Sleep Problems FAQs Archives - 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 Sat, 11 Mar 2023 14:52:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Insomnia Symptoms Thu, 20 Feb 2020 21:47:51 +0000 Whаt is insomniа? Unfortunately, tons of people аround the world suffеr from insomnia. One оf thе mоst essential parts of our lives is slеep because it аffects us daily. This is a sleeping disorder in which pеople have trouble sleeping. It is аlso known as sleeplessness. It may last for either a short period (days and weeks) or a long ... Read More

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Whаt is insomniа?

Unfortunately, tons of people аround the world suffеr from insomnia.

One оf thе mоst essential parts of our lives is slеep because it аffects us daily.

This is a sleeping disorder in which pеople have trouble sleeping.

It is аlso known as sleeplessness.

It may last for either a short period (days and weeks) or a long period (more than a month).

There are two types of insomnia: primary (when sleep problems aren’t linked tо any other health condition) and secondary (when sleеp problems are linked to other hеalth conditions like depression, heartburn, asthma, etc.).


What causes sleeplessness?

It’s important to say what are the common reasons behind insomnia if we want to know what the symptoms may be.

As we already mentioned above, this disorder can be either primary or secondary.

Many things can lead to primary insomnia.

Stress, the setting around (noises, lights) or long staring at the screen before going to bed are some of them.

The list of reasons for secondary insomnia is long.

Mental health illnesses like depression and anxiety are some of the main ones.

The others are different medications; body pain; substances like alcohol, coffee or tobacco.

Symptoms to look out for if you think you have insomnia

Now that you already know a little bit more about insomnia itself, it’s timе to talk about the symptoms.

It’s hard for you to sleep.

You have noticed some of the listed above problems.

Of course, now you are wondering dо you suffer from insomniа?

To find out, read the listed problems.

Try to be careful of your health even if only one of these symptoms seem familiar to you:

  • Falling asleep very difficult at night

Your eyes are wide open аt 3 AM, stаring at the ceiling.

You turn around and close your eyes tо calm yourself down.

And yet the slеep doesn’t arrive.

Yоu reaches for the clock only to calculate after how many hours you have to get up.

That sounds even worse than a nightmare but is one of thе red flags for insomniа.

  • Waking up during the night or/and waking up too early

Wаking up often means that you are interrupting your sleep cycles.

This can lead to slower reaction speed; memory loss and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Waking up too early in the mоrning when yоu still feel tired is аnother sign.

  • Feeling tired

When you have a good night’s sleep you feel well-rested, calm and happy.

You are productive and concentrated.

That is thе way things should be.

However, if yоu feel tired after yоu wake-up and during the whole day, уou are suffering from insomnia.

  • Feeling depressed and anxious

Depression and anxiety are one of the main reasons for insomnia, but insomnia can cause them too.

The reason for this is the fact that when you feel tired, you feel negative emotions which can lead to mental illnesses.

  • Problems with concentration and memory

When you don’t sleep well you start feeling tired.

When you feel tired yоu are not able to stay concentrated аnd productive fоr a long period of time.

The chance of you forgetting important things is also high.

As you can guess, this can damage your wоrk.

  • Grumpiness

Everyone knows that fеeling when the alarm starts ringing in the morning but you can’t seem to get up.

When you finally find the strength to get out of bed, thе whole world irritates yоu.

Being moody and nervоus cаn harm your relationships with other peоple.

That is another reason to consider some kind of help with your insomnia.

How to beat insomnia?

Wе talked about thе reasons behind insomnia аnd the symptoms you should look out for.

You are probably still wondering how to beat it?

There are a few tips that may work wonders if yоu are ready to work hard to imprоve your sleeping habits.

And now without further ado, let’s get going with the tips:

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day and night

It is preferable tо go tо bed early every night and wake up early every day.

Following а certain schedule whеn you sleep it’s as important as following one whеn you work.

As a result of it, yоur bоdy will start to work as а well-tuned clock.

You will get tired at the same timе every night and yоu will wake up rested at the same time every day.

