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Explain what is the product who invited you and what you will get

Download call to action

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Welcome to Vision Wed, 09 Oct 2019 13:49:32 +0000 Picture What is this product How it works How to use it Tips and tricks Share it with friends

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What is this product

How it works

How to use it

Tips and tricks

Share it with friends

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Vision 0.1.0 for Windows Fri, 31 Aug 2018 20:30:26 +0000 Fixed internet lag when Vision running

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Download “Vision-0.1.0-Windows” vision-0.1.0-installer.exe

Fixed internet lag when Vision running

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Red Green Color Blindness Treatment Sat, 26 May 2018 10:38:18 +0000 Even when it comes to color blindness, there are several types and one of the most common types of color blindness is red-green color blindness. In this type people usually get confused in the different shades of red and green and sometimes they are unable to identify that which color is which. According to research, the red-green color blindness has ... Read More

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Even when it comes to color blindness, there are several types and one of the most common types of color blindness is red-green color blindness.

In this type people usually get confused in the different shades of red and green and sometimes they are unable to identify that which color is which.

According to research, the red-green color blindness has affected around six percent of males in the world and this percentage is growing with the passage of time.

The reason why this type of color blindness is more common in male than women is that men have one X chromosome but when it comes to women, there are two X chromosomes and for a woman to be color blind, she has to inherit it on both her chromosomes which is very rare.

Color blindness is basically a genetic disease and most of the people get it through their mothers just because mothers are the carriers.

If you are color blind then it’s not necessary for your mother to be color blind too, it’s just that she might be the carrier of this disease.

Color Blindness can also be acquired, like if someone suffers through a long-standing disease such as diabetes then yes, there are chances of him to go color blind.

On the other hand color blindness can also occur if you meet an accident or if you go through a trauma. So, yes you can acquire this disease but that happens rarely.

Types Of Color Blindness

The inherited defects of color blindness are broken up into three main categories.

One is monochrome, this one is a severe case because the person is only able to see a world full of grey.

The second type is trichromacy which is mostly acquired and in this condition a person loses the ability to differentiate between different shades.

The third type is dichromacy and this type is further divided into two categories, hereditary tritanopia, protanopia and deuteranopia, the first category is for those people who find it difficult to identify the blue and yellow color and the second category is the one that we are talking about.

People with protanopia and deuteranopia find it difficult to distinguish between red and green and today we are talking about the exact same type that suffers through red and green color vision deficiency.

What Can Be Done?

Now, when it comes to the treatment of red green color blindness then honestly there is nothing yet discovered that can claim to fix and eliminate this issue from its roots but yes, there are certain software and natural treatments that can come handy.

For example, you can use the Vision software to treat your color blindness.

This software is nothing like you’ve ever seen before and it is so far the best when it comes to helping people who are going through this disease.

The best thing is that you can easily take a color blindness test here and then too, free of cost.

Yes, you read it right, all you need to do is to download the Vision software on your computer or phone and then you can take the test without any fee.

On the other hand, if you are someone who is already diagnosed with color blindness then you can buy this software easily and then use it to fix your vision problem.

Another amazing thing is that this software won’t cost you much, it is reasonably priced but the results with which it comes are outstanding.

So, don’t wait any further and if you think you have the problem then download and Buy Vision right at the moment.

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How To Cure Color Blindness Naturally? Fri, 25 May 2018 21:55:41 +0000 There are so many ocular diseases that we come across nowadays. We are pretty sure that you have people in your circle who have vision problems, most commonly nearsightedness and farsightedness and they use glasses or contact lenses to correct their vision. However, you might not know about it but there are high chances that you do have a colorblind ... Read More

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There are so many ocular diseases that we come across nowadays. We are pretty sure that you have people in your circle who have vision problems, most commonly nearsightedness and farsightedness and they use glasses or contact lenses to correct their vision.

However, you might not know about it but there are high chances that you do have a colorblind person too in your circle.

Among all the other vision problems, color blindness is something that is very less problematic and if your condition is not that severe then there is nothing to worry about.

However, it is a proven fact that color blindness comes with negative impacts when it comes to education, career and in some places in the world, color blind people are not even allowed to drive cars as sometimes they are unable to see the red and yellow signal.

It’s just that if you have a severe vision color deficiency problem then you’ve got to do something about it.

What’s The Cure?

Now, many of you might be wondering that what exactly can you do if you are color blind because this is something that is inherited and a person has no control over it.

Well, to be honest, there isn’t anything you can actually do about color blindness, sadly, you just have to live with it.

A gene therapy experiment was done on monkeys who were color blind and it was successful but scientists are still trying hard to experiment this therapy on humans, they are just afraid that the gene therapy can have some negative effects on the human brain, so nothing yet can be said about it at the moment.

It is said that color blindness is found more in men than women because men have only one X chromosome and they are prone to color deficiency because it’s easy for them to acquire it.

There are some other rare cases in which a person can acquire color blindness, for example if you know someone who is suffering through long-standing diseases such as multiple sclerosis or diabetes then yes, they do have high chances to fall victim to this disease.

The most common types of color blindness are the ones in which a person is unable to differentiate between yellow and blue and the other type is the one in which people confuse red for green.

Another shocking thing about color blindness is that more than half of the colorblind people don’t even know that they have this disease until they reach their adulthood.

So, if you are someone who wants to get your vision checked for this disease then you can take your test here .

If you just got diagnosed of color blindness then don’t worry because we do have something that can improve your condition and here we are talking about the Vision software.

What’s The Vision Software?

This software is unlike anything you have seen before. The sole purpose of vision is to improve the color blindness of the patients through different online treatments.

This software has helped more than a thousand people in improving their condition.

Vision does not claim to be the cure to your disease but the only thing is that it helps people in differentiating between different colors and shades easily.

The regular use of this software can actually be very beneficial for you and your eyes.

So, if you know someone who is color blind or if you are the one who needs some treatment then you’ve got to try this software for once and we assure you that you’ll see the positive results for yourself.

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Cure For Color Blindness Glasses Thu, 24 May 2018 22:42:42 +0000 Color blindness is basically an inherited disease and it is usually passed down by the persons mother because she is the carrier of this disease. Now, this means that it is not necessary for a mother to be color blind to pass down this disease, it’s just that she can be the carrier of this genetic disorder. In other cases, ... Read More

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Color blindness is basically an inherited disease and it is usually passed down by the persons mother because she is the carrier of this disease.

Now, this means that it is not necessary for a mother to be color blind to pass down this disease, it’s just that she can be the carrier of this genetic disorder.

In other cases, a person can acquire color blindness if he or she is suffering through diseases like diabetes or multiple sclerosis and even if someone goes through a trauma or an accident then there are chances of him to go color blind.

Color blindness is found mostly in men because they have one X chromosome in their genes and it’s easy for them to acquire color blindness on that chromosome.

However, when it comes to women, things are pretty different.Women have two X chromosomes so in order for them to be color blind they will have to acquire the disease on both of their chromosomes which is very rare. 

Is There Any Solution To Color Blindness?

Well, to be honest there isn’t much you can do to cure color blindness.

Scientist tried their best to find a cure and they invented something called the gene therapy but the problem is that this therapy worked good on color-blind monkeys, scientists are still not sure if this therapy will work for the human beings because there are chances that gene therapy will have a negative effect on the human brain.

So, again, there is no cure for this disease and it is something that you’ll have to live with.

You see color blindness is not a big deal, in fact, so many people out there don’t even know about this disease until they reach their adulthood.

So, yes this isn’t much big of a deal but if you have a severe color blindness issue then you definitely would want some treatment to at least get your condition improved and luckily, there are two or three things that you can do to improve color blindness.

There are special glasses for color blind people that can help them differentiate between colors and shades like yellow or blue and red or green.

These glasses are also known as EnChroma glasses and a lot of people out there do use these glasses to temporarily treat their color blindness disease.

Also, there are a lot of hospitals out there that claim to improve color blindness by using natural treatments.

Most of these clinics and hospitals are in India but again, the doctors don’t claim to cure your color blindness.

They just help you improve it by different techniques and natural treatments.

Lastly, there is an amazing software called Vision that can help you with your color blindness. You can take your test here

What Is Vision & How It Works?

Vision is so far the best software that is made for the sole purpose of improving the color blindness of the patients.

The best thing about this software is that you can have a free test on it to check if you are color blind or not.

The test is totally free and all you need to do is to download the software on your phone or computer and then take the test to check your vision.

Once you get diagnosed you can then easily buy the software for a reasonable amount of money.

Right now there are thousands of people who are using this software and all of them are doing pretty good with their vision.

So, if you are someone who is sick and tired of not being able to see the colors then you need to install and use this software right at the moment.

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Color Blindness Types Thu, 24 May 2018 22:22:07 +0000 Color blindness is usually misunderstood with the concept of blindness. It is totally wrong. This issue is a way or manner in which the person, who is affected, sees colors in different ways or is unable to differentiate between them. It gets hard for them to differ between the yellows, blues and reds and greens. Color blindness is termed as ... Read More

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Color blindness is usually misunderstood with the concept of blindness. It is totally wrong.

This issue is a way or manner in which the person, who is affected, sees colors in different ways or is unable to differentiate between them.

It gets hard for them to differ between the yellows, blues and reds and greens. Color blindness is termed as a hereditary condition and a person gets affected by it by birth.

It is also found to be more common in men rather than in women. Red and green color blindness is the most common type of color blindness. The blue color deficiency is very rare.

Types of Color Blindness

There are different types of color blindness. Here are the 4 types of color blindness that you need to know about:


This is a state where all the color visions are completely fine and the light cone cells are functioning properly. People who have normal color visions are the Trichromacy type and are termed as trichromats.

Anomalous Trichromacy

People who have a slight fault in their color vision will have a state of Anomalous Trichromacy.

In this type of color blindness, an individual has all three cones present in their retina but one of them is not working properly.

The cones perceive the color finely apart from one cone which has a slight issue in perceiving colors.

This can be due to slight alignment troubles too and it is usually a state that one is born with.

Anomalous Trichromacy obviously has further types, depending on which cone cells might have an issue in perceiving colors.

First, Protanomaly is a condition in which the eye is sensitive to the red light and finds it hard to differ it from the others.

Then we have Deuteranomaly which is sensitive to the green light and it is hard for the eye to distinguish this color from the rest.

This type of Anomalous Trichromacy is the most common one and is the one which usually occurs.

Thirdly, there is Tritanomaly which is extremely rare and you will find it hardly in an individual.

This is sensitivity to blue light and a person is unable to differ, this color from the remaining.

People, who find it hard to differ, the color blue, usually face a lot of difficulty in distinguishing between blue and yellow, violet and red and green and blue.


This is the third type of color blindness and in this situation; people only have two cone cells present in their eye. There is one cone that is completely missing and there is no function of that cone either.

This condition is best explained by the fact that people find it hard to see the color at all. This usually happens with red and green.

People who don’t get to see the red light at all or distinguish it are termed as suffering from protanopia which is a type of Dichromacy.

Likewise, people who have trouble with the green light, suffer from deuteranopia and tritanopia means that a person is unable to see the color blue.

Monochromacy (achromatopsia)

This is the most severe form of color blindness and is a little uncommon too.

In this state of color blindness, the person is unable to see any color. Their life is filled with different shades of black and whites, varying in different forms of grays.

The stats show that this type of color blindness is extremely rare and might occur in only 1 person out of a population of around 33,000.

The symptoms of this type are really hard to deal with and even distinguish.

However, with the advancements in science, a lot of research is being done to bring to light, the issue of Monochromacy and ways of how to deal with it too.

As it has been extremely rare, Monochromacy is a color deficiency that is not talked about a lot.

So, these are the 4 types of vision problems or situations that occur in a human.

We have Monochromacy, with it being the rarest of them all and Trichromacy being the condition in which a person is completely normal and has no trouble in distinguishing colors.

Any type of color blindness might not be too harmful or risking for life until and unless it is very severe or you might be viewing your life in a series of grays.

However, a lot of people are unable to detect the issue if they have red and green color blindness.

It does get tough through a color vision problem as a person feels the odd one out.

If you are desperate to find out why you are unable to decipher between some specific colors, then you can opt for the Vision test.

It is an impeccable online service which is helping people in getting their vision problems tested from the ease and comfort of their home.

Vision offers a simple online test that helps you in detecting the issue. You can take the test at

Within a matter of few minutes you are done with the test and you get your result in hand as well.

This helps you in understanding your problem or condition better and whether you are in need of a treatment or not as well.

Therefore, taking this test can be really helpful and it is as comfortable as sitting at home and testing it, so why not go for it?

Don’t delay your situation if you think you are having an issue with differentiating between colors. It is going to take just a few minutes so don’t waste any more time and visit right away.

After you do the test you can try the Vision software which will improve the colors of your screen and make them more distinguishable.

