Eye Problems Archives - 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 https://iristech.co/category/iris-articles/eye-problems/ Mon, 03 Apr 2023 13:57:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Еyes burning after work https://iristech.co/%d0%b5yes-burning-after-work/ https://iristech.co/%d0%b5yes-burning-after-work/#respond Wed, 26 Feb 2020 21:07:43 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=29011 Why are my eyes burning? A common question these days, having in mind that people spent most of there time in front of the PC. Many people suffer from burning eyes at the end of the day. And they often wake up with burning eyes, too. The burning eyes are accompanied by itching and redness. Sometimes there could be vision ... Read More

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eye strain hurt end of working day screen time monitor blue light filter eye protection

Why are my eyes burning? A common question these days, having in mind that people spent most of there time in front of the PC.

Many people suffer from burning eyes at the end of the day.

And they often wake up with burning eyes, too.

The burning eyes are accompanied by itching and redness.

Sometimes there could be vision problems, too.

Like blurred vision, difficulty with focusing, or blank dots.

What you are going to read in this article is about the reasons that stay behind the burning eyes.

Also, some methods that can cure them without the need for a medic.

What causes eye-burning?

The irritation can be caused by a variety of reasons.

Like working in a dusty place, having poor tear fluid production, or having an allergy.

Usually, if your job requires you to stay at a place that has smoke, dust or small particles from any material you must wear protective goggles.

If your boss doesn’t supply you with a pair, then buy one yourself.

It is of great importance to protecting your eyes from such threats.

And not only in the workplace.

Also, if you are suffering from poor tear fluids production or allergies, you should visit a doctor.

Or buy teardrops. If your eyes are lacking tears they are going to get dry and easily hurt.

Thus, when you blink your eyelid is going to scratch the surface of your eyes which is called the sclera.

The sclera’s role is to protect the organs in the eyeballs, but only in the presence of tears that moisturize it.

And allergies can occur at any time of the year.

It could be because of pollens, mold, or your pet.

Carefully look for what is making your eyes hurt, or go and test yourself for having any allergies.

Another very decent motivator of burning eyes is the blue light.

And to be honest, most of the cases of burning eyes are not caused by allergies or dust but are happening exactly because of blue light radiation.

And if you are working all day long on a computer it is most likely that this is the reason behind your bloodshot eyes.

The blue light that is emitted from the screen is dangerous for your eyes’ overall health.

It leads to insomnia and many eye problems.

Methods to cure burning eyes

The 20-20-20 rule

One of the most efficient methods for curing and preventing burning eyes is the 20-20-20 rule.

This rule is perfect for people who sit all day and stare at a monitor.

Plus, it is very easy to follow.

All it takes is to look at objects that are at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes.

When you do that, you are going to flex up your eyes’ muscles.

And changing focus between closeby and far objects will keep your vision sharp.

Eye exercises

If you need a more complex way to strengthen your eyes and improve your vision, you can do eye exercises.

They can be done at home, at work, on the bus… particularly everywhere!

The easiest of them is blinking.

Blinking is a natural remedy for eye problems.

It is healthy for keeping the eyes well moisturized.

Remember to blink while you use a computer.

It is a wide known fact that people forget to blink while using devices with LCD screens such as smartphones, tablets, and others.

Also, you can stop your work and look away from the screen for a minute or two in which you can blink more frequently.

You can also try to write your name in the air.

Just trace it out with your eyes.

Or look from side to side slowly.

The basics of all eye exercises include moving your eyes.

So, whatever exercises you come up with they will be good enough for keeping your eyes healthy.

Computer glasses

If you want to prevent the blue light from reaching your eyes, you can buy special computer glasses.

They can filter part of the blue light emission from your computer and are designed with a special film that turns the cold colors into warmer ones.

Such as yellow, red, orange, and brown.

Such glasses are not recommended for people who work with colors, though.

Like designers and artists.

You can buy such glasses in every optics store where you can consult with a specialist about your needs.

They are going to ask you at what length you will be reading and how much intensity of the film you want.

If you are already wearing diopter glasses do not worry.

Because computer glasses also come with diopters.

Although, if you do not want to spend so much money on glasses, that can be inconvenient and sometimes inefficient, you can install a blue light filter.

Iris – a blue light filter for PCs

Iris is an installable program that is going to improve drastically your lifestyle.

It is the right tool to make your eyes healthy and receive a good sleeping schedule.

Iris can be installed on all of your devices and is going to protect you fully from the blue light.

You will be able to choose from various filter modes like gaming, coding, reading, watching movies, and biohacking.

There are a lot more of course.

Iris is suitable for all ages and can be used by anyone.

The program is especially useful to students, programmers, and office workers.

For anybody that spends a lot of time on their computer or phone.

Last words

Forget about the headaches at the end of the day and the puffy eyes that itch like forever.

If you are following the new trend with biohacking you won’t regret it if you take care of your eyes, too.

Iris is another way to hack your life without doing even the least of your efforts!

Take the lead for your own life and be forever healthy!




Author: Yoana Borisova
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina

The post Еyes burning after work appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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8 Ways To Protect Your Eyesight https://iristech.co/8-ways-to-protect-your-eyesight/ https://iristech.co/8-ways-to-protect-your-eyesight/#respond Thu, 16 Jan 2020 13:05:51 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=27938 Do you feel that every day you spend in front of your computer in the office your eyesight is diminishing, so you need to protect your eyesight? Today, the most common reason why people are putting on glasses worldwide is exactly because of the technologies. More and more young children put on glasses because of video games and smartphones. And ... Read More

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Do you feel that every day you spend in front of your computer in the office your eyesight is diminishing, so you need to protect your eyesight?

Today, the most common reason why people are putting on glasses worldwide is exactly because of the technologies.

More and more young children put on glasses because of video games and smartphones.

And with adults, the overlooking of minor signs that your eyes suffer might lead to serious diseases and vision damage.

Computers and smartphones cannot be put aside and be forgotten in the days we live in, but you could do your best to cut their impact on your health.

In this article, we are going to show you eight simple ways to protect your eyesight and keep your eyes healthy.

What is damaging your eyes?

  • Blue light

You can come across blue light when you look into every kind of display.

Except for the e-ink displays, which work with a different kind of technology.

Your computer, smartphone, tablet, and TV all emit blue light.

blue light computer screen filter eye protection iris software

Blue light is dangerous to human eyes because of its high energy levels.

Being highly energized, the blue light is able to reach deeper in the eye, damaging the retina.

This kind of approach may lead to diseases like macular degeneration, which ends up with blindness.

Moreover, the blue light not only will bring damage to your retina but will damage the tear fluid production.

This could lead to dry and red eyes. Having dry eyes hides the risk of scratching the gentle surface of the eye while you blink.

  • Strong light

Both natural and artificial strong lights could damage your eyes.

The human eyes are able to perceive almost all kinds of light from the light spectrum.

And some of these rays lead to more or less damage, depending on the quantity.

This is why wearing sunglasses when the sun is very bright or the snow is reflecting its rays it is good for you to put on a pair of sunglasses.

Artificial lighting is more difficult to cope with. Just like technologies emit blue light, LED lamps to do so, too.

This is why we recommend dimming the lights in your home sometime before going to bed.