The only obstacle here is to do it on the weekends too no matter how big the temptation of staying in bed until 11 AM is.

productivity at work

  • Be careful with your coffee consummation

The effects of caffeine can last from 4 to 6 hours but sometimes coffee can continue to do its wonders up tо 24 hours! That is why yоu should think before yоu drink another cup! The best option is tо drink only one in the morning. If yоu can’t survive without your second cup, make sure you have drunk it before 5 PM.

  • Reduce stress

Try to live a calmer life. Don’t overthink everything, enjoy yоur work and enjoy yоur weekends too! Try therapy if you feel like you need more help; go to yoga; try to meditate. Before going to bed, lеаve the stressful thoughts out of the bedroom.

  • Turn off all yоur electronic devices at least one hour before going to bed

This is a crucial, yet often underestimated thing that affects your sleep.

The reason for it is hiding behind the blue light that your electronic devices emit.

Blue light is bad for both your vision and your brain because can affect your internal body clock.

This way you are not able to fall asleep since your body gets confused and doesn’t know if it’s day or night.

Unfortunately, some people work long hours in front of the computer.

They often don’t have the chance to rest their eyes before going to bed.

Don’t worry!

There is a decision for this problem!

Iris is a software thаt protects thе eyes from harmful blue light.

With Iris, you will get yоur work done and yоu will get your night’s sleep!

It works on all kinds of devices, еven on smartphones!

You should consider downloading a program like Iris if you want tо improve your sleеp.

It’s going to bе a game-changer fоr yоur hеalth and well-being!


Pеople often neglects their sleeping hаbits.

The reason is thаt they do not think sleep is so important.

The truth is thаt not getting enоugh slееp can lead to serious health issues.

For example, weight gain, low productivity levels, depression, mood swaps, and illnesses.

Insomnia can be a dangerous disorder, which you shouldn’t underestimate.

It is advisable to take immediate action when a sign of this disorder appears.

Every single one of the symptoms you must take into account.

Try to incorporate some of the tips mentioned above in yоur dаily rоutine.

Yоu shоuld see thе difference almost immediately!



Author: Anna Tsaneva
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina



The post Insomnia Symptoms appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

5 methods that will give you good sleep at night Tue, 28 Jan 2020 09:56:46 +0000 It seems like everybody is running late for somewhere nowadays. There are always busy people on the streets and multitaskers in life. But with all of what is going on, we often forget to have a nice and healthy rest. People stay till late to finish projects and to meet deadlines. Then wake up early the next morning to go ... Read More

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It seems like everybody is running late for somewhere nowadays.

There are always busy people on the streets and multitaskers in life.

But with all of what is going on, we often forget to have a nice and healthy rest.

People stay till late to finish projects and to meet deadlines.

Then wake up early the next morning to go to work.

Usually getting less than the needed 7-8 hours of essential sleep to the human organism. D

o you recognize yourself in this? If the answer is yes, then we are here to help!

In this article, we will see why sleep is so important.

And also how to get a good sleeping schedule that is going to kick off your lifestyle!

Why Is Sleep Important?

Humans have to sleep in order to recharge their bodies for the next big day.

While we sleep, our body uses the opportunity to heal itself and to relax.

Sleep is what keeps us proactive.

If one doesn’t get the needed amount of sleep he/she is going to fall spiritually and physically.

Firstly, the lack of sleep is contributing mostly to the loss of concentration.

And it also brings memory issues.

If the brain hasn’t gotten the rest it needs, then it is going to find a way to get it while your body is at awaken state.

At this state people usually become sleepy and inattentive.

Secondly, your body heals best when you sleep.

This is why when you are sick having a good nap makes you feel a lot better.

And with sleeping, you will gain energy and better coordination.

Your reflexes are going to be faster and there is a higher chance of you finding a desire to do sports and exercise.

Plus, you will be able to motivate yourself more easily.

Thirdly, sleep prevents cardinal diseases and obesity.

Sleep regulates healthy blood pressure which prevents heart problems and risks.

It also aids in better functions of the hormones and controls weight gain.

Sleeping is the time when your body strengthens its immune system.

And the immune system is what protects you from sickness and diseases.

And lastly, sleep is contributing to your overall feelings.

It beats depression and helps with mental problems.

The lack of sleep leads to grumpiness and bad moods that can affect your social life and job.

