News Archives - 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 Sun, 03 Jul 2022 21:01:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 25 Years Since the Internet Fri, 26 Jul 2019 21:33:05 +0000 On 1996 NAME introduced the internet and more info about the creation Since then people made amazing things with it Thanks to the Internet We We can find everything we want with a click Google MORE INFO We have constrant stream of interesting things to watch ONLINE MORE INFO We can connect with our friends from thousands of miles away ... Read More

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On 1996 NAME introduced the internet and more info about the creation

Since then people made amazing things with it

Thanks to the Internet We

We can find everything we want with a click Google MORE INFO

We have constrant stream of interesting things to watch ONLINE MORE INFO

We can connect with our friends from thousands of miles away MORE INFO


We are as rich as ever and live the most high-quality lives MORE INFO

We receive news instantly and can find a community for every cause MORE

Internet statistics

Every second on the internet WE DO

Statistics for

Google searches,

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts

Emails send

and if One email was a post mail with a diameter of 10xWhatever centimeters

It we be enought to fill the Entire solar system in Area

Negative things about the internet

While Internet enabled us to do so many things it also came with some unexpected consequences

Thousands of jobs were automated and a lot of people are without a job

More and more people are anti-social

More people put glasses

Our Cause

And this is why we created our company

We believe in the bright future, we believe in the future which people are more thanks to computers and the internet

We believe that we can live a healthier, happy and fulfilled life in front of the computers

And we are trying to help people by making software for more healthy symbiosis with Electronic devices

Iris is software for eye protection, health, and productivity

It will automatically adapt your monitor the light around you and make your monitor more healthy for the eyes

Call to Action

Try it, tell us what you think and join us in our mission to make Electronic devices more healthy for humanity

Share this post and Tag 3 Friends you met without the internet

What do you think the next revolution will be?

Answer in the comments and we will send you a FREE e-book ” How to be Healthy and Happy in World 2.0″


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New AMP website of Iris for faster loading Sat, 05 May 2018 11:25:13 +0000 Hi, I did a brand new AMP-based website of Iris which loads faster and looks awesome on mobile. You can access the new site from here Before AMP   After AMP

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I did a brand new AMP-based website of Iris which loads faster and looks awesome on mobile. You can access the new site from here

Before AMP


After AMP

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New payment model 2018 Fri, 13 Apr 2018 15:49:11 +0000 Hi guys, There were 2 big problems with the price of Iris before.   The first thing was that in order to not charge people multiple times I made Iris payments to be lifelong per version.   This means that when you buy Iris you can use it forever but if you want to get the latest version I’m developing ... Read More