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Color Blindness Treatment In India Thu, 24 May 2018 16:13:48 +0000 If you are color blind then know that it’s not your fault because this is a genetic problem. When a person suffers through this problem, he or she finds it difficult to identify some basic colors such as blue or yellow and red and green. You might not know this but according to the statistics, there are high chances that ... Read More

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If you are color blind then know that it’s not your fault because this is a genetic problem.

When a person suffers through this problem, he or she finds it difficult to identify some basic colors such as blue or yellow and red and green.

You might not know this but according to the statistics, there are high chances that your neighbor or one of your classmate is color blind.

There are a lot of people in the world who are color blind but they don’t know it yet and they mostly get diagnosed when they reach their adulthood.

However, luckily there is a software called Vision that allows you to take a color blindness test. So, yes if you think you are then you can take the test by clicking on the link.

The one main identification of being color blind is that the different colors appear all washed out to your eyes and sometimes when you see the colors together, you get confused and your brain is not able to identify that which color is which.

The Cause

As said earlier, color blindness is something that gets pass on to you my your parents or grandparents so this isn’t something under your control.

On the other hand in some rare cases color blindness occurs due to some long-standing diseases such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis but again, this is something that rarely happens and most of the times it’s in your genes.

The Solution

Now you might be wondering that what exactly can be done to treat or fix color blindness as it is a genetic disease.

Well, don’t worry and stick to this article a little longer because we are now going to tell you everything that can be done for the treatment of this ocular disease.

First of all, right now there are a lot of clinics and hospitals in India that are trying to improve the vision of the people who are color blind.

No, a hospital in India or in the world claims to cure this disease but doctors and professionals do use different natural treatments for color vision deficiency that help the patients in identifying and distinguishing between colors.

So, yes if you live in India then you can take advantage of this opportunity and get your color vision deficiency treated.

On the other hand if you are not a resident of India then no problem because we have another solution for you and that again is the Vision software.

How Vision Works?

Now, you might be wondering that how exactly can a software treat color blindness.

Well, Vision uses different techniques and tactics to help you in identifying and distinguishing between colors.

This software is one of the best till date and right now millions of people are using it to treat their color blindness.

You can also give this software a try, the best part about it is that you can take a color blindness test here and first check if you are having this issue or not.

Once you know you are color blind you can then easily download this software and buy it for a very reasonable amount of money.

Moreover, with this software you are going to get guaranteed results so yes, we assure you that you won’t be disappointed once you start using this software and you’ll see the results on your own.

So, if you are tired of getting confused between colors or if you are tired by trying hard to identify the basic colors then don’t wait any further and get this software right at the moment.

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Color Blindness Treatment Gene Therapy Thu, 24 May 2018 14:23:45 +0000 Color blindness is a genetic disease that is usually passed down to a person by his mother not because the mother also suffers through the same issue, in fact, it happens because most of the times, the mother is the carrier of this disease. On the other hand, right now there is a bug population that doesn’t even know if ... Read More

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Color blindness is a genetic disease that is usually passed down to a person by his mother not because the mother also suffers through the same issue, in fact, it happens because most of the times, the mother is the carrier of this disease.

On the other hand, right now there is a bug population that doesn’t even know if they are color blind or not.

Research shows that people get diagnosed with this ocular disease when they are in their adulthood because again, most of the people out there aren’t able to identify if they are color blind or not.

Now honestly being color blind is not a big issue but it can be one of your condition is worse.

You might be wondering that if it’s a genetic disease then is there even any cure for it?

Well, don’t worry and stick to this article a little longer because today we are going to explain it all to you that what exactly is color blindness and what’s the gene therapy. 

Color Blindness

This is something that you are born with so don’t ever freak out on it, the reason why a person falls victim to color blindness is because he has faulty gene sequencing in the DNA of his X chromosome.

Now, men have only one chromosome but women on the other hand have two of them, for a women to be color blind she has to inherit color blindness in both of her chromosomes but when it comes men, well it’s just a single chromosome.

This is the main reason why color blindness is much more common in men than women.

Color blindness can also be caused due to other long-standing medical conditions such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis etc.

It can also be a side effect to a drug but these situations are very rare and not all people become color blind after they fall victim to such diseases. 

The Solution

There is no as such solution for treating color blindness but well there is something coming up for it.

Here we are talking about the gene therapy that was experimented on monkeys first.

Now, the researchers are trying to figure out if this therapy will work fine on humans too because they don’t know yet if there will be any psychological effects of this therapy on the human brain.

There are a lot of risks associated with the gene therapy, there can be an issue with the viral vector the therapeutic transgene being injected.

On the other hand, the surgical procedure of subretinal injection itself can be very risky and complicated and you never know if you having an infection in your eyes or permanent irritation.

In short, this process is very risky but if you are looking for an easy way out to treat your color blindness then yes, we do have a solution for you and that is Vision.

What is Vision & How It Works

Vision is basically a software that is made for the sole purpose of improving the color blindness of a person.

It’s the first software that is helping the color blind people with their disease.

On the other hand, if you are someone who yet isn’t sure if you have this disease or not then here at you can easily take the test.

The best part about this software is that you don’t have to buy it for the test and you can take the test for free.

After the test, if you feel like yes you are color blind then you can download this software and use it to treat your vision.

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Ayurvedic Color Blindness Treatment Thu, 24 May 2018 13:33:19 +0000 Color blindness which is basically a color vision issue is related to a person who is unable to differentiate between some certain colors. It does not refer to a person being completely blind or not being able to see any color. A person who is facing color deficiency issues usually faces trouble in differing between red and other colors or ... Read More

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Color blindness which is basically a color vision issue is related to a person who is unable to differentiate between some certain colors.

It does not refer to a person being completely blind or not being able to see any color.

A person who is facing color deficiency issues usually faces trouble in differing between red and other colors or has problem in distinguishing green. There are three types of color blindness:

  • Red Color Blindness
  • Green Color Blindness
  • Blue Color Blindness

Red and green color blindness is usually seen in people but blue color vision problem is the rarest one and hardly exists.

Moreover, the most severe form of color blindness is when a person is unable to see any color and has a life that works in different shades of black and white (grays).

Color blindness is a hereditary medical issue and it is hard to fix. It is more common in males as it is carried on the X chromosome.

Women hardly get color blindness. There is no absolute treatment for color blindness but there are some things that help in reducing it.

However, some people do believe in Ayurveda treatments and they have taken a toll since some time. Here is all that you can know about ayurvedic treatment for color blindness.

Ayurvedic Treatment

There are some simple tips and ways that can reduce the effects of color blindness. It is not completely recoverable but you can always take some ayurvedic ways and tips that can waiver the problem off.

There are many ayurvedic medicines that help in reducing the issues. These medicines do not treat the issue completely but they do make it easier for the patients to distinguish between the colors in a better manner.

It is definitely recommended that one visit a proper doctor first and then opt for any sort of medicine, be it ayurvedic.

The ayurvedic experts recommend a good diet to waiver off the issue. It is recommended that the affected person should include Brussel sprouts, mangoes, berries, carrots, broccoli, spinach and bell peppers in their diet.

The doctors also recommend that people who have color vision issues must keep their caffeine intake limited. Moreover, reducing sugar intake in the daily diet is also very important and it is best to avoid canned foods and refined flour as well.

As color blindness can bring a little stress in life as some activities become completely impossible for the affected person, it is best to go for a medicine that can help you beat the stress too.

This is where the Ayurveda medication becomes the savior as it aids in relieving stress and also makes the color differentiating process easier.

If you have not yet taken a color blindness test then you can do our Vision test.

This color vision test helps you in getting to know whether you are color blind or not. It also aids in making you understand the severity of your problem.

Therefore, it is very important to test your color deficiency and its severity before taking any medication.

The best part about Ayurveda medication is that it does not have any side effects and thus, the majority of people recommend it and prefer it as well.

You can always look for the best Ayurveda doctor in your location or you can find one online too.

Through our Vision test you can test your vision and opt for the best medication after that. Make sure that you do not go ahead with any medication, on your own assumption.

You need to assure that you have a color deficiency and only then, you can go ahead with an ayurvedic medicine too.

You can also try our Vision software which will help you to differentiate the colors of the screen.

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Color Blindness Treatment Thu, 24 May 2018 10:35:05 +0000 Color blindness is a heredity situation and majority of people have it by birth. This is why there is no perfect solution to treating color blindness or finishing it off from the roots. However, there are different treatments that help a person in adapting to the condition so that their survival in the world becomes easier. Some treatments do help ... Read More

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Color blindness is a heredity situation and majority of people have it by birth.

This is why there is no perfect solution to treating color blindness or finishing it off from the roots.

However, there are different treatments that help a person in adapting to the condition so that their survival in the world becomes easier.

Some treatments do help people in getting their color perception better but it is not completely developed finely.

The situation can be made better but it does not get treated completely.

A lot of people tend to use color filters or color lens to solve their problem.

Color blindness, also known as color vision problem or color deficiency is a medical issue that makes it hard for some people to see some certain colors.

They have the inability to differentiate between some certain colors under normal, bright or low lighting.

The types vary s some people might find it hard to distinguish colors in low light while others might find it difficult under normal or bright lighting.

The most common color vision problem is the red-green color blindness. And the rarest one is the blue color blindness.

How to live with Color Blindness?

As there is no “permanent” solution to color blindness, one has to adopt some ways to live with the poor color vision.

  1. Memorizing the color pattern of some things is going to be very important. For example, traffic signals colors need to be memorized as this is a life risking situation.
  2. You can ask your friend or sibling or your parents to sort your clothing’s out for you. You don’t want to mistake red for another color and wear it with your red jeans.
  3. A lot of apps have been developed which can be used through smartphones and tablets and help in poor color vision. Keep them installed so that they can help you out in difficult situations.

Color Blindness Glasses

People who suffer from red-green color blindness can get specific glasses or contact lenses which are specifically designed for people with color vision problem.

These glasses help the person perceives colors better in lightings. The color blindness glasses basically work by working with certain wavelengths of light to aid people to differentiate between red and green.

They don’t completely bring your normal color vision back but they make the hues appear better and enhanced so that the person can distinguish.

However, the color blindness glasses don’t work or everyone who has a red and green color vision issue. Your doctor will certainly prescribe something better.

Treatment for Sever Color Blindness

People who have severe color blindness, better known as Achromatopsia, cannot see any colors.

They live in a world of grays, which is filled with various black and whites. Red colored lens are considered as one of the treatments for these people.

These lenses help them in reducing the sensitivity of light. Furthermore, eyeborg is a device which is helpful for people with severe color blindness.

It helps them in perceiving some colors through sound waves. The advancements are definitely amazing and are bringing some great solutions for people with color blindness. It is nothing less than a blessing.

What does research have to say?

With the passage of time and with so many advancements taking place, researchers are finding new ways of treating color blindness.

Some people are focusing on genetic therapies so that they can solve the genetic abnormalities and bring the proper color vision back.

Likewise, a lot of researchers are focusing on creating a genetic replacement therapy which can air the red and green color blinded people.

Vision is one such amazing research that has come to life and is now able to help a lot of people in detecting their color blindness issue from the ease of their home.

You can easily check your eye vision with this Vision test.

If you wish to understand how it works and what it has to offer, you can simply visit their official webpage and you will get your hands on all the information that you want to.

Vision is a remarkable research that has come to life and is making life super easy for all the people who don’t have a color blindness treatment or test within their premises.

You can use the Vision software to see the colors on the screen better. It will improve your colors a lot.

In the end, color vision problems don’t have a permanent solution. It is not an impossible thing to attain but the researchers are trying their best to help people who have color blindness since the start.

A proper and complete cure from red and green color blindness is still many years away but it is good to hear that we have started the journey towards it.

However, you can always look forward to color blindness glasses and eyeborg etc. to perceive colors in a better way.

Also, memorize the traffic signals and allow the apps to help you through your smartphone.

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Color Blindness Test Thu, 24 May 2018 10:27:35 +0000 Many people are born with color blindness as it is termed as a hereditary issue. However, whether you are born with it or you get it after some time, in your life, testing it is very important. Color blindness test ensures what type of color blindness you have and the treatment is decided on that specific type of color vision ... Read More

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Many people are born with color blindness as it is termed as a hereditary issue. However, whether you are born with it or you get it after some time, in your life, testing it is very important.

Color blindness test ensures what type of color blindness you have and the treatment is decided on that specific type of color vision issue.

A color blindness test is important for an eye doctor to hold to determine whether one has a color vision problem or not.

If you have the slightest bit of a doubt that you might be having some issues for viewing or differentiating between some specific colors, then it is highly recommended that you go visit the doctor right away.

Types of Color Blindness Tests

There are basically two types of color blindness tests:

  • Screening color blindness test
  • Quantitative color blindness test

Screening tests majorly detect that there is some problem with the color vision of the eye.

However, the quantitative test is much more detailed as it also determines the type of color deficiency one has and also indicates the severity of it.

To understand both of them better, we will be taking a detailed look within both of the procedures that are used to diagnose or detect a color vision problem.

Screening Color Blindness Test

Ishihara Color Vision Test is one of the most widely used screening tests. This vision test was processed by Japanese and was named after him too.

