Other FAQs Archives - 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 https://iristech.co/category/faqs/iris-faq/other-faqs/ Tue, 26 Apr 2022 09:31:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Getting support in other languages https://iristech.co/faq/getting-support-in-other-languages/ Thu, 27 Feb 2020 09:37:27 +0000 https://iristech.co/?post_type=faq&p=29017 We only offer support in English Please ask your question in English And send us all relevant information so we can solve the problem faster without asking additional questions 🙂 Answers also How to get support in other languages Cómo obtener ayuda

The post Getting support in other languages appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

  • We only offer support in English
  • Please ask your question in English
  • And send us all relevant information so we can solve the problem faster without asking additional questions 🙂
  • Answers also

    • How to get support in other languages
    • Cómo obtener ayuda

    The post Getting support in other languages appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Are you happy with Iris? Leave us a review! https://iristech.co/faq/are-you-happy-with-iris-leave-us-a-review/ Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:52:46 +0000 https://iristech.co/?post_type=faq&p=23973 If you’re satisfied with Iris, we would be really happy if you could leave us a review on Facebook page here – Iris Facebook Google Maps here – Iris Google Maps It helps us build trust and motivates us to make the software even better 🙂

    The post Are you happy with Iris? Leave us a review! appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


    If you’re satisfied with Iris, we would be really happy if you could leave us a review on

    It helps us build trust and motivates us to make the software even better 🙂

    The post Are you happy with Iris? Leave us a review! appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Social media pages https://iristech.co/faq/learn-more-about-eye-protection-on-our-social-media/ Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:52:09 +0000 https://iristech.co/?post_type=faq&p=23972 We constantly upload articles with more information about protection tips, fun facts, and new information. Check out our blog here – Iris Blog Facebook page – Iris Facebook Instagram account: Iris Instagram

    The post Social media pages appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


    We constantly upload articles with more information about protection tips, fun facts, and new information.

    The post Social media pages appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    How Iris improves sleep? https://iristech.co/faq/how-iris-improves-sleep/ Wed, 23 Oct 2019 18:53:56 +0000 https://iristech.co/?post_type=faq&p=14638 TODO

    The post How Iris improves sleep? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


    The post How Iris improves sleep? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    How Iris prevents eye strain? https://iristech.co/faq/how-iris-prevents-eye-strain/ Wed, 23 Oct 2019 18:15:39 +0000 https://iristech.co/?post_type=faq&p=14635 Prevent Eye strain Iris optimizes screen pulsations by controlling the brightness without PWM. You will be able to use your computer for longe r without headaches.

    The post How Iris prevents eye strain? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Prevent Eye strain

    Iris optimizes screen pulsations by controlling the brightness without PWM.
    You will be able to use your computer for longe r without headaches.

    The post How Iris prevents eye strain? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Често срещани проблеми при потребители на Iris https://iristech.co/typical-problems/ https://iristech.co/typical-problems/#respond Tue, 05 Mar 2019 22:10:05 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=11973 Тук ще разгледаме често срещани проблеми, които имат потребителите при използване на Iris Как да активирам? Купих си Iris, но все още пише че изтича, какво да правя? Това се случва, защото потребителят не е активирал Iris след като си го е купил Потребителят получава активационен код след покупка, който може да сложи в Iris, за да активира Това, което ... Read More

    The post Често срещани проблеми при потребители на Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Тук ще разгледаме често срещани проблеми, които имат потребителите при използване на Iris

    Как да активирам?

    Купих си Iris, но все още пише че изтича, какво да правя?

    Това се случва, защото потребителят не е активирал Iris след като си го е купил

    Потребителят получава активационен код след покупка, който може да сложи в Iris, за да активира

    Това, което трябва да се направи в случая е да се обясни защо се е получило така, да се изпрати съответния код на потребителя заедно с guide как се активира

    Имаме видео в youtube, което го обяснява нагледно:


    Имаме и статия с сайта:


    Инсталирах, но не виждам никакви промени върху екрана ми

    Това най-често се случва, когато мониторът на потребителят е свързан с DisplayLink, USB или някой от по-новите такива кабели и е под Windows

    Може да се оправи като се активира high-level API (работи и съществува само под Windows):


    Отново обясняваме на потребителя защо се е случило и как се оправя като му изпращаме линка с видеото

    Пише, че кодът ми вече е използван на друг компютър

    Това се получава, когато клиентът се опитва да активира Iris с код, който е използван преди, но не е revoke-нат

    Когато се активира с код веднъж, той се “закача” за компютърът на който е използван, за да се използва отново трябва да се “откачи” чрез revoke

    Това може да се случи през този линк:


    Но е добра практика да го правим ние вместо клиентът, през админ панел-ът е нужен само кодът, за да се направи revoke

    Тоест, когато имаме въпросният код му правим revoke през админ панела и го изпращаме на потребителя като му казваме, че е готов за използване

    През https://iristech.co/license-revoke, освен код, трябва да се въведат имейл и timestamp, добра практика е да изпратим и тях (могат да се видят през панела) на клиента, за да може в бъдеще той сам да направи revoke

    Може ли Iris ама без да плащам?

