Swollen Eyelids Archives - 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 https://iristech.co/category/iris-articles/swollen-eyelids/ Wed, 27 May 2020 21:30:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 10 reasons for having a swollen eyelid https://iristech.co/10-reasons-swollen-eyelid/ https://iristech.co/10-reasons-swollen-eyelid/#respond Wed, 20 Nov 2019 09:06:27 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=26308 After a good (i.e. hardcore) crying session, we have all noticed that our eyes are red and quite puffy. However, there is a number of other reasons which can cause swollen eyelid. If you struggle with it and do not cry that often, in this article we will suggest what may cause this phenomenon. Introduction Swollen eyelids can be annoying ... Read More

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After a good (i.e. hardcore) crying session, we have all noticed that our eyes are red and quite puffy.

However, there is a number of other reasons which can cause swollen eyelid.

If you struggle with it and do not cry that often, in this article we will suggest what may cause this phenomenon.


Swollen eyelids can be annoying not just from an aesthetic point of view.

Even though they are mostly harmless.

It is possible that they cause pain or even worse – interfere with the person’s ability to see.

Therefore we advise you to see a specialist if you have any of these issues and the swelling lasts for over 48 hours.

Still, we are going to name 10 of the most popular causes for swollen eyelids.

What is a swollen eyelid?

First, let us explain what a swollen eyelid actually is.

It occurs when there is inflammation or excess fluid (edema) in the connective tissues around the eye.

Both the upper and lower eyelids can be affected.

A swollen eyelid is always a symptom of a more complex problem such as an allergy or an infection.

So, the swelling is an immune response to it.

As opposed to it, the term “puffy eyes” refers mostly to the external physical characteristic of swollen eyes from water retention, lack of sleep for example.

10 causes for a swollen eyelid

Now we will head to the list with 10 of the most probable causes for a swollen eyelid.

Later on, some relief tips will be given as well.

1. Chalazion

Chalazion or cyst is not an infection but it occurs when an oil gland in the eyelid gets clogged.

Normally, chalazion develops in the middle of the lid and away from its edge.

They grow into bumps but rarely hurt.

The bumps usually last for a few days.

Hold a warm cloth over the swollen eye for 4-5 times a day in order to relieve it.

However, if the chalazion does not disappear on its own after a couple of days or gets painful, you should definitely see an eye doctor.

2. Stye

Unlike the cyst, the stye is an infection which forms in the gland in the eyelid.

It can either be internal or external.

Typically, a stye occurs on the edge of the eyelid and looks like a pimple.

It is crucial not to use makeup during this period or pop the bump because this way you may spread the infection.

In turn, this will lead to eye damage. Again as a home treatment, you can use a warm compress.

3. Allergies

If a swollen eyelid is combined with itchy, red and watery eyes, it might be caused by an allergy.

When you are sensitive to a certain allergen, your eyes release chemical “mediators” to protect themselves.

That is how eye allergies develop. Some of the most common allergens include dust, pollen, makeup, etc.

The best way to avoid known allergens or use antihistamine but it is better to consult with a doctor before that.

4. Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis or also known as pink eye can be caused by a bacterial, viral or allergic infection.

It inflamates the surface of the eye and can affect both eyes at the same time.

Your eyes may get itchy, red and watery as well.

Wash your eyes with warm water. The conjunctivitis can go on its own, without treatment needed.

It is important not to touch your eyes and keep your pillows clean though.

5. Cosmetic products

As we have mentioned before, makeup and skincare products are potential allergens.

When they get into the eyes, they can cause irritation.

If your eyes are swollen and you feel as if they are burning, you can buy eye drops (not eye-whitening drops or any other products since they can make it worse) – just ask a competent medical face!

If the artificial tears do not help, go see a doctor.

6. Cellulitis of the eyelid

Orbital cellulitis is a serious infection in the tissue of the eyelid.

It can be developed even by a tiny cut around your eye.

The infection is often painful and more common in children than in adults.

The cellulitis of the eyelid should be treated with antibiotics because it is a serious condition.

7. Blepharitis

Blepharitis is an inflammation caused by too much bacteria in or around the eyelids.

Symptoms of blepharitis include swollen and painful eyelids.

Some people can even experience dandruff-like flakes around their eyelashes.

Unfortunately, more often blepharitis is a chronic condition that can not be cured.

Nevertheless, it can be controlled with proper hygiene and the right treatment.

