Eye Exercises FAQs Archives - 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 https://iristech.co/category/answers-faqs/eye-exercises-faqs/ Tue, 07 Mar 2023 09:38:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Eye exercises to improve your vision https://iristech.co/eye-exercises-to-improve-your-vision/ https://iristech.co/eye-exercises-to-improve-your-vision/#respond Mon, 16 Mar 2020 17:55:29 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=29964 It is a wide known fact that eye exercises are the best way to make your eye feel better naturally. And sometimes, to improve the quality of your vision. Taking good care of your eyes is essential to your overall health and well-being. And it is one of the keys to successful biohacking. It is not a secret that the ... Read More

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It is a wide known fact that eye exercises are the best way to make your eye feel better naturally.

And sometimes, to improve the quality of your vision.

Taking good care of your eyes is essential to your overall health and well-being.

And it is one of the keys to successful biohacking.

It is not a secret that the eyes have a connection to many beneficial factors that concern your lifestyle.

If you want to jumpstart the day with a fresh look after having a good night of sleep keep reading.

We are going to see the best methods for keeping your eyes “fit” and healthy.

Why do you need eye exercises?

There is nothing you will lose if you try doing eye exercises.

Even the opposite – you will be thankful you started doing them.

Eye exercises are what the medics prescribe to their patients who suffer from eye problems.

Especially if the patients want to cure themselves naturally.

The eye exercises help with problems like digital eye strain, eye dryness, bad sleep, headaches, and many more of this kind.

These problems are usually caused by the way you lead your life.

If you spend a lot of time in front of a computer or you are using your phone all the time, then the blue light is most probably the main reason for having eye problems.

productivity at work

Also, they can occur if you spend a lot of time reading or being in places that have bad lighting.

The eye exercises can help you to relieve the strain and irritation because they moisturize the eyes.

Moreover, moving your eyes around is going to flex the stiff muscles around them.

This will relieve headaches and lightheadedness.

Eye exercises for relieving strain and dryness

The 20-20-20 rule

This is a classic when it comes to eye exercises.

The 20-20-20 rule is going to save your eyes at the end of your workday!

And the best of all, it is very simple, still quite efficient.

It is done by taking short brakes with a duration of 20 seconds every 20 minutes.

And while doing it, you have to look at far objects that are at least 20 feet away from you.

This is a good exercise because it unglues your eyes from the screen for some time.

Which is a great way to clean your mind, too, and become more productive?

Also, this way you will get less blue light radiation and better sleep.

Roll your eyes

Rolling your eyes is not particularly for when you are mad at something or frustrated.

It can be very beneficial for moisturizing the surface of the eyes as well.

Producing enough tear fluids means that your eyes are healthy.

Yet, not enough or too many tears can deeply damage your eyes.

If your eyes are too dry, for example, the surface will get badly scratched.

Another way to “roll” your eyes is to make and eight in the air or trace out your name.


Blinking is a natural remedy for sore eyes.

So, when you are using your computer or phone just do not forget to blink.

Blue light has the ability to make people forget to blink, which can lead to many eye problems.

One of which is the above-mentioned case of dry eyes.

Closing your eyes

Another good exercise is to just give your eyes a rest and close them for some minutes.

You can put your palms over your eyes and press smoothly.

Be careful not to press too hard so you do not hurt yourself.

This exercise has almost the same effect as sleeping.

Because while you sleep you do not use your eyes and they can rest.

Eye exercises for improving your vision

Change focus

One of the best activities for improving your vision consists of changing the focus of what you see.

Like when you look at closeby and far objects.

The eyes are like muscles, if you do not use them, they will become weaker.

So, put your thumb in front of you and look at it.

Then start moving it closer to your face and then stretch out your arm.

You can also do this by looking out a window.

Or looking at the edge of your monitor then at something on the other side of the room.

Do activities outside

Also, another good way to improve your eyes is just to get outside.

Have you ever felt that sudden ache in your head when you go outside and see the sunlight?

This is because your eyes have become so familiar with artificial lightning that they have forgotten the real light.

You can do a variety of activities while being outdoors and still do your job properly.

