs without using a computer.

Therefore, it is important to consider this problem as a major dilemma and do something positive to avoid a headache and eye pain.


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Eye pain headache can Reduce your Decision-making power Wed, 07 Mar 2018 17:15:38 +0000 Eye pain headache is usually referred to one of the side effects of heavy medication due to depression and other mental conditions. However, it has not been proved yet and needs to be confirmed before reaching any judgment. Suffering from a headache has numerous reasons which cannot be generalized because the causes might vary from person to person and their ... Read More

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Eye pain headache is usually referred to one of the side effects of heavy medication due to depression and other mental conditions.

However, it has not been proved yet and needs to be confirmed before reaching any judgment.

Suffering from a headache has numerous reasons which cannot be generalized because the causes might vary from person to person and their medical history.

However, the fact that remains the same for all sorts of eye pain headache is that it reduces your decision-making power.

People who suffer from a headache frequently tend to experience a contraction in their abilities which is a great loss for progressing in personal and professional life.

Not being able to promptly and aptly make a decision further results in many more complications which are harmful in the long run.

Causes and symptoms of the eye pain headache are believed to the same as the other forms of a headache but the outcome is different and devastating for each of them.

How important is it to possess decision-making power?

The inability to make a sensible, firm, and smooth decision due to the eye pain headache is one of the biggest sources of an individual’s downfall in terms of leading a perfect personal/professional life.

The importance of possessing a decision-making power can be concluded by observing the following points:

  1. It helps in confidently following the plans.
  2. It encourages a well-defined communication with the fellow members.
  3. It promotes the idea of an efficient appliance to the planned activities.
  4. Is supports in facing challenges and overcoming the demeaning situations.
  5. It is beneficial for a profitable outcome of the program.
  6. It assists in gaining sufficient knowledge for the future planning.

How does Eye pain headache affect the decision-making power?

Eye pain headache causes a decrease in the mental ability to perform tasks with efficiency.

When a person suffers from the eye pain headache then it greatly affects the chemicals in the brain which are effective for its proper functioning.

Moreover, excessive intake of the medicines due to a headache is also one of the reasons for a reduction in the decision-making power because these medicines are made to instantly react to the body and release the pain.

This is extremely harmful to a long-lasting health of the mind and body and therefore, affects the decision-making power.

What are the causes of eye pain headache and lack of decision-making?

Causes of the eye pain headache and its negative impact on the decision-making power include:

  • Poor diet and insufficient intake of the proper nutrients that are essential for a healthy mind and body.
  • Dehydration which is caused by the deficient intake of water and other fluids.
  • Hormonal changes which are necessary to happen at a specific age.
  • Lack of sleep which does not allow the mind to relax.
  • Stress due to the uncertain happening around.
  • Other psychological problems such as depression and Alzheimer’s.

Eye pain headache is becoming nowadays because of the unhealthy habits that most people are adopting.

This is why it is important to understand the base of the problem and get rid of it for an efficient decision-making power by utilizing useful prevention such as Iris, a computer-based eye software for avoiding the regular headaches and eye pain.



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Home remedies for Pain behind right Eye Tue, 06 Mar 2018 10:03:57 +0000 Home remedies are the most effective way of treating frequent ailments because an excessive use of the harmful medicines can cause even bigger problems in the body. Be it cancer or something very ordinary such as a headache, home remedies work the best without causing any disastrous side effects. Pain behind the right eye is commonly termed as a headache ... Read More

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Home remedies are the most effective way of treating frequent ailments because an excessive use of the harmful medicines can cause even bigger problems in the body.

Be it cancer or something very ordinary such as a headache, home remedies work the best without causing any disastrous side effects.

Pain behind the right eye is commonly termed as a headache because it mainly affects the head, neck, and shoulders.

However, it also causes severe irritation in the eyes and a disturbed vision as well.

One cannot survive for long with an eye pain because it becomes unbearable after a certain time limit due to the fact that eyes are a sensitive part of the body and require to be treated immediately.

Eyes cannot experiment with the unusual and strange products especially medicines.

Most people tend to find the eye drops as a savior to instantly get rid of the pain behind the right eye.

However, any random eye drops cannot be trusted for the sake of the eye’s well-being.

Hence, a safer method such as home remedies should be preferred for a secure treatment.

Below are mentioned some of the useful home remedies for pain behind the right eye.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera works wonder for treating the infections and helps a lot in reducing the eye pain as well. A finely peeled Aloe Vera leaf produces enough gel to be put in the eyes and rest for a good 1-2 hours.

Vegetable soup

A vegetable soup consisting of spinach and other leafy green vegetables is extremely beneficial for a flawless vision and perfect eyesight. If taken regularly, it helps in preventing a headache and pain behind the right eye.

Cucumber slice

Cucumber has a cold sensation and therefore, putting its slices on the eyes and giving it a rest for some time relaxes the eye muscles and provides relief to the eye pain.

Rose water

Rose water is the most famous and all time working home remedy for treating pain behind the right eye. A few drops of the rose water work like a magic potion on the eyes and comforts the eyes.

Carrot juice

Carrot is found be supremely beneficial for a good eyesight. Regular intake of carrot juice supports in getting rid of the eye infection and pain.

Hot and Cold compresses

Hot and cold compresses are something that can easily be done at home. It provides relaxation to the eyes from the burning sensation due to the pain behind the right eye.


Ginger tea is also good for treating headaches and eye pain as ginger possess dominant qualities of treating inflammations and infections.

Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is equal to giving a good and quality relaxation to the eyes. Headaches and eye pain are simple to treat with this method.


Putting a couple of drops of honey in the eye gives relief to the eye pain as honey acts a natural antiseptic for treating the dryness and burning sensation.

All of the above-mentioned home remedies are tried, tested, and proved to be safe for the eyes. However, medical consultancy is suggested in severe cases to avoid any misfortunes.

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Muscles related to Pain in the Eye socket Tue, 06 Mar 2018 08:25:48 +0000 The eye is the most sensitive part of the human body. It easily gets affected by the surroundings no matter how hard you try to protect it. Eyes are exposed to sunlight, air, and other natural features. People are now opting for permanent medical treatments to get rid of their eye problems. However, the pain in the eye socket is ... Read More

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The eye is the most sensitive part of the human body. It easily gets affected by the surroundings no matter how hard you try to protect it.

Eyes are exposed to sunlight, air, and other natural features. People are now opting for permanent medical treatments to get rid of their eye problems.

However, the pain in the eye socket is usually related to the facial muscles and cannot be permanently treated.

For this purpose, there have numerous advancements in the medical science which help in preventing and treating the eyes from the unnecessary pain.

If left uncovered, the eye socket reacts badly to the unhygienic atmosphere. Having said this, it is impossible to cover the eyes 24/7.

Therefore, some definite measures must be taken and made a habit to restrain from the pain in the eye socket.

How are muscles related to the Eye pain?

Different facial/body muscles that are related to the eye pain include:

Jaw Muscle

The jaw joint also called the Temporomandibular joint, which is conned with the eye socket and mainly the upper part of the skull.

The TMJ is supposed to be responsible for the mouth’s open and shut operation.

However, when there is an inflammation of the jaw muscle, the TMJ causes pain in the eye socket.

This joint also gets affected due to other medical conditions such as arthritis and muscle dislocation.

Trapezius Muscle

The trapezius muscle is responsible for the movement of the back, shoulder and the lower part of the neck and the head.

When this muscle stops or reduces operating then it causes severe pain in the eye socket.

As a result of which, the eye and the neck gets immensely affected.

This is usually caused due to the wrong posture of the neck during sleeping or using the computer.

Ocular Muscle

The ocular muscles control the eye movement. Hence, any error in the eyes might occur due to the non-functioning of either of the six muscles.

This is caused by the use of inappropriate eye drops/ointments or excessive use of the contact lenses.

However, both of these causes are not definite and may differ according to the personal medical conditions.

How can it be prevented?

There are several methods of naturally preventing the eye pain, some of which are:

  1. Protection from direct sunlight, wind, and dry weather by wearing sunglasses.
  2. Concentrating on one thing such as a book or computer can cause the eyes to not blink enough, hence, should be avoided.
  3. Staying away from the allergic products such as petrol etc.
  4. Eat the healthy diet to increase the immunity and secure the eyes from getting easily infected.

What is Iris and how does it help?

Iris is a software which is easily available online. The software provides its users with efficient lighting options to adjust according to the environment while using computer or mobile.

It is supposed to lighten the screen without compromising on the brightness.

Since the pain in the eye socket is mostly caused due to the increased screen time, therefore, iris helps a lot in its prevention.

Eyes should be taken extreme care of and necessary measures such as Iris must be taken to avoid any medical disaster due to the harsh negligence.

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Why Eye pain causes Headache? Mon, 05 Mar 2018 17:12:44 +0000 Headache is regularly felt in an assortment of spots on the head, including the sinuses, temple, and behind the eyes. Eye pain related to a migraine can be caused by a couple of various sorts of cerebral pains, and other apparently inconsequential conditions. Be that as it may, paying little mind to the reason, this kind of agony can be ... Read More

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Headache is regularly felt in an assortment of spots on the head, including the sinuses, temple, and behind the eyes.

Eye pain related to a migraine can be caused by a couple of various sorts of cerebral pains, and other apparently inconsequential conditions.

Be that as it may, paying little mind to the reason, this kind of agony can be mellow, direct, or notwithstanding horrifying.

What is Eye strain?

The term eye strain is often utilized by individuals to depict a gathering of ambiguous manifestations that are identified with the utilization of the eyes.

Eye strain is a side effect, not an eye sickness. Eye strain happens when your eyes get drained from extraordinary utilize, for example, driving an auto for broadened periods, perusing, or working at the PC.

In the event that you have any eye uneasiness caused by taking a gander at something for quite a while, you can call it eye strain.

Indications of Eye strain incorporate:

  • Migraines,
  • Obscuring of the vision,
  • Sentiments of dryness, and
  • Other distress, however eye strain won’t harm your eyes or change their life systems.

Causes of Eye Pain and eventually Migraine

Reasons for eye torment fall into two general classes: visual pain, orbital pain:

Visual Agony is eye pain originating from the sensitive external structures on the surface of the eye.

Orbital eye pain is depicted as a profound, dull throb behind or in the eye. This agony is frequently caused by sicknesses of the eye.

Alongside strain, cluster headache and migraines can also cause pressure behind the eyes.


Migraines are to a great degree difficult sort of cerebral pain that goes back and forth.

You may get group cerebral pains for a couple of days or weeks, and after that not have any migraines for a long time or years.

Notwithstanding pressure behind the eye, manifestations of a cerebral pain may include:

  • Pain in your mind that feels tight, hurting, or extreme
  • Soreness in your neck and shoulder muscles
  • Red, weepy eyes
  • Redness or sweating of your face
  • Swelling on one side of your face
  • Hanging eyelid

Graves’ Ailment

Graves’ ailment is an immune system illness that makes the invulnerable framework badly assault the thyroid organ.

This influences the organ to discharge excessively of its hormone.

Graves’ ailment influences the eye muscles, making the eyes swell.

Optic Neuritis

Immune system infections like various sclerosis (MS) or lupus can cause swelling, or irritation, behind the eye.

This swelling can harm the optic nerve, which transmits visual data from your eyes to your cerebrum.

Optic neuritis can cause eye pain that may feel like weight or a hurt behind your eye alongside a migraine.

Tooth Torment

It may appear to be far-fetched that your teeth could influence your eyes.

This muscle strain can cause a migraine, which may incorporate a sentiment torment and weight behind your eyes.


Throbbing torment behind the eye can likewise be caused by glaucoma.

The condition is known as vision misfortune caused by expanded intraocular weight.

The torment will happen when weight from one of the eyes constructs, and in the long run causes harm.

Instructions to treat Headache pain behind the Eyes

  • It might appear to be irrational, yet gentle exercise may help decrease pain behind the eyes since practice discharges common agony relievers called endorphins.
  • Maintaining a strategic distance from liquor and tobacco may be of some help.
  • However, in the event that the eye pain isn’t joined by different side effects of cerebral pains or eased with migraine medicine, it might be a great opportunity to see an optometrist to decide whether poor vision or an eye issue are really causing the torment.

Iris can help with the Eye pain

It is important that we protect ourselves from this eye pain that leads to a headache.

It is a fact that we cannot stop using technology so a better solution is to use Iris.

It is a software that will protect your eyes from the blue light that is emitted by the screen of the technological devices.

The software will automatically reduce the brightness of your screen in such a way that blue light will not affect your eyes.

You will notice that strain on your eyes will be reduced and so you will not have to suffer from eye pain.

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What is the difference between Pressure and Sinus Eye Pain Mon, 05 Mar 2018 17:04:15 +0000 A remarkable pressure behind eyes doesn’t generally come from an issue inside the eyes. It more often begins in another area of your head. In spite of the fact that eye pathologies can cause eye pain as well as vision issues, they seldom cause pressure. Eye pathologies like pink eye, hypersensitivities can lead to eye torment, however not pressure. The ... Read More

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A remarkable pressure behind eyes doesn’t generally come from an issue inside the eyes. It more often begins in another area of your head.

In spite of the fact that eye pathologies can cause eye pain as well as vision issues, they seldom cause pressure.

Eye pathologies like pink eye, hypersensitivities can lead to eye torment, however not pressure.

The pain feels like a wounding, consuming, or a stinging sensation.

There will be pressure behind the eyes that feels like totality or an extending sensation in the eye.

What is Eye Pressure?

The eye is a shut ball loaded with clear gel called vitreous humor in the back behind the focal point and clear liquid aqueous humor in the front, between the iris and the cornea.

This liquid helps keep the eye swelled simply like air inside an inflatable.

The pressure in the human eye, known as intraocular weight, changes for the duration of the day with typical weight being any place in the vicinity of 10 and 21 mmHg.


Glaucoma is caused by an expansion in intraocular weight, or inner eye weight, which can at last prompt deformities in vision and even visual deficiency if left untreated.

Intraocular weight can expand as a result of a blockage of surge or expanded creation of watery cleverness (the liquid that showers the inward eye).

This is regularly observed in more seasoned grown-ups.

Among the couple of different conditions that can lead to pressure behind the eye, sinusitis appears the most imperative.

Sinusitis/Sinus Eye Pain

Sinusitis, also called a sinus contamination, happens when infections get in the space behind the eyes, nose, and cheeks.

The germs can be the cause your sinuses to swell up as well as nose to load with bodily fluid.

With a sinus contamination, you’ll feel pressure in upper piece of the face, including behind the eyes which cause sinus eye pain.

What is a Sinus Headache?

A sinus cerebral pain and sinus weight is an after effect of blocked sinuses or clogs of bodily fluid caused by irritation in the Para-nasal sinus holes.

There are numerous elements which can cause a sinus eye pain however at the center of the safeguard measures is to restrain the provocative components which cause this weight.

The most effective methods to relieve sinus pressure behind one eye are as follow:

  1. Pressure point massage (sinus pressure points)

This is a strategy that depends on the possibility that there are puts on the skin that are delicate to bioelectric motivations. Empowering these focuses on pressure can soothe both sinus eye pain and strain in the head.

  1. Humidifiers

Dry, thick bodily fluid in your nose and sinus entries can frame outside layers that piece sinus waste and trap infections and different particles.

Expanding dampness and getting more liquid into your body can enable your bodily fluid to disperse and will help relieve severe sinus eye pain.

  1. Massage

A decent facial back rub system can help dispose of the pressure behind your eyes.

It is extremely basic to help you get up from sinus eye pain and distortion.

  1. Eating regimen


Iris is the prevention for Sinus eye pain

We have always heard that prevention is better than cure and Iris is the prevent that you need.

It will help you to protect yourself from the sinus eye pain before it can happen.

The software has been developed with the latest technology that will arrange the brightness of the screen with such perfection that you will not feel any strain.

It will adjust the emission of blue light to the minimum so that you will not have to suffer from its side effects and pain.

Overall With this measure you can overcome sinus pain behind the eye and your body can get some relaxing time after intense painful episodes.

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What causes Pain behind the Eye? Mon, 05 Mar 2018 14:45:49 +0000 In spite of the fact that it is normal for individuals to experience the ill effects of an agony behind their eye, it can, in any case, be disturbing and additionally horrendously awkward. More often than not when somebody encounters torment behind your left eye it isn’t a difficult issue and try not to be excessively concerned unless you are ... Read More

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In spite of the fact that it is normal for individuals to experience the ill effects of an agony behind their eye, it can, in any case, be disturbing and additionally horrendously awkward.

More often than not when somebody encounters torment behind your left eye it isn’t a difficult issue and try not to be excessively concerned unless you are likewise encountering other awkward or abnormal side effects like deadness, slurred discourse, regurgitating, temperamental walk, tipsiness, queasiness or vision issues.

In these conditions, you should see your specialist quickly.

What are causes of Pain behind the Eye?

When you encounter torment behind the eye, it might be something basic, for example, a response to weight or it can be something substantially more genuine, for example, an aneurysm.

Whenever you encounter repeating cerebral pains behind your eye and in addition different side effects, you should visit your specialist. Here are the absolute most regular causes.

Disease and Tumor

Despite the fact that mind tumors, contaminations, and abscesses are uncommon, they are a conceivable reason for torment close to one side.

Your mind tissue won’t straightforwardly produce the torment in these cases rather destructive procedures, encephalitis, abscesses or diseases can pulverize veins and nerves close to your eyes causing exceptional agony all the while.


Much of the time head injury will prompt agony close to your eyes because of hemorrhages either around there or somewhere else inside the skull.

Now and again injury can straightforwardly prompt cerebral pains behind your left eye if the injury is specifically experienced around there.

Certain physical games, for example, rugby are regular reasons for head injury in both the eye zone and when all is said in done and this can incorporate orbital bone or skull breaks.

In the event that you encountered injury that prompted a left orbital bone crack, this would cause sudden and extreme agony around your left eye and in addition a lot of irritation.

Weight Headache

At times torment behind left eye can be because of a weight cerebral pain and this is the point at which you encounter expanded weight in a particular region.

The weight here will encompass the tissue and also push on the nerve filaments and this mix prompts the initiation of torment receptors.

The reason for weight cerebral pains can fluctuate broadly including sinus clog or eye issues, for example, glaucoma.

Group Headache

Group migraines (otherwise called histamine cerebral pains) are genuinely normal and just happen on one side of the head.

As a rule, they will begin a few hours directly after you rest however they can likewise occur amid the day and the agony will be at the very least five to ten minutes after it begins and lasts between a half hour and two hours.

It is activated by the sudden arrival of histamine or serotonin and can likewise incorporate stuffy nose, eye swelling, tearing and red eyes.

It can likewise be activated by particular pharmaceuticals, nitrates, warm, splendid light, smoking, and liquor.

Sinus Headache

Sinus cerebral pains are caused by sinus contaminations and have comparable indications to group migraines.

The torment happens in a particular region and is weight like and is aggravated by any sudden head developments, (for example, bowing forward).

It likewise deteriorates amid the morning because of depleting and gathering of bodily fluid.

Sinus cerebral pains are additionally often joined by direct to gentle fever, postnasal dribble, sore throat, and green or yellow nasal release.

Iris can help reduce the Pain behind the Eye

Iris software will help to control the color of the screen as well as the brightness.

It will reduce the amount of blue light that enters your eyes and so you will not have to suffer from any pain.

You will not have to deal with adjustment of iris because it will work automatically.

The software has been developed with such perfection that it will detect the changes in the light of your surrounding and adjust your device brightness accordingly.

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Tips to Reduce right Eye pain Mon, 05 Mar 2018 14:31:11 +0000 What is right Eye pain? The right eye pain is a result of the affective approach of the nerve cells of the human body which detect some fault ion the part of the body and leads to a pain in that part of the body. The right eye pain is due to both internal and external factors. The internal factors ... Read More

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What is right Eye pain?

The right eye pain is a result of the affective approach of the nerve cells of the human body which detect some fault ion the part of the body and leads to a pain in that part of the body.

The right eye pain is due to both internal and external factors.

The internal factors are the diseases and the external factors are the environmental changes.

A person has also face pain on the right side also due to some injury.

There is no problem whatever the causes of the right eye pain.

But the most important thing is its treatment. Diagnosis of it is very important for any patient.

There are some tips below for which right eye pain can be minimized.

Tips to reduce right Eye pain

There are many tips to reduce eye pain. But the important tips which can be followed by all kinds of patients are below.

Usage of Ice

Ice is very important to apply immediately. The person who is suffering the eye pain may release from it in a very quick way when he uses the ice for it.

Cry! Cry!

This is a very tricky way to get release of eye pain. Make yourself cry in the condition of right eye pain.

To bath eye by using artificial tears is very important tip.Some medical stores have the artificial tears drops.

You may go to there and purchase it and can apply it to get release it. It is important to make yourself cry because eye pain is due to the dryness of the eye and artificial tears play a very important role to relase the right eye pain.

Compress the Eye

To compress the eye is also very important tip. The redness of the eye and swelling of the eye is due to the pain of the eye.

To compress the eye is very important but one has to compress it in a very gentle way. So the redness of the eye and swelling of the eye would not increased.

First soak the cloth in warm water. Place this cloth in the eye of the affected person and press it gently.

Don’t rub it because by rubbing there would be a chance to increase in the pain of the person.

To use this tip is good for the eye of the affected person who wants to get relief from it.

By irritating the eye

To irritate the eye is very good, by using the dust articles may cause the proper working of the muscles of the eye. One should not use dusty water for it.

By using a Damp cotton swab

The white parts of the eye can be treated by using a damp cotton swab. By using it gently in the white part right eye pain can be minimized.

To give ice a cold treatment is also a very effective tip to treat the right eye pain.

Iris is the Best solution to reduce eye pain

Iris software will help to control the color of the screen as well as the brightness.

The software has been developed with such perfection that it will detect the changes in the light of your surrounding and adjust your device brightness accordingly.

It will reduce the amount of blue light that enters your eyes and so you will not have to suffer from any pain.

You will not have to deal with adjustment of iris because it will work automatically.

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Permanent relief from Pain under The Eye Mon, 05 Mar 2018 14:18:36 +0000 Eyes being the most sensitive part hold the topmost attention in getting treated if something goes wrong because ignorance can lead to serious problems so pain under eye should never be left unnoticed. Sore Eyes Sore eyes are a wide term comprising different eye condition under one heading. The eyes may feel as something is bothering it or they may ... Read More

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Eyes being the most sensitive part hold the topmost attention in getting treated if something goes wrong because ignorance can lead to serious problems so pain under eye should never be left unnoticed.

Sore Eyes

Sore eyes are a wide term comprising different eye condition under one heading.

The eyes may feel as something is bothering it or they may feel worn out, overwhelming, and difficult to keep open which can cause severe pain under eye.

Any disturbance in our eyes influences us to feel impeded.

This regular affliction of the eyes is looked by everybody sooner or later or the other in their lives.

There could be numerous reasons causing it.

  • One particular cause could be conjunctivitis (or pink eye)
  • Yet the issue can likewise be caused by a contamination, sensitivities, and an excessive amount of sun presentation, eye weakness, or contact focal point wear.

Symptoms of Swollen Eyes

Swollen eyes, as a rule, are joined by at least one of the accompanying:

  1. Swollen eyelid
  2. Eye disturbance, for example, a bothersome or scratchy sensation
  3. Affectability to light (photophobia)
  4. More tear production
  5. Discouraged vision
  6. Redness of the eyelid
  7. Red eyes and aggravation of the conjunctiva
  8. Eyelid dryness
  9. Pain under eye especially when swollen eyelids are caused by disease

Treatments and Remedies for Sore Eyes

  • To decrease swelling and pain under eye apply an ice pack to the eye for 15 to 20 minutes on end, once consistently.
  • A warm pack is another best method to treat pain under the eye. The heat helps break up the abscess due to oil production so the eye cyst can deplete normally.
  • If swollen eyes are because of sensitivities, antihistamine eye drops or oral hypersensitivity drug, and additionally greasing up “fake tears” will help calm side effects.
  • Visual herpes or other viral diseases react well to antiviral or calming eye drops or balms, or anti-microbial.
  • Pick a tear-free child cleanser and blend it with a touch of warm water. Utilize it to delicately wipe off your eyelids utilizing a cotton swab or clean washcloth.
  • Cucumber has a cooling impact on our body. It has an indistinguishable impact on our eyes from well. It alleviates the eyes and recuperates any soreness or aggravation.
  • Contact focal lenses can be to a great degree aggravating to individuals who are unaccustomed to them, particularly in the event that they are worn incorrectly. Remove them until the point that the eyelid swelling settles.
  • If suffering from photophobia and eyelid aggravation, a photochromic focal lens can help decrease light affectability.
  • Aloe Vera has been known to have recuperating properties. It has an amazingly unwinding impact on your eyes in light of its relieving properties. It likewise contains antimicrobial mixes and cell reinforcements that can treat the reasons for the soreness in your eyes
  • Maintain a strategic distance from cosmetics as Makeup can disturb the eye considerably more and defer the mending procedure.

Iris is the Best treatment you need

In case you notice that all the above-mentioned treatments are not working for you and the eye pain is still there, you have to check your technology usage.

In case you have to work on a laptop most of the time make sure that you install iris in it.

The software will help to control the color of the screen as well as the brightness.

It will reduce the amount of blue light that enters your eyes and so you will not have to suffer from any pain.

You will not have to deal with adjustment of iris because it will work automatically.

The software has been developed with such perfection that it will detect the changes in the light of your surrounding and adjust your device brightness accordingly.


These above-mentioned treatments can help curing pain under eye permanently to a higher extent But if pain under eye isn’t relieving even after all tricks see your eye specialist promptly to preclude a more vile reason for your swollen eyes.

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Muscles related to pain in the Eye socket Tue, 27 Feb 2018 15:39:35 +0000 The eye is very sensitive to light and other factors. It lacks the protections of skin, injury of eyes. The intensive pain of the eye is very  rare. The eye involved the behind cornea, central whites of the eye. Any infection is very cornea, iris and inflammation. Conjunctivitis, Keratitis, Scleritis, Neuritis, Blepharitis are the main causes of the treatment. Some ... Read More

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The eye is very sensitive to light and other factors.

It lacks the protections of skin, injury of eyes. The intensive pain of the eye is very  rare.

The eye involved the behind cornea, central whites of the eye. Any infection is very cornea, iris and inflammation.

Conjunctivitis, Keratitis, Scleritis, Neuritis, Blepharitis are the main causes of the treatment.

Some of the diseases that may cause the eyeball pain.

The main causes of the pain are the contact lens keratitis Corneal abrasion, photokeratitis, corneal ulceration, sclera, and Uvea.

Eye cavity and internal structures are also very important for this.

Optic nerves and eyelids are the main factors for this. Inverted eyelid and Everted eyelid are the conditions which include eye inflammation.

Pain around the eye is also very important for this.

Below the maxillary sinus and the teeth, there is also the eyelid which plays an important in its treatment areas. The skull itself has many superficial muscles.

The unnecessary situation of this causes the pain of eyeball.

The possible reason for the eye pain is the Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Cluster headaches, Migraines, Toothache, Raised intracranially.

Muscles which are related to pain

Pain around the eye socket is an issue that lot of us will have encountered sooner or later that can have numerous causes.

While this can regularly be only a minor irritation that will leave to its own gadgets, in different examples it can be a more genuine ceaseless condition.

Here we will take a gander at the conceivable reasons for eye socket pain, however in the event that the pain proceeds with, you should dependably make a point to see a specialist for an expert assessment.

Pain around the eye socket is ensured by living creature and has just a thin layer of skin to cushion it against wounding, in this manner, it is genuinely simple to bruise this part and that would make it extremely sore to touch even daintily. The pain may be joined by swelling.


The eye socket just beneath the eyebrow is the place a portion of the ethmoid sinuses are found, and consequently, sinusitis (disease or irritation of the sinuses) can cause torment around there because of the working up of the ethmoid mucosa.

A specialist may prescribe a steroid shower or other treatment. Hot showers may likewise incidentally alleviate a portion of the distress by melting and separating the bodily fluid enabling it to deplete.


A  frosty, sensitivity, or whatever other condition that reason the sinuses to plainly blocked may cause weight on the head and a slight cerebral pain around the eye socket.


Esophoria is an eye issue described by an internal deviation of the eye because of visual muscle unevenness.

This can cause pain over the eye socket as would some be able to other eye issues.


Headache can happen in any piece of the head, and this incorporates around the eye sockets. In the event that you are experiencing a headache, the torment will probably be intense and the best game-plan is to close your eyes in an obscured room.

Iris can help Reduce the Eye muscles pain

Iris is the high tech software that works to control the brightness and blue light emitted by the screen.

It will change the color of the screen according to the surrounding and you will notice that the brightness of the screen will increase and decrease accordingly.

In this way, you will not have to suffer from any kind of strain or pain.

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Is Stabbing Eye Pain Dangerous? Tue, 27 Feb 2018 14:06:00 +0000 Visual torment or stabbing eye pain may originate from various conditions in the eye or its region. An agony or cerebral pain behind the eye is frequently an indication of a more prominent issue. That being stated, the reason for the stabbing eye pain isn’t generally simple to decide and can be damn risky once in a while. The pain ... Read More

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Visual torment or stabbing eye pain may originate from various conditions in the eye or its region.

An agony or cerebral pain behind the eye is frequently an indication of a more prominent issue.

That being stated, the reason for the stabbing eye pain isn’t generally simple to decide and can be damn risky once in a while.

The pain can be sharp and serious however it can likewise be dull.

Signs and Symptoms

Different indications identified with stabbing eye pain incorporate a fever, tearing, redness, deadness, twofold vision, shortcoming, light affectability, sinusitis, and feeling torment at whatever point you move your eye.

Sometimes a generally minor issue, for example, a shallow scraped spot of the cornea, can be highly painful.

And sometimes, a few intense eye conditions – including waterfalls, macular degeneration, the most widely recognized sort of glaucoma, a disconnected retina, and diabetic eye infection – cause no ocular pain at all.


The cornea of the eye is among the most touchy tissues of the body.

Truth be told, the thickness of tactile nerves in the cornea can be up to 500 times that of the skin.

What causes Stabbing Eye Pain?

Scraped areas (scratches) of the cornea

Corneal scraped areas can occur from rubbing the eye when there’s an outside body present, wearing contact focal points too long, or if the eye interacts with something like a grain of sand. A scraped spot of the cornea can feel like there’s something under the eyelid or in the eye and can lead to sharp stabbing eye pain.

Dry Eye Disorder

Dry eye disorder is additionally called dermatitis sicca, or essentially simply dry eyes. At the point when dry eyes are persevering, cerebral pains and light affectability will likewise happen. The severity can be highly unbearable and result in intensely stabbing pain in the eye.


Also known as “pink eye,” conjunctivitis can be a bacterial, viral contamination or an unfavorably susceptible response that causes aggravation of the film that secures the white of the eye and lines the eyelid.

The aggravation makes veins in the layer more prominent which influences the eyes to look red or pink.

Other Factors

Headache, cerebral pains and sinus contaminations can likewise cause stabbing eye pain around the fragile eye zone. If you encounter intensely shooting stabbing pain behind just a single eye, this might be an indication of neuralgia (torment felt along a specific nerve).

Different other reasons for sudden eye pain are:

  • Optic neuritis
  • Tolosa-hunt syndrome,
  • Simply visual weakness following a few hours of working at a close separation without fitting eyeglass adjustment.

In the event that pain deteriorates with eye development, it might uncover issues in the circle (eye attachment), which incorporate contaminations that may spread to the sensory system. And are not essentially dangerous.

Iris is the protection you need

You now know that stabbing eye pain can be dangerous for your productivity and so it is important that you get the required help.

We can understand that you cannot stop using your technological devices so we have for you the Iris.

It is a high-tech software that understands the dangers of blue light.

Once you have the software on your device it will adjust the color and brightness of the screen with such perfection that you can work without any strain over the eyes.

You will notice that it will adjust the light according to the brightness of the room.

You will not have to deal with any settings or issues. The device works automatically.


A wide range of conditions can deliver sudden stabbing eye pain.

An assessment by an ophthalmologist who can complete an exhaustive eye exam is the ideal approach to discover the source.

Eye pains are not always dangerous in all cases.

If you do see sudden pain or changes in your eye region, make a point to see your optometrist for detailed counsel.


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Is Pain behind left Eye associated with a Migraine? Tue, 27 Feb 2018 12:57:00 +0000 Migraine and Eye pain Migraine is generally associated with a severe headaches. Different kinds of headaches are due to a migraine. Pain behind left eye is also due to the migraine. The pain due to migraine can occur on both sides of the head . Pain in the left eye may occur due to many reasons. To predict that if pain ... Read More

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Migraine and Eye pain

Migraine is generally associated with a severe headaches.

Different kinds of headaches are due to a migraine. Pain behind left eye is also due to the migraine.

The pain due to migraine can occur on both sides of the head . Pain in the left eye may occur due to many reasons.

To predict that if pain behind left eye is associated with a migraine or not, it is very important to know about the symptoms of a migraine.

The below discussion will clear this confusion.

Symptoms of Migraine and Pain in the left eye

Among the symptoms of the migraine, blurred vision is on the top of the list.

The second and third symptoms are the Nausea or vomiting including the stomach pain.

These are signs which appear in the beginning of the migraine.

After that the other symptoms also appear. Sensation of warm water and cold water, paleness, fatigue, dizziness, fever and blind spots on skin appeared in the condition of migraine for a long time.

Last but not at least most important symptom is the headache.

If a person is in a migraine disease, he feels a severe in one side of the head.

There is no specific side of the side. It may sometime occur on the right side and sometimes on the left side.

Pain behind left eye and its association with headache of migraine condition

Pain behind left eye is sometimes due to the headache.

The severe pain in headache may lead to migration condition and it can be said that this pain is due to the attack of the severe pain.

Migraine can be the cause of left eye pain.

Left eye muscles are associated with a back parts of the brain.

Left eye is associated with the right part and right part is associated with left part.

Pain in the left eye can only be occurred if there is a chance of fault in that part.

But to say that only migraine is responsible for the eye pain would be wrong.

Migraine is a condition in which patient feels pain more than average headache.

Normal headache can cause pain in eye, but not more than the migraine.

In migraine each muscle of the brain is in a inconvenient and stretched position and eye pain is due to the result of it.

Migraine and the condition of Eye during it

Headache by migraine cannot be avoided.

The upper part of the body allows the frequent use of medication during it.

Pain behind left eye due to migraine is a condition which may also affect the health of the affected person.

The sudden attack of migraine can also affect on the memory of the person.

The pain behind eye is also due to many reason like of tension headache, cluster headache and sanititis .

It can also be said that pain in the left eye side is due to this.

Iris is the cure for a Migraine

The common cause of a migraine is exposure to light and that is why you have to assure that you control your exposure.

Iris is the high-tech software that works to control the brightness and blue light emitted by the screen.

It will change the color of the screen according to the surrounding and you will notice that the brightness of the screen will increase and decrease accordingly.

In this way, you will not have to suffer from any kind of strain or pain.

You will notice that the consistency at which you get the migraine attacks will be reduced.

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Pain in Corner of the Eye can be a Symptom of Dangerous Diseases Tue, 27 Feb 2018 12:08:36 +0000   Almost everybody has had sore eyes sooner or later. Infrequently they show signs of improvement all alone however, they can likewise be an indication of something more genuine. Especially pain in corner of your eye can be disturbing but not always. The Facts Pain toward the corner of eyes can be the consequence of various diverse reasons: a remote ... Read More

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Almost everybody has had sore eyes sooner or later. Infrequently they show signs of improvement all alone however, they can likewise be an indication of something more genuine.

Especially pain in corner of your eye can be disturbing but not always.

The Facts

Pain toward the corner of eyes can be the consequence of various diverse reasons: a remote body, aggravation because of an outside reason, or even a headache that is confined to that piece of the district near the side of the eyes.

Irresistible eye infections can be ordered in two ways.

First, specialists typically discuss the piece of the eye that is contaminated or excited. Such as Conjunctivitis, Keratitis, Veratitis etc.

Furthermore, eye contaminations are additionally characterized by what’s causing them.

Visual histoplasmosis disorder (OHS), for instance, is caused by a parasite (the condition is additionally called chorioretinitis).

It is for the most part assaults the blood supply of the retina, on the internal back surface of the eye, accusing pain in corner of the eyes especially.

Why does torment happen in the internal Corner of the Eye?

If you wear Glasses

There are a couple of conceivable outcomes that can clarify why you have a pain in the inward corner of your eye.

In the event that you wear your glasses.

The most basic clarification could be that the nose pad of your glasses should be balanced.

Eye Fatigue

Any individual who peruses for a considerable length of time works at a PC or drives long separations can have torment in corner of the eyes.

It happens when you abuse your eyes.

They get worn out and need to rest, much the same as some other piece of your body.


In the event that you are likewise experiencing sniffling and nasal blockage, the agony in corner of your eye could be an aftereffect of hypersensitivities.

Corneal scratches

The cornea is the straightforward front layer of your eye, covering your understudy and iris.

A scratch on your cornea may cause a consuming, sharp Pain in eye corner extraordinarily when you squint.

Blocked tear ducts

Dacryocystitis is a contamination in the tear channels of the eye or in the tear sac, additionally called the lacrimal sac.

If your tear pipe winds up plainly blocked, it implies your tears won’t have the capacity to deplete typically, so your eyes will be left watery and bothered with pain especially in corner of your eyes.

Counsel a Specialist

You should see your specialist if indications don’t ease inside 48 hours or at-home cures aren’t successful and the agony deteriorate.

  • Pain which will lessen with time and care include:
  • Slight pain while moving your eyes
  • Pressure in your eyes
  • Irritation of your eyelid or eyelash follicles
  • Delicacy around your eyes due to sinuses

Medical Urgency

If you encounter the accompanying side effects when you flicker, you should look for medicinal treatment:

  • Agonizing pain
  • Hindered vision
  • Serious sharp pain even touching your eye
  • Epigastric pain or vomiting
  • Appearance of radiances around lights
  • Trouble shutting your eyelids totally in light of the fact that your eye is swelling outward.

Reduce the pain with Iris

Iris is a recently introduced software that will help to control the blue light of your device so that it will not affect your eyes.

You will notice that your time of sleep will improve.

There will be a remarkable decrease in the eye corner pain.

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How to Never Suffer from Headache and Eye pain again? Sun, 25 Feb 2018 20:09:42 +0000 Iris and structure of the eye Iris is the part of the eye. The structure of the eye shows that it has an important role in the eye. The structure of the Iris in the eye shows that it will never let the eye to swell or to deeply affected by the harmful light of the external environment. Iris consists ... Read More

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Iris and structure of the eye

Iris is the part of the eye. The structure of the eye shows that it has an important role in the eye.

The structure of the Iris in the eye shows that it will never let the eye to swell or to deeply affected by the harmful light of the external environment. Iris consists of two layers.

The stroma and the pigmented epithelial cells. Both these parts play an important role.

These are very important due to their function that they fight against the inconvenient situation which leads to headache and eye pain.

What is the role of Stroma and pigmented epithelial cells?

Headache and eye pain is due to the increase in the pass-through of unnecessary light through it.

The stroma due to its structure did not allow the light to pass through it.

To consider the function of the Iris, it is very important to consider its anatomy.

It is behind the corneas and it is called the color of the eye.

Storm of the eyes absorb most of the part of the light and allows to some part of it to pass through.

The pigmented cells play a very important role in it. The shape of the Iris is decided by the color of the pigmented cells.

The appeared structure of the iris is something which is in the pigmented epithetical cells.

The headache and eye pain can be released by it.

The structure of the Iris controls the excessive light to pass through due to its pigments and thus it minimized the headache and eye pain.

Headache and eye pain both are depended on the response of Iris

Iris is very important, if there some fault in it, it causes the pain in eye.

Many companies have made artificial Iris to minimize the pain and headache by using artificial Iris.

The affected Iris and its role in the Pain relief

The inflammation of the iris and the Melanoma of the eye are the faulty conditions of iris.

The thing which is important is that whether Iris has controlled eye pain and headache or it just controls the flow of light through the eye.

In the condition of the inflammation of Iris person cannot observe the colors of the thing.

Headache and eye pain are also due to this condition. So Iris allows more light to pass through.

The Melanoma of the eye can occur in the pigmented cells of the Iris It is very important to consult to the doctor when someone has found a situation of fault in Iris.

Without Iris structure of Eye

Iris is the powerhouse of the eye because due to its strength the eye sigh cannot be weakened.

Its structure keeps the eye muscles work in a proper way.

It also controls cornea which is a very important factor in the stature of the eye.

Iris did not allow the headache or eye pain during its proper function.

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How Blue light from gadgets increases Sharp pain in eye? Sun, 25 Feb 2018 15:32:00 +0000 What is a Blue light? It is very important to know about the blue light. Any person who wants to study the effects of the blue light on the eyes of the person, he should know about the blue light that what is it? It is a very easy way to know about it.Every person can achieve a positive knowledge ... Read More

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What is a Blue light?

It is very important to know about the blue light.

Any person who wants to study the effects of the blue light on the eyes of the person, he should know about the blue light that what is it?

It is a very easy way to know about it.Every person can achieve a positive knowledge of it.

Did u know about sunlight? Yes, sure you will be aware of it.

Sunlight is made of seven colors. These colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Every color has its own energy and wavelength.

So the person who wants to know about the blue light, it is very clear that he should know about the blue lour of the light.

White light has a large wavelength of the blue light which can explore the eye.

This also may result in sharp pain in the eye.

Resources of the Blue light and How they can make a sharp pain in the eye

The main source of the blue light is the sunlight.

The other sources are the FlouFluorescent light, CFL  LED light, LED televisions, Computer monitors, and all other mobile phone technologies.

The light that you received from the screen is like that of sunlight.

You may be affected by this light because of the very much use of these screens.

This also may result in the sharp pain in the eye.

How does the Blue light impact or affect the Eyes

All the blue light passes through the cornea and then to the lens and after that, it reaches to the retina.

This light may become the cause of vision problem.

The research shows that too much use of blue light may result in the following conditions:

Digital eyestrain

This is the condition in which Fatigue, dry and irritated eyes and bad lighting are appeared due to the excessive use of tv screens.

There are many symptoms of it.

But the most important symptom is the sharp pain in the eye.

Sharp pain in the eyes can also lead to a severe headache.

Damage to Retina

This is a condition in which retina damaged due to the excessive usage of blue light.

Retina plays a very important role in the functioning of the eye and due to blue light, it is affected due to excessive use of screens and this also leads to the severe pain in the eye.

How can we protect our eyes from the Blue Light?

By using the computer glasses and anti-reflective lens we can minimize its impacts on our eyes.

To make your eyes dry and to use those kinds of tools which have the blue light for a very small time is also very effective.

Screen filters can also be used to minimize the effect of the blue light.

Sharp pain in the eyes can also be treated by consultants.

Control Blue light with Iris

Iris is a recently developed technology that will help to control the blue light emitted by the screen of the technological devices.

Within few minutes it will adjust the brightness so perfectly by changing the color of the screen that you will never have to feel the pain anymore.

You will have the positive effects and negative effects of the blue light will be reduced.

You will notice that your strain will be reduced and sleep will improve in limited time.

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Home remedies for Pain behind right Eye Sun, 25 Feb 2018 14:55:33 +0000 The remedies for torment and cerebral pain behind right eye are necessary to improve the health of the person. These remedies can improve the condition of a person a lot. Person of every age can apply these remedies. A person can also achieve a good health and relief by using the home remedies too. The home remedies play an important ... Read More

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The remedies for torment and cerebral pain behind right eye are necessary to improve the health of the person.

These remedies can improve the condition of a person a lot.

Person of every age can apply these remedies. A person can also achieve a good health and relief by using the home remedies too.

The home remedies play an important role to improve any kind of person’s health.

There is no side effect of these remedies.

Pain behind right eye can be minimized by using these remedies.

What are home remedies? And how they can minimize pain behind right eye?

Get a lot of rest and use healthy food is one of the best remedy for it.

The dressed environment of the person can lead to this condition.

So the person should drink a lot of water. These are only a few remedies.

The below remedies are playing role to improve this more than average.

Work out

Work out minimized the torment and cerebral pain behind the eyes.

This is because work out opens the refreshment parts of your life and by using this method anybody can improve his health a lot.

During this one should press the territory of the base of his skull and enable himself to breadth in a very open way.

Eat and drink in an appropriate way

Dehydration is the basic cause of the pain behind the right eye.

The person who stays dehydrated cannot minimize this pain.

So drink water and lives a healthy life, this tip is very important to apply on yourself by staying at home.

Reduce the stress from your life

Stress is the basic factor which leads to this pain so one should avoid it as possible as he can.

Say no to stress and live a happy life! This is a slogan which can be used as a remedy.

Live a healthy life by Eye care maintenance

Every person has a right to live a healthy life and one can achieve it easily if he wants.

So it is also very important for the relief of pain of cerebral and pain behind the right eye.

By applying Cold compresses

It can also be treated by using cold compresses. For this different methods can be used.

But these are basically for the purpose of making oneself relaxed.

Backrub to treat behind right Eye

Backrub is very important, as it minimizes the stretched condition of the person.

Backrub relaxes the muscles of the head as well as shoulders.

This is applicable to people of all ages.

Treatment of torment behind the right Eye

You can use different home remedies like of watering your eyes with artificial tears, rubbing and relaxing with wet warm water, by minimizing the stress around your environment.

Healthy food is also very important for this. So! Be relaxed and enjoy a healthy life.

Iris is best home remedy

Iris has been developed with the latest technology.

It is the software that will help in the control and adjustment of the screen brightness and light.

It will quickly help in the management of the eye pain because you will not have to suffer from any issues.

You will notice that with Iris your sleep and headache will be cured.

Iris will help you manage your tasks efficiently and you will never have to suffer from eye pain.

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Eye pain headache can reduce your Decision-making power Sun, 25 Feb 2018 14:05:35 +0000 What is Eye pain headache? When you consider clinical depression, you likely consider feeling miserable and down for drawn-out stretches of time, losing your vitality and your enthusiasm for things you used to appreciate, dozing excessively or too little, or eating excessively or too little. In any case, other than these, despondency can really change your capacity to think. Eye ... Read More

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What is Eye pain headache?

When you consider clinical depression, you likely consider feeling miserable and down for drawn-out stretches of time, losing your vitality and your enthusiasm for things you used to appreciate, dozing excessively or too little, or eating excessively or too little.

In any case, other than these, despondency can really change your capacity to think.

Eye pain headache can debilitate your consideration and memory, and additionally your data handling and basic leadership aptitudes.

Eye pain headache can likewise bring down your intellectual adaptability (the capacity to adjust your objectives and techniques to evolving circumstances) and official working (the capacity to find a way to complete something).

What are the factors which cause Eye pain headache?

For individuals with extreme sorrow, solutions can give some alleviation of low disposition and vitality, reinforce the inspiration to take part in agreeable and imperative exercises, and enable individuals to come back to ordinary resting and eating designs.

Outstandingly, antidepressants are less useful as a rule for mellow and direct despondency.

The Psychological depression

Be that as eye pain headache may, we don’t know whether energizer solutions treat psychological debilitation identified with sorrow.

As of late, a global research group endeavored to answer this inquiry as a component of a bigger report on the melancholy suggestion.

Their outcomes were distributed in the Lancet a month ago.

To think about the impact of three basic stimulant meds on depression-related intellectual weakness, the scientists asked more than 1,000 individuals with sadness who were taking either escitalopram to experience broad subjective testing.

To put eye pain headache plainly, none of the meds made a difference.

Of these patients, 95% demonstrated no change on any of the psychological impedances said above, and none of the three medications was superior to the others at enhancing intellectual side effects.

Shocking Situations

This outcome isn’t totally shocking energizer medicines are chiefly intended to help enhance temperament and increment the capacity to take part in useful and charming exercises, two key parts of despondency treatment.

It’s additionally important that diverse parts and procedures of the cerebrum are in charge of psychological (versus enthusiastic) working this may clarify why the three medications tried didn’t appear to help enhance subjective manifestations.

New medications for sadness might have the capacity to address these manifestations also.

Drug Addiction

Past drugs, critical thinking treatment can prepare individuals how to enhance their critical thinking aptitudes, and subjective behavioral treatment can instruct individuals to perceive and challenge mutilated reasoning examples.

Another approach, intellectual remediation treatment, utilizes hone drills to enhance memory and official working.

Joining these behavioral mediations with antidepressants may yield better outcomes for enhancing despondency related intellectual hindrances.

Eye pain causes sometimes Headache

There are a few restrictions to this examination: it’s not known whether the members had subjective debilitations previously they created gloom, and the length of medication treatment and follow-up was short — two months altogether.

Be that as eye pain headache may, this investigation is imperative on the grounds that the subjective weakness indications of melancholy have gotten little consideration — and haven’t really been the objective of pharmaceuticals for gloom.

Eye pain headache demonstrates that we have far to run in helping individuals with despondency come back to an ordinary level of full mental working.

Iris will help you Reduce the Eye pain

Iris is the high-tech software that works to control the brightness and blue light emitted by the screen.

It will change the color of the screen according to the surrounding and you will notice that the brightness of the screen will increase and decrease accordingly.

In this way, you will not have to suffer from any kind of strain or pain.

You will notice that the consistency at which you get the migraine attacks will be reduced.

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Effect of left Eye pain on your Health Sun, 25 Feb 2018 12:09:08 +0000   Pain is variable for different persons. Every person has felt the different severity of pain. It depends on the condition of the person. The pain in the temple area is due to the tension in the fiscal muscles. This leads to the pain in the eye. What is Pain in the Left eye? The pain in the left sight ... Read More

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Pain is variable for different persons. Every person has felt the different severity of pain.

It depends on the condition of the person.

The pain in the temple area is due to the tension in the fiscal muscles. This leads to the pain in the eye.

What is Pain in the Left eye?

The pain in the left sight sometimes very critical and sometimes there is a little bit change in the environment of the affected person.

The impacts of the pain in the left eye are very much related to the regular activity of the brain and cerebellum.

The pain in the left eye is due to the severe migraine and weakness of eye muscles.

What are the Activities which Left eyesight effects?

Left eye pain is due to many factors. Left eye pain affects our different activities.

Whenever a person wants to lead a good life, he wishes for a complete physical approach to his body.

Left eye affects our nervous brain.

The Structure of the eye and effect of pain in left Eye

Our different activities like to observe a think, to predict a thing, to think about a thing in a continuous way.

All of these activities have been affected by the pain in the left eye.

Our structure is like that of the camera.

When someone felt pain in the left eye, he has to face different unbearable conditions.

The left eye has it different role and the right sight has a different role.

When both of these work together, we have a clear vision of a thing. the pain in left eyesight affects our creativity in a way to follow a quick approach to anything.

The factors on which our creativity depends is on five senses.

The vision is very important to them.

If a person has a fault in his right brain, he would felt pain the lefty eye.

Creativity demands twisted way of the analytical approach with a proper thinking.

Pain in the left eye sight affects our creativity in a manner that, it is most of the times is due to affect in the right brain.

All the creative abilities of the right brain have been affected by it.

What are the different categories of the Pain and How it is possible to overcome it?

Left eye pain is very critical for those kinds of persons who have weak eyesight.

Our vision may affect by this and due to this the person affected by this may felt a severe condition of the depression too.

Eye pain leads to the alarming situation of some fault in the vision or of some disease and this problem demands a proper treatment.

Because the conditions like senilities a, the tension headache and the cluster headache affect the creativity of a person a lot.

So left eye pain affects our creativity a lot and one should not avoid it.

Control Eye pain with Iris

Iris has been developed with the latest technology.

It will quickly help in the management of the eye pain because you will not have to suffer from any issues.

It is the software that will help in the control and adjustment of the screen brightness and light.

You will notice that with iris your sleep and headache will be cured.

Iris will help you manage your tasks efficiently and you will never have to suffer from eye pain.


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Can Pain behind Eye headache affect your Eye sight? Sun, 25 Feb 2018 11:54:04 +0000 Headache pain is related to the eyesight of a person. A headache in a very critical condition may cause the unbearable of the muscles of the eyes. Whether pain behind eye headache affect the eyesight or not? It is a question which is important to discuss to find the answer to it. Headache pain can be felt in many parts ... Read More

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Headache pain is related to the eyesight of a person.

A headache in a very critical condition may cause the unbearable of the muscles of the eyes.

Whether pain behind eye headache affect the eyesight or not?

It is a question which is important to discuss to find the answer to it.

Headache pain can be felt in many parts of the head, but the clear definition of the headache pain can be considered in the following discussion.

What is Pain behind Eye headache?

The pain in the forehead, the pain in the sinuses, the pain in the temples are the criteria which can be involved in the pain behind the eye headache.

This condition sometimes may lead to a very critical condition of the inconvenient and the painful situation of the head area. A severe headache may affect eyesight.

Is Pain behind Eye headache affect Eyesight or not?

A headache and eyesight are inter-related to each other.

Sometimes lose in eyesight may cause a headache and sometimes headache of a severe kind may result in the loss of eyesight.

The backside muscles of the eye are very sensitive. There is a protection of skull in between them.

The back part of the eye is attached to the muscles of the brain.

The part of the brain above the neck decides our vision.

If there is a problem in that part of the head, it may lead to blindness.

The pain behind an eye headache in a result of some fault in this parts of the brain may affect the eyesight.

In which factors Eyesight depends?

The first thing which is important to discuss is that whether there are some conditions and things in which our eyesight depend or it is very easy to read the different factors that affect the eyesight.

Our eyesight depends on the physical appearance of the muscles and the working of these muscles in a proper way.

If someone has a severe headache like a migraine, then the muscles of the eyesight also affected.

So whenever a person felt pain in some parts of the skull or brain muscles, he should consult with the doctors.

Different kinds of Pain behind Eye headache which affect Eyesight

There are different kinds of headache which may affect eyesight.

The first is tension headache, the second is cluster headache, the third is a Sinusitis.

The common situation in which a person felt pain eye is called tension headache.

This condition is because of the frequent use of computer screens and LEDs. This condition affects eyesight.

The cluster headache is the condition in which a person felt pain like of burning behind the eye.

The person who has cluster headache has an experience of swelling of eye and excess of tearing.

The Sinusitis is due to the swelling of the sinus cavity.

All of the above-mentioned kinds of pain behind eye headache affect the eye sight.

With Iris do not let Eye pain affect your Eyesight

Iris is a recently developed technology that will help to control the blue light emitted by the screen of the technological devices.

Within few minutes it will adjust the brightness so perfectly by changing the color of the screen that you will never have to feel the pain anymore.

You will have the positive effects and negative effects of the blue light will be reduced.

You will notice that your strain will be reduced and sleep will improve in limited time.


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Why is Blue Light bad for our Health? Sat, 24 Feb 2018 23:57:53 +0000 Blue light constitutes one of the colors available in the visible light spectrum and can be seen by the human eye. Blue light has a wavelength of between 400−495 nm. This short length confers on blue light a high energy visibility status. The main source of blue light is from the Sun. With the recent advancements in technology, blue light ... Read More

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Blue light constitutes one of the colors available in the visible light spectrum and can be seen by the human eye.

Blue light has a wavelength of between 400−495 nm. This short length confers on blue light a high energy visibility status. The main source of blue light is from the Sun.

With the recent advancements in technology, blue light is becoming readily available in man’s immediate environment.

Exposure to blue light also comes from access/interaction with a variety of computers, smartphones, televisions, tablets, and sources of lighting.

And the numbers of people exposed to blue light emissions continue to rise.

Statistics reveal that 70 percent of adults in the US own a smartphone while 45 percent make use of a tablet computer.

For children and younger ones, the numbers rise to as high as 86 percent. This means that these individuals receive copious amounts of blue light radiation on a daily basis.

These exposure levels raise serious health concerns.

On the one hand, natural exposure to blue light, during the day, is touted to boost energy levels, enhance alertness and improve one’s mood.

On the other hand, the issues with blue light exposure center on close proximity to smart devices, especially at night.

Blue Light and Eye Health

Again it is worth mentioning that blue light falls under the high energy visible light spectrum.

When viewing smart devices at night, the blue light high energy levels puts a huge demand on the retina of the eyes, especially in the low-light environment, like a dimly-lit or a totally dark room.

Prolonged exposure continues to exert this pressure, which may lead to the development of eye problems including digital eye strain, retina damage, dry eyes as well as age-related macular degeneration.

Blue Light, Sleep, and Circadian rhythm

The human body is wired to stay active during the day and to unwind/rest (sleep) at night.

Studies show that over-exposure to blue light occurs at night.

The high energy levels associated with the light can increase the heart rate and body temperature as well as disrupt the natural sleep mechanism or clock (circadian rhythm).

In more detail, blue light emission has been found to hinder the release of melatonin, a chemical agent in the body that conditions the body’s need for rest and a good night sleep.

In effect, blue light has the potential of usurping the body’s need for sleep, leading to a wakeful night and often, a sluggish day.

Measures to guard against the effects of Blue Light on health

While blue light, sourced from both the Sun and man-made devices, will always be around us, measures exist that can mitigate its effects. They include the following:

Screen time

Endeavour to cut back on the amount of time spent in front of the screens of smart devices. It is also wise to take frequent breaks to give the eyes some rest.


Make use of blue light filters tailored for smartphones, tablets, and computer screens.

These materials lower the emission levels of blue light given off from these devices that could reach the retina.

Anti-reflective lenses

Employ anti-reflective lenses to reduce glare and increase contrast.

These lenses also work to block blue light from smartphones and other devices.

Put in place a rule that ensures smartphones and other devices are put away at least 1 hour before bedtime.

Resources To Help You

In case you need help in coping with the effects of blue light, Iris has resources and materials to assist you.

The company produces intelligent software that installs on just about any device or computer and controls the amount of blue light emission that reaches your eyes.

Named after the company, Iris is basically software for eye protection, health, and productivity.

Iris achieves this feat in two ways:

  • Users can decrease the amount of blue light emitted from the screen of their computer or smart device.
  • Users can regulate screen brightness with the ability to control Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and flickering.

Iris software comes in a variety of models to suit various budgets, needs, and demands.

Users can select from any of the following packages including Iris, Iris mini, Iris micro, Iris OS, Iris Floss as well as Iris floss for Wayland.

For more information and buying guide, do visit the manufacturer’s page at


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Technology Effects on our Health Wed, 21 Feb 2018 11:52:17 +0000 Digital screens are everywhere Look around yourself and observe that to what extent your eyes are exposed to screens. Go through every business and have a look at the pace of world with every angle, you will find digital screens in more than expected forms. If you are an office going person you work from nine to five, or maybe ... Read More

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Digital screens are everywhere

Look around yourself and observe that to what extent your eyes are exposed to screens.

Go through every business and have a look at the pace of world with every angle, you will find digital screens in more than expected forms.

If you are an office going person you work from nine to five, or maybe more, in front of the laptop or computer screen.

If you are a student, then you are glued to tablets, smartphones, laptops or computers either to submit your assignments or for social networking.

If you see a kid or a toddler, even then you will find them stuck to a digital screen for games which keep them busy and entertained throughout the day. This is not all.

Wherever you go, be it supermarkets, emergency centers, offices, gyms, schools or community centers you will find excessive use of digital screens everywhere.

Since now we know that how much habitual we have become of these digital screens we must have an idea about what they do for us.

Of course, they come with hundreds of affirmative aspects but have you ever thought about what negative effects do they leave on your body?

Have you ever pondered over those bitter facts about the danger we intentionally put ourselves in?

Almost all of us use digital screens in one way or another but unfortunately, none of us realizes that it is the time to wake up.

Isn’t it the time to untie the blindfold and see through the bright screens and think deeply what it radiates beside brightness?

You believe it or not, but these screens have put your eye health in an immensely sensitive situation.

Ever noticed your head begins to ache after excessive surfing on the internet? No.

That ignorance drags you closer to irreversible damages. These damages are like a chain.

Once they begin, it becomes highly difficult to stop them.

Daily Life and Eye Health

Now let’s talk about your eye health. We are very careful about our health.

We make sure not to do anything inappropriate which might lead to a disease or a disorder.

Similarly, we should be on equal terms for our eyes.

Our lifestyle, daily routine, and professional life revolves around our good eye health. We want 24 hour fitness for eyes.

A healthy eye is thousand times better than an affected one.

When eyes are in a good state you don’t even know the possibilities of what might happen to them.

But when there is a slight pain in eyes, you curse those times when you were not thankful for them.

You must be conscious and alert enough to keep yourself updated with ideas for 24 hours fitness for eyes.

Eyes are one of the most sensitive organs of your body.

Your daily routine and lifestyle require 24 hour fitness for eyes.

A minor injury or very inconsiderable factors become the root cause of permanent damage.

You have to remain very cautious about them as they can also be damaged through constant exposure to digital screens.

Since your eyes are only able to view the brightness and obviously they cannot distinguish them.

Therefore, these digital screens have now become a reason for the damage to your eyes.

The problems arise when you don’t know how to arrange a 24 hour fitness for eyes.

It is not just the digital screen that is all set to harm your eyes but other very genuine possible factors which include pollution, nutritional deficiency, lack of proper diet, improper sleep and an upside-down lifestyle.

When we ignore 24 hour eye fitness, we end up with unexpected results which with time become intense.

What is disastrous for your eyes?

There are some serious reasons which have a very negative impact on our eyes.

Eyes are the most exposed part of our body and need serious 24 hour protection.

Following are some most prominent issues which cause eye health issues.

Digital Screens

You know that how the physics of a single colored light can bring harm to you.

Count the hours you and your family spend in front of digital screens and you will realize that on a scale of zero to ten where you are standing.

Blue Lights can also be called “Slow Poison” for your eyes because they do their functioning slowly.

They penetrate through your eyes in a slow rhythm. Sometimes, you even get the symptoms signaling you loud and clear but you prefer ignoring them. This carelessness causes harm to your eye health.

Although, digital screens have become an important requirement of these modern times where every job is incomplete without their use you can limit the use to some hours and avoid their frequent use for a better eye health.

Blue Lights come with those appliances which on one hand provide you with ease, comfort and efficient source of communication but despite all these plus points ignoring the negative aspects would be a fool’s idea.

Not considering the danger to your eyes, it makes you ponder about the insecurity you have about 24 hour fitness for eyes.


We all know that we breathe in an environment where air pollution is very common.

This pollution slowly makes its way to our body and attacks our general health.

Eyes are that vulnerable part of our body which is very much exposed to the environment.

Rest of the body is covered with skin which acts as a barrier.

But in case of eyes, no such protection is found.

Therefore, 24 hour fitness for eyes has become a serious issue these days.

No matter which country you belong to, industry and figures of automobiles are increasing day by day.

The concentration of harmful gases released by them, such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons etc, is no doubt increasing.

This gives our eyes red sirens of alarm that now is the time to look for 24 hour fitness for eyes.

When we step out of our home, our eyes come in contact with these gases and become the reason for the reduced safety of eyes.

Those people, which are obviously the majority, who leave their homes for work are at a high risk.

Pollution causes chronic discomfort and eye irritation in the beginning.

If 24 hour fitness for eyes is not considered initial in the first step then the situation may worsen and conjunctival injection, complete corneal epithelial defects, pseudopterygium, corneal neovascularization, persistent conjunctivalization, corneal opacities, and reduced visual acuity.

The discomfort may begin with minimal or no symptoms, then getting a grip.

Lack of sleep

 Needless to say, the life we are living holds a lot of stress.

Our day begins with worries for deadline and ends with a bad mood.

Yes, we know there is so much to worry about but we can not and should not ignore our priorities.

How are we supposed to work when our sleep routine is ruined?

Lack of sleep not only leaves an impact on our mood, work quality but also our eye health.

Whenever we feel sleepy, our eyes become heavy. We feel drowsy.

Our eyes are unable to function properly and we feel like our system will shut down any minute.

Many people are aware of the fact that not getting enough sleep is bad for health but a small number of people know that it is equally bad for your eye health.

Studies show that a person must get a sleep of 5 hours per night so that the eyes freshen up and gain its full potential to function properly.

When we don’t get required sleep this leads to severe headaches, teaches in the eyelid, red eyes, irritation, light sensitivity, itching, pain and blurred vision.

When the same act of not getting sound sleep continues frequently for some days (and worse, weeks) the negative impact becomes disastrous for eyes.

A headache becomes permanent and blurred vision leads to reduced eyesight.

Staying awake and not going to bed to recharge your batteries also make your eyes dry.

The tears in eyes become insufficient to lubricate your eyes and ultimately eyes feel itchy.

Therefore, a person must give at least 5 hours rest to eyes so that they are able to work more efficiently.

We believe this one is the easiest and most preferred treatment.

Get some sleep! Who does not want to sleep after all?

Improper diet

Our parents and grandparents run after us to eat something nutritious but what do we do?

“Let’s order some fast food.”

Be it our childhood, adolescence or adulthood, we are bound to eat something nutritious and follow a healthy balanced diet.

It not only affects our overall general health but also our eye health.

By eye health, we directly switch to carrots because that is what we have been reading and listening throughout our lives. But no.

By a healthy balanced diet, we mean simply everything.

Usually, people ignore the importance of vegetables, fruits, nuts and dairy products.

They deprive themselves of important nutrients and vital elements which enter our bloodstream and reach our eyes and keep them healthy.

When we don’t meet the requirements for our eyes then the results begin to show.

Distorted vision, dark spots in front of eyes, damaged blood vessels and dry eyes are the problems which appear in the initial stage.

Later, the deficiency worsens and leaves the person helpless.

The bottom line is to get enough sleep, eat a healthy, balanced diet, avoid pollution to the best extent and either minimize the usage of digital screens or get the help of Iris which provides you non-stop protection against blue lights being emitted from screens.

What are the disorders that your eyes at a risk of?

Up to this stage, we have enlightened you about the factors and the mechanism through which they put you in trouble.

Now, you should know what disorders are caused by these factors.

You know now that your 24 hour fitness for eyes is at high risk.

The list of eye conditions and disorders are quite long but you will be amazed to know that how a single colored blue light causes multiple problems and that too with one of the most vital organs of your body.

Not only this, but each disorder is painful as well as very sensitive to handle.

As we mentioned earlier, a disorder first shows you a glimpse of symptoms.

You must be smart enough to take notice and not leave them like they are of no importance.

It is highly dangerous to give a blind eye to your signs and symptoms because this is how you intentionally give your symptoms a chance to spread and drag you into bigger trouble.

By doing so, your 24 hour fitness for eyes becomes a question mark.

Blue lights penetrate into your eyes very delicately.

They begin to disturb your eyes from the time they are exposed to them.

Following are the few eye conditions which are the extreme results of damage caused by carelessness towards eye health and not being sincere towards 24 hour fitness for eyes.

Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is a condition of the eye in which patients lose their central vision whereas, the peripheral vision remains same.

In this condition, the retina of the eye is badly affected.

In actually, the nerves of the retina are damaged by blue lights and a macula is formed.

This condition grows severe in situations where patients do work which requires focused vision at one point such as stitching, reading, writing, driving etc.

When certain measures are not taken patients lose their vision and are considered blind.

Macular degeneration comes in two types – dry and wet.

Almost 90% of all the cases are dry macular degeneration in which the progress is quite slow.

Macular degeneration is of course caused by excessive exposure to screens from where blue light is emitted.

Some other factors which assist the damage are age, smoking, inheritance, nutritional deficiency and lack of exercise.


Glaucoma is another dangerous eye disorder in which the optic nerve is damaged.

The optic nerve is basically a connecting wire between eyes and brain.

Whatever you are able to see it is because of this nerve.

The optic nerve carries signals of objects and sends them to the brain where they are translated and then you are able to see the final image.

This complete process takes place is less than picoseconds.

In this disorder, the optic nerve is damaged due to increase in pressure.

The channels in eyes carry a fluid called Aqueous Humor.

This fluid is produced in the back of the eye.

Whatever amount of fluid is produced, the same amount of fluid is drained through channels.

Sometimes, these channels are blocked due to various reasons.

Since the vessels are blocked; the fluid is unable to be drained.

Therefore, it starts accumulating and generates pressure.

This pressure is called Intraocular Pressure.

This pressure increases with time and a time comes when it begins to press optic nerve.

Glaucoma gains its worst shape when its symptoms are ignored for a long time.

It does not occur all of a sudden, but through a long time, it keeps progressing.

The patient, unfortunately, does not know about it until it shows clear signs.

Another stressful point is that there are no apparent symptoms. The patient feels all good.

Minor symptoms include a headache, redness of eyes, blurred vision, nausea or vomiting. Patients must take these symptoms seriously.

Otherwise, glaucoma loses its control and can spread into a disaster. It ends in the worse scenario when the patients lose their vision permanently.

Glaucoma is, no doubt caused by blue light. Blue light introduces you to his disorder and later you are unable to see it off.

Other factors which assist glaucoma are age, inheritance, diabetes, myopia, injury to head or eyes and use of cortisone. 

Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome or CVS is not a particular disorder or a disease, in fact, it is a collection of eye disorders.

As the name shows it is caused due to too much exposure of eyes to screens.

Immense exposure to blue light makes it obvious that worst conditions are to be expected.

Those people who stay glued to their screens suffer a lot.

This syndrome comes with a good thick package of symptoms.

These symptoms become strong enough over time that patients grow frustrated and ultimately destroy their routine. Even you might have come across some of these symptoms.

If you have suffered at least four to five symptoms then it is the time to think what way you are walking on.

Some very common symptoms appear to be Headaches, Eyestrain, Blurred vision, eye irritation, dry eyes or excessive tears, eye pain, excessive blinking, redness, tired eyes, difficulty in changing focus between far and near and shoulder and neck pain.

All these are the signs that the syndrome is making its way in your body.

It is better if you take urgent notice of all these symptoms and have some mercy in your eyes so you can enjoy a better eye health.

Just in case, if a patient does not take immediate responsibility then the situation may worsen leaving the patient in utter distress.

Computer Vision Syndrome also gives tough time to people because it begins to interfere with their personal routines.

Patients are unable to give proper attention and concentration tot heir work as well as home.

Since matters begin to go out of hand it becomes even more puzzled that it already is.

Blue Lights leave you in dismay and keeps you busy wondering where you got wrong.

Patients go over every possibility but unfortunately, they don’t think about the digital screens they are so badly addicted to.


Cataract is a disorder which appears with increasing age.

In this disorder, the lens of the eye becomes cloudy.

Although age is the most prominent cause of cataract studies also show that diet which lacks antioxidants also increases the risk of developing a cataract.

Vital vitamins and minerals are known to reduce the risk of cataract.

Fruits and vegetables are highly suggested for patients with cataract as well as those who want to reduce the risk.

Dry eyes

Dry eye is a condition in which the tears in our eyes are reduced and the proper lubrication is stopped.

This makes the eye very itchy.

It feels as if a real or imaginary object is hitting the eye.

It is known that omega-3-fatty acids have an outstanding effect on the symptoms of dry eyes.

A person with dry eyes must eat oily fish such as anchovies, herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines, trout, herring and fresh tuna.

Retinal vessel occlusion

It is an eye disorder in which the blood vessels of eyes are blocked.

Vessels, both veins, and arteries are affected.

The main cause of this disorder is atherosclerosis.

It is a condition in which deposition occurs in the vessels making the lumen very thin.

If urgent treatment is not brought into action, then this might lead to permanent vision loss.


It is an eye disorder in which involuntary eye spasm occurs due to lack of sleep.

The part around eyelid has experiences twitches. They are aggravating and disruptive.

Although they don’t cause vision loss but causes irritation, fatigue, and frustration.

It is 100% possible to bid this condition goodbye by getting enough sleep.

What can you do to protect your eye health?

Actually, there is quite a lot to do.

Like every other part of your body, eyes also require some nutritional diets and some accurate exercises.

These steps hold major importance because unless you don’t give attention to eyes they are on the way to damage.

Since it is you who has endless work on digital screens for long hours then it is you again who has to look after the eyes.

Excessive use of digital screens can push you towards irreversible damage.

This does not end here. You can work but keep a check on your eyes and look for every possible sign or symptom.

Let’s look at some ideas and see how you can take care of your eyes and maintain 24 hour fitness for eyes by going through the following: 

Supplements for Eye Health

Are you taking enough supplements for the sake of your eyes?

Your eyes also need some nutrients to work well.

In case of ignoring the needs and requirements of eyes, certain sensitivities rise, which later transform into big malnutrition issues.

Blurring vision and losing eyesight might seem an unavoidable nuisance but you can easily take hold of them introducing healthy supplements to your diet.

Obviously, when age increases your immune system grows weaker, unhealthy lifestyle and continuous wear and tear have effects on your eye health.

In order to keep 24 hour fitness for eyes, following is the list of supplements which you must take.

Once you put them in your routine diet, you will begin to see desirable results in a matter of some time.

Make sure you take them under the supervision of your doctor. Don’t neglect your doctor’s prescriptions.

  • Lutein: It is an antioxidant also called “the eye vitamin”. It is found in leafy green vegetables, egg yolks, citrus fruits and orange veggies. Once you consume it, it circulates in your body and reaches to eyes especially to the macula and lens.
  • Zeaxanthin: It is a carotenoid found abundantly in nature. It is essential for the protection of eye tissues, clears vision, light sensitivity and prevents disorders like cataracts.
  • Vitamin C: This vitamin is important for increasing the absorption of minerals and other nutrients. It plays its part in repairing tissues and shutting down inflammatory responses.
  • Vitamin E: This fat-soluble vitamin helps in decreasing the risk of macular degeneration caused due to increase in age. When eye disorders reach their worst stage patients have to undergo laser eye surgeries. In order to speed up the process, vitamin C helps in healing and repairing the tissues.
  • Zinc: It also performs the function of increasing the absorption of nutrients. It keeps the eyes healthy by promoting normal cell division and blood circulation. Since our body can not synthesize it, therefore; it must be obtained from fish, grass-fed meat, organ meats, and nuts.
  • Vitamin A: It is an antioxidant which prevents loss of vision by degenerative conditions as in macular degeneration and cataract.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: They are a package which helps not only the eye but many other body systems. They help fight eye damage caused by diabetes, improves circulation and helps stop cells from mutating. They keep eyes healthy by maintaining normal cell division and lessen the strain.

These are the top seven supplements which help your eyes function properly.

Foods you must take

Following is the list of foods which you must take to give 24 hour fitness for eyes.

  • Fish: Add fish to your diet. Be it grilled, broiled or seasoned with lemons and herbs, it is beneficial for eye health in all possible ways. They contain ‘healthy fats’ also called omega-3 fatty acids. They have the ability to improve visual power. Try to eat wild-caught fish rather than farm ones because they contain more saturated fats and less healthy fats.
  • Almonds: Eat almonds while randomly sitting with your family watching TV or add it to a dish. They contain Vitamin E which serves as a guard for healthy tissues.
  • Eggs: Eggs are essential breakfast items. They contain vitamin A, lutein, zeaxanthin, and zinc. Vitamin A is responsible for the protection of the white surface of the eye called cornea. Lutein and zeaxanthin make sure not to let any age-related eye disorder affect you. Zinc keeps the retina healthy.
  • Oranges: Orange juices, smoothies or slices, each form helps your eyes stay fit. Orange and other citrus fruits contain Vitamin C. This vitamin is important to fight cataracts.
  • Carrots: Carrots are quite famous for their relation to eye health. They contain Vitamin A and Beta-carotene. Both are important for the protection of cornea and other parts. They keep the eye protected from infections and other harms.

Eye exercises

Since we are discussing the impacts of negative factors in our eyes here we will talk about some effective exercises which are found very beneficial.

When people work day and night in front of computer screens and even when they don’t work in front of screens but keep their eyes in constant functional mode, they grow tired and their eyes become dry.

A headache, eye strain, red eyes, and fatigue are some very common occurrences.

Following are some exercises which help you relax during work and prove to be the best exercises for 24 hour fitness for eyes.

These exercises are very easy and do not require a proper arrangement.

You can carry them out wherever you want to be it your workplace, study place or even home.

These exercises don’t need money or painkillers and eye drops.

If you wish for 24 hour fitness for eyes, start with these straight away:

  • Warm Palms: First, rub your palm together to generate some heat. Now cup your palms and put your left palm on your right eye and right palm on your left eye. Let the warmth flow from your palms to your eyes. Now, close your eyes and relax a bit for a few seconds.
  • Blinking: Easy? Well, when you work on computers you forget to blink. Although, it seems very simple and easy at the time when your eyes become dry and itchy, blinking continuously for a few seconds seems very soothing. Make sure you remind yourself to blink even while working.
  • Scan objects: You are so lost in work that you forget what you have around you. Too much focus causes a headache and eyestrain. Take a break from work and look around you. Look at something distant. Trace the outline and observe it for a good 1 minute.
  • Focus on something else: Remind yourself after every hour to take your eyes off the screen and look at objects around you.
  • Glance: You might wonder what good a glance would bring but let us tell you it is more than just a glance. First, sit back and close your eyes. Glance in the upward direction as far as you can. Now stay like that for a few seconds then look down for some seconds. Open your eyes and close them again. Now, glance to the left and then to the right. Next, do the same towards the center. Repeat this one for a few minutes. You will feel relieved.

All these exercises barely take five minutes. During work, after every hour take out at least 5 minutes and perform at least any two exercises from the above-mentioned ones.

Your eyes will feel happy and refreshed and ready to work again.

Why are Blue Light Blocking Glasses not good?

With growing awareness, people are becoming conscious about 24 hour fitness for eyes.

In the case of protections, people often pick a wrong helping hand.

Blue Light blocking glasses are available in the market these days.

Many people have given it a try but are they worth your money?

Glasses seem to be a simple and trendy idea and hey trends don’t harm. Right? No.

