Computer Vision Syndrome Archives - 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 Thu, 28 May 2020 21:31:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Headache from the computer Mon, 24 Feb 2020 19:52:00 +0000 Most people nowadays suffer from computer headache regardless of the work they are doing. Even if your job does not require a computer, there is a big chance that you still use it for long periods. It is a well-known fact that computers may be dangerous in some cases. People who spend too much time in front of the screen ... Read More

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Most people nowadays suffer from computer headache regardless of the work they are doing.

Even if your job does not require a computer, there is a big chance that you still use it for long periods.

It is a well-known fact that computers may be dangerous in some cases.

People who spend too much time in front of the screen often suffer from different diseases.

One of the most common includes eye vision problems and headaches.

In this article, we are going to see what are the reasons for a headache caused by a computer.

And how you can fix that problem!

Computer vision syndrome

What is CVS?

Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is the most likely cause of a headache.

It is also referred to as a Digital Eye Strain.

According to the American Optometric Association, CVS is, “a group of eye and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader, and cell phone use.”


The most common symptoms include headache, blurred vision, eye strain, dry eyes, neck and shoulder pain.

You can feel them all or you can feel only one!

Whatever it is the case, it’s important to heal to work and live healthily and fully!


The syndrome can appear for a variety of reasons.

Most of them are listed below.

They should be all taken under attention!

  • Starring too much at the screen

Whatever you do, you need to keep track of how much time you spend in front of the monitor.

  • Poor seating posture

Staying hunched over or leaning over your computer screen can be the case for your headache.

  • Improper viewing distance

When you glue your nose to the monitor, your eyes get red and dry and your vision gets blurry.

Almost every eye problem lead to a problem with your head.

  • Bad lightning

Working in a bright environment can seriously trigger your computer-related headache.

Unfortunately, lightning in many offices is bad.

There are sun-filled windows on every wall, fluorescent lights, and desk lamps.

In combination with the brightness from the screen, they can lead to serious problems.

  • Uncorrected vision problems

One of the main reasons behind computer-related headaches (or any headaches actually!) can be uncorrected vision problems.

Think about visiting your doctor because you may be in a need of a (new) pair of glasses!

How to heal headaches from

Now you know what the reasons behind your computer-related headache are.

The more important question you are asking yourself is: “How do I fix that problem?”

The tips below should be the answer!

  • Relocate your computer

It is important to position your computer in the right way.

First, make sure no bright lights are coming directly behind your screen.

If you can’t adjust the angle, close the window blinds or turn off the lights behind the screen.

Second, the monitor should be in front of you.

Meaning, you should not position it on the side because you will be twisting your head and neck.

Third, make sure that the screen is at an arm’s length away.

The best position for it is to be slightly below eye level, about 20-28 inches away from your face!

  • Reorganize your desk

Even if you work on a computer, there is a big chance that you still work with documents too.

Moving your gaze all the time from the screen to the paper can be harmful to the eyes.

You can buy a stand and put the documents on it.

This way they will be on the computer’s height and you won’t have to look down and up while you type!

  • Clean the monitor frequently

If you have a lot of dust on the screen, this can make your eyes work harder.

Try wiping your monitor with special cleaning cloths at least once a week.

  • Go to an eye doctor (regularly)

If you have eye problems and you work on a computer it is a must to go to the eye doctor for a check every few months!

If you don’t have any vision problems, you can still go once in a while to make sure everything is alright!

  • Fix your posture

Try to keep your neck and spine neutral and your shoulders relaxed.

Keep your back as close as possible to the backrest of the chair.

Keep both your feet flat on the floor.

Don’t sit with your legs crossed – this restricts the blood flow.

Don’t lean on any side. When you type, keep your hands lower than the elbows.

Be gentle with your wrists and don’t twist them.

If you ever consider using a keyboard palm rest, be sure you are not typing!

Otherwise, your wrist will be turning side to side.

Make sure there is a proper distance between the monitor and your eyes!

  • Take breaks

No matter the work you have to finish, it is important to look after yourself and your health.

One of the ways you can do that is to take quick breaks every 30 minutes.

Use them efficiently. Get up and do a few basic stretches.

For example, touching your toes. Walk around the room.

Drink a few sips of water (never forget how important is to stay hydrated!).

Eat a nourishing snack.

If you want to rest your eyes you can do a few easy eye exercises.

One of the best for working in front of a computer is the 20-20-20 rule.

Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus your eyes on something that is 20 feet away!

  • Reduce blue light and brightness

Your screen emits blue light which can be harsh on your eyes.

Very often she is the reason behind your headache.

If you want to protect your eyes and head from it you can install a blue light blocking program like Iris!

Iris changes color temperature and brightness after detects if it’s day or night.

This way the light on your screen won’t be that harmful.

Iris also has a break reminder, which is very useful for busy people who forget to rest!

