Glaucoma Archives - 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀 Wed, 27 May 2020 21:29:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms Sat, 10 Mar 2018 12:21:33 +0000 Glaucoma is one of those conditions that can be very problematic for your eyes. It causes damage to the optic nerve, and it just gets worse and worse if you don’t treat it the proper way. Most of the time, this is linked to a pressure buildup that appears in your eye. One thing to note here is that Glaucoma ... Read More

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Glaucoma is one of those conditions that can be very problematic for your eyes.

It causes damage to the optic nerve, and it just gets worse and worse if you don’t treat it the proper way.

Most of the time, this is linked to a pressure buildup that appears in your eye.

One thing to note here is that Glaucoma can be inherited, but it can also appear from other things too.

The more pressure you have in your eye, the more you will have to deal with Glaucoma.

And the optic nerve will get damaged, so the images aren’t transmitted properly to your brain.

That’s the reason why the glaucoma signs and symptoms are very important.

Glaucoma and Symptoms

What you have to understand here is that not everyone has glaucoma signs and symptoms.

In fact, most people don’t really know that they have Glaucoma until they visit the doctor.

The first sign will be a loss of the side vision. But as you can imagine, this will mostly go unnoticed most of the time.

However, if you feel a lot of pressure in your eyes and your vision is not as good as you would want it to be, then it’s important to go to the doctor and see if there are any glaucoma signs and symptoms in your case. Visiting the doctor each year is a very good idea.

The pressure inside your eyes can rise constantly. As a result, you can deal with glaucoma signs and symptoms like eye pain or blurred vision.

Sometimes you will also see halos around lights, deal with a headache and so on.

Vision loss is the general symptom that you will have in this regard.

Also, redness in your eye is another thing that can and will appear all the time in such a situation.

The eye can also look hazy, and it’s another symptom of glaucoma too.

But the glaucoma signs and symptoms don’t stop here.

You can end up with a narrowed vision and vomiting or nausea too.

It goes to show that these things can indeed be quite problematic, and it’s up to you to make the right thing and approach the entire experience with the utmost confidence.

Are the Glaucoma Signs and Symptoms dangerous?

As we mentioned earlier, not everyone will see the symptoms, but it’s crucial to visit the doctor and prevent their expansion.

Ideally, if you identify these problems fast, you will get to deal with them faster, and maybe you won’t have any more Glaucoma.

However, if the glaucoma signs and symptoms are left there, the problem will get worse, and you can end up with vision loss.

This is why it’s very important to study the Glaucoma signs and symptoms and see if there are any issues. If there are, get the right treatment.

Or you can use Iris, a great software that helps reduce any signs of Glaucoma fast.

If you sit in front of your computer often, start using this software, and you will get to prevent Glaucoma from appearing!

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Closed angle Glaucoma Sat, 10 Mar 2018 12:16:14 +0000 Closed-angle glaucoma is a type of condition where your eyes end up building up a lot of pressure inside. In the case of this particular type of glaucoma, the fluid is not flowing out of your eye as it would normally do. The fluid is created in the rear chamber of your eye, and it will normally go through a ... Read More

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Closed-angle glaucoma is a type of condition where your eyes end up building up a lot of pressure inside.

In the case of this particular type of glaucoma, the fluid is not flowing out of your eye as it would normally do.

The fluid is created in the rear chamber of your eye, and it will normally go through a multitude of chambers.

But if you have closed angle glaucoma, that will not happen, instead the fluid will be obstructed by the trabecular meshwork.

In the end, your eyes will build up a lot of pressure, and that means you will not see properly.

There are 2 main types of Closed angle Glaucoma

First, you have the primary closed angle glaucoma where the structure of the eye makes it even more probable for the iris to be pressed on the trabecular meshwork.

For the secondary closed angle glaucoma, the iris is forced against the meshwork.

The conditions here can include an eye injury, tumor, inflammation, advanced cataract, diabetes and many others.

The closed angle glaucoma is also known as being chronic or acute.

These cases are quite common, and they appear out of nowhere.

The chronic closed angle glaucoma will end up developing gradually, and that’s what makes it the most dangerous.

Is Closed Angle Glaucoma risky?


While it can blur your vision, closed angle glaucoma can be treated if you go to the doctor fast.

Some people tend to be prone to this type of thing.

These include females, people older than 40 in general, which have a parent or sibling with this condition or which are farsighted.

Also, persons from Africa or Alaska may have to deal with closed angle glaucoma too.

