Eye Strain Archives - 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 https://iristech.co/category/iris-articles/eye-strain/ Tue, 08 Aug 2023 12:34:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 11 ways we Strain our Eyes with Computers https://iristech.co/11-ways-we-strain-our-eyes/ https://iristech.co/11-ways-we-strain-our-eyes/#respond Sat, 01 Jun 2019 15:08:39 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=12345 Introduction People spend most their waking hours staring at screens. Whether you work in an office, lay in bed browsing on your phone all day or play games on your PC all night, you probably spend about ten hours in front of a screen every day. That has a significant effect on your body and health, but most importantly your ... Read More

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11 ways we strain our eyes with computers


People spend most their waking hours staring at screens.

Whether you work in an office, lay in bed browsing on your phone all day or play games on your PC all night, you probably spend about ten hours in front of a screen every day.

That has a significant effect on your body and health, but most importantly your eyes.

So let’s review some things that cause the most strain to our eyes when we spend a lot of time in front of a computer and ways we can fix our bad habits in order to be healthier, more productive and live longer.

Desk position

First, it’s very important to choose the proper position in your workplace.

When placing your computer or laptop on your desk you must make sure the windows in the room are either on your left or your right side.

As we know the main source of light in our lives is the Sun.

But as great as the Sun is, it can be very dangerous.

We’ve all tried to look directly at the Sun-notice how your eyes hurt after that?

That’s because the light coming from the Sun is very powerful and it can greatly damage our sensitive eyes, even causing blindness.

Therefore an incorrect position in relation to the source of sunlight in a room can cause great strain to our eyes.

If the Sun is behind us, we experience the so-called ‘double image’ - on one part the image on the screen and on another the reflection from the light behind.

This way the eyes cannot maintain and constantly change focus.

On the other hand, if the Sun is in front the greater light coming from it will cause strain to our vision-imagine it as you’ve just woken up and opened your eyes to a really bright room.

All of this is why the source of sunlight should be on either of your sides when working on a computer.

This does not directly apply to artificial light since it’s always on the ceiling which is in its own way on your side.

Desk Position

Monitor position

After you’ve placed your monitor properly in accordance to the Sun and you’ve sat down, how are you supposed to position yourself against the monitor?

If you’re too low and you have to look up at the screen your eyes will be more open which means they are more exposed to the environment like dust and wind.

If you’re too high your eyes are less open but that position can cause slumping and different issues with back posture and spinal form.

So the best way to sit across your monitor is to have the top of it be at the same level of your eyes -this lowers strain and fixes posture.

Taking a break

Spending countless hours in front of a screen without taking a break is also the main cause in eye strain.

The average person blinks at a rate of 10-15 blinks per minute, however when we focus for a long time at a screen that rate drops to 1-2 blinks per minute.

Less blinking, apart from the usual eye strain, adds further tension.

Blinking helps keep dust away from the eyes and also helps regulate the moisture on the retina.

Less moisture equals more eye strain and can lead to headaches.

One way of creating additional moisture is yawning.

However, the best way to deal with the implication of spending a lot of time in front of a screen is to just take a break.

Stand up, stretch your arms and legs, take a walk, look far away into the distance to focus and calm your eyes.

It’s best to remember the 20-20-20 rule -every 20 minutes of work take a 20-second pause in which you look at an object 20 feet away (approx. 7 meters).

This way you can balance your digital life and still keep a healthy daily routine.

Bad lighting

Bad Lighting

As we know there are different types of lights. It’s been 200 years since the light bulb was invented.

Today apart from the regular incandescent bulb there are also LED lights, halogen and luminescent lamps, fluorescent lights, neon lights, energy-efficient bulbs and so on.

It greatly depends on what kind of light you’re using in the room when working on a computer.

The best one for your health is the original incandescent bulb.

Its emission spectrum is the same as the Sun’s which means it’s very close to the natural light we receive during the day.

It also doesn’t flicker as LED and fluorescent lights tend to do.

However in many countries today this bulb is banned.

Offices and workplaces now use luminescent lights that emit a lot of blue light and are very harmful to our eyes especially after so many hours of exposure.

Bright screens

Since light is an electromagnetic wave the more exposure to bright lights can cause permanent damage to the retina.

There always needs to be a balance between the brightness of your screen and the light around you.