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Hi guys,
There were 2 big problems with the price of Iris before.
The first thing was that in order to not charge people multiple times I made Iris payments to be lifelong per version.
This means that when you buy Iris you can use it forever but if you want to get the latest version I’m developing you need to pay again.
I did this to not enforce subscription payments but to still enable users to pay several times if they want to support Iris
Over time I realized that this is actually not the best business model for several reasons:
– Most people expect when the license is lifelong to be able to update the program also lifelong but this is unsustainable from a developer point of view.
Think about it, I work whole day every day and if somebody gives 5$ I am providing my whole life support for this money.
The end result was that I was constantly promoting to find more and more people to buy to make my monthly pay, because I work full-time on Iris and I can’t focus solely on making the product great (Fixing bugs, Linux, Android, iOS, new features)
It’s clearly written on the licensing page that licenses are per version and I didn’t wanted to mislead anyone but a lot of people felt mislead.
For every person that felt this way I explained and created him new activation code but for the people who paid several times for Iris this was not fair.
– A lot of people have 2-3 or more PCs and they need to pay for every of their PCs.
Again I gave away tons of activation codes for free but this again was not fair for people who paid for multiple PCs.
Of course, you can use the License Revoke page to move your code on new machines but this was a crappy solution.
Based on this I finished a new subscription model and it’s live. You can now buy a subscription for all Iris products for 5$.
With this subscription model you can use all Iris products (Pro versions) on up to 5 machines.
Also all future updates are free to install and no need to pay for them.
This makes something like 1$ per month for all Iris products which I think is good for everyone.
I know that many of you just want all Iris products totally free forever but this works if you have a lot of venture capital behind you and Iris is totally self-funded by me.
You can find totally free versions of Iris here:
Look at commits before 1-2 years but they are bad. Several other alternatives like f.lux are also available online but they are also bad.
The new buy page is here:
I thought and consulted with a lot of users, friends, and customers about this and everyone seems to like it.
I would also love to hear your opinion 🙂
The old payment model for lifelong per version is also still available
I’m adding you a lot of awesome new features and improvements these months.
Expect awesome Iris for Android, iOS and Linux also 🙂
Windows version seems nice and stable
Дълго време имаше 2 големи проблема с бизнес модела на Iris и днес най-сетне завърших нещо, което се надявам да задоволи всички.
От една страна не исках да правя месечни плащания и затова измислих модел, в който плащаш за версия на Iris.
Активационният код е валиден за цял живот и може да местиш Iris на новите ти компютри, но ако искаш да използваш най-новата версия трябва да си платиш пак.
Идеята ми беше, че по този начин хората, които искат да подкрепят продукта ще го правят не само веднъж, а другите ще могат на една много ниска цена да ползват Iris за цял живот.
С времето осъзнах, че това не е най-добрият модел. Много хора се чувстваха излъгани, че не могат да си обновят програмата.
За да се извиня за объркването раздадох хиляди активационни кодове безплатно, но това не беше много честно за хората, които си плащаха на всяка версия.
Друг голям проблем беше, че активационните кодове на Iris са за 1 компютър, което е логично, но какво става ако имаш 3-4 компютъра и искаш да ползваш и ъпдейтваш Iris на всичките.
И тук имаше много хора, които бяха недоволни и като цяло с времето осъзнах, че големите бизнеси не случайно имат определени модели за плащане.
От днес вече всеки имаш възможност да се абонира за Iris. Срещу 5$ всеки на месец, всеки човек може да ползва всички продукти на Iris на до 5 компютъра и да получава всички ъпдейти безплатно.
Това прави по 1$ на месец на компютър и мисля че всеки човек може да си го позволи.
Консултирах се с много потребители, приятели и клиенти и на всички им изглеждаше доста добре. Надявам се да ви хареса 🙂
Старият модел за плащане на версия също съм го запазил, защото на някои хора им е по-евтино и по-изгодно.
Ще се радвам да чуя и вашето мнение 🙂
Новата Buy страница тук:

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]]> 0 Fri, 02 Sep 2016 02:18:00 +0000 Test Iris mini buy button Test Iris buy button [:bg]Test Iris mini buy button Test Iris lite buy button Test Iris buy button

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Test Iris mini buy button

Test Iris buy button

[:bg]Test Iris mini buy button

Test Iris lite buy button

Test Iris buy button

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Testing twitter automation Sun, 26 Jun 2016 12:46:31 +0000 The post Testing twitter automation appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Tweet: Test click to tweet.

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Happy Fools Day Fri, 01 Apr 2016 15:43:30 +0000 Hi, I don’t lie, but I just wanted to say to you Happy fools day from Iris 🙂

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I don’t lie, but I just wanted to say to you Happy fools day from Iris 🙂

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Website redesign Thu, 31 Mar 2016 15:16:10 +0000 Hi guys, I was redesigning Iris website this days. I just wanted to tell you so you will not be shocked when you open it. This is a small step toward more beautifull Iris and more content on the website. I am not a designer and if you have any suggestions, write to me 😛 Dani

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Hi guys,

I was redesigning Iris website this days. I just wanted to tell you so you will not be shocked when you open it.
This is a small step toward more beautifull Iris and more content on the website. I am not a designer and if you have any suggestions, write to me 😛