8. Graves’ disease

This is an autoimmune disorder which causes a higher release of the thyroid hormone.

The latter affects parts of your body like the nervous system, brain development and other vital elements.

There are a lot of ways to treat Graves’ disease like thyroid surgery and medications.

9. Ocular herpes

The ocular herpes is a herpes infection in or around the eyes.

It looks like conjunctivitis (pink eye) but it can be painful and cause blurry vision.

There are a few types of ocular herpes which vary from a mild infection to a more complex eye condition.

It should be treated by a doctor.

10. Blocked tear duct

When a tear duct gets blocked, trains can not be fully drained by the eyes.

Therefore, pain and redness occur. People with a blocked tear duct may find it hard to open their eyes after waking up.

The condition is quite common in newborns and children.

Usually, it is not harmful but it can become infected.

In this case, medical help should be sought.


If your eyelids are swollen due to exhaustion, lack of sleep or stress you can treat them with warm compresses or black tea bags.

If there is another reason for it though, you should definitely consult with a doctor to understand what it really is.

Try not to wear makeup while your eyelid is swollen and avoid popular allergens.

Typically swollen eyelids are not harmful and disappear within days.

Sometimes they can be a symptom of a more serious condition when treatment is needed.

Author: Ilina Stoyanova

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Swollen Eyelids https://iristech.co/swollen-eyelids/ https://iristech.co/swollen-eyelids/#comments Mon, 05 Feb 2018 12:43:43 +0000 https://iristech.co/?p=6629 Swollen Eyelids Definition The presence of edema (excessive fluid) in the connective tissues of optical region leads to the formation of swollen eyelids. Swollen eyelids are also caused due to inflammation of the connective tissues that surround the eyes sockets. Long-term swollen eyelids can be excruciating, and they need to be treated by a professional. What are Swollen Eyelids? The ... Read More

The post Swollen Eyelids appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

Swollen Eyelids Definition

The presence of edema (excessive fluid) in the connective tissues of optical region leads to the formation of swollen eyelids.

Swollen eyelids are also caused due to inflammation of the connective tissues that surround the eyes sockets.

Long-term swollen eyelids can be excruciating, and they need to be treated by a professional.

What are Swollen Eyelids?

The occurrence of swollen eyelids is relatively high, and it occurs when the upper or lower eyelid becomes swollen and enlarged.

Puffy eyelids are caused due to the upsurge of edema in the region that surrounds the eye region.

Swollen eyelids are easy to cure and control, however, rare cases of swollen eyelids need to be corrected surgically to avoid the probability of blindness and eyes disorders.

It is no wonder that a majority of us had dealt with a swollen or puffy eyelid at some point growing up.

The occurrence of swollen eyelids can be upsetting, agitating, and it could result in temporary impaired vision.

It is normal to suffer from a swollen eyelid at some point in your life, however, this problem could take a serious toll if it is not medically catered to on time.

In a majority of cases, redness, puffiness, and irritation of your eyelids are symptoms of eyes infections that need to be treated right away.

On the contrary, few swollen eyes can facilitate discharge in your eyes, and this problem needs to be addressed right away.

Swollen eyelids can be cured by taking effective measures. You can consider visiting an oculist for treatment or, you can tend to your swollen eyelids by taking homemade remedies.

You can also buy eye drops to cure your swollen eyelids at home.

What are the causes of Swollen Eyelids?

The occurrence of swollen eyelids is fairly high, and it could be caused by a number of reasons.

It could be caused by an infection or, it could be caused due to the reasons that need immediate medical attention.


Eyes are highly prone to allergies, and one of the reasons for eye allergies is caused by allergens.

An allergen is a product of dust, pet dander, contact lens solutions, and pollens, and it is occasionally caused due to the use of low-quality makeup and mascara.

Also, your eyes are prone to the development of eye allergies when it releases chemical mediators to shield your eyes from the allergens.

One of the most common types of allergens is known as histamine, and it results in the dilation of blood vessels attached to your ocular region.

The presence of allergens in the convective region of mucous membranes of your eyes persuades you to itch your eyes, which could make them look swollen.


Conjunctivitis is commonly known as a pink eye, and it is categorized as inflammation that is occurred on the conjunctiva.

It is facilitated by bacterial, viral, and allergic reasons, and it results in pink eyes which makes your eyes look swollen.

Conjunctivitis is curable, and it could be treated by taking home-remedies or eye drops.


