Iris FAQs Archives - 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 Mon, 06 Mar 2023 14:27:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Get help with Debug info Thu, 17 Mar 2022 17:06:08 +0000 To get help with Debug info Paste your problem and Debug info into the #👾-get-help-with-debug-info channel into the Discord server You can find the Discord server from the page How to get the Debug info   Video tutorial to get the Debug info

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To get help with Debug info

  • Paste your problem and Debug info into the #👾-get-help-with-debug-info channel into the Discord server
  • You can find the Discord server from the page

How to get the Debug info


Video tutorial to get the Debug info

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Fixing Iris Green screen on macOS Tue, 11 Jan 2022 16:44:26 +0000 Update 2022.04: The green screen issue is fixed with the latest macOS update In the newest version of macOS, they changed something and Iris looks like this The workaround is Enable Color Schemes from Features From Color Schemes set leading color to Blue Answers also Hello! I just installed Iris on my new Mac. I bought the app for my ... Read More

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Update 2022.04: The green screen issue is fixed with the latest macOS update

  • In the newest version of macOS, they changed something and Iris looks like this
  • The workaround is
    • Enable Color Schemes from Features
    • From Color Schemes set leading color to Blue

Answers also

  • Hello! I just installed Iris on my new Mac. I bought the app for my windows previously. The app seems to work very differently on my Mac, the screen tends to turn green/blueish instead of red like previously. Is this an update or is the app not functioning properly?
  • I updated my M1 2020 MacBook Pro to the latest software update and now my screen won’t go red anymore on any setting, it goes green instead. I have the latest Iris 1.2.0 MacOS installed which was working fine before the software update. Anyone else have this issue?
  • I am using Monterey. It’s all green.
  • Does Iris work with Monterey? Everything is green.
  • Hello. I have a paid license. I moved to a new Macbook Pro. When using Iris the screen now has a green tint (instead of pink/red, on my previous Mac).
  • Hi. I was using Iris on a macbook 2012 (intel) and it worked great, but now that I’ve switched to a macbook M1, the color temperature is all off and the screen turns green when I use the exact same configuration I used to use on my old mac. Is there a fix for this? Can you help me, please?
  • No, Iris only works on the second screen and I have to use the color scheme: blue method mentioned above for the liquid retina display to get rid of the green screen.
  • Yeah, I have the green screen problem with the liquid retina display on MacOS Monterey 12.0.1. The green screen problem doesn’t affect external monitors, just the retina display.
  • Any suggestions? My Iris Mini only changes the color temperatures to green. I’m on an m1 macbook pro
  • Hey guys, did cntrl+f but couldn’t find answer to this. My screen turns green when i’m in Full Screen and there is no mouse activity. I played with the software mouse settings and low level color API setting. None seem to make it work. Sucks because I can’t go full screen on movies and stuff. It’s only video i think, because internet browsers are fine on full screen. What do?
  • Hi there – I’m using Iris on a new Macbook Pro 2021 and its making the display skew green! Anyone kn Hi there – I’m using Iris on a new Macbook Pro 2021 and its making the display skew green! Anyone know why this is happening? Thanks!
  • My sleep setting on my new macbook pro (2021) is GREEN – can’t seem get the red screen
  • Hello, does Iris work on M1 MacBooks? I have green color instead of orange tried it with flux, the same issue –


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Iris not working immediately after Unlock Tue, 23 Feb 2021 13:50:48 +0000 If Iris doesn’t work for several seconds after you Unlock your PC or MacBook You can increase the update interval of Iris to be faster The reason for this is because the operating system disables the effect when you lock your PC Write as a hidden feature set iris update interval to 1000 This will make Iris update every second ... Read More

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  • If Iris doesn’t work for several seconds after you Unlock your PC or MacBook
    • You can increase the update interval of Iris to be faster
    • The reason for this is because the operating system disables the effect when you lock your PC
  • Write as a hidden feature
    • set iris update interval to 1000
    • This will make Iris update every second instead of every 10 seconds
    • This will increase the CPU usage so if you have problems try with 2000 or 3000 ms update interval
  • Answers also

    • hello – is this something that can be fixed? When I let my mac sleep and then wake it up, Iris doesn’t kick in for 5-10 seconds. In the meantime, I am blinded by the light! Thanks for your help
    • Hi all – when my mac wakes from sleep iris-micro resets and I have to rerun it. Is there a workaround for this so the settings persist
    • I didn’t have the force quit problem. But yeah the sleep and awoke bug makes Iris unusable.
    • I have a bug on the M1 Macbook pro. every time when it comes back from sleep, it applies the Iris setting again so the screen gets darker and darker every time it comes back from sleep. Is anyone experiencing that?
    • iris should not be working on my external display connected to macbook pro via USB, and all the mentioned cases sound like it does not activate at all on the external monitor — however, it seems to be working for me except for a consistent 5 second lag in activating upon wake from sleep and connecting/disconnecting the macbook from the external monitor — does this lag issue fall under the scope of what’s described in that link? If so, does that mean vga/hdmi/airplay cable would fix it?
    • hello – is this something that can be fixed? When I let my mac sleep and then wake it up, Iris doesn’t kick in for 5-10 seconds. In the meantime I am blinded by the light! Thanks for your help.
    • Hi all – when my mac wakes from sleep iris-micro resets and I have to rerun it. Is there a workaround for this so the settings persist?

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    App is too Big on the screen Wed, 20 Jan 2021 09:15:41 +0000 If the app is too big on the screen you can use the hidden features to change the size of the window Use the set ui scale hidden features as this set ui scale to 0 – Iris will automatically detect device resolution and choose UI size (default) set ui scale to 1 – Normal UI for small devices 1280×1024 set ... Read More

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  • If the app is too big on the screen you can use the hidden features to change the size of the window
  • Use the set ui scale hidden features as this
  • Answers also

    • Does anyone have the issue of the app being “huge” where the DPI (scale and layout) of windows makes the window large

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    Why Iris is detected as Virus Fri, 19 Jun 2020 08:43:32 +0000 We have written to most antivirus companies and Iris is whitelisted If some antivirus program detects Iris as virus write to them that it’s false positive You can check Iris with VirusTotal to see that it’s not a virus The detection happens sometimes because it is using low-level Windows APIs Answers also Hi – I´m trying to install Iris on ... Read More

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  • We have written to most antivirus companies and Iris is whitelisted
  • If some antivirus program detects Iris as virus write to them that it’s false positive
  • You can check Iris with VirusTotal to see that it’s not a virus
  • The detection happens sometimes because it is using low-level Windows APIs
  • Answers also

    • Hi – I´m trying to install Iris on a new laptop in a corporate environment, however when I download Iris, Cisco AMP software quarantine´s the executable. Any idea what it might be detecting which makes it think that Iris contains malicous content? Thanks

    E-mail answer

    • We have written to most antivirus companies and Iris is whitelisted
    • If some antivirus program detects Iris as virus write to them that it’s false positive
    • You can check Iris with VirusTotal to see that it’s not a virus
    • The detection happens sometimes because it is using low-level Windows APIs

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    Tips for Healthy Eyes – Eye pain, Eye strain, Dry eyes recommendations Sun, 31 May 2020 17:12:00 +0000 Here are the best tips for healthy eyes and how to fix your eye problems Use Iris or similar software for blue light reduction and brightness without flicker Don’t use eye drops They are addicting and your eyes stop to produce moisturizing tears Get prescription glasses They help for eye relaxation when looking at close distance objects The human eyes ... Read More

    The post Tips for Healthy Eyes – Eye pain, Eye strain, Dry eyes recommendations appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Here are the best tips for healthy eyes and how to fix your eye problems

    • Use Iris or similar software for blue light reduction and brightness without flicker
    • Don’t use eye drops
      • They are addicting and your eyes stop to produce moisturizing tears
    • Get prescription glasses
      • They help for eye relaxation when looking at close distance objects
      • The human eyes are made for looking at distance objects so a pair of glasses with small diopter is always helpful when working in front of the computer
    • Place your monitor so you look down on it and your eyes are more closed
      • The more closed the eyes the less eye pain and dry eyes you will get because you blink more and your eyes are more moistured
    • Place your monitor so the window in the room is left or right to you
      • This way you avoid double image and reflections on your monitor
    • Get a monitor with matte coating instead of a glossy monitor
      • Or get a matte sheet to place on your glossy monitor
      • Matte coating diffuses the light and you don’t see double image and reflections on your monitor
    • Match your room lighting to the light emitted from the monitor
      • Your monitor should look like a book not like a light source
      • As a general rule, always keep the lights on when you work in front of the monitor
      • This helps to keep your eyes more relaxed when the screen colors change too much from dark to bright
    • Take some rests from time to time
      • And look at distant objects
      • This helps with eye relaxation again
    • Yawn more
      • Yawning is the best way to produce more tears and it’s contagious

    After 1-2 weeks all your eye problems should be fixed 🙂

    More about the subject

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    How do I know if Iris is working Sun, 31 May 2020 17:02:04 +0000 When Iris is working your screen should be more yellow/orange/red depending of the time of the day See this Here are steps to fix Iris if the effect is not working Answers also Iris effect is of no real productive, the problem still persist of drying of eyes How do I know if Iris effect works

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  • When Iris is working your screen should be more yellow/orange/red depending of the time of the day
  • See this
  • Here are steps to fix Iris if the effect is not working
  • Answers also

    • Iris effect is of no real productive, the problem still persist of drying of eyes
    • How do I know if Iris effect works

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    Iris and Fullscreen Games Sun, 24 May 2020 19:56:40 +0000 Iris should work with most fullscreen games If Iris doesn’t work with a fullscreen game you have 2 options Try to switch between high and low-level color API Make the game in Windowed mode For example, this is how I get Iris working with Prince of Persia To get every game in windowed mode if it’s not available in ... Read More

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  • Iris should work with most fullscreen games
  • If Iris doesn’t work with a fullscreen game you have 2 options
  • Another problem not related to fullscreen games but also happens with some games
    • If your mouse is not visible
    • Uncheck “Use software mouse” in settings
  • Answers also

    • Iris doesn’t work with fullscreen games
    • How to get Iris to work with fullscreen games
    • Is there any way to use Iris in full-screen apps like Minecraft fullscreen? Because when I go in fullscreen on Minecraft iris don’t filter out
    • Iris stops working when I load up a full screen game, how do I fix this
    • Hello! Just bought the Pro version of the Iris and I really like it. The problem is that I usually spend my time on the computer playing video games. Is there a way that I keep Iris active while I play the game and not only on the desktop

    E-mail answer

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    Iris and Location Privacy Sun, 17 May 2020 07:17:25 +0000 Iris doesn’t collect any info The location check is approximate and it’s done based on IP and we do not collect them also There is one call to check the license and one call to make +1 of the times Iris has been started total at the start of the app Both these checks are anonymous and use something we ... Read More

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  • Iris doesn’t collect any info
  • The location check is approximate and it’s done based on IP and we do not collect them also
  • There is one call to check the license and one call to make +1 of the times Iris has been started total at the start of the app
    • Both these checks are anonymous and use something we call machine fingerprint which is hash of hard drive id, processor id, mac address and other variables which is impossible to decipher
  • You can check your location from this website by IP
  • Answers also

    • Hi guys at Iris, I am interested in using this for working from home but I have concerns about privacy, what information does this app collect if any

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    Iris for Linux problems Sun, 17 May 2020 07:07:43 +0000 The Linux version of Iris is tricky to make for all distros because they constantly change the kernel and it’s not backward compatible Sometimes you just need to download the correct .so files and place them in the libs folder Other times Iris needs recompilation and you can’t make it run You can download Iris for Linux for free from ... Read More

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  • The Linux version of Iris is tricky to make for all distros because they constantly change the kernel and it’s not backward compatible
  • Sometimes you just need to download the correct .so files and place them in the libs folder
  • Other times Iris needs recompilation and you can’t make it run
  • You can download Iris for Linux for free from here
  • Try it and if it doesn’t work don’t buy it
  • It’s in our TODO to download all Linux distros and compile Iris under each but this takes a lot of time
  • Some features are only available for Iris on Windows like Fonts, Software mouse, High-level API, and Reading mode. There is just no way to make them on Linux
  • Answers also

    • I am working on linux ubuntu whenever i start iris it indeed affects the color of my screen however im not getting any menu, nor iris icon on the menu bar.. is there any way u can help me out fixing it
    • Hello! I don’t know if this channel is still active but I want to buy Iris, except the test version is extremely broken on Linux. Iris mini works fine so far though, so: 1) Is the software still maintained for Linux? Or am I going to buy something that may or may not work at the next system upgrade? 2) Why isn’t there the reading mode on the Iris Pro for Linux? Is it a technical issue?

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    Control Iris via Script or Command line Tue, 28 Apr 2020 18:53:09 +0000 You can control Iris programmatically via URL scheme like these: iris://type-sleep You can also use the Magic links API The Magic links API will display a page if you don’t have Iris installed All hidden features are supported For more fine control you can use the free Iris micro Answers also Is there a way from the ... Read More

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  • You can control Iris programmatically via URL scheme like these:
  • You can also use the Magic links API
  • The Magic links API will display a page if you don’t have Iris installed
  • All hidden features are supported
  • For more fine control you can use the free Iris micro
  • Answers also

    • Is there a way from the command line (OSX) to change types? For example, from Sleep to Biohacker, or from Biohacker to Programming?