Because when our eyes gather a great amount of light this makes the sensors of our natural body clock think that it is daytime.

Which would lead to difficulties with falling asleep?

  • Immobilization of the eye muscles

Do you know that you can immobilize your eyes?

There are a bunch of important muscles around the eye sockets and the eyeballs.

They consist of six extraocular muscles that move the eyeball. Plus the ones around your eyebrows and above the cheekbones.

The immobilization of these muscles occurs when you spend too much time looking in one spot.

Like when you are reading or staring on the screen of your computer.

  • Dryness

Having dry eyes is another case that could damage your eyes and vision.

As we noted some lines ago when you are having dry eyes, there is a possibility of scratching the surface of the eye.

These are only the most common reasons that may cause eye discomfort.

There are others like working in a dusty room without protective eyewear; wearing the wrong diopter; using the wrong medicine; etc.

Now, let’s see how you could prevent your eyes from having problems.

Eight ways to protect your eyesight

1. Eat healthy

The human body cannot produce vitamins and essential minerals by itself.

Thus we have to supply our organism with healthy food for increasing our immune system and overall wellbeing.

For protect your eyesight, you must eat food like fish, nuts, citruses, and green leafy plants and vegetables.

2. Do sports

Sports like archery, for example, exercise your eyesight. Archery gives you the option to look further than your keyboard.

But not only archery is good for your eyesight. Every kind of sport is appropriate for your health and eyes.

While doing sports we tune-up all our muscles and mental condition. There are not any blue light displays.

3. Doing eye exercises

Although, if your daily life has no time for doing sports, you could keep your eyes ‘fit’ by doing eye exercises.

This kind of exercise helps the eyes to stay well moisturized.

When we blink or look from side to side, the eyelids spread the tear fluids all over the eye’s surface.

4. Do not smoke

It is widely known that smoking harms every single organ in your body. This includes your eyes.

In the long run, smoking could lead to cataracts. This is a disease that leads to blindness.

Smoking can also make an impact on one’s central vision, causing blind spots.

5. Get enough sleep

While we sleep our eyes rest and recharge. This is why a good amount of sleep is appreciative of your eyes’ overall health.

If you lack sleep, you will notice how your eyes get red, with stressed blood vessels.

And blinking will feel like looking through the sand.

Apart from aiding the eyes, getting enough sleep will help you to stay fresh and full of energy throughout the day.

6. Reduce device using

Since devices are one of the main reasons for having sore eyes, why not consider to put them aside for some hours?

Think of a regime of your own to lock away your phone and computer for some time during the day.

Or spend a whole day on a digital diet. Let your eyes and brain rest from the overwhelmedness of the Internet.

During the time you do not use any technology, spend it on working over yourself or go out with friends.

Go for a walk, play with your pet, read a book… Anything that makes you happy!

7. Wearing protective eyewear

Sunglasses are not invented just for fashion. They protect the eyes of the strong natural rays that could damage the eyes.

But apart from that kind of eyewear, there are computer glasses.

They protect you from most of the blue light that your computer radiates.

These glasses are specially made for working with a computer. They may or may not have a diopter, depending on your needs.

They ‘filter’ the blue light and make the display seem a little yellow or red.

8. Iris

If you do not want to risk it with expensive glasses, there is an easier option. Iris is a blue light filter program for PCs and smartphones.

You can install this program on your device and it is going to block the blue light that it emits.

Iris is a software compatible with Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS.

Iris has many convenient options that you can personalize.

Like choosing the strength of the filter and how much to block the blue light. Iris also provides a break reminder.

You can set it up to remind you, for example, to take a rest every hour from the screen for several minutes.

This blue light filter is convenient because it doesn’t stop you from doing your job or watching your movie.

But meanwhile, it protects your eyes.

Last words

You can protect your eyesight with these eight simple steps by making them a habit of yours.

After some time you are going to notice how much better you feel and what a burden it is to have strained eyes.

Iris is a great way to kick off your eye care routine!

It doesn’t take much time to set it up and once you do it, you are going to forget that you have it. But your eyes are going to be grateful.

Author: Yoana Borisova

Publisher: Tanya Atanasova

Read more:

Work out for your eyes

7 ways technology is changing the healthcare industry

14 tips to make your monitor healthier for your eyes

The post 8 Ways To Protect Your Eyesight appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How to treat eye pain? https://iristech.co/treat-eye-pain/ https://iristech.co/treat-eye-pain/#comments Wed, 11 Dec 2019 11:44:48 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=27604 More or less, everybody has suffered from eye pain in their lives. But how to treat eye pain? This is natural, but while we are overloading our eyes every day, eye pain may become a constant event in our lives. If we leave our eye problems overlooked, they may lead to more serious cases. This may consist of headaches, blurred ... Read More

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More or less, everybody has suffered from eye pain in their lives. But how to treat eye pain?

This is natural, but while we are overloading our eyes every day, eye pain may become a constant event in our lives.

If we leave our eye problems overlooked, they may lead to more serious cases.

This may consist of headaches, blurred vision, red eyes, and even vision damage.

In this article we are going to discuss what causes eye pain; the types of eye pain; and how to treat eye pain.

What leads to eye pain?

Eye pain may be in consequence of many everyday activities that we are used to.

Like reading books, watching movies, doing work on a computer, and many others.

Take a look at the probable reasons why you might suffer from eye pain:

Poor or bad lightning

Poor lighting is harmful to our eyes because unlike animals, we can not see in low light or in the dark.

Human eyes need light to see.

Consequently, when there is a lack of it, our eyes are doing extra efforts to visualize the surroundings.
And if you are trying to do an activity that requires concentration your eyes are going to tire even faster.

Such are activities like reading and drawing.

They are such that the eyes have to perceive and digest many details during the process.

Bad lighting means also very strong and unhealthy LED lightning.

Many LED lamps stay on the violet side of the light specter.

These lamps give off blue light that is harmful to human eyes.

We recommend you to consider turning to warmer colored lights in your home and if achievable in your office.

Blue light is also radiated by electronics that every one of us possesses.

Blue light

This type of light – blue light – is, by the way, the biggest causer of eye pain and the most dangerous.

Every computer, tablet, and mobile phone screen emits blue light.

However, there is no way to remove it from settings or lowering the levels of brightness of your display.

You can reduce it if you install a blue light filter for PC or buy special computer spectacles and it will definitely help you with the way to treat eye pain.

The blue light that your computer emits is just like the one that comes from the LED lamps.

It is on the cold part of the light specter and in comparison to the red light, it is a lot more energized.

By nature, the human eyes filter a great part of the UV rays.

But all other types of light make their way to the retina at the back part of the eyeball.

And being that highly energized, blue light achieves a higher hurting rate.

This way the blue light with ease can get deeper into our eyes and thus to make greater damage.

When you get exposed to blue light every day, there are long-lasting effects that may occur.

Types of eye pain caused by blue light

Red eyes

Eye fatigue or red eyes are a result not only from blue light.

So, one must learn to recognize the signs of the two types of eye fatigue.

Red eyes may occur because of an allergy or something that has scratched the surface of the eyes.

But then, only a part of the eye’s surface would be concerned.

And with blue light, both eyes get red and itchy, because of that they both have been radiated with blue light.

And since the blue light radiated by computer and phone screens make people forget to blink, this also leads to reddened eyes.