This test has a booklet, in which every page has a circle pattern. The circle is filled with dots of different colors which vary in brightness and sizes.

The pattern and dots have been set in such a manner that a person with normal vision will be able to detect a single or double digit number, forming within the dots.

However, if a person has a color vision problem, then her or she will either be unable to see the number or will find it hard to guess it right away.

The booklet has 38 plates but abbreviated version of this book is also accessible which come with just 14 or maybe 15 plates.

The abbreviated forms are usually used now during a color blindness test. When people are being tested, the plates are viewed to them in normal lighting (neither too bright nor too dark).

The screening color test is a little less reliable for extremely young children who might not have learned their digits or colors till yet.

After the innovation of this booklet, a lot of other books, in synchronization to this one, have been created for testing color blindness.

However, the Ishihara one is the best and most reliable one as it is used by the majority.

Quantitative Color Blind Test

To peek into a detailed analysis of how much a person is affected and to ensure the type of color blindness they have, a quantitative test is needed.

Farnsworth-Mansell 100 Hue Test is one of the most popular quantitative tests that are used widely for testing color blinded people.

The quantitative test has four trays which contain small disks and have hues of different colors.

Each tray has its respective color disk for reference at the end of it. The person, who has to be tested, has to arrange the disks in the tray so that it creates a continuum of a hue that is gradually changing.

To achieve very accurate results, it is suggested that this test takes place under daylight.

Not a lot of brightness but not a lot of room light is preferred while this test is being taken.

Moreover, the disks that are used in this test are replaced after every two years so that they do not lose their saturation.

Disks which lose their saturation are unable to provide with a proper and accurate result.

The disks are numbered so that when they are arranged, a proper score can be obtained which tells the severity and type of color blindness a person has.

The idea is simple as that; if the sequence of the cap and the correct sequence matches or is near to accurate, then the color perception of the person is also right.

The more inaccurate the sequence between the two is, the severer the color vision problem is.

The 100 Hue Test is also a great quantitative test to rely upon.

The Vision Test

If you are unable to get your hands on any of the two mentioned tests or your hometown doesn’t have these accessible, you can get your problems figured out through Vision.

Vision is a great online service that has made things very easy for all the people who want to get themselves tested for color blindness.

You can click Vision test link and get started within no time to getting your eyes tested for any issue.

This is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get you tested and detect the severity of color blindness too.

Vision is gathering a lot of attention lately and it is definitely worth it.


These two tests are the most widely used color blindness tests around the world. However, a lot of online tests have also surfaced.

But it is always best to go for a proper doctor and indulge you into practical tests for better and accurate results.

It is very important to get accurate results without any doubt so that the treatment can be done accordingly.

Color blindness can become an issue in daily life tasks so it is always great to address it time and find solutions for it.

You can use Vision software which will automatically make the colors of your screen more distinguishable if you are color blind.

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Color Blindness Symptoms Thu, 24 May 2018 10:11:19 +0000 Color blindness or color vision issues are usually caused due to heredity troubles. This problem is more in men because this trait is passed through the X chromosome. Females don’t really face this medical issue; it is very rare. But what if you are not color blind since birth? Yes, there are cases where people are not color blind since ... Read More

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Color blindness or color vision issues are usually caused due to heredity troubles.

This problem is more in men because this trait is passed through the X chromosome.

Females don’t really face this medical issue; it is very rare. But what if you are not color blind since birth?

Yes, there are cases where people are not color blind since birth and they get it after some time or maybe a long time too as aging is one of the causes of color vision problem.

However, you need to know the symptoms of color blindness so that you can always know whether you are color blind or not. 

Symptoms of Color Blindness

The symptoms of color blindness vary. They can be mild or very severe. A lot of people have extremely minor symptoms that they don’t ever get to know that they have color blindness.

Even if a child has color blindness since birth, parents are not going to know about it, until and unless the child has to learn his colors.

This is probably between the ages 2-4. Here are some symptoms that will help you in detecting that your child might be facing a color vision problem and you can take him or her to the doctor.

  • The child or you (anyone who think they have color blindness) will face problems in viewing colors. They will also find it hard to view the brightness of colors in the same way that normal people do.
  • The person faces problem in seeing a different between colors or shades of the same color. For example, it might be hard to differentiate between orange and red. This trouble usually appears for red, green and blue, where blue color vision problem is rarest of all.
  • Smelling food before eating it is a huge symptom as well.
  • Denying the fact that one is having color issues shows a clue of color blindness.
  • Reading problems when there are colored pages or bright colored sheets can also be a hint.
  • Excellent sense of smell is a clue too.
  • Unbelievably excellent night vision can be a symptom of color blindness during the day time (there are various types to it).
  • Also keep an eye out on your child, as to how they color. For example, they might color the leaves of a tree, of another shade rather than green. Or they might color an apple blue or any other color rather than red.
  • It is hard for the person to recognize colors in low light.

A lot of people get worried whether color blindness will affect the sharpness of their image or not.

However, there is nothing to worry as this does not bring any difference in the sharpness of one’s vision expects in severe color blindness scenarios.

The most severe condition of color blindness is when one is unable to detect any color and views everything in black, white and shades of grey.

This is not complete blindness; however, the affected person is unable to see any color but can view the world. Complete color blindness is associated with different things. It is linked with:

  • Extremely poor vision
  • Light sensitivity
  • Amblyopia
  • Nystagmus

People, who don’t have color blindness since birth, can get it due to different reasons.

They usually don’t pay much attention to it until the problem gets very much evident.

However, a person can get color blindness with the passage of time, due to the following:

  • Diabetes
  • Leukemia
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Chronic Alcoholism
  • Macular degeneration
  • Glaucoma
  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Parkinson’s Disease

Intake of alcohol at a high rate can also affect the color vision of a person. There are some certain drugs which affect the color detection of humans too.

This is why when you are high on drugs or alcohol; it gets hard for you to view things properly.

Some medicines also boost chances of color blindness. Plaquenil is a drug which is used by arthritis patients and it is known to boost chances of color blindness in people.

What you can do?

If you think that you, your child or anyone you know might be on the verge of having color vision problems, you can visit for getting a quick test and solution.

The Vision is an incredible online service which allows you to test your color blindness through it within a matter of minutes.

Click on this Vision test and get started with the simplest color vision test ever and get your results within no time.

This is one of the quickest ways to get your color blindness tested by sitting at home, within your comfort zone. Who wouldn’t want that now?

Vision has certainly created a lot of ease for everyone out there. Thus, don’t delay the situation anymore and visit Vision to get your vision tested.

You can also use the Vision software to automatically improve the colors on your screen and make them more distinguishable.

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Color Blindness Glasses Thu, 24 May 2018 10:05:19 +0000 Color vision problem, which is better termed as color blindness has a lot of impact on daily life routine of the affected person. There are different solutions and tips that help one in living a simpler and better life with color blindness. A lot of people think that color blindness does not affect majorly or in huge daily routine tasks. ... Read More

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Color vision problem, which is better termed as color blindness has a lot of impact on daily life routine of the affected person.

There are different solutions and tips that help one in living a simpler and better life with color blindness.

A lot of people think that color blindness does not affect majorly or in huge daily routine tasks.

However, that is not the deal. It can become a hindrance in some activities and keep you away from some very special moments too.

Sadly, there is no permanent treatment or solution to color blindness till yet. There are different ways through which color vision can be made better and can help people in the perception of colors but it doesn’t solve the issue completely.

One of these methods or treatments is the special color blindness glasses which bring the comfort of seeing all the colors properly, for the affected person. What else can be better than this now?

Color Corrective Glasses for Color Blindness

Color corrective glasses are nothing less than a blessing for color blindness.

These glasses have been created with custom filters to alter the wavelength, according to each color that reaches your eyes.

These glasses have been designed for different types of color blinded people.

Some might be red and green color blinded and very rarely, a person is affected by blue color blindness too.

The color-corrective glasses also come in the form of color corrective lenses.

You can get the glasses or lenses; whichever suits you best.

Is there a process for getting the glasses? Yes, there is and it is completely pain-free.

There is a proper color correction system which looks into your type of color blindness and designs your custom filter accordingly.

The custom filters are then inserted into your glasses and the pair of specs that you receive is completely appropriate for the type of color blindness that you have.

This meets all your requirements perfectly. The systematic approach has made it easier to get your specific custom filters made.

However, before the color correction system and your filter design, you have to go through an exam.

This is a color blindness treatment process and an evaluation exam basically. This takes around five or at maximum 7 hours.

It takes you just one visit and you have prescribed the color corrective glasses with the custom filter that will work best for you. However, you will obviously need to get a day off from work.

Perks of Color Blindness Glasses

As color blindness does not have a permanent solution, this is no less than a blessing for all the affected people.

Through the color corrective glasses, the affected person is able to cherish all the colors of life and finds it easier to distinguish between colors too.

These color corrective glasses have amazing perks which are making them a popular choice for the color vision troubled children and adults.

Here are some of the benefits that come with these incredible pairs of glasses:

  1. It allows people to pass the color blindness test
  2. It is amazing in reducing any challenges that a child might face in his or her academic life
  3. These glasses help in letting children enjoy outdoor activities and different sports. It allows them to play really well, without finding it hard to detect the colors.
  4. The color-corrective glasses also allow the affected people in enjoying different media and entertainment sources perfectly.

So this is what color blindness, color corrective glasses are all about.

They are not suitable for people who have severe color vision glasses but it really depends on the diagnosis too.

It is very important to get your kid or yourself tested before you opt for these glasses.

If you visit a doctor, they will let you know whether you need these glasses or any other means of treatment will work better for you.

The Vision is also an amazing online service which allows you to get your color vision problem detected.

You can easily see whether you have a color vision issue or not through our simple and quick Vision test.

If you wish to know more about Vision you can also visit our official website and see our color improvement software Vision.

Vision is software which will help you distinguish colors better.

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Color Blindness Genetics Wed, 23 May 2018 14:26:28 +0000 Ocular diseases are pretty common now, we all know someone who wears contact lenses or glass for his eyesight. Well, the issue of near and farsightedness can be due to several reasons, it can be due to the genetics but most of the times it’s because of the excessive exposure of blue light to the eye, like using too much ... Read More

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Ocular diseases are pretty common now, we all know someone who wears contact lenses or glass for his eyesight.

Well, the issue of near and farsightedness can be due to several reasons, it can be due to the genetics but most of the times it’s because of the excessive exposure of blue light to the eye, like using too much cell phones and laptops can affect the cornea and the iris of the eye.

However, today we are here with another ocular disease that isn’t much common but still, it exists.

Here we are talking about the color blindness, you see this is a disease that can be pretty irritating at times and the worst thing is that this problem basically a genetic condition.

Red, blue and green color blindness is usually passed down to people due to their parents or grandparents.

The basic gene responsible for this disease is carried on the X chromosome and due to this, men are affected by this disease more than the women.

The statistics may shock you but there are total 250 million color blind people in the world at the moment and again most of them are men.

 What Causes Color Blindness?

Again there are two types of color blind people, one are those who suffer through this disease due to their genetics and the second type of people are those who get color blind with time due to suffering through the long-standing diseases such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis.

A majority of the colorblind people inherit this problem from their mothers who basically are the carriers of this disease.

For example, if you are color blind then there are high chances that you got this from your mother but this doesn’t mean that your mother is also color blind, in fact, she might be just a carrier of this problem.

What’s The Solution


Now, many of you might be thinking that if color blindness is most probably a genetic disease then what exactly is the cure?

Well, don’t worry and stick to this article a little longer because we are about to tell you a solution to your problem.

Ok so, we’ll be pretty honest with you on this that there is no as such cure for color blindness at the moment because the thing is that its genetic problem and there is no way one can mess up with the DNA or the genes of a person just to treat color blindness.

However, there is a software that can help you improve this disease, here by that software we are talking about Vision.

How Vision Works?

Vision is a proper and the very first software that is built for the sole purpose of treating color blindness.

The software helps color blind people in identifying the type of color blindness they have and to distinguish colors better.

There are several types when it comes to color blindness such as Tritanopia, Protanopia, and  Deuteranopia and if you are someone who is trying to figure out if he or she is color blind you can take the Vision test.

Here you can even take a free test and check if you are color blind or not and the best thing is that you don’t have to buy it before the test.

If you are genuinely seeking a way to improve your color blindness or get it checked then honestly you have to use the Vision software.

Here you’ll surely get all the answers to your problem.

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Color Blindness Definition Wed, 23 May 2018 14:04:55 +0000 Color blindness is not something that includes some sort of blindness, in fact, it is more of a vision color deficiency where a person is unable to identify, differentiate and distinguish between certain colors and their shades. Most of the people suffer through color blindness where they are unable to differentiate between yellow or blue and red or green. Now, ... Read More

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Color blindness is not something that includes some sort of blindness, in fact, it is more of a vision color deficiency where a person is unable to identify, differentiate and distinguish between certain colors and their shades.