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All Iris versions Sat, 16 Jan 2016 19:16:02 +0000 Hi, You can now find all Iris versions here: More info why in GitHub from this post: Sorry for the problems with the downloads Dani

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You can now find all Iris versions here:

More info why in GitHub from this post:

Sorry for the problems with the downloads


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Thank you GitHub Sat, 16 Jan 2016 19:08:37 +0000 For saving my ass again. So what was the story today. One user wrote to me that Iris is not compatible with Windows 7. I immediately installed Windows 7 and tested and everything was OK. Then I tried to download the new Iris version from this site. And the .exe was broken. Why? Couple of weeks ago the Iris server ... Read More

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For saving my ass again.
So what was the story today.
One user wrote to me that Iris is not compatible with Windows 7.

I immediately installed Windows 7 and tested and everything was OK.

Then I tried to download the new Iris version from this site.

And the .exe was broken. Why?

Couple of weeks ago the Iris server was crashing every 5 minutes. Not cool. This was, because I was hosting all versions on my server. Yes, but there was many downloads one day and you know. The people just killed

I quickly ckecked available solutions and decided to move all files to Dropbox.

Yes, but today Dropbox decided to fuck me 😀

I didn’t have the time to check WTF was this and quickly uploaded the latest version to my server. Iris was now available again at least.

Now I needed to find a way to host my files somewhere. I searched the web some time for CDN servers for large files.

As you know I work on Iris full-time and I am broke as fuck basically 😀
All CDN servers was paid. Then idea pop-uped in my mind to use GitHub for hosting. I tested this and it worked, at least for now. 😀
It’s super slow to upload all versions, but at least it’s free and will never crash.

So yes every version of Iris will be available from here:

Why I do this?
As you know Iris is free only for 4 hours per day right now, but old versions are free.

I want everyone to have a chance to use Iris and that’s why I said to myself to protect and save the old versions of Iris, which are free.

Other than that I am not super awesome programmer and I am adding new features every day in Iris. Sometimes I break things. Sometimes I break many things. Having all versions will let you use at least some version that will be working you know 😀

Why Dropbox gives this error?
Dropbox is not bad. What this error means is mentioned here:
Basically free accounts have limits of 20 GB per day and 100,000 downloads per day.
Iris is not generated so much traffic, but whatever 😀

Something special
I added some really old versions on this repo. You can see Iris version 0.0.0 hahah 😀
Yes I know my versioning sucks, but whatever.

And once again I’m really sorry for that that Iris was not available for download several hours. 🙂

Sincerely yours,

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Future plans Sat, 12 Sep 2015 19:56:44 +0000 I decided to posts about the future plans in order to get some feedback and discussion going. For the future we plan: Adding temperature config – like the brightness config it will be possible to customize your colour temp hour Autochange color temp based on location – Iris will automatically find your location on the earth and based on this ... Read More

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I decided to posts about the future plans in order to get some feedback and discussion going.

For the future we plan:

Adding temperature config – like the brightness config it will be possible to customize your colour temp hour

Autochange color temp based on location – Iris will automatically find your location on the earth and based on this it will gradually change day and night based on your location. For the momment it just changes to night at 6 o’clock which is a little bit dumb I know 😀 But we will fix it 🙂

Linux version – my plan with Iris is to make it work on every platform. This means Windows, Mac, Linux and even Android, IPhone etc. Linux version is logically the next step.

More beautifull buy page – Well this is not exactly connected to the application, but the buy page is ugly, period. 😀

Adding water drink reminders – you know what I mean. An average person should drink 8 cups of water per day. Why not make a reminder for this.

Autoupdate Iris – It is a little stupid to go to for every new version. Autoupdate will be good for lazy people like me 🙂

Translation – I think it will be cool to have Iris for your native language. I personally like the idea to make the program in Bulgarian, which is my native language. And it will not be that hard there are something like 100 words in the momment.