You can choose between different models and types, which makes the program even more accessible!


Computers are one of the best inventions ever made.

They have been helping and improving the world ever since their creation.

However, sometimes they can be dangerous for health.

One of the most common computer-related health problems is headaches.

People with regular headaches often are less productive, moody and depressed.

Thankfully, this problem has a solution.

to incorporate the tips if you experience headaches daily.

They will help you improve your overall health.

Without the pain in your head, you will be able to keep conquering the world!

Start taking care of yourself now!



Author: Anna Tsaneva
Publisher: Kalina Shushlina




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12 Things you need to know about Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) Sat, 29 Jun 2019 10:27:30 +0000 The post 12 Things you need to know about Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


All eye issues caused by extended computer use fall under the name Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), also known as Digital Eye Strain. It’s not just one specific problem, it’s a wide range of strain and pain.


Computer screens affect not only adults with jobs but also small children that play with their tablets and teens who stare at their phones on social media all day.


When you work on a computer, your eyes have to constantly focus and refocus.


When you’re working with papers and documents you have to look away from the screen and back at it which prevents the eye from focusing correctly.


Fonts and changing images are also a problem. Pretty unsharpened fonts cause “invisible” eye strain.
To add to all that the technology we use today adds to the mix constant flicker, blue light exposure and monitor glare.


Many problems are caused by using the wrong brightness on your device.
Especially at night if your screen is too bright it can lead to early blindness and irregular sleep patterns.


If you have glasses or need to get them be careful to get the right prescription you need.
Wrongly made glasses can worsen the effects of computer use instead of decreasing them.


Regular computer use can cause strain and discomfort, occasional blurred vision, throbbing headaches and constant back and neck pain.


When you start noticing symptoms of CVS you should visit a doctor for a proper diagnosis and start taking precautions immediately.


If untreated, the harmless looking issues of CVS can lead to glaucoma, nearsightedness and even blindness.


However, to stop the negative effects of digital screens and to prevent Computer Vision Syndrome you can use care tips recommended by professionals.
Take breaks, use proper eyewear and adjust the position of your screen.


We here at Iris, strongly recommend the 20-20-20 rule.
Every 20 minutes of computer use take a 20-second break and stare at an object 20 feet away (approx. 7 meters).

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Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) Wed, 31 Jan 2018 15:17:24 +0000 Computer Vision Syndrome Definition All the disorders related to eyes fall under the category of Computer Vision Syndrome. It does not involve a single condition. In fact, it is a collection of a wide range of problems including blurred vision, eye strains, headaches, etc. What is Computer Vision Syndrome? The modern times, in which we are living, are moving towards ... Read More

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Computer Vision Syndrome Definition

All the disorders related to eyes fall under the category of Computer Vision Syndrome.

It does not involve a single condition. In fact, it is a collection of a wide range of problems including blurred vision, eye strains, headaches, etc.

What is Computer Vision Syndrome?

The modern times, in which we are living, are moving towards more development and success rapidly.

In this race, computer, laptop, smartphone screen has become a top priority for almost all the jobs whether on industrial side or technical side.

Those people working in offices for straight nine or more hours usually have to sit and direct their attention to these screens.

Not only office going people, but the list of people affected also include students who work continuously on these screens for their projects and assignments as well as other kids who stick to these screens for games as they find them pretty engaging.

Continuous use of digital devices leaves no surprise in the fact that this is all leading to severe eye disorders.

When too much concentration is focused on screens for quite a long time on a daily basis, then in this condition people are affected by Computer Vision Syndrome.

Majority people are already affected by hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism or presbyopia, which makes it difficult for the affected individuals to keep their view clear.

This takes extra effort in maintaining their vision clear.

Even those people with perfect vision find their vision blurry which soon causes a headache and eye strain with prolonged use of computers.

Those people who tend to ignore these symptoms might find them more problematic in future.

A headache and eye strain might leave an individual for a short time period, but on and off an appearance of these symptoms is not good.

What are the signs and Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome?

Computer Vision Syndrome brings a list of symptoms.

These symptoms must not be ignored and serious steps must be taken for relief.

In the initial stages, people usually ignore them, but with the passage of time, they become intense leaving irreversible damage.