Also, why not spend an afternoon at the natural sunlight with a book or with your pet.

The possibilities are endless as far as you have fun.

You can do sport and stay fit.

And why not go out for a walk in nature?

The green color of the grass and the leaves is proven to be relaxing and to be healthy for the eyes.

Keep your eyes moving

Another hack for keeping your eyes and vision sharp is to never lock your stare at something for too long.

This tires the muscles and the eyes.

You should look around from time to time or take a short break.

This is applying not only for when you use a digital device but for when you read or watch TV, too.

Do you want to get to the core of biohacking?

And since we have been talking about how to keep our eyes healthy and how to improve our vision, we cannot leave aside Iris – the blue light filter for PCs.

Iris is a program that you can install on your computer and that is going to block the blue light that comes out from the screen.

Iris is the best option for keeping your eyes safe and having a good sleep routine because it is designed so that it suits everybody’s needs.

It has many modes to chose from and can be used by anybody!

It is worth considering to install it on all of your devices and start your eye care right away!

In summary, how to make the best of vision improvement?

All the eye exercises are great and can be done anywhere.

At work, school, on the bus or at home.

Of course, it all takes time and consistency for the effects to be visible, but with Iris, you won’t be even making an effort.

All it takes is to install it!

You can make a daily plan and have some minutes that are specially booked up for eye exercises.

There are many ways to find a way to a better and healthier life.

All you need is motivation!






Author: Yoana Borisova

The post Eye exercises to improve your vision appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Work out for your eyes https://iristech.co/work-out-for-your-eyes/ https://iristech.co/work-out-for-your-eyes/#respond Tue, 31 Dec 2019 08:19:54 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=27733 Do you feel constant discomfort in your eyes due to long hours of staying in front of a computer? If so, then you should work out for your eyes. Did you know that you could improve your eyes’ health by doing several simple exercises? Even when you are at work? Working on a computer or using your smartphone for too ... Read More

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Do you feel constant discomfort in your eyes due to long hours of staying in front of a computer? If so, then you should work out for your eyes.

Did you know that you could improve your eyes’ health by doing several simple exercises? Even when you are at work?

Working on a computer or using your smartphone for too long damages your eyes.

It is due to the blue light that these devices’ displays give off.

Blue light is not on the light specter humankind is used to perceive by nature.

Humans live by the warm-colored kind of light that comes from the sun.

blue light

There is blue light in nature, too. But artificial blue light from computers causes damage to the eyes.

Like red eyes, eye strain, headaches, and even vision loss.

Here in this article, we are going to show you some easy eye exercises to help you improve your eyes’ health.

What is work out for eyes?

Human eyes are like muscles. If one doesn’t use them for a long time, they will grow weak.

While you are working for hours on your computer, you stare in one place for a long time.

This creates stress on your eyes. Eye exercises are a great way to relieve pain and dryness.

Each of the examples here is excellent for keeping the surface of your eyes well moisturized.

This is important because dryness is destructive for your vision.

Moreover, blue light makes you forget to blink, which is crucial for the well being of the eyes.

This is why blinking is the first exercise on our list you can do to work out for eyes.

Eye exercises:

1. Blink

Blinking is the most natural remedy for your eyes.

Frequent blinking for one minute is going to relieve that dryness you have been feeling during the whole day.

When you blink, you spread the tear fluids that your lacrimal glands produce all over the surface of the eye.

Tears clean and sharpen your vision, helping you to see better.

Without good moisture, your eyes are going to grow dry and red.

This is because the eyelids will scratch the sensitive surface of the eyes and make them hurt.

2. Look from side to side

After you finish with the one-minute of blinking, start looking slowly from right to left and vice versa.

Not only will you moisture a bigger part of your eyes but that way you will flex the stiff muscles.

Repeat that exercise with the same movements, but for up and down.

3. Look at far objects

Lots of people, and especially children, suffer from nearsightedness. This is due to that they spend most of their lives indoors.

And indoors they do tasks that do not need them to look farther than their hands outstretched.

Staring at that display the whole day is the same thing. If possible take a stroll outside in a park or look out of a window.