Most of the people suffer through color blindness where they are unable to differentiate between yellow or blue and red or green.

Now, the thing is that color blindness is a genetic disease that can be passed down to anyone from his or her mother.

It is not necessary for the mother to be color blind herself, it’s just that a mother can be a carrier of this disease.

Men usually get more affected by color blindness than women and there is a proper justification to that.

You see what actually happens is that when it comes to men, we all know that they have a single X chromosome and when we talk about women, they’ve got two of the X chromosomes.

This is the reason why it’s easier for men to be color blind as the disease just needs to be only on a single chromosome but for a woman to be color blind, she needs to acquire this disease on both her X chromosomes. 

Can Color Blindness Be Acquired?

Yes, in some rare cases, a person can go color blind if he or she is suffering from a long distance disease such as multiple sclerosis or diabetes etc.

These diseases can actually turn a person color blind and also affect the vision of the patient.

The other case in which a person can go color blind is if he or she falls victim to an accident or a trauma.

These things usually affect the overall health of the body and your vision is one of them.

The Symptoms & Signs Of Color Blindness

It’s pretty simple to know if you have the vision color deficiency problem.

Has it ever occurred to you that you confused some colors or that sometimes the colors seem all washed out to you?

Well, if yes then there are high chances that you are color blind. Again, most of the colorblind people find it hard to identify the colors such as blue or yellow and red or green so if you have the same problem then yes you are color blind.

You can also take a test here Vision test for diagnosis.

The Solution

In 2009 gene therapy was used to cure color blindness in monkeys and well, it was a success but scientists and doctors are still not sure if this therapy will work fine for the humans because it is said that there are chances of the human brain to get affected by the gene therapy.

So, no there is not as such cure for this disease but yes, there are a few alternatives that can help you improve your condition.

For example, you can wear the Enchroma glasses that can help you with the identification of colors.

Also, you can use the Vision software to treat your color blindness.

The Vision Software

Vision is so far the best software and the first one that has been made for the sole purpose of improving color blindness among people.

The best thing about this software is that it allows you to take a test first which is free of any cost and once you know that yes you are color blind, you can then easily buy the software for a reasonable amount of money.

Right now thousands of people are using this software and the results are pretty good.

So, yes if you want a way out to this disease then you can give Vision a try.

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Color Blindness Causes Tue, 22 May 2018 22:58:43 +0000 Majority of the people who have color blindness can see all colors but find it hard to differ amongst some. If you are color blind, you might have asked yourself several times as to why it happened with you or what caused it. This is a normal query and obviously, there is always an answer to such illnesses. You need ... Read More

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Majority of the people who have color blindness can see all colors but find it hard to differ amongst some.

If you are color blind, you might have asked yourself several times as to why it happened with you or what caused it.

This is a normal query and obviously, there is always an answer to such illnesses. You need yours too.

This color vision problem comes in different types. It makes it hard for the affected person to differentiate between red, green and blue.

However, blue color blindness is the rarest of them all. Majority of people who get this issue are males and it is caused due to heredity troubles as one of the parent might have it.

What causes Color Blindness?

Yes, you heard it right above; color blindness is usually a heredity problem.

It is not important that one of our parents need to be color blind, in order to you being affected by it.

Sometimes the genes cause a photopigment fault in the retina.

These pigments are basically molecules that are responsible for detecting the colors.

However, not every individual is color blind by birth or due to heredity issues.

There are other causes to it too. Here are some of the causes of color blindness, other than genetic problems.

  1. Color blindness can be caused due to an injury that might have bought physical damage to your eye. Chemicals that damage your eye can also cause color blindness if you have exposure to them.
  2. If your optic nerve has been damaged, color blindness can be caused due to it too.
  3. Many people get color blindness due to a damage to their brain. Sometimes an injury results into color blindness as the part of the brain, which detects colors, might have been damaged.
  4. It is can be an age factor too. Old people start finding it difficult to differentiate between colors with the passage of time.
  5. If the eye lens gets clouded you can get color blindness then too. In medical terms, the clouding of the lens is better known as Cataract.
  6. Prolonged or severe diabetic patients can also face color vision problems.
  7. Macular degeneration is also one of the many causes of color blindness.

There are different types of color blindness.

Not every person who has color vision issue finds it hard to distinguish between red, green and blue.

Some people find it hard to differentiate between red and other colors while some might have an issue with the color green.

The blue color blindness is very uncommon and hard to find in a person.

However, some people (usually old) also have complete color blindness, where they are unable to see the different colors.

Their life stays in the range of greys, blacks, and whites.

Does Color Blindness cause other Health Issues?

People who are color blind from the scratch don’t get to face any Health issues due to this problem specifically.

They lead a very normal life, apart from the difficulty that they have to face while differentiating between some colors.

This condition can keep you away from some specific jobs.

For example, a pilot cannot be color blind.

Other than that, color blindness does not bring in any other health problems with it.

If you feel that you are having a hard time in distinguishing between different colors, then you need to see a doctor right away. Don’t prolong the condition.

It is always better to be aware of what is going on with you rather than lingering the situation on.

A doctor will tell you whether it is a color vision problem or something else.

If you are unable to reach out to a doctor, you can go visit Vision right now. Vision is software which improves the colors on your screen so you can distinguish them better.

This is an amazing predict online which allows you to test your color vision and detect whether you have an issue or not.

Via the Vision test, you can easily get your color blindness detected and set yourself free from all worries.

If you are detected with a minor one, you can see what the Vision has to offer to you.

Stay healthy and stay happy 🙂

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Color Blindness Tue, 22 May 2018 11:42:59 +0000 Color blindness is a genetic issue and people are usually born with it. It is a normally hereditary issue and is passed down from parents. Green, blue and red color blindness is passed down to children from parents. The gene which is responsible for this color blindness is carried by the X chromosome. As X chromosome is much prominent and ... Read More

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Color blindness is a genetic issue and people are usually born with it.

It is a normally hereditary issue and is passed down from parents.

Green, blue and red color blindness is passed down to children from parents.

The gene which is responsible for this color blindness is carried by the X chromosome.

As X chromosome is much prominent and plays a huge role in the male gender, this is why this color blindness (red, green and blue one) is usually found in men more than in women.

8% of the male population has been reported to have color blindness and in the United Kingdom, the stats show that 4.5% of men are affected by it.

The studies show that around 200 or 250 million people are color blind across the globe.

The studies further show that the populations who have color blindness have usually gotten it from their mother who is the carrier.

However, it is not important that the mother is also color blind.

In the majority of the cases, the mother did not have any color blindness.

This disease may happen with the passage of time too.

Many people get it due to prolonged diabetes, liver issues or multiple sclerosis.

What is Color Blindness?

Color blindness is a situation in which one is unable to see colors in a proper way.

Many people term this condition as color deficiency too.

It is usually a condition in which a person is unable to differentiate between some colors.

The colors that get hard to identify by people who have color blindness are usually red, green and blue.

However, blues are very rare and red and green are the most common colors that are hard to distinguish in color blindness.

The retina contains two cells which are responsible for detecting light.

They are termed as rods and cones respectively.

Rods are responsible for detecting the light and the dark only.

These cells are sensitive to the low lights. On the other hand, cones are responsible for detecting the colors.

These are found near the center of one’s vision.

The brain signals through the help of cone cells to detect different types of colors and determine a perception about them.

Thus, you can say that cones help us recognize the different colors.

Color blindness usually happens when one or more than one of the color cones are no present in the retina or they are not functioning.

The color blindness is termed severe when all the three (red, blue and green) color cones are not present or are not working.

The color blindness is believed to be mild when all the three color cones are present but one of them is out of order.

The single cone then detects a different color than the normal one.

Thus, there are various degrees of color deficiencies.

For example, some people have mild color blindness but they can see all the colors normally in light but start having an issue with low lights or dark.

Likewise, there can be people who have mild color blindness and cannot view colors properly in full light but can easily do so in low lights.

The most serve form of color blindness is when a person only sees everything in the gray color.

This is very uncommon and rare but it does exist.

Color blindness is a disease that comes with a person by birth.

However, it does appear later on too due to health conditions.

If you start feeling a change in your manner of viewing colors and see them differently, then you need to visit a doctor or you can also check your issue online.

The Vision test is a widely trending online service that is allowing people to test themselves for color blindness with ease and comfort.

You can simply take this test and check whether you have color blindness or not or what is its severity.

Vision helps you take a step ahead in the world of technology and get your vision tested within a few minutes.

The software will daltonize your screen after you set it up and allow you to see more colors while you use your PC.

It is research coming to life and it has been able to do good to a lot of people till now.

So don’t delay your condition if you are doubtful.

Through this simple test, you can get yourself cleared of the issue.

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Why you should take the complete Color blind test? Mon, 14 May 2018 22:08:14 +0000 The alluring familiarity of color begins when the light hits a canvas of tightly filled nerve cells in the back of the eye. These cones and rods as they are usually called, fire a storm of nerve impulses in retort to the light, which then goes down the optic nerve to the illustration centers of the brain. The rods are ... Read More

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The alluring familiarity of color begins when the light hits a canvas of tightly filled nerve cells in the back of the eye.

These cones and rods as they are usually called, fire a storm of nerve impulses in retort to the light, which then goes down the optic nerve to the illustration centers of the brain.

The rods are basically the black and white receptors; these receptors photograph the ever-changing patterns of illumination and darkness that are before our eyes.

Cones are basically responsible for the wonder of color vision.


The cones basically come in varieties i.e. green, blue and red.

The red light inspires the red cones and concurrently inhibits the surrounding green cones.

The green light does the exact opposite. Similarly, the blue light stimulates the blue cones and restrains both red and green cones.

There are different types of colorblindness, but by far the most common is red-green colorblindness.

The red-green color sightlessness affects as several as 1 out of 30 people.

All these people either do not have green cones or red cones. The green cones are known as deuteranopia and red cones are called protanopia.

Who suffer from colorblindness?

Colorblindness is basically an inherited problem. The red-green color blindness is a recessive state passed on the X chromosome.

In this case, only one strong shade vision gene is required to provide color vision.

As boys have only one X chromosome, so it is a lot easier and simple for them to be color blind.

But in case if their mothers are carriers then the sons have a 50 percent chance of having the stipulation.

Usually, the red-green color blindness occurs in about 8 to 10 percent of American males.

Complete color blind test

The complete color blink test is important to perform if you have a feeling that something is wrong.

These are different tests which are conducted in order to diagnose the problem completely.

The Ishihara color sightlessness assessment is nearly the most frequently used analysis to test color vision deficits.

There are dissimilar sets available which are repeatedly used for a police officer, pilot and other job recruitments where great color vision is a requirement.

Because of this decree, most of the colorblind people are looking for an appropriate way to be able to pass such tests.

But unfortunately, there is not any complete way to overcome this difficulty. In order to deal with this problem, a person could buy some color correcting acquaintances.

But it is often prohibited to use them for tests.

An anomaloscope is basically an instrument which is used to measure the quantitative and qualitative anomalies in color acuity.

One can take a color blindness test with the help of an undemanding and simple anomaloscope.

In most of the cases, the color apparition deficient people have a propensity to an improved night vision and in some situations.

They can distinguish variations in luminosity that is difficult for color sighted to do.

Use the Vision test. It will take only seconds and you will find out whether you are colorblind or not.

In case you are sick and tired of not being able to see all the color, do not worry because Vision will help you see all the colors.

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Why red green Colorblind individuals are more common? Mon, 14 May 2018 22:01:00 +0000 Normally the color blindness is a genetic condition. The green, blue and red color blindness is usually passed down from the parents. The gene which is in charge for the state is carried on the X chromosome and this is the grounds why many more men are affected from this problem as compare to women. There are many reasons of ... Read More

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Normally the color blindness is a genetic condition.

The green, blue and red color blindness is usually passed down from the parents.

The gene which is in charge for the state is carried on the X chromosome and this is the grounds why many more men are affected from this problem as compare to women.

There are many reasons of this problem.

There are some interesting facts from which the people are not completely familiar, these are as follows:

  1. The color blindness is not gender blind, in fact it is much more frequent among men. The problem affects 1 in every 12 males in this country.
  2. In correct color blindness facts, the people are color blind only if they see just gray and black shades. This is however very rare in reality. The more common condition state of color deficiency is color vision deficiency. In this state, the greens and reds can look confusing.
  3. Mostly this problem is hereditary. It is usually passed from mother to son on the 23rd chromosome. Though, it can also be caused by different eye diseases, retina damage or aging.
  4. The cats, rabbits, and dogs see things mostly in gray color. On the other hand, the monkeys have strong color vision whereas butterflies and bees have greater vision and can see colors clearly which human beings can’t even see.

Normally the effects of color vision deficiency can be soft, moderate or ruthless depending upon the deficiency.

If someone is suffering from inherited color blindness then their condition will stay the same all through their life, it won’t get any healthier or worse.

Why red-green colorblind

Generally, there are three types of cone cells and each kind has a different sensitivity and compassion to beam wavelengths.