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    Ignore Iris effect when taking screenshots Sat, 04 Apr 2020 13:03:30 +0000 You need to switch to the Low-level API How it works Low-level API doesn’t affect screenshots and Iris continues to  works all the time Answers also Hi! I’m trying to take screencaps while Iris is on but they come out with the Iris filter. Is there a fix Преди да преинсталирам Windows нямах проблем с цветовете при Print ... Read More

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    Answers also

    • Hi! I’m trying to take screencaps while Iris is on but they come out with the Iris filter. Is there a fix
    • Преди да преинсталирам Windows нямах проблем с цветовете при Print Screen и пускането на изображението в Photoshop, а сега имам и не се покават реалните цветове на копираното
    • Hi, i just subscribed to Iris to test it out. One inconvenience i find is that my screenshots are affected by Iris. Is it possible to not affect the screenshots when i use Iris? So what i’ve been doing is pausing Iris, while enduring for the moment, and quickly taking the screenshot
    • When Iris is on the Windows Snipping Tool gives a dark red background. When Iris is off it still gives a light red or pink or orange background. How do I get rid of it? There should be no tint. The background should be white. Any ideas? Thank you.
    • I’m thinking of buying the product but having a major issue Whenever I do screenshots it turns my screen redish I’m not even sure the product works under normal use, I like how it look when I take screenshot but it’d need it the complete other way arround. Normal when I screenshot and redish when I use it I’m using Greenshot selection. Can anyone try taking a screenshot with greenshot and report if it does the same. It’s a windows app
    • Windows 10 version: When using Snagit (Screen Capture software) it will actually capture the current color setting of Iris Pro. Here are some screenshots that I took of a VMWare container first with Iris, second with Iris Paused
    • Hello I’m a Pro User from China. When I press QQ screenshot function(alt+c) the picture which QQ cut becomes a little yellow can I avoid this
    • I folks, I started using IRIS because it was the only solution that supported two screens! Since then, I am very happy with it. Just wanted to this constructive feedback to improve the product: I do a lot of screenshots during my work. With IRIS activated, the screenshot looks yellow and pretty ugly to sent to someone. So everytime I want to take a screenshot I have to pause IRIS, which can get pretty annoying. IF there would be a way to “automatically” pause IRIS, every time I open Windows “Snipping Tool” – That would be much of a relief. Best, Julius
    • Hi, does anybody know if there is a way to screenshot without having the orange tint come through? I’ve tried enabling low-level API but since i have a dual monitor/laptop docking station that disables Iris.
    • When I take a screenshot, it gets yellowish and darker because of Iris, how can I fix it?
    • Hi, I was wondering if there’s some way to avoid the Iris overlay from being picked up in a screen recording and other such applications. I remember it never being an issue when I had an older version a while ago. My current version is v1.2.0, I believe. Thanks!
    • hi daniel, is there any plans or options to get screen recording software to bypass iris so videos aren’t dark and red? Without having to stop iris and be blasted in the face with brightness
    • Hi. Does anyone experience issues when using the snipping tool or screen shot where the captured image is given an orange hue when using iris? I have to “pause” iris to take screenshots to keep it from happening.

    E-mail answer

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    How do I completely uninstall Iris Sat, 04 Apr 2020 13:00:30 +0000 You can delete via Add or Remove programs How to Uninstall by hand If it doesn’t work quit Iris and then remove the %LOCALAPPDATA%/Iris folder How to quit Iris To quit Iris you need to right click the tray icon and click quit Where is installation folder located Write in the Windows Explorer %LOCALAPPDATA% Delete this folder How to disable ... Read More

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  • You can delete via Add or Remove programs
  • How to Uninstall by hand

    If it doesn’t work quit Iris and then remove the %LOCALAPPDATA%/Iris folder

    How to quit Iris

    To quit Iris you need to right click the tray icon and click quit

    Where is installation folder located

    Write in the Windows Explorer %LOCALAPPDATA%

    Delete this folder

    How to disable Iris start on startup on Windows 10

    If the above doesn’t work

    • open Task Manager
    • go to Startup
    • right-click over Iris and disable Iris

    Answers also

    • How do i completely uninstall iris? It keeps popping up even though I’m not subscribed
    • Had a free trial of your product and found it to be very good; it reduced eye strain considerably. While waiting to be paid to buy Iris, I have an irritating drop box from you whenever I turn on my laptop and don’t know how to get rid of it. So despite your excellent product, I won’t be buying it because your business model sucks.
    • Elyse Zebede Feb 27, 2020 16:51 Hi, I downloaded your blue light last night to my desktop computer, and need to have it removed, and cannot seem to figure out how. I work on the computer all day, and it is actually hurting my eyes and extremely uncomfortable. PLEASE ADVISE ASAP HOW TO REMOVE IT. Thank you!
    • Maccutcheonj Feb 27, 2020 17:52 I sent this already via your online message twice and via your email twice. Pls remove your annoying popup from my system. As far as I know I never allowed that and I will not be using your product. I will, if you do not remove this, get on Mercola and complain about it every time I go to the site which is daily. Not to mention every other site that may push your products. I requested this already, and it has been ignored, that is why this is more vehement. Jane MacCutcheon BTW, I do not use the parasitic/predatory social media “platforms,” actually theft modes.
    • imrkane — Today at 11:12 PM Iris mgmt. will you remove your pop-up on my rebooted pg. that always occurs olthough my trial expired and I see nothing in my downloads to delete it and I tried 2 x as some instruction said somwhere to reinstall it and redelete it without result (and if you have that built in, that’s evil)? – 2022.07.29

    E-mail answer

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    How to Invite friends and get free time Sat, 04 Apr 2020 12:59:19 +0000 How to Invite friends and get free time From the user panel Answers also Hi, how can I share Iris with someone for one month free

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    How to Invite friends and get free time

    From the user panel

    Answers also

    • Hi, how can I share Iris with someone for one month free

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    After Iris uninstall how to bring back original color and light settings Sat, 04 Apr 2020 12:54:41 +0000 Just restart your PC if the uninstaller had force quit Iris Otherwise when you Quit Iris the screen colors revert to original Answers also I’ve uninstalled Iris on one of my laptops but I can’t get the colours to revert back to the original laptop setting. How do I bring my laptop back to it’s original colour/light settings

    The post After Iris uninstall how to bring back original color and light settings appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

  • Just restart your PC if the uninstaller had force quit Iris
  • Otherwise when you Quit Iris the screen colors revert to original
  • Answers also

    • I’ve uninstalled Iris on one of my laptops but I can’t get the colours to revert back to the original laptop setting. How do I bring my laptop back to it’s original colour/light settings

    The post After Iris uninstall how to bring back original color and light settings appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Night Shift and Iris Sat, 04 Apr 2020 12:50:59 +0000 By default, the 2 effects will stack and you will get a lower blue light on values 3400 K Disable Night Shift if the screen starts to flicker The 2 should work fine together otherwise but there is no point to keep Night Shift enabled when you have Iris Disable the automatic brightness of your macOS however Answers also ... Read More

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  • By default, the 2 effects will stack and you will get a lower blue light on values 3400 K
  • Disable Night Shift if the screen starts to flicker
  • The 2 should work fine together otherwise but there is no point to keep Night Shift enabled when you have Iris
  • Disable the automatic brightness of your macOS however
  • Answers also

    • Nobody knows if I have to switch off night shift mode on mac with iris

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    Make the Mouse pointer Orange Sat, 04 Apr 2020 12:47:33 +0000 The software cursor feature works only on Windows To get an Orange mouse you need to click Use software mouse When this is unchecked the mouse will be blue on Windows like this When checked the cursor will match the screen This option is not enabled by default, because some people reported me that when they play games with ... Read More

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  • The software cursor feature works only on Windows
  • To get an Orange mouse you need to click Use software mouse
  • When this is unchecked the mouse will be blue on Windows like this
  • When checked the cursor will match the screen
  • This option is not enabled by default, because some people reported me that when they play games with this feature on the game cursor disappears which is unacceptable to be by default.
  • Iris cursor issue fix (Dec 7, 2019)

    Works only on Windows

    If you have Iris turned on and the cursor doesn’t appear or shows up bright and not affected by Iris follow one of these instructions:

    • go to Advanced view, Settings menu, and check the Use low-level Color API box
    • go to Advanced view, System menu, and check the Use software mouse cursor box

    Don’t forget to Save settings

    Answers also

    • Is it just me or the pointer of the mouse is left with no protection
    • Hi, after this latest Catalina OSX update, my cursor is not filtered and is very white/blue. The software cursor fix on the Iris site didn’t help. Any suggestions?
    • The cursor is not working with Iris. It’s as if the settings aren’t being applied to the cursor I’m using macOS Catalina 10.15.5 on a MacBook Pro (retina, 13-inch, early 2015)
    • make Iris mouse cursor orange. iris cursor is not yellow orange. iris cursor is unaffected
    • hello everyone, today I bought the IRIS, everything is perfect at low temperature filter but my cursor is always white. Can you please give me advice How to solve this problem?
    • hi I’m having a issue as I just bought a licence and my mouse for my mac is super blue and distracting when on sleep mode can anyone help ? – 2022.06.07

    E-mail answer

    Make my cursor orange on Windows

    Make my cursor orange on macOS

    • Some versions of macOS automatically also change the cursor. We don’t have a solution for other versions that don’t. On Windows, we have a feature Use software cursor which does this but it doesn’t work on macOS or Linux

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    TODO Sat, 04 Apr 2020 12:35:55 +0000 color triggers with lightroom do not work, what to do, or maybe there is an opportunity to change the night mode to day mode I want to buy lifetime updates license , which is non existent in card buy menu Hey there! I’m absolutely not sure where to seek support, but does anyone happen to use Linux here? And are ... Read More

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  • color triggers with lightroom do not work, what to do, or maybe there is an opportunity to change the night mode to day mode
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    ]]> 0
    How to Re-check Invite from Friend Sat, 14 Mar 2020 09:52:18 +0000 If you have invited someone but haven’t got a bonus time Ask the other person to Re-check the Invite Here is how he can do this Here your friend need to enter your Invite link And click Re-check Invite Then you both need to click the Sync button to get your extra time Answers also I invited a friend but ... Read More

    The post How to Re-check Invite from Friend appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

  • If you have invited someone but haven’t got a bonus time
  • Ask the other person to Re-check the Invite
  • Here is how he can do this
      • Here your friend need to enter your Invite link
      • And click Re-check Invite
    • Then you both need to click the Sync button to get your extra time
  • Answers also

    • I invited a friend but haven’t got extra time
    • Изпратих му линк, но после не знам какво трябва да направя, за да активирам моя едномесечен пробен период
    • Hi there, I just invited a friend to reactivate my license and my friend installed the app but I didn’t get the license 🙁
    • hi , i invited some friends and they downloaded Iris but i didnt get my free month
    • I shared the link to Iris with a friend but still expired. How long it takes to activate?
    • I shared the link to Iris with a friend. They got it and downloaded it, but my account still says my initial trial will expire in 1 day. Now what? Does anyone ever even answer these questions? This is a very cumbersome system.
    • My friend downloaded it with my reference link. 1 month license did not come. What should I do?
    • Hi I have invited to people and they downloaded the Iris on their PC. Then I tried to get two months free by press sync as you said, unfortunately, it has not worked. So can you please, tell me the reason?
    • Good morning every one, I want to buy the license for the program but I never have had a paypal account so I just created one today and I need to wait until they accept my bank o something. Today my program license expire (7 days of trial) and I just discovered I wont be able to use again my computer without the program because of the bluelight. So I decided to share the program with my brother in order to recieve the month while I wait to buy the license. He just installed the program but we still have the free trial and I dont know if we did something wrong. Beside of this problem I want to say thanks so much to the person who created the program.
    • Hi there, I have send invites but not recievd my free month? Any ideas?
    • Hey, how do i contact support? my week expired so i invited friends who have used my link but my IRIS doesnt reactivate. thanks
    • Hi Daniel I downloaded 6 days version. I want to add my friend through my, but he insstalled and my time is not changed to one month. His email is Can you help me please? Communication via Discord is so discomfortable, that when I am there I can not write any message, I do not know how. – 2022.07.03

    E-mail answer

    The post How to Re-check Invite from Friend appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    How to find my Invite Link Sat, 14 Mar 2020 09:50:06 +0000 How to find my Invite Link TODO

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    How to find my Invite Link


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    How to increase the Hardware brightness of a Laptop Tue, 10 Mar 2020 22:45:26 +0000 Windows To increase the Hardware brightness of a Laptop with Windows Click the Windows button and write “display settings” On the screen that opened move the slider to the most right position which says 100 You can also see the official documentation If this doesn’t help simply go to Google and ask “how to increase the brightness of my ... Read More

    The post How to increase the Hardware brightness of a Laptop appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    • To increase the Hardware brightness of a Laptop with Windows
    • Click the Windows button and write “display settings”
    • On the screen that opened move the slider to the most right position which says 100
    • You can also see the official documentation
    • If this doesn’t help simply go to Google and ask “how to increase the brightness of my laptop monitor”


    Answers also

    • You say that I have to do this somewhere on my laptop’s monitor and not in Iris. Where is that setting on my laptop

    The post How to increase the Hardware brightness of a Laptop appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Iris effect not working on Windows Tue, 10 Mar 2020 22:34:37 +0000 On Windows 8 and Windows 10 we switched Iris to use High-level API by default however High-level API doesn’t work Without Aero enabled on Windows 7 and Windows 8 With Windows 7 Basic mode Any other Ease of Access mode When settings are changed to a 16-bit color mode or 256 color mode Possible solutions If you can enable Aero ... Read More

    The post Iris effect not working on Windows appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

  • On Windows 8 and Windows 10 we switched Iris to use High-level API by default however
    • High-level API doesn’t work
      • Without Aero enabled on Windows 7 and Windows 8
      • With Windows 7 Basic mode
      • Any other Ease of Access mode
      • When settings are changed to a 16-bit color mode or 256 color mode
  • Possible solutions

    • If you can enable Aero
    • Switch to Low-level API
    • If this doesn’t work try to switch to High-level API
    • If you don’t have video card drivers, install a video card drivers

    Other solutions

    Answers also

    • I am having trouble with getting started with Iris and it will expire
    • I tested to see if it is working properly, using the 3 tips or tests that came with the installation, and it indicates that it is not functioning properly
    • So, in the test, the screen never goes to red or yellow or orange. How do I set the monitor to maximum
    • Hi. My Iris app is not working properly. I cannot make adjustments to the colours. Could you please help


    The post Iris effect not working on Windows appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Blue light blocking glasses vs Iris Wed, 04 Mar 2020 19:24:30 +0000 The point of view debate We get a lot of questions like Which glasses are better Is Iris better than blue light blocking glasses Are glasses better than software and stuff like this So I want to just give you my honest opinion about it all. You understand that if you sell glasses you will tell everybody that they are ... Read More

    The post Blue light blocking glasses vs Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    The point of view debate
    • We get a lot of questions like
      • Which glasses are better
      • Is Iris better than blue light blocking glasses
      • Are glasses better than software
      • and stuff like this

    So I want to just give you my honest opinion about it all.