Closed angle Glaucoma Symptoms

The closed angle glaucoma is hard to figure out because they just seem like a minor issue which would happen now and then.

These include a feeling of vomiting and nausea, eye redness and hardness, blurred vision, bright halos near objects and severe pain in your eyes.

If these things appear and they tend to get worse each day, make sure that you visit the doctor as fast as possible.

This is the best way to figure out if you do have closed angle glaucoma.

How can you treat Closed angle Glaucoma?

Normally, medication would be the first step to handle this condition.

The doctor will study your current situation and figure out if you have any problems with your eyes or not.

This is extremely important to focus on, so try to consider that.

If that doesn’t help you, then surgery can be the only answer.

The surgeon will have to cut a small portion of the far eye to help the fluid go out of the eye and thus remove the pressure.

You can also use the Iris application if you want to take care of your eye or prevent closed angle glaucoma.

You just have to install the closed angle glaucoma app and that’s it.

The app will automatically select the right way to protect your eyes based on how much light you have in your room and other factors.

If you want to keep your eyes safe against closed angle glaucoma, try out Iris today.

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Angle closure Glaucoma Sat, 10 Mar 2018 12:09:50 +0000 This is a type of Glaucoma that people also known as angle glaucoma. It’s very rare, and it mostly happens when the drainage canals are covered or blocked. As you can imagine, the pressure buildup in your eyes gets immense to the point where your ocular nerves get to be affected and damaged. When you encounter angle closure glaucoma, your ... Read More

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This is a type of Glaucoma that people also known as angle glaucoma.

It’s very rare, and it mostly happens when the drainage canals are covered or blocked.

As you can imagine, the pressure buildup in your eyes gets immense to the point where your ocular nerves get to be affected and damaged.

When you encounter angle closure glaucoma, your iris will not be as open and wide as it would normally be.

The outer edge of the iris will bunch up mostly due to the canals, and that’s what really happens in the end. You do need to go to the doctor and see if there are any major issues with it or not.

Angle closure Glaucoma Symptoms

Some of the main angle closure glaucoma symptoms include blurred vision, rainbows around the lights, nausea, headaches and some eye pain.

As you can imagine, these will get worse as the condition progresses.

This is why the best thing you can do is to address the situation the best way you can, and the results can be more than ok if you do so.

Is Angle closure Glaucoma dangerous?

Normally, a lot of people won’t even notice the symptoms.

They will just believe that all of this is created by tiredness.

But it’s safe to say that as time passes, angle-closure glaucoma does end up getting more and more challenging.

Your eye will have to face more pressure, and if you don’t act fast, you will end up dealing with vision loss.

Of course, this doesn’t happen immediately, but it can get pretty dangerous as time goes by.

This is why it’s important to go to the ophthalmologist to make sure that everything is ok with your vision.

Otherwise, you will end up having a lot of trouble, and your vision will be affected quite a lot because of that.

Treating Angle closure Glaucoma

There’s no denying that angle closure glaucoma can be very dangerous.

So, opting for the best treatment can be a very good idea. Normally, you can treat it with conventional surgery or laser surgery.

During this process, a small portion of the outer edge iris will be removed to let the fluids drain adequately.

It’s not the best possible approach, but it does work extremely well, and it can help you see better again.

This helps unblock the canals, and in the end, you won’t have to worry about the fluid drain.

As you can see, angle closure glaucoma is a very dangerous condition, and you have to address it as fast as you can.

It’s mandatory to go to the doctor often, so try to keep that in mind the best way you can.

It’s extremely important to know how to assess and handle angle closure glaucoma, but preventing it would be even better.

If you want to prevent angle closure glaucoma from ever appearing, try to use the Iris app.

This allows you to protect your eyes while you use any computer screen.

The results can be very good, and there will be no sign of angle closure glaucoma.

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Acute angle closure Glaucoma Sat, 10 Mar 2018 12:05:26 +0000 Acute angle closure glaucoma is one of those conditions that will increase the pressure in your eyes out of nowhere. This is very bad, and it does get even worse as the time goes by. The idea here is that the pressure rises in just a few hours, and it usually appears when the fluid in your eyes can’t drain ... Read More

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Acute angle closure glaucoma is one of those conditions that will increase the pressure in your eyes out of nowhere.

This is very bad, and it does get even worse as the time goes by.

The idea here is that the pressure rises in just a few hours, and it usually appears when the fluid in your eyes can’t drain properly.

It’s not the most common type of glaucoma, but a lot of people have to deal with.