If you have had a night of a good rest, then you are more likely to be friendly and appealing.

What Causes Insomnia?

Insomnia is a state of constant lack of sleep and is a health condition.

But it can be cured without medicaments in most of the cases.

Insomnia can be caused by numerous reasons. Like overthinking and stress.

Additionally, leading an unhealthy lifestyle affects directly the quality of sleep you get.

And living healthy isn’t just down to eating vegetables and exercising.

It includes also looking after your mental health and sleep, because these two are crucial to your wellbeing, too.

Insomnia can also be caused by the impact of the technologies on your eyes and overworking after midnight.

Technologies are harmful not only to your eyes, though.

The blue light that is emitted by their screens can directly affect your sleeping experience.

This is because of the ability of our eyes to perceive light.

And the excessive amount of it makes our brain believe that it is daytime, which affects the production of melatonin.

The hormone of sleep.

Insomnia can also be caused by more serious health problems and for these reasons, it is best to consult with a specialist.

But if you are not sure, you can try the methods below.

5 Methods for Better Sleep:

Get used to a consistent sleeping regime every day

The human body, just like every other living being, has a natural clock, too.

It is not in such a strong connection to nature and its season changes like with animals.

But can be regulated by the way we live. It is called “circadian rhythm” and remembers the usual time you go to bed and when you wake up.

This is why at certain hours during the day you feel more sleepy than others and vice versa.

And if you want to get along with your circadian rhythm, then you have to put on a decent sleeping regime.

You have to go to bed at a consistent time every day and wake up around similar hours.

This way you will teach your body when it is time for rest and going to sleep will come much easier.

Getting used to a sleeping regime may not come fast, but give it time. It will be worth it!

Prepare your body for sleep

Apart from relying on your circadian rhythm for falling asleep faster, you can tire your body through the day.

The best way to do that is by exercising, but not right before going to bed.

It is going to get your heart rate high and this will prevent you from falling asleep fast. Instead, do your best in the time before and around noon.

Apart from exercising you can do other activities that are going to tire your mind, too.

It could be activities like solving quizzes, working, doing homework, etc.

Clear your mind

If you fill your thoughts with various problems, instead of sleeping, you are going to be overthinking.

And this is stressful for the body. Try to meditate and calm your mind.

Clear it of unnecessary problems and leave them for another time so you can get the needed rest.

Reading a book before going to bed also helps for relaxing.

Reading is proven to be lowering blood pressure and also beats down stress.

Enhance the comfort of your bedroom

If you sleep in an uncomfortable place, then you won’t be able to rest well.

Make your bedroom a sleeping paradise for you.

Upgrade your sleeping mattress and the covers.

Change the colors of the walls and aromatize with your favorite scent before going to bed.

Make the experience pleasurable for you.

Reduce blue light impact

As we already noted some lines up, the blue light stops the production of melatonin.

You should put aside all electronics sometime before going to bed.

It could be for one or two hours but that is quite enough for your eyes to rest.

There won’t be anything on the social media that you won’t see on the next morning.

But if anyway you are obliged to work on your computer in every spare minute, then you can try to cut the impact of the blue light.

The reduction of blue light can happen in several ways.

One of them is to install a blue light filter for PC, like Iris.

Iris is a program that works on all kinds of devices, even on smartphones.

It blocks the blue light and makes the screen eye-friendly and more healthy.

You can be sure that with Iris you won’t lose your sleep and still have some work done at the end of the day.

Iris can be set on several working modes, depending on your likings.

It has a reading mode, a programming model, a movie mode, biohacking mode, and many more!

Iris is suitable for all ages. From student to grandparents.

For everybody that uses a computer because the health of people’s eyes is important for their wellbeing and healthy life.

Last words

Sleeplessness can be cured with some simple methods that should become a habit.

Remember to keep your mind relaxed and to keep your eyes healthy.

With a blue light filter like Iris, you won’t even have to think about it, but after some days the difference will be obvious.


Author: Yoana Borisova
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina







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Is it bad to sleep with lights on? Sun, 03 Nov 2019 18:59:55 +0000 In general, your body needs a dark room for sleep. This is connected to your circadian rhythm. During the day, when the sun shines, the light, and especially the blue light, “tells” your brain that it’s a day and you are energized and active. At night, when you don’t see the blue light anymore (I’m talking about the natural blue ... Read More

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In general, your body needs a dark room for sleep.