But if there isn’t such an opportunity, the opposite wall of the room will do fine.

Look for some minutes at different far objects. And for better flexibility of your eyes, you could try something else.

Like choosing a spot or a faraway object and one that is close to you.

Then change your focus from the one to the other. This exercise is going to help your longsightedness.

Another fine option is to put your thumb in front of your face and to focus only on it.

Then to start moving it farther and closer to your face without looking at something else, but your thumb.

4. Draw an eight

But if you do not want to look weird waving your thumb around in the office, try something else.

It could be drawing an imaginable eight or an infinity symbol in the air with your eyes.

This is another activity for both moisturizing your eyes and flexing them.

Yet, if this is not hard enough for you, draw your name with your eyes in the air. Trace every letter and repeat it several times.

5. Close eyes and rest

Sometimes eye problems can be solved with as little as closing your eyes for a minute or two. Let them rest.

If you do not feel productive during this activity, use the time to order the tasks you have to do during the day.

Or take a break from your work, meditate and charge yourself with some energy.

6. Look in the dark

Brightly lit spaces, especially with artificial light, are unhealthy to human eyes.

Sometimes even the sun is dangerous, this is why we wear sunglasses.

Artificial lightning bit by bit damages our eyes, but we cannot live without it.

The best way to oppose its damage is to spend some time without any lightning at all.

Turn the lights off, take a rest and spend some minutes staring in the dark.

Unlike animals, humans cannot see in the dark. Our eyes need light to perceive the world that surrounds us.

Looking in the dark is going to wake up the nerves of your eyes at the sudden lack of light.

7. Do a massage

Most of the time, stress that has gathered in the muscles around your eyes is guilty of the discomfort you feel.

And relieving it can happen with some minutes spent on massaging these areas. Usually, the affected muscles are:

  • At the base of the nose
  • Around the eyebrows
  • On your forehead and temples
  • At the upper side of the cheekbones

Other easy ways to preserve your vision

If you desire to be serious about eye care, there is more than just exercising.

First, you should think of the things that harm your eyes and then the ways to prevent this from happening.

One of the greatest causes of eye strain is blue light.

However, if your bread depends on your working in front of a computer all day, then there are few options for you.

One of them is to decrease the impact of the blue light.

You could do that by visiting a specialist and ask for special computer glasses.

This kind of glasses filters part of the blue light. They are constructed with special lenses and are only for computer use.

But there is a simpler way to block blue light without having to buy expensive glasses.

There is a thing called: a blue light filter for PCs and smartphones.

Iris is such a program. It is going to filter the light that comes out of your display like all computer glasses do.

It is even going to remind you to take a rest, during which you could do some of the work out for the eyes that we discussed above.

So, Iris and your eyes’ exercises are going to complete each other perfectly!

Last words

If not taken care of at the very beginning, a simple case of dry eyes could lead to damaging your vision and putting glasses on.

Doing work out for your eyes is definitely going to improve your eyes’ health.

The wellbeing of your eyes is of great importance to your productivity and health.

And with this article, we prove to you that taking care of your eyes is as easy as a blink!

Author: Yoana Borisova

Read more:

Eye exercises that you can do anywhere, anytime

Eye exercises: Myth or a real way to improve your eyesight?

7 Tips for eye protection in front of the PC

Eye yoga will help you see everything you love to see

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Eye exercises that you can do anywhere, anytime https://iristech.co/eye-exercises-do-anywhere-anytime/ https://iristech.co/eye-exercises-do-anywhere-anytime/#respond Mon, 02 Dec 2019 17:05:46 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=27340 Introduction Do you forget to take care of the eyes during your daily life? There are some easy eye exercises you can do at any time. In the big hectic world, we are living in it is very important to be able to sit down and unwind for a few minutes. Many people consider taking a break to be scrolling through ... Read More

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Do you forget to take care of the eyes during your daily life? There are some easy eye exercises you can do at any time.

In the big hectic world, we are living in it is very important to be able to sit down and unwind for a few minutes.

Many people consider taking a break to be scrolling through social media, which of course is not even close to actually resting.

Most of us are glued to our screens on a daily basis.