    • You understand that if you sell glasses you will tell everybody that they are the best
    • If you sell software you will tell that software is the best
    • If you have paid $100 for glasses you want a confirmation that this was the best choice
    • If you have paid $100 for some software you want confirmation that this was the best choice

    This is an endless debate with no true answer but here are some tips:

    • Glasses are good because
      • They block blue light from phones TVs and LED lamps
      • They are a physical filter and don’t depend on the monitor backlight
    • Software is good because
      • It’s mega customizable
      • To get the customizable effect with glasses you need several pairs or lenses
      • It can adapt automatically to the day and the night or the light around you and in the case of Iris help with flicker
      • It’s generally cheaper

    So I have a comprehensive article about Which is the best Blue light Filter

    Testing for Blue light blocking

    On our website, we have a really good test for blue light blocking that you can do without any equipment. You can find it here

    If you are interested to test everything here are links to all our tests

    Optical differences and backlights

    • Some thought you may also have
    • So you see how without the glasses the screen glows more
    • But this glowing can actually be the result of different shades of red or the difference in brightness
    • The best way to actually test this is to get a device called Spectrometer or Colorimeter but they are pretty expensive
    • You can also use our Blue light filter Test
    • Why Iris may not block all blue light
      • We set the blue and green gamma at 0% so from the software and hardware side the blue light should be zero
      • Some screens, however, can never turn OFF completely the white LED
      • Other have bad quality red LED which may also emit blue light
      • In this case, you can lower the screen brightness with Iris but be careful of PWM and Subpixel flicker
      • In the picture above the screen is also glossy which makes reflections and it’s not healthy for our eyes
      • To make the screen matte you can buy matte screen cover and place it on your screen
      • To remove all blue light if you have a bad screen you can use glasses with red lenses or place a transparent red sheet over your monitor
      • To make the best test ask some friend for Spectrometer and measure the color spectrum. I have an article with some measurements
      • Iris has a little dependence on the backlight of the monitor and if the backlight and the hardware are bad we can’t fix it completely without using some physical transparent red sheet
      • Software is good for the customization and the automation
      • On the picture, you may think that Iris doesn’t block all blue light but it may also be an optical difference because the glasses actually decrease the brightness and make the screen look darker
      • Here is a picture of my screen with 0% blue light
        • I see it really red but my phone makes white color optimization and makes it look more white
        • This is also my PC with Iris passing the blue light filter test so there is not actually blue or green glowing from the screen
    • Why glasses may not block all blue light

    So get a Spectrometer or use our Blue light filter Test to see what’s best for you 🙂

    You can also see our Blue light filters Ultimate guide

    Answers also

    • Which glasses are better
    • Is Iris better than blue light blocking glasses
    • Are glasses better than software
    • Does Iris block all blue light
    • Does blue light blocking glasses block all blue light
    • Are blue light blocking glasses better than Iris
    • Why my screen seems blue even with Iris blue light set at 0%

    The post Blue light blocking glasses vs Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    How to report a Problem or Bug Tue, 03 Mar 2020 08:31:57 +0000 I want to help but most of the time I don’t understand how to reproduce the issue or what the issue actually is To fix a problem, please Explain to me what exactly happened from the beginning Record a 1-minute video of the screen with your phone explaining what exactly is wrong Tell me what is not okay Tell me ... Read More

    The post How to report a Problem or Bug appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

  • I want to help but most of the time I don’t understand how to reproduce the issue or what the issue actually is
  • To fix a problem, please
    • Explain to me what exactly happened from the beginning
    • Record a 1-minute video of the screen with your phone explaining what exactly is wrong
      • Tell me what is not okay
      • Tell me how do you think it should work
    • Write to me your
      • Your Operating system – Windows, macOS, Linux
      • Your Operating system version – XP, Vista, 7 10, Catalina, Leopard, Ubuntu 14.02, etc.
      • The version of Iris (make sure you always use the latest version if you want to report a problem)
      • Your activation code and invite link (If you have problems with activation or inviting friends)
  • See if your problem is not explained on the
  • Answers also

    • Iris doesn’t work, please help
    • help asap
    • I have a problem with Iris
    • hi, is it possible that my iris pro has a bug? i’ve had pro15 for a long time, but sometimes the colors don’t makes sense, they change randomly and when i turn my computer off and on again, the app seems to have trouble reestablishing itself… thanks

    E-mail answer

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    Getting support in other languages Thu, 27 Feb 2020 09:37:27 +0000 We only offer support in English Please ask your question in English And send us all relevant information so we can solve the problem faster without asking additional questions 🙂 Answers also How to get support in other languages Cómo obtener ayuda

    The post Getting support in other languages appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

  • We only offer support in English
  • Please ask your question in English
  • And send us all relevant information so we can solve the problem faster without asking additional questions 🙂
  • Answers also

    • How to get support in other languages
    • Cómo obtener ayuda

    The post Getting support in other languages appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Increasing the visibility of the text when Iris is working Sat, 22 Feb 2020 16:15:20 +0000 By definition when you lower the blue light the screen colors will change a bit and the contrast will decrease Too much contrast between the colors is the main reason we feel eye pain in front of the electronic devices Too much contrast is not normal, when we read a book it adapts to the room lighting and the contrast ... Read More

    The post Increasing the visibility of the text when Iris is working appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

  • By definition when you lower the blue light the screen colors will change a bit and the contrast will decrease
    • Too much contrast between the colors is the main reason we feel eye pain in front of the electronic devices
    • Too much contrast is not normal, when we read a book it adapts to the room lighting and the contrast is not huge
    • You also know that the color of the pages in a book is not clean white but gray instead
      • This also helps us read without feeling eye pain
  • However, when you decrease the blue light you may notice that the letters are harder to read
  • Not all people feel like this, generally the younger you are the less you will feel the effects of contrast and saturation
  • The goal of this page is to help you tweak the contrast and saturation while you lower the blue light emitted from the device

    Possible Solutions

    • They work only on Windows
    • On macOS, there is no Saturation and Screen effects pages

    Using MAX Saturation

    • One possible solution to lower the blue light and make the letters more visible is to increase the Saturation
      • This works only on Windows
      • On macOS and Linux you can just increase the value of the Blue light to increase the contrast

    To do this

    1. Open Iris
    2. Go to Advanced settings
    3. Scroll to Saturation and open the section
    4. Enable the use of custom saturation by switching the Saturation checkbox to ON
    5. Move the saturation slider to the biggest possible value
    6. This may make the text more visible while the Blue light is still lowered 🙂

    The results of MAX Saturation

    • This is how texts look WITHOUT the use of MAX Saturation
    • This is how texts look WITH the use of MAX Saturation

    It’s a small difference but maybe it will help 🙂

    Using MAX Brightness

    • Aside from that decreasing the Blue light decreases contrast
    • Decreasing the Brightness will also decrease the contrast
    • Thus another way to increase the visibility of the text is to actually increase the Brightness and decrease the Blue light more to get a similar luminance

    To do this

    1. Open Iris
    2. Go to Advanced settings
    3. Scroll to Brightness and open the section
    4. From here you can increase the Brightness to the maximum and then lower the Blue light more

    Using Daltonism color effects

    • Same as the other solutions you can try to combine Blue light reduction with the Daltonism color effects

    To do this

    1. Open Iris
    2. Go to Advanced settings
    3. Scroll to Screen effects and open the section
    4. From here you can try the different Daltonism effects
      • (This will work only on Windows)

    The post Increasing the visibility of the text when Iris is working appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    What can cause Eye pain and Headache problems from a new Monitor? Sat, 22 Feb 2020 10:58:54 +0000 Getting a new monitor only to start feeling eye pain and headache problems can be a bad experience. Here we just want to tell several things which may cause eye pain and headache and some ways to fix the problems with your new monitor. Screen size Bigger monitors cause more eye pain and headaches One reason is that they emit ... Read More

    The post What can cause Eye pain and Headache problems from a new Monitor? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Getting a new monitor only to start feeling eye pain and headache problems can be a bad experience.

    Here we just want to tell several things which may cause eye pain and headache and some ways to fix the problems with your new monitor.

    Screen size

    • Bigger monitors cause more eye pain and headaches
      • One reason is that they emit more light and more blue light enters your eye
      • More light into your eye is bad. It works just like looking at the Sun, it’s not healthy
    • At night the monitor shouldn’t look like a light source in the room
      • Lowering the brightness is the solution, but if your monitor is using PWM this is actually worse
      • You can use Iris to lower the brightness without PWM

    LCD vs LED

    • LED lights emit a lot of light and make the letters on the screen more blurry
    • LCD displays are better and they mostly don’t use PWM
      • TN (Twisted Nematic), IPS (In-Plane Switching), VA (Vertical Alignment) are all different kinds of LCD displays and they mostly differ by the viewing angle
      • The different kinds of LCD displays don’t cause a different level of eye pain and problems, they are all the same
      • Too much-emitted light, blue light, and PWM flicker are the causes of eye pain

    Glossy vs Matte

    • Glossy displays like this on the Macbooks cause eye pain because you can see reflections and this is called double image
      • Our eye constantly switches the focus between the screen and the reflections of the room and this causes eye pain
    • The solution is to get a Matte screen
    • Another solution is to place Matte screen cover on your Glossy monitor

    Blue light

    • You can read more about blue light effects on our eyes from our Blue light article

    PWM flicker

    • You can read more about blue light effects on our eyes from our PWM flicker article

    Monitor testing

    • You can test how healthy is your monitor for the eyes with our tests
    • You can make every monitor healthy for the eyes
      • Install Iris
      • Match the screen brightness to the room lighting
      • Place your monitor so the window in the room is left or right to you
      • Get a matte cover if you have a glossy monitor
      • Yawn more to produce more tears
      • Lower the Blue light and control the brightness without flicker with Iris

    Answers also

    • What can cause Eye pain and Headache problems from a new Monitor
    • What do I need to know about a monitor to be more healthy

    The post What can cause Eye pain and Headache problems from a new Monitor? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    How to pass Monitor Tests with Iris Sat, 22 Feb 2020 10:12:43 +0000 On our website we have 3 types of tests: Blue light filter Test PWM Flicker Test Subpixel Flicker Test To pass them you need to set Iris to Sleep or Biohacker mode Iris on Health mode will not pass the tests because it doesn’t block all blue light. We made it so it’s something which protects you but the screen ... Read More

    The post How to pass Monitor Tests with Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    On our website we have 3 types of tests:

    To pass them you need to set Iris to Sleep or Biohacker mode

    Iris on Health mode will not pass the tests because it doesn’t block all blue light.

    We made it so it’s something which protects you but the screen is still comfortable to use and read.

    Answers also

    • How to pass Monitor Tests with Iris
    • Health mode does not pass the tests
    • I got the flashing squares

    The post How to pass Monitor Tests with Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    How to get the Color Temperature page Sat, 22 Feb 2020 09:18:59 +0000 The Color Temperature page is similar to the Blue light page Color Temperature of 6500 K = Blue light of 100% Color Temperature of 3510K = Blue light of 54% Color Temperature (K) = 65 * Blue light (%) In the beginning, we used Color Temperature, but users were finding this confusing and we switched to the Blue light (%). ... Read More

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    The Color Temperature page is similar to the Blue light page

    • Color Temperature of 6500 K = Blue light of 100%
    • Color Temperature of 3510K = Blue light of 54%
    • Color Temperature (K) = 65 * Blue light (%)

    In the beginning, we used Color Temperature, but users were finding this confusing and we switched to the Blue light (%).

    You can still enable the Color Temperature page from the Features section.