What causes Acute angle closure Glaucoma?

Usually, this problem appears when fluid drains out of the eye through a canal system.

If the canals are blocked, then you will have a pressure buildup in your eye. As you can imagine, the pressure gets higher and higher, and that’s when the optic nerve can be damaged.

As a result, if you don’t address this problem quickly, it can end up bringing in other issues into the mix.

So, acute angle closure glaucoma has to be treated as fast as possible, otherwise, you can end up with blurred or even lack of vision for a while.

How can you identify Acute angle closure Glaucoma?

Usually, you will have an attack like this when the eyes tend to dilate too quickly or too much.

It happens when you go into a dark room, if you get drops that are dilating your eyes or if you are stressed or excited. Medication can also be the cause of this.

Also, there are some health issues that can lead to acute angle closure glaucoma. These include tumors, ocular ischemia, uveitis, ectopic lens, cataracts and so on.

What you should know is that women are more prone to getting acute angle closure glaucoma when compared to men.

If you are Asian or Inuit, farsighted or over 55 years old, then you are also more likely to get acute angle closure glaucoma when compared to others.

Known Acute angle closure Glaucoma Symptoms

The acute angle closure glaucoma symptoms include a sudden loss of sight, your pupils have different sizes, you feel the need to vomit, and you have nausea all the time.

This condition also leads to severe headaches, eye pains and sometimes you can even see halos around lights or rainbows.

It’s hard to detect this condition, unfortunately, and that can be a problem for you.

But you have to target it the best way you can, and you need to identify the right approach in no time.

Doctors will use tonometry, ophthalmoscopy or gonioscopy as the means to identify and treat your acute angle closure glaucoma.

It’s a very good thing to consider and one that does pay off immensely because of that.

Treating acute angle closure glaucoma is very important.

You will receive drops that will narrow your pupil or medication that will help your eye generate less fluid.

Alternatively, you can use Iris, a tool that helps you adjust the screen in a way so that you won’t be affected by acute angle closure glaucoma.

Iris is very helpful, and it’s a tool that you can download and use on the spot.

Consider giving it a shot and trying it out, you will not be disappointed 🙂


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What is Narrow-Angle Glaucoma? Sun, 04 Feb 2018 15:12:45 +0000 Narrow-Angle Glaucoma is one of those eye-related problems that can stick with you for a very long time. However, this type of glaucoma is actually very rare, and it’s different when compared to the open angle glaucoma. The thing you have to note here is that the eye pressure ends up getting high very fast. This can indeed happen at ... Read More

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Narrow-Angle Glaucoma is one of those eye-related problems that can stick with you for a very long time.

However, this type of glaucoma is actually very rare, and it’s different when compared to the open angle glaucoma.

The thing you have to note here is that the eye pressure ends up getting high very fast.

This can indeed happen at times when the drainage canal ends up getting blocked or covered.

When that happens, the Narrow-Angle Glaucoma will end up pushing the iris against the lens of your eye.

As you can imagine, this shuts the drainage angle completely most of the time.

The lens and your iris can actually end up being stuck together, and you have to avoid that the best way you can.

As a result, the pressure can increase very fast to the point where you will end up having swelling, reddening and your vision will be blocked.

That can be a huge problem, but you can imagine that you have some things to avoid in this regard.


The Narrow-Angle Glaucoma can be easier to detect when compared to other types of glaucoma.

If you feel vomiting, seeing halos around lights, blurring, your vision is less accurate or your cornea is cloudy, then this can be a sign.

The same thing happens if you have a pressure over the eye. Inflammation and pain can also be a sign of this.

What causes Narrow-Angle Glaucoma?

Normally, the eye structure problems can be an issue here.

Also, anything that causes the pupil to dilate can be a problem here.

There are some oral medications and some injections that may affect your eyes too, so knowing how to tackle things like these is extremely important. A blow to the eyes can also be problematic here.

The diabetes-related growth of abnormal blood vessels can lead to that too.

When can you end up having Narrow-Angle Glaucoma?

Usually, the Narrow-Angle Glaucoma will appear when you are over 35. But the chances of having it can increase as you get older. That’s why people need to go to a medical checkup from time to time, just to make sure that everything is safe. It’s extremely important to focus on that, so you have to take that into consideration.

How can you deal with Narrow-Angle Glaucoma?

Narrow-angle glaucoma can be addressed with a tool like Iris.

This app was created specifically to protect your eyes.

If you sit in front of your computer for a very long time, you can deal with narrow-angle glaucoma later on in your life.