    Ами, не може 😀 Има потребители, които доста ясно показват, че не оценяват продукта особено, но в същото време искат да го използват без да плащат, защото [въведи причина тук]

    Окей да подаряваме безплатен код на хора, които са купували преди от нас/ харесват и оценяват продукта ни, но не е окей да подаряваме безплатен код на хора, които просто спамят и нахалстват за нещо безплатно, каквото и да е

    За това в случая им изпращаме нещо от този сорт:

    You can use Iris mini for free but with limited functionality:


    Additionally, you can also check this article:


    Идеята е, че въпреки всичко искаме да помогнем на човека и да му дадем някаква стойност

    Как се спира таймера?

    Iris има таймер, който ти напомня да си почиваш от време на време, за да не се натоварват очите ти толкова

    Някои хора не го харесват, за това им казваме как да го спрат, имаме видео tutorial, за това как се случва:


    Как да поканя приятели, за да удължа trial периода?

    В Iris можеш да каниш приятели и когато те си свалят през твоят линк и двамата получавате +1 месец бонус

    Имаме статия, която покрива пълният процес за това как се канят приятели тук:

    Как да купя с кредитна/ дебитна карта, не искам PayPal?

    Има хора, които не искат и не използват PayPal (или не е наличен за тяхната държава), за това те могат да си купят с карта, използвайки 2checkout:

    Има ли Iris за телефон?

    Имаме Iris за iOS и за Андроид

    Версията на iOS се инсталира една идея по-сложно и е безплатна

    Имаме guide как се инсталира тук:

    Андроид версиите са си в GooglePlay и могат да се видят всичките от тук:



    *някои линкове са в кавички, защото wordpress ги зарежда директно в статията иначе

    The post Често срещани проблеми при потребители на Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    https://iristech.co/typical-problems/feed/ 0
    Does lot of exposure to computer screen and laptop screen cause dry eyes or is it age-related problem? https://iristech.co/does-lot-of-exposure-to-computer-screen-and-laptop-screen-cause-dry-eyes-or-is-it-age-related-problem/ https://iristech.co/does-lot-of-exposure-to-computer-screen-and-laptop-screen-cause-dry-eyes-or-is-it-age-related-problem/#respond Mon, 28 Jan 2019 19:21:38 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=11793 Actually, both can cause dry eyes and while we can’t fix the aging problem (yet), we can fix the toxic exposure from a computer screen. The main 2 bad things that monitors do are: Emit Blue LightArtificial blue light is very bad for our eyes and at the same time, it’s emitted by almost everything. It prevents us from having ... Read More

    The post Does lot of exposure to computer screen and laptop screen cause dry eyes or is it age-related problem? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Actually, both can cause dry eyes and while we can’t fix the aging problem (yet), we can fix the toxic exposure from a computer screen.

    The main 2 bad things that monitors do are:

    1. Emit Blue Light

      Artificial blue light is very bad for our eyes and at the same time, it’s emitted by almost everything. It prevents us from having a good night’s sleep and can lead to macular degeneration in the long-term
    2. Use PWM Flicker

      I know it may sound a little crazy but our eyes basically look like this while looking at a flickering screen:

    Which as you can guess, is very bad for our eyes.

    PWM Flicker is basically the computer screen turning on and off again thousands of times per second and while we can’t perceive it with our eyes our brains can

    The best thing to do while having both these in mind is to download Iris

    Iris can lower the amount of Blue Light down to 0% and is the only program that can also fully remove PWM flicker

    Download Iris

    The post Does lot of exposure to computer screen and laptop screen cause dry eyes or is it age-related problem? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    https://iristech.co/does-lot-of-exposure-to-computer-screen-and-laptop-screen-cause-dry-eyes-or-is-it-age-related-problem/feed/ 0
    Is there a Free Iris? https://iristech.co/is-there-a-free-iris/ https://iristech.co/is-there-a-free-iris/#respond Mon, 07 May 2018 10:31:28 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=8224 In the beginning, it was totally free but the software also was not so great as it is now. Earliest versions I keep all versions even the earliest one here: danielng01/Iris-Builds For example, all versions for Windows can be found here: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds Versions for macOS here: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds Versions for Linux here: https://github.com/danielng01/product-builds Freemium Iris Over time I made it freemium ... Read More

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    In the beginning, it was totally free but the software also was not so great as it is now.