If the environment is dark that opens up your pupil to let more light in and then you shine the bright phone or computer screen right in there.

That can cause blurred vision, headaches and after constant exposure much more serious diseases.

Step away from your screen and look at it from afar.

If it looks like a light source in the room then it’s definitely too bright.

Some newer devices have auto brightness features, but some don’t allow low enough settings of brightness.

Lower brightness can also cause shimmering and flickering on the device which causes additional eye strain.

If you feel your devices brightness settings aren’t meeting your needs you can use software like Iris for additional help.

Glossy screens

Take your phone and look at the screen when it’s turned off.

Can you see your reflection?

That means your screen is glossy.

Glossy screens can cause the so-called double image we talked about earlier.

If you have a glossy screen you can buy a matte filter.

Matte screens don’t allow reflection because they scatter more light away from the eye.

One pro for glossy screens is that they have better and more accurate colors, but is that really worth it that much?

Blue light

Blue Light Buildings

Blue light is the part of the visible spectrum of light with the shortest wavelength.

Humans have evolved under blue skies so blue light controls our sleep time.

Now imagine what happens when you spend all night in front of your laptop screen exposed to blue light.

Simply put your daily rhythm gets all messed up.

But also since blue light has the highest kinetic energy level over time it damages the eyes and can cause various diseases like cataract, macular degeneration, blurred vision and can also lead to permanent blindness.

The solution is to limit exposure to blue light and try to receive more red light which is on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Red light is much softer on the eyes and has a calming and soothing effect.

If your phone or computer doesn’t have a built-in feature you can use software like Iris to regulate the red shift in accordance with the environment around you.


It’s no secret screens emit light.

Once upon a time, someone decided they want to save from their electricity bill and that’s how flickering lights came to be.

How does flickering work?

Basically, the light turns off and then back on so quickly the brain cannot register it.

However, that’s extremely harmful to our eyes.

Remember that really old internet saying that your pupil enlarges when you’re looking at someone you love?

Yeah well, that only happens if you’re in a really dark room and you can’t really see them.

You see the pupil gets bigger in conditions of little light so it can let in the eye as much light as possible.

And when there’s a lot of light the pupil gets smaller so you don’t go blind from too much light entering the eye.

So when your screen is constantly turning off and on the pupil keeps pulsating like a muscle trying to adjust.

In order to deal with this you can increase the brightness on your display but that, as we already saw, causes other problems on its own, especially in a dark room.

Newer smartphones now have something called DC dimming that deals with the issues caused by flickering.

But if your devices don’t you can always use specialized software like Iris.

Iris adjusts the brightness of your screens, controls the flickering, and stops the emission of too much harmful blue light.

Blurred fonts

The blurring of fonts can be a technique for font rendering.

That is the way you see the letters on your screen.

Every pixel on our monitors is actually a small diode emitting light in red, green or blue.

In order to fix jagged edges of letters and make fonts ‘prettier’ something called font smoothing is used.

However when letters are smoothed out that causes eye strain.

The sharper and simpler a font is the better it affects our eyes.

Small fonts and letters

Apart from being blurred, fonts can be too small.

This is probably something we’ve all experienced, even when reading a book or a newspaper if the font is too small you have to either move closer or kind of squint at the text to read it better.

Obviously, that causes great strain to the eyes and can lead to headaches from focusing too hard.

So remember ー bigger is better.

Need for glasses

Even if you follow all previous advice to the max, if you are in need of glasses your eyes will still hurt no matter what.

If after taking precautions you still experience eye pain you need to visit a professional optometrist.

It’s better if you go to a hospital and not a mainstream optic shop because sometimes they’re not as professional.

If you have any concerns about your eye health visit an eye doctor for a check-up at least since nowadays almost everyone needs glasses - some hospitals offer free check-ups.

If you are prescribed glasses do not waste time and go get them and make sure they’re the right diopter so you don’t worsen your eye pain.

It’s not possible to lower your diopter but it’s possible to slow its increase.

Since we can’t get rid of all electronics in our lives we can at least try to lessen their harmful effects on us.


