Comments on: Blue Light Filter Glasses Mon, 25 May 2020 09:19:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Byron Thu, 01 Aug 2019 14:40:32 +0000 Hi Daniel (and other readers of these informative articles),

This is a fascinating topic and I am quite impressed how IRIS has capitalised on this very real need when it comes to sleep science.

I just want to add that the need for amber-tinted glasses stems from more than just the need to combat eye-strain. The more serious concern related to nocturnal use of electronic devices relates the the correlation between Melatonin (our body’s sleep hormone) production attenuation and blue-light exposure. This circadian rhythm subversion is a critical factor when deliberating around blue-light emitting devices/lamps and it leads to serious sleep disorders. (I know you have alluded to this in another article…)

I work for a Specialist Ophthalmic Surgeon who has much experience in neurophysiology alongside his passion for eye health. He also struggled with sleep deprivation for many years and as a result became intrigued by the field of sleep science.

Hence, he took to the lab and was among the first people world-wide to scientifically develop a type of amber-tinted lens (Blue-light filter glass) that blocks out the specific bandwidth of blue light (460 – 480nm) in the light spectrum that is complicit in melatonin production attenuation.

Called SleepSpec, these glasses have been used by regular users, as well as various high-level sports teams across the globe (Ireland, USA, UK & South Africa). The SleepSpec Shades dramatically aided athletes with the effects of jet-lag and increased light-exposure.

Basically, melatonin production naturally kicks in 2 hours before sleep-state should set in. Thus, if you are going to be exposed to ANY light source that emits the 460-480nm blue light (which includes pretty much ALL modern lighting and electronic devices), you could just pop on your SleepSpec and continue as normal. Your body’s natural melatonin production would then be protected, thereby protecting your circadian rhythm and sleep quality.

Inasmuch as products like IRIS Software takes care of mitigating blue-light emission from electronic devices (such as smart phones, computers and tablets), people who watch a lot of TV at night, or who are just generally exposed to a lot of artificial lighting in their immediate environment are still vulnerable.

Wearing SleepSpec would stand all such individuals in excellent stead. By popping on the SleepSpec Shades (in the same fashion Daniel suggested above) 2 hours before planned bedtime you can be assured that any negative effect of blue light in your environment is completely eliminated.

Of course, using IRIS Software would be extremely helpful if you are using a lot of e-devices.

Alongside the tinted shades (for kids and adults), SleepSpec also provides tinted flashlights and tinted night lights

Hope this is useful to you and your readers! It won’t solve ALL sleep disorders, but it would go a long way in aiding users who are night-owls, or who need to work late and who want to protect their quality sleep.