    Earliest versions

    I keep all versions even the earliest one here:


    For example, all versions for Windows can be found here:


    Versions for macOS here:


    Versions for Linux here:


    Freemium Iris

    Over time I made it freemium but that also didn’t work well. You can find the last freemium versions of Iris here:



    Freemium Iris mini

    Aside from this Iris mini is still freemium and can be downloaded from here:


    Free trial Iris

    Right now, Iris is free trial for a couple of days and you can invite friends to use Iris forever for free.

    The latest version of Iris can be downloaded from here:


    Or a direct link which will automatically detect your OS:



    Free versions exist for both Android and iOS also.


    Download link for Android:

    Iris mini – Apps on Google Play



    Download link for iOS:


    Iris Micro

    Iris micro is also free:


    More info

    Iris Pro Iris mini Iris mini Pro Iris micro
    Blue light
    Screen effects
    Font rendering
    Hidden features
    User interface
    Tray menu
    Command line

    For more information about the different models and versions of Iris you can visit:





    Daniel Georgiev
    CEO Iris Technologies

    Publishing date: 07.05.2018

    The post Is there a Free Iris? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    https://iristech.co/is-there-a-free-iris/feed/ 0
    Purchasing Iris https://iristech.co/purchasing-iris/ https://iristech.co/purchasing-iris/#respond Fri, 27 Apr 2018 13:17:45 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=7909 You can buy Iris using PayPal by clicking here: Iris – PayPal Alternatively, if your country is not listed or you do not have a PayPal account, you can use 2checkout which supports most of the countries: Iris – 2checkout If you are a cryptocurrency enthusiast or you just like buying things with cryptos you can use: Iris – crypto It ... Read More

    The post Purchasing Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    You can buy Iris using PayPal by clicking here:
    Iris – PayPal

    Alternatively, if your country is not listed or you do not have a PayPal account, you can use 2checkout which supports most of the countries:
    Iris – 2checkout

    If you are a cryptocurrency enthusiast or you just like buying things with cryptos you can use:

    Iris – crypto
    It supports Bitcoin and some of the popular altcoins.

    The post Purchasing Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    https://iristech.co/purchasing-iris/feed/ 0
    Where to put the Activation Code? https://iristech.co/where-to-put-the-activation-code/ https://iristech.co/where-to-put-the-activation-code/#respond Sun, 15 Apr 2018 10:20:34 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=7819 Basically, you need to open the settings panel. You can do this by double-clicking the desktop icon again. I also have detailed articles with images and video for Iris Pro here https://iristech.co/how-to-install-and-activate-iris/ and for Iris mini Pro here https://iristech.co/how-to-install-and-activate-iris-mini/

    The post Where to put the Activation Code? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Basically, you need to open the settings panel. You can do this by double-clicking the desktop icon again.

    I also have detailed articles with images and video for Iris Pro here


    and for Iris mini Pro here


    The post Where to put the Activation Code? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    https://iristech.co/where-to-put-the-activation-code/feed/ 0
    Is the basic Iris free? https://iristech.co/is-the-basic-iris-free/ https://iristech.co/is-the-basic-iris-free/#respond Sun, 15 Apr 2018 09:14:20 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=7788 As of this time 04.2018 Iris is free trial with option to invite friends to use it for free. There is also 1 time payment option to get it lifelong. These pages are dedicated to these things https://iristech.co/buy/ https://iristech.co/licensing/ Last year 2017 Iris was freemium with the option to unlock all features by buying the Pro version. This means that ... Read More

    The post Is the basic Iris free? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    As of this time 04.2018 Iris is free trial with option to invite friends to use it for free.

    There is also 1 time payment option to get it lifelong.

    These pages are dedicated to these things



    Last year 2017 Iris was freemium with the option to unlock all features by buying the Pro version. This means that you can use Iris for free forever but with limited options.