When we blink we lubricate our eyes, this is why blinking is healthy.

When we forget to blink, the dry eyelids slide over the gentle surface of the sclera.

And this results in bloodshot eyes.

Blurred vision

This also could be a result of long-time exposure to blue light.

Blurred vision could appear in one or both eyes in different ways.

It could be an only blurred vision or double vision, along with a headache or dizziness.

Other – more serious – outcomes of continual exposure to blue light are:

Macular degeneration

This kind of eye disease has an option to lead to permanent vision damage.

This disease is even more popular than cataracts and glaucoma in some countries.

Macular degeneration is connected with the macula, which is near the retina at the back of our eyes.

This element of the eye is responsible for sending the images we see to the brain.

Macular degeneration has several stages before one starts losing its vision.

And often one doesn’t recognize the signs at an early stage.

Therefore, regular visits to the doctor are a must.


Circadian rhythm

The circadian rhythm is our biological clock that controls our waking and sleeping hours.

It is like the animals have their hibernation biological cycles.

What does it have to do with eye problems, you would ask?

Well, when you are consuming blue light and for a long time, your brain is going to be thinking that it is daytime when it actually is not.

You are going to start having problems with sleeping.

Also, because of the harm you have done to your circadian rhythm, you are going to constantly feel tired.

This is why many suffer from sleep loss after a long period of computer or mobile phone use.

Apart from the numbered problems above, blue light could cause other diseases that are not particularly in connection to the eyes.

How to treat eye pain caused by blue light?

One of the easiest methods to keep your eyes away from blue light is to try to block it.

You could consult with a specialist in ophthalmology for a pair of special computer glasses.

These glasses have special lenses that filtrate a part of the blue light.

When one looks through them he/she will see the screen in yellower color.

Or you could try blocking your device’s blue light by installing a blue light filter.

These kinds of filters can be installed on your PC, tablet or smartphone.

We recommend you, Iris.


Iris is a blue light blocking software that is going to remove the blue light given off by the display of your device.

It has already helped thousands of people worldwide to feel healthier.

Apart from blocking the blue light, this PC filter has many other options. 

You could set a timer routine that is going to remind you when to take a break for several minutes.

During the break, you have to look at faraway objects or to do eye exercises.

Iris can be installed on all your devices – on your PC, Android or iOS phone and tablet.

Iris has different display options that would suit everybody’s needs. And many more!

Last words

Eyecare is very important in our lives.

Therefore we have to give a lot more time and effort in keeping our eyes in good health.

If you do not have the time to do so, Iris – the filter that blocks your PC’s blue light – is a great start to begin relieving eye pain.

Author: Yoana Borisova

The post How to treat eye pain? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Why is my vision blurry? https://iristech.co/why-is-my-vision-blurry/ https://iristech.co/why-is-my-vision-blurry/#comments Mon, 25 Nov 2019 16:33:18 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=27004 You have a blurry vision if you still blink to clarify that picture in front of your eyes? You probably think you need lenses or glasses… Most people have a blurry vision for one reason or another. Therefore, in this article, we will explain in detail the possible reasons. And ways to keep your natural vision. However, it is a ... Read More

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You have a blurry vision if you still blink to clarify that picture in front of your eyes? You probably think you need lenses or glasses…

Most people have a blurry vision for one reason or another.

Therefore, in this article, we will explain in detail the possible reasons.

And ways to keep your natural vision. However, it is a good idea to see a doctor under any circumstances.

Still, think about your well-being!

The Causes of Blurred vision

This is a rapid reduction in visual acuity. In other words, the focus is disturbed and the objects around you appear hazy.

The causes are so-called refractive errors or eye problems.

But nothing ends here; each symptom may evolve into a neurological disorder or cause a threatening disease.


There is in one or both eyes, eye strain headache and blurry vision. Flashing is included as a symptom (reflex in focus).

Glasses or contact lenses are a way to adjust.


It is the wrong refraction of light that the eye does not refract light properly. You stop focus on image reflection …

The views from near are clear, but not far ones. This causes eye fatigue or unusual tension.

Like myopia, it is corrected with contact lenses and optionally surgery.


No clear vision is created, the light rays do not enter the retina concentration.

The very vision is blurred at all distances, different from the others. An irregular corneal shape is a common symptom.

You can solve this problem like the other problems above.

More Causes

  • Presbyopia
  • Chronic dry eye
  • Eye drops and medicines
  • Eye migraines or migraine headaches

Presbyopia is slightly above middle age disease. For example, when reading a book or other small printing, blurred vision is obvious.

Presbyopia is an adult common issue of vision.

And while the signs here are the same as in far-sightedness, the focus does not work on close objects. Due to damage to the lens.

Chronic dry eye can affect the eyes in various ways.

The causes are different because of the dynamics these days. The eyes are a target for our digital environment.

Eye drops that are prescribed by a doctor may help.

Some medicines or preservatives that contain preservatives cause blurred vision.

In Eye Migraines or migraine headaches, although harmless and temporary, in turn, cause discomfort.

Symptoms are blurred vision, flickering lights or broken, unusual shapes.

Sleep well, Eat well – Live life to the full

We all know, and you’re probably tired of hearing from friends, your family, and more.

How to Live Well, Eat Right and Get Hydrated.

Well, that’s not bad. In this article, you will read this too.

I will mention important foods for the eyesight, as well as loving your body enough to give it everything you need.

Omega 3 foods

Consume foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Fish is a very suitable source of Omega 3.

It is of great importance for the normal course of the body.

Studies have shown that fish oil has a beneficial effect on the eyes, most notably for a diagnosis such as “Dry Eye” or Cataract (eye curtain) and macular degeneration (impaired vision).


Carrots are one of the most famous vegetables and also the most preferred. And no, it’s definitely not just rabbits.

Beta-carotene, which is transformed into vitamin A, improves vision and visual acuity.

Other foods rich in beta-carotene are butter, white fish, dairy products and darker coloured fruits.

And B vitamins, as well as minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and more.

Vitamin D

Studies have shown that Vitamin D has a very beneficial effect on the duel of each person and it is the ageing of the eye and acts as a powerful antioxidant.

Mushrooms, eggs, soy milk are all very good sources.

Vitamin C

It is a vitamin well known to everyone. It is found in 90% of fruits and vegetables.

It has an inhibitory effect on slowing the development of cataracts and provides the necessary vitamins to eyes.

To prevent the degeneration of the macular.

Lemons, grapefruit, rose hips, goji berries or strawberries, as well as vegetables such as broccoli, peppers, cabbage, zucchini and more.

You have a choice of rich foods of Vitamin C.

For 10/10 foods for healthy eyes and 10/10 vision, check it now!


There is no organism on the planet to live without sleep. With the exception of somnambulates in the evening.

In fact, they sleep, though rarely, but not at all fun.

Most reliable and first in the column for an important source of the body is the sleep.

It helps you develop fully. The eyes need a large dose of sleep every night to rest and recover for the morning. 8 hours of sleep is enough.

Do you see the Blue Light – RUN!

Don’t be scared. You must run, but you cannot escape. It’s all around us, but it shouldn’t bother you.

We all suffer from this “blue light syndrome” unlike the others I described earlier.