People follow the bait of trendy eyewear and end up trapping themselves.

It is not about being a trendy or easy-on-pocket thing but it is the eye health we are talking about.

In case of eye health, you must be highly conscious and not follow what seems “trendy”.

According to people who have experienced blue light blocking glasses, it is not a good idea.

They did not find it satisfactory enough to depend on it and work for good long hours.

First of all, those people who are not used to wearing glasses found them a total nuisance.

They kept putting them on and off as they were not comfortable with it.

These glasses are supposed to keep you fresh but those who have tried it complained that they made them made dizzier than ever.

Before using them, they felt less dizzy and tired but after using those glasses they felt twice dizzier and exhausted on an average working day.

Some even complained that their headaches progressed from three to four times per month to three to four times per week.

Now, that is very disappointing.

These glasses appear to be not a satisfactory helper in keeping 24 hour fitness for eyes.

In a nutshell, people who tried blue light blocking glasses were not happy at all. Most of them are available on websites.

In the beginning, customers were excited about trying something new but as the time passed, they began noticing slight changes-negative ones.

They realized that after the use of these glasses their headaches had increased, in fact, doubled.

Their eye strain had also become intense.

Those people who used to wearing contact lenses did not find the glasses worth their money because it made them annoyed and irritated.

Overall, the results were below satisfactory.

These glasses could not prove themselves as the best helper in keeping 24 hour fitness for eyes.

How Iris protects you against Blue Light?

For every problem, there is a solution.

There are preventions and treatments for the very disorder but isn’t it better to opt the preventions?

Why put yourself in trouble and seek treatments when you have a much better option of preventing?

Iris is all set to provide its customers with care and comfort.

Iris is software which basically makes sure that not a single blue light is able to leave the screen and reach your valuable eyes.

Iris is a partner in helping you maintain 24 hour fitness for your eyes.

You work a lot in front of screens for continuous hours without any break and therefore you need to be more alert about 24 hour fitness for eyes.

As we have discussed earlier, that all the invisible blue light escaping the screen, enter your eyes and penetrate slowly, causing immense damage.

Glaucoma, computer vision syndrome, and macular degeneration are some of the highly dangerous after effects of blue light damages.

When you install Iris on your laptops, computers, tablets, LED TVs and smartphones, then you are free to work.

You can ok without the tension of having sore eyes, maintaining 24 hour fitness for eyes.

Iris lets you work freely without worrying about the time spent in front of the screen.

Iris blocks the blue lights and allows only the harmless lights to pass.

This filtering software provides its customers ease and protection.

It is a guide that helps in giving you 24 hour fitness for eyes. Imagine working all day and night and ending up with a severe headache and eyestrain.

How are you supposed to continue your day with so much frustration and exhaustion?

Well, when it comes to Iris you can work without any worry for your eyes.

Iris keeps your eyes fresh and healthy no matter how much work you do.

Be smart and get the latest features of Iris now.

You will never regret making this decision because a few months later from now when your eyes will be sore and unable to keep concentration on work then you will realize your mistake.

When all is good we don’t bother thinking about what might go wrong.

But when symptoms begin to show, then we think of the time we didn’t bother to take the best preventing measures.

Iris stands by its words and does not step back from its promises.

Our customers are pretty valuable to us and we take charge of taking care of their eye health.

Make Iris responsible for your 24 hour fitness for eyes and you will be proud of yourself.

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Pain behind Eye and Headache Sun, 18 Feb 2018 15:36:59 +0000 It is a very common condition now a day where people often feel a sharp stabbing pain behind their eye socket accompanied by a severe headache. This headache is bound to appear when eye strain gets out of hand. Sometimes, it appears all of a sudden otherwise, it is a slight eye pain which begins to pile up because of ... Read More

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It is a very common condition now a day where people often feel a sharp stabbing pain behind their eye socket accompanied by a severe headache.

This headache is bound to appear when eye strain gets out of hand.

Sometimes, it appears all of a sudden otherwise, it is a slight eye pain which begins to pile up because of our ignorance and ends up in becoming a heavy and unbearable pain in the back of eye and headache.

What is it?

It is mainly a condition in which the eyes feel very heavy and a stabbing pain rises in the back of the eye.

The pain from behind the eyes begins to spread and becomes a reason to initiate a throbbing ache in the head.

Symptoms of pain behind eye and headache

Unfortunately, signs and symptoms of pain in the back of eye and headache are so minor in the beginning that the patient barely even notices them.

This is the point where the situation begins to get worse.

In the very initial stages, the signs appear but they don’t last long and very quickly grow up into severe stages.

In the later stage, the pain is already shaped in a worse form and it becomes almost intolerable for patients.

Some signs and symptoms are as follows:

  • Unfocused vision
  • Blue eyesight
  • Pain in temples
  • Colorless or colored discharge from eyes
  • Presence of imaginary or real foreign body/particle
  • Nausea
  • Teary eyes
  • Restless neck and shoulders
  • Redness in eyes
  • Increased light sensitivity of eyes
  • Pain in cheeks, and nose
  • Droopy eyelids

Why is it happening?

Pain behind eye and headache don’t have anyone specific cause.

There are many reasons which can cause pain behind eye and headache.

Some main reasons which commonly cause pain behind eye and headache are as follows:

  • Sinus infection: Allergies and seasonal cough and could cause the production of mucus which begins to accumulate in sinuses. When these sinuses get blocked, pain rises in the back of eyes and slowly develops a headache as well.
  • Digital screens: Too much staring at computer screens while at work causes pain behind eye and headache.
  • Presbyopia: It is a condition in which near images become blurry. The brain tries to focus the image properly and after too many trials a pain shoots behind the eyes and headache.
  • Sicca syndrome: It is a condition in which eyes become very dry. Due to persistent dry eyes, pain develops behind the eyes with a terrible headache.


Pain behind eyes and headache don’t have a specialized treatment.

Doctors and eye specialists don’t jump to treatments directly.

First, they study the test reports and look for details of the causes.

After getting enough facts they prescribe medicines and progress the treatment.

There are various ways through which pain behind eyes and headache can be treated successfully.

The easiest ways include giving your eyes enough rest.

Have a good sleep for around 8 hours so that your eyes can relax.

Next, you can put wet towels over your eyes or close your eyes for good ten to fifteen minutes in a dark room.

This will provide instant relief to your eyes.

In severe cases, eye drops and painkillers are prescribed to work within hours.

In order to lower the mucus formation, antiviral and antibacterial are prescribed.

How Iris helps?

Iris is the leading name in the field of blue light filters.

These days since the use of digital screens is increasing with each passing day, therefore, Iris has introduced its features in the market where all the blue lights being emitted by your laptop or smartphone screens is absorbed and only harmless rays reach your eyes.

With Iris, you don’t have to worry about your eye health.

It keeps you safe from pain behind eye and headache.


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Pain with Eye movements Sun, 18 Feb 2018 15:31:30 +0000 Many times eye specialists have received patients who complain of having pain in the eye when they move their eyeball. This is rather a very painful experience because it is impossible to not move your eyes. Whenever the eyes move, they feel a stinging sensation in their eyes which later transforms into a heavy pain. What is it? This is ... Read More

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Many times eye specialists have received patients who complain of having pain in the eye when they move their eyeball.

This is rather a very painful experience because it is impossible to not move your eyes.

Whenever the eyes move, they feel a stinging sensation in their eyes which later transforms into a heavy pain.

What is it?

This is actually a condition in which either there is no pain, minor or very throbbing pain in eyes which only occurs with the movement of eyes.

It is a condition which is most of the times associated with other illnesses and diseases.

Signs and symptoms of pain with eye movement

This condition in which pain shoots with eye movements is not associated with any specific symptoms.

Sometimes, the symptoms appear either on a regular basis while the other times symptoms don’t appear for quite a few days.

Then out of nowhere a sudden jolt of pain rises in the eyes with movement.

Some symptoms are:

  • Itchy eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Headache
  • Increased light sensitivity
  • Pain in cheeks and temples

How is it caused?

Pain with eye movements is a serious condition which is caused by many different reasons.

Following is the list of causes:

  • Acute Sinusitis: Due to bacterial infection sinus begins to build up in the sinuses causing inflammation. This leads to blockage to nasal passage and facial redness. With time, the vision becomes blurry and causes pain with eye movements.
  • Optic neuritis: It is a condition in which inflammation of optic nerve takes place. This causes bad vision which leads to pain with eye movements.
  • Sun burn: When body is constantly exposed to sunlight then harmful UV rays leave their effect on skin and causes irritation in eyes.
  • Corneal abrasion: It is a severe condition in which the white part of eye is scratched. This causes red, painful eyes.
  • Post concussive syndrome: It is a syndrome which is basically an extension of a brain injury showing after effects of an incident.
  • Sleep apnea: This is a condition of respiratory track which links with eyes as well. In this case, the person stops and restarts breathing more than one time during sleeping. This is also a cause of pain with eye movements.
  • Nearsightedness: It is a condition which everyone knows about. The vision becomes extremely unfocused and blurry. Brain is unable to form clear images and after constant trying there is pain with eye movements.
  • Head injury: When something strong hits head it leaves very dangerous effects. These effects vary from memory loss, blurry vision, headache etc. Ultimately there is pain with eye movements.
  • Foreign object in the eye: Dust particles or a microscopic object enters eyes giving a sharp pain. Constant rubbing causes long lasting pain with eye movements.


You must avoid treating eyes yourself. Let the doctors decide what has to be done.

For the time being, wash your eyes with a saline solution and give it some rest.

Make sure you don’t rub your eyes.

Your doctor, after going through the tests and other diagnostic reports, will prescribe you either eye drops or other medications.

How Iris helps?

Iris is a software which is advancing in helping its customers fight eye diseases.

Iris is successful blue light filtering software which makes sure that only harmless rays are able to reach your eyes while the short wavelength blue lights are filtered as the first and most important priority.

Since you know how dangerous blue lights have been.

They leave people exhausted, fatigued and at a risk of dangerous diseases.

Therefore, Iris is all set to protect its customers from blue lights.

Iris finds eye health as number one priority.

It makes sure to prevent pain with eye movements.

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Pain in One eye Sun, 18 Feb 2018 14:20:40 +0000 Pain in one eye is a confusing situation for any patient. Since, eyes exist in a pair and work in collaboration with each other, pain in one eye appears as if both eyes are in pain. The patient is unable to judge properly whether both eyes are affected or only one. What is it? Pain in one eye is a ... Read More

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Pain in one eye is a confusing situation for any patient.

Since, eyes exist in a pair and work in collaboration with each other, pain in one eye appears as if both eyes are in pain.

The patient is unable to judge properly whether both eyes are affected or only one.

What is it?

Pain in one eye is a condition in which a stabbing pain radiates from behind one eye only while the other eye may be restless but there is no pain is it at all.

Pain in one eye may occur either all of a sudden or it may be the end product of a long-term progress of signs.

It is a condition in which the patient’s one eye works very well while the other eye, the one with pain, is unable to focus properly leaving the patient’s brain confused.

As a result, the patient can not see an object clearly because the brain is unable to receive proper signals.

Thus, signals are poorly translated and a poor, unclear image is formed.

Symptoms of pain in one eye

Sometimes, pain in one eye is accompanied by a lengthy list of signs and symptoms but sometimes there are none at all.

Pain in one eye might come as a surprise and stay for a long time.

It depends upon the intensity and origin of pain that what symptoms appear.

Initially, symptoms are very obvious giving clear indications but sometimes they are so faint that one can barely notice them.

Some very common but important symptoms are as follows:

  • Severe headache
  • Pain in temples
  • Droopy eyes
  • Pain in half face only
  • Inflammation of socket

Why is it happening

 The causes of pain in one eye vary with the magnitude of pain.

There might be many different reasons depending on the origin as well.

Some most common causes are as follows:

  • Optic neuritis: It is a condition in which optic nerve undergoes inflammation giving pain in one eye.
  • Sty: Sometimes a painful lump forms on the eyelid which becomes a reason for pain in one eye.
  • Scleritis: In this case, the white part of eye undergoes inflammation.
  • Corneal abrasion: Sometimes, the cornea gets bruised accidentally causing pain and redness.
  • Contact lens problem: Due to improper adjustment of the lens, pain shoots in the eye.
  • Digital screens: Those people who frequently stare screens of their laptops and smartphones in their leisure or working hours, their eyes become very dry. When this dryness remains persistent, pain develops in the eye. This does not end here. Digital screens also emit harmful rays which cause severe after effects.

Treatment for pain in one eye

Eye specialists have not ended on a single treatment plan for pain in one eye.

The treatment depends on the cause and origin.

First, they go through the details of condition and look for further minor details.

Unless they have gone through every report and eye health history of patient they don’t prescribe any medication.

In cases where the pain is caused by digital screens, it is better to close eyes for a few minutes and let your eyes rest.

If there is some kind of injury, then doctors prescribe eye drops, ointments, and other dosages.

How Iris helps?

Iris is an emerging name in the world of blue light filters.

It is aware of the fact that many its customers value their eye health and they should because eye health is something which can not be compromised.

Iris knows that how sensitive eye health is.

Therefore, Iris makes sure to allow only those rays to your eyes which give you no harm.

Other high energy rays are stopped.

With Iris, you enjoy good eye health.

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What causes Eye pain? Sun, 18 Feb 2018 14:13:29 +0000 If you are among those unlucky victims who have experienced the worst condition of eye pain then you have come to the right place to further explore this condition. What is it? Eye pain is a condition in which the patient experiences a very sharp and stabbing pain radiating from either behind the eye or somewhere around the eye. This ... Read More

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If you are among those unlucky victims who have experienced the worst condition of eye pain then you have come to the right place to further explore this condition.

What is it?

Eye pain is a condition in which the patient experiences a very sharp and stabbing pain radiating from either behind the eye or somewhere around the eye.

This condition is either solely related to any other disease or conditions such as fever, injury or low/high blood pressure or it is possible that it is originated on its own without being linked to any other situation.

Symptoms of eye pain

Signs and symptoms of eye pain are either so clear that the patient easily comes to know what is wrong.

Whereas, sometimes the signs are quite dim, giving no clear clues.

Following are some very common symptoms of eye pain:

  • Temporary or permanent loss of vision
  • Blurry vision
  • Double vision
  • Rainbow formation in vision
  • Watery eyes
  • Headache
  • Pain in temples
  • Pain in cheeks and nose
  • Unable to move eye normally
  • Presence of real or imaginable objects in eye

Causes of Eye pain

 Following are the major causes of eye pain.


It is a common cause and required no rocket science to understand it. When something hits your eye and an injury occurs. This injury if left untreated or you are not being careful towards it after treatment then, it is possible that it becomes a cause of very bad eye pain.

It is very simple to treat a minor injury. Use proper ointments and eye drops and in a matter of few days it will heal up. Make sure you follow the prescriptions of a doctor.


The part of the eye where there is a thin pigmented lining is called uvea. The inflammation of this part is called uveitis. This infection may be caused due to several reasons. An injury, allergy, autoimmune disorders, infection and sometimes an unknown reason becomes the cause of eye pain.

If uveitis worsens, it can bring worse damages.

Eye pain is the initial part, this might further lead to vision loss.

Therefore, it is very important to treat uveitis.

Eye specialists diagnose this condition by using slit lamps in a physical examination.

Uveitis must be treated as soon as possible by using eye drops containing corticosteroids, pupil dilating drugs and even surgeries.


It is an infection in which organisms find their way to the eye and cause damage.

The infection is introduced in the eye either after a surgery where unsterilized equipment are used or a direct injury to them.

In some cases, the organisms enter the body through some other means and reach the eye by means of the bloodstream.

The organism can be a bacteria, fungi or protozoa.

Endophthalmitis must be treated as the first priority.

This type of infection requires a highly planned treatment because medium levels can not bring much satisfaction.

If the treatment is delayed, very severe damage can occur.

After the diagnosis, the infection is healed by using corticosteroids, eye drops, antibiotics and even surgery. In surgery, doctors remove the infected tissue to stop the infection entirely.


Glaucoma is a condition in which intraocular pressure increases due to the blockage of vessels which don’t allow proper drainage of Aqueous Humor.

When this pressure increases the optic nerve is affected.

This condition gives intense eye pain with a severe headache.

This situation can be treated but it depends upon its severity.

If the eye drops don’t affect then surgery is opted.

If the pressure in the eye is very high and it becomes impossible to control them surgery is opted.

In surgery, surgeons install a new drainage system for the fluid by removing the damaged one.

Contact lens

Many times, people don’t have enough information about the proper usage and storage of contact lenses.

All they do is place it in their eyes without being careful.

When the lens is not properly fixed, it causes itching and redness.

Later, eye pain begins to shoot.

Rinse your eyes properly with a saline solution.

How Iris helps?

Iris is what the world knows for its customer-friendly applications and features.

It is a software which meets the expectations of customer care and protection.

It knows how to prevent eye pain by simply blocking all the blue lights.

Since blue lights are very harmful to your eye health, therefore, Iris only allows long wavelength rays to reach your eyes.

With Iris, your eye health is in good hands.

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Migraine Eye pain Sun, 18 Feb 2018 13:57:37 +0000 Patients usually go to doctors with a complaint that only one side of their head is aching and there is severe pain in the eye of the same side it is rather a rare condition but if it begins to occur on a regular basis then it is very dangerous. What is it? It is a condition in which a ... Read More

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Patients usually go to doctors with a complaint that only one side of their head is aching and there is severe pain in the eye of the same side it is rather a rare condition but if it begins to occur on a regular basis then it is very dangerous.

What is it?

It is a condition in which a hammering headache occurs on only one side of the head accompanied by blurry vision or temporary loss of vision.

The patients feel their body unbalanced because half of their head functions normally while the remaining half fights with throbbing pain.

Symptoms of migraine eye pain

Symptoms of migraine eye pain vary with the magnitude of pain.

They are also a bit different from those of casual eye pain.

Major signs and symptoms include:

  • Depression
  • Neck stiffness
  • Light/sound sensitivity
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Blurry vision
  • Itchy eyes
  • Sore eyes
  • Unfocused vision

Why does it happen?

There is not a specific reason that causes migraine eye pain, in fact, a number of reasons pile up and cause this condition.

The list of reasons that cause migraine eye pain are as follows:

  • Irregular sleeping routine: If a person does not follow a proper sleeping routine they are at a higher risk of migraine eye pain. When there is not enough sleep, the brain is not fresh and requires some rest. Due to excess load on the tired brain causes migraine eye pain.
  • Improper diet: Skipping meals is not well for overall health. When you skip meals, you skip fuel for upcoming hours. Sine, your body has no energy left to carry out work there is an extra load on the exhausted body. This leads to nutritional deficiency and weakness leading to migraine pain.
  • Photophobia: Sharp and bright lights initiate migraine eye pain.
  • Phonophobia: Loud sounds as in music or working site causes severe migraine eye pain.
  • Hormonal changes: This happens in females. Since females have a complex body mechanism, therefore, hormonal changes create a disturbance.
  • Physical stress: It includes sexual activity, work stress and other matters which make you frustrated.
  • Alcohol/Caffeine: Alcohol and caffeine are instant triggers of a migraine.


The migraine eye pain is as terrible as any other form of eye pain or a headache.

This painful condition must not be taken lightly and urgent steps must be taken to treat it.

When conditions like migraine eye pain are left untreated, it refuses to stop and grows up into a worse shape.

In order to treat this condition, one must consult their doctor immediately.

They might prescribe you some painkillers such as aspirin, or a combination of acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine.

Other pains relieving ideas include a good sleep, hot packs or warm baths.

How Iris helps?

Iris is one of the most competitive software whose main goal is the protection of eye health of its customers.

Iris believes that eye health is as important as the health of other parts of the body.

With increasing number of migraines in today’s world, even people of young age including teenagers and kids experience migraines, Iris has come to the conclusion that it is best to come up with preventions.

Thus, Iris presents its features offering sole protection to eyes from blue lights.

Since a big number of today’s population is connected through social media, i.e. laptops, computers and smartphones there must be a barrier which can protect people from the highly harmful blue lights.

When Iris blocks the blue lights, it becomes easier for you to work in front of the monitor.

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How to treat Eye pain Sun, 18 Feb 2018 12:25:31 +0000 Eyes are one of the most used body parts of the humans and it is very important to keep them in good health if you want to have a clear and strong vision. Eyes can easily get pain if they are used for a very long period of time. Even a strain can cause eye pain that take a day ... Read More

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Eyes are one of the most used body parts of the humans and it is very important to keep them in good health if you want to have a clear and strong vision.

Eyes can easily get pain if they are used for a very long period of time.

Even a strain can cause eye pain that take a day or two to recover.

You can protect your eyes by taking the precautions but you can not always ditch the pain.

In this article, we will guide you about how you can treat your eye pain easily.

Further, we will also include a bonus tip with which you can reduce the chances of getting eye pain.

Black Eye

Black eye is a common eye pain that people gets more often.

Sometimes the symptoms are not very serious and you can tackle the pain with the simple home remedies.

The vision gets slightly blurred in black eye pain and sometimes the patient feels pain while moving the eyeball.

If the symptoms are same then you don’t have to seek medical help as you can treat it at home.

You can use an ice pack to reduce the pain and swelling around the eyes.

Even a bag of frozen vegetables can help you to get rid of the black eye pain. It is not recommended to put raw steak close to the eye in order to get rid of the pain.

The bacteria in the raw steak can cause further infection.


This is another common eye pain that can be treated at home without seeking the doctor’s help.

This is basically a viral virus that can get a transfer from on patient to other.

To minimize the pain you can cold compress the eye.

Because this virus spreads because of the bacteria you can also use eye drops to disinfect the bacteria.

To avoid spreading this virus to others it is important to take some cautions.

Don’t share your towel and handkerchief with others. Use your own pillow and wash your hands on the regular basis.


Allergic eyes have no other remedies other than the care.

First of all, you have to keep yourself away from the things that can certainly cause allergy.

In most of the cases it is dust and smoke but in some cases, a specific fragrance can also cause a headache which then leads to pain in the eyes as well.

Wear sunglasses while going out in the sun.

Don’t expose your eyes to the extreme light.

Use artificial teardrops to wash the allergens.

Reduce Computer Use

Extreme exposure of the eyes to the light is one of the main reason for the pain in the eyes.

The tech devices that we have these days emits lights that can strain the eyes and it is very common to get pain.

But fortunately, we have some software for you with which you can protect your eyes and can minimize the chances of getting eye pain.

How Iris helps

The software we are talking about is Iris.

This is a software specially designed for the computer users who tend to use computers for longer periods of time.

As light coming from the screen can strain the eyes it is the best option to optimize the color of the screen.

With Iris, you can certainly change the color ratio of the screen and can reduce the blue light that generally strains the eye.

You can also change the contrast of the screen and can make your working environment more soothing with Iris.

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Reasons for eye pain Sun, 18 Feb 2018 11:35:20 +0000 We all have experience sore eyes at some point. Sometimes the pain gets better on its own and sometimes you have to seek medical help to reduce the pain. There can be different reasons for this pain depending on the area and severance of the pain. In some cases, the pain can be mild while in some cases it can ... Read More

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We all have experience sore eyes at some point. Sometimes the pain gets better on its own and sometimes you have to seek medical help to reduce the pain.

There can be different reasons for this pain depending on the area and severance of the pain.

In some cases, the pain can be mild while in some cases it can be sharp and intense.

We will list some common reasons for eye pain in this article and will also provide you with the remedy with which you can effectively protect your eyes from the pain.

Vision problem

Yes, if you are facing some kind of pain behind the eyes then chances are that your vision is imbalanced.

When eyes and brain try hard to compensate with each other due to vision problems then chances are that you get pain behind your eyes.

The vision gets blurred most of the times but in some cases, the change is so little that it is hard to figure it out by yourself.

If you are experiencing behind your eyes then you have to get your eyes test by the doctor.

Dry eye syndrome

This is another common reason for pain in the eyes.

According to a research 17 to 30 percent, people face this syndrome at some point in their life.

The eyes in such cases become sensitive to the light and the patient starts to experience a headache as well.

These are the only two symptoms of the dry eyes.

It usually happens because of the continuous use of vision for a considerably longer period of time.

Exposure to extreme light can also be a reason for the dry eye syndrome.


Eyes are the sensitive parts of the body and they can get allergic very easily.

There are people who cannot expose their eyes to dust at all.

If you have some kind of allergy from the fragrances and dust then it can lead to pain in eyes.

The only remedy to this cause is to stay away from the allergens.

You can use eye drops to reduce the pain but if the case has become worse then it is recommended to seek medical help.


A migraine is a medical condition in which the patient faces an extreme headache.

This can also lead to pain behind the eyes.

Usually, the migraine pain is triggered by some kind of unwanted smell or because of eating something that can cause an allergic reaction, stress, and exposure to light.

There are specific pain relievers for migraine patients and the pain in the eyes will vanish with the migraine as well.

There is another type of a migraine that is known as retinal migraine.

This type of migraine requires to be provided with the medical treatment on the immediate basis as it can be a sign of a tumor.

How Iris can help?

These are some of the reasons that can cause pain in your eyes.

The common thing in all the reasons is that the eyes get strained and because of the strain people experience pain in the eyes.

To reduce this pain you can take some cautions and Iris is one of them.

With Iris, you can control the brightness and light of your computer screen and can reduce the strain on your eyes.

The best feature of the software is the blue light control with which you can decrease the ratio of blue light.

You can further change the color effects, magnification and fonts of the computer.

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Eye muscle pain Sun, 18 Feb 2018 11:29:51 +0000 This is a condition which is normally a condition of present times. It is very common among people of young age as well as those who are office going people. What is it? Eye muscle pain is a condition in which the muscles around, under and behind the eye experience severe pain giving the patient extreme exhausted look. Symptoms of ... Read More

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This is a condition which is normally a condition of present times.

It is very common among people of young age as well as those who are office going people.

What is it?

Eye muscle pain is a condition in which the muscles around, under and behind the eye experience severe pain giving the patient extreme exhausted look.

Symptoms of eye muscle pain

It is a condition which brings quite a long list of symptoms.

Each sign begins to appear a few days before the actual painful day.

Eye muscle strain is itself a symptom of some other disorders related to injuries, infection, etc.

In case of noticing these symptoms, one must take immediate notice.

The condition may worsen and prove to e dangerous. The symptoms of eye muscle pain are as follows:

  • Unable to maintain clear image of distant objects
  • Blurred vision
  • Double vision
  • Tiredness
  • Headache
  • Restlessness in neck and shoulders
  • Fatigue
  • Photophobia
  • Watery eyes
  • Dry eyes
  • Puffy eyes

Why is it happening?

Eye muscle pain is a condition which has one very basic cause and that is excessive use of digital screens.

Although it is the time where working for long hours, glued in front of a digital screen is the demand of a job but this is equally harmful.

Too much focus on the screen and not blinking at all causes dryness in eyes and makes your eye muscles tired.

The rays that emit from these screens very easily make their way to your eyes.

Those people who use digital screens a lot are at a higher risk to become patients of eye muscle pain.


Eye muscle strain is a condition which can be treated with both home remedies as well as medical consultancy.

Some of the most effective methods to bring relief are as follows:

  • Eye massage: Gently massage your eyes for three to five minutes. Rub your eyelids and muscles above eyebrows. Do this practice few times every day. This provides instant relief.
  • Warm palms: First, rub your palms together and generate some heat. Place your palm on eyes and let the rest for a minute or two. Repeat it twice or thrice.
  • Splash cold water: Splashing cold water on your eyes helps improve blood circulation and relax tired eyes. Do these few times each day and you will notice your eyes freshen up.
  • Blink: While working in front of digital screens you forget to blink. This causes dry eyes and effects visual functions. Remind yourself to blink during work. This will keep your eyes lubricated and your muscles will remain easy.
  • Adjust the lightening: Avoid working in dim lights. Make sure you work in very well lit room.
  • Strengthen your eye muscles: This is a very simple exercise. Close your eyes through half way. Now let your upper eye lid be on its own and observe the trembling. Do this quite a few times and this will make your eye muscles strong.

How Iris helps?

Iris has so far achieved a good number of trusted customers and followers.

It makes sure not to let them down and give hundred percent attention to eye health.

Iris is a name of a software that runs with a notion to block all the disastrous rays emitting from the screen of your laptop, computers and smartphones.

Since working in front of digital screens has now become an obligation, therefore Iris has found a way to make it a secure experience.

It is time to reduce the cases of eye muscle pain and bring relief to your eyes.

Iris makes a promise of keeping your eyes unaffected from blue rays and only let those lights reach you which cause no harm.

With Iris, eye muscle pain remains a fantasy only.

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Pain around Eye socket Sat, 17 Feb 2018 15:06:17 +0000   Eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of the body and that is why it is important to keep them protected. We are not asking you to wear glasses all the time and don’t expose your eyes ever to light but there are some cautions that we all can take in order to keep our eyes in good ... Read More

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Eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of the body and that is why it is important to keep them protected.

We are not asking you to wear glasses all the time and don’t expose your eyes ever to light but there are some cautions that we all can take in order to keep our eyes in good health.

Pain in the eyes has become more usual than ever since the percentage of pollution has increased.

But pollution is not the only cause of the pain.

Exposure of eyes to extreme light or sitting in front of the bright computer screen can also cause some kind of pain around the eyes.

What is Pain around Eye socket?

Pain around the eye socket is one of the common pains that people often experience.

The eye socket is basically the skull in which the human eye is placed and pain occurs at the edge of the eye in this case.

More often it is a minor irritation that goes away with the time as you give your eyes some rest.

But in some cases, the pain becomes severe and can lead to the serious chronic condition.

In such cases, it is advised to visit your doctor for the assistance.

Symptoms of Pain around Eye socket

In most of the cases, the pain is not that extreme which makes it hard for the people to actually know what is happening with their eyes.

But there are some symptoms that can help you figure out the actual cause.

The eyes become sensitive to extreme light, sometimes tears start to appear from the eyes and in some cases, people started to get a double vision as well.

Eye pain can also lead to a severe head pain and sometimes the redness appears in the white portion of the eye.

Why it Happens?

Usually, this happens when the eyes are exposed to the extreme light.

Even the exposure of the eyes to the light for a longer period of time also results in pain around the eye socket.

People tend to use their vision more than its capacity and when it reaches the peak it tends to lose the strength.


There can be different remedies for different eye pains because there can be different reasons for the pain. If the pain is because of some disease then you have to seek medical help on the immediate basis.

But if you don’t get diagnosed with any eye disease then all you have to do is to clean your eyes with some eyes drops recommended by your doctor and to give your eyes rest.

Flush your eyes with water and don’t rub your eyes as you will make the condition even worse.

You can also take pain relievers if it is very uncomfortable for you.

Try to avoid bright lights in such cases.

How Iris can help?

We know that computers and smartphones have now become the important parts of the daily life and it is impossible to ignore them all the time.

If your work demands you to be in front of the computer screen all the time then Iris can certainly help you to protect your eyes.

Iris is basically an eye protection software with which you can control the light, color temperature and brightness of your computer screen.

By default, it automatically detects the day and night time and adjusts the light accordingly but you can also decrease the ratio of blue light that usually strains your eyes.

This will certainly help you to reduce the strain on your eyes and you will hardly experience any pain around the eye socket.

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Sharp Pain Behind The Eye Sat, 17 Feb 2018 14:59:03 +0000 There are millions of people all around the who go through eye pain and other ocular problems. But only a few know about the reasons and causes of it. Today in this article we are going to jot down everything you need to know about sharp pain behind the eye because this type of pain is pretty common and if ... Read More

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There are millions of people all around the who go through eye pain and other ocular problems.

But only a few know about the reasons and causes of it.

Today in this article we are going to jot down everything you need to know about sharp pain behind the eye because this type of pain is pretty common and if you have also fallen victim to it then this article is a must to read for you.

Pain in the eye that comes from the back side is also known as the ocular pain and orbital pain.

This pain arises from the pain-sensitive outer structure of the eye and it can be very irritating and severe in some conditions.

In case you feel like the pain is getting out of control, you should head straight to your eye doctor.

However, if you want to identify the causes of this type of eye pain then here are a few things that might be going on with your eyes.


It is known to be one of the most common eye diseases and it is caused by some sort of bacteria, virus or chemical inflammation in the conjunctiva.

With it, you will feel a very mild pain in your eyes but there is going to be a lot of drainages and your eye will turn red too.

This issue is often referred as the pink eye disease.

Corneal Abrasions

Another common cause of pain in the eye is a corneal abrasion.

Cornea is basically the transparent surface of the eye and abrasions occur when the cornea gets scratched or injured.

The abrasions usually occur when we overuse lenses or when we the eye goes through a trauma.


When the iris of your eye suffers inflammation, it causes deep eye pain with a blurred vision.

Problem with the macula of the eye

When too much blue and bright light is exposed to the eye, the macula gets in trouble and this can sometimes cause macular degeneration which is something very very dangerous.

Also, the macular degeneration can cause a lot of pain in the eye and you can lose your vision too.


For all of the above-mentioned causes, you should visit a doctor as soon as you can but on the other hand, you yourself need to take some precautionary measures too.

Especially you should protect your eyes from too much blue light because it has the same effect as a UV light has on us.

So, avoid staying in front of your screens as much as you can but if the nature of your job requires you to sit in front of your computers and phones for longer durations then you should get such software like Iris that can help you with the adjustments of the brightness of your screens.

How Iris Works

Iris is one of the best software to date that is made with the sole purpose of protecting your eyes.

Your eyes are pretty sensitive so you need to make sure that they are getting all the proper care they need.

Iris is the best software till date that can adjust the brightness of your screen according to the light around you and they assure you that after using this software you will feel a change in your vision and it will get improved.

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Pain Above The Eye Sat, 17 Feb 2018 14:43:16 +0000 It is an undeniable fact that eyes are the most sensitive part of the human body and even if a single nerve of the eye gets damaged, you will start facing different vision issues. Also, if some major nerve gets damaged then there are high chances that you can lose your vision permanently. A lot of people complain about the ... Read More

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It is an undeniable fact that eyes are the most sensitive part of the human body and even if a single nerve of the eye gets damaged, you will start facing different vision issues.

Also, if some major nerve gets damaged then there are high chances that you can lose your vision permanently.

A lot of people complain about the pain in the eyes, on the back side of the eyes and sometimes it is above the eyes.

However, only a few know that these are some serious ocular diseases that can be quite threatening for the eyes and for the vision.

Nothing can be as painful as the pain in the eye and the other drawback of it is that you cannot even do anything about it. S

o, first thing’s first, if you feel like the pain above your eye is exceeding a certain limit then you need to rush to the doctor as soon as you can.

If the pain is with some pressure like if you are feeling unnecessary pressure and pain on the eyes then it can be Ocular Hypertension and it needs to be treated as soon as possible or else it can lead to vision loss.

Here are a few reasons why you might be having pain above the eye


It is the condition of the eye where your optic nerve gets damaged.

In most cases, glaucoma is caused when people get really really high blood pressures.

It starts with severe pain in the eye and then nausea, vomiting and redness of the eye come along.

Sinus Infection

It is very common for people to have sinus infections.

Almost 30 million people of the world are suffering through sinus at the moment and it is one of the most painful and irritating diseases.

Your eyes and your nose are the target points of severe pain in the sinus.

Too Much Rubbing

There are high chances that the eye pain you have is just because of rubbing it too much or itching it because again, eyes are very sensitive and if you go a little hard on them, there are high chances of injury or pain.

So, avoid being too harsh on your eyes if you have to rub them.

Exposure To Bright Light

One should never use laptops and computers for longer durations because we all know the fact that the blue light can be pretty dangerous for you.

If you ever start feeling pressure or pain in the eye or above the eye then there are high chances that it is due to the extra exposure of your eye to bright light. 


If you feel like the condition of your eye is getting worse over time then rush to the doctor and if you think that it is just due to the bright light that you now have some problem with your eye then firstly, try to stay away from computer and phone screens but if you have to do your job on it or the nature of your work requires to stay in front of the screen then you can download different software such as Iris that can help you with adjustment of the brightness of your screens.

How Iris Works?

With Iris you can protect your eyes on a whole new level, this software is all made for the purpose of protecting your eyes from getting damaged by the bright blue light of your screens.

It actually optimizes and adjusts the brightness of your computer screen according to the light around you so that your eyes don’t get hurt or damaged.

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Eye Pressure Pain Sat, 17 Feb 2018 12:54:08 +0000 Has it ever occurred to you that you start feeling more than normal pressure on your eyes and it increases to a limit where your eyes start hurting? Well, that is a proper disease called Ocular Hypertension and this disease, if not treated on time can cause permanent vision loss. It is an undeniable fact that eyes are the most ... Read More

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Has it ever occurred to you that you start feeling more than normal pressure on your eyes and it increases to a limit where your eyes start hurting?

Well, that is a proper disease called Ocular Hypertension and this disease, if not treated on time can cause permanent vision loss.

It is an undeniable fact that eyes are the most sensitive part of our body and a little damage to its blood vessels can lead you to bigger problems and one simply cannot live a life without vision loss or vision issues.

Today in this article we are going to focus on Ocular Hypertension, its causes, its symptoms and its treatment too.

So, if you are someone who feels like he or she is having some unnecessary pressure on the eyes then read this article carefully because it might save you from a big loss.

What is Ocular Hypertension?

Ocular Hypertension is basically a state where you feel pressure in your eyes that is more than normal and with pressure, you also start feeling severe pain in your eyes.

The high pressure if increases to an extreme point, it can cause glaucoma and permanent vision loss too.

Symptoms Of Ocular Hypertension

There are no specific symptoms or signs that indicate the issue, however, your eye doctor can take a comprehensive exam of your eye and measure your IOP.

After measuring he can compare it with the normal IOP levels, an eye pressure that is 21 mm Hg or more indicated Ocular Hypertension.

The pressure exerts a force on the interior of your eye and it can easily damage your optic nerve.

What Are The Causes Of Ocular Hypertension?

 Eye Trauma

If your eye gets injured internally, it affects the production of aqueous and drainage from the eye, this ultimately leads to ocular hypertension.

Excessive Production Of Aqueous

It is basically a fluid that is produced by the ciliary body that is the structure behind the Iris.

If the ciliary body starts producing a large amount of aqueous then it ultimately starts putting pressure on the eye which causes ocular hypertension.

Exposure Of The Eye To Bright Light

 Yes, you read it right, too much exposure of bright light can damage your eyes severely and there might not be a way back to fix it.

In most of the cases, people who use too many laptops or phone screens, they start falling victim to ocular hypertension which then leads them to several other visions traumas.


You should go to the doctor as soon as possible once you feel like you’ve got pressure on your eyes and above everything, you should first make sure that your eyes are protected from the bright light of your screens.

Do whatever you can in order to avoid the blue light from destroying the retina of your eye because it is a fact that sometimes the eye problems increase to such an extent that there is no turning back.

If you are someone who has to do all the job and the work on laptops and computers then you can download software like Iris that can ease it all for you.

How Iris Works

Iris is the one software that is the answer to all your visual problems.

This software helps in optimizing the brightness of your screens according to the light around you.

Also, it helps in improving your naps as you are exposed to the light of the screen that is not at all harmful to your vision.

With Iris, you can protect your eyes and live a healthy life.

You can get more information about this amazing software and how it benefits you at



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Eye pain and Redness Sat, 17 Feb 2018 12:32:56 +0000 You must have come across a situation where one moment your eye is working perfectly and then suddenly you feel some itching and the chain continues going towards the worst ending up in a red puffy eye with serious eye pain. What is it? It is a condition in which eyes undergo irritation and become very itchy. The eyes become ... Read More

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You must have come across a situation where one moment your eye is working perfectly and then suddenly you feel some itching and the chain continues going towards the worst ending up in a red puffy eye with serious eye pain.

What is it?

It is a condition in which eyes undergo irritation and become very itchy.

The eyes become very painful and red.

They usually come with a gritty sensation in which the patient cannot focus objects.

Symptoms of Eye pain and Redness

This condition of eye pain and redness is itself an apparent condition where visible signs begin to show.

However, many other symptoms accompany this condition, some very common symptoms are as follows:

  • A severe headache
  • Watery eyes
  • Pain in eyes, cheeks, and nose.
  • Droopy eyes
  • Blurry vision
  • Puffy eyes
  • Itching
  • Eye discharge
  • Visual disturbances
  • Increased light sensitivity


How does it happen?

There is a long list of factors which become the cause of severe eye pain and redness.

Some most common causes are described below:

  • Dry eyes: The tear glands in eyes are damaged and produce an insufficient amount of tears or their quality is not satisfactory. Since tears are not being produced eyes are not lubricated properly, therefore, eye pain and redness occurs.
  • Pink eyes: It is a common infection in which the membrane covering the sclera and eyelids become infected. When the infection has occurred, the vessels swell and become irritated giving eye pain and redness.
  • Contact lenses: Most people don’t know exactly how to wear contact lenses. When people don’t follow the proper criteria of wearing contact lenses, they cause serious eye infection. They increase dryness by blocking the tear glands thus resulting in eye pain and redness.
  • Allergy: When foreign particles such as dust, pollen etc enter the body, your immune system launches an army against them. In order to initiate the inflammatory response, histamine is released which dilates the vessels thus making the eyes watery.
  • Computer Vision Syndrome: Too much use of digital screens causes the penetration of blue lights which are highly harmful to your eyes. They cause certain conditions which lead to eye pain and redness.


Eye specialists don’t have a compiled set of treatment for eye pain and redness.

Instead, they first go through the test reports and observe the causes and symptoms.

Then they decide the type of treatment a patient needs.

In some conditions when the case is in its initial stages, doctors suggest using cool or warm compresses over the eyes.

This will instantly lower the eye pain and redness.

For a quicker and efficient result, doctors prescribe over-the-counter eye drops.

These eye drops make the eye pain and redness fade after use of a few days.

Make sure you buy the correct the eye drops.

Sometimes, artificial tears are also prescribed to fight the dry eyes.

How does Iris help?

Iris is a software which works for the protection and safety of its people eyes.

It is a software and its job is to filter all the harmful short wavelength blue lights and let the remaining rays pass.

Since, our eyes are unable to detect all the rays that emit from the screens of your laptops, computers, and smartphones therefore, Iris plays its role and makes sure that your eyes are safe from all the blue lights.

You must know that these blue lights, over a long period of time, slowly progress into your eyes and become a cause of many serious disorders.

With Iris, you can make your surfing and scrolling tension free.

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Pain around the Eye Sat, 17 Feb 2018 12:23:04 +0000 Sometimes you suffer from pain around eyes. There is no particular timing or criteria for his condition. Sometimes after too much work and exhaustion, your eyes feel tired. The socket of your eye clearly feels hollow and throbbing pain becomes unbearable. What is it? Pain around the eye is a condition in which the eye socket often experiences minor irritation. ... Read More

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Sometimes you suffer from pain around eyes.

There is no particular timing or criteria for his condition.

Sometimes after too much work and exhaustion, your eyes feel tired.

The socket of your eye clearly feels hollow and throbbing pain becomes unbearable.

What is it?

Pain around the eye is a condition in which the eye socket often experiences minor irritation.

Sometimes the duration of this pain lengthens and becomes a chronic condition depending on the symptoms and causes.

The surrounding areas of the eye which includes cheek, nose, and parts exactly under the eyes are affected.

Symptoms of pain around eye

In this condition, the pressure is not built up in the eyes.

Instead, in this situation, patients complain that they feel as if something heavy is placed on their cheeks.

They are unable to take the fatigued look on their face.

The symptoms of pain around eye include:

  • Unfocused or blurry vision
  • Teary eyes
  • A headache
  • Red, sore eyes
  • Droopy eyes
  • Fatigue

How does it happen?

There are several causes which might lead to pain around eyes. Some of the most common causes are listed below:

  • Migraines: The location for migraines is not fixed. They can appear anywhere. If you suffer from a migraine, there are chances that the pain will progress towards the socket of your eye. This will give your eyes a very tiring sensation. If you don’t try to relieve this pain then it is likely that the pain around the eye will intensify.
  • Esophoria: This is a condition in which ocular muscles imbalance. Due to this, the pain begins to spear in the upper and lower parts of eye pocket.
  • Allergy: It is a very easy and simple cause to score pain around the eye. Usually, in a seasonal or an allergic cough, cold and flu the sinuses get blocked with mucus. This mucus exerts pressure on head giving severe headache and ultimately results in pain around eye.
  • Sinusitis: It is the inflammation of sinuses. In this condition, the eye socket fills up with ethmoid mucosa which causes pain around the eye. This causes a stabbing pain around the eye making the patient feel tired and fatigue.
  • Digital screens: You must not be surprised at seeing this in the list of causes. If you belong to those people who work in front of computer screens all day long then apparently, it is the main cause of pain around eyes.


Eye pain doesn’t come with a professionally prescribed treatment.

A treatment requires detailed tests and diagnostic reports.

Upon studying the causes and symptoms, treatments are prescribed.

A treatment can be as easy as taking a hot bath for minimum half an hour and closing your eyes in a dark room for a few minutes.

This is an instant way of relieving pain.

Most of the times when medicines are not available, then washing face or simply rubbing temple with cold water also prove to be an effective way of getting rid of the pain.

In other conditions, antibiotics and antiviral are prescribed to patients so that the conditions causing the pain can be handled first.

These medicines help in reducing mucus formation which stops the headaches and pain around eye is relieved.

In specific cases, eye drops and other medicines are also prescribed.

How does Iris help?

Iris is a filter and it contributes to not letting the dangerous blue lights escape the screen of your laptop or smartphone and allows only the harmless rays to reach your eyes.

These blue lights have very harmful effects on eyes and it is the responsibility of Iris to keep these blue lights away from you so you can enjoy strain free eyes.

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Pain in the back of eye Sat, 17 Feb 2018 11:50:28 +0000 Eye pain is usually the worst kind of pain that anyone can suffer. Eye pain comes with different intensities and magnitudes. One very common and unbearable type is a pain in the back of the eye. What is it? Pain in the back of the eye is more like a pressure which appears to be sharply shooting from somewhere very ... Read More

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Eye pain is usually the worst kind of pain that anyone can suffer.

Eye pain comes with different intensities and magnitudes.

One very common and unbearable type is a pain in the back of the eye.

What is it?

Pain in the back of the eye is more like a pressure which appears to be sharply shooting from somewhere very deep.

The patients feel a burning and stinging sensation as if the eye is being stretched.

In this condition, patients complain that it feels as if the membrane behind their eye is being pulled like a rubber band and immense pressure is being allowed.

In this condition, eyes begin to feel heavy and the patient is unable to maintain focus.

Symptoms of pain in the back of eye

This condition is rather a package of many relevant symptoms.

Patients not only feel uneasy, but they remain tired throughout the duration of pain.

When the pain in the back of eye begins, it shows some signs but most of the time the signs appear for some time and then disappear.

Slowly with the passage of time, these signs begin to get stronger and ultimately the patient feels stabbing sensation in the eyes.

These signs and symptoms include:

  • Pain behind nose and cheeks
  • A severe headache
  • Fatigue
  • Sore neck and shoulder muscles
  • Watery and teary eyes
  • Drooping eyelid
  • Blurred vision

Why does it happen?

Let’s relate the cause and effect now.

The causes vary from case to case.

But the point is, there are many causes of pain in the back of eye.

Following are some causes of pain in the back of eye.

  • Sinusitis: It is an infection caused by the germs when they somehow make it up to your nose, eyes and cheeks. They produce mucus and the sinuses begin to fill. This exerts pressure and pain in the back of eye and upper part of face generates.
  • Headaches: Headaches are the most common cause of pain in the back of eye. Headache due to stress or any other disease develops a pain in the back of eye.
  • Grave’s disease: When your immune system mistakenly attacks its own thyroid glands then in response it secretes too much of its hormones. This abnormal condition is called Grave’s disease. In this disease, eyes become droopy and bulge out with immune pain in the back of eye.
  • Damage to Optic nerve: Many factors damage the optic nerve and this increases pressure which slowly progress to severe pain in the back of eye.
  • Tooth Pain: You might be amazed as linking tooth with eye pain seems a bit off the track. But yes, tooth pain is another cause for pain in the back of eye. It generates a pulling sensation and the pressure slowly builds up producing pain in the back of eye.
  • Digital screens: Amazed? Need not to be. This is another very basic cause of pain in the back of eye. Staying glued to digital screens for long hours can cause immense pain.


The treatment is not fixed for this situation.

In fact, it depends on the cause and symptoms of pain.

In some cases, as in sinusitis, doctors prefer prescribing antibiotics for the respective time period, so that the production of mucus can be treated.

In other cases, alternative salt and water solution is used to rinse the nose.

Since antibiotics cannot treat viral infections, therefore, this remedy proves to be quite an effective one.

Decongestants and painkillers are also prescribed to provide relief to the patient.

In specific conditions, certain medicines are given to control the damage to the optic nerve and production of thyroid hormone in abnormal quantity.

How Iris helps?

Iris is filtering software that makes sure to keep the blue lights away from reaching your eyes.

Iris is helpful software which does not allow the harmful blue lights penetrate into your eyes and give you an unbearable pain in the back of eye.

With Iris, it is nearly impossible to have pain in the back of eye.


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Blue light Protection Glasses Wed, 14 Feb 2018 21:59:44 +0000 Although blue light protection glasses became popular in the 80’s because of how everyday items can seem sharper without magnification, they have made a comeback over the past few years since new advantages have been found. Most of us know that we have to protect our eyes from harmful UV rays, but know nothing of how artificial blue light from ... Read More

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Although blue light protection glasses became popular in the 80’s because of how everyday items can seem sharper without magnification, they have made a comeback over the past few years since new advantages have been found.

Most of us know that we have to protect our eyes from harmful UV rays, but know nothing of how artificial blue light from modern day tech can affect health from sleeping problems to headaches and concentration.

Blue light protection glasses are essential in modern times where the majority of us spend a lot of time looking at screens whether on phones, computers, tablets or the television.

Blue light is naturally created by the sun, however, this serves a purpose.

It helps the body to differentiate between day and night.

When exposed to artificial blue light from tech as well as in many offices and shops through strip lighting this can be affected leading to a whole host of health problems.

Blue light protection glasses are the cost-effective simple way to stop the body being affected by artificial light.

At the end of the day before tech, most people would go home, eat, talk to their families and possibly read before bed.

Nowadays this has been replaced by people surfing the internet, texting, playing games or watching television as a means to unwind.

This change means that the modern means of entertainment expose people to more blue rays than ever before, but you don’t have to give up watching your favorite TV show or movie nights.

Instead, you can avoid the blue glow that modern tech emits by wearing blue light protection glasses.

In doing so it stops the body from being fooled into thinking it’s still day which can slow down melatonin production.

Melatonin is the hormone that makes you feel sleepy at night and to get a good night’s sleep is necessary.

LED lights that most of us now use can damage eyesight over time and lead to problems including macular degeneration.

It can also cause eye strain which can lead to headaches and dry uncomfortable eyes.

Wearing blue light protection glasses when using tech or being in a room with LED lighting, especially at night before bed can help to improve sleep and make waking more refreshing.

For some, it can eradicate the need for an alarm clock altogether as the body wakes naturally.

As well as blocking blue light the blue light protection glasses can help to filter out yellow and green lights that can cause an uncomfortable glare.

Wearing them can make driving, sports and even shopping a more comfortable experience.

It’s great being out in the sun and enjoying the warmth, but unfortunately could be damaging your sleep pattern as well as your sight.

Something as simple as wearing blue light protection glasses will stop you from having to squint during the day to see properly, which is especially important if you want to play your best on the golf course, watching sports and even spending time in the garden with friends and family.

Are you exposed to screen all day?

If you are exposed to the screen, you may consider using a blue light filter app like Iris.

It automatically adjusts your screen to filter out the unwanted light to provide you a safe environment for your eyes.

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Blue Light Glasses Wed, 14 Feb 2018 21:51:07 +0000 A number of studies have recently told us of the dangers of blue light, and the need to filter blue lights from our monitors and screen as much as possible. Not all blue light is damaging to us as obviously, the sky is blue, but this is one of the reasons that blue light can be confusing and be straining ... Read More

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A number of studies have recently told us of the dangers of blue light, and the need to filter blue lights from our monitors and screen as much as possible.

Not all blue light is damaging to us as obviously, the sky is blue, but this is one of the reasons that blue light can be confusing and be straining to our eyes.

Blue lights before bed can convince our brains that it is the color of the sky and it is not night time yet.

The excessive blue lights that they use to display images on screens can lessen the contrast and strain our eyes, causing fatigue and headaches.

So, what can we do to reduce the amount of eye strain caused by the blue light?

When researching the type of glasses that you could use to reduce blue light related eye strain, you should take your specific eye needs into consideration.

If you wear glasses to see then you will need to take this into consideration when looking for the right lenses for you.

If you do need glasses, but prefer not to wear them, there is the option of getting lenses.

But blue light blocking glasses do not need a prescription to buy, just a little research.

Aesthetics can be a concern for some people, though these will be glasses that you will generally only use inside when using your desktop.

You can use them with a phone or tablet as well, though most people use them when working inside.

A lot of major brands are working on their own blue filter glasses, and this means there are a lot of options out there for glasses frames.

Blue light filter glasses work by using a tint that adds a better level of contrast to the colors that you are looking at.

Whichever tint you use will depend on your own vision and your own eyes, as well as whatever settings you normally use on your desktop monitor.

These glasses are an easy alternative to changing all of the settings on your various devices.

You can ask your eye doctor for the different perks of using blue light filter lenses.

You can find other lenses that block UV light and glare from screens also.

There are a lot of options out there for people who already wear glasses and need special care for their eyes outside of blue light filtering.

If you are not very fond of using glasses while facing the screen you can consider blue light filter app like Iris.

The app features various filters that filter out the unwanted blue light based on the lightning in your surroundings.

We should be doing all that we can to save our eyes from fatigue and strain.

We live in a world surrounded by screens in our hands, in our homes, and everywhere, meaning we need to be much more conscious of the strains our eyes are enduring.

So, let’s take some time to consider one of our most precious senses, our eyes, and how we can change our technology and habits to better fit our bodies, rather than the other way around.

It is definitely worth it.

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Blue Light Filter Glasses Wed, 14 Feb 2018 21:31:27 +0000 Screens are becoming more and more a part of our daily lives. Whether we are using computers and tablets at work, using phones and other devices to speak to family and friends, or using gaming computers and television screens to unwind in the evenings, we are constantly surrounded by screens these days. Because of this, ongoing research into the side effects ... Read More

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Screens are becoming more and more a part of our daily lives.

Whether we are using computers and tablets at work, using phones and other devices to speak to family and friends, or using gaming computers and television screens to unwind in the evenings, we are constantly surrounded by screens these days.

Because of this, ongoing research into the side effects and possible health effects of screen exposure are essential, and some studies have already found some interesting results regarding the blue lights that our screens emit.

Not all blue light is bad, for example, the blue light that we receive from the sun on any given day is natural and helps us regulate our sleep hormones.

However, or screens also give off blue light and this can have a range of effects on us.

One of the most common problems with using screens as much as we do is the issue of blue light which, among other things, can mimic the sunlight we are used to, and cause our sleep cycles to become unbalanced, leading to insomnia and loss of concentration.

There are a number of options out there to deal with the issue of excessive blue light exposure, and one of those options that are becoming more and more popular is blue light filter glasses.

Blue light filter glasses are glasses that are specially made to block the blue light emitted from our screens.

These glasses can be preferable to using an app to change your screen settings on your devices as you can wear them to use any device at home or at work, not just your own.

They can be a great way to carry around protection in your pocket, meaning that you never have to be exposed to excess blue light when you don’t want to be.

There are a few brands that have launched in the last year or two that specifically sell blue light filter glasses, and they can come in a variety of colors and styles.

A lot of people are wary of trying out these types of eyewear and protection because they think they will look more like protective goggles than glasses, but this is not true.

You can purchase filter glasses that look just like ordinary prescription glasses.

You can also buy them whether you ordinarily wear glasses or not.

Healthcare in general, but especially the care of our eyes which is so often overlooked, needs to be put higher on our priority lists.

Screens have transformed our lives in ways that we could never have imagined, yet without our eyes and without healthy eyes, we won’t be able to enjoy them much longer.

If you are exposed to screens a lot because of work or home life and think you might be causing yourself eye strain or are having problems sleeping, it may be worth your while investing in some blue light filter glasses or a blue light filter app like Iris which automatically adjust your screen based on your surrounding and filters out the unwanted blue light.

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Best Blue Light Filter App Wed, 14 Feb 2018 17:06:38 +0000 You may have heard a lot lately about the evils of blue light. But what is everyone talking about? Well, most of the screens that we use have a lot of extra blue light. This can have two different effects on us, the first being that blue is the natural color of the sky in daylight and this can trick ... Read More

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You may have heard a lot lately about the evils of blue light.

But what is everyone talking about?

Well, most of the screens that we use have a lot of extra blue light.

This can have two different effects on us, the first being that blue is the natural color of the sky in daylight and this can trick our brains into thinking that it is still time to be awake, making it harder for us to get to sleep at night when we are staring at screens.

The second effect is that there can be a lot of unfocused visual blues around the edges of images on screens, and this lessens the contrast and can cause eye strain and headaches.

What can you do to combat this?

A lot of tablets and phones come with a setting where you can turn down the extra blue light that may be causing you problems.

However, a much better way to combat the effects of blue light is to get yourself an app.

There are plenty of apps out there that promise to do the job for you, but here are a few of the best apps that you can get to prevent blue light eye strain.


One of the best blue light filter apps is Iris.

Aside from the Pro, It comes with a free version and works with both the windows and Mac OS.

It works differently to other apps as it changes your computer screen based on your surroundings.

Just navigate through the app settings once and Iris can change the colors of your screen to reflect your indoor lights in the evening, and sunlight in the morning. It is that simple!


Twilight is a great app for this problem.

This is a free app that can be upgraded to a paid app for perks.

Twilight adds a slightly red tint to your screen and this means that it canceled out a lot of the blue.

It also allows you to adjust the different color filters for your own preferences.

You can add different profiles for different things like work, bedtime etc. and this lets you set your own contrasts for whatever you are doing at the time.


Darker works mainly by lowering all the backlights of your phone to reduce eye strain.

Darker is a similar app to Twilight but you can choose which colors you want to see more of rather than red.

Some of the features are only available with the paid Pro version, but it is an app you should check out if you like to have full control over customization.

Blue Light Filter Night Mode

Blue Light Filter Night Mode is a slightly less intensive app.

It works the same as the other apps and lets you customize colors and profiles.

This app allows for a sixty-second pause if you wish to have all the lights of your phone on for a specific reason. Much simpler to use for those who don’t like extensive apps.

We use screens more and more these days and they are having an impact on our health and habits.

Taking care of our health is becoming more intricate and technology related. However, our eyes are something that we overlook far too much and something that we should pay more attention to.

We should all do our best to take care of our eyes and do what we can to protect our precious vision.

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Best Blue Light Blocking Glasses Wed, 14 Feb 2018 09:52:25 +0000 Back in the 80’s blue light blocking glasses became extremely popular because of how they were able to clarify images. They were initially created for NASA due to their ability to protect astronauts from damage to their eyes because of how close they got to the suns UV rays. As well as blocking the UV rays the best blue light ... Read More

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Back in the 80’s blue light blocking glasses became extremely popular because of how they were able to clarify images.

They were initially created for NASA due to their ability to protect astronauts from damage to their eyes because of how close they got to the suns UV rays.

As well as blocking the UV rays the best blue light blocking glasses also stop damaging blue rays from entering the eye but since they were first invented other benefits have also been found.

As well as protecting sight the best blue light blocking glasses can help biologically.

They can help you to avoid sleep problems that many people in the 21st century develop from using smartphones and computers.

By avoiding blue light and getting a good night’s sleep you can increase your health as it is at night when the body repairs itself.

As many of use screens that emit artificial blue light which can mess with the natural sleep and wake cycle that people develop from acclimatizing to the sun rising and falling.

When we expose ourselves to artificial blue light the body becomes confused which can cause sleep problems.

The cheapest way to stop your body from suffering due to unavoidable blue light is to wear the best blue light blocking glasses.

They’re not only for night time use, they can be used at any time to protect your eyes from the artificial light.

There are lots of different types of blue light blocking glasses available but below you will find a list of the best for different types of exposure:

Glasses for Computer and Gaming use

Although described as gaming glasses they work the same as other blue light blocking glasses so are suitable for any time you are exposed to artificial blue light.

The Gunnar Optiks Gaming glasses have an amber lens tint to them.

When used while using the computer they have been shown to help to stop eye strain, which is a problem for people that spend a lot of time in front of a screen.

The tint to them is something you can get used to after 15 minutes and is what makes them so effective.

They’re lightweight and stylish so can be worn out shopping to avoid the strip lighting glare and damage.

Great for Work environment

The anti-blue light glasses are great for people in an office/work environment as they don’t have any type of tint so look like normal reading glasses.

They are lightweight so comfortable to wear all day but won’t stand out at work or in public.

Best Blue light blocking glasses for Everyday use

The sunglasses are great for an all-around pair that you can wear all day.

They are great for helping sleep problems due to the fact they help increase the production of the natural sleep hormone melatonin.

Despite being plastic they are extremely strong which is necessary for day to day use.

They do however have a noticeable amber tint, so if you are looking for something more subtle the sleep better blue light glasses from Amazon are affordable and no one will know that you are wearing anything other than regular reading glasses.

An alternative to blue light blocking glasses is the Iris software that automatically filters out the unwanted blue light simply by installing the software on your computer.

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Best Blue Light Filter For Windows Mon, 12 Feb 2018 23:55:08 +0000 The blue lights that are emitted through our phones, tablets, and desktop monitors can be very difficult for our eyes to work with. One reason for this is that the blue light imitates daylight hours, making it harder for us to get to sleep because our bodies still think it is daytime. This is one of the reasons you may ... Read More

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The blue lights that are emitted through our phones, tablets, and desktop monitors can be very difficult for our eyes to work with.

One reason for this is that the blue light imitates daylight hours, making it harder for us to get to sleep because our bodies still think it is daytime.

This is one of the reasons you may have been warned about keeping screens and technology in the bedroom because it can seriously disturb our sleep cycles.

The second reason is that our eyes are not very good at dealing with the lack of contrast that blue lights put on the images and colors that we see on screen.

This leads to use over-straining our eyes and can lead to damaging our vision, eye fatigue, and even headaches.

There are plenty of apps that you can choose from to dim the lights on your screens and compensate for the problems with contrast.

Here are some of the best apps that you can get to use with a Windows operating system.


Iris is a great app that works specifically, for you.

By entering some information like where you live and what kind of lights you use in your computer room.

This app can change the contrasts and colors of your screen to keep in line with the natural light of the day and to work with the artificial lights in your home.


This is an app that is best suited to those who wish to get better sleep at night.

SunsetScreen is specifically made to reduce the glare off your screen in the evenings.

It’s a free app for Windows that is great and has much less contrast than the other apps and so you will be able to adapt very quickly to what the app is doing.

Allowing you to set what time sunset and sunrise is, you can take better control of your sleeping patterns.

PC Sun Screen

Another great app for getting to sleep faster is PC Sunscreen.

This is an app that works for Windows 7 or after and it works by increasing and decreasing the level of blue light emitted, depending on the time of day and working with what your natural cycle should be.

An automatic and simple app to use, PC Sunscreen will help you get back into a proper, relaxing sleep cycle.

Looking after our eyes and monitoring how much and how effectively we use the technology that we love so much is something that we can do, and something that we should do.

It is a simple and often free way to improve our overall health and get the most out of the devices that we use.

Find what applications work best for you, and what you can do to reduce the strain on your eyes and get rid of any headaches related to this that you can.

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Blue Light Filter for Windows 7 Mon, 12 Feb 2018 23:45:38 +0000 Digital eye strain is something that people are generally becoming more and more concerned with. Blue light is something that is concerning more people and has been developing a lot of study in. Blue light filter apps are becoming more popular with those of us who use technology every day and we are starting to see the benefits of reducing ... Read More

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Digital eye strain is something that people are generally becoming more and more concerned with.

Blue light is something that is concerning more people and has been developing a lot of study in.

Blue light filter apps are becoming more popular with those of us who use technology every day and we are starting to see the benefits of reducing our exposure to unnecessary blue lights.

There are plenty of applications out there for smaller devices like phones and tablets, but there is also some great software out there to use on your desktop monitor as well.

Best App for Windows 7

Arguably the best application for windows seven is Iris.

It offers a free as well as a paid version that can be used on any operating system.

How it works is quite interesting and different to other apps that you might find out there that only give you the options of changing the colors shown on your screen.

The Iris app changes your computer screen to reflect the room that you are in.

Just by filling in some information on where you live and what kind of lights you have in your room, Iris can change the colors of your screen to reflect your indoor lights in the evening, and sunlight in the morning.

These changes happen automatically, so you don’t to do any fiddling with contrasts sliders every time you turn your computer on. It is that simple!

There can be a dramatic contrast in what you are used to in terms of the color temperature.

The switch from blue light to reds and oranges can take some getting used to, but you will quickly notice the difference in your ability to get to bed earlier and fall asleep faster.

If you are prone to headaches due to eye strain, you will soon see a reduction in these.

If you are worried about not seeing images the way they really are, you can have the app disabled for an hour at a time in just a few clicks.

There are some other apps that do similar things and can act very much like the apps that you can download for your phone.

However, Iris has its own personality and really works to suit your contrast rates with your own environment and what you need automatically.

Eye strain is something that everybody has to be more aware of and deal with much better.

With all of the screens that we use in everyday life, both at work and at home, it is becoming more apparent that we have to face the possible negative side effects of using all the technology that we do.

So, we need to be better at taking care of our eyes and assessing the risks of the technology and screens that we use.

If we get the appropriate apps and take precautions for ourselves, we can reduce so many headaches and a lot of eye loss to, which is arguably more important than not changing our settings and screens.

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What Is Blue Light Filter? Mon, 12 Feb 2018 23:37:58 +0000 You may be wondering what blue light is and what is a blue light filter. I will explain this to you, so you understand what a blue light filter does and how it can help you. All About Blue Light Blue light is produced by the computer monitor and all computers produce it. All light is made up of electromagnetic ... Read More

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You may be wondering what blue light is and what is a blue light filter.

I will explain this to you, so you understand what a blue light filter does and how it can help you.

All About Blue Light

Blue light is produced by the computer monitor and all computers produce it.

All light is made up of electromagnetic particles that move in waves.

There’s energy that’s emitted by these waves. When there’s a short wavelength, there’s more energy produced.

Waves are measured in nanometres which is one billionth of a meter, so they are very small. The waves are made into groups such as:

  • UV or ultraviolet
  • Visible light
  • X-rays
  • Radio waves

The eyes are only sensitive to visible light.

Light is seen in various colors like green, blue, red, orange, and so on.

Blue light has a very short wavelength and it produces more energy.

It’s said that long-time exposure to blue light may cause damage to your eyes.

This is why it’s a good idea to filter blue light. This is what a blue light filter does for you.

Different Types

To filter blue light, you have several options. The first option is to just stay away from your computer and take a lot of breaks, but this won’t work for most people as we need to work at our desks.

You can buy blue light filter glasses which will filter blue light, but they are expensive and not everyone likes to wear glasses.

Another option is to use special software that blue light.

It installs on your computer and your eyes are protected from damage.

There are all types of software to do this so you need to conduct a little research before you buy.

You need software that will work on your specific operating system and have the features you want.

Good software will reduce your eye pain, and let you work at your desk without the need for frequent breaks to rest your eyes.

Buying Software

You need to buy software that is going to filter blue light in the best way.

You don’t want a poor filter as all the blue light may not be filtered effectively.

There are many companies that sell it so pick one that’s going to work for you.

Look for software that us well documented so you know how to set it up properly.

One company we recommend that has excellent blue light software is called Iris software.

Iris Software

So now that you know what is a blue light filter, you should try Iris software.

We have robust blue light filter software. You can get both a free version and we also have a pro version which gives you more features and options.

Iris software is easy to use and works with multiple operating systems, so you don’t have to buy other software.

Our program reduces eye pain, eye fatigue, and you will sleep better, too.

Iris is your best bet for a quality blue light filter.


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Blue Light and Sleep Sun, 11 Feb 2018 15:21:22 +0000 You may have heard some hype recently about the ‘dangers’ of blue light and what it can do to your sleeping patterns. Blue light is not immediately dangerous however it can cause some problems with regards to our eyes and our sleeping patterns. But why is blue light so bad? And what can it do to damage your sleeping patterns? ... Read More

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You may have heard some hype recently about the ‘dangers’ of blue light and what it can do to your sleeping patterns.

Blue light is not immediately dangerous however it can cause some problems with regards to our eyes and our sleeping patterns.

But why is blue light so bad? And what can it do to damage your sleeping patterns?

Here is everything you need to know about blue light and why it might be stopping you from sleeping.

What is Blue light?

The blue light that we are talking about specifically, is the blue light that is emitted by electronic screens.

These are blue lights that reduce contrast in images that you see on the screen and can also relate to the blue lights that a lot of social media sights use as their background colors and is also the reason that they use those colors as their background.

Why is this bad for us?

Not all blue light is bad for us, because of course the sky is blue, and there is plenty of blue light that occurs naturally in nature.

The problem with blue light occurs when we use our screens too much.

One reason that this is bad is that the reduced contrast on images means that our eyes strain to better see things, and this can cause damage to our eyes and even headaches.

Looking at sleep specifically, blue lights are disruptive to our sleep patterns because they mimic the lights that we see during the daytime and trick our minds into believing that we should still be awake.

That means that looking at screens in bed, and especially blue social media sites, can keep us awake even though we are tired.

How to reduce Blue light

There are a number of ways that you can reduce the amount of unnatural blue light that you are exposed to in your daily life.

Iris was software formulated to help you reduce the amount of blue lights emitted by your screens.

It works by increasing the contrast on your screen and allowing you to adjust the levels of each color on your device.

This can make it a lot easier for our eyes to focus on our screens and see what we need to see.

There are also applications for both mobile and desktop that are specifically to help you get your sleeping patterns back on track.

These apps in particular work by adjusting the colors and backlighting of your screens to suit the time of day wherever you live.

This means that as it gets closer to bedtime, your screen will naturally darken and get you ready for sleep.

So that is what blue light from screen might be doing to damage your sleep.

There are plenty of things that you can do to reduce your screen time or even adjust your technology to better suit your health.

These are things that can easily be changed and can make a huge difference in our lives.

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Blue Light Filter Monitor Sun, 11 Feb 2018 15:14:58 +0000 Blue light is something that is becoming more and more important to consider when thinking about our health and our use of technology. Most of us use screens a little too much these days, keeping ourselves up a night and disrupting our natural sleep cycles by reading articles and checking emails before bed. The effect that blue lights have on ... Read More

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Blue light is something that is becoming more and more important to consider when thinking about our health and our use of technology.

Most of us use screens a little too much these days, keeping ourselves up a night and disrupting our natural sleep cycles by reading articles and checking emails before bed.

The effect that blue lights have on our eyes can be much more extensive than we even realize.

There are plenty of apps that you can get for your phones or tablets that counteract the blue lights that may be causing you problems, but what can you do with your television screens or computer monitors?

Here are some tips to help you when picking out a monitor for your computer.

Is all Blue light bad?

No, of course not. All blue light is not bad, however, when using screens that use excessive blue lights to show images, they can cause eye strain.

Some people are more sensitive to this kind of light than others, but everyone can benefit from reducing their blue lights from all of their screens, including monitors.

How to Block blue light in monitors

There are a number of ways that you can better filter blue light in your monitor, and not necessarily by investing in a new screen.

One thing you can do is to manually change the colors and filters on your documents and video players.

This can give you better control over your customizing options, and it can also be less expensive.

Another thing you can do is to install apps like Iris directly onto your desktop.

It is a software that can automatically change the filter settings depending on the time of day and your own preferences.

You can install these apps directly onto your monitor as well, and these will help guide you through the process of changes colors.

If you have an older monitor that doesn’t have the same customizing capabilities as new models, or if you are simply not confident with changing settings by yourself, there is an easier way.

You can purchase blue light filtering glasses.

These are glasses that are specially designed to reduce the amount of blue light that gets to your eyes from your monitor.

Blue light filter glasses are a great way of reducing the amount of technological changes that you might not be ready to make in your life.

It is our responsibility to take care of our eyes, and though this may mean rolling back our use of technology and giving our eyes a rest when they really need them.

Making changes to our habits and also the technology that we use is important for our health is something that we should not put on the back burner.

So, let’s take our eye care into consideration when we buy new technology.

The best we can do is to strike a balance between our love of technology and our important eye health.

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Blue Light Filter for Windows Sun, 11 Feb 2018 15:12:46 +0000 Looking for a blue light filter windows solution? There are several ways you can protect yourself from blue light. Your computer screen emits blue light, and this can be harmful to your health. You may get headaches, eye strain, or even have painful eyes if you spend a lot of time looking at a computer screen each day. Here’s what ... Read More

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Looking for a blue light filter windows solution?

There are several ways you can protect yourself from blue light.

Your computer screen emits blue light, and this can be harmful to your health.

You may get headaches, eye strain, or even have painful eyes if you spend a lot of time looking at a computer screen each day.

Here’s what you need to know about blue light filters and what you should look for.

About Blue Light Filters

There are several ways you can use a filter to protect your eyes from the blue light.

The first option is to take long breaks away from your work to rest your eyes.

The problem with this is that you end up being less productive than you would like and you’ll fall behind on the work of the day.

This really isn’t a good option for most of us that work throughout the day at the computer screen.

Your eye doctor can prescribe blue light filter glasses and you can get this option worked in with a regular prescription, but these glasses may cost a lot of money and not be worth it if you don’t like glasses.

The glasses do work, but they aren’t the best option.

The best blue light filter Windows option is blue light filter software.

Blue Light Filter Software

If you use Windows, you can install special software which will filter the blue light and make the screen easier on your eyes.

You’ll reduce eye pain and eye fatigue and you will be able to be as productive as you would like as you don’t have to spend a lot of time away from your computer any longer.

The software usually has a lot of features and setting that make it easy to use. You can set the software and forget that its even there.

Your eyes will be protected from blue light issues.

You have to be careful about what you buy as you must ensure that the software program will work with Windows.

Some programs only work with Apple computer or other computers running different operating systems.

You want a version that will work with your system.

You also need software that has a lot of features.

Many programs are free, but they have poor features which don’t give you the quality of protection for your eyes that you need.

You have to take care, so you don’t end up with a poor quality blue filter that doesn’t do what you want.

You should avoid companies that don’t provide you with a lot of information about their filters.

Look for companies that provide a lot of documentation and are trustworthy.

We have looked at various companies that make blue light filters and have found Iris software to be the best.

About Iris Software

Iris software makes blue light filters and we have a blue light filter for Windows to meet your needs.

We have a free program with fewer features but they also offer a more robust Pro version which has all the features that you need.

If you want quality software for your Windows computer to protect your eyes from the blue light, try Iris software.

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Screen Filters That Block Blue Light Sun, 11 Feb 2018 14:56:54 +0000 In recent years we have been concentrating on and learning more about the importance of a good sleep cycle. Many studies have shown that an irregular cycle or lack of sleep could lead to many negative side effects including weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease. One of the reasons that this is becoming such an important topic is because of ... Read More

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In recent years we have been concentrating on and learning more about the importance of a good sleep cycle.

Many studies have shown that an irregular cycle or lack of sleep could lead to many negative side effects including weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease.

One of the reasons that this is becoming such an important topic is because of the technology that has crept so far into our lives may be causing some of these problems.

Not only does this stem from using our devices too much, but it is also related to the lights that are emitted from our device screens.

Specifically, the blue lights that are emitted from most screens can mimic the color of the sky and trick our minds into thinking that the sun is still up and that we should stay awake.

This can be counteracted by leaving screens outside of the bedroom and having an hour of technology-free time before bed, but there are other solutions that you can try.

You can get the Iris Software for your smaller devices and your desktop or laptop computer that will help to filter out the extra blue lights that can be causing problems.

These applications work by mimicking the natural light outside of where you live, working like the sun to regulate your circadian rhythm.

Iris manages this by working with the hours of daylight, lowering the intensity of the light as the day goes on.

They can also let you customize the levels of contrast that your screens have, and you can set profiles to work for different parts of the day or depending on what you are using your device for.

You can even pause the applications when you want to if you wish to see things the same as you did before.

It caters to both Windows and Mac and can be integrated easily into your computer software.

Some apps move to a much redder light which will take a little getting used to, but as this is something that can damage the eyes and it is worth taking a look at.

The lack of contrast that occurs when blue light is emitted causes our eyes to strain to see images and text clearly.

This can lead to eye strain and headaches, which can have a knock-on effect on insomnia as well.

Iris a great way to protect your eyes and to get yourself back into a better sleeping rhythm if that is a problem that you have been facing recently.

Often, these applications are free for the basic software and are very easy to use for anyone who does not feel confident changing settings on their computer screens.

So, it is very important to take care of our sleep cycles and our eyes and to manage the amount of time we spend looking at screens in our daily lives.


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Blue Light Filter Pro Sun, 11 Feb 2018 14:49:48 +0000 Are you looking for a blue light filter pro piece of software to filter blue light from your computer? There are many different blue light programs that you can buy to filter blue light. Here’s what you should look for before you buy. Buy Something that Works with Your Operating System Not all blue light program will work with every ... Read More

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Are you looking for a blue light filter pro piece of software to filter blue light from your computer?

There are many different blue light programs that you can buy to filter blue light.

Here’s what you should look for before you buy.

Buy Something that Works with Your Operating System

Not all blue light program will work with every operating system.

You want a program that will work with your specific system.