But if you end up using Iris, it will be easier for you to prevent eye-related problems.

Basically, with help from Iris, you get to keep your eyes safe and you will have no problem seeing properly in the long run.

Also, this helps you lower the eye pain, not to mention you can prevent the eye strain.

Iris makes it very easy for you to stay in control when you use the computer, as you can modify the brightness without any major problems!

So if you want to avoid narrow-angle glaucoma, this is the best way to do it.

Plus, Iris can be used by people that suffer from narrow-angle glaucoma too.

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What is Open-angle Glaucoma? Sun, 04 Feb 2018 15:04:39 +0000 Glaucoma can be problematic and it’s also one of the causes of eyesight problems. But open-angle glaucoma is one of the most common types of glaucoma out there and it ends up coming and going all the time. As you get older, it does get worse though. How does Open-angle Glaucoma appear? Basically, you have fluid in the eyes and ... Read More

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Glaucoma can be problematic and it’s also one of the causes of eyesight problems.

But open-angle glaucoma is one of the most common types of glaucoma out there and it ends up coming and going all the time.

As you get older, it does get worse though.

How does Open-angle Glaucoma appear?

Basically, you have fluid in the eyes and that’s what keeps them healthy.

The old fluid gets removed as new fluid comes in.

The open angle glaucoma basically states that the angle is closed or too narrow.

The old fluid can’t be removed in time, and in the end, the fluid will clog and cause damage in the long term.

While this is a simplistic explanation, it does go to show that your eyes can indeed be damaged and your sight will be obstructed because of this.

So, you have to identify the right means to do such a thing.

Can this affect your eyes?

The way open-angle glaucoma works is it ends up putting a lot of pressure on the eyes. The optic nerve is definitely more pressured, and that can be a problem. Ain time, the nerve breaks down and you end up seeing worse and worse. You can imagine it to be pretty much like a frayed cord that will offer some electricity to the light bulb, but it will turn on and off.

The issue is that open angle glaucoma can be hard to spot due to the high pressure. Around 33% of people that have this glaucoma tend to have normal pressure in their eyes, but the nerve is still damaged. This means the nerve damage can also be caused by other factors, as you may imagine.

How do you get Open-angle Glaucoma?

It depends most of the time. Usually, people over 50 tend to be affected by it.

And then you have some races like African Americans and Hispanics which are affected more often than whites.

The family history can also lead to you getting this. But there are things like nearsightedness, high blood pressure, diabetes or a thin cornea that can also lead to problems like these.

So yes, they can happen in the long term.


The problem is that you don’t really have any symptoms until it’s too late.

But open-angle glaucoma does tend to make you lose peripheral vision.

Also, you will notice some letters missing in words when you read.

But as you can imagine, these things are hard to detect, and that can make it very challenging for you to deal with things like these.

How can Iris help?

A good way to avoid the open angle glaucoma is to protect your eyes while you sit for a very long time in front of the computer.

Iris is a tool designed to prevent eye pain and eye strain.

It allows you to improve sleep, and thanks to its 9 preset you will find it easier to help your eye function normally.

In the end, you will not have to deal with open-angle glaucoma if you protect your eyes the right way, so buying or downloading Iris can be a very good idea.

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Glaucoma Treatment Sat, 03 Feb 2018 09:56:15 +0000 If we talk about eye health then disorders like Glaucoma are found to be very common these days. We usually don’t take initiatives towards our eye protection unless the situation worsens, practically leaving an individual blind. We are living in those times where not only pollution but also digital devices, both are busy contributing damage to our eyes. We often ... Read More

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If we talk about eye health then disorders like Glaucoma are found to be very common these days.

We usually don’t take initiatives towards our eye protection unless the situation worsens, practically leaving an individual blind.

We are living in those times where not only pollution but also digital devices, both are busy contributing damage to our eyes.

We often don’t bat an eye towards the sensitivity of our eye health but when we do, it is too late to consider conditions which might end up with unexpectedly irreversible damage.

Here, we will talk about glaucoma and its treatment.

We will tell you that how dangerous this condition is and how Iris is there to protect you against such disorders.

We must know what Glaucoma is

Glaucoma is basically an eye disorder which is caused due to increase in intraocular pressure in the eyeball.

This pressure increases with such pace an intensity that the individual’s optic nerve is unable to bear the pressure and ultimately it is damaged.

The worsening condition of an individual is a sign of carelessness and this act of carelessness leads to lifetime regret.