Blue light is largely emitted by the digital devices we encounter every day. Reflected by screens, not just them.

Much of it is detected by the sunlight, which sends UV rays to the eyes and this disrupts their normal function.

Blurred vision is generated by the digital voltage from the screens. Along with poor night vision, tired dry eyes or blinding resistance.

I completely understand this situation you are in.

What we at IRIS are fighting for is the unhealthy lifestyle and the lack of attention to the eyes.

You can prevent some of the mentioned issues, like Blurred Vision, with a screen dimmer such as IRIS.

And you can always consult a doctor if appropriate.


What is IRIS?

IRIS comes with manual, automatic and various modes according to your preferred software.

It takes care of your eyes by blocking the Blue Light from disturbing the integrity of the eye.

Prevents fatigue, dry eyes, and other problems.

Rich in various features that diversify your daily life from your computer, phone, or other digital devices.

It helps you enjoy your favourite book in Reading mode or your favourite movie.

The software rated by thousands of users.

Don’t hesitate and think about your health, let your eyes get what they need and don’t let them tell you, “Why my vision is blurry?”

Author: Nikolay Tasev

Read more:

Eye exercises: Myth or a real way to improve your eyesight?

Improve your vision naturally

The post Why is my vision blurry? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

https://iristech.co/why-is-my-vision-blurry/feed/ 2
Six Reasons to visit your ophthalmologist right away https://iristech.co/to-visit-your-ophthalmologist-right-away/ https://iristech.co/to-visit-your-ophthalmologist-right-away/#comments Mon, 18 Nov 2019 12:44:04 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=26137 The first thing we can start with is the definition of ophthalmology. It is a branch of medicine and surgery that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. The ophthalmologist is a specialist in ophthalmology. He performs examinations and, thorough examinations prove the presence or absence of disease. Examples of diagnostic methods performed on eye examination: Visual acuity; ... Read More

The post Six Reasons to visit your ophthalmologist right away appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

The first thing we can start with is the definition of ophthalmology.

It is a branch of medicine and surgery that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.

The ophthalmologist is a specialist in ophthalmology. He performs examinations and, thorough examinations prove the presence or absence of disease.

Examples of diagnostic methods performed on eye examination:

  • Visual acuity;
  • Refraction;
  • Ocular tonometry for determination of intraocular pressure;
  • Slit-lamp test;
  • Retina examination

Why are we telling you all this?

Because it is important to be informed so that you can protect yourself.

In this article, we will cover a lot of seemingly different topics, but in reality, they are related to each other.

Thanks to the symptoms, we are able to understand that there is something wrong with our health and we need an examination to diagnose a specific eye disease or condition.

Online control symptoms may not cover all visual or all possible conditions but may suggest that there is some imbalance.

If you have any of the following eye or vision symptoms, you should visit an ophthalmologist.

Always consult a doctor about your own health and seek medical treatment if you have an eye or vision concerns.

Eye injuries, sudden changes or loss of vision and eye pain can be signs of serious problems requiring emergency care.

That is why we need to take care of ourselves personally and attach importance to these conditions.

Information is at the heart of everything, without which humanity cannot develop.

One of the main goals of Iris is to be able to protect your eyes and realize how much we are harming while using our facilitating technologies.

It is increasingly necessary to talk about damage from screens and monitors because there are two sides to the coin on them as everything else.

From all of the above, it’s time to show you six common symptoms that you will need to visit an ophthalmologist for.

In these types of articles, the importance of numbers is sorted in descending order, but for people, each of the symptoms listed is vitally important that we will not follow this method, but simply inform you so that you can visit an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.


Have you ever had a slight burning sensation with your eyes closed for longer periods of time?

If so, you have to think about what caused it.

The most common cause is short hours of sleep, but have you thought about why you sleep less than 7-8 hours.

Our answer to this is the long exposure to blue light.

Yes, you will think that it is not common, but in fact, it is.

Every modern person owns a mobile device and a computer, and they are part of everyday life, completely.

These types of symptoms are difficult to grasp because each of us never thinks he has something, and always gives the most logical and reassuring explanation for it, but not always that the truth.

Have you experienced itching and secretion in your eye area?

We ask you because prolonged itching and secretion from the eyes are most often the results of allergies (pollen, pets, and other environmental substances).

The condition causes discomfort, but fortunately, it usually does not lead to vision loss.

You will now wonder what allergies have to do with protecting my eyes while using my mobile device.

It matters because while you use your phone, your eyes receive an additional dose of radiation, which can at some point increase the sensitivity of your eyes.

This symptom does not lead to irreversible consequences, but it is for your own benefit to visit an ophthalmologist over a period of time that can monitor your allergy level and whether there is any change in the condition of your eyes.

Have you ever looked across the horizon and seen misty silhouettes?

If so, unfortunately, this is not a good sign. You may suffer from blurred vision, which if not looked at by an ophthalmologist has its progressive consequences.

Blurred vision occurs in cataracts (a progressive condition that can lead to blindness if left untreated).

Cataract can be treated if diagnosed on time.

Blurred vision can be caused by vitamin A deficiency, sexually transmitted diseases, eye tumors.

Do not waste time, but immediately call to book an appointment with your ophthalmologist, because eyes are very important for your existence.

The next reason is the blurred vision of near and far

The inability to see clearly available near or far is a symptom recognized as external refraction (myopia, examination, astigmatism, presbyopia).

It can be easily adjusted with glasses, contact lenses or a laser.

A more serious reason for this may be macular degeneration that affects central vision.

The eye fails to visualize objects with the mid-visual field.

In contrast, peripheral vision is not affected.

This condition can lead to irreversible consequences, namely blindness.

The problem must be trapped in the bud and treatment should be started immediately.

Feedback is also possible.

If you do not have a problem with central vision, but the areas outside of it begin to lose volume, then you may have a problem with peripheral vision.

One of the reasons may be Glaucoma, but for complete safety of your condition, visit an ophthalmologist.


Have you heard of Floating Stains?

We will try to explain them briefly to you.

The dark, clearly visible spots in your field of view are called floating spots.

The occurrence may be an indication of vitreous, retinal, or diabetic retinopathy.

If you have such a symptom, consult an ophthalmologist, because the consequences are unclear unless the necessary examinations are done.

If you see flashes while watching your pet

If you happen to see lights or glimpses in the field of view and these are not glimpses of the sun out, then you may have vision problems.

Like dark spots, it is an indication of the detachment of the vitreous or retina.

This sounds daunting, but if diagnosed on time, any undesirable development of the problem can be reversed.

We decided to introduce you to the common and overlooked symptoms at the outset so you can help yourself when needed.

Because visual impairments can lead to blindness, it is recommended that you visit an ophthalmologist every year, especially for people with visual impairments.

Another reason for routine checkups is that many of the illnesses show almost no symptoms in their early stages.

And when they are discovered, they are usually advanced and difficult to treat.

Iris will be your faithful helper

Iris strives to make its customers aware of everything connected.

The company is fully committed to helping and developing its capabilities.

Iris is an additional tool that can even prevent future eye health problems.

For this, be sure to try the software of the company, which can guarantee you better sleep, low stress, and high productivity at work.

However, do not forget to visit an ophthalmologist periodically to determine your condition.