    How to enable Color Temperature page

    1. Open Iris
    2. Go to Advanced settings
    3. Scroll to Features and open the section
    4. Enable Color Temperature page
    5. Go back to the Advanced settings
    6. You have the Color Temperature page

    Alternative method

    If magic links work on your PC

    Answers Also

    • Where is the Color temperature page
    • Can I adjust the color temperature
    • How to enable and disable features
    • How to enable and disable sections
    • How to enable and disable pages


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    How to install Iris on Smartphones Fri, 21 Feb 2020 17:55:54 +0000 All our mobile versions of Iris are discontinued We tried really hard for several years to make an awesome mobile app, but Android and iOS just don’t allow developers to make a good app for eye protection The problems are many On Android, we can only use screen overlay and it doesn’t cover the lock screen or the topbar On ... Read More

    The post How to install Iris on Smartphones appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

  • All our mobile versions of Iris are discontinued
  • We tried really hard for several years to make an awesome mobile app, but Android and iOS just don’t allow developers to make a good app for eye protection
    • The problems are many
    • On Android, we can only use screen overlay and it doesn’t cover the lock screen or the topbar
    • On iOS, you needed to Jailbreak your phone or sideload it and most people find the installation process difficult
    • This is why we decided to discontinue all Iris mobile apps and focus to make the desktop version awesome
  • Old builds and versions of the mobile app

    You can find our old builds and versions of the mobile app here:

    For more info

    Other solutions

    • If you for some reason have bought Iris and you only have a mobile phone
    • Send us the E-mail you used for the purchase and we can refund you 🙂

    E-mail answer

    We discontinued all our mobile apps. You can read why here:

    Answers also

    • Can I get iris for iPhone and iPad? I have it on my computer but would like it on my other products
    • Also is there a way to use this on my iPhone
    • Hi! I just installed iris on y computers – works just fine. But what do I use / what tips do you have for my iphone (since apparently it is not available anymore for mobile phones)? Thanks
    • Hey. I’m wondering if you could download IRIS tech on the iOS with an iPhone XR
    • Can someone please confirm that I can use Iris on a last-generation iPad Mini (version 4) before I buy one for my child? I see Daniel’s instruction to reinstall every week if it’s not jailbroken, but I want to be sure this is even a possibility on an older iPad mini before I actually get one! Thank you
    • OK so installed Iris on my Windows 10 desktop all good looks great thanks BUT I have been trying for hours to install Iris on my iphone 5 SE with no success – when i put the the special App generated password in i get a error message that says cpp line 71 what_assert(!teams.empty0)

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    RIP Iris mobile apps – Why we discontinued them Fri, 21 Feb 2020 17:55:10 +0000 All our mobile versions of Iris are discontinued We tried really hard for several years to make an awesome mobile app, but Android and iOS just don’t allow developers to make a good app for eye protection The problems are many On Android, we can only use screen overlay and it doesn’t cover the lock screen or the topbar On ... Read More

    The post RIP Iris mobile apps – Why we discontinued them appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

  • All our mobile versions of Iris are discontinued
  • We tried really hard for several years to make an awesome mobile app, but Android and iOS just don’t allow developers to make a good app for eye protection
    • The problems are many
    • On Android, we can only use screen overlay and it doesn’t cover the lock screen or the topbar
    • On iOS, you needed to Jailbreak your phone or sideload it and most people find the installation process difficult
    • This is why we decided to discontinue all Iris mobile apps and focus to make the desktop version awesome
  • Why did we discontinue our mobile apps

    1. Android and iOS change constantly and you can’t make a good eye protection app
    2. We have too much going on with the desktop app and can’t make everything awesome
    3. Every device is slightly different and we can’t make them work the same
    4. Smartphones are super toxic and unhealthy and the best solution actually is to just avoid them and work on your PC when you need to

    Old builds and versions of the mobile app

    You can find our old builds and versions of the mobile app here:

    Other solutions

    • If you for some reason have bought Iris and you only have a mobile phone
    • Send us the E-mail you used for the purchase and we can refund you 🙂

    E-mail answer

    We discontinued all our mobile apps. You can read why here:

    Answers also

    • Just as customer feedback, I would like to point out that it is an extremely difficult and almost impossible multi-hour process installing this app into the iPhone. It’s ridiculous and you should consider making it a more user-friendly process like it is on laptops
    • Are there any Iris versions for the new iOS 13.4
    • that’s what happens when trying to install Iris for iOS Is that my issue or des the ipa file need to be updated? I installed the newest Xcode on my MacBook but that didn’t change anything… thanks for any ideas!

    The post RIP Iris mobile apps – Why we discontinued them appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Iris is slowing my PC Fri, 21 Feb 2020 15:23:20 +0000 Compared to other software apps Iris is a really small and fast program And it shouldn’t use too much CPU. Some solutions Here are some things you can try to fix Iris if it’s slowing your PC. Switch to Low-level API (This may work only on Windows) By default on Windows Iris is using High-level API. Low-level API uses the ... Read More

    The post Iris is slowing my PC appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Compared to other software apps Iris is a really small and fast program

    And it shouldn’t use too much CPU.

    Some solutions

    Here are some things you can try to fix Iris if it’s slowing your PC.

    • Switch to Low-level API
      • (This may work only on Windows)
      • By default on Windows Iris is using High-level API. Low-level API uses the video card to change the colors and works faster
    • Make sure you have enough RAM
      • Quit programs like Chrome which use a lot of RAM
    • Try Iris mini
      • Iris mini is similar to Iris but doesn’t have UI, uses less CPU and RAM and works faster

    Advanced solutions

    • Try the update interval hidden feature
      • By default, Iris updates every 10 seconds
      • You can change this to 20 or more
      • Be careful because this option works with milliseconds!
        • 20 is 20 milliseconds not 20 seconds
        • to set it to 20 seconds you need to write 20000
      • Here is a button that will fix Iris if you do something bad or just reset settings to default

    Other solutions

    • Please give us more info about your system and we will test
    • Send us the E-mail you used for the purchase and we can refund you 🙂

    The post Iris is slowing my PC appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    What are the best settings for Macular degeneration Fri, 21 Feb 2020 13:44:46 +0000 What is Macular degeneration? Macular degeneration, also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD), is a medical condition that may result in blurred or no vision in the center of the visual field. Early on there are often no symptoms. Over time, however, some people experience a gradual worsening of vision that may affect one or both eyes. While ... Read More

    The post What are the best settings for Macular degeneration appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    What is Macular degeneration?
    • Macular degeneration, also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD), is a medical condition that may result in blurred or no vision in the center of the visual field.
    • Early on there are often no symptoms.
    • Over time, however, some people experience a gradual worsening of vision that may affect one or both eyes.
    • While it does not result in complete blindness, loss of central vision can make it hard to recognize faces, drive, read, or perform other activities of daily life.
    • Visual hallucinations may also occur but these do not represent a mental illness.

    What are the best settings for Macular degeneration?

    Well, you need to set Iris to have the lowest amount of blue light. The types with the lowest amount of blue light are Sleep and Biohacker.

    You can also see all types from this link:

    The post What are the best settings for Macular degeneration appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Fix Iris Flashing Fri, 21 Feb 2020 13:16:39 +0000 By flashing, flicker or ON and OFF we mean, if Iris: Goes ON and OFF every several seconds Flickers between orange and bright Goes orange then a couple of seconds blue then orange again What is the cause? Here are several things which may cause this and ways to fix this Conflicting programs Remove all conflicting programs if you have ... Read More

    The post Fix Iris Flashing appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    By flashing, flicker or ON and OFF we mean, if Iris:

    • Goes ON and OFF every several seconds
    • Flickers between orange and bright
    • Goes orange then a couple of seconds blue then orange again

    What is the cause?

    Here are several things which may cause this and ways to fix this

    Conflicting programs

    Remove all conflicting programs if you have any from your PC or Quit them. Examples of conflicting programs are:

    • Other blue light filtering software
    • Softwares for display calibration
    • Integrated blue light filtering or brightness adjusting features

    Some programs which conflict with Iris are:

    • f.lux, Night Light, Night Shift, RedShift, Lightbulb, CareUEyes, Iris mini, Iris micro

    If you have conflicting program quit it or remove it.

    Other examples of conflicting programs are

    • The video card software sometimes also tries to change the gamma and the colors
    • On Windows, you can try switching between High and Low-level color API
    • Quit software for tweaking the video card or software from the video card vendors

    Automatic Brightness

    This happens a lot on macOS. If your monitor or laptop has an automatic brightness feature try to disable it and see if Iris will still flash.

    Low-level API

    Other solutions

    • Please give us more info about your system and we will test
    • Send us the E-mail you used for the purchase and we can refund you 🙂

    Video Tutorial

    My monitor is blinking between the Iris setting and the regular blue light of my monitor? (Nov 4, 2019)

    • You can check if you are running two versions of Iris (or another similar program) at the same time.
    • They may conflict with each other and this may be the cause of this problem.
    • If that’s not the case, you can try enabling the high-level API.

    Answers also

    • It just flashes a few times
    • Iris goes ON and OFF
    • Iris goes dark then bright
    • Iris goes bright then dark
    • Iris goes orange then bright
    • Iris goes yellow then bright
    • Won’t stop changing colors
    • Changing the filter on and off
    • I am experiencing bright flickers intermittently
    • It does seem to blink to a blue light screen every so often, is this normal
    • I just downloaded Iris. I’m using “overlay.” I’m wondering why is there a change in the lighting like every few seconds? Is that what it’s supposed to do? It goes dim, then less dim
    • HELP. I just downloaded IRIS and my screen light is now going lighter and darker every few seconds and I can’t stop it. I tried to delete the program, but it’s still doing it. I can’t find anyone to call. Can I get some help to stop this from happening
    • the intensity of light and the color is changing every 2-3 seconds
    • As soon as I downloaded Iris for my PC, the first night it worked pretty well for my two-monitor setup. I have a Lenovo 710 windows 10 PC laptop and a large AOC screen as my second monitor. In any case, my computer immediately began to slow down after download, but things were working well enough for internet browsing. I got a lot of flickering between settings throughout the next day on both of my screens. Eventually, my second monitor began blinking and going black and the “extend” projection began glitching and only displayed a 1/3 of my work at a 25% scale on my second monitor. Hardly anything began working on my computer. It made me feel sick. I have never had problems with my computer like this before and every driver possible is up to date. I uninstalled Iris immediately
    • My screen flashes with Iris on so I can’t use it. Any ideas of how to get rid of the flickering on a Mac computer
    • My screen is still flashing like it. how do i make my iris start so that it no longer is flashing back and forth
    • Great program and i just downloaded for my macbook. Unfortunately, the screen is slightly “flashing” on and off every seven seconds (middle of day mode – it will flash like it is trying to adjust color but then return to like if it is not on). Is this compatible with Macs
    • So i just downloaded and paid for iris and it just flashes on and off. Anyone know why?
    • My Mac mini desktop computer screen flickers when iris is on. Is there a fix for this
    • Hi guys running iris on a mac os and it worked great for a good while but now the program will not work. it either constantly flashes or is going back and forth to normal every 5 seconds or so
    • have just downloaded fre trial of Iris and my screen just flicks constantly from bright blue light screen to orange screen, Have tried it on automatic or manual. set on Health but keeps also setting itself to custom. am on an old macbook with mojave
    • The filter on my MacBook screen keeps flicking off and on I’m using an app called Monitor Control to control screen brightness on the Macbook and external monitor which I thought could be causing the issue. I quit that but the flickering remains. Perhaps the issue is due to ScreenFocus which dims the laptop screen when the mouse isn’t on it. I’ll test it out. edit: ScreenFocus isn’t the cause
    • However, now it is flashing every few seconds! What is that and how do I fix it please?
    • I have a question about the Iris, it is flashing a lot while I work. I would like to send a video about it, where can I send it to Iris support?
    • does anyone else have an issue with the screen flashing back to normal brightness/blue light when alt+tabbing or opening the start menu? i’m learning coding so i switch through apps quite a bit. it’s quite painful having my eyes adapt to the filter and then being hit by max brightness cuz i alt+tabbed
    • I installed the latest version of IOS Catalina and I’m still getting blue light flashing frequently. Please advise.
    • Geriq07 Feb 24, 2020 23:25 Subject: Iris feedback Message Body: Hi there, I am wondering about the settings for my iris…the colors seem to be flickering every 10-20 seconds from a greyscale with a bluish hew.. to a pinkish/grey hew…is this normal? I am on the “reading” setting, and have just the intro free trial iris download on a mac mini 10.10.5 Thank you…I already like it!! Was using f.lux before. this seems better ALSO,,,I notice sometimes the edges of the screen are darker, is this normal also? Geri
    • so my eyes have been HATING the monitor on my iMac Pro for the last few months, and stumbled across IRIS as a potential option to test for the PWM dimming factor… installed the demo. but the damn thing keeps flickering brightness up and down every few seconds. “automatically adjust brightness” setting on the mac is turned OFF so I’ve narrowed it down to the app. so… why isn’t this working properly and how am I supposed supposed to get this working CONSISTENTLY so I can actually test the product? please advise 2022.04.16
    • hello! I just wanted to confirm whether the app, when it’s working correctly, should be making my computer screen (not monitor) flicker? My main concern is eyestrain (my sleep is great :)). Also, do you have a recommendation for which screen protector brand to purchase from? (I did read the article comparing glasses to screen protectors to software). What is your opinion on device EMF radiation? Lastly, if there are any recos for contact lenses that are best for long-term occular health and performance I am all ears! 2022.04.18
    • Hi there. GReat software!! changed my life. I am getting a couple of issues I would love to resolve however. My wife’s laptop screen has started to flicker. Only a few times a day, it flickers once. It goes black and then normal in a fraction of a second. Has anyone encountered that problem with Iris beofre? It could be that Iris is not the cause but it is correlated to the moment she started using iris… Second problem on my laptop: I activated the simple font, and accepted the changes (to the registry I assume?) now it seems that all font remain simple fonts and it does not seem possible to revert back…! Is this the case? can I revert to the way the font used to be before activating fonts with iris? Many thanks. 2022.04.18
    • Hi Daniel, We tried uninstalling Iris but the screen still flickers. Is it possible that a change int he registry has made this happen? What about my Fonts problem? Am I able to revert back 2022.04.18
    • Please understand that I am using a translator with my short English skills. When I use a program, the screen keeps flickering. When I delete the program, the flickering disappeared. The monitor is s28ag800. I even paid 2022.04.29

    E-mail answer

    • The most common cause of this is a conflicting program. You can see possible solutions here
    • One sentence fix: Quit or delete conflicting programs, on Windows try High-level color API, on macOS disable Automatic brightness

    The post Fix Iris Flashing appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Where to download Iris from Sat, 07 Dec 2019 19:09:59 +0000 Download Iris from our official site only Avoid downloading from other platforms as they might contain malware

    The post Where to download Iris from appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Download Iris from our official site only