One kind of cone perceives blue light, while another perceives green and the third one perceives red shade.

When someone looks at an object, the light enters into their eye and arouses the cone cells.

The brain in this state interprets the signals from the cones cells so that one can easily see the color of the item.

The green, blue and red cones all work together allowing people to see the whole variety of shades.

For example, in a case when the blue and red cones are simulated in a certain manner then one will see the purple color.

We can understand that you are tired being a colorblind and you want to see the colors just like the normal individuals.

That is why we have for you the Vision. Use the software to see colors just like any normal individual.

The accurate physical causes of color blindness are still being investigated but it is assumed that color blindness is by and large caused by flawed cones or sometimes by a mistake in the pathway from the cone to the brain.

The people with usual color vision have all the three types of cone or pathways working properly but color blindness takes place when one or more than one cone types are out of order.

For example, in case if the red cone is damaged then you won’t be able to see the colors containing red shades noticeably.

Most of the people with color blindness can’t differentiate the definite shades of green and red color.

Try Vision colorblind test. You can find out whether you are colorblind or not.


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Where to find the Best color vision Test? Mon, 14 May 2018 21:58:19 +0000 Most of the people are looking for an opportunity to test their color vision on the network. Unluckily there aren’t many color blindness tests offered online. But still, there are some online websites which conduct the color vision test online. However, if you want to get the exact and accurate condition then it’s a good approach to visit some specialized ... Read More

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Most of the people are looking for an opportunity to test their color vision on the network.

Unluckily there aren’t many color blindness tests offered online.

But still, there are some online websites which conduct the color vision test online.

However, if you want to get the exact and accurate condition then it’s a good approach to visit some specialized doctor.

The complete color blink test is important to perform if you have a feeling that something is wrong.

These are different tests which are conducted in order to diagnose the problem completely. The few of them are as follows:

  • Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test
  • Ishihara 38 Plates Test
  • RGB Anomaloscope
  • Color Arrangement Test

Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test

This test is one of the most famous color vision tests. It is based on 88 colored plates.

Usually, the test will show to the person four batches of 22 mixed colored plates.

All a person needs to do is to place the four rows of plates in the right order. That’s all.

Ishihara 38 Plates Test

The Ishihara 38 plates test which is commonly known as Ishihara plates were introduced by Dr. Shinobu Ishihara from Japan a very long time ago.

Ever since then this test is mainly the most famous all around the world.

The Ishihara plate test consists of 38 different pseudoisochromatic plates.

Each plate hides a line or number behind different colorful dots. It is one of the most easiest and simplest way if checking that whether you are suffering from some kind of red-green color blindness or not.

RGB Anomaloscope

The RGB Anomaloscope is a simple test used to diagnose red-green color deficiency.

The RGB Anomaloscope test is basically based upon the idea of the real anomaloscope.

The real anomaloscope is made from two different light sources which have to be brought to a counterpart.

In this test, the person simply needs to match the left color to the right one by using the slider below the container.

If a person is able to match several of them then it means that they are definitely red-green colorblind.

Color Arrangement Test

The color arrangement test is the most common type of test conducted to find out the deficiency of colorblindness.

In this test, the person simply needs to arrange all the given colors in the correct order of colors.

In case if a person is suffering from some kind of color blindness, then he/she will arrange the colors quite differently as compared to a person with standard color vision.

With the use of color arrangement test, one can not only able to check the type of your color vision deficiency but also its brutality.

Sadly the test results are not totally reliable, which is sometimes a base setback for all kinds of online color vision tests.

However the result will be a high and a good quality indicator of one’s accurate color vision aptitude, especially if they take it under unusual circumstances.

If you have been diagnosed with colorblindness you can use Vision to see all the colors perfectly.

Make sure that you test yourself whether you are colorblind or not with the Vision color blindness test.

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What is the Best age to get Color blind test? Mon, 14 May 2018 11:55:32 +0000 Color blindness is also known as color vision deficiency. Due to color blindness, the person is unable to identify colors. Usually, a person cannot distinguish between red and green color. It is difficult to find the early symptoms of color blindness in a child. Children have a low span of attention when they throw colors on the paper. Only one ... Read More

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Color blindness is also known as color vision deficiency. Due to color blindness, the person is unable to identify colors.

Usually, a person cannot distinguish between red and green color.

It is difficult to find the early symptoms of color blindness in a child.

Children have a low span of attention when they throw colors on the paper.

Only one child is affected by color blindness in about 25 children.

Due to color blindness, a child has an excellent night vision.

Children have issues while reading through colored pages such as through green or red pages because it reflects through their eyes and they complain about their eyes.

Causes of Colorblindness

Color blindness is usually caused by the genetic disorder.

The “cones” are responsible for the color vision which are located at the back of the eye.

Due to lack of cones cells, a child is a birth with color blindness. According to Optometric Physicians of Washington around 8%, boys are affected by the color blindness which is less than girls.

It means that the ratio of color blindness of boys is more than the girls. It is difficult to identify colors when light intensity is low.

When a child is 4 years months old the cones are starting developing which is a natural process in a normal child.

While in a colorblind child cones are missing due to which a child cannot distinguish the colors usually they see purple or brown instead of red and green color.

Symptoms of Colorblindness

It is not inevitably mean that a colorblind cannot see the colors.

Colorblind may not distinguish the colors and they may confuse while picking different colors.

A colorblind is not able to distinguish colors till they reach 4 years of age.

Some colorblind are unable to see colors due to the disease called achromatopsia. Only one child out of 40 thousand babies is affected by “achromatopsia”.

Test Age for Colorblindness

About 4 years old children are able to a test of their color vision.

The physician usually asks to categorize between red and green color lines or words or figures.

If the child is able to categorize the colored figure or lines then the child clear the color vision test and if not then the child is colorblind.

Many other tests are taken from colorblind mostly colored dots figures are given to the child to identify the colors for the clear results if he/she could not be able to identify colored shapes given in the figure.

These figures are usually in red and green colors. We know that getting the test is expensive.

Do not worry because with Vision test Will help you find out whether you are colorblind or not without paying a single penny.


It does not mean that a color blind cannot see the colors or it restricts the function ability of the color vision.

It is just the fact which is caused by genetic mutation transmits through the heredity.

Experts have suggested that when the child reaches the age of 4 then it must that to check color vision test.

Teaching them the color clarification and also help those to identify the position of traffic lights who are unable to distinguish between red and green color.

Vision is the perfect solution for your colorblindness. Get the software and you will be able to see the colors normally without any blurriness.

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What is Colblindor? Mon, 14 May 2018 11:49:10 +0000 Color blindness usually occurs when a person is not capable to see colors in a standard mode. The color blindness is also known as a color deficiency. This problem often happens when someone cannot differentiate between certain colors. The problem generally happens between greens and different shades of reds, and occasionally in blue shades. Basically, there are two cells present ... Read More

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Color blindness usually occurs when a person is not capable to see colors in a standard mode.

The color blindness is also known as a color deficiency.

This problem often happens when someone cannot differentiate between certain colors.

The problem generally happens between greens and different shades of reds, and occasionally in blue shades.

Basically, there are two cells present in our retina.

Both of the cells are used to detect light. These called are called cones and rods. The rods detect only dark and light and are very responsive to low light planes. The cone cells are used to detect color.

These cells are concentrated in the center of your vision. Generally, there are three types of cones that see color i.e. green, blue and red.

The brain uses input from these cone cells in order to establish our color perception.

How can color blindness occur?

The color sightlessness can usually occur when one or more than one color cone cells are not present, detect a different color than standard or are not working properly.

The brutal color blindness occurs in cases when all the three cone cells are missing.

The mild color sightlessness occurs when all three cone cells are at hand but one of the cone cells is not working in a proper way.

Symptoms of Color Blindness

The signs of color blindness are frequently observed by parents when children are young. In some cases, the symptoms are so slight that they may not even be noticed.

The common symptoms of color blindness incorporate:

  • Complexity in distinguishing different color shades.
  • An inability to see tones and shades of the same color.

Degrees of color blindness

There are different scales of color sightlessness. The people with mild shade insufficiency can perceive colors generally in good light but have complicatedness in weak light.

Others cannot discriminate certain colors in any light. The color sightlessness generally affects both eyes in the same way and remains constant all through their life.

If you want to know more about degrees of colorblindness, conduct the Vision test available at

Treatment for Color Blindness

There is no proper and complete treatment for color blindness.

Special kind of glasses and contact lenses are available in the market with the involvement of different filters to help color deficiencies, if required.

Vision software may help in distinguishing the colors.

Color Blindness is not “Color Blindness”

Most of the people join the term color blindness to sightlessness and color, which tells them, that if you are colorblind or colorblind then you can see only black and white or possibly grayscale pictures.

If we have a look at the terms then there are three different well-known stipulations which are used to explain this disability:

Color Vision Deficiency

It is the most precise term. It explains the definite handicap to the point but it is not well identified in common talking.

Vision will help you deal with the colorblindness deficiency you are suffering from. Download the software and clearly see your screen.


This name is derived from the 18th-century researcher named as John Dalton.

The researcher was colorblind. He performs some investigations and explains the phenomenon in a scientific paper for the first time.

The naming is also related to almost all types of color vision deficiency.

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What do Colorblind people see? Mon, 14 May 2018 11:34:22 +0000 The color blindness affects approximately 1 in 15 men and 1 in 200 women in the world. There are different reasons for color blindness. And mostly this problem occur genetically and has been inherited from the mother, even though some people become color blind due to different other diseases such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, due to the use of different medicines etc. Most ... Read More

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The color blindness affects approximately 1 in 15 men and 1 in 200 women in the world.

There are different reasons for color blindness. And mostly this problem occur genetically and has been inherited from the mother, even though some people become color blind due to different other diseases such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, due to the use of different medicines etc.

Most of the colorblind people are able to observe things as plainly as other people see but they are not capable to fully ‘see green, blue or red light.

Basically, there are different forms of color blindness and there are tremendously rare cases where people are incapable to see any color at all.

The most frequent type of color blindness is known as red/green color blindness.

Normally this type of color blindness occurs in people. Tough red or green color blindness does not mean that the sufferers mix up red and green colors, in fact, it means that they mix up all colors which have some red or green as part of the whole color.


Deuteranopia is the mildest type of color blindness. This type of color blindness takes out the majority shades of red and pink and turns them into the green.

The greens are also darker and duller, rotary to brownish green camouflage or light gray colors.


Protanopia is a more severe form of color blindness. Instead of turning red color to green color, it closes up some shades of red colorfully, thenappearsr gray or black.

The darker shades of red color are gray-black. Normally it is hard for people who are suffering from color blindness to distinguish different graphs and charts.

In this case, it’s better to use contrasting patterns and text.

You need to be smart when picking out your shade combinations.

As color blindness affects natives in many ways, it’s hard to find out that which colors are safe to use for your website and which are not.

Here are some of the few color mixtures to stay away from because they’re a probable nightmare to color blind users. It includes green and red, blue and purple, light green and yellow, black and green, gray and blue, green and blue etc.

Yellow-blue colorblindness

While color blindness is generally genetic, but it can also be acquire through brain damage or retinal disease.

In the latter illustration, the eye still encodes color information properly and passes it accurately to the brain, but the brain can no longer understand that information.

Try the Vision test available at

You can quickly find out with the test that whether you are colorblind or not.

Vision software is the perfect solution for your colorblindness.

It will allow you to see the world just like a normal person. You will be able to manage all your tasks easily and perfectly.

Usually, the most infrequent type of color blindness is yellow blue color blindness.

The yellow-blue colorblindness is not sex selective at all. It is the outcome of imperfect S-cones, which could be shapeless due to genetics, but can also be spoiled through other activities.

The alcoholics have a privileged rate of this type of color blindness.

The yellow-blue type of color blindness is known as Tritanopia.

The head injuries and open contact to some kinds of industrial chemicals can also take out blue-yellow color visualization.

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What are the different types of Color blindness? Mon, 14 May 2018 11:26:24 +0000 The people suffering from color blindness have difficulty in seeing different colors or perceiving clear differences between two colors below the normal light. The color blindness is of different types and most of them are inherited and present at birth. Symptoms of color blindness The symptoms of color blindness can differ from person to person. In some cases, the people ... Read More

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The people suffering from color blindness have difficulty in seeing different colors or perceiving clear differences between two colors below the normal light.

The color blindness is of different types and most of them are inherited and present at birth.

Symptoms of color blindness

The symptoms of color blindness can differ from person to person.

In some cases, the people have more brutal forms of color blindness as compare to others.

But usually, it is seen that the people suffering from color blindness are not able to tell the difference between different shades of blue and green colors and in different shades of green and red colors.

There are different types of inherited color blindness. Few of them are as follows:

Anomalous Trichromacy

The normal color vision exploits all the three types of light cones properly and is known as trichromacy, and the people with normal color vision are called trichromats.

The people with defective trichromatic vision will be color blind to some level and are called anomalous trichromats.