Finally, take Iris as extra protection for your eyesight and that thanks to it, you can watch your favorite movies and TVs indefinitely without worrying about the condition of your eyes.


Written by Hristina Ferkova




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Why dry eyes are a common thing in our everyday lives? https://iristech.co/dry-eyes-syndrome/ https://iristech.co/dry-eyes-syndrome/#respond Sun, 17 Nov 2019 08:50:33 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=26042 Dry eyes are becoming a far more widespread problem than you may think. Many people suffer from it daily. For this reason, in this article, we are going to discuss several ways for dry eye treatment. Dry eyes could seem like something insignificant at the beginning, especially if there is no pain, but this condition is not to be overlooked. ... Read More

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Dry eyes are becoming a far more widespread problem than you may think.

Many people suffer from it daily.

For this reason, in this article, we are going to discuss several ways for dry eye treatment.

Dry eyes could seem like something insignificant at the beginning, especially if there is no pain, but this condition is not to be overlooked.

With an ease eye dryness could lead to complicated conditions like retinal damage, scratching of the sclera (this is the white part of the eyeball, that keeps the eye’s shape), or even lead to vision damage.

The symptoms of dry eyes are simple to notice.

First and most easily to spot, is the uncomfortable feeling when you blink, the stinginess and scratchiness.

Later on, there may occur redness and sensitivity to light.

And when the condition is at an advanced stage, you could start having vision problems like blurriness and eye fatigue.

What causes dry eyes?

Dry eyes are mainly caused because of the low tear lubrication by the tear glands.

The tear glands are in the upper part of our eye holes and produce tear fluid that the eyelids spread all over the surface of the sclera.

The dry eyes syndrome may occur when you are in an air-conditioned room with warm airflow.

Also, staying in a room with bad, dim lighting is another way to irritate your eyes.

Reading for a long time without getting rest is just as well harmful.

Other causes of dry eyes are overly strong artificial lighting; smoke or staring at a computer screen for too long. (Applies for staring in smartphone or tablet screens, too.)

eye strain eye stress computer monitor blue light filter protection

Unquestionably, blue light is usually the main cause of dry eyes.

Blue light is emitted by all technologies that have a display.

Blue light is bad for your eyes because it makes you forget to blink and thus your eyes do not get lubricated.

Blinking is healthy for your eyes, so you should blink more often.

Is there a way to get rid of dry eyes?

Hopefully, there are ways to fight the eye dryness.

Take regular breaks from your screen

Looking for a long time in one spot strains greatly your eyes.

Plus, working in front of a computer for hours and hours is not healthy for many other reasons, some of which we will discuss later in this article.

The tear fluid has to be spread all over the surface of the eyes.

This happens when you blink and look around at close and far objects.

When you take a break from your computer/phone screen, look around for some minutes and you are going to feel immediate comfort.

Use artificial tears

For quick relief of not so serious cases of dry eyes, artificial tear drops are one of the best solutions out there.

Most of the eye drops are easily accessible, for the reason they are available without a doctor’s prescription.

This means that if you feel the need of trying out any medical way of solving your problem, you do not need to go and see a doctor, just to make a research for the best medicine title.

There are two types of artificial tear drops – gel-like and watery.

The former type of drops are thicker in appearance and are more reliable for a long-lasting fix.

However, they are recommended for using later at night, before going to bed, because they may cause vision blurring and are dangerous for using before you drive, for example.

The later – watery type of eye drops – are the ones you could use at any time throughout the day.

They are a fast remedy, but for a short time. And in order to keep the effect, you have to use them more frequently.

Moisture the air

Especially during the cold autumn and wintertime the air in our homes and offices becomes really dry due to the air conditioners and forced-air heating.

The warm flow dries the air and consequently our eyes.

For this reason, be sure that from time to time you clean the air with fresh, outside air and do not force so much the air conditioners.

Beware when wearing contact lenses

For sure contact lenses are better for your image if you feel uncomfortable with spectacles.

But deciding to wear contact lenses is a responsible task.

Dryness with contact lenses may occur because of the small amount of oxygen that makes it to the eye due to the thin lens layer.

Without the essential oxygen, the tear glands suffer and hardly can they produce tears.

Moreover, hygiene is essential to contact lenses.

Not paying enough attention to hygiene could lead to even greater problems than dryness.

Of course, if you sense any discomfort with your contact lenses and think that they are the reason for your dry eyes, first consult with a doctor before trying to deal with the problem by yourself.

Wear computer glasses

In the beginning, we mentioned that blue light is one of the main reasons for having dry eyes.

Of course, it does not only cause dry eyes but vision damage and many other health issues.

And at these technological times, blue light is our daily companion – at work, on the phone and at home in front of the TV or our computer.

Therefore, blue light filter glasses exist.

They are made especially to lower the effect of blue light on our eyes.

Computer glasses are made with special lenses that block the blue light rays and this is why when looking through them, the screen looks a little yellow.

You could get such glasses in every optics store with or without dioptre, depending on your needs.

Quality computer glasses are not cheap and it is preferable for you to be buying them from certificated stores.

Alternatively, there is another option to block your monitor’s blue light without all the fuss around the activity of buying glasses. And this is Iris.


Iris – the blue light blocking software

Iris is a computer program that once installed will save you a lot. It is helping thousands of people with their vision problems and headaches around the globe.

Iris operates simply – it blocks the blue light and applies an eye-friendly filter on your screen.

It doesn’t at all distract you from doing your job, on the contrary – it helps you do it with fresh eyes and mind.

Iris even has an option to remind you to have some minutes break to look around and flex your eye muscles, which helps a lot for their well being.

Last words

Looking after our eye health is of great importance.

In general, it does not take a great effort to do so and starting with Iris is one of the easiest ways to start a series of good health habits.

Autor: Yoana Borisova


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Eye twitching: Causes and treatment https://iristech.co/eye-twitching-causes-and-treatment/ https://iristech.co/eye-twitching-causes-and-treatment/#respond Fri, 01 Nov 2019 07:23:57 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=20079 It is very likely that every one of us has experienced eye twitching at some point. It is usually barely noticeable but for some people, it may get bothersome. What is actually the essence of this condition and how can it be treated? Let us find out! Introduction Eye twitching or medically known as myokymia affects only the eyelid of ... Read More

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It is very likely that every one of us has experienced eye twitching at some point.

It is usually barely noticeable but for some people, it may get bothersome.

What is actually the essence of this condition and how can it be treated?

Let us find out!


Eye twitching or medically known as myokymia affects only the eyelid of one eye, more often the low one.

However, it is possible to affect the upper lid as well.

It is a repetitive, involuntary spasm of the muscles of the eyelid.

The spasm happens every few seconds for about a minute or two.

In most cases, twitches come and go without the need for treatment.

Yet, sometimes they can last for days, weeks or even months.

If the twitching starts to become present in your life for a longer period, you should definitely make an appointment with your doctor.


It can be a sign of a serious brain or nerve disorder.

Do not panic immediately though – we are going to clarify the most common reasons why twitching occurs and what are the remedies.

The possibility of signaling for a more complex condition will be discussed too.

Causes for myokymia

As it has been specified in the previous paragraph, eye twitching is painless and normally harmless.