    You can find the last freemium version here for Windows


    And here for macOS


    The first versions of Iris was totally free but I don’t remember which version number they were. You can try to find them from here


    Note that I improve Iris a lot all the time and they may be a little buggy and not user-friendly because this was the beginning of this project, but they still work 🙂

    The post Is the basic Iris free? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    https://iristech.co/is-the-basic-iris-free/feed/ 0
    Troubleshooting https://iristech.co/troubleshooting/ https://iristech.co/troubleshooting/#comments Thu, 28 Dec 2017 15:43:24 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=5887 This turtle is the Iris customer support agent and it will help you solve all your problems with Iris. You may wonder why I chose turtle to help you, but the answer is simple. Turtles have the ability to stay grounded, even in moments of disturbances and chaos. They symbolize determination, persistence, emotional strength and understanding, all of the things ... Read More

    The post Troubleshooting appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    This turtle is the Iris customer support agent and it will help you solve all your problems with Iris. You may wonder why I chose turtle to help you, but the answer is simple.

    Turtles have the ability to stay grounded, even in moments of disturbances and chaos.

    They symbolize determination, persistence, emotional strength and understanding, all of the things you need to read this article or maybe to wait for me fix some bug I haven’t found yet 🙂


    Bellow, you will find most common user questions I receive my e-mail. They are arranged in random order and new things are added to the end.

    Iris doesn’t work on my second monitor

    If you use USB monitor or DisplayLink or other docking station Iris may not work on your second monitor.

    You can fix this by using High-level Color API on Windows

    For macOS I am still searching for a way to do this, but USD monitors don’t support gamma changes by default.

    New drivers of DisplayLink may also help you as they started to support gamma changes.

    Is there a way for my Iris to turn on automatically at startup?

    Iris should start automatically on startup at every system.

    On macOS, there is system protection ad you must move the app to some other folder, not the Downloads folder because it will not start automatically if it’s in the Downloads folder.

    On all systems check if Start on startup checkbox is checked.

    I paid for Iris Pro but haven’t received activation code

    When you buy Iris Pro or Iris mini Pro you need to wait for redirection back to the Iris website.

    After the redirection, you will see screen like this

    If you didn’t wait and closed the browser tab you need to write to me to create your activation code by hand. Please note that I receive a lot of e-mails and my response may be slow, but I will either refund your money or create your new activation code 🙂

    See this page on how to proceed


    For activation, instructions see this page


    Monitor is blinking between the Iris setting and the regular blue light of my monitor

    Several programs for blue light may conflict with each other.

    If you use both Iris and Iris mini quit one of them.

    If you use both Iris and f.lux quit one of them.

    Same goes for every other combination of blue light reduction software which conflicts with each other.

    Iris doesn’t conflict with Windows and macOS integrated blue light reduction features 🙂

    Keep flashing between ON and OFF

    If the above is not the case, some video card drivers also constantly want to change the display gamma and calibrate the screen and this may also cause flicker.

    You need to somehow quit the conflicting process of your video card.

    High-level API should also fix this problem on Windows

    What are the registry changes to unlock lower values?

    On the first start, Iris may ask you to make some changes to the Registry.

    This is nothing to be afraid of and the goal of this is Iris to work faster when you want lower values.

    By default, you have a cap on color changes to somewhere around 3900K.

    To go lower you need to unlock the gamma or use Iris high-level API.

    If you want to know the exact settings that Iris changes see this file:

    Download “unlock_gamma_ramp.reg” unlock_gamma_ramp.reg – 166.00 B

    To delete these changes Run this file:

    Download “lock_gamma_ramp.reg” lock_gamma_ramp.reg – 164.00 B

    Why Iris doesn’t let me choose install location

    You can move the folder by hand after installation.

    The reason for this is because Iris doesn’t want Admin rights right away and this actually helps with Privacy and Security.

    You can find the location of the installation here:

    Other programs like Chrome also do this so here are the benefits of installing without Admin access.

    You can install Iris on computers at your work which doesn’t allow app installations

    Iris can install because it doesn’t require Admin access.

    At the first start, it may ask you to unlock the gamma via Regedit which requires admin access but if you don’t give it, Iris will use High-level API which may be a little slower but will still work.

    You can feel more secure

    Computer programs can do a lot of bad things if you give them Admin access and install them in Program Files.

    Iris have an installer with admin access but I don’t distribute is as the default download for the reasons above.

    You can always move the installation folder by hand and Iris will still work.

    Iris is easier to clean from the computer

    %LOCALAPPDATA% is folder per user which means that Iris will be deleted if you delete the user and create a new one.