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How to Easily Remove Eye Strain While Gaming https://iristech.co/how-to-easily-remove-eye-strain-while-gaming/ https://iristech.co/how-to-easily-remove-eye-strain-while-gaming/#comments Fri, 03 May 2019 15:48:03 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=12113 Hi Gamer, Have you ever imagined that there is a way to play more and harder without getting your eyes red, sore and strained? There is! Actually… there are a lot of easy and quick ways on how to do it so you can practice more and become just like one of the mega cool guys in the picture above ... Read More

The post How to Easily Remove Eye Strain While Gaming appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


How to reduce eye strain while gaming

Hi Gamer,

Have you ever imagined that there is a way to play more and harder without getting your eyes red, sore and strained? There is!

Actually… there are a lot of easy and quick ways on how to do it so you can practice more and become just like one of the mega cool guys in the picture above or you could just enjoy the fun more. Let me show you how to do it.

Digital Eye Strain is one of the most common eye problems of the modern society. It is the discomfort you feel in the eyes after using a technology device for a couple of hours.

It may be caused by a lot of things – your screen brightness, the lightness around your PC and many more.

Here are a few ways to reduce it’s symptoms and feel better when using your PC and especially while gaming.

Blink, blink, blink!

Just like a mage… or anti mage if you prefer.. (if you could this it would be awesome actually).

Yes, blinking (in real life) keeps your eyes hydrated and doesn’t let them get sore. It is very important because if your eyes are sore for a lot of time it can lead to more serious problems in the long run. I know it is hard to blink consistently in the middle of a team fight, but please remind yourself now and then.

Take regular breaks

The 20-20-20 rule.. Every 20 minutes go look at something 20 feets away for 20 seconds. Actually for a hardcore gamer this isn’t so useful but try to adjust it as per the games you play.

Every now and then stand up from the computer and go focus on something away. This helps muscles in your eyes relief after you used them to focus. Also try getting a 15 minute break after an hour or two of gaming.

Adjust the lighting in your room properly

Always keep a light on in the room where you play or use your PC. Try to avoid playing in the dark because the light difference between your PC monitor and the surrounding area could really harm your eyes in the long run.

Avoid using fluorescent lamps. Also try to avoid screen glaring at all costs.

Try Flicker free monitor

Nowadays there are a lot of less harmful monitors on the market.

These kind of monitors are made without using the Flicker technology in which the brightness of your monitor is controlled by the monitor turning on and off hundreds of times in a second.

Our eyes actually cannot perceive this movement and they start to hurt after some time.
These monitors also come with a blue light filter and IPS display which is the best for our eyes. The problem is that they can be pretty expensive.

Eat healthy


Food which help our eyesight

Maintaining a healthy diet is also crucial for your overall health and eye wellness. Eating healthy can make you feel better and let you be more active while gaming.

Fish can prevent your eyes from getting sore due to the omega 3 acids it contains. Another great foods for your eyes are:

  • Green vegetables
  • Citrus fruits
  • Nuts
  • Seeds

Try to consume more foods which contain vitamin A – it has very good effect on our eyesight.
Also try to exercise more.

Being fit increases our overall happiness and calmness and helps us being more productive and active. Hitting the gym for an hour will help you pwn the noobs ingame later.

Use a software designed to protect your eyesight

And now the most interesting part, especially for me. Use a blue light blocking software.

Blue light is one of the main eye killers in the technology we use nowadays. The blue light emitted from monitors of modern PCs, laptops, smartphones and other devices is artificial and has a negative effect on our overall health and eyesight.

Blue light - is harmful - graph

The problem is that most devices emit more than the healthy amount of blue light which our brains cannot perceive and our head and eyes start to hurt.

Basically the lower the amount of blue light is and warmer the colors of our display are, the more healthy our monitors become.

The amount of blue light conserved by our brains and eyes is highly related to sleep issues.
Iris is a software which lowers the amount of blue light emitted from your monitor and removes the PMW flicker.


How to protect our eyes while gaming - Iris Gaming mode

The best part of this software is that you can control the brightness and the amount of blue light you want to reduce. This helps you adjust the colorness (the warmer colors you use, the better) of your display so you can see every object in game.

This software will help you feel better after long gaming sessions and will reduce your eye strain. Another great feature is that Iris does not use a lot of CPU or GPU power and wouldn’t affect your overall gaming experience.

You could try it right now for free and see the difference.

With a software like Iris you can enjoy playing a lot more without getting your eyes stressed and tired.

How does this sound?