In this state, all of their three cone types are used to distinguish light colors but one type of cone perceives light vaguely out of position so that there are three different types of outcome produced depending upon which cone type is out of order.


The people with dichromatic color vision contains two types of cones through which they are able to perceive color i.e. they have a total deficiency of function of one cone type.

The lack of aptitude to see color is the easiest and a simple way to elucidate this state but in real fact, it is a definite segment of the light band which can’t be perceived.

For ease, we entitle these areas of the light spectrum green, blue and red.

The people suffering from protanopia are not able to identify any red light, those with deuteranopia are incapable to perceive green light and those with tritanopia are not capable to perceive blue light.

The people with both green and red deficiencies live in a world of dark greens where yellows and blues stand out. 


Protanopia is also another type of color blindness. The people who suffer from protanopia are known as protanopes.

The protanopes are more like to confuse black colors with different shades of red, different shades of blues with different shades of red, different shades of purple color with different shades of dark pink, the mid-green shade with different shades of orange color, dark brown shade with dark green color and different shades of dark orange with dark red.


Tritanopes is another common type of color blindness. The most common color confusions for tritanopes are light blues shades with grey color shades, dark purple color with different shades of black color, mid-greens with different shades of blue colors and orange color with reds.


The people with monochromatic vision can see no color at all. In this problem the person sees color consists of special shades of grey in a series of black to white color, rather like seeing the world on an old white and black television set.

Use Vision color blindness test, it will help you test whether you are colorblind.

Vision is a special software designed for the colorblind individuals that will allow them to see the screen properly.

You will not have to get confused when red or green colors appear on the screen.

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Tips to optimize Shades blinds for Color blinds? Mon, 14 May 2018 11:17:57 +0000 Most of us normally share a common color vision sensory understanding. Most of the people, however, suffer from color vision deficiency. It means their awareness of colors is different from what most of us perceive. The most ruthless forms of these deficiencies are referred to as color blindness. The people with color blindness are not conscious of dissimilarities between colors ... Read More

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Most of us normally share a common color vision sensory understanding.

Most of the people, however, suffer from color vision deficiency. It means their awareness of colors is different from what most of us perceive.

The most ruthless forms of these deficiencies are referred to as color blindness.

The people with color blindness are not conscious of dissimilarities between colors that are clear to the rest of us.

Usually, the color blindness is an inherited problem. The inherited color blindness occurred due to irregular photopigments.

These photopigments or color spotting molecules are placed in cone wrought cells inside the retina, commonly known as cone cells.

In human beings, numerous genes are required for the body to formulate photopigments, and any deficiency in these genes can direct to color blindness.

Generally, there are three most important kinds of color blindness. All these kinds of color blindness based upon photo pigment defects in the three unusual types of cones that counter to red, green and blue light.

The red-green color sightlessness is the most general form of blindness. It is tracked by blue-yellow paint blindness.

The three kinds of color blindness are absolute lack of color vision, whole color blindness, and rare color blindness.

In some cases, the color blindness is occurred due to some chemical or physical damage to the optic nerve, the eye or the parts of the brain that route color information.

The color vision can also turn down with age.

Tips to optimize shades blinds

Here are some of the speedy tips for designing charts or graphs for color blind people:

  • First of all select a color scheme that can be identified easily by everyone, including people with different types of color vision deficit.
  • Does not focus on colors only, also focus on positions, shapes, line types and coloring patterns too. All this will help you in making sure that the information is conveyed to those who cannot differentiate the colors.
  • Try to Plan for some beautiful design that is visually friendly at the same time.
  • Try to avoid the bad color combinations that may create a problem with colorblind people, such as blue and purple, green and brown, green and blue, red and green, blue and grey, green and black and green and grey.
  • Try to make your chart colorless.
  • Try to use contrast to your gain. Most of the colorblind people can perceive high contrast.
  • Vision is the best and most reliable way to resolve the issue of colorblindness. It will show you the world, the way you want to see it without any blurriness.

How is color blindness diagnosed?

The eye care professionals take a variety of tests in order to diagnose color blindness.

All these tests can quickly detect particular types of color blindness.

Ishihara Color Test is the most common test type conducted for red-green color blindness.

The Ishihara color test consists of a string of painted loops, known as Ishihara plates.

Each plate contains a collection of dots in different sizes and colors.

Within the circle, dots are present that form a figure which is clearly visible to those with normal color vision but is not clear for those with red-green color blindness.

Try our vision color blindness test.

You might be suffering from colorblindness and you never knew. This test will help with the quick diagnosis.

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How to Know if you are Mild Deutan? Mon, 14 May 2018 11:08:53 +0000 In this age, color identification is very much important in daily life. While walking on the street, color detection is important in identifying the traffic signs and other important signals. In the field of fashion, colors do play a vital role and just a shade of color may define the quality of wearing stuff. In industries, it’s important to identify ... Read More

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In this age, color identification is very much important in daily life.

While walking on the street, color detection is important in identifying the traffic signs and other important signals.

In the field of fashion, colors do play a vital role and just a shade of color may define the quality of wearing stuff.

In industries, it’s important to identify colors while making pigments and different dyes.

Different categories of color blindness are discussed by experts.

Deuteranopia is the most common type of color blindness.

The people affected with deuteranopia are called Deutans.

Deuteranopia is said to be a condition in which the green cones don’t detect enough green and are too sensitive to yellows, oranges, and reds.

A person having deuteranopia will face difficulty in identifying greens, yellows, oranges, and browns as they may appear similar to him/her.

Many attempts have been made in order to prepare color blindness tests and to prepare equipment to do so.

It’s very important to know whether a person is color blind or not as it may play a vital role in every aspect of the life.

Army recruitment and pilot selection do pay a lot of attention to these tests.

Ways to find deuteranopia

Different methods are there to detect the severity of color blindness and to categorize it accordingly.

Some of the important methods are given below:

Ishihara 38 Plates CVD Test

This test was designed by a Japanese professor Dr. Shinobu in order to test color perception.

This test is used to detect any red-green color deficiency.

38 plates are used for this test each of which consists of a circle of dots which appear randomized in color and size. Figures are written on each plate.

Some plates are such that their figures are visible to everyone.

Some figures or number are visible normal people and some are visible to people with deficient eyes.

A minimum score of 12 is required to be called as a normal eyed person and any score lesser than 12 will be considered an abnormality.

FM 100 Hue Color Vision Test

This test uses 88 plates and not 100. It was designed by Dean Farnsworth Munsell in 1943 in order to detect the ability to differentiate different shades of colors.

In this test, a person under control simply has to arrange the shades and properly manage the sequence.

The higher the TES score is, the more severe your deficiency will be.

Color Arrangement Test

This test was also designed by Farnsworth in 1947. This is also called a D-15 test. I

n this test, a person is given different shades and he has to manage the colors in best possible order.

If a person is color blind, he will manage the colors in quite different manner than a normal eyed person.

RGB Anomaloscope Test

In this test, a person is given two colors which he can alter in order to match them.

He is asked to match the colors. The truth is, they aren’t matching.

If any person says he has matched the two colors, he may be color blind as they appeared to him as similar.

Vision test for colorblindness is the fastest and reliable way to find out whether you are colorblind or not.

Several methods are there to detect the eye deficiencies. Some of the tests are discussed above.

Vision is the perfect solution that you need to get rid of colorblindness.

It will help you to see like a normal person and the colors will not appear blurry anymore.

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How the Red-Green Colorblind Tests works for Kids? Sun, 13 May 2018 22:56:03 +0000 According to different research articles and study, it is observed that color blindness usually affects about 1 in every 25 kids. The color blindness is often called color vision deficiency. This problem usually affects boys than girls. A simple test can determine whether or not your kid suffers from color blindness. How it occurs? The color blindness is usually caused ... Read More

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According to different research articles and study, it is observed that color blindness usually affects about 1 in every 25 kids.

The color blindness is often called color vision deficiency. This problem usually affects boys than girls.

A simple test can determine whether or not your kid suffers from color blindness.

How it occurs?

The color blindness is usually caused by a hereditary stipulation.

It means that children with color blindness are born with it, and this problem cannot be cured.

In this problem, the nerve cells located in the back of the eye (cones) are accountable for seeing and identifying different colors.

Usually, the children who suffer from color blindness lack cones.

In normal-sighted children, the cones establish to develop gradually at the age of 4 months.

Being colorblind does not inevitably mean you can’t see any colors or shades, though this is a widespread misconception.

There are different types of color blindness but by far the most common type is the incapability to differentiate between the colors of green and red.

Colorblind test

Most of the children are tested for color blindness at about 4 years of age as part of a vision analysis.

The doctor in this test simply asks the child to classify a red and green line.

If the child is unable to identify the colors correctly then more testing will be given.

In most of the cases, the child is given away different pictures that are composed of painted dots and lines.

If a child is unable to see a certain shape or picture or shape then there is a clear possibility that he/she is colorblind.

The Ishihara color sightlessness assessment is practically the most frequently used analysis to test color vision deficits.

Vision test is the perfect test for the diagnosis of colorblindness.

Complete the test at least once to find out whether you are colorblind or not.

Early Symptoms of Color Vision Deficiency in Children

The major sign of color blindness is a complexity in distinguishing different colors or in making inaccuracy when identifying colors.

In case if a child is suspected of being color blind then the main signs to look out for are as follows:

  • The first sign is that your child tells the wrong colors or shade of an object e.g. purple or pink leaves on trees, mostly using dark colors incorrectly
  • You will see a rejection of color issues.
  • The child faces problem in identifying green or red color pencils or any color pencil whose shade matches with red and green to some extent like brown, purple etc.
  • If you child smells food before eating then it is also a sign that your child is suffering from color vision deficiency.
  • The outstanding sense of smell is also a symptom of color vision deficiency in kids.
  • The sensitivity to bright lights and excellent night visions are also some of the early stages of color vision deficiency in children.
  • Sometimes the reading problems with worksheets or colored pages formed with color on color is also a major stage of color vision deficiency in children.

The color-blind children may not like to play counting or sorting games with colored beads or blocks, or not like to do colors in pictures.

Vision software may be the solution for color blind individuals who need to see the screen clearly.

It may help you will feel like you are looking at the screen like a normal person.


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How red-green colorblindness is different from other types of colorblindness? Sun, 13 May 2018 22:40:08 +0000 The red-green type of color blindness is generally known as deuteranopia. The deutan color vision insufficiencies are by far the most familiar forms of color sightlessness. The red-green color blindness is usually found in about 6% of the male population, generally in its mild type deuteranomaly. While you have a look at the color variety of a deuteranopic person you ... Read More

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The red-green type of color blindness is generally known as deuteranopia.

The deutan color vision insufficiencies are by far the most familiar forms of color sightlessness.

The red-green color blindness is usually found in about 6% of the male population, generally in its mild type deuteranomaly.

While you have a look at the color variety of a deuteranopic person you can observe that a diversity of colors look different than in a usual color range.

Whereas green and red are the chief problem shades.

Red-Green color blindness

The red-green color blindness is essentially divided into two special subtypes.

The one side involves the persons who have anomalous long wavelength responsive cones which are more accountable for the red component of vision.

And on the other hand, deutan color vision deficiencies.

The deutan color vision deficiencies are further divided into two different types.

These are as follows:

  • Dichromats
  • Anomalous Trichromats

In dichromats, the average wavelength responsive cones are missing at all.

A person suffering from red-green blindness can only differentiate 2 to 3 different hues, while someone with normal vision can easily see 7 different hues.

On the other hand, Anomalous Trichromats can be everything between deuteranopia and normal color vision.

The green responsive cones are not absent in this case, however, the peak of compassion and sensitivity is moved towards the red insightful cones.

People with normal cones

Usually, the people with light-sensitive pigment and usual cones are able to see all the different shades and delicate mixtures of them by using cones receptive to one of three wavelengths of the beam of light i.e. blue, red and green.

A mild color shortage is at hand when one or more than one cones light-sensitive pigments are not fairly right and their peak compassion is transferred.

A more ruthless color deficit is present when one or more than one cones of light-sensitive pigments are actually wrong.


Protanomaly is basically referred to as red-weakness.

It is an appropriate explanation of this type of color insufficiency. Any kind of redness seen in a color by a usual onlooker is seen more dimly by the protanomalous onlooker, both in terms of its brightness and coloring power.

The coloring power basically involves saturation or depth of color.

Red, yellow, yellow-green, orange and yellow appear fairly shifted in hue towards green, and all come out paler than they do to the usual spectator.

The redness factor that a usual observer sees in lavender or violet color is so destabilized for the protanomalous observer that he might be unsuccessful to distinguish it and consequently sees only the blue part.

In case of underprivileged viewing surroundings, such as when driving in impressive sunlight or in foggy or rainy weather, it is simply promising for protanomalous folks to slip-up a blinking red traffic beam from a blinking amber or yellow one, or to be unsuccessful to differentiate a green traffic light from a variety of white lights in signs, street lights, storefronts etc.