As cool as computers and smartphones may be, they can also do damage to your health and in particular – your eyes.

It’s important to use your breaks in the most efficient and healthy way.

So instead of staring at the display on your device, you can do some exercises that can help and improve your vision.

Eye exercises

The simple ones

When I was 7 years old I went to the ophthalmologist for the first time.

The doctor was a very polite lady who prescribed me a pair of glasses and added that it would be beneficial to do some eye exercises every day for a few minutes just to make sure my eyes won’t get any worse.

These exercises helped improve my eyesight quite a bit.

I have listed some of them below. All you need is some paper and a chair.

1. Take a piece of paper, cut a small square from it and color it black.

Sit down, put it approximately 8 inches (ca. 20 centimeters) away and stare at it for a few seconds.

Look away and then shift your gaze back to the colored square. Repeat 5 times.

2. Draw a big horizontal eight on a piece of paper. Sit down and distance the sheet 8 inches away.

Move your eyes along this figure without moving your head. Repeat 5 times.

3. Draw some zigzag lines. They should look like a cardiogram. Sit down and put the sheet approx. 8 inches away.

Start moving your eyes along the lines from one end to the other. Repeat 5 times.

You can do these exercises without actually drawing the lines and the figures.

When I was a child it was harder for me to imagine what was supposed to be on the paper.

If you feel like you have a big imagination, there is no need to draw them.

You could draw them at home and bring them anywhere with you.

You just need somewhere to sit and concentrate (what better way to spend your lunch break?).

Norbekov’s method

Mirzakarim Norbekov is a famous writer from Uzbekistan.

In his books, he talks about alternative medicine and how we can heal our bodies using our minds and nature.

His methods are deemed questionable by few. Nevertheless, his exercises can still be useful even if you don’t agree with his work.

These are some of his well-known exercises:

1. “Look up and down”

Keep your head straight, gaze directed toward the ceiling.

Imagine you are moving your eyes pointing to the inside of your skull (freaky, right?).

Now look down. Bring your attention to the thyroid – imagine you are looking at it. Perform 8-10 times in each direction.

2. “Ticker”

Look to the left – you should have the wall insight. Bring attention to the back of your left ear.

Look to the right – you should have the wall insight. Bring attention to the back of your right ear. Perform 8-10 times in each direction.

3. The third exercise is left without a name

You should look to the left, then look straight, after that you look to the right and then look straight again.

Perform 8-10 times in each direction.

Norbekov also advises doing some easy gymnastics, which can help you improve your overall health in addition to your eyesight.

All of these exercises are taken from his book “The experience of a fool who had an epiphany about how to get rid of his glasses” – if you are interested to learn more about his teachings.

For busy people

If you are short on time I’d suggest you stick to the most popular and time-effective eye exercises:

  • The first one is the 20-20-20 rule which has already been mentioned in the blog, but for those of you who haven’t heard of it, this exercise is very easy to follow: every 20 minutes look at something 20 feet (ca. 6 centimeters) away for 20 seconds.

I found the next eye exercise when I started practicing yoga in my free time. At the end of every class we do a routine called “palming”:

  • Rub your hands together until they are warm enough. Close your eyes, then put your palms on your eyelids – do this very carefully, don’t rub your or press your hands too hard. Take a few deep breaths – make sure you feel calm and relaxed. Think of anything that makes you happy. Once you start seeing black, remove your hands.
    Repeat a few times.

Another exercise that is based on my yoga experience is treating the eyelids:

  • Sit comfortably. Massage your lower eyelids gently with your ring fingers. Start with the inner edge of the lower eyelid and gradually move outwards. Massage the eyebrows in a similar way after you have finished with the lower lids.
    This can be very rough on your eyes because of the lack of moisture. Therefore, when you work or study make sure to take a few minutes to detach yourself from the screen and blink.


To sum up, I’d recommend to anyone who is interested in his well-being to do at least two of these exercises а day, regardless if he has glasses or not.

These exercises are going to keep your eyes healthy.

You should train your eye muscles the way you train your arms and legs – they will get stronger and you will be less likely to develop further vision problems.

