Comments on: Eye Pressure Pain Wed, 27 May 2020 14:01:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Benjamin Andrews Fri, 14 Jun 2019 17:36:58 +0000 I found it interesting that you state that you can treat eye pressure by getting laser surgery under your lens. My brother has been mentioning that his eye feels like it’s being pushed out so we have been looking for ways that he can fix the problem. I will send him this information so he can look for an ophthalmologist that can help him.

By: JM Mon, 10 Jun 2019 10:23:53 +0000 As technology improves and more and more people use electronic devices such as laptops, cellphones, tablets, and computers for extended periods of time, more and more people are also risking their eyesight without really knowing it and without knowing that it could really lead to permanent vision loss if not prevented early-on. Educating people regarding the need for regular eye examination could help decrease the number of people falling victims to this condition. Thanks for a very informative article!