    Avoid downloading from other platforms as they might contain malware

    The post Where to download Iris from appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Iris flashes on MacOS issue fix Sat, 07 Dec 2019 19:07:35 +0000 In one of the Mac Catalina updates, there were some issues caused by the update that made Iris flash between bright and red If you’re experiencing the issue: check if you have any conflicting programs like flux and uninstall them turn off automatic brightness disable night shift update Catalina again

    The post Iris flashes on MacOS issue fix appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    In one of the Mac Catalina updates, there were some issues caused by the update that made Iris flash between bright and red

    If you’re experiencing the issue:

    • check if you have any conflicting programs like flux and uninstall them
    • turn off automatic brightness
    • disable night shift
    • update Catalina again

    The post Iris flashes on MacOS issue fix appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    How to stop rest timer notification sounds Sat, 07 Dec 2019 18:53:29 +0000 When you have the rest timer enabled you will get audio and visual notifications for upcoming rests If you don’t want to hear the sound notification you can disable them with a hidden feature You can find the hidden feature here

    The post How to stop rest timer notification sounds appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    When you have the rest timer enabled you will get audio and visual notifications for upcoming rests

    If you don’t want to hear the sound notification you can disable them with a hidden feature

    You can find the hidden feature here

    The post How to stop rest timer notification sounds appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    How to reduce flicker Sat, 07 Dec 2019 18:50:04 +0000 Iris helps you reduce PWM and sub-pixel flicker In order to do that set your built-in monitor brightness to maximum and then adjust from the Iris settings Click here to see how to set up Iris best See our flicker test here

    The post How to reduce flicker appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Iris helps you reduce PWM and sub-pixel flicker

    In order to do that set your built-in monitor brightness to maximum and then adjust from the Iris settings

    Click here to see how to set up Iris best

    See our flicker test here

    The post How to reduce flicker appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Making Iris work on External monitors Mon, 18 Nov 2019 22:53:55 +0000 Iris works on many monitors connected via PC. However, if you use USB monitors they are a little special. USB monitors don’t allow apps to change the colors and light emitted. If you use Windows 7 or later On Windows 7 Enable Aero and switch to Iris High-level API Now Iris should work on all your monitors On Windows 8, ... Read More

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    Iris works on many monitors connected via PC. However, if you use USB monitors they are a little special.

    USB monitors don’t allow apps to change the colors and light emitted.

    If you use Windows 7 or later

    • On Windows 7
    • On Windows 8, Windows 10 and later
    • On macOS, Linux and other
      • We don’t have High-level API for macOS, Linux, and other distros so you can’t use Iris on this operation systems with multiple USB monitors
      • You can, however, use Iris on multiple monitors if you connect them with normal VGA, HDMI, AirPlay cable
      • If you use macOS, Linux or OS other than Windows use normal cables so Iris can work on all your monitors
      • Now Iris should work on all your monitors

    Here is a video about how to switch to Iris High-level API:

    Other solutions

    • Please give us more info about your system and we will test
    • Send us the E-mail you used for the purchase and we can refund you 🙂

    Answers also

    • How to fix Iris not working on multiple USB monitors
    • How do I use Iris on the external monitors
    • The effect will not show on the monitor I use
    • The effect only shows on the small laptop monitor
    • The app doesn’t register that there are 2 monitors
    • How do I get your app to recognize that I am using 2 monitors
    • I have a laptop that is connected to an external monitor
    • Will Iris work on the external monitor in this setup
    • I use a monitor connected to a laptop side by side. Is it possible to install iris on my laptop and have it adapt the color of my monitor too
    • I am evaluating your software. It looks great on my main monitor (directly connected to the HDMI port of my laptop). But I have a 2nd monitor which is connected an HDMI cable and then through an HDMI-to-USB adaptor to the USB port of my laptop. This monitor is detected by Iris however looks like the changes or adjustments in Iris does not effect this 2nd monitor. I do not see nay changes of brightness or so on in this one. Do you have any suggestions
    • I can’t get it to work on my second monitor. Using the Mac version of Iris. Sometimes it Iris does work on my 2nd monitor. But has a mind of its own.
    • hi, does iris working with displaylink? Because f.lux does not work

    E-mail answer

    Can Iris work on external monitors

    Iris does not work on my 2nd monitor on macOS

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    How to fix Iris not working on Windows 7 Mon, 18 Nov 2019 22:48:41 +0000 If Iris is not working on Windows 7 do this: Try to enable Aero Iris High-level API is using Aero to make the screen effect Switch to Iris Low-level API If the above doesn’t work try to switch Iris to Low-level API Here is a video how you can switch Iris to Low-level API: Other solutions Please give us more ... Read More

    The post How to fix Iris not working on Windows 7 appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    If Iris is not working on Windows 7 do this:

    Here is a video how you can switch Iris to Low-level API:

    Other solutions

    • Please give us more info about your system and we will test
    • Send us the E-mail you used for the purchase and we can refund you 🙂

    The post How to fix Iris not working on Windows 7 appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Iris mini doesn’t do anything on Android Thu, 14 Nov 2019 22:13:03 +0000 If Iris mini effect doesn’t work please go the permissions and give Iris mini: Draw over other apps permission Also, make sure that Iris mini is not paused The screen should look like this Answers also these questions: Hello, by any reason reasently, my iris mini for android doesn’t show any difference no matter if it’s turned on or off ... Read More

    The post Iris mini doesn’t do anything on Android appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    If Iris mini effect doesn’t work please go the permissions and give Iris mini:

    • Draw over other apps permission

    Also, make sure that Iris mini is not paused

    The screen should look like this

    Answers also these questions:

    Hello, by any reason reasently, my iris mini for android doesn’t show any difference no matter if it’s turned on or off (it”s not working). I uninstall it and install it again and there was no change. My tablet is Samsung Galaxy tab S, SM T705, android 6.0.1. I like this app and l want to continue using it…

    The post Iris mini doesn’t do anything on Android appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Using Iris for all Users on a PC Thu, 14 Nov 2019 21:58:23 +0000 If you have multiple users on the same PC and want all of them to use Iris: Install Iris on every user account (install Iris once for every user) Enter the same activation code (it should work) If for some reason the code doesn’t work on the second user account on the same PC please write to us 🙂 Answers ... Read More

    The post Using Iris for all Users on a PC appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    If you have multiple users on the same PC and want all of them to use Iris:

    • Install Iris on every user account (install Iris once for every user)
    • Enter the same activation code (it should work)

    If for some reason the code doesn’t work on the second user account on the same PC please write to us 🙂

    Answers also these questions:

    Installing Iris on Computer so ALL users benefit. I installed Iris on my computer under my user sign in. There are other users set up on the same computer but when they sign-in on the SAME computer, Iris does NOT work for them. How do I fix this problem? Remember, I am NOT installing it on multiple devices.

    The post Using Iris for all Users on a PC appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Are you happy with Iris? Leave us a review! Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:52:46 +0000 If you’re satisfied with Iris, we would be really happy if you could leave us a review on Facebook page here – Iris Facebook Google Maps here – Iris Google Maps It helps us build trust and motivates us to make the software even better 🙂

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    If you’re satisfied with Iris, we would be really happy if you could leave us a review on

    It helps us build trust and motivates us to make the software even better 🙂

    The post Are you happy with Iris? Leave us a review! appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Social media pages Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:52:09 +0000 We constantly upload articles with more information about protection tips, fun facts, and new information. Check out our blog here – Iris Blog Facebook page – Iris Facebook Instagram account: Iris Instagram

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    We constantly upload articles with more information about protection tips, fun facts, and new information.

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    Friend invites Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:51:53 +0000 You can invite friends and both of you will receive one month of Iris Pro free. You can invite as many friends as you want. Check this article for more information on how to invite friends, sync invites, get your one month and in the newest version, you can also recheck your invitation: How to invite friends.

    The post Friend invites appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    You can invite friends and both of you will receive one month of Iris Pro free. You can invite as many friends as you want.

    Check this article for more information on how to invite friends, sync invites, get your one month and in the newest version, you can also recheck your invitation: How to invite friends.

    The post Friend invites appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Bulk deals Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:51:27 +0000 We also offer bulk deal discounts if you want to buy many licenses at the same time. Contact us at and we’ll make you a personalized offer.

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    We also offer bulk deal discounts if you want to buy many licenses at the same time.

    Contact us at and we’ll make you a personalized offer.

    The post Bulk deals appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Affiliates Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:51:09 +0000 You can become an affiliate of Iris to support us and earn money at the same time. After registering you’ll receive a unique link – when someone buys Iris through your link they’ll get a 10% discount and you’ll receive a 20% commission. See how to become an affiliate here: Affiliates.

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    You can become an affiliate of Iris to support us and earn money at the same time.

    After registering you’ll receive a unique link – when someone buys Iris through your link they’ll get a 10% discount and you’ll receive a 20% commission.

    See how to become an affiliate here: Affiliates.

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    How to hide the taskbar icon? Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:50:33 +0000 Advanced view -> System menu -> Uncheck Hide Taskbar icon on close

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    Advanced view -> System menu -> Uncheck Hide Taskbar icon on close

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    How to reset settings? Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:49:59 +0000 Advanced view -> Settings menu -> Reset settings to default or Reset colors. Or go into the Blue light and Color temperature menus and reset them from there.

    The post How to reset settings? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Advanced view -> Settings menu -> Reset settings to default or Reset colors. Or go into the Blue light and Color temperature menus and reset them from there.

    The post How to reset settings? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    How to use Iris with more than one monitor? Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:49:38 +0000 If you don’t see any changes on your second monitor go to Advanced view -> Settings menu -> uncheck Use low-level Color API. Then go to Advanced view -> Manage Monitors and you can adjust the settings for each monitor. Check this article for visual guide: “Manage Monitors Page“

    The post How to use Iris with more than one monitor? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    If you don’t see any changes on your second monitor go to Advanced view -> Settings menu -> uncheck Use low-level Color API.

    Then go to Advanced view -> Manage Monitors and you can adjust the settings for each monitor.

    Check this article for visual guide: “Manage Monitors Page

    The post How to use Iris with more than one monitor? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    How to have Iris start automatically on start-up? Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:49:24 +0000 Advanced view -> System menu -> Check start Iris startup

    The post How to have Iris start automatically on start-up? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Advanced view -> System menu -> Check start Iris startup

    The post How to have Iris start automatically on start-up? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    How to stop timer? Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:49:05 +0000 There are two places where you can start/stop the rest timer. In the Simple view at the bottom where it says Timer, you can choose from the fall-down menu off. In Advanced view -> Timer -> Timer type -> choose Off from fall down menu.

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    There are two places where you can start/stop the rest timer.

    In the Simple view at the bottom where it says Timer, you can choose from the fall-down menu off.

    In Advanced view -> Timer -> Timer type -> choose Off from fall down menu.

    The post How to stop timer? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Modes and Types FAQs Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:47:27 +0000 Iris Pro has different Modes and Types in Simple view. Reading mode and subpixel flicker chetrusca natalia Feb 26, 2020 23:16 Hello, I purchased recently the Iris Pro and I would like to set it on Reading to eliminate the subpixel flicker but at 1900K vs 5000 K (the standard for Reading mode). Or if I adjust the blue light ... Read More

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    Iris Pro has different Modes and Types in Simple view.

    Reading mode and subpixel flicker

    • chetrusca natalia Feb 26, 2020 23:16 Hello, I purchased recently the Iris Pro and I would like to set it on Reading to eliminate the subpixel flicker but at 1900K vs 5000 K (the standard for Reading mode). Or if I adjust the blue light to 1900k the subpixel will be eliminated as well? As per your explanation I understood that only the Reading, Sleep and Biohacker modes will eliminate the subpixel flicker. Your answer will be appreciated. Thanks. Natalia

    Email answer

    All Modes and Types

    To learn more about what any of this means check out these two articles: Mode and Type.

    The post Modes and Types FAQs appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Hidden features Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:47:04 +0000 For the Hidden features of Iris check out this article: Iris Hidden Features. For the Hidden features of Iris Mini check out this article: Iris Mini Hidden Features.

    The post Hidden features appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    For the Hidden features of Iris check out this article: Iris Hidden Features.

    For the Hidden features of Iris Mini check out this article: Iris Mini Hidden Features.

    The post Hidden features appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Vision Features Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:46:15 +0000 Vision is a software for the color blind. It’s free to use and has three presets – Deuteranopia, Protanopia, and Tritanopia. If you want you can also buy Vision Pro and make your own personalized mode. Read more about Vision here: Vision.

    The post Vision Features appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Vision is a software for the color blind.

    It’s free to use and has three presets – Deuteranopia, Protanopia, and Tritanopia.

    If you want you can also buy Vision Pro and make your own personalized mode.

    Read more about Vision here: Vision.

    The post Vision Features appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Iris Micro Features Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:45:41 +0000 Iris Micro is the smallest Iris model – it’s literally just a command line. Read more about it here: Iris Micro.

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    Iris Micro is the smallest Iris model – it’s literally just a command line.

    Read more about it here: Iris Micro.

    The post Iris Micro Features appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Iris Mini Features Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:45:18 +0000 Iris Mini is the minimalistic version of Iris. It doesn’t have a user interface, just a taskbar icon on which you can right-click and see the menu. In the free version, you’ll see the three preset modes – Automatic, Manual and Paused (read more about them in the Modes and Types section). In the Pro version, you can see additional ... Read More

    The post Iris Mini Features appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


    Iris Mini is the minimalistic version of Iris. It doesn’t have a user interface, just a taskbar icon on which you can right-click and see the menu.

    In the free version, you’ll see the three preset modes – Automatic, Manual and Paused (read more about them in the Modes and Types section).

    In the Pro version, you can see additional settings for brightness and color temperature.

    Read more about the Mini here: Iris Mini.