Make sure that you test yourself whether you are colorblind or not with the Vision test available at

There are many individuals that are suffering from colorblindness and for them, we made the latest Vision software which may help you to see all colors more clearly.


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How is Color blindness diagnosed? Sun, 13 May 2018 22:23:40 +0000 A retina is basically made up of photoreceptors known as cones and rods. Rods are present in the periphery of our retina and they are involved in night vision. On the other hand, the cones are located in the center of the retina and the cones help us to perceive color the in daytime. The cones are responsive to different ... Read More

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A retina is basically made up of photoreceptors known as cones and rods.

Rods are present in the periphery of our retina and they are involved in night vision.

On the other hand, the cones are located in the center of the retina and the cones help us to perceive color the in daytime.

The cones are responsive to different wavelengths of light. The reason is that they are genetically coded in the type and amount of pigmentation.

The X chromosome holds the genes that generate the pigments in the cones that are required to discriminate color.

In case, if the genes that code the cones intensity of pigment are coded wrongly then it means that the pigments are wrong.

This is the reason of color blindness or color deficiency.

Reason of Color Blindness

According to the study it is found that males are suffering from color blindness on a larger scale as compare to females.

The poor cone growth will lead to the poor acuity of color, particularly with the three main colors i.e. green, red and blue.

Usually, in protanopia, there is a lack of red photo receptors and red looks like black.

There is also a reduced sensitivity of yellow and orange.

The deuteranopsia is the deficiency of green receptors.

This problem is rare but can occur in people of all age group. Tritanopia is another problem.

This problem occurs due to the deficiency of blue receptors. Some other reasons of color blindness are age related disorders such as diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, trauma, and the deficiency of vitamin A.

Cataracts and Glaucoma can also have an effect on color sensitivity.

Different barbiturates, high blood pressure medications and antibiotics can also affect the color perception.

How to diagnose the problem?

The inherited color vision insufficiency is generally diagnosed in early childhood with the use of easy screening tests.

Different tests like Ishihara Color Plates and The Hardy-Rand-Rittler, commonly known as H-R-R are used to evaluate the degree and type of color insufficiency.

In both of the tests, the individual is asked to classify the colored shapes or numbers that lie in a mixture of dots and differ in strength and color.

The physicians distinguish and classify the insufficiency based on the person’s responses.

Always keep this in your mind that hereditary color vision deficiency cannot be cured or treated.

Different types of measures can be taken in order to deal with this problem.

Some of the people develop their own structure of recognizing different colors by their location or brightness, such as the points of yellow, green and red in a traffic light.

The colored lenses and specialized glasses are also available in the market which helps in normalize colors.

Get Vision to assure that you will not have to miss the words and figures because of your colorblindness issue.

It will help you manage the screen according to the colors that you can see clearly.

Cambridge color test

Cambridge color test is also one of the common types of test which is taken in order to diagnose color blindness.

This test is like Ishihara color test, but it’s taken on a computer screen.

In this test, the patient is asked to pick out the letter C from different painted backgrounds.

You can complete the Vision test available at

It is better that you find out today whether you are colorblind or not.

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How does Reverse Color blind Test work? Sun, 13 May 2018 22:01:52 +0000 Color blind is the name given to those people who do not have a normal range of color contrast compassion. Normally there are several different types of color blindness, and not all of them are because of genetic variation. There are many other reasons which are the root of this problem in people of all age group. The subjective knowledge of color vision ... Read More

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Color blind is the name given to those people who do not have a normal range of color contrast compassion.

Normally there are several different types of color blindness, and not all of them are because of genetic variation.

There are many other reasons which are the root of this problem in people of all age group.

The subjective knowledge of color vision is partly created by the retina computing differences in the wavelengths of incident brightness.

That is the normal color vision is enabled by having fundamentally three relatively independent channels, each is sensitive to a special distribution of wavelengths.

When it is said that the red channel is stirred relatively more than another channel, then we instinctively experience the color red, with the information being partially restricted by the relative intensity of the stimulation.

A color blind test is usually conducted in order to determine if you have a color vision deficiency or not. If you think you might be color blind then immediately visit your eye doctor.

Normally there are two forms of color blind tests. The first one is a screening test.

The screening test can help in detecting the existence of a color vision problem.

The second one is more detailed quantitative tests.

The tests can perceive a color vision deficiency and find out the type and brutality of color blindness.

Who should take a color blind test?

A color blind test should be given to anyone considering a job where correct color perception is vital.

The examples are commercial artists, electricians, technicians, certain built-up and selling personnel and designers.

It is also observed that females are suffering more from this problem as compared to men.

Though there is no complete treatment in order to deal with color blindness, but in some cases, a few specially colored contact lenses are designed which helps in improving a colorblind person’s aptitude to distinguish the differences between certain colors.

Online color blind tests

There are many color blind tests which are performed online.

As correct color representation is important for the correctness of any color blind test, the results from online color vision screening tests are believed.

So in order to get the accurate results one should see their eye doctor and take a color blind test directed by some skilled professional using the homogeneous testing equipment under suitable lighting.

Vision test available at is also another type of test that you can use to check your colorblindness type and level.

It will show you if you are normal or not after asking a few questions. 

Reverse Color Blind Test

In the past, we have marked several color blindness tests.

The tests are conducted in order to diagnose the problem.

Even though merely 7% to 8% of male population is color blind, the males are suffering more from color blindness as compared to females.

Exploring some of the reverse color blind tests is quite interesting.

The color vision deficient individuals have a propensity to improved night vision and, in some state of affairs, they can distinguish variations in light that color spectacled people could not.

Actually, there is no proper and complete treatment for color blindness.

Different measurements can be done in order to make the person feel better.

Vision has been developed with the latest technology to assure that all colorblind individuals can see the screen and manage their work.

In this age of technology, you cannot live without phones and laptops and so vision will help you out.

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How does Ishihara test work? Sun, 13 May 2018 18:48:56 +0000 In old times, there was no proper way of testing the eyes of any person. Any sightedness was very difficult to detect as there wasn’t any equipment or any method to do so. Similarly, color blindness also remained undetectable until recent times. However, with the increasing number of cases, it became necessary to invent ways and equipment to counter such ... Read More

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In old times, there was no proper way of testing the eyes of any person.

Any sightedness was very difficult to detect as there wasn’t any equipment or any method to do so.

Similarly, color blindness also remained undetectable until recent times.

However, with the increasing number of cases, it became necessary to invent ways and equipment to counter such problems.

In 1917, a color perception test was designed by a Japanese professor in order to detect the red-green color deficiencies. I

t was named Ishihara test after the professor Dr. Shinobu Ishihara.

Nowadays it’s the most widely used color perception test for such deficiencies.

Working on Ishihara test

It is a color perception test which uses 38 plates in order to detect red-green color deficiencies.

It is also called as ‘38 plates CVD test’. There are several types of plates which are given to the person under test.

Each of the plates consists of a circle of dots which appear to be randomized in color and size.

Some plates contain a number which are visible to the person with normal eyes and invisible or very difficult to the person with red-green color deficiencies.

Other plates contain numbers which are visible to the person with deficient eyes and barely visible to those with normal eyes.

The results extracted from plate observations define the person as normal or deficient.

Normally, a severe deficiency can be detected after few plates and a little deficiency may require all plates to be categorized accordingly.

Today, a lot of eye specialists use this test. These tests are also required before the recruitment of army individuals and duty pilots.

Following are some types of plates used during an Ishihara test:

Demonstration Plate

These are designed purposely to be visible for every person whether normal eyed or deficient eyed.

These are for demonstration purposes only and their score doesn’t count.

Transformation Plates

A different color will be visible for a normal person than the color deficient ones.

Both of the groups, control, and test group, will be able to see different figures and numbers.

Vanishing Plates

The figures on these plates will be visible just for the normal eyed persons.

Hidden Digit Plates

The figures on these plates will be visible to only those person having color deficient eyes.

Diagnostic Plates

These are purposely built to detect the severity of deficiency and the type of it.

Get the complete test so you can examine yourself whether you are colorblind or not with the Vision test available at

Lower the score, more deficient the eyes are. So, anyone who does feel that some colors are confusing for him, he should consult a specialist.

If you have been diagnosed with colorblindness you can use Vision to see all the colors perfectly.

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Colors a Moderate Deutan Cannot See Sun, 13 May 2018 18:36:41 +0000 Deutans are the ones who are affected by deuteranomaly. It is a type of color blindness in which a person experiences difficulties in identifying different colors. Today, color identification is very important as we have a large number of color signs, designs and many things around us. A person with color blindness can face many problems in daily life. They ... Read More

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Deutans are the ones who are affected by deuteranomaly.

It is a type of color blindness in which a person experiences difficulties in identifying different colors.

Today, color identification is very important as we have a large number of color signs, designs and many things around us.

A person with color blindness can face many problems in daily life.

They face difficulty in differentiating those colors which a normal person can easily differentiate.

Colors which are invisible to Deutans

Deuteranomaly is a red-green color deficiency in which the green cones don’t detect enough green and are too sensitive to yellows, oranges, reds, and browns especially in low light.

As a result, an affected person will face problems to identify these colors and will not be able to differentiate them properly.

We know how much this is important nowadays to properly detect all the colors as we have a lot of colors around us.

Different brands, companies, and industries use different colors to advertise their stuff.

Army recruitment and pilot selection also require those individuals who can detect the colors as they are.

There are two types of color blindness.

Inherited Color blindness

Color blindness which is inherited by an individual from the parents and is a trait within a family is called as inherited color blindness. No treatment for this is found yet.

Acquired Color blindness

It is temporary color blindness which is caused by some temporary problems.

It may disappear as the problem resolves.

Though there are not any proper treatments but some ways are there to detect the color blindness.

These include:

  • 38 Plate Ishihara CVD Test
  • FM 100 Hue Color Vision Test
  • Color Arrangement Test
  • RGB Anomaloscope Test

A vision test is available at It will help you to quickly find out whether you are colorblind or not.

All these tests are used for the detection of any color blindness.

Color blindness is not a thing which can totally affect your life but it is just a deficiency of detecting the colors which are pretty similar.

Some people may find it difficult to identify the colors, some may have a problem while arranging the shades of a color depending on the severity of the deficiency.

Use Vision software to see the world like a normal person.

It will arrange all the colors according to your colorblindness issues so that you can see clearly.

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How to Install and Activate Vision Sun, 16 Apr 2017 10:46:53 +0000 Download Vision from here: How to Install Vision on Windows How to Remove Vision on Windows

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Download Vision from here:

How to Install Vision on Windows

How to Remove Vision on Windows

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Daltonization Sun, 05 Mar 2017 12:13:18 +0000 The process of ‘Daltonization’ is named after John Dalton, who was an English chemist, physicist, and meteorologist. He is best known for proposing the modern atomic theory, but also for his research into colour blindness, sometimes referred to as Daltonism in his honour. Daltonization algorithms utilize confusion lines to compensate for color blindness. This is accomplished by shifting colors away ... Read More

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The process of ‘Daltonization’ is named after John Dalton, who was an English chemist, physicist, and meteorologist. He is best known for proposing the modern atomic theory, but also for his research into colour blindness, sometimes referred to as Daltonism in his honour.
Daltonization algorithms utilize confusion lines to compensate for color blindness. This is accomplished by shifting colors away from confusion lines towards colors visible to the colorblind individual. For example, daltonizing for protanopia involves shifting red values towards the blue end of the spectrum.


Simply put – the idea of Daltonization is that different colours that look identical to a person with colour vision deficiency are shifted in “opposite” directions so that they can distinguish them. In reality it’s supposed to help us distinguish the colours we can’t see using the colours we still can.

Vision applies real time screen daltonization processes, which is one of the most prominent features setting it apart from any other similar developments.

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Ishihara Sun, 05 Mar 2017 10:11:57 +0000 There are many tests available to measure colour vision defects but the most common is the Ishihara Plate test. It was named after its designer, Dr. Shinobu Ishihara, a professor at the University of Tokyo, who first published his tests in 1917. It can test for red/green colour blindness but not blue colour blindness. This is the test most likely to be ... Read More

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There are many tests available to measure colour vision defects but the most common is the Ishihara Plate test. It was named after its designer, Dr. Shinobu Ishihara, a professor at the University of Tokyo, who first published his tests in 1917. It can test for red/green colour blindness but not blue colour blindness. This is the test most likely to be used for routine colour vision screening in schools or medicals.


This test is the most widely used for testing for red-green colour vision deficiency and contains 38 plates of circles created by irregular coloured dots in two or more colours.

The plates will be put in front of you and you will be asked what number you can see on the plate. Some plates contain information which people with normal colour vision can see whilst others contain information that only people with colour blindness can see.

If you make a certain amount of errors you will be diagnosed with colour blindness. Special Plate tests have been devised to diagnose young children who are not old enough to identify numbers.

Try a search on the internet for it where you can undertake it free of charge.