In most of the cases of Glaucoma, the patients end up losing their vision and thus considered blind.

A fluid called Aqueous Humor is being produced in the back side of our eyes.

The function of this fluid is to build enough pressure to keep the eye in its particular shape.

In normal circumstances when the eye is healthy, this fluid continuously drains out of the eye.

Now, when this fluid is unable to drain away to properly maintain the balance, the pressure begins to increase leaving the optic nerve exposed to this pressure.

The optic nerve is damaged and thus, symptoms of glaucoma begin to show.

Treatment of Glaucoma

According to medical sciences, glaucoma cannot be cured, but it can be treated to some extent where its damages can be controlled.

The patients might be treated with drugs, lasers, pills or surgeries keeping their health issues in mind.

Different cases of glaucoma are treated differently depending on their state and cause.

Some cases need a short course of treatment and the damage is stopped by drugs or pills.

Whereas, in some other cases the condition is so severely worsened that the patients are almost on the verge of losing their vision.

In such cases, the patient can only be rescued with the help of surgeries.

The eye specialist first goes through a detailed report of a patient’s health.

Based on that report, the specialist decides the direction of treatment.

It is necessary to know that what other diseases or conditions the patients are going through and which medicines are already prescribed to them.

It is necessary for the patient not to neglect the instructions and take all medications exactly the way described by the doctor.

Some treatments which ophthalmologists suggest are as follows:

Eye Drops

Eye drops are prescribed to those patients who have glaucoma in its initial stage or the stage where it can still be controlled. They are used to control eye pressure.

Like all other medicines, eye drops are also absorbed into the bloodstream therefore make sure your eye drops are absorbed more in the eye.

In order to minimize the quantity of eye drops being absorbed in the blood, administer one to two drops in the eye and close your eyes for a minute or two.

Now, press the inferior nasal corner of the eyelid with your index finger.

This will close the tear ducts which open in the nose.

A patient must tell their doctor about medicines prescribed by other doctors because sometimes two different drugs react with each other giving unexpectedly negative results which can lead to further disturbance in the body.

Of course, medicines don’t taste or smell good.

Like others, this too leaves a burning sensation in the eye for a few seconds.


Another treatment is the use of pills.

Pills very efficiently control intraocular pressure.

Sometimes these pills and eye drops, both are prescribed together for better functioning.

Pills have more effects than eye drops.

They reduce the production of aqueous humor and turn down the eye’s faucet.

This medication is taken from two to four times per day.

Again, the patients must tell about these pills to other doctors so that they can decide suitable medicines for them.


In an extreme case where pills, eye drops, tablets and other prescribed medicines don’t show desired results then in that case, ophthalmologists suggest surgeries.

This remains the only way to help patients save their eyesight.

In cases, where patients neglect their symptoms and don’t consult doctors for the alarming condition then those patients become the worst conditions.

In the beginning, they act cool and pretend that these symptoms will magically fade away but they don’t realize that giving a blind eye to those symptoms can actually give them a blind eye.

In the end, when they consult experts and specialists with intense glaucomatous effects the only solution left is surgery.

If surgery is not opted as the first priority the patients must prepare themselves for the worst results, which is to lose their vision and become blind forever.

There are several types of surgeries. Some of them are described below:

Laser Surgery

Laser surgery is growing common with every passing day.

Many people prefer his surgery at the time when drugs fail to show their effect.

Trabeculoplasty is a type of laser surgery, which barely takes ten to fifteen minutes.

It does not require an operation theatre, in fact, it can be performed anywhere in doctor’s room or where the patient can be facilitated.

In this surgery, a high energy beam is directed on the eye’s draining channels.

As a result, the channel system is given a very minor shape and the fluid, aqueous humor, easily drains out thus, reducing the intraocular pressure.

Patients find this surgery very effective.

They resume their daily chores normally.

The doctor keeps a check on intraocular pressure after the surgery.


In this type of surgery, the amount of liquid is reduced by focusing two lasers beams.

As a result the ciliary body, which produces this fluid, is destroyed.

This surgery is only opted in the case where traditional treatments are not possible as they are not suitable because of the shape of the eye.

Whereas, in this case, an incision is made and an instrument is paced inside and the laser is then directly focused on the ciliary tissue.

Drainage Implant Surgery

Since the major cause is the drainage of aqueous humor, therefore many devices were introduced to help drain the fluid through channels.

All the devices which are designed follow the same structure and designing pattern.

They consist of a small silicon tube which enters into the anterior chamber of eye.

Several plates are connected to these tubes.