Improving blink detection – AI is a skill that I’m not that good at, but I am learning it every day and I believe blink detection will be a really good feature for a program for eye protection. Also I want to make eye mouse. To move your mouse with eyes and blinking to click. This is one of the ways I think a person can improve his blink rates when he sits on the computer.

Display images on the rest screen – This is a suggestion from one user that I really like and I was thinking by myself about it. Not that hard to implement also.

Disable social networks – I really hate how much time I spend on facebook and other social networks. This is really bad for productivity. Ability to block them for some time is something I would love to have in Iris

Make lite version of Iris – The technology behind Iris is big and slow. I want to optimize this and probably make something really lite that does not have UI. Maybe something command line. It will be cool.

Do you have some cool ideas for improving Iris? 🙂

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Mac version – One step closer Mon, 17 Aug 2015 23:25:24 +0000 We are really happy to say that the things with the Mac version started working really well. On our latest test it looks and works even better than the windows version. See for yourself 🙂 Expect Iris for Mac soon

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We are really happy to say that the things with the Mac version started working really well. On our latest test it looks and works even better than the windows version.
See for yourself 🙂
Mac version 2

Expect Iris for Mac soon

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Iris for Mac Sat, 15 Aug 2015 21:23:46 +0000 We make a photo of our MacBook screen. Do you like it? 😛

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We make a photo of our MacBook screen. Do you like it? 😛

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My fault Sat, 15 Aug 2015 10:31:55 +0000 I noticed that in the new version Iris uses so much CPU. The problem is found and I have an idea how to fix it. In the next version Iris will use 0 CPU again. Meanwhile the development environment for Mac seems to be working even trought I run it on Mac 10.6.8 Snow Leopard. So Iris should work on ... Read More

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I noticed that in the new version Iris uses so much CPU. The problem is found and I have an idea how to fix it. In the next version Iris will use 0 CPU again.
Meanwhile the development environment for Mac seems to be working even trought I run it on Mac 10.6.8 Snow Leopard. So Iris should work on very old Macs.
The problem I think is that I can’t test Iris on new Mac, bacause I don’t own one. When we post the version for Mac I will really appreciate feedback from users with newer Macs.

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Mac version in development Fri, 14 Aug 2015 10:58:31 +0000 For a couple of weeks I was trying to get OsX working on a virtual machine with no success. Now I just decided to buy some old MacBook. So Iris is in development for Mac

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For a couple of weeks I was trying to get OsX working on a virtual machine with no success. Now I just decided to buy some old MacBook. So Iris is in development for MacMacBook

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Always make backups Tue, 11 Aug 2015 15:44:28 +0000 After I almost deleted the whole Iris website, I will write note to myself: “Always make backups” If you like Iris support us 🙂

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After I almost deleted the whole Iris website, I will write note to myself:
“Always make backups”

If you like Iris support us 🙂

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Iris review on ilovefreesoftware Mon, 10 Aug 2015 12:27:53 +0000 Iris just got featured at . You can read the article here:

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Iris just got featured at .
You can read the article here:

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Iris in active development again Sun, 09 Aug 2015 18:49:20 +0000 Hello all. There was death in the project for a couple of months because the team broke apart. From today Iris is in active development again. The priority now is making Mac version and fixing bugs. I have a plan for making screen temperature automatic like F.lux and adding more notifications. The blink feature is also really shitty and I ... Read More

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Hello all. There was death in the project for a couple of months because the team broke apart. From today Iris is in active development again. The priority now is making Mac version and fixing bugs. I have a plan for making screen temperature automatic like F.lux and adding more notifications. The blink feature is also really shitty and I will try to fix it.
All the feedback from users that use Iris is appreciated. Also ideas for new features. If you find bugs in the program contact us and we will fix them.

Sincerely yours,

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