You don’t want to have to buy two programs when you run both a computer with Windows 10 and one that runs iOS software.

Make sure your program can work with your operating system, so you don’t have to buy multiple pieces of software to filter blue light from all of your devices.

Make Note of Features

You want to buy a program that has a robust set of features.

For example, you may want to have certain settings or modes in your program.

Some software is quite limiting in what you can do with it so look for software that has a robust set of features so you’re able to tweak your blue light filter to what you want.

This is why you need to look at a blue light filter pro piece of software that will do everything for you.

The professional software may cost a little more, but it’s going to be well worth it in the end as you’ll have software that will do everything that you want.

Look for Documentation and Guides

You should buy software that is well documented, so you know how to set it up properly on your computers.

Some software may be quite complex, so you’ll need a guide as to how to use it in an effective way.

In general, blue light software is quite easy to use, but a good guide can help you get up and running quickly.

Buy from a Good Company

Ensure that you buy your software from a good company that knows all about blue light software.

You don’t want to buy from a site that is suspect or can’t back up their claims with testimonials or review of what they have to offer you.

Make sure you get a good value for your money.

Poor websites will be one or two pages so avoid these sites and buy from someone that knows all about blue light filter software.

For this reasons we created Iris.

How Iris Can Help You

If you need a blue light filter pro piece of software, we recommend Iris software.

We have both a free version of their software, so you can see what it does, but we also offer a pro version that has more features.

This program will reduce eye pain and fatigue, so you can work without strain.

The program can even help you get a better night’s sleep.

Our software has a robust set of features and will work with multiple common operating systems.

We recommend the blue light filter pro option as it has more features to meet your needs.

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Blue Light Filter for Mac Sun, 11 Feb 2018 13:53:35 +0000 Are you looking for a blue light filter program for mac to help filter blue light from your computer? Blue light can cause eye strain, eye pain, and can make it difficult to use your computer as your eyes are always tired. A good blue light filter can prevent this from happening. Here’s what you need to know about these filters ... Read More

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Are you looking for a blue light filter program for mac to help filter blue light from your computer?

Blue light can cause eye strain, eye pain, and can make it difficult to use your computer as your eyes are always tired.

A good blue light filter can prevent this from happening.

Here’s what you need to know about these filters and what the best option for you is going to be.

Why You Need a Blue Light Filter

You need to use a blue light filter because you can’t afford not to protect your eyes.

Prolonged exposure to blue light can cause serious eye issues.

If you experience eye pain and strain now, you need to start using a proper filter, so you can get back to work and remain productive.

A good filter will help protest your eyes so here is what you need to look for.

Blue Light Filter Options

You can just walk away from your computer periodically to rest your eyes, but most of us need to work long hours at a screen so this isn’t a good option.

There are glasses on the market that have a blue light filter, and these will protect your eyes, but these can be expensive and for many aren’t that practical.

The best Mac blue light filter option is to use software specifically designed to work with your Mac computer, so your eyes are protected from blue light at all times.

There are many different programs out there that can help you.

Choosing a Blue Light Filter Program


The first thing you need to do is ensure that the program works with Mac.

Many programs only work with windows or other operating systems, so you need a program that is designed to work with your computer.

You want a blue light filter software that is robust and has a lot of features.

Look for a free program to try it out and then ensure there’s a pro version as the pro version usually has the features that you’re looking for and it’s generally a better option for the maximum in eye protection.

Make sure the program has a lot of options, settings, and that it’s produced by a good company.

There’s a lot of poor options out there so you need a program that’s going to do a good job.

Proper documentation and guides are helpful, so you can get up and running in no time.

We created Iris software and you can try it on your MacBook.

About Iris Software

Iris software will work for the Mac so it’s a good blue light filter mac option.

This software has robust features and there’s a free as well as a pro version.

The Pro version has more features and it’s recommended if you want the best blue light filter protection possible.

You need to protect your eyes from the blue light.

Consider Iris software as we produce a great blue light filter with lots of options to meet your needs.

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Blue Light Filter for Laptop Sun, 11 Feb 2018 13:36:59 +0000 Looking for a blue light filter for laptop? If you’re looking for a good blue light filter so your computer laptop screen is easier on your eyes you have several options. Blue light can damage your eyes and you need to protect your eyes if you do a lot of computer work. Here’s what to look for before you buy ... Read More

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Looking for a blue light filter for laptop?

If you’re looking for a good blue light filter so your computer laptop screen is easier on your eyes you have several options.

Blue light can damage your eyes and you need to protect your eyes if you do a lot of computer work. Here’s what to look for before you buy a blue light filter.


You have several options when it comes to these filters.

You could just walk away from your computer more often and rest, but this leaves you less productive and you may get behind on your work.

If you don’t use a blue light filter right now, it’s a good idea to rest for fifteen minutes every hour to rest your eyes.

If you can’t rest, you can always get blue light filter glasses which will protect your eyes.

These glasses do filter blue light, but they are quite expensive, and you may not want to sell out a lot of money for a pair of these glasses.

The best option is to use blue light filter software which will filter blue light in the best way.

There’s no need for any glasses and you don’t have to buy anything else.

There are many types of software that you can use to filter the blue light.

You want software that has plenty of features and settings, so you get the most out of the program.

You should so with software as the other options just aren’t the best for your needs.

Before You Buy

Make sure you buy software from a good company.

You don’t want to purchase a poor blue light filter for laptop.

Look for companies that have a good website and ones that have documentation and guides for the software.

You want software that you can tweak to how you like it and a program that has plenty of features.

There’s free software, but this often doesn’t have the features that you want, although it’s fine to try out and see if you like it.

Watch for websites that are poorly done as you may be getting a suspect program that doesn’t work the way you want.

The software should also work with your operating system.

Some software will only work a specific system, so you may need to buy additional programs to work on your particular operating system.

We recommend Iris software as this has the features you need.

About Iris Software

Iris software is a program that works with multiple operating systems.

It’s a robust program that has plenty of features and settings, so you can tweak the program to work the way you like.

It filters blue light to reduce eye strain, eye pain, and it will help you sleep better.

We have a free version, so you can try it out.

We also offer a pro version that has better features and more settings.

If you want a good blue filter for laptop, we suggest Iris software as it’s an exceptional blue light filter program.

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Blue Light Blocker Sun, 11 Feb 2018 13:25:22 +0000 A new hot topic for anyone into health and technology is the issue of blue light and the effects it can have on the human eye and sleep patterns. So, what is this blue light that everyone is talking about? And why is it so bad for you? What is Blue light? The blue light being discussed here is the ... Read More

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A new hot topic for anyone into health and technology is the issue of blue light and the effects it can have on the human eye and sleep patterns.

So, what is this blue light that everyone is talking about? And why is it so bad for you?

What is Blue light?

The blue light being discussed here is the light that is emitted through the screens on your various technological devices like your phone, tablet, and computer screen.

Is all Blue light bad?

No. Not all blue light is bad, and it can even depend on how sensitive you are to this type of light when it comes to whether or not it will cause you any problems.

But most people can benefit from reducing their exposure to blue light.

Why is Blue light bad for you?

There are two different reasons why blue light can be bad for you.

The first reason is that the excess blue light emitted by electronic screens lowers the contrast that we see in images.

This causes our eyes to overcompensate and can cause eyes strain.

The second reason that excess blue light from screen could be causing you harm, is that they can lead to a skewed sleep cycle.

What this means is that the blue light emitted by our screens can interrupt our circadian rhythm by mimicking the light we see naturally during the day.

This is why you are recommended to keep screens out of the bedroom and also why so many social media sites have a blue background.

What can you do about it?

There are a few different things that you can do to combat the effects of excess blue light.

The first is obviously to only use screens when we need to, but as technology is becoming a bigger and more integrated part of our lives every day, that is something that most people will find difficult to do, especially if your day job also revolves around a screen.

On the technological side of things, however, you have a lot more options.

One of the most popular, and mostly free, an option is to download Iris software that automatically filters out the unwanted blue light.

It can work by allowing you to customize the color contrasts you wish to see more of on your screens, or by automatically synching up with the natural daylight you experience outside, better easing you into a night time mode and thus, better sleep.

Another option that is becoming popular is the use of blue light filtering glasses.

These glasses don’t require you to make any changes to your screens and are a handy way to choose when and where you wish to reduce your blue light exposure.

Filter glasses can be worn with or without a prescription and can even be purchased as a contact.

If you want to protect yourself from eye strain or get better sleep, you might want to think about getting yourself a blue light blocker to give you a better night’s sleep.



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Anti-Blue Light Glasses Sun, 11 Feb 2018 13:10:55 +0000 A new trend that is on the rise for anyone who is into technology or anyone who uses screens for work or excessively in their free time, which includes pretty much everyone, is the trend of anti-blue light glasses. You might have heard of these before, but you may not know exactly why they are becoming so popular, or what ... Read More

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A new trend that is on the rise for anyone who is into technology or anyone who uses screens for work or excessively in their free time, which includes pretty much everyone, is the trend of anti-blue light glasses.

You might have heard of these before, but you may not know exactly why they are becoming so popular, or what they even do for us. Here’s everything you need to know about anti-blue light glasses.

What is Blue Light and Why is it Bad?

Blue light is a light that is emitted from our digital screens.

This blue light can blend with white lights and reduce the contrast in images and texts that we see on screens.

This can create problems for us because our eyes overcompensate to make up for this, and strain to see how we normally would off the screen.

This can lead to eye strain and even headaches if you use screens all the time, especially for work.

Another negative effect this can have on you is that it can copy the type of light that we naturally get from the sun.

This type of light can help regulate our sleep hormones and tell us when we should be waking up and getting ready for bed.

Having so much artificial blue light around us, especially in the evening or when we are actually in bed, can trick our minds into thinking that the sun is still up and that we shouldn’t be sleeping yet.

This is also why so many websites use the color blue as their background, to keep us awake and using them longer.

Obviously, this leads us to find it difficult to switch off our brains even when the device is switched off and can disrupt our sleep patterns long-term or even lead to insomnia.

What are Anti-Blue Light Glasses?

Anti-blue light glasses are glasses that automatically block out the excess blue light that you see from your screens.

These are glasses that you can carry around in your pocket and use for any device at work or at home.

You don’t need a prescription to get them, though if you use glasses, you can get prescription ones and can also get contacts if that is what you prefer.

These are a great way to have protection from eye strain everywhere you go and can be purchased in a variety of styles and frame colors.

The negative effects of blue light on our eyes are becoming an increasing concern with the amount of time that we spend using screens every single day.

As screens become more integrated and integral to our daily lives and needs, more time needs to be spent researching the possible negative effects of this and how we can minimize them as much as possible.

Whatever you can do to reduce the risk of eye strain or disruption to your sleep cycles is definitely worth doing some research into, as obviously our eye health directly affects our ability to use the screens that we love so much.

Consider Iris software as we produce a great blue light filter with lots of options to meet your needs.


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Red eye treatment Sat, 10 Feb 2018 15:20:40 +0000 You don’t have to suffer the red eye if you can help it. Majority of people have experienced red eyes at some point. A condition best described as red, inflamed eyes. The appearance of red eye varies in severity from a bright pink to a deep red. The symptoms are typically short-lived but very annoying, although not usually considered dangerous. Little wonder then that the ... Read More

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You don’t have to suffer the red eye if you can help it.

Majority of people have experienced red eyes at some point. A condition best described as red, inflamed eyes. The appearance of red eye varies in severity from a bright pink to a deep red.

The symptoms are typically short-lived but very annoying, although not usually considered dangerous.

Little wonder then that the modus operandi for most people is to go for over-the-counter eye drops to treat the symptoms.

However, it is probably a good idea to first visit your eye doctor for a correct diagnosis before treating just the symptoms.

The effects of the red eye range from mild causes such as allergic reactions, eye fatigue, contact lenses, computer vision syndrome and, even conjunctivitis or “pink eye” to more severe conditions such as corneal ulcer and ocular herpes.

Treating The Red Eye

As the causes of red eye vary, so do the treatments. Most remedies range from a good old rest, cold compresses over your eyes to over-the-counter eye drops.

Severe red eye cases need treatment such as antibiotics or even surgery.

However, it is important to first visit your eye doctor to determine the cause of your red eye.

It is also important to avoid rubbing your eyes with your hands or fingers as they may have irritants that will further inflame them. This may cause your eyes to be more reddish and irritated.

You can clear a red eye caused by an allergic reaction, by either getting an eye drop or tablets over the counter.

You do not need to get a  prescription from a doctor for these.

They essentially work by cleaning the eyes off allergens and also substituting your tears so your eyes remain moist as usual.

Some home remedies that may also alleviate the red eye include dabbing your eyes with plain, clean warm water using cotton wool balls.

Avoid wearing contact lenses if your eyes are still red. This also applies to eye make up.

Doctors also recommend the “20-20-20 rule” to allow your eyes breaks away from a computer screen thus minimize effects of the red eye.

Computer Vision Syndrome

The computer vision syndrome is caused by looking at your computer screen for too long.

If you use your computer for extended periods in a day, you may have likely experienced burning sensation and tiredness in the eyes.

This is because when using your computer, you tend to stare more and not blink as much as other times.

This eventually dries out the eye’s exterior film.

Wearing glasses designed to minimize computer glare or applying moistening eye drops to keep your eyes from drying goes a long way in easing the discomfort.

But perhaps the best and most recommended is taking regular pauses away from the computer screen as you work.

Doctors recommend the 20-20-20 rule where you physically move away from the computer screen on 20 minutes intervals, focus on a distant item that is 20 feet from you,  for around 20 seconds.


Granted it is sometimes not easy to take breaks away from the computer as most people say they tend to lose focus of what they were doing with constant interruptions.

Computer programs like Iris give an alternative to the breaks.

It essentially locks your computer screen and disables your keyboard literally forcing you to look away from your computer, get up and take a break.

The software works with a timer that once you set at every 30 minutes or 1 hour, it disables your computer for up to 5 to 7 minutes.

In effect, once you install the Iris software, it reminds you to take short breaks from working on the computer.

It even detects your blink rate, adjusts your computer’s screen temperatures to the various times of the day and, controls the brightness level of your screen.


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Supplement for Eye Health Mon, 05 Feb 2018 12:52:39 +0000 Digital screens are everywhere Look around yourself and observe that to what extent your eyes are exposed to screens. Go through every business and have a look at the pace of world with every angle, you will find digital screens in more than expected forms. If you are an office going person you work from nine to five, or maybe ... Read More

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Digital screens are everywhere

Look around yourself and observe that to what extent your eyes are exposed to screens.

Go through every business and have a look at the pace of world with every angle, you will find digital screens in more than expected forms.

If you are an office going person you work from nine to five, or maybe more, in front of the laptop or computer screen.

If you are a student, then you are glued to tablets, smart phones, laptops or computers either to submit your assignments or for social networking.

If you see a kid or a toddler, even then you will find them stuck to a digital screen for games which keep them busy and entertained throughout the day.

This is not all. Wherever you go, be it supermarkets, emergency centers, offices, gyms, schools or community centers you will find excessive use of digital screens everywhere.

Since, now we know that how much habitual we have become of these digital screens we must have an idea about what they do for us.

Of course, they come with hundreds of affirmative aspects but have you ever thought about what negative effects do they leave on your body?

Have you ever pondered over those bitter facts about the danger we intentionally put ourselves in?

Almost all of us use digital screens in one way or another but unfortunately, none of us realizes that it is the time to wake up.

Isn’t it the time to untie the blindfold and see through the bright screens and think deeply what it radiates beside brightness?

You believe it or not, but these screens have put your eye health in an immensely sensitive situation.

Ever noticed your head begins to ache after excessive surfing on internet?

That ignorance drags you closer to irreversible damages. These damages are like a chain. Once they begin, it becomes highly difficult to stop them. 

Digital Screens and Eye Health

 Now let’s talk about your eye health. We are very careful about our health. We make sure not to do anything inappropriate which might lead to a disease or a disorder.

Similarly, we should be on equal terms for our eyes. A healthy eye is thousand times better than an affected one.

When eyes are in a good state you don’t even know the possibilities of what might happen to them.

But when there is a slight pain in eyes, you curse those times when you were not thankful for them.

Eyes are one of the most sensitive organs of your body. A minor injury or very inconsiderable factors become the root cause of permanent damage.

You have to remain very cautious about them as they can also be damaged through constant exposure to digital screens. Since, your eyes are only able to view the brightness and obviously they cannot distinguish them.

Therefore, these digital screens have now become a reason for the damage to your eyes.

How digital screens affect your eyes?

Let us kill your curiosity and enlighten you with some facts that how digital screens affect your eyes.

You see the light being emitted by the screens but do you know what the constituents of this light are?

There are multiple rays which make up the brightness or light because of which you are able to see the work on screen.

One of those rays is Blue Light. A layman is unaware of blue light because there is no such awareness about the protection of eye health against these lights.

You work daily for long hours in front of digital screens and that is the time when blue light is busy attacking your naked eyes.

The effect is slow. The damage does not occur all of a sudden in a few hours or even days.

It takes some time to first show the symptoms and then progress towards the damages.

What are Blue Lights?

It is necessary to first know what actually blue light is.

The light emitted from digital screens consists of different electromagnetic particles which travel in wave form.

The rays which make up the electromagnetic spectrum include radio waves, infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet rays, x-rays and gamma rays.

Each wave varies in length and energy. Shorter the wavelength, greater the energy.

If we talk about a naked human eye then it is sensitive to only visible light which consists of colors that include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Out of all these colors, blue light has a short wavelength and thus, it radiates more energy than others.

It has a wavelength of 400-495 nm.

The twist lays in the fact that Blue Light or High Energy Visible (HEV) being the shortest and highest energy wavelengths in visible spectrum flicker easily than the other longer and weaker wavelengths.

According to studies and researches, this flickering of blue light is the sole reason for headaches, eye strain and mental fatigue caused as a result of continuous exposure to digital screens ultimately leading to long term damage to eyes.

Blue Light is Slow Poison

 Now you know that how the physics of a single colored light can bring harm to you.

Count the hours you and your family spends in front of digital screens and you will realize that on a scale of zero to ten where you are standing.

Blue Lights can also be called “Slow Poison” for your eyes because they do their functioning slowly.

They penetrate through your eyes in a slow rhythm.

Sometimes, you even get the symptoms signaling you loud and clear but you prefer ignoring them.

This carelessness causes harm to your eye health. Although, digital screens have become an important requirement of these modern times where every job is incomplete without their use but you can limit the use to some hours and avoid their frequent use for a better eye health.

Blue Lights come with those appliances which on when hand provide you with ease, comfort and efficient source of communication but despite of all these plus points ignoring the negative aspects would be a fool’s idea.

Natural defense against Blue lights

On the mention of “Blue Light” what sources come in your mind?

You must have come up with the idea of all digital devices, right?

But that is not all. Blue Light is not only emitted from digital appliances such as tablets, smart phones, laptops, computers and other screens.

In fact, there are more sources from where blue light is emitted.

Blue light is a visible light and it is almost everywhere.

By ‘everywhere’ we mean traffic lights, Led bulbs and LED screens and even sunlight.

Naturally, your eyes are given shields to protect themselves against the blue lights.

But unfortunately, these shields in your eyes are not enough to protect against blue lights.

Your eyes are exposed to high intensity of blue light.

Due to his high intensity, the shields are unable to perform their function.

In other words, we can say that your immune system does not permit you to take charge for the protection of eyes against these short wavelength blue lights.

The energy emitted by blue lights is quite intense and thus your natural barrier fails to fight the harsh lights.

What are the disorders caused by Blue Light?

Up to this stage we have enlightened you about blue lights and the mechanism through which they put you in trouble.

Now, you should know what disorders are caused by blue lights.

The list of eye conditions and disorders are quite long but you will be amazed to know that how a single colored blue light causes multiple problems and that too with one of the most vital organs of your body.

Not only this, but each disorder is painful as well as very sensitive to handle.

As we mentioned earlier, a disorder first shows you a glimpse of symptoms.

You must be smart enough to take notice and not leave them like they are of no importance.

It is highly dangerous to give a blind eye to your signs and symptoms because this is how you intentionally give your symptoms a chance to spread and drag you into bigger trouble.

Blue lights penetrate into your eyes very delicately.

They begin to disturb your eyes from the time they are exposed to them.

Following are the few eye conditions which are the extreme results of damage caused by Blue lights:

Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is a condition of eye in which patients lose their central vision whereas, the peripheral vision remains same.

In this condition, the retina of eye is badly affected.

In actually, the nerves of retina are damaged by blue lights and a macula is formed.

This condition grows severe in situations where patients do work which requires focused vision at one point such as stitching, reading, writing, driving etc.

When certain measures are not taken patients lose their vision and are considered blind.

Macular degeneration comes in two types – dry and wet.

Almost 90% of all the cases are dry macular degeneration in which the progress is quite slow.

Macular degeneration is of course caused by excessive exposure to screens from where blue light is emitted.

Some other factors which assist the damage are age, smoking, inheritance, nutritional deficiency and lack of exercise.


Glaucoma is another dangerous eye disorder in which the optic nerve is damaged.

Optic nerve is basically a connecting wire between eyes and brain.

Whatever you are able to see it is because of this nerve.

Optic nerve carries signals of objects and sends them to the brain where they are translated and then you are able to see the final image.

This complete process takes place is less than pico seconds.

In this disorder, the optic nerve is damaged due to increase in pressure.

The channels in eyes carry a fluid called Aqueous Humor.

This fluid is produced in the back of eye.

Whatever amount of fluid is produced, the same amount of fluid is drained through channels.

Sometimes, these channels are blocked due to various reasons.

Since, the vessels are blocked, the fluid is unable to be drained.

Therefore, it starts accumulating and generates pressure.

This pressure is called Intraocular Pressure.

This pressure increases with time and a time comes when it begins to press optic nerve.

Glaucoma gains its worst shape when its symptoms are ignored for a long time.

It does not occur all of a sudden, but through long time it keeps progressing.

The patient unfortunately does not know about it until it shows clear signs.

Another stressful point is that there are no apparent symptoms. The patient feels all good.

Minor symptoms include headache, redness of eyes, blurred vision, nausea or vomiting. Patients must take these symptoms seriously.

Otherwise, glaucoma loses its control and can spread into a disaster.

It ends into the worse scenario when the patients lose their vision permanently.

Glaucoma is, no doubt caused by blue light. Blue light introduces you to this disorder and later you are unable to see it off.

Other factor which assists glaucoma are age, inheritance, diabetes, myopia, injury on head or eyes and use of cortisone. 

Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome or CVS is not a particular disorder or a disease in fact it is a collection of eye disorders.

As the name shows it is caused due to too much exposure of eyes to screens.

Immense exposure to blue light makes it obvious that worst conditions are to be expected.

Those people who stay glued to their screens suffer a lot.

This syndrome comes with a good thick package of symptoms.

These symptoms become strong enough over time that patients grow frustrated and ultimately destroy their routine.

Even you might have come across some of these symptoms.

If you have suffered at least four to five symptoms then it is the time to think what way you are walking on.

Some very common symptoms appear to be Headaches, Eyestrain, Blurred vision, eye irritation, dry eyes or excessive tears, eye pain, excessive blinking, redness, tired eyes, difficulty in changing focus between far and near and shoulder and neck pain.

All these are the signs that the syndrome is making its way in your body.

It is better if you take urgent notice of all these symptoms and have some mercy on your eyes so you can enjoy a better eye health.

Just in case, if a patient does not take immediate responsibility then the situation may worsen leaving the patient in utter distress.

Computer Vision Syndrome also gives tough time to people because it begins to interfere in their personal routines.

Patients are unable to give proper attention and concentration tot heir work as well as home.

Since, matters begin to go out of hand it becomes even more puzzled that it already is.

Blue Lights leave you in dismay and keeps you busy wondering where you got wrong.

Patients go over every possibility but unfortunately they don’t think about the digital screens they are so badly addicted to.

How Blue Light destroyed your sleep?

This might come as a surprise to you all but yes blue lights also interfere in your sleeping schedules.

Melanopsin is a photoreceptor, found abundantly in humans.

It has no role in the control of vision. It takes care of circadian rhythm of our body.

Melanopsin is activated when blue light enters your eyes.

It sends a message to your brain that it is day time.

Your brain acts accordingly and stops the secretion of melatonin, a hormone which is released during night time and it is also called sleep hormone.

When this hormone is not secreted automatically we are unable to sleep.

In normal conditions, when melatonin is being secreted in your body, you feel sleepy.

This is why when you work in front of a digital screen you are unable to sleep.

Once, the biological clock is disturbed it becomes difficult to put it back in order.

Therefore, it is advised not to work late night in front of digital screens.

What can you do to protect your eye health?

Actually, there is quite a lot to do. Like every other part of your body, eyes also require some nutritional diets and some accurate exercises.

These steps hold major importance because unless you don’t give attention to eyes they are on the way to damage.

Since it is you who has endless work on digital screens for long hours then it is you again who has to look after the eyes.

Excessive use of digital screens can push you towards irreversible damage.

This does not end here. You can work but keep a check on your eyes and look for every possible sign or symptom.

Let’s look for some ideas and see how you can take care of your eyes by very easy methods.

 Supplement for Eye Health

 Are you taking enough intakes for the sake of your eyes?

Your eyes also need some nutrients to work well.

In case of ignoring the needs and requirements of eyes, certain sensitivities rise, which later transform into big malnutrition issues.

Blurring vision and losing eye sight might seem an unavoidable nuisance but you can easily take hold of them introducing healthy supplements to your diet.

Obviously, when age increases your immune system grows weaker, unhealthy lifestyle and continuous wear and tear has effects on you eye health.

Following is the list of supplements which you must take.

Once you put them in your routine diet, you will begin to see desirable results in a matter of some time.

Make sure you take them under the supervision of your doctor. Don’t neglect your doctor’s prescriptions.

  • Lutein: It is an antioxidant also called “the eye vitamin”. It is found in leafy green vegetables, egg yolks, citrus fruits and orange veggies. Once you consume it, it circulates in your body and reaches to eyes especially to the macula and lens.
  • Zeaxanthin: It is a carotenoid found abundantly in nature. It is essential for the protection of eye tissues, clears vision, light sensitivity and prevents disorders like cataracts.
  • Vitamin C: This vitamin is important for increasing the absorption of minerals and other nutrients. It plays its part in repairing tissues and shutting down inflammatory responses.
  • Vitamin E: This fat soluble vitamin helps in decreasing the risk of macular degeneration caused due to increase in age. When eye disorders reach their worst stage patients have to undergo laser eye surgeries. In order to speedup the process, vitamin C helps in healing and repairing the tissues.
  • Zinc: It also performs the function of increasing the absorption of nutrients. It keeps the yes healthy by promoting normal cell division and blood circulation. Since, our body can not synthesize it therefore; it must be obtained from fish, grass-fed meat, organ meats and nuts.
  • Vitamin A: It is an antioxidant which prevents loss of vision by degenerative conditions as in macular degeneration and cataract.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: They are a package which helps not only eye, but many other body systems. They help fight eye damage caused by diabetes, improves circulation and helps stop cells from mutating. They keep eyes healthy by maintaining normal cell division and lessen strain.

These are the top seven supplements which help your eyes function properly.

Eye exercises

Since, we are discussing the impacts of blue lights on our eyes here; we will talk about some effective exercises which are found very beneficial.

When people work day and night in front of computer screens they grow tired and their eyes become dry.

Headache, eye strain, red eyes and fatigue are some very common occurrences.

Following are some exercises which help you relax during work.

These exercises are very easy and do not require a proper arrangement.

You can carry them out wherever you want, be it your workplace, study place or even home.

These exercises don’t need money or pain killers and eye drops.

  • Warm Palms: First, rub your palm together to generate some heat. Now cup your palms and put your left palm on your right eye and right palm on your left eye. Let the warmth flow from your palms to your eyes. Now, close your eyes and relax a bit for a few seconds.
  • Blinking: Easy? Well, when you work on computers you forget to blink. Although, it seems very simple and easy but at the time when your eyes become dry and itchy, blinking continuously for a few seconds seems very soothing. Make sure you remind yourself to blink even while working.
  • Scan objects: You are so lost in work that you forget what you have around you. Too much focus causes headache and eyestrain. Take a break from work and look around you. Look at something distant. Trace the outline and observe it for a good 1 minute.
  • Focus on something else: Remind yourself after every hour to take your eyes off the screen and look at objects around you.
  • Glance: You might wonder what good a glance would bring but let us tell you it is more than just a glance. First, sit back and close your eyes. Glance in the upward direction as far as you can. Now stay like that for a few seconds then look down for some seconds. Open your eyes and close them again. Now, glance to the left and then to the right. Next, do the same towards the centre. Repeat this one for a few minutes. You will feel relieved.

All these exercises barely take five minutes. During work, after every hour take out at least 5 minutes and perform at least any two exercises from the above mentioned ones.

Your eyes will feel happy and refreshed and ready to work again.

Why Blue Light Blocking Glasses are not good?

With growing awareness people are becoming conscious about taking care of their eyes.

In the case of protections, people often pick a wrong helping hand.

Blue Light blocking glasses are available in the market these days.

Many people have given it a try but are they worth your money?

Glasses seem to be a simple and trendy idea and hey trends don’t harm. Right? No.

People follow the bait of trendy eye wear and end up trapping themselves.

It is not about being trendy or easy-on-pocket thing but it is the eye health we are talking about.

In case of eye health, you must be highly conscious and not follow what seems “trendy”.

According to people who have experienced blue light blocking glasses, it is not a good idea.

They did not find it satisfactory enough to depend on it and work for good long hours.

First of all, those people who are not used to wearing glasses found them total nuisance.

They kept putting them on and off as they were not comfortable with it. These glasses are supposed to keep you fresh but those who have tried it complained that they made them made dizzier than ever.

Before using them, they felt less dizzy and tired but after using those glasses they felt twice dizzier and exhausted on an average working day.

Some even complained that their headaches progressed from three to four times per month to three to four times per week. Now, that is very disappointing.

In a nutshell, people who tried blue light blocking glasses were not happy at all.

Most of them are available on websites.

In the beginning, customers were excited about trying something new but as the time passed, they began noticing slight changes-negative ones.

They realized that after the use of these glasses their headaches had increased, in fact doubled.

Their eye strain had also become intense.

Those people who were use to wearing contact lenses did not find the glasses worth their money because it made them annoyed and irritated. Overall, the results were below satisfactory.

How Iris protects you against Blue Light?

For every problem there is a solution.

There are preventions and treatments for very disorder but isn’t it better to opt the preventions?

Why put yourself in trouble and seek treatments when you have a much better option of preventing?

Iris is all set to provide its customers with care and comfort.

Iris is software which basically makes sure that not a single blue light is able to leave the screen and reach your valuable eyes.

You work a lot in front of screens for continuous hours without any break.

As we have discussed earlier, that all the invisible blue light escaping the screen, enter your eyes and penetrate slowly, causing immense damage.

Glaucoma, computer vision syndrome and macular degeneration are some of the highly dangerous after effects of blue light damages.

When you install Iris on your laptops, computers, tablets, LED TVs and smart phones, then you are free to work.

Iris lets you work freely without worrying about the time spent in front of screen.

Iris blocks the blue lights and allows only the harmless lights to pass.

This filtering software provides its customers ease and protection.

Imagine working all day and night and ending up with a severe headache and eyestrain.

How are you supposed to continue your day with so much frustration and exhaustion?

Well, when it comes to Iris you can work without any worry for your eyes.

Iris keeps your eyes fresh and healthy no matter how much work you do.

Be smart and get the latest features of Iris now.

You will never regret making this decision because few months later from now, when your eyes will be sore and unable to keep concentration on work then you will realize your mistake.

When all is good we don’t bother thinking about what might go wrong.

But when symptoms begin to show, then we think of the time we didn’t bother to take the best preventing measures.

Iris stands by its words and does not step back from its promises.

Our customers are pretty valuable for us and we take charge of taking care of their eye health.

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Swollen Eyelids Mon, 05 Feb 2018 12:43:43 +0000 Swollen Eyelids Definition The presence of edema (excessive fluid) in the connective tissues of optical region leads to the formation of swollen eyelids. Swollen eyelids are also caused due to inflammation of the connective tissues that surround the eyes sockets. Long-term swollen eyelids can be excruciating, and they need to be treated by a professional. What are Swollen Eyelids? The ... Read More

The post Swollen Eyelids appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Swollen Eyelids Definition

The presence of edema (excessive fluid) in the connective tissues of optical region leads to the formation of swollen eyelids.

Swollen eyelids are also caused due to inflammation of the connective tissues that surround the eyes sockets.

Long-term swollen eyelids can be excruciating, and they need to be treated by a professional.

What are Swollen Eyelids?

The occurrence of swollen eyelids is relatively high, and it occurs when the upper or lower eyelid becomes swollen and enlarged.

Puffy eyelids are caused due to the upsurge of edema in the region that surrounds the eye region.

Swollen eyelids are easy to cure and control, however, rare cases of swollen eyelids need to be corrected surgically to avoid the probability of blindness and eyes disorders.

It is no wonder that a majority of us had dealt with a swollen or puffy eyelid at some point growing up.

The occurrence of swollen eyelids can be upsetting, agitating, and it could result in temporary impaired vision.

It is normal to suffer from a swollen eyelid at some point in your life, however, this problem could take a serious toll if it is not medically catered to on time.

In a majority of cases, redness, puffiness, and irritation of your eyelids are symptoms of eyes infections that need to be treated right away.

On the contrary, few swollen eyes can facilitate discharge in your eyes, and this problem needs to be addressed right away.

Swollen eyelids can be cured by taking effective measures. You can consider visiting an oculist for treatment or, you can tend to your swollen eyelids by taking homemade remedies.

You can also buy eye drops to cure your swollen eyelids at home.

What are the causes of Swollen Eyelids?

The occurrence of swollen eyelids is fairly high, and it could be caused by a number of reasons.

It could be caused by an infection or, it could be caused due to the reasons that need immediate medical attention.


Eyes are highly prone to allergies, and one of the reasons for eye allergies is caused by allergens.

An allergen is a product of dust, pet dander, contact lens solutions, and pollens, and it is occasionally caused due to the use of low-quality makeup and mascara.

Also, your eyes are prone to the development of eye allergies when it releases chemical mediators to shield your eyes from the allergens.

One of the most common types of allergens is known as histamine, and it results in the dilation of blood vessels attached to your ocular region.

The presence of allergens in the convective region of mucous membranes of your eyes persuades you to itch your eyes, which could make them look swollen.


Conjunctivitis is commonly known as a pink eye, and it is categorized as inflammation that is occurred on the conjunctiva.

It is facilitated by bacterial, viral, and allergic reasons, and it results in pink eyes which makes your eyes look swollen.

Conjunctivitis is curable, and it could be treated by taking home-remedies or eye drops.


Initially, the symptoms of a stye are considered analogous to general swelling, the presence of red bumps on the brim of the eyelids, and puffiness—stye occurs as a result of the presence of bacterial infection in meibomian glands.

These glands excrete oils, and when they are clogged—it results in swollen eyelids.


The chalazion is one of the rarest causes of swollen eyelids, and it is caused by a blocked meibomian gland.

On initial diagnoses, a chalazion looks comparatively similar to a stye but, it turns into a rough sebaceous cyst over the course of time.

Also, a stye is developed on the corner of an eyelid but, a chalazion is developed few mm away from the corner of the eyelids.

However, chalazion and styes result in swollen eyelids and can be treated using appropriate methods of treatment.

Eye injuries

Swollen eyelids are also caused by eye injuries, and it results in severe puffy eyelids which could be corrected with blepharoplasty (cosmetic surgery for eyelids).

An injured eye needs to be addressed immediately, and an oculist should run appropriate tests to keep track on the function of the eyes.

What are the signs and symptoms of Swollen Eyelids?

The occurrence of swollen eyelids is relatively high, and it occurs when the upper or lower eyelid becomes swollen and enlarged.

Puffy eyelids are caused due to the upsurge of edema in the region that surrounds the eye region.

Swollen eyelids are easy to cure and control, however, rare cases of swollen eyelids need to be corrected surgically to avoid the probability of blindness and eyes disorders.

The following symptoms represent the signs of swollen eyelids:

  • Sensitivity to light or photophobia
  • Obstructed vision
  • Excessive production of tears
  • Irritation of eyes
  • Redness on the eyelids
  • Redness caused due to conjunctiva
  • Eye discharge
  • Flaking or dry eyelids
  • Pain in the eyelids

Each symptom is similar to the remaining symptoms, and they are worsened with the course of time.

However, if you notice the occurrence of any of these symptoms, you should consider seeing an oculist or ophthalmologists for better consultation and evaluation.

What is the treatment for Swollen Eyelids?

If you are concerned about the treatment of your swollen eyelids, you should consider visiting an eyes-specialist for diagnosis and treatments.

A doctor uses equipment like a magnifying tool to check the extent of your swollen eyelids, and if the swelling is severe—he might run few tests to ensure that your vision is intact.

He further looks for an infection which could be responsible for the swelling of your eyes.

The following treatments are ideal for curing swollen eyelids:

Steroid treatment

If you are not diagnosed with an eye infection for your swollen eyelids, your ophthalmologist is more likely to prescribe you eye drops, steroids, and ointments to reduce the sensation of inflammation in your eyes.

Your doctor might also recommend you to use lubricating eye drops to avoid your eyes from getting irritated.


Antibiotics play a crucial role in alleviating the symptoms of swollen eyelids.

You can consult your ophthalmologist to become prescribed to a course of antibiotics to cure your swollen eyelids.

Antibiotics for swollen eyelids could be in the form of an ointment, drops, or pills.

Home care

The symptoms of swollen eyelids can be cured at home.

If you wear contact lenses, you should consider stopping using them until your eyelids are back to normal state.

You can also use a cooling compressor against your eyes to alleviate the symptoms of swelling and pain.

You should refrain from rubbing your eyes as it could further worsen the symptoms.

 How does Iris prevent Swollen Eyelids?

Now, we will discuss the role of Iris in the prevention of swollen eyelids.

Iris was introduced as software to cure a majority of eye-related diseases and disorders.

The use of Iris to cure swollen eyelids keeps the presence of allergens in the membranes of your eyes at a minimal.

Iris is becoming one of the most preferred methods to cure swollen eye, and it keeps the probability of eye-related diseases at a minimal.

Eyes allergies and other causes of eyelids swelling cannot be controlled easily but, the use of Iris can play a crucial role in treating your swollen eyes without any significant or costly medical treatments.

Iris is uniquely designed, and it is approved by world-class ophthalmologists from across the world.

It utilizes T-Sonic technology which plays a major part in the prevention of swollen eyelids. However, if you are subjected to medical treatment—the use of Iris along with your medical treatment facilitates the course of treatment effectively.

Iris is responsible for protecting your eyes from external and internal risks.

It enables you to carry on with your day without having to worry about the occurrence of eye allergies or swollen eyelids.

Air pollution has increased significantly, and it indirectly contributes to swollen eyelids.

Take the very first precautionary measure because with Iris you can prevent swollen eyelids.

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What is Narrow-Angle Glaucoma? Sun, 04 Feb 2018 15:12:45 +0000 Narrow-Angle Glaucoma is one of those eye-related problems that can stick with you for a very long time. However, this type of glaucoma is actually very rare, and it’s different when compared to the open angle glaucoma. The thing you have to note here is that the eye pressure ends up getting high very fast. This can indeed happen at ... Read More

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Narrow-Angle Glaucoma is one of those eye-related problems that can stick with you for a very long time.

However, this type of glaucoma is actually very rare, and it’s different when compared to the open angle glaucoma.

The thing you have to note here is that the eye pressure ends up getting high very fast.

This can indeed happen at times when the drainage canal ends up getting blocked or covered.

When that happens, the Narrow-Angle Glaucoma will end up pushing the iris against the lens of your eye.

As you can imagine, this shuts the drainage angle completely most of the time.

The lens and your iris can actually end up being stuck together, and you have to avoid that the best way you can.

As a result, the pressure can increase very fast to the point where you will end up having swelling, reddening and your vision will be blocked.

That can be a huge problem, but you can imagine that you have some things to avoid in this regard.


The Narrow-Angle Glaucoma can be easier to detect when compared to other types of glaucoma.

If you feel vomiting, seeing halos around lights, blurring, your vision is less accurate or your cornea is cloudy, then this can be a sign.

The same thing happens if you have a pressure over the eye. Inflammation and pain can also be a sign of this.

What causes Narrow-Angle Glaucoma?

Normally, the eye structure problems can be an issue here.

Also, anything that causes the pupil to dilate can be a problem here.

There are some oral medications and some injections that may affect your eyes too, so knowing how to tackle things like these is extremely important. A blow to the eyes can also be problematic here.

The diabetes-related growth of abnormal blood vessels can lead to that too.

When can you end up having Narrow-Angle Glaucoma?

Usually, the Narrow-Angle Glaucoma will appear when you are over 35. But the chances of having it can increase as you get older. That’s why people need to go to a medical checkup from time to time, just to make sure that everything is safe. It’s extremely important to focus on that, so you have to take that into consideration.

How can you deal with Narrow-Angle Glaucoma?

Narrow-angle glaucoma can be addressed with a tool like Iris.

This app was created specifically to protect your eyes.

If you sit in front of your computer for a very long time, you can deal with narrow-angle glaucoma later on in your life.

But if you end up using Iris, it will be easier for you to prevent eye-related problems.

Basically, with help from Iris, you get to keep your eyes safe and you will have no problem seeing properly in the long run.

Also, this helps you lower the eye pain, not to mention you can prevent the eye strain.

Iris makes it very easy for you to stay in control when you use the computer, as you can modify the brightness without any major problems!

So if you want to avoid narrow-angle glaucoma, this is the best way to do it.

Plus, Iris can be used by people that suffer from narrow-angle glaucoma too.

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What is Open-angle Glaucoma? Sun, 04 Feb 2018 15:04:39 +0000 Glaucoma can be problematic and it’s also one of the causes of eyesight problems. But open-angle glaucoma is one of the most common types of glaucoma out there and it ends up coming and going all the time. As you get older, it does get worse though. How does Open-angle Glaucoma appear? Basically, you have fluid in the eyes and ... Read More

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Glaucoma can be problematic and it’s also one of the causes of eyesight problems.

But open-angle glaucoma is one of the most common types of glaucoma out there and it ends up coming and going all the time.

As you get older, it does get worse though.

How does Open-angle Glaucoma appear?

Basically, you have fluid in the eyes and that’s what keeps them healthy.

The old fluid gets removed as new fluid comes in.

The open angle glaucoma basically states that the angle is closed or too narrow.

The old fluid can’t be removed in time, and in the end, the fluid will clog and cause damage in the long term.

While this is a simplistic explanation, it does go to show that your eyes can indeed be damaged and your sight will be obstructed because of this.

So, you have to identify the right means to do such a thing.

Can this affect your eyes?

The way open-angle glaucoma works is it ends up putting a lot of pressure on the eyes. The optic nerve is definitely more pressured, and that can be a problem. Ain time, the nerve breaks down and you end up seeing worse and worse. You can imagine it to be pretty much like a frayed cord that will offer some electricity to the light bulb, but it will turn on and off.

The issue is that open angle glaucoma can be hard to spot due to the high pressure. Around 33% of people that have this glaucoma tend to have normal pressure in their eyes, but the nerve is still damaged. This means the nerve damage can also be caused by other factors, as you may imagine.

How do you get Open-angle Glaucoma?

It depends most of the time. Usually, people over 50 tend to be affected by it.

And then you have some races like African Americans and Hispanics which are affected more often than whites.

The family history can also lead to you getting this. But there are things like nearsightedness, high blood pressure, diabetes or a thin cornea that can also lead to problems like these.

So yes, they can happen in the long term.


The problem is that you don’t really have any symptoms until it’s too late.

But open-angle glaucoma does tend to make you lose peripheral vision.

Also, you will notice some letters missing in words when you read.

But as you can imagine, these things are hard to detect, and that can make it very challenging for you to deal with things like these.

How can Iris help?

A good way to avoid the open angle glaucoma is to protect your eyes while you sit for a very long time in front of the computer.

Iris is a tool designed to prevent eye pain and eye strain.

It allows you to improve sleep, and thanks to its 9 preset you will find it easier to help your eye function normally.

In the end, you will not have to deal with open-angle glaucoma if you protect your eyes the right way, so buying or downloading Iris can be a very good idea.

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Blue Light Screen Filter Sat, 03 Feb 2018 15:29:21 +0000 If you suffer from computer eye strain, you may be looking for a blue light screen filter. In today’s world of high technology, we spend even more time than we may like on our computer screen. This intense screen time can cause eye strain and fatigue due to blue light. This light emitted from our computer screen tends to fatigue ... Read More

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If you suffer from computer eye strain, you may be looking for a blue light screen filter.

In today’s world of high technology, we spend even more time than we may like on our computer screen.

This intense screen time can cause eye strain and fatigue due to blue light.

This light emitted from our computer screen tends to fatigue the eyes over time and can make you uncomfortable or even cause headaches or other eye problems.

It’s a good idea to use a filter to reduce eyes strain.

Here are a few ways you can address blue light eye strain and the best solution for this common problem.

Solving Blue Light Issues

The easiest way to reduce blue light eye strain is to stay away from your computer screen.

This means taking hourly breaks and resting your eyes before you go back to work.

For most of us, this is impractical as we need to be at our computers for long hours to get work done.

If you reduce your computer time too much, this can lead to less productivity and you might not finish projects in time.

Another solution to blue light is to get a blue light screen filter. You can buy eyeglasses that solve this problem, but you need to wear these glasses every time you’re at the computer.

These glasses can sometimes be expensive.

You may forget or even break them and need to buy a new pair.

For some people, blue light glasses may be a great solution, but for others, it’s not the best idea.

Another way to address the issue is with special software.

Blue Light Screen Filter Software

Blue light screen filter software installs on your computer and works to protect your eyes.

You won’t need glasses and you can get the software for many different operating systems such as Windows 10.

This software reduces eye strain, eye pain, and can help you sleep better at night.

Some software features different modes, so the program will work the way you want.

Other programs have handy pre-sets, so you can be up and running with your blue light screen filter in no time at all and your eyes will be protected.

You can also set the software to various types, so you get the filter style you need.

Iris Software

If you have been looking for software, but can’t find a good program, you should look at Iris software which we made to be an excellent filter.

Iris software has pre-sets, various type of filters, and modes so you can use this software just the way you want.

It works with many different operating systems, so you won’t have to buy any additional programs.

You will have a robust blue light screen filter which will help protect your eyes from eye strain.

You reduce headaches and eye fatigue when you use the Iris software.

If you suffer from eye strain, get a good blue light screen filter such as the excellent Iris software.

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Blue Light Filter For Eye Care Sat, 03 Feb 2018 15:21:36 +0000 If you have poor eyes due to too much time on the computer, you may be looking for blue light filter eye care solutions. Today, eye strain is a common problem that we often don’t think too much about. When you use a computer for extended periods without many breaks, you tend to get eye fatigue or even eye pain ... Read More

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If you have poor eyes due to too much time on the computer, you may be looking for blue light filter eye care solutions.

Today, eye strain is a common problem that we often don’t think too much about.

When you use a computer for extended periods without many breaks, you tend to get eye fatigue or even eye pain which can lead to other issues if you don’t address it.

Here’s why you need to take good care of your eyes.

Why Blue Light Is Harmful

The most common cause of eye strain and other eye issues when using a computer is the blue light that’s produced by the computer screen.

You don’t realize what this light is doing to your eyes, but constant exposure to it can lead to eye issues like eye strain.

If you don’t rest your eyes periodically for several minutes each hour this eye strain can accumulate during the day.

The main problem we face is that we are constantly busy and don’t have the spare time.

We have to work on our computers to get the daily tasks done and this often involves long hours and even overtime.

All of this exposure to the light from the computer screen can be harmful to your eyes over time.

To keep your eyes healthy, you need a blue light filter for eye care.

There are serval ways you can go about this.

Addressing Blue Light

One way to address blue light is to simply spend less time at the computer, but this isn’t practical.

You can also use glasses designed to filter blue light, but these can be expensive and if you forget to wear them, you still get blue light exposure.

Today, we have specific software programs you can use which will filter the blue light, so you get less eye strain.

Your eyes won’t have fatigue and you can even sleep better as a result.

You simply install the software and it helps to filter out the blue light.

There are many programs you can use, but it can be confusing as to which one to buy especially if you use multiple operating systems as you want the best program to meet your needs.

You may find it difficult to find a quality blue light program to work with the operating system you use now. You need this program for proper blue light eye care.

Iris Software

One company that offers a comprehensive blue light filter for eye care solutions is Iris.

We have blue light software that works with many types of operating systems.

You will enjoy less eye strain, better sleep, and you’ll be more productive and can spend more time doing work without having to take a rest.

Iris offers a free version of their software as well as Pro version with more advanced features.

If you care about your eyes, consider a good blue light filter for eye care solution today.

Iris is a company that can help you with your eye care needs as we have amazing blue light filter software to protect your eyes.

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Blue Light Filter for Windows 10 Sat, 03 Feb 2018 14:54:33 +0000 In today’s world, we use computers all the time and spend countless hours looking at screens. We work hard on our computers and with all that work comes tremendous eye strain. If you suffer from eye strain, you need to take better care of your eyes. If you use Windows 10, you might want to look at a blue light ... Read More

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In today’s world, we use computers all the time and spend countless hours looking at screens.

We work hard on our computers and with all that work comes tremendous eye strain.

If you suffer from eye strain, you need to take better care of your eyes.

If you use Windows 10, you might want to look at a blue light filter Windows 10 solution to address the issue.

Why a Blue Light Filter?

Eye strain is a common problem and it’s often left untreated.

Eye strain tends to reduce our productivity and can lead to headaches or just feel tired more often than normal.

When you have eye strain or eye pain, you don’t work as well as you could be.

If you have deadlines or need work done right away, you’re not at your best because you have problems with your eyes.

If you’re not using a blue light filter now, you need to take frequent breaks away from your computer.

You should aim for around fifteen minutes each hour.

When you add these all up during the day, you have wasted a lot of time which you could have applied to your work.

All Operating Systems are Impacted by Blue Light

You can have the best computer possible and even run Windows 10 at a fast rate, but blue light still exists even with the very best computers.

All computers and operating systems are impacted by blue light so changing computers isn’t an option.

If you want to use today’s programs and reduce eye strain, you need a proper blue light filter as it comes from the screen no matter how powerful the computer may be.

Blue Light Options

Glasses with a blue light filter are one option, but these are expensive.

One of the best blue light filter Windows 10 solutions is to use software which works with Windows 10 to address blue light.

This software is specifically designed to work with operating systems like Windows 10 to reduce blue light.

You will have less eye strain and eye pain and you will be able to get back the productivity you need as you won’t have to rest as often as before.

This software is the best option to reduce eye fatigue.

Finding the Right Software

There’s a lot of options for a blue light filter in the market.

You may find it difficult to find a program that works for your needs.

Some programs don’t work with all operating systems like Windows 10.

You need to ensure that the software you buy is going to work for your needs and work with Windows 10.

Iris Software Can Help

If you need the perfect blue light filter windows 10 solution, you might want to try Iris software.

Iris software works with multiple operating systems and features both a free version as well as Pro version to meet your changing needs.

The software will reduce eye strain and even help you get better sleep.

Iris is your best bet for a blue light filter for Windows 10.

Download Now

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Blue Light Filter Glasses Sat, 03 Feb 2018 14:22:29 +0000 Computers are a big part of our lives, but they bring health problems that you might not even realize. One of the top problems we face when we use any sort of computer is eye strain. This strain on our eyes can be corrected with blue light filter glasses which do an excellent job at reducing eye strain and other ... Read More

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Computers are a big part of our lives, but they bring health problems that you might not even realize.

One of the top problems we face when we use any sort of computer is eye strain.

This strain on our eyes can be corrected with blue light filter glasses which do an excellent job at reducing eye strain and other issues.

Where to Get Blue Light Filter Glasses

You don’t need a prescription to buy blue light filter glasses as they can be worn just like a regular pair of glasses.

If you have a prescription, your doctor can fit you with a pair that will also offer the blue light filter as well as work with your prescription.

You can buy the glasses online through many online retailers or you can get them through your eye doctor.

There are many styles and colors to choose from as they are just like regular glasses. You use these glasses when you work on a computer to reduce eye strain and eye fatigue.

What to Look For

You should look for glasses that offer good protection and ones that are produced by a top retailer.

You don’t want to buy cheap glasses as you won’t get the maximum benefit from them.

You will avoid eye strain with blue light glasses, so they are a smart option if you face eye fatigue often.

Advantages of Blue Light Filter Glasses

  • Protect Your eyes from eye strain
  • Come in many colors and styles


  • Can be very expensive
  • You need to wear them each time you use a computer
  • They may break or wear down and you’ll need a new pair

Why Glasses Aren’t the Best Solution

Blue light filter glasses seem like a good idea to reduce eye strain and they do help, but they aren’t the best option.

Today, you can use special software with your operating system that reduces blue light and have less eye fatigue.

This software makes it easy to reduce blue light and it’s less expensive than glasses which you need to use each time you use a computer.

If you forget your glasses, you still have eye strain.

With software, your eyes are protected each time you use the computer.

The software can even help you get a better quality of sleep.

There are many different blue light programs you can buy in the market which make a better solution to blue light filter glasses.

How Iris Software Can Help

If you don’t want to use blue light filter glasses and would like to try software to correct blue light issues, you can try Iris software.

This software works on various operating systems and is the right solution to address blue light.

You will have less eye strain and eye pain.

The software is ready to go each time you use your computer.

You won’t need to worry about forgetting your blue light filter glasses at home as the software provided by Iris does all the work.

Iris has the blue light software solution that you need.

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Blue Light Filter App Sat, 03 Feb 2018 13:28:38 +0000 When you use computer technology daily, you run the risk of serious eye strain. One way to correct this problem is with a blue flight filter app for your computer. As you work, you may find that your eyes feel sore, they get tired easily, and you need to rest more often than you like. When your job requires that ... Read More

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When you use computer technology daily, you run the risk of serious eye strain.

One way to correct this problem is with a blue flight filter app for your computer.

As you work, you may find that your eyes feel sore, they get tired easily, and you need to rest more often than you like.

When your job requires that you be at a computer screen for hours at a time, you end up reducing your overall productivity.

You need to rest frequently due to eye strain and eye fatigue and you aren’t able to work like you would like to finish projects or other assignments.

A blue light filter app can be a very effective solution.

Finding a Blue Light Filter App

There’s a lot of choice when it comes to blue light application, so you need to do a little research before you purchase one.

You may find an excellent program, but the software only works with a certain operating system which you may or may not use.

This means you could potentially spend a lot to get a software to work with the various operating systems you use.

For example, you may have a Mac computer as well as a computer the runs Microsoft Windows.

In our fast-paced world, we often have more than one computer system on the go at one time to complete all the work we need to do.

Before you buy a blue light program, you must ensure that the software is going to work with whatever operating system you currently run.

A Comprehensive Solution

You also need a blue light filter app that will be a comprehensive solution for you.

In other words, it needs to be a complete solution to protect your eyes.

You shouldn’t have to buy any extras or other programs to ensure that the filter is going to give you the protection that your eyes deserve.

You want your eyes to be healthy, so you need something that works with ease, yet will protect your eyes in the best way possible.

Avoiding Poor Products

There are many products on the market that say they protect your eyes but do a poor job of it.

You need a program that is going to work for you.

Before you buy, ensure that the company has a well-developed website and provides you information about how the program works.

Here are a few questions you might think about:

  • Will it work with my operating system?
  • What is the cost?
  • Is the company well known?
  • Do they provide FAQS or other information about the software?

How Iris Can Help

If you need a comprehensive blue light filter app that works with different operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and more, Iris is the perfect solution for you.

Iris is software designed to work with today’s changing operating systems.

It also has a free version that you can try out to see how well it works for you or you can buy the Pro version which has more features.

Iris is the best software for eye protection and has an amazing blue light filter app to meet your needs.

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Cure for Wellness Sat, 03 Feb 2018 10:26:18 +0000 Humankind has been completely changed and cure for wellness against technology is needed. We have become more social, yet we do not know that what is happening in the house that is next to us. There are millions of friends available on our social profiles, yet thousands of individuals are suffering from stress because they do not have anyone to ... Read More

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Humankind has been completely changed and cure for wellness against technology is needed.

We have become more social, yet we do not know that what is happening in the house that is next to us.

There are millions of friends available on our social profiles, yet thousands of individuals are suffering from stress because they do not have anyone to take talk.

You might have been one of those and this is the reason that we need a cure for wellness more than anyone else.

Technology is damaging our health

We call this era the age of technology.

Science is innovating at a such a fast pace that it often gets hard for the humans to stay with it.

Every day something new is introduced in the market.

Since the introduction of the first computer, we have been working hard to assure that it will be used in every home and now every person has a computer in his or her hands in the form of smartphones.

We are not able to take our computers anywhere we like in the form of portable laptops.

We all know that in the present age computer is the biggest necessity because it is used in every organization whether it is a business, hospital or educational institute.

We have been thinking that technology is helping us to succeed.

Technological gadgets have been helping us to complete our tasks in limited time and we can control our business from any part of the world.

However, what we do not understand is that this technology is also one of the biggest reason that we are suffering from various health issues.

You should know that the blue light that is emitted from our phones and laptops is our biggest enemy and here is how.

Effect on eyes

When we use technological devices like smartphones and laptops we often do not pay attention that a particular blue light is emitted from the screens.

When this light reaches our eyes, it causes a stress.

During the day this light might not be very effective but at night we prefer to use our devices with a high level of brightness and it is the time when our eyes are poorly affected.

The light affects the eyes in different ways and it is the cause of different eye issues that we have been suffering from.


The worst effects of the blue light are the pain that you will have to deal with.

When you will stop using the device you will notice that there will be a stinging situation in your eyes.

Your eyes will be drier because of the continuous work and exposure to the blue light.

In the beginning, the pain will have a minor effect but if you will not take proper care of your eyes it can increase and lead to other major issues.

Most of the people say that sometimes at night the pain is not tolerable, and it becomes hard for them to sleep.

Sight will be disturbed

Eyesight is very important for every individual because without eyesight we cannot experience the beauty of the world.

Blue light can severely affect your eyesight.

You will be surprised to know that you can suffer from long-sightedness and short-sightedness because of the blue light.

It means that you will have to wear glasses all day.

An important thing that you have to consider is that if you will not start wearing glasses on time there are chances you will suffer from several headaches.

Most of the people have complained that because of the irregular use of technological devices now they are suffering from a continuous headache that makes it hard for them to work.


One of the worst situations that you will have to deal with because of the blue light is insomnia.

  • When you will see the screen it will keep your brain active all the time
  • Your system will be stressed because the muscles will be working all the time
  • Within few days you will find it hard to fall asleep
  • The lack of sleep will soon cause insomnia and it will lead to other health issues and the most common one is anxiety.

Lack of productivity

When you will suffer from a headache and pain in your eyes it will reduce your productivity.

The reason is that you wake up strong and healthy in the morning.

As soon as you will start working you will notice a weak sensation of pain in your eye and head, within few hours this pain will increase and it will become hard for you to accomplish your task.

You should know that when you will not be able to accomplish your tasks on time it will affect your productivity.

Due to lack of your performance, there are chances that the heads will fire you from the post because your inefficiency is disturbing their growth and revenue.

Inability to concentrate

Concentration is very important whether you are preparing a presentation or working on your school project.

There are many individuals that are suffering from lack of concentration only because they are unable to sleep at night and there is a continuous pain in the head and eyes.

Due to this pain, it is hard for them to concentrate on the given tasks.

Apart from that, when they will take any kind of painkiller or medication for the pain there are chances that they will fall asleep because they will be revealed from the pain that they are suffering from.

Using technology is important but it would be better if you could control your usage.

Increases stress

We all know that when a person is unable to complete the task by the given deadline the only thing that he will suffer from is stress.

There are many individuals that are suffering from stress only because they have been unable to complete the projects and now there are chances that their company will lose a major project.

There might be other reasons behind this issue but we all know that one of the most common causes of the excessive utilization of the screens that lead to a headache and pain in the eyes.

When the muscles of the eyes are strained they cause stress ins muscles and nerves around them.

There are many individuals that are looking for a cure for wellness to assure that they can get rid of these issues and increase their productivity once again.

Nothing can be better than Iris and here we have everything you need to know about the software.

Iris is your Cure for Wellness against technology

When you will go online you will notice that there are many high-tech applications that have been developed with the sole purpose to protect your eyes from the blue light.

You will be amazed to now that most of them failed because they were not properly developed or they were fake developed only to waste the time and money of the individuals.

In order to assure that your eye will be protected and you will not have to deal with the side effects that come with the blue light, Iris has been developed.

It is the latest and high-tech software that will meet all your requirements when it comes to using the software.

It has been developed with the latest codes and algorithms that make it better than the rest.

This is the reason that there are many other applications available online but none of them have been able to meet the standards set by Iris.

You might have been wondering that what makes it so special.

The reason is that developers of Iris have done a complete research on the blue light and how it is affecting our eyesight.

After that, they started to work on the solution to assure that people can keep using their technological devices but at the same time they will not have to deal with the side effects that come with the blue light.

In order to give the users best results the prototype of designed and tested several times to assure that it will never disappoint the users.

Everything used in the Iris is latest and the developers are working on the interface.

They are upgrading the technology on regular basis to assure that you will not have to suffer from any illegal activities while using the software.

You might have been wondering that how Iris is the cure for wellness.

Here we have all the benefits that you will get from the system.

Protection for your eyes

The first benefit that you will get by using iris is protection for your eyes. The main purpose of development of iris was to assure that people will not have to suffer from the pain that they have been dealing with. It is the cure for wellness because when you will start using iris you will not have to suffer from any issues. In the beginning it might become hard for you to adjust your eyes according to the technology, however, once you get used to it, you will feel like it is your perfect protection partner and you will have it in all your devices and technological gadgets with screens.

No more eye strain

As already mentioned that a common cause of pain in the eye is strain created on the muscles due to which it a headache begins. There is a special adjustment system in the iris due to which the light emitting from your laptop screen will never reach your eyes. It means that you will not have to deal with the side effects of the blue light. You will feel the same fresh eyes as they were in the morning. There will be nothing to worry about stress that might affect the eyesight.

Improve sleep

One of the biggest benefits that you will get by using iris is that it will help you to improve your sleep. Within few days of utilization, you will notice that it will be easier for you to fall asleep at night. All you have to do is make sure that you stop using your devices at least 2 hours before going to bed because iris can help you keep your eyes relaxed, but it will not affect the activity of your brain. With iris and proper rest to the brain, you will have the best sleep at night that will enhance your productivity and efficiency.

Automatic adjustments

The biggest attraction of iris and the feature that make sit the perfect cure for wellness is the automatic adjustment feature. When we go out we often increase the brightness of our phones but when we get back we forget to reduce it due to which it does not only affects the eyes but also reduce the efficiency of the device that we are using. With the help of Iris, you will not have to deal with this issue again. It will automatically adjust the brightness of your screen according to the light outside. It means that your eyes will be protected from the blue light and the strain of brightness in the most effective way.

Different modes available

Most of you might have been wondering that iris is very expensive and it will be hard for you to afford. However, the good news is that it is available at the most affordable rate.

There are two different modes of the product available Iris and Iris Pro.

You can have the one that meets your requirements and budget perfectly.

Once you will start using the iris you will notice that how easy it is to use and you will declare it as a cure for wellness yourself.

Iris as Cure for Wellness

Iris is the platform that has been developed as your cure for wellness.

Make sure that you start using it before it is too late.

It is acceptable that technology is an important part of our life but it does not mean that you should let it ruin your life.

Stop wasting your time and download Iris today on your device.

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Glaucoma Treatment Sat, 03 Feb 2018 09:56:15 +0000 If we talk about eye health then disorders like Glaucoma are found to be very common these days. We usually don’t take initiatives towards our eye protection unless the situation worsens, practically leaving an individual blind. We are living in those times where not only pollution but also digital devices, both are busy contributing damage to our eyes. We often ... Read More

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If we talk about eye health then disorders like Glaucoma are found to be very common these days.

We usually don’t take initiatives towards our eye protection unless the situation worsens, practically leaving an individual blind.

We are living in those times where not only pollution but also digital devices, both are busy contributing damage to our eyes.

We often don’t bat an eye towards the sensitivity of our eye health but when we do, it is too late to consider conditions which might end up with unexpectedly irreversible damage.

Here, we will talk about glaucoma and its treatment.

We will tell you that how dangerous this condition is and how Iris is there to protect you against such disorders.

We must know what Glaucoma is

Glaucoma is basically an eye disorder which is caused due to increase in intraocular pressure in the eyeball.

This pressure increases with such pace an intensity that the individual’s optic nerve is unable to bear the pressure and ultimately it is damaged.

The worsening condition of an individual is a sign of carelessness and this act of carelessness leads to lifetime regret.

In most of the cases of Glaucoma, the patients end up losing their vision and thus considered blind.

A fluid called Aqueous Humor is being produced in the back side of our eyes.

The function of this fluid is to build enough pressure to keep the eye in its particular shape.

In normal circumstances when the eye is healthy, this fluid continuously drains out of the eye.

Now, when this fluid is unable to drain away to properly maintain the balance, the pressure begins to increase leaving the optic nerve exposed to this pressure.

The optic nerve is damaged and thus, symptoms of glaucoma begin to show.

Treatment of Glaucoma

According to medical sciences, glaucoma cannot be cured, but it can be treated to some extent where its damages can be controlled.

The patients might be treated with drugs, lasers, pills or surgeries keeping their health issues in mind.

Different cases of glaucoma are treated differently depending on their state and cause.

Some cases need a short course of treatment and the damage is stopped by drugs or pills.

Whereas, in some other cases the condition is so severely worsened that the patients are almost on the verge of losing their vision.

In such cases, the patient can only be rescued with the help of surgeries.

The eye specialist first goes through a detailed report of a patient’s health.

Based on that report, the specialist decides the direction of treatment.

It is necessary to know that what other diseases or conditions the patients are going through and which medicines are already prescribed to them.

It is necessary for the patient not to neglect the instructions and take all medications exactly the way described by the doctor.

Some treatments which ophthalmologists suggest are as follows:

Eye Drops

Eye drops are prescribed to those patients who have glaucoma in its initial stage or the stage where it can still be controlled. They are used to control eye pressure.

Like all other medicines, eye drops are also absorbed into the bloodstream therefore make sure your eye drops are absorbed more in the eye.

In order to minimize the quantity of eye drops being absorbed in the blood, administer one to two drops in the eye and close your eyes for a minute or two.

Now, press the inferior nasal corner of the eyelid with your index finger.

This will close the tear ducts which open in the nose.

A patient must tell their doctor about medicines prescribed by other doctors because sometimes two different drugs react with each other giving unexpectedly negative results which can lead to further disturbance in the body.

Of course, medicines don’t taste or smell good.

Like others, this too leaves a burning sensation in the eye for a few seconds.


Another treatment is the use of pills.

Pills very efficiently control intraocular pressure.

Sometimes these pills and eye drops, both are prescribed together for better functioning.

Pills have more effects than eye drops.

They reduce the production of aqueous humor and turn down the eye’s faucet.

This medication is taken from two to four times per day.

Again, the patients must tell about these pills to other doctors so that they can decide suitable medicines for them.


In an extreme case where pills, eye drops, tablets and other prescribed medicines don’t show desired results then in that case, ophthalmologists suggest surgeries.

This remains the only way to help patients save their eyesight.

In cases, where patients neglect their symptoms and don’t consult doctors for the alarming condition then those patients become the worst conditions.

In the beginning, they act cool and pretend that these symptoms will magically fade away but they don’t realize that giving a blind eye to those symptoms can actually give them a blind eye.

In the end, when they consult experts and specialists with intense glaucomatous effects the only solution left is surgery.

If surgery is not opted as the first priority the patients must prepare themselves for the worst results, which is to lose their vision and become blind forever.

There are several types of surgeries. Some of them are described below:

Laser Surgery

Laser surgery is growing common with every passing day.

Many people prefer his surgery at the time when drugs fail to show their effect.

Trabeculoplasty is a type of laser surgery, which barely takes ten to fifteen minutes.

It does not require an operation theatre, in fact, it can be performed anywhere in doctor’s room or where the patient can be facilitated.

In this surgery, a high energy beam is directed on the eye’s draining channels.

As a result, the channel system is given a very minor shape and the fluid, aqueous humor, easily drains out thus, reducing the intraocular pressure.

Patients find this surgery very effective.

They resume their daily chores normally.

The doctor keeps a check on intraocular pressure after the surgery.


In this type of surgery, the amount of liquid is reduced by focusing two lasers beams.

As a result the ciliary body, which produces this fluid, is destroyed.

This surgery is only opted in the case where traditional treatments are not possible as they are not suitable because of the shape of the eye.

Whereas, in this case, an incision is made and an instrument is paced inside and the laser is then directly focused on the ciliary tissue.

Drainage Implant Surgery

Since the major cause is the drainage of aqueous humor, therefore many devices were introduced to help drain the fluid through channels.

All the devices which are designed follow the same structure and designing pattern.

They consist of a small silicon tube which enters into the anterior chamber of eye.

Several plates are connected to these tubes.

The fluid is collected in these plates and then gradually absorbed by the tissues of eye.

Those cases in which intraocular pressure can’t be controlled by other techniques, and then this surgery is suggested.


In cases where medicines and laser surgeries don’t decrease the intraocular pressure then doctors suggest trabeculectomy.

It is one of the most common conventional surgeries.

During this operation, the surgeons make an incision in the white part of the eye called sclera.

By doing so a passage is formed through which excess fluid is drained.

A flap is created so that the excess fluid can drain but the eyeball retains its form and shape.

A bleb, a small bubble of fluid, is formed over the opening of the surface of the eye which indicates that fluid is draining in the cavity between sclera and conjunctiva.

The body responds to it as if it is an injury and the surgically made hole begins to close and the intraocular pressure rises again.

This is an attempt by the body to heal the injury. Due to this reason many surgeons use an anti-fibrotic agent.

It is an agent placed in the eye during surgery.

It limits the process of scarring.

In order to have a better control over intraocular pressure, patients take medication for some time.

Activities like driving, reading, bending must be limited for a week or two. Regular check-ups are a must.

How Iris helps you prevent Glaucoma?

Now we know that how threatening glaucoma is and that glaucoma treatment is complex.

Glaucoma needs to be sorted out with serious attention.

Here at Iris, we prefer finding solutions for your eye health.

Therefore, Iris presents itself for your ease and comfort.

Iris is a blue light blocking software.

When you continuously work in front of digital devices, blue lights are emitted in a quite considerable number.

Iris blocks these rays and does not allow them to escape the screen and reach you.

Once they reach you, they gradually cause damage.

Iris has been helping people all around the globe protecting their eyes from all the harmful blue lights.

Who doesn’t want to have a safe and secure experience of working on digital devices?

We guarantee you, you will never regret trusting Iris for your eye health.


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Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) Wed, 31 Jan 2018 15:17:24 +0000 Computer Vision Syndrome Definition All the disorders related to eyes fall under the category of Computer Vision Syndrome. It does not involve a single condition. In fact, it is a collection of a wide range of problems including blurred vision, eye strains, headaches, etc. What is Computer Vision Syndrome? The modern times, in which we are living, are moving towards ... Read More

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Computer Vision Syndrome Definition

All the disorders related to eyes fall under the category of Computer Vision Syndrome.

It does not involve a single condition. In fact, it is a collection of a wide range of problems including blurred vision, eye strains, headaches, etc.

What is Computer Vision Syndrome?

The modern times, in which we are living, are moving towards more development and success rapidly.

In this race, computer, laptop, smartphone screen has become a top priority for almost all the jobs whether on industrial side or technical side.

Those people working in offices for straight nine or more hours usually have to sit and direct their attention to these screens.

Not only office going people, but the list of people affected also include students who work continuously on these screens for their projects and assignments as well as other kids who stick to these screens for games as they find them pretty engaging.

Continuous use of digital devices leaves no surprise in the fact that this is all leading to severe eye disorders.

When too much concentration is focused on screens for quite a long time on a daily basis, then in this condition people are affected by Computer Vision Syndrome.

Majority people are already affected by hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism or presbyopia, which makes it difficult for the affected individuals to keep their view clear.

This takes extra effort in maintaining their vision clear.

Even those people with perfect vision find their vision blurry which soon causes a headache and eye strain with prolonged use of computers.

Those people who tend to ignore these symptoms might find them more problematic in future.

A headache and eye strain might leave an individual for a short time period, but on and off an appearance of these symptoms is not good.

What are the signs and Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome?

Computer Vision Syndrome brings a list of symptoms.

These symptoms must not be ignored and serious steps must be taken for relief.

In the initial stages, people usually ignore them, but with the passage of time, they become intense leaving irreversible damage.

  • Headaches – When the vision becomes blurry and eyes are unable to retain focus then eyes demand extra energy to stay focused. This causes headaches.
  • Eye strain – Eyes remain under constant pressure, leading to eye strain.
  • Blurred vision – Eventually, after too much focus, the vision becomes blurry as eyes become tired of continuous focus.
  • Eye irritation – Eyes become itchy.
  • Dry eyes or excessive tears – When eyes are focused for a long time, gradually they begin to get teary a lot. The situation appears in contrast. Either the eyes become very teary or bone dry.
  • Eye pain– Since eyes grow tired, therefore eye pain is next in the pipeline.
  • Excessive blinking – When vision becomes blurry and dry, affected individuals blink excessively trying to bring back the clear view.
  • Redness – Eyes grow redder with each passing day.
  • Tired eyes – Prolonged staring at digital screens give eyes a feeling of exhaustion. Too much focus brings tiredness.
  • Difficulty in changing focus between far and near – The affected persons are so indulged in keeping their focus on the screens, when they take their eyes off them it becomes difficult for them to quickly change focus between far and near objectives.
  • Shoulder and neck pain – When individuals do not follow ideal postures and stare at their screens for a long time then for the most obvious reasons neck and shoulder pain arises.

How it affects our routine?

Every disorder no matter how minor it is leaves you in a state which ruins your routine. Similarly, CVS also contributes in disturbing your daily like.

  • Poor visual functions – The major problem is the decline in your vision. When your vision is not focused and becomes blurry then, of course, you are unable to carry out chores.
  • Increased stress levels – Since, you are unable to work properly therefore, your stress levels begin to shoot. You take tensions about workload putting yourself in a poor mental state.
  • Reduced productive work hours – You become frustrated and are unable to be attentive towards your work. Thus, your productive work hours decrease.
  • Absence from work – You are in a bad shape to work. Your neck and shoulders are strained and your eyes are tired, therefore, your overall health is affected. You prefer staying at home and find time to relax rather than go to work and go through the stress.
  • Increase in errors Your performance drops to unsatisfactory. Although you try to be careful yet, your blurry vision and strained body do not allow you to work perfectly.
  • No time for personal care and hygiene – You’re mentally and physically not good. Your priorities disturb. You make sure to work well within deadlines yet, there are errors. In this situation, you neglect personal care and hygiene. You give them no importance.

So this is what happens when you neglect your symptoms in the first place. Instead of urgently opting therapies and consulting an eye specialist, you wait for symptoms to become intense.

How is it treated?

Computer Vision Syndrome does not require heavy dosages of medicines. In fact, they can be overcome by therapies and some practices which are guaranteed to buy you long lasting relief.

  • Suitable lightening – Make sure that the room where you work has sufficient lightening. The lightening must not be too bright or too dim. Your eyes require extra energy for focusing when the light is not appropriate enough.
  • The screen must be below your eye level – Work in a posture where your head is naturally in a comfortable position. The screen should be 20 to 28 inches away from your eyes. If you are copying from a printed file, then place those documents on a stand near the screen. This way, you will not have to look up and down, causing instant tiredness.
  • Take breaks – Breaks are very important. At least after every 10 minutes change your site of focus and look somewhere else. Focus for a few seconds on a distant object. This is equivalent to stretching arms and back. By doing so, your eyes take a break from glowing bright screen and instead finds something relaxing. The muscles of eyes relax and make you feel better.
  • Comfortable chair – You might wonder how a comfortable chair is associated with CVS, but let us tell you that one of the very prominent and painful symptoms is neck and back strain. This must be made better by working in a comfortable chair which provides support to your back and neck so that you can concentrate in a better way. A tired neck and shoulder increases frustration and does not help reduce the symptoms.

It is necessary that you follow these practices quite often.

If you don’t follow them, then for the most obvious reasons you will find symptoms tightening their grip.

Don’t wait until the symptoms grow intense. Start doing these from day one so that there is no room for the development of these symptoms.

How does Iris help prevent Computer Vision Syndrome?

Let us tell you now that how Iris solves the problem of Computer Vision Syndrome.

Iris is basically blue light filtering software.

It makes sure not to let the blue light reach your eyes.

We now know that how dangerous blue lights can be and what damages they can cause.

Therefore, it is quite necessary for all of us to fight blue lights.

Iris helps you fight against these lights which emit from your digital screens, reach your eyes and penetrate gradually leaving damages and leading to disastrous effects.

Eye health must not be taken lightly.

Although we work on digital screens day and night, we don’t notice what harm they are bringing us.

Of course, our naked eye is unable to detect these invisible blue lights.

But Iris has a job to detect them and block them and not let them reach your eyes.

Blue lights are actually high energy lights which are emitted by many sources such as energy saving bulbs, LED lights and of course digital devices.

These high energy waves scatter in the eyes and generate “visual noise” which minimizes contrast and contributes to Computer Vision Syndrome.

We can protect ourselves from these damaging blue lights by adopting easy techniques.