The fluid is collected in these plates and then gradually absorbed by the tissues of eye.

Those cases in which intraocular pressure can’t be controlled by other techniques, and then this surgery is suggested.


In cases where medicines and laser surgeries don’t decrease the intraocular pressure then doctors suggest trabeculectomy.

It is one of the most common conventional surgeries.

During this operation, the surgeons make an incision in the white part of the eye called sclera.

By doing so a passage is formed through which excess fluid is drained.

A flap is created so that the excess fluid can drain but the eyeball retains its form and shape.

A bleb, a small bubble of fluid, is formed over the opening of the surface of the eye which indicates that fluid is draining in the cavity between sclera and conjunctiva.

The body responds to it as if it is an injury and the surgically made hole begins to close and the intraocular pressure rises again.

This is an attempt by the body to heal the injury. Due to this reason many surgeons use an anti-fibrotic agent.

It is an agent placed in the eye during surgery.

It limits the process of scarring.

In order to have a better control over intraocular pressure, patients take medication for some time.

Activities like driving, reading, bending must be limited for a week or two. Regular check-ups are a must.

How Iris helps you prevent Glaucoma?

Now we know that how threatening glaucoma is and that glaucoma treatment is complex.

Glaucoma needs to be sorted out with serious attention.

Here at Iris, we prefer finding solutions for your eye health.

Therefore, Iris presents itself for your ease and comfort.

Iris is a blue light blocking software.

When you continuously work in front of digital devices, blue lights are emitted in a quite considerable number.

Iris blocks these rays and does not allow them to escape the screen and reach you.

Once they reach you, they gradually cause damage.

Iris has been helping people all around the globe protecting their eyes from all the harmful blue lights.

Who doesn’t want to have a safe and secure experience of working on digital devices?

We guarantee you, you will never regret trusting Iris for your eye health.


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Glaucoma Tue, 30 Jan 2018 11:45:13 +0000 Definition of Glaucoma Glaucoma is an eye disorder in which the intraocular pressure increases and the optic nerve is damaged resulting in loss of vision is called Glaucoma. What is Glaucoma? Talk about the most dangerous eye affecting disorders and you will find Glaucoma at the top of the list. Glaucoma is a disorder in which the optic nerve of ... Read More

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Definition of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye disorder in which the intraocular pressure increases and the optic nerve is damaged resulting in loss of vision is called Glaucoma.

What is Glaucoma?

Talk about the most dangerous eye affecting disorders and you will find Glaucoma at the top of the list.

Glaucoma is a disorder in which the optic nerve of the eye is damaged by the building up of fluid in the front part of the eye.

When extra pressure is applied to the eye, the optic nerve is damaged.

This eye pressure is not a standard limit.

It might be high for one person and lower for the other one.

Some people have the tendency to tolerate high eye pressures while others don’t.

Now, what is the optic nerve?

An optic nerve is formed when a bundle of over 1 million nerve fibers unites together.

These nerve fibers are more like electric wires.

The optic nerve conveys messages from retina to brain.

Glaucoma is a condition which comes unannounced.

The victim remains unaware of the disaster.

It slowly makes its way and when it is finally diagnosed it is too late.

In the initial stages, the person does not realize how bad the situation is and later the problem spreads from the optic nerve to other parts of the eye and causes blurring of vision and then total loss.

This condition must not be taken lightly as it leaves major setback to eye health.

The worst that can happen, and usually happens, is the loss of vision.

Surprisingly, there is a very minor margin for the betterment but only lucky ones can make its way out of the trap.

Unbelievingly, it leaves permanent damage to eyes.

After the condition spreads gradually the person becomes blind.

For a better idea about your eye health, it is usually suggested to have a frequent eye check-up and make sure your eye is being tested it the right way.

That is how you may know how far or near you are to Glaucoma.

What are the causes of Glaucoma?

Aqueous Humor is a clear, transparent fluid which is being made in the back part of your eye.

When this fluid is formed it appears on the front part of the eye.

This fluid begins to leave the front part through very small channels and go into the cornea and iris.

Just in case, your channels are blocked or damaged and the fluid can’t pass through them, then the pressure begins to build up.

The natural pressure is called Intraocular pressure (IOP).

When this pressure increases, the optic nerve is being pressed.

Gradually, when the matter doesn’t sort out, then the pressure ultimately damages the optic nerve.

Then these small electric wires are damaged, black spots begin to appear in your vision.

In the beginning, the affected person doesn’t notice the black spots, but gradually when all nerve fibers die the person becomes blind completely.