Initially, the symptoms of a stye are considered analogous to general swelling, the presence of red bumps on the brim of the eyelids, and puffiness—stye occurs as a result of the presence of bacterial infection in meibomian glands.

These glands excrete oils, and when they are clogged—it results in swollen eyelids.


The chalazion is one of the rarest causes of swollen eyelids, and it is caused by a blocked meibomian gland.

On initial diagnoses, a chalazion looks comparatively similar to a stye but, it turns into a rough sebaceous cyst over the course of time.

Also, a stye is developed on the corner of an eyelid but, a chalazion is developed few mm away from the corner of the eyelids.

However, chalazion and styes result in swollen eyelids and can be treated using appropriate methods of treatment.

Eye injuries

Swollen eyelids are also caused by eye injuries, and it results in severe puffy eyelids which could be corrected with blepharoplasty (cosmetic surgery for eyelids).

An injured eye needs to be addressed immediately, and an oculist should run appropriate tests to keep track on the function of the eyes.

What are the signs and symptoms of Swollen Eyelids?

The occurrence of swollen eyelids is relatively high, and it occurs when the upper or lower eyelid becomes swollen and enlarged.

Puffy eyelids are caused due to the upsurge of edema in the region that surrounds the eye region.

Swollen eyelids are easy to cure and control, however, rare cases of swollen eyelids need to be corrected surgically to avoid the probability of blindness and eyes disorders.

The following symptoms represent the signs of swollen eyelids:

  • Sensitivity to light or photophobia
  • Obstructed vision
  • Excessive production of tears
  • Irritation of eyes
  • Redness on the eyelids
  • Redness caused due to conjunctiva
  • Eye discharge
  • Flaking or dry eyelids
  • Pain in the eyelids

Each symptom is similar to the remaining symptoms, and they are worsened with the course of time.

However, if you notice the occurrence of any of these symptoms, you should consider seeing an oculist or ophthalmologists for better consultation and evaluation.

What is the treatment for Swollen Eyelids?

If you are concerned about the treatment of your swollen eyelids, you should consider visiting an eyes-specialist for diagnosis and treatments.

A doctor uses equipment like a magnifying tool to check the extent of your swollen eyelids, and if the swelling is severe—he might run few tests to ensure that your vision is intact.

He further looks for an infection which could be responsible for the swelling of your eyes.

The following treatments are ideal for curing swollen eyelids:

Steroid treatment

If you are not diagnosed with an eye infection for your swollen eyelids, your ophthalmologist is more likely to prescribe you eye drops, steroids, and ointments to reduce the sensation of inflammation in your eyes.

Your doctor might also recommend you to use lubricating eye drops to avoid your eyes from getting irritated.


Antibiotics play a crucial role in alleviating the symptoms of swollen eyelids.

You can consult your ophthalmologist to become prescribed to a course of antibiotics to cure your swollen eyelids.

Antibiotics for swollen eyelids could be in the form of an ointment, drops, or pills.

Home care

The symptoms of swollen eyelids can be cured at home.

If you wear contact lenses, you should consider stopping using them until your eyelids are back to normal state.

You can also use a cooling compressor against your eyes to alleviate the symptoms of swelling and pain.

You should refrain from rubbing your eyes as it could further worsen the symptoms.

 How does Iris prevent Swollen Eyelids?

Now, we will discuss the role of Iris in the prevention of swollen eyelids.

Iris was introduced as software to cure a majority of eye-related diseases and disorders.

The use of Iris to cure swollen eyelids keeps the presence of allergens in the membranes of your eyes at a minimal.

Iris is becoming one of the most preferred methods to cure swollen eye, and it keeps the probability of eye-related diseases at a minimal.

Eyes allergies and other causes of eyelids swelling cannot be controlled easily but, the use of Iris can play a crucial role in treating your swollen eyes without any significant or costly medical treatments.

Iris is uniquely designed, and it is approved by world-class ophthalmologists from across the world.

It utilizes T-Sonic technology which plays a major part in the prevention of swollen eyelids. However, if you are subjected to medical treatment—the use of Iris along with your medical treatment facilitates the course of treatment effectively.

Iris is responsible for protecting your eyes from external and internal risks.

It enables you to carry on with your day without having to worry about the occurrence of eye allergies or swollen eyelids.

Air pollution has increased significantly, and it indirectly contributes to swollen eyelids.

Take the very first precautionary measure because with Iris you can prevent swollen eyelids.

The post Swollen Eyelids appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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