Iris also adjusts your screen brightness and warmness of colors automatically depending on the time of the day.

Let’s summarize all information

Long gaming hours spent in front of a monitor can be devastating to your eyesight if you don’t have an eye hygiene. Our overall health and wellness is closely related to our eyesight.

  • Remember to blink often
  • Take breaks now and then
  • Consider the lighting in your room and the PC monitor you use
  • And last but not least consider trying a software which reduces blue light and makes the colors of your screen warmer, just like Iris.

Thank you for your time, I would be really happy if you know other advices and ideas on how to protect our eyes while gaming.

See you in the Rift or World, or the battlefield… you name it!
You can also check out more about Iris and it’s functionalities.

The post How to Easily Remove Eye Strain While Gaming appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Why would someone turn off their laptop’s night mode if it helps reduce eye strain? https://iristech.co/why-would-someone-turn-off-their-laptops-night-mode-if-it-helps-reduce-eye-strain/ https://iristech.co/why-would-someone-turn-off-their-laptops-night-mode-if-it-helps-reduce-eye-strain/#respond Tue, 12 Feb 2019 01:06:40 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=11941 It may be that you are a designer (work with colors) or just don’t like dark mode and don’t use it despite the fact that it’s better for your eyes If any of the above is you and you still want to reduce eye strain and protect your eyes you can try a blue light reduction program like Iris Iris ... Read More

The post Why would someone turn off their laptop’s night mode if it helps reduce eye strain? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

It may be that you are a designer (work with colors) or just don’t like dark mode and don’t use it despite the fact that it’s better for your eyes

If any of the above is you and you still want to reduce eye strain and protect your eyes you can try a blue light reduction program like Iris

Iris is not only going to lowe the amount of blue light that your monitor emits but is also going to remove the PWM flicker so you can feel less eye pain and have an amazing sleep

It also has a smart inversion function so you can have dark mode on anything you wantD

You can read more on PWM Flicker here:

How Мonitors Destroyed our Eyes? – Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

Download Iris


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Blue Light Eye Strain https://iristech.co/blue-light-eye-strain/ https://iristech.co/blue-light-eye-strain/#respond Fri, 14 Sep 2018 13:21:10 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=10912 Sunlight is a combination of red, yellow, orange, green, indigo, violet and blue light. When all the colours are combined they create white light we all see from computers and more. However, did you know that each of those individual lights has both different wavelengths as well as energy? It’s true.   While rays from red are longer wavelengths and ... Read More

The post Blue Light Eye Strain appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


Sunlight is a combination of red, yellow, orange, green, indigo, violet and blue light.

When all the colours are combined they create white light we all see from computers and more.

However, did you know that each of those individual lights has both different wavelengths as well as energy? It’s true.


While rays from red are longer wavelengths and have less energy, blue rays are shorter wavelength and have more energy.

Because of those shorter wavelengths and higher energy, the blue light can cause a lot of strain on eyes, especially children’s.

As a result, it’s important to take preventative measures as well as understand more about blue light.

Sources Of Blue Light

blue light sources iris software eye protection blue light filter screen dimmer

First, we need to understand where the sources of blue light come from. As mentioned above, sunlight has a combination of lights.

This means the sun is the highest source of blue light. Controlling the sun is out of our control, however, there are other sources of blue light we can control.

Blue light also stems from fluorescent lights, compact fluorescent light bulbs, LED light, flat screen LED TVs, as well as any computer, smartphone, and tablets.


Of course, these are small compact devices making the exposure small in comparison to the sun.

The concern though stems from the long-term usage of those items.

Furthermore, the damages of blue light can come faster depending on the eye’s proximity to screens and for how long they are exposed to it.

Is Blue Light Good For You?

Another thing to talk about is whether blue light is good for you. The truth is, blue light is good for you in proper amounts.

Blue light helps in boosting alertness, memory, and even improves mood.

Blue light also helps in developing eyes as well as vision as a child and even regulates circadian rhythm (the body’s wake and sleep cycle)

That being said, too much blue light can cause a lot of damages. It can cause digital eye strain and also retina damage as well.

How To Protect From Blue Light


Because we spend so much time with technology, it’s important to take preventative measures.

The first big thing you can do is reduce screen time.

This means taking frequent breaks to allow your eyes to rest.