Researches are still going on about concluding the causes of Glaucoma.

Yet, the experts and specialists have pointed out some factors which might be involved in increasing the eye pressure.  Following are some conditions which lead to glaucoma.

  • Age: as the age increases, the size of eye’s drainage channels reduces due to which the intraocular pressure builds up in the eye.
  • Inheritance: If glaucoma runs in the family, then it is clear that it might appear in the descendants.
  • Diabetes: In diabetes, the blood vessels usually damage. In this case, new abnormal channels are produced which grow on the iris and stops the blood flow to the eye resulting in the increase of pressure.
  • Myopia: In this case, the head of the optic nerve is tilted and causes glaucomatous damage.
  • Injury to the eye: Usually, an injury to head or directly on eye causes a lot of pressure on eyes.
  • Use of cortisone (either directly in the eyes or taken orally): Steroids elevate the intraocular pressure by the deposition of material in juxtacanalicular mesh-work of eyes.

What are the signs and symptoms of Glaucoma?

The patients with glaucoma usually don’t notice any symptom.

They are all good and normal in the beginning, but then as the condition becomes severe all of a sudden the symptoms begin to show one by one.

Affected people don’t notice any change in the initial stages.

Glaucoma is often called “Sneak thief of sight” because one moment everything is I its place and then the very next moment the vision becomes blurry and black spots appear in your vision.

In this case, not only central vision is blurred/lost, but the peripheral vision also decreases.

Studies and surveys have shown some most common complaints that patients with glaucoma make.

Some of the symptoms are as follows:

  • Hazy or blurred vision
  • The appearance of rainbow-colored circles around bright lights
  • Severe eye and head pain
  • Nausea or vomiting (accompanying severe eye pain)
  • Sudden sight loss
  • Redness of the eye
  • Decreased vision

All the symptoms mentioned above usually develop at that stage where the condition has somewhat worsened.

Normally, the signs and symptoms of other disorders appear way before the condition reaches its severity.

Unfortunately, in Glaucoma when the optic nerve undergoes a major damage due to increased pressure in the eye, then the symptoms begin to show.

At that time, the patients already know that something is wrong with their eyes and it becomes very difficult, in fact impossible, to undo the damage.

Thus, these symptoms would have been good if they appeared sometime before the damage.

Their late appearance doesn’t help much.

What is the treatment of Glaucoma?

The damage caused by glaucoma is permanent. Although, that damage can’t be reversed, but it can be made better.

The ultimate goal of treatment of glaucoma is to prevent the loss of vision.

The biggest danger is that of blindness, once the vision is lost it is lost forever.

But the good news is that it can be prevented.

Your ophthalmologist will have to go through several tests of your eyes and then let you know that which treatment is suitable for your type of glaucoma.

Several treatments exist to help you tolerate minimum damage. Some of the treatments are discussed below.

Eye Drops

In order to control the pressure building in your eyes take proper medications exactly as prescribed by your doctor.

Make sure you tell your doctor about every other medicine you are taking at the moment.

Why? Because sometimes your eye drops are absorbed into the bloodstream and they might react with other medicines which can create another problem.

When you use eye drops, use it properly.

Administer two to three drops in your eyes and close your eyes for better absorption.

Press the inferior nasal corner of your eyelid with your index finger.

This will close the tear duct which opens into the nose.

Since these are medicines and therefore they may give a stinging and burning sensation. But this sensation must not last more than a few seconds.


Sometimes when eye drops are not working to their fullest, doctors prescribe pills as well.

These pills work systematically and help in reducing the aqueous humor ie.

The fluid produced in the eyes.

When the fluid is produced in a controlled quantity it becomes easier to lessen the intraocular pressure.


When nothing else works, surgeries remain the final option.

A number of surgeries are applicable in the case of glaucoma.

Depending on the type and severity of glaucoma the decision of surgery is made accordingly.

How does Iris help prevent Glaucoma?

Now, let us tell you that how Iris contributes to preventing Glaucoma.

Iris is basically a software which filters blue light from the screens of your laptops, computers, tablets, and smartphones.

You all know that these gadgets have become an inseparable part of your life.

Unfortunately, all these gadgets come with severe drawbacks for your eye health.

You continue working on them for hours, but you don’t realize that the harmful radiations which are being emitted by them penetrate your eyes and cause serious problems.

Actually, these screens emit blue light which is extremely harmful.

That is the actual cause of all eye diseases. When you install Iris on your laptop or any other screen gadget it does not let the blue rays reach your eyes.