Here are some of the factors that may contribute to the occurrence of twitches:

  • Stress and fatigue
  • Eyestrain
  • Caffeine or alcohol consumption
  • Dry eye
  • Nutritional problems
  • Allergies

Does any of the following sound familiar to you?

Are you put under pressure in your office? Do you drink too much coffee or alcohol? Do you eat a balanced diet?

If the answer to any (or, I hope not, to all) of these questions is “yes”, keep on reading – the possible solutions are coming your way!


Not sure how to deal with what is bothering you and potentially causing your eyelids to twitch?

We are going to make it a bit easier for you by giving you some tips for the causes we have listed above.

Stress and fatigue

Stress can be responsible for a lot of health and mental problems since it affects all areas of our lives.

First of all, you should recognize the causative agent of it and preferably remove it or at least reduce its negative influence.

You can also try to minimize stress by doing yoga, exercising, spending time with your loved ones.

There are a lot of possibilities out there, you just have to find out what you enjoy and what makes you forget all of your worries!

Fatigue and lack of sleep are further reasons for eye twitching.

They can be related to stress or some other reasons.

Getting your sleep is surely going to make your twitching go away!

Eye strain and especially digital eye strain

To reduce eye strain and therefore the risk of eye twitching and more serious eye conditions, make sure to take regular breaks from your devices and do some eye relieving exercises such as the “20-20-20 rule” – every 20 minutes look at an object 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds.

Caffeine or alcohol consumption

Try limiting both your caffeine and alcohol intake since too much of any can trigger eye twitching.

Dry eye

This condition is common among adults older than 50, but also among people who work at a computer or take certain medications (antihistamines, antidepressants, etc.), wear contact lenses or drink caffeine, alcohol.

If your eyes twitch and feel dry as well, see your doctor in order to get professional help.

Nutritional problems

It is not scientifically proven that nutritional problems cause eye twitching.

Yet, according to some reports, the lack of vital nutritional substances like magnesium can be the spasm reason.

If you think this might refer to you, it is advisable to talk to a medical professional.


People who have eye allergies are more prone to eye twitching.

Their eyes itch, swell or are sometimes watery and when being rubbed, histamine is being released into the lid tissues and the tears, causing the eyelid muscles to twitch.

Benign essential blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm

In very rare cases, when the eye twitching won’t go away despite all of the efforts, Botox injections may be used as a remedy.

They ease spasms but only for a few months. Afterward, the effect wears off and you may need more injections.

In fact, there are two more main conditions that can cause eye twitching.

They are benign essential blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm.

Benign essential blepharospasm refers to increased blinking of both eyes and it is possible to progress to the eyelids being squeezed shut.

This condition is rather uncommon but it can be extreme. It is actually a movement disorder of the muscles around the eye.

The exact reason why it occurs is not known but it is suggested that it may be a malfunction of cells in the nervous system called basal ganglia.

Hemifacial spasm involves spasms of muscles on one side of the face, including the eyelid.

The usual cause for it is the irritation of a facial nerve by a small artery.

Is it something more than eye twitching?

It was mentioned in the beginning that eye twitch may be a sign of a serious brain or nerve disorder.

Now we are going to specify which conditions it might precede and when it is time to see a doctor.

It happens very rarely eye twitches to signal a more complex problem.

You will probably know it is not just because of stress or lack of sleep because disorders are almost always accompanied by other symptoms.



  • Bell’s palsy (facial palsy) – it is the cause one side of your face to droop downward.
  • Dystonia – causes unexpected muscle spasms.
  • Cervical dystonia (spasmodic torticollis) – the neck spasms randomly, whereas the head twist into uncomfortable positions.
  • Multiple sclerosis – a disease of the central nervous system, is the cause of cognitive and movement problems and fatigue as well.
  • Parkinson’s disease – causes trembling limbs, muscle stiffness, balance problems, and difficulties while speaking.
  • Tourette syndrome – involuntary movement and verbal tics.

Any of the above-mentioned conditions and their characteristics are serious.

Therefore they have to be medically treated and we strongly advise you to make a doctor’s appointment if you notice such symptoms!


Eye twitching may be an outcome of stress, lack of sleep or eye strain.

By calming your mind, sleeping well and protecting your eyes in front of the computer (for example with Iris) you can eliminate the unpleasant spasms.

However, eye twitching can be caused by a more complex problem that should be taken into serious consideration.

For your own comfort, you can visit an eye specialist, just to make sure your eyes are in good condition and get more good advice about your eye health!

Author: Ilina Stoyanova

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Eye diseases you need to look out for when using your PC https://iristech.co/eye-diseases/ https://iristech.co/eye-diseases/#respond Mon, 19 Aug 2019 13:58:15 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=13739 We use our eyes all the time while we’re awake. Some would say that’s our most important sense. However, like anything else, there are eye diseases and disorders that can cause deteriorating health of the different parts in your eyes. They can be caused by genetics, environmental issues, accidents, age and exposure to bright and harmful light. In this article ... Read More

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We use our eyes all the time while we’re awake. Some would say that’s our most important sense.

However, like anything else, there are eye diseases and disorders that can cause deteriorating health of the different parts in your eyes.

They can be caused by genetics, environmental issues, accidents, age and exposure to bright and harmful light.

In this article we’re going to explore a few eye diseases caused by prolonged use of digital devices and LED lights.

As we know in the 21st century we all can’t go a few hours without checking our messages, emails, binge-watching our favorite show or look through spreadsheets all day.

However, our computers and phones emit harmful radiation in the form of blue light.

Which is why we must learn how to protect our eyes and do our best to prevent the following common diseases.


Retinopathy refers to a few diseases and conditions caused by deformation in the retina.

It can be caused by diabetes, high blood pressure and mutations.

Damaged or misplaced nerves in the retina can cause blurry vision.

Blood vessels can also enlarge and cause eye pain and shadows on the vision.

Retinal disorders often are a result from other eye diseases like cataract and myopia.


A pterygium (from the greek word meaning ‘wing’) is a membrane that grows on the eyes, skin, neck or knees due to exposure to ultraviolet light.

Very common in countries where there is a lot of sunlight and outdoor activities are popular.

The pterygium can grow and as it does it pulls the cornea and distorts it. It can also tear the lens film in the eye.

It can distort vision, cause physical pain and strain, blurriness, discomfort and reduced eyesight.


Cataracts are small cloud-like zones that appear in the eye lens.

They’re usually caused by a thinning of the lens. This thinning can be a product of prolonged exposure to radiation.

X-rays and UV rays can cause damaging changes in the lens cells.

Blue light is also a very high energetic light wave like UV light.

It’s been proven that staring at blue light-emitting screens for long periods of time can cause cataracts.

To prevent cataracts you can wear sunglasses, computer glasses or get a blue light filter like Iris for your digital device.

Macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is one of the leading diseases that cause blindness.

It happens when the small central region of the retina, called the macula, starts deteriorating.

This can lead to severe vision issues and distortions.

It’s also a condition that gets worse with age and is often referred to as age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

While aging and genetics are indeed a factor in developing macular degeneration, there are additional causes like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking and obesity.

One very preventable additional cause is exposure to UV and blue light from the Sun and artificial light from LED lights.

Prevention here suggests wearing protective eyewear and limiting LED lights in your home.