Some other things to consider are computer glasses which provide yellow tinted lenses and blocks blue light.

If worse comes to worse, your child or you can get anti-reflective lenses which reduce glare as well as block blue light from devices and the sun.

Protect Your Eyes


The last preventative measure you can consider as well is to try out filters or find some helpful apps.

We launched a helpful app that reduces blue light exposure on devices.

Download Iris

With the reduced blue light, individuals can find that they get better sleep, removes flickering of the screen and blue light, reduces the pain in the eyes, and so much more.

The post Blue Light Eye Strain appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to Reduce Eye strain when using Computers https://iristech.co/how-to-reduce-eye-strain/ https://iristech.co/how-to-reduce-eye-strain/#respond Wed, 22 Aug 2018 12:53:23 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=10559 I guess you’ll find it hard to imagine your everyday life without your smartphone or laptop. To relax, for work, to check something out, they all go for several hours a day. The result-your eyes are red and itchy. More bonus points for the blurred vision and fatigue. The use of eye drops is also on the list. Well, the best ... Read More

The post How to Reduce Eye strain when using Computers appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

I guess you’ll find it hard to imagine your everyday life without your smartphone or laptop. To relax, for work, to check something out, they all go for several hours a day.

The result-your eyes are red and itchy.

More bonus points for the blurred vision and fatigue. The use of eye drops is also on the list.

Well, the best thing you can do is to remove all of the electronics, but I guess it might be that hard for you as it is for me.

Young beautiful woman lying in a hammock with a laptop in a tropical resort


That’s why in this article, I’ll share with you some tips and tricks that will save you a whole bunch of problems with your eyes.

What causes eye pain?

A number of factors make your eyes hurt when you’re staying in front of the screen.

Don’t forget to blink

To begin, research has shown that we actually forget to blink when looking at the monitor.

Normally, we blink around 15-20 times per minute, which makes 1,200 per hour.

It seems a lot, right?

But when we’re spending time on the computer, this number is considerably lower.

If you work normally for about 8 hours per day, sitting on the desk, your eyes basically dry out, which irritates them a lot.

The tears contain water, oils, lysozyme, etc. to nourish the eyes.

There are three types of tears: basal, emotional and reflex. Reflex tears appear when there are harsh irritants, or in case of dry eyes.

That’s why, sometimes, when you spend hours in front of the screen the tears start to roll one after the other.

What can you do?

Well, try this exercise. Every 20 minutes, blink around 10 times really slowly so that your eyes can re-moisture and you can finally forget about the eye drops.

It’s all about the habits

Most of the eye-related problems are caused by bad habits.

Create timing

For sure, it’s not necessary to cut all of your devices but building some high-tech habits is a must.

Instead of checking your phone for something new every 5 minutes, try to make a schedule. Turning on your device once every hour will help you regulate the time you spend in front of the screen.

Experts recommend shutting off the electronics for one or two days per week.

The ideal time for me is over the weekend. Every weekend I go out of town, for a hike or to the beach where I basically don’t use my phone at all.

The result? Even though I work in front of the computer, I don’t have any eye-related problems.

Follow the 20-20-20 rule

That one’s easy. Every 20 minutes, look at an object which is 20 feet away from you for at least 20 seconds.

Regular eye exams

It’s important to go to a specialist every once in a while to check whether you see as best a possible.

Not only can your doctor prescribe you wearing glasses but he can detect some early symptoms concerning your overall health such as diabetes, high blood pressure or a risk of stroke.

Check the humidity levels

There a lot of factors that make the air in the room dryer. During the winter months, the humidity levels become lower which makes the moisture from the eyes evaporate a lot quicker and the dry eye symptoms become worse.

You can try putting a humidifier in the room where you’re working or where you’re most often using your device to ease the symptoms.

Adjust your ambient lighting

Really often, eye strain is caused either by harsh interior lighting or by too much much sunlight coming through the window. There are a few things you can do.

The first one is placing your monitor perpendicular to the window, not in front of or behind it.

What else? You can use fewer or just put low-intensity light bulbs to reduce interior lighting. Another trick is to close the blinds or curtains.

Improve your devices

Researches show that 80% of the adults in America spend more than 2 hours a day in front of the screens and around 60% of them experience eye strain symptoms like red, dry eyes, eye pain, blurred vision, etc. So, what does this tell us?