    This may help if there is a bug which makes the monitor colors broken or black. This think should not happen but is one more thing to make Iris removal easier.

    Iris doesn’t change colors on Windows 7

    Try to Enable Aero.

    This may happen if you use High-level Color API. For it to work on Windows 7 you need Aero to be enabled.

    Low-level API should work without Aero but will not work with USB monitors.

    Another cause of this problem if you use Low-level color API may be that you don’t have drivers for your video card installed.

    I’m having trouble figuring out how to use the sliders. Nothing is happening

    If this is your first installation of Iris and gamma range is not expanded you are using High-level Color API but it needs Aero to be enabled to work.

    If you have expanded the color range you need to restart your PC for Iris to start to work perfectly.

    There is something else that if it’s Day and you are moving the Night slider it will not change anything on the screen because it’s day and the night has not come yet.

    You can also see this page for more explanations


    Or see all Help articles from here


    How to Cleanup everything

    Close Iris

    Run this file

    [Download not found]

    This will clean Iris save, gamma unlock and Iris URL scheme

    Mouse pointer blue

    Use software mouse

    – Can’t see mouse in games

    Disable use software mouse

    – Iris is slowing down my PC

    Try with Iris mini

    – Display is red

    – Can’t open the program

    – My display flickers

    Delete f.lux

    – Can’t delete the program

    – Where to put the activation code


    – Activation fails with some error

    Behind proxy try with OfflineCode

    I don’t see type and mode any more

    Click use advanced settings

    What changes Iris does on installation

    -gamma ramp

    Computer crashed can’t activate Iris again

    -revoke a license

    Iris and display calibration

    – Enable preserve gamma

    Something else?

    Post in the forum

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    https://iristech.co/troubleshooting/feed/ 22
    How to Translate Iris https://iristech.co/how-to-translate-iris/ https://iristech.co/how-to-translate-iris/#respond Sun, 16 Apr 2017 20:19:37 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=3571 In this article I want to show you how you can translate Iris into new language or edit the current translation strings. Every string into the application can be found here https://github.com/danielng01/iris-translations In this example we will use Bulgarian as starting point and you will understand from there what to do. First locate your language translations file. This is the ... Read More

    The post How to Translate Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    In this article I want to show you how you can translate Iris into new language or edit the current translation strings.

    Every string into the application can be found here


    In this example we will use Bulgarian as starting point and you will understand from there what to do.

    First locate your language translations file. This is the file ending in .ts
    Files ending in .qm are the compiled translation files

    In our example this is the file

    Click the link then click Raw

    Now with Right click -> Save as
    Save the file somewhere on your PC

    Now you can just edit this file by hand with some regular text editor or use the special Qt Linguist which is more user friendly. You can download Qt Liguist from this link


    The UI looks like this

    When you are finished send me the new file to


    I will replace it and you will have your new awesome translation in the next version.

    If you want to translate Iris to new language use iris_en.ts or some other file as placeholder and just create duplicate the file and change it’s contents.

    Here is video showing the above steps

    The post How to Translate Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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    How to invite all your Facebook friends to like Iris https://iristech.co/how-to-invite-all-your-facebook-friends-to-like-iris/ https://iristech.co/how-to-invite-all-your-facebook-friends-to-like-iris/#respond Wed, 15 Feb 2017 02:29:41 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=3032 On this page I want to show you how to invite all your Facebook friends to like the Iris Facebook page automatically without much clicking. For this to work you will need: Google Chrome Invite All Friends on Facebook Chrome Extension Facebook account Go to the Iris Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/iristech.co/ In the right part of the page, there is ... Read More

    The post How to invite all your Facebook friends to like Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    On this page I want to show you how to invite all your Facebook friends to like the Iris Facebook page automatically without much clicking.

    For this to work you will need:

    1. Google Chrome
    2. Invite All Friends on Facebook Chrome Extension
    3. Facebook account

    Go to the Iris Facebook page here:


    In the right part of the page, there is Invite friends to like this Page button

    Click it and window like this will open

    Scroll down your friends a little

    After you have installed Invite All Friends on Facebook Chrome Extension click the checkbox in the top right corner of the screen. A window like this will open and the extension will start to invite your friends automatically

    If you have many Facebook friends after some time you will get a notification like this

    Do the same steps the next day again for several days until you have invited all your Facebook friends.

    Thank you very much for supporting Iris

    Daniel 🙂

    The post How to invite all your Facebook friends to like Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    https://iristech.co/how-to-invite-all-your-facebook-friends-to-like-iris/feed/ 0