One of the best ways to keep your eyes safe and secure from blue lights is Iris.

With Iris, you can work without any fear of your eyes being affected.

This easy and secure software is available for all digital devices.

You can easily install them and work freely.

We all know that without digital devices moving forward is nearly impossible.

With Iris, erase all your hesitation and worries because Iris will not let the blue lights escape the screen and ultimately they will not reach you.

Have a secure experience of digital surfing with Iris!


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Blue light filter and Night mode Tue, 30 Jan 2018 13:25:18 +0000 We sit in front of the computer for 8 or more hours during the day. And yes, a lot of people use their computers during the night too. But as you can imagine, this artificial light does come with its own set of challenges, and in time it can damage your sight. This is why you need to find an ... Read More

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We sit in front of the computer for 8 or more hours during the day.

And yes, a lot of people use their computers during the night too.

But as you can imagine, this artificial light does come with its own set of challenges, and in time it can damage your sight.

This is why you need to find an app with the blue light filter night mode.

This dedicated mode will help you protect your eyes and help you keep them safe even if you use the computer for many hours during the evening or night.

That’s where Iris comes into play.

What is Iris?

Iris is a dedicated software solution which has the blue light filter night mode.

Its primary focus is to help you protect your eyes and also boost your productivity during the night.

Even the newest monitors don’t really have the necessary blue light filter night mode that you need to keep your eyes safe.

So, using a solution like Iris does make a lot of sense.

The way Iris works is simple.

It will match the screen brightness to the light around you.

There are various presets that will adjust your screen, and everything is done automatically.

Is Iris efficient?

The fact that Iris has a great blue light filter night mode is very important.

It’s the blue light from your computer that will prevent your sleep.

So, the thing you want to do here is to figure out the desired mode and then the type of light you want.

There are 3×9 different combinations for you to choose.

Aside from the blue light filter night mode, Iris also has some great light types too.

These include dark, movie, overlay, sunglasses, biohacker, programming, reading, sleep or health.

They vary in intensity, and that alone is really nice.

You do have to set these on your own, but they can be adjusted with a single click.

How can you benefit from using the Iris blue light filter night mode?

The best thing about blue light filter night mode is that it helps you reduce the eye pain.

By matching the screen brightness to the nearby lighting will make it easier for you to keep your eyes safe.

This way you will feel like reading a book each time you work in front of your computer.

Also, the blue light filter night mode is designed to prevent eye strain.

Iris will optimize the screen pulsations simply by controlling the brightness without the need for PWM.

What this means is that you get to use the computer without having to worry about any a headache in the long run, and that’s extremely helpful.

Lastly, Iris helps you boost your sleep pattern.

It will increasingly improve the way you react to blue light during the day and night.

As you can see, using the Iris blue light filter night mode is very important.

It helps you sleep better, you won’t have to deal with eye pain anymore, and you can also prevent eye strain too.

If you want to avail all of these benefits, just visit right now to get the best results!

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Glaucoma Tue, 30 Jan 2018 11:45:13 +0000 Definition of Glaucoma Glaucoma is an eye disorder in which the intraocular pressure increases and the optic nerve is damaged resulting in loss of vision is called Glaucoma. What is Glaucoma? Talk about the most dangerous eye affecting disorders and you will find Glaucoma at the top of the list. Glaucoma is a disorder in which the optic nerve of ... Read More

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Definition of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye disorder in which the intraocular pressure increases and the optic nerve is damaged resulting in loss of vision is called Glaucoma.

What is Glaucoma?

Talk about the most dangerous eye affecting disorders and you will find Glaucoma at the top of the list.

Glaucoma is a disorder in which the optic nerve of the eye is damaged by the building up of fluid in the front part of the eye.

When extra pressure is applied to the eye, the optic nerve is damaged.

This eye pressure is not a standard limit.

It might be high for one person and lower for the other one.

Some people have the tendency to tolerate high eye pressures while others don’t.

Now, what is the optic nerve?

An optic nerve is formed when a bundle of over 1 million nerve fibers unites together.

These nerve fibers are more like electric wires.

The optic nerve conveys messages from retina to brain.

Glaucoma is a condition which comes unannounced.

The victim remains unaware of the disaster.

It slowly makes its way and when it is finally diagnosed it is too late.

In the initial stages, the person does not realize how bad the situation is and later the problem spreads from the optic nerve to other parts of the eye and causes blurring of vision and then total loss.

This condition must not be taken lightly as it leaves major setback to eye health.

The worst that can happen, and usually happens, is the loss of vision.

Surprisingly, there is a very minor margin for the betterment but only lucky ones can make its way out of the trap.

Unbelievingly, it leaves permanent damage to eyes.

After the condition spreads gradually the person becomes blind.

For a better idea about your eye health, it is usually suggested to have a frequent eye check-up and make sure your eye is being tested it the right way.

That is how you may know how far or near you are to Glaucoma.

What are the causes of Glaucoma?

Aqueous Humor is a clear, transparent fluid which is being made in the back part of your eye.

When this fluid is formed it appears on the front part of the eye.

This fluid begins to leave the front part through very small channels and go into the cornea and iris.

Just in case, your channels are blocked or damaged and the fluid can’t pass through them, then the pressure begins to build up.

The natural pressure is called Intraocular pressure (IOP).

When this pressure increases, the optic nerve is being pressed.

Gradually, when the matter doesn’t sort out, then the pressure ultimately damages the optic nerve.

Then these small electric wires are damaged, black spots begin to appear in your vision.

In the beginning, the affected person doesn’t notice the black spots, but gradually when all nerve fibers die the person becomes blind completely.

Researches are still going on about concluding the causes of Glaucoma.

Yet, the experts and specialists have pointed out some factors which might be involved in increasing the eye pressure.  Following are some conditions which lead to glaucoma.

  • Age: as the age increases, the size of eye’s drainage channels reduces due to which the intraocular pressure builds up in the eye.
  • Inheritance: If glaucoma runs in the family, then it is clear that it might appear in the descendants.
  • Diabetes: In diabetes, the blood vessels usually damage. In this case, new abnormal channels are produced which grow on the iris and stops the blood flow to the eye resulting in the increase of pressure.
  • Myopia: In this case, the head of the optic nerve is tilted and causes glaucomatous damage.
  • Injury to the eye: Usually, an injury to head or directly on eye causes a lot of pressure on eyes.
  • Use of cortisone (either directly in the eyes or taken orally): Steroids elevate the intraocular pressure by the deposition of material in juxtacanalicular mesh-work of eyes.

What are the signs and symptoms of Glaucoma?

The patients with glaucoma usually don’t notice any symptom.

They are all good and normal in the beginning, but then as the condition becomes severe all of a sudden the symptoms begin to show one by one.

Affected people don’t notice any change in the initial stages.

Glaucoma is often called “Sneak thief of sight” because one moment everything is I its place and then the very next moment the vision becomes blurry and black spots appear in your vision.

In this case, not only central vision is blurred/lost, but the peripheral vision also decreases.

Studies and surveys have shown some most common complaints that patients with glaucoma make.

Some of the symptoms are as follows:

  • Hazy or blurred vision
  • The appearance of rainbow-colored circles around bright lights
  • Severe eye and head pain
  • Nausea or vomiting (accompanying severe eye pain)
  • Sudden sight loss
  • Redness of the eye
  • Decreased vision

All the symptoms mentioned above usually develop at that stage where the condition has somewhat worsened.

Normally, the signs and symptoms of other disorders appear way before the condition reaches its severity.

Unfortunately, in Glaucoma when the optic nerve undergoes a major damage due to increased pressure in the eye, then the symptoms begin to show.

At that time, the patients already know that something is wrong with their eyes and it becomes very difficult, in fact impossible, to undo the damage.

Thus, these symptoms would have been good if they appeared sometime before the damage.

Their late appearance doesn’t help much.

What is the treatment of Glaucoma?

The damage caused by glaucoma is permanent. Although, that damage can’t be reversed, but it can be made better.

The ultimate goal of treatment of glaucoma is to prevent the loss of vision.

The biggest danger is that of blindness, once the vision is lost it is lost forever.

But the good news is that it can be prevented.

Your ophthalmologist will have to go through several tests of your eyes and then let you know that which treatment is suitable for your type of glaucoma.

Several treatments exist to help you tolerate minimum damage. Some of the treatments are discussed below.

Eye Drops

In order to control the pressure building in your eyes take proper medications exactly as prescribed by your doctor.

Make sure you tell your doctor about every other medicine you are taking at the moment.

Why? Because sometimes your eye drops are absorbed into the bloodstream and they might react with other medicines which can create another problem.

When you use eye drops, use it properly.

Administer two to three drops in your eyes and close your eyes for better absorption.

Press the inferior nasal corner of your eyelid with your index finger.

This will close the tear duct which opens into the nose.

Since these are medicines and therefore they may give a stinging and burning sensation. But this sensation must not last more than a few seconds.


Sometimes when eye drops are not working to their fullest, doctors prescribe pills as well.

These pills work systematically and help in reducing the aqueous humor ie.

The fluid produced in the eyes.

When the fluid is produced in a controlled quantity it becomes easier to lessen the intraocular pressure.


When nothing else works, surgeries remain the final option.

A number of surgeries are applicable in the case of glaucoma.

Depending on the type and severity of glaucoma the decision of surgery is made accordingly.

How does Iris help prevent Glaucoma?

Now, let us tell you that how Iris contributes to preventing Glaucoma.

Iris is basically a software which filters blue light from the screens of your laptops, computers, tablets, and smartphones.

You all know that these gadgets have become an inseparable part of your life.

Unfortunately, all these gadgets come with severe drawbacks for your eye health.

You continue working on them for hours, but you don’t realize that the harmful radiations which are being emitted by them penetrate your eyes and cause serious problems.

Actually, these screens emit blue light which is extremely harmful.

That is the actual cause of all eye diseases. When you install Iris on your laptop or any other screen gadget it does not let the blue rays reach your eyes.

It simply acts as a barrier for all the blue rays.

Without Iris, blue rays reach our eyes directly, without any obstacle.

Iris is responsible for your eye protection. It helps you enjoy your working hours surfing and scrolling on your screens without worrying about the danger of glaucoma or other severe eye disorder.

These days, kids and young adults have a frequent access to these screens.

According to surveys and studies, maximum blue rays are absorbed by a human in the age of 20-25.

Greater the exposure, greater the absorption.

This shows that the blue rays start spreading its ill effects on people at a young age and as the age increases the chances of developing glaucoma increases too.

Now, isn’t it better to prevent this situation as the first priority?

Take the very first precautionary measure because with Iris you can prevent Glaucoma.


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Glaucoma Protection with Iris Sun, 28 Jan 2018 12:17:43 +0000 Whether you are a businessman, a student, a housewife or someone belonging to a different field, you come across many jobs and tasks which require you to use a screen. By screen, we mean laptops, computers, tablets, smartphones, etc. This screening has given birth to many disorders such as macular degeneration and glaucoma. We don’t realize, but gradually the harmful ... Read More

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Whether you are a businessman, a student, a housewife or someone belonging to a different field, you come across many jobs and tasks which require you to use a screen.

By screen, we mean laptops, computers, tablets, smartphones, etc.

This screening has given birth to many disorders such as macular degeneration and glaucoma.

We don’t realize, but gradually the harmful rays pass through our eyes and damage our vision.

Day by day the situation worsens.

Nobody wants to look the reality of the world with lenses or glasses.

Everybody wants a healthy naked eye, but nobody wants to, in fact, “cannot,” quit using screens.

In these modern times, unfortunately, except nature, everything has a positive as well as negative impact on human health.

For all those people who have tired eyes because of excessive work and too much exposure to the light emitting from screens can seek help from Iris.

At Iris, eye protection is our priority.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma attacks a person very silently.

The affected persons remain uninformed about the progress being made in their eyes.

At the time, when the victim notices the ill-functioning of an eye, it is too late to take any action.

In the initial stages, there are no particular symptoms.

In this condition, the optic nerve is severely affected.

Optic nerves take images from eyes to the brain.

Now, you can very well imagine how glaucoma affects a person.

When the optic nerve is damaged the images stop forming and ultimately, the person loses sight.

In the end, the victims are considered blind.

The worst that happens, in this case, is that glaucoma has no cure.

It can be prevented, but no cure has been found for this condition.

Types of Glaucoma

There are many types of glaucoma, and the end of each one of these is quite horrible. In the end, the affected person becomes blind. There are very few chances for someone to escape.

  • Open-Angle Glaucoma
  • Angle Closure Glaucoma
  • Normal Tension Glaucoma
  • Congenital Glaucoma
  • Secondary Glaucoma
  • Pigmentary Glaucoma
  • Neovascular Glaucoma
  • Traumatic Glaucoma
  • Uveitic Glaucoma
  • Irido Corneal Endothelial Syndrome

All these types of glaucoma are equally dangerous and lead to loss of vision or permanent blindness.

A tiny bit of carelessness in our regular matters costs us a lot.

Isn’t it better to take some precautions and stop being a victim to such dangerous conditions?

What does Iris do?

Iris does a lot in case of eye protection.

Of course, we know which rays are harmful to your eyes.

We make sure to help you protect your eyes so you can maintain your eye health.

When the retina absorbs light, it interacts with Retinal Ganglion Cell mitochondria and produces Reactive Oxygen Intermediates.

The retina absorbs light of wavelength 400-760nm, and it is always exposed to the electromagnetic spectrum.

These rays are quite dangerous.

And according to surveys and studies, most of the blue light is absorbed in the age of up to 20-25 years.

In this age bracket, maximum blue light is absorbed.

We know that how harmful UV rays are, but we barely bat an eye at the mention of blue rays.

Therefore, for your ease and comfortable use of screens, Iris is software which you must have installed.

In easy words, it blocks blue rays coming from your screens and protect your eyes from them.

It does not allow blue rays to pass through your eyes and damage your optic nerve thus, keep you safe during work.

It is a protection for your eyes, and you may work on screen with Iris as it guarantees you a safe experience.

For more information, please check the website:

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Protect your eyes from negative effects of Blue Light Sun, 28 Jan 2018 11:58:01 +0000 In a recent research, it has been found that most of the people are suffering from eye pain or lack of sleep. We often blame stress and anxiety for insomnia but our technological gadget is also a reason behind it. A blue light is emitted from the screen of the gadgets that are harmful to the eyes. Looking at the ... Read More

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In a recent research, it has been found that most of the people are suffering from eye pain or lack of sleep.

We often blame stress and anxiety for insomnia but our technological gadget is also a reason behind it.

A blue light is emitted from the screen of the gadgets that are harmful to the eyes.

Looking at the device for too long can increase the stress on the muscles that will cause the eye pain.

It is important that you protect your eyes from the sides effects of blue light and here we have some of the tips to help you out.

Give your eyes a break

It is important that you give your eyes a break.

If you have been using the computer for more than 3 hours that are chances that soon you will start feeling the strain in your eyes because of blue light.

So it is important that you take a break of at least 1 hours so your muscles will be relaxed.

Be smart with your lens

It is important that you wear the lens that has reflective features.

  • Even your regular spectacles should have the reflective lens
  • It will reflect all the blue light before it reached your eyes
  • The amount of strain on your eyes will be reduced and you will not have to suffer from eye pain
  • It is a good option for the individuals that have weak eyesight

Have light reducing applications

There are several applications available online that you can download in your smartphones.

They will help to reduce the brightness of the screen according to the light in the surrounding.

It will change the light to the night mode in case you are using the phone at night and will protect your eyes.

Use filter glass

It is important that you should apply filter glass on the screen of your smartphone and your desktops.

It is a special glass that will not let the blue light reach your eyes and so you will not have to deal with lack of sleep due to eye pain.

Do not look at the screen before going to sleep

One of the most important things that you have to do is stop using your laptops and your mobile phones at least 2 to 3 hours before going to sleep.

It will give your eye muscles and brain time to relax.

Your brain will not be performing any kind of activity and it will be easier for you to fall asleep.

Iris has the perfect solution for you

You might find it hard to follow the above-mentioned strategies and there are chances that you do not have the time for all this.

Do not worry because we have got the perfect solution for you in the form of Iris.

It is a recently developed software for the individuals that have to spend most of their time on the computer.

There are two versions of Iris.

It will help to reduce the emission of blue light from your computer screen and so you will not have to suffer from eye pain or lack of sleep.

You will be able to easily concentrate on your work.

It will prevent your eyes from strain and you will not have to suffer from a long-term headache.

Another benefit of the system is that it will help to improve your sleep due to which you will have a healthier start every day.

There are 9 different modes available in the device and you can select the one that you like the most.

So download Iris on your computer today and enjoy the benefits.

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What is the best Computer App? Sat, 27 Jan 2018 15:15:10 +0000 Millions of different programs exist for PC but what is the best computer app. This is the question many of us have, but with no clear answer yet. In this article, I will present to you, Iris. The best and most useful computer app created ever in my opinion. What do you need a computer to do? What do we ... Read More

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Millions of different programs exist for PC but what is the best computer app. This is the question many of us have, but with no clear answer yet.

In this article, I will present to you, Iris. The best and most useful computer app created ever in my opinion.

What do you need a computer to do?

What do we use computers for and why are they so popular?

Why we become hooked on playing a game or browsing a website?

For me, computers are made for discovering information. It can be learning, it can news, it can be seeing what your friends do today, or it can be just playing games to feel better.

Computer app can do many things but it always boils down to be our tool for achieving more.

To be better, to have more, to be more.

We use computer apps to do more than what we can do if we were not using technology.

Just imagine if you need to search for something without internet.

You will probably have to ask all your friends, then go to the library and read every book to find some useful information, but today you can find anything with one click of the mouse.

Discovering information

Internet was the first big thing made for the computers. Over the years thousands of different websites made web directories, index pages and tried everything to put a label on the internet and allow us to find useful information faster.

Today Google has gone to every part of the internet and it can answer all our questions instantly.

Billions of web pages, and billions of articles organized and structured.

Google was the first internet revolution. It organized and labeled the internet.

Learning new things

Almost all computer apps are made for learning new things. It may be something simple as Notepad, Adobe PDF reader which enables you to open all kinds of books and text documents or Movie or Audio player to listen to new content.

Computer apps are transforming every part of our learning process. Today we have audiobooks, video tutorials, and interactive lessons.

They are all made to help us eat more information in less the time.

Humans are learning and tool building machines and as such one of our primary missions is to learn new things.

Connecting with friends

Over time we started to share more and more information about us online. At the beginning the internet was anonymous and people used it to have the luxury of double identity.

But as time passed we started to spend more and more time online and more and more people started to use the internet.

We gradually started to transfer our real identity online and started searching friends online.

After the big innovation of search engines came social media websites and websites like Facebook which started to connect the whole planet and to allow us to have many friends.

Yes, our online friendships are not so powerful as our real-life friendships but the influence we can have on other people now is much bigger than it was before the internet and computers became part of our life.

Have fun

The earliest uses of computers were for fun.

At the beginning, it was just fun for engineers to calculate and automate some routine tasks but the games come along.

People started to use computers to have fun and to rest from their busy work.

Today games and e-sports are one of the most popular sports events and professional gamers are something like the new superstars.

So the world is changing a lot but what is the most useful computer app?

What is the common thing between all actions take on the Computer?

The common thing between everything done on the computer is that we use the computer to do things.

Millions of years ago we were hunters and our eyes are made to look at distant objects.

Today we spend most of our days in front of computer screens without even looking outside.

This over the years caused a massive amount of eye problems everywhere.

More than 90% of all computer users feel some kind of vision discomfort while using computers.

The other 10% just don’t use computers often enough.

We are a generation growing with eye problems and this should be a most important thing when we talk about using computers.

It’s worse than obesity because while we can eat a little less we just need to work more and more in front of computers to make our living.

Eye protection is our future mandatory need.

Meet Iris

Iris is software which makes monitors healthy for the eyes.

With Iris, you can reduce the Blue Light emitted from your screen for better sleep, reduce the Brightness of your screen without PWM and avoid eye pain.

Blue light is the major cause of macular degeneration and it reaches deep into our retina. We need to protect yourself from this high power light which is the closest light to the UV lights.

You do wear sunglasses while you look to the Sun but you probably never knew that our monitor is like a small Sun glowing into our face whole day.

Iris is the first thing you need to install on your PC because it will automatically protect your eyes and improve your life to the biggest amount.

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Macular Degeneration Protection with Iris Sat, 27 Jan 2018 11:04:36 +0000 Protection of your eyes is an important gesture towards your body. It is about how you view the world with your eyes. An affected eye with lenses or glasses can never replace the satisfaction and ease of the naked eye. These days eye related issues are getting severe with each passing day. Here, at Iris, we provide complete protection and ... Read More

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Protection of your eyes is an important gesture towards your body.

It is about how you view the world with your eyes.

An affected eye with lenses or glasses can never replace the satisfaction and ease of the naked eye.

These days eye related issues are getting severe with each passing day.

Here, at Iris, we provide complete protection and care for your eyes so you can enjoy your days with bliss.

One of the emerging and dangerous eye problems is Macular Degeneration.

Usually, people who are affected by this problem are unaware of it and don’t know how to make it better. Iris makes sure eye protection is made as easy as possible for you.

What is Macular Degeneration?

Macular Degeneration is a problem concerned with the retina of the eye.

In this disorder, the nerves of the central part of the retina are affected, and this is called the macula.

This condition causes loss of vision, especially in tasks where concentration focuses on one point such as in driving, writing, reading, studying, painting, crafting, stitching, etc.

In this condition, the central vision is blurred whereas the peripheral vision of sides is normal.

The effect is so intense that the affected person is considered to be blind.

Types of Macular Degeneration

Dry Macular Degeneration

It progresses quite slowly.

Around 90% of cases are dry macular degeneration.

Wet Macular Degeneration

It progresses rapidly, and abnormal blood vessels form under the macula.

10% of the cases are wet macular degeneration.

Factors causing macular degeneration


This is the most common factor causing the macular disorder. The risk begins to increase after the age of 50 years.


Smoking increases the risk of developing macular degeneration by three folds. The more a person smokes, the higher is the risk.

Nutritional factors

Nutrition also matters a lot. Those people with high dietary glycemic index are more at risk than those with low dietary glycemic index. Fruits, nuts, green leafy vegetables and low intake of fats help a lot in avoiding macular degeneration.

Genetic disorders

If a person inherits it from his parents or it is running in the family then it becomes a stamped disorder that it will appear.

Lack of exercise

According to studies, regular exercise decreases the risk of getting macular degeneration. Those who don’t exercise frequently are more at risk.

What does Iris do?

Iris reduces blue light from the monitor which causes macular degeneration.

The point is that nowadays blue light is everywhere in the form of smartphones, computers, laptops and other screens.

Blue light, if in normal amount as in nature, is not harmful but unfortunately, artificial light emits blue light in a huge amount which is very dangerous for our vision.

They generate farther more than what it is suggested.

Now, the question arises that sky also emits blue light so is that harmful too? NO.

It is not harmful because that appears in full-spectrum sunlight and very beneficial for us.

The bottom line is that there is no balance between blue and red light.

We get too much of blue light, but it could be balanced if we get red light as well.

Iris focuses on light hygiene. You must have noticed that when someone stays awake late at night with monitor and LED bulbs on, they don’t feel sleepy.

It is because of blue light.

Blue light reduces the secretion of melatonin at night and disturbs the sleeping pattern.

It has adverse effects on our health.

We know that how UV light is harmful to our body but what we don’t know is that blue light is equally harmful.

When blue light passes through our eyes, it reaches macula and after sometime macular degeneration makes its way.

The ideal solution to avoid blue light is to always stay under the sunlight and never work on screen.

Screens have now become a requirement of business, studies, and even daily routines.

Iris is perfect software which makes sure your eye protection is placed on priority.

Iris blocks all the blue lights coming out of your screen and helps you work smoothly without any danger.

Since blue light puts your eye protection at risk and increases the chances to cause macular degeneration, therefore, it must be expelled from our lives permanently.

Iris doesn’t let the blue light reach your eyes. Let Iris be responsible for your eye protection, and you will feel much better and active.

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How to Protect eyes from computer screen? Sat, 27 Jan 2018 09:46:59 +0000 Computer screens damage our eyes. Even you are not an expert in eye health you know that when you use your computer you feel more eye pain and eye strain. You may get dry eyes, red eyes or headaches when you use your computer screen for longer periods of time. In this article, I’m going to propose you several different ... Read More

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Computer screens damage our eyes.

Even you are not an expert in eye health you know that when you use your computer you feel more eye pain and eye strain.

You may get dry eyes, red eyes or headaches when you use your computer screen for longer periods of time.

In this article, I’m going to propose you several different solutions to protect your eyes from the computer screen.

1. Iris

Iris is software for eye protection which will improve your overall health and decrease the eye strain you feel when you use computer screens.

It will match your monitor to the light around you and make using computers more like reading a book.

There is a free version you can try and download from here.

The is also paid version which improves it work even more for even more protection from the computer screen.

Iris will decrease the amount of blue light emitted from the screen which is the main cause of macular degeneration and it will control the brightness without the popular and not so eye-friendly way manufacturers use called pulse-width modulation.

Both these things will automatically protect your eyes from the computer screen and the only thing you need to do is to install Iris.

2. Blink more

Normally we blink around 20 times per minute but when reading book or reading on a computer screen this number may drop to 2-3 or fewer blinks per minute.

We need to blink to moisture our eyes and when you are not blinking enough you will have dry eyes.

Blink more to moisture your eyes.

3. Rests

If you find reminding yourself to blink more to much, try to take some breaks from the computer screen from time to time.

Our eyes rest much easier when we look at a distant object so when you take a break, try to look at distant objects and to blink more.

Iris can also remind you to take a breaks from time to time in it’s Pro version.

4. Sit away

We usually sit to close to the monitor.

The rule is to sit at least one arm length away from the computer screen.

To protect your eyes from the computer screen sit away from the monitor and try to increase the font size if you can’t read some letters.

With Iris Pro, you can magnify your screen in real-time if some program can’t display larger letters.

5. Look down

You need to look your computer screen down.

This will close your eyes more while you use your eyes more and your eyeball will be better lubricated.

Place your monitor below your eye level for best lubrication.

6. Drink more water

One of the most major eye problems while using computer screen is dry eyes.

Dry eyes may be caused by too much computer use but the case may also be dehydration.

Drink more water to protect your eyes from computer screens.

7. Try Iris

Iris will automatically help you to protect your eyes from the computer monitor and will decrease the eye strain you feel when you use computer screens.

It’s great for treatment and prevention of Computer Vision Syndrome and other eye problems.

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Best alternative to f.lux Tue, 02 Jan 2018 15:57:41 +0000 F.lux is a popular blue light filter program, but I personally hated several things about this program. When I started to have eye problems in 2015 I wanted to be able to manually control the blue light of my screen. I found f.lux while reading one article about how to feel less eye strain, but what I didn’t like about ... Read More

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F.lux is a popular blue light filter program, but I personally hated several things about this program.

When I started to have eye problems in 2015 I wanted to be able to manually control the blue light of my screen. I found f.lux while reading one article about how to feel less eye strain, but what I didn’t like about it was that it was somehow focused on sleep which was not my problem.

I had awesome sleep, but I was feeling really bad eye strain when I used computers. I wrote to the dev team if they can add custom control of the blue light and schedule by time, but they didn’t respond to me.

And this is how I decided to add blue light and color temperature to Iris.

In this article, I want to make a general comparison between the 2 programs, but take my words with a little grain of salt since I’m a little tendentious 😀

What f.lux is missing?

Let’s first start with f.lux 3 which was somehow the first version of f.lux and was actually better than the new f.lux 4 beta which is bloated with not needed features.


The f.lux app main assumption is that blue light is bad for your sleep. Not exactly bad, but we are made to have day and night cycle of light and at night you should lower blue light to sleep better.

This is good. This is true. Melatonin secretion stops when our eye sees blue light.

But do people problem is actually bad sleep or it is eye pain?

Sleep vs Eye pain

I and 99% of all other people who use blue light reduction software use it because we feel less eye strain when we remove the blue light from our screen at night.

So I don’t actually need this day and night cycle of the Sun thing. I don’t actually need to sleep better.

I train a lot, eat good and even with a cup of coffee before bed I sleep well. What my problem really is is that I feel a lot of eye pain from my constant work in front of computer screens.

This is a fundamental problem. I don’t need all of this day and night graphics of how light affects my sleep and what value is best to sleep better.

I just want 1 slider with 0% and 100% blue light.

That’s it. I want to set the blue light to my comfortable value and maybe automate this based on the time of the day.

It’s not only the melatonin suppression effect. It’s the strong wavelength of blue light which enters deep into our retina causes eye strain and macular degeneration in the long run.

Color temperature vs Blue light

And what is this color temperature anyway?

Most people are not familiar with the black body color and this color temperature thing only makes them more confused.

In the past, people often asked me What is the best Color temperature?.

At one point I just realized that this whole color temperature scale thing is broken and it will actually be better to have a blue light slider from 0 to 100%.

After some time it becomes comfortable to work with the color temperature values but why waste your time learning science.

Sun vs Time

For me, it’s quite unclear why you are locked for only selecting the time and to base day and night calculations only on Sun position.

This is quite helpful when you want more precise control of the lighting outside but combined with strange geographic locations it may give wrong values at the wrong time.

Also, f.lux can’t automatically detect your location without using Geolocation which brings me to the next point.

Geolocation vs Approximation

Software like f.lux can easily detect location with only internet request by approximation which is what Iris does.

Geolocation uses a lot of battery and can be used to track users positions which is also not good in terms of privacy.

If something is free you are the product of sale. Why Facebook and Google are free?

Because they both track your every move and advertise based on your activity. I don’t want to tell anything bad, but free software often sell user data to make money.

Free vs Paid

Free software is great because it’s free but you often don’t have any customer support. Since you almost can’t make a living from donations you work a side job and you don’t care much about the product.

In the beginning, I also made Iris free, but after a year full-time work and 0$ donations, I decided to make it Freemium with Pro version.

The reason why f.lux make so little changes and listen to users so little is because it’s free. Free software with good customer support sell ads or user data.

I personally hate programs with ads and tracking users is just unethical and plain evil. Totally free and open source programs don’t have any support for bugs and problems.

This is the reason why I think freemium or paid software is actually much better.

Locked values

One of the things I hated when I started using f.lux is that I was unable to go lower than 2700K during the day. 1200K and other values were available only during the night.

But what if you are in a really dark room during the day. Or you are even going to be night shift and you want to shift your sleep times.

You need to open Google maps and find a location with some close latitude and longitude to the timezone you desire. It was just crazy.

PWM flicker

For eye pain and eye problems, blue light is actually not the biggest problem.

Screen illumination, PWM flicker, and generally bright screens are a much bigger problem for our eyes.

F.lux doesn’t include a solution for PWM flicker and this is one of the reasons why Iris is much better. Iris has an automatic brightness reduction without flicker based on time or location in combination with a blue light reduction.

Room lighting

Screen brightness should match the room lighting and the monitor should not look like a light source in the room. Otherwise, our eye starts to move like this

This is a bigger amplitude to show the effect of course but the idea is simple.

Your monitor should not actually adapt to the Sunlight but to the light around you and the light in your room. You can achieve this with light detection from the camera or from the easy manual control of the brightness.

Both ways are not part of f.lux and are part of Iris. Camera detection is disabled by default because it’s creepy some software to use your camera, but you can enable it from the AI page of Iris.

Eye rest

One of the most underestimated things for eye health is to take regular breaks and look at distant objects.

F.lux doesn’t include a solution for this while Iris has several different timer modes based on strictness and customizable timing.

One of the most popular ophthalmologist health advice is the 20-20-20 rule which goes like this:

Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus your eyes on something at least 20 feet away.

Rest is important for moisturizing our eyes and for general eye strain relief.


Most modern font rendering technologies are bad for the eyes. Here I talk about font smoothing which makes the fonts blurry.

Our eye moves in patterns called cascades and we need sharp edges to focus easily.

When font smoothing is used the letters became blurred and we struggle to find a focus point on the screen.

This may cause eye pain and headaches in the beginning and in the long run, you may need to put even glasses.

You can’t change font smoothing with f.lux.

With Iris, you can choose between different font rendering techniques and find what is comfortable for you from the Fonts page.

Easy to use user interface

Here is a picture from the old f.lux version 3:

And here is a picture from the new f.lux 4:

I know that the first versions of Iris were actually worse with 25 pages of settings, but after a lot of talking with users we packaged it in presets and it’s really intuitive.

In 2017 we made also one feature which a lot of people asked for and this was the presets of Iris. After some time something similar also appeared in the new version of f.lux.


Moon cycles affect our sleep as much as blue light and this is another thing that the f.lux team didn’t take into account.

It’s not only the melatonin blocking from blue light. The moon moves entire oceans and our sleep time moves when the moon moves.

If you want to read more about the moon’s influence on our circadian rhythms you can read this and similar researches. Here is a quote from the text:

“Lunar rhythms are not as evident as circadian rhythms and are thus not easy to document but they exist. Our findings of a 20 min shorter sleep duration, a 5 min longer time to fall asleep, and a 30% decrease in deep sleep are not small changes. ”

Iris is the only solution in the world right now which takes moon phases into account and regulates the blue light also based on the moon phase.

This regulation is even customizable from the Moon page in Iris Pro.

Blue light reduction during the day

f.lux doesn’t have any blue light reduction during the day which is also bad.

Doctors recommend actually using low blue light or 1200K the whole day and spending time outside to get full-spectrum sunlight.

As you can see from the picture above the Sunlight is really different from the light emitted from our electronic devices and LED screens to emit too much blue light all the time.

This is why some blue light reduction is needed even during the day.

f.lux doesn’t make any reduction during the day.

Iris Types have blue light reduction also during the day.


Shortcuts are one more thing f.lux falls short on. While in version 3 you don’t have any way to customize or disable the shortcuts the good thing in version 4 is that at least you can disable them.

With Iris, you can customize the keys of all shortcuts and most features from the Shortcuts page.

Color pausers

While there is some part solution in the f.lux newest version in f.lux version 3 which in my opinion was actually simpler there was no way to pause and disable f.lux while certain programs like Photoshop are running.

This is useful for designers and artists who need exact colors when they work with colors or paint something.

In f.lux 3 there is no solution to this problem. In the newest f.lux 4, there is a big improvement and you can select your latest programs from the tray menu

The problem is that this is not the best user-friendly design and also some people want to create a list of programs without the need to start the program to remove it from the list.

Iris has both these features available from the tray menu and from the main user interface.

Iris also gives you the ability to add your own custom programs from a list.

Part screen blue light reduction

While the color pausers feature is useful, sometimes part screen blue light reduction is needed for long periods of work with colors.

With f.lux you don’t have any solution for this while with Iris you can select a part of the screen to be with normal colors and the other part of the screen to be with reduced blue light.


Looking at small texts can be straining for the eyes and magnification is yet another area in which f.lux doesn’t have any solution.

Some programs have automatic zoom, but I like this example when on YouTube there are some videos that are displayed on only half of the screen. Even on fullscreen, the subtitles are small. Example

With Iris, you can magnify the screen and watch it like this

You can see the shortcuts to Zoom in and Zoom out from the Magnification page.

Color schemes

Some people want to remove only blue light without removing the green color and this is one more area in which you can’t find a solution in f.lux.

F.lux removes the green light from 6500K downwards. One of the reasons for this is that they wrongly use the color temperature scale to reduce the blue light.

The good thing about this is that the green pixel in modern monitors actually emits also blue light but I’m not sure if they have measured this much this.

Some people just don’t want to remove the green light when they decrease blue light and with Iris color schemes you can do this.

From the Color schemes page, you can select different color schemes.

Some of them like Magmus is more aggressive while Olaf is an exact match of the f.lux color scheme.

Iris color scheme is the measured best which most people like and is a combination of the best from every scheme but what we are interested in here is the Groot color scheme.

Groot removes only blue light without touching the green light all the way down to 0% blue light from the slider which you may find useful.

USB Monitors

Iris was the first software which was working also on USB monitors and monitors connected from docking station like DisplayLink. I made this with the help of new API I created back in 2016

This enabled me to access the video card interface at one level higher and change the gamma without actually the need of gamma support through the cable.

Well, I guess f.lux was really inspired by this because in their new f.lux 4 they made this groundbreaking innovation with a fix for USB monitors.

I guess this is no more innovation of Iris, but nevermind. I am making backlight level control right now which is 10 times more effective than any gamma approach and also reduces battery life 🙂

Blue mouse

There was this problem in f.lux that there was no way to change the cursor color and it’s always bright:

Iris was the first software to add an option for changing the color of the cursor also like this:

I called this software cursor and it can be enabled from the System page. This setting is also available in the free version of Iris.

With the new version of f.lux, they also added this option to the interface. There is this option in f.lux 4:

The problem isn’t exactly this.

After I added this a lot of people wrote to me that the cursor is not shown when they play fullscreen games.

This is a problem with which f.lux still doesn’t have a solution. In Iris, there is the Mouse pausers page.

From here you can select which programs to disable the software mouse when running.

With this, you can enjoy orange cursor when you browse your PC and you will also be able to see the cursor when you play games in fullscreen.


One more downside of f.lux is that the program is available only in English.

Since Iris has distributors all over the world it’s available in many other languages.

Best translations are English, Bulgarian, Chinese and Japanese, but Iris is available in 17 different languages at the moment and everyone who wants to help with the localization to his native language can do this from the How to translate Iris page 🙂


The users of f.lux are really great at helping each other in the forum there seems to be no official documentation of how to use the program.

The closest thing to documentation is the f.lux FAQ page.

In Iris, all things have blue information labels that open the corresponding help page for every feature.

You can also find all Iris help pages from the Help page.

Improvements in f.lux v4

F.lux 3 was really great in that it was super lightweight and simple to use.

F.lux 4 came with major improvements like the DisplayLink USB monitors support, software mouse and the better custom control of values.

Aside from this, the UI seems a little overcomplicated now.

Why Iris is better than f.lux?

It’s not only the Blue light.

There is also PWM flicker, Font rendering, Subpixel flicker, Temporal dithering, Rests, and ease of use.

Iris takes care of all things related to eye health and sleep.

While I understand why some people don’t like Iris, because it’s not absolutely free, you need to understand that to make money companies either show you ads constantly, sell your user data or just make great paid products.

With Iris, I wanted to create a great free product and great paid product. The so-called freemium model.

Bellow I also created one table with a comparison of Iris mini, Iris, Iris mini Pro, Iris Pro, and f.lux. I hope you enjoyed this article 🙂

Iris Pro Iris mini Iris mini Pro f.lux 3 f.lux 4
Blue light
Custom time
0% Blue light
Automatic Brightness
Break reminding
Font rendering
Moon Sleep latency
Color pausers
Part screen Blue light reduction
Color schemes
USB Monitors
Orange mouse

The fields marked with are partly on not really well-implemented features.

I did change Iris to be free trial recently but you can still download free Iris from these links: Windows, macOS

Final words

If you liked or hated this article share it with friends 🙂

I tried to make some basic comparison between Iris and f.lux.

We work really hard to make Iris the best blue light filter and eye protection software. And it’s not only us, but we also talk every day with users. We also have more than 500+ only positive Facebook reviews and Google reviews and are really proud of this 🙂

I also give you my word that if you for some reason buy Iris and are not 100% satisfied with the product we will either fix all your problems or return your money. You can read also about our Refund promise.

Daniel Georgiev
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Iris Technologies EOOD

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Iris Iris Iris Sat, 30 Dec 2017 14:04:03 +0000 Welcome to Iris! There is Iris here There is Iris there And basically everywhere. Say Iris, Iris, Iris, Iris everywhere. Protect your eyes, For every size You get a sweet surprise. With Iris, you can sleep like kid, And everyone will ask you what you did.

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Welcome to Iris!
There is Iris here
There is Iris there
And basically everywhere.

Say Iris, Iris, Iris,
Iris everywhere.

Protect your eyes,
For every size
You get a sweet surprise.

With Iris, you can sleep like kid,
And everyone will ask you what you did.

The post Iris Iris Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Test how much Blue light is blocked Wed, 27 Dec 2017 18:51:53 +0000         At 1900K Iris blocks all blue light Video Iris with Groot Color Scheme and 0K (only blue light removed without green)

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At 1900K Iris blocks all blue light


Iris with Groot Color Scheme and 0K (only blue light removed without green)

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How Iris reduces Blue light? Mon, 18 Dec 2017 17:13:44 +0000 How modern monitors work? Monitors emit all colors of the rainbow, but they don’t emit full spectrum sunlight which is bad. Everyone agrees that staying outside on a sunny day helps our health, but this is not the case when we sit in front of the computer. Monitors today are made from semiconductors called diodes which contain 3 subpixels emitting ... Read More

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How modern monitors work?

Monitors emit all colors of the rainbow, but they don’t emit full spectrum sunlight which is bad.

Everyone agrees that staying outside on a sunny day helps our health, but this is not the case when we sit in front of the computer.

Monitors today are made from semiconductors called diodes which contain 3 subpixels emitting red, green and blue.

When you combine this 3 subpixels you get 1 pixel and if all 3 subpixels are ON we see white on the screen.

If all are OFF we see black on the screen. When we zoom our monitor we get patterns like this.

If you have Iris working on your system you will probably not see the blue subpixel so one way to see what I talk about is to pause Iris for a moment.

The screen will start to glow a lot and you will be able to see the blue subpixel.

What’s the problem blue light?

Scientist knew that the retina contains two types of photoreceptors – rods and cones. Thanks to them we see light and images in full color.

But in 1998 one scientist named Ignacio Provencio found a new photoreceptor called Melanopsin.

Melanopsin evolved millions of years ago to help early human distinguish between day and night and to regulate their circadian rhythms or in short to help our brain tell our body when to sleep.

This was normal when we only had light from candles and campfire, but lately, we are bombarded with all kinds of electronic devices and especially devices containing LED diodes.

This photoreceptor Melanopsin activates when blue light goes into eyes. The idea of nature was that if the sky is blue then it’s day and it’s no time to sleep.

However today the same kind of blue light is emitted from our monitors and we just can’t go to sleep at night, because our Melanopsin photoreceptors are overstimulated and our Melatonin secretion is stopped, because of this.

How Iris works?

To fix this problem and to help you to fall asleep faster Iris is gradually decreasing blue light at night. This helps your body to produce more melatonin and your melanopsin photoreceptors and not overstimulated.

Reducing blue light is also beneficial during the day since blue light is the light with shortest wavelength and it enters really deep into the eyes.

If you had heard that X-rays are bad for you, then you should know that blue light is the closest visible light to UV light and X-rays.


Iris reduces the blue light by lowering the light emitted from the blue subpixel of the screen.

The orange, yellow or red color of the screen is just a side effect of this blue light lowering. It will probably take you some time to get used to this, but after a week you will not be able to disable Iris at night without feeling a massive amount of eye pain.

The light emitted from the screen without Iris looks like this

And with Iris to the lowest setting, it looks close to this

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How to Protect your Eyes? Fri, 15 Dec 2017 23:41:14 +0000 TODO

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How to Sleep Better? Thu, 23 Nov 2017 11:20:35 +0000 Sleep is a vital indicator of overall health and well-being. We spend up to one-third of our lives asleep, and the overall state of our sleep health remains an essential question throughout our lifespan. Most of us know that getting a good night’s sleep is important, but too few of us actually make those eight or so hours between the ... Read More

The post How to Sleep Better? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Sleep is a vital indicator of overall health and well-being. We spend up to one-third of our lives asleep, and the overall state of our sleep health remains an essential question throughout our lifespan.

Most of us know that getting a good night’s sleep is important, but too few of us actually make those eight or so hours between the sheets a priority. For many of us with sleep debt, we’ve forgotten what being really, truly rested feels like.

To further complicate matters, stimulants like coffee and energy drinks, alarm clocks, and external lights – including those from electronic devices – interferes with our circadian rhythm or natural sleep/wake cycle.

In this article the first thing I want to look at is

How much sleep do we really need?

There is always a lot of talking about this. From biohackers who sleep 2 hours per day to holistic approaches for sleeping more than 12 hours every day, here I want to present the current science state.

The data I use is from the NSF (National Sleep Foundation) time recomendations and it’s based on reviewing over 300 current scientific publications.

Sleep needs vary across ages and are especially impacted by lifestyle and health. To determine how much sleep you need, it’s important to assess not only where you fall on the sleep needs spectrum, but also to examine what lifestyle factors are affecting the quality and quantity of your sleep such as work schedules and stress.

Newborns (0-3 months)

Newborns should get 14 to 17 hours of sleep over a 24-hour period. Some newborns may sleep up to 18 to 19 hours a day.

Newborns wake every couple of hours to eat. Breastfed babies feed often, about 8 to 12 times a day. Bottle-fed babies tend to feed less often, about every 3 to 4 hours.

Newborns who sleep for longer stretches should be awakened to feed. Wake your baby every 3 to 4 hours to eat until he or she shows good weight gain, which usually happens within the first couple of weeks. After that, it’s OK to let your baby sleep for longer periods of time at night.

The first months of a baby’s life can be the hardest for parents, who might get up many times at night to tend to the baby. Each baby has a different sleep pattern. Some start to sleep through the night (for 5-6 hours at a time) by 2 to 3 months of age, but some don’t.

Infants (4-11 months)

Most babies this age should sleep 12 to 15 hours a day, which includes a longer stretch at night and at least two naps during the day. The average amount of daytime sleep is now about 3 to 4 hours.

By 6 months, most babies are sleeping at night for 9 hours or longer, with brief awakenings.

Toddlers (1-2 years)

Between the ages of 1 and 2, most kids need about 11-14 hours of sleep a day, including one or two daytime naps.

At around 18 months, or sometimes sooner, most toddlers condense their two naps into one afternoon nap. If you find that your toddler fights the morning nap, he or she is probably ready for just an afternoon nap.

Preschoolers (3-5 years)

Preschoolers need about 10 to 13 hours of sleep each day, which can include a nap. There’s wiggle room about exact sleep times – the most important thing is to help kids develop good, consistent habits for getting to sleep.

A bedtime routine is a great way to help your preschooler get enough sleep. Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating one:

  • Include a winding-down period during the half hour before bedtime.
  • Stick to a bedtime, alerting your child both half an hour and 10 minutes beforehand.
  • Keep consistent playtimes and mealtimes.
  • Avoid stimulants, such as caffeine, near bedtime.
  • Make the bedroom quiet, cozy, and perfect for sleeping.
  • Use the bed only for sleeping — not for playing or watching TV.
  • Limit food and drink before bedtime.
  • Allow your child to choose which pajamas to wear, which stuffed animal to take to bed, etc.
    Consider playing soft, soothing music.
  • Tuck your child into bed snugly for a feeling of security.

School age children (6-13 years)

Children aged 6 to 13 need 9-11 hours of sleep. At the same time, there is an increasing demand on their time from school (e.g., homework), sports and other extracurricular and social activities.

In addition, school-aged children become more interested in TV, computers, the media and Internet as well as caffeine products – all of which can lead to difficulty falling asleep, nightmares and disruptions to their sleep.

In particular, watching TV close to bedtime has been associated with bedtime resistance, difficulty falling asleep, anxiety around sleep and sleeping fewer hours.

Sleep problems and disorders are prevalent at this age. Poor or inadequate sleep can lead to mood swings, behavioral problems such as ADHD and cognitive problems that impact on their ability to learn in school.

Teenagers (14-17 years)

Teenagers are notorious for not getting enough sleep. The average amount of sleep that teenagers get is between 7 and 7 ¼ hours. However, they need between 8 and 10 hours (studies show that most teenagers need exactly 9 ¼ hours of sleep). Teenagers do not get enough sleep for a number of reasons:

  • Shift in sleep schedule. After puberty, there is a biological shift in an adolescent’s internal clock of about 2 hours, meaning that a teenager who used to fall asleep at 9:00 PM will now not be able to fall asleep until 11:00PM. It also means waking 2 hours later in the morning.
  • Early high school start times. In most school districts, the move to high school is accompanied by an earlier school start time. Some high schools start as early as 7:00 AM, meaning that some teenagers have to get up as early as 5:00 AM to get ready for and travel to school.
  • Social and school obligations. Homework, sports, after-school activities (often occurring during the evening), and socializing lead to late bedtimes.

As a result, most adolescents are very sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation will impact on many aspects of your teenager’s functioning:

  • Mood. Sleep deprivation will cause your teenager to be moody, irritable, and cranky. In addition, she will have a difficult time regulating her mood, such as by getting frustrated or upset more easily.
  • Behavior. Teenagers who are sleep deprived are also more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviors, such as drinking, driving fast, and engaging in other dangerous activities.
  • Cognitive ability. Inadequate sleep will result in problems with attention, memory, decision making, reaction time, and creativity, all of which are important in school.
  • Academic performance. Studies show that teenagers who get less sleep are more apt to get poor grades in school, fall asleep in school, and have school tardiness/absences.
  • Drowsy driving. Teenagers are at the highest risk for falling asleep at the wheel. Drowsy driving is the most likely to occur in the middle of the night (2:00 to 4:00 AM), but also in mid-afternoon (3:00 to 4:00 PM).

Younger adults (18-25 years)

Younger adults aged 18 to 25 need 7-9 hours of sleep and as we move from adolescence to young adulthood, we experience a big change in our sleep patterns.

Sleep often becomes less satisfying: we might not sleep as well and feel less rested in the morning.

Staying up all night or socializing late into the night can disturb your normal sleep pattern.

Studies have shown that after a night of sleep deprivation, students react more slowly and have trouble concentrating. This negatively impacts grades.

Sleep deprivation can also change hormone production. It increases the stress hormone cortisol (which can weaken your immune system, and make you more likely to get sick) and decreases the production of thyroid hormone (which can lead to fatigue and weight gain).

Young adults often don’t get enough sleep, with most only averaging six hours a night. Young adults need an average of 7.5 and 8 hours of sleep every night.

Adults (26-64 years)

Sleep range did not change and remains 7-9 hours.

Because most adults are less able than younger adults to maintain sleep, the elderly suffer disproportionately from chronic sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation may cause individuals to unintentionally nod off during daytime activities.

Late afternoon naps can also reduce a person’s ability to sleep through the night, thus potentially worsening insomnia.

Learning how the internal clock and sleep drive interact, and how they limit when good sleep can occur, can help people devise strategies that will help them maintain quality sleep as they age.

Older adults (65+ years)

Sleep range for Older adults is 7-8 hours.

A good night’s sleep is especially important to older adults because it helps improve concentration and memory formation, allows your body to repair any cell damage that occurred during the day, and refreshes your immune system, which in turn helps to prevent disease.

Older adults who don’t sleep well are more likely to suffer from depression, attention and memory problems, excessive daytime sleepiness, and experience more nighttime falls.

Insufficient sleep can also lead to serious health problems, including an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, weight problems, and breast cancer in women.

Sleep Myths

As we saw there is big missunderstanding about how much to sleep each night and here I want to present to you some of the sleep myths we hear every day.

Myth: Getting just one hour less sleep per night won’t affect your daytime functioning.

Fact: You may not be noticeably sleepy during the day, but losing even one hour of sleep can affect your ability to think properly and respond quickly. It also compromises your cardiovascular health, energy balance, and ability to fight infections.

Myth: Your body adjusts quickly to different sleep schedules.

Fact: Most people can reset their biological clock, but only by appropriately timed cues—and even then, by one or two hours per day at best. Consequently, it can take more than a week to adjust after traveling across several time zones or switching to the night shift.

Myth: Extra sleep at night can cure you of problems with excessive daytime fatigue.

Fact: The quantity of sleep you get is important, sure, but it’s the quality of your sleep that you really have to pay attention to. Some people sleep eight or nine hours a night but don’t feel well rested when they wake up because the quality of their sleep is poor.

Myth: You can make up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping more on the weekends.

Fact: Although this sleeping pattern will help relieve part of a sleep debt, it will not completely make up for the lack of sleep. Furthermore, sleeping later on the weekends can affect your sleep-wake cycle so that it is much harder to go to sleep at the right time on Sunday nights and get up early on Monday mornings.

Think six hours of sleep is enough?

Think again. Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, discovered that some people have a gene that enables them to do well on six hours of sleep a night.

This gene, however, is very rare, appearing in less than 3% of the population. For the other 97% of us, six hours doesn’t come close to cutting it.

The importance of deep sleep and REM sleep

It’s not just the number of hours you spend asleep that’s important—it’s the quality of those hours. If you give yourself plenty of time for sleep but still have trouble waking up in the morning or staying alert all day, you may not be spending enough time in the different stages of sleep.

Each stage of sleep in your sleep cycle offers different benefits. However, deep sleep (the time when the body repairs itself and builds up energy for the day ahead) and mind and mood-boosting REM sleep are particularly important.

You can ensure you get more deep sleep by avoiding alcohol, nicotine, and being woken during the night by noise or light. While improving your overall sleep will increase REM sleep, you can also try sleeping an extra 30 minutes to an hour in the morning, when REM sleep stages are longer.

Sleep is important

Think of your daily activities. Which activity is so important you should devote one-third of your time to doing it?

Probably the first things that come to mind are working, spending time with your family, or doing leisure activities.

But there’s something else you should be doing about one-third of your time—sleeping. Many people view sleep as merely a “down time” when their brains hut off and their bodies rest.

People may cut back on sleep, thinking it won’t be a problem, because other responsibilities seem much more important.

But research shows that a number of vital tasks carried out during sleep help people stay healthy and function at their best.

While you sleep, your brain is hard at work forming the pathways necessary for learning and creating memories and new insights.

Without enough sleep, you can’t focus and pay attention or respond quickly.

A lack of sleep may even cause mood problems. Also, growing evidence shows that a chronic lack of sleep increases your risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and infections.

Despite growing support for the idea that adequate sleep, like adequate nutrition and physical activity, is vital to our well-being, people are sleeping less.

The nonstop 24/7 nature of the world today encourages longer or nighttime work hours and offers continual access to entertainment and other activities.

To keep up, people cut back on sleep. A common myth is that people can learn to get by on little sleep (such as less than 6 hours a night) with no adverse effects.

Research suggests, however, that adults need at least 7–8 hours of sleep each night to be well rested. Indeed, in 1910, most people slept 9 hours a night.

But recent surveys show the average adult now sleeps fewer than 7 hours a night. More than one-third of adults report daytime sleepiness so severe that it interferes with work, driving, and social functioning at least a few days each month.

Evidence also shows that children’s and adolescents sleep is shorter than recommended. These trends have been linked to increased exposure to electronic media.

Lack of sleep may have a direct effect on children’s health, behavior, and development.

Chronic sleep loss or sleep disorders may affect as many as 70 million Americans.

This may result in an annual cost of $16 billion in health care expenses and $50 billion in lost productivity.

With all this said let’s talk a little about

What Is Sleep?

Sleep was long considered just a block of time when your brain and body shut down.

Thanks to sleep research studies done over the past several decades, it is now known that sleep has distinct stages that cycle throughout the night in predictable patterns.

How well rested you are and how well you function depend not just on your total sleep time but on how much sleep you get each night and the timing of your sleep stages.

Your brain and body functions stay active throughout sleep, and each stage of sleep is linked to a specific type of brain waves (distinctive patterns of electrical activity in the brain).

Sleep is divided into two basic types: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep (with three different stages). Typically, sleep begins with non-REM sleep.

In stage 1 non-REM sleep, you sleep lightly and can be awakened easily by noises or other disturbances.

During this first stage of sleep, your eyes move slowly, your muscles relax, and your heart and breathing rates begin to slow.

You then enter stage 2 non-REM sleep, which is defined by slower brain waves with occasional bursts of rapid waves.

You spend about half the night in this stage.

When you progress into stage 3 non-REM sleep, your brain waves become even slower, and the brain produces extremely slow waves almost exclusively (called Delta waves).

Stage 3 is a very deep stage of sleep, during which it is very difficult to be awakened.

Children who wet the bed or sleep walk tend to do so during stage 3 of non-REM sleep.

Deep sleep is considered the restorative stage of sleep that is necessary for feeling well rested and energetic during the day.

During REM sleep, your eyes move rapidly in different directions, even though your eyelids stay closed.

Your breathing also becomes more rapid, irregular, and shallow, and your heart rate and blood pressure increase.

Dreaming typically occurs during REM sleep. During this type of sleep, your arm and leg muscles are temporarily paralyzed so that you cannot “act out” any dreams that you may be having.

You typically first enter REM sleep about an hour to an hour and a half after falling asleep.

After that, the sleep stages repeat themselves continuously while you sleep.

As you sleep, REM sleep time becomes longer, while time spent in stage 3 non-REM sleep becomes shorter.

By the time you wake up, nearly all your sleep time has been spent in stages 1 and 2 of non-REM sleep and in REM sleep.

If REM sleep is severely disrupted during one night, REM sleep time is typically longer than normal in subsequent nights until you catch up.

Overall, almost one-half of your total sleep time is spent in stage 2 non-REM sleep and about one-fifth each in deep sleep (stage 3 of non-REM sleep) and REM sleep.

In contrast, infants spend half or more of their total sleep time in REM sleep.

Gradually, as they grow, the percentage of total sleep time they spend in REM continues to decrease, until it reaches the one-fifth level typical of later childhood and adulthood.

Why people dream and why REM sleep is so important are not well understood.

It is known that REM sleep stimulates the brain regions you use to learn and make memories.

Animal studies suggest that dreams may reflect the brain’s sorting and selectively storing new information acquired during wake time.

While this information is processed, the brain might revisit scenes from the day and mix them randomly.

Dreams are generally recalled when we wake briefly or are awakened by an alarm clock or some other noise in the environment.

Studies show, however, that other stages of sleep besides REM also are needed to form the pathways in the brain that enable us to learn and remember.

Types of Sleep

We talked a lot about what is sleep so let’s now surmarize the sleep stages we experience every night.

NREM Stage 1

  • Light sleep.
  • Easily awakened.
  • Muscles relax with occasional twitches.
  • Eye movements are slow.

This stage occurs after you have decided to sleep and your eyes are closed. During this stage—which typically lasts between 1 and 10 minutes—you are lightly asleep, and you can quickly return to being fully awake.

Although you are asleep, you may wake up feeling like you didn’t sleep at all.

Your body’s muscles are not inhibited yet: your eyes roll a little bit and you may slightly open your eyelids.

Your breathing slows down and your heartbeat becomes regular.

Your blood pressure and brain temperature decrease.

The hypnic jerk we sometimes experience when falling asleep, accompanied or not by the sensation of falling down, happens during this stage.

Some say it is a vestigial reflex humans developed during the evolutionary process to prevent them from falling off the trees they slept in.

Did you know?

People with irregular sleeping habits tend to have these hypnic jerks more often.

NREM Stage 2

  • Eye movements stop.
  • Slower brain waves with occasional bursts of rapid brain waves.

Stage 2 sleep, which usually lasts about 20 minutes, is characterized by a slowing heart rate and a decrease in body temperature.

Your body reduces its activity to prepare you to go into a deep sleep.

It becomes harder to wake you up.

Your brain starts to emit larger waves.

Your blood pressure also decreases, and other metabolic functions slow down too.

The 2 first stages of NREM Sleep together are often referred to as light sleep.

Did you know?

We spend most of our nights in Stage 2 sleep (around 45% of total sleep duration).

NREM Stage 3

  • Occurs soon after you fall asleep and mostly in the first half of the night.
  • Deep sleep.
  • Difficult to awaken.
  • Large slow brain waves, heart and respiratory rates are slow and muscles are relaxed.

This stage typically starts 35-45 minutes after falling asleep.

As electroencephalograms show, our brain waves slow down and become larger.

At this point, you sleep through most potential sleep disturbances (noises and movements) without showing any reaction.

If you actually wake up during NREM Stage sleep, there’s a high probability you are going to feel disoriented for the first few minutes.

Did you know?

Other names for this stage include “slow-wave sleep” and “Delta sleep”.

REM Stage 4

  • Usually first occurs about 90 minutes after you fall asleep, and longer, deeper periods occur during the second half of the night.
  • Cycles along with the non-REM stages throughout the night.
  • Eyes move rapidly behind closed eyelids.
  • Breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure are irregular.
  • Dreaming occurs.
  • Arm and leg muscles are temporarily paralyzed.

This is the final stage of a standard sleep cycle. The first Rapid Eye Movement sleep stage lasts around 10 minutes and usually happens after having been asleep at least 90 minutes.

As its name indicates, your eyes move rapidly in all directions during Rapid Eye Movement sleep.

It is during this stage of sleep (the deepest) that powerful dreams usually happen.

This stage is also characterized by an increase of the heart and respiration rates, and their rhythms may become irregular.

REM stages typically get longer and longer as the night goes by, and the last REM stage can last an hour.

Did you know?

REM sleep is also known as “paradoxical sleep”.

This is because the brain waves emitted during this stage seem contradictory to sleep: Although you are sleeping, your brain waves look at lot like what can be recorded when you are fully awake.

Another aspect of this paradox is the fact that even though your brain shows heightened activity, most of your muscles are paralyzed.

What Makes You Sleep?

Although you may put off going to sleep in order to squeeze more activities into your day, eventually your need for sleep becomes overwhelming.

This need appears to be due, in part, to two substances your body produces. One substance, called adenosine, builds up in your blood while you’re awake. Then, while you sleep, your body breaks down the adenosine.

Levels of this substance in your body may help trigger sleep when needed. A buildup of adenosine and many other complex factors might explain why, after several nights of less than optimal amounts of sleep, you build up a sleep debt.

This may cause you to sleep longer than normal or at unplanned times during the day. Because of your body’s internal processes, you can’t adapt to getting less sleep than your body needs.

Eventually, a lack of sleep catches up with you. The other substance that helps make you sleep is a hormone called melatonin.

This hormone makes you naturally feel sleepy at night. It is part of your internal “biological clock,” which controls when you feel sleepy and your sleep patterns.

Your biological clock is a small bundle of cells in your brain that works throughout the day and night.

Internal and external environmental cues, such as light signals received through your eyes, control these cells.

Your biological clock triggers your body to produce melatonin, which helps prepare your brain and body for sleep.

As melatonin is released, you’ll feel increasingly drowsy. Because of your biological clock, you naturally feel the most tired between midnight and 7 a.m.

You also may feel mildly sleepy in the afternoon between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. when another increase in melatonin occurs in your body.

Your biological clock makes you the most alert during daylight hours and the least alert during the early morning hours.

Consequently, most people do their best work during the day. Our 24/7 society, however, demands that some people work at night.

Nearly one-quarter of all workers work shifts that are not during the daytime, and more than two-thirds of these workers have problem sleepiness and/or difficulty sleeping.

Because their work schedules are at odds with powerful sleep-regulating cues like sunlight, night shift workers often find themselves drowsy at work, and they have difficulty falling or staying asleep during the daylight hours when their work schedules require them to sleep.

The fatigue experienced by night shift workers can be dangerous.

Major industrial accidents – such as the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl nuclear power plant accidents and the Exxon Valdez oil spill – have been caused, in part, by mistakes made by overly tired workers on the night shift or an extended shift.

Night shift workers also are at greater risk of being in car crashes when they drive home from work during the early morning hours, because the biological clock is not sending out an alerting signal.

One study found that one-fifth of night shift workers had a car crash or a near miss in the preceding year because of sleepiness on the drive home from work.

Night shift workers are also more likely to have physical problems, such as heart disease, digestive troubles, and infertility, as well as emotional problems.

All of these problems may be related, at least in part, to the workers chronic sleepiness, possibly because their biological clocks are not in tune with their work schedules.

Other factors also can influence your need for sleep, including your immune system’s production of hormones called cytokines.

Cytokines are made to help the immune system fight certain infections or chronic inflammation and may prompt you to sleep more than usual.

The extra sleep may help you conserve the resources needed to fight the infection.

Recent studies confirm that being well rested improves the body’s responses to infection. People are creatures of habit, and one of the hardest habits to break is the natural wake and sleep cycle. Together, a number of physiological factors help you sleep and wake up at the same times each day.

Consequently, you may have a hard time adjusting when you travel across time zones.

The light cues outside and the clocks in your new location may tell you it is 8 a.m. and you should be active, but your body is telling you it is more like 4 a.m. and you should sleep.

The end result is jet lag – sleepiness during the day, difficulty falling or staying asleep at night, poor concentration, confusion, nausea, and generally feeling unwell and irritable.

Tips for Night Shift workers

Try to limit night shift work, if that is possible. If you must work the night shift, the following tips may help you:

  • Increase your total amount of sleep by adding naps and lengthening the amount of time you allot for sleep.
  • Use bright lights in your workplace.
  • Minimize the number of shift changes so that your body’s biological clock has a longer time to adjust to a nighttime work schedule.
  • Get rid of sound and light distractions in your bedroom during your daytime sleep.
  • Use caffeine only during the first part of your shift to promote alertness at night.

If you are unable to fall asleep during the day, and all else fails, talk with your doctor to see whether it would be wise for you to use prescribed, short-acting sleeping pills to help you sleep during the day.

Tips for dealing with Jet Lag

Be aware that adjusting to a new time zone may take several days.

If you are going to be away for just a few days, it may be better to stick to your original sleep and wake times as much as possible, rather than adjusting your biological clock too many times in rapid succession.

Eastward travel generally causes more severe jet lag than westward travel because traveling east requires you to shorten the day, and your biological clock is better able to adjust to a longer day than a shorter day.

Fortunately for globetrotters, a few preventive measures and adjustments seem to help some people relieve jet lag, particularly when they are going to spend more than a few days at their destination:

Adjust your biological clock

During the 2–3 days prior to a long trip, get adequate sleep. You can make minor changes to your sleep schedule.

For example, if you are traveling west, delay your bed time and wake time progressively by 20 to 30 minute intervals. If you are traveling east, advance your wake time by 10 to 15 minutes a day for a few days and try to advance your bed time.

Decreasing light exposure at bedtime and increasing light exposure at wake time can help you make these adjustments.

When you arrive at your destination, spend a lot of time outdoors so your body gets the light cues it needs to adjust to the new time zone.

Take a couple of short 10-15 minute naps if you feel tired, but do not take long naps during the day.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine

Although it may be tempting to drink alcohol to relieve the stress of travel and make it easier to fall asleep, you’re more likely to sleep lighter and wake up in the middle of the night when the effects of the alcohol wear off.

Caffeine can help keep you awake longer,but caffeine also can make it harder for you to fall asleep if its effects haven’t worn off by the time you are ready to go to bed. Therefore, it’s best to use caffeine only during the morning and not during the afternoon.

Tips for Driving while Sleepy

Most people are aware of the hazards of drunk driving, but driving while sleepy can be just as dangerous.

Indeed, crashes due to sleepy drivers are as deadly as those due to drivers impaired by alcohol.

And you don’t have to be asleep at the wheel to put yourself and others in danger.

Both alcohol and a lack of sleep limit your ability to react quickly to a suddenly braking car, a sharp curve in the road, or other situations that require rapid responses.

Just a few seconds delay in reaction time can be a life-or-death matter when driving.

When people who lack sleep are tested on a driving simulator, they perform as badly as or worse than those who are drunk.

The combination of alcohol and lack of sleep can be especially dangerous.

There is increasing evidence that sleep deprivation and inexperience behind the wheel, both particularly common in adolescents, is a lethal combination.

Of course, driving is also hazardous if you fall asleep at the wheel, which happens surprisingly often.

One-quarter of the drivers surveyed in New York State reported they had fallen asleep at the wheel at some time.

Often, people briefly nod off at the wheel without being aware of it – they just can’t recall what happened over the previous few seconds or longer.

And people who lack sleep are more apt to take risks and make poor judgments, which also can boost their chances of getting in a car crash.

Opening a window or turning up the radio won’t help you stay awake while driving.

The bottom line is that there is no substitute for sleep.

Be aware of these warning signs that you are too sleepy to drive safely: trouble keeping your eyes open or focused, continual yawning, or being unable to recall driving the past few miles.

Remember, if you are short on sleep, stay out of the driver’s seat!

Here are some potentially life-saving tips for avoiding drowsy driving:

Be well rested before hitting the road

If you have several nights in a row of fewer than 7–8 hours of sleep, your reaction time slows. Restoring that reaction time to normal can take more than one night of good sleep, because a sleep debt accumulates after each night you lose sleep. It may take several nights of being well rested to repay that sleep debt and make you ready for driving on a long road trip.

Avoid driving between midnight and 7 am

Unless you are accustomed to being awake then, this period of time is when we are naturally the least alert and most tired. Don’t drive alone. A companion who can keep you engaged in conversation might help you stay awake while driving.

Schedule frequent breaks on long road trips

If you feel sleepy while driving, pull off the road and take a nap for 15–20 minutes.

Don’t drink alcohol

Just one beer when you are sleep deprived will affect you as much as two or three beers when you are well rested.

Don’t count on caffeine or other tricks

Although drinking a cola or a cup of coffee might help keep you awake for a short time, it won’t overcome extreme sleepiness or relieve a sleep debt.

What Does Sleep Do for You?

A number of aspects of your health and quality of life are linked to sleep, and these aspects are impaired when you are sleep deprived.

Learning, Memory and Mood

Students who have trouble grasping new information or learning new skills are often advised to “sleep on it,” and that advice seems well founded.

Recent studies reveal that people can learn a task better if they are well rested.

They also can better remember what they learned if they get a good night’s sleep after learning the taskthan if they are sleep deprived.

Study volunteers had to sleep at least 6 hours to show improvement in learning.

Additionally, the amount of improvement was directly related to how much time they slept – for example, volunteers who slept 8 hours outperformed those who slept only 6 or 7 hours.

Other studies suggest that it’s important to get enough rest the night before a mentally challenging task, rather than only sleeping for a short period or waiting to sleep until after the task is complete.

Many well-known artists and scientists claim to have had creative insights while they slept.

Mary Shelley, for example, said the idea for her novel Frankenstein came to her in a dream.

Although it has not been shown that dreaming is the driving force behind innovation, one study suggests that sleep is needed for creative problem solving.

In that study, volunteers were asked to perform a memory task and then were tested on it 8 hours later.

Those who were allowed to sleep for 8 hours immediately after trying the task and before being tested were much more likely to find a creative way of simplifying the task and improving their performance, compared with those who were awake the entire 8 hours before being tested.

Exactly what happens during sleep to improve our learning, memory, and insight isn’t known.

Experts suspect, however, that while people sleep, they form or strengthen the pathways of brain cells needed to perform these tasks. This process may explain why sleep is needed for proper brain development in infants.

Not only is a good night’s sleep required to form new learning and memory pathways in the brain, but also sleep is necessary for those pathways to work well.

Several studies show that lack of sleep causes thinking processes to slow down.

Lack of sleep also makes it harder to focus and pay attention.

Lack of sleep can make you more easily confused.

Studies also find that a lack of sleep leads to faulty decision making and more risk taking.

A lack of sleep slows down your reaction time, which is particularly important to driving and other tasks that require quick response. When people who lack sleep are tested on a driving simulator, they perform just as poorly as people who are drunk.

The bottom line is: Not getting a good night’s sleep can be dangerous!

Even if you don’t have a mentally or physically challenging day ahead of you, you should still get enough sleep to put yourself in a good mood.

Most people report being irritable, if not downright unhappy, when they lack sleep.

People who chronically suffer from a lack of sleep, either because they do not spend enough time in bed or because they have an untreated sleep disorder, are at greater risk of developing depression.

One group of people who usually don’t get enough sleep is mothers of newborns. Some experts think depression after childbirth (postpartum blues) is caused, in part, by a lack of sleep.


Sleep gives your heart and vascular system a much-needed rest.

During non-REM sleep, your heart rate and blood pressure progressively slow as you enter deeper sleep.

During REM sleep, in response to dreams, your heart and breathing rates can rise and fall and your blood pressure can be variable.

These changes throughout the night in blood pressure and heart and breathing rates seem to promote cardiovascular health.

If you don’t get enough sleep, the nightly dip in blood pressure that appears to be important for good cardiovascular health may not occur.

Failure to experience the normal dip in blood pressure during sleep can be related to insufficient sleep time, an untreated sleep disorder (for example, sleep apnea), or other factors.

Some sleep related abnormalities may be markers of heart disease and increased risk of stroke.

A lack of sleep also puts your body under stress and may trigger the release of more adrenaline, cortisol, and other stress hormones during the day.

These hormones keep your blood pressure from dipping during sleep, which increases your risk for heart disease.

Lack of sleep also may trigger your body to produce more of certain proteins thought to play a role in heart disease.

For example, some studies find that people who repeatedly don’t get enough sleep have higher than normal blood levels of C-reactive protein, a sign of inflammation.

High levels of this protein may indicate an increased risk for a condition called atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.


Deep sleep (stage 3 non-REM sleep) triggers more release of growth hormone, which contributes to growth in children and boosts muscle mass and the repair of cells and tissues in children and adults.

Sleep’s effect on the release of sex hormones also contributes to puberty and fertility.

Consequently, women who work at night and tend to lack sleep may be at increased risk of miscarriage.

During sleep, your body creates more cytokines—cellular hormones that help the immune system fight various infections.

Lack of sleep can reduce your body’s ability to fight off common infections.

Research also reveals that a lack of sleep can reduce the body’s response to the flu vaccine.

For example, sleep-deprived volunteers given the flu vaccine produced less than half as many flu antibodies as those who were well rested and given the same vaccine.

Although lack of exercise and other factors also contribute, the current epidemic of diabetes and obesity seems to be related, at least in part, to chronically short or disrupted sleep or not sleeping during the night.

Evidence is growing that sleep is a powerful regulator of appetite, energy use, and weight control.

During sleep, the body’s production of the appetite suppressor leptin increases, and the appetite stimulant grehlin decreases.

Studies find that the less people sleep, the more likely they are to be overweight or obese and prefer eating foods that are higher in calories and carbohydrates.

People who report an average total sleep time of 5 hours a night, for example, are much more likely to become obese, compared with people who sleep 7-8 hours a night.

A number of hormones released during sleep also control the body’s use of energy.

A distinct rise and fall of blood sugar levels during sleep appears to be linked to sleep stages.

Not sleeping at the right time, not getting enough sleep overall, or not enough of each stage of sleep disrupts this pattern.

One study found that, when healthy young men slept only 4 hours a night for 6 nights in a row, their insulin and blood sugar levels matched those seen in people who were developing diabetes.

Another study found that women who slept less than 7 hours a night were more likely to develop diabetes over time than those who slept between 7 and 8 hours a night.

How Much Sleep Is Enough?

Animal studies suggest that sleep is as vital as food for survival.

Rats, for example, normally live 2–3 years, but they live only 5 weeks if they are deprived of REM sleep and only 2–3 weeks if they are deprived of all sleep stages—a timeframe similar to death due to starvation.

But how much sleep do humans need?

To help answer that question, scientists look at how much people sleep when unrestricted, the average amount of sleep among various age groups, and the amount of sleep that studies reveal is necessary to function at your best.

When healthy adults are given unlimited opportunity to sleep, they sleep on average between 8 and 8.5 hours a night. But sleep needs vary from person to person.

Some people appear to need only about 7 hours to avoid problem sleepiness, whereas others need 9 or more hours of sleep.

Sleep needs also change throughout the life cycle.

Newborns sleep between 16 and 18 hours a day, and children in preschool sleep between 11 and 12 hours a day.

School-aged children and adolescents need at least 10 hours of sleep each night.

The hormonal influences of puberty tend to shift adolescents’ biological clocks.

As a result, teenagers (who need between 9 and 10 hours of sleep a night) are more likely to go to bed later than younger children and adults, and they tend to want to sleep later in the morning.

This delayed sleep–wake rhythm conflicts with the early morning start times of many high schools and helps explain why most teenagers get an average of only 7–7.5 hours of sleep a night.

As people get older, the pattern of sleep also changes—especially the amount of time spent in deep sleep.

This explains why children can sleep through loud noises and why they might not wake up when moved.

Across the lifespan, the sleep period tends to advance, namely relative to teenagers.

Older adults tend to go to bed earlier and wake earlier.

The quality—but not necessarily the quantity—of deep, non-REM sleep also changes, with a trend toward lighter sleep.

The relative percentages of stages of sleep appear to stay mostly constant after infancy.

From midlife through late life, people awaken more throughout the night.

These sleep disruptions cause older people to lose more and more of stages 1 and 2 non-REM sleep as well as REM sleep.

Some older people complain of difficulty falling asleep, early morning awakenings, frequent and long awakenings during the night, daytime sleepiness, and a lack of refreshing sleep.

Many sleep problems, however, are not a natural part of sleep in the elderly.

Their sleep complaints may be due, in part, to medical conditions, illnesses, or medications they are taking— all of which can disrupt sleep.

In fact, one study found that the prevalence of sleep problems is very low in healthy older adults.

Other causes of some of older adults sleep complaints are sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and other sleep disorders that become more common with age.

Also, older people are more likely to have their sleep disrupted by the need to urinate during the night.

Some evidence shows that the biological clock shifts in older people, so they are more apt to go to sleep earlier at night and wake up earlier in the morning.

No evidence indicates that older people can get by with less sleep than younger people.

Poor sleep in older people may result in excessive daytime sleepiness, attention and memory problems, depressed mood, and overuse of sleeping pills.

Despite variations in sleep quantity and quality, both related to age and between individuals, studies suggest that the optimal amount of sleep needed to perform adequately, avoid a sleep debt, and not have problem sleepiness during the day is about 7–8 hours for adults and at least 10 hours for school-aged children and adolescents.

Similar amounts seem to be necessary to avoid an increased risk of developing obesity, diabetes, or cardiovascular diseases.

Quality of sleep and the timing of sleep are as important as quantity.

People whose sleep is frequently interrupted or cut short may not get enough of both non-REM sleep and REM sleep.