  • Headaches – When the vision becomes blurry and eyes are unable to retain focus then eyes demand extra energy to stay focused. This causes headaches.
  • Eye strain – Eyes remain under constant pressure, leading to eye strain.
  • Blurred vision – Eventually, after too much focus, the vision becomes blurry as eyes become tired of continuous focus.
  • Eye irritation – Eyes become itchy.
  • Dry eyes or excessive tears – When eyes are focused for a long time, gradually they begin to get teary a lot. The situation appears in contrast. Either the eyes become very teary or bone dry.
  • Eye pain– Since eyes grow tired, therefore eye pain is next in the pipeline.
  • Excessive blinking – When vision becomes blurry and dry, affected individuals blink excessively trying to bring back the clear view.
  • Redness – Eyes grow redder with each passing day.
  • Tired eyes – Prolonged staring at digital screens give eyes a feeling of exhaustion. Too much focus brings tiredness.
  • Difficulty in changing focus between far and near – The affected persons are so indulged in keeping their focus on the screens, when they take their eyes off them it becomes difficult for them to quickly change focus between far and near objectives.
  • Shoulder and neck pain – When individuals do not follow ideal postures and stare at their screens for a long time then for the most obvious reasons neck and shoulder pain arises.

How it affects our routine?

Every disorder no matter how minor it is leaves you in a state which ruins your routine. Similarly, CVS also contributes in disturbing your daily like.

  • Poor visual functions – The major problem is the decline in your vision. When your vision is not focused and becomes blurry then, of course, you are unable to carry out chores.
  • Increased stress levels – Since, you are unable to work properly therefore, your stress levels begin to shoot. You take tensions about workload putting yourself in a poor mental state.
  • Reduced productive work hours – You become frustrated and are unable to be attentive towards your work. Thus, your productive work hours decrease.
  • Absence from work – You are in a bad shape to work. Your neck and shoulders are strained and your eyes are tired, therefore, your overall health is affected. You prefer staying at home and find time to relax rather than go to work and go through the stress.
  • Increase in errors Your performance drops to unsatisfactory. Although you try to be careful yet, your blurry vision and strained body do not allow you to work perfectly.
  • No time for personal care and hygiene – You’re mentally and physically not good. Your priorities disturb. You make sure to work well within deadlines yet, there are errors. In this situation, you neglect personal care and hygiene. You give them no importance.

So this is what happens when you neglect your symptoms in the first place. Instead of urgently opting therapies and consulting an eye specialist, you wait for symptoms to become intense.

How is it treated?

Computer Vision Syndrome does not require heavy dosages of medicines. In fact, they can be overcome by therapies and some practices which are guaranteed to buy you long lasting relief.

  • Suitable lightening – Make sure that the room where you work has sufficient lightening. The lightening must not be too bright or too dim. Your eyes require extra energy for focusing when the light is not appropriate enough.
  • The screen must be below your eye level – Work in a posture where your head is naturally in a comfortable position. The screen should be 20 to 28 inches away from your eyes. If you are copying from a printed file, then place those documents on a stand near the screen. This way, you will not have to look up and down, causing instant tiredness.
  • Take breaks – Breaks are very important. At least after every 10 minutes change your site of focus and look somewhere else. Focus for a few seconds on a distant object. This is equivalent to stretching arms and back. By doing so, your eyes take a break from glowing bright screen and instead finds something relaxing. The muscles of eyes relax and make you feel better.
  • Comfortable chair – You might wonder how a comfortable chair is associated with CVS, but let us tell you that one of the very prominent and painful symptoms is neck and back strain. This must be made better by working in a comfortable chair which provides support to your back and neck so that you can concentrate in a better way. A tired neck and shoulder increases frustration and does not help reduce the symptoms.

It is necessary that you follow these practices quite often.

If you don’t follow them, then for the most obvious reasons you will find symptoms tightening their grip.

Don’t wait until the symptoms grow intense. Start doing these from day one so that there is no room for the development of these symptoms.

How does Iris help prevent Computer Vision Syndrome?

Let us tell you now that how Iris solves the problem of Computer Vision Syndrome.

Iris is basically blue light filtering software.

It makes sure not to let the blue light reach your eyes.

We now know that how dangerous blue lights can be and what damages they can cause.

Therefore, it is quite necessary for all of us to fight blue lights.

Iris helps you fight against these lights which emit from your digital screens, reach your eyes and penetrate gradually leaving damages and leading to disastrous effects.

Eye health must not be taken lightly.

Although we work on digital screens day and night, we don’t notice what harm they are bringing us.

Of course, our naked eye is unable to detect these invisible blue lights.

But Iris has a job to detect them and block them and not let them reach your eyes.

Blue lights are actually high energy lights which are emitted by many sources such as energy saving bulbs, LED lights and of course digital devices.

These high energy waves scatter in the eyes and generate “visual noise” which minimizes contrast and contributes to Computer Vision Syndrome.

We can protect ourselves from these damaging blue lights by adopting easy techniques.

One of the best ways to keep your eyes safe and secure from blue lights is Iris.

With Iris, you can work without any fear of your eyes being affected.

This easy and secure software is available for all digital devices.

You can easily install them and work freely.

We all know that without digital devices moving forward is nearly impossible.

With Iris, erase all your hesitation and worries because Iris will not let the blue lights escape the screen and ultimately they will not reach you.

Have a secure experience of digital surfing with Iris!


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