Unfortunately, all modern screens are made from tiny LED lights, which is why there are ways to limit harmful exposure and reduce the flickering effects of the screens. Check out this article: What I need to know about PWM Flicker.


Myopia, also known as near-sightedness, is a very common eye disorder where light focuses before it reaches the retina.

It can be caused by many factors like age, glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment and lens degeneration.

In recent times myopia is usually developed during the adolescent years where young people spend a lot of time staring at objects near them (in particular digital devices) and not taking breaks to look at a distant object and exercise their vision.

We here at Iris recommend the 20-20-20 rule – every 20 minutes for 20 seconds look at an object 20 feet away (approx. 7 meters).

This will help you prevent near-sightedness and get your eye health back on track.

Read more about eye protection here – 7 Tips for eye protection in front of the PC.


Astigmatism is an error in refraction where the light can’t focus properly on the retina.

That’s caused when your eye isn’t a perfect round shape.

Actually, most people have a certain type of astigmatism, because barely anyone has perfectly round eyes.

However, if your eye starts looking like an american football, there’s a big problem.

Astigmatism is usually an additional condition to far or near-sightedness.

It can cause blurry vision, double vision, eye pain, fatigue and headaches.


Nyctalopia, or night-blindness is a condition in which you can’t see clearly in fairly low light.

It’s often described as the inability to adapt to darkness.

It’s usually a result of a different ocular disease like glaucoma, cataract or retinitis.

It can also cause a loss of peripheral vision.

A roman by the name of Aulus in 30AD suggested that washing your eyes with liver juice and eating liver can cure night-blindness.

We suggest you stop listening to Romans from centuries ago and instead try Iris to properly adjust your screen brightness and deal with these preventable diseases.


Presbyopia, from the greek presbus – meaning old, is also called the aging eye condition.

You know your aunt Grace who squints and holds the newspaper really far away from her face so she can read it.

Yes, that’s presbyopia. It’s caused by the progressing age of course. It includes the inability to read small text and focus on the small print.

Which is why older people when using digital devices often put their glasses on and hold the phone really close to their face.

Also if you’re wondering why the zoom on the Wikipedia page your mom is reading is 240%, now you know why.

In Iris, we have created a menu to help with magnification that can easily reduce the eye strain and headaches caused by presbyopia.


As you can probably guess from the name photophobia is the fear of light.

It’s more often explained as discomfort in the eyes and body when exposed to really bright light.

Photophobia is usually present in people who’ve experienced other eye-related issues and diseases or gone through surgery of some kind.

Artificial light can also cause great pain and discomfort to people with photophobia which is why dimming of the brightness and the colors is recommended in these cases.

These are only some of the common eye diseases that can be seen in frequent users of digital devices in our day and age.

We should always do our research and learn how to protect our eyesight and our health.


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Why would my eyes feel tired all the time? https://iristech.co/why-would-my-eyes-feel-tired-all-the-time/ https://iristech.co/why-would-my-eyes-feel-tired-all-the-time/#respond Tue, 12 Feb 2019 01:04:38 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=11938 Is it possible that you are spending a lot of time in front of a screen? It can be a monitor, a TV or any other digital thing that emits light The problem with that is that screens (monitors) emit a lot of Blue Light That can be the cause of dry eyes or why your eyes are tired all ... Read More

The post Why would my eyes feel tired all the time? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Is it possible that you are spending a lot of time in front of a screen? It can be a monitor, a TV or any other digital thing that emits light

The problem with that is that screens (monitors) emit a lot of Blue Light

That can be the cause of dry eyes or why your eyes are tired all the time, it can also really reduce the quality of sleep that you get

To fix this you can download a program like Iris.

It specializes in saving your eyes and making you feel better while in front of the computer

You can read more about Blue Light and Iris here:

How Blue light Destroyed our Sleep? –  Iris – Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity

Download Iris


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Why do tears come out of my left eye, randomly? https://iristech.co/why-do-tears-come-out-of-my-left-eye-randomly/ https://iristech.co/why-do-tears-come-out-of-my-left-eye-randomly/#respond Tue, 12 Feb 2019 01:03:16 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=11936 Eyes can become damaged in the long run when spending a lot of hours in front of the computer. Here are a couple of things you can do: Take regular breaks from your computer, you can use some sort of timer to remind you so you don’t forget to take a break Reduce PWM flicker, your monitor turns on and ... Read More

The post Why do tears come out of my left eye, randomly? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Eyes can become damaged in the long run when spending a lot of hours in front of the computer.

Here are a couple of things you can do:

  1. Take regular breaks from your computer, you can use some sort of timer to remind you so you don’t forget to take a break
  2. Reduce PWM flicker, your monitor turns on and off 20–60 times a second. Our eyes can’ spot this but our brains can and it’s really harmful
  3. Reduce Blue Light, the monitors nowadays emit blue light, which is really harmful to our eyes, sleep and overall health.

You can do all 3 things and much more with a program like Iris

It is the only program that can block the PWM flicker of any monitor and one of the best blue light blocking applications out there

Download Iris


The post Why do tears come out of my left eye, randomly? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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Why are there sometimes redness around my iris? https://iristech.co/why-are-there-sometimes-redness-around-my-iris/ https://iristech.co/why-are-there-sometimes-redness-around-my-iris/#respond Tue, 12 Feb 2019 01:00:14 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=11929 First of all, it is very important to avoid rubbing your eyes with your hands or fingers as they may have irritants that will further inflame them. This may cause your eyes to be more reddish and irritated There’s a thing called Computer Vision Syndrom (CVS) caused by looking at your computer screen for too long. If you spend a ... Read More

The post Why are there sometimes redness around my iris? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

First of all, it is very important to avoid rubbing your eyes with your hands or fingers as they may have irritants that will further inflame them.

This may cause your eyes to be more reddish and irritated

There’s a thing called Computer Vision Syndrom (CVS) caused by looking at your computer screen for too long.

If you spend a lot of time looking at the screen of your computer you should have experienced burning sensation and tiredness in the eyes.

This is because when using your computer, you tend to stare more and forget to blink as much as usual

This eventually dries out the eye’s exterior film.

But perhaps the best and most recommended is taking regular pauses away from the computer screen as you work.

Doctors recommend the 20-20-20 rule where you look away from the computer screen on 20 minutes intervals, focus on a distant item that is 20 feet from you, for around 20 seconds.