Both types of sleep appear to be crucial for learning and memory—and perhaps for the restorative benefits of healthy sleep, including the growth and repair of cells.

Many people try to make up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping more on the weekends.

But if you have lost too much sleep, sleeping in on a weekend does not completely erase your sleep debt.

Certainly, sleeping more at the end of a week won’t make up for any poor performance you had earlier in that week.

Just one night of inadequate sleep can negatively affect your functioning and mood during at least the next day.

Daytime naps are another strategy some people use to make up for lost sleep during the night.

Some evidence shows that short naps (up to an hour) can make up, at least partially, for the sleep missed on the previous night and improve alertness, mood, and work performance.

But naps don’t substitute for a good night’s sleep. One study found that a daytime nap after a lack of sleep at night did not fully restore levels of blood sugar to the pattern seen with adequate nighttime sleep.

If a nap lasts longer than 20 minutes, you may have a hard time waking up fully. In addition, late afternoon naps can make falling asleep at night more difficult.

Sleep Myths

Myth: Sleep is a time when your body and brain shut down for rest and relaxation.

Fact: No evidence shows that any major organ (including the brain) or regulatory system in the body shuts down during sleep. Some physiological processes actually become more active while you sleep. For example, secretion of certain hormones is boosted, and activity of the pathways in the brain linked to learning and memory increases.

Myth: Getting just 1 hour less sleep per night than needed will not have any effect on your daytime functioning.

Fact: This lack of sleep may not make you noticeably sleepy during the day. But even slightly less sleep can affect your ability to think properly and respond quickly, and it can impair your cardiovascular health and energy balance as well as your body’s ability to fight infections, particularly if lack of sleep continues. If you consistently do not get enough sleep, a sleep debt builds up that you can never repay. This sleep debt affects your health and quality of life and makes you feel tired during the day.

Myth: Your body adjusts quickly to different sleep schedules.

Fact: Your biological clock makes you most alert during the daytime and least alert at night. Thus, even if you work the night shift, you will naturally feel sleepy when nighttime comes. Most people can reset their biological clock, but only by appropriately timed cues—and even then, by 1–2 hours per day at best. Consequently, it can take more than a week to adjust to a substantial change in your sleep-wake cycle-for example, when traveling across several time zones or switching from working the day shift to the night shift.

Myth: People need less sleep as they get older.

Fact: Older people don’t need less sleep, but they may get less sleep or find their sleep less refreshing. That’s because as people age, the quality of their sleep changes. Older people are also more likely to have insomnia or other medical conditions that disrupt their sleep.

Myth: Extra sleep for one night can cure you of problems with excessive daytime fatigue.

Fact: Not only is the quantity of sleep important, but also the quality of sleep. Some people sleep 8 or 9 hours a night but don’t feel well rested when they wake up because the quality of their sleep is poor. A number of sleep disorders and other medical conditions affect the quality of sleep. Sleeping more won’t lessen the daytime sleepiness these disorders or conditions cause. However, many of these disorders or conditions can be treated effectively with changes in behavior or with medical therapies. Additionally, one night of increased sleep may not correct multiple nights of inadequate sleep.

Myth: You can make up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping more on the weekends.

Fact: Although this sleeping pattern will help you feel more rested, it will not completely make up for the lack of sleep or correct your sleep debt. This pattern also will not necessarily make up for impaired performance during the week or the physical problems that can result from not sleeping enough. Furthermore, sleeping later on the weekends can affect your biological clock, making it much harder to go to sleep at the right time on Sunday nights and get up early on Monday mornings.

Myth: Naps are a waste of time.

Fact: Although naps are no substitute for a good night’s sleep, they can be restorative and help counter some of the effects of not getting enough sleep at night. Naps can actually help you learn how to do certain tasks quicker. But avoid taking naps later than 3 p.m., particularly if you have trouble falling asleep at night, as late naps can make it harder for you to fall asleep when you go to bed. Also, limit your naps to no longer than 20 minutes, because longer naps will make it harder to wake up and get back in the swing of things. If you take more than one or two planned or unplanned naps during the day, you may have a sleep disorder that should be treated.

Myth: Snoring is a normal part of sleep.

Fact: Snoring during sleep is common, particularly as a person gets older. Evidence is growing that snoring on a regular basis can make you sleepy during the day and increase your risk for diabetes and heart disease. In addition, some studies link frequent snoring to problem behavior and poorer school achievement in children. Loud, frequent snoring also can be a sign of sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorder that should be evaluated and treated.

Myth: Children who don’t get enough sleep at night will show signs of sleepiness during the day.

Fact: Unlike adults, children who don’t get enough sleep at night typically become hyperactive, irritable, and inattentive during the day. They also have increased risk of injury and more behavior problems, and their growth rate may be impaired. Sleep debt appears to be quite common during childhood and may be misdiagnosed as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Myth: The main cause of insomnia is worry.

Fact: Although worry or stress can cause a short bout of insomnia, a persistent inability to fall asleep or stay asleep at night can be caused by a number of other factors. Certain medications and sleep disorders can keep you up at night. Other common causes of insomnia are depression, anxiety disorders, and asthma, arthritis, or other medical conditions with symptoms that tend to be troublesome at night. Some people who have chronic insomnia also appear to be more “revved up” than normal, so it is harder for them to fall asleep.

What Disrupts Sleep?

Many factors can prevent a good night’s sleep. These factors range from well-known stimulants, such as coffee, to certain pain relievers, decongestants, and other culprits.

Many people depend on the caffeine in coffee, cola, or tea to wake them up in the morning or to keep them awake. Caffeine is thought to block the cell receptors that adenosine (a substance in the brain) uses to trigger its sleepinducing signals. In this way, caffeine fools the body into thinking it isn’t tired.

It can take as long as 6–8 hours for the effects of caffeine to wear off completely. Thus, drinking a cup of coffee in the late afternoon may prevent your falling asleep at night.

Nicotine is another stimulant that can keep you awake. Nicotine also leads to lighter than normal sleep, and heavy smokers tend to wake up too early because of nicotine withdrawal.

Although alcohol is a sedative that makes it easier to fall asleep, it prevents deep sleep and REM sleep, allowing only the lighter stages of sleep. People who drink alcohol also tend to wake up in the middle of the night when the effects of an alcoholic “nightcap” wear off.

Certain commonly used prescription and over-the-counter medicines contain ingredients that can keep you awake. These ingredients include decongestants and steroids. Many medicines taken to relieve headaches contain caffeine. Heart and blood pressure medications known as beta blockers can make it difficult to fall asleep and cause more awakenings during the night.

People who have chronic asthma or bronchitis also have more problems falling asleep and staying asleep than healthy people, either because of their breathing difficulties or because of the medicines they take.

Other chronic painful or uncomfortable conditions – such as arthritis, congestive heart failure, and sickle cell anemia – can disrupt sleep, too.

A number of psychological disorders-including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorders-are well known for disrupting sleep.

Depression often leads to insomnia, and insomnia can cause depression.

Some of these psychological disorders are more likely to disrupt REM sleep.

Psychological stress also takes its toll on sleep, making it more difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. People who feel stressed also tend to spend less time in deep sleep and REM sleep.

Many people report having difficulties sleeping if, for example, they have recently lost a loved one, are going through a divorce, or are under stress at work.

Menstrual cycle hormones can affect how well women sleep. Progesterone is known to induce sleep and circulates in greater concentrations in the second half of the menstrual cycle. For this reason, women may sleep better during this phase of their menstrual cycle.

On the other hand, many women report trouble sleeping the night before their menstrual flow starts. This sleep disruption may be related to the abrupt drop in progesterone levels that occurs just before menstruation.

Women in their late forties and early fifties, however, report more difficulties sleeping (insomnia) than younger women. These difficulties may be linked to menopause, when they have lower concentrations of progesterone. Hot flashes in women of this age also may cause sleep disruption and difficulties.

Certain lifestyle factors also may deprive a person of needed sleep. Large meals or vigorous exercise just before bedtime can make it harder to fall asleep. While vigorous exercise in the evening may delay sleep onset for various reasons, exercise in the daytime is associated with improved nighttime sleep.

If you aren’t getting enough sleep or aren’t falling asleep early enough, you may be overscheduling activities that can prevent you from getting the quiet relaxation time you need to prepare for sleep.

Most people report that it’s easier to fall asleep if they have time to wind down into a less active state before sleeping. Relaxing in a hot bath or having a hot, caffeine-free beverage before bedtime may help.

In addition, your body temperature drops after a hot bath in a way that mimics, in part, what happens as you fall asleep. Probably for both these reasons, many people report that they fall asleep more easily after a hot bath.

Your sleeping environment also can affect your sleep. Clear your bedroom of any potential sleep distractions, such as noises, bright lights, a TV, a cell phone, or computer. Having a comfortable mattress and pillow can help promote a good night’s sleep. You also sleep better if the temperature in your bedroom is kept on the cool side.

Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Stick to a sleep schedule

Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.

As creatures of habit, people have a hard time adjusting to changes in sleep patterns.

Sleeping later on weekends won’t fully make up for a lack of sleep during the week and will make it harder to wake up early on Monday morning.

Exercise is great, but not too late in the day

Try to exercise at least 30 minutes on most days but not later than 2–3 hours before your bedtime.

Avoid caffeine and nicotine

Coffee, colas, certain teas, and chocolate contain the stimulant caffeine, and its effects can take as long as 8 hours to wear off fully. Therefore, a cup of coffee in the late afternoon can make it hard for you to fall asleep at night.

Nicotine is also a stimulant, often causing smokers to sleep only very lightly. In addition, smokers often wake up too early in the morning because of nicotine withdrawal.

Avoid alcoholic drinks before bed

Having a “nightcap” or alcoholic beverage before sleep may help you relax, but heavy use robs you of deep sleep and REM sleep, keeping you in the lighter stages of sleep.

Heavy alcohol ingestion also may contribute to impairment in breathing at night. You also tend to wake up in the middle of the night when the effects of the alcohol have worn off.

Avoid large meals and beverages late at night.=

A light snack is okay, but a large meal can cause indigestion that interferes with sleep.

Drinking too many fluids at night can cause frequent awakenings to urinate.

If possible, avoid medicines that delay or disrupt your sleep

Some commonly prescribed heart, blood pressure, or asthma medications, as well as some over-the-counter and herbal remedies for coughs, colds, or allergies, can disrupt sleep patterns.

If you have trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor or pharmacist to see whether any drugs you’re taking might be contributing to your insomnia and ask whether they can be taken at other times during the day or early in the evening.

Don’t take naps after 3 p.m.

Naps can help make up for lost sleep, but late afternoon naps can make it harder to fall asleep at night.

Relax before bed

Don’t overschedule your day so that no time is left for unwinding.

A relaxing activity, such as reading or listening to music, should be part of your bedtime ritual.

Take a hot bath before bed

The drop in body temperature after getting out of the bath may help you feel sleepy, and the bath can help you relax and slow down so you’re more ready to sleep.

Have a good sleeping environment

Get rid of anything in your bedroom that might distract you from sleep, such as noises, bright lights, an uncomfortable bed, or warm temperatures.

You sleep better if the temperature in the room is kept on the cool side.

A TV, cell phone, or computer in the bedroom can be a distraction and deprive you of needed sleep.

Having a comfortable mattress and pillow can help promote a good night’s sleep.

Individuals who have insomnia often watch the clock. Turn the clock’s face out of view so you don’t worry about the time while trying to fall asleep.

Have the right sunlight exposure

Daylight is key to regulating daily sleep patterns. Try to get outside in natural sunlight for at least 30 minutes each day.

If possible, wake up with the sun or use very bright lights in the morning.

Sleep experts recommend that, if you have problems falling asleep, you should get an hour of exposure to morning sunlight and turn down the lights before bedtime.

Don’t lie in bed awake

If you find yourself still awake after staying in bed for more than 20 minutes or if you are starting to feel anxious or worried, get up and do some relaxing activity until you feel sleepy.

The anxiety of not being able to sleep can make it harder to fall asleep.

See a doctor if you continue to have trouble sleeping

If you consistently find it difficult to fall or stay asleep and/or feel tired or not well rested during the day despite spending enough time in bed at night, you may have a sleep disorder.

Your family doctor or a sleep specialist should be able to help you, and it is important to rule out other health or psychiatric problems that may be disturbing your sleep.

Is Snoring a Problem?

Long the material for jokes, snoring is generally accepted as common and annoying in adults but as nothing to worry about.

However, snoring is no laughing matter. Frequent, loud snoring is often a sign of sleep apnea and may increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Snoring also may lead to daytime sleepiness and impaired performance.

Snoring is caused by a narrowing or partial blockage of the airways at the back of your mouth, throat, or nose.

This obstruction results in increased air turbulence when breathing in, causing the soft tissues in your upper airways to vibrate.

The end result is a noisy snore that can disrupt the sleep of your bed partner.

This narrowing of the airways is typically caused by the soft palate, tongue, andthroat relaxing while you sleep, but allergies or sinus problems also can contribute to a narrowing of the airways, as can being overweight and having extra soft tissue around your upper airways.

The larger the tissues in your soft palate (the roof of your mouth in the back of your throat), the more likely you are to snore while sleeping.

Alcohol or sedatives taken shortly before sleep also promote snoring.

These drugs cause greater relaxation of the tissues in your throat and mouth.

Surveys reveal that about one-half of all adults snore, and 50 percent of these adults do so loudly and frequently.

African Americans, Asians, and Hispanics are more ikely to snore loudly and frequently compared with Caucasians, and snoring problems increase with age.

Not everyone who snores has sleep apnea, but people who have sleep apnea typically do snore loudly and frequently.

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder, and its hallmark is loud, frequent snoring with pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while sleeping.

Even if you don’t experience these breathing pauses, snoring can still be a problem for you as well as for your bed partner.

Snoring adds extra effort to your breathing, which can reduce the quality of your sleep and lead to many of the same health consequences as sleep apnea.

One study found that older adults who did not have sleep apnea, but who snored 6–7 nights a week, were more than twice as likely to report being extremely sleepy during the day than those who never snored.

The more people snored, the more daytime fatigue they reported.

That sleepiness may help explain why snorers are more likely to be in car crashes than people who don’t snore.

Loud snoring also can disrupt the sleep of bed partners and strain marital relations, especially if snoring causes the spouses to sleep in separate bedrooms.

In addition, snoring increases the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.

One study found that women who snored regularly were twice as likely as those who did not snore to develop diabetes, even if they were not overweight (another risk factor for diabetes).

Other studies suggest that regular snoring may raise the lifetime risk of developing high blood pressure, heart failure, and stroke.

About one-third of all pregnant women begin snoring for the first time during their second trimester. If you are snoring while pregnant, let your doctor know.

Snoring in pregnancy can be associated with high blood pressure and can have a negative effect on your baby’s growth and development.

Your doctor will keep a close eye on your blood pressure throughout your pregnancy and can let you know if any additional evaluations for the snoring might be useful.

In most cases, the snoring and any related high blood pressure will go away shortly after delivery.

Snoring also can be a problem in children. As many as 10–15 percent of young children, who typically have enlarged adenoids and tonsils (both tissues in the throat), snore on a regular basis.

Several studies show that children who snore (with or without sleep apnea) are more likely than those who do not snore to score lower on tests that measure intelligence, memory, and attention span.

These children also have more problematic behavior, including hyperactivity.

The end result is that children who snore don’t perform in school as well as those who do not snore.

Strikingly, snoring was linked to a greater drop in IQ than that seen in children who had elevated levels of lead in their blood.

Although the behavior of children improves after they stop snoring, studies suggest they may continue to get poorer grades in school, perhaps because of lasting effects on the brain linked to the snoring.

You should have your child evaluated by your doctor if the child snores loudly and frequently—three to four times a week—especially if you note brief pauses in breathing while asleep and if there are signs of hyperactivity or daytime sleepiness, inadequate school achievement, or slower than expected development.

Surgery to remove the adenoids and tonsils of children often can cure their snoring and any associated sleep apnea.

Such surgery has been linked to a reduction in hyperactivity and improved ability to pay attention, even in children who showed no signs of sleep apnea before surgery.

Snoring in older children and adults may be relieved by less invasive measures, however.

These measures include losing weight, refraining from use of tobacco, sleeping on the side rather than on the back, or elevating the head while sleeping.

Treating chronic congestion and refraining from alcohol or sedatives before sleeping also may decrease snoring.

In some adults, snoring can be relieved by dental appliances that reposition the soft tissues in the mouth.

Although numerous over-the-counter nasal strips and sprays claim to relieve snoring, no scientific evidence supports those claims.

Common Signs of a Sleep disorder

Look over this list of common signs of a sleep disorder, and talk to your doctor if you have any of them on three or more nights a week:

  • It takes you more than 30 minutes to fall asleep at night.
  • You awaken frequently in the night and then have trouble falling back to sleep again.
  • You awaken too early in the morning.
  • You often don’t feel well rested despite spending 7–8 hours or more asleep at night.
  • You feel sleepy during the day and fall asleep within 5 minutes if you have an opportunity to nap, or you fall asleep unexpectedly or at inappropriate times during the day.
  • Your bed partner claims you snore loudly, snort, gasp, or make choking sounds while you sleep, or your partner notices that your breathing stops for short periods.
  • You have creeping, tingling, or crawling feelings in your legs that are relieved by moving or massaging them, especially in the evening and when you try to fall asleep.
  • You have vivid, dreamlike experiences while falling asleep or dozing.
  • You have episodes of sudden muscle weakness when you are angry or fearful, or when you laugh.
  • You feel as though you cannot move when you first wake up.
  • Your bed partner notes that your legs or arms jerk often during sleep.
  • You regularly need to use stimulants to stay awake during the day.

Also keep in mind that, although children can show some of these signs of a sleep disorder, they often do not show signs of excessive daytime sleepiness. Instead, they may seem overactive and have difficulty focusing and concentrating. They also may not do their best in school.

Common Sleep Disorders

A number of sleep disorders can disrupt your sleep quality and make you overly sleepy during the day, even if you spent enough time in bed to be well rested.

More than 70 sleep disorders affect at least 40 million Americans and account for an estimated $16 billion in medical costs each year, not counting costs due to lost work time, car accidents, and other factors.

The four most common sleep disorders are insomnia, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and narcolepsy.

Additional sleep problems include chronic insufficient sleep, circadian rhythm abnormalities, and “parasomnias” such as sleep walking, sleep paralysis, and night terrors.


Alarm clock on night table showing 3 a.m.

Insomnia is defined as having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or as having unrefreshing sleep despite having ample opportunity to sleep.

Life is filled with events that occasionally cause insomnia for a short time.

Such temporary insomnia is common and is often brought on by situations such as stress at work, family pressures, or a traumatic event.

A National Sleep Foundation poll of adults in the United States found that close to half of the respondents reported temporary insomnia in the nights immediately after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

Chronic insomnia is defined as having symptoms at least 3 nights per week for more than 1 month.

Most cases of chronic insomnia are secondary, which means they are due to another disorder or medications.

Primary chronic insomnia is a distinct sleep disorder its cause is not yet well understood.

About 30–40 percent of adults say they have some symptoms of insomnia within any given year, and about 10–15 percent of adults say they have chronic insomnia.

Chronic insomnia becomes more common with age, and women are more likely than men to report having insomnia.

Insomnia often causes problems during the day, such as extreme sleepiness, fatigue, a lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, depressed mood, and irritability. Thus, untreated insomnia can impair quality of life as much as, or more than, other chronic medical problems.

Chronic insomnia is often caused by one or more of the following:

  • A disease or mood disorder. The most common causes of insomnia are depression and/or anxiety disorders. Neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease, also can have insomnia as a symptom. Chronic insomnia can result from thyroid dysfunction, arthritis, asthma, or other medical conditions in which symptoms become more troublesome at night, making it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep.
  • Various prescribed and over-the-counter medications that can disrupt sleep, such as decongestants, certain pain relievers, and steroids.
  • Sleep-disrupting behavior such as drinking alcohol, exercising shortly before bedtime, ingesting caffeine late in the day, watching TV or reading while in bed, or irregular sleep schedules due to shift work or other causes.
  • Another sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome.

Some people, however, have primary chronic insomnia.

This condition is linked to a tendency to be more “revved up” than normal (hyperarousal).

People who have primary chronic insomnia may have heightened levels of certain hormones, higher body temperatures, faster heart rates, and a different pattern of brain waves while they sleep.

Doctors diagnose insomnia based mainly on sleep history, often by reviewing a sleep diary. An overnight sleep recording may be required if another sleep disorder is suspected.

Doctors also will try to diagnose and treat any other underlying medical or psychological problems as well as identify behaviors that might be causing the insomnia.

Often, people who have insomnia enter into a vicious cycle—because they’ve had trouble sleeping on previous nights, they become anxious at the slightest sign that they may not be falling asleep right away.

That anxiety can make it more difficult for them to fall asleep.

The more time they spend in bed not sleeping, and watching the clock, the more their anxiety—and sleeplessness—increases.

To break that cycle of anxiety and negative conditioning, experts recommend going to bed only when you’re sleepy.

If you can’t fall asleep (or fall back to sleep) within 20 minutes, get out of bed, go into another room, and do a relaxing activity (such as reading) until you feel sleepy again. Then return to bed.

Studies have shown that this reconditioning therapy is an effective way to treat insomnia.

Relaxation therapy is another strategy that works for some people who have insomnia.

Relaxation therapy may include meditation and other mental relaxation techniques. It also may include physical relaxation techniques, such as progressively tensing and then relaxing each of the muscle groups in your body before sleep.

Another method is to focus on breathing deeply. Relaxation therapy can help your body and mind slow down so that you can fall asleep more easily at bedtime.

Sleep restriction therapy also works for some people who have insomnia.

Calculate your average sleep time over the course of a week, and then limit your nightly sleep time to that average.

Gradually add more sleep time each night until you achieve a more normal night’s sleep.

You should avoid daytime naps longer than 15–20 minutes during sleep restriction therapy.

Napping can make it harder to fall asleep at night, which may prolong insomnia.

In addition, during sleep restriction therapy, avoid driving a car or operating dangerous machinery until you are getting enough sleep at night.

All of these behavioral changes are part of a treatment called cognitive behavioral therapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy also can be used to replace negative thoughts about sleep, such as “I’ll never fall asleep without sleeping pills,” with more realistic positive thinking.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is effective in most people who have chronic insomnia.

Some people who have chronic insomnia that is not corrected by behavioral therapy or treatment of an underlying condition may need a prescription medication.

You should talk to a doctor before trying to treat insomnia with alcohol, over-the-counter or prescribed short-acting sedatives, or sedating antihistamines that induce drowsiness.

The benefits of these treatments are limited, and they have risks. Some may help you fall asleep but leave you feeling unrefreshed in the morning.

Others have longer lasting effects and leave you feeling still tired and groggy in the morning. Some also may lose their effectiveness over time.

Doctors may prescribe sedating antidepressants for insomnia, but the effect iveness of these medicines in people who do not have depression is not known, and there are significant side effects.

To treat their insomnia, some people pursue “natural” remedies, such as melatonin supplements or valerian teas or extracts. These remedies are available over the counter.

Little evidence exists that melatonin can help relieve insomnia. Studies with valerian also have been inconclusive, and the actual dose and purity of various supplements, extracts, or teas that contain valerian may vary from product to product.

In addition, because melatonin, valerian, and other natural remedies are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, their safety is not monitored.

Sleep Apnea

In people who have sleep apnea (also referred to as sleep-disordered breathing), breathing briefly stops or becomes very shallow during sleep.

This change is caused by intermittent blocking of the upper airway, usually when the soft tissue in the rear of the throat collapses and partially or completely closes the airway.

Each pause in breathing typically lasts 10–120 seconds and may occur 20–30 times or more each sleeping hour.

If you have sleep apnea, not enough air can flow into your lungs through your mouth and nose during sleep, even though breathing efforts continue.

When this happens, the amount of oxygen in your blood decreases. Your brain responds by awakening you enough to tighten the upper airway muscles and open your windpipe. Normal breaths then start again, often with a loud snort or choking sound.

Although people who have sleep apnea typically snore loudly and frequently, not everyone who snores has sleep apnea. Because people who have sleep apnea frequently go from deeper sleep to lighter sleep during the night, they rarely spend enough time in deep, restorative stages of sleep.

They are therefore often excessively sleepy during the day. Such sleepiness is thought to lead to mood and behavior problems, including depression, and it more than triples the risk of being in a traffic or work-related accident.

The many brief drops in blood-oxygen levels that occur during the night can result in morning headaches and trouble concentrating, thinking clearly, learning, and remembering. Additionally, the intermittent oxygen drops and reduced sleep quality together trigger the release of stress hormones.

These hormones raise your blood pressure and heart rate and boost the risk of heart attack, stroke, irregular heartbeats, and congestive heart failure. In addition, untreated sleep apnea can lead to changes in energy metabolism (the way your body changes food and oxygen into energy) that increase the risk for developing obesity and diabetes.

Anyone can have sleep apnea. It is estimated that at least 12–18 million American adults have sleep apnea, making it as common as asthma. More than one-half of the people who have sleep apnea are overweight.

Sleep apnea is more common in men. More than 1 in 25 middle-aged men and 1 in 50 middle-aged women have sleep apnea along with extreme daytime sleepiness. About 3 percent of children and 10 percent or more of people over age 65 have sleep apnea.

This condition occurs more frequently in African Americans, Asians, Native Americans, and Hispanics than in Caucasians. More than one-half of all people who have sleep apnea are not diagnosed. People who have sleep apnea generally are not aware that their breathing stops in the night.

They just notice that they don’t feel well rested when they wake up and are sleepy throughout the day. Their bed partners are likely to notice, however, that they snore loudly and frequently and that they often stop breathing briefly while sleeping.

Doctors suspect sleep apnea if these symptoms are present, but the diagnosis must be confirmed with overnight sleep monitoring. This monitoring will reveal pauses in breathing, frequent sleep arousals (changes from sleep to wakefulness), and intermittent drops in levels of oxygen in the blood.

Like adults who have sleep apnea, children who have this disorder usually snore loudly, snort or gasp, and have brief pauses in breathing while sleeping. Small children often have enlarged tonsils and adenoids that increase their risk for sleep apnea. But doctors may not suspect sleep apnea in children because, instead of showing the typical signs of sleepiness during the day, these children often become agitated and may be considered hyperactive.

The effects of sleep apnea in children may include poor school performance and difficult, aggressive behavior. A number of factors can make a person susceptible to sleep apnea. These factors include:

  • Throat muscles and tongue that relax more than normal while asleep.
  • Enlarged tonsils and adenoids.
  • Being overweight—the excess fat tissue around your neck makes it harder to keep the throat area open.
  • Head and neck shape that creates a somewhat smaller airway size in the mouth and throat area.
  • Congestion, due to allergies, that also can narrow the airway.
  • Family history of sleep apnea.

If your doctor suspects that you have sleep apnea, you may be referred to a sleep specialist. Some of the ways to help diagnose sleep apnea include:

  • A medical history that includes asking you and your family questions about how you sleep and how you function during the day.
  • Checking your mouth, nose, and throat for extra or large tissues—for example, checking the tonsils, uvula (the tissue that hangs from the middle of the back of the mouth), and soft palate (the roof of your mouth in the back of your throat).
  • An overnight recording of what happens with your breathing during sleep (polysomnogram, or PSG).
  • A multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), usually done in a sleep center, to see how quickly you fall asleep at times when you would normally be awake. (Falling asleep in only a few minutes usually means that you are very sleepy during the day. Being very sleepy during the day can be a sign of sleep apnea.)

Once all the tests are completed, the sleep specialist will review the results and work with you and your family to develop a treatment plan. Changes in daily activities or habits may help reduce your symptoms:

  • Sleep on your side instead of on your back. Sleeping on your side will help reduce the amount of upper airway collapse during sleep.
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, sleeping pills, herbal supplements, and any other medications that make you sleepy. They make it harder for your airways to stay open while you sleep, and sedatives can make the breathing pauses longer and more severe. Tobacco smoke irritates the airways and can help trigger the intermittent collapse of the upper airway.
  • Lose weight if you are overweight. Even a little weight loss can sometimes improve symptoms.

These changes may be all that are needed to treat mild sleep apnea. However, if you have moderate or severe sleep apnea, you will need additional, more direct treatment approaches.

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most effective treatment for sleep apnea in adults. A CPAP machine uses mild air pressure to keep your airways open while you sleep.

The machine delivers air to your airways through a specially designed nasal mask. The mask does not breathe for you; the flow of air creates increased pressure to keep the airways in your nose and mouth more open while you sleep.

The air pressure is adjusted so that it is just enough to stop your airways from briefly becoming too small during sleep. The pressure is constant and continuous.

Sleep apnea will return if CPAP is stopped or if it is used incorrectly. People who have severe sleep apnea symptoms generally feel much better once they begin treatment with CPAP.

CPAP treatment can cause side effects in some people. Possible side effects include dry or stuffy nose, irritation of the skin on the face, bloating of the stomach, sore eyes, or headaches.

If you have trouble with CPAP side effects, work with your sleep specialist and support staff. Together, you can do things to reduce or eliminate these problems. Currently, no medications cure sleep apnea.

However, some prescription medications may help relieve the excessive sleepiness that sometimes persists even with CPAP treatment of sleep apnea.

Another treatment approach that may help some people is the use of a mouthpiece (oral or dental appliance).

If you have mild sleep apnea or do not have sleep apnea but snore very loudly, your doctor or dentist also may recommend this.

A custom-fitted plastic mouthpiece will be made by a dentist or an orthodontist (a specialist in correcting teeth or jaw problems).

The mouthpiece will adjust your lower jaw and tongue to help keep the airway in your throat more open while you are sleeping.

Air can then flow more easily into your lungs because there is less resistance to breathing. Following up with the dentist or orthodontist is important to correct any side effects and to be sure that your mouthpiece continues to fit properly.

It is also important to have a followup sleep study to see whether your sleep apnea has improved. Some people who have sleep apnea may benefit from surgery; this depends on the findings of the evaluation by the sleep specialist.

Removing tonsils and adenoids that are blocking the airway is done frequently, especially in children. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) is a surgery for adults that removes the tonsils, uvula, and part of the soft palate.

Tracheostomy is a surgery used rarely and only in severe sleep apnea when no other treatments have been successful. A small hole is made in the windpipe, and a tube is inserted. Air will flow through the tube and into the lungs, bypassing the obstruction in the upper airway.

Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) causes an unpleasant prickling or tingling in the legs, especially in the calves, that is relieved by moving or massaging them.

People who have RLS feel a need to stretch or move their legs to get rid of the uncomfortable or painful feelings. As a result, it may be difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. One or both legs may be affected.

Some people also feel the sensations in their arms. These sensations also can occur when lying down or sitting for long periods of time, such as while at a desk, riding in a car, or watching a movie.

Many people who have RLS also have brief limb movements during sleep, often with abrupt onset, occurring every 5–90 seconds. This condition, known as periodic limb movements in sleep (PLMS), can repeatedly awaken people who have RLS, reducing their total sleep time and interrupting their sleep.

Some people have PLMS but have no abnormal sensations in their legs while awake. RLS affects 5–15 percent of Americans, and its prevalence increases with age. RLS occurs more often in women than men.

One study found that RLS accounted for one-third of the insomnia seen in patients older than age 60.

Children also can have RLS. In children, the condition may be associated with symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. However, it’s not fully known how the disorders are related. Sometimes “growing pains” can be mistaken for RLS.

RLS is often inherited. Pregnancy, kidney failure, and anemia related to iron or vitamin deficiency can trigger or worsen RLS symptoms.

Researchers suspect that these conditions cause an iron deficiency that results in a lack of dopamine, which is used by the brain to control physical sensation and limb movements.

Doctors usually can diagnose RLS by patients symptoms and a telltale worsening of symptoms at night or while at rest. Some doctors may order a blood test to check ferretin levels (ferretin is a form of iron).

Doctors also may ask people who have RLS to spend a night in a sleep laboratory, where they are monitored to rule out other sleep disorders and to document the excessive limb movements. RLS is treatable but not always curable.

Dramatic improvements are seen quickly when patients are given dopamine-like drugs or iron supplements.

Alternatively, people who have milder cases may be treated successfully with sedatives or behavioral strategies. These strategies include stretching, taking a hot bath, or massaging the legs before bedtime.

Avoiding caffeinated beverages also can help reduce symptoms, and certain medications (e.g., some antidepressants, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) may cause RLS.

If iron or vitamin deficiency underlies RLS, symptoms may improve with prescribed iron, vitamin B12, or folate supplements.

Some people may require anticonvulsant medications to control the creeping and crawling sensations in their limbs.

Others who have severe symptoms that are associated with another medical disorder or that do not respond to normal treatments may need to be treated with pain relievers.


Narcolepsy main symptom is extreme and overwhelming daytime sleepiness, even after adequate nighttime sleep.

In addition, nighttime sleep may be fragmented by frequent awakenings.

People who have narcolepsy often fall asleep at inappropriate times and places. Although TV sitcoms occasionally feature these individuals to generate a few laughs, narcolepsy is no laughing matter.

People who have narcolepsy experience daytime “sleep attacks” that last from seconds to more than one-half hour, can occur without warning, and may cause injury.

These embarrassing sleep spells also can make it difficult to work and to maintain normal personal or social relationships.

With narcolepsy, the usually sharp distinctions between being asleep and awake are blurred. Also, people who have narcolepsy tend to fall directly into dream-filled REM sleep, rather than enter REM sleep gradually after passing through the non-REM sleep stages first. In addition to overwhelming daytime sleepiness, narcolepsy has three other commonly associated symptoms, but these may not occur in all people:

Sudden muscle weakness (cataplexy)

This weakness is similar to the paralysis that normally occurs during REM sleep, but it lasts a few seconds to minutes while an individual is awake.

Cataplexy tends to be triggered by sudden emotional reactions, such as anger, surprise, fear, or laughter.

The weakness may show up as limpness at the neck, buckling of the knees, or sagging facial muscles affecting speech, or it may cause a complete body collapse.

Sleep paralysis

People who have narcolepsy may experience a temporary inability to talk or move when falling asleep or waking up, as if they were glued to their beds.

Vivid dreams

These dreams can occur when people who have narcolepsy first fall asleep or wake up. The dreams are so lifelike that they can be confused with reality.

Experts estimate that as many as 350,000 Americans have narcolepsy, but fewer than 50,000 are diagnosed.

The disorder may be as widespread as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis, and more prevalent than cystic fibrosis, but it is less well known.

Narcolepsy is often mistaken for depression, epilepsy, or the side effects of medicines.

Narcolepsy can be difficult to diagnose in people who have only the symptom of excessive daytime sleepiness.

It is usually diagnosed during an overnight sleep recording (PSG) that is followed by an MSLT.

Both tests reveal symptoms of narcolepsy—the tendency to fall asleep rapidly and enter REM sleep early, even during brief naps.

Narcolepsy can develop at any age, but the symptoms tend to appear first during adolescence or early adulthood.

About 1 of every 10 people who have narcolepsy has a close family member who has the disorder, suggesting that one can inherit a tendency to develop narcolepsy.

Studies suggest that a substance in the brain called hypocretin plays a key role in narcolepsy. Most people who have narcolepsy lack hypocretin, which promotes wakefulness.

Scientists believe that an autoimmune reaction—perhaps triggered by disease, viral illness, or brain injury-specifically destroys the hypocretin-generating cells in the brains of people who have narcolepsy.

Eventually, researchers may develop a treatment for narcolepsy that restores hypocretin to normal levels.

In the meantime, most people who have narcolepsy find some to all of their symptoms relieved by various drug treatments.

For example, central nervous system stimulants can reduce daytime sleepiness.

Antidepressants and other drugs that suppress REM sleep can prevent muscle weakness, sleep paralysis, and vivid dreaming.

Doctors also usually recommend that people who have narcolepsy take short naps (10–15 minutes) two or three times a day, if possible, to help control excessive daytime sleepiness.

Parasomnias (Abnormal Arousals)

In some people, the walking, talking, and other body functions normally suppressed during sleep occur during certain sleep stages.

Alternatively, the paralysis or vivid images usually experienced during dreaming may persist after awakening.

These occurrences are collectively known as parasomnias and include confusional arousals (a mixed state of being both asleep and awake), sleep talking, sleep walking, night terrors, sleep paralysis, and REM sleep behavior disorder (acting out dreams).

Most of these disorders— such as confusional arousals, sleep walking, and night terrors—are more common in children, who tend to outgrow them once they become adults.

People who are sleep-deprived also may experience some of these disorders, including sleep walking and sleep paralysis.

Sleep paralysis also commonly occurs in people who have narcolepsy.

Certain medications or neurological disorders appear to lead to other parasomnias, such as REM sleep behavior disorder, and these parasomnias tend to occur more in elderly people.

If you or a family member has persistent episodes of sleep paralysis, sleep walking, or acting out of dreams, talk with your doctor.

Taking measures to assure the safety of children and other family members who have partial arousals from sleep is very important.

How Are Sleep disorders diagnosed?

Depending on your symptoms, your doctor will gather information and consider several possible tests when trying to diagnose a sleep disorder:

Sleep history and sleep log

Your doctor will ask you how many hours you sleep each night, how often you awaken during the night and for how long, how long it takes you to fall asleep, how well rested you feel upon awakening, and how sleepy you feel during the day.

Your doctor may ask you to keep a sleep diary for a few weeks.

Your doctor also may ask you whether you have any symptoms of sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome, such as loud snoring, snorting or gasping, morning headaches, tingling or unpleasant sensations in the limbs that are relieved by moving them, and jerking of the limbs during sleep.

Your sleeping partner may be asked whether you have some of these symptoms, as you may not be aware of them yourself.

Sleep recording in a sleep laboratory (polysomnogram)

A sleep recording or polysomnogram (PSG) is usually done while you stay overnight at a sleep center or sleep laboratory.

Electrodes and other monitors are placed on your scalp, face, chest, limbs, and finger.

While you sleep, these devices measure your brain activity, eye movements, muscle activity, heart rate and rhythm, blood pressure, and how much air moves in and out of your lungs. This test also checks the amount of oxygen in your blood.

A PSG test is painless. In certain circumstances, the PSG can be done at home. A home monitor can be used to record heart rate, how air moves in and out of your lungs, the amount of oxygen in your blood, and your breathing effort.

Multiple sleep latency test (MSLT)

This daytime sleep study measures how sleepy you are and is particularly useful for diagnosing narcolepsy.

The MSLT is conducted in a sleep laboratory and typically done after an overnight sleep recording (PSG).

In this test, monitoring devices for sleep stage are placed on your scalp and face.

You are asked to nap four or five times for 20 minutes every 2 hours during the day.

Technicians note how quickly you fall asleep and how long it takes you to reach various stages of sleep, especially REM sleep, during your naps.

Normal individuals either do not fall asleep during these short designated naptimes or take a long time to fall asleep.

People who fall asleep in less than 5 minutes are likely to require treatment for a sleep disorder, as are those who quickly reach REM sleep during their naps.

It is important to have a sleep specialist interpret the results of your PSG or MSLT.

Do You Think You Have a Sleep Disorder?

At various points in our lives, all of us suffer from a lack of sleep that can be corrected by making sure we have the opportunity to get enough sleep.

But, if you are spending enough time in bed and still wake up tired or feel very sleepy during the day, you may have a sleep disorder.

One of the best ways you can tell whether you are getting enough good-quality sleep, and whether you have signs of a sleep disorder, is by keeping a sleep diary.

Use this diary to record the quality and quantity of your sleep, your use of medications, alcohol, and caffeinated beverages, your exercise patterns, and how sleepy you feel during the day.

After a week or so, look over this information to see how many hours of sleep or nighttime awakenings one night are linked to your being tired the next day.

This information will give you a sense of how much uninterrupted sleep you need to avoid daytime sleepiness.

You also can use the diary to see some of the patterns or practices that may keep you from getting a good night’s sleep.

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Download Sleep Diary

You may have a sleep disorder and should see your doctor if your sleep diary reveals any of the following:

  • You consistently take more than 30 minutes each night to fall asleep.
  • You consistently awaken more than a few times or for long periods of time each night.
  • You take frequent naps.
  • You often feel sleepy during the day—or you fall asleep at inappropriate times during the day.


Researchers have learned a lot about sleep and sleep disorders in recent years.

That knowledge has led to a better understanding of the importance of sleep to our lives and our health.

Research supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) has helped identify some of the causes of sleep disorders and their effects on the heart, brain, lungs, and other body systems.

The NHLBI also supports ongoing research on the most effective ways to diagnose and treat sleep disorders. Many questions remain about sleep and sleep disorders.

The NHLBI continues to support a range of research that focuses on:

  • Better understanding of how a lack of sleep increases the risk for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
  • New ways to diagnose sleep disorders.
  • Genetic, environmental, and social factors that lead to sleep disorders
  • The adverse effects from a lack of sleep on body and brain

Much of this research depends on the willingness of volunteers to participate in clinical research. If you would like to help researchers advance science on sleep or about a sleep disorder you have and possible treatments, talk to your doctor about participating in clinical research.

Clinical research

Researchers can learn quite a bit about sleep and sleep disorders by studying animals. However, to fully understand sleep and its affect on health and functioning, as well as how best to diagnose and treat sleep disorders, researchers need to do clinical research on people.

This type of research is called clinical research because it is often conducted in clinical settings, such as hospitals or doctors offices.

The two types of clinical research are clinical trials and clinical studies.

Clinical trials test new ways to diagnose, prevent, or treat various disorders.

For example, treatments (such as medicines, medical devices, surgery, or other procedures) for a disorder need to be tested in people who have the disorder.

A trial helps determine whether a treatment is safe and effective in humans before it is made available for public use.

In a clinical trial, participants are randomly assigned to groups. One group receives the new treatment being tested. Other groups may receive a different treatment or a placebo (an inactive substance resembling a drug being tested).

Comparing results from the groups gives researchers confidence that changes in the test group are due to the new treatment and not to other factors.

Other types of clinical studies are done to discover the factors, including environmental, behavioral, or genetic factors, that cause or worsen various disorders.

Researchers may follow a group of people over time to learn what factors contribute to becoming sick.

Clinical studies and trials may be relatively brief, or may last for years and require many visits to the study sites.

These sites usually are university hospitals or research centers, but they can include private doctors offices and community hospitals.

If you participate in clinical research, the research will be explained to you in detail, you will be given a chance to ask questions, and you will be asked to provide written permission.

You may not directly benefit from the results of the clinical research you participate in, but the information gathered will help others and will add to scientific knowledge.

Taking part in clinical research has other benefits, as well. You’ll learn more about your disorder, you’ll have the support of a team of health care providers, and your health will likely be monitored closely.

However, participation also can have risks, which you should discuss with your doctor.

No matter what you decide, your regular medical care will not be affected.

If you’re thinking about participating in a clinical study, you may have questions about the purpose of the study, the types of tests and treatment involved, how participation will affect your daily life, and whether any costs are involved.

Your doctor may be able to answer some of your questions and help you find clinical studies in which you can participate.

Final words

If you liked this article share it with friends. You can also try Iris, which is software for eye protection and better sleep.

Iris will automatically make your monitor more healthy by reducing the blue light emitted from your screen at night and much more.

Blue light at night stops the secretion of our sleep hormone melatonin and this prevents us from getting the so desired good night sleep.

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How Iris reduces eye pain? Fri, 03 Nov 2017 11:53:12 +0000 TODO

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Eye evolution timeline Thu, 12 Oct 2017 13:06:39 +0000 The origins of vision is a widely debated subject, since genetic relationships between early animals capable of sight are inconsistent. A team of researchers has conducted an extensive computer analysis that tests every proposed hypothesis on the origin of vision to date, and found a common ancestor dating from 700 million years ago. Their findings suggest vision evolved much earlier ... Read More

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The origins of vision is a widely debated subject, since genetic relationships between early animals capable of sight are inconsistent. A team of researchers has conducted an extensive computer analysis that tests every proposed hypothesis on the origin of vision to date, and found a common ancestor dating from 700 million years ago. Their findings suggest vision evolved much earlier than previously thought.

Opsin is photosensitive protein which holds the key to developing optical vision. These vital components trap light in the eyes’ pigments, however when they first evolved has been always a puzzling question for scientists.

Dr Davide Pisani of Bristol’s Schools of Biological Sciences and Earth Sciences and colleagues at NUI Maynooth performed a computational analysis of all available genomic information from all relevant animal lineages, including a newly sequenced group of sponges (Oscarella carmela) and the Cnidarians, a group of animals thought to have possessed the world’s earliest eyes.

With this data at hand, the researchers were able to construct an evolutionary timeline of opsin, which eventually lead them to the point of origin – a common ancestors to all groups appearing some 700 million years ago. The first opsin originated from the duplication of the common ancestor of the melatonin and opsin genes in a eumetazoan (Placozoa plus Neuralia) ancestor, and an inference of its amino acid sequence suggests that this protein might not have been light-sensitive.

Despite being consider blind, the opsin protein underwent key genetic changes over the span of 11 million years that conveyed the ability to detect light.

“The great relevance of our study is that we traced the earliest origin of vision and we found that it originated only once in animals,” says Dr Davide Pisani.

“This is an astonishing discovery, because it implies that our study uncovered, in consequence, how and when vision evolved in humans.”

Findings were published in the journal PNAS. Below you can find a very interesting infographic published by Voltier Creative which explains how eyes evolved.

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Optical illusions Wed, 11 Oct 2017 11:25:21 +0000 Optical Illusions can use color, light and patterns to create images that can be deceptive or misleading to our brains. The information gathered by the eye is processed by the brain, creating a perception that in reality, does not match the true image. Perception refers to the interpretation of what we take in through our eyes. Optical illusions occur because ... Read More

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Optical Illusions can use color, light and patterns to create images that can be deceptive or misleading to our brains. The information gathered by the eye is processed by the brain, creating a perception that in reality, does not match the true image. Perception refers to the interpretation of what we take in through our eyes. Optical illusions occur because our brain is trying to interpret what we see and make sense of the world around us. Optical illusions simply trick our brains into seeing things which may or may not be real.

Try out some of these illusions and discover just how tricky it can be for your brain to accurately interpret the images from your eyes.

Color Blind

Color Illusion

Elephant Legs


Hermann Grid Illusion

Horizontal Lines

Kanizsa Triangle

Light Bulb


Muller-Lyer Illusion

My Wife and My Mother-in-Law


Refraction Ilusion


The Animal

The Box and the Sphere

Zollner Illusion

Rotating Rings

If you stare at the dot in the center and move your head away from the screen the rings will start to rotate. Now gradually get closer again and they will change direction.

Fading Image

Stare at the image for about half a minute without moving your eyes and watch as it gradually disappears. This is a variation of Troxler’s effect which essentially says that if you fixate your eyes on a certain point, stimuli near that point will gradually fade.

Kanizsa Triangle

The Kanizsa Triangle was named after the psychologist Gaetano Kanizsa who first described its effect. When you look at the image your brain creates contours (outlines) of a triangle although none exist. In reality it is an illusion created by the the wedges and the angles.


This is one of the most famous optical illusion pictures of an impossible object. It has two rectangular prongs at one end that morph into three cylindrical prongs at the other.

Monster Illusion

Found in virtually every psychology textbook in the world, the two monsters in this optical illusion are in fact the same size. Your brain automatically adjusts images that it perceives to be distant in order to compensate for the fact that they are larger than they seem.

Jastrow Illusion

Named after Robert Jastrow in 1889, the bottom figure appears to be larger although they are both the same size. This is because the shorter edge of “A” is directly adjacent to the longer edge of “B”.

Fraser Spiral

First described by British psychologist James Fraser in 1908, this illusion is also known as the “false spiral”. While it appears that the overlapping arcs are spiraling into infinity they are in fact only a series of concentric circles.

Scintillating Grid

This is a variation of the Hermann Grid where black dots appear and disappear at the intersections of the gray lines. Interestingly enough, if you cock your head at a 45 degree angle the effect is reduced (but not eliminated).

Blue vs Green

There are several variations to this optical illusion but the effect is the same. The “blue” and “green” backgrounds are in fact the same color.

Penrose triangle

Endless Staircase

Black on White

Stare at the center of the image for about 30 seconds and then look away at a preferably white surface (sometimes the ceiling works). What do you see?

Zöllner Illusion

This optical illusion was named after Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner and consists of parallel lines that appear to be diagonal. You may need a ruler for this one.

Hering Illusion

Although the two red lines seem to be bowed outwards they are perfectly straight and parallel. This optical illusion is attributed to Ewald Hering, a German physiologist who believed that the distortion was derived from the mind overestimating the angles at the points of intersection.

Titchener Circles

Also known as the Ebbinghaus Illusion, there is still a debate in psychological circles as to the exact mechanism and implication of this effect. Essentially, the orange circle on the left appears to be smaller than the one on the right although in reality they are the same size.

Leaning Tower

Yes, the leaning tower of pisa does actually lean, but these two images are in fact one and the same. Although the image on the right appears to be leaning away from the one on the left this is only in your head.

Spinning Silhouette

Created by web designer Nobuyuki Kayahara, some people at first see the figure spinning clockwise while others see it spinning counterclockwise. Don’t spend too much time trying to decipher it though, you could be here all day.

Up and Down

Although it is obvious that the pillars in this optical illusion gif are staying in the same horizontal position, our brain is convinced that they should be moving to the right.

Rotating Squares

At first this optical illusion picture may be hard to see, but if you begin to scan back and forth across the image you will notice that the squares in your periphery begin to rotate. As soon as your eyes stop moving, however, rotation will cease.

Static Motion

No, this is not an optical illusions GIF. The image really is static. Notice that when you look at any individual point dead on, it will stop moving. This powerful optical illusion is derived from interacting color contrasts and shape positions within the image.

Lilac Chaser

Also known as the pac-man illusion, if you stare at the center cross for a couple seconds you will begin to perceive a green disco going around the circle of magenta discs. After a few more seconds the magenta discs will gradually begin to fade away until all you see is a green disc going in a circle around the cross (if you’re having trouble seeing this optical illusion move closer to the screen).

Cafe Illusion

Another famous optical illusion, this one was recently rediscovered in a cafe wall at the bottom of St. Michael’s Hill. Although the lines appear to be diverging from one another they are in fact quite parallel.

Checker Shadow Illusion

Probably one of the most unbelievable illusions out there, this one was first optical illusions pictures published by Edward Adelson, a professor at MIT. Although the square labeled “A” appears to be darker than the square labeled “B”, they are actually exactly the same shade of gray. It’s okay if you don’t believe it, we didn’t either, but Photoshop proved us wrong.

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Night Shift Review (macOS) Sun, 28 May 2017 22:56:10 +0000 Night Shift is the Apple native integrated blue light reduction feature. Night Shift was first introduced on March 21, 2016 as part of the iOS 9.3. 1 year after Night Shift first arrived for iPhone on Mar 27, 2017 Apple finally added it also to Mac OSX or as now is called macOS. The goal of this review is to show you how ... Read More

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Night Shift is the Apple native integrated blue light reduction feature. Night Shift was first introduced on March 21, 2016 as part of the iOS 9.3.

1 year after Night Shift first arrived for iPhone on Mar 27, 2017 Apple finally added it also to Mac OSX or as now is called macOS. The goal of this review is to show you how to use Night Shift to sleep better and protect your eyes.


Studies have shown that exposure to bright blue light in the evening can affect your circadian rhythms and make it harder to fall asleep. Night Shift uses your computer’s clock and geolocation to determine when it’s sunset in your location. It then automatically shifts the colors in your display to the warmer end of the spectrum. In the morning it returns the display to its regular settings.

Use Night Shift to adjust the colors on your display to the warmer end of the color spectrum. Warm screen colors are easier on your eyes when you use your Mac at night or in low-light conditions. And exposure to bright blue light in the evening can make it harder to fall asleep.

System requirements

Now let’s first see if your Mac natively supports Night Shift. I will show you later how to enable Night Shift on older Mac machines.

First of all, in order to get Night Shift, you need macOS Sierra 10.12.4 or newer versions of macOS. You can’t get Nigth Shift on older versions of the operating system.

If you have the appropriate macOS version then you should be able to use Night Shift. Night Shift in natively supported on this Mac computers, using the built-in display or the displays listed:

  • MacBook (Early 2015 or newer)
  • MacBook Air (Mid 2012 or newer)
  • MacBook Pro (Mid 2012 or newer)
  • Mac mini (Late 2012 or newer)
  • iMac (Late 2012 or newer)
  • Mac Pro (Late 2013 or newer)
  • Apple LED Cinema Display
  • Apple Thunderbolt Display
  • LG UltraFine 5K Display
  • LG UltraFine 4K Display

If you have some of these electronics you are lucky, but if not I will show you how to trick your Mac into thinking that it’s a newer model and thus enabling Night Shift.

There are no actual special requirements for Night Shift, Apple just wants you to buy new MacBook. If you have old MacBook and you really want to Night Shift the first thing you need to do is to disable System Integrity Protection.

Before we start anything I want to tell that this is only needed for Mac machines which are not on the above list. If you see your machine on the above list you have Night Shift in the System preferences and you can access it without any other effort.

This hacking steps are only for people with macOS Sierra 10.12.4 and older Mac machines. If you are read this carefully let’s disable System Integrity Protection.

Disable SIP

To disable System Integrity Protection restart your Mac and hold


This is the Command key plus R. If you don’t know how the Command key looks like and you use Apple keyboard look for this button

On other keyboards the Command key is actually the Windows key like in the picture bellow

Hold Command+R until you see the Apple logo

Now you Mac will load into Recovery mode.

Choose the language and click Next

This is how the actually Recovery mode or macOS Utilities looks like

Ignoring the macOS Utilities window to disable System Integrity Protection you need to go to Utilities and then to click Terminal

Terminal windows will open and just enter the following command and press Enter

csrutil disable

This will disable System Integrity Protection (SIP). You can enable System Integrity Protection again at any time by doing the above steps again and writing into the Terminal window

csrutil enable

After you have disabled System Integrity Protection restart your Mac normally.


When System Integrity Protection is disabled we can now patch your Mac to enable Night Shift. The procedure of patching is pretty straighforward and I choosed to show you how to use this patch:

Download the repository from the link above. If for some reason the link becomes death use the button bellow to download the Night Shift patch.

[Download not found]

When you download this file it will automatically extract to the following folder

Double click or Right click and click open macOS Night Shift Enabler.mpkg file. This will start the installer. You will probably get this error message

To fix this go to System Preferences -> Security and Privacy and click Open Anyway

Click Open again

Now the macOS Night Shift Enabler installer will start and just follow the steps. Click continue to run the script which will determine if Night Shift Enabler can be installed

Click Continue again

Read the Read Me and click Continue

Agree with the License

Finally click Install

After a couple of seconds the installation will be complete and Night Shift will be unlocked on your old Mac. Click Restart to restart your PC in order for the patch to take effect.

After restart you can find Night Shift into the System preferences window.

Night Shift

Up until now we was setting your Mac if you don’t have Night Shift enabled by default. Now that you have Night Shift it’s time to review where to find it and how to use it.

To use Night Shift open the System Preferences. The button may be in the dock if not search it with Spotlight

From the System Preferences window choose Displays

And now you would be able to see the Night Shift tab

If you don’t see the Night Shift tab you don’t have the latest macOS Sierra or you have not applied the Patch from the previous step.

Some Mac machines support Night Shift so the patch is not needed, but this is only for new machines as listed on the System Requirements in the beginning of this article.

Click the Night Shift tab to see the Night Shift settings

Here you see several settings:


Schedule is used for when the Night Shift will be turned On and when it will be Off.  You can set several different types of schedule. To have Night Shift turn on automatically at certain times, choose an option.


Don’t schedule a time for Night Shift (if you choose this, you can still turn on Night Shift manually).

Even if Night Shift schedule is set to Off you can enable it by clicking the Manual checkbox


Choose the times when Night Shift turns on and off.

If you select the Custom schedule you will see time pickers bellow the Schedule dropdown

You can change by sunrise and sunset times by clicking the from or to box and writing new time with the keyboard or by clicking the arrows to the right

Sunset to Sunrise

Turn on Night Shift from sunset to sunrise.

To use this option, turn on Location Services in Security & Privacy preferences.

Go to System Preferences and click Security & Privacy

Go to the Privacy tab

Click the lock icon if the options are grayed out and unlock the options

Now when the options are unlocked click Enable Location Services

Next to System Services click Details

Click Settings Time Zone and click Done

Night Shift Sunset to Sunrise schedule is now setup correctly


Select to turn on Night Shift, deselect to turn it off. Night Shift remains on until the next day or until you turn it off.

If Night Shift is off, select the checkbox to turn Night Shift on until 7 a.m. If you’re using a schedule, Night Shift automatically turns off at the scheduled time.

If Night Shift is on, deselect the checkbox to turn Night Shift off. If you’re using a schedule, Night Shift turns on again at the scheduled time.

Color Temperature

Drag the slider to change the color temperature Night Shift uses.

More Warm color temperature means less blue light while Less Warm color temperature means more blue light.

For the best sleep and eye health move the slider to the most right position

For the least amount of blue light reduction and color changes move the slider to the most right position

Night Shift can go down to around 3400K which is still to much blue light if you want to really shift your sleep cycle, but it’s still nice and useful integrated feature.


If you want more blue light reduction you can try Iris.

Download Now

AirPlay Display

Use AirPlay Mirroring to wirelessly send what’s on your Mac to another display.

Show mirroring options in the menu bar when available

Show devices available for AirPlay Mirroring in the menu bar.

Gather Windows

Moves all open Displays preferences windows to the display where this button is. This button appears only if more than one display is connected to your Mac.

Final thoughts

Night Shift is good feature for a blue light reduction on your Mac. It will help you sleep better by reducing the amount of blue light emitted from your screen. This will also help your eyes hurt less when you sit in front of the computer late at night.

Thank you very much for reading this article. It’s important for us to try to make digital displays a little more healthy.

Daniel Georgiev – Founder of Iris

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What is the best Color temperature? Mon, 22 May 2017 08:01:24 +0000 A lot of users asked me what is the best value of Iris for blue light reduction. Well in this article I’m going to look at exactly this with measurements. This will be helpfull for users of other software products like f.lux, Redshift, SunsetScreen, Night Shift and Night Light. The Android Twilight and Night mode use different algorithms than Color ... Read More

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A lot of users asked me what is the best value of Iris for blue light reduction. Well in this article I’m going to look at exactly this with measurements.

This will be helpfull for users of other software products like f.lux, Redshift, SunsetScreen, Night Shift and Night Light.

The Android Twilight and Night mode use different algorithms than Color temperature. Twilight is like the Iris Overlay mode and Night mode is like the Iris Groot color scheme.

I made a 10 measurements of the display from 6500K to 1200K since this is the format that is universal to all blue blocking softwares and I think is enought.

6500K is screen with no color changes at all. This is perfectly calibrated screen.

1200K is the lowest value of f.lux, Redshift, Night Shift and Night light. Actually Redshift can go down to 1000K, f.lux to 800K, SunsetScreen to 500K and Iris to 0K, but this is irrelevant.

The bellow measurements are the same for all software products. No matter what anyone tells you all this softwares do the same thing with color temperature. They may do it with different algorithms, but the end result is the same.

6500K – 100%

At 6500K this is how the color graph looks like. You see that blue light is even more than all other colors and this is the first reason that this value is bad for your sleep and for your eyes.

We will just use this measurement as comparission to other values and as how normal displays emmit colors.

The height of the blue part of the graph shows the amount of blue light emitted.

The height of the green part of the shows the amount of green light emitted.

The height of the red part of the shows the amount of red light emitted.

It’s important to know that most softwares reduce also the green light at low values and red light is untouched at all values.

Thus to select the best value we will need to select the value with lowest blue light and highest green light, but green light should also be reduced for best eye protection and sleep.

5970K – 90%

Close to the light of Mercury vapor light lamp and Cloudy sky light the color graph looks like this

5440K – 80%

Close to the light of Daylight metal halide lamp (HMI) and Average noon light the color graph looks like this

4910K – 70%

Close to the light of Late morning and Early afternoon light color graph looks like this

4380K – 60%

Close to the light of Cool White Fluorescent lamp (CFL) and Mid Morning and Mid Afternoon light the color graph looks like this

3850K – 50%

Close to the light of Standart Clear metal halide lamp and Later Afternoon light the color graph looks like this

3320K – 40%

Close to the light of Halogen light lamp and Evening light the color graph looks like this

2790K – 30%

Close to the light of Household tungsten light lamp and Sunset light the color graph looks like this

2260K – 20%

Close to the light of High pressure sodium light lamp the color graph looks like this

1730K – 10%

Close to the light of Candle light the color graph looks like this

1200K – 0%

Close to the light of Ember light the color graph looks like this


To save you the thinking here what all these results mean. The lowest blue light will be at 1200K or bellow, but this is actually not the best setting.

At 1200K a lot of the green light is reduced and the screen may be hard to read.

Best value for sleep and blue light reduction is 1900K or Candle light.

Iris is using 3400K for the night and 5000K for the day. The reason for this is because new users get shocked by the big changes to their screen colors and can’t handle the transition from really bright screen to 1900K.

Start with 5000K during the day and 3400K during the night. After several months gradually switch to 1900K all the time for best health.

Try to get more full-spectrum sunlight and go outside from time to time to produce good amounts of melatonin.

Thank you for reading this article,
Daniel – Founder of Iris

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SunsetScreen Review (Windows) Sat, 20 May 2017 20:10:02 +0000 SunsetScreen is software for blue light reduction. Made by Daniel White in 2015 SunsetScreen is similar to f.lux, Redshift, Night Shift and to Iris blue light feature. Something which makes SunsetScreen better than f.lux is the ability to set custom night duration by time rather than location and the ability to set day and night brightness aside from color temperature ... Read More

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SunsetScreen is software for blue light reduction.

Made by Daniel White in 2015 SunsetScreen is similar to f.lux, Redshift, Night Shift and to Iris blue light feature.

Something which makes SunsetScreen better than f.lux is the ability to set custom night duration by time rather than location and the ability to set day and night brightness aside from color temperature only.

All features and customization of SunsetScreen are free which is benefit over Iris. Iris is also free, but customizations are part of the Pro version.

The goal of this article is to show you how to download, install and use SunsetScreen, to explain what each button does and how to master this awesome program.


You can download SunsetScreen from the official website. Go to

And click the Download link. Note that SunsetScreen is available only for Windows

You can also download the portable version of SunsetScreen by clicking

Save the file somewhere on your PC. We are going to install SunsetScreen after a moment.

SunsetScreen requires .NET Framework 3.5 which you can download from here.

If for some reason the site is not available or the project is abbadoned in the future use this button to download the latest version of SunsetScreen.

[Download not found]

Or download the SunsetScreen portable version

[Download not found]


After you download SunsetScreen you will see the setup icon

Double click it or right click and choose Open

SunsetScreen installer requires Admin right. When the User Account Control windows pops up click Yes

The SunsetScreen installer will now open

In the center of the screen you will see infomation about the publisher and the official SunsetScreen website.

For any questions you can also e-mail Daniel White at SunsetScreen installer should also be digitally signed with Comodo SHA256 algorithm.

This signature ensures that the installer is safe and is not modified by hackers to make changes to your system.

Clicking About… button of the instasller will show you which software is used for the creation of the installer.

SunsetScreen installer is made by using the InstallMate software.

You can find more info about InstallMate from the official website

You can also cancel the installation at any time by clicking the Cancel button or the X button in the top left corner of the installer window.

You would be asked for confirmation

Clicking Yes will cancel the installation and you will get Installation cancelled window.

And clicking Finish will close this window. Instead of Yes we are going to click No instead to continue with the SunsetScreen installation.

From the installer windows click Next

You will see the SunsetScreen license agreement

Before clicking Next you should know that you can’t use SunsetScreen for commercial purposes. Of course you are not going to sell it, but you can’t use SunsetScreen at your workplace. You can only use it at home for personal use.

I guess this is the monetization model of SunsetScreen, but if you want to use SunsetScreen at work first write to Daniel White for permission.

Since f.lux is also not permitted at your workplace if you want blue light reduction software in your office you can try Iris or Iris mini. They both have free versions which can be used at commercial setting.

If you are going to use SunsetScreen at home for non-commercial purposes click Next

You will see the Installation options window

SunsetScreen requires 764KB of disk space and by default will install itself into

C:\Program Files (x86)\SunsetScreen

You can change this location by clicking the Browse… button

This will open a window which you can use to change the installation folder

SunsetScreen will also automatically create shortcuts. You can disable the shortcuts creation by unchecking this checkboxes

When you are ready click Install

SunsetScreen will now install itseft into the Installation folder

After the installation is completed you will see the Installation completed window

Leaving the checkbox On and clicking Finish will start SunsetScreen

After installation SunsetScreen will create desktop shortcut

and Start menu items

When the program is running you will also have Taskbar and tray icons

If this is your fisrst start of SunsetScreen and you have not used other similar softwares before some options may be grayed out and locked. This is because some video card limitations needs to be removed.

Brightness options will be grayed out and Sunset colour can go down to 3300K and up to 120932 K

SunsetScreen default Night Colour is 4100K – Moonlight

The default Day Colour is 6600K – LCD screen “white”

You can change the color temperature also from the Preset dropdown, but if you select value lower than 3300K you will get this message

Lets fix this by Expanding color range. Click the yellow Expand colour range button

User Account control window will open. Now press the Yes button to allow SunsetScreen to make changes to your system and to expand the colour range.

After this you will se this message

Restart your PC to finish the gamma and colors unlocking.

After restart all options will be available.

Now the Sunset colour can go to 500K and up to 9 854 736K

You will probably never need values over 6500K, but still you can go up a lot.

The brightness slider is also available and it can go down to and up to 20% and up to 100%

All presets bellow 3300K will also work

Up until now this was only a basic overview of SunsetScreen. Now let’s look at the program feature by feature.


In this section I will go and explain every feature. Something you need to know about SunsetScreen is that during the day there is one settings and during the night there is another setting.

The 2 blend together with gradual interpolation which happens in the duration of the transition phase and the goal is to have different settings during the day and during the night.

From there on all options and customization are around tweeking the day night or transition values. Some options fix bugs into how Windows has imlemented the gamma api and some things are nice to have like the shortcuts and screen inversion.

Sunrise time

Sunrise time is used by SunsetScreen to determine when the Day Colour will be active. If the Sunrise time is set to 6:00 AM and the Transition phase is 60 min until 5:30 AM the Night Colour settings will be used.

Then from 5:30 AM to 6:30 AM there will be gradual interpolation from night to day colour. To set different Sunrise time you can’t use the keyboard instead you need to use the arrows into the UI.

The left arrows control the hour and the right arrows control the minutes. If you are not familiar with AM and PM you can check the 24h checkbox to see the time into 24 hours format.

Note that when you change the Sunrise time the Sunset time will also automatically change.

Delay until sunset

With Sunrise time you set when the day starts. Combine this with the Dalay until sunset and you will get the sunset time.

With the Delay until sunset you can control when will be the sunset and when the Night colour will be used. SunsetScreen is using the sunrise and sunset time to choose which colour will be used.

If it’s half the transition phase time after sunrise Day Colour will be used. If it’s half the transition phase time after sunset Night Colour will be used.

The maximum value of Delay until sunset is 23 hours. The minimum value is 0.

If the delay is 0 Night color is used all the time day and night.

Transition phase

When it’s time for sunset or sunrise there is gradual interpolation between day and night colour settings.

Well with the Transition phase you can control the duration of this gradual interpolation. There is no up limit of the Transition pahase, but there are some presets.


With the Instant preset the transition will be instant and there will not be any gradual interpolation at all. When it’s time for sunrise or sunset SunsetScreen will instantly switch to the correct color temperature and brightness settings.


Quick transition will set the transition phase to 1 minute. When it’s time for sunrise or sunset SunsetScreen will switch to the correct color temperature and brightness settings gradually for 1 minute.


Medium transition will set the transition phase to 10 minutes. When it’s time for sunrise or sunset SunsetScreen will switch to the correct color temperature and brightness settings gradually for 10 minutes.


Medium transition will set the transition phase to 60 minutes. This is the default value of SunsetScreen. When it’s time for sunrise or sunset SunsetScreen will switch to the correct color temperature and brightness settings gradually for 1 hour.


Medium transition will set the transition phase to 120 minutes. When it’s time for sunrise or sunset SunsetScreen will switch to the correct color temperature and brightness settings gradually for 2 hours.


You can also set the transtion phase by hand by writing the minutes into the transition phase input box.

The minimum value is 0 or the Instant transition. There isn’t maximum value as I tried to enter really big numbers with 50 or more digits.

Send window to tray

Send window to tray will send SunsetScreen to the taskbar tray. Clicking this or the X button actually does the same thing.

In order to Exit SunsetScreen you must click the Exit button or right click the tray icon and click Close program.

Load on Win startup

Load on Win startup will cause SunsetScreen to start when you start your PC. In more details it will just create new record into the Regedit Run path

You can also disable SunsetScreen starting on startup from the Windows 10 Task Manager


Clicking Help will open the the official SunsetScreen documentation available at:


Clicking About will show you information about the program.

What version of the program you have installed. Where it’s installed and the User path for the saved settings which you can edit by hand if you want.


Reset will reset all settings to factory defaults

It will set the Day Colour to 6600K – LCD screen ‘white’, the Night Colour to 4100 – Moonlight, Sunrise time to 6:00 AM, Delay until sunset to 12 hours, Transition phase to 60 mins and all other default settings.


While clicking the X button will not quit the program, clicking the Exit button will quit the SunsetScreen program altogether. Your screen colors will be reset to defaults and the blue light will not be reduced.


With the Running checkbox you can turn SunsetScreen On and Off without quitting the program. When the checkbox is checked SunsetScreen will work, when unchecked SunsetScreen will reset the colors and don’t change the colors anymore.

Night Colour

You can control the Night Colour from the Night Colour tab. The Default value for night colour si 4100K – Moonlight and by clicking the Default button you can reset the Night Colour to this value.

There are also other Night presets:

  • 1850K – Candle – 50% brightness
  • 1850K – Candle – 75% brightness
  • 1850K – Candle, sunset/sunrise
  • 2700K – Incandescent light bulb
  • 3300K – Cool Incandescent
  • 4100K – Moonlight
  • 5000K – Horizon daylight
  • 5900K – Sunlight
  • 6500K – Daylight, overcast
  • 6600K – LCD screen ‘white’

The lower the K value the more blue light will be reduced and the better you will sleep. Brightness doesn’t play much role into the sleep, but matching the room brightness to the screen brightness will help your eyes hurt less.

You can also use the sliders to set your own preferred custom values.

Day Colour

You can control the Day Colour from the Day Colour tab. The Default value for day colour si 6600K – LCD screen ‘white’ and by clicking the Default button you can reset the Day Colour to this value.

There are also other Day presets:

  • 5000K – Horizon daylight
  • 5900K – Sunlight
  • 6500K – Daylight, overcast
  • 6600K – LCD screen ‘white’
  • 7500K – Cloudy sky
  • 10000K – Partly cloudy sky
  • 20000K – Deep blue clear sky

The lower the K value the more blue light will be reduced and the better you will sleep. Brightness doesn’t play much role into the sleep, but matching the room brightness to the screen brightness will help your eyes hurt less.

I prefer to use low value for Day Colour also during the day and to try to get more sunlight. Value of 5000K for Day Colour is good for most people.

You can also use the sliders to set your own preferred custom values.

HSB sliders

By clicking the HSB sliders checkbox you can control Hue, Brightness and Saturation of the screen individually for even more customization

For example by setting the Hue to 50 Degrees and Saturation to 100% you can decrease only the blue light of the screen.

Kelvin values decrease also the green light when some users may prefer setting blue light do 0% while maintaining the green spectrum.

More options

By clicking the More options button you will open the SunsetScreen Options window

From here you can set hotkeys and toogle some for advanced features.


Show defailed info

By clicking the Show detailed info checkbox you will see much more information on the SunsetScreen main window

Check for screen interruption

Windows has some bugs into the gamma api and when you unlock your screen you may lose your gamma changes. If you try to set the same value it will think that it’s already set and your screen will be bright.

Well by small change in the gamma every few seconds SunsetScreen can always preserve your Day and Night Colours even if you lock and unlock your PC.

By default SunsetScreen will perform this every 5 seconds, but you can change this to be faster or slower from the Every checkbox. This check for screen interruption will cause some lag in some games.

Invert colours (night-time mode)

Invert colours will invert all screen colours to their opposite. It will make the white black and the black white like this

This mode is usefull if you want black theme on some application which don’t support black themes.

Invert day/night mode

Clicking Invert day/night mode will cause SunsetScreen to use Night colour during the day and Day colour during the night. This is also usefull if you want to have something like 2 presets and quickly switch between them.

Combine it with the shortcut for day/night mode inversion and you have really fast way to switch between the 2 modes.

Hide main window on manual start

By default when you double click the Desktop icon of SunsetScreen it will also open the main settings window.

By clicking Hide main window on manual start clicking the Desktop, Start menu or the Quick Launch icons will start SunsetScreen minimized into the tray.

Global Hotkeys

You can set keyboard shortcuts for some of the SunsetScreen features from the Global Hotkeys menu. If the shortcut is grayed out click the checkbox of the right of it to Enable it.

You can enable and disable the different hotkeys by clicking the checkboxes on the right

To change the shortcut for some feature, click the hotkey input box and press other key combination like this

Turn SunsetScreen on/off

This hotkey will turn SunsetScreen presing this hotkey is basically the same as clicking the Running checkbox

Decrease brightness

Decrease brightness will decrease the master brightness. You can see the master brightness from the detailed info. This is something like instead of 100% maximum value to be lower or highter and the slider to be relative to this master value.

Increase brightness

Increase brightness will increase the master brightness. You can see the master brightness from the detailed info. This is something like instead of 100% maximum value to be lower or highter and the slider to be relative to this master value.

Show / hide main window

This hotkey will show and hide the main window instead of clicking the tray icon to open it.

Invert colours

Will invert the colours of the screen. This is the same as clicking the Invert colours checkbox

Invert day/night mode


Will invert the day and night mode of SunsetScreen. This is the same as clicking the Invert day/night checkbox


On the right part of the SunsetScreen main window you will see some detailed info about what is happening with your screen right now.

If the Show detailed info checkbox from the options is checked you will also see detailed info at the bottom of the screen.

First you will the language of the app and that FLE Standard Time is used. You will also see the exact hours for Sunrise and Sunset.

Night colour and Day colour are shown as RGB combinations and also the current colour of the screen.

Finally you will see the value of the Master brightness which can be changed by the shortcuts. This value doesn’t depend on the Brightness slider.

Tray icon

You can see the SunsetScreen tray icon in the bottom right corner of the screen

By right clicking it you will get this menu

From this menu you can show the program main screen, exit SunsetScreen and turning on and off fast by clicking Turn off item of the menu.


SunsetScreen config file is located in


You can see it by opening the SunsetScreenPrefs.txt file


SunsetScreen installation folder simply contains SunsetScreen.exe and SunsetScreen.exe.config

SunsetScreen.exe is the file that actually starts SunsetScreen. It depends on .NET framework so if you get some kind of error install .NET framework on your machine.


SunsetScreen is not saving it settings to regedit and doesn’t use it much. The only changes SunsetScreen will make to the registry are the color range expanding and item into Startup key hierarchy.



To install SunsetScreen go to Add or Remove programs

From there find the SunsetScreen item and click uninstall

The uninstaller will try to open. Allow it by clicking Yes

The uninstaller will now ask you for confirmation. If you really want to remove SunsetScreen click Yes

You will wait a couple of settings and SunsetScreen is now removed from your system

Official documentation

Whether you’re a morning lark or night owl, SunsetScreen allows you to set the time of the sunset and sunrise, so you can have full control over your sleep cycle.

SunsetScreen is a free Windows app (for personal use) which helps take the glare off your your screen in the evening.

Scientific research has shown that melatonin – the chemical the brain makes late in the day – is reduced when exposed to blue light.

By tempering this blue light, it becomes easier to wind down properly at night, and thus have a more restful sleep.


Background and motivation behind SunsetScreen.

In the evening and at night, computer screens are starkly blue compared to the ‘natural’ orange glow provided by indoor lighting. With SunsetScreen, it’s easy to dim our screens to an orange-ey hue to match the colour of the indoor lighting we use.

Additionally, scientific research has found that along with over-bright indoor lighting, over-bright screens can affect the production of melatonin – the chemical which helps us to turn off at night to get a restful sleep.

Programs such as F.lux partially solve the problem, but in the winter, I found the sunsets came too early. This caused F.lux to darken the screen early too.

Just because it’s dark outside early, that does not mean the human body clock revolves around the winter’s schedule.

Many, perhaps most people find considerable benefit to extra light during the day during the darker seasons, and if this extends to your laptop, tablet or computer screen, then we should allow that!

Morning larks, night owls and even those who work night shifts will benefit from using SunsetScreen because their sleep cycles are hours apart from each other.

SunsetScreen can be tailored so you can set the sunset and sunrise times appropriately to match your sleep rhythm.

We should also be able to define the colour of the filter by hue, saturation or brightness if need be.

This way, we can match the colour more precisely to the illumination by the light bulbs we have in our houses.

Although dimming the amount of blue light is most important, the overall brightness may also be dimmed too if you so wish.


  • Set the sunset time precisely.
  • Set the sunrise time too.
  • Choose by colour temperature or by HSB for a precise colour.
  • Transition from one phase to the other gradually.
  • Automatically resides in the tray so it keeps out of your way.
  • Loads automatically at Windows startup if you wish.
  • Instantly turn off SunsetScreen if you need to do colour sensitive work.
  • Choose from a range of presets, and reset to default if things go wonky.
  • Small, fast, elegant and easy to use interface in less than a megabyte.
  • Isn’t patent pending unlike something beginning with ‘F’ 😉

SunsetScreen Changelog:

2016-08-28: v1.25

Fixed fading issue on last day of each month.