We’re spending more and more time looking at those screens. Sad, but true.

Overall health problems are occurring due to the emitted light from the digital devices, especially from blue light.

Blue light

Blue light damages the retina and causes macular degeneration.

Actually, we have a cell in our retinas that is connected to our pineal gland, situated in the brain. That gland controls our sleep and wake cycle.

Not only that blue light damages the retina but it’s linked to something called the circadian rhythm.

When we’re exposed to blue light right before we go to bed, the Pineal gland produces less melatonin and we just can’t fall asleep.

Sleeping problems are one of the causes of cardiovascular problems, cancer and an overall increase in mortality.

Well, now you see what’s the problem with the blue light and why we should avoid it at all costs.


I can recommend you installing an eye-protecting software that lowers the emitted blue light from your laptop, smartphone or computer.

Iris is such a software.

It’s used by thousands of people and becomes more and more popular with its daily updates.

Basically, the two main features that Iris has, are reducing the blue light and regulating the brightness.  There are 3 modes.

The first one is automatic. If you select that mode, the program automatically detects the ambient lighting and regulates the brightness.

With the manual mode, you have to choose between 9 types, Health, Sleep, Reading, Programming, Biohacker, Sunglasses, Dark, Movie, and Overlay.

Download Iris

Final words

If you’ve been working on a sedentary job in front of the computer for ages, probably you’ve got used to constant eye pain. But there are a bunch of things you can do to stop the eye strain.

Improving your high-tech habits is key.

While using proper lighting, limit computer usage or making regular eye exercises are a solution, there are some applications and software which do most of the work for you.

Well, installing such software as Iris is definitely a must.

Not only it will save your vision and reduce eye strain but also, the quality of your sleep will improve.

Download Iris

If you liked this article, share it with friends on social media so they can learn some tips and tricks for improving their eye health.

The post How to Reduce Eye strain when using Computers appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Blue Light And Eye Strain https://iristech.co/blue-light-and-eye-strain/ https://iristech.co/blue-light-and-eye-strain/#comments Tue, 12 Jun 2018 15:51:45 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=9466 Right now everyone in the world is talking about healthy food, healthy lifestyle and the importance of exercise, etc. Sadly, there aren’t many people who talk about the other factors that are continuously damaging different human organs. Most importantly, right now people are quite ignorant about the health of their eyes and this is becoming a serious problem now. Look ... Read More

The post Blue Light And Eye Strain appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

blue light eye protection computer screen monitor eye strain problem

Right now everyone in the world is talking about healthy food, healthy lifestyle and the importance of exercise, etc.

Sadly, there aren’t many people who talk about the other factors that are continuously damaging different human organs.

Most importantly, right now people are quite ignorant about the health of their eyes and this is becoming a serious problem now.

Look around you, we are pretty sure that you know someone in your friends or family circle who is suffering through some sort of ocular problems like experiencing sharp pain behind the eye or eye muscle pain.

Most of the people suffer through near and farsightedness which is why they have to wear contact glasses and sometimes contact lenses to see clearly.

The need of the hour is that we all should start worrying about the health of our eyes and see what factors are causing vision problems.

eye strain eye health blue light filter iris software screen light protection

Blue Light And Why Should You Know About It?

A lot of people out there don’t even know what blue light is which is why today we are going to explain it all to you and tell you how blue light is destroying our eyes.

There are several types of lights around us and among all the other lights is the blue light. It is known to be the most dangerous one just because this one comes with a short wavelength.

According to Wikipedia and its article about the electromagnetic spectrum, it is said that the shorter the wavelength of a light is, the more harmful it becomes.

The same science applies to this so-called “blue light”. 

blue light sun light uv rays color spectrum eye harm strain iris software filter protection


Blue light could be equally dangerous just as the UV light from that comes from the Sun.

Sun itself is the major source of blue light and the other source are our electronic devices.

Yes, you read it right, the reason why mobile phones and laptops are dangerous for your eyes is that these screens emit blue light.

When you expose your eyes to such light, it goes straight up to your cornea and starts damaging it resulting in eye pressure pain.

blue light uv light eye structure eye harm eye strain filter protection

Blue Light And Eye Strain 

Has it ever occurred to you that you were using your mobile phone at night and all of a sudden you start feeling that your head is heavy?