However, be sure to talk to your doctor first (especially if you have more serious problems) and don’t forget to wear your glasses!

Although the above-mentioned exercises will improve your vision, I would still highly suggest you to download the Iris software (or app) so that you can protect your eyes even when you are working on your electronic devices.

As simple as it may sound, blinking is another great way of taking care of your eyes.

It is not uncommon to forget to blink while staring at your computer or smartphone.

Author: Ani Tsaneva

Read more:

Eye exercises: Myth or a real way to improve your eyesight?

Vision therapy: Eye exercises for keeping your eyes strong and healthy

Eye yoga will help you see everything you love to see

The post Eye exercises that you can do anywhere, anytime appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Eye yoga will help you see everything you love to see https://iristech.co/eye-yoga/ https://iristech.co/eye-yoga/#respond Mon, 04 Nov 2019 14:17:48 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=20382 I know what you think, how painful can eye yoga be for the eyes. Skeptical thinking will probably mislead you. So take a look at the positive and let your eyes enjoy it. In theory, you can find your harmony and develop your imagination. But in practice, you will thank your eyes, as crazy as it sounds … I let ... Read More

The post Eye yoga will help you see everything you love to see appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

I know what you think, how painful can eye yoga be for the eyes.

Skeptical thinking will probably mislead you.

So take a look at the positive and let your eyes enjoy it.

In theory, you can find your harmony and develop your imagination.

But in practice, you will thank your eyes, as crazy as it sounds …

I let you see for yourself!

Do we need to know why?

Often in the morning you open your eyes and reach for your smartphone.

You check what time it is, then open unread messages.

You check social networks, you react to everything that impresses you, you like several posts.

Only after 30 minutes of wandering on social networks are you ready to switch to your morning routine.

The truth is that this passive sense of addiction to smart devices puts us in multiple stress.

When we consistently conform to the models that technology builds in us, we do not pay attention to the surrounding world.

According to “Your Sight Matters,” modern screen obsession leads to 1 in 4 eye patients, including blurred vision, insomnia, dizziness, muscle tension, and fatigue.

Think of something else outside the world of the smart machine.

You grab the back of Đ° breakfast cereal and read what it contains while boldly chewing on chocolate balls.

As you brush your teeth, you focus your attention on the sink and then go out into the world beyond computer screens and other digital devices …

What do I want to emphasize?

That your eyes probably won’t get reset, until you pour yourself back into bed.

Eye yoga – a natural cure

Reach out to the diversity of movement and relaxation of the eyes, and not only.

Rest your mind at times, try to soothe your heartbeat and breathing, be your own medicine.

Eye yoga is a system of physical, mental and spiritual practices designed to transform the body and mind.

Well, isn’t this a medicine that aims to achieve the liberation we all want?

Now let’s cancel this model, in which we do the opposite.

Set the laziness aside and start with short exercises for the eyes.

Look away, move your eyes in different directions while you are relaxed and in a comfortable position for you.

Of course, you do not have to cross your legs and take a position with your hands in the air.

Don’t do it unless you feel comfortable.

Take it as a warm-up before a real workout.

This will not only prepare the structures that surround the eyes, but also the tissues in the eye.

It will relax the muscles, blood flow will improve the rhythm and contribute more oxygen and nutrients to the tissues.

How does eye yoga work for the eyes?

Eye exercises allow you to learn how to maintain optimum eye health by keeping the eye moist and keeping poor eyesight away.

I will share some “yoga for the eyes” exercises that you can practice at any time you judge.

I also recommend finding a comfortable sitting position or reclining position without distraction.

It is enough for you to be alone in a room or place where you feel free to avoid confusing situations.

The work is about consistency and care, not perfection.

Exercise First – Warm-Up

As I mentioned above, warming up is an important part of any type of exercise.

By increasing eye circulation, this helps to reduce the risk of pain or eye pain during exercise.

How is that?

Very easy, here are the instructions for a good warm-up.