2016-06-10: v1.24

Added invert day/night mode and fixed display of “Expand colour range” if already expanded.

2015-08-21: v1.23

Windows 10 compatible, and new ‘Hide on manual start’ option.

2015-07-09: v1.22

New ‘Invert colours’ mode – perfect if you need the darkest screen possible.

2015-06-16: v1.21

Fixes memory error message on some systems if you tried to log off Windows and on again.

2015-05-06: v1.20

On some systems, the colour of the screen would return to normal white after a UAC prompt, or PC unlock occurred. This should now be fixed. SunsetScreen should also now have full support for multiple monitors. Extra features include new and improved custom hotkeys functionality, Options window, and numerous tweaks.

2015-03-29: v1.18

Fixed ‘bug’ which may cause a slight, but noticeable flicker for some users. This was originally added to act upon any unforseen changes back to the default screen’s colour from the OS, but affected systems are relatively rare. See the docs though if you find the screen occasionally goes back to default (when it shouldn’t) as you can set the ‘periodicallyUpdateScreen’ parameter to true to bypass this problem.

2015-03-29: v1.17

Fixed bug which may prevent the return to normal screen colours after exiting SunsetScreen. Also added tray menu item to turn SunsetScreen on/off. Finally, because of the maturity of SunsetScreen, by default, “Load on Win startup” is now ticked.

2015-03-28: v1.16

Keyboard shortcut to turn on/off SunsetScreen. Also included masterBrightnessIncrement setting for power users.

2015-03-28: v1.15

Minor GUI tweaks and disabling of keyboard shortcuts until colour range has been expanded to reduce potential confusion.

2015-03-27: v1.14

Added keyboard shortcuts Alt+PageDown and Alt+PageUp to control the brightness independently of the main app’s controls. Also, 4100K Moonlight is the default colour temp on first use now. Reinstalling the app will now automatically close the older version.

2015-03-25: v1.13

Closing the app with the standard close button keeps SunsetScreen active. You can still close the app with the Exit button if you wish.

2015-03-21: v1.12

Thanks to everyone who has helped support SunsetScreen with suggestions and error reports. Bug fixes in this release are: Easily resetting Windows XP is now possible without closing the program first. The button to reset that current colour to default is now called “Default” instead of “Reset” to differentiate it from the main “Reset…” button.

2015-03-20: v1.11

Minor tweaks and fixes. The 12-hour clock format is now default again.

2015-03-20: v1.10

Big bug fix to solve crashing when changing to sunset/sunrise in many countries. Editing a single line of code did the trick. I can also now reproduce the errors on my setup, so if any future errors do crop up (which I doubt), I’ll be onto them in minutes.
Also fixed crash when trying to change the Delay until sunset (which only appeared in 1.05).

2015-03-19: v1.05

Has 24 hour mode option (default) and is more compatible for worldwide usage.

2015-03-18: v1.04

New ‘Info’ checkbox which displays more detailed information should you choose. Also overhauled system for expanding the colour range (until you do, certain options are now greyed out or restricted for sanity’s sake). Finally, colours are more numerically precise.

2015-03-17: v1.03

SunsetScreen now allows you to select ALL colours including darker shades. Simply look for the bright orange button that will appear when you try, click it, then click Yes to the prompt, and then reboot, and voila.
Resetting to factory settings also now doesn’t affect the “Load on Win Startup” setting.

2015-03-17: v1.02

Switched default mode to “Cool Incandescent” whilst I figure out a way to allow Windows 8+ to support darker screen modes.

2015-03-16: v1.01

Preferences are autosaved after controls are changed (before, you needed to manually close SunsetScreen for it to save).
Also fixed bug when occasionally certain Windows prompts may turn the screen back to normal and SunsetScreen didn’t respond afterwards.

2015-03-15: v1.00

First release!

Final thoughts

SunsetScreen is good and free program for blue light reduction for Windows. It will help you sleep better by reducing the amount of blue light emitted from your screen. This will also help your eyes hurt less when you sit in front of the computer late at night.

Thank you very much for reading this article. It’s important for us to try to make digital displays a little more healthy.

Daniel Georgiev – Founder of Iris ?

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Dark mode Review (Windows) Mon, 15 May 2017 14:32:57 +0000   In addition to Night Light you can also enable Dark mode or the Windows 10 Dark theme. The Settings application itself will immediately turn dark, as will many other “Universal Windows Platform” applications. However, it’s up to each developer to support the dark theme, and some applications will continue using their normal colors. This option also doesn’t affect desktop ... Read More

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In addition to Night Light you can also enable Dark mode or the Windows 10 Dark theme.

The Settings application itself will immediately turn dark, as will many other “Universal Windows Platform” applications. However, it’s up to each developer to support the dark theme, and some applications will continue using their normal colors.

This option also doesn’t affect desktop applications, including Windows 10’s File Explorer, which will remain white.

For example, we installed UxStyle and the Windows 10 – Dark Edition visual style. There are many other dark themes you could choose. A theme like this one makes File Explorer and other applications look darker and fit in better, although there are still parts of Windows desktop applications that themes don’t (and can’t) modify. Just make sure you back up before installing something like this, as you’re messing with system files.

Like many parts of Windows 10, the new dark theme–or dark “app mode”–feels incomplete. Microsoft could include a dark theme option for Windows desktop applications and the interface would look more cohesive. Perhaps Microsoft plans on replacing File Explorer with a new, Universal Windows Platform-based file manager in a future update to Windows 10. For now, though, this is what we’ve got.

See this:

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Night light Review (Windows) Sat, 13 May 2017 13:50:16 +0000 Night light is the Microsoft blue light reduction feature. It comes built-in into Windows 10 Creators update. It was also available in the Windows 10 Insider preview before also. Night light is not available for Windows 7. If you want to use something similar to Night light on Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP, you can use Iris. If ... Read More

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Night light is the Microsoft blue light reduction feature. It comes built-in into Windows 10 Creators update.

It was also available in the Windows 10 Insider preview before also. Night light is not available for Windows 7. If you want to use something similar to Night light on Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP, you can use Iris.

If you have Windows 10 Creators update you can find Night light from the Control Panel. Right click on the Desktop and choose Display settings.

You will see this screen:

Windows feature for blue light reduction is called Night light. You can enable the feature as a whole by clicking the Off checkbox under Night light. Now Night light is activated.

You may not see the changes in the Color Temperature of the screen if it’s day are you have some custom location or time settings. To manually Enable Night light you can go from the Night light settings by clicking the Night light settings button.

You will see the Night light settings window:

Depending of if Night light is active you will see Turn on now or Turn off now button.

Clicking Turn on now will turn on Night light and the value from Color temperature at night will be used.

Your screen should become more orange. If not move the Color temperature slider to the left.

Your screen will now be orange for sure. I tell orange, because it’s more easy to understand, but actually the color temperature will be lower and the blue light will be reduced.

If you want to disable the effect click Turn off now. If you use schedule for Night light this will work only for 1 day and the next day it will be automatically again.

Notice the text above the Turn off now button: On until sunrise (8:06 PM)
There is similar text above the Turn on now button: Off until sunset (11:00 PM)

This means that when you set Night light manually On or Off and the Schedule is turned On this manual configuration will last only a day.

To make the manual configuration permament set Schedule to Off:

The text is now gone and turning Night light On and Off now will make it permament not only for a day.

Color temperature at night

With the Color temperature at night slider you can control the amount of blue light during the night or all the time if Night light is set to On and the Schedule is turned Off.

By moving the Color temperature at night slider to the left you will decrease the amount of blue light. There are no actual values, but it the left possible place the value of Color temperature will be around 1200K or Candlelight.

By moving the Color temperature at night slider to the right you will increase the amount of blue light.  There are no actual values, but it the right possible place the value of Color temperature will be around 6500K and your screen colors will be calibrated.

When you are reducing blue light from your screen your colors will not be correct and this can be a problem if you work with Photoshop or other image editing software.

If you need to work with colors, disable Night light or move the Color temperature at night slider to the most right possible position.


You can select when Night light will be On and when it will be Off by customizing the Night light Schedule.

If the Schedule is set to Off, Night light will be controlled by hand from the Turn on now and Turn off now button.

If the Schedule is set to Off, the color effect will also be constant and Color temperature at night can be used all the time.

To enable Night light Schedule click Schedule night light checkbox to On.

When the Night light Schedule is turned On you will see 2 new checkboxes: Sunset to sunrise and Set hours. You can use them to set the duration of the day and the duration of the night and the sunset and sunrise times.

Sunset to sunrise will use your location latitude and longitude to determine when it’s sunrise and when it’s sunset. On sunrise your colors will be calibrated and on sunset Color temperature at night will be used. Location services will be used.

By using Set hours you can set your own custom schedule and set your own custom sunset and sunrise time. The first time will be night start time and the second time will be the night end time. This will control when Night light will be On and when it will be Off.

Schedule night light

If Schedule night light is set to On Night light will use custom schedule. If Schedule night light is set to Off Night light will depend of the Turn on now and Turn off now button for using Color temperature at night or using normal colors.

Sunset to sunrise

Sunset to sunrise will use your location to determine the sunset and sunrise time of the Sun. You will see this times at the right of the checkbox.

Sometimes this option may be unavailable. In this case you need to enable Windows Location services.

To enable Windows Location services go to the location or directly click the Location settings error link.

To do this the manual way in the Control panel click Privacy.

Then click the location page from the menu.

Here you will see the text Location for this device is off. Click Change and change this setting to On.

Make sure that Location service is also set to On. It’s wise to also set your Default location if the detected location seems wrong.

Going back to Night light settings panel Sunset to sunrise is now enabled.

Set hours

If you preffer setting your own custom schedule you can use Set hours.

When you click the Set hours checkbox you will see 2 timer pickers for selecting Turn on and Turn off time for Night light.

By clicking on them you will open the timer picker from which you can select your time. Note that the minimum step if 15 minutes.

This covers all options in the Night light settings panel.

Action center

You can also toogle Night light the Action center. Click the notifications button in the bottom right corner of the screen.

You will see the Action center. If you don’t see Night light at the bottom of this screen click Expand.

Now Night light button will be visible.

You can switch Night light On and Off by clicking this button.

System clock

Night light hugely depends on your system clock and date. So make sure that your clock is set to the correct time and correct date.

At different months the sun will go up and down at different hours. Remember how we move our clock 1 hour forward or backward depending on the time of the year.


By clicking the Turn on now and Turn off now button there will be gradual close to 1 second transition between bright and dark screen.

At the moment the transition when you actually use Night light sometimes is skipped and nothing happens and seems a lot broken. It’s kind of annoying to turn it on and off all the time by hand.

I don’t like also that the location services are used all the time. You don’t move your PC most of the time and this is massive battery drain and deal breaker.

Something nice is that it works above the gamma and the calibration level of the display and tweaking Night light then turning it off will preserve your device calibration.


Night light seems to work good with games and doesn’t cause some lag and massive frame drops. This is sometimes problem with f.lux.

It works well if it works, but sometimes it doesn’t work at all. With some games Night light will disable itself when the game is on fullscreen.

There are also some other bugs at the moment. Tabbing between desktop and fullscreen game disables the effect for a moment.


Sometimes Night light will not turn off automatically in the morning or it will not turn on automatically in the evening.

If Exprorer.exe crashes Night light will also stop working. Sometimes it also crashes for no reason.

The transition duration should be more slow. It just kicks in when you start your PC. Not sure if this is a bug, but it’s kind of annoying.

Night light may be grayed out when you don’t have good graphics drivers.


Night light grayed out

On some machines Night light options may be greyed out like this.

The problem most of the times comes from than you don’t have Graphics driver installed. Thus in order to fix Night light just install the latest version of your graphics drivers.

If this doesn’t help download this file and double click it.

[Download not found]

Now Night light should work fine again.


I think to integrade the blue light API into Iris, but to not use the night duration schedule and instead to use the Iris sun position and clock duration logic. Some keyboard shortcuts also seem needed.

If you liked this review in addition to Night light you can also enable Dark mode. See Dark mode Review (Windows) for how to enable and use Dark mode.

Daniel Georgiev – Founder of Iris ?

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How Iris reduces PWM flicker? Wed, 10 May 2017 20:55:45 +0000 Modern monitors use PWM to control the brightness of the screen. This is not problem at maximum brightness, but at low brightness it causes eye pain. Iris is fixing this by controlling the brightness with the video card and by changing the white point of the monitor. This ensures that your backlight is at high frequency even at low brightness ... Read More

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Modern monitors use PWM to control the brightness of the screen. This is not problem at maximum brightness, but at low brightness it causes eye pain.

Iris is fixing this by controlling the brightness with the video card and by changing the white point of the monitor. This ensures that your backlight is at high frequency even at low brightness levels.

The best solution to this problem is to actually use E-ink device. Other solution is to buy flicker-free monitor. Using flicker-free monitor or using Iris is basically the same, but nothing can replace using E-ink or not using electronic devices at all.

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How Iris reduces PWM flicker? Wed, 10 May 2017 20:23:17 +0000 How modern monitors work? All monitor have some kind of flicker rate. This is normal, because the way semiconductors work requires them to turn ON and OFF in order to work properly. Every modern display uses some kind of LED, OLED, LCD and every other monitor technology used today. The only way to completely eliminate the flicker from your electronic ... Read More

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How modern monitors work?

All monitor have some kind of flicker rate. This is normal, because the way semiconductors work requires them to turn ON and OFF in order to work properly. Every modern display uses some kind of LED, OLED, LCD and every other monitor technology used today.

The only way to completely eliminate the flicker from your electronic devices is to use E-ink or to not use electronic displays at all.

The flicker is not the actual problem. On maximum brightness most monitors have flicker rate with really high frequency and the iris of the eye will not start to synchronize with the ON and OFF cycles of the backlight.

The problem is PWM or the so called Pulse-width modulation and let me explain why.

The goal of monitor manufacturer is to make energy saving and cheap monitors. Well the solution to make the cheapest and the long lasting monitor is to use PWM to control the brightness. Basically this means that to control the brightness you make the flicker frequency of the monitor lower and you get not so bright display.

If you want to make it cheap you need to use PWM, if you want less power consumption you need to use PWM. If you need even less power consumption you lower the frequency of the backlight even at maximum brightness.

This is bad. For the eye it’s like turning the lights in your room ON and OFF hundred of times per second. Go and try and see the eyestrain after only a minute.

How Iris works?

Well to fix this problem I created special type of brightness reduction into Iris. Iris is using the video card to control the brightness. Basically instead of changing the frequency of the backlight, Iris is changing the white point of the monitor.

Yes, this will make your colors look a little bit more darker, but you will not feel eye pain. It’s not cure for everything and the best possible solution will be for me to start to make E-ink monitors, but it’s better than changing the flicker frequency.

The second good thing about Iris brightness is that it will not change contrast of the screen. You can achieve something similar by placing black transparent overlay on your screen, but this way you will change the contrast of the screen and it will be harder to read on it.

Are there any other solutions?

You probably have heard about this new flicker-free monitors. Well they are not exactly flicker-free. They just use something called DC dimming instead of PWM.

Direct current dimming is what the modern flicker-free monitors use. The design of the circuit is more complicated and they are more expensive. They are not energy saving also. Both Iris and flicker-free monitors do the same thing.

Flicker-free monitors still flicker, but they flicker at high frequency at both high and low brightness levels. At maximum brightness cheap monitors and flicker-free monitors are basically the same.

The Pro of flicker-free monitors is that even at minimum brightness the colors of the screen are calibrated and accurate.

The Pro of Iris is that it costs less than a sandwich and the basic things are actually in the free version which you can use forever for free.

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XYZ Wed, 10 May 2017 09:13:52 +0000 Color mapping experiments: what the average human sees In the late 1920s William David Wright and John Guild independently conducted a series of color matching experiments that mapped out all the colors the average human (meaning the average of the humans in the experiments) can see. In 1931 color scientists used the results of the Wright and Guild experiments to ... Read More

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Color mapping experiments: what the average human sees

In the late 1920s William David Wright and John Guild independently conducted a series of color matching experiments that mapped out all the colors the average human (meaning the average of the humans in the experiments) can see. In 1931 color scientists used the results of the Wright and Guild experiments to create the 1931 CIE XYZ color space (“XYZ” for short).

Visualizing XYZ

To visualize XYZ, think of a three-dimensional cartesian coordinate system (high school algebra) with axes labelled X, Y, and Z. In the XYZ color space, Y corresponds to relative luminance; Y also carries color information related to the eye’s “M” (yellow-green) cone response. X and Z carry additional information about how the cones in the human eye respond to light waves of varying frequencies.

Real colors and imaginary colors

Theoretically, the XYZ axes go off to infinity in both the positive and negative direction. However, not every set of coordinates in XYZ space corresponds to a color that the average human can see. XYZ coordinates that are outside the locus of colors mapped by the color matching experiments that led to the creation of the XYZ color space are called imaginary colors. XYZ coordinates that are inside the locus of colors mapped by the color matching experiments are called real colors.

Colors that weren’t measured

Not every being sees color exactly like the hypothetical average human. For example, birds, bees, dogs, and humans with nonstandard color perception don’t see the same colors in the same way as the average human. However, for purposes of the digital darkroom, the colors that are seen by any being with non-standard color perception are neither real nor imaginary. Here’s why:

As mentioned in the first section of this article, light waves of different frequencies are out there in the world, but color happens in the eye and brain. One could do (and I’m sure color scientists have done) color matching experiments with human tetrachromats, with color-blind humans, and perhaps even with birds, bees, dogs, and etc. But the resulting “tetrachromat-XYZ” color space (or “color-blind-XYZ” color space, or “bird-XYZ” color space) wouldn’t be the same as the “average humans only” 1931 CIE XYZ color space. These alternative color spaces would have their own sets of real and imaginary colors.

To summarize, if a flower reflects it (“it” being that complex phenomenon we call light) and a bee sees it, of course it’s real for the bee. And if a painting reflects it and a human tetrachromat sees it, it’s real for the tetrachromat. But as far as the 1931 CIE XYZ color space that we use in the digital darkroom is concerned, these “nonstandard color perception” colors aren’t real and aren’t imaginary, rather they simply weren’t measured during the color matching experiments that led to the creation of the XYZ color space.

1931 CIE XYZ

The CIE 1931 color spaces were the first defined quantitative links between physical pure colors (i.e. wavelengths) in the electromagnetic visible spectrum, and physiological perceived colors in human color vision.

The mathematical relationships that define these color spaces are essential tools for color management, important when dealing with color inks, illuminated displays, and recording devices such as digital cameras.

The XYZ color space is the basis of everything that relates to color in a color-managed image editing application.

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Color Wed, 10 May 2017 08:48:57 +0000 On the one hand, light comes from the sun or other radiant sources, and is refracted by mediums (water, the atmosphere, glass) and diffusely or specularly reflected by surfaces. On the other hand, color isn’t out there in the world in the same tangible way that light is. Rather color is part of how we sense the world around us. ... Read More

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On the one hand, light comes from the sun or other radiant sources, and is refracted by mediums (water, the atmosphere, glass) and diffusely or specularly reflected by surfaces.

On the other hand, color isn’t out there in the world in the same tangible way that light is. Rather color is part of how we sense the world around us.

Light enters the eyes, is processed by light receptors (cones and rods), and sent via the optic nerves to the brain for further processing and interpretation.

Light varies in wavelengths, which our eyes and brain interpret as varying colors, and also in intensity.

So our perception of color is composed of both intensity information and chromaticity information.

The naming of colors carries one out of the narrow realm of color perception, and into the larger realm of cultural and linguistic interpretation and classification of color, and thence into even larger philosophical, aesthetic, theological, and metaphysical considerations.

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Circadian system Phase and Amplitude Fri, 05 May 2017 14:38:09 +0000 Phase Most people think of the circadian system ONLY in terms of phase – e.g., we would call a night owl “phase delayed” and an early bird “phase advanced”. This means that their internal clock is offset from the solar time by a certain amount. So when you are a night owl who wants to wake up earlier, you want ... Read More

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Most people think of the circadian system ONLY in terms of phase – e.g., we would call a night owl “phase delayed” and an early bird “phase advanced”. This means that their internal clock is offset from the solar time by a certain amount.

So when you are a night owl who wants to wake up earlier, you want to “advance” your system by seeing more light in the morning and less at night. And the reverse for an early bird who wants to sleep in. As such, a lot of our users tend to be night owls. But you might think this is the end of the road for circadian topics – is your phase aligned with how you want it to be?


What is clear from experiments on shift workers and the elderly (and many rodent models) is that the overall circadian rhythm in the body can be suppressed. In some cases, it’s operating at a lower “amplitude” because light and dark are not clearly defined or not happening at the right times. For instance, people who spend time in natural lighting during the winter have an enormous melatonin amplitude thorughout the night (you can see melatonin in the blood lasting 14 hours), whereas most of us in the modern world are living in a “perpetual summer” and we have a relatively small melatonin duration in comparison to natural conditions.

We think some sleep problems (and some immunity and seasonal effects) depend to some degree on the “strength” of the circadian rhythm, not just whether it’s phase aligned. (Of course, a misaligned rhythm, e.g., in shift work, will almost always have a reduced amplitude, so they are somewhat related.)

Also, not all sleep trouble is circadian, so when we can, we look for ways to help people get to bed on time. It is probably true that we could do a lot of good here that’s completely unrelated to magic science and more to human behavior.

– Michael Herf, creator of f.lux

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F.lux 4 beta Review (Windows) Fri, 05 May 2017 13:53:16 +0000 The popular software for blue light reduction f.lux alternative to Iris has new major version with lots of new features and improvements. The new version is v4 and it’s a major improvement over the several year old version v3. The goal of this post is to review all this new and exciting features. You can download the f.lux beta version ... Read More

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The popular software for blue light reduction f.lux alternative to Iris has new major version with lots of new features and improvements. The new version is v4 and it’s a major improvement over the several year old version v3.

The goal of this post is to review all this new and exciting features.

You can download the f.lux beta version from the official website.

If for some reason you can’t find the it use this button

[Download not found]

After the download is complete the installation is pretty straight forward. Start the .exe file then

If this is the first time you install f.lux you will be prompted to unclock the device gamma. This is done so f.lux can set color temperature lower than 3400K

It’s ok here to click Yes. F.lux will write to the registry this key

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ICM]

Which is the way to unlock the gamma under Windows. If for some reason after this you have problems with the colors of your screen or inverted colors or broken screen somehow then delete this key and restart your system.

The installation is now finished and f.lux is installed into the Local folder of your PC

From here you can click uninstall.exe if you for some reason cannot find the Uninstaller.

After this you will get this notification which will prompt you to Restart your PC.

This is to unlock the low Color temperature values. Let’s for now ignore it and click Later.

You will also be prompted to enter your Location

f.lux will use your location to calculate the sunset and sunrise times. f.lux uses this data to gradually change it’s settings when the night is comming and when the day is comming.

Enter your location, click Search, then click Ok.

You are now all set up and this is how f.lux 4 beta looks like

One thing I noticed is that when not on focus this window will automatically close itself which is kind of annoying at least for me when writing this review. It takes something like 5 seconds to auto close itself.

Aside from this I do think that the closing transition is really nice and as a programmer I know that they have spend a lot of time perfecting it. It’s really stylish.

You will also have Thank you for installing f.lux page loaded in your browser

From here you can read about some tips, changelog and money to the f.lux software LLC.

The f.lux team is asking for 5$ which I personally think is small amount for the amount of work they have done, but maybe after the sale of Picasa they are just wealthy enought not to care about money.

I tried several times the donation model for Iris and made exactly 0$ after a year of free software, but I hope this is working for them.

They also have a survey with the following questions

– We want to know about your screen. Do you have a tape measure handy? (If not, you can guess.)
– How big is the screen you usually use for bed (the “diagonal”, in inches)? – If you have two screens, just answer the biggest one.
– And, how many inches is it from your eyes?
– Does your screen usually dim itself when the light changes?
– Do you dim the rest of the lights in your room?
– How old are you (years)?
– Do you usually go to bed at the same time every night?
– When do you wake up, if you can sleep in?

At first glance this tells us that their plan is to match the indoor lighting to the time of the day and this is actually the description of their company:

f.lux makes software to help you see the right kind of light at the right time of day. f.lux automatically warms up your computer’s screen colors at sunset and returns them to normal at sunrise.

f.lux will automatically start when your computer starts and it will run to the left of your system clock.

One thing I don’t like is that this icon automatically shows itself when f.lux is started and there is no way to hide it. Even if you hide it the next time you start f.lux it will pop up again

And the next start

Maybe this is user friendly for non-technical people, but I find it annoying. About the new things.

Update: In version 4.29 this tray icon now stays hidden if you hide it.

f.lux version 4

What’s new:

  • Analyzes your displays to show you how bright they are to your body: adjust your backlight and watch!
  • Bedtime mode: warmer light before bed gets you ready for sleep, and works with all kinds of schedules
  • Disable by app (so you don’t forget Photoshop)
  • Backwards alarm clock: reminder not to stay up late
  • Presets to help adjust your settings
  • Color filters for eyestrain and other uses
  • A wider range of color settings
  • New hotkeys to adjust color (alt+shift+PgUp and alt+shift+PgDn)


  • Reduced impact on game framerates
  • Resolution independent interface, for high DPI displays
  • DisplayLink monitors (connected by USB) work in a lot more cases now

Smart Lighting:

  • Hue integration now supports more light types
  • LAN API with support for telling other devices when f.lux changes

f.lux version 3 (2013)

If you’ve used f.lux before, this version now has these changes:

  • Expanded color temperature settings, down to 2700K, and some presets lower than that, down to 1200K.
  • Display warms up as your backlight dims (works with laptops)
  • Movie mode
  • Disable until sunrise
  • A simple control for Philips Hue lights
  • Hotkeys to dim your screen (Alt-PgUp, Alt-PgDn), so desktop users can dim too, and a hotkey to disable (Alt-End)

f.lux version 1 (2009)

This is just for the complete histrory. How the first version looked like and to see the progress 🙂

If you ask me the first version seems the best. Yes the UI looks more ugly, but it’s so simple and easy to understand. Also I’m not sure how many users want a program to tell them when to sleep. People just want the orange screen.

f.lux explanation

Computer screens, tablets and mobile phones emit full spectrum light around the clock, just like the sun. Exposure to blue light at the wrong time of day can keep you awake later and interfere with the quality of your sleep. f.lux tries to help this by removing blue and green light to help you wind down in the evenings.

It can take a few days to get used to the new colors at night, so we recommend setting the night-time colors in f.lux to whatever feels good to your eyes. After a few days with f.lux, experiment with the settings to warm things up a little more and find which color works best for you. Our default setting of 3400K on Windows removes about 3/4 of the blue and about half of the green light. You can remove even more alerting light by choosing “Expand color range” to unlock deeper colors in Windows (in the “Lighting at night” menu).

Enough with the introduction now let’s start with the explanation of the actual new beta version. Even without a restart f.lux can change the colors down to 800K, but it will it’s recommended to Restart your PC after first install so let’s now Restart our PC to unlock full color changes.

If you have missed to unlock gamma you can do this by hand by starting this file.

[Download not found]

And to lock the gamma

[Download not found]

After every lock or unlock you need to restart your PC for changes to take effect.

First thing now I want to highlight all the places which you can click to change some setting. I will then proceed to try to explain each setting in greater detail. The buttons inside red border are clickable.

Right click on the tray icon will also give some options to customize f.lux. Some things like the per app disabling are only available via the tray icon so this is important.

You can also click the close button from the main settings menu, but I guess I don’t need to tell you this and f.lux is going to automatically close itself if the window is inactivate for several seconds.

Leaving all things default, the most important thing you need to know about is the Color temperature slider.

Moving it during different times of the day will do different things. f.lux has 4 different modes:


Color temperature settings during the day.



The period when f.lux prepares your melatonin for your wake time.

Bedtime (Late)

The period when you are supposed to be sleeping.


The period when transition between modes happens.

I tried really hard, but I still don’t seem to understand the difference between Sunset and Bedtime mode. It actually seems kind of a bug, because when you set your wake time to 5:00 PM you have 2 days periods which is really strange.

Maybe there is some really complicated science behind this, but even I don’t seem to get it and I have read almost all medical researches and even created Iris which is similar blue light reduction software. I find this too complicated for users and I can’t find explanation anywhere on the internet.

I wrote my experiments with this in Trying to understand the f.lux schedule.

Now back to the Color temperature slider. Depending on which mode you are and which part of the day is the color temperature slider will change the current mode settings.

The range of the Color temperature slider of f.lux is from 1900K to 6500K by default. You can get bigger color range by clicking the settings menu

Then Options (and Smart Lighting)…

From here click Use wider slider ranges (1200K-9300K) and click Done

Now your Color temperature slider can go down to 1200K and up to 9300K

To get the smaller color range back uncheck Use wider slider ranges (1200K-9300K) from the same menu and click Done.

Now let’s look at the f.lux 4 beta presets. They are available in the right corner of the settings panel.

In the next several lines I will review every one of the current presets and what this means to you. Every preset have several important characteristics.

Name – Name of the preset. Example is Recommended colors

Description – Text explaining the preset. You can see the description of the preset in the title of the settings window. Example is Warm at sunset, with a candle before bed

Day – Color temperature during the day. Example is 6500K

Night – Color temperature during the night. Example is 3400K

Bedtime (Late) – Color temperature during bedtime. Example is 1900K (Candle)

Now I’m goind to review every of the current available presets.

Recommended Colors

Name – Recommended Colors
Description – Warm at sunset, with a candle before bed
Day – 6500K
Night – 3400K
Bedtime (Late) – 1900K

Working Late

Name – Working Late
Description – Bright after sunset, and wind down for bed
Day – 6500K
Night – 6500K
Bedtime (Late) – 2300K

Far from the Equator

Name – Far from the Equator
Description – A tinge of sunset, with a candle at bedtime
Day – 6500K
Night – 5500K
Bedtime (Late) – 1900K

Classic f.lux

Name – Classic f.lux
Description – Warm at sunset, and all night too
Day – 6500K
Night – 3400K
Bedtime (Late) – 3400K

Daytime Eyestrain

Name – Daytime Eyestrain
Description – Reduce eyestrain during the day, very warm at night
Day – 5500K
Night – 2900K
Bedtime (Late) – 1700K

Cave Painting

Name – Cave Painting
Description – Extra-warm light all the time
Day – 2700K
Night – 2300K
Bedtime (Late) – 1500K

Color Fidelity

Name – Color Fidelity
Description – Smaller adjustments, better for color accuracy
Day – 6500K
Night – 5000K
Bedtime (Late) – 3400K

Adding your own Presets

Now let’s get our hands dirty by hacking f.lux a little and adding our own custom presets. Presets are located in file named preset.json which looks like this

If we first close f.lux then add our own preset Orange with the following data

	"name": "Orange",
	"desc": "My orange screen preset",
	"day": 5000,
	"night": 3400,
	"late": 2400

Don’t forget to add before your custom preset this file will look like this

Now if we try to start f.lux it’s going to delete our new preset and replace it with the default. I guess they will fix this in the future or maybe not, but this is not going to stop us.

One way f.lux not to delete your own custom preset is to plug out your internet cable. It looks like f.lux is downloading this preset.json file from their server on every start and it overrides our own custom preset.

This will obviously not work, because we will now not have internet, but there is also other solution. If you are ok not to have access to the we can black list this website in our hosts file.

I will show you the manual way, but I’m sure there is some program to automate this. Iris for example had this feature before, but I remoded it since it didn’t make sense for eye protection.

Maybe I will make new software with the sole goal to block websites. So the hosts file is located in the


folder. Here is screenshot from my explorer.

You need admin access to open this file so run Notepad as Administrator

Then open the hosts file and add the following line

Note that now you will not have access to the justgetflux website

To get access to the website if you want to not use your own preset open this file again and remove the line you just added.

Now we can add our own custom presets to the preset.json file. This file is located in the


folder. From here open the file preset.json and add your own custom presets.

Here are some presets to get the idea.

The minumum possible value of f.lux color temperature is 800K and the maximum possible color temperature is 10000K.

Now let’s finally open the f.lux program and see our awesome new presets.

And here is what they do:


Name – Orange
Description – My orange screen preset
Day – 5000K
Night – 3400K
Bedtime (Late) – 2400K


Name – Biohacker
Description – Biohacker mode
Day – 800K
Night – 800K
Bedtime (Late) – 800K


Name – Coffee
Description – Sleep is for losers
Day – 100000K
Night – 100000K
Bedtime (Late) – 100000K

I think I spend too much time playing with the f.lux presets so let’s go to the

Live preview graph

When you left click the live preview graph you will see how f.lux will change your screen colors during the next 24 hours. This is usefull to test how the different presets work.

I made a video showing how all the different f.lux presets change your screen colors during the next 24 hours.

The live preview graph is really usefull to test how your computer will look like during the night if it’s day now and how your computer will look like during the day if it’s night.

It’s really uncomfortable experience to start the live preview during the night, because the screen turns really blue so be carefull. You were warned 🙂

Wake time

The one thing I know for sure for the wake time is that if your wake time is 7:30 AM the day mode of f.lux will start at 7:30 AM

Aside from this there seems to be some circadian clock into f.lux which depending on your wake time will change the day and night times of f.lux. Here is a video of me playing with the wake time.

I also wrote dedicated article on trying to decode the wake time here Trying to understand the f.lux schedule.


Your location is used by f.lux to calculate the sun position. Combine this with your system clock and f.lux can calculate if it’s sunrise or sunset and if it’s day or night.

This is really important, because the entire program is tied to this values and the goal is to make your sleep schedule. Clicking this box will open window from which you can change your location.

For example during the same system clock in Sofia, Bulgaria the graph looks like this.

And in New York City like this

If you don’t like the default settings for your location you need to play with the longitude and latitude of different cities around the world.


You can see the info box in 2 places. The first is in the center of the settings panel and the second is when you hover the tray icon.

During the day info box will show something like:

Sunset in 3 hours, Wake: 9 hours ago

During the night info box will show something like:

Sunset: about an hour ago, Wake in 11 hours
Sunset: 2 hours ago, Wake in 10 hours

During the bedtime info will also show something like:

Sunset: 5 hours ago, Wake in 7 hours

Backwards alarm clock

During bed time f.lux will remind you how much time until waking up are remaining

Starting about 9 hours before your wake time, and once every 30 minutes, the backwards alarm clock will calculate how much sleep you will get if you go to bed right now. You can disable it from the f.lux settings menu to the left of your system clock.

Settings button

The final element of the settings panel is the settings button which opens f.lux to much more customization that you can dream of

Before we dive into the f.lux settings button menu let’s first look at the info next to the settings button. During the day it will show that The sun is up

After sunset it will show that The sun has set

And during bedtime the text will be You’re getting sleepy

Now let’s look at the settings button menu

You can get almost the exact menu when you right click the tray icon

The only difference is that in the settings panel the first option will be Adjust all colors at once, while in the tray menu will be f.lux color and schedule… which will actually open the settings panel. Also in the tray menu you also have Change location.

Note that you can also open the settings panel by left clicking on the tray icon. Middle click seems to do nothing.

Now let’s review all the items in the f.lux settings menu.

Adjust all colors at once

Click Adjust all colors at once if you want to change the settings on each different period of the day. Moving slider 1 will control the day part of the day and this is the period when the sun is up.

If you move any of the sliders too much it will also cause other sliders to move too.

If at the moment it’s bedtime in Adjust all colors at once menu the bedtime slider will have bigger width of the dot than the other sliders

Sometimes this is behavior which you may want and sometimes it’s now. In order to not move other sliders along with the first you can hold the Ctrl key while moving the slider. This will not cause other sliders to move.

Holding Ctrl key is really usefull, because sometimes you want to fixate only 1 slider, but all others are moving. This is one trick to not be frustrated by this.

Sunset slider controls the color temperature after sunset. This is the time between day and bedtime.

Bedtime slider controls the color temperature after sunset and before sunrise. This is the time when you are supposed to be sleeping.

Depending on the time of the day the slider in the simple settings view correspond to the slider of this part of the day.


Here is a video how to play with this settings with and without holding the Ctrl key.

Options (and Smart Lighting)…

This menu is the go to place if you have some issue with f.lux. At first the customizations don’t make much sense, but when you have used f.lux for several months you know that you need to tweek something.

I’m going to explain what every of the options above do and if it’s usefull for you feel free to use it. I will also tell you about common problems and how to solve them. The good thing about this menu is that it doesn’t close itself automatically every 5 seconds which I find annoying in the f.lux settings panel.

Features and Options

Backwards Alarm Clock (notifications at bedtime)

We already covered what backward alarm clock does, but for the sake of completion if you get notification every hour during the night and you find it annoying uncheck Backwards alarm clock checkbox.

Starting about 9 hours before your wake time, and once every 30 minutes, the backwards alarm clock will calculate how much sleep you will get if you go to bed right now. It will appear about 9 hours before your wake time, and give you a little alert every half hour (it’s a system notifier, so it won’t appear on all older versions of the Mac OS)

The notification on Windows look like this

On the other hand if you want this feature a lot and you like that f.lux will remind you to go to sleep. Checking this checkbox will enable Backwards Alarm Clock

When it’s time for you to go to sleep at night the notification will show. Don’t expect it during the day.

Use wider slider ranges (1200K-9300K)

f.lux default slider ranges are from 1900K to 6500K. The minumim available value by default is 1900K

The maximum available value by default is 6500K

Basically the lower the value of the Color temperature the less blue light is emitted from the screen and the bigger the value the more blue light is emitted from the screen.

6500K is also normal colors of the screen or in the f.lux ui you can see it as Daylight. 1900K is light like this of a candle and this is why you will see it sometimes in the f.lux ui as Candle light.

If you to reduce the blue light even more clicking Use wider slider ranges will allow you to select color temperature down to 1200K and up to 9300K. You can go even lower with keyboard shortcuts down to 800K mode.

Now the minimum value of this sliders is 1200K. 1200K is also called Ember at f.lux and it’s light source like this of an Ember fire.

And the maximum value is 9300K. As I said you can go higher and lower with keyboard shortcuts which I will review later. 9300K has no special name, but it changes the colors to actually increase the blue light emitted from the screen.

Use these hotkeys to control f.lux

Clicking the checkbox above will enable f.lux keyboard shortcuts. Shortcuts seem to be the only way to control the brightness and will also allow you to select color temperature of 800K and up to 100 000K. I have no idea why would you need 100 000K color temperature, but you can.


Will disable f.lux for the next 1 hour. You will get notification like this

The settings panel will also write that f.lux is disabled

And also the tray icon info

When 1 hour has passed f.lux will enable itself again. If you want to force re-enable f.lux you can do this from the settings menu by unckecking disable for 1 hour

You can actually also enable it from here if you don’t want to use the shortcuts

If you press Alt+End again you will get notification that f.lux is back and it will apply it’s color changes again


Alt+PgUp will Increase f.lux brightness. This brightness is not achieved via controlling the backlight, but by moving the white point of the monitor to darker one. This thing is more healthy for the eyes by controlling the backlight, but it will change the screen colors.


Alt+PgDn will Decrease f.lux brightness. This brightness is not achieved via controlling the backlight, but by moving the white point of the monitor to darker one. This thing is more healthy for the eyes by controlling the backlight, but it will change the screen colors.

Be carefull, because if you dim your monitor too much you may not be able to see anything on the screen.

If you try even harder you will be switched to dark room mode and your screen colors will be inverted and red.


Alt+Shift+PgUp will Increase f.lux color temperature by 250K if the color temperature if lower than 6500K and by 500K if the color temperature is more than 6500K.

With this shortcut the color temperature can go all the way up to 100 000K

I’m not sure why the maximum value of daylight seems to be 74%.


Alt+Shift+PgDn will Decrease f.lux color temperature by 250K if the color temperature is lower than 6500K and by 500K if the color temperature is more than 6500K.

With this shortcut the color temperature can go down to 800K which is really nice to the eyes.

On different values there are different messages. For example for 800K it’s Circadian Darkness with 0% Daylight or no blue light at all. Above 1500K the text changes to Winding down

Above 2000K the text shows Staying up late. Note that presing the color temperature shortcuts will unpause f.lux if it’s paused

Over 3000K the text changes to Ready to work and it stays there all the way up to 100 000K

This are the available shortcuts at the moment.

Software mouse cursor when needed (fixes “white cursor”)

If the cursor of the mouse looks like this

When the screen is red or orange and the color temperature is lower checking Software mouse cursor when needed will make the cursor also orange

This is basically a hack which will force software mouse rendering and as any hack it will not work in all cases. What I mean by this is that when you play some games or other fullscreen applications your cursor may dissappear.

So if your cursor dissappears the reason is that you need to uncheck this option and force hardware cursor rendering.

How quickly should transition happen?

f.lux makes slow interpolation when it’s changing colors. At sunset and sunrise it takes f.lux several minutes to go from bright screen to warm. By controlling the tranition speed with this option you can control how fast this transition will happen.

At the moment there are several different transition speeds and I will review them in the next several lines.

Slow: Natural Timing

This is the default f.lux option. Every change to the color temperature will result in gradual interpolation from 1 value to the other. I personally find this a little annoying sometimes, but it’s easy on the eyes. Sometimes this thing uses CPU for the transition, but on more modern PC this thing is basically unnoticeable.

You can also see how the graph is more rounded. This tells you that f.lux is using Natural Timing. Notice how the graph is sharp in the other transition modes.

Medium: Adapt your eyes

With this transition speed when you move the sliders you will see the change instantly. There will be gradual transition on sunrise, sunset and bedtime in order for your eyes to adapt. This transition takes only 1 or 2 seconds. This uses less CPU than the Natural Timing and I find it to be the least annoying and best transition speed.

Notice how much more sharper is the live preview graph. Clicking on the live preview will actually show you the speed of transition from day to night mode.

Very Fast: Gaming

This is instant transition for everything. The point is that f.lux gamma changes sometimes cause lag in games and gaming transition fix should fix your lag. The graph is sharp again and clicking on the preview mode will show you the speed of the transition.

Use monitor data for color calibration

f.lux can use data from your monitor to determine how it’s color looks like. This helps on some monitors which look yellow or green when f.lux is running. If this checkbox is checked f.lux will poll some data out of the monitors that describe their colors better than Windows. This will help you get more accurate colors.

Connected Lighting

Control Philips Hue Lights

If you for some reason happen to have Philips Hue light with this checkbox you can link f.lux color temprerature changes to the hue lights.

When you check this box, you’ll hear a double chime sound. You now need to go to your Philips Hue bridge unit and physically press the sync button on the bridge.

Control Plilips ColorKinetics intelliWhite fixtures on your LAN

Philips ColorKinetics is Philips’ brand of commercial color changing LED systems–if you happen to have a multi-thousand-dollar commercial LED lighting system installed in your home then with this checkbox you can sync f.lux to ColorKinetics.

Post to this URL when f.lux changes

This is something really usefull which maybe no one will use, but I need to explain how to use the f.lux IoT API. Basically if you have some connected device in your home and you are programmer or some kind of hacker here you can write the URL of the server which will recieve f.lux data updates.

To not just talk let me show you my super complicated Python server which will just echo what data f.lux is sending.

import time
import socket
import os

def cls():
    os.system('cls' if'nt' else 'clear')

serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
serversocket.bind(('localhost', 8000))
serversocket.listen(5) # become a server socket, maximum 5 connections

while True:
    connection, address = serversocket.accept()
    buf = connection.recv(2048)
    if len(buf) > 0:
        print buf
		# clear the screen

Basically Python is programming language and this code will start Echo server on http://localhost:8000/

You can test this sever with this simple Python client.

import socket

clientsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
clientsocket.connect(('localhost', 8000))
clientsocket.send('Hello server')

If it’s working enter http://localhost:8000/ to the URL input box in f.lux settings

Now if you have done everything correctly your server will start to recieve data from the running f.lux on your PC. The data looks like this

f.lux is sending POST requests to our server with 2 parameters ct and bri

ct – ct means color temperature and this is the same value that your screen have at the moment. You can use this value to connect your smart lighting to f.lux.

bri – bri means brightness and this is the same value that your screen have at the moment. You can use this value to connect your smart lighting to f.lux.

This seems to be the values that f.lux sends to the server. Feel free to experiment and write your own awesome server.

Poll once a minute

Checking this option will poll the server we created once per minute. You can read a lot about polling on the internet. I’m not going to go into details for the sake of not losing your interest.

Update Automatically

By checking this checkbox f.lux will update itself automatically when there is new version on the f.lux website. You can see the changelog of all f.lux v4 versions here.

Performance Test…

Performance Test is feature of f.lux which will calculate how much your FPS can drop when you use f.lux. The transition of f.lux seems heavy on the machine. When you click the performance test button this window will open

And the screen will start to switch back and forth from bigger to lower color temperature. After a couple of seconds you will see window with the results of the performance test. I tested on my machine with each different transition mode and here are the results

Slow: Natural Timing

Medium: Adapt your eyes

Very Fast: Gaming

I’m not sure what I did wrong, but Medium transition speed seems to have the best average FPS of 54.4 on my machine. Second place is for Slow with 53.5 FPS and third place for gaming with 47.5 FPS.

The gaming mode seems to be the slowest on my machine and I showed you before what is the difference between every mode. Basically changing colors immedially have negative impact on my machine and changing colors for 1 second or Medium: Adapt your eyes transition seems to be the best.


When you finish changing options from the f.lux menu you can click Done to close this window. The settings seems to save even without clicking Done so there is no difference if you would click Done or the close button.

Color Effects


From the Color Effects menu you can choose different color effects. This is basically some color presets which are separated from the f.lux day, night, bedtime schedule and are not connected to it. Color Effects will not change your saved day, night or bedtime settings.

Color Effects will disable the f.lux schedule and they will also not be saved on exit. When you start f.lux again your selected color effects will not be enabled. They are usefull as switching f.lux by hand to some preset settings. The preset are also fixed and not customizable at the moment.

Clicking on the color effect will enable it and clicking on the color effect again will disable it. Switching between some color effects will also disable the old color effect. Some color effects have higher priority than others and Vignette mode is independent of other color effects.

In the next lines I will review what exactly each mode does and how it will change your screen colors.

Movie Move

Movie mode will change your screen color temperature to 4400K. If your screen color temperature was above this value before it will not change anything.

Movie mode will display more accurate blues and skintones. This setting warms up your display, but it preserves shadow detail, skintones, and sky colors better than f.lux’s typical colors.

Darkroom Mode

Darkroom Mode will invert your screen colors and remove all blue and green light. This mode is usefull to decrease the light and blue light emitted from the screen to the maximum. It’s usefull for biohacking your circadian rhythms and your biological clock.

Vignette Mode

Vignette Mode is the only feature in f.lux beta that I think is actually new and cannot be creater just by tweaking your screen gamma. When all other Color Effects are nice to have, but not needed with Vignette mode you can descrease the amount emitted from your screen but preserve the brightness in the center of the screen.

It works by placing transparent vignette overlay over the screen or circle of transparent black color. Note that as shown into the picture menus are not effected by the vignette mode.

Here is my screen with Vignette mode

and here is my screen without Vignette mode

Reduce Eyestrain

Reduce Eyestrain color effect seems like reduces only blue light not also the green this is why it cannot be expressed with color temperature. The reduced blue light seems to be approximately like 5000K, but with green color added.

Blue Sky

Blue Sky color effect will set the color temperature to 100 000K. I would not recommend using this mode. There is no benefit in more blue light. If you actually want to get more blue light it’s better to expose yourself to direct sunlight.

Screen monitor will never replace full spectrum sunlight and I have talked to many doctors which actually recommend reducing blue light even during the day and exposing to sunlight at least 15 minutes per day.

Macular Pigment

Macular Pigment effect will change the screen colors to be something like the color of the macular pigment. It’s something like the Reduce eyestrain effect with green light not reduced, but with more blue light reduced.

Emerald City

Emerald City screen effect will remove red and blue light and will leave only green light. There is no special science behind it just some people may like there screen colors to be green instead of red. This mode will also reduce blue light, but green is closer to blue in the light spectrum than red so red should be preferred.

Himalayan Salt Lamp

Himalayan Salt Lamp color effect will set color temperature to 1400K. This is just preset for color temperature bellow 1900K or the f.lux candle mode. There is maybe again some green light not removed, but basically it’s close to 1400K.

Here is video showing what all different color effects look like

Change color to…

From the Change color menu you can change the color temperature of the screen to different light source presets. Color temperature is measurent for different light sources and it’s measured in Kelvins(K).

You can find many explanation of the color temperature, but to keep the things simple image than the lower the color temperature the less blue light is emitted from the screen.

This thing is usefull to match f.lux to your indoor lighting

Here is also video in which I show how the different settings looks like


From the Disable menu item you can disable f.lux for certain period of time or when certain programs are running. One thing I found is missing is to disable f.lux forever, but I think it’s ok since you can just quit f.lux when you don’t need it. Again this is not the best fix since on the next start of the system f.lux will automatically start so you need to install and uninstall the program.

One more annoying thing is that if you disable f.lux for an hour or until sunrise and you close the program. The next time you start it the settings are not saved. And if you disable f.lux for an hour, close it then start it after 5 minutes the checkbox will be unchecked and f.lux will not be disabled.

Sometimes when using option is also not working correctly, but at least this settings are saved on exit and on the next start they are still active. Now let’s review each of the options in the menu.

Disable for an hour (Alt-End)

With this option or with the shortcut Alt+End you can disable f.lux for 1 hour. Note that this will not be saved if you exit f.lux so you need to select it again if you decide to exit f.lux.

To re-enable f.lux uncheck the checkbox or press Alt+End again

On disabling you will see gradual interpolation to normal colors.

You know that f.lux is disabled when it’s written Disabled in the menu. The color temperature will be 6500K in this case.

Moving the color temperature slider will also re-enable f.lux.

Disable until sunrise

Similar to disable for an hour this option will disable f.lux, but this time until sunrise. Again this will not be saved if you exit f.lux and if you start it again this option will be unchecked.

On disabling you will see gradual interpolation to normal colors.

You know that f.lux is disabled when it’s written Disabled in the menu. The color temperature will be 6500K in this case.

Moving the color temperature slider will also re-enable f.lux.

Disable when using …

While the other 2 options was there also in f.lux 3, disable when using is entirely new feature which was only partially available for Mac OSX until f.lux 4 beta.

With disable when using option, you can disable f.lux when certain program is running. The feature works when the window of the selected program is on focus so it’s not exactly when running, but when on focus.

When you disable a program for the first time and you switch back focus to it you will get notification like this telling you that f.lux is disabled.

To stop disalbing f.lux when the certain program is running just do the same steps again, but this time uncheck the checkbox for when using.

If for some reason this is not working you can find the saved blocked apps in Regedit

Then delete this key

For this to work make sure to first exit f.lux so in the next start it will reload the settings and don’t disable itself when this programs are running.

For more easy deleting I prepared this .reg file

[Download not found]

Download it and then double click it to delete the corresponding regedit key.

Here is also a video showing how the Disable when using … works. It’s really helpfull when you work with Photoshop and with colors

Exit f.lux (v4.29)

Exit f.lux button will stop and quit f.lux. This button will not uninstall f.lux from your system and when you start your PC again f.lux will again start automatically, because it’s in the startup programs list.

Next to the Exit f.lux button you can see the current version which in my case it’s v4.29. Since I’m sure there will be much more changes some options make switch places in the future and some may dissappear. I’m writing this review as of v4.29 of f.lux for Windows.

Tray icon

You can find all of this options also in the tray icon menu. I will not go again in details about what each feature does. You can find the tray icon in the bottom right corner of the screen and right click on it will show the f.lux tray icon menu which is almost the same as the f.lux settings panel menu

Reset settings to default

If you want to reset f.lux settings to default there seems to be no easy way. This is why I made this .reg file which will reset f.lux settings to default.

[Download not found]

Download it, close f.lux and double click it. The next time you start f.lux it will be like the first time you started it.

Lock and Unlock gamma

Remember how when you first installed f.lux how it asked you to write to the registry and changed some settings. After this restart was required. On some monitors this may cause problems and I made this files which will lock and unlock the gamma. Download them, double click them, then restart your PC

To Lock gamma use this file

[Download not found]

To Unlock gamma use this file

[Download not found]

File size and location

f.lux will be installed into the following location


and will take 4.39 MB of your disk space

If you want you can free up some space by deleting setup.exe from the update folder. This file is not used for anything. Deleting anything else will cause the program to crash. Well probably you can also delete the uninstall.exe, but don’t do it 54 KB are not worth not having uninstaller.

If you delete setup.exe you will free 728 KB from your f.lux installation

You can delete this file after every f.lux automatic update.

Installation folder

In the f.lux installation folder you will find several files and folders


Here you can find the color presets in the f.lux ui and some prototion texts.


You will see a PSD file and some other files. f.lux is parsing the .psd file and this is where the ui comes from. If you have experience with Photoshop you can actually change the position of f.lux menus and sliders. You can make the background to be black or other color.


In the update folder there is the latest installation setup.exe downloaded from the server. This file is used for f.lux auto updates.


This is the actual f.lux program which will open the tray icon and the settings window. When you recieve new version this file is replaced. The main logic of f.lux is here and this file loads the psd ui from the runtime folder.


f.lux uninstaller. Start it if you want to delete f.lux from your system.


By default f.lux will automatically start when your computer starts. You can disable this on Windows 10 from the Task Manager. Start Task Manager and select the Startup tab. From here right click f.lux and click Disable.

Now f.lux will not start at startup. If you use version of Windows prior to Windows 10 like Windows 7 or Windows XP you can disable f.lux starting on startup by deleting this regedit key


If you don’t know how to use regedit I made you this file which you just need to double click. Double clicking this file will disable f.lux starting on computer startup

[Download not found]


f.lux works with every Windows operating system including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.


Go to Add or Remove programs and find f.lux

Click Uninstall and follow the uninstaller steps

Clicking Uninstall will start the f.lux uninstaller

When you click uninstall you would be prompted to return Windows to default color settings. This will basically lock the gamma. Click yes if you have some problems with the screen colors

Note that you need to close f.lux before running the uninstaller.

Color calibration

If you have calibrated your monitor with ICC profile f.lux will load it and respect the gamma in it at 6500K and 100% brightness, but if you have calibrated your monitor with other gamma changing application it will not work.

The main Windows Color management settings will work, but software like xcalib or CPKeeper will not work.

f.lux changelog


  • Disable for fullscreen apps (using this allows you to disable one monitor for movies)
  • Disable by app works for 64-bit apps again


  • Disable by app fade timing is improved
  • Cursor is set to hardware mode at exit
  • Minor text edits


  • “Disable by app” only notifies you once per session, not all the time
  • Actual app names are now shown for “disable by app”. (You may have to disable some apps again.)
  • Tray icon now stays hidden when you hide it
  • Some menu text changes


Menus and oopses:

  • Menus are juggled around to help simplify the UI (we are not done yet)
  • Mouse cursor checkbox was broken, now fixed


Some fixes:

  • Software mouse cursor now switches on automatically when colors change, so you keep a hardware cursor during the day (you’ll have to turn it on again in Options)
  • When you don’t enter your location, defaults are quite a bit better
  • Fixes some cases for wake from sleep
  • Some adjustments to vignette mode


This version tries to improve color calibration and fixes some bugs. What’s new:

  • We noticed a lot of laptops are looking very “green-yellow” so we spent some time to figure out what was going on. We were able to pull some data out of the monitors that describe their colors better than Windows does, and so we’re trying to use that data to do more accurate colors now. In the Options menu, there is a checkbox called “Use Monitor Data for Calibration”. We’re turning this on for everyone in this build, so we’d like to know if you think it looks better, or worse!
  • Second, we’ve improved “crushed shadows” by adjusting the response automatically when you dim your screen, so we think photos look a lot better in this new build
  • There’s a new full-screen vignette mode we’re trying out, which manages to show about 60% less light, while still being readable (for some things).
  • Enabling software mouse cursor doesn’t require a logout anymore
  • Bugs fixed on wake from sleep. f.lux should always come back now.
  • Notifiers should never steal keyboard focus, and hotkeys are usable in fullscreen apps/games, because we don’t pop notifiers that kick you back to the desktop

4.21 (a model of you)

We added a lot to this update, so we need your feedback.

In this version, we’re showing everyone a little bit of the way we think about f.lux, giving you some measurements that we think are important. So far, we’ve not really brought “you” and your circadian timing into the f.lux interface.

How light affects you

In this new build, we’ve exposed one of our models of how the light from screens affects your body (based on your screens’ sizes, and using our 5,000-person survey to approximate your viewing distance).

As you adjust settings in f.lux now (or even as you change your laptop’s backlight, which is important), you’ll see one of five common-sense scores for how much light you’re seeing:

  • Bright as Day
  • Ready to Work
  • Staying up Later
  • Winding Down
  • Circadian Darkness

As well, you’ll see a percentage, which we call “% daylight”. It’s a score for how much circadian effect the light you’re seeing might have, compared to broad daylight.

But it’s also important to say, everyone’s a little bit different, so this is just a guideline. You might be more sensitive (especially if you’re under 20) or less sensitive (if you’re over 50, or if you spend a lot of time outdoors).

Is light making you earlier or later? It’s about time too.

Light you see in the morning makes your internal clock “advance” or set itself earlier, and light you see at night makes your clock “delay”. When these adjustments cancel out, your clock stays in about the same place. When you see too much light at night, your clock delays and you want to stay up later.

This new f.lux version indicates the times of day that light is likely to make you later or earlier, so if you open the Preferences screen at night you will see “Light is making you later” and correspondingly “Light is making you earlier” in the morning.

Other changes and fixes in this update

  • Notifications are redesigned, when you use the hotkeys (alt-pgup, alt-end, etc)
  • Some extra support for wide color ranges on Windows 7
  • Gaming mode (safe mode) is removed, because we’ve incorporated everything it does, finally. Use “very fast” transitions if you notice problems
  • We now ask for the “earliest” time you wake up, to clarify what you should do when you have a variable schedule


  • Optimized background performance more (should improve framerate drops), fixed some bugs
  • Added ability to toggle software cursor in the Options (prevent white cursors!) – requires a reboot or logout


  • Default to “slow transition” on purpose! We thought we had done that already, but people who had the old version were getting a fast transition.
  • If you don’t like this, change it in options


  • “Very fast” transition option added for slow GPUs
  • Make custom filters show status when selected
  • Make modes (filters, darkroom) cancel when sliders are moved
  • Disable by app fixes


  • Make wake time work on restart


April 4, 2017

What’s new:

  • Analyzes your displays to show you how bright they are to your body: adjust your backlight and watch!
  • Bedtime mode: warmer light before bed gets you ready for sleep, and works with all kinds of schedules
  • Disable by app (so you don’t forget Photoshop)
  • Backwards alarm clock: reminder not to stay up late
  • Presets to help adjust your settings
  • Color filters for eyestrain and other uses
  • A wider range of color settings
  • New hotkeys to adjust color (alt+shift+PgUp and alt+shift+PgDn)


  • Reduced impact on game framerates
  • Resolution independent interface, for high DPI displays
  • DisplayLink monitors (connected by USB) work in a lot more cases now

Smart Lighting:

  • Hue integration now supports more light types
  • LAN API with support for telling other devices when f.lux changes


Dec 5 2016

This build fixes a number of minor issues with Windows 10 Anniversary Edition:

  • DisplayLink USB monitors no longer cause flashing on the main display
  • Our “NSIS” installer software has been updated due to a security vulnerability
  • Code signing now uses SHA256 to increase security

3.10 bugfixes

Oct 23 2013

This build fixes a number of problems encountered with 3.9:

  • Some users with high-end monitors and video cards experienced persistent flashing. This build fixes most of these bugs. (If you see flashing a few times right after login, we’re still working on it.)
  • f.lux now shows the location dialog when you haven’t set your location and reboot (rather than showing the main window, which confused many people.)
  • Fixes for Philips Hue
  • Clarified text in several places based on user feedback (restarting, asking for location)


Oct 15 2013

Big new cool stuff

  • f.lux can go warmer than 3400K now, down to 2700K. Or even 1200K if you really want it to.
  • Support for color profiles from a hardware calibrator
  • Movie mode. This setting warms up your display, but it preserves shadow detail, skintones, and sky colors better than f.lux’s typical colors. It lasts 2½ hours, which lets you watch most feature films
  • Disable until morning, for late-night crunch mode
  • A new “darkroom” mode, which inverts colors and gets very red
  • A map to help you find your location
  • Hotkeys to dim your display (Alt-PgDn, Alt-PgUp) late at night, so desktop users can dim too
  • A hotkey to disable/enable f.lux quickly: Alt-End
  • If you have a laptop, f.lux gets warmer when your backlight dims, like an incandescent lamp
  • A simple schedule for Philips Hue, so you can f.lux your house

Some more fixes

  • Safe mode for playing video games without hiccups
  • Bugs fixed with Intel chipsets
  • Smoother animations and fading
  • Better support for Windows 7 & 8


June 9 2013


  • better animations, especially for slow transition mode.

If you have f.lux installed, it will update automatically.


June 6 2013


  • settings now persisting correctly
  • fixed website launching menu bug
  • fixed menu problem with setting lighting
  • enhanced Movie Mode to display more accurate blues and skintones.

Final thoughts

f.lux 4 is here and this will be the new f.lux. It has awesome new features and looks like a new program. If you liked this review, you can also see my review of the old f.lux 3.

Thank you very much for reading this article. It’s important for us to try to make digital displays a little more healthy.

Daniel Georgiev – Founder of Iris ?

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Macular Pigment Thu, 04 May 2017 13:59:11 +0000   Macular pigment is comprised of Zeaxanthin and Lutein, which are found in the center of the macula (fovea) at a natural 2:1 ratio. MPOD (Macular Pigment Optical Density) is important for three specific reasons: 1. Low macular pigment is a key risk factor for Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of significant vision loss over age 55 2. ... Read More

The post Macular Pigment appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.



Macular pigment is comprised of Zeaxanthin and Lutein, which are found in the center of the macula (fovea) at a natural 2:1 ratio. MPOD (Macular Pigment Optical Density) is important for three specific reasons:

1. Low macular pigment is a key risk factor for Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of significant vision loss over age 55

2. Macular pigment absorbs harmful blue light, protecting the photo-receptors from damage

3. Macular pigment improves visual performance, including:

  • Visual acuity – ability to see clearly, especially in fine detail situations like needlepoint or reading in low light situations
  • Contrast sensitivity – ability to discern objects from their background (i.e. seeing a white golf ball or baseball clearly against a light blue sky)
  • Light sensitivity – visual discomfort in sunlight or when exposed to bright light
  • Glare recovery – recovery from temporary “blindness” caused by high intensity lighting, such as automobiles or stadium lights

Did you know that 78 percent of the U.S. population has less than optimal macular pigment? Healthy macular pigment acts as “internal sunglasses” to protect against harmful blue light that enters the eye and negatively impacts the visual cells responsible for central and peripheral vision.

Significant increases can be achieved through nutritional intake and supplements containing Zeaxanthin and Lutein.

The natural ratio of Zeaxanthin to Lutein found in a healthy fovea is 2:1

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F.lux 3 Review (Windows) Mon, 01 May 2017 13:52:26 +0000 I’m still in the process of writing this article 🙂

The post F.lux 3 Review (Windows) appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

I’m still in the process of writing this article 🙂

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Bigger, Brighter, Bluer-Better? Current light-emitting devices – adverse sleep properties and preventative strategies Sun, 30 Apr 2017 11:15:58 +0000 1Department of Children’s Sleep Medicine, Evelina London Children’s Sleep Medicine and King’s College London, St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK 2Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK Objective: In an effort to enhance the efficiency, brightness, and contrast of light-emitting (LE) devices during the day, displays often generate substantial short-wavelength (blue-enriched) light emissions that can adversely affect ... Read More

The post Bigger, Brighter, Bluer-Better? Current light-emitting devices – adverse sleep properties and preventative strategies appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

  • 1Department of Children’s Sleep Medicine, Evelina London Children’s Sleep Medicine and King’s College London, St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK
  • 2Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

Objective: In an effort to enhance the efficiency, brightness, and contrast of light-emitting (LE) devices during the day, displays often generate substantial short-wavelength (blue-enriched) light emissions that can adversely affect sleep. We set out to verify the extent of such short-wavelength emissions, produced by a tablet (iPad Air), e-reader (Kindle Paperwhite 1st generation), and smartphone (iPhone 5s) and to determine the impact of strategies designed to reduce these light emissions.

Setting: University of Surrey dedicated chronobiology facility.

Methods: First, the spectral power of all the LE devices was assessed when displaying identical text. Second, we compared the text output with that of “Angry Birds” – a popular top 100 “App Store” game. Finally, we measured the impact of two strategies that attempt to reduce the output of short-wavelength light emissions. The first strategy employed an inexpensive commercially available pair of orange-tinted “blue-blocking” glasses. The second strategy tested an app designed to be “sleep-aware” whose designers deliberately attempted to reduce short-wavelength light emissions.

Results: All the LE devices shared very similar enhanced short-wavelength peaks when displaying text. This included the output from the backlit Kindle Paperwhite device. The spectra when comparing text to the Angry Birds game were also very similar, although the text emissions were higher intensity. Both the orange-tinted glasses and the “sleep-aware” app significantly reduced short-wavelength emissions.

Conclusion: The LE devices tested were all bright and characterized by short-wavelength enriched emissions. Since this type of light is likely to cause the most disruption to sleep as it most effectively suppresses melatonin and increases alertness, there needs to be the recognition that at night-time “brighter and bluer” is not synonymous with “better.” Ideally future software design could be better optimized when night-time use is anticipated, and hardware should allow an automatic “bedtime mode” that shifts blue and green light emissions to yellow and red as well as reduce backlight/light intensity.

Background and Objectives

A growing body of evidence suggests that the use of light-emitting (LE) devices in the evening may adversely affect sleep quality and timing, daytime performance, health, and safety (13). The brightness, timing, color, pattern, and the duration of light exposure all influence important physiological body rhythms (46). When modern LE devices are used in the evening before bedtime all these factors combine to produce a “perfect storm,” which can adversely affect sleep.

The role of light and its influence on many aspects of our physiology, behavior and well-being is increasingly well understood (46). In particular, the light/dark cycle is critical in synchronizing the circadian (daily) clock to the 24 h day. The hormone melatonin (“the hormone of darkness”) is produced at night, with the duration of secretion mirroring the dark period, and its production is associated with sleep (7).

While light during the daytime can beneficially enhance alertness, performance, and mood (8), in the evening it can suppress the production of melatonin, increase alertness, and delay sleep onset (9).

Importantly, not all colors of light have the same effect. Short-wavelength-enriched light (blue-enriched) is likely to cause the most disruption, as it most effectively suppresses melatonin (10) and increases alertness (11). Many older LE devices have been shown to have peaks specifically in these short wavelengths (3).

The development of LE devices means that for many people, a “book at bedtime” is now often an “e-book.” Traditional paper books with dim incandescent bedside lighting reflected off the pages of the book expose the readers to a low-intensity tungsten light with a yellow–red spectrum that has little impact on sleep. In comparison, the same book read in electronic format will provide a very different light signal with biological effects. This is not an insignificant issue with over a quarter of the US population reading e-books in 2014 (12). Furthermore, these same LE devices allow access to the Internet, social media, and games as well as reading, with evidence that multi-tasking is becoming the norm rather than the exception (13).

Studies considering the potential impact of light exposure at night have employed a variety of methodologies, including animal studies (14), laboratory-based controlled-environment studies (36), and epidemiological studies (13, 15). All have important roles, with advantages and limitations.

Until 2000, the majority of photometric studies quantified light stimuli in terms of photopic illuminance (lux) (16). During that time, inexpensive lux meters were used because of their existing role in lighting and photography. As the existence and role of melanopsin and the intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGC) in the inner retina have become clearer, so has the realization that current methods of light measurement are incomplete (16). In order to better characterize the biological effects of light, a “toolkit” to calculate the effective irradiance experienced by each of the rod, cone, and melanopsin photoreceptors has been developed (16).

We set out to measure light levels and spectral profiles of three of the most popular contemporary LE devices to verify and compare their short-wavelength-enriched light emissions. We decided to include three categories of devices; one tablet, one smartphone, and one e-reader. As we were not aware of studies comparing activities such as reading an e-book with playing a game, we also compared the light signals emitted when playing a popular game, with those emitted by e-book text.

Since there are a number of potential strategies that claim to reduce the intensity of short-wavelength light exposure, we also sought to test the actual effect of some of these strategies on the spectral profile of these light emissions.

By characterizing the extent to which each of the five photopigments in the human eye are activated by all the light conditions we tested, we intended to provide reliable benchmark data for each LE device, to allow later comparison with other devices, other conditions, and extrapolation to physiological and behavioral responses.

Materials and Methods

Using data from International Data Corporation (IDC) (17) and Canaccord Genuity (18), we chose the most popular devices of 2014 (iPad Air, iPhone 5s, Kindle Paperwhite 1st generation) from each of the three categories (tablets, smartphones, e-readers).

Since all the devices claim to be easily viewed at night in a dark room without any room lighting, we carried out spectrometric light readings in the same completely dark room. Light measurements were taken at a distance suggested as a typical reading distance, as advised by each device’s manufacturer (Table 1).


www.frontiersin.orgTable 1. Physical properties of LE devices tested.

The brightness levels of the screens were not adjusted for those devices that had an automatic setting (iPhone 5s and ipad Air) but the Kindle Paperwhite screen brightness level was reduced to 50% (guided by “typical night time settings” feedback from a convenience sample of 10 Kindle Paperwhite users). For each device, the irradiance as an exact spectral power distribution (SPD) was measured using the same calibrated spectrometer (Ocean Optics BV, Dunedin, FL, USA).

During e-book measurements, identical text was displayed across all devices – the same page, of the same downloaded e-book via the Kindle store. (We had previously looked at increasing and decreasing the font size within the boundaries available on the Kindle reading app and this made no significant difference to the light irradiance measurements.) For the game measurements, we used the same screen from “Angry Birds” – a popular top 100 “App Store” game by Rovio mobile (this was displayed on the iPad Air and iPhone 5s but not on the Kindle Paperwhite as this device does not display games).

These measurements were followed by testing the two different strategies designed to reduce the output of short-wavelength enriched light emissions. The first strategy involved testing the impact of blue-blocking (orange-tinted) glasses (Pyramex Ztek Safety Eyewear). These were tested by holding one of the lenses of the glasses 2.5 cm in front of the spectrometer probe. The second tested “Kids Sleep Dr” (a sleep diary/behavioral advice app intended to help parents solve their children’s sleep problems) (19). As this app is designed to be used during the evening and at night, its developers took this into account and chose a “sleep-aware” palate of colors accordingly. This is the only app we were aware of at the time that employed this strategy.

Finally, using the measured SPD, we calculated the equivalent “α-opic” illuminance for each of the five photopigments in the human eye using the recently proposed light measurement strategy (16).


Table 2 displays the device emission spectra (cyanopic, melanopic, rhodopic, chloropic and erythopic “α-opic” lux) in comparison with photopic lux for all LE devices and conditions.


www.frontiersin.orgTable 2. Spectral distribution of human retinal photopigment-weighted measures from all light-emitting devices during different display conditions.

Interestingly, the LE devices all shared very similar enhanced short-wavelength blue peaks when displaying the same text (445–455 nm). This includes the output from the new backlit Kindle device. Figure 1 presents the SPD of text of all devices. The spectral profile of text and Angry Birds game were also very similar, although the text emissions were higher intensity (Figure 2).


www.frontiersin.orgFigure 1. Spectral Profile comparing identical text on all three devices.


www.frontiersin.orgFigure 2. Spectral Profile of Text compared to game (same device).

The orange-tinted glasses significantly reduced short-wavelength light emissions (Figure 3). The color palate used in the Kids Sleep Dr app generated a different spectral profile to the “text” or “Angry Birds” with a marked reduction in short-wavelength light emissions (Figure 4).


www.frontiersin.orgFigure 3. Spectral Profile demonstrating impact of ‘blue-blocking’ glasses.


www.frontiersin.orgFigure 4. Spectral Profile comparing ‘sleep aware’ designed game with normal game.


We have shown that the “latest models” of tablet and smartphone LE devices that were tested maintained the same enhanced short-wavelength (blue-light) emitting characteristics as their predecessors (3). A third e-reader device (Kindle), previously non-backlit, is now backlit, and also emits the same short-wavelength (blue-enriched) light emissions.

Light levels emitted by games have not been previously compared with e-books, although the stimulating effects of games at night time have been documented (20). Interestingly, the game we tested had a very similar blue-enriched spectral profile to text, but was less bright.

There are some fairly simple strategies to reduce exposure to short-wavelength lighting before bed. The most obvious is to avoid exposure to light-emitting devices at night. Harvard Medical School suggest avoiding blue-light 2–3 h before you go to bed, while the National Sleep Foundation suggest turning all electronic devices off at least an hour before bed. Parents who have young children using LE Devices at night have the ability to either remove the devices from their bedroom, or at least turn them before bed. Falbe et al. (15) showed the associations between small screens in the sleep environment, screen time and shorter, insufficient sleep in school aged children. Such “removal” strategies become more difficult to implement with adolescents and adults, who make their own choices and are often influenced by peer and work pressures.

The two fairly simple light-blocking strategies we evaluated both effectively reduced the emission of short-wavelength blue-enriched light. The glasses we used were inexpensive, mass-produced plastic orange-tinted glasses often advertised “for shift workers.” The effect of these on the emitted spectrum, however, was significant and in keeping with more expensive blue-blockers that have recently been shown to attenuate evening suppression of melatonin while viewing an LED computer screen (21). The designers of the “sleep-aware” app adapted its colors using basic principles without needing expensive concurrent spectrometer measurements. This simple strategy was effective in reducing short-wavelength emissions.

Perhaps a more viable alternative to expecting people to wear such orange glasses, or app developers to limit their color palate, is to use software to apply a “mask,” or filter to the device itself. As we only tested one example of each of the currently most popular LE devices, this unfortunately meant we did not test android devices; had we done so we would have been able to also test software such as F.lux (developed by Michael and Lorna Herf that adjusts a computer display’s color temperature according to its location and time of day). This software, however, was not available for the iPad, iPhone, nor is it applicable for the Kindle Paperlight.

One important limitation of this study is that a multitude of environmental factors may interact and may contribute to sleep disruption. Light duration is one important factor whereby even a blue-light source of lower intensity, if viewed long enough, could still suppress nocturnal melatonin levels and increase alertness. Exactly how long, for each intensity and each device type, is not known, but it is an important area for future research. We only tested one “typical brightness” setting at one distance for each device. Some users of iPad and iPhone devices might manually adjust light intensity or invert colors, so our findings are only applicable to those users that rely on the default automatic lighting settings. Future research needs to construct full intensity responses curves for each device and to characterize the extent to which each of the five photoreceptor channels are activated using the Toolkit from Lucas et al. (16), the way we have done in the present manuscript. Following this, investigating individual variations in the response to such light sources will be necessary.

Another obvious limitation to research involving new technology is that the rate of releasing new LE devices, outstrips the time it takes to publish new research. The result is that studies that evaluate contemporary hardware are out of date by the time they are published (much as the hardware examined in this publication is also “last years model”).

Not withstanding these limitations, the trend is clear and technological “advances” to date for LE devices, seem to have focused on designs that enhance their brightness, blueness, visibility and contrast during the day. Unfortunately, these are the same characteristics that in the evening are likely to worsen timing and quality of sleep, and reduce morning alertness.

Despite increasing availability of information about the possible risks from evening LE device use, it is often hard to encourage people to make better health choices. The National Sleep Foundation’s Sleep in America Poll found nine out of ten Americans reported using a technological device in the hour before bed (13).

Even if this topic was determined important enough to warrant individual, community-based or national public health interventions, such approaches are expensive, difficult to implement, and often unsuccessful (22). A faster and more tenable solution would be for manufacturers to ensure that software design is optimized when night-time use is anticipated, and all hardware devices allow an automatic “bedtime mode” that shifts blue and green light emissions to yellow and red as well as reduces backlight/light intensity.

We hope that as technology improves, “brighter” will not always be synonymous with “better.”

Ethics Approval

As no human subjects were involved, none of the CONSORT, PRISMA, MOOSE, STARD or STROBE frameworks with which we are familiar, were applicable for this research.

Data Sharing Statement

Additional raw spectrometer data used for this article and from testing other apps are available on request from corresponding author.

Conflict of Interest Statement

Debra J. Skene, Victoria L. Revell, and Benita Middleton declare no support from any organization for the submitted work, no financial relationships with any organizations that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previous 3 years, no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work. Paul Gringras was involved in the development of the Kids Sleep Dr app – one piece of software whose light emissions were measured in this research. However, he has received no financial support for this development, and the app is a free resource with IP owned by Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust.


DS is a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award holder.


This study was conducted without any external funding for either equipment or researchers’ time.


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Keywords: sleep disorders, light, tablets, smartphone, apps, melatonin

Citation: Gringras P, Middleton B, Skene DJ and Revell VL (2015) Bigger, Brighter, Bluer-Better? Current light-emitting devices – adverse sleep properties and preventative strategies. Front. Public Health 3:233. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00233

Received: 28 April 2015; Accepted: 28 September 2015;
Published: 13 October 2015

Edited by:

Joav Merrick, Ministry of Social Affairs, Israel

Reviewed by:

Christophe Huynh, Hôpital Rivière-des-Prairies, Canada
Lena Pareto, University West, Sweden

Copyright: © 2015 Gringras, Middleton, Skene and Revell. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

*Correspondence: Paul Gringras,

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Credits Wed, 15 Mar 2017 02:55:58 +0000 You can’t achieve anything alone. This is true in life, in business, in sports and in everything. This page is not for Iris and it’s not for me. It’s for all the people that I met in my life and to all the people who have helped me along the way. Iris started as a student project for one competition ... Read More

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You can’t achieve anything alone. This is true in life, in business, in sports and in everything. This page is not for Iris and it’s not for me. It’s for all the people that I met in my life and to all the people who have helped me along the way.

