How to find my License

Answers also

  • I don’t see any way to invoke the program
  • I didn’t receive a license number with the purchase
  • I purchased Iris a couple years ago and have purchased a new computer and would like to carry my license over to the new machine. However, I don’t seem to have a user account as at the time of purchasing I don’t think that had been integrated into the website yet. Let me know what the easiest way to go about obtaining my license is
  • I sent a request via discord. Since you seem to respond better on Facebook, I will bring the problem here. I have Iris Software that I paid for, but I did not save the activation code and it is not showing up in my licenses on my profile. Please look up my account and help
  • Just now I need to go to the official website to submit my serial number to reset, but my license has not been displayed
  • I need to move to another computer and can’t change it
  • Hey man, how you going? I had to do a clean reinstall for my Mac Pro and I had Iris Software on my Mac before after purchasing a few years ago. Where would I be able to find a license activation code? Thanks in advance bro…
  • I bought a subscription on monday but didn’t get my code, can someone please contact me. It led to a page that said “request failed”
  • I had to reset my computer and I want to add Iris back to it. When I login to the Iris user panel, I can’t see my purchases or find my verification codes. I actually have 2 – one computer I pay monthly, and the other I paid the $14.99. Any help is appreciated!
  • hi, i got a new computer and don’t have my license info saved. How can i recover it?
  • Hi! I bought the license to pro on Jan 31 of this year and put in the code, and it didn’t work. Now the code is gone. How can I access a new code so that the software works. Now I’m paying 1.99 a month to supplement for the care but want to be able to use the pro since i bought it. I went on dispatch and got no response or help. Thanks for your help here! 2022.05.01

E-mail answer

  • The code is connected to the E-mail that you used for the purchase
  • We don’t have direct access to personal information related to your e-mail, purchases, or code but
  • You can see your code by registering into our User Panel
  • For Subscriptions it’s in the Subscriptions page in the User Panel not in the License page
  • We have a guide for this here 🙂