Well, we are pretty sure that this has happened to you more than once and the reason behind it is again the blue light.

When you expose your eyes to the blue light, it starts putting a continuous eye strain.

The strain then passes down to your nervous system which is why most of the people find it hard to sleep at night.

blue light computer smartphone screen sleep problems phone screen filter eye protection

The Solution To Blue Light Problem? 

Obviously, we can’t suggest you to stop using your cell phones and other electronic devices because this is the age of technology and internet.

So, the best thing you can do to save your eyes from the damage is to use the filter on your screen.

Iris is the best blue light filter app for pc and as a result, this famous blue light software can make screens healthier for your eyes.

This software regulates the light of your monitor as well as the light around you.

blue light affect iris software eye protection blue light filter brightness settings

It blocks the blue light from reaching your eyes directly.

Right now thousands of people are using this software to protect their eyes and get a good night’s sleep.

If you also want to make some healthy changes in your life then we suggest you try this screen brightness software as soon as possible.

We assure you that you won’t be disappointed with the results.

Eyes are the most sensitive part of our body and you need to take care of them just like the rest of your body.


The post Blue Light And Eye Strain appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Best Background Color to Reduce Eye Strain https://iristech.co/best-background-color-to-reduce-eye-strain/ https://iristech.co/best-background-color-to-reduce-eye-strain/#respond Thu, 07 Jun 2018 14:46:28 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=9302 Did you know that the wrong choice of background color for your computer screen can lead to eye strain? In this world that has gotten more obsessed with technology, most of your devices have screens that can cause modern kind of eye strain. Once left unchecked, this eye strain can cause major eye and medical issues including blurred vision, macular ... Read More

The post Best Background Color to Reduce Eye Strain appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Did you know that the wrong choice of background color for your computer screen can lead to eye strain?

Eye Strain Protection

In this world that has gotten more obsessed with technology, most of your devices have screens that can cause modern kind of eye strain.

Once left unchecked, this eye strain can cause major eye and medical issues including blurred vision, macular degenerations, and headaches.

The good thing is that nowadays there are a lot of easy and convenient ways to prevent eye strain.

Using these methods can guarantee that your eyes will stay strain-free and healthy for the rest of your life.

How Background Color of Computer Screens Cause Eye Strain

The color spectrum from computer screens is varied as well as the wavelengths of the colors.

Blue Light Filter

Some colors on the spectrum, such as blue light, tend to be harder on the human eyes since these have higher energy and shorter wavelengths.

Blue light can also flicker more frequently on the LED backlight controllers of the computer screens, and the flickering can then cause more fatigue on the eyes compared to other colors such as orange or red.

Blue light can also reach much deeper into the eyes which can cause retinal damages. Blue light is found to be detrimental to eyes.

In fact, there are some medical studies which discovered that this can lead to retinal and macular degenerations.

Common Sources of Blue Light

The sun is the biggest and main blue light source for the eyes although there are still some other sources, such as the following:

  • Screens of computers
  • Screens of smartphones
  • Screens of tablets
  • LED lights
  • Fluorescent lights
  • Flat screen LED televisions

What are the Symptoms of Digital Eye Strain?

Symptoms of eye strain are varied although the more common ones are the following:

  • Headaches
  • Physical fatigue
  • Red eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Eye pain
  • Eye twitching

Use the Best Software to Help Reduce Eye Strain

Since it is almost unavoidable not to use your computer, especially if it is part of your daily job, it is important to use something to ensure that your eyes will not suffer from any strain.

Eye Protection Software - Iris   blue light protection software

Iris is a special software meant to protect your eyes, and improve your productivity and health.

With the help of Iris, you will be able to reduce the blue light amount that the screen emits. It also controls the brightness with no PWM flicker.

Iris comes in several types and modes. These are preset values that you can use.

Another exciting thing about Iris is that you can even customize it according to your preferences.

Iris can also work automatically and detect if it is night or day. It will then change the color of the screen and its brightness and temperature.

Upon opening the program’s control panel, you can choose various types and modes of Iris.

Download Blue Light Filter

Taking care of your eyes should always be one of your top priorities as it affects your health and life in many ways. To reduce eye strain, try Iris and experience the difference.

The post Best Background Color to Reduce Eye Strain appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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