Iris started as a student project for one competition and I want to thank my friends with whom we created the first version of Iris. Thanks to Alex Dimitrov, Bojidar Giorev, Martin Simeonov, Martin Kirilov and Cvetelin Marinov. Although Iris today has almost nothing in common with the original idea of blink reminding and the other guys are working in top positions in their companies together we placed really solid foundation. Special thanks to Alex for the initial logo and app design. Yes, he is the guy who made the green Iris logo.

Thanks to Start it smart for giving me head start into entrepreneurship. When I was 17 years old this guys totally changed my thinking and gave me so much with their Pre-accelerator program. Although my 3D printer business failed back then they introduced me to so many successful people and I managed to switch from the guy who was rowing in the woods whole day to a guy who thinks how to solve problems.

My knowledge in programming is thanks to Telerik academy and my high school TUES. I was really lucky to have some great teachers and to be free to pursue my interests not worrying about finishing school. When I was sportsmen I skipped almost all classes, but my school was really open for this and didn’t make me much of a problem.

Thanks to all of my teachers and coaches. Sport play really important role in my life. I spend my entire childhood training and I don’t regret anything. I managed to make so many friends, I won a lot of competitions, I learned discipline and build the foundation of my attitude towards life. If there was one thing which make me who am I today this is sport. Special thanks also to my family. Our opinions and lives are different on so many levels, but they did a great job making me a good human being.

Character traits and other things aside if it wasn’t for so many people who spread the word about Iris only I would use it today. There are so many people who tell friends about Iris. Even you are one of them. Some of the text will be in Bulgarian, but this is why in all started from here.

TODO add more info for each person


Ben Greenfield, Joseph Mercola, Uroš Bole

Boomer Anderson, David Krantz, Josh Trent, Karen Urbanek

Latin America

Christian de la Cruz


Danail Dochev, Lazar Radkov, Georgi Nenov, Lilyana Shapkadjieva, Svetlin Nakov, Blagoy Cicelkov, Milena Encheva, Irena Rasheva, Andrea Ioveva, Spisanie 8, Bogomil Shopov

Desislava Kostova, Georgi Asparuhov


Chip Czech Republic


Julian Bos, Anissa Jones, Valentin Kirilov, John Heeter, Denis Gerber, Sergio Diaz, Colton Parker, Ming Shao


Nicholas from Giveaway of the Day

Kent and Ashraf from SharewareOnSale

Julia Romanchenko from Giveaway Club


Laurent Huguet – French translation

Sven Rose – German translation

D Cunningham, Janusz Buda – Grammar checking

Sergey Hristov – Bulgarian translation and Grammar checking

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Reviews Mon, 27 Feb 2017 07:52:10 +0000 Links to resources and people who mentioned Iris Ben Greenfield   Dr. Mercola Jamie G Ward Glarminy Podcasts Softpedia Product Hunt TaiMienPhi

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Links to resources and people who mentioned Iris

Ben Greenfield


Dr. Mercola

Jamie G Ward




Product Hunt


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Affiliates Wed, 15 Feb 2017 01:05:22 +0000 Iris affiliate program is awesome. You get % from the sales you reffer to the Iris website.[svtimeline][/svtimeline] For more info see this page

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Iris affiliate program is awesome.

You get % from the sales you reffer to the Iris website.[svtimeline][/svtimeline]

For more info see this page

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Roadmap Mon, 30 Jan 2017 01:00:59 +0000 You can trace the beginning of Iris to Mar 8, 2015 when I made the first version with installer. I am sure there are versions before this, but I was promoting it with giving USB stick to some people and basically breaking their computers, because there was nothing working. This is how Iris 0.0.0 looked like It’s so ugly, but it ... Read More

The post Roadmap appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

You can trace the beginning of Iris to Mar 8, 2015 when I made the first version with installer. I am sure there are versions before this, but I was promoting it with giving USB stick to some people and basically breaking their computers, because there was nothing working. This is how Iris 0.0.0 looked like

It’s so ugly, but it was so light and functional and minimalistic. This was the time that I was searching for the first users. I remember how hard we worked and I was publishing new version every day. In fact we worked so hard that this is how Iris 0.1.4 looked on March 23rd, 2015

Yep, for 16 days we built 16 versions. In fact the other guys was like
– Dude we don’t need to build version every day
and I was like
– We need to be more faster than this. We are too slow. We need to work harder.
I guess I was really pain in the ass to work with.

The be honest the first month there was only one user and this was me. The next month I started to do marketing. Marketing for me in this early days was going to all kinds of articles about eye strain and writing comments. If I found somewhere the e-mail of the people in the comments I also wrote them an e-mail.

The first e-mail about Iris that I send was on April 4th, 2015

As you can guess nobody answered me, but I was persistent and after a month Iris had 10 users. They were actually some of my Facebook friends, because I was posting every day in Facebook and some decided to try it.

I actually have no idea why I did this promotion when Iris was free back then. There wasn’t even donate button. I guess I just wanted to help some people with eye strain.

After we failed to win our student competition the team broke apart. I really wanted to continue working on Iris, but after going to all the investors they all told us that the project is stupid and nobody is going to use it and there’s nothing for them to pay in it.

As every crazy person with an idea I didn’t wanted to listen to them and proposed to the other people in the team to leave our jobs and with our savings to make Iris. Well you probably know their answer and in there defense I will say that Iris was really strange project back then with no future at all.

A couple of months passed and nobody was using Iris, but the website was still working. Then something happened.

Julian first wrote me on May 4th, 2015

And 15 minutes later I made him a promise that I will add Automatic brightness for him to Iris. I am not sure when, but some of this days we said that the project is dead.

On May 29th, 2015 Julian wrote to me again to ask me if the feature is ready. I told him that Iris is dead.

But something was bugging me from the inside a couple of hours latter. I was keep telling myself
– You made him a promise. Is your word not worth anything?

I became angry at myself that I failed again and I just opened my laptop and started to make the new feature. After some time I send him this e-mail

This night I make promise to myself and decided to continue Iris alone. I made a promise that I will make Iris work or I am going to die trying. This time there will be no shortcuts and other options.

Back then Iris was free and I just made it to solve my eye problem, but after this point I decided to make a business out of it.

I quit my job, dropout of school and put my entire future and life energy into Iris. I don’t need to tell you that everyone thought I am crazy back then.

On August 9th, 2015 I wrote to the website that Iris is in active development again

I also wrote to every user to personally contact me for every minor bug and for everything. Later I learned that the same Julian promoted Iris in some Dutch website and brought so many new people to use Iris

Compared to now, it’s really small amount of views, but back then I was super grateful and so happy

This months was just hard hard work, no sleep and more hard work. I was trying everything to promote Iris somehow, but unsuccessfully.

I did some presentations and make one article which became a bit popular in my country.

I made my first sale on November 10th, 2015

And in my first year of Iris this was also my only sale. I made 10$ for a year of non-stop work. I still remember how happy I was and I was jumping for several minutes in my room.

This was a period of time when I was really hungry. The only money I made was from selling Google Cardboard and some other Chinese things I bought online and I used the money to buy a little food.

When I left my job I had $6000 in by bank account and I managed to survive a year with this money. Don’t ask me how, it was hard. In fact this was the hardest thing in my life. I paid only rent and food. All my expenses were cut to minimum, I didn’t go outside, I lost all my social life and I was eating only the most cheapest food.

Looking back it doesn’t look so bad, but this was probably the lowest point in my life and I learned to value every penny.

On Christmas time I was sitting alone writing answers to questions in Quora trying to promote Iris somehow and on December 26th, 2015 I wrote an answer to Is C++ for Game Development only?

This answer became really popular and for couple of weeks it made over 100 000 views. Some people bought Iris again.

After this point I knew that maybe I can make it, I just needed to work harder. I guess this is a good time to tell about the business model or the licensing. I don’t remember exact dates, but Iris was free and donation based for almost a year.

I thought that people will love the program and donate some cash and I can make a small living out of it. You know I never wanted to me a millionaire or something I just wanted to work on Iris full-time.

What happened in reality I get exactly 0$ donations for it. At this point I didn’t had any money left from my saving and I knew that I need to change something.

In September, 2015 I make Iris to be free for one month and then to be subscription based for every month to be 10$. I thought, “Ok use it and if you like it you can support the project my giving 10$ every month”. I knew that this is not going to make Iris popular, but my point was that I needed only 100 people to pay and with 1000$ a month I will be good.

Well I didn’t managed to wait for the end of the month, but nobody paid again, so I started to think of new licensing model again. Then I came with the brilliant idea Iris to be free for 4 hours per day and if you want more you can buy 1 month of usage or 744 hours for 10$. I thought that this will be super awesome, because unlike most other companies it depends on you how much you will pay.

If you don’t use your computer much you can use this 1 month of usage for a year or more. Well this is the model that clicked and the first sales from Iris was from it. Later when more non-technical people started to using Iris they started cursing me greedy I’m, because they just didn’t understand the payment model.

This was until I made Iris mini at August, 2016 to be 2$ lifelong and so many people loved the program.

As more and more people was telling me that they want to use Iris, but it’s to expensive for them at first I was like “This is ok, I just want to make 100 users, they have Iris mini lifelong and free which is nice alternative”, but one day I just decided,

“My goal is to help the maximum amount of people right? Then I will make Iris free, but I also need somehow to make a living so I will make some pro features like in Iris mini.”

At this point somewhere in the end of 2016 I made Iris also free and Iris Pro which is 10$ for lifelong license. I was happy, because people started to also be happy. The ones who didn’t wanted to pay anything was just using the free version and the ones who wanted to support the project bought license.

I blocked the Business model in one section, but let’s get back to December, 2015.


There is so much more to say, but I’m going to leave it here right now.

This was the beginning of Iris.
TODO LinkedIn, Articles, TV, Magazines

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Licensing Sun, 15 Jan 2017 13:01:49 +0000 If I don’t like Iris will I get a refund? Yes, we have a company rule to always refund money if somebody is unhappy with Iris. We will also probably delete the activation code since it’s not fair if you like and use Iris but want a refund. I tried to summarize all questions related to your buying protection at ... Read More

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Iris Pro Iris mini Iris mini Pro Iris micro
Blue light
Screen effects
Font rendering
Hidden features
User interface
Tray menu
Command line

If I don’t like Iris will I get a refund?

Yes, we have a company rule to always refund money if somebody is unhappy with Iris.

We will also probably delete the activation code since it’s not fair if you like and use Iris but want a refund.

I tried to summarize all questions related to your buying protection at this Buying Agreement.

In short, we always refund money and try to provide the best possible service.

Up until now, we don’t have not even one unhappy customer so we try really hard to be good and helpful.

If you don’t believe me, see the reviews on our Facebook page.

Types of Licenses

Aside from the free models of Iris, there are several different kinds of licenses that you can buy:

  • Lifelong without updates
  • Subscription for all products
  • Lifelong including updates

I will try to explain them in the simplest possible way now.

All these licenses are valid for 1 device at a time.

You can move the activation code if you buy a new computer but 1 activation code is for 1 PC.

If you want to use Iris or Iris mini at more than 1 device at a time there are subscription options.

Lifelong without updates

With this license, you can buy Iris and use it forever but when there is a new version if you want to update you need to pay again.

I provide minor builds and bug fixes if I find something wrong.

I will also probably send you a new code if you have some bug which is fixed in the newest version.

You don’t need to pay again for anything and this is 1-time purchase.

You are also not forced to update if there is a new version.

You can use your old version as long as you want.

Think of this license option like something between a subscription and lifelong including updates.


If you buy a subscription license basically you have a recurring payment every month or year and you have a code that you can use on all Iris products.

You can cancel the subscription at any time and the code will expire at the end of the period.

You can move the code to new machines and everything else.

You will also get all future new versions and updates for free.

Lifelong including updates

Basically buy once and use forever.

This is a one-time payment and you will get all future updates for free.

You can again move the code to new machines.

You will also get all new versions and updates for free.

This is not a recurring payment and you pay only once.

Payment methods

Currently, you can pay with Credit/Debit card via PayPal or 2Checkout.

PayPal is the easiest and preferred method.

If you don’t want to pay via PayPal the 2Checkout payment options will allow you to pay only by entering the numbers on your Credit/Debit card.

2Checkout doesn’t require any registrations but it asks you for more details like Address and your Names.

Iris is a digital product and you will get an activation code not something shipped to you but this is required from regulators.

You can also pay with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies if you like but this is not automated and you may need to wait for activation code a little because I create them by hand.

How to Buy?

You can see the Buy menu at the top of every page but I’m also leaving you all options here:

These pages are mostly related to Iris, but if you want to buy Iris mini you can do this from here:

If you want to buy Vision you can do this from here:

All other products on this website are free at the moment.

You can find info about all the products on the Models page.

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Color Therapy Sat, 07 Jan 2017 08:49:28 +0000 Color Psychology: The Color White purity innocence cleanliness sense of space neutrality mourning (in some cultures/societies) Color Psychology: The Color Black authority power strength evil intelligence thinning / slimming death or mourning Color Psychology: The Color Gray neutral timeless practical Color Psychology: The Color Red love romance gentle warmth comfort energy excitement intensity life blood Color Psychology: The Color Orange ... Read More

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Color Psychology: The Color White

  • purity
  • innocence
  • cleanliness
  • sense of space
  • neutrality
  • mourning (in some cultures/societies)

Color Psychology: The Color Black

  • authority
  • power
  • strength
  • evil
  • intelligence
  • thinning / slimming
  • death or mourning

Color Psychology: The Color Gray

  • neutral
  • timeless
  • practical

Color Psychology: The Color Red

  • love
  • romance
  • gentle
  • warmth
  • comfort
  • energy
  • excitement
  • intensity
  • life
  • blood

Color Psychology: The Color Orange

  • happy
  • energetic
  • excitement
  • enthusiasm
  • warmth
  • wealth prosperity
  • sophistication
  • change
  • stimulation

Color Psychology: The Color Yellow

  • happiness
  • laughter
  • cheery
  • warmth
  • optimism
  • hunger
  • intensity
  • frustration
  • anger
  • attention-getting

Color Psychology: The Color Green

  • natural
  • cool
  • growth
  • money
  • health
  • envy
  • tranquility
  • harmony
  • calmness
  • fertility

Color Psychology: The Color Blue

  • calmness
  • serenity
  • cold
  • uncaring
  • wisdom
  • loyalty
  • truth
  • focused
  • un-appetizing

Color Psychology: The Color Purple

  • royalty
  • wealth
  • sophistication
  • wisdom
  • exotic
  • spiritual
  • prosperity
  • respect
  • mystery

Color Psychology: The Color Brown

  • reliability
  • stability
  • friendship
  • sadness
  • warmth
  • comfort
  • security
  • natural
  • organic
  • mourning (in some cultures/societies)

Color Psychology: The Color Pink

  • romance
  • love
  • gentle
  • calming
  • agitation

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Glossy or Matte Display Sun, 01 Jan 2017 13:31:57 +0000 TODO

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E-ink Thu, 01 Dec 2016 13:31:36 +0000 This is tutorial about how to use your Kindle as Monitor. Obviously it doesn’t matter what software I can create the best monitors for eye health are E-ink. They are bad for watching movies or playing games, but for eye health they just don’t have comparison. With this article I will help you with the process to your Kindle into ... Read More

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This is tutorial about how to use your Kindle as Monitor. Obviously it doesn’t matter what software I can create the best monitors for eye health are E-ink. They are bad for watching movies or playing games, but for eye health they just don’t have comparison.

With this article I will help you with the process to your Kindle into monitor. I will try to automate as much things as possible at the future, but the 1 thing I just can’t automate is Jailbreaking.

You need to Jailbreak your Kindle to use it as Monitor. I just want to note that this void your warranty, but it’s worth it.

To motivate you a little, this is a picture of my Kindle right now


On your Kindle side, you need to:

  1. Jailbreak your Kindle
  2. Install USB Network on your Kindle
  3. Install Kindle VNC Viewer on your Kindle
  4. Start USB Networking on your Kindle

This are the things that will be hard to me to automate and at the momment you need to read the tutorials and do it yourself.

On your PC side, you need to:

  1. Install VNC Server on your PC
  2. Configure Networking on your PC
  3. Establish a Telnet Connection to your Kindle
  4. Start VNC Viewer on your Kindle

All this things I will automate and they will be part of Iris and it will be just 1 click. At the momment for the eager ones I just write tutorials on how to do it by hand.

After the last step you will see your monitor contents on your Kindle. For any questions write to me.

Daniel 🙂

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Backlight Tue, 01 Nov 2016 13:31:05 +0000 Backlight is ambilight system for eye protection that I plan to make for Iris. I will to Kickstarter or something. If somebody wants I can make also a tutorial for DIY. At the momment it just uses LED strip and Arduino. The idea is that by making constant illumination we will reduce the time for the eye muscles to respond ... Read More

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Backlight is ambilight system for eye protection that I plan to make for Iris. I will to Kickstarter or something.

If somebody wants I can make also a tutorial for DIY. At the momment it just uses LED strip and Arduino.

The idea is that by making constant illumination we will reduce the time for the eye muscles to respond from 3 minutes to 1 minute and this will greatly reduce the stress of your eyes.


There is also cool increase of the vision field and it will look like your monitor is bigger which is cool

focus1focus3 focus2

You can see Iris backlight in action in this video.

[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

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The Significance of Letter Position in Word Recognition Sat, 22 Oct 2016 11:15:52 +0000 A Summary This summary is supplied by Graham Rawlinson on the trust that people will use it wisely and accurately. I hope people will include a quote of my book, How to Invent (Almost) Anything, my latest Thesis, published by Spiro Press, 2003. The Purpose It is always easy to state a purpose after the event. Key drivers for me ... Read More

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A Summary

This summary is supplied by Graham Rawlinson on the trust that people will use it wisely and accurately. I hope people will include a quote of my book, How to Invent (Almost) Anything, my latest Thesis, published by Spiro Press, 2003.

The Purpose

It is always easy to state a purpose after the event. Key drivers for me were:

To aid understanding of the reading process through examination of one part namely word recognition.

To examine the current theories of the time, which included the idea that we recognise words through shape.

I hoped “the model word recognition to be given will be a. justifiable complement to an understanding of the total reading process”.

That is, I did not believe that researching one aspect was likely to deny totally other views on how we read and learn to read. I hoped that creating simple experiments would enlighten us a little as to some aspects of the process. Nothing more, but nothing less.

The Experiments

Some 16 experiments were included in the PhD. Some of these have parts, so in all I think it might be fair to say bout 36 experiments were conducted, but it all depends on how you carve them up.

For example, Experiment 1 had variations as follows:

1/R/1, 2/R/0, 2/R/2, 4/R/0 for 2 groups


2/R/2, 2/X/2, 4/R/0, 4/X/0 for 2 other groups.

R meaning random, x means substituting xas in place of the original letters, and 2/R/2 means the first 2 and last 2 are kept as originally, fir a whole text.

Other variations included randomising all but last 4 letters, replacing all but last 4 with xas, randomising all but 4 middle letters and replacing all but 4 middle letters with xas. Other variations included disallowing letters to fall into a place occupied originally by the same letter, and in another experiment comparing reading of randomised words with x replacements but where those randomised words were coming up with letters which held their position then the x comparison allowed the original letter to be not replaced by an x.

I also tried letter order reversal, word order reversal, letter image reversal, letter reversal and letter image reversal, randomised vowels, substituted vowels, substituted letters (for vowels), randomised replacement by xas, randomisation but with selection according to how confusable the replacements were (so one group would read passages with words where there were more replacements of say a b with a d, the other where the b might be replaced with a u less confusable.

Passages were used in some experiments, in others the words were displayed as a whole, in sequence left to right, and in sequence outer to inner.

Adults and children were tested.

All these experiments were designed to try to test out particular possibilities for systems involved in word recognition.

Hypotheses and Conclusions

I did attempt some kind of testing of hypotheses. Without repeating the whole PhD, to give an example, my multiple-sample model had equations like this:

1 � (1-ap�0)(1-ap�1) = 0.105!

p is probability, and a is a reduction factor according to recognition probability of letters!

My conclusions, and these are open to question of course, were that:

Letter features are processed through a route of letter classification/identification.

Middle letter identification proceeds largely independently of position.

Higher level units seem to be significant only for the beginnings and endings of words.

Information from the middle letters may operate via a sampling/probability system (rather than absolute accuracy). That is, you can have sufficient letters, even though in the wrong position, for the brain to recognise the word.

My end model was of a multiple access system “allowing some direct use of features without precise letter identification, use of word length information, and some structuring of phonemic or syllabic units, as well as incorporating a sampling recognition system using letters or their attributes directly.”

I suggest the experiments “demonstrate the considerable flexibility of the reading process”. Stimulus sampling theories seem to apply more than simple phonetic theories of word recognition.

As regards learning to read, “when the child is beginning to learn to read he already has a highly refined set of skills not only for dealing with the known world but also for selecting and using information from the unknown world”.

Also “word recognition skills develop which are not only not taught but which develop despite sometimes fairly specific teaching in alternative skills”.

Maybe the phrase, “hey, teachers, leave us kids alone” applies here?

However, I did recognise that some children have specific difficulties, and other rules and advice may apply.

My thesis also, bravely or foolishly, commented on Braille reading, Handwriting, Morse Code, Computer Recognition Systems, and Information Processing.

I then went on to do an M.A. in Child Development and Educational Psychology, and for 13 years worked as an educational psychologist!


I have seen various comments of how I was suggesting this or that, and people saying why this or that can or cannot be true. But trying to sort out what may or may not be a factor in word recognition is quite complicated. I was only doing my PhD, this was a compressed into a sort space of time, I did the best I could. Sorry if it was not good enough, though the interest in it now is rather refreshing.

I did try to publish the main findings, but the papers were turned down, by reviewers who perhaps had theories of their own to defend?

Science is an interesting process, easy enough to get wrong, easy enough to go off in a direction which is a false trail, and sometimes easy enough to cheat. In the end, I hope, we all get wiser.

Wishing all those who were interested in scrambled words, a happy life!

Dr Graham Rawlinson

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A scientific study on the effects of Ambilight in flat-panel displays Wed, 12 Oct 2016 08:30:29 +0000 [pdf-embedder url=””]

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[pdf-embedder url=””]

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The Brain’s Navigational Place and Grid Cell System Wed, 12 Oct 2016 08:19:31 +0000 [pdf-embedder url=””]

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[pdf-embedder url=””]

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Start VNC Viewer on your Kindle Tue, 11 Oct 2016 22:09:39 +0000 To whip your Kindle into shape as an auxillary PC display, tap the Kindle’s aA button and reorient the screen so that it is horizontal (like your computer monitor). Make sure that TightVNC Server is still running on the computer – you will be connecting to it in a moment. Using your Telnet client (PuTTY or your app of choice), ... Read More

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To whip your Kindle into shape as an auxillary PC display, tap the Kindle’s aA button and reorient the screen so that it is horizontal (like your computer monitor).

Make sure that TightVNC Server is still running on the computer – you will be connecting to it in a moment.

Using your Telnet client (PuTTY or your app of choice), send the commands highlighted in bold below:

  1. [root@kindle root]# /etc/init.d/netwatchd stop
  2. [root@kindle root]# /etc/init.d/powerd stop
  3. [root@kindle root]# /mnt/us/kindlevncviewer/ &

If everything proceeds correctly, your Kindle should look like this


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Establish a Telnet Connection Tue, 11 Oct 2016 22:06:52 +0000 Download PuTTY Now you have to connect to the Kindle from the computer, and control it via Telnet. Run the PuTTY application (or your Telnet app of choice) and set up a new connection. Since this will be a Telnet connection, select Telnet under connection type (instead of SSH, which is the default). You want to connect to (which ... Read More

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Download PuTTY

Now you have to connect to the Kindle from the computer, and control it via Telnet.

Run the PuTTY application (or your Telnet app of choice) and set up a new connection.

Since this will be a Telnet connection, select Telnet under connection type (instead of SSH, which is the default).

You want to connect to (which is your Kindle DX), port 23.

With those Telnet session settings in place, click Open.

You should see a welcome dialog box signaling a successful connection.


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Configure Networking on your PC Tue, 11 Oct 2016 22:04:36 +0000 When you connect your Kindle now, Windows will not mount it as a USB storage device. Instead, Windows will install a new device driver for it. This process takes a moment, but does not require any intervention on your part. Simply wait until you see ‘Ready to use’ pop up on the screen. When that appears, it is time to configure ... Read More

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When you connect your Kindle now, Windows will not mount it as a USB storage device.

Instead, Windows will install a new device driver for it.

This process takes a moment, but does not require any intervention on your part.

Simply wait until you see ‘Ready to use’ pop up on the screen.

When that appears, it is time to configure this new connection on your PC.

In Windows 7, navigate to the Network Connections menu by opening
Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections,
and locate the ‘USB Ethernet/RNDIS Gadget’ connection.

Right-click that connection and select Properties
then, within the properties list, scroll down to ‘Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)’.

Open the Properties menu, select Use the following IP address, and enter for the address and for the netmask.

Click OK, and then click OK again to close the connection properties window.

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Install and Configure TightVNC Server on your PC Tue, 11 Oct 2016 22:02:23 +0000 Download TightVNC from You’re done with the Kindle, and now it is time to set things up on the PC. First, install TightVNC and run the TightVNC Server application. Next, right-click the TightVNC system tray icon, and open the Configuration menu. Change the ‘Main server port’ to 5901, and uncheck the Require VNC authenticationoption. Click Apply or OK, and then ... Read More

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Download TightVNC from

You’re done with the Kindle, and now it is time to set things up on the PC. First, install TightVNC and run the TightVNC Server application. Next, right-click the TightVNC system tray icon, and open the Configuration menu.


Change the ‘Main server port’ to 5901, and uncheck the Require VNC authenticationoption. Click Apply or OK, and then leave TightVNC Server running.

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Start USB networking on your Kindle Mon, 10 Oct 2016 23:08:17 +0000 You are now ready to start USB networking on your Kindle. If the e-reader is still connected to the PC, disconnect it and navigate to its home screen. Next, show the Kindle keyboard. A prompt will appear. Type ;debugOn and press Return. Note the semicolon at the beginning of the command ; Type `usbNetwork and press Return. This command starts with a ... Read More

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You are now ready to start USB networking on your Kindle.

If the e-reader is still connected to the PC, disconnect it and navigate to its home screen.

Next, show the Kindle keyboard. A prompt will appear.

Type ;debugOn and press Return.
Note the semicolon at the beginning of the command ;

Type `usbNetwork and press Return.
This command starts with a backtick. Make sure that it’s a backtick, not a single quotation mark. Once you have that, tap Del one last time.

Type ;debugOff and press Return.

Great job! Your Kindle is now ready to create a virtual network with your PC, over the USB connection. Use the USB cable to connect the Kindle to the PC.

After every Kindle Restart you need to do the above steps to activate USB Networking. This can be done automatically, but I don’t recommend it since you can broke your Kindle this way.

Now when you connect your Kindle to your PC, it will connect like Network Adapter not like USB storage.

On some devices like my Kindle 4 the command is ~usbNetwork, but I am not sure on which devices is this. Try also this command if your Kindle connects again as USB storage. It should be unidentified driver or Network adapter.

You can test which one your Kindle uses by typing ~help, `help, ;help

One of this commands will show you help box and if ~help, use ~usbNetwork


[:bg]You are now ready to start USB networking on your Kindle.

If the e-reader is still connected to the PC, disconnect it and navigate to its home screen.

Next, show the Kindle keyboard. A prompt will appear.

Type ;debugOn and press Return.
Note the semicolon at the beginning of the command ;

Type `usbNetwork and press Return.
This command starts with a backtick. Make sure that it’s a backtick, not a single quotation mark. Once you have that, tap Del one last time.

Type ;debugOff and press Return.

Great job! Your Kindle is now ready to create a virtual network with your PC, over the USB connection. Use the USB cable to connect the Kindle to the PC.

After every Kindle Restart you need to do the above steps to activate USB Networking. This can be done automatically, but I don’t recommend it since you can broke your Kindle this way.

Now when you connect your Kindle to your PC, it will connect like Network Adapter not like USB storage.

On some devices like my Kindle 4 the command is ~usbNetwork, but I am not sure on which devices is this. Try also this command if your Kindle connects again as USB storage. It should be unidentified driver or Network adapter.

You can test which one your Kindle uses by typing ~help, `help, ;help

One of this commands will show you help box and if ~help, use ~usbNetwork



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Install Kindle VNC Viewer on your Kindle Mon, 10 Oct 2016 23:08:01 +0000 With USB Networking installed (but not yet active), connect the your Kindle to your computer again, mounting it as a USB storage device. Unzip Drag the kindlevncviewer folder into the root folder of the Kindle. This was the last step of installing hacks on your Kindle. You can now Activate and Deactivate Kindle USB Network to access your Kindle ... Read More

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With USB Networking installed (but not yet active), connect the your Kindle to your computer again, mounting it as a USB storage device.


Drag the kindlevncviewer folder into the root folder of the Kindle.

This was the last step of installing hacks on your Kindle.

You can now Activate and Deactivate Kindle USB Network to access your Kindle from the Internet.

Go and Start USB Networking on your Kindle

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Install USB Network on your Kindle Sun, 09 Oct 2016 21:36:38 +0000 We need Kindle USB Network hack to be able to use our Kindle from the Internet. If your case we will just connect to it from our computer via Telnet. If this words doesn’t make sense to you don’t worry. I’m the person who needs to understand this. Imagine that USB Network will enable us to stream the image from ... Read More

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We need Kindle USB Network hack to be able to use our Kindle from the Internet. If your case we will just connect to it from our computer via Telnet.

If this words doesn’t make sense to you don’t worry. I’m the person who needs to understand this. Imagine that USB Network will enable us to stream the image from our PC to the Kindle screen.

Again you need to find your Kindle model. If you still don’t know it read
How to find your Kindle model

To install Kindle USB Network hack on

Amazon Kindle 1 (1st Generation)


No USB Network hack. I don’t have Kindle this old so if somebody has made it work please write to me at

Amazon Kindle 2 (2nd Generation)


For Kindle 2 US download this.
For Kindle 2 International download this.

Kindle DX

For Kindle DX US download this.
For Kindle DX International download this.
For Kindle DX Graphite download this.

Amazon Kindle 3 (3rd Generation)

For Kindle 3 3G US download this.
For Kindle 3 WiFi download this.
For Kindle 3 3G UK download this.

Amazon Kindle 4 (4th Generation)

For Kindle 4 download this.

Amazon Kindle Touch (4th Generation) – KT

For Kindle Touch download this.

Amazon Kindle 5 (5th Generation) –  The 2012 Basic Kindle – K5

For Kindle 5 download this.

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (5th Generation) – PW

For Kindle Paperwhite PW download this.

Amazon Kindle 6 – The 2014 Basic Kindle with touch screen – KT2

For Kindle 6 download this.

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 2 (6th Generation) – PW2

For Kindle Paperwhite PW2 download this.

Amazon Kindle Voyage (7th Generation) – KV

For Kindle Voyage download this.

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 3 (7th Generation) – PW3

For Kindle Paperwhite PW3 download this.

Amazon Kindle Oasis (8th Generation) – KOA

For Kindle Oasis download this.

Amazon Kindle 8 (8th Generation) – KT3

For Kindle 8 download this.

You also can find all Kindle USB Network hacks here. Just copy the correct file for your Kindle to your device’s drive

  • k2   for Kindle 2 US
  • k2i  for Kindle 2 International
  • dx   for Kindle DX US
  • dxi  for Kindle DX International
  • dxg for Kindle DX Graphite
  • k3   for Kindle 3 Wifi + 3G (US & Canada)
  • k3g for Kindle 3 Wifi + 3G (Intenational)
  • k3w for Kindle 3 Wifi
  • etc

You now have the correct Update_usbnetwork_*_install.bin jailbreak file. Copy this file to the Root folder of your Kindle when connected with the USB cabel.

Disconnect your Amazon Kindle device from your PC.

Go to Home > Menu > Settings > Menu > Update Your Kindle


Congrats! Your Kindle USB Network hack is installed 🙂

You can now go and Install Kindle VNC Viewer on your Kindle

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How to find your Kindle model Sun, 09 Oct 2016 19:20:15 +0000 This is article about how to find your Kindle model from the serial number of your device. The easiest way to find it is in the Settings page/menu on your Kindle On that page, you should find either an entry or a menu called Device Info, which will give you the serial number If you don’t have the device on hand at ... Read More

The post How to find your Kindle model appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

This is article about how to find your Kindle model from the serial number of your device.

The easiest way to find it is in the Settings page/menu on your Kindle


On that page, you should find either an entry or a menu called Device Info, which will give you the serial number

3052863250 device-info-kindle img_20161009_220257 kindle_touch_device_info kindle-serial-number %d0%b8%d0%b7%d1%82%d0%b5%d0%b3%d0%bb%d0%b5%d0%bd-%d1%84%d0%b0%d0%b9%d0%bb

If you don’t have the device on hand at the time, it is also shown on the Manage Your Kindle page of your Amazon account (in the Manage Your Devices section). If you’ve been switched to the new layout, this is now shown in the Your Devices tab of the Manage Your Content and Devices page of your Amazon account.

On early models (Kindle 1, Kindle 2 & DX), it was also physically visible on the device itself, on the back at the bottom (on the Kindle 1, it was under the back cover), and also on the packaging the devices were shipped in. The next couple of images illustrate this.

kindleserialnumbers    kindleserial-1

Use the first 4 digits to find your model bellow

Kindle 2: B002, B003
Kindle DX: B004, B005, B009
Kindle 4: B00E, B023, 9023
Kindle 5: B012
Kindle Keyboard: B006, B008, B00A
Kindle Paperwhite (2012): B024, B01B, B01C, B01D, B01F
Kindle Paperwhite (2013): B0D4 or 90D4
Kindle Touch: B00F, B010, B011
Kindle Fire (2011): D01E
Kindle Fire (2012): D026
Kindle Fire HD 7(2012): D025 and D059
Kindle Fire HD 7(2013): 00D3 and 00D2
Kindle Fire HD 8.9: B0C9, B0CA, B0CB, and B0CC
Kindle Fire HDX 7: D0FB, 00FB, 00FC, 0072, 00FD, 00FE, 0073, 006C, 006D, 006E
Kindle Fire HDX 8.9: 0018, 0057, 005E, 00F3, 0019, 0058, 007D, 007E, 007F
Kindle Paperwhite (2012): B024, B01B, B01C, B01D, B01F, B020
Kindle Paperwhite 2 (2013): B0D4, 90D4, B0D5, 90D5, B0D6, 90D6, B0D7, 90D7, B0D8, 90D8, B0F2, 90F2, B017, 9017, B060, 9060, B062, 9062, B05F, 905F
Kindle 7 (2014): B001, B0C6, 90C6, B0DD, 90DD
Kindle Voyage (2014): B00I, B013, B053, B054
Kindle Paperwhite 3 (2015): G090
Kindle 8: B018

If you still don’t seem to find it here is full table from the MobileRead website:

S/N Prefix Model Name Nicknames Notes & [Developer Notes]
B001, B101 Kindle 1 K1
B002 Kindle 2 U.S. (Sprint) K2
B003 Kindle 2 International (AT&T) K2, K2I
B004 Kindle DX U.S. DX
B005 Kindle DX International DX, DXI
B009 Kindle DX Graphite DXG
B008 Kindle 3 WiFi K3, K3W
B006 Kindle 3 3G + WiFi (U.S. and Canada) K3, K3G NOTE: Some European customers may receive this model as well.
B00A Kindle 3 3G + WiFi (Europe) K3, K3GB
B00C Kindle PaperWhite not for sale (FOR TESTERS)
B00E Kindle 4 NoTouch Silver (2011) K4, K4S
B00F Kindle Touch 3G + WiFi (Kindle 5) (U.S. and Canada) [Mostly] K5, KT
B011 Kindle Touch WiFi (Kindle 5) K5, KT, K5W
B010 Kindle Touch 3G + WiFi (Kindle 5) (Europe) K5, KT, K5G
B012 Kindle 5 (Unknown) K5 If you happen to get your hands on one of these, please enlighten us!
B023, 9023 Kindle 4 NoTouch Black (2012) K4, K4B If you happen to know why some of these begin in 90 instead of B0, I’m all ears 😉 [Support added in KindleTool 1.5.1]
B024 Kindle PaperWhite WiFi PW [Support added in KindleTool 1.5.3]
B01B Kindle PaperWhite 3G + WiFi (U.S.) [Mostly] PW, PWG [Support added in KindleTool 1.5.3]
B020 Kindle PaperWhite 3G + WiFi (Brazil) PW, PWBR [Support added in KindleTool 1.5.8]
B01C Kindle PaperWhite 3G + WiFi (Canada) PW, PWC [Support added in KindleTool 1.5.7]
B01D Kindle PaperWhite 3G + WiFi (Europe) PW, PWGB [Support added in KindleTool 1.5.4]
B01F Kindle PaperWhite 3G + WiFi (Japan) PW, PWJ [Support added in KindleTool 1.5.6]
B0D4, 90D4 Kindle PaperWhite 2 (2013) WiFi (U.S., Intl.) PW2 If you happen to know why some of these begin in 90 instead of B0, I’m all ears 😉 [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.0]
B05A, 905A Kindle PaperWhite 2 (2013) WiFi (Japan) PW2, PW2J [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.0]
B0D5, 90D5 Kindle PaperWhite 2 (2013) 3G + WiFi (U.S.) [Mostly] PW2, PW2G [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.0]
B0D6, 90D6 Kindle PaperWhite 2 (2013) 3G + WiFi (Canada] PW2, PW2GC [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.2]
B0D7, 90D7 Kindle PaperWhite 2 (2013) 3G + WiFi (Europe) PW2, PW2GB [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.0]
B0D8, 90D8 Kindle PaperWhite 2 (2013) 3G + WiFi (Russia) PW2, PW2GR [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.0]
B0F2, 90F2 Kindle PaperWhite 2 (2013) 3G + WiFi (Japan) PW2, PW2GJ [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.0]
B017, 9017 Kindle PaperWhite 2 (2013) WiFi (4GB) (U.S., Intl.) PW2, PW2IL [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.3]
B060, 9060 Kindle PaperWhite 2 (2013) 3G + WiFi (4GB) (Europe) PW2, PW2GBL [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.3]
B062, 9062 Kindle PaperWhite 2 (2013) 3G + WiFi (4GB) (U.S.) [Mostly] PW2, PW2GL [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.3]
B05F, 905F Kindle PaperWhite 2 (2013) 3G + WiFi (4GB) (Canada) PW2, PW2GCL [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.4]
B061, 9061 Kindle PaperWhite 2 (2013) 3G + WiFi (4GB) (Brazil) PW2, PW2GBRL [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
B0C6, 90C6 Kindle Basic (2014) KT2, BASIC If you happen to know why some of these begin in 90 instead of B0, I’m all ears 😉 [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.3]
B0DD, 90DD Kindle Basic (2014) (Australia) KT2, BASIC [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
B013, 9013 Kindle Voyage WiFi KV [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.4]
B054 Kindle Voyage 3G + WiFi (U.S.) KV, KVG [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.4]
B053 Kindle Voyage 3G + WiFi (Europe) KV, KVGB [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.4]
B02A Kindle Voyage 3G + WiFi (Japan) KV, KVGJ [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
B052 Kindle Voyage 3G + WiFi (Mexico) KV, KVGM [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
G090G1 Kindle PaperWhite 3 (2015) WiFi PW3 [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
G090G2 Kindle PaperWhite 3 (2015) 3G + WiFi (U.S.) [Mostly] PW3, PW3G [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
G090G4 Kindle PaperWhite 3 (2015) 3G + WiFi (Mexico) PW3, PW3GM [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
G090G5 Kindle PaperWhite 3 (2015) 3G + WiFi (Europe, Australia) PW3, PW3GB [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
G090G6 Kindle PaperWhite 3 (2015) 3G + WiFi (Canada) PW3, PW3GC [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
G090G7 Kindle PaperWhite 3 (2015) 3G + WiFi (Japan) PW3, PW3GJ [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
G090KB Kindle PaperWhite 3 White (2015) WiFi PW3W [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
G090KC Kindle PaperWhite 3 White (2015) 3G + WiFi (Japan) PW3W, PW3WGJ [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
G0B0GC Kindle Oasis WiFi KOA [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
G0B0GD Kindle Oasis 3G + WiFi (U.S.) [Mostly] KOA, KOAG [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
G0B0GU Kindle Oasis 3G + WiFi (Europe) KOA, KOAGB [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
G000K9 Kindle Basic 2 (Black) KT3 [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
G000KA Kindle Basic 2 (White) KT3, KT3W [Support added in KindleTool 1.6.5]
D01E Kindle Fire (Kindle 6)
D026 Kindle Fire 2
D025 Kindle Fire HD 7″ 16GB (Kindle 7)
D059 Kindle Fire HD 7″ 32GB
B0C9 Kindle Fire HD 8.9″ 16GB
B0CA Kindle Fire HD 8.9″ 32GB
B0CB Kindle Fire HD 8.9″ 4G 32GB
B0CC Kindle Fire HD 8.9″ 4G 64GB
00D2 Kindle Fire HD 7″ 8GB (2013)
00D3 Kindle Fire HD 7″ 16GB (2013)
D0FB Kindle Fire HDX 7″ 16GB (2013)
G0K0 Kindle Fire 7″ 8 GB (5th Gen.) (2015)

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Jailbreak Kindle Sun, 09 Oct 2016 18:54:28 +0000 The first thing that we need to do to get your Kindle as Monitor is to Jailbreak it. You will need your Kindle, USB cable and your PC. You need to know your Kindle model and go to the corresponding article. I will provide picture for the different models, but if you are still unsure here is read How to ... Read More

The post Jailbreak Kindle appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

The first thing that we need to do to get your Kindle as Monitor is to Jailbreak it.

You will need your Kindle, USB cable and your PC.

You need to know your Kindle model and go to the corresponding article. I will provide picture for the different models, but if you are still unsure here is read
How to find your Kindle model

Amazon Kindle 1 (1st Generation)


I am not able to find any info for hacking Kindle this old. Maybe it’s rooted by default and I don’t have 1 to test.

Amazon Kindle 2 (2nd Generation)



For Kindle 2 US download this.
For Kindle 2 International download this.

Kindle DX

For Kindle DX US download this.
For Kindle DX International download this.
For Kindle DX Graphite download this.

Amazon Kindle 3 (3rd Generation)

For Kindle 3 3G US download this.
For Kindle 3 WiFi download this.
For Kindle 3 3G UK download this.
For Kindle 3 3G US (If you are running Firmware >= 3.2.1) download this.
For Kindle 3 WiFi (If you are running Firmware >= 3.2.1) download this.
For Kindle 3 3G UK (If you are running FW >= 3.2.1) download this.

Amazon Kindle 4 (4th Generation)

Go here at the moment. Will write tutorial for this Kindle TODO

Amazon Kindle Touch (4th Generation) – KT

For Kindle Touch download this.

Amazon Kindle 5 (5th Generation) –  The 2012 Basic Kindle – K5

For Kindle 5 download this.

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (5th Generation) – PW

For Kindle Paperwhite PW download this.

Amazon Kindle 6 – The 2014 Basic Kindle with touch screen – KT2

For Kindle 6 download this.

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 2 (6th Generation) – PW2

For Kindle Paperwhite PW2 download this.

Amazon Kindle Voyage (7th Generation) – KV

For Kindle Voyage download this.

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 3 (7th Generation) – PW3

For Kindle Paperwhite PW3 download this.

Amazon Kindle Oasis (8th Generation) – KOA

For Kindle Oasis download this.

Amazon Kindle 8 (8th Generation) – KT3

For Kindle 8 download this.

For all this models download this.

You now have the correct Update_*_install.bin jailbreak file. Copy this file to the Root folder of your Kindle when connected with the USB cabel.

You can find Kindle Jailbreak files for every Kindle also here. Just copy the correct file for your Kindle to your device’s drive

  • k2   for Kindle 2 US
  • k2i  for Kindle 2 International
  • dx   for Kindle DX US
  • dxi  for Kindle DX International
  • dxg for Kindle DX Graphite
  • k3   for Kindle 3 Wifi + 3G (US & Canada)
  • k3g for Kindle 3 Wifi + 3G (Intenational)
  • k3w for Kindle 3 Wifi
  • etc

Disconnect your Amazon Kindle device from your PC.

Go to Home > Menu > Settings > Menu > Update Your Kindle

update-kindle1 update_your_kindle

You will get this screen


On some Kindles (Firmware 2.x only, it should FAIL with a U006 error, in the bottom left corner of the screen. It’s completely normal, intended, and harmless).


Congrats! Your Kindle is now Jailbroken 🙂

You can now go and Install USB Network on your Kindle

The post Jailbreak Kindle appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Yawning Sat, 01 Oct 2016 13:26:39 +0000 At first I was thinking that frequent blinking is the ultimate tool to moisture my eyes, but as I was reading more and more about the eyes I started to understand that Yawning will be actually better. In this article I will try to explain Why yawning and will propose some solutions for yawning reminding. I personally think that yawning reminding ... Read More

The post Yawning appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

At first I was thinking that frequent blinking is the ultimate tool to moisture my eyes, but as I was reading more and more about the eyes I started to understand that Yawning will be actually better.

In this article I will try to explain Why yawning and will propose some solutions for yawning reminding.

I personally think that yawning reminding is overkill, but if somebody wants them I will add them to Iris 🙂

Yawning is contagious. Even as I write about yawning I started to yawn which is nice. If you are reading this article about yawning you will probably yawn too.

This makes me happy, because even if you don’t use Iris, your eyes will be better lubricated during the next several minutes.

Let’s start with some super awesome video from ASAP science. I personally like their videos a lot


The post Yawning appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Shortcuts Thu, 01 Sep 2016 13:25:24 +0000 There are some shortcuts embedded in Iris for faster changing of some things. At the moment they are preset and not customizable, but this will be changed in the future. Here I will just list the current Iris shortcuts. Panic Shortcuts This can be disabled only with a hidden feature and are used for force quit or reset Iris if ... Read More

The post Shortcuts appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

There are some shortcuts embedded in Iris for faster changing of some things. At the moment they are preset and not customizable, but this will be changed in the future. Here I will just list the current Iris shortcuts.

Panic Shortcuts

This can be disabled only with a hidden feature and are used for force quit or reset Iris if the screen becomes black or unusable

Ctrl+Alt+F10 – Reset Iris settings

Ctrl+Alt+F11 – Quit Iris

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F12 – Reset Iris colors

Note: In versions prior 1.2.2 the shorcuts were Ctrl+Alt+Shift+1,2,3

Other Shortcuts

This can be customized from the Shortcuts page


Increase the Color Temperature by 500K. The key is called Up Arrow and it’s located next to the Num pad.


Increase the Color Temperature by 500K. The key is called Down Arrow and it’s located next to the Num pad.


Increase the Brightness by 10%. The key is called Page Up and it’s located next to the Num pad


Decrease the Brightness by 10%. The key is called Page Down and it’s located next to the Num padCtrl+Alt+Page Up


Enables Screen Overlay. Screen Overlay is useful for part screen Blue light and Brightness reduction. For example when you work with colors to select the affected screen area.

If you press this shortcut again you can select area for the Screen overlay by Left click and dragging the mouse.


Disables Screen Overlay. Screen Overlay is useful for part screen Blue light and Brightness reduction. For example when you work with colors to select the affected screen area.


Toggles Screen effects ON and OFF.


Pause or Unpause Iris


Pause or Unpause the Timer. This will not change the timer type, it will only stop the timer from showing rest screen. When unpaused timer type will be restored to the last set value.


Switch between Manual and Automatic mode


Have a rest now. Will do different things depending on which Timer mode is selected.


Quit Iris


Zoom in the Screen. This is the Plus sign on the Num pad. The Plus sign on the main keyboard will not work. Works only on Windows currently.


Zoom out the Screen. Works only on Windows currently. This is the Minus sign on the Num pad. The Minus sign on the main keyboard will not work. Works only on Windows currently.

The post Shortcuts appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Fonts Mon, 01 Aug 2016 13:24:57 +0000 Introduction I spend the last couple of months researching and studying fonts technology. In this article I will present the things I learned about fonts, what fonts are best for our eyes and why. Different font renderings packed with Iris. Click to enlarge. Shortly While reading on the computer try to avoid serif fonts. Times New Roman is common serif ... Read More

The post Fonts appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


I spend the last couple of months researching and studying fonts technology. In this article I will present the things I learned about fonts, what fonts are best for our eyes and why.

Different font renderings packed with Iris. Click to enlarge.


While reading on the computer try to avoid serif fonts. Times New Roman is common serif font. Curvy design with tiny tails on the ends of letters may slow word recognition and force you to stare harder and longer, contributing to eye fatigue. Sans-serif fonts like Arial and Verdana, which have more spacebetween letters, can make words appear crisper and easier to read from farther away, taxing your vision less.

Windows font rendering called ClearType is better for your eyes than OSX font rendering. However on OSX fonts are more smooth and beautiful. Also they match how the font looks on paper. Other difference is that ClearTyperendering of Asian characters sucks. This is why I integrated in Iris OSX fontsfor Windows.

I didn’t find medical researches on what leads the lowest amonth of eye fatigue. Try different things and see what works best on you. At the moment Iris can help you with easy tweeking of font rendering, but I don’t have enought sciencedata to make something crazy to be the default font rendering.

The difference between ‘Serif’ and ‘Sans-serif’ fonts

Serif fonts have little feet and embellishments on the tip and base of each letter, making them more distinct and recognizable. Popular serif fonts are Times New Roman, Palatino, Georgia, Courier, Bookman and Garamond.

Nearly all books, newspapers, and magazines use a serif font. It’s popularlyaccepted that – in print – serif fonts are easier to read. The idea being that the serifs actually make the letters flow together – and subsequently easier on the eyes.

As the name states, ‘sans-serif’ fonts are fonts without serifs. While some sources say sans-serif fonts have existed since the 5th century BC, it wasn’t until the 1920s that they became somewhat popular – mostly being used inadvertisements.

One of the reasons for their lack of popularity was that typographers stuck with serif fonts because they felt they were easier to read.

It’s been said that serif fonts are for “readability”, while sans-serif fonts are for”legibility.” Which is why, in print, sans-serif fonts are often used as the headlinefont and serif fonts are used for the body text.

Some popular Sans-serif fonts are Helvetica, Arial, Calibri, Century Gothic and Verdana.

Best fonts for print

In his book Cashvertising, Drew Eric Whitman cites a 1986 study of fonts(printed on paper) that found only 12 percent of participants effectively comprehended a paragraph set in sans-serif type versus 67 percent who were given a version set in serif typeface.

Those who read the sans-serif version said they had a tough time reading the text and “continually had to backtrack to regain comprehension.”

In a test of three different fonts, two serifs (Garamond and Times New Roman) and one sans-serif (Helvetica), he found 66 percent were able to comprehendGaramond, 31.5 percent Times New Roman, and 12.5 percent Helvetica (out of a total of 1,010,000 people surveyed).

The conclusion being that serif fonts are easier to read when it comes to fonts on paper. So, if you’re sending out a sales letter or brochure in the mail, you probably want to use serif font (but, as mentioned in the first point, you could use sans-serif font for your headlines).

Here are the print font preferences of three of the copywriting greats:

  • Advertising great John Caples liked using Cheltenham Bold for headlines.
  • Advertising legend David Ogilvy preferred the Century family, Caslon, Baskerville, and Jenson.
  • Direct marketing guru Gary Halbert used Courier in his sales letters.

Best fonts on–screen

Now, one might assume that what works on the printed page will be similar to what works on the computer screen. But that’s not the case.

In order to make the little serifs appear legible, a high degree of resolution isrequired. The more pixels, the more details of the font you can display.

Back 10 or so years ago, the best computer screen resolution was 800 x 600pixels – which wasn’t great for defining the intricacies of a serif font. Screen resolution has increased through the years (resolutions of 1024 x 768 pixels or greater have become the norm). This makes serif fonts more legible but still generally not as easy to read as sans-serif fonts.

Plus, now you have to consider how your site or email will look on handheld devices, such as the Android and iPhone.

So on-screen, the best font to go with is sans-serif.

A 2002 study by the Software Usability and Research Laboratory concludedthat:

” The most legible fonts were Arial, Courier, and Verdana. At 10-point size, participants preferred Verdana. Times New Roman was the least preferred. At12-point size, Arial was preferred and Times New Roman was the least preferred. The preferred font overall was Verdana, and Times New Roman was the least preferred. So here are your marching orders:

  • For easiest online reading, use Arial 12-point size and larger.
  • If you’re going smaller than 12 points, Verdana at 10 points is your bestchoice.
  • If you’re after a formal look, use the font Georgia.
  • And for older readers, use at least a 14-point font.

Dr. Ralph F. Wilson, an e-commerce consultant, did a series of tests in 2001. He also came to the conclusion that the sans-serif fonts are more suited to thecomputer screen.

Some of the highlights of the test results were that at 12 points, respondents showed a preference for Arial over Verdana – 53% to 43% (with 4% not being able to distinguish between the two).

Two-thirds of respondents found that Verdana at 12 points was too large for body text, but Verdana at 10 points was voted more readable than Arial at 10 points by a 2 to 1 margin.

In conclusion, for the best font readability, use Arial 12 point or Verdana at 10 points and 9 points for body text. For headlines, he suggests using larger bold Verdana.

Simple font rendering

Well Simple fonts are simple. You can thing of them as pixel fonts. They aresharp and crispy with no blurring. Based on my current research this fonts should be best for our eyes, but it’s not so simple. Simple fonts are difficult to read, but really clear. The clear thing is good, but the difficulty to read them may make them a little eye straining.

Aliased rendering is the most basic and the oldest method where the letters aredrawn by pixels, usually black and white. This method is also called bi-levelrendering, because each pixel is considered to be in one of two possible states: it is either painted or not, belonging either to the text or to its background. Because the method operates with full pixels, it draws round contours with noticeable steps, and if the screen has relatively large pixels, the steps are can be very visible. Aliased rendering can be used on any screen, includingmonochrome displays. All system fonts and web-safe fonts are designed to look good in aliased rendering.


Anti-alising is technique for font smoothing. It makes fonts more easily readable, but a little blurish. This technique is used a lot in computer graphics and well in many places. I think it’s not best for our eyes, because it tricks our brain that the image is more high resolution.

Anti-alising or greyscale antialiasing is where, in addition to black and white,shades of grey are used. This method can be used on any screens capable of displaying gradations of colours, for example, CRT monitors. This approach makes the curves look smoother, but, at the same time, the text looks blurry. Usually, larger fonts, like headers, look better, and the smaller text looks quiteblurry and difficult to read.

Sub-pixel rendering

The third method for font rendering is called sub-pixel anti-aliasing. Tosmoothen the curves and reduce the steps, it uses red, green and bluecomponents of each pixel instead of painting the whole pixels. This is supposedachieve the look as if there were three times as many pixels. This method works with RGB sub-pixel geometry, which most LCD displays have. Each pixel is vertically divided into red, green and blue sub-pixels, and when only a part of a pixel needs to be painted to create a smooth curve, the corresponding sub-pixelis illuminated — this is why the letters get coloured fringes around them.Microsoft named its sub-pixel rendering technology ClearType.

Today this is the used method for font rendering of all modern OS. You can seecomparision of the 3 different methods in the picture above.

Apple versus Microsoft font rendering

Apple and Microsoft have always disagreed in how to display fonts on computer displays. Today, both companies are using sub-pixel rendering to coax sharper-looking fonts out of typical low resolution screens. Where they differ is inphilosophy.

Apple generally believes that the goal of the algorithm should be to preserve thedesign of the typeface as much as possible, even at the cost of a little bit ofblurriness.

Microsoft generally believes that the shape of each letter should be hammered into pixel boundaries to prevent blur and improve readability, even at the costof not being true to the typeface.

Note: To see the following illustration correctly, you need to have an LCD monitor with pixels arranged in R,G,B order, like mine. Otherwise it’s going to look different and wrong.

The difference originates from Apple’s legacy in desktop publishing and graphic design. The nice thing about the Apple algorithm is that you can lay out a page of text for print, and on screen, you get a nice approximation of the finished product. This is especially significant when you consider how dark a block oftext looks.

Microsoft’s mechanism of hammering fonts into pixels means that they don’t really mind using thinner lines to eliminate blurry edges, even though this makes the entire paragraph lighter than it would be in print.

The advantage of Microsoft’s method is that it works better for on-screen reading. Microsoft pragmatically decided that the design of the typeface is not so holy, and that sharp on-screen text that’s comfortable to read is moreimportant than the typeface designer’s idea of how light or dark an entire block of text should feel. Indeed Microsoft actually designed font faces for on-screenreading, like Georgia and Verdana, around the pixel boundaries. These arebeautiful on screen but don’t have much character in print.

Typically, Apple chose the stylish route, putting art above practicality, because Steve Jobs has taste, while Microsoft chose the comfortable route, the measurably pragmatic way of doing things that completely lacks in panache. To put it another way, if Apple was Target, Microsoft would be Wal-Mart.

Web-safe fonts

In the recent past, when designing websites, the designers had to use web-safe fonts — a group of fonts that were designed to look great in any rendering, including aliased. In fact, they look extremely crisp and sharp when displayed with aliasing.

Web-safe fonts are a limited set of very well-crafted fonts specifically developedfor on-screen use, so the display quality and readability of these fonts is outstanding. These fonts were a part of most operating systems and web-designers could use them knowing that the users definitely have them alreadyinstalled and the page will be displayed as intended. These fonts could be easilyrendered in bi-level with every character drawn on the pixel grid using only 2 colours — text colour and background colour, and while pixels were clearly visible on the edges and curves of the characters, the web-safe fonts were veryclear and easy to read on any device with any font rendering settings. These fonts could be rendered with anti-aliased and with sub-pixel methods, for those who prefer “smooth” text. The users had a choice. Anti-aliasing technologies like ClearType has been around for over a decade and was a part of many operating systems like Windows XP, but it could be switched off by the user. And because all websites used web-safe fonts, the users with anti-aliasing switched off could enjoy sharp, nicely rendered text when reading online.

However, web-safe fonts were offering little variety — there are only about 20 of them — because there is only so much flexibility in what could be drawn using 2 colours of bi-level rendering in a square of pixels a character of a certain font size was given. That wasn’t good enough. Many web designers wanted as muchfreedom on the screen as graphic designers and typographers have on paper. And there came web fonts, @font-face, ubiquitous blur, headaches and sore eyes.

Now, thanks to the web font revolution and WOFF (web open font format), web-designers got the freedom to use any fonts they like on their websites. No one is constrained by a small set of web-safe fonts anymore. Now anyone can place any font on a website, and it will look cute and smooth. It doesn’t matter if the user doesn’t have a particular font installed. Any fancy font is automatically downloaded on the “victim’s” computer and displayed in the only way it can be displayed — blurry anti-aliased and sub-pixel rendering.

With the ability to incorporate any font into any webpage and render it smoothly using anti-aliasing, more and more websites are moving away fromweb-safe fonts. They are using fancy smoothed texts without offering a non-blurred alternative for those who prefer to see sharp words and letters. If a user managed to switch anti-aliasing off in their system, the new fancy fonts lookbarely readable without anti-aliasing: they look jagged, pixelated and uneven, because the only fonts that can look good aliased were the limited set of web-fonts. Switching anti-aliasing off in the system makes the text look sharp in software interfaces, documents, menus and other parts of the system, but itdoesn’t help with the web-sites if the designer insisted on a fancy font that has to use anti-aliasing to be rendered. The only way to get rid of the blur is toforce the browser to replace the fancy fonts with web-safe fonts.

Yes, antialiased font-rendering and fancy web-fonts look cute at the first glance.Yes, WOFF brought a huge variety of fonts to the websites. Yes, there are many people who like those smoothly-blurred texts. But, they are also those who don’t. There are those who get visual fatigue, headache and sore eyes fromreading blurred fonts. There are those who want their eyesight to stay good for as long as possible. There are those who dislike, or even hate smooth font rendering. Perhaps, it’s all down to personal perception, perhaps they are in theminority, but who has extra time to waste on slower-reading fonts, or an extrapair of eyes to damage?

The headers and some other design elements may look nice in fancy variety fonts, but what would you rather look at if you need to do a lot of reading:

Perhaps, anti-aliased fonts will look good on very high pixel density screens, one day, when such screens are widely used, because they would need to createless blur to render, but at the moment, on usual displays, it makes text lookworse instead of better. Though, with very high pixel density, aliased rendering will also show very good results.

Left to right: a web-safe font with no anti-aliasing, “smooth” anti-aliased font, and a “fancy” font rendered with anti-aliasing off – the text looks “broken”, the letters are lopsided, have verticals with uneven thickness and some pixelssticking out on the curves.

A word Pixels displayed in a normal font and anti-aliased font, and the same word enlarged 12 times. Coloured “fringes” around anti-aliased text are obvious: it’s uncomfortable to read and harmful to the vision.

Eye soreness experiments

Here is really good experiment from AnnyStudio:

“I have experimented with what’s good and what’s bad for my eyes. Reading a black web-safe font on white background made my eyes tired, not sore, after 4 hours. Reading black anti-aliased text in non-web-safe font of the same size, also on white background, on the same screen, same topic, same line lengths and interline spacing made my eyes tired in 8 minutes, made me feeling dizzy in42 minutes, my eyes became sore in 1 hour and 3 minutes, and the speed of reading was about 20% slower. Reading the same text with anti-aliasing switched off made my eyes tired in 2 hours, but the speed of reading was nearly70% slower!

There are many websites with lots of useful information for reading, but if awebsite doesn’t offer an option to read a good old sharp font and is forcinganti-aliasing on its visitors, I try to find the same information elsewhere. Unless, of course, I manage to switch the blur off.”

How Iris can help?

Iris comes with 4 different font renderings at the moment. You can switchthem easily from the Fonts page.

GDIPP is Apple like font rendering for Windows. It renders asian charactersgreat and also has Apple like font smoothing.

You can see the difference of the different font types in the pictures above.

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Blink Detection Fri, 01 Jul 2016 13:23:27 +0000 Why Do We Blink? In reality, the proverbial “blink of an eye” lasts only a tenth of a second, but that’s all the time needed to clear away dust particles and spread lubricating fluids across the eyeball. Every time you blink, your eyelids spread a cocktail of oils and mucoussecretions across the surface of the eye to keep your globes ... Read More

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Why Do We Blink?

In reality, the proverbial “blink of an eye” lasts only a tenth of a second, but that’s all the time needed to clear away dust particles and spread lubricating fluids across the eyeball.

Every time you blink, your eyelids spread a cocktail of oils and mucoussecretions across the surface of the eye to keep your globes from drying out.Blinking also keeps eyes safe from potentially damaging stimuli, such as bright lights and foreign bodies like dust.

So why don’t you notice the world plunging into darkness every two to ten seconds? Scientists have found that the human brain has a talent for ignoringthe momentary blackout.

The very act of blinking suppresses activity in several areas of the brain responsible for detecting environmental changes, so that you experience the world as continuous.

Researches on blinking

We all blink. A lot. The average person blinks some 12-15 times per minute— so frequently that our eyes are closed for roughly 10% of our waking hours overall.

Although some of this blinking has a clear purpose — mostly to lubricate the eyeballs, and occasionally protect them from dust or other debris — scientists say that we blink far more often than necessary for these functions alone. Thus, blinking is physiological riddle.

Why do we do it so darn often? In a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a group of scientists from Japan offers up ananswer to this — that briefly closing our eyes might actually help us to gather our thoughts and focus attention on the world around us.

The researchers came to the hypothesis after noting an interesting fact revealed by previous research on blinking: that the exact moments when we blink aren’tactually random. Although seemingly spontaneous, studies have revealed that people tend to blink at predictable moments.

For someone reading, blinking often occurs after each sentence is finished, while for a person listening to a speech, it frequently comes when the speaker pauses between statements. A group of people all watching the same video tend to blink around the same time, too, when action briefly lags.

As a result, the researchers guessed that we might subconsciously use blinks as a sort of mental resting point, to briefly shut off visual stimuli and allow us tofocus our attention.

To test the idea, they put 10 different volunteers in an fMRI machine and had them watch the TV show “Mr. Bean” (they had used the same show in their previous work on blinking, showing that it came at implicit break points in the video). They then monitored which areas of the brain showed increased or decreased activity when the study participants blinked.

Their analysis showed that when the Bean-watchers blinked, mental activitybriefly spiked in areas related to the default network, areas of the brain that operate when the mind is in a state of wakeful rest, rather than focusing on the outside world.

Momentary activation of this alternate network, they theorize, could serve as a mental break, allowing for increased attention capacity when the eyes are opened again.

To test whether this mental break was simply a result of the participants visual inputs being blocked, rather than a subconscious effort to clear their minds, the researchers also manually inserted “blackouts” into the video at random intervals that lasted roughly as long as a blink.

In the fMRI data, though, the brain areas related to the default network weren’tsimilarly activated. Blinking is something more than temporarily not seeing anything.

It’s far from conclusive, but the research demonstrates that we do enter some sort of altered mental state when we blink — we’re not just doing it to lubricateour eyes. A blink could provide a momentary island of introspective calm in the ocean of visual stimuli that defines our lives.

Why you should blink more?

Ever find that your eyes have an irritated “scratchy” feeling after a long sessionusing the computer? A relatively normal blink rate is 12-15 blinks per minute, but computer users tend to blink much less frequently, more typically around4-5 blinks per minute. Why?

The eyes normally jump around the screen in pattern called a “saccade.” Blinkingdisrupts this pattern and lowers productivity for someone concentrating on an intense visual task, especially when under deadline to get a big project done.Blink less and you get more done… but it can take a toll on your eyes.

A dry, scratchy sensation is a common symptom of dry eyes. Interestingly, insome cases, computer users actually suffer watery eye symptoms due to the fact that the eyes are irritated but the reduced blink rate doesn’t spread thetears effectively.

As we stare at the computer screen or while reading, our blinkrate decreases. We actually blink 66% less while working on the computer. This can make your eyes burn, dry out, turn red or feel itchy.

The 3 types of tears

Before I start to explain about the 3 types of tears I want to share with you thisvideo. It’s about a girl named Iris. Sounds familiar?

Crying is so innate, we produce 10 ounces per day and 30 gallons a year. When it comes to gender, it seems more women compared to men are shedding tears. Women cry an average of 5.3 times a month, while men cry an average of 1.3times per month, according to a 2011 study published in the Journal of Research in Personality.

Researchers believe this is because women are biologically wired to shed more tears than men, since female tear glands are much smaller than men’s.

Regardless of gender, we actually all cry every second of our lives and produce the same types of tears. The lacrimal gland, located in the outer part of theupper eye, is constantly secreting a protein-rich, antibacterial liquid. This fluidgoes from the outer edge of the eyeball toward the cornea and lubricates theentire eye surface every time we blink.

The crying we are all familiar with is when excess liquid overwhelms the drainsof the nasal canal of the tear duct, which overflows and falls down our cheeks.

Basal tears

Basal tears are always in our eyes to serve the purpose of lubricating,nourishing, and protecting the eyes. Basal tears keep our eyes lubricated, which is important in preventing damage by air currents and bits of floating debris.

Reflex tears

The second type of tears, known as reflex or irritant tears, protect the eyes from irritants, including wind, smoke, or onions. Irritant tears (or reflex tears) are produced when the eyes are hit by wind or sand (or insects or rocks). Bothbasal and irritant tears have the same goal: protecting the eyes.

Emotional tears

Lastly, the third type are those that are produced by emotion. Although these tears contain higher levels of stress hormones, such as ACTH and enkephalin — an endorphin and natural pain killer — they can also work by directly calmingthe iris down while signaling the emotional state to others.

Emotional tears are secreted in moments of intense feeling – sometimes joy, but more often sorrow. They contain stress hormones as a way of getting rid of them. This may be one reason that crying is therapeutic when we’re under a lot of stress.

We’ve been crying since we were babies and will continue to do so for the rest of our lives, so even if we don’t always know why we cry, it’s nice to know the intricacies.

How Iris reminds you to blink more?


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Color inversion Wed, 01 Jun 2016 13:22:42 +0000 Why Color inversion? I am a night owl and one night I was reading articles in one super white website. It was a huge strain for my eyes. Even with Iris, with the blue light reduction and with the low brightness it was still bad for my eyes. The idea came to my mind. I just want to make the ... Read More

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Why Color inversion?

I am a night owl and one night I was reading articles in one super white website. It was a huge strain for my eyes. Even with Iris, with the blue light reduction and with the low brightness it was still bad for my eyes. The idea came to my mind. I just want to make the black white and the white black.

Long story short now there is Color inversion feature in Iris. At the first release it was a little hard for me to combine Color temperature and Brightness with this new Color inversion and you kind of have to choose. Color inversion or the other features. Now this is fixed and you can combine the features whatever you like.

How to invert my Screen colors?

After I finished the implementation of this Color inversion I started to add otherColor effects. At the moment there are several different Color effects availableunder the Screen effects page.

Simply click Color effects toogle to enable/disable the selected Color effect.

You can also use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+R to toogle the desired Color effect.

What are the available Color effects?

Here we will list the available Color effects at the moment.

No effect

Simple Inversion



Washout 2

Washout 3

Grayscale Inverted

Smart Inversion 0

Smart Inversion 1

Smart Inversion 2

Smart Inversion 3

Smart Inversion 4


Negative Grayscale

Negative Grayclase Red

Grayclase Red


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Color Temperature Sun, 01 May 2016 13:21:50 +0000 Introduction Most of you probably have a little idea how the eye works. The retina contains two types of photoreceptors, rods and cones. The rods are more numerous, some 120 million, and are more sensitive than the cones. However, they are not sensitive to color. The 6 to 7 million cones provide the eye’s color sensitivity and they are much ... Read More

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Most of you probably have a little idea how the eye works.

The retina contains two types of photoreceptors, rods and cones. The rods are more numerous, some 120 million, and are more sensitive than the cones. However, they are not sensitive to color. The 6 to 7 million cones provide the eye’s color sensitivity and they are much more concentrated in the central yellow spot known as the macula. In the center of that region is the “fovea centralis”, a 0.3 mm diameter rod-free area with very thin, densely packed cones.

However one scientist named Ignacio Provencio found in 1998 a new photoreceptor called Melanopsin.

Blue light and sleep

It has been shown that Melanopsin regulates a wide range of non-visual functions, such as the synchronization of the circadian rhythms and the sleep-wake cycle with the light-dark cycle.

Studies show that exposure to blue light a couple of hours before bedtime actually suppresses melatonin and delays deep REM sleep significantly. So cutting back on tech use at night means getting better sleep, making people more productive at both work and school.

Blue light and eyes

We all know that light can be both harmful and beneficial for our vision and our overall health. Natural sunlight contains both UV and blue light. We all know the dangers of UV or Ultra Violet light and we often wear sunglasses to preventlong term damage. But, what do we know about Blue light?

Blue light, which is part of the visible light spectrum, reaches deeper into your eye and its cumulative effect can cause damage to your retina and it is connected to the development of age-related macular degeneration.

Blue light is not just entering your eye from natural sources like the sun. Our eyes are also absorbing blue light for digital sources on a daily basis. Over time, our eyes are exposed to various sources that emit this blue-violet light in LED lighting, tablets, TVs, computer screens and smart phones. There’s no doubt ourexposure to blue-violet light is on the increase. This cumulative and constant exposure to the blue-violet light is going to accumulate over time and has the potential to cause damage to the retinal cells, which is going to slowly lead toretinal cell death and can in turn lead to Macular Degeneration.

What to do about this?

Enough science. Now I’m going to present to you several solutions to the harmful effects of blue light.

Don’t use computer at night

Well this is kind of a strange advice, but good for some people. If you like to go to bed early and it’s OK for you to give up computer and devices do it. However for many people like me who work late at night, for programmers and for any individual who must use computer for many hours per day this is a bad advice. We simply cannot do this.

Yep, we are addicted.

Use blue light reduction glasses

There are several like this on the market. Basically this are some orange glassesthat you put on your face and they just absorb blue light. It’s a solution for somepeople also. If the glasses look good why not. It will help for sure, but the fact that they are just glasses means that your image will always look the same.

At Iris we think this is solution, but not the best one. If you are the kind of person who likes to wear glasses, then OK, try maybe you will like this.

The good thing about glasses is that they reduce every kind of light from your TV, computer, phone and etc. The bad thing is that you will always get one level of reduction. You can never customize the amount of blue light your eyes get. The truth is that blue light is not toxic and not always bad. Remember that we have a Sun over us that radiates it constantly.

Software solution

This is what Iris does. It enables you to customize your screen temperature and the amount of blue light your eyes get. Iris hooks to the graphics pipeline and enables you to reduce the blue light on your monitor backlight. For us this is the best solution, because it is highly customizable. You can make small and super big blue light reduction.

Choose what best suits you. Iris also uses your position to automatically adjust screen temperature based on the time of the day. Cooler display during the day and warmer at night.

There is a bit of confusion about cooler and warmer color temperature. First of all color temperature is measured in Kelvins(K). Cooler temperature means higher value like 6500K (No blue light reduction) and warmer means lower values like 1900K (Candle light).

After we present several different alternatives for blue light reduction we will talk about Iris. What are the available features and how to use them.

What you can do with Iris?

One of the main features in Iris and our main focus for now is blue light reduction. We have 6 whole pages of settings for blue light and this is a lot.

Maybe too much, but these were all features that you needed and we added them. And maybe we will add more. the time will show.

By default

By default Iris will use automatic color settings and manual brightness. The default value for night color is 3400K(Halogen) and during the day 6500K will be used.

Brightness is set to manual by default, because it should match your room lightand we still haven’t implemented automatic light detection. You can setautomatic night brightness and during the day 100% will be used.

Simple view is used by default and there you can find the types of night colorthat you can set.

Color section

The first thing you are going to find in the Advanced settings is the Color section. From here you can customize brightness and color temperature. There is aColor temperature slider with bigger range and more values. It goes down to1000K for the moment.

If Manual color settings is set to ON your color temperature will be constant the entire day. Color temperature value will be used.

By default when Iris starts it will save your current color settings and then restore them. This was requested by several users who used Catalyst control center for color correction. If you press Reset temperature Iris will clean this saved presets and when you close Iris, it will reset your computer to default settings without color correction.

If Iris is the first color correction program you have used chances are that Expand color range button will be shown. If Expand color range button isshown the dropdowns and sliders will have limits. This is because your systemdoes not support big changes in the color profiles. Press Expand color rangethen Restart and all values will be unlocked.

Night duration

From the Location tab you can set custom Latitude/Longitude pair or hours forstart and end of the night. If you want to use Manual location or Manual night duration remember to set the slider to ON. If the 2 sliders are set to ON Manual night duration is used.

By default if you have Internet connection Iris will find your locationautomatically and will save this location for later use. This is the automatic location feature.

Color graphs

Color graphs are the king of customization. From here you can set Color temperature and Brightness for every hour of the day. This is probably too much for some people, but other people like this feature. Use them if you are the kind of person who likes ultra customization.

Priority of the Color settings

Because Iris has many color settings there is logical priority for deciding which settings to use at any given situation. We will list the current priority here and the first items are with highest priority. This means if they are set to ON they will override other settings. The current priority is:


  • Color graphs
  • Manual Color settings and Brightness
  • Manual night duration
  • Manual location


Color pausers

If you use Color pausers list Iris will stop color changes when one or more of the programs in this list is running. This is good for people working with colorsand for programs like Photoshop and 3DsMax. It will work with any type of program. Just enter the name of the process. For example: photoshop.exe

Iris for artists

We are making Iris Artists-friendly and if you are an artist the Screen overlay page is for you. From here you can customize red filter which can be applied to part of the screen like this:

Use Ctrl+Alt+Home to activate Screen Overlay.

Use Ctrl+Alt+LMB to select part of the screen. LMB = Left Mouse Button. Drag for selection.

Use Ctrl+Alt+End to deactivate Screen Overlay.


You now understand why blue light can be bad for you. Whatever method you choose, protect yourself from blue light at least at night. Your eyes will thank you 🙂

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Evolution – How Eyes Evolved Sat, 02 Apr 2016 21:43:23 +0000 [fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

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Colors and Color Psychology – Do You See What I See? Sat, 02 Apr 2016 21:41:27 +0000 [fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

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Top Laptop PWM Ranking (Rated by negative impact on eyesight) Sat, 02 Apr 2016 17:18:38 +0000 Users should pay a lot more attention to PWM, or Pulse-Width Modulation, when buying a new laptop. Why? Because many of us work with our computers for hours every day, and PWM is one of the things that have negative impact on our eyesight. Pulse Width modulation (PWM) is an easy way to control monitor brightness. When you lower the ... Read More

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Users should pay a lot more attention to PWM, or Pulse-Width Modulation, when buying a new laptop. Why? Because many of us work with our computers for hours every day, and PWM is one of the things that have negative impact on our eyesight.

Pulse Width modulation (PWM) is an easy way to control monitor brightness. When you lower the brightness, the light intensity of the backlight is not lowered, but instead turned off and on by the electronics with a frequency indistinguishable to the human eye – our brain make us think that the display in front of us isn’t flickering, but just has lower brightness instead. Staring at aggressive pulsations could easily give you headaches or eye strain, and we’re convinced that nearly everyone has experienced that.