Another thing you can do is download Iris

It reduces the blue light that your monitor emits and also removes the PWM Flicker

If you try it you will see in no time all the benefits from it, you will sleep much better and feel a lot less eye pain and redness

More about PWM Flicker and eye pain

Download Iris


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What is the actual reason for left eye flickering? https://iristech.co/what-is-the-actual-reason-for-left-eye-flickering/ https://iristech.co/what-is-the-actual-reason-for-left-eye-flickering/#respond Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:54:55 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=11920 Most of the time it’s due to the fact that you’re tired You might have not been able to sleep well last night or feel severe eye strain, have red eyes, you might be under a lot of stress or even have consumed a tad too much alcohol All this can cause left eye flicker and most of these symptoms ... Read More

The post What is the actual reason for left eye flickering? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Most of the time it’s due to the fact that you’re tired

You might have not been able to sleep well last night or feel severe eye strain, have red eyes, you might be under a lot of stress or even have consumed a tad too much alcohol

All this can cause left eye flicker and most of these symptoms can be due to spending a lot of time in front of the computer

To remove the blue light from your monitor, have better sleep and less eye pain, you can download Iris

This picture demonstrates some of its functions and how Iris works:

Download Iris


The post What is the actual reason for left eye flickering? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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My eyes are almost always red because of my computer Will this damage my eyes in the long term? https://iristech.co/my-eyes-are-almost-always-red-because-of-my-computer-will-this-damage-my-eyes-in-the-long-term/ https://iristech.co/my-eyes-are-almost-always-red-because-of-my-computer-will-this-damage-my-eyes-in-the-long-term/#respond Tue, 12 Feb 2019 00:00:57 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=11905 Yes and if you keep doing that for a couple of decades you will eventually probably get macular degeneration You will only be able to see with your peripheral vision which is almost considered blind This is not 100% but you will certainly experience some problems with your eyes if you keep doing this One thing you can try that’s ... Read More

The post My eyes are almost always red because of my computer Will this damage my eyes in the long term? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Yes and if you keep doing that for a couple of decades you will eventually probably get macular degeneration

You will only be able to see with your peripheral vision which is almost considered blind

This is not 100% but you will certainly experience some problems with your eyes if you keep doing this

One thing you can try that’s going to help is Iris

It will reduce the blue light that your screen emits and remove the PWM Flicker

This will help you sleep better and feel less eye pain

Read mode on Macular Degeneration

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The post My eyes are almost always red because of my computer Will this damage my eyes in the long term? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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How I solve eye problem? https://iristech.co/how-i-solve-eye-problem/ https://iristech.co/how-i-solve-eye-problem/#respond Mon, 11 Feb 2019 23:49:53 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=11898 If you are spending a lot of time in front of the computer you can try a Blue LIght filter program, that’s going to help you to sleep better and have less eye pain. The other benefit is the PWM Flicker removal which will help you turn down greatly all the eye strain and eye redness you might have been ... Read More

The post How I solve eye problem? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

If you are spending a lot of time in front of the computer you can try a Blue LIght filter program, that’s going to help you to sleep better and have less eye pain.

The other benefit is the PWM Flicker removal which will help you turn down greatly all the eye strain and eye redness you might have been feeling

A program that does both these things is Iris:

You can read more about PWM Flicker

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The post How I solve eye problem? appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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I have a feeling of something behind my eye, what could it be? https://iristech.co/i-have-a-feeling-of-something-behind-my-eye-what-could-it-be/ https://iristech.co/i-have-a-feeling-of-something-behind-my-eye-what-could-it-be/#respond Fri, 04 May 2018 21:37:30 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=8082 You probably need to put glasses with a small diopter. This is the most common case of this kind of eye pain and eye muscle strain. Tips if you want to delay the appointment to the optometrist: Blink more Blinking more will moisture your eyes better Yawn more Yawning will help you to produce more tears Window/Monitor position If you ... Read More

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You probably need to put glasses with a small diopter.

This is the most common case of this kind of eye pain and eye muscle strain.

Tips if you want to delay the appointment to the optometrist:

Blink more

Blinking more will moisture your eyes better

Yawn more

Yawning will help you to produce more tears

Window/Monitor position

If you use computer, your monitor should be to the side of the window.

Not in front or behind, because this may cause eye damage or glare.


Install Iris or other blue light filter software to reduce the blue light. This may help you to relieve the tension in the eyes.

Take breaks

Close your eyes, look at distant objects from time to time. This will help you to relax your eye muscles.

Eat Healthy

Proper nutrition and exercise may heal everything even if you don’t do anything else.

See a doctor

It’s good someone trained in eye problems to look at you but also do your best to take care of yourself alone.

Ophthalmologist may put you some diagnose but eye problems can’t be cured with a simple pill.

You may also need glasses and an optemetrist may give you an exact prescription for your eyes.

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Red eye treatment https://iristech.co/red-eye-treatment/ https://iristech.co/red-eye-treatment/#respond Sat, 10 Feb 2018 15:20:40 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=6760 You don’t have to suffer the red eye if you can help it. Majority of people have experienced red eyes at some point. A condition best described as red, inflamed eyes. The appearance of red eye varies in severity from a bright pink to a deep red. The symptoms are typically short-lived but very annoying, although not usually considered dangerous. Little wonder then that the ... Read More

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You don’t have to suffer the red eye if you can help it.

Majority of people have experienced red eyes at some point. A condition best described as red, inflamed eyes. The appearance of red eye varies in severity from a bright pink to a deep red.

The symptoms are typically short-lived but very annoying, although not usually considered dangerous.

Little wonder then that the modus operandi for most people is to go for over-the-counter eye drops to treat the symptoms.

However, it is probably a good idea to first visit your eye doctor for a correct diagnosis before treating just the symptoms.

The effects of the red eye range from mild causes such as allergic reactions, eye fatigue, contact lenses, computer vision syndrome and, even conjunctivitis or “pink eye” to more severe conditions such as corneal ulcer and ocular herpes.

Treating The Red Eye

As the causes of red eye vary, so do the treatments. Most remedies range from a good old rest, cold compresses over your eyes to over-the-counter eye drops.

Severe red eye cases need treatment such as antibiotics or even surgery.

However, it is important to first visit your eye doctor to determine the cause of your red eye.

It is also important to avoid rubbing your eyes with your hands or fingers as they may have irritants that will further inflame them. This may cause your eyes to be more reddish and irritated.

You can clear a red eye caused by an allergic reaction, by either getting an eye drop or tablets over the counter.

You do not need to get a  prescription from a doctor for these.

They essentially work by cleaning the eyes off allergens and also substituting your tears so your eyes remain moist as usual.

Some home remedies that may also alleviate the red eye include dabbing your eyes with plain, clean warm water using cotton wool balls.

Avoid wearing contact lenses if your eyes are still red. This also applies to eye make up.

Doctors also recommend the “20-20-20 rule” to allow your eyes breaks away from a computer screen thus minimize effects of the red eye.

Computer Vision Syndrome

The computer vision syndrome is caused by looking at your computer screen for too long.

If you use your computer for extended periods in a day, you may have likely experienced burning sensation and tiredness in the eyes.

This is because when using your computer, you tend to stare more and not blink as much as other times.

This eventually dries out the eye’s exterior film.

Wearing glasses designed to minimize computer glare or applying moistening eye drops to keep your eyes from drying goes a long way in easing the discomfort.

But perhaps the best and most recommended is taking regular pauses away from the computer screen as you work.

Doctors recommend the 20-20-20 rule where you physically move away from the computer screen on 20 minutes intervals, focus on a distant item that is 20 feet from you,  for around 20 seconds.


Granted it is sometimes not easy to take breaks away from the computer as most people say they tend to lose focus of what they were doing with constant interruptions.

Computer programs like Iris give an alternative to the breaks.

It essentially locks your computer screen and disables your keyboard literally forcing you to look away from your computer, get up and take a break.

The software works with a timer that once you set at every 30 minutes or 1 hour, it disables your computer for up to 5 to 7 minutes.

In effect, once you install the Iris software, it reminds you to take short breaks from working on the computer.

It even detects your blink rate, adjusts your computer’s screen temperatures to the various times of the day and, controls the brightness level of your screen.


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