Other popular tests include

1. Farnsworth-Munsell 100 HueColor Vision Test
2. Color Arrangement Test
3. RGB Anomaloscope — Color Blindness Test


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Tritanopia Sun, 05 Mar 2017 10:10:31 +0000 Тhe most common colour confusions for tritanopes are light blues with greys, dark purples with black, mid-greens with blues and oranges with reds. People affected by tritan color blindness confuse blue with green and yellow with violet. So the term blue-green color blindness would be most accurate because the colors blue and yellow are usually not mixed up by tritanopes. Tritan defects ... Read More

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Тhe most common colour confusions for tritanopes are light blues with greys, dark purples with black, mid-greens with blues and oranges with reds.

People affected by tritan color blindness confuse blue with green and yellow with violet. So the term blue-green color blindness would be most accurate because the colors blue and yellow are usually not mixed up by tritanopes.

Tritan defects affect the short-wavelength cone (S-cone). There are two different types which can be observed:

  • Tritanopia: People affected by tritanopia are dichromats. This means the S-cones are completely missing and only long- and medium-wavelength cones are present.
  • Tritanomaly: This is an alleviated form of blue-yellow color blindness, where the S-cones are present but do have some kind of mutation.


Tritan defects can not only be inherited but also acquired during one’s lifetime. In this case it even may be reversible and not permanent like an inherited color blindness.

In the case of an acquired defect this is either evolving slowly for example simply through aging or coming instantly caused by a hard hit on your head.

Click here to see a simulator and experience the world as a person with Tritanopia

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Protanopia Sun, 05 Mar 2017 10:06:15 +0000 Red-green color blindness is split into two different types: Whereas people affected by protan color blindness are less sensitive to red light, deuteranopia or deuteranomly (the second type of red-green color blindness) is related to sensitiveness on green light. Protans have either defective long-wavelength cones (L-cones) or the L-cones are missing at all. If they are missing it is called protanopia or sometimes red-dichromacy. Affected ... Read More

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Red-green color blindness is split into two different types: Whereas people affected by protan color blindness are less sensitive to red light, deuteranopia or deuteranomly (the second type of red-green color blindness) is related to sensitiveness on green light.

Protans have either defective long-wavelength cones (L-cones) or the L-cones are missing at all. If they are missing it is called protanopia or sometimes red-dichromacy. Affected persons are dichromats because they have only two working cone types, short- and medium-wavelength, compared to persons with normal vision with three different cone types.

If the L-cones are defective they appear in different intensities. This results in either a stronger or a weaker color blindness. If L-cones are not missing but defective it is called protanomaly.

Protanopes are more likely to confuse:-
1. Black with many shades of red
2. Dark brown with dark green, dark orange and dark red
2. Some blues with some reds, purples and dark pinks
3. Mid-greens with some oranges

There are a number of studies which show that color vision deficiencies are a serious risk factor in driving. Particularly protan color blindness reduces substantially the ability to see red lights, regardless of the severity of the defect. Tests showed that protans were very much over-represented in an accident causing group of drivers mostly involving either signal lights or break lights. Some scientists estimate that being a protan has associated with it a level of risk of road accident that is equivalent to having a blood alcohol level of between 0.05 and 0.08 per cent. Because of that for example in Australia you can’t get hold of a commercial drivers licence since 1994 if you are suffering from protanopia or protanomaly.

Click here to see a simulator and experience the world as a person with Protanopia

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Deuteranopia Sun, 05 Mar 2017 10:03:11 +0000 Deutan color vision deficiencies are by far the most common forms of color blindness. This subtype of red-green color blindness is found in about 6% of the male population, mostly in its mild form deuteranomaly. Deuteranopes are more likely to confuse:- 1. Mid-reds with mid-greens 2. Blue-greens with grey and mid-pinks 3. Bright greens with yellows 4. Pale pinks with ... Read More

The post Deuteranopia appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Deutan color vision deficiencies are by far the most common forms of color blindness. This subtype of red-green color blindness is found in about 6% of the male population, mostly in its mild form deuteranomaly.

Deuteranopes are more likely to confuse:-
1. Mid-reds with mid-greens
2. Blue-greens with grey and mid-pinks
3. Bright greens with yellows
4. Pale pinks with light grey
5. Mid-reds with mid-brown
6. Light blues with lilac

Whereas red and green are the main problem colors, there are also for example some gray, purple and a greenish blue-green which can’t be distinguished very well.

The well known term red-green color blindness is actually split into two different subtypes. On one side persons which either lack or have anomalous long wavelength sensitive cones (protan color vision deficiency), which are more responsible for the red part of vision. And on the other side deutan color vision deficiencies, which again are split into two different types:

  1. Dichromats: Deuteranopia (also called green-blind). In this case the medium wavelength sensitive cones (green) are missing at all. A deuteranope can only distinguish 2 to 3 different hues, whereas somebody with normal vision sees 7 different hues.
  2. Anomalous Trichromats: Deuteranomaly (green-weak). This can be everything between almost normal color vision and deuteranopia. The green sensitive cones are not missing in this case, but the peak of sensitivity is moved towards the red sensitive cones.

If you are colorblind there is a big chance that you are red-green colorblind, usually green-weak and male. And specially if you are suffering from deuteranomaly, this condition is not as rare as you might think and you even might find some of your friends who’s also suffering under this color vision deficiency.

Click here to see a simulator and experience the world as a person with

Software for better colors

If you have Deuteranopia try our software Vision.

Vision is software for color blindness improvement and deuteranopia improvement.

How it works



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Statistics Sun, 05 Mar 2017 10:00:23 +0000 About 8% of Аll men and about 0.5% of all women are suffering from color blindness (colour vision deficiency). This means chances that your neighbour or one of your classmates is colorblind are very high. To put the percentages into perspective – there are close to 300 million people who are colorblind and struggle every day. 99% of all colorblind ... Read More

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About 8% of Аll men and about 0.5% of all women are suffering from color blindness (colour vision deficiency). This means chances that your neighbour or one of your classmates is colorblind are very high.

To put the percentages into perspective – there are close to 300 million people who are colorblind and struggle every day.

99% of all colorblind people are suffering from red-green color blindness.


Interestingly the number affected varies among groups. Isolated communities with a restricted gene pool sometimes produce high proportions of color blindness, including the less usual types. Examples include rural Finland, Hungary, and some of the Scottish islands. By contrast in sub-Saharan Africa there are few colour blind people. Countries such as India and Brazil have a relatively high incidence of colour vision deficients because of the large numbers of people with mixed race genes in their genetic history.

In the United States, about 7 percent of the male population—or about 10.5 million men—and 0.4 percent of the female population either cannot distinguish red from green, or see red and green differently from how others do. More than 95 percent of all variations in human color vision involve the red and green receptors in male eyes. It is very rare for males or females to be “blind” to the blue end of the spectrum.

The 8% of colour blind men can be divided approximately into 1% deuteranopes, 1% protanopes, 1% protanomalous and 5% deuteranomalous. Approximately half of colour blind people will have a mild anomalous deficiency, the other 50% have moderate or severe anomalous conditions.

Numbers of tritanopes/tritanomalous people and achromats is very small, perhaps 1 in 30-50,000 people.

Reliable statistics for people with an acquired form of colour vision deficiency are difficult to find but as many as 3% of the population could be affected because age-related deficiency is relatively common in the over 65s and therefore on the increase in the developed countries due to the rising numbers of elderly people per capita.

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How to invite all your Facebook friends to like Vision Sun, 05 Mar 2017 09:12:03 +0000 In this page I want to show you how to invite all your Facebook friend to like the Vision Facebook page automatically without much clicking. For this to work you will need: Google Chrome Invite All Friends on Facebook Chrome Extension Facebook account Go to the Vision Facebook page here: In the right part of the page there is Invite friends ... Read More

The post How to invite all your Facebook friends to like Vision appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

In this page I want to show you how to invite all your Facebook friend to like the Vision Facebook page automatically without much clicking.

For this to work you will need:

  1. Google Chrome
  2. Invite All Friends on Facebook Chrome Extension
  3. Facebook account

Go to the Vision Facebook page here:

In the right part of the page there is Invite friends to like this Page button

Click it and window like this will open

Scroll down your friends a little

After you have installed Invite All Friends on Facebook Chrome Extension click the checkbox in the top right corner of the screen. Window like this will open and the extension will start to invite your friends automatically

If you have many Facebook friends after some time you will get notification like this

Do the same steps the next day again for several days until you have invited all your Facebook friends.

Thank you very much for supporting Vision

Daniel 🙂

The post How to invite all your Facebook friends to like Vision appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Vision Introduction Sat, 04 Mar 2017 11:28:04 +0000 What does Vision do? Vision is software allowing people with different kinds of color blindness (colour vision deficiency) to see more colors. Vision provides solutions to some of the everyday problems experienced by colour blind people. People with various types of colour deficiency could benefit from the use of Vision software including those affected by Tritanopia (blue colour vision deficiency), ... Read More

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What does Vision do?

Vision is software allowing people with different kinds of color blindness (colour vision deficiency) to see more colors.
Vision provides solutions to some of the everyday problems experienced by colour blind people. People with various types of colour deficiency could benefit from the use of Vision software including those affected by Tritanopia (blue colour vision deficiency), Deuteranopia (green), Protanopia (red).
People generally have the assumption that if you suffer from blue-yellow color blindness these are the only colors you have trouble seeing. But that’s wrong. Color blindness doesn’t relate to just two color shades you can’t distinguish, it is the whole color spectrum which is affected.
There are close to 300 million people who are colorblind and struggle every day. Many of them are prohibited from becoming pilots, scientists, doctors, police officers, firefighters, electricians, etc.
It is these people that Vision is aiming to assist, by making the world a much more colourful and better place for them.

What is colour blindness?

Colour blindness is usually an inherited condition (you’re born with it) and there is no cure. It’s caused by faulty gene sequencing in the DNA of the X-chromosome. Men have only one X-chromosome but women have two.

For a woman to be colour blind she must inherit the condition on both X-chromosomes and this explains why colour blindness is much more common in men.

We have three types of cone cells in the retinas of our eyes which allow us to see colour. Each type detects either red, green or blue light. In normal colour vision the red, green and blue cones work together letting us see the full spectrum of colours.

In colour vision deficiency, the faulty sequencing means one type of cone cell can’t recognise which wavelength of light it’s receiving. So the brain receives incorrect information, resulting in someone with colour vision defficiency being unable to distinguish between colours normally.

Blue blindness and total lack of colour vision (monochromacy) are rare, but red and green colour vision deficiencies are very common.

Colour blindness can sometimes happen because of other medical conditions such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis and as a side-effect of some drugs and medications such as chloroquine.

Children with other visual impairments, such as glaucoma and retinitis pigmentosa, are more likely to have colour vision defects. Acquired colour vision deficiency may not present in the same way as genetic red/green colour blindness – different colours may be affected, usually blues and yellows.

What do colour blind people see?

Colour blind people can usually see clearly and in focus. To them, what they see is normal, so it’s not unusual for colour blind people to reach adulthood without realising they are colour blind. Often people only discover they are colour blind when they apply for certain jobs (such as the armed services) and the diagnosis can come as a shock.

It’s a common myth that people with colour blindness only confuse reds and greens. People with red and green types of colour vision deficiency actually experience problems with a wide range of colours. Greens, browns, oranges, yellows and reds can be easily mixed up because all these colours are seen as shades of ‘muddy’ green. There are many surprising combinations which often confuse colour blind people. For example, blues and purples/deep pinks are often mixed up. This is because pinks and purples are blue mixed with red. Red is a colour which colour blind people don’t see, so purple can appear as blue.

Pastel colours generally all appear grey.

Red/green colour blindness is a generic term for different types and severities of colour blindness, so people with colour vision deficiency don’t all see colours in the same way as each other. For example green deficients can mistake greens for greys or even pinks, whereas red deficients will sometimes confuse reds with black.

Why does it matter?

Colour is a fundamental tool in society. Taking just education as an example – educators depend upon on the ability of pupils to be able to distinguish between primary colours from the earliest stages of their education. If we think about how children are taught in the early years even the most basic instructions often include colour (for example, pick up the red brick).

  • before reading, we encourage children to order things by forming colour patterns with beads
  • colour is used to describe almost everything, from the big brown dog to the green door for the toilet; and
  • we ask young children to fill in colouring sheets in specific colours and sing songs about the colours of the rainbow

If children aren’t ‘getting’ a percentage of what we are saying, they can’t learn to full capacity. This can undermine their confidence at an impressionable age and give a poor foundation for future learning.

As children progress through school, ability to differentiate between colours becomes even more important. Without correct support they are often unable to understand information in textbooks, on the whiteboard, in websites and in software.

Until recently colour blindness was not considered to be either a special educational need or a disability. In certain countries now the relevant educational authorities  recognise that colour vision deficiency can fall under both definitions.

In addition in the years of adulthood many of the colourblind people are prohibited from becoming pilots, scientists, doctors, police officers, firefighters, electricians, etc.

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