  • Keep your head stationary throughout the exercise.
  • Look forward then up (upper eyelid).
  • Hold for 2-3 seconds, then look down.
  • Hold for 2-3 seconds, then look at the extreme left.
  • Repeat, then look at the extreme right.
  • Start by looking at the endpoints of your eye. You rotate the 4 diagonal angles.
  • Repeat the cycle for 1 minute.

According to Robert Abel, who authored “The Eye Care Revolution”, these short exercises compensate for the muscle development we use to look at close objects.

Exercise Two – Flexibility

This exercise is intended to improve the flexibility of the eyes.

You can do it openly or closed no matter what.

  • Relax and lookup.
  • Turn your eyes clockwise.
  • Do it slowly, making sure you reach all corners.
  • Do this in 1 minute and turn counterclockwise.

Exercise Third – Switching Focus

This is probably the most commonly performed eye function.

When people depend on goggles, their eyes become more or less lazy, which ultimately leads to a loss of ability.

  • Keep something in small letters (book or newspaper) at a distance of 20 to 30 cm (reading distance).
  • Cover one eye with your hand.
  • Keep the covered eye open to avoid fatigue.

  • Find a sentence of at least 20 feet.
  • Trace its shape for 2-3 seconds (Do not try to squint. Relax your eyes).
  • Repeat steps 4 to 6.
  • After taking 5 minutes, do the same for the other eye and repeat the whole exercise again for 5 minutes.

The exercise can be improvised everywhere, even if you do not have text on hand, it is also possible with the clock on your hand (Keep track of the numbers).

Exercise Four – Deep blinking

This yoga exercise aims to sharpen vision at a distance and also to relax.

You will need a blank wall, a comfy chair and a few capital letters (you can cut a magazine title or make it yourself).

  • Glue the capital letters to the wall and move backward until the letters start to blur. Place the chair in this position.
  • Sit on a chair in a relaxed pose and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and release it slowly.
  • Then take a deep breath and hold. Tighten your muscles throughout your body, including your eyes, face, head, chest, neck, arms,
  • legs and stomach. Keep your muscles tight for about five seconds.

  • At the end of the five seconds, simultaneously exhale quickly through the mouth, releasing all the tension of your body with your eyes wide open.
  • Look at the letters and they should be clear in a few seconds.
  • Breathe slowly and keep the letters cool (blinking required).
  • Look at them for a second or two until they blur again.
  • Repeat steps 3 to 6 for 2 minutes.

You will be surprised how advanced you can be if you do this every day.

Exercise Five – Palming

Get some rest after the exercises.

Abel studies say that our photoreceptors are destroyed and restored every minute.

“The simplest way to overcome eye stress is to take a deep breath, cover your eyes and relax.”

You can close your eyes and cover your eyes with your hands. Do not put your hands near your eyes, they should be in the glass of your palm.

Hold the position for 1 minute or as long as you want.

A few closing words

Try these 5 eye yoga exercises that will help you to see the positive result in yourself.

They are fun, relaxing and you don’t have to be inside when you want to try them out.

For best results, try doing them when your eyes are still fresh.

Do not rush into artificial light or focus on the screen of your phone, or computer monitor.

Otherwise, use a Screen Filter and do a favor for both your health and your eyes.

Author: Nikolay Tasev


The post Eye yoga will help you see everything you love to see appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

https://iristech.co/eye-yoga/feed/ 0
What habits keep your eyes healthy? https://iristech.co/faq/what-habits-keep-your-eyes-healthy/ Sun, 03 Nov 2019 18:49:38 +0000 https://iristech.co/?post_type=faq&p=22712 What I love to do is eye exercises. They keep my eyesight healthy and my eyes strong. Here’s what I do: Rolling Palming Blinking Iris Rolling Rolling your eyes like if someone annoys you can help you maintain good eye health. This strengthens your eye muscles. Palming Put your warm palms on your closed eyes. That way you warm your eyes ... Read More

The post What habits keep your eyes healthy? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

What I love to do is eye exercises.

They keep my eyesight healthy and my eyes strong.

Here’s what I do:

  • Rolling
  • Palming
  • Blinking
  • Iris


Rolling your eyes like if someone annoys you can help you maintain good eye health. This strengthens your eye muscles.