    The post Iris Mini Features appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Iris Pro Features Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:44:39 +0000 Iris has two views – Simple and Advanced. In Simple view, you can choose from preset Modes and Types (read more about them in the Modes and Types section), see your location, turn on/off your rest timer and if you haven’t activated the Pro version you’ll also see a field to enter an activation code.   In Advanced view there ... Read More

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    Iris has two views – Simple and Advanced.

    In Simple view, you can choose from preset Modes and Types (read more about them in the Modes and Types section), see your location, turn on/off your rest timer and if you haven’t activated the Pro version you’ll also see a field to enter an activation code.


    In Advanced view there are many settings you can manually adjust to fit your preferences. Here we will take a look at them all one by one. Additionally you can click on the blue ‘i’ button on the side of every menu to be redirected to a help page.


    Blue light – From here you can adjust the amount of blue light emitted by your screen.


    Color temperature – Adjust the temperature of the light emitted by your screen, additional to the blue light menu, the warmer the better.



    Brightness – Adjust the brightness, make sure it’s appropriate for your environment.


    Sleep – You can adjust specific values for blue light and color temperature for certain hours of the day/night.


    Location – Add your location for the Automatic mode to know when is day and night.


    Settings – From here you can select autosave for settings and turn on/off the low-level color API.



    Timer – The timer makes sure you take breaks once in a while, you can change the duration between breaks, of breaks, and turn the timer on and off.


    Manage monitors – From this menu, you can choose settings if you have more than one monitor connected to your computer.


    Lightness – Lightness allows you to highlight (light-up) only a certain part of your screen.


    Saturation – Adjust, turn on/off the saturation.


    Transition – You can set the duration of different smooth transitions, some people like instant transition why others prefer the transition to be several hours.


    Moon – There is a slight shift during the night depending on if it’s happening during a Full Moon or a New Moon. Iris takes that into account and automatically adjusts to it but from this setting, you can change and customize it the way you want it to be.


    Screen effects – With Color Temperature you can lower the blue light, but with Screen effects you can apply more complex color effects to the screen.


    Color scheme – You can select one of the color presets that control how the different values of Color Temperature and Brightness are displayed on the screen.


    Fonts – You can choose different system wide font rendering, beautiful font rendering works with font smoothing and blurring which is bad for the eyes.


    Magnification – You can magnify just a section of your screen, for example to see text better or when watching some youtube videos that aren’t full screen.


    System – From here you can choose to hide the taskbar and start Iris on start-up.


    Shortcuts – See the shortcuts for different settings to use Iris faster.


    Color pausers – Color pausers are way to pause Iris color changes when certain programs are running. This is useful when you use programs like Photoshop and want to automatically pause Iris they’re running.


    Timer pausers – Timer pausers are a way to pause the timer when certain programs are running. This is useful when you watch movies for example and don’t want the rest screen to appear and interrupt.


    Mouse pausers – If you’ve chosen to use the software mouse or need to see the actual color of the mouse cursor you can pick certain programs that will pause the effects of Iris on the mouse.


    Screen overlay – Screen overlay is special blue light reduction and chromotherapy filter.


    Color triggers – The opposite of color pausers, you can add some programs to trigger a certain color change when turned on.


    Artificial intelligence (AI) – You can enable some really nice features and innovations, some of them use the camera and are disabled by default.


    Invite friends – From here you can invite friends, sync and re-check invitations. For more information on how to invite friends check out the Friend invites section.


    Features – From this menu you can turn on and off different other menus – for example when you’re not using something and don’t want it to show up.


    Hidden features – for information see Hidden features section.


    Language – Change the language of the program. Is your language missing? Become a translator.


    Debug – Information about your settings and device you can send to us in case of any problems.


    About – You can see your software version from here.

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    Which Iris model is best for me? Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:42:16 +0000 This solely depends on how much you want to interact with the program and adjust your own settings. If you want to have all the freedom in the world to make your own custom preset and have all the fun and cool Iris features, pick the regular Iris – it comes with a 7-day free trial and you can buy ... Read More

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    This solely depends on how much you want to interact with the program and adjust your own settings.

    If you want to have all the freedom in the world to make your own custom preset and have all the fun and cool Iris features, pick the regular Iris – it comes with a 7-day free trial and you can buy it after that (see How to buy Iris section).

    If you don’t really want to hassle much and just want a couple of pre-made modes install Iris Mini – it’s a minimalistic version of Iris.

    Iris Micro is the super small, super-fast, command-line version of Iris, it’s practically invisible.

    Iris Vision is a software for the color blind.

    For more information about each model refer to What features does Iris have section.

    This is answer also to:
    Which is the best model for me
    What is the difference between models

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    How to install Iris Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:38:51 +0000 You can click here to download Iris – it automatically detects your OS and should start the download. You can also scroll down to see the instructions for installation: For iOS click here – iOS For Linux Ubuntu click here – Linux Ubuntu For Windows 7 click here – Windows 7 For Windows 10 click here – Windows 10

    The post How to install Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    You can click here to download Iris – it automatically detects your OS and should start the download.

    You can also scroll down to see the instructions for installation:

    For iOS click here – iOS

    For Linux Ubuntu click here – Linux Ubuntu

    For Windows 7 click here – Windows 7

    For Windows 10 click here – Windows 10

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    What is Iris Mon, 04 Nov 2019 12:38:07 +0000 Iris is a software for eye protection, health, and productivity in front of digital devices. Read about the creator of Iris here: Creator

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    Iris is a software for eye protection, health, and productivity in front of digital devices. Read about the creator of Iris here: Creator

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    How to find Your Version Mon, 04 Nov 2019 10:49:11 +0000 Basic Iris Pro licenses are connected to one version and sometimes you need to use an older version for your code. We also often improve the software by releasing new versions that have resolved issues or added features. Also when you need to report some kind of problem, it’s good to mention what version of Iris you’re using to our ... Read More

    The post How to find Your Version appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Basic Iris Pro licenses are connected to one version and sometimes you need to use an older version for your code.

    We also often improve the software by releasing new versions that have resolved issues or added features.

    Also when you need to report some kind of problem, it’s good to mention what version of Iris you’re using to our support team for faster help.

    There are a few ways to find out your version.


    In the newer versions when you open the program you can see the version number in the lower right corner of the interface.

    About menu

    When you open the program go to Advanced view, scroll down and find the About menu.

    Inside you can see information about your version and our software.

    User Panel

    You can register in our user panel here:

    with the email that is connected to your purchase and license.

    Then in Licenses -> My licenses you can see a list of your licenses with information including the version you’re using.

    Download older version from here:

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    How to enable and disable features Mon, 04 Nov 2019 10:48:14 +0000 In the Advanced view, there are a lot of menus with different features. If you decide you don’t want to use any menu or feature you can disable it (or enable it if you want to use it instead). You can do that from the Features menu in the Advanced view. Inside you can see a set of icons that ... Read More

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    In the Advanced view, there are a lot of menus with different features.
    If you decide you don’t want to use any menu or feature you can disable it (or enable it if you want to use it instead).

    You can do that from the Features menu in the Advanced view.

    • Inside you can see a set of icons that represent every menu.

    When you click on any icon you can toggle it on or off.

    If the icon has a black background it’s turned on.

    When the feature is off it won’t appear in Advanced view.

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    How to add a Location? Mon, 04 Nov 2019 10:47:44 +0000 One of the features Iris has is that you can choose Automatic mode and based on your location, the program will determine whether it’s night or day and adjust your settings properly. Some devices, however, don’t have a proper GPS system and thus Iris cannot figure out your exact location. You can manually fix that by entering your coordinates in ... Read More

    The post How to add a Location? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    One of the features Iris has is that you can choose Automatic mode and based on your location, the program will determine whether it’s night or day and adjust your settings properly.

    Some devices, however, don’t have a proper GPS system and thus Iris cannot figure out your exact location.

    You can manually fix that by entering your coordinates in the program.

    1. Go on Google and type down “My city my country coordinates”.

    2. Open the Iris program and go to Advanced view and find the Location menu.

    3. When you enter the menu you have to turn the Manual location slider to ON (the manual night duration slider is optional).

    4. After the manual location is turned on, enter the coordinates you found on Google into the fields.

    5. After that click on the Save and close button in the footer.

    How to use the Debug Menu

    One of the last menus in Advanced view in Iris is a menu called Debug.

    In it you can find a wall of text that represents all the information about your Iris model, version, your device and OS, and all the settings you’re using.

    This information is very important when reporting a problem – if you have any troubles with the software you can write to us at and it would be great if you could send us at least the first few parts of this Debug text so we have a basic idea of your system and can help you promptly.

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    How to cancel a Subscription? Mon, 04 Nov 2019 10:46:56 +0000 See this page for tutorial If you want to cancel your subscription you can go to this page: And follow the instructions. After you click on one of the Unsubscribe buttons You will be redirected to the PayPal login page After you log in you will see a list of active occurring payments and have the choice to ... Read More

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    See this page for tutorial

    If you want to cancel your subscription you can go to this page:
    And follow the instructions.

    After you click on one of the Unsubscribe buttons

    You will be redirected to the PayPal login page

    After you log in you will see a list of active occurring payments and have the choice to stop them.

    NB! If you do not cancel your subscription this way the payments will continue even if you uninstall the program.

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    Is there a way for my Iris to turn on automatically at startup? Mon, 04 Nov 2019 10:46:18 +0000 Iris has an option in the settings that allows it to start on startup If you want to turn it on: Advanced settings -> System -> Start Iris on Startup You can see a step by step here:

    The post Is there a way for my Iris to turn on automatically at startup? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Iris has an option in the settings that allows it to start on startup

    If you want to turn it on:
    Advanced settings -> System -> Start Iris on Startup

    You can see a step by step here:

    The post Is there a way for my Iris to turn on automatically at startup? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    My cursor is blue on Windows. Why? Mon, 04 Nov 2019 10:45:37 +0000 This happens when your video card displays use a “Hardware cursor”. You can fix this by selecting “Use software mouse cursor” in Iris.

    The post My cursor is blue on Windows. Why? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    This happens when your video card displays use a “Hardware cursor”.
    You can fix this by selecting “Use software mouse cursor” in Iris.

    The post My cursor is blue on Windows. Why? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Plenty of things already change the brightness of my screen. Why is Iris different? Mon, 04 Nov 2019 10:45:14 +0000 Iris changes the color temperature of your display. Natural light is more blue, while most artificial light (including candlelight) is warmer. Incandescent bulbs, which we’re all used to, become more red in tone when you dim them. But newer LEDs and CFLs don’t – this includes the backlight on your monitor. If you’re a photographer, you’ve probably dealt with this, ... Read More

    The post Plenty of things already change the brightness of my screen. Why is Iris different? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Iris changes the color temperature of your display.

    Natural light is more blue, while most artificial light (including candlelight) is warmer. Incandescent bulbs, which we’re all used to, become more red in tone when you dim them.

    But newer LEDs and CFLs don’t – this includes the backlight on your monitor. If you’re a photographer, you’ve probably dealt with this, since pictures taken inside at night are always much more brown than photos outside.

    Iris also changes your display brightness in an innovative way without PWM flickering.

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    How to activate Iris Mini Pro? Mon, 04 Nov 2019 10:43:29 +0000 You can use this code to activate Iris mini Pro This is a short article on how to do it:

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    You can use this code to activate Iris mini Pro

    This is a short article on how to do it:

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    How to activate Iris Pro? Mon, 04 Nov 2019 10:43:11 +0000 You can use your code to activate Iris This is a short activation video, that you can watch, on how to do it: And this is an article explaining the process that you can also check: How to install and activate Iris? If the logo in your Iris program is green and it doesn’t say Expired/ Expires in at ... Read More

    The post How to activate Iris Pro? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    You can use your code to activate Iris

    This is a short activation video, that you can watch, on how to do it:

    And this is an article explaining the process that you can also check: How to install and activate Iris?

    If the logo in your Iris program is green and it doesn’t say Expired/ Expires in at the top-left corner then that means you’ve already activated

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    How do I know if Iris is Installed? Wed, 23 Oct 2019 20:26:37 +0000 The screen should be a little more orange during the day and a lot more orange during the night. You should also have a Desktop and tray icon on your PC. The tray icon looks like this And when you right-click it opens a menu    

    The post How do I know if Iris is Installed? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    The screen should be a little more orange during the day and a lot more orange during the night.

    You should also have a Desktop and tray icon on your PC. The tray icon looks like this

    And when you right-click it opens a menu



    The post How do I know if Iris is Installed? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    How Do I Install Iris? Wed, 23 Oct 2019 20:23:42 +0000 You can install Iris from the homepage by clicking Download or directly from this link When you scroll down you will also see install instructions with images to help you install Iris.

    The post How Do I Install Iris? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    You can install Iris from the homepage by clicking Download or directly from this link

    When you scroll down you will also see install instructions with images to help you install Iris.

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    I’m not too computer saavy… Is iris hard to set up? Will I easily understand how to use it? Wed, 23 Oct 2019 20:23:10 +0000 Iris works automatically by default so you don’t need anything to start to use it. The only problem may be the activation and entering of the activation code. I wrote a detailed article with pictures and video here Basically, after payment, you get an activation code and you just need to enter it into the program and click activate. ... Read More

    The post I’m not too computer saavy… Is iris hard to set up? Will I easily understand how to use it? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Iris works automatically by default so you don’t need anything to start to use it.

    The only problem may be the activation and entering of the activation code.

    I wrote a detailed article with pictures and video here

    Basically, after payment, you get an activation code and you just need to enter it into the program and click activate.

    I’m trying to make this even easier.

    Maybe someone can help you with this and after this, it will work automatically and you don’t need any specific knowledge.

    If you have any problems you can write to me at

    It may take me a couple of days to respond because I get a lot of e-mails but I do read and answer everything.