It simply acts as a barrier for all the blue rays.

Without Iris, blue rays reach our eyes directly, without any obstacle.

Iris is responsible for your eye protection. It helps you enjoy your working hours surfing and scrolling on your screens without worrying about the danger of glaucoma or other severe eye disorder.

These days, kids and young adults have a frequent access to these screens.

According to surveys and studies, maximum blue rays are absorbed by a human in the age of 20-25.

Greater the exposure, greater the absorption.

This shows that the blue rays start spreading its ill effects on people at a young age and as the age increases the chances of developing glaucoma increases too.

Now, isn’t it better to prevent this situation as the first priority?

Take the very first precautionary measure because with Iris you can prevent Glaucoma.


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Glaucoma Protection with Iris Sun, 28 Jan 2018 12:17:43 +0000 Whether you are a businessman, a student, a housewife or someone belonging to a different field, you come across many jobs and tasks which require you to use a screen. By screen, we mean laptops, computers, tablets, smartphones, etc. This screening has given birth to many disorders such as macular degeneration and glaucoma. We don’t realize, but gradually the harmful ... Read More

The post Glaucoma Protection with Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.


Whether you are a businessman, a student, a housewife or someone belonging to a different field, you come across many jobs and tasks which require you to use a screen.

By screen, we mean laptops, computers, tablets, smartphones, etc.

This screening has given birth to many disorders such as macular degeneration and glaucoma.

We don’t realize, but gradually the harmful rays pass through our eyes and damage our vision.

Day by day the situation worsens.

Nobody wants to look the reality of the world with lenses or glasses.

Everybody wants a healthy naked eye, but nobody wants to, in fact, “cannot,” quit using screens.

In these modern times, unfortunately, except nature, everything has a positive as well as negative impact on human health.

For all those people who have tired eyes because of excessive work and too much exposure to the light emitting from screens can seek help from Iris.

At Iris, eye protection is our priority.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma attacks a person very silently.

The affected persons remain uninformed about the progress being made in their eyes.

At the time, when the victim notices the ill-functioning of an eye, it is too late to take any action.

In the initial stages, there are no particular symptoms.

In this condition, the optic nerve is severely affected.

Optic nerves take images from eyes to the brain.

Now, you can very well imagine how glaucoma affects a person.

When the optic nerve is damaged the images stop forming and ultimately, the person loses sight.

In the end, the victims are considered blind.

The worst that happens, in this case, is that glaucoma has no cure.

It can be prevented, but no cure has been found for this condition.

Types of Glaucoma

There are many types of glaucoma, and the end of each one of these is quite horrible. In the end, the affected person becomes blind. There are very few chances for someone to escape.

  • Open-Angle Glaucoma
  • Angle Closure Glaucoma
  • Normal Tension Glaucoma
  • Congenital Glaucoma
  • Secondary Glaucoma
  • Pigmentary Glaucoma
  • Neovascular Glaucoma
  • Traumatic Glaucoma
  • Uveitic Glaucoma
  • Irido Corneal Endothelial Syndrome

All these types of glaucoma are equally dangerous and lead to loss of vision or permanent blindness.

A tiny bit of carelessness in our regular matters costs us a lot.

Isn’t it better to take some precautions and stop being a victim to such dangerous conditions?

What does Iris do?

Iris does a lot in case of eye protection.

Of course, we know which rays are harmful to your eyes.

We make sure to help you protect your eyes so you can maintain your eye health.

When the retina absorbs light, it interacts with Retinal Ganglion Cell mitochondria and produces Reactive Oxygen Intermediates.

The retina absorbs light of wavelength 400-760nm, and it is always exposed to the electromagnetic spectrum.

These rays are quite dangerous.

And according to surveys and studies, most of the blue light is absorbed in the age of up to 20-25 years.

In this age bracket, maximum blue light is absorbed.

We know that how harmful UV rays are, but we barely bat an eye at the mention of blue rays.

Therefore, for your ease and comfortable use of screens, Iris is software which you must have installed.

In easy words, it blocks blue rays coming from your screens and protect your eyes from them.

It does not allow blue rays to pass through your eyes and damage your optic nerve thus, keep you safe during work.

It is a protection for your eyes, and you may work on screen with Iris as it guarantees you a safe experience.

For more information, please check the website:

The post Glaucoma Protection with Iris appeared first on 💡👨‍💻 Iris - Software for Eye protection, Health and Productivity 🛌👀.

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