Put your warm palms on your closed eyes. That way you warm your eyes up too, which relaxes them and removes the eye strain.


When we spend too much time in front of the computer we often forget to blink and end up just staring at the screen. This causes eye strain and dry eyes. The solution – blink as often as you can.


I use a blue light filter on my PC. Iris is software for eye protection in front of the PC.


  1. blocks the blue light
  2. controls the PWM Flicker
  3. controls the brightness
  4. reminds you to take breaks
  5. helps you achieve more

The post What habits keep your eyes healthy? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

What eye exercises are good for my eye muscles? https://iristech.co/faq/what-eye-exercises-are-good-for-my-eye-muscles/ Sun, 03 Nov 2019 18:46:11 +0000 https://iristech.co/?post_type=faq&p=22710 The most interesting habit that I have is probably that I do eye exercises: Palming Blinking Focus Rolling Iris Palming I put my warm palms on my eyes and close them. It’s important that no light passes through the fingers. When I do this exercise my eyes get warm and the eye strain passes away. Blinking Since I work in ... Read More

The post What eye exercises are good for my eye muscles? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

The most interesting habit that I have is probably that I do eye exercises:

  • Palming
  • Blinking
  • Focus
  • Rolling
  • Iris


I put my warm palms on my eyes and close them. It’s important that no light passes through the fingers. When I do this exercise my eyes get warm and the eye strain passes away.


Since I work in front of my computer every day, for more than 5–6 hours, my eyes often get dry. A way to avoid this is to blink as often as you can.


Once in awhile focus your eyes on different objects in the room — some closer to you, others – not. Switching focus helps you avoid nearsightedness.


Rolling your eyes around keeps your muscles strong and healthy and helps you maintain good eye health.


This is a blue light software that I use. It obviously blocks the blue light that my screen emits and you’ve probably heard before that blue light from digital devices can be dangerous for your health.

The post What eye exercises are good for my eye muscles? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

What are some of the most healthy habits? https://iristech.co/faq/some-of-the-most-healthy-habits/ Sun, 03 Nov 2019 18:41:23 +0000 https://iristech.co/?post_type=faq&p=22707 For me some of the most healthy habits one can have are EYE EXERCISES. Doing eye exercises regularly can help you maintain good eye health. Here’s what I do: Palming Rolling Blinking 20–20–20 Focus Iris Palming Put your warm palms on your eyes and close them. Stay like this and feel how the warmth passes to your eyes and they relax. This ... Read More

The post What are some of the most healthy habits? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

For me some of the most healthy habits one can have are EYE EXERCISES.

Doing eye exercises regularly can help you maintain good eye health.

Here’s what I do:

  • Palming
  • Rolling
  • Blinking
  • 20–20–20
  • Focus
  • Iris


Put your warm palms on your eyes and close them. Stay like this and feel how the warmth passes to your eyes and they relax. This removes the eye strain.


Just like when someone annoys you – roll your eyes in different directions a couple of times. This keeps your eye muscles strong which is important for your overall eye health.


When we are in front of our PC we often forget to blink – it’s just what monitors do – they make us forget to blink. The result is dry eyes and often – myopia. So turn this into your habit – blink as often as you can.


You may have heard about this one. It’s simple – every 20 minutes look at an object that is 20 feet away for 20 seconds.


This is not an exercise but I thought it will be nice if I include it too. Iris is a blue light filter that I use on my computer.

It obviously blocks the blue light, but it also controls the PWM Flicker, the brightness and just basically makes the monitor healthy for my eyes 🙂

The post What are some of the most healthy habits? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

What are the ways to reduce the effects of myopia naturally? https://iristech.co/faq/reduce-the-effects-of-myopia/ Sun, 03 Nov 2019 18:39:51 +0000 https://iristech.co/?post_type=faq&p=22706 What comes to my mind is doing some eye exercises. I had myopia, but after surgery now I’m fine. Here are some of the exercises that I still do in order to keep my eyes healthy: palming rolling focus blinking Iris Palming Put your warm palms on your eyes and close them. Stay for 2–3 minutes like this. The warmth ... Read More

The post What are the ways to reduce the effects of myopia naturally? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

What comes to my mind is doing some eye exercises. I had myopia, but after surgery now I’m fine.

