Comments on: The Ultimate Guide to Blue Light Filters Mon, 03 Apr 2023 13:57:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roger Pelizzari Sun, 10 Oct 2021 00:24:02 +0000 I’m on a Mac computer.
What setting of Iris will block the blue light?
I’ve been useing incandescent setting.


By: Nick Sun, 26 Jan 2020 15:49:41 +0000 Good article on this issue. I think the blue light issue will become bigger over time, especially as more LED bulbs are used in households and in street lights. All that blue wavelength light will become harder to get away from. So glasses and apps and simply reduced screen time will help. There are a few LED bulbs now that emit zero blue light, but they’re not cheap, and will likely never be mass produced and inexpensive enough for all consumers. So it’s a matter of reducing where possible and becoming aware of the detriments of getting too much blue light in unnatural conditions.

By: Iris (Team Member) Wed, 23 Jan 2019 19:50:25 +0000 In reply to James.

Windows XP is an old operation system, Iris does support it but it’s possible that erros like this happen

Can you tell me what was the error that you got? Maybe I can help more then

Alternatively, what you can try is to get an older version of Iris from here:

And try installing it instead, should work

By: James Wed, 23 Jan 2019 03:49:46 +0000 I wasnt able to install it with Windows XP

By: Daniel Georgiev Thu, 23 Aug 2018 13:50:06 +0000 In reply to Gabriel_Logan.

So they will always change the colors but some glasses have a filter for only the HEV part of the range:

but some of the manufactures lie so I’m not sure how you can test this.

Basically, it’s impossible to block part of the spectrum without also changing the colors.

In Iris, I made 2 solutions for this. One is to pause Iris when a program like Photoshop is running.

This thing is called Color pausers:

And in the last version of Iris it only disables when Photoshop is on focus or some other rule.

You can try it with the free trial of 7 days Iris, no need to enter any debit/credit card details, etc.

We can also give you a code if your trial is expired to test, etc.

The other thing is to select an area of the screen which doesn’t have blue light reduction like this:

This is called Part screen overlay and Iris is the only program which does this at the moment.

Here is a demonstration video:

If you have 2 screens you can also have Iris running only on 1 of the screens:

I have thought a lot about this problem but there is really no perfect solution. I hope some of the 3 options I gave you may solve your problem 🙂

CEO Iris

By: Gabriel_Logan Wed, 22 Aug 2018 21:46:37 +0000 hello Daniel.Thanks for the good article
i am a graphic designer and need a good Blue Light Blocking Glasses but without tinted lenses.
My question is, maybe lenses with transparent lenses can block the blue light?
like Spektrum Glasses or Boca Blu company Which claims thei rColorless lenses block harmful blue light. is it right???
Color lenses are not suitable for graphic design.what’s the solution???

By: Daniel Georgiev Mon, 20 Aug 2018 20:36:21 +0000 In reply to Laurice Johnson.

Thank you Laurice 🙂

By: Laurice Johnson Sun, 19 Aug 2018 20:10:55 +0000 Fabulous research and the personalization of your testimony also.
I’ve had migraine my whole life and challenges sleeping!
I’d been using Yellow glasses for night driving as the eye strain from in coming cars.
But knew the new stop and go signal lights have been Harsh! Knowing that they are LED and was grateful you alsi addressed the problems with LED.
I’d noticed for years! As a healer and alternative Massage Therapist I’ve been preventative minded.
But my budget is also a factor.
Thank you forever for the devotion to this solution oriented articial.
I’m praying someone as passionate as you will create and direct the arduous process of Lobbing protection for U.S.
Bless you forever