    If it doesn’t work or you have any problem which we can’t solve I will refund you 🙂

    The post I’m not too computer saavy… Is iris hard to set up? Will I easily understand how to use it? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    I need to install my Iris Pro on my iPhone Wed, 23 Oct 2019 20:22:40 +0000 You can do this from here but Iris for iOS may be a little tricky to install. I am working hard to improve this. Otherwise, Iris for Macbook and macOS should work great. If you only own iPhone and are not happy or need refund write to me at  

    The post I need to install my Iris Pro on my iPhone appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    You can do this from here

    but Iris for iOS may be a little tricky to install. I am working hard to improve this.

    Otherwise, Iris for Macbook and macOS should work great.

    If you only own iPhone and are not happy or need refund write to me at


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    I am using Windows 10. Considering switching to Firefox. If I do that after installing Iris, will there be a problem? Wed, 23 Oct 2019 20:21:18 +0000 No, Iris is software that doesn’t depend on any browser. It doesn’t matter if you use Chrome or Firefox or something else. Iris works by changing the colors of the screen and this doesn’t depend on the browser. Maybe if you change your hard disk or processor or LAN card or basically your computer you need to move your license from ... Read More

    The post I am using Windows 10. Considering switching to Firefox. If I do that after installing Iris, will there be a problem? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    No, Iris is software that doesn’t depend on any browser.

    It doesn’t matter if you use Chrome or Firefox or something else.

    Iris works by changing the colors of the screen and this doesn’t depend on the browser.

    Maybe if you change your hard disk or processor or LAN card or basically your computer you need to move your license from here:

    But in your case, everything should be fine 🙂

    The post I am using Windows 10. Considering switching to Firefox. If I do that after installing Iris, will there be a problem? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    I just purchased Pro on my Macbook and I’m wondering if i can use the App on my iPhone as well? Wed, 23 Oct 2019 20:18:49 +0000 Yes, you can but Iris for iOS may be a little tricky for install. See this page for more information on how to install Iris on iOS  

    The post I just purchased Pro on my Macbook and I’m wondering if i can use the App on my iPhone as well? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

  • Yes, you can but Iris for iOS may be a little tricky for install.
  • See this page for more information on how to install Iris on iOS

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    How Iris Advanced Settings work? Wed, 23 Oct 2019 18:55:09 +0000 TODO

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    Iris timer stays at 0 sec until work and what to do? Wed, 23 Oct 2019 18:54:30 +0000 Sometimes I have noticed that Windows OS is bugging the timer events and Iris timer stops to work. It stays at 0 sec until work. I tried really hard to find the issue, but it happens when you lock and unlock your PC a lot without restart. If this is the case try to restart your PC and Iris timer ... Read More

    The post Iris timer stays at 0 sec until work and what to do? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Sometimes I have noticed that Windows OS is bugging the timer events and Iris timer stops to work.

    It stays at 0 sec until work.

    I tried really hard to find the issue, but it happens when you lock and unlock your PC a lot without restart.

    If this is the case try to restart your PC and Iris timer should start to work fine again.

    The post Iris timer stays at 0 sec until work and what to do? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    How Iris improves sleep? Wed, 23 Oct 2019 18:53:56 +0000 TODO

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    How Iris prevents eye strain? Wed, 23 Oct 2019 18:15:39 +0000 Prevent Eye strain Iris optimizes screen pulsations by controlling the brightness without PWM. You will be able to use your computer for longe r without headaches.

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    Prevent Eye strain

    Iris optimizes screen pulsations by controlling the brightness without PWM.
    You will be able to use your computer for longe r without headaches.

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    How to start your own business with Iris Wed, 23 Oct 2019 18:11:56 +0000 TODO

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    How to Unsubscribe from Website Notifications Fri, 26 Jul 2019 14:13:59 +0000 In this article, we will show you how to unsubscribe from Iris website notifications if you don’t like what we send to you, but please let us know why you don’t like what we send via E-mail at or via Messenger (lower right corner of the screen). What are Website Notifications?   If you have clicked something like this ... Read More

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    In this article, we will show you how to unsubscribe from Iris website notifications if you don’t like what we send to you, but please let us know why you don’t like what we send via E-mail at or via Messenger (lower right corner of the screen).

    What are Website Notifications?


    If you have clicked something like this on our website you may receive notifications on the lower right corner of the screen from us.

    If you have clicked the same or similar button on other websites, so if you receive some spammy notifications they are probably not from us. We try to send good and helpful content.

    How to Unsubscribe from Website Notifications

    On Desktop

    Right-click the notification and Unsubscribe.

    On Mobile

    Press and hold over the notification for 1 second and unsubscribe.

    Here is also pictures of how to do this:

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    Често срещани проблеми при потребители на Iris Tue, 05 Mar 2019 22:10:05 +0000 Тук ще разгледаме често срещани проблеми, които имат потребителите при използване на Iris Как да активирам? Купих си Iris, но все още пише че изтича, какво да правя? Това се случва, защото потребителят не е активирал Iris след като си го е купил Потребителят получава активационен код след покупка, който може да сложи в Iris, за да активира Това, което ... Read More

    The post Често срещани проблеми при потребители на Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Тук ще разгледаме често срещани проблеми, които имат потребителите при използване на Iris

    Как да активирам?

    Купих си Iris, но все още пише че изтича, какво да правя?

    Това се случва, защото потребителят не е активирал Iris след като си го е купил

    Потребителят получава активационен код след покупка, който може да сложи в Iris, за да активира

    Това, което трябва да се направи в случая е да се обясни защо се е получило така, да се изпрати съответния код на потребителя заедно с guide как се активира

    Имаме видео в youtube, което го обяснява нагледно:


    Имаме и статия с сайта:


    Инсталирах, но не виждам никакви промени върху екрана ми

    Това най-често се случва, когато мониторът на потребителят е свързан с DisplayLink, USB или някой от по-новите такива кабели и е под Windows

    Може да се оправи като се активира high-level API (работи и съществува само под Windows):


    Отново обясняваме на потребителя защо се е случило и как се оправя като му изпращаме линка с видеото

    Пише, че кодът ми вече е използван на друг компютър

    Това се получава, когато клиентът се опитва да активира Iris с код, който е използван преди, но не е revoke-нат

    Когато се активира с код веднъж, той се “закача” за компютърът на който е използван, за да се използва отново трябва да се “откачи” чрез revoke

    Това може да се случи през този линк:

    Но е добра практика да го правим ние вместо клиентът, през админ панел-ът е нужен само кодът, за да се направи revoke

    Тоест, когато имаме въпросният код му правим revoke през админ панела и го изпращаме на потребителя като му казваме, че е готов за използване

    През, освен код, трябва да се въведат имейл и timestamp, добра практика е да изпратим и тях (могат да се видят през панела) на клиента, за да може в бъдеще той сам да направи revoke

    Може ли Iris ама без да плащам?

    Ами, не може 😀 Има потребители, които доста ясно показват, че не оценяват продукта особено, но в същото време искат да го използват без да плащат, защото [въведи причина тук]

    Окей да подаряваме безплатен код на хора, които са купували преди от нас/ харесват и оценяват продукта ни, но не е окей да подаряваме безплатен код на хора, които просто спамят и нахалстват за нещо безплатно, каквото и да е

    За това в случая им изпращаме нещо от този сорт:

    You can use Iris mini for free but with limited functionality:


    Additionally, you can also check this article:


    Идеята е, че въпреки всичко искаме да помогнем на човека и да му дадем някаква стойност

    Как се спира таймера?

    Iris има таймер, който ти напомня да си почиваш от време на време, за да не се натоварват очите ти толкова

    Някои хора не го харесват, за това им казваме как да го спрат, имаме видео tutorial, за това как се случва:


    Как да поканя приятели, за да удължа trial периода?

    В Iris можеш да каниш приятели и когато те си свалят през твоят линк и двамата получавате +1 месец бонус

    Имаме статия, която покрива пълният процес за това как се канят приятели тук:

    Как да купя с кредитна/ дебитна карта, не искам PayPal?

    Има хора, които не искат и не използват PayPal (или не е наличен за тяхната държава), за това те могат да си купят с карта, използвайки 2checkout:

    Има ли Iris за телефон?

    Имаме Iris за iOS и за Андроид

    Версията на iOS се инсталира една идея по-сложно и е безплатна

    Имаме guide как се инсталира тук:

    Андроид версиите са си в GooglePlay и могат да се видят всичките от тук:


    *някои линкове са в кавички, защото wordpress ги зарежда директно в статията иначе

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    Does lot of exposure to computer screen and laptop screen cause dry eyes or is it age-related problem? Mon, 28 Jan 2019 19:21:38 +0000 Actually, both can cause dry eyes and while we can’t fix the aging problem (yet), we can fix the toxic exposure from a computer screen. The main 2 bad things that monitors do are: Emit Blue LightArtificial blue light is very bad for our eyes and at the same time, it’s emitted by almost everything. It prevents us from having ... Read More

    The post Does lot of exposure to computer screen and laptop screen cause dry eyes or is it age-related problem? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Actually, both can cause dry eyes and while we can’t fix the aging problem (yet), we can fix the toxic exposure from a computer screen.

    The main 2 bad things that monitors do are:

    1. Emit Blue Light

      Artificial blue light is very bad for our eyes and at the same time, it’s emitted by almost everything. It prevents us from having a good night’s sleep and can lead to macular degeneration in the long-term
    2. Use PWM Flicker

      I know it may sound a little crazy but our eyes basically look like this while looking at a flickering screen:

    Which as you can guess, is very bad for our eyes.

    PWM Flicker is basically the computer screen turning on and off again thousands of times per second and while we can’t perceive it with our eyes our brains can

    The best thing to do while having both these in mind is to download Iris

    Iris can lower the amount of Blue Light down to 0% and is the only program that can also fully remove PWM flicker

    Download Iris

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    How to Invite Friends and use Iris for Free Tue, 23 Oct 2018 12:59:09 +0000 In Iris, you have the option to invite a friend through a special link. When they download and install Iris using your link you both get 1 month free usage of Iris. The best thing is that the effect stacks, so if you invite 2 friends, you will get + 2 months To do this, first, make sure you have ... Read More

    The post How to Invite Friends and use Iris for Free appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    In Iris, you have the option to invite a friend through a special link.

    When they download and install Iris using your link you both get 1 month free usage of Iris.

    The best thing is that the effect stacks, so if you invite 2 friends, you will get + 2 months

    To do this, first, make sure you have Iris installed

    Then, just click on the Invite Friends button in the menu


    When you do that, you will get to this screen


    Now you can share this link with your friends and they can download using it

    When they download and set up click this:


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    Is there a Free Iris? Mon, 07 May 2018 10:31:28 +0000 In the beginning, it was totally free but the software also was not so great as it is now. Earliest versions I keep all versions even the earliest one here: danielng01/Iris-Builds For example, all versions for Windows can be found here: Versions for macOS here: Versions for Linux here: Freemium Iris Over time I made it freemium ... Read More

    The post Is there a Free Iris? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


    In the beginning, it was totally free but the software also was not so great as it is now.

    Earliest versions

    I keep all versions even the earliest one here:


    For example, all versions for Windows can be found here:

    Versions for macOS here:

    Versions for Linux here:

    Freemium Iris

    Over time I made it freemium but that also didn’t work well. You can find the last freemium versions of Iris here:

    Freemium Iris mini

    Aside from this Iris mini is still freemium and can be downloaded from here:

    Free trial Iris

    Right now, Iris is free trial for a couple of days and you can invite friends to use Iris forever for free.

    The latest version of Iris can be downloaded from here:

    Or a direct link which will automatically detect your OS:


    Free versions exist for both Android and iOS also.


    Download link for Android:

    Iris mini – Apps on Google Play


    Download link for iOS:

    Iris Micro

    Iris micro is also free:

    More info

    Iris Pro Iris mini Iris mini Pro Iris micro
    Blue light
    Screen effects
    Font rendering
    Hidden features
    User interface
    Tray menu
    Command line

    For more information about the different models and versions of Iris you can visit:



    Daniel Georgiev
    CEO Iris Technologies

    Publishing date: 07.05.2018

    The post Is there a Free Iris? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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    Purchasing Iris Fri, 27 Apr 2018 13:17:45 +0000 You can buy Iris using PayPal by clicking here: Iris – PayPal Alternatively, if your country is not listed or you do not have a PayPal account, you can use 2checkout which supports most of the countries: Iris – 2checkout If you are a cryptocurrency enthusiast or you just like buying things with cryptos you can use: Iris – crypto It ... Read More

    The post Purchasing Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    You can buy Iris using PayPal by clicking here:
    Iris – PayPal

    Alternatively, if your country is not listed or you do not have a PayPal account, you can use 2checkout which supports most of the countries:
    Iris – 2checkout

    If you are a cryptocurrency enthusiast or you just like buying things with cryptos you can use:

    Iris – crypto
    It supports Bitcoin and some of the popular altcoins.

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    Where to put the Activation Code? Sun, 15 Apr 2018 10:20:34 +0000 Basically, you need to open the settings panel. You can do this by double-clicking the desktop icon again. I also have detailed articles with images and video for Iris Pro here and for Iris mini Pro here

    The post Where to put the Activation Code? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Basically, you need to open the settings panel. You can do this by double-clicking the desktop icon again.

    I also have detailed articles with images and video for Iris Pro here

    and for Iris mini Pro here

    The post Where to put the Activation Code? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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    Is the basic Iris free? Sun, 15 Apr 2018 09:14:20 +0000 As of this time 04.2018 Iris is free trial with option to invite friends to use it for free. There is also 1 time payment option to get it lifelong. These pages are dedicated to these things Last year 2017 Iris was freemium with the option to unlock all features by buying the Pro version. This means that ... Read More

    The post Is the basic Iris free? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    As of this time 04.2018 Iris is free trial with option to invite friends to use it for free.

    There is also 1 time payment option to get it lifelong.

    These pages are dedicated to these things

    Last year 2017 Iris was freemium with the option to unlock all features by buying the Pro version. This means that you can use Iris for free forever but with limited options.

    You can find the last freemium version here for Windows

    And here for macOS

    The first versions of Iris was totally free but I don’t remember which version number they were. You can try to find them from here

    Note that I improve Iris a lot all the time and they may be a little buggy and not user-friendly because this was the beginning of this project, but they still work 🙂

    The post Is the basic Iris free? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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    What are the best settings? Mon, 12 Mar 2018 12:09:58 +0000 Hi, Mr. Bighiu and thanks for the question. I decided to write you public response because if I just write you something small it will not be enough and if I write you something long via e-mail I will just waste my time which I value a lot. So today I received this e-mail I wanted to respond to the Reddit ... Read More

    The post What are the best settings? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Hi, Mr. Bighiu and thanks for the question.

    I decided to write you public response because if I just write you something small it will not be enough and if I write you something long via e-mail I will just waste my time which I value a lot.

    So today I received this e-mail

    I wanted to respond to the Reddit thread but it was locked for inactivity so I will try to give you my answer here 🙂

    The question is: What are the best K values for day and night?

    I wrote about this in this publication What is the best Color temperature? but let’s look into this question in more science.

    Here are links to some medical researchers for daytime blue light exposure:

    Blue-enriched white light in the workplace improves self-reported alertness, performance and sleep quality.

    A Comparison of Blue Light and Caffeine Effects on Cognitive Function and Alertness in Humans

    So the results of the studies are correct, blue light improves mood and alertness during the day but it’s not that simple.

    The first thing is that monitors don’t emit full-spectrum light.

    In the graph above you can see how different Daylight is from LED light.

    Our bodies are made to get full-spectrum Sunlight and increasing only the blue light is like not balanced diet.

    You need balance, I don’t want to go into much details about this but the light emitted from the Sun and the light emitted from the monitors is just different.

    Looking at the graph above you see that the most balanced light is around 4000 K, but 4000 K from software like f.lux and Iris is not real 4000 K.

    It’s only close interpolation based on gamma calculation, so with Iris or f.lux on 4000K the graph looks close to this

    You see that even on the best values there are still dips which don’t emit light at this frequency. This is because of Physics of the LED.

    The recommendation should be to spend your time during the day outside so the Sun can glow your body.

    The light into the eyes may produce the biggest melatonin response but just like coffee, it’s not healthy in the long run.

    In the long run, a lot of Blue light into the eyes causes Macular Degeneration. It doesn’t matter if it’s daytime or nighttime exposure, blue light is the most powerful visible light and it enters deep into our retina.

    You know that UV light causes permanent damage, but look at this graph

    Blue light is the closest visible light to the UV and the effect of it are not so strong but in the long run, it’s like looking directly into UV light.

    We can go even further by looking into a full light spectrum and notice how close UV and blue light is to X-rays which cause permanent damage to our cells and make them mutate.

    Yes, you have a small chance to mutate like in X-men but most probably if you expose yourself to too much radiation you will just die.

    Yes, you are not going to die from blue light, but we are just not made to see a direct light. Most of the time we look at reflections and this is why reading a book outside causes us less eye strain.

    So I and many doctors (I am not a doctor or anything I just have talked to a lot of them) are to avoid blue light from the monitor all the time and to spend some time outside on direct Sunlight to get your mood and melatonin levels in check.

    I personally use 5000 K during the day because otherwise my screen is too dark and this causes me eyestrain.

    During the night I use 3400 K and during the late night around 2700 K.

    You may notice that this are also Iris default values because I try to do the software perfect for myself so new users don’t have to think about it but just use it.

    If you need a boost to your energy you can increase the blue light. Iris actually supports higher than maximum blue light levels for this but I personally don’t like this.

    You can see this values in the extended values and it looks like this

    I noticed that in the new beta of f.lux you can go to 100 000 K, but it’s just overkill and this value is not actually 100 000 K, I don’t know why it’s added.

    I have heard from several doctors that they use Iris at 0K whole day which looks like this

    But again I think it’s overkill.

    Like everything it’s about balance but using 6500 K or normal colors during the day is definitely not the best option and I don’t think it will be beneficial in the long run 🙂

    CEO Iris


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    Troubleshooting Thu, 28 Dec 2017 15:43:24 +0000 This turtle is the Iris customer support agent and it will help you solve all your problems with Iris. You may wonder why I chose turtle to help you, but the answer is simple. Turtles have the ability to stay grounded, even in moments of disturbances and chaos. They symbolize determination, persistence, emotional strength and understanding, all of the things ... Read More

    The post Troubleshooting appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    This turtle is the Iris customer support agent and it will help you solve all your problems with Iris. You may wonder why I chose turtle to help you, but the answer is simple.

    Turtles have the ability to stay grounded, even in moments of disturbances and chaos.

    They symbolize determination, persistence, emotional strength and understanding, all of the things you need to read this article or maybe to wait for me fix some bug I haven’t found yet 🙂


    Bellow, you will find most common user questions I receive my e-mail. They are arranged in random order and new things are added to the end.

    Iris doesn’t work on my second monitor

    If you use USB monitor or DisplayLink or other docking station Iris may not work on your second monitor.

    You can fix this by using High-level Color API on Windows

    For macOS I am still searching for a way to do this, but USD monitors don’t support gamma changes by default.

    New drivers of DisplayLink may also help you as they started to support gamma changes.

    Is there a way for my Iris to turn on automatically at startup?

    Iris should start automatically on startup at every system.

    On macOS, there is system protection ad you must move the app to some other folder, not the Downloads folder because it will not start automatically if it’s in the Downloads folder.

    On all systems check if Start on startup checkbox is checked.

    I paid for Iris Pro but haven’t received activation code

    When you buy Iris Pro or Iris mini Pro you need to wait for redirection back to the Iris website.

    After the redirection, you will see screen like this

    If you didn’t wait and closed the browser tab you need to write to me to create your activation code by hand. Please note that I receive a lot of e-mails and my response may be slow, but I will either refund your money or create your new activation code 🙂

    See this page on how to proceed

    For activation, instructions see this page

    Monitor is blinking between the Iris setting and the regular blue light of my monitor

    Several programs for blue light may conflict with each other.

    If you use both Iris and Iris mini quit one of them.

    If you use both Iris and f.lux quit one of them.

    Same goes for every other combination of blue light reduction software which conflicts with each other.

    Iris doesn’t conflict with Windows and macOS integrated blue light reduction features 🙂

    Keep flashing between ON and OFF

    If the above is not the case, some video card drivers also constantly want to change the display gamma and calibrate the screen and this may also cause flicker.

    You need to somehow quit the conflicting process of your video card.

    High-level API should also fix this problem on Windows

    What are the registry changes to unlock lower values?

    On the first start, Iris may ask you to make some changes to the Registry.

    This is nothing to be afraid of and the goal of this is Iris to work faster when you want lower values.

    By default, you have a cap on color changes to somewhere around 3900K.

    To go lower you need to unlock the gamma or use Iris high-level API.

    If you want to know the exact settings that Iris changes see this file:

    Download “unlock_gamma_ramp.reg” unlock_gamma_ramp.reg – 166.00 B

    To delete these changes Run this file:

    Download “lock_gamma_ramp.reg” lock_gamma_ramp.reg – 164.00 B

    Why Iris doesn’t let me choose install location

    You can move the folder by hand after installation.

    The reason for this is because Iris doesn’t want Admin rights right away and this actually helps with Privacy and Security.

    You can find the location of the installation here:

    Other programs like Chrome also do this so here are the benefits of installing without Admin access.

    You can install Iris on computers at your work which doesn’t allow app installations

    Iris can install because it doesn’t require Admin access.

    At the first start, it may ask you to unlock the gamma via Regedit which requires admin access but if you don’t give it, Iris will use High-level API which may be a little slower but will still work.

    You can feel more secure

    Computer programs can do a lot of bad things if you give them Admin access and install them in Program Files.

    Iris have an installer with admin access but I don’t distribute is as the default download for the reasons above.

    You can always move the installation folder by hand and Iris will still work.

    Iris is easier to clean from the computer

    %LOCALAPPDATA% is folder per user which means that Iris will be deleted if you delete the user and create a new one.

    This may help if there is a bug which makes the monitor colors broken or black. This think should not happen but is one more thing to make Iris removal easier.

    Iris doesn’t change colors on Windows 7

    Try to Enable Aero.

    This may happen if you use High-level Color API. For it to work on Windows 7 you need Aero to be enabled.

    Low-level API should work without Aero but will not work with USB monitors.

    Another cause of this problem if you use Low-level color API may be that you don’t have drivers for your video card installed.

    I’m having trouble figuring out how to use the sliders. Nothing is happening

    If this is your first installation of Iris and gamma range is not expanded you are using High-level Color API but it needs Aero to be enabled to work.

    If you have expanded the color range you need to restart your PC for Iris to start to work perfectly.

    There is something else that if it’s Day and you are moving the Night slider it will not change anything on the screen because it’s day and the night has not come yet.

    You can also see this page for more explanations

    Or see all Help articles from here

    How to Cleanup everything

    Close Iris

    Run this file

    [Download not found]

    This will clean Iris save, gamma unlock and Iris URL scheme

    Mouse pointer blue

    Use software mouse

    – Can’t see mouse in games

    Disable use software mouse

    – Iris is slowing down my PC

    Try with Iris mini

    – Display is red

    – Can’t open the program

    – My display flickers

    Delete f.lux

    – Can’t delete the program

    – Where to put the activation code


    – Activation fails with some error

    Behind proxy try with OfflineCode

    I don’t see type and mode any more

    Click use advanced settings

    What changes Iris does on installation

    -gamma ramp

    Computer crashed can’t activate Iris again

    -revoke a license

    Iris and display calibration

    – Enable preserve gamma

    Something else?

    Post in the forum

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    How to Translate Iris Sun, 16 Apr 2017 20:19:37 +0000 In this article I want to show you how you can translate Iris into new language or edit the current translation strings. Every string into the application can be found here In this example we will use Bulgarian as starting point and you will understand from there what to do. First locate your language translations file. This is the ... Read More

    The post How to Translate Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    In this article I want to show you how you can translate Iris into new language or edit the current translation strings.

    Every string into the application can be found here

    In this example we will use Bulgarian as starting point and you will understand from there what to do.

    First locate your language translations file. This is the file ending in .ts
    Files ending in .qm are the compiled translation files

    In our example this is the file

    Click the link then click Raw

    Now with Right click -> Save as
    Save the file somewhere on your PC

    Now you can just edit this file by hand with some regular text editor or use the special Qt Linguist which is more user friendly. You can download Qt Liguist from this link

    The UI looks like this

    When you are finished send me the new file to

    I will replace it and you will have your new awesome translation in the next version.

    If you want to translate Iris to new language use iris_en.ts or some other file as placeholder and just create duplicate the file and change it’s contents.

    Here is video showing the above steps

    The post How to Translate Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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    How to invite all your Facebook friends to like Iris Wed, 15 Feb 2017 02:29:41 +0000 On this page I want to show you how to invite all your Facebook friends to like the Iris Facebook page automatically without much clicking. For this to work you will need: Google Chrome Invite All Friends on Facebook Chrome Extension Facebook account Go to the Iris Facebook page here: In the right part of the page, there is ... Read More

    The post How to invite all your Facebook friends to like Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    On this page I want to show you how to invite all your Facebook friends to like the Iris Facebook page automatically without much clicking.

    For this to work you will need:

    1. Google Chrome
    2. Invite All Friends on Facebook Chrome Extension
    3. Facebook account

    Go to the Iris Facebook page here:

    In the right part of the page, there is Invite friends to like this Page button

    Click it and window like this will open

    Scroll down your friends a little

    After you have installed Invite All Friends on Facebook Chrome Extension click the checkbox in the top right corner of the screen. A window like this will open and the extension will start to invite your friends automatically

    If you have many Facebook friends after some time you will get a notification like this

    Do the same steps the next day again for several days until you have invited all your Facebook friends.

    Thank you very much for supporting Iris

    Daniel 🙂

    The post How to invite all your Facebook friends to like Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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    My cursor is blue on Windows. Why? Fri, 01 Apr 2016 16:39:45 +0000 This happens when your video card displays uses a “Hardware cursor”. You can fix this by selecting “Use software mouse cursor” in Iris.

    The post My cursor is blue on Windows. Why? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    This happens when your video card displays uses a “Hardware cursor”.
    You can fix this by selecting “Use software mouse cursor” in Iris.


    The post My cursor is blue on Windows. Why? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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    Plenty of things already change the brightness of my screen. Why Iris is different? Fri, 01 Apr 2016 16:39:23 +0000 Iris changes the color temperature of your display. Natural light is more blue, while most artificial light (including candlelight) is warmer. Incandescent bulbs, which we’re all used to, become more red in tone when you dim them. But newer LEDs and CFLs don’t – this includes the backlight on your monitor. If you’re a photographer, you’ve probably dealt with this, ... Read More

    The post Plenty of things already change the brightness of my screen. Why Iris is different? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

    Iris changes the color temperature of your display. Natural light is more blue, while most artificial light (including candlelight) is warmer. Incandescent bulbs, which we’re all used to, become more red in tone when you dim them. But newer LEDs and CFLs don’t – this includes the backlight on your monitor. If you’re a photographer, you’ve probably dealt with this, since pictures taken inside at night are always much more brown than photos outside.

    Iris also changes your display brightness in innovative way without PWM flickering.

    The post Plenty of things already change the brightness of my screen. Why Iris is different? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.