Here are some of the exercises that I still do in order to keep my eyes healthy:

  • palming
  • rolling
  • focus
  • blinking
  • Iris


Put your warm palms on your eyes and close them. Stay for 2–3 minutes like this. The warmth will relax your eyes.


Rolling your eyes in different directions strengthens your eyes muscles and helps you keep your eyes healthy.


Focus on different objects in the room fast. Some should be close to you, others not. This will again keep your muscles strong.


Blink as fast as you can for a while. I like this exercise – especially when I’m in front of my PC. Monitors tend to make us forget to blink. We just stare at the screens and this causes nearsightedness. So turn this into a habit – blink as fast as you can 🙂


Iris is a blue light filter that I use.

It protects your eyes in front of the PC. It also reminds me to take breaks and in these breaks, I do the exercises above. Which makes it the perfect fit for my healthy routine.

The post What are the ways to reduce the effects of myopia naturally? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

How can one improve one’s eyesight? https://iristech.co/faq/how-can-one-improve-ones-eyesight/ Sun, 03 Nov 2019 18:34:16 +0000 https://iristech.co/?post_type=faq&p=22703 What I recommend are the eye exercises. Here’s what I do: focus blinking palming rolling 20–20–20 Iris Focus Once in awhile focus on different objects in the room – some should be near you, others – far. Do this very fast, just switch your focus from one to another. Blinking When you work on your computer remember to blink. Monitors often ... Read More

The post How can one improve one’s eyesight? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

What I recommend are the eye exercises.

Here’s what I do:

  • focus
  • blinking
  • palming
  • rolling
  • 20–20–20
  • Iris


Once in awhile focus on different objects in the room – some should be near you, others – far. Do this very fast, just switch your focus from one to another.


When you work on your computer remember to blink. Monitors often make us forget to blink and we end up staring at the screen for hours. Turn blinking to your habit – for a minute blink as fast as you can. This will prevent you from getting dry eyes and will keep your eyes stronger.


Put your warm palms on your eyes and close them. It will help you relax your eyes for a bit.


Just like when someone annoys you – roll your eyes a couple of times. This strengthens your eye muscles.


You’ve probably heard about the 20–20–20 rule before. Every 20 minutes look at an object that is 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This way you switch the focus and prevent myopia.


You can also try using a blue light filter like Iris. Especially if you spend more than 3–4 hours a day in front of a computer.

The post How can one improve one’s eyesight? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Do eye exercises improve eyesight? https://iristech.co/faq/do-eye-exercises-improve-eyesight/ Sun, 03 Nov 2019 18:32:36 +0000 https://iristech.co/?post_type=faq&p=22702 I personally don’t think that eye exercises can improve your vision. BUT I think that they can help you keep your eyes healthy. We spend hours staring in front of a screen – wether it’s our phone, TV, PC, a book, etc. This causes nearsightedness – I’ve experienced it myself. I had huge diopters before, but eye exercises never helped ... Read More

The post Do eye exercises improve eyesight? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

I personally don’t think that eye exercises can improve your vision.

BUT I think that they can help you keep your eyes healthy.

We spend hours staring in front of a screen – wether it’s our phone, TV, PC, a book, etc. This causes nearsightedness – I’ve experienced it myself. I had huge diopters before, but eye exercises never helped me improve my eyesight, a surgery did. Now eye exercises help me keep my eyes healthy.

Here’s what I do:

  • rolling
  • palming
  • focusing
  • blinking
  • Iris


You know the situation when someone annoys you and you want to roll your eyes – do it now. Roll your eyes in different directions as fast as possible. Like this:


Put your warm palms on your eyes and close them. It helps them relax.


For a minute switch focus from your thumb to a distant object and again to your thumb.


For a minute blink as fast as you can. It will make your eye muscles stronger.


Obviously that’s not an exercise. Iris is a blue light filter you can try on your PC. It will help you improve your sleep and your work and it will protect your eyes.

The post Do eye exercises improve eyesight? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.