That’s why we test every laptop in our laboratory with high-efficiency equipment in order to determine the exact frequency and structure of the light impulses. The results go through our algorithm and we present you with a final rating for each of them in the list below. You can find out more about PWM in our dedicated article on the matter, or you could just make your conclusions based on our final rating.

# Laptop PWM starts from (cd/m2) Frequency of PWM Rating Price starts from…
1. ASUS G751JY (+G-Sync) 0 0 10.0 Check price
2. Gigabyte P34W 0 0 10.0 Check price
3. Acer Predator 17 (G9-791) 0 0 10.0 Check price
4. Dell Vostro 5480 (14 5000) 0 0 10.0 Check price
5. ASUS ROG G551JW (GeForce GTX 960M) 0 0 10.0 Check price
6. ASUS ROG G752VT 0 0 10.0 Check price
7. Alienware 17 R3 (Late 2015) 0 0 10.0 Check price
8. Acer Aspire V17 Nitro Black Edition (VN7-792G) 0 0 10.0 Check price
9. Lenovo IdeaPad Y900 0 0 10.0 Check price
10. Alienware 13 R2 0 0 10.0 Check price
11. ASUS K550JX 55 26000 7.8 Check price
12. Lenovo Z51-70 60 26000 7.8 Check price
13. ASUS ROG GL752VW 16 1000 7.6 Check price
14. Dell Inspiron 5551 (15 5000) 51 200 7.1 Check price
15. Lenovo ThinkPad E550 67 220 6.9 Check price
16. Dell Latitude E5550 86 1000 6.7 Check price
17. Toshiba Portege Z30 (A-1E1, 2015) 82 215 6.5 Check price
18. ASUS ZenBook UX305 83 200 6.5 Check price
19. Dell Alienware 15 (GeForce GTX 965M) 82 200 6.5 Check price
20. ASUS ZenBook Pro UX501 116 1350 6.0 Check price
21. Acer Aspire S7-393 114 1000 6.0 Check price
22. HP Pavilion 15 Gaming Notebook 190 20300 5.6 Check price
23. Dell Inspiron 5558 (15 5000) 200 21000 5.2 Check price
24. Dell Alienware 15 R2 54 200 5.1 Check price
25. Lenovo E31-70 263 31200 5.0 Check price
26. Lenovo Y700 (15-inch) 58 200 5.0 Check price
27. Dell XPS 15 (Late 2015, 9550) 353 20300 4.3 Check price
28. Lenovo Ideapad 100 (15) 216 21900 4.2 Check price
29. Lenovo Y50 (GTX 960M) 237 21600 4.2 Check price
30. Lenovo Yoga 3 (14-inch) 240 20500 4.1 Check price
31. Acer Aspire V15 Nitro Black Edition (VN7-592G) 326 20700 3.6 Check price
32. ASUS ROG GL552VW 324 20600 3.6 Check price
33. ASUS N551VW 324 20600 3.6 Check price
34. ASUS ROG G552VW 324 20600 3.6 Check price
35. Toshiba Satellite Radius 12 314 25600 3.6 Check price
36. Dell Inspiron 7559 320 20500 3.6 Check price
37. Acer Aspire V15 (V3-574G) 255 21700 3.5 Check price
38. Toshiba Satellite L50-C 280 20000 3.5 Check price
39. Acer Predator 15 (G9-591) 315 21000 3.5 Check price
40. Toshiba Satellite P50-C 320 21000 3.3 Check price
41. Dell XPS (9343, 2015 Broadwell) 226 4870 3.3 Check price
42. Lenovo Yoga 500 188 220 3.2 Check price
43. Toshiba Portege Z20t 374 210 2.8 Check price
44. Dell XPS 13 (9350, Late 2015) 251 4900 2.8 Check price
45. Dell Inspiron 5545 215 1000 2.6 Check price
46. Lenovo Flex 3 (11 inch, 1120) 206 200 2.6 Check price
47. ASUS K751LX 218 200 2.3 Check price
48. Dell Vostro 3558 (15 3000) 239 1000 2.0 Check price
49. Acer Aspire V15 (V3-575) 244 1000 1.9 Check price
50. Dell Inspiron 5758 (17 5000) 234 200 1.8 Check price
51. Dell Inspiron 17 (5749) 254 1000 1.7 Check price
52. Toshiba KIRA (KIRAbook) 248 215 1.6 Check price
53. ASUS ROG G501 341 200 1.6 Check price
54. Toshiba Satellite C55 238 200 1.3 Check price
55. HP ProBook 440 G3 242 200 1.2 Check price
56. Toshiba Portege R30-A 310 215 1.1 Check price
57. ASUS GL552JX 290 200 1.0 Check price

You can find the original article at Laptopomedia

The post Top Laptop PWM Ranking (Rated by negative impact on eyesight) appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Flicker free monitors Sat, 02 Apr 2016 16:40:06 +0000 Quick Index Introduction Flicker Free Database Hybrid Backlight Dimming Other Honourable Mentions Please note: There has been a massive surge in the focus on ‘flicker-free’ monitors from many manufacturers since this list was first introduced on TFTCentral. As a result, the list is almost certainly not exhaustive. We will try to keep it updated for now, but at some point ... Read More

The post Flicker free monitors appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Quick Index

Please note: There has been a massive surge in the focus on ‘flicker-free’ monitors from many manufacturers since this list was first introduced on TFTCentral. As a result, the list is almost certainly not exhaustive. We will try to keep it updated for now, but at some point we will probably have to stop maintaining it. We will of course continue to mention whether upcoming models have a flicker-free backlight in our news pieces. We will also continue to test for this in our reviews.


For many people, finding a monitor without Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) backlight dimming is now a key consideration. We thought it would be useful to compile a resource confirming all the flicker-free monitors we have tested, along with any others which we know of from other sources. Below is a table we will keep as up to date as possible, although note that it may not be exhaustive. If you know of any other screens which are confirmed as flicker free, please email or tweet us the details and links to the tests and we will get them added.


Keep in mind the varying testing methods used by different sites linked below and some possible margin for error. Those using oscilloscopes (TFTCentral and should be completely accurate, but those using camera based methods may be subject to some error for high frequency PWM.

Flicker Free Database

Models confirmed as being flicker free, without the use of Pulse Width Modulation for backlight dimming are shown below, along with some reported to be PWM but as yet, not 100% confirmed by reliable sources:

Size Model Confir-
Source / Link Date Notes
17 BenQ BL702A No Part of new flicker free range, untested
19 BenQ BL902TM No Updated model in flicker free range, untested.Flicker-free P/N: 9H.L5FLA.DBE
BenQ BL912 No Part of new flicker free range, untested
BenQ GL2023A No Updated model in flicker free range, untested.Flicker-free P/N: 9H.LA1LA.D8E / 9H.LA1LB.D8E
19.5 Asus VX207NE No
21.5 Acer H226HQLbmid Yes Extrahardware 10/5/13
AOC E2276VWM6 No Advertised as flicker-free, untested
Asus VX228H No
BenQ GW2255 No Updated model in flicker free range, untested.Flicker-free P/N: 9H.LA2LA.DPE/9H.LA2LB.DPE/ 9H.LA2LA.DPU
BenQ GW2265M No Updated model in flicker free range, untested.Flicker-free P/N: 9H.LASLA.DPE
BenQ GW2265HM No Updated model in flicker free range, untested.Flicker-free P/N: 9H.LASLA.DBE/9H.LASLA.DBU
BenQ VW2235H No Part of new flicker free range, untested
BenQ VX2250 No Part of new flicker free range, untested
BenQ VZ2250 No advertised as flicker free, untested
Dell P2214H Yes 19/12/13
ViewSonic VG2233Smh No advertised as flicker free, untested
ViewSonic VX2263Smhl-W No advertised as flicker free, untested
22 BenQ BL2211M No Part of new flicker free range, untested.
BenQ BL2211TM No Part of new flicker free range, untested.
ViewSonic VG2235m No Advertised as flicker free, untested
23 Asus VX239H No advertised as flicker free, untested
BenQ GW2320 No Part of new flicker free range, untested.
BenQ VX2350 No Part of new flicker free range, untested
BenQ VX2350HM No Part of new flicker free range, untested
BenQ VZ2350 No advertised as flicker free, untested
BenQ VZ2350HM No advertised as flicker free, untested
Dell S2340T Yes 18/2/13
Dell U2312HM No Reported to be PWM free from Rev A06. Not confirmed
LG 23MB35PY-B Yes 24/11/14
LG 23MP65D-P Yes 7/4/14
ViewSonic TD2340 Yes 22/4/13
ViewSonic VX2363Smhl-W No advertised as flicker free, untested
23.5 Samsung U24E590D No Advertised as flicker-free, untested
Samsung U24E850R No Advertised as flicker-free, untested
23.6 AOC E2276VWM6 No Advertised as flicker-free, untested
Samsung S24D390HL Yes PCmonitors 29/4/14
Samsung S24D590PL Yes NCX 30/4/14
Samsung S24E370DL No
ViewSonic VX2475Smhl Yes PCmonitors 1/1/16
23.8 Acer G247HU No Part of flicker free range, untested
AOC i2473Pwy Yes PCmonitors 29/5/14
AOC i2481FXH No
BenQ BL2420Z No
BenQ EZ2450L No Part of new flicker free range, untested
BenQ SW2401PT No Part of new flicker free range, untested
Dell P2414H Yes TFTCentral 8/10/13 Full range from 100 –  0% brightness
Dell P2416D Yes PCmonitors 18/10/15 Also confirmed by laptopmedia
Dell S2415H Yes PCmonitors 30/9/14
Dell U2414H Yes TFTCentral 23/1/14 Full range from 100 –  0% brightness
Eizo FS2434 No Advertised as flicker free at all brightness settings (not hybrid), untested
LG 24MP57VQ-P Yes 19/10/15
LG 24MP76HM-S Partly 26/3/14 Part of Flicker-safe range. Partly tested but not thoroughly.
24 Acer GN246HLB No Part of flicker free range, untested
Acer XB240H No Part of flicker free range, untested
Acer XB240HA No Part of flicker free range, untested
AOC g2460Pg Yes PCmonitors 29/10/14
AOC i2460Pxqu Yes 7/4/14
AOC i2473Pwm No Advertised as flicker free, untested
BenQ BL2405HT No Part of new flicker free range, untested
BenQ BL2410PT No Updated model in flicker free range, untested
Flicker-free P/N: 9H.L9JLB.RBE
BenQ BL2411PT Yes 29/7/13 Part of new flicker free range. Also confirmed by Extrahardware
BenQ EW2440L Yes 2/2/14 Part of new flicker free range.
BenQ GL2450 No Updated model in flicker free range, untested
Flicker-free P/N: 9H.L7ALA.DPE/9H.L7ALA.DPU
BenQ GL2450HM No Updated model in flicker free range, untested
Flicker-free P/N: 9H.L7CLA.DBE
BenQ GL2450HT No Updated model in flicker free range, untested
Flicker-free P/N: 9H.L7CLB.DB9
BenQ GL2460 No Updated model in flicker free range, untested
Flicker-free P/N: 9H.LA6LB.DPE/9H.LA6LB.RPE
BenQ GL2460HM No Updated model in flicker free range, untested
Flicker-free P/N: 9H.LA7LB.DBE/9H.LA7LB.RBE
BenQ GW2450HM No Updated model in flicker free range, untested
Flicker-free P/N: 9H.L8RLB.DBE/9H.L8RLA.DBE
BenQ GW2460HM No Updated model in flicker free range, untested.
Flicker-free P/N: 9H.L9GLB.DBE/9H.L7CLA.DBU
BenQ RL2455HM No Updated model in flicker free range, untested
Flicker-free P/N: 9H.LA9LB.DBE
BenQ VW2430H No Updated model in flicker free range, untested
Flicker-free P/N: 9H.L9PLB.DWE
BenQ XL2411T No Updated model in flicker free range, untested
Flicker-free P/N: 9H.L9SLB.DBE
BenQ XL2411Z No Part of new flicker free range, untested
BenQ XL2420T (Rev 2.0) Yes 19/5/14 Updated model in flicker free range
Flicker-free P/N: 9H.L7PLB.DBE
BenQ XL2420TE No Part of new flicker free range, untested
BenQ XL2420G No Part of new flicker free range, untested
BenQ XL2420Z Yes PCmonitors 17/3/14 Part of new flicker free range, confirmed
BenQ XL2430T Yes 27/11/14 Part of new flicker free range, confirmed
Dell U2415 Yes TFTCentral Confirmed flicker free
Eizo ColorEdge CS240 No Advertised as flicker free, untested
HP Z24i Yes 16/12/13
Iiyama X2483HSU Yes 13/1/14
LG 24GM77-B Yes 10/10/14
LG 24MB65Y-B Yes 10/11/14
Samsung S24C750P Yes Svethardware 29/10/13
Samsung S24C770T Yes 30/12/13
ViewSonic VG2401mh No Advertised as flicker free, untested
ViewSonic VG2435Sm No Advertised as flicker free, untested
ViewSonic VG2438Sm No Advertised as flicker free, untested
25 Acer G257HU No Part of flicker free range, untested
Acer H257HU No Part of flicker free range, untested
Asus MX259H No
Dell U2515H Yes TFTCentral 18/2/15
LG 25UM65 Yes
Philips 258B6QJEB No
27 Acer G277HU No Part of flicker free range, untested
Acer K272HULA No Part of flicker free range, untested
Acer K272HULB No Part of flicker free range, untested
Acer S277HK No Part of flicker free range, untested
Acer XB270H No Part of flicker free range, untested
Acer XB270HA No Part of flicker free range, untested
Acer XB270HU Yes TFTCentral 24/2/15
Acer XB271HK Yes TFTCentral 26/2/16
Acer XB271HU No
Acer XF270HU No
Acer XG270HU Yes TFTCentral
Achieva Shimian QH270 Yes 15/7/12 No backlight control, brightness reduces contrast ratio. Also confirmed in our lab
Achieva Shimian 27″ IPS Zero-G Yes TFTCentral 14/8/13 No backlight control, brightness reduces contrast ratio. Confirmed in our lab
AOC i2781FH No
AOC q2770pqu Yes TFTCentral 16/7/14 Also confirmed by PCmonitors
Apple 27″ Cinema Display No Reported to be PWM free, unconfirmed
Apple 27″ Thunderbolt No Reported to be PWM free, unconfirmed
Asus MG279Q Yes TFTCentral
Asus MX279AQ No Advertised flicker free, unconfirmed
Asus PB279Q No
Asus PB278QR No Part of EyeCare range, untested
Asus ROG Swift PG278Q Yes TFTCentral 17/7/14
Asus ROG Swift PG279Q Yes TFTCentral 23/10/15
Asus ROG Swift PG279AQ Yes PCmonitors 9/12/15
Asus VC279H Yes 7/9/15
Asus VC279N-W No
Asus VX278H No
Asus VX278N No
Asus VX278Q No
BenQ BL2700HT No Flicker free range
BenQ BL2710PT Yes TFTCentral 23/10/13 confirmed in our lab and review
BenQ EW2740L Yes 6/2/14 Part of new flicker free range, confirmed by Also confirmed by
BenQ GW2750HM Updated model in flicker free range, untested
Flicker-free P/N: 9H.L8NLB.DBE
BenQ GW2760HM No Part of new flicker free range, untested
Flicker-free P/N: 9H.L9LLA.DBE
BenQ GW2760HS Yes TFTCentral 21/6/13 BenQ Flicker free range
Flicker-free P/N: 9H.L9NLB.QBE/9H.L9NLB.RBE
BenQ GW2765HT Yes TFTCentral Part of new flicker free range, confirmed
BenQ SW2700PT No Part of new flicker free range, untested
BenQ XL2720G No Part of new flicker free range, untested
BenQ XL2720Z Yes TFTCentral Part of new flicker free range
BenQ XL2730Z Yes TFTCentral Part of new flicker free range
Dell P2714T Yes 10/3/14
Dell S2716DG Yes TFTCentral
Dell S2740L Yes TFTCentral 5/11/12 Also confirmed by
Dell U2713H Yes TFTCentral 11/1/13
Dell U2713HM Yes TFTCentral 22/8/12 Also confirmed by
Dell U2715H Yes TFTCentral 12/12/14 Also confirmed by
Dell U2716D Yes PCmonitors 20/1/15
DGM IPS-2701WPH Yes TFTCentral 19/7/12
Eizo ColorEdge CS270 No Part of new flicker free range, untested
Eizo Foris FS2735 Yes TFTCentral 1/2/16
Fujitsu P27T-7 LED Yes 19/8/13 Also confirmed by Extrahardware
HP Z27i Yes 27/1/14
HP ZR2740w Yes TFTCentral 20/11/12 Also applies to v2 of the screen
Iiyama Black Hawk  GE2788HS No Advertised as flicker free, untested
Iiyama XB2783HSU Yes 24/3/14
LG 27MP75HM Yes 4/3/14
LG 27MP77HM-P Yes 5/10/15
Monoprice 27″ IPS Zero-G Yes TFTCentral 14/8/13 No backlight control, brightness reduces contrast ratio. Confirmed in our lab
Philips 272G5DYEB Yes PCmonitors 13/11/14
Philips 272P4APJKHB No Advertised as flicker free, untested
Philips 275P4VYKEB No
Samsung S27C750P Yes PCmonitors 22/6/13
Samsung S27E370DS No
Samsung S27E510C No Advertised as flicker free, untested
ViewSonic VP2770-LED Yes TFTCentral 27/9/12 Also confirmed by
ViewSonic VP2780-4K Yes TFTCentral 30/7/15
28 Acer XB280HK No Advertised as flicker free, untested
Acer XB281HK No
Asus PB287Q Yes 13/11/14
Asus VN289H No Eye-care range
Asus VN289Q No Eye-care range
Iiyama B2888UHSU-B1 Yes 29/9/14
ViewSonic VG2847Smh No Flicker free range
ViewSonic VG2860MHL-4K No Flicker free range
ViewSonic VX2880ml No Flicker free range
29 Acer B296CL Yes 9/1/14
AOC q2963Pm Yes PCmonitors 7/6/13 Also confirmed by
Asus MX299Q Yes 10/2/14
Asus PB298Q Yes 24/10/13
Asus VN289H-W No
Dell U2913WM Yes TFTCentral 22/1/13 Also confirmed by
LG 29UB65-P Yes 23/6/14
LG 29UC97 Yes Advertised as flicker safe, untested
LG 29UM65 No Advertised as flicker safe, untested
Philips 298P4 Yes Extrahardware 26/7/13
Samsung U28E590D No Advertised as flicker free, untested
Samsung U28E850R No Advertised as flicker free, untested
30.0 Iiyama XB3070WQS No Advertised as flicker free, untested
NEC EA304WMi Yes 23/10/14 Advertised as flicker free, untested
31.0 LG 31MU97 Yes 2/2/15
31.1 Eizo CG318-4K No Advertised as flicker free at all brightness settings (not hybrid), untested
31.5 Eizo EV3237 No Advertised as flicker free at all brightness settings (not hybrid), untested
Samsung U32D970Q No Part of flicker safe range, untested
Samsung U32E850R No Part of flicker safe range, untested
32 Acer B215HUL No Part of flicker safe range, untested
Asus PA328Q No
BenQ BL3200PT Yes TFTCentral 8/5/14 Part of flicker free range
BenQ BL3201PT No Flicker free range
BenQ BV3200PT No
Philips BDM3270PQ No Advertised as flicker free, not tested
Philips BDM3275UP No Advertised as flicker free, not tested
QNIX QX320QHD Yes TFTCentral 12/2/15 Confirmed flicker free, but no backlight adjustment offered from brightness
34 Acer Predator XR341CK Yes TFTCentral 8/7/15
Acer Predator X34 Yes TFTCentral Should be flicker free like XR341CK
AOC Q3277Pqu No
AOC U3277Pqu No
AOC u3477Pqu Yes 5/12/14 Advertised as flicker free, Confirmed
Dell U3415W Yes TFTCentral 11/3/15
LG 34UC97 Yes 15/12/14 Part of ‘Flicker safe’ range. Confirmed
LG 34UC98 No
LG 34UM65 Yes 13/10/14 Part of ‘Flicker safe’ range. Confirmed
LG34UM67 Yes 29/6/15
LG 34UM95 Yes TFTCentral 5/9/14 Part of ‘Flicker safe’ range. Confirmed
35 Acer Predator XZ35CU No
Acer Predator Z35 Yes TFTCentral
BenQ  XR3501 Yes 21/9/15 Advertised as flicker free, untested

Hybrid Backlight Dimming

Below are a list of models which are flicker free for part of their brightness adjustment range, but do use some form of PWM for other parts of the adjustment range.

Size Model Confir-
Source / Link Date Notes
22 Eizo EV2216W No Marketed as flicker free with “hybrid solution”. Expected no PWM down to 20% brightness
23 Eizo EV2316W No Reported to be PWM above 20% brightness
Eizo EV2336W Yes 3/6/13 PWM free down to 20% brightness, but used at 200Hz below
23.5 Eizo Foris FG2421 Yes TFTCentral 7/11/13 Confirmed PWM free from 100 – 20 brightness. High PWM frequency of 18Khz from 20 – 0.
23.8 Eizo Foris FS2434 Yes 17/11/14 Confirmed PWM free from 100 – 6 brightness.
Eizo EV2450 Yes TFTCentral 12/12/14 No PWM down to 20% brightness, below that very high freq (18Kz) and low amplitude oscillation only
24 Dell U2413 Yes TFTCentral 13/2/13 No PWM down to 20% brightness, but used 19 – 0% at high 8750Hz
Eizo EV2416W No Marketed as flicker free with “hybrid solution”. Expected no PWM down to 20% brightness
Eizo EV2436W Yes TFTCentral 27/6/14 Also confirmed by Flicker free down to 20% brightness, below that 200Hz PWM used
Eizo EV2455 Yes TFTCentral 25/1/15 No PWM down to 20% brightness, below that very high freq (18Kz) and low amplitude oscillation only. Also confirmed by
27 Acer B276HUL Yes 13/2/14 Looks to be PWM free but maybe some hybrid high freq PWM at brightness <20%. Also confirmed by
Eizo EV2736W Yes TFTCentral 11/6/14 PWM free down to 20% brightness, but used at 200Hz below. Also confirmed by Extrahardwareand
Eizo Foris FS2735 Yes TFTCentral 27/1/16 PWM free down to 55% brightness, with low amplitude 2000Hz oscillation below
Samsung S27E650C Yes PCmonitors 26/11/15 PWM free down to 30% brightness, but 180Hz PWM used below
32 Samsung S32D850T Yes 19/12/14 Not specified in review at what setting PWM kicks in

Other Honourable Mentions

Below are some additional monitors which may be flicker free. This includes monitors which some reviews have tested to be PWM free, while other reviews suggest otherwise.

Size Model Source / Link Date Notes
24 Asus PA249Q 30/9/13 Not full PWM control, but some oscillation. Low chance of flicker and very high freq of 25Khz
Dell S2440L TFTCentral 5/10/12 Our unit and that tested by showed no PWM. Other reviews including showed PWM at 360Hz. Possibly two versions?
Dell UP2414Q User reports suggest PWM free, untested by review sites so may be high frequency PWM control.
Samsung S24A850D Extrahardware 19/12/12 Not full PWM control, but some oscillation. Low chance of flicker.
27 Asus PA279Q 14/10/13 Not full PWM control, but some oscillation. Low chance of flicker and very high freq of 12Khz
Dell UP2715K 12/10/15 Not PWM free, but very high frequency at 20.8Khz
LG 27EA83 User Report 19/2/14 Possible new version without PWM as reported by user romkyns on Hardforum
Samsung S27A850D 9/3/12 Not full PWM control, but some oscillation. Low chance of flicker. Also confirmed by Extrahardware
Samsung S27B970D TFTCentral 14/8/12 test unit showed low amplitude PWM at 180Hz while our unit showed no PWM. Possible variation in units?
30 Lenovo LT3053p 18/11/13 PWM free, although some very high frequency oscillation, but that shouldn’t be perceptible

You can find the original article at TFT Central

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Brightness Fri, 01 Apr 2016 13:00:41 +0000 Introduction Monitors have been flickering for many years. A CRT monitor basically created its picture with flicker and if you found it uncomfortable to sit in front of a CRT monitor, you were not alone. But it can also happen on modern PC monitors. We are not talking about visible flicker as in a defective monitor, but “invisible” flicker that ... Read More

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Monitors have been flickering for many years. A CRT monitor basically created its picture with flicker and if you found it uncomfortable to sit in front of a CRT monitor, you were not alone. But it can also happen on modern PC monitors. We are not talking about visible flicker as in a defective monitor, but “invisible” flicker that can affect your experience in front of the monitor.

Modern PC LCD monitors are not flicker-free but in order to understand why we need to include a short introduction. LCD monitors started out by using CCFL (cold cathode fluorescent lamps) as a backlight source but in recent years manufacturers have shifted to LEDs (light emitting diodes). If you have a thin monitor then you have a LCD monitor with LED. If you are unsure check the model number on the backside and Google it.

As you might have noticed you can adjust the backlight on pretty much any monitor today via the buttons on the front. In a brightly lit room a higher monitor brightness level is preferable and in a dimly lit room, for example a cellar or studio, a much dimmer monitor is preferable. Some monitors adjust automatically based on surroundings but often you have to do it manually. Whether it is the one or other is irrelevant. The important aspect here is the actual method used to reduce brightness on a monitor with LED.

Why your monitor flickers?

When a monitor is set to maximum brightness the LEDs are typically glowing at full strength: 100%. If you reduce the brightness setting in the menu to, for example, 50% the LEDs need to omit less light. This is done by inserting small “breaks” – or pauses – in which the LEDs turn off for a very short time. When reducing the brightness setting in the menu further the breaks become longer, basically.

90% duty cycle 50% duty cycle 10% duty cycle

This happens with CCFL based backlight units and LED based backlight units but CCFLs have a much longer afterglow than LEDs that basically turn off instantly. Therefore, the breaks when using CCFLs are much easier on the eyesthan when using LEDs. Thus a greater risk of experiencing eyestrain, tired eyes or in the worst-case scenario headache when working in front of a LED based monitor.

The use of LED obviously has numerous benefits, including much lower power consumption, far fewer toxic substances and some obvious picture quality advantages but here we are only focusing on the potential eyestrain issues as it is a separate issue that can be avoided on new monitors and even reduced on the monitor you own right now.

We need to emphasize that all eyes are different. Those who are affected never see the actual flicker – it is “indirect”. Studies have shown that approximately 10% of people experience discomfort. The rest experience eithermild discomfort or no discomfort at all.

PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)

The method of introducing breaks to reduce the brightness level is called PWM (pulse width modulation). It is a cheap and effective way of controlling the light output of a LCD monitor with LEDs as it gives a huge span of brightness levels. But, as you can see, it also has drawbacks.

PWM is not the actual problem. It is not necessarily a bad thing. The problem occurs if the blinking/flickering is indirectly perceptible by the human eyewhen the PWM is running at too low frequencies. The most common scenario is that you buy a new monitor that is far too bright out-of-the-box and reduce brightness to maybe 20-30%. Brightness is typically measured in cd/m2 and the brightest monitors hit around 450-500 cd/m2 but this is not necessarily anadvantage because no one can sit in front of a monitor this bright. The recommended brightness level is approximately 120 cd/m2 in a bright roomwithout direct sunbeams coming in.

The alternative to the PWM method is to lower/raise the electrical voltage for the LEDs. The method can also be used for CCFLs but they are not nearly asflexible as LEDs. The disadvantage to this method is that it is more expensive and that it can be very hard to control the color temperature of the backlight. There is also a risk of burning out the LEDs very fast.

90% continuous 50% continuous 10% continuous

The number of cycles (on / off periods) used in LEDs can obviously be measuredand as so many other things it is measured in Hz. 100 Hz means that it updates 100 times per second.

But what frequency do LEDs run at then? Well, most monitors use PWM with a frequency around 90 to over 400 Hz. Those with 90 Hz PWM are worst, obviously. PC monitors with CCFL backlights all run at 175 Hz (but as mentioned, the afterglow is very different). For comparison, ceiling fluorescent lamps found in many offices used to operate at around 100-120 Hz and they have been proven to cause headache many times in the past. Newer installations are better but we need to reach much higher frequencies for a perfect result. Again, it depends on the individual and some will experience problems where others do not. We probably have to surpass 2000-3000 Hz before we can call it a safe zone.

If manufacturers want to use the PWM method in LCDs with LED there are two ways to eliminate the issues. The first option is to run the LEDs as a much higher frequency (combined with a decent brightness level). The second option is to use a combination of PWM and modulation of the electrical voltage.

But you can also help yourself. When you are looking to buy a new one you can often leave out the cheapest PC monitors (the same is true for displays in smart phones and tablets) as these have proven to be most affected by the issues. Many of us work in front a monitor for many many hours daily, so it is really worth saving a few bucks?

Look at the maximum brightness (the cd/m2 number). It is around 400-500 cd/m2 then you can be sure that you need to lower the brightness level considerably – and then you risk increasing flicker. Many graphics monitors run at much lower brightness levels – and it can actually be an advantage. Higher is – ironically – not always better.

How Iris is fixing PWM issues?

You now understand why PWM is bad for your eyes and a little of the science behind LCD monitors. We thought a lot how not to experience eye problems while still decreasing monitor brightness. Today with Iris you can decrease your brightness without flicker on every monitor out there. “How exactly this works?” you ask.

At the end of the graphics pipeline, just where the image leaves the computer to make its journey along the monitor cable, there is a small piece of hardware that can transform pixel values on the fly. This hardware typically uses a lookup table to transform the pixels. Iris controls this hardware and uses it to decrease your brightness. You get flicker free low brightness. Set your hardware brightness to the MAX and control it with Iris. WIN WIN.

Let’s see how you can actually do this. Open Iris by double clicking your tray icon.

You can control brightness either from Simple and from Advanced view.

You can also use automatic brightness feature, which will use sun positioning and your location and gradually decrease brightness when night is coming.

What brightness value to use?

The rule for brightness value is to match your indoor lighting, which means that the monitor should not look like light source in the room. My advice is just to set it whatever you like and feels good to your eyes.

Iris does not use PWM to control the screen brightness, so set it as low as you like.

The post Brightness appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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System Speedup Thu, 31 Mar 2016 13:30:05 +0000 TODO

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The post System Speedup appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Automation Thu, 31 Mar 2016 13:29:05 +0000 TODO

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The post Automation appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Exercises Thu, 31 Mar 2016 13:28:01 +0000 TODO

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The post Exercises appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Block distractions Thu, 31 Mar 2016 13:27:34 +0000 TODO

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Colors Thu, 31 Mar 2016 13:27:14 +0000 TODO

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Fonts Article Fri, 18 Mar 2016 18:14:45 +0000 Hi, I finally finished the Article about fonts. There is a lot of info that I collected the last several months. Different font renderings are now packed with Iris and you can switch them easily 🙂 You can find the Article here:

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I finally finished the Article about fonts. There is a lot of info that I collected the last several months. Different font renderings are now packed with Iris and you can switch them easily 🙂

You can find the Article here:

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FontFocus Thu, 17 Mar 2016 14:37:21 +0000 FontFocus white paper Introduction Many people spend hours a day looking at text on their desktop, laptop, and handheld computer screens, fueling a demand for the highest possible quality text rendering. There are three primary axes to evaluate text rendering quality: contrast of the glyph renderings, fidelity to the original forms, and evenness of spacing. Until now, font rendering implementors ... Read More

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FontFocus white paper


Many people spend hours a day looking at text on their desktop, laptop, and handheld computer screens, fueling a demand for the highest possible quality text rendering.

There are three primary axes to evaluate text rendering quality: contrast of the glyph renderings, fidelity to the original forms, and evenness of spacing. Until now, font rendering implementors have had to make a difficult tradeoff between these goals. It’s straightforward to render glyph shapes and spacing accurately if you can tolerate a loss of contrast, as exhibited by the font rendering in Mac OS X. Similarly, applying font hinting techniques originally developed for bilevel rendering can improve contrast significantly, but at the cost of significant distortion of letterforms.

This white paper introduces FontFocus, a new patent-pending technology from Artifex Software, Inc., the people behind the Ghostscript PDL engine. FontFocus, for the first time, renders text both with uncompromising fidelity, and with contrast improvements as good as the best of the font hinting techniques.


A Times 11 sample. FontFocus on the left, unhinted rendering on the right.

For details on this showing and others, see below.

How it works

FontFocus brings text into focus, analogous to the way that focussing a camera sharpens the image.

In a film (or digital) camera, the configuration of the optics creates a zone in which the target is “in focus”, meaning imaged sharply on the film. Outside the zone, the target is still visible, but the detail has reduced contrast.

Digital rendering of text also has zones of focus and blurring, but based on subpixel alignment of stems, rather than on depth as in photography. A stem with good subpixel alignment is “in focus”, while moving it by a half pixel places it out of focus.

It’s easy to see this effect when looking at rendering without any hints or grid-fitting but with subpixel accuracy (similar to rendering in Mac OS X). Each glyph is rendered with an essentially random subpixel offset, derived from the total escapement of the glyphs to its left. In this blowup of a 9ppem Helvetica sample, the initial “i” and final “n” are out of focus, while their counterparts in the interior are in focus:

The goal of FontFocus is simple: with as little distortion as possible, to try to make the text render so that all the stems are in focus. The result is dramatically increased contrast:

Previous grid-fitting techniques also improve contrast by aligning stems to pixel boundaries, but in doing so distort individual letterforms. FontFocus leaves the shapes of the glyphs completely unchanged. Instead, it shifts each character left or right by a tiny subpixel amount, and also subtly expands or condenses individual glyphs to align all stems, if there are more than one. In the example above, you can see that the ‘m’ is slightly expanded, so that all three stems align precisely with pixel boundaries.

While the idea of subtly shifting and stretching glyphs to enhance contrast is simple, the core of the of FontFocus technology is how it chooses these tweaks. Most existing font rendering techniques work with a single glyph at a time. FontFocus optimizes the entire word at a time. The results are similar to what you’d get from trying each combination of subpixel offset and width stretch for each glyph in the word, and picking the combination with the best overall score. FontFocus uses an intelligent divide-and-conquer algorithm to avoid the combinatorial explosion of this brute-force method.


This section presents a number of showings of FontFocus. All samples are presented left-justified, without kerning. The text is from T.-J. Cobden-Sanderson’s The Ideal Book or Book Beautiful, Doves Press, 1900.

FontFocus, Times, 11ppem, enlarged 2x with pixel replication.

Unhinted rendering, Times, 11ppem, enlarged 2x with pixel replication.

The unhinted rendering is essentially identical to that of Mac OS X. It is equivalent to rendering the text at very high resolution, with baselines aligned to device pixel resolution, then downsampling using simple area-coverage sampling, and finally applying a gamma of 1.15 (slight lightening).

Here’s the same sample in a smaller sans serif font:

A Helvetica 9 sample, with and without FontFocus

FontFocus, Helvetica, 9ppem, enlarged 2x with pixel replication.

Unhinted rendering, Helvetica, 9ppem, enlarged 2x with pixel replication.

Advantages of FontFocus

  • No hints need be stored with glyph outline data, saving space for fonts.
  • Extremely consistent and even typographic “color”.
  • Fewer gray pixels means less dependence on monitor gamma and viewing angle, and less color shift toward blue on LCD’s.
  • Rendering is consistent across all font sizes.

Comparison to RGB subpixeling

RGB subpixel rendering techniques, such as Microsoft’s ClearType, Adobe’s CoolType, share similar goals to FontFocus.

Advantages of FontFocus over RGB subpixel rendering:

  • No color fringing.
  • Need not be tuned for a specific display.
  • Works on colored text and backgrounds as well as black and white.
  • Works equally well when rotated 90 degrees.
  • Effective on both LCD and CRT technologies.
  • Works even when resolution is resampled.
  • Suitable for Web graphics and other cases when client display is unknown.

And, as the following samples clearly show, FontFocus renders text with both better fidelity and higher contrast than the leading implementation of RGB subpixelling, Microsoft’s CoolType. For fair comparison, please view on an LCD display.

Left: FontFocus. Right: Microsoft Word with ClearType


The patent literature in the field of font rendering is quite dense. In particular, implementing an LCD subpixel technique is likely to run into existing patents from Microsoft, Adobe, and others. Here is a list, by no means intended to be complete.

Microsoft ClearType patents

6,597,360 Automatic optimization of the position of stems of text characters

6,577,291 Gray scale and color display methods and apparatus

6,377,262 Rendering sub-pixel precision characters having widths compatible with pixel precision characters

6,356,278 Methods and systems for asymmeteric supersampling rasterization of image data

6,342,890 Methods, apparatus, and data structures for accessing sub-pixel data having left side bearing information

Other patents covering hinting

6,563,502 Device dependent rendering

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Color and Font Choices for Eye protection Sun, 13 Mar 2016 19:13:24 +0000 The human eye is an amazing machine. Through tiny cells called cones, our eyes are able to see about 10 million different colors. But not all colors are created equal, and some are just too difficult to look at as they can cause headaches, high blood pressure, and eye strain. With the increase in time spent in front of our ... Read More

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The human eye is an amazing machine. Through tiny cells called cones, our eyes are able to see about 10 million different colors. But not all colors are created equal, and some are just too difficult to look at as they can cause headaches, high blood pressure, and eye strain. With the increase in time spent in front of our digital devices – six to nine hours per day on average – the colors and even the fonts we stare at on our digital screens can become sights for sore eyes.

The Impact of Color and Fonts on the Eyes

Bright colors in particular can be harsh on our eyes – but they also draw our attention. Think about the color yellow. In lighter shades, yellow is comforting and cheerful. But when the brightness is cranked up, yellow can be a stimulant on the eyes. Studies show that babies cry more often in yellow rooms and couples tend to fight more in rooms with yellow paint. However, given its ranking as the most visible of all the colors, yellow is a great color to use when you need to grab attention. This explains the use of bright yellow on warning signs.

Different fonts can play tricks on our eyes too. Even though Times New Roman is a common default font in many computer programs, this font can actually hurt your eyes. The tiny tails on the end of each letter, called serifs, will force you to stare longer in order to recognize a word. This can lead to eye fatigue. Luckily there are fonts, such as Arial and Verdana, without serifs (sans-serifs), that have more space between each letter and are easier to read from farther away.

How to Stop Eye Strain from Harsh Colors and Fonts

It’s recommended that we stretch before a work-out to ensure we don’t strain our muscles, but have you stopped to think about the strain you put on your eye muscles everyday as you stare at your computer, television, phone, and other devices? You’ve most likely felt the effects of digital eye strain and computer vision syndrome – headaches, dryeyes, blurred vision, or even a sore neck – but what can you do to stop this pain? An easy way to combat eye strain is to simply adjust a few settings on your computer:

  • Change the brightness settingMatch the brightness of your monitor to your surrounding workstation. To test this, look at the white background of this webpage. If it looks like a light source, your monitor is too bright. On the other hand, if it seems dull and gray, it may be too dark.
  • Adjust text size and contrast – Text should be three times the smallest size you can read from a normal viewing position, which is about 20-30 inches from your monitor. As for contrast, black print on a white background is usually the best combination for comfortable reading.
  • Stick with sans-serif fonts – As mentioned earlier, fonts without serifs, such as Arial, are much easier on the eyes.
  • Increase browser display size – With the increase in wide-screen computer displays, websites are often shown as a column with empty margins. To increase the webpage so it fits your monitor, hold down the Control key and scroll up with your mouse. If you have a Mac, increase the browser window by pressing Command and + until you reach the size that looks best for you.


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Clean Your Screens Sun, 13 Mar 2016 18:45:35 +0000 Anytime we view an image up close, our eyes have to cross inward to bring it into focus. When screens are covered with fingerprint smudges, dust, and dirt, focusing becomes even more difficult and, over time, can strain eyes and lead to chronic headaches. Wipe your most-used screens daily with a microfiber cloth to get rid of grime.

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Anytime we view an image up close, our eyes have to cross inward to bring it into focus. When screens are covered with fingerprint smudges, dust, and dirt, focusing becomes even more difficult and, over time, can strain eyes and lead to chronic headaches. Wipe your most-used screens daily with a microfiber cloth to get rid of grime.

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Why Times New Roman Sucks? Sun, 13 Mar 2016 18:42:30 +0000 Times New Roman may be your default font, but onscreen its curvy design with tiny tails on the ends of letters, called serifs, may slow word recognition and force you to stare harder and longer, contributing to eye fatigue. Fonts like Arial and Verdana, which have more space between letters, can make words appear crisper and easier to read from ... Read More

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Times New Roman may be your default font, but onscreen its curvy design with tiny tails on the ends of letters, called serifs, may slow word recognition and force you to stare harder and longer, contributing to eye fatigue. Fonts like Arial and Verdana, which have more space between letters, can make words appear crisper and easier to read from farther away, taxing your vision less.

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Foods For Eye Protection Sun, 13 Mar 2016 18:38:42 +0000 In this article show you some foods for eye protection and better eyesight. Kale, Spinach And Collards Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that protect and maintain healthy cells – and they’re abundant in these dark vegetables. They act like “internal sunglasses” that can “filter harmful blue waves.” Another bonus is that these vegetables are also high in vitamin A, which is good ... Read More

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In this article show you some foods for eye protection and better eyesight.


Kale, Spinach And Collards

Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that protect and maintain healthy cells – and they’re abundant in these dark vegetables. They act like “internal sunglasses” that can “filter harmful blue waves.” Another bonus is that these vegetables are also high in vitamin A, which is good for the eyes.



Zinc deficiency has been linked to impaired vision and poor night vision, as well as cloudy cataracts. But getting plenty of of the nutrient can work wonders, slowing the progression of age-related macular degeneration, which is a common condition in adults age 50 and older. Oysters are a great source of zinc. And if they’re not exactly your thing you can try lobster, salmon, beef or milk instead.



Apricots are a good source of beta carotene and lycopene, both carotenoids that can help promote good vision. Indeed, the body converts beta carotene into vitamin A, which resists damage to cells and tissues, including the eye lens. Continued oxidative stress may result in the development of cataracts or damage the blood supply to the eyes and lead to macular degeneration.


Sweet Potatoes

A one-cup serving of sweet potato has more than the full daily requirement for vitamin A. And yes, there is another orange, vitamin A-rich option that’s more commonly associated with protecting our peepers: carrots.



Eggs are another food that’s relatively high in zinc. They’re also a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids and lutein. Eggs don’t contain as much of that particular carotenoid as the leafy greens that are also on this list, but the body is able to absorb these antioxidants better from eggs.

Wheat Germ

Vitamin E might slow macular degeneration and can also decrease risk of cataracts. Wheat germ is top source for vitamin E, as well as other tasty options like almonds, sunflower seeds, peanut butter and the aforementioned sweet potato.

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Break Reminder Tue, 01 Mar 2016 11:54:45 +0000 Why to take regular breaks? Staring at a computer monitor for hours on end has become a part of the modern workday. And inevitably, all of that staring can put a real strain on your eyes. The name for eye problems caused by computer use is Computer vision syndrome (CVS). CVS is not one specific eye problem. Instead, the term ... Read More

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Why to take regular breaks?

Staring at a computer monitor for hours on end has become a part of the modern workday. And inevitably, all of that staring can put a real strain on your eyes.

The name for eye problems caused by computer use is Computer vision syndrome (CVS). CVS is not one specific eye problem. Instead, the term encompasses a whole range of eye strain and pain experienced by computer users.

Research shows computer eye problems are common. Somewhere between 50% and 90% of people who work at a computer screen have at least some symptoms of eye trouble.

In addition, working adults aren’t the only ones vulnerable to computer vision syndrome. Kids who stare at portable video games or tablets or who use computers throughout the day at school also can experience eye problems related to computer use, especially if the lighting and computer position are less than ideal.

How Can the Computer Screen Affect Vision?

Computer vision syndrome is similar to carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive stress injuries at work. It occurs when you’re carrying out the same motion over and over again.

Just like those other repetitive stress injuries, computer vision syndrome can get worse the longer you continue the activity.

Working at a computer requires that the eyes continuously focus, move back and forth, and align with what you are seeing.

You may have to look down at papers and then back up to type, and the eyes have to accommodate to changing images on the screen in order to create a clear picture for the brain to interpret.

All of these functions require a lot of effort from eye muscles.

Working on a computer is more challenging to your eyes than reading a book or piece of paper, because a computer screen also adds the elements of screen contrast, flicker, and glare.

Computer eye problems are more likely to occur if you already have an eye problem(such as nearsightedness or astigmatism) or if you need glasses but don’t wear them or wear the wrong prescription for computer use. Working at a computer gets even more difficult as you get older.

That’s because the lens of your eye becomes less flexible.

The ability to focus on near and far objects starts to diminish after about age 40 – a condition called presbyopia.

What Symptoms Are Part of Computer Vision Syndrome?

There’s no evidence that computer vision syndrome causes any long-term damage to the eyes. However, regular computer use can be the source of significant eye strain and discomfort.

If you have computer vision syndrome, you may experience some or all of these symptoms:

  • Blurred vision
  • Double vision
  • Dry, red eyes
  • Eye irritation
  • Headaches
  • Neck or back pain

If these symptoms are not treated, they can have a real effect on your work performance.

The 20/20/20 rule?

Repetitive stress injury (RSI) and eye strain are common ailments among computer users, and there’s no silver bullet for avoiding them beyond taking regular breaks to relax.

There is a really popular rule among ophthalmologist and doctors called 20-20-20 rule. The 20-20-20 rule suggest that after every 20 minutes, you (the computer user) should take a break for at least 20 seconds and look at objects that are 20 feet away from you.

So give your eyes a break. Look away from the screen every 20 minutes or so and either gaze out the window or scan the room for about 20 seconds to rest your eyes. Blink often to keep the eyes moist.

How Iris reminds you to take a breaks?

Finally we get to the point. How exactly Iris can help you?

Normal mode

The standart Iris setup or the Normal mode is an overlay window looking like this:

You can change work and rest time duration from the Simple view. Save the new settings with Save and close and test the new settings with Have a rest now.

Pro tip: You can also use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Enter

Strict mode

There is no way to skip Strict mode. Only restart will work.

The Strict mode is disabled by default, because well it’s really Strict. Your keyboard is disabled and the only way to skip this window is to restart the system. We will show you how.

To activate Strict mode go to advanced settings. Select Timer section page and from the Strictness level menu choose Strict. After you click Save and close you can test the Strict mode with Have a rest now button.

Pro tip: You can also use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Enter

The Strict mode is an overlay window similar to Normal mode, but without Skip button:

How can I skip it?

We are sorry to disappoint you, but there is no way. This is why this is called strict mode. If you don’t have the will to stand up just don’t use it. Use Normal mode instead.

How to restart the computer?

In Strict mode almost all key combinations are disabled, but you can still useCtrl+Alt+Del on Windows. And from this window select the Big red button and choose Restart.

Productive mode

Productive mode is for people who have high willpower and are masters of their time. It’s small window with a timer in it on top of everything. You cantrack time with it, manage rest and work and well if you are the type of person who will use this you have a lot of creativity. You will find your way to use it.

Productive mode can also be selected from the Timer section and looks like this:

It is simple and effective timer for productivity like Pomodoro

Which one should I choose?

You are unique. Every person is. Everyone has different needs and wants. This is why we added so many options in Iris. So everyone can find his favorite way to use it. My advice here is to just experiment. And if you ever need something we are here to help and make it happen 🙂

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Regular breaks, productivity and eye health Tue, 13 Oct 2015 11:59:41 +0000 Hello, This will be a post about benefits of regular breaks for productivity and eye health. As you know Iris has the feature for break reminding displaying you overlay at given periods of time or a small window for productivity. In this first revision of this document let’s get back in time. In the mid-1920s, an executive in Michigan studying ... Read More

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This will be a post about benefits of regular breaks for productivity and eye health. As you know Iris has the feature for break reminding displaying you overlay at given periods of time or a small window for productivity.


In this first revision of this document let’s get back in time. In the mid-1920s, an executive in Michigan studying the productivity of his factory workers realized that his employees’ efficiency was plummeting when they worked too many hours in a day or too many days in a week. He instituted new rules, including an eight-hour work day and a five-day work week. “We know from our experience in changing from six to five days and back again that we can get at least as great production in five days as we can in six,” he said. “Just as the eight hour day opened our way to prosperity, so the five day week will open our way to a still greater prosperity.”

That company turned out to be one of the most profitable companies of the mid-twentieth century, and the boss at its helm is remembered as one of the most talented executives in American history. His name was Henry Ford.

And to this day many companies embrace eight-hour work day.

Regular breaks v0.0.1

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Models Sun, 30 Aug 2015 14:55:57 +0000 Iris At the beginning Iris was free then I make it freemium and then paid with a free trial. You can still find the freemium Iris from here: Free Iris for Windows Free Iris for macOS Other Builds It’s not as great as the latest versions but it still works and it’s free 🙂 The standard Iris is easy to ... Read More

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Iris Pro Iris mini Iris mini Pro Iris micro
Blue light
Screen effects
Font rendering
Hidden features
User interface
Tray menu
Command line


At the beginning Iris was free then I make it freemium and then paid with a free trial.

You can still find the freemium Iris from here:

It’s not as great as the latest versions but it still works and it’s free 🙂

The standard Iris is easy to use with a nice user interface and several presets.

You can easy switch between Automatic, Manual and Paused mode and choose between several different type presets.

You can recognize the standard free Iris by the clean and stylish black icon. If you use Iris Pro this icon will be green and all Advanced settings will be unlocked.

Iris is free forever, but if you click the Use advanced settings button and try to enter some of the advanced menus you will get a notification that you need Iris Pro because Advanced settings are available in the Pro version.

Most people will never need Iris Pro, but if you want some extra features, checkboxes, and sliders to customize Iris you can support the project and buy Iris Pro.

Iris Pro

You know that your Iris is Pro if the icon in the top left corner is green. If you need more features you can upgrade from Iris to Iris Pro by buying Iris Pro from the Buy page.

You will get an activation code and when you enter this activation code in the input box next to the License label your Iris will become Pro.

With Iris Pro, you have access to all Advanced settings in the Advanced settings view. If you click some of the items from the Advanced settings new page with customizations of this feature will open.

All features are grouped by categories and you can always get help for every feature by clicking the blue  buttons on every page.

These blue buttons appear when you hover over some section of the program.

With Iris Pro, you also get Timer functionality for break reminding, many customizations of blue light, brightness, screen effects and transition times.

Everything new which I make goes to Iris Pro, when something is used a lot it goes to Iris mini Pro and if there is something really awesome it will go to all free versions of Iris so all users can benefit and be healthy.

Iris mini

Iris mini is a minimalistic version and smaller version of Iris.

When installed it looks like this

You have Blue light and Brightness reduction again but you just don’t have so many options for customization.

Iris mini has 3 modes which you can change by left-clicking the icon (this blue icon above).


Automatic mode: During the day color temperature will be 5000K and 100% brightness and at night this will change to 3400K and 80% brightness.


Manual mode: Use 3400K and 80% brightness all the time.


Paused: Iris is paused and does not apply color changes.

Iris mini Pro

Iris mini Pro unlocks more values of Iris mini

Basically, you can make your screen more orange and more dark to adapt it better to your preferences and the light around you.

Iris micro

Iris micro is a command line version of Iris.

It’s totally free and if you have programming knowledge you can automate it or use addons made by other users.

Iris micro will not do anything automatically but it’s super small and super fast.

It doesn’t use any CPU and after it changes the screen the program closes.

Some people like it.

Iris OS

Iris OS is OS for eyes protection. Basically, I had really big problems with porting Iris to all different Linux distributions so one day I just build one Ubuntu distro with prepackaged Iris.

It’s Linux distro which I’m sure that Iris will work on because it comes with the OS.

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Why we created Iris, how it makes you healthy and what Iris actually is Tue, 25 Aug 2015 11:53:26 +0000 Why I created Iris? When I was young my vision was perfect, but as a programmer I was sitting for more than 10 hours per day in front of computer. Not short after that I started to experience huge eye pain and strain. I even got glasses for the first time in my life. It was time for a change. I ... Read More

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Why I created Iris?

When I was young my vision was perfect, but as a programmer I was sitting for more than 10 hours per day in front of computer. Not short after that I started to experience huge eye pain and strain. I even got glasses for the first time in my life. It was time for a change. I started to search the internet for programs for eye protection and started to read every single article for eye and vision health. After I didn’t find anything good enough out there I decided to create my own software for eye protection, health and productivity. Iris is the product of this decision.

How Iris makes you healthy?

Iris combines all tips, tricks and medical researches for eye health and eye protection. It reminds you to take short breaks on regular intervals, makes your monitor better and improves your sleep.

Iris blocks distractions and was built with productivity and health in mind.

And most of all I update it regularly based on your feedback and on new innovative ideas for health and productivity. My goal is to make the best and sexiest desktop software out there.

What Iris actually is?

Iris is a desktop software for health and productivity. It works in background and doesn’t interfere with your work. It works on every operating system and has slick UI and good tech support.

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Introduction Tue, 25 Aug 2015 11:53:24 +0000 Iris is the tool which billionaires, entrepreneurs, performance athletes, bodybuilders and olympic champions use on their computers. Iris is the modern equivalent of supplement for your eyes. It will remove the blue light from your screen at night, control your screen brightness without PWM, help you to sleep better and feel less eye strain. The project was started in 2015 ... Read More

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Iris is the tool which billionaires, entrepreneurs, performance athletes, bodybuilders and olympic champions use on their computers.

Iris is the modern equivalent of supplement for your eyes.

It will remove the blue light from your screen at night, control your screen brightness without PWM, help you to sleep better and feel less eye strain.

The project was started in 2015 and now Iris is used in more than 180 countries.

More than 1 million people use Iris and this number is increasing rapidly due to the easy to use interface and the good packaged presets like: Health, Sleep, Reading, Programming, Biohacker, Sunglasses, Dark, Movie and Overlay.

Free, smart, powerfull. You are one click away from living a whole new life. Ready to take the dive?

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How Мonitors Destroyed our Eyes? Mon, 19 Jan 2015 17:40:44 +0000 The interesting thing about monitors is that they should be like the Sun. The second interesting thing about monitors is that they should be like a lightbulb. They failed at both of this… Monitors Monitors are like the Sun. They emit all colors of the rainbow but as you can guess it’s probably not so normal to look at the ... Read More

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The interesting thing about monitors is that they should be like the Sun.

The second interesting thing about monitors is that they should be like a lightbulb.

They failed at both of this…


Monitors are like the Sun. They emit all colors of the rainbow but as you can guess it’s probably not so normal to look at the Sun at night.

But unlike the Sun, monitors don’t emit full spectrum sunlight.


At the picture above you can see the light spectrum of the sun.

Notice how blue, green, yellow and red light are almost equal. We need this kind of ratio and this is embedded in our biology.

Yes, the Sun emits also UV light, but our body is attuned to UV light and produces important substances like Vitamin D when we get it from the Sun.

Direct UV light exposure to our eyes is also not so good, but UV light is stopped at the front of our retina while blue-violet light enters deep into our retina and may cause macular degeneration in the long run.

At the picture above you see the light specters of different light sources. The light emitted from the sun is like the first graphic while the light emitted from monitors is like the third graphic.

Notice how much blue light the LED lights emit and how little green light.

The problem is not actually the blue light, the problem is the ratio and that red light is almost missing from our monitors.

We can somehow fix this by reducing the color temperature of the screen, but the red light never becomes more and this is why we need more red light exposure.

If you read about this, red light is actually one of the most important lights. Science has proved that plants grow way bigger when they get a lot of red light and low amount of blue light.

In humans, blue light regulates our mood and it’s important also, but at night it stimulates our melanopsin photoreceptors in the eyes, our melatonin secretion stops and we can’t fall asleep if a lot of blue light is present around us.

The standard Incandescent Edison light bulbs are good at producing blue light, but they again fail in the morning when we need blue light to lift our mood.

The thing about sunlight is that not only it’s full spectrum light, but it also changes during the day and night. Well, there is actually no light at night, but still.

Our biology has evolved for millions of years to work together with this shift of light and we also need this change.

In our modern lifestyle, it’s best for us to try to replicate this gradual change with programs like Iris which tries to replicate the Sun spectrum change.

Light bulbs

Monitors are like a light bulb. But instead of one light bulb, we have millions of them in the size of several inches.

In order to reduce their energy use and brightness, you need to turn them ON and OFF hundred of times per second.

And this thing, this ON and OFF thing is called flicker.

Our brain is slow and we do not perceive this, but our eyes are fast and our iris starts to open and close like this

Of course, the amplitude here is much bigger to show the effect since the flicker rate of the monitor is much faster but basically, our eye starts to contract like a muscle.

You can test this by turning the light in your room ON and OFF fast and take a video or look in the mirror.

The science behind this thing is that in dark we need more light and our pupil is dilated.

When there is a lot of light around us or there is lots of daylight our pupil is undilated.

This is how our eye controls the amount of light entering it.

You may be thinking why do the monitors need to turn ON and OFF and why they can’t just glow all the time, but it’s not that simple.

LED lights will use a lot of energy if they are constantly ON and they may also overheat. Same goes for other monitor types.

The bigger problem is actually that the lower the frequency of this flicker and the bigger the breaks between these 2 states, the more energy-efficient the monitor is.

Energy efficiency sells. Better battery life sells and this is why manufacturers prefer to make low backlight frequency monitors.

This is why manufacturers use cheap and energy-efficient methods like Pulse-width modulation to control the brightness of the monitor.

The problem is that the lower the frequency of this flicker the bigger is our iris contractions and the more we feel eye pain.

One of the best ways to fix this problem is to just use E-ink devices but they are slow for real-time images.

We need new kinds of technology and new kind of monitors which change the colors fast without flicker and without excessive blue light.

Some flicker-free monitors actually still flicker but they flicker at a higher frequency which is better for the eyes.

The ideal flicker-free monitor has a constant voltage applied to the backlight.

PWM flicker

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a method to control the brightness of your monitor by settings the backlight ON and OFF at high frequency.

Our brain doesn’t perceive this, but we get a lot of eye strain and headaches from this.

If this done at the really high frequency it’s not so unhealthy, but the problem is that the lower the brightness of the monitor the lower is the frequency of the backlight.

This is just an introductory article and I’m not going to get into more details, but what you need to know is that at maximum hardware brightness from the monitor buttons there is no PWM and your eyes will hurt less.

LED monitors with PWM at minimum brightness in slow motion look like the video below

CCFL monitors with PWM at minimum brightness in slow motion look like the video below

You may think now then Why is PWM used and the answers are actually really straightforward.

Why is PWM still used?

PWM is really easy to implement in a hardware circuit. You only need to switch the backlight ON and OFF fast.

PWM gives a wide range of brightness and luminance reduction while flicker-free monitors are capped at certain minimums and maximums.

PWM is energy efficient and requires less battery life.


There are 2 good solutions to the PWM problem.

The first one is to buy a flicker-free monitor. Flicker-free monitors use something called DC dimming which doesn’t make the backlight to flicker but has a limited brightness reduction range.

Your second option is to use Iris which uses the video card to reduce the luminance of the screen. This changes the colors a bit, but for people who don’t need exact colors of the screen, it’s cheap and effective solution.

Now let’s look at both solutions at more details.


Flicker-free monitors use DC dimming and don’t flicker. The current going to the backlight looks like this

Since they don’t use PWM they also have limited brightness reduction range.

Flicker-free monitors are much more expensive since the DC dimming circuit is more expensive to implement.

They are also not as energy efficient as the PWM monitors, but they preserve the colors even at minimum brightness.


Iris is software that can reduce the brightness of all monitors without PWM and without changing the backlight flicker-frequency or the current through the backlight.

It does this by using the video card to move the white point of the monitor. This gives you a really big brightness reduction range.

Iris can also gradually adjust your screen brightness depending on the time of the day so your screen will match the light around you at night.

Iris is a cheap and effective solution for reducing the negative effects of monitors with PWM flicker.

By controlling the brightness without PWM, Iris helps with eye strain, dry eyes, and headaches caused by PWM flicker.

Overclock your Monitor

On some laptops with old Intel HD Graphics graphics card and drivers, you can also control the PWM flicker Hz of the backlight to make it higher and more healthy.

Iris has this feature called PWM control integrated but hidden by default since this can damage your monitor if you set the frequency too high.


1. Set your monitor Hardware brightness to 100% using your monitor buttons.

2. Use Iris to control the brightness without PWM

Final Words

If you liked this article share it with friends. You can also try Iris, which is software for eye protection and better sleep.

Iris will automatically control your brightness depending on the time of the day and try to match it to the light around you. This will help you feel less eye pain when you use your computer.

The program also controls the brightness of your screen without using PWM. This will help you to use your computer for longer periods of time without feeling eye strain or headaches.



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How Blue light Destroyed our Sleep? Mon, 05 Jan 2015 16:21:33 +0000 Millions of years ago people lived in sync with nature. Yes, they were dying somehow every day from fever, but life was good, sort of. When we lived in caves we didn’t have light bulbs and this somehow helped our circadian clocks to stay on track with the natural day and night cycles of the Sun. People oriented if it’s day ... Read More

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Millions of years ago people lived in sync with nature.

Yes, they were dying somehow every day from fever, but life was good, sort of.

When we lived in caves we didn’t have light bulbs and this somehow helped our circadian clocks to stay on track with the natural day and night cycles of the Sun.

People oriented if it’s day or night by the blue sky and looking at blue light became a major factor for controlling our sleep hormones.

At some point, evolution created one special photoreceptor into the eye. The only function of this photoreceptor was only to check if it’s day or night and tell our brain the result, so our brain can control our biological clocks.

Eye Basics

Our eyes are something like 2 cameras glued to our face.

The sole purpose of our eyes is to focus light on the back of our retina where 2 types of photoreceptors detect the wavelength and the color of the incoming light.

We can look at both distant and closer objects thanks to our biological lenses which change the focus distance we are looking at.

The first type of photoreceptor in our eyes is called


Our of all photoreceptors in our eye more than 95% are rods.

They are responsible for our night vision and are also really bad at recognizing colors.

Rods are not so sensitive to colors and this is the reason why it’s hard for us to see the color of things when it’s dark.


Cones are mostly around the center of our retina.

Thanks to cones we can see things in bright light be it sun or artificial lights.

There are 3 types of cones: red, green and blue and thanks to them our eye is awesome and detecting colors and distinguishing things with different colors.

Eye Basics 2.0

Rods and cones were all scientists knew before the beginning of this century.

The common wisdom was that the eye contains only 2 types of photoreceptors responsible for the things we see with our eyes.

Meet Ignacio Provencio. The neuroscientist who in 1998 found new photoreceptor called Melanopsin and for the first time proved that light is not only useful for our vision, but it’s critical for many biological processes.

It turns out that Melanopsin is present in much more mammals and it doesn’t play any role in our vision.

The main role of Melanopsin is to control our biological clock and circadian rhythms.

It does this by detecting when blue light is present in our environment.

Melanopsin activates when blue light enters our eye and it sends a signal to our brain that it’s day and our brains stops the secretion of our sleep hormone melatonin.

Melatonin from his side controls a large number of processes in our bodies and is responsible for our good night sleep.

When we have melatonin in our bodies we feel sleepy and this is the reason why you can’t fall asleep when you sit in front of the computer at night.

Blue light

Blue light comes from everywhere around us. It’s not only the monitors, or the smartphones, or the tablets around us.

Almost all artificial light sources today generate much more than the recommended amount of blue light.

All energy saving products, all LED light bulbs, and screens have a negative impact on our vision and wellbeing.

Years ago when we had only the standard  Incandescent light bulbs things were good, because the light emitted from this lightbulbs is with color temperature around 2800K.

Things were even better when people used only candles which have color temperature around 1800K.

Basically, the lower the color temperature the less blue light the light source emits.

Less color temperature is close to the natural fire found in around us for millions of years.

In contrast, LED light bulbs and monitors both emit around 6500K.

The sky emits more blue light, but the difference is that it’s full spectrum sunlight and this is beneficial for us.

So the problem is not exactly that we get too much blue light. The problem is actually that we get too little of the other light and especially red light.

Iris tries a lot to fix this problem, but you also need some light hygiene.

Even with Iris, if you stay late at night with LED light bulbs ON, you will fall asleep slower and your health will be compromised.

Avoid light at night. If you can’t avoid all light try to avoid blue light.


Sleep is one part of the problem with blue light.

The bigger problem is actually that blue light enters deep into our eyes and it’s high energy light.

You may know that the UV light is really bad for our eyes, but you probably don’t know that the blue light is also a big problem.

We have substance in the skin, hair and eyes called Melanin that absorbs UV light, but blue-violet light continues it’s path to the macula of our eyes.

This, in the long run, causes macular degeneration.


As you can guess the best solution is to live in a cave and to get only full spectrum sunlight, but we all know this is impossible.

Try to avoid light at night and if you just can’t avoid all light and need to do some work on your PC use Iris or other blue blocking software.

Iris has Sleep type preset which removes almost all blue light from your screen.

In front of the TV use some blue blocking glasses or just sunglasses. Sunglasses are sometimes even more effective that blue blockers since they also block UV light.

And lastly, remove all LED light bulbs in your home. Although energy efficient they are bad for your sleep. Use the good old incandescent light bulbs or if you can use candles sometimes.

Thank you very much for reading this article.

Final words

If you liked this article share it with friends. You can also try Iris, which is software for eye protection and better sleep.

Iris will automatically make your monitor more healthy by reducing the blue light emitted from your screen at night and much more.

Blue light at night stops the secretion of our sleep hormone melatonin and this prevents us from getting the so desired good night sleep.



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The story of Iris Tue, 16 Dec 2014 11:46:21 +0000 How Iris come to life? Back in 2015, I was working as a programmer and I had huge eye problems. I put glasses for the first time in my life and I was using eye drops let’s say constantly. My eye doctor exam was the tipping point and I decided to fix my vision. I started to read every article and ... Read More

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How Iris come to life?

Back in 2015, I was working as a programmer and I had huge eye problems. I put glasses for the first time in my life and I was using eye drops let’s say constantly.

My eye doctor exam was the tipping point and I decided to fix my vision. I started to read every article and medical research that I can put my eyes on and started to make some exercises and take breaks from the computer.

The Timer

I found that when I program it’s super hard for me to stand up from the PC and programs like WorkRave and EyeLeo was just not strict enough for me. Not to mention that there was just no good alternative for Linux and macOS.

So I decided to make my own program which locks my screen, disables my keyboard and basically forces me to get up and look at distant objects.

You probably know that the best health advice doctors were giving these days was 20-20-20. Every 20 minutes, stand up from your PC for 20 seconds and look at objects 20 feet away.

What I hated about this rule was that 20 seconds was not enough to get some rest, but enough to lose my focus on my work. So I wanted a Timer which reminds me every 30 minutes or 1 hour to stand up for 5 to 7 minutes.

Something like Pomodoro technique, but for eye strain.

I tried the 20-20-20 with really bad results decreased productivity and the same amount of eye strain and dry eyes.

And this was something like the beginning of Iris before I found about f.lux and other blue blocking software products.

The Childhood

I was always some kind of a strange kid meaning that my goal in life from maybe 10 years old was to build my own business and I was always trying to make the next big thing.

I started programming in 8th grade and my first project that was made to change the world was in 9th grade. I needed 1 year to learn some basic Pascal and this is the reason why. Before 8th grade, I was modding my GTA with Freerun and Parkour tricks.

In 5th grade, I spend maybe my whole school year modding GTA and making promotional videos of my mods. I still don’t understand why I was trying to promote it, but I spend literally months making several videos. If you are interested (which I know you are maybe not) I found them on my old Vbox7 account and uploaded them to YouTube.

Yes, Yes, I know that gaming was probably not my top talent, but I was trying really hard. The same was with football, but they kicked me out of the team in 7th grade for being, well bad player.

In my defense, I would say that I trained every day 2 times per day and I was better than half of the team that played, but as an introvert, I was never kind of a team and social player. Well, I was also not so phenomenal player so whatever, this was for good.

After this, I started rowing and my dedication put me to World Championship so I am happy with my sports achievements.

Nevermind, going back to 9th grade and my super awesome Super Mario like game with snowball which was eating coins and my teacher who didn’t believe I made the game, and my bad grade for programming, because of this I almost got discouraged, but somehow I got up again.

Going forward to finishing school and half a dozen more unsuccessful software projects like spell checking, articles website like HowTo guides, I made my first finished game and put it into Google Play.

The game was called Super Dodo (you can still play it btw with this link) and I was really proud.

I was going to rock this world one more time. Several months later it didn’t become viral, nobody wanted to play it and this was one more fail to my collection.

The point when my eyes started to hurt was somewhere here. I started working as a programmer from 17 years old and after my 8-hour workday, I was programming this game in the night.

My total PC time was something like 14 hours every day +- 2 hours reading Kindle books about startups and programming languages on the bus when I was going to school.

This is after I stopped rowing. When I was only going to school and training I read this Kindle books maybe 8 hours per day, because I had 2 hours of travel to the rowing venue and 1 hour of travel to my school. Not to mention that all my classes in school I spend them reading this books because I didn’t think most subjects in school will be beneficial for me in the long run.

I started going to entrepreneurial events, I created my first private company for manufacturing 3D printer which failed again after 1 year and started going to university.

I build the timer and put glasses somewhere here when I was 18 years old. This was 2014 and I remember that first versions of Iris were made in March 2015 and I was 19 years old (born on 1 November).

The Competition

There was some competition for programming my first year in university and me, of course, started to build rockstar team meaning my old classmates from my high school.

The school competition was international and for the world champions, there was a price of 50,000$. My pitch as you guess to the people I wanted was:

“Guys we are going to win this 50,000$ and then we are going to drink them”.

Not to mention that I don’t drink or smoke, but it sounded like motivational speech. 1 year after I realized that money is the worst way to motivate someone to work with you. Passion and sense of a mission are much more healthy ways to build teams, but I am still bad at working with people.

We were 3 programmers, 1 hardware, and 1 designer. From the initial team, the designer and one of the programmers left after 1 week, but you know this is how student projects go.

While eating something in one shopping center we were brainstorming ideas. The best ones were wireless electricity, anti-mosquito sound repeller and reminding people who use computers to blink more.

I guess we were not so innovative and creative, but whatever. After several more days, we decided to do the blinking software and started to work.

I wanted we to have a brand name, something magical, something stylish, something sexy which represented our future brand and from all the parts of the eye and the alphabet I really liked Iris.

Iris, software for eye protection. Iris, software for health. Iris, software for productivity. Well, why not, Iris – software for eye protection, health, and productivity.

Fast forward we won the first round in Bulgaria, but they didn’t like in on the semifinals and we didn’t win 50,000$.

We had a website, installer, and .exe file which all antivirus programs detected as a virus, because I was hooking Iris to disable the keyboard and we were also starting the Camera to use AI and detect users blink rate.

Later I realized that users find this camera enabling thing after installing Iris super creepy.

I found our old website with WayBackMachine, but some images are missing.

Credit to the great design and the initial Iris logo design goes to Alex, our second designer which was really fantastic for our age of 19 years old. Credit to the first versions of our software also goes to Bozhidar, Martin, and Ceco who along with me were coding the app.

We had our “Why?” as Simon Sinek said in his famous TED talk god damn it. (Taken from the movie Wall-e as you see, but whatever).

We believed in a world without glasses. We believed in a world without eye pain. We believed in a world without Computer Vision Syndrome.

Or at least this was the thing I believed in.

The Startup

After we failed at the student competition I was ready again with my motivational pitch. We were going to get investment for this project, we were going to make millions, fuck the judges, fuck the money, we are going to directly help the whole world with our project.

From 5 people team, 2 decided that they don’t like enough the project and Alex and Bozhi slightly agreed to pursue the startup team, but only if we get investment.

Fast forward several months, I talked to all accelerators, venture funds, angels and all of them told me one thing. Our project was stupid, there was no way to make money from this, no one is going to buy it, it doesn’t have the potential to be a successful business.

I was really discouraged at this point. Maybe all people were right. Maybe Iris is really not so good idea and the fact that we didn’t have any users aside from me was also really discouraging.

The thing I didn’t realize back then was that aside from me, no one else was really passionate about the eyes. No one from the team had this big kind of problems with the glasses and with the eye pain thing. And investors, well they are just stupid and like to lose money, so there is no point to listen to them anyway.

This was the death of Iris and all of us returned to our normal jobs. The other people from the team seemed like they accepted this quite well, but I felt miserable. I don’t remember any other point in my life in which I was so sad and unhappy.

All my projects and tries to make my own business were a failure. My 3D printer business failed several months before this, my game did bad and now, no one liked Iris also.

I was young and I missed my whole childhood pursuing my dream to start my own business. When the other people were having fun I was learning. When other people took the summer and went to the beach I was training in the woods for competitions. When other people were partying in university I was working as a programmer in office in front of computer whole day.

I had a girlfriend, had some money, had some friends and had some spare time, but I felt miserable. I didn’t though life is going to be like this.

Hitting Rock Bottom

After the fail of Iris, I tried to analyze myself and what made me fail every time. I had read all startup manuals and I still failed. I tried to solve a problem every time and I failed. Back then I was still living with my parents so I have never felt hungry and broke.

They fought quite often when I was young, but back then something started to change and the shouts and screams started to feel unbearable.

I can’t tell I had a bad family since thanks to them I’m who I’m right now, but they were a little bit toxic. All my life I didn’t want to go home because there were constant fights.

I started planning to get out of this and I went through one military training school for several months. I didn’t start new projects because I didn’t saw the point in this, but I still wrote many ideas in my “Ideas notebook”.

Analyzing myself I realized that the one thing I haven’t done was to leave my comfort. I never left my job to pursue my own business ideas and it was always really easy for me to give up.

I never felt like I’m going to die if my idea fails. Now I realize that exactly this is the reason why some businesses succeed, but back then it was not so clear.

I realized that if I don’t try one more time when I’m young maybe I will never do it and this was the tipping point after which I decided to quit my job.

This was the summer of 2015. I quit my job I think around July 2015 when I was 19 years old to try to start my own business one more time. This time giving everything I have.

I had 5000$ saved money to live several months until I find a way to make money from something.

The next half a year was really hard. I tried different projects, but somehow I always thought about Iris and that maybe it’s something I would love to do my whole life.

Then one day I decided to do Iris again. This time alone and giving all my energy and focus on it.

I decided to commit to Iris.

The first thing I did was to connect to all my old teammates to ask them if they want to be part of no funding, working day and night new business with no guarantee for future money.

They didn’t want to do this of course, but I wanted to make sure that they are ok if I continue to build the project all alone and if it becomes successful one day they will not come and tell me that they made this project successful.

All of them agreed that they don’t care about this project and I started working. I started working like hell.

In the next several months, I quit university, I got away from home and started to live alone and I was programming Iris basically every waking hour.

I wrote posts, articles, tried to do some marketing, I talked to every new user and asked what was their problem and I was hungry. Literally hungry.

At the beginning, Iris was donation based, but after half a year and 0$ income, I started to make some activation codes and license options.

In the first year, Iris made 0$. The first sale came at the beginning of 2016.

I was also selling some Chinese things like Google Cardboard to have some income and to not die from hunger.

Little by little more and more people started to use Iris. Little by little some of them decided to buy. And little by little you found about Iris.

I build Iris from the thing on the left to the thing of the right and then much more.

Even to this day I continue to improve the software and at the time of this writing it looks like this

And I’m going to improve Iris until it becomes the best software in the world.

A lot of things happened in the past 3 years. I’m now 22 years old and some people look at me as some kind of a role model.

Iris has more than 2 000 000 users worldwide and is used in more than 180 countries, but there is still a long way to go.

I’m still the same kid who just wants to help other people be more healthy in front of the PC and my goal is still to make the world a little better place, but at this time with a lot more experience.

And I still believe that you can be anything you want in life. If you work hard, if you are good to others, if you are helpful to society, you can achieve anything. 🙂


If you liked the story of Iris you can download the software from here.

Give me feedback, write suggestion or just say Hi here, here or here 🙂

Daniel Georgiev
CEO Iris Technologies

Publishing date: 16.12.2017

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Hi Fri, 15 Aug 2014 15:23:30 +0000 Hi, My name is Daniel. I’m 22 years old programmer from the small country of Bulgaria and I’m the creator of Iris. I was born in 1995 in Sofia, Bulgaria (This is in Europe) and spend the first 17 years of my life trying to become an Olympic athlete. As you can guess I failed at this, but whatever I have ... Read More

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My name is Daniel. I’m 22 years old programmer from the small country of Bulgaria and I’m the creator of Iris.

I was born in 1995 in Sofia, Bulgaria (This is in Europe) and spend the first 17 years of my life trying to become an Olympic athlete. As you can guess I failed at this, but whatever I have many good memories and awards. I even managed to participate in the World Championship which considering my non-athletic body am really proud of.

After this, I started working as a programmer and the monitors at my work were kind of bad. After 1 year I put glasses for the first time in my life and I knew it was time for a change.

After many eye drops and failed experiments, I started working on the first versions of Iris and this is how the story of Iris begins. Left my job, drop out school, you know the standard things crazy people with dreams do.


The guy with the red border. This is me with friends.

Basically, I am the person behind Iris.

If you are not sure what problem Iris is solving, you can see my TED talk 🙂

If you have any problems or feedback about Iris you can contact me at:
Phone: +359879031353

This is the phone with which I talk to my friends and family, so please don’t spam me.


Thank you for using Iris,
Daniel <3

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