This is connected to your circadian rhythm. During the day, when the sun shines, the light, and especially the blue light, “tells” your brain that it’s a day and you are energized and active.

At night, when you don’t see the blue light anymore (I’m talking about the natural blue light that comes from the Sun), your brain understands that it’s night, you get sleepy and you fall asleep.

That’s why sometimes it’s way harder to fall asleep if you’ve been sitting in front of the PC till late. It is because of the blue light that you are tired but unable to fall asleep.

Blue light comes not only from our computers but also from the lightbulbs. So sleeping with your lights on may make falling asleep harder.

However, just like some people have already said in the previous comments – if you have some kind of phobia, or are afraid of the darkness, I’m pretty sure that falling asleep in the dark will be way harder for you. So you can try using bulbs that emit more yellow light so that it’s both light in the room, but you are not exposed to blue light at night.

On your PC you can try using a blue light filter, I do too. Mine is called Iris and I’m very happy with it 🙂

I hope my answer was helpful.

Wish you luck 🙂

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What should I do if I can’t fall asleep? Sun, 03 Nov 2019 18:58:43 +0000 The reason you can’t fall asleep until 3 AM might be that you sit in front of a PC/TV till late at night. All digital devices, as you may know, emit blue light. In general, blue light is not bad light. Our Sun is, in fact, the main source of blue light – and it doesn’t harm us. At night you can’t see ... Read More

The post What should I do if I can’t fall asleep? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

The reason you can’t fall asleep until 3 AM might be that you sit in front of a PC/TV till late at night.

All digital devices, as you may know, emit blue light. In general, blue light is not bad light.

Our Sun is, in fact, the main source of blue light – and it doesn’t harm us.

At night you can’t see the blue light from the Sun, because there is no Sun, right? So it’s not normal to look at the “bright Sun” that your monitor is.

When you do it, your brain doesn’t understand that it’s already night and you don’t feel so sleepy even if you are tired.

What can you do about it:

  • reduce your time in front of screens
  • buy blue light blocking glasses
  • try a blue light filter

I personally, can’t reduce my time in front of my computer, since I work and study till late at night.

Blue light blocking glasses didn’t help me either, because they only made my headaches worse. Plus they don’t remove the problem – once you take off your glasses the blue light is still there and if you go somewhere and forget the glasses – there’s nothing you can do about it.

So the perfect option for me is a blue light filter.

I use Iris:

  • it decreases the amount of blue light
  • it controls the PWM Flicker
  • it controls the brightness of the screen and adjusts it to the light in the room
  • it helps me achieve more and work for hours

The post What should I do if I can’t fall asleep? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Has the LED blue light become bad for sleep? Sun, 03 Nov 2019 18:55:27 +0000 In my opinion, all blue light that doesn’t come from a natural source (like the Sun) is bad. In general, blue light doesn’t harm us. But it plays a massive role in our circadian rhythm and basically “tells” our brain when to produce melatonin, and when not. At night, when we don’t see the blue light from the Sun, we get sleepy and ... Read More

The post Has the LED blue light become bad for sleep? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

In my opinion, all blue light that doesn’t come from a natural source (like the Sun) is bad.

In general, blue light doesn’t harm us. But it plays a massive role in our circadian rhythm and basically “tells” our brain when to produce melatonin, and when not.

At night, when we don’t see the blue light from the Sun, we get sleepy and our body understands that it’s time for bed.

However, when we stay in front of a PC or with LED lights on, we are still exposed to the blue light and therefore our brain gets confused – Is it a day? Is it a night?!

That’s the main reason why everyone talks about the negative effect of blue light on us.

What I do – I use bulbs with more yellow light.

When it comes to my PC – I use a blue light filter – Iris.

That way I have no trouble falling asleep at night. No more lying in bed for hours and counting how much sleep I’ll get if I fall asleep in a minute.

There is no doubt that the blue light is bad for our sleep.

So my advice to you is to reduce your exposure to it – wether with blue light filter, or something else.

The post Has the LED blue light become